The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 13, 1883, Image 3

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    Wit tmmt
OfilEi tmt Papar.
i .1.-1 r J hi t tt- PjmI QlRoeat Aibsiiy, or.
as mcoii1 -clavt mail matter.
...JULY 13, 18fiW.
I.titxro I'raarlrinr.
rWiK rri-.. kMU.r.
O. cY . K. K. YIMt: T4HI.K.
AlbHIIV Station.
peculiarities of lb affair ww a small build
iog oa a pole, with label attached reading.
w:rKTiRK mafia.
: sm.
MIMNV I'M'iilXStV.yu . .VW A. M
I Arniwu - 1 1 s M.
ipanaat i ..
Hi.i v.. SOTTU.
I Arrives . . 1 i'W. M
i lvmrtt l.-u. ! M.
.FUKIiJHT TRAIN ... :t:10 P. M.
.AI.BANV KAfKKSSArtlvM'tt 8:35 I. M.
All Trains dally, except Kendoy.
S'm irn.-Or. ami after this date regular
s .ckei will l aold al our ticket offtoe fur
following point on Colombia river: Upper
aaaiwh". Dalle. Umatilla, Wallula,
Walla Walla nl Amnworth.
Witt II Kick,
Fiebht and Ticket Agent
O. A K K. il. Co.
MtnMT. June Istb. I!'.
' '
I- ..H are th Ii:vnr vt"- duly au
thorised agents to reoeive aiihteripttiOH .
neiaey for the nam -
bruwusvUlo .
J etferson . .
Sam May
. .U. P. Cnshaw
... .T. K Porter
. I". A. Watts
. . . U . R, Kally
1 A. Ih-Vaney
additional l,oel ou S l fage
At the last meeting Uuity Council
Xo. 8. of the Independent Order of
Cnoeen Friends, of tuis city. list 1 ring
t hief Councilor K M Red Aeld, was sur
prised by b;-dng preseuted with an ele
gant silver cake basket, artisticly in
scribed with nrae of recipient from
member of Uuity Council No. S, I Oof
C F. The presentation s;eeclt was
made by J H Townaend, Chief CounciUr
elect, i n behalf of the doners. The pres
eut is a valuable one, but is particular,
ty prized by Mr R. in the aeose of the
pirit of kiudoeas and esteem shown
him. that had prompted the donors in
pwnt itfiHE him with such a substantial
memento of their appreciation of his
WaaieUMftM iu their work.
F.Ka of the Celebration
The Oooinitt'ee of Arrangement ou the
4th of July celebration held a meeting
Tuesday evening and made a final settle
ment of the financial part of the celebra
tion. Although the expense had , beii
quite heavy they were able to return to
the Common Council $7 j of the $10 which
the Council had donated. This was un
der an agreement to do so should there be
a aurploH. This speaks well fur the man-
agemeuL One not acquainted with fetich
celebration would be surprised at the
number of small items neowwenly incurr
ed. In most of such um the fund fall
short of the liabiluie, but v, e are gjftd to
state th was. an exception.
Talk about your neighbors, and ben
ever you see a mole call it a mountain.
Talk all you ean and on all occasion,
in church, out ej church, in tile Democrat
office, and on the corner.
Talk of pfttftkM and religion, alwaya
politic even if election i a year away.
Xoihing will bore a man more.
'Talk about how terribly dull every thing
i t, even it ' in oat of the merchant are
averaging $1U00 a week.
Talk about hard tunes, but never men
tion wot leu mills and; new school houses.
(i: .p'jL Leader uje W rJ-.
Near Albany, Or.,.uly, ljth, 183.
T j "-''lit; t if (tu;j court Cji 1
This to certify that 1 tart-.l a ?
J-:C'ornrk i foot II iro4r- Twine
BSmftt. bought of Samuel K Vnog, io
barley to-day, with two hrme. i .;ouiler
it very light draft. ily ssacageit, and has feel ?r" iT s MMtdipM of apy
iriud. It run fuily oe h'lf; liiliiur than
i expected. '1 . Hyrasliir an
Wrk to uiy entire attUfaction.
Q. ('. Ti axrjL
"Jim Tfaarfflfl a In the city firt
o ' rhe e-k, and f cour- efttleH o.i the
ItA'At hx r. Ji:u j iMt came iron: Montana,
where he bs t-ixty or seven men at
woik, on the Northern PgetAV. He tells
u that n xt week he i!l put rut sixty
men to work on the Yaquina road. I1
vill be of interest to some to I- now that b
,.v. lately fei.bracad trie Chhslap i-ellg-j'm.
having fjeen dijly n4 fermlly?bijp
tieij. ifa vill reti.m to ifontaua iext
leek, For a Chinaman Jim Jaafl white
SicVm J owner.
K Af KreacW, jeaaler,
Support your local papers.
Ikm't fail to see the fairy.
Astoria in to have a street railway.
For goodness sake don't say 1 told you.
HayMNJ liv baeu prirreM;sg fr mi,
I'ne hvu m the Pri l 'se ws adjusted
at t&fct.
It ftt -" to run thf l'..urth ia
Pal tlaud.
The thermometer but Frilay readied 07
in the ahade.
W B Barr dg wa i-i.util th other
night, bat did not die.
The horse race at JaattiM m wou h
Harpoel a Farmer."
1000 doe button, your clun.w ." iut at
Nolans Cash Sto.e
Rev Acheaos, of tlakvllle, preached at
the U P Church last Sunday.
The Polaris is now in the baud of W W
Chapman, late of the Mercury.
The Stars beat the Portland's lat Sunday
4 to 3. This was a good game.
Wc understand bitf progress is being metis
at the lhty ou the Cuveramaat worr .
rhompson & Oft( have the largest atouk
uf harneat and saddles in the Valley.
It will pay you te call and see the Pauh
Ia Parhn Stove at W C TweedaleN.
t'alifornia lemons are half the price n
other leinous, aud are nearly as good.
The annual departure of our oiUxsa for
health ami pleasere is new taking place.
Wherever Mrs WiUard has been she has
bean received by tho saws enthusiasm,
Buena Vtsta has had a lira and should be
gin talking about getting a fits engine.
Swimming in the ditoh is becoming a
favorite pastime some of the young
We will take all the wood brought us ou
subscription. If you haven't the wood bring
c Jh.
The Itaoi BAT building is recsmag a
thororgh overhauling at the hand of A J
Don't forg-4 tht W C Teelale ia free
aent for the celebrated MetUUioa Cttoktng
Mrs Kiua Coon, was the oldest pioneer
at the Laae county pioneer moe'ing, going
there in 1844.
A reward of lui a head was offered for
the siirht convicts who escsiied from the
penitentiary at S slant.
It rained at Junction a few mameot - the
first of the week, bat none of the previous
liquid touched Albany.
Remember that the great liquidation sale
at Nolan's still goes on, price no object ss
goods must be said.
Peters Bhun on last Monday sold nine
.twins binders, a big days work, and not
often equaled in the valley.
Mr Barker has opened a soda fountate.etc.
on First street, and a shoating gallery has
been started just east of Nolan's.
;n Albert Piks, sovereign grand com
mander of the AAA Scottish Right oi the A
F ami A M etc., ia in Portland.
John Justus was found guilty of the mur
der of '.lis father at Jacksonville, and sen
tenced to lie kaagett Aegust 3!sf.
An feutue passed through the city the
first 11 the Week, bound for the Narrow
tiaitgf. oa which it is to be run.
I. tubnoa won the first prbu at the glass
ball shoot at Kune. lie brvle 7 out of 10
the lirat time. Albany can beat that.
Some of the members of Mr l Thompson s
family near this city ia Beaton county, have
been sick Uely with the diphtheria.
The great Kastern Mastodon Amusement
FukterpriHo to-morrow night. As it has s
big name everybody shild be present.
fhe funeral of MraJohn Simpson took
place at Corvalhs yesterday morning at 10
o'clock, quite a number attending from this
The Bedrock JJtiHOcrut was priuted in red
ink oa the outside ou the Fourth. Que good
thing about it ia that it will be fire to be
It is said that another bt fire may be
looked for in Astoria at almost any time.
If so it will be lively work for the Vigilante
VYernimont L Laurent have begup the
construction of the sewer on Broaualbiu
-street. It will be completed by tue brat ot
Miss Allie, one of (be bright daughters of
Peter hlosser. was taken sick oa the 4th,
and since has been unite ill. Ve hope she
i nay recover ,
If it wepe possible to enforce the dogtax
ft revenue of several hundred dollars would
Our 150.000 School House," is other words
it ia a mere castle ia the sir.
New York & reached this &ks
ia eight days. An lews paper reached this
ottee ait days after date of publication
Ueod time.
Just before going to press ws learn that
Beach am, one of escaped convicts from States
Penitentiary was killed, two ethers wsre
caught, both wounded, one probobly mortal,
ly, named Mansiield and Rtnebart.
It is a matter of considerable Uteres ta
watch the variety of opinion an a subject,
last wesk ws stated that there Were about
; 10,000 at the oslebratioe, sad iseoasejuencs
several have taken mighty exoepUm.
So much amoks lately io the Valley wsa
by toe much combustion ot the for-
eats ever user McMionvtlb. It ia much
worse than seysn day. bores ami will take
ones breath easier than a Newport ores.
Nswpart indulged ia a genu tue yacht rses
oa toe Fourth. There were Hi e entries and
the race was won by (Jlars, Ada second,
Mary and Belie third and Pilot fourth. The
boat race was won by Oeorge Williams.
The length of the Crave Creek Tunnel on
ilfibinsoo A tVett are now workings full
set of men st their saw mill right along.
They have logs aufisuisnt to Isst thm till
winter, and have made arrangement ith a
msn on the CaJipooia by which they will
have antbtiient logs to keep their mill run
ning lor three years, t'untinual work
moans employment for ten to fifteen men, at
Mis mills slone. All the lumber thst can be
aaved has a ready marks!, so thst there is
now nothing but low watsr thst can stop
the null for several years.
i tat week ths mitt nf Holm in A Vilon,
of Dallas, was completely burned down. th
work of ad incendiary probably. Mr Wilson
ia an old Albany mau, and has the sympathy
ot the whole community in this disaster.
The mill oust $7000 ami was insured lor
4000. n hat thOlat ueods ii s vigitsnt
committee and a lire sngtue. The latter
shs wilt get after several big Urn", hot not
too late for earns service.
iast Friday Mr Denver Hsckhman
brought us savers) apecimeua of uhent
which exhibit all lbs different atagee of the
crop for this ysar. The first is a hunch
sowed last fall, which was nut frozen out. it
(ok well ami shows what an sxceltent
crop we would hsvs had had there been no
the eitsM.ion i. eiu (mm t ii..;.- ... . I amm out. itisesxtwas aeweil in Marctt.
queering error was made, when bored mi th l"ci"r" ,OOK" ,f,y M
tne lail sown, though not quits as tall ; ami
the third sewn in May is decidedly stunted,
though green and fresh. A specimen fti ls
look a well.
Some people learn by experience aud some
je suit. Some are green snd others are
greener, and there are about as many fish on
land as on the sea. Tue soap man was bars
on the Fourth snd had s rich hat vest This
ia the way he doss it. Ms wraps a Mg bil
around a small piece of ioap and cover it
with paper, aud does so muy tiuiee . then
some one is asked to pick a package I mm a
heap, ami open it. He always hmls a lug
bill ; he is a.4 to pay $" lor six or seven
packages, if he bus he gets m money, but
if hs dues not there are bills iu all of them.
Funny, but a faet. It is the way hs makes
hi mouey, and anyone with brain knowa
be does not tin this hoiui for n thin
through it being ascertained that the tunnel
was aa inch lower oa one aide than oa the
Cherry A Parkas' eave. a cnairect for
hutldidg a saw mill fur Meyer Brothers', of
Brownsville. They seem to be taking the
lead ia the eonatruukiou of saw mills in the
Valley, already haying put up several large
wars visiting st Mr Robert Brown's in this
city during the first nf the week. Ws so
knowledge a plelsant call.
Mr and Mrs Bauun, of ,WeUos, luws,
ars visiting with Mr an I Mrs 1 hot Moateith
in thia oity, Mrs I.. is a sister of Mrs
Monteith, ami this is the tirsttim for thirty
ysara that they have have seen saoh other.
Young Mr Kixer, son of F M Kir living
near llsiriaburg, has been iu thlsrity dur
ing the wees asliciting ai.hscriptioua to
Tunisou'a Index Map of the C S. We have
one nf those maps iu nnr nffl"e and like it
I. Sender returned yesterday frrnn Prine.
ville by the way ol the W V A 0 M W road,
lis n-por t he was detaiued three days ou
S iviu Mile Hill on account of forest lire'.
Mr'tdlileml with s force of bands finally
succeeded in making the road passable.
Mra I: S Strahan and daughter, Pvt. re
turned Wednesday night from Hostos, where
she hsa been for s year or more. Ths Judge
hs now th happiest nan in Albany. Miss
Fannie will lemaiii iu Boston to complete
bar musical education.
Mrs Dr Tate, Dr J Torrance Tste, snd
Miss I ..oh a Tate, arrived in Albenv from the
. tst last Mon. Is , efw-r an sbsenoe of shout
four years, The Doctor urnduated with
gh honois from s College ot Duutistry.aud
has I eoome quite skilful in the prolessiou.
Iu will praotice in this city in coniiewtiou
With his brother. Dr D W Price.
TMe 4'lreas.
We publish this weak ou our outatde ths
speech of Hoe R I., delivered here
on the 4th of July. It was one of the finest
efforts ever delivered iu Oregon, sad enonld
be read by every subscriber to the Dsjaja
A postal te Mr Jos Weblwr states that
San Francisco hsa purchased a l.s France
steamer. This means the; Albany should do
so also, but there w some doubts whether
we will follow in the foot steps of such an
insignificant city.
The forlorn look uf ths senior editor ef
the DawocUAT is accounted for by the ah
seaee ot his family, his wife being iu liar
risburg and bis ohihlrsn at large somewhere
in the country. Iu th gmeantirue it be.
hooves -our.rtttMas te keep an ey e on their
One of the Portland papers makes a raid
on the milkmen of the city, a ad we ars in
dined te believe a ith justio. It is claimed
that the cows are kept in such s wanner, be
ing fed on malt, that it ts actually diseased
when delivered to the pitrchaerr.
The great Kasteni Mastodon meat
Hater prise to exhibit in this city Saturday
sight has many nf the actors is Ths Mirrors
ef Ireland, which exhibited here two years
age. That was s first lass show, so this
can be relied npoe to be the same Ktery
body should go.
Kern uihw it is harvest time, and before
you forget it call on L K Blein for Met har
vest equipments, snch aa gloves, blonses,
overalls, etc. He keeps the very best stock
to be found, and yea srs sere to get aa ar
ticle that a ill hast.
A party of six abeerer. one day lat week
sheared ISO sheep st the raech nf Silas
French, oa Dry Uek creek, wear PeodJetoe.
Thia is sn average of MS e h sad if the
supply of alieey Umd md given oat, they
might hsvs I rough t the number un to l.aJ
escb. I A Cos led the list with US.
Theewitehee ranuing to aud along the
bank of the W ilhsntstte are being thoroughly
repaue.1. several trains of gravel haviog
been dumped already. The teats on the
bank if the river are ormpiad by the work
men, and are not tents of escaped coun ts
froai Salem, as seme may have anrmiee.1
Die escaped cjonvwt are inakiaz it hot
for thoee who ars try in t . - suture them.
We understand they are making for the
Mm to Pass, through which they popuse to
go, well backed by gone, ami plenty to ear.
for ss it is s country they are familiar with, ; M"" ' flrr sp udin. slamt s week hers
Win Bice hoi been m Portland this week.
J W Watts, was iu the city Isst Satmdy
Miss Lydut liuabaugh ia tisiting m Poit
hand. Miss Myra Mansfield has returned from
Mr I. Martin was in Portland the first of
the week.
Mr !.. nin-r B tlstae returned from Olex
last Wednesday.
Oeorgo Mealy, of .Sweet (Dure, was ia
Albany but Monday.
Mr Fred Kggert and wife are in the city
apending several days
Mr David Fremau and family are rusliuat
ing st Fish Lake.
Mr Dave Burkhart leavea utl week, for
Southern California.
Mr sad Mrs Dr 0 U Terapleton. of Port
land, are visiting in this city.
Z B Moss, of Sweet Home, made the ity
a visit the It rat of the week.
J k. Houston, i rand Secretary of the I O
G T wsa in the city Saturday.
Mr 1'huii, traveling agent lor the .Ws-,
was in the city last Monday.
Tho Moateith, Jr.. left last Monday, for
Seattle and wdl be gone several dsys.
Mrs P II Bsyaxoad, of Hale in, has been in
the tity aith her children this week.
Mr John Schmeer left the first of the week
for Print v die to get his family ami goads.
Mum lei-ua Fires, of Faigene, is m the
rity, briug a guest of Mr tjewrge Simpson.
Mr Wet, el Salem, father of Ian West
of this city, was here the first of the week
Mr l.roa flrsa, recently of Bed wood, CM.
is clerk in i t the be; d a are tirm oi Peters A
Mr M D Ball inl, of Seattle is in the eity
lie reports business mm very lively at that
i y It.M'lisUdler rt turned to alem last
they will probably receive assistance
many of ths people.
The Otfyonia intimates ' that Portland
capitalists will push
osssetry pa seenat of the
llfow, tbeqneetipn is what d iffsrepor
Hhennsn A Hinmsn'e Creai Ivtiruiieeu
'Irciia srrived in Ibis oity yeaierday after
un i.y special Nieaiaer.smi pin bed their
it on the old circus Krouiid nt Fourth
snd Pine. Toward eveiiiua tho trouiss
eraded the si reels, snd made a very good
greet aliow. In the evening su immense
audience filled Ihelentatid witunaeed one
if Iho finest iieifortuamvi ihsl has ever
lesen given under estiva In 'hi cliy. The
iierforinsms oiismetl with the' eraud
eiieatrtan iUdrllle, e feature not hereto-
lore atietiiiHsd. 1 he renwrksbla imue
if John Hheruisn hs-eloel none of I lien
ounnltig iutw thev were loot here Poo
le w ho do not think that s nor can ls
ediicsted should nee these wonderful
animals W II (lornian. the hurdle rider.
wuo has lieeci the principal attraction of
lowe'a aud other great K4ru clrcosa,
with the show, aud his lure ha k
riding was nisrvelloua.
The riding of Mia Pauline la, the
queeu of the arena, wsa moat entertain
ing tea turn. Her Juggling ad wbiin
riding wan thrilling. The M.roM-o broth-
era, acrobats, were excellent In their or-
tortiiancen. vyillle U'lasll In his vsultine
on horaetiack drew out loud applause
There are four down m.d a vartetv of
act which are highly nninrtatntug. The
iiilnsirel iierforuiauce after ttte regular
ctrcua In splendid, luiroducine the tiausl
find tt and s ncn olio. The muaeuiu,
which I opened st 10 a u., and oontiuoaa
till after the circus performs nee, -onislas
many st'rat.'ttve feet urea. Tne entile
woman, the Australian og, the sword
wallow er, the Ctn-urksu beauty, sud the
iiviug w mi tier, i here win a twrtorui-
u.e tbl afiornoiuai 2 o'clock, aud ill the
evening a', s. -standard."
Standi, ef rasdls.
Lint of the pupils iiatuas of Knox Untie
school. Dint. No. I. showing their stand-
Ing at the close of the term sliding July
th, ISSS :
ordsnia Chamtwra, loft
laititia Chamber eft
Aurllda Archibald eeeeeeeee
son Arrnibald.. W
a I OfHH . ... Wft
lCnaella Houston eeseess .... ,stsw
esse Archibald . . . . U6
f.lllle t'hambet ..let
I teaser Conn au
Wayne sillier sweeeeeeees
usagbton Knox. . ..w
Villii t ti un ..... . 1m
Kdna Blnan ..sN
altata llou-nm s ,
Higtuond Ktini no
lieiia Ar hiftald sseseeeaa i . . seeesae . So
Frank Archibald Kfi
rumer t'oon so
John 'ham bare si
Taoina Chamber To
J scon Chambers asosajass) eoeaesooi I
David Nasi
lsloii ISmbvI,. ...... 0
Ben Neat To
fjeuisu ttkaata, 70
Clyde 7S
V.CL Rit av, Teacher.
(1rrhtn, igegei J im sad s a .isKei,o.sMsis
steasrt.) In the matter of taw pel Ii Ion af Thoe
Maf Jlars for chsnge of County road, re
port of viewers and surveyor read tie
first Hum,
The leport of I M Bruce, fltip't of con
structlon of bridge so rose Hsiuiltoa creek
si BurreH's aocspteil and onnrsctors al
lowed fiMW cot i tract price I M Bruce al
lowed fgo as Hnp't of coni ruction
Ordered that J J Dorrls take I he plans.
ejieol Host Ions snd reports of it W Young
on Hamilton creek bridge, and have J W
Mutton to do such work ss necessary to
tnske it s strong, durable and snoatanllsl
Petition of Oillilan I and uih -rs for re
lief ol Jno MeOIII not al owed.
Ordered Ihsl bouse rent be paid for Mra
Heport of P A Moses, 8up'i of Public
fiistruotlon ftoepted.
Resignation of M A Rogers as sheep In
sped or accepted and A Condrs appointed.
Hondn, f 1000.
P Keetnr allowed 2500 feat of lumbar for
Dial 'JI.stso MsUreidt 'UAH faet for Dial
Annual tnport of J H Peery, entity
Treanurer, eoulinusd.
Iteport of J H Puery, local agent for
sjobowl fund acoeptail, and warrant for
$10.02 ordered drawn in hie favor.
Fees In State ve Indian Henry, allowed.
Matter of fees sgalnat Harvey Orebstn,
Jas Dixon allowed to fix budge near bin
far to.
Bt John A s one, advanaaJ I0J on Bear
creek bridge, and II W Young appointed
to Inspect mat end Beaver cieek bridge
Ordered that bills presented by J J
Dorri for building bridge, vouohed for
oy him be allowed and warrants drawn.
Fees In committment af IClia JiaBa!-
I'iO appropriated for Jewell family.
mi. I. ai.Louri'.
40 W Young , inspecting bridge 0 ; C T
Crsll, ksoplng Craft a panper. r-'i ; Jas
f Jndley and John Blsvlem, lumber, 4;
K It Abbott, I utilizer, : J Donee, spikes
UN i J H Peer r, salary turns, $OQ ;
1 A Moose, salary, X mo. $161 ; Foabey A
Msson. asdae, $3T 37 ; Meat on A Dygert,
two blank records, 37 ; Mr. I Snyder,
t '011111 y sad Circuit 1 unit iintexaa, fTS,
(bill $H0.&0i ; V I, Hyda. knplng Horace
l)avi, :; mo. ; Jo Jause, innpeotBsg
bridge site, lt;HKl mypstol, infiectlng
brldgae, flu ; Wat Fields, lumber for Diet
20, $t .' W : Robt nw m t- Went, lumbar for
DUd IT, ta.:2W; for IMat 2. 4M f for
Inst IA, 7. ts ; far Dint I-, f ' ; for Diet
gl, i hT ; for Dot M fftfAlS 1 taj Robin
son, lumber for Dial in, $e.M a R Clay-
pool ; 9I0.IO; Jno I soi 11 ; fJbM ; Oee
Humphrey, lo j L Flinn.f'.o . D I" Dun-
lap. ss MMp'tf4;Oe Humphrey, fee,
aag.71 . W H II istoii,bl. kunthiog,.: k,
CH Ktewsrt, $IZIM; Jno loom, fa.10;
Ooo Humphrey, flS ; Jno loom, inspect
ing bridge, 3 1 C II Stewsrt, tetsgrsphiug,
is ttrttoailtd
Xlbart M. Wais-.ii was bom In Gran
ville, Put nam oonuiy, Illinois, sepieiuu-r
2ttk, 1160. In It? I he, with bis fattier eed
his father's fsuiil v, emlgrgusl to A rksa-u-where
the family resided until the year
IS70. While here Albert profe ssail relig
ion ami united nlrnedf wltb the Baptist
In lTd the family returned io I I in dn
aad In lH77hey came to Oregon, nettled
In Albany, and have bad their home here
ever si noe, A bom two years ago it he
came apparent thai the fell destroyer, con
nitnaptio 1, had marked Albert for It own.
Kver since have lather, mother, hrotbeis,
snd sintai . with Increasine. itevrdini
fought u break the hold of the dread
eaomy. Change of climate, Bode npringn.
the sea shore, and every other means that
loving hearts uld suggeat Were reoorted
to io save the sou snd brother, hut alas f
every means foil short of it purjee, and
an July I Ith, 1KH, albert penned rasyond
the "bonrng from whence no t is velar re
turns." Pesfore his death he declare.! hie willing
nene, raadiueas and even deir to go He
went with sn abiding faith in "Him won
death all things wall." Albert we a de
voted worshipper at the shrine of home,
aud was -on tented fully, only, whan com
mingling with hi parents, brothers and
sister. He was a young men of xacn
plarv habits, and earnestly devoted to the
causa of truth and right. Nu ely death
love a shining mark. The mourning
relatives will receive the tender sympa
thies of all who know tbem.
(Hennepin, Illinois, papers please copy.
bjettifii: aTvi: aivwia
'I ies harvesiHm bats bean geesly iiu
prrved for lM try a new style cuOer tea.
Tbi oar is not only maob i.eiter,ernger.
end irfier, botB OSssblSa te nsscbine 1
cut bwer than ever before, whan. nee
vary in picking up, dawn, or rotting sew.? 1
gram. A aew adjustable reel, smeXbiov
entirely now and kftWOtiful ia (is awrve
meals, raises asss ssak- adgber !
fcirmerly, and many other bwprovToeni-.
have Insan added, wbaeh moat be sert m
operation to be folly appreciated. Tb--improvements
and our epeehtl Ceeiore
Of havioK an mljmdab.. wem'
l,(i'l,rir,l: oa lorrttnl toaieullv U n'l
the length of straw, as thai ike baud
si way a Ins placed Iu the cetrfevof tbe sOjeaf,
makes fan McCormndi s ttsachine t list v
farmer ran afford to be w ithoul if he ever
expects to cut snort gram.
Tlesae harvest sm have lately es-e re
d 1 used in price, so there is no weHy of
s fsrsnwr not awvBtg one, if be ha sixty
acres ..1 grain to cut. For safe i v
eUaruBL K Yosis-i..
True, Albany treat "our Imys" in the
ban-bell gmme. All the name we keaee
a challenge In oTer for 'our hove."
They will plsy lb in game nf hall.
jump, wrestle ami ran a fetet ra one
hundred yards, si hmv time ttee Albany
nrrmeti (tne coni.-st o te between fire
men) see fit. Kncli co-item tm be lor
! and eiitcru - IA tag marie for all
the content. This ia not mere talk but
wa mean biz '.Bemto tender.
Our f orvallis friends seem to In? going
crney on their m yard, 10 mmm) run
ner. 11 foot inch juuiferand wreetler.
and evtdeuily need looking atter Al
bany does not claim 10 have, either a
trig Jumper, a fast runner or an expert
wrestler, ami never have. Iu the late
4th of Jolv celebration those cant tuts
were only included an satiny thin
peculiar prooivtty of the t orvallis
bays. We could o"t even make an en
try except in ruoning and that for forms
sake. Betting k'a s 011 sooti a con I eat
would be like putting our head in the
yoke ; but when it come to ball play
ing, our beating their nine l to 15 ia
eight to Cteir nine Innings, speaks for
itself. And we only play this game for
glory, not for money. We are not a
crowd uf batters. W earn anr money
by tho sweat of our brow, and pay our
New gotsU just received st Allen A lr
tin's. Albany. Or. Their SWers bin Noe. I fall
"f new jpwds ef all dsrcri4ioa, also jaaael
full of aw rasioasers. Taswa as aa se 4
talking Kood goods sad low ptieea wiU win.
Yea have got to give the people rredrt for
haviog good eossavoa aaasa. They wiH bay
they can bey the lead good Uf
, that in the rsesan Allen A
Martin a trade is iscreasiag ss faet. Alb-n k
Vtsrtio pay the highest price for prod ot
all kinds.
We.loedsy afternoon, Jnly II, Pletclie
A M toibald died at the Bona af bio father.
MrisJ Archibald, noar Tangent Abo ;
nine day befuse h was tahen with c a
geetkm of the lunge, and kept failing un
111 the time of hie death, all e flora to euro
him being of no avail. Ha waw abasu )
years cf ne, and was an exemplary Toung
man, pne, easing a isosde dasenjeitioa and
ests-l ent babsts. He wl I r sadty mi aad
by hi- parens sad young ftkends, wkw
have the sympathy ol oil ia their arBn-tkou.
Peg sale
t Ham 1 Cohen's, for $3.sV per
Jak Plain school, in IMstrkt No. 2.
cloned on fhdmy, Julv sab. 18KL Whole
number id pupil su rot led during the
term average daily ertaodsnre. 2J. .
illaa enMaeoarf Veank Wlnw fc.l .
.TZLTTZl " 1. J" ' : i4nr smith. for
s snssa sw gasavsw as awe as e ae a anew -saeeaas aaa
. . . ey la their
the pia-a uepenii, on tue way in nutcn it
It ie one of the province ef a newspaper
to advortnas the country in wbn-ti K clreu
lot, aad that -in the reason wdiy it is so
M w-rfts
Wit-o bis famil; t. ....n-h, oi I'octland, is visitiu
w th her n-ieuts, Mr and Mrs Joseph Wsh
in the:Dtr " this city,
taxdaw. I 4 "' ;e" Mswktas. the skjlunl j.b printer,
it wot to nutrfMid the lirat of th week, on
make to them, whether they pay .;. UriaBt easiness,
Portland or l.,on or any other ountv, We v,r Wumberg is rusticating tins
believe the troth to be that under the eld ! ' gag wherever hu horse will taks
law they sneaked out of it. irn. isuhoiiing the Bey.
Borne pasties with teams croaeiog the" NV H -w in Boo them Oregon,
Casnadea en the gantiam road the Grst ef ths wher" hs baa s good position on the construe
week on their wav to Corealli nk raneht tion work of the exteuaioo.
ins fire. and were ehMged te desert their
sad goods, which were completely
! nVadef ; M9 (AtUiUKii tr the city, matted of the 30 destroyed They go; ssrty U esfstv with
s any uf tijaw, god wo 0oM Is g bead of j M che4p
or $40 as now.
A large iru tin to baa been iotroiluoed
uear the Magooha mills, in plaoe of tne
wjdeu one. This is miite au improvement
ior the water works.
Keaeaasste great Circus will be here 00 the
'20th of tins mouth, it is the best circus
ever in toe Northwest, and everybody
should get ready to attend.
It was reported a few days sgo that Mr
Ellert, formerly a partner of Mr K McCoy
ia this eity in ths tirug busmen bail 'been
filled, n qakUnd,. Cb " ! '
Single bngy barness for $18, and plow
harness for 4 at Thompson A '., sad.
1 dies, whips, boggy robes, oombs and brushes
many ft white maw,
t eiuese Harbiiogo
MesJIe satuee sawum w Jl liep
c iogp, no fcteaui salee round now.
Tbe Fourth heap lots of peonle in Al
hjaWy. To-day no blody here,
pelican man run off with 1. 'her mane
vraiaB, Chimtinar. bestp K,a.
Vfcjaiooa men take io fifteen L.iudred
tjoliarsalle ssinee 'cw ysars. Chi nan mn
i07 Ipse.
hinam.'jn srol;e opiira, alio t?
ygute "too, Meiin in Uriwks wMlWry,
gilg9 surr.f.-.
A High Nager-
Tho 2nd of July Prof. J. B. Horner, of
Brownsville, was granted a life diploma
by the State Board of Kdocation. This is
U e highest hoi.or that n be tuerred
44 a tjjkxber ami One but fow ever obtain.
i;he Safem "StafeeuinH Kayi in reference
!olt, "'Pio'f. McKlroy sayij that Mr. Ht.'rn
ef paiwed a good exiin nation riht under
l' (the Sup'ta) eyes " If i oqg of the
tj's best ngBaglora, ami is deserving ot
tjjta horjo.
vmk ;i-i-
their teams, after 0 t.1ehje-r.1ble of sn effort
Their name, we no Urstand, was Stewart.
The Flolmea Comedy (Jeotpony ho noth
ing to do with the shoe here oa the 4th aa
iutimated last wesk. In cierfonndini it
Itov Joo Shea, one of Keeet Hoots 'e liaod
aooicat and moat virtnoua titins was in
ths city ths first of the week.
Mra 0 H Stewart, ami children left f r
Hslsey last WcdnesJny, aod will fpeud
some time thai e visiting iVtead.
Mr Wallace Maui, -y left .SaleUi for Nee.
pert a day or two sine 4 by way tt Ka's
Mr lilram Kenton returned ou last
Wesliteeday, frum Coo oouaty, where he
bal been to work hie gold separator.
Hefore he had hardly gotten from the
cars, soma one oocoeted him With :
"How did it work V
And he wee met With the same query
wherever be went. He wee ooltgad to
tell every body that hs bad ouly jut got
ten the separator sat, so that It wsa dif
ficult to explain the matter fully, although
aa far as tried it works splendidly, and is
saving all the gold that paaaas through it.
Y enter day Mr Kenton left for the Hav to
e whet is being aocompltsaed with tbe
one in opereOou there. Mo far uothirg
hs oociured to mar the moat sanguine
hope of alt in this ingcnius machine, and
now there I li tie doubt thu it will ac
complish sll that he been planned fur it.
. . a)) ,
ard ef thank.
la -show u up." Take au o;der settled
country, ihMigb. like Idnn oonuiy, where
the many nd vantage have been told end
retold, sod there is little baaee lor the
j Hirual to shout boom unlaws noma tie
rsssotiro n duscuvemd - v uld we, for iu
naius, db-ovr a vaat ssl mine, e could
attract tho eUeiiti-n of a large number,
and have uimiy oven turned thin way ; but
no amount of oasertiag that we have a
tuagniuoeui fn ruling country will have
much taUuenca while land rami on much
mon than it can be gotten for in a sewer
coontry. Albany may have the Onset
water power in the sutta, aapable of turn
ihg vast amount of machinery, but it is
not the terminus ol a railroad, and has no
fine harbor to adverlUe iu The novelty
laopeesive spelling
The following nxmed pupils ware not
tardy during ths term : JTJixa Movent,
Ida Movent, Annie nov rn, Are Mnsith.
Iona Ktudh. Samuel foil in. John rtavia,
lannie Itautney. ILeie Ksmney and Iri '
Walton. I
A i though tbe day w very warm aud
oppressive, there ere quite a number ot :
the friend aud patrona of the school pre
ant to witneno the closing eaereisa. which
con sistd of node, derlsmxtmii and -loot
UAXftaV FaManw. Ten her.
Y. P. C. A. Hall, Albany.
supported by the following
fr4 ryjnadlM rtraajatli MtW,
Mj lHlfM l.i .al. 1 SAruv, rrXui "
Mr rr
ttM Hmyf roeasa Msx ads WPn.
ah aanajaajBS, HwXim anvil
aasnrork aiat in her tea feat.
J. H,., i., ...
cososs laasapftaSel ain- oe ansa. dr. a B lef grass
A latter received by Chief hngineer Joa
Waddssr, ftom SaJctn Mdide the Albany
Iiwpmrimeat that the following resolution
aud CLIP
Mavke Tttiaga Lively.
r Re-erred east a: Fnahfty a
of those Other things will ksve to Ins loot j woo unanimously passed at the lam meet
eight of before we can get the notice wa ing uf Engine Company No, 1, of
deservs on a ' unt uf certain adautegen
wopsawasa There .is no laaeau whv in
time Albany should not become out of
the leadiug mnnufactot Ing citias on tne
roast, but i bin cett not be looked for no j
long on the money .t rnnnan is goverenel
by a set of t. who c ire n ithtag for
its interest n.
Kleellea -f WSXrer.
that city :
Reaolvad, Thst tbe tbftuks -.f this mm.
peny be sxtamoed to tbe Alb my Fire De
part tneni ior their ourQhtt ami itiradSy
treatment td mr honeieeni v. ho psni -i-pated
in the coient st Albanv on July
vs. r, t.
Toe Wotuaue Chriatiau TetoiieiaiMa
t'uion will meet at the V P A hall on
Unity Cm no 1 No v I O C V elednl Tueedey, July 1 7th, at S o'clock, p. an.
with another ompaiiy e did not psy it ; buwling, a uew but rome
two or thro weots ago, wbiie Mr Robt
H iwman was painting the residence of Mr
D Mansfield, bis vest couUinluz a silver
watch was stoleu. It was supposed that an
la-Pan dtd the stealing, and so Marshal
h irkbart tracked him to Dallas, but as
nune of the properly could be to and, he
yaij released. The1 vest was ft(U,rwgrd9
found on the bank of the river in this
city, but tbe watch was non estt aud has
tot yet been found,
Any out wishing to purchase a pair f
j good mares er a pair of good horses would
tin well to call upon A. Uinphrey living
four miles west of Lebanon.
The Governor has been requested to call
a special session of the Legislature for the
purpose of repealing tbe mortgage tax-law,
but it will probably not be called.
keporta from different parte of the shale,
including Linn county, indiaate that wheat
ia beadiog out wU aad croR wil) be toch
better than was at one time anticipated
Allen 4 Martin keep, cqnatnty on baud
au eilefts variety of ctirseta, The Mevtr
lasting," "oubreakabls" agd ,,cordtroy,"
the three best cotasts wade, always io atook.
J H Rdoey bronght ua a specimen of
fall wheat from Miller's, which looks well,
; tbe kernels being plump and green. There
will be about au average cropftroaqd Miller's
M mday the Albany t'alrmePs' tj.o. slipped
tl;e1aat wheat from the warehouse an thia
city. It b4 beeasolil eeveral ' nonths. ago
for $1 but had not bteu delivered ontil oa
tbftt 4y.
lie cream is at a premium, during the ter
rib'le warm weather. Hoffinau A Josephs
ia the placs to get it, as well as emojoade,
s.a water, pop beer, and, the best groceries
i I . X m A
in lf,e h?fet.
V it Wheeler, lately nf fchedd, has re
moved to Astoria where he has gone into
business. He readied Astoria just io time
to hsve bis goodi burned by the great tire'
iu that city.
One can haally pass a single Chinese bouse
io the city without smelling the terrible
fumes of opinio, and aa well see them with
their opium pipes in the.r mouths, notwith
standing our laws-
Io the plug uegUea cu the ith ens of the
mneh of a oofiipliment 'I'ns pt ea of Walls
Walla, Tbe Danse, etc.. as will as part of
Portland, compliment it very highly. It
will be here next Tuesday, a id ev-ry body
abotild go and hear it.
Ouite tirju4 ind oantect baa lictn
going n at the Gterk'a nfp;e in thia city
during the week. The heirs of John Class,
deceased, were proving on this homestead
taken up by their father, hut their right
was ooutested by Calvin C Cooper, Deposi
tions were taken before County Clerk Stew
ftrt. Tbe great Eastern Mastodon Amusement
Enterprise exhibits iu this city to-morrow,
(Saturdaj ) evening. It will contain vri
ety of characteristic, one of which being lb .
fe-rntm of iisai et-ra of tifteen dtf.
! . ' . . . ! -s . .j
.feut ifpjruct. si',!,,. o-aviog tue atage.
lUftie will be La- to ploying, Uuets,
negro eccutrici,tjes, sung and, deuce, CkM'e-
dy.relaud va (erigany, SOf igy egfitletf
!.tage iitrjik, ' ,
aat Friday evening Chief Engineer Wrh
ber saaiated by bis satimfthle wife, treated
the boas boy a of No. I's to laoch at their
hall uu aeoood street, which tt ia claimed,
was one of tbe beat collations every spread
for firemen. The boy a were somewhat taken
by aurprtse, as they tpoggbt they Were
meeting on a company matter, i hey are
loud to' their praises for Mr snd Nlfa Web
Ui . r' ....
v'Sfhf Albany yocR gravely informs
if reftdsa that in Nevada and California,
tbe dust is ao thick that bells on ths teams
are necessary in order to prevent collisions.
A man that would beliey? that wotjld
belieY ftnylhiog iorif. Jo other words
ltibt (irahem is st ippiug lor awhile
Indenmdeiice. We hojet tbe climate
that place will agrco wttli his health.
S I) Ivee, Ceueral ."itt nf Uie i ircim-h ..
;uud, wss in Albany last Friday and Satur
day, adjusting the Ins m the I'no
W B Barr returned from the t.ascads
range theiiist of the week, having been ou a
surveying expeditioa ou the wagon rood.
Prof L J Powell, of Seattle, was io tbe
city last week. He seems to lie meeting
with good success as a teacher at that place.
Wat Monteith left for ilepuer Lfttt Wed-
ueauay aud, we under-land, intends living
there, ilia brother Mack, ia now at Chat
Prof Ijobb and wivo IciX Ipt Satanl-iy for
a weeks Visit down the river on the West
Hide, wherf they have mgoy friemts to eider
tain tbetU,
Dr ( irithn red rood to AlhitlV tw lirat of
tpe Vfek after an abaegoe of about u year
in the fcast, We h4Ve not learned wliere he
iuteuds locating,
Mr J D Smith, who has beeit hi the
Dkmocbat office for the last aix motitha,
left for lianaaa last Monday, his pareuta
tsidiag ia that State.
') I H Condifand wite, and Miaa Lib
Lie ''Portmiller loft lait VYeMuesay ter
M7'" ?! A mpJt hea,ijtifMl
ptiintg for o,baerYatyu r the atats.
taaniutou riatt, a most genial printer,
lately at work oh the Oregonian, was in ths
city lost Tuesday. He is looking through
the Valley to see the country.
Capt ft Jjj Ityore, of Capital Quards,
Mr Isaac fejott and, Mr Ifarry Wgtsnp, all
of Saiffn,, vets tg the city lt SutnrcUy
aa!ea 4k. Saa ml f " L. , ' i.' B a.
We the ofli er ei Km x's Kutie H
Distrot No. t'i, litntt fath Uregou. Would
tenders vote of Uiauks t. Mi.M V C Kistey
steu'iiier iu gal I District, ' f ib- ftb,lti
n,rformetioe t.f ber duly, e lesnher in the
a)tiool rooui.and veonbi renoifnly ask her
tj return at notne lutbei tints and teu. b
school for m axsiu.
N. IIot'SToN,
M. Nil . Kit,
H CuN.M,
Ol rector .
J. W. Ptuirwr,
lUstri'it Clerk.
The fteatrfs Ssasses.
Followiog are some of the results uf the
Kooteh gftiuea ih in Finland Inst week r
u highest, Hitch nud kick, feet.
putting heavy stone, ran hast. St feet.
i -on gent running Jump, IS foot, u in.
Highest running Jump. A feet.
Farthest throw ot be ivy hammer, 7?
feet, 'J i iinlies.
Vault with pole 0 feet Ml iut-hon.
LongeMt hop, step and jump, 40 feet, "
the folio Wiug officer to -ct e III nsj
suing term :
J II iWuseud 0
M rn E Sloan-Vice C.
Mlas Belle Ptitunux Saaseiery.
K M Krentth Pinauciai S. cr aty.
L Martin Treasure.
A II W.ioUm, Prwiate.
Mlas Mat lie AH'n.Hi -Mamlial
Mrs ' Win u- vVnrdeii.
j Mrs Julia J Wyuiaa Nu i.-d,
Jno A Milluru -sieiitry.
lr lit II aud ir H' rm--.ledi. al ex
and tier.
I veiled laeasaeds
All ever the land are going into enUcy
over Dr. King's New Ihnoovery for I'uu
fsiiifiptinu. Their unlocked ijor retswery
by the timely use of tb great lile .Saving
remedy, causes' them tq go nearly wild iu
ii prataei U guarsnteed to peeitiveU
cure Sievore Coughs, Colds, Antnmo, May
1-ever, llronchitis, Hoanesnesn, la .d
Veiiw, or any aflaetion of tbe Throat ned
Lung. Trial Mottles free at rusbsy A
Munon'n Ihug Store. Large sixe I.uo.
t . r.. i
tSarBTTrxs jv;s )ra, M3a)
3 HOOK SI. 50
m. Hilt
.:,rar 1 foster is branoed on each CIOVE.
Mks. M.J. Towssgnjit, Pie-.
Mas. :..), Tt nm: ix. Sec
Krrksbirs IHg.
it' tiiliuere, near Millers Station.
h en atnis - i .
Ctr. ct rs , astca, nnaones ri.e. eats. , Tj QTr Attft University.
uiie. -mi i, iiipinuiia-, t.,pfira. i. .
Ilrugistv ,
tfS he, do," we Mr lLdlo,ra,o, hw d,o you seeing the many sights irt nnr heuutiful oity.
prefer tfl bight, to,Cuorada dt . twenty
paces or how f
There has been considerable speculation
as to how much money was left io tbe city
0y the ith of July celebration. Of course
nothing definite ca be ascertained, aiihougt
eetisaates are made. As basis we pvjatji
f apt tbtll te aalpooa took io about flotpo,
one alone getting $600. Beuie .other estab
lishment were treated nearly as v; ell, and
taken oil together it smnunts up to quite ft
sum, at least $5,000.
Mr A J Beard, of Jefferson, was iu tba
eity Monday. He lias aold bi drug store at
that place to Mr Watt Johnson, aud will
take a trip to the mountains, sturtin tliis
Our fcllu.iv tovoian W ugibsh, so
log wijti. 'ilen Martin will remove nctt
week with his family to Sweet Home where
be will establish a tannery. Stwes to
Mrs Darriek1 f Orawforda ville, au I her
, aapbew, Mr McMuilan, travcUug acnt,
nenietUleg for tia h vviitln, Mptk
aaaed chip licet', eaue tia,
Sliced, sal tftup, ftonaod wsoksrsl,
t iiiokeu and turkey, head cheese.
Cursed benf, pigs feet, salmon,
Lobsters, oysters, deep asa mack
erel, aardiues, boneless herring,
I'ork sud beaus, cod lh bftlla,
(biviled. bag), et., eta ftt
This tronp will be here on Tttesday
night, of next week. It is very bigh) v
apoken of by the prers wbarYai fi
tbowed, aod abould tiot bg cotundsd
u With other third. oUfts troupe. Hetneaiber
r it, n n i "n -
It it ftt V P O A ball Everybody sbouiu
go aod have a big laugh and a good time.
Reserved .seats can he bad at Fosbsy A
The Yooog People's Tern jieranoe ITniyn.
will ineetattbe V 4 Oft hail on No,Uir
day, July I4th at 2;;W n'olc k, a. ts. Prises
will ueorieiwd. or regulftr atteudsuvw
Mrs. M J.TawsskNu, Prea.
i. J. TV HsKl.U, Soo.
Peeks wad Baggie.
Just reoeivetl an iuvoioe nf h.ioks and
huggisa direet from the Abbott Buggy Oo
Chicago, which will he aold at reduced
prioea aa these goods hav srnved much
later thai coatraoted (or, 1 do not wish to
keen these over winter, parties wanting
..." . .. ! . . . i J .
will ee tt to tueir inioresi to can au-i gei.
s lia,ag.
entsnat . -
New Mitring goinb in weir and boys'
clothing gt Allen st MartluV Their stock
is vey usmiptaie and they make every
men happy where price and quality is
I resh lh.
Fre-li tisli oati had every tuorniiig
t Hyde Kieli Market, ouo tUstu ea o
Twceslale' Stove and Ti a stare.
Ittdle ;
AUev. V Martin h tve just received from,
New York ft large mock of Isee. iall and
ee tbem end euguire prtcee
Oldest Institution o! Lsa-n'tig an
the Coast.
OD OrVS A N I IXStUtt Hilt
C 4tea ig Libers) Arts with t cou'
I g Msdicio. PV.rUai-d. Ofw.
1. Oalnnrs S XsUlhui
.;. V bsisii's CoUaee iil i"..uvrrat..' -i M.-..-
and Art UeparteaMtv.
4. I ni.emitv Acade nr. in rfci-h dioas are
eiven tor Baauieas future snd iur,
far Pre par "TJ' Cuune.
Aywane nwly's taileai U Vmrd in Woesan's '..t
lev s e-hnol veer oasts itr S13.V. A yiniae. unui'a
Ward sn4 luttiuii a sSml year esstn eole tHimu
Kir l term b.u Sasxjr Jrd. oend for estakniu:
Ul IVeaidsat, nanwr, orvy.41..
nrtoss. sh
S .urtL E. Yocno.
ur gLfc a alt.Mt a SftLVC.
Tbe bast, salve in tbe wot Itl lot ts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, intU rU;em, levar
LAXODOX-On SomUy, July 1. to
ska wife id' R NV Uusgdoa- a son.
;rrtT"'-rcyr " ' ' ' " r" ' '
Strayed, Lost or Stolen.
In Jeffersou, oua aorrel horse l. bansly
bigh branded with figure 7 un left shoul
der and two SS or double 8 en left sti.
lasi eeeu by t he aw uer about 1 0th of June,.
1833. A liberal reward will he given i
tbe party fumtnhing infornastion as to His.
wbaiahnnls. or returning him ta JelVi
eon, Msriou, Co., Oregon.
WlLXlA-NJ Ml.tM.ttt.
soree. letter, c
m an
bands, ohilidains,
d 0 shin eruptions,
uarna ao
Tw sVY hi guaranteed to give perfect
jfttiafaution iu every oase or money re
funded. Prioe 35c par box.
For sale by Fosbsy dt Mason.
Ilnwts and fsaers.
Stinison at Ball have for sale iu this eity
40 aplendid draSt horses, just brought from
Eaetsrn Oregon? Call on thest.
At Alien & Martin's is the piece te find
hoots au J shoes in any quality you wish , j
and at any price. Good goods in this line
will be sold cheaper than at any store In
the valley sud no old stock to work aft
SIMPSON. -Oo July 10th, 1883, at C ,ral
lia, MavaUM, wife of John Simpson.
Mra Simpson, until three or rear year a
ago had resided in Albany ainoe corny" horn
ths Fast with her parents some tea yrara
ago. She was a dfteghter of Mra f.'eorge
Monteith, aad ft niece of Mr Thos Monteith.
ue gewa Ot her death received here the
asms night shocked all who heard it, noth
ing so. ssrisus being expected, l'oaeasing
a nobis, lovable cbstaotsr, a whole cam.
tnuoity will mourn her lusr. Having been
sick conaiderably during tbe lost three
years aba displayed the patience and ' forti
tude oi the Chriatiau. Pare and ge serous,
she leavea behind her many who will griavex
aorely at ber death. Her heart stricken
husband, mother and iateri poMioularly
have the aytnpathy of all. A little labe but
two weeks old ia left motherless and aloor,
bat while it cannot have a molhera aire, it
will have ths best Co be had.
Miss L. Leiivitl,
for all diseases cf the .. uaase a
e It ban speeaftS aeUoa em alls sseet tnsasetaa
orfsa, t-irv,!-"C it to throsr off Uriaivr eS
fnanann sOamlshsa tkaaaslt: seuaaeaa
toe BO, aad by aveeeiag Um boasai in fast
eoeaUtloD. sfSnSSm iu tacuiar diac aa.-
aaeal eaelea i-y bm!-w .
lwl4slariiSB msawtg, Ubve Uu 1 Jn
ars VA) oua, cUspaptic c r ecu' -VVeetsnaisareIr
rsUeee nnS skly c.
sln Use Spring to clean to fcystcm. sry
eoe sjssont safcn a Uinswnr loun ot il
U- ftOLD BY DRUGGIST, prtceet.