The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 13, 1883, Image 2

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    s rl, rss fc-aiBWaiS liai Bl " w a-aaaat . .-irSla'r
BBaBsfeaV aSMfa.
- "-mmtmrn j- asjaer mafWj avsww aa.-
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FRIDAY JULY 1.1, 1883
The popular demand,
cals ont.
Turn the raa
Mr. Arthur and the Republican (tarty
are losing their hair.
The Republicans might run M ah one
for President,
! - -J - J ..
U is getting to be a ooltl cold world
for the Republiean party.
It will be observed that Ohio Demo
crats have the RebuUicena bj the wool.
Ko fire will have to be aet under the
Ohio campaign this year to make it
The Ohio canvass is the skirmish
which precedes the Presidential battle
The otltoes of the country belong to the
people and should not be prostituted to
partisan ends
Eleven good men and true, and one
with deliriumtremens.ssy that star route
stealing ia no larceny.
The moat conspicuous and influen tial
free trade newspapers in the United sta
tes are great Republican dailies.
When a Republican robe the Go verm,
ent it is never considered sny thing more
than an irregularity.
Horsey is unaccountably alow in fir
ng off his libel suits. It is possible be
suspects they are loaded at both ends.
It will have to be left to a Democratic
Administration to reform the I log rant
and notorious abuses in the National
If Foraker ia as good a judge as he is
represented to be, he probably knows by
this time that he will not b the next
Governor of Ohio
Horsey declares most positively that
he will not be a candidate for the Repu
blican nomination for the Presidency
The cheering intelligence comes from
New Hampshire that the Republican
machine haa been smashed ail to pieces.
Senator Htrrison says the RjpubU
c ia outlook in Indiana is very bright.
Evidently the acquittal of Horsey gives
our Republican friends over the border
much hope.
Ex-Speaker Randall didn't waltz
around among" the colleges as Genera
Butlerid, but he succeeded better than
Batler in securing honor, Hickinson col
Iee ha just made Randall an L L H.
We call the attention of our readers to
the oration delivered by R. L. Mcivee,
of Portland, in this city July 4th. It is
production well worthy the thoughtful
perusal of old and young alike.
Reportable Massachusetts is ia a ter
rible fix. Of all her bine bloods not
one can be fonnd who is willing to risk
the chances of next election in a race
against tough old Ben.
The Ohio Democrats declare "for a
tariff tor revenue, limited to the
nreessities of the Government." That
doctrine will enourage productive indus
tries; but wilt not foster monopoly.
Now Mr. Horsey threateua to make
public certain documents which he tells
his friends will seriously damage Blaine,
MacVeagb, the late postmaster-general
James, and, indeed, all the Republicans
who deserted him in extremity including
riie President. In that case Mr. Horsey
will be able to again focus the puble eye
is a very brilliant and talented manner.
Hon Frank flird of Oato has been
interviewer on the outlook. He says
it will be impossible for Randall to lie
'ected speaker except upon the condi
tion that the committee of th house
fehall be so made up as to give h un
iiiuiied opportunity to discuss tariff
reform. Regarding the Ohio canvas,
he says, (loadley is ready and armed.
Kird thinks there U not a K ;p iblican"
ia Ohio who knows anything abnt the
political situation that will way that
F wa'ier has any chance of Reces.
Tne ilepublican party has a peculiar
way of showing its devotion to the can
st of protection. It inmofA the law in
t Jongress creating the comntiasion to re
vise the tsrifi'. President Arthur the lea
Aee aad repi tiaetative of thai party, ap
jOvei the U-varti naujl the commis
sion, a ntajmity of whom :tr K -publicans.
Tuat c m oi4io i vinite J nearly all
the largest! tea in the country, except
taose tu iitt south, sod investigated the
subject an4 took testimony sufficient to
rill two large volumes and then made
their report, in wnich they recommenced
a redaction of the duty on nearly every
article iu the schedule of duties and re
sorted a hill to congress making snch
reduction. The bill passed congress in
nearly the form reported and was appro
ved by the President. And now when
sa Hdmocrat talks of tariff revsion he is
denounced as a free trader, in league
with BritisLi gold. And when republi
cans meet in convention they resolve in
favor of a high protective tasirf. S ic'j
The vigiiantes at Astoria are driving
all hoodluias and tramos from that
t;lty. QQBc e who nsf uei the aril
HH i iH iaa . m .... . .
HHBlHHBaHlnHHBHIHmiBIBBkBMuW ft ' . JHBaM . I 1 I ill W a . fi A I III I I I I I II TIM
mux v pic mSmtu uw L
And now the news finds its wsy to
the ears of the general public, that
President Arthur is attempting to form
a coalition with a few disappointed
Democrats in North Carolina, after the
manner and form of his coalition with
the repudiation is U and the elements of
the baser sort in Virginia. And with
whom does he seek a coalition in that
State t In brief words they have in that
State a law ami an order element who
labor to uphold the laws and dignity of
the state, who deaire and labor earnest
My to in the van of advance
ment, progress, sad reform, who look
upon the moral and matstial progress
of the people as the ohief interest of the
hour. Happily, this party, the Dem
ocratic party, is in power in that state.
Two years ago the moonshiner, the
lawless bands, the free whiaky
elements, were crystalued and
led by Republican leaders against the
Democratic party in that state. As it
richly deserved, the Republican party
was defeated, and now the great mora
force of the advanced civilization 01
that state finds expression in the ad
minist ration of her public affairs
through the agency of the Democratic
party. It is a sad commentary upon
the moral vigor of a great party, when
we say, (speaking the words of troth
of current history,) that, finding it no
longer haa influence with the better
elements of society, the Republican
party basely consorts and seeks alii
ances with the ignorant, the base, the
lawless, the corrupt elements of the
south, in order to make up there, for
the loss of power in the north. And
whst are the means to be used in rank
ing up allianees with these elements
Simply a distribution of public patron
age. These offices are the inducements
held ont by Arthur to induce voters of
the Democratic party in the south to
art and identify themselves with the
Republican party. No one knows bet
ter what class of men to appro than
Arthur does. Rsared and educated in
the atmosphere peculiar to corrupt
ward politicians ia large cities, be ia
peculiarly fitted and qualified both by
nature aad education to contract such
allianees ss be made with Mahone in
w. W"
v irgtnia.
In seeking s North tJaroltnsiao who
will be willing to aril his birth-right
for an office who will in consideration
of such office agree to work for that
party, Arthur will shnn the honest,
the noble, the brave, the true man,
wish aa much watchfulness and care as
a thief would an officer of the law.
Are our words too strong 1 We would
be glad to think that they ate. But
Arthur's conduct and history justify
the language. The man who could
stand up before the public gsre and
boast that by means of "aop," .'mean
ing money corruptly need,) he sod
Horsey ha4aEried the nhvHion ' in
Indiana in October ISiO, can iierer
free himself in public estimation from
the charges end statements above made.
Is it a matter of surprise, than, that
decent Republicans ail over the country
are becoming disgusted with s party
that will allow itself to be placrd under
Bach leadership 1
saw issas esrsssj.
It waa the prevailing ofsntuo when
the legislature met in September In,
that the new Insane Aaylum would be
advanced towards couplet ion sufficient
ly to admit of its occupancy by the
Insane and idiotic, by the first of
December last. But for some reason
not made publhz the legislature passed
an act authorizing the Oovernor to
con tractor ith the heir or administrator
of J. C. Hawthorne, deceased, for ib 1
keeping of the Insane and Miotic for
seven month, or such time m he deems
best for the health of the (ratients,
from the first dsy of Icemher I 82,
at not to exceed rive dollars tr week
for each patient.
Now the seven moolUs have passed
and we hear of no .rparetbM isaing
raale to remove the patients. I n faot
it is reporte! that it has been decided
to retain the Ins in iu the old Asylum
at Kiet Portland until sometime in the
Some time sine ilein aper
hinted that no effort was being made to
complete tbe Asylum building at
Salem. There weie but few men at
work and no progress was beiBfj made.
It might be well to inform our readers
that when the Legislature met seven
months ago the buihling was ' up and
covered, floors laid and walla and ceil
ing plastered, and now in seven months
time the managers have bean, unable to
complete and furnish it for ocsupsnzy.
In the meantime the State has paid the
Hawthorne estate during tbe seven
months about fifty thousand dollars for
the keeping of tbe Insane, whereas a
great saving would have been made if
the State had bad charge of them. The
people are anxious to know why the
State is now being required to pay
seven thousand dollars per month for
keeping the nsane, when she has a
building that cost a hundred and sixty
or two hundred thousand dollars stand
ing ready for occupancy, ?bie matter
is being talked among the people and
we hope those in charge of the matter
will answer public inquiry about the
An engine and eleven cars of the
east-bound freight train on the Newark
and New England road were derailed
owing to the failure to signal properly
where tbe track was being repaired.
M I a mr n i m ail a a ll a. UUU W K. aH V . ! Mas
It ia astonishing how disinterested
some persons are. For the Jest nx I
. aw m. a I
monthatha Chwioruan haa been tellinff
farmers what great hardships they were
te be subjected to in consequence of the
and enforcement of the mort-
gage law. They were told thst as soon
as this law went into effect they would
not be able to get anymore money on
mortgagee. With all this advice and
suggestion made with such disinterested
regard, and even anxiety, by the Ore-
gonian in behalf of the farmers, they
have been thoughtless and ungrateful
enough to lie paying oft' their mortga
gee and telling capitalists that they
need no more money. And as
And aa much
to be regretted ss it is, (1) we are com
pelled to ssy thst since the passage of I
the mortgage Isw, formats hsve found
money obtainable in the greatest abund
ance, and at a lower rate of interest
thsn ever before known. No, Mr.
Orewnian, not a single farmer or
gricnlturaliat has beeen aaking for a
apeciaises-.ono.tne legraiavure w re-
1 w wn w"
lL.1 ..II ...Ml 1... . .11 I
v ... w... ..un
unless oa cap.rai.isis wno are
evmesiviy nvupung vu uougs me pay-
mm oi a just snu utr proportion oi
a .. t n - r . i!.t
seems tola) speaking largely in thst
interest. There may be annoyances in
enforcing the deUiU of the mortgage
law in consequence of imperfections
ana weas poiuw, ami or una tiouuiieaa
complaints have been made, but as to
the general effect upon money loaning
nu ourrawma vurn, own no
complaints, rue larmera ar not wait
ing, but are expecting, to hear theory
"f 1 v-r.a-....- vruMgH
their organ for a special asaaion of the
legislature, but their voice will gencr -
The Orrjvtiian does itself no credit
hen it deliberate! v. and with an
evident apii it of malice, misrepresents
the position of J udge lloadlcy on the
liejuor question. It says that I load ley
is on the aid of untaxel, unlicensed
whiaky. Among other things equally (
positive, Judge 1 load l y aaya : "I be
lieve in a graduating license system
that should bear proportion to the
amount oi the traffic and to the amount
of injury the traffic my do. No man
in Ohio bstea intemperance more than
I cio. The tight principle fjr dealing
with the liquor traffic ia the regulation
of its abuses. "
It was after reading the nummary of
J toad ley's speech from which the above
wss taken, that the Orrjon'mn man
says that Hoadley ia on the aide of
free, unlicensed, untaxed whisky. The
time was when people could he U ml
believe auch miserabb misrepresenta
tions, but the QrrjoHli i hss simply
placed itself before the people as a falsi
fier of facts.
lion. David Ha vie seems not to hsve
lost say of his vigor of expression nor
pnngency of thought in oooseueQce of
his retirement from mkiio life, jjn
the Fourth of July be delivered an
oration at DIoomingtoo, Illinois, and
among other things said that tne
prerious legacy bequeathed to us by
the fathers of the republic can only be
preserved in its purity bf a faithful
observance oi their exsmplee and by a
firm adbasion to their prin.iples. The
tendency of tbeae times U a lax con
struction 5f the constitution, to the
centralization of power, (o extra vagance
in public and private t-zponditure, to
the aggrandizement of wealth in a few
hand.-, and to crporate ooa.b'Dliins
jfgjslfit the pr-ipl", msy well mske ns
psuso and repaid ths fesnre with
; amoving.
(lur fidbia townsman, H H Hwil
I has lsen pMiinteri hi h'-t Kooeliency,
ititiiiaetine w . aa, ,r. . ... m aa V 1 - I aa . m , .
mw wwmw j - a sv-'wrawasiy wf . us
Kastcrn degon to e amine land alaim
ed by the Mtate undrr the swamp Jnd
ga-sj; ofMaich I2,ni;i. Mr Pring rep.
reseats the genersl government, while
Mrlfewitt will take care of the interests
of the State, ft ia a matter of surprise
that the governor should appoint )!r.
Hewitt, not that the appointment is not
a gol one, for we believe Mr Hewitt is
folly competent and honest, but thst his
Kscellency should go out of the wsy to
get another half breed when so many
stalwarts ware ready to take the appoint
ment. Surely special rewards are being
given to the promoters of bolting.
This young attorney alleges that the
Judge is held to le unfair, dictatorial
and insulting by the bar, that he is bru
tish ia lus vulgarity towards attorney's
who are rv$t among his favored friends.
It is further said that tUipnts ask their
attorneys how they stand with
Judge before employing them, snd
that for the sake of policy they request
that the Judge's former law partner be
associated with them in tbe cane, if all
of these things be true we would recom
mend the Judge to resign if. suob s
thing were to be hoped for.
And now comes forward a young at
rtorney, and, in the columns of tbe Wes
tarn ls-q-l$f makes serious charges
against the limes of Judge Balleray of
the Sixth District. The Jvdza was ap
pointed to the bench of the Sixth Ali-
cial District by Govenor Moody. It is
said Judge Balleray presented an array
of recommendations to the governor to
secure the appointment but if this yonng
attorney tells facta, then it is unfortu
te that auch a man should bj cn the
av Kit t roan i tar if ran
The inanuf w'turer of Pnmtdential
election t iih, aaya mo ,vaart, is
a a t a fc 1 . fe ft. S f
about li rium orciipatlon. He
Uas juU, beau heard from in the office
of that atal wart It 'publican ne wapapar
the St. Trwia ((o?4 I)amoeratt where he
was naturally anxious to make as
favorable a showing as lie teasonably
could. He haa produced the following
computation :
Nw feemS.
1 11.
Naw J it v .. . .
uiiimhAIuuI. . .
. ..a
, ...a
U,"4" -
( sa
Matin ... 1 ... -.,. .,, . . . . .0
MlMMatOhtMaTMal. . 14
PSiwini .
Mtohlrai IS
,?to -!
... ...... .........
MUaialMIl H
Sulltt rrliini It
nw uuiwtitr 4
Varmout ..4
Sirtltii l arnllna
Was) Virginia A
SJtHlritt IttilKIM iH
KhoOalklan.t .14
Taxes.. 13
(Mtlamiu I
AfstMMaMa t aaewssesi a T
ssesswOTasi , . . , , , , II
ruxuu a
Oaorgia IS
asesssss .is
UtuUuua S
This leaves absolutely no margin
wbaU)er fur th n- bHctim on1 ,
mBjority. o0 votes is just ex
actly tho nnmW that will be required
to elect If the Repilblieana ahould
n one Of the Kutes which go to
make f t,b, -sgrf.gHle they would los
I '
Sutea are m0re than fairlv debatable.
amJ that At ppcaftnt lbo chances are verv
Ul ftVor of Democratic victo-
rit) of Uiem that msy U class. fled
i tloubtful. Wen we conaider that
New York gave near two hundred
lhottilin(1 njonty against the sdminis
lwUon Iut fA. ItfonsylvanU lorty-
five thouaand. Ohio about thirtv thou-
Athene ;iUto- in the Rannblican
coIumn I(Jok at tmat doujlfl ,f .UtM
K Dpmtttml do
1 n( u lhm
wtawa mtirN tn its Rmniblioan friand.
to get their houses in order for the new
occupants the better.
4- t .u 1 1 aawa
Small h haa made it up;traoc0
at Stockton, California.
I'eltow fever U msklng Its uppesr.
ance at several poiots In the south.
1 oe eston . tuier says crops are
m . mm 9 a a
good in Umstilis county, all I reports toj
the contrary notwithstanding.
C. C. Moore committed auicide at
Oregon City last Saturday by shooting
himself. II was in had health,
penniless and discouraged.
The State Almshouse, of Masaachu
setts, was destroyed by fire July 7th.
Lose 150,000. Supposed to be set on
fire by an inmate. The Inmstes, 0M)
in number, were safely remnie!.
Ism Ovfiner, of Salem, has fieally
, uc IW W,B MIK"' " M,wo
oi a long inc. rie use got an oiuoe
foreman of one of the Salem Fire t'om-
1 1 Mini os.
. A netTu snd a a hits man. ho ref
I tejgive their nsmes outrsge two little
girl at ttetnbright, on the ('inrirymti
Southern road July lh. Both confes
sed thoir guilt and will be lynched.
Advices from along the Northern
lUcii'fc and its branches show rains on
the ; tb, iost. 'fbi improved wheat,
which wss being fopow) to a prematnre
head by the dry, hot weather, (a the
Red River Valley it was especially bad
and tbe rsin arrived loo late to help
thrt section.
fbe condition o( the Ttoasury is ss
follow : Qold oi'm snd bullidh on
hsnd, $19o,5o 1,431 ; silver dellars sad
coin, $28,4 Dj,7 It ; United States notes,
6i,232,te7 ; total, $?T,iiTl,8lO.
Certificates outstanding ; Uold, 801,
o24,e30 ; stiver, $72,::Jo,'j3J j curren
cy, $13,OC5,000.
Kev. J. W. Btah), a minister well
i known throughout the State, died at
Rosehtirg on June "Dtli, aged about 57
yeats. He was sn efficient, untiring
j worker in the ranee of religion, and
leavpr a ost of N.nnda to mourn his
death, vtal;!'() laeaaw was dropsy
of the chest, from which he bar lieep
suffering for sometime.
The todies of ft 'hurt ftitter and
William Ayer, who were drowned in
Silver Lake, Utah, on the Fourth, were
recovered yesterday. 1c seems that
ilittsr and Ayer had taken a young
man by the name of Amos Hhopten ont
in a boat, with a yjew to scaring him,
he being unable to swim. The host
upset, and while he clung to it, they
struck out for shore, snd the water be
ing very cold, they were cramped, and
were the drowned victims of their own
Sara Cook, a negro, who. in a fit of
Jealousy, shot Krama Shores, a colord
girl at Potosi, Missouri, last Thursday
evening and then shot himself, and who
subsequently eluded pursuit, was cap
tured yesterday and taken back to
Potosi. In his attempt to kill himself,
after sbootiDk-the eirl. he fired two
bullets in hie he$dAone of which pene
trated both hemispheres of the brain,
the other passed through one hemis
phere, and both are now inside of his
skull. Notwithstanding these wounds,
from both brains oozed ia considera
ble quantity, the negro remained in
the woods from Thursday evo to Sun
day morning, then he ate a very
hearty meal, talked rationally, and
walged three miles, from the place be
was captured to Potosi. Physicians,
i h9Wiver, ssy ho cannot live. The
girl SHU liven, but U parlyzed from the of a bullet, w.'tiuh eotered the ,
back of her head, and pissed undo
and into her spinal col umn
lets care, an annoying kidney,
MasWBLsssssssM i'- L
ir.ctvo SOTKI
J'cCANwJt, Or ft
Jul; Id.
Ed. .VtTcrat t
A fi' hrol'H out in the or-btard of
Mr. J. sCetft sr otia day last -week. 1 1
being gv'wH up with rose briars and
buck bro.fJi, int that the lire went
through at t terrible njwed, killing
almost every tnee in tlte orchard.
The many friemd of Hr. H. W. Jil-
lard will be pleaetal to learn that be ia
better, and hula u recover hia
health again.
Preliminary ate,s are being taken
relative to a Fire Dopai tiawit at this
laco. Whoop it up boys !
The jirnnd bwll given by the "La tour
Orchestm July 4th, in Hr. U Foley's
new Hreg Stow establiahrnent, was a
complete success in every particular.
N. .1. Hsdpathaad w if e, of Jefferson
were in town Sunday. ,
Tell your lady friends thst Miss Or-
pha Wheeler keeps constantly on hand
everything usually kept in a first clam
millinery eats biudi men t, and sells them
at reasonable figures. Kbe also hss
such a tact at dressmaking that she
gets all the customers.
Farmers are boxy having. t"hat ia
soarce, timothy is inferior, so most of
them have to out oats for bay.
Almost half of the people of I .simoon
were gone last Sunday, moat of whom
went to Waterloo, ami by I ho way your
correspondent waa there, and I must
say that soma of the young men acted
ridiculous. The truth is they were
drunk, end then got into a row who
should pay for the whisky.
Charley Ralston is making a success
of his grocery business. Jin keesi
fresh sroceriea and anils them ' heap
Hr. Fob) 'a new Drugstore will sooo
be completed and ready for occupancy.
When completed it will Im nm.f the
fin-at buildings in town.
C. B. Montague will erect a mer
eantiln establiahrnent ia August, then
he will get hia goods sll in one house
which will present a fine appearance.
Voi'xu Amksk .
a Tin toe irrn.
WsTKSLno, Ok , July 7th,
hid: DfmOrAtt i
I have no apology to offer for not
writing, excepting a case of measles.
The Fourth of July haa come and gone,
and I suppose every one had a fine
time ia various wsys.
Rome of our folks celebrated the
Fourth by going to a grand ball at
Scio. They brunch t back newa of
having had a good time, good room,
fine music and a larve audience. We
also had a dance here, at lbanou, and
other places, but none waa a citcam
atance to the Scio ball for it was the
Ye have asilliog school hep! every
two weeks which seems f he wH st
tended. Hae preaching now and then.
(Juite a number camped here for
thetr health. I suppose yon are aware
that sick people do not remain sick long
who frequently visit these Springs.
Everything in a rlourishiag condition
here now. Driving wild horser, break
ing buggies, etc., are tbe favorite
pastimes nf the young people.
Maih Mti.ttB,
Mat aitirra are taw Pesest
suiters Ever Mae.
They are compounded from Hops,
Mslt, Itucbti, Mandrake and Dandelion.
the oldest, best, and most valuable
medicines In tbe world and eontnln all
tbe beat and most curative properties df
all other remedies, baing the greatest
blood J'urltier. Liver Regulator, and
Ufa add Health Itesforlng Agent on
earth. Xo disease o.- Ill health can
possibly king Mist where these Bitten
are used, so varied and perfect are their
They give new life and vigor to the
aged end infirm. To all whose mploy
ments cause Irregularity of tb bowels
or urinary organs, or who require an
Apetlzer, Tonic and mlldS tlmulant,
tfOD Bitters are Invaluable, being high
ly ouratlye, tordp and atimti latlng
Without intoxicating.
No matter what your feelings or
symptoms are. wht the disease or alb
tneots Is, use Hop Hitters. Don't wait
until you are sick, but If you only feel
bed or miserable, use Hop bittern at
onoe. It msy save your life. Hundreds
have been saved by so doing. SoOO will
be paid for a esse they will not cure or
Do not suffer or let your friends suf
fer, but use and urge them to use Hop
Keiaember, Hop Bitters la no vile,
drugged, drunken nostrum, but the
purest and beat medicine ever made ;
thp "invalid's friend and hope," and no
person or family should be without
,bena. Try $lttem't4dey
Calvin C. .Nfoore, an American
years of age, committed saioide iu Ore
gon City by shooting himself through
tbe bead with a revolver. The deceased
had been waistlng away for some time
with consumption, and his Illness, cou
pled with fact of his wife and child dying
within the year, prompted him to the
rash deed. The bullet entered his right
temple, and after penetrating the an
terlor part of his brain made Its exit on
the opposite side of the skull. Moore
was well known in Oregon City, having
been ernployed for a meg time In the
woolen mill" at that place. had
repeatedly threatened to take his own
life, hut iieferml the fatal sot until
Saturday. He leaves c.,e aen about 14
ears old. Orgonlan.
I It a Challenge .
your Albany correspondent, In claim
ing tbat Albany $Q. I'a pm no auierlor,
ifaneual,in the ptale," roakyi rather 'a
broad assertion, and tbefr depire to com
pete with any com nariy in the stale can
easily be gratified. We hsve at least two
hose teams in Salso that will aoommor
date them either for large or small
purse. In fact Capital Kngbie Company
Ko, 1 claim the best hose team in tbe
state, and If it becomes ncoeasary frienda
can be found wbo w ill cheerfully back
them up with coin Cor Oreyonlarl.
' a 1 .
Dog Tax.
J i taxea ou do0a are not j aid btfo -d U s
1st of Auat,''' fhe mlditioaal sum of 50
cents will be sddsd. fake warm jg-
lShr Swen'a Wei
Infallible, taatalesa, harmleaa, cathartic ;
for reveriahoeia, rpntleMDRM, worm, conuti-
taat " "
si orris, of
me u r. j(. r, wbo is in Ashland
this week, Informs us that railroad
work is progressing satisfactorily sow
along the line of extension, and good
progress is being made. The strikes
and annoyances whiofc have been de-
L . . a& m
ley ing the work at times heretofore are
now pust, and from this time on rspld
pros-reel msy be expected fn lhtn.
, aloo of the track. The Grave creak tun
nel Is complete (Mr Morris and parly
diaajsjtaatsjugh It In their coach on the
way hither) and the leog tunnel at Cow
oreek will be finishedit la believed, by
the 20th of August The gradiag be
tween these two points will be com plat
ed before that tlsos, and the road bed
will be already for the lay log of the
track. In fact, the gradera will be able
to keep the track layers steadily st
work from that time until the heavy
cutting la the Siskiyou division Is en
countered. The company have on
hand all the Iron required, ami Mr
Morris thinks the track will roach Ash
land some time la December, a thou
sand men are already at work this able
the Orave oreek tonne I, and the other
graders will be moved southward as
soon as their work between the two
long taansls Is ended. The cross log of
Rogue river will be an expensive piece
of work, and will require a lerge amount
of timber, aWtoW Tiding.
Yamhill county claims the eldest
printer In the state, Foilowlae; is a
description of him : ' James C. XV y oil
ham, a resident of this county, and the
father of A C W rod bam. of McMinu
Ville. was born in -London, Kuglaad, In
1807, served his appreticeship with
John ( htleott, No. 3 High street, Bris
tol, was foreman of Q align la' Mumtnger,
In Paris, from 1835 to into, when he
came to New York nod obtained a po
sition as deputy foreman on the New
York lletald, under Joe Kllictt, which
he held for two years Left New York
In 1842. was engaged with Houston on
the Ha ton Rouge Uwti thence, be weot
to New Orleans, wee foreman on tbe
nUtin for some time, when he enlisted
In tbe luth Louiaana Infantry, engaged
In the Mexican war. Mr Wyndham
came to California In I8oo, and te Ore
gon In 1861, worked on the Onpmian far
eeeae time, thence went to Victoria. B.
C, working to within the met two years
aa -type' in various places, but haa
now retired. living with the family of
his son at this place. "Although laid
upon the shelf,' the old man thinks he
can ' Hi ng tpye as well as ever. ' iv bat
county can beat Yamhill f
Trainee mp $mm Peuilts t -a .,
We have It from good auth ority that
tbe escaped convicts psasad through Tur
ner Friday night at 10:30 o'clock, not
wUbstsmttruj all the "passe'' In last
vicinity were ajusjrtted. They then pro
needed to Job Denysr'a bouse where tbsv
arrived at about II, and jumped over
tbe moos Into bis yard, The owner waa
sjuardJng the boos from the outside and
wanted them to enter, which they were
about to do, when be accidentally made
noma noise, and they escaped. Their
i rack a were seen where they had passed
on up the read three miles from Turner
near the res Id an re of Mr. G. iibaon, and
UOa report being taken to Turner early
Naturday morning, a large number of
ctUasna scoured np their muskets snd
tarted to hunt them down. Rumor takes
up the story bees, and says that yesterday
afternoon the ctUaens bed them surround,
ed In the swamps est Mill Creek between
Au ma villa ami Sublimity. "fttaieaman.'1
We want stock land, grain farms and all
kinds of lands to sell teemmlgranto that
are constantly arriving here in search of
hasnis. We have made arrangements in
Farasinil and fan Francisco by which al
pawns that want to buy land in thla part
of Oregon will be sent te us. If yon desire
your land sold soon and on good terma
call en or send tor blank contractu for d
ncnxnasT isao.,
Real Estate and Loan Agents.
Albany Or
Alt persons indebted to W i; Soott w"?
please come forward and settle with him
at once, as he expects to leave Albany in
a law weeks and wishes to settle bis
affairs first. If not attended to the ee
counts will be placed in the hands o' an
attorney for oeUeotkra. He or hia ant
may be found at hie oM stand.
J H Daniel has opened a music atere
a LapgHcn's drugstore and will sell the
tyethusljek p'labo. Tirobabiyijfe best
constructed jn the msrket, eud the
ahQnhrger CymbeUa orgap, oije of the
treat organa, eud ftettjng Ml") tilrvi
from manufacturers will xitt them a
bottom rates. Those deiriu-: Qrst
class, reliable Instruments will do well
to call and see Mr Daniel before purcha-
ism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
i Riarfkacha. Haadaohe. Toothache.
Stmkr souu.r rtis BitS.
aaia hj ruaSata aad R?."??1"' vTtt-
I'll awnvaa a a e W
mar engineer cuss A I-
11U Al l,
'oao a lana teaak or aSMyvaaraS viaa ind!
I SaatoUuayott an a 'tUtimt fUSMBW
I tfajsarraTS; aa XJdaarWet at BMa, (drar
I ScSrta raootmataaS It) ad It will apaeSity ori.
ialaHNs asft4 sUa1te0 Bas JtBee aslAaRj tt0t&eta .
1 IJld VwskfiMsV8ef aKAAbsVMIwOV u9 fKaTirpaMHSwsl
lllaa.aUapaa'Slyyiaiatotta etuaUpor
nf. sccu st au. vmvoavnm. SMaasi.
I ' ' J
Albany, Friday Afternoon and
Evening-, July 20.
aaa hi. .acrfal lrsl...a nr.. . a
With the Wilfbtaat ariavnfaMi.i.a. t . ...
lopr vkn i u! WOK'S atasafa
MiM Paulina Lee, Crowned Prinoess of the Aiena.
Wm Oorman. Champion Hurdle Rider of the world
Little Gloria, The child wonder and his ponies,
Madame Bffie Eerock,the woman with the iron jaw
Tsm Great ArrabaU
Young America. Contortionist.
Prank Morosco, America's greatest knockabout
Chas Morosc-ii, Hero of the slack wire,
Frank Monroe, the human fi
George Zorells, King of (he air.
i)Dstriai Hwn.
!' f flf nnr ssiow inaislr sar trnt not on hm taart
tr ihru,Au RiUm, tt ftao.1 will rarfr jat Kiur V, the auan., prf u, aam
la Uitir -nviluMt rto t t'kartot. fwM l.y ahl asNSt ataia.
A0M!?SI8M n .
Uosrs apea st 1 auU 7 p.
Chicago, Hi, May 2thf 8Sa
O.L. IRVINa: 6,1 1
Salem Oregon.
Tle new tying appartus will be furnished free to
all purchasers of Deering Twine Binders for 18SS.
It is a big improvement.
This new device does away with seventeen parts
in the tying head) and is guarantaad to bo abso"
lutely perfect in its movements and qannot get
out of adjustment. For full particulars call on
Peters $ fejaixia Go to thorn for the
ACME Wclrw
HraPT-s fasw 3aa.",'-jl gallJg!asCT. - .
MortU sl.I. oHmlth Slrwt In O V BulMing, fmrri.bur. dr., fur !argl:ii. 1. tu
glAHll, N0TI0K8, &6, 1
138 srrss sf LssS far Mia
One farm of 3JK) acres very ileauubla.
Ooe farm of 1.15 acraa.
Ooe fraot of 169 acre of r.M lacd.
paa tract 'n 70 aerea.
Que tract of a3 acre, ao.l other small
tracts. Will spll iu kV tu sun porohsatra.
Will trala tor otfapr propaiiy. f )) mt tis
A CarSl.
To all wbo are aoifering itotQ tbe errors
and ludiscrctioua of youiai, nervuwa weak:
neaa, early decay, lose of maahooiL. ee , 1
will send a recipe that a ill cur; y v, TREE
OF CHARGE. Thia great remedy Waa daa
covered by a miaaionai-y in South AtswriSs.
Sand a aelf-addreaaed envelope to the fif v.
JosBm T. Isnas. SUtion D. Nw York
Ik haa beta jest tavtnty daya uses linn
cou sty baa been vieited by a rain.
" . r,rrnminu mm III I'acib.' tn1
rcrlormau cat 3 nasi rrk.
alitatty MarkM
Wheat 0"o per lu!ie,at Hie utHh,
altbd warah .JUHi, U:.
Oat- "0
Oeofoa A:oi, S 6fk?
fIy--tslcslt 2Wfc 'per toj..
loess, 18 jo JO.
Cutter S5 to SO otM ppr lb
IQgga 22 ceols per ;.
PHtatpas-fiso per bihpj.
Bapons-bjuQs, H te itja
sboidara, id i , ,
aidss M to is,
Lard-16ejpSi ib.
FlouroO i x bbl.
Chickens 4 V) per do.
Sugar Sin rranoisc C, 1.
Mill Feed hi an, H.uOrstr Ujm.
Dried Fruit sun dried eppi-,
' ' r " i u pluna, to.
machine cured applet 8
u plum, 10,
! : . z$hmm& k ir.aasasr; :i z. .- . , .-. ,... - rMMHNsswsjwmB