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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
MM U , Paper. Batored at ths Pjat Office at Albany, Or. w moo od -class mail matter. FRIDAY JULY 27, 1883. 1 u r 'j STITES & LSItar aad HTJTTIHQ. rreprtetar. r. KITUM., Leeel Kdtter, C R. R. TIME TABLE. Albany Station. HP . RTFS K OF TR4IV-. SOCXS ROSTtt. ALBANY EXPRESS Departs st .VS A. M 00 A. M. 11:4ft A. V r.'.V) P. H FREIGHT TRAIN MAIL TRAfJf IHfrtitt sou socm KAIL TRAIN 4 Depwrasi. FRK1C.HT TRAIN " ALBANY EXPRKSS Arrivssal 11:45) A. M 105 P M 3:30 P. M. S34 P. M. All Train dally, except Snadajr. Notice. On and after this date regular ticket will be sold at oar ticket otfioe for following points on Columbia rivor: Upper Caaoades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Alns worth. Will. B. Rick, Freight an! Ticket Agent O. AC. R. U. Co, Albany. June 18th. 188. IK tCKVTa, F All tori t a the D.: 4 th-inirsl a;-t L reodva inutty for the win:.' HTil.orjt . .. BrowuaviUe Ha) y Se. . . .h rrrrrt y. '. Jefferson i .: rs tluly an-anbsa.-iiiti kh or Jmm Way ...O t i ahaw T.L. Porter V. A. Watts W. R Kelly S. A. DeVaney Additional Loral eu 2 d Page arv twee a err St. John's Lodge, No. 62, in Foster Block, 2nd Saturday of each month. Corinthian Lodge, No. 17, same place, let and 3rd Saturdays of each month Bayley Chapter, No. 8, sttSaturdsys at same place. Albany Lodge, I. O. O. F., Wednesday evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. Orgeaaa Encampment meets every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Willamette, Ne. 5. A. 0. r. W., Monday evenings at O. F. Hall. Paciflc Lodge, A. O. TJ. W., Tuesday evenings, in Petersons Hall. Knights of Pythias, Thursday evenings at O.F. Hall. Chosen Friends, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Templars, at O. F. Hail, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. a atrial Btreeter. . STATB. U S Senatore-Hon J H Slater, Hon J N Dolph. Congressman M C George. Supreme Court Judges-J B Waldo, W P Lord, E B Watson. Governor Z F Mood v. Secretary of State B P Ear hart. State Treasurer Ed Hirsch. Supt of Public Instruction E B Mc KLroy. Circuit Judge (3rd diet) R P Bcise. Dist Atto ney (3rd dist) V H Holme. oocttt. ' County Judge L Flinn. County Comrs. John Jsom, S R 'lay pooL Clerk C H Stewart. Sheriff George Hutnphrev. Treasurer J H Peery. School Supt P A Moses. Surveyor-D V 8 ReJd. Coroner Dr J A Dayi. Assessor N C Dozier. CITT. Mayor W M Ketchurn. Recorder N J Henton. Marshal O W Burkbart. Treasurer Fred M oiler. t rrested far Xahess Last Friday evening John Smith, of Lebanon, was arrested by Marshall Bark hart, charged vith mahem, to-wit. the biting of the end of the nose, of Mr. Edward Robinson. The current report of the. proceeding la that Mr Smith and Mr Robinson were playing cards in a saloon, when an altercation arose, the result of which was a contest between them, Smith getting Robinson down, and while on top fo him, biting the end of his nose com pletely off. It if not necessary at the present time to give the particulars of the affair, as the case will come up before the courts, when both sides of the matter will he learned. Mr Smith was brought before Squire Skipworth Saturday morning, and waiv ing examination, was held to await the action ef the grand jury under 700 bonds, which were promptly furnished by the defendant. The matter caused no little ezcitment for awhile. Serteas Accident. Last Friday Mr Jos Watson, and Henry Maine, Jr., were building a scaffolding 'a- on the 3an side of Tbos Monteitb. & Son's mill, when in some manner tbe crojss boards: of tbe scaubiding gave away, precipitating both to the ground below, a, distance of twenty-one feet. - Mr Watson struck on one of bis feet in a slanting manner, spraining bis ankle and bruising him generally but not seriously, Mr Maine was not so fortun ate. He landed on bis back, before striking tbe ground bitting an inter mediate boor of tbe rafter. Tbe shock was a severe one, and not only injured his back aud stomach but as well bis kidneys, rendering them almost use lesH, so that bis life has been despaired of. He was taken to Mr Brcen's board ing house on Firs- street, and Hill 3t Irvine were called and best assistance possible. t rendered the Sfew ELtseaie Led&. Last Saturday afternoon the following 4nLiemen were seen starting for Shedd Station : D P Mason, L Senders, C Mar shall, George Humphrey, H Bryant, Dr Dodd, Geo Simpson and J K Weatberford. It wis afterwards ascertained that a lodge ef Mason's had baen organized there, Deputy Grand Master D P Mason, hiving charge of tbe institution of the same. Fol lowing are part of the new officers of the ledge, being all whose samei wa could Dr J J Fisher, W M 3so Davis, S W. L Springer, J W A Wheeler, 8nVy. A Lewis, Treasurer. it met) Softer. The Sacrament of tbe Lord's supper will . be administered in the First Presbyterian Church on Sabbath morning, Augtist 5th, in connection with the eleven o'clock ser vice, The usual preparatory lecture on Saturday, August 4th at 2;3Q p. m. Rev F P Berry of Salem will be pres ent and will prea?;h on bom occasions. NOME AND ABROAD. it scarce. is dead, jeweler, Nearly all dt Albany is at the Bay. Dayton has had another fire, loss 112,000 The river is about as low as it ever gets The skating rink was open last Monday night. It cost 9492.35 to run the Rogeoe 4th oi July celebration. 1000 dox buttons, your ehoise .'nts at Nolan's Cash Store. This is ths lest number of V..I Will of the Democrat. A twenty-four hour bicycle raca begias la Portland to-day. Stars, 7, Portlands, 0. was the result of the last game played. A coat of paint greatly improves the resi dence of L C Marshall. We have received a copy of the Kittitas Stitmtartl. Spicy paper. How to keep cool. Buy your Summer goods at Nolan's for half price. There is a very general rush of ouroitirns off to the mountains or coast. Nine wagons tilled with emigrants from the Willamette Va!Wy are at .Seattle. Rev Driver, presiding slder of the M E Church, preached in this city last Sunday. The Dayton Josrwisayg it has got through advertising for traveling shows for nothing. I Kinvhart. tk- wuub?d rouvitt. i gtltie along Bteefy with chances f ultimate reov ery. M M Asahel liuh aiid d taghtar, uud .Mi Ldd, .4 Sileai. 1-ft Sr Paul Inly 2.1rd for home. 13 yarU Saratoga dress plaids fur $1.00 WVNjjilsn's Cash Store, worth 12' cents per yard. Baker City pinae a mm named Hago boow. At last account n it wan thought he would live. Recorder Henton has tried twelve cases this month, the most he ever disposed of in one month. About a week ago General Pierpont passed through the city, taking dinner at the Dt pot Hotel. For Sale A Jersey bull calf, three months old, a splendid animal. For particulars call at this office. Remember that the great liquidation sale at Nolan's still goes on, pri . no object as goods must be sold. Hunters are making raids on the grouse. They are reported as being quite abundant, that is, the hunters. Mr P C James has sold his farm uear Leb anon, and will move to some other locality, not yet decided upon. - The city tax of Walla Walla was reduced $22,485,00 in one year. Verily that speaks well for that lively city. A man named T D William, who resided at Kelama, has been missing for some days, and foul play is feared. Humor that a ship load of railroad iron for the O P R R will soon be laid down at the wharf at Newport. For fresh vegetable and groceries of all kinds call at Hoffman 4 Joseph's where yon can get the very best bargains. The reason we did not credit an exchange with a clipping is because we are not doing a credit business. Cash is our motto. Mrs John D Belt, of Sa'em was taken ill on Saturday last and considered dangerous. She is somewhat better now however. Tbe Portland dailies were rather dry without the despatches. People began to appreciate the value of telegraphic news. Rev Mat toon, of this county has purchas ed Uie variety store of Boferd A Campbell, at Corvallis, and has moved to that place. It is now stated that the extension of the west side road will not be to Junction, but probably to scene place near Spring? i lie. Ex-Mayor Kallocb. of San Francisco, is said to have given up theology and begun the practice of law in Seattle. Poor tattle Tbe new officers of the Brownsville Ledge of Knights of Pythias, were installed hut night by N J Henton, D fj G of this city. A sharper was in the city Friday with something after the principle of tee wheel of fortune, and succeeded in nipping quite a number. Mr L Martin has removed (rem the Ar- ne 11 house, recently sold by the city to Mr Wolverton, into one of the Price houses on Lyon street. There will be Breaching service at the M E Church .'tauth next Sabbath by Rev J C Richardson of the Baptist Church at the usual time. Workmen are engaged in raising the build ing in which W C Tweedale has his tin shop. A new foundation and new sidewalk will be built. "This is the show I long have sought and mourned because I found it not." The above is said of C-mtelli's Cireus no won its way to Oregon. It is pleasing to notice the difference of opinion about the wheat crop, no two men agreeing. Nothing but the liarvest will settle tbe matter. Bring in yoar wood on subscription. Don't wait till it is too late. We never ob ject to cash, but wood is the next het and is always welcome. The Cheney Setdind says : Dr. Masten has about finished tbe main portion, of his new house, and now has one of the finest residences in the pity. Budd Thompson, formerly of the Salem Mercury, but now of Prineville, where he has been engaged extensively in stock rais ing, is in Portland. Farmers should be careful about handling matches near wheat fields as reports are re ceived on all hands of fields being burnt from such carelessness. Two Washington Territory papers are having a fight with words in which all kinds of fond epithets are used. No one is edified but the editors themselves. A Pendleton girl caught a fish with seven rattles and killed a rattlesnake recently. E. Q. This, certainly wss a wonderful days work for one rattling young lady. J W Wirtsbaugh, for the past year a teacher at Lang Station, has opened a law office at Centerville, where he has begun the practice of that profession. A few days ago a farmer near this city captured ten yonng mallard dock, which he succeeded in putting in a coop. They would come handy in case of a match hunt. We hereby return our sincere thanks to. Mr. Duncan Rankin, of Yaquina Bay fqr a, fine lot of honey. This liie ia so often sweetened by the kindness of others, A $100 horse trade fell through in this city last Monday on account of a mere blan hot, both claiming they should have it. It ia often thus that even great minds differ. . Allen & Martin keep eonstmty on hand an eudiess variety of coraets, ihe "ever lasting," 'Mobreakable" and ' 'corduroy " tee three b&, corset? made, always in stock. The Record ;.- did a good business the latter part QjHbk- Friday lis took in $30 for liceriMs : aft. various drunks and disorderlies swelled tee turn a few more dollars. Deputy Sheriff Sith showed us a lunch of wheat from rr? fgrro near the city, an! we must i that it is a fine sample of Ore gon wheat, ft is well filled with fine plump grains. Monteitb 4 Son's mill is being reabiagled and thoroughly repaired. It will be ia splendid condition to receive grain, and for work, whsa the improvement on it are completed. As soon as the Northern I'acihc is com pleted eastern drummers win fiook into tee north west like flies into a sagar bowl.1 It might be well to begin barricading our ctiss against them. Some people object to boys swimming in ths Canal, inasmuch as ths water is after wards used tor dtnlting purposes. Besides it is said to be against the rules of the Ditch Company. There arefitOO mortgages on record ia ths County Clerks office ia Portland. As many of those are probably cancelled, there will no doubt be trouble in camp before the taxes are collected. Albany women should not become faiut hearted, a Bostou woman built a 20, (XX) mansion entirely from ths sale of dough nuts. It could be done here if there were only a market A lodge ef (lood Templars was orgauiitsd in Jordan Valley ou the Jd iust, by W C King, grand lecturer of the order, it starts out under favorable aun pices a ih s member ship of twenty-four. Last Friday Mr .1 V (laines took to his louse from the store of S K Young, a Pitts Thresher sud a traction engine, leaving hard gold for th.t Main. Ha will nc them in sawing weod, thrshint . etc. P I II Plug, s tamp laud o-hii iiisMoner u the pirt u iln government. I M H a tt, tho p irt si Urn state, are engsged making a liud acluc.iau o! Saskfl Uud io ths La Li ramie laud district. Opened this week at Nolan's 'ash Store, a fine line of hat vesting goods, consisting of overalls, jumpers, blouse, working pants, gloves, goggles, buckskins and lacing. As usual, low prices will rule. correspondent in the Sun Jay Mrcuri, front I-ebanon, "gives away" several of the business men of Ubaaon. It is possible such a correspondence might apply to Alba ny in connection with the same parties. Our efficient Marshal is re paring cross walks throughout ths city. They needed it very much. Hems of tee citizens are re pairing walks adjoining their property, while others are left ia a deplorable condi- tton. Donald Dianie, the famous Scotch athlete, is to come to Portland, where a ssries of contests have been arranged between him and unknown athletes. They will occar during Manager Stecbsn s great Athletic Carnival. Julius C rail wool has been appointed agent for the Northern Psrinc Exprtss for this city. This company will do an express busi ness between all points io tea I'nited States. Office will be opened bare in the early part of next month. Ths survey of the extension of the west side road from Corvallis to Junction City is completed, the new survey being two miles shorter than the old one. It is said tbe work of grading the road will commence at both ends ia a short time. Attention is called to the card of Drs J Vf and Mary T Cole, in another column. They i have just located here, coming from Browns ville. They are old I Jon county people end have already gained a good reputation in the county. ( Jive them a call. A yellow fir tree was felled in Coos coun ty recently, 176 feet of which, without knot or blemish, was cut into saw logs. At the stump the tree measured 3 feet 4 inches in diameter sad the top sad of the top log measured 24 inches across. Tbe O K St S Cos road is oomplsood and trains rusjniog within two miles of Meac ham's Station. Tbe road will be completed to that point in about sixty days. There being 1500 men employed, and 500 mote will be put on next week. But little work is being done this side of the Station. During tbe summer our ministers might show a little enterprise, sad instead of hav ing poor houses ss now fill them up by get. ting ap a marriage every week, if only a formal aL'air. They would draw with ths thermometer at 1000 in the shade. Strikes are very popular just now. Ths Chinamen on the C k OR K struck. The iron sad steel workers strike. Tbe tale- grapfaers hare .truck. And a few dy. - go 3ioc-. a a given signal at .m-ker man s went o a strike. This is original. Catching the idea from a distant exchange we hereby offer a premium of $5 in puffs to the nun who will bring us the first water melon of the season. This is a generous offer, and as we are anxious to et a melon, our friends should all endeavor to get this liberal reward. We wou'd call attention to the advertise ment of John Scbtncer in another column. Mr Schmeer has gone into the livery business to stay. Johnny will always be found ready to wait upon customers, and upon the most reasonable terms. Call upon him. O W Pond, advance agent for Rev Henry Ward Beech er, has affected arrangements for two lectures by the noted diyinc, to take place at New Market Theater, Tuesday, Au gust 21, and Thursday, August 21. It is cer tain that the house will be crowded to hear the most eloquent pulpit orator of the times. Any improvement in the make up of the local columns of tbe Democrat this week will be accounted for by the fact that ths senior editor dished up part ot the local matter during the absence of the local editor. Our readers therefore will excuse bis absence. At the last meeting of the Trustees of Santiam Academy, Prof J L Cilbert wss en gaged to take charge of that institution for a period of three yearn. The Prof has been teaching in tiie Academy for five years. This new cojtfact . :u 1 indicate that the Prof bi the right man in the right placa On Thursday evening of last week quits a (ree fight occurred on First Street, tbe result of which were bruised and marred faces for two, and tbe arrest of three. As there was considerable doubt as to who was to blame in the mattei part of the number got off free, and promised to do better in the future. Near Alkali, Wetherford Brothers have 1000 acres of fall wheat which will average twentv-hve bushels to the acre. Alfcsii is the largest shipping point for wool in Ess tern Oregon, aad will forward 0,000,000 poimda this season. Castle J'ocic is a new station that will also ship a great quantity of wool.. It is building up rapidly, and has a due country back of it. We are informed that several dudes en tered the M E Church but Sunday evening, turned several chairs from the preaoher, elevated their feet aud went to sleep deliber ateiy. A particle of speckled dust after wards picked up and examined, was thought at first to ha the brains of one of them, but was finally concluded that it was too heavy. Our rsaders doubtless remember the oc currence of tbe bank failure at Cheney, VV, T., a short time ago, and the attendant fact of the disappearance of the proprietor, John C Davenport. His friends first heard from him after leaving tbe territory ia Kansas, and mors recently in Kiohmand, Virginia. Hs is now corresponding with friends with a view to effecting a settlement of his ruin, ed hnaiasss. Robt L Stevens, at Waterloo, is now run niug his sswmill, and will continue to do so for several weeks, until hs makes into lum ber what logs he has on hand. The water power at ths mill Is such that he ia able to use it during most if not all, of the summer. Those desiring flrst-olas lumber should call on Mr Stevens. The case of the Sentient Ditch sud Milling Company against John Orowferd is on trial this week at Salem, before Judge Boise. Powell ABilyeu, of this city, and Bonham 4fc Ramsey, of Salem, appear for plsintiO, ami R S Strahan, and Flinn ft Chamberlain, of this city, for defendants. Last Friday a team belonging to John Lsedy, was lsft standing near the side walk opposite the furniture storo of Dsunsls ft Woodin, when a boy came along ou ths side walk with a wheel barrow with lumber upon it, which frightened ths horses, when they started on a run, but ran but a short a dis tanoe and brought up against a shade t r- . No damage. Anderson who was hang at Portland last week, insisted iu his Innocence to tbe last, anil died game. If it should turn out that be wss really innocent somebody would feel some w sick at heart over the termination of his life. Hanging is a terrible punish mcnt aud should never be tea sentence of a court without the evidence Is ooue!usivek Belter let ten ge freo tbsu livig ous iono seat nun. A l ot the whust raised iu l.iuu county las giouud iuto Hour litre. Although tee a si, 'houses counseled with mills here have been tilled each year, they always run short of wheat before fall. If arrangmweot could be made to bring the surplus from interior towns here, it would iuoreaae the amount of flour mduulaotured in Albany. It wight as well be kept here as to be shipped to Liverpool. The Scio Hook ft ladder Co. wss recently reorganized with about 20 members. Dr Hyde, formerly of this city, was elected foreman. Sunday morning a fire was discovered io the kitchen of J I. Miller's residence, of that place, when tbe firemen bad a chance to display their skill. They soon extinguished tbe flames. Frank Mack took the honor of being the first one to the truck house. J! M Sites com mi t tad suicide at Dallas on Wednesday eight of hurt week, by shooting himself through the heed until be was deed, which required but one shot. It seems that hs had spent the evening with a young lady. and had left her in a pleasant mood. No note was left to toll tee reasons of tbe rash set. but it is generally supposed that he did it because hs thought ha wanted to die. The editor of ths Walla Walla Wtt, h,t1n is evidently a domestic sort of a s u editor His barn was burned by tire a short time ago. bet his fowls wars mostly saved ss witness the following from his versatile pan : Mrs. Besaerer worked like s Spartan, sav- ing her poultry. When we came home, she had two gssas, four turkeys, one gosling in young and motherless docks and four setting hens all ahut up in our bedroom, but the lady herself wss not boraed, as re parted. ' Telegraphic despatches began again to appear at least ia the Qryo$ua last Mon day. In nearly all eases the places vacated by the strikers were filled by operator out sf afssHssssjsjsasa-apsM ssaaasaaasn i th. as being paid. The Portland office as cured three and have been able to run daily, although no algal operators have beea run. Bssng without the despatches is some like going without ones dinner, so the people of coast generally are to be son grata la ted upon getting them again Kldridge, another one of the escaped coo. viots was arrested in Portland, last Friday. He churned teat be swam the Willamette seven times and cams very near drowning. On being taken back to Salem he narrated how lie had escaped, and what course was pursued after leaving tb penitentiary. Ho was placed in a dark cell, aad will probably lava on a diet of bread and water for a fsw weeks. Two more of the con v iota are at liberty. It is said tbey were seen in Part land, but their whereabouts wss not divulg ed until they had gotten out ef ths way. Iat vear the aurulua ol wheat in Ronton ownty VM MUnavUa at 500((XK) bushels ; but it is thoaght that it will fall some short of that this year. Mr Can thorn, ens of the prominent warehousemen there putting the estimate at 170,000 bushels. The oet crop will be larger if anything, owiag to the fact that last year the fanners were unable to obtain seed wheat, aad in consequence this year sowed earlier than usual. Hon. Oeorge Wsggoner returned last Tuesday from a trip through Lian county where he bad been to visit his aged father, now 74 years of sge. Bering his trip he made close observation of the crops through Linn county. Ho finds grain looking unu sually well, having a nice thrifty green grow ing color. H examined it so as to see if it waa likely to fill well, and found it in per feet condition in that regard, and from its appearance he feels ooondeat of putting ths crop through that section of country at not less than a three-fourths one. - -CorvalliA Oazttt'. Judge A K Wait has an antique bed-stead watch was once tbe property of Oov Aberne thy, and said to be the handiwork of a Cer- It is such an affair as our grand mothers slept in, literally in, for it runs up several feet above the sleeper on each cor ner, like the frame-work of a smoke-house. me structure, to oo jnstio to it, needs a few score yards of drapery of the dolly-var- den pattern. It bss an elaborately carved feet-board with our national bird boldly and beautifully executed in the centre Or., City Courier, Those who expected to make a fortune from hops sre lisble to be disappointed. Tbe following from an Olympia paper ex plains the matter i "It is now fesred that the drought will affect the hop yield, so that the average will not much exceed half crop. Prices are also tending downward, the European crop giving promise of being good, this year. Hops that a few months sgo would readily have sold for $1 and even as high as $1.15, now go begging in tbe market at 26 cents. Unless a turn in tbe tide soon takes place there will be many a hop raiser and speculator go to tbe wall this season." The following interesting table, of tbo capacity of a freight car it would be well to olip aod save for reference : Nominally, a carload is 20,000 pounds ; it is also 70 bar rels of salt, 70 of lime, 90 of Hour, GO of whisky, 200 sacks of flour, t cords of soft wood, IS or 20 head of cattle, 50 or 60 head of hogs, 90 or 100 head of sheep ; 9000 feet of solid boards 17,000 feet of siding, 13,000 feet of flooring, 40,000 shingles, one-half less of green 'urabor, one-tenth less of joists, scantling aad other large timbers; M0 bushels ot wheat, 400 of barley, 400 of oera, 680 of oats, 309 of llax seed, 336 of ap o M oi insujposecoes, jw oi svecc potatoes, & task m e a i t i tfsii e . t i i and 1000 bushels of brau. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Johnny Wsbher, of Poitbtnd, is in the oity. Mr Robt Psntland, of Sein, wss in Albany Tussdsy. Judge Babar was in the city the first of the wnok. Mrs Cant Powsll, of Portland, is in the city this week. Albert Rsy and wife, of OorvaJlis, were in the city Sunday. Miss Holland is in the oity, s wusit of MrWm Ralston. Rd R M Oerter came up from I'orllatid the first of t hs week. Mr aud Mra!eorg Turrsll returned from Portland last Tuesday. Hon J R Brysos, of (Wvallis wss in ths oity during ths weak. K J Forsth, of Brownsville, was m Al bany Monday on business. Miss Mary Moutoith, of Corvallis, spent last Sundsy in this city. Miss Fannie Odsusal, of Salem, wss ia the Oity last Fridsy and Saturday. Mr Frank henton returned from the Bsy last Tuesday, tanned like an Indian. Tbe families of D Mansfield and A B Woodin left for ths Bay last Wednesday. Jos Holt, of Eugene, wss in the oity Mon day and while here celled at the I m t office. Virgil Farker returned from the Kay last Monday evmiiug, lonkiug as rugged as a beach rock. iv. i i-ii.... - ... a ii i . t. . i, I.I IUIIH'1 l'l , .1,411) 11 i Mil I..M.I bnrg last Tuesday after an ahserc id -evei- si mouths. Mrs k ChauiUrlsiu returned Isst Monday morning from a two weeks sojourn st SodavilU Miss Hettio Miller returned from uear Shedd's last Monday haviug just olosed a term of school thsre. John Hannon and Jas I'owvll left the first of the week for the mouutaius, and will be gone two or three weeks. W S Wade, of Salem, bss been in the city for a few weeks, assisting Peters ft Slain ia putting up twine binders. DrOrey and wife sod daugbtsr started Wednesday morning for the Bay, where they will remain about ten da) a. Mr F M Daniels, of Sjio, Linn county, paid Dallas a visit on bat Wednesday. Hs is looking for s location ftim-sr. Dr Hendricks, of Hsrnsburg, was in Al bany yesterday, sad while bare made tbe Dkmim aat office a pleasant cell. Mrs D B Mooteitb. of this city and Miss Airaa Story, of fUst Portlaod, are In KasU-ra Oregon on a health sad pleasure trip. Tom Carran, who baa been logging near CrawfordsviUe, wss in tea city last MondsjH aad re tamed to I'rawfordsville Wednesday Wm Rice returned from Portland the first of the week, where he bas been about two weeks io the interest of ths 0 ft ' I R IV Mr J MeCcnueli returned from tbe Bey last Wednesday and has since been confined to his bed, Ths trip did not benefit hiss aay. A W Carey left last MesOaf Upper Soda where he will ant-.y the sulubnous o? the mountains snd drtnk soda Mr Robert Br n left tbe city Usi Tues day for Vsquiua Bay with tbe family of John Morgan who had I -,, tatting friends in tba city. MraCeorgeaod .laughters, of this city have beam viaitiag in Portlsnd. tee guests of Hon M C Ooorge. aad will go from there to Seattle. Mrs Dslno, and daughter, of Portland, are visiting ia this city, being the guests of the formers brother aad sister, Mr W S Peters and Mrs Humphries. Mr Milt ldler was io Albany Monday, and has since left for the mountains witb fish pole sad gun in hand. The deer and fish will suffer- from neglect. Oovernor Moody. Hon M C Oeorge and Hon J N Dolph, passed through the city the Utter part of last week, oo their wsy heme from Southern Oreean. Capt B J I .arming, left last Wednesday for frashington Territory and British lat um bis in the interest of the popular lied Crown Flour Mills. Mum Allia Scott returned from Portland hurt Taesday, and finding that her parents had gone to the Bay took the first convey ance, and fallowed in their footsteps. Mr Simon Seitenbach leaves for San Fran cisco in a few days. He will lay ia a large and choice stock of goods of all kinds. Our citizens msy get ready to see some first-class bargains. Mr John Schmeer and Wm Pfeiffsr, re turned from J'rineyillu hat Tuesday, after an absence of two or three weeks. They came horseback and were about four days on tbe return trip. Mr Tbos Calloway, of Cheney, W. T., was in the city tbe first of the week. Since be left Albany several years sgo fortune has smiled on bitn, his career having been a successful one. llev John A ( iray, of so much notoriety in Portlsnd as a preacher, has forsaken that field and gone back to his first love, tbe Isw. and is now practicing his profession at Km- plre City in partnership with C B Watson. Tuesday merniug Mr Robt Crosby started or the Bsy with Mr P W Spink and wife. W K Blsin, snd Miss Allio Rumbaugb. They will remain at this popular summer resort for seme time seeking that recreation and rest which no doubt they all need. Nelson Winston and wife, Dr Kvaus aud wife, and Mr Bennett aud wife, all of Rvaos- ville. Wis., were in ths city the first of the k, the goeftts of Rev J W Harris. Rev Harris came from the same place, and was neighbors of these gentlemen for years. Mr Hiram Kenton returned from the Bay Monday and has since taken another separa tor there. He reports the one t here as do ing well, saving all the gold that goes through. Two persons running a separator oven with tbo small amount of gold in the sand, can make good wages. Mr Charles Huber and wife, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, both old school mates of our fellow townsman, Mr X J Hentou were in the city hat Tuesday. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr Huber. They are on their wsy to tee great Masonie Conclave at San Franoisco. Hon.M,H. Pennington, of Pendleton called on us yesterday, being in the oity od business. He states that harvesting in Umatilla county is about four weeks shead of us here, and that farmers there are getting a big crop, the average being at least twenty bushels to the acre. Last Saturday we received a call from Mr Charles Leighton, editor of the Oskaloosa Herald, and his aged father ; Mr T M Bacon also of Oskaloosa, and Mr N J Heaton. our popular city Recorder, formerly of tbe same place. Mr Leigbtou and father are on a tour through the State, being on the coast to at i tend the Masonic Conclave at San Francisco. Tbatr wives wen at Ashland, where they joioeu them Saturday evening. They were weli pAMed with the Willamette Valley and jjceke highly of its advantage. i m bss a 1 V eon Press a Lean tier We tea Even newspaper men must on occasion travel extensively. This one of the editors ofbe Democrat did on Wednesday, In company with Wm Henderson. We per formed successfully the feat of riding in a lumber wagon through several inches nf dust beyond the thriving village of Lob anon and returned In a single day, nearly el us 1 to tbe time made on the Went aide Railroad. While this was probably our only summer vacation we turned our mind from the dusty pleasures of the world long enough to notice tbe progress of harvesting. It has begun In dead ear Peat, reapers and twine binders being seen In nearly a third of tba fields along the way. The poor, unfortunate wheat thst was first frozen out, afterwards drown ed and finally cremated, is now, notwith standing Its many calamities, coming forth In abundance and sneaks for a good crop In ths. county. We noticed only a few fields of really poor wheat, almost none of March sowing. About half way to Lebanon the Dunk arda are building w hat promises to be a vary neat looking church, plain and sub stantial like tbelr religion. At Lebanon Murk hart Bros , tba genial proprietors of tbo livery stable teak ehsrge of our team, while Jos Nixon at tbo Kx' hsnge Hotel satisfied our inner man. Thla he did In splendid style. He keeps a good hotel and sets au excellent table, One is bound to racslva flrst-olase treatment at his hands. Ily ell m mm go to tbe Exchange when In lehsuon. Only an hour In this thriving place, in cluding dinner gave its only a small chance for observation, Ooneral improve maut In nolle aVe throughout the oity. Dr Foley, one of Lebanon's moat enter prising citizen. Is building a drug store, next to Cowan's. Dr Ballard is construct ing a fine looking residence on tbe site oi the one bnrnexl, Other buildings are going up, but we did not learn their own ership. We are informed that Mr 0 B Montague la to build a large and commodious store for his increasing trade. J L Cowan has one of the best arrsngad stores in tbe county: Besides doing a good general merchandise trsde he Is working op a first olaae banking business, Talk with several showed tbet although trade is ulet now Lebanon baa an estab lished businasa which is uncommonly good for a place of its ize. The excellent schools there speak for Its enterprise in that direction, and is a recommendation for a city generally. Tbe 8t Charles Hotel Is now ran by Riley A Hall. A teres) house ride brought us back to Albany and ended our summers vacation. IS Story mf a r WSenrt Four years ago Mr J 11 Wileen, of Hal sey, found a stray bead of wheat on bis farm. It had snob long beard and so many plump kernels In the bead that be took oomnasakm on it, and tbe nest win tar planted these lonely kernels In motbei earth. They came up many fold, beer log a hardy appearance. No one knew tbelr name, nor has it been ascertained to tela day. Mr Wilson though has given It tan aaaae of the Blue Velvet Winter Wheat. Poor years have passed and this year about 50 bushels will be raised, all from that single hoed, notwithstanding the foot that it wae frozen ut last Spring. It was, like other wheat. Injured, so that only about twenty-Are bushels to the acre will be obtained. Ordinarily about 50 is yielded from It. The heads yield fully one hundred kernels, which are wonderfully plump, while tee stalks are no wueau is io ue iouiiu, uiu n. win trw farmers to esperi ment with It. So much confidence bas Mr Wilson in it that next year be wilt sow two hundred acres to It Me aetata. last weak while Mr J H Lams, of Hal- say was repairing: the bridge serosa the Calapooia eleven miles above Browns ville, two men In his employ came upon the remains of a human son distance above tea bridge, and near the edge of tbe water. Th only part of the skeleton which tbey found waa tbo back base skull bone wltb tbe lower Jaw. Tbe teeth are Intact except two In front which are want ing. The upper pert of one arm and about six inches of the spinal column war also Intact, The hair was black, fist aud glossy, bnt somewhat gray, Indleat Ing fitly years of age. From the length of that portion of the arm which w I found, it waa thought the remains might have been that of a woman, Maybe some i has bean fouilv dealt with. Who can solve tee my story " Farts Speak Lender then Wsres. Near Albany, Or., July, 11th, 1883. To " hont it stay court : This is to oertifv that 1 started a sew MeCormkl Gt foot Hanxder and T trine Whrtrr, bought of Samuel K oung, in barley to-day, with two horses. 1 consider it very light draft, easily managed, and has the beet reel I ever saw on a machine of say kind. It rune fully ons horse lighter than 1 expected. The Harvester and Binder wosks to my entire satisfaction. O. C. Ti axxn. natefcta er At a regular meeting of Laurel Lodge ou Thursday nisrht of last week, the fol lowing onloers were duly Installed by N J Heaton, DOC: George Harris, C C. J J Dubrullle, V C. Dr E L Irvine, P. Jaa Hail, M A. Chas Wagner, I O. O Rogers, O O. e i ii Merses far Saly The undersigned has 40 of good horses for sale. Tall at bis residence near Shedd. 52 JaMns Sti vi son. - " Far Sale A good mule 15K hands high, weight about 11 notinda. Gentlo to work. In quire oi Senders Js Sternburg. rlek ! Brick t ; I ' f 4 Mr. CundhYofthi city has just finished burnlns a kiln of 250,000 first-class brisk. They will be ready tor delivery Tuesday, July 24th. Call nearly if you want brick, . Beets an4 Shoes. At Allen A Martina is the place to find boots anl shoes In any quality you wish, aad at any price. Good goods in this line will be sold cheaper than at any store "in tlie valley and no old stock to a A second 'coat of paint make i k at building present a very auce. This is ons of the largest Northwest, besides having the true appear offices in tb tit paint oa n ntwenoe iera Tee l itres Bhsrman and II in nan circttH x hlbited In this city on Friday evening of last weak to an Immense crowd. Enough money was paid to entltlu t h audience to a first-class entertalnaient In s'ime particulars they got It. It Is customary for newspapers that receive big ads, and good pay from shows of all kinds to give them a good send off when they leave. We do not bellevo this Is honest Journalism. From the puffs some of the Portland pers tjave ths) circus we supposed It was extra, All wild attended It here with whom era ha ve talked, say It very wae com mon, and with much reason. There Is no qnesHon that the tricks ef Tommy, Barney aod Jack n first class, and all that are advertised. Th.-y really display a wonderful Intelligence Io tba horse, and It will pay any one to see the m : but outside of that tbe cir cus with two or three exceptions was really Inferior, bearing no comparison to their exhibition In this city last Jeer. Those exceptions were, first, the tumbling of the Morcsco Brothers, whleb was deserving U applause, nxl the walkJnir of ('has Morose ou tbe slsck wire, afeal perform' d in a skilful manner But the horse back riding wu decidedly poor, nearly every one We have beard soebk on tlie subject, saying th.-y never saw much worse in a circus, anl the gcneial tumbling was little more than an apology. There was no performing ou the bar, no trafsrze, no leaping over thirteen horses nor even one, no walking on a wall by a human fly. The clowns were ts poor as one often sees. H e make these statements with no purpose of fault finding but because they are lb truth, and we are sorry they are, for the management seem to be composed of genial, gentlemanly men. A more quiet, ordt rly set of per formers war never in the Northweal, and we never attended a circas frer from obscenity The mem bees of it carry themselves wltb some style, and make a good appearance ouisld of the tent. They are entitled to credit for these. NOTE. The side show, which we Judged lo aa under the same managemert', waa worth tbe two bits paid to get iu. The skill of fT!e woman without any arms. In crocheting, sewing, writing, eating, eta., with her feet, was interni ng. The feats of tba sword swallower were good, aad his putting Ave swords down bis throat at one time, as well as csina, etc., was actually done. This was genuine. An ox 7 feet - inches high,' and weighing i'JM) poands waa worth seeing. Tbe Circasaioa woman wc have no doubt waa a fraud. Tbe luestlou was as to bow she had made her hair stick out aa 11 did. Home said it waa stale beer. And then there was a wooly pig. French, tbe tenor who was with lb Magic Balsa man a year ago. put In au appearance with the circus. He Is a giveaway to any Institution. The after concert is said to nave been aa bad as such a thing can be. As usual tbe circus bad Its needle eye followers One of them.aconteropt ble poppy, went under the reserved scats and looked up to see if the sea' s were full. He couldn't do It in front PrsN-eerllaaa. Tuesday evening, July. 24. Pi sasi it Mayor, Marshal, Recorder and Aids. Woodin, Monteitb, Hoffman, Brush, aud Leaning. The quarterly reports of tbe Recorder i m sn a aiossnun i is- --'.-, - w and found correct. The Marshal was order el to notify ti Ilochatodler and H Flindi to bawl grav el enough to make the streets paasable adjoining their piemiaea, to ta done in ten days from date. The Marshal wss instructed to write, Refuted to pay" opposite the-names .if those refusing to pay for sidewalk repairs, and waa also ordered to remove planks from sewer crossing Forty streets between First and Water street, and even np tb snout over item. KILLS OBDESKD PaXO. N JJHenton, 11.75; costs city vs Dober ty, 95.45 ; city vs Jefferson, 9-XS5 , O W Burkhart, 16.C8 ; O W Burkbart, side walk board $13; Jno Jones, night watch and engineer, 970 ; office rent, 91975 ; F Woods, Judge T D election, 9 ; 0 Tweoda'e, work, 91.7.. HI I.I. -i REKBtttLII. Robinson A West, lumber, 973 12 ; C Meyer, 90.75 : N J Henton, il 1.05 ; Q W T..l. 0. U . aa., ..O v .. Pnl.v a. Q.V oity v Johnson, 9490 ; city vs Foman, I 95.95 : city vs Sullivan. 9"' 4. Ml kLLV. ABTiir t SAIAC Th boat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, fevur sores, totter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money re funded. Price 5oc per uox. For sale by Foehay A Mason. Letter Lint. Tbe to.iowitie laibe 11 of letters remal jhsj mtiieVost nis .-. Aiheny. Unn county, oit gon, July 1 r.-rsons renins: "r sj foe re must give tbe date on whieh tbey wres advertised. Clever John Duiwan Mrs J W Thorns 11 r LlMie W heeler mis fi .1. M. IB VINO, P. M. turning. New spring goods In men's and boys' clothing at Allen Martin's. Their stock Isvorv complete and they make every mar. bannv where Drice and Quality i concern od. There were thirty-one failures in Oregon the first six months of 1SS3, amounting to fata 700. Darin the same time in l&iS the failures only amounted to 9137,600. s 1 1 1 L. A tJUrtllas BMScevery Phvslcbtns are often startled by remarit ante discoveries. The fact that Dr. King a New Discovery for Consumption and Ul Throsrt and Luna diseases ia dally curing patients that they have given up to dio, is startling them te realise their sense ef d ss tv. and examine into mo menus ot iuis wonderful discovery : resulting in hua dradsof our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at Fosbuy A Mason's urugstore. iteguiarsize i.j I. si SS SS e e ' Ladies 5 Allen A Martin have just received from New York a large stock of laces. ' CalUod ee tbem and enanire prices ' rLJV T ' , 1 KT r.V: a-jst er rojjy dental saall ru mi. ifi.i.iftTT i in j.w nil, .1. iu. Liaw:. -T,s??'y'ui-S'wasriall i Aevais ansM rv ivev u aviue, v. is.tii.i-i-' xgn-iiira. y-i n r.Li tHnSsskUjref(lne icinuj iibuitv., 'Ci iv kf-oi i Tinvs or raxani i m r, Wh gage, Death has invaded lb rtrele of Tengent Lodge, No. 413, 1. O. O. T. snd marked for its victim our beloved brother FP Archibald. Therefor Resolved. That we tow witb bnmiiia. 'Ion of heart In this sad bareavecnent, and t-iiik lumier rem in ueu oi i ne great im- benre er ready when rail Resolved, Thst in tba death of brother Archibald this Lodge has lost a rssasctsd member, and its Worthy nonrotary. Thst his parents have lt a beloved and rtotifu! son, snd his brothers and sisters an affec t onate brother. Resolved, Thst wa Join la cofidoioSKe with them ia their sad bereavemen' That we drape our Charter and wear t.e4 usual badge of mourning for twenty day . Resolved, That a copy of these reeofu tlons be sent to tbe bereaved family snd be spread on tbe minutest at th's - and to fa sent to tbe county naners wltb a request that tbey publish tne same. I.T. K M'.n ion. J. LcrKa, Committee. KrMse The fJoon bridge on Mnddy f 'reek (en or twelve miles sooth of tbe city wee con demned by Hie Road Supervisor some months sgo, and tbe County Court enter ed into a contract w itb J H lame, of Hal seyt i rebuild it, be bar leg the right un der bis hid to use the lumber snd timber lo tbe old to build tea new one. law week i be old one waa burned down. We-' are informed tbet the person who m dis. overcil tba fire says thst the bridge was burning in three pise Siippsesl to hsve been set on fire. i. a. i. t. Will C King, tirand laborer, IOCT. organized a lodge at Jordan Valley, uly &2nd with 24 charter sue m her. The ta lowing are tbe chief officers : T C Bryant, WCT. Delphi Bryant, W V T. D M McCIane, W tfec'y. Moses Titus, P W C T. J no Bryant, L B. Bent This Was San Uncle Tommy L'mpbrey who lives on Sand Ridge received some oat and aeed wheat from tbe aaatee teat spring. There wse one kernel of barley In the wheat which he planted and from that one grain he threshed 000 grains. From on bead of wheat be took ISO grains. From on, head of oats he took 290 grains. Farmer wanting wheat sacks can obtain them of K L. Pryan. at ware house at Tangent. Partiea wnuling choice A nlahlng lum her. rustic, and flooring, can be supplied by calling on K Carter, at corner f Fourth and Railroad Street Why do not some of our lecture ioiiog people tekestepe to induce this emin ent divine to pay our city a visit aid deliver one of his leotaiaa to our people. There have beea a great many in Albany lately frees tbe Rest, sad all speak ia the highest tervui of Albany, its beauty, ad vantages, magnificent water fewer and works, etc. Henry Maine, Jr who waa injured by falling with the at at Monteitbs mills, is improving, and the fall all right. ill come not f Mr Bonnet and Dr Evans, two Knight Templars from Wtseeaaie en their way to Kan Francisco, were in the city fast week. THE HEW MCCORMICK M tnvEjtrcn AtsTwitc meb. 1 hose hat i sal ins" have bean greatly im proved for 1884 by a new style ratter i nr. This oar la not only nines. aesUerlronger, and stfAer, bnt it enable tbe machine to cut lower than ever before, when, nocea aary in picking up, down, or cutting h rt grain. A -r oWjavsJetsV reel, something entirely new and beautiful in iu rnove ments. raises mime imrUr higher than formerly, and many other improvements have been added, which moat be seen in ! operation to be fully appreedatoa. Those improvements and our special feature of having an adjmutabi table meevnWe barkcrdA or fai-wrd Instantly to nit the length of straw, so that the band can always be placed in tba center of tbe sheaf, makes tbe MoCormiek a machine the', ivj fanner can afford to be without if he ever expects to cut short grain. These harvesters have lately been in duced hi price, so there is no necessity of a farmer not having one, if be bas sixt acres of grain to cut. For sal by SaxcxL Ev Yoi n. . dar For sale thousand. at Sam Cohen's, tor Eg. 40 per JOHN SCHMEER, UTERI, FEED AND S1LE STABLE. Albany, Oprr. Horse kept en reasonable terms, Horses and buggies let to suit the times. or ner Second and Isw on n streets. DRS. J.W.& MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons, ALBANY, OREGON. uflet tbair professional services to the eiassb U Linn and adraeent osuntisa. Ofl sari r-saiilaae corner of Fourth o4 Rresdelbia streets. BUTTERICK'S LONDON AND NEW YORK PATTERNS. The oldest and most reliable in the market For tale by SAMUEL E. YOUNG. The Metropolitan fashion plates furn ished free on application. Orders hv mail promptly attended to, 51-8 "S BEEN PROVED Th SUREST rsaeaaaaaaaaassaS U KIDNEY DISEASES paasSTSl BJSBM tf i. r THxnr xo jfoxr Lre J-SC aL kjMLel W' f i Leant - -i 1 i V e.eee. . a V i 3J ? A -mttmSBBm Mm 11 . . , ; :.. ...