TE STATE WGHTS DEMOCRAT S the saWgast atrrataaaaa afasy jasprr to aaf Van asa. aaal IatU STITKS & ITIXtt. ttl IMOt KM r.la HfnM-ml UetMleg aa ttrwailulUla sirrri. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION singts cht, par year, in attranef 8 RO ataj-ta pt, par yaar. at wui trf j Mr. a uu ataxia cy, nix month 1 taagts op'y. ttra month. r.' stasia aumWr . : 10 ADYERTI8IIC miM, rSfieetal time Jft notUws lu not teas in lineal Tol- per line. Hegmsr locai per line. transteot advertteements For legal 91 o par first it.sertrian and AOrsmts per insertion, hat an for for each suiwriei.i OL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, ellJNJ, 1883. NO 48 adrertleemenia n s e know STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ttHsp tflsHlsX- 4PPPipW 1pK?3 r. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY wt tights lemocraL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U FLINN. i . K. t HAMBRRI.AtN. KLIXX 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. gTOWce in FfMtr's Briok Rlouk.-na, vlSnlfltf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon:. WILL PRAOTH K IN ALL TUE Court) of this State. Will give special attention to collections an J probata matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANT Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brings store, 1st street. vHciStf T. JL WEATHXHTORD, t.VOTAHY Pt'MJJC.) iTTORNKY AT LAW, 4LB1VT. BEeS. W PILL PRACTICE IN Al.L TtlK COI'RTS OFTHK State. Spacial aitonti.m rivn t -.llactlona anal probate Blatter in Odd Fatiaafa TOujiie. 14 J. C. POWKU. W. R. HILT EC POWELL & BILYEU, iTTORN EYS AT LAW, And Solicitors ii ( haneerv, A Lit AMY. ... OkKOOR. Collection) promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. -Office in Foster's Brick. -W. vltnlftf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, 1TTOI VK AU at LOn AT LtW AD o r A k v ri nut . WILL practice in all conns of the Sure il business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Of" is O' TooIS Blorl, BreaJalb; Strf, ";. i Albany, Onion. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At. La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to hint will be promptly stranded to. Office la OToole'a Block.' LEWIS SUMMITS LIVERY AX D FEED STABLE. First class) vehicles, fine horses, a! feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Stables near Revere House. flyl. E. wriAIICWW & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT DRTJG STORE, Sal 4LBAST. OnECO. POSHAY & MASON, WHOLI1..1 ASS SKTAIIr Druggists and Booksellers. A LB IX V, OKKGOX. v!6u41tf REVERE HOUSE, c First aad I ll worth a litany, orrgun. Chaa Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new H'Hel U fitted op In first class sty!. Tables applied with the teat the Bnarkat aSorda. Spring Beds in every Rna. A g4 Sample lUxati tor Com sssreial Travelers. tfYrr rsarb to seal t 1 ANNALS & WOODIN KiXlTACTTREft A VD DEAI.KS IX FURNITURE '0 BEDDING. Csrmer t'rrry and Seead Mrccta. ALBANY, - - OK KG OX. aiawiji T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT J.AW AND Notary Public. Office in Statks RroHTS Dr.vcK ra. OthOB, Aloany Bath House. THE I7NDBK3K KBb WOtfLD BBSP8C1 folly iafornt the uiiize&J of Albany and vi sinitj lii.t 1 have taken cnargeoi this Batabluh tasst, sod, by keeping elsaa rooms and payin trie t attention to baeine, expects v feuit si those who may favor US with their patronage Baring heretofore earned on nothing bat First-Class Hair ilrsssine Saloons expect to s;irs entire tstisfsetion to si WPCh'ldien aod Ladier' Hair neatly co ' tloot.& JON wKBfiiH. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAST, OK. Tb4 Third Topb begins on Thnrs day, February 1st, J 883. For particular" eoneerning the otirfcn of gtuty anrf Ihe crice ol tuition, apply U s SET. KLBSBT S. fMMT. rreaitieat. RED CROWN MULLS. ISOM, LAK'XIXC & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FXOCB SUPERlOk BOB FAMILIES and bki;rs rsn. CESTSTOrJCr ICILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Halsey Oregon. R. W. E. G1TUEN3 H AS TAKEN ;tJ charsre of this house. Commoiious !autple rooms bave been prepared for commercial travelers. Beds good anrl clean. Good table. Board bv day or week, stage leave daily for Brownsville and Crawfordsville. M. M. JONES Breeder and skipper ol PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KKITHSBI R(i - - ILLINOIS. My breeding stork is registered in the Ontml I'm laud China ..mini. Stork for saloat Hmsooahle rat. These Iumtn are desfeisil niitslroin the bent hertln in Indiana and Illinois, are quiet, docile, easy fatted and Kplendkt mothers, order received by W. SaFITCIlERa Sliedds, Or. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Conference Hates. Tickets sold to Mel from nil part er En rep, to end from 11 Clnta ol Ongfl, Wa-hinKn, who and Msntans mt greatly rewneea and low eat possible rate over the following lines j North Geraauaw Loyd Nt'ahlp t o. Hsinbsn American Park el C o. White Star Line Steamship . Reel Star Uao Steamship t o. American Llae Steamship Co. Apply by peroon or hy letter to 0LDEND0RFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, AGENTS. S: IO. WaahlastoB St.. National BankKnildlng. P. O.hex. SS. PORTLAND - - - OREGON. edward Everett. 8irad by PtiUmitb, by Pathfinder, firt dam by Vermont, sire of Lady Paustins, (ft'jyVi ;) Mia Lewis, (2:27 ;) Parrot. (2:20 j Wilt mke the season of 18S, .m.miv. and Tnaadays of each week at shl)'s button; Wednesdays aad Thursdays at home. Sand Ridge, and Pridsrw and Satnrdarsat Lebanon. Edward Everett is a dark lay, IG'; hsnds high, weighs 13. poands, very atyliah snd full of speed. $ltl to insure. Address M KaiRT Bros.. Albany t'r. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, or - : k;, on. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always on nan 1 the bast finality of their own make of FOUR SPRIR& WAGONS, CARRIAGES AID BUGGIES. AI! made out of the best second growth Hickory, and warranted. V. IT. Ooltra, in Albany, handles the work of the above firm. Ja Ja DORfalSy Bridge Build r GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OP PUBIJf: LETTINOS SO LICITED. Plans and epecincatlons furnished on abort notice. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKISO AAD MOVIM. PI A5iO, organs and rkrallare a fspeelallj. All hauling within the city promptly attendee to. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary PubKc. Will practice in all the Courts in this State. J 0.1. First St., Portland, Oregon. (With Curtis A Uibbs.) L00I8 GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, wntett are always kept in good condition, aad hair cut in the very best style. SAN WA VINC Has tbe (A4ct aotabllshed arul best t-nuiUu it-ii LAUNDRY. In Alba nr, and hiaaraaains; and ironing' never fuiN to irive satistartion. Anrl rvilon nor, 'hina ani Jananeaeeroodi, fue tea, fans. Omtrattor tor Chin IaUr, Next to City Hack. HENG TENG. JEam. ssF"w "---MMfajOasfc- sasosssssaaaaatssssssssssfssas Bt washing and ironing in the city. Xo. 11, FJ is worth Street. One door south of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF PINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE iREVERE HOUSE. '83 A GRAND COMBIIATIOH '847 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. 4 One year for only ifi.ra. Two papras for little more than the price of one. I$Y paying us $3.60 j ou will reeiv: for am year your horoe pai-?r with the "Courier-Journal," the . cpresentatlve newspaper of the South, lmocratie ud for a tariff for revenue only, anil the bew,brijrh' eat and ablest family week'y'in the United Males, sew ho desire to essmine a sample copy of the ourier-Journal" can do so at tbis ofllce. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. 13295,326 Premium income 2 tK)7,l89 Safe, reliable and rpiik to pay in case of loss. ARCH MOOTEFEH. Agent. Ait-iaj, OiTija, POWDER Absolutely Pure. I IHJWl th an marral 4 tiurii KireiitftH and whoioaumanass). Mura aeusMsnMSal than tha urdinary kind. u ran not b m-M In mnnwttlon witb Uia niulttiuda o low vast, hori tbt, alum or nhoanltatd iviwara. Sold umjr in run, tttv i, BKixapuMa .'. KM Wslbst., N. V. A til- r a- iMft .a; i'i i.uv s i , . i i,( L f " s4iS S . ! f t r ; 4. .'"i t. Iti .. i. a .-..., t- r . jA eat sjsj iOf mtv at- 4 ;iM a4 . I tsa-. t sts Aia. ' . ran-' a i sni iil i v a . . u . . U.U. an-! pala. I ..' - . t .t m.rn t.rn t t .l tf of th- ssrw I' rri a, L ad atsfs sUarraa. i. i H . JNaA bflojsasta a4 tkwwkti, : i .. ' . t . t arfv BMMpI .r- -1 ' t afcSS l taadu ;vf L . It nfttu. jt . r r.las r tl.- mtata, arf ta satlfaaisdvapw. I h mi i. tr-, f. ,r.'s7. aaas s an seisisa tor mu'm.' . au . ra sra rf iWif isssrS. Jt .t- i au.ajr. if.j4sSr. Xrmaa ftastralSSW Oar ral JU . SI . -mm0i, VmpnmMn aad IadWMt Mi. TSa! ( f of Wartatf aowa, toy pata. asjt, aad lv 'a t ) brua I' v : all rtn-uamatv ,r-t In lrtt w.jr r4t Ik Uar that gacaa U fsMj SSSJisafS1 pi j I SJ I I ' r irtit at. Aaradar-' a)SfSVSSsl. ta sassss a saaar !ih' r- tad to ssSsaS aaalts ay tsja aaacf ss St .. .. .-c.a l ty aatraUj lira 1' a .. taia; Icr r- p ? . iBieBSaassa ror Kasaay OuCDpla.a f rW ttds raB4 U SMsi . as I as abaadaat Mia-ww v . .,. . Xra naahaa't Ijvar I ,;:, . . i . - -.- fasasas i Urn oH4 ra tha sm a ( ntiw i 1)1 SSSMSB aad TorpUSI-7 at Uta br.r. U.T tood rarteT otka wosHtan la V - ! ; ! )4rf (aar to nal ta Cosapnuad la Ha i-ra!a'l; . A'l rraat rpr swaSSft A ami U aw7 arS a r . ' f .. r. I I . . do r J I o w4 ' a i-SHadiS-,ia,ysw t Vfa. ..!. ;.. TORPID LIVER. Lose of A ppotste, Bowels costire, ii& l uw cmo. wjxn a blade, ftaitna el n.;tk-.n t oaos parr, ram ruunesa imtabti.ty ateaatneof Osay Kis s iy Wimpn r mu y Kt.. ou w lw W II II . HI I , M' W , ' flrrirr, aa wieiwaT mt.. r- er mum. K..9t-.1iLfrn a3"- s-yraeja iani air "'. 'ill r. DH Ds Bs RfQEj Physician and Surgeon. SB AS RETURNED to thi ity and resumed prac SB tia. ottli in new fday-spfe ofllnj, OT'xite'a BuIUIiwf, llrnadalbin strret, liata-aan mt and Sac ottd trt. Albany, Or., Hot. 8, 199?, people ars alesyi the I.MiKuiit tor i 1 o an and in I Iras baciHna wealthy ; those who da not Improve thair ifitiortunl Ium remain in wivarty aa offer a ereat cnaota to in ice nnmev. Wa want many mi, w.nuen, bo v and i la to work ror us nant in vna air own lot-all tics. Any one can do the work, properly from the Aral start. The busi neaa will pay more than ten times ordinary way. Kxpenive ouiflt furhiad free. Nuonawho en-.'aea fail- t luake ni'Miey rapidly. You ran de v a yoni h hole !n e lo mr, .dt, or only your spare iiimi.m,:,. I il. iidoUnrtHKi and all Oiat ia neeiled Scllt tret-. AiKfrea SiiM-o . t i.'o., Portland,' Maine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE GO,, OF LONDON, ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1621. Capital snb'cribed, ese iaeseeee f 10,000 000 Capital paid up u,000,000 NoTK.-Thls company has tbe largest paid up capital of mpany doing business lathe IJuSted States. InsBram aepted by Robt. A. Fostf, Agt of Albany. agJgaTPsrTSa A week made at home hy the in wB9 as saafll dnatriniia. liut huxineax now be tore the public, Capital not needed. We win star'' you. Men. women, boys and jfirla wanted every where to work lor u.. Mow ia the time. Von tivn work in spare time, or (rlva yonr whole tim to the business. No otner buNineaa will pay you nearly as well. So one can fail to make enormous pay, by en fdMcini; at once. Costly outfit snd term free. Money mada fast, easily, and hoKorahl.v. AudreesTai s a Co., A utfUHto, Maine. SAM COHEN Keeps tbe best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS, Keeps tbe finest billard hall Ia the city. I will also sell real estate, morohaaJise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tie city or county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. Ctf SAM COHEN PTOM8 Or A under the Bhoui... c acres af aoay or nr.iu. i tetwveri spw spirit a. v , iavioa msxtectM acme umr. j- tmtMtm an. a TSTS-ft-SLS gfawagSsjiEBsTgis .rn. ur aanunaa. NKHa 1 Niir. I4rga iron ooiataDias hfve rmiiieeil the prices fur f jonJry pig iron from $22 to 920 par ton. The WaaLiogton A Moan Af anufsc luring Oempany's monopoly in herUetl wire hai been btokan down by a Unite I Htstea (Circuit Court decision at St. Latljl last Monday. Nearly KO.iMMi tons of barlied wire, or a lengt b of ftbO 00 itiiU-s, wate maniifsctnrei in the Uniteil 8tatain IK 2. Fifty Text! legialatnrs hsve en in Holed for gambling. Tb U fa&tkil Hebtof New York Cit? bfl9.StC.tf9S. The Boaton A Albany snd Fitcb but raiitoada after July 1st wii! not reoeivA snv single piece f Irnggsg wxigbing over 2."0 Hnnds for trsnapor tation in baggage car. It is reported that owing to the stoppsirM by tbe Jtsrniu-.t of tbe irnjwwntfon tf tiiltrated tas there is an d vnoa uf fum live to tttght cents tr patWsld Ml th tstter grades, an I that fine Cfffeea ste thrse centa ier pound higher than last S immsi at thi titw. Wooten mills eetablishrd Ifl New Zealand have proved highly successful, and already consumed over ."Q00 bales a year. The moat ioaiftrtant are with in ten miles of D inedin, the capital of otsgo province. Mtieb of the inachin ery employed ia American. All gresi men appear to have a weak neaa for fish. ' Prinea Bismarck b an autboaiaa'ic nab firmer, mwi be makes a great deal of money out of hia hatch ariee. Tbr aaivea of nortbarn India have found light sroollen clothing to be far out healthy and comfortable than the cotton which has been worn from lims immemorial. In eonsequanos, th mauulaetnre of light, cheap woollen goods baa greatly increaaetl there 'W lUer out of eeary 300 aent is tneiaimed in the office to which it goea. tine letter in ?.3 sent turns up at the dead latter nftioa. toe latter out of 3100 aant ia bebi far postage at tbe ooe of mairiwg, ami this amounts o near! 360,000. Wbaat growing ia central ludia s sems to be lowly enpplantmg tbe ewJ tire of coUon, tbe preluction of whir-h has sensibly diminished. The spread of tha opium habit in ! this country tills tbe uiflicsl facnltv aad social economist with alarm. The arrival of Otifi cases of the drug at Ben Francisco, fraying s doty ol nearly f238,0(Klt would arsaar to indicate that the evil is steadily on the increase. Tha first geueisl cento vr taken in Indie, which has just been oomplet- vd, shows a population f 3.i3,ftUl.HlO( j or tesarly five tint thst of the United Ststea. The number of mates exceeds that of fsmsles by 6,WO0OQ. OTllMfOajPOO worth of hosiery tMt annually onraes into the I'nited j 8uea $1,500,000 comes frim (Jer i many. The A uglo American Packing Coev tuny employs aawrai thooamnd man in its Chicago and Kansas City packing booses, and kill about 2,000.000 hogs a year. It is marvellous bow abeep and wool growing bare mereaaed in tbia country within tbe past fifteen or twenty years, Ia 1880 there were -only about 23,000, 000 abeep ia tbe United States. We now have nearly 50,000,000. In 1 860 tbe wool clip amounted to only 60, -000,000 pounds , to-day it is nearly 300,000,000 pounds an increase with in thia period of over twofold of sheep and 3 vefold in the production of woo), giving unmistakable evidence of our advance in this industry. A factory ia Maine 'tees up in a year 1000 cot da of poplar and birch in ia tbe manufacture of toothpicks. A Sr. Augustine (Pla.,) newspaper notes the appearance in tbe town of rotabagos two and a half f.-et in cim-i re ference and Marechal Niel rosea four inches in diameter. The restless stream baa worn away tbe once famous ''Island No. 10," which in tar times held so important a place in tbe strategic calculations of generals operating on and about tbe Mississippi. Tbe best recorded tinvs in pig "in matches, tbis season, was made a few weeks ago by the Cleveland pigeons 1087 and 1033 yards a mi nut. Reports from Lynchburg, Y., state that tbe drought in that section has re- suited in incalculable damage, and in formation from the southwest repre sents an alarming Htate of affairs. Cattle raisers are obliged to purchase food for their stock, tbe pastiue lieing all dried up, Tbe crp are also suf -faring greatly for want of rain. A California editor states that China men freshen up stale fish and eliminate their odor by dipping them in dilute uric acid. An engineer on a Northwestern passenger train, in approaching a cut, saw that it was ftjled witb cattle. He could not slow up in time, and so be pulled the throttle wide open and went through tbe herd like a thunderbolt, killing ten lieaiifs without derailing his train. At a me ting in Nw Votk MouUy evening, renwsentat.ivaa t.f the principal trades union edotrted resolutions in fa vor of the Mtttudtv half holiday move ment. In the Ithsd suit of August Belmont, sgsiusi John Duvoy, editor f the I sigh te, who charged nlrootit with misafifiropriating funds of tl Irish society, a verdict of guiby was returned by the jury. A pan has been instnred t present the name of Kanual K. Hunt before tbe Oemoeratic conventtww of Ohio, aa a corn promise candidate f r governor. During a school exhibition at Sup per well, Metes I fs county, Ky., Marsha) Hsnry Bsuuhsm aake J. H Winfrey and J. Pries to desist from nisking a disturbance. Winfrey and Piieeoeo eI fire, and Ibtaocltamp returned if. McKsrland, bystander, wss shot deed, Basnchemp wss morislly WPHf sVrd, s lady, Miss Pbiliipw. wss struk on tha cheek, and a negr.., h't Lss nut be heard from alftce, is snpoeed to dead in the huehee wheie hn hid. Winfrey eacaed injury, but Price wss bsd'v we u tided. No sriea's. Tbe young qiaen uf Spain aSard tbrongh Paria Wedoeaday of last week, on her way to meet her mother at Krensansbed. Msdrid is ripe with ru mors of s great court scandal, and thst having aaoertained the relatione of tbe king with lady of royal circle the oern has fled from Sein, nefr 'o re turn. Mondi-v evening about fi f . lo k s 'to-lone struck Mtensnille, O'., doing damage to profrerty in the northern wrt of tha city to tbe amount of .l."0,ooo. Frwd. Btrneburg, of Kleo precinct, eays the Jeeksonville .Sifii, s ehort time sine sheered '' head of graded merino sheep nd got .7.1 1 pounds of wool, or an average of ovar IS poiiad per head. Oue two-yesr old H,.aniab merino yielded ft jsei-ida. t k Con ger, of the same place, altassjaal a Span tsh marino bnck, gMtron i1 ionds of wool. Tbe laatf r tHtiiSa be oaU gcod investment whn be n.t ... i , theae beep in this valley not i,.nx sil.ee, as thia immense ymld f wod wiH ut prove. Uin. fty K-puldloau sltlssVa IWefl thsir readors, when the t wni io hold working men and median net a das iMtsi jKrt of that party, thst s bswaaetivf tariff will not raise the pn of a man ufactured article, but that It amnutalaa capital and causes it o seek invtsitment in the ossiiufaciure ef the irotecta r ti'-'e, and thtra the market tasoomaa glutted with thai article and the price goea down. That argument is supposed u fix the laboring man. Than this amall cali bred scribe will tell capital ia ts to inveat their money in manufao ttariaa as protection wiilagtve a good prica f r tbe manufactured product. This is supposed to tlx the CaiiltsllV. And this is the extent of the knowl edge of these irobeciie scrinblafra, who undertake to teach people government al principles or governments! Milicies. Ask one of these puny puppets why wool at one time, under a protective tariff is twenty-five cents jier pound, snd under tba tame law at another lime it ia fifty centa per pound, and the quea tion will utterly confound him. He will not even comprehend tbe import of it, auch is his stupidity and ignorance. The lujst amusing thing is to see the industrious, but futile efforts of smsll bombastic rural editors of Republican organs attempting to convince their fea reader that all i harmony in their ranks, while such leading Republicsn journals as the New Ymk 7Vi, .Springfield tUpuU'u'nH, Chicago Trlh uaa, and other able and influential journals, tall tbem candidly that the party must change tactics on the tariff question or all will be lost to that party. Li sjs the Democratic party, theae jour nals want a tariff for revenue with sucb incidental protection as would follow. All thia goes on in tbe intstest of the Democratic party, and consequently in the interest of the groat mass of the people, while these small fry fdlows howl lustily "protection !" protec tion ! I" not knowing, foolish fellows, that they sre hf.y yeats behind the times. An ioioraiice agent named Pyle, In running fell over the stile, St. Jaoebs Oil gave relief And tbe pain was so brief, He got up and aaid : "I should entile." A lame old la ly at K .yser, Had no one to advise her, 'Till Doctor John Boyle, Tried St. Jacobs Oil, Ita action did simply aurpi is her. The celebrated Vegetable. Compound for females, which, within a few years, baa made the name of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam known in every part of the civilized world, relieves suffering by the safe and sore method of equalizing the vital forces and than regulating organ io functions. It is only hy auoh a method tbat disease w ever arrested and ' removed at. Kin i ti a Af. rrrn After seeding, tail a and hath? re l ire eool, wet weather. Hence the coh! raina which delay corn plaint ing are not without their1 eemsuaibin. Tl e general failure of the apple cmp, a year ago, has greatly lesaenet.' the numbers of the codling moth. Wa may, therefore, hoas An a full crop ol fruit, free from worms, the coming Heaeon. In cutting out the blighted portion of pear trees, tbe knife, saw or prun ing shears should ha frfinnry rinced In carbolic acid and water to prevent the spread of the disease to healthy trees. If any disease attacks a pmh tree, dig it up and put snotber in its place. In a'l probability it ia a cse of tbe yellows, and the loss of a tree is a trifle aa cmnpsrrd with lh dsnger of s read- ing the ii.fectinn. A young ceif will wgi to at grain or good bright hay at five or mx mouths old. A Ht'.le scalded meal at this sge is batt"- then an all milk ration, aa if is heat to accustom ihem to solid f ax) aa early AS )H)eaible. It is the belief of msny c'ise observe era that the geatati on of domestic ani mals is retarded by a aeastfaj winter, like the last, end hastened by a warm winter. Hme reporiad facts tbs year tend to confirm this theory. By actual trial tbe peat season one hundred bushels of shelled corn shrank to ninety between Daceeir and the lit at of Mar It was po' in a tight bin, and the bttukage was from evap oration not from tats eg iiii-e. Tha India wheat crop j id lo be larger than ever iM-forv. Tnaeaftort of wbasat from that far.fT country ha, greatly increased within s few years, and indications are that India, rsther than Russia, will be our chief com pet i tot in supplying Kuroe with bread. It is (eared that much of tha corn crop in Iowa and Illinois wi!l prove a failure from poor seed. It baa long been known that homegrown acod waa doubtful at the best, a nd the more en terprising faranera seat to Xebraska and Kansas where seed a as letter. A cold rain-storm in Spring or even in X.ifamer is more likely u injure aasm than '.he aevrrest oold, dry weath nr of W.ntar. Cood shslu r snd a iHutaw ritrs faetling should e pnivi-d, ami trn with these praonutions the yield of milk will prohaiMy sbtrw a shrinkage. A great many fidd, ssidally tboee long sod narrow, are alwajs plowed the same way. Simply changing the direc tion ef working will often make a great a a. mm m in proonctiveaeea. ina iur roweotMro-tlMjoMliiiM .if r.irri U not o,H ky .h -.-. a skM IMt i?'. '- " ton. tliM atni am hrrl aiiiaaar. At . i . a I i ... 1 . . . ... d af. a 1 1 al a o aKri imaiiiun aajsf an y the whole mass is decmtssei ry - - aa a ask at a a a .a ft raaaary. ittbehaid is left until straw forms, decomposition defieuds on the weather, and a very .by Summer mav leve some unchange-l till Fall. The water that flows ovrr a plowed fiald washes off tbe must soluble por tions ol the soil, and depstits them in the bottom of ditches. When it per colates through the s il to sn under drain, tbe loas is reduced to the smallest noaaible amount. There is some loas in underdrawing water ; but even this ! uie town, It is fast making ahlp is in grear. jaart prevented by having a ' wrecks of many of our citizens, and a growing crop en tne giounu an m time. What shall be dsue with sour milk t la tba question for farmers where many cows are kept and much butter is made. If anywhere near a village or city a good market can be had for cot tage cbeeae, made by heating the milk to the curdling point, pressing aad ai ding a little aalt. In any place as many pigs may he kepc us there are cows, and ,they will only need a little corn in fall to make good pork. We have noticed tbat when re or other green manure is plosrt-d under the soil is easily worked and fiee from weeds. It we examine under the leaves of a strong growing green crop of any kind, we will find thousands of punny weeds . that have germinated while tbe ground was uncovered and bean amotbed by the fair growth. When a weed seed tbus efishes it benefits tbe soil more than it can by growing larger before being plowed un der. Lu-sdinctox, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. I have sold Hop Bittere for four years and there is no medicine that surpasses tbem for billions attacks, kidney complaints and many diseases incident to this malarial olimate. H. T. ALEXAXDKR. ai.se. 'I speut $2,500, with other doctors," writes Mr. J. W. Thornton, of C Lai born. Miss., "Samaritan Nervirut however alone cured my son of fits." Tbia is On a par with hundreds of others, speedy but thorough. TEMPERANCE DIPiUBHT. 'i-" ' x .j ;sas . ' . 1 a to ted av Til a a$mnt CkfiniM TrnaMiirt riiti 1 s , nxnor or tbc w. n. e r. i . "I hereby afleoonly promts 0ai helping me, lo aratfein from ail dia tilled, fermented nd meU Uqeore, including Wine and Cider, and to employ all proper mewrm to dh!our ags the ue mtmt irsnse in the same." i icita Tbe Youog Pettpbs Christian Tern fieranee Union will meet et the Y. P. C A. Hell on Hstorday .lone M, at 2:30 P. M. All friends are invited. New teachers are neesied to fill the vacan cies caused by the abeam a of several regular teachers. Come and help In tbis new and interesting week. Mna. I. K. Btalx. Maa. (i. J 1 1-rjii.m., Sop. 8evry. i.. - Tne rnembera ofathe, w. C. T. U. cordially thank all who assisted them during the recent i nestings held at the Court H'Kiar. They would especially men lion tbe Isdhss wlv) gave flowers and decorated the building, the ministers and sing ers who furnished e portion of the exercises on Tuesday evening, tne ushers, the editors who have puc llshed our notices, and the many liberal friends from town ami ciuetry who contributed toward defraying the eipeoses of the occasion. To the prompt end cheerful aid thos ren dered, the snccese of tbe meet i eg was largely doe. By order of the W. C T. I . (C-aa ..: UU. UkS Btaa Sftaa CubatSr. W. Jaaa Kan.) rail: i ini wa Tn t www. There are no means of getting at the actual damage done by this earned traffic. We can knew axmiethinr near hoar much wa as a nation are, damaged la dollars and centa, and j how many valuable Uvea are ennnslly going to perdition under Its otightleg influence ; but how much we are de graded morally, physically, or relig iously, we have no means of knowing. Prof. Agasaic is reported to bave said : "If there ween no alcoholic stimulants used in this country for the next hundred years, aacb a thing aa a riot would be unknown." Many men of great observation have made similar statements. Hut be that as it may. there fin be no question but tnat u is me airwt cause of in re than one half of the crimen commit- I lu 1 .a ... ka I ... it . II".. . . I goouWd of lh ptle ..( thU 8'e t j h. coovloo-d of .hi., a vUl to .le q.r, to th. o th.. h ot "" rr--. 1 .. u il . r . i .r tmjm w wr mmlc w C V. t . r n a a . - i.juon, sti'i we uo make a I ivonible J showing when compared with the! I Nations around us, but how macb j more clviliaed might we have been had this alcoholic curse been taanhbetl mi the beginning of our goverome t. p,ut lOW there is no nook er corner from tbe beautiful borders of the Atlantic to the fertile shores of tbe Pacific, Eist or West, North or Houth, but feels the blighting InAe. ence of this terrible corse. Here in the beloved precincts of eur own what is worst of all, it ts wieldtngffin influence over Ihe boys, tbe ruing generation, that some ef them at least will not be able to shake off, and more than one fond mother's darling In days to come will be found in tbe ranks of that great army that is marching on, ever on, to deetruct ion. In reviewing the history of this place for the peat few years, bow much misery and crime can you bring to mind of which this wretched traffic has been the direct cause. But why talk of its evil effects ? Do we not ail know them? But, perttap, we do not all realise the extent of the traffic, sod for tbe purpose of be coming more familiar with its mag nitude, let us look at tbe facts tn tbe case. There are three saloons In this place ; the average sales per month of these are 124 gallons of alcoholic liquors alone. Taking what is slid to be a fair average, 64 dririka to tbe gallon, we have 7,036 drams per mouth, or a little over 305 dram of death per day, and 93,232 for the year, multiplying this hy 15 cents, the price of a drink, and you huve tbe sura of $9,523.20 as the araotiot that is being, spent annually for alcoholic liquors In tbis little villnge of Set j, and who is there that would doult if we were to include wlie, beer, ale, cider, etc., tbat this amount would double. Then we would bave ao average of about $6.50 spent annually for liquor for evbry man, woman and child io this ccm raunity. which is a Urge amount considering tbat we have no large clfy or town fn the dWriet. Pmin the above ffgniwa we see that tht . Is being spent 20 cents for whisky every dollar spent for sugar and s.f fee, 20 cents for whiky fr every dollar -pent for clothing atd other rieceasef iee of life, tl pent U whis ky for every 12 ftr 15 rent- iid out for Christianity end education. Witb this state of affairs who will w ndcr that so many of the young men and hoys thst we see around n are (sat taking wn tbe yoke t.f I he drunkard, who might brcfitae useful ioem i of aocfaty. Where rests the Maine J ask sVara tbe whore ef it rest on the sabs it keener ? Is he alone lepponait le tor all the evil done hy this eureetl traffic? I think you will all agree with me that he ia not. There i an old silent partner called licet, who says tn the saloonkeeper, give me a part of yonr profits and I will root I yon by law.. I wilt tell yon to a hem you may sell, and ia order thai yeur business may have the appearance ef repeatability you shall get at eaf three reeprarihie persons to e-rify to our good moral cbmtwrtrr, ami go mm bonds for yon that you t;aH con duct yonr baslnee aeenrding t Ut, or as some terra it, keep an orderly house. Mow I ask In the light of common sense, Is not this hVnt partner just as much to blame, to say tha least, aa the satocaukeeper ? Right here I beg pardon for quoting the language of (he editor of one of oar newspapers in reference to the mur der and suicide that took piece in Marion County only a week or twr. ago. After giving; a brief laogeaphy of tne two men, he says, We con sider that the public is fortunate io loosing both men. but it weald have been touch better if they bed aa died a violent death. But like nr. every oter known crime, whi- y waa at tbe bottom ef tbe wnd trouble, and the persons who sold these two unfortunate men whisky aa the day of their death, have the blood of theae men on thedr band, let them talk as they may, and the world think ae it will." Then I would aek again if I lie license system is not just aa responsible for the blood of men as the man who eHh th whisky ? Xow my christian IVieeds one and ell what are you Individu ally doing to stay this evil ? Areyi u aiding in every guud teanp ramw work, or are you retarding that w rk by word and actions ? If Ho- latter let me ask of you. bea of vtao. lataeech y to down thoM lhat will work. Den' t bring reproach up on this or any other temperance ,, L, '.V, '"LTlJ ' "" ,h d11 doty w. would oo. ol .oy ,p,r. . chrljJ0 frieB,u wbat tW i for tbe cause of temperance ? Is your influence here nr with tba liquor traffic ? Ah ! bow often ia il the nana that professing christian tne a, arvt mea who have taken upon thence ivt a solemn tetuperum e eb ligation, will gi so fsr from the path of duty as tn become bondsmen for tbe aaioon. keeper. I hope there are nooe? of j, klod ifthere w yH4J are here tonight, let mo I . t. jr vsv v waa a ,we vsan tvs aarvavas i. v , Change your course or the ghosts ef your victims will rise to condemn you in the greet future. And in conclusion my christian friends let me say tbat it is in your p wer to lessen this evil, if not to nenish it altogether, and G-ai will reward titose only who are taithfut "He that ia dtacatiiMmted in one place will seldom be baptiy in another." People are constantly changing their hornet from East to Wt and from North to South or vice reran, iu aearch of a healthy State. If they would Isatrn to he contented and to nan, the celebra ted Kidaey-Wert when sick, thay would be much better off. Tbe whole system can be kept in a healthy state by this simple but effectual remedy. Tssa IT. "I like it better than any remedy I have ever used, because it leav- tUy bowiels in better condition," ia tire re mark made by everyone when referring to Syrup of Figs. That ia one al th principal reasons why Syrup of Faga in taking the place of all bver medicine s and nauseous cathartics hratofote used. Try it. Puahay Jb M taoo, tbe agoots for Linn county. It. ia said that there is a Nihilist Society composed exclusively ot otbceis of the Russian arm v. M. De Lease prophttdee that an other Suez Caul will be built, ntsrly parallel to tbe present work. For 6e cens. Wells, Richardson tfc Co., Burlington, Vt., will send color ed aauplea of all colors of Diamond Dyes, with directions.