STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT OBUfiu every Ki:in.vv MiTES & Nl TTIXK. 1 lCSnrK Bwrni UulMlu ItraaOatnta firt 1. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION !4U per jt-ar, In f Hvnr.. . 'U1 cfty, par ywar. an. t HMt CnpV, BlollUla. . a.1 - VS. -w. a I 0 imiit ani, vatw grwun. ii4t nit' . . . . .,...... . . 10 PROFESSIONAL cards. U rT.IXX. O. R. OWA.aillKIU.AlN. FLINN & l H VMBKULAIN , ATTORN EYa AT LAW, A Ibauy, Oregon. an rnW in K.-earaBr!ek liWk.-ajw. vl5nl8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT I-AW. Albany. Orf. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of H iate. W1M give special alien. bu n, -tl lectio us and proLata iiititur. (ltfir in Fntr's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregea. Office upstairs, over John Hrirs atoie, 1st street. visnaStf J. X. WE AT rIERFC RD, fMOTARY pt at.l .) iTTOUNEY AT LAW, IVILL MUCTICB IN ALL TBI C..CRTS OK THE ft mat. laaaWaaeanaa i -.tiatir.a aaa aTSTtrfS.- inO-M Ft I taw 'a Tir-H. (U:3 I. C. POWKIX. W. H. MILTUC POWELL & BILYEL, .TTOHNEYS AT LAW, And Solir iters ia thanrerv, 'ALBAMY. ... VKfcteOS. Collections promptly made on ail points. iLoens neewtiated on reasonable term. sflrOffice iu Foafer'n Krh'k.-WBi 14ul9tf. E. K. SKirWOKTII, ti roRMi t oi si tea at law n OTlRV Fl KLH . WI LL practice in all ooorta of t he State il bam oeaa intrusted to uie protnpi iy attended to. ofi. ; O'TooV RUrk, Brwv.iK Area 4K I .dttaa, llt. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney iai Commlty? It La? AXD - lar Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Court of thlState. All boaineaa intrusted to him will ire promptly attended to. na Office in OToole's li!o k. LEWIS STIMSON S MVRHY AMD FFED hTABLK. Firafc elaaa Tahtclea, tine hora, Kwi ; M, ancomcnodatfng proprietors u r-- aonabie eharges. Gfre Ibem a a. ; adddM near Revere Boue. rl- E. W. UUiCOON & CO., nrocisT. Rnohn. fsadenery and Toilet Arti la. A larae Suk and Low Pricea. CITY DRUG- STORE, tyi tutftXY. aaca. FQ8HAY & MASON, l)mgistsand Booksellers, or;' ALBANY. OBF.bOS. vieuAitf REVERE HOUSE, rtrtf aaa EUwrta Albo . rfM. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Tr.ia iaew Holcllafittrf up in Oratftiw atvle. TaWaa , ttpped wUn Uta tasat tba market aSor.U. Spriny beua in every Iwai. A x'i naatpie "iu tor Cav t lacrciat Taavalera. , SaTTrce Taab ta aa4 fraas rfex no l.a DANNALS & WOODIN MA.VVJ : K AMD I.BA.LF.11 O FURNITURE & BEDDINC. Caeeer Terry aaal Sreaae NrrrK ALDAXY, - OftCEGOX. 1 :e.,4i 1 T. J. STITBS. ATTOHN'EY AT AND Notary Public. Office in 8TATKS KrGHTS otn. In: ao na. Aloany Bath House. ilUK C5DEKS1 -NED WOULD BBSP fatly a form tho eittzena of At baa aad ri jinitj iS&t 1 baVetakaticbarjca ofthta Kstabiiah seat, aod, by kasping slaaa room a ao J payia atris tattsatioa to baamaaa, aipscta to aait si tboss wbo maj Avor na with their patronage Baviag keratofof oarrisd oa oo'-biag bat Ffer8t-CHss Hair Dressing Saloons axpcta iu givs eatira aatiafsetion to al 'Crodieo n& Ladiaa' ooatly ea i r atspood 3 OH WgBBfcK. COLLEGIATE mSTITUTE ALBAHY, OR. The Third Term begins on Thurs day, February 1st, 1883. For narticoUre coui-mim? the courana nt fttiirfy led ifba tica ol tuition, apply u KEV. irtBERT V. in Ml IT. rreiaea. BED GROWN MILLS. ISOX, LANSISt; & CO., PROPIt'S. NEW -RO( ESS FICR SCPKKlOU FOIt FAMILIES ASO KAKTHJ- I7SK. BEST STORAOP "riIJTlES. Highest ;Friee in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. ilalsey - - - OregaB. MR. W. E. GITHENS HAS TAKEN cbarsre of this house. Commodious sample rooms have been prepared for commercial travelers. Beda good and clean. Good table. Board by day or week. Stage leaves dairy for Browrnevill and Crawfordsville. mmnmmm VOL. XVIII. t 1 1 M. M. JONES IIreeI-r aa4 bltiaaer t PURE POLAND CHINA HOCS KNTRSBlltG ILLINOIS. I Mv breeding: ntot k ia roistered in tb Poland I'hina Rwerd. Stork for sale, it i-rasonablp rats. TImvmo Uojfs art tloscontl aiitx Ironi the boat hei'tln in liMiiana ami Illinois, arr iiuii't, UociU-, puny la t toil ami siIoiiJtt juoliuVs, orcte reoAvol by w. 1 1 .in c iii.Ka ShodtN. Or. KUROPEAN STEAMSHIP ranee Kales. Tfekata aold to and fHftaa all aarta or Karaya. U and iVaaa all Bin la at orefea, HaohiHKlon, nho and Maaiaaa at craatlj redaeed and lawett aaaaible raiea arar the tallowiag llaea i Mart Oeraaaa Cad Mfnhia I am bare amerieaa Paelcat i . WaUetttar !.! iteamhlp i n. Red mtur Ltaa Mteamahlp a. American Ltaa N team whip C3a. apply by peraaa ar by letter ta OLDENOORFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, AGENTS. .a. I O. Waaklactaa at.. National Baak Ho I tdi nK. P. O. tor a, PORTLAMl - - - OK Kit ON. EDWARD EVERETT. Wral be Pntemitb, by Pathfinder, iir.t daut by Varmont, aire of IaHy Kanatina, (22i ;) lsHU lawia, ilfciTJ ;) Parrot. V:2ii Will the aeaeon of PfeJ. alaadaya and Tueadaya of each week at Hbedd't station; Wedneadaya and Thnradayi at home. Sand Kidne, aui Fridaya and SatordavHat Lebauon. Kdurard Kvrett ia a dark ha v. 16. ; hands hi-ht ueiicb Kk'-O pounds very t viisn anu rult or apeei. fill to inatire. Aodraaw McKaiunT Broa.. Albany t r. KELLY, ENGLAND & GO, ui -!..;. ..i Carriage, Wagon and B11 cfotxr MToVathi a6J ttftv alwaea on bin I the bwrt rjualUy of tfar own nutke of Hi tin. rrL!2lli amkaa. liArLKlAltHX AND BUSBlEi A!! made out of the neat aeeond growth Hiekery, and warranted. V,'. If. (Joltr. in Allany, handle the yayb i.f the above Una. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Bailder -AND- GENERAL COXTRACTt)R. SCIO, OREGON. N OTICE OK PUBIfttO LKTlTNOfi SO LICITED. Plan and kpeciucatiotia ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. Pti'KIVO AXD nOVINi. PI A.i, arcana and furniture aperialiy. Alt aaalfa wlthia Ike eity praasptly al tended ta. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. -AXD Notary Public. Will practice in all the Court in this State. 10.1. Kirst Ht., Portland, urejfou. (With Curtia a Gihba.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always kep: in gooti condition, and hair cat in the very Iwst Htylej ' SAN WA vmc Ujm the oUaat atb!lab4 ami baa condu':tnl I AIIMnDV ; 1 f Tlf II f 111 I j In Albany, and hia rahin arnltronio nrtr lail t. . j irf tntiirfacfbn. And pruvbaon not, China aad I Jpane-Kda, fliie tea, fcuta. Coatractor for china ' HBNG TENG. Bent washing and ironing in tlie city. No. 11, KUsworth Street. One door aonth of Revere Ho use. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. IMPORTER OF FINE MIL L1NERY GOODS. OPPOSITE .REVERE HOUSE. T3 A ftRAMB COIBIHIIM 7bT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ASD THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year lor only t1..V. Two pafrea for little mora than tba price ol one. By paying ua $3.50) on will racahe fur one year your twin pr with the "tJouriar-Juuriiftl," tba ropraaenuit'iVB newpa,;er of the H-m'U, tmcraUa ftltdfora tariff for rsveutie only, ami the U!l,brili cat and abloat family weekty in the United state. ae w ht desire to examitas a aauiple c-opy- the ou.-ier-Journal" can d goat tbia office. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets. Dec. 1882. $.1,2iirt,32d Premium incofm , '2 007,131 Safe, reliable and quivtk to pay in case of loss. XJtVH MOXTJEITH, Agent. i I A.tb ia. Or ij i, -ftaaaaH H tdasi BPa. aalam. K - i . . i 11 1" u -s. ." aa1 afcdBaMAaf am aaam POWDER Absolutely Pure. TbUiiuwdrr mw .u A iiwval n puHty t r.r.,vi ft ltd wK.iteftmit.tiia. Xtiirv "i . IhftU thft iiftlMr) ktnUft, tod rftwmt m W In ... i- u wiui Ut niultiliKM few Vftfti, Mwirt ta. ..un. ur i h.t.tiu aaaan anid um; in ,-. Kot.l. s , ' rr sz Sat LYDIA Ea PliilCHAIi'S VEGETABLE ( it owplftla'fti ti.w.u .. aaaaaaai A XftJUIa far Varna. . . k f a n rrfar4 ay a . tw crwiMi aw-tfti a.., Wftta a .f .... GTB rrtft Vvir t!'. l4mt ftftd Uri nil Ik onanh- rawrtmu. iK Wf 11 IrtuMK U ta tt&. tlw0 in. Mfti.ral ti Mik ftJutpUJUftuB Uta fmim . u-ft f nsta ittft) tiftftk I u i nt lit a ayrta t.. . i.r'rt nft. STFkiaictaai ut tt aaj rnvrrat n rredt "pa tt war aawatM. Bat- m . 4ary at Meac Tbftft awBaa f fcaavria ft-ln (!. lf ftad aaaaaa a wy " r r4 t , y ar ta ajnaaaty -ift iwu if aMao jLTaiAK. WYKdAJtw nfcaaa iminu -af Lata tftucm. a. atxi ra cf assuaasaa Watr-M, JLj -.u, Kara. -.. f aaar.p. athvtttto-ai. hiargrMtiautrHm arf UU, ar aj teal Htm ftrn!i .iefti. tr r. , furl aaa asagwaiiay ew wa fYM TORPID low of Atpettta, Boar , 1 me Head, w.tti a m back par'. Pa.a un nwe. Ol 1 m a tier e ct ncrbvi to eaerttan 'K ' hria- Irritami tv uf temper, Witn out Meert, Ti baftre wS aaasTYelluw US n iaaoa be anar any over tbe rlrbt aye. Keay sseoaaawao 'fitful dreams. maUy icrrs at salt.. aoch at t i-naa 9m weeawfa wft- a iw . tar-aaaaa U laaUW. d cn-ee ti- i..w tn Tuba u i !- rrri U ;k- m . 11 Vnhr.-! -rna-1 .a'-iaaa HlftK tv aiAirn. ap; '-niton i It. .ft !v. la a j-.rt m ftiural ... r, r. t lM,afa' !hi(M ..a try lroaTBi-i . arr I t.y etkSea ..! ' ,a ut i. stasat T waaa. g i r aaniiL f . i. t ,...o. VUt.i Saaaae sia a-M mi DR. 0. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. agAS KETrRVET to thU rttf n4 nmxunrA prc IW tfca. Offtoe in new tlg aph oStaa, O'T.aslft' aMaanj aeaaaaaa atrret, btwftan rimt &i le-c- und fttmat. Albany, Or., Uo. 8, IW2. . aefy'y SgSal "BaTB People are alarayao RrBr afta89P JBCJi in lookout for ehan net u. incrniMu ihalr aarahtaa, kimI in time iieiotf wiwltby ; thax wbotla not iniKova their opportunl ti r-' in laoerty. Wi offer a yreat chanaa to at ke moaev. We wittit many men, women, otyaano f la to work tor ue right in their own local! ne. Any onrn Ut tbe work proparlr from tho Aimi aat. The Iiuiitvft4 will pay more tnab ' tan' ttraS ordinary wttp. Kxauaalrs aieSa lam.JieS frea. Xonnawbo f U' t.. in ino r.u.nij. Vu oao da . . ...m i,..-. IU- - . ..f only your ftpitre nhi.. I uti .oi.i' . ' a 'i. i all Uat ia twaadeti av.ii ir?. Aoilrer. ir. - A Co., rortlaSd, Maine. BDAiDUH ASSURANCE "c6. Tf LONDON. ' EsrABUSHEP, A. I, 1821. Capital subHbed, .f 10,000 OuO Capital paid up -. ft.OOO.OOf NoTE.Thls company haa the largest paid up capital of mpany doing biiHineas ia the. United States. Insurant accepted by Hour. A. Foster, Agt ft Albany. A aerk nuida at home by tl.e in riiiatriouK. Bet buehiea now be the public, ( wpltal not needed. We Silt ecr you. Men. women, uoye nun girt wanted every Where t work for u.. Now ia tlte time. Yon can. work in apare lime, or give j-o ir whole tbna to the buaiuete. No otner btwinraa will pay you nearly aa welt. No one ca tail to make mormon pay, by en graxing at once. Cotttly outfit atd tenna frea. Money mada taet, taaily. and honorably. Ad.ireeu Tut t. Co., Aturuata, Miine. SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST ANO BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe tiuest billard ball in the city. I a Hi aso sen real estate, msrehs ailse household goods, etc., at anctiou for any one in the city or county hi tors opposite Revere Heuse, Albany, Or. Ctf SAM COHEN nai. aaa a JfSSJj&Jm aB oB aH K ar kaSP UVER aJa-opeVve. u aeaeatioo -oar tbe Shto M tUa, with a ' ox ooor or a Low antrtt rmb. o. LBANY, 0BC5ON V . , ' - -tr'- tl aaal aw - f aaaavAnania A i xr a i - & , . . t I 7 aaVattaaaiattl .ai te tarraa. lraTnaur lUffUbu v.rrcp u Ca-i t : Wasmimjton, June, I, IHS!1.. . I decoration Uv i a popular anitiear aery in Washington ; h If one af the i oo amity national boliriaya ; tlaja a hen that gallef atave Vonwn mm i tia goeein ment oterk In ttnrhainaJ lr w hs dak m ft I aMnwrd lo wander at bin own went wil?, in bear garden. I ollqwed the crowd i;at went uo I-hhoii day to the Nation m! iVweteff kt A- Ingtnn. Arliagton, no kna, waa onca Uta home of flnyajej !.. fc 4a now Hit imnieoiM graveyard, tooling down "pri Waahingtan froai tba V'tr ainia Hhore. A 'ifedret once preaehral to hie warlika pariabonera ia the Am! J, i bat the way to Abraham's (A-brahkat liaroln'r) beam waa over Arlington Heighra. Tbe wey to Ar liugton U. imu from Waehioton in Uiiougb ancient Oeorgetowe, acuaa tbe Potoaiar, oer a nrkeiy t,,K'"' thenee half a mile v - do.y n.t and yon ent. iba paylafa of what ia imvically f called "Hoioe'a K,eraa: I 'am pine QfOundV ' IwAweatt two vertical olum liiad'. It ia a heaMtifitl spot, mock ol it retB-tintn in ibe wild wttoral fotrat through whtk the ludlan gii'led not ao very long x . Tba upon earea hats and there ate thickly dotted with graven. ItiihinkU. iodal, and with aucb tiieaoaa prerwion of alignment tbat the ban aoldiata aeem t have been put under ground to the familiar commend, the eternal "eloae up ' clone itp ' Tbe grevea bml bean dee uatad, hot I looked iu tela fir the do were about which 1 bad braid ao much. I sew them on but tana graves that liote too title ut' I.ieuteoenr, Major, ami Goner- aJ, reepectivety. Too other myrinch af t m ' - w i ii i i. ii ii - 1 a little pdbny nag, the stats and atripee. n like a aaindla that enuld not have laatn praotieed oa the living to s d Iftnta these tawdry bite of camhrtc for ii aera, out the poor oler Imneetb waa ptite ea aaliattal. I suppose, as if l iorahad emptied hr apron. Kiors, by i he way, no tbia aaton waa, km in i tat caaas, aCuluced girl, end by tar the greater portion of those wao s'tead el the picnic were colored sanfile. They araavWed about Lbronaih the gitvaa. aat on the grass. wu.cai gin ear catkee, and were ia n hiab atata of enjovmeat. Msnr the d-uHi f te Capital ; eej iyel ikeir holidsv in esrurebme j itwu uaM titar 10 Mount. rraon, j Piney Poipr. or 10 the oteer j.rritv j lauding 1 Uf-a in a be h the ataarea of (he Potnmao abonod ( bera went up . rhe rtver to the Ureal falls, while ' tbouaanda m ailed themselves ef tbe et I rnl fS brn b 1 he istt toads. .'mhiiiking teoie io doubt will bjesaa m tor tailiiig at lbeoration day. hot the dtsfernieg reader will laa t ' aeute cauib M ae that I am not rati ng against tbe day, but s gainst the l. ft 1.1. aJr-noHoi dceraiiun, anu ibe M'iriarque ie Miration tbat baa been S'tbelitoAed far reeJ flwnra, Tbe m a ride satne of laaeolo in front of tbe City Kail wee wteaiaeo witn pine ana wnua paper . .i a f . a t i t rraaes. t. rename tawdnaeai waa eharaeteriattc of tba decoration every- wbere, anu this too at the season ol the greatest abundance of earing flowers snd verdure. It is too evident that tbe sentimental Congress wbicb see opart tbe 30vb of May ea a trier det mart, a day sacred to tbo dead soldier, aad for floral offerings, reckoned without a knowledge of bumsn forgetfulneas, end legislated a ferae. The day ia enjoyed by the Una of thousands of Govern- , meat employees who are ever glad of an excuse to leave their desks, but it is not enjoyed in a commemorative way. and it is fast degenerating into a kind of noonday orgie. that would be mere honored in the breach tbsn in the ob servance. a t.Xa.sTta a st aaa. A few days since a meteor burst over thi village of Rochester, in TJ later coun ty, X. Y., anal sect a Car piece of metal into Kondout creek, csusiog tba water to boil and bubble for aoinn time. Tbe boys bunted around in tha creelc until tbey found tbe toeteot ite, abicb jToved to ba aa immaosa sarord vigh teg 1 7 pounds. Tbe blade is covered with hieroglypbicH that are wholly un- at t like an v thins evec before seen or de scribed, and that siiaw a prodigious amount of work im tlieir engraving. The entire workmanship of tbe mysterious weapon is ol the laisaiole descrip tion. Tha bift seems to have been de signed for soma mammoth baad tbrea times as large aa tba. ordinary bumao baud. It is supposed to hava been bred oh of a csnnon during si) engagement Wseeu tbe contending stories un soma of the planets, snd may hava btjen wau-da-ring through ajwee for many miliiona of yeara. am IftffaalaaSaal Maaar. "If I can entl one sobering soul to you." writes James Corbin, of Wash, burn, fll., "I will b0 happy. Mai,ri$an AVrae curwl me, atvd aiJl cure all eases of fits." $1.60. FttiOAV, .ttTNK , tin?' - i . - -5" i BWvervUI. V! Vt.Maf , I eh if rh'. a ItnaN frao Weal Viifino atijfat latiaHli to aome of the ouii) ratiioiN of your rxnellent paper. Oaii.g u. the ,,.t. dift.euo and ,a.r,paa ltalefatlaanH un Hie , part aotoe of Pari Hao, a J' at M-- taa. the ,ao, aAi aaidoa rI.e, -j bvlufe k it h moflta oln, ao Ua. ... mw ( ajajadid I hlk. that do at alt. Here, ae bate oad Ut, .,vMd ao,Ulnwlaloly atiaoda the jodg aaaVwird .flog. Many Mabata r , mJlltof nM n reUffoo ?iJ mur,dntiag vet. The groeing I (jf tl Ha,ingH battka arbaatlkal looked aw ..nprnmittf ,a j -M p)lcr, ftuj,y ft,r (h, .fag toe noi ing, now iii'ia u to make an : aeara9arrop. Thr late frrats in Vfsy bare kiited moat of tU fruit. We have not bad a gorat old fshioiied fruit vrop bare for qulra umoer of years. 'I Item ooattBies o be much sikneaa and aome deaths in 'lis vioinity. Among the Seetba ae nofise thai of "Did Aunt Rachel," ( olored) a ab waa railed I y al! whe knew her. Hhe waa ih otdeet lerson living on Sonne; Terk aid to be over one huudrwl years obi. Had waaa fftitbful aarvent in tbe family id air. J. dm Hoggs, from the dys of early girlhood. Mr. Ii was one of the pioneer aettbr of MpHne: creek ; ba em igrated from tba uintj if fireenbriar, Virginia, aith hi nnmawtKi family of sons and dawgbtar. aunt the yeai 30, to Jeakeon imy, (now 1 1, or county ) where be pttrchasad ,000 eMp of land at 26 eta. jar acta. 'I his large tract of land end a tmtnW f MirtatitM (ka disidea out to bis aoe. and "On, in. r-S a a a t a a sa I law, ane .a a rau.iren ; ami anea, rer j advatwt to tear, be nHiK.i another j terse tr of land na th he d s r-ra of Sfwingnreek, retools fruro any eeiib,Ie hf , If. p-r,kaa K. Ueten ine aaaisvaiu el " ; oampamoe. and llarhel, and a few , VHWI Wft. !, Hftl it Urge farm and comfort M b : here be and bis camfanhm luei and laitb died full ol yr-ars, Iwed and reeirotad by ell abu knew l-twle .1 .hi, and Aunt Hueeo Baggs- ' haies I Hmtead jou In a former ! ..nble, ba say something ui ' e- wkawsra and Li ret eeatlefs of smmiv msaa. afhak a trib utary of l.oiU ICaaaSraa, Tbia frl b tiKtar... c dl living LetU lh KftUIN I fltJkf through thai .eiaia if Itoaoe mtA Wlr, uf Wee T . ami fat ands in the saftei ere tick eto .loduotive, and, in a - aat ... .... covered with tbe b' A, I'-p'a'. waa ; nut, ebeateui and fana Mppar, dpMl ear fbenniv a-at l aitua tax f on iba v'aa,t bank af ftufhtg creek, 20 milee from ib uernh. About GO yeara ago, Iaac K-na h tnaie a small a a a A I iupr.veoi-ui. near the mu itti ot toe cieadt. (now known a- llali'a Milla) t Ab-tut tba aau :e tttne damee t'orbitt msde a aatuleinettk a few miles higher ' op, wLere he old lit iun tiace er ibe Of eek . Mr. Curbitt built ibe liret water mill on the creek be was one of VkeO.d Virginia bun (eta. At tbia time bears, wUva, paotbete, aik, deer, and rattlesnakes rosined tinmoleetad ; in tbe fureais. If Mr. Carnttt alt I not j slay his thousands, ha did bis bundreda. t if ... . ....... a i . w. . a k wa .w..y iv,m ,.y ...,,- , w near, .n.t imiwrr ny a j rattlesnake. l.sent l wear S you 1 louat raUlesiako. L rlnee this rsinhhiing letter. Wore anon. Apaji I). HonAM. Tar New Aharon, ,'loae,) .tVtr is truly alarmed at tba vary probable de feat and consequent diahandmeut of the Republican party. It ia of the opinion tbat there never waaa time io tba hia tory of tbo Rpiib!hin put when its tenure of powr was so uncertain aa a aa i . as. now. r.sai wiatom tn ail things poiit- teal, tbe most careful and judicious ad- mini strati-n Mertatmne therelo, is thinks, ia maul test ly eaaential. I le clarea, with a solemn conviction of the truth yf its statement upon its editor's mind, that leaders of ibe grand old tar ty most now prove tbemselvas worthy of tba great trust, or the Kepuhlioan party must now go out ot power. Far tha consolation of that editor, we would any tbat no man with tbe history of political parties iu bis mind and a knowletlga of the character of the lead era of tba Republican party would be ao credulous as to believe thao these lead ere would he worthy aJ the truer, which tbey hotvl. ' ' A atalM JV. Att iaKXT. A distressing and fatal accident oc curred at Silverton, Thursday, at about 3 o'clock. The twin sons of J. M. Brown, sgsd about 6 years, had been left at a neighuot's while Mrs. Rrown came to Salem to attend the tourna ment. While playing, they .found ao oM gun, and one of tba lads scctdently discharged it white handling it, and tha contents of the piee entere.l -ha body of f,he other, wounding him ii . A striking woman : A jolly old un cle has been re. luting Rome incidents ot his early life to his nephew. "Of all the women you ever met, uncle," Says tha young map, "by which were you the most struck 1" "By your aaaf, my boy by. your allot!" replies the old gentleman, dropping his voice and feel ing tha back of bia bead tenderly, from tfaalxencb. 188ii. ' .x . i mi uta aaeair KiW Voptk, May '22, KKJ. Governor Clovelaml liai lo'M lh pt- 'pie At lurjfe a groat ervf?j hy ibe vnluifiK of lite i'ogu artvtngj hattk hill, which allowed thrae ioatiluf loot to lnve4l ih0mtnpy of fhJr daaaai, ,n 1 mwl honda other lh-f wjlt M, gw D((W ,r tbe (lOVMrnor w,,y pg,, Aa "II d tmea in put away their I'lfle pro vUfcma for a rainy day A the laa now goes those deposit are reasons My safes. Once open the dar, bow ever lo untimltwd naciilatin on lha part of of the bauks which prtv li- cally what th Paga hill ailowe. snd ) tbe UfMv.ii r- a .mbi wajn Hud tbem -hIvo- in the aarrie ImwI with tbelr brrthroo in Kraoce, ah.. w aaajaa sftrr hr0 go down iu I ho ba and flow of financial tida Walstf. When the wreck has onee brn effetdod It aerres no purpoaa to aaad dimtore ami officer to prison. That doet rvol tiring hack lhat fortune. Aod yei CJovernor Cleveland eoeridefi paraia In saying that he has no eye fur practical atatearuansbip, ard that he Is bound to wreck the chancer uf the Uamocrati parly, I r nejtl year. It is atranga hw Img rsnnnr aaa live. A friei.d of mine, anex-snoy ofBo(, (tkme mtt .hf ,rtnrr j, ,lf; mf fhA Army rminlnn nih . pup ,,f f Ii his hand. Vttinling , f UP 1f fhf. f9M w.Ulitig how (ieneral M(H leltao Was a. hut am a word of his speech was given. "Thi- is no simple otemigbt or Lack of space," iai1 he. "Tlte ifWrytinctad its conlraflars Wra J forever daderanioed to kill little Mac, both on aoootint af himself as because of bis Darapcratic potif lea. They did ao while he was in command of the army, and while he wa- flovernor, but be ajtgj Uvea and corniuct like this eu far from injuring htm. is bound to raUe him la the popular estimation." A Kouthern lamarat. who was io own the other daj, a a ores me that Ilea. ii.tiiiDuy iaetweeo tbe ! ret ' p. ..pie and the lemnacy is daily Kr.,ainK Mtuftger, anal fran entirely natural caimas. 'Soue lteimbii sc teedera of tbe fifth rank," atld he. nwke spasmodic atteinpt- now and then to die up the l!sdy whirl' f the corner in which ii has buried, but the attempt ia u Tbe colored people are growing more aad more alive to their own Interests and therefore leas and leax fit oate- rial for Republican agitator. The color line a far as the I)?motr.iey concerned has been ohliierateil. Last f.uunUy 1 attended the Spring races of the Meadow Break Ifunt at Ixing Island. I hve aeon a great doaj of riding, but must con. fee that some of the gilded youth whom everybody iHUMde of the i ... .. ..a j cnririoctl n. otake-. W Sjint lo bjugh at, shor a skill in the art af j baraemanshlp and a pluck io riding at obatacles which la r miraendable. aa. a a a - - t a a . a Riding aeroea m cauatry U ralvulated to develop what courage a man has, aaaj thave oung men have a great deal of it. t ine of I hem got a terri ble fell. In ta'.iug a wait a stirrup leather broke, and he came an awful cropper, tbe hone going down with him. fie was pretty badly bruised aod must have been foniderabiy shaken up. Yet us he had aa en gagement to ride in the following race lie was promptly iu the saddle, and although his right arm was use less, he made a magnificent finish with his lefr. Horsemanship in this section is on the, both quantitatively uod qualitatively, and as n result we see fewer pale cheeks aud sunken eyes in the hu ineaa world than in former year. - -a.- - A boy with a top tried to spin it, Hut his hand got a thorn rijbt iu it, The aport didn't, apoil, Kor 8:. Jacobs Oil, Cured his hurt in less tUait a mini'. A red-haired clerk in S.vannah, Slipped on a pines of banana. Great, pain he endured, Hut at. Jacobs t)il cure. I, He now goer dancing with Hannah. its woNDEsnx mmrcM Xo remedy ever discovered laisaeasas tbe won1ertul efficacy of Syrup of Ktgs. The oeruinty v ith which it expels stl impurities from tbe system, at the same j time giving tone to tha liver, stomach and bowels, places it shead of all other . remedies, to say nothing of its being more easily taken. It is selling veiy tepidly. Foshay & Meson ure agenu fur it. '-'-Ladies, if you would lie forever re deemed from, the physical disabilities ttat, in thousands of cases, depress tha soirits and absolutely fetter all the en orgies of womanhood, you have only to get l.ydia E Pinkfce. Vegetable Com- . ... . . , . -. peuad. NO 47 T Ji.r tm texts ar aia cAirraaa. I In the Hate 'Library a'. .leokton, Mow., ia a ci ay on ptttreti id Mr. llevia as beeppenred hen spiured. asked bito if it waa a-rreet, and he toadied : ' 1 witj tell aoa cily bea ietl ia' ouned. J had lain doaa eiiaaiit t moving a girmant. hsdfi fcigb car airy loete, ewnialaMHta tataaed ifi'o the l. k gray tdwoee end a iwet hat.. USMi the alarm Iv-nsg ai"" i aad ant of tba tent end eaw a Kedersi cat. alrymeo ?M or 4 feet aaay. He nr doa.l me to hi . At tbe aeem men i Mrs. bu i threw ov r my tarn mi U da?s folded shawl. J aaw tbat my . af eaeafw waa ie eaiure tbe horee of be hederal. J aiesaaad straight open htm, feelrac tkat be would tire et me, bat lelVvhg:ibt be SkWatftftlji' e.laaaa 11. . . U A .a wV.,,u aaaa uiaj 'arfn. iaO I bra ft, ' ourred. there hate heea a htasaf. gle fr iba- a.j,. of the horse. A a I approach i- Miidker be hrwevrd hi cm btaeaa if o anuot, aut at vbat (Mo ment Mr a. Dawis rimbai up and tbrea ber aram aaaaad ie he 4de he. I tatted a awaaakai n;rted hi weapia. seide, aod I walka1 lark to the lire ann aoot 'Ina u-tit tm.t- . ... i..-, ' aaa as arami An 1n arreting erceadtag -evipwi 'he alt en item of ibe I'atant OaVa idh emie the otbei day, aeieg tbe sale .d rej-cted ssodala. Xesris 17.000 mrviele, sppertainirig t every breach ef aeienc- and art. we.a a.Kaiomamed ,n lata m I U at pti..,. aalee. Thea m,y ra.,.,,,.,i .a.. r.:i L of American i Among tbam a work man 'a offbeat wtr half worked wste ibe fntib of borieati toil and bumlieda of unsay out. Flying mach 1-ea ptual eautavn milleeamted taVacirioauy of the. crowd in attendance and nat a r m . these rvntarbaide prouueriona wave dm- nw-d of to t! butttamataaad Seoraa The Onlk nf Wertt aoid by the ran load, wrtkaattt aav Sperial ealoat and tr cammdweVy ieawihan tl.aai ibe , r tea of the raw Ut tariai of rhv-b tea- ware eonanrs tti, Taken altaajeiher, aadat tdsaodem and j aanaa aearaeal a I ltd teas than fire j -fa apia- Jolt a B. (io itfh says tbe leetnre butueeaa isda.imog becetee tits po-; pie are hediaiug tc mueic .-l arat- ricaL l'trauirnt Anhtu'e rifkt aim is an inch aal a halt' longer than ben be became Pra-idatit. L-ery da ha out into the recutita re. ami sbakea beads aisk s great crnad of peofda. j Waakirtgn tailva aav the riabt aima of nearly all men of note are (mm oeei worst sggy frwh, on their maraud."-: to two inabea larger ibe tbe l-f , all j aileeton, the hainmeea and tnii?! ir on aeo.nint of handtdtaking. . wbo return ie the aat ait hour iej tba Prof. John McLaren McBrvie baa night with their booty to the rd: been elected Prssideat of tbe Tniver open saloon, where they find a -ertain btty .f !..nb Carolina by a -inaaimooe ' eb-ome, and no innundderatda. vote H the beard uf trtisteea. He is a native of tba State and forrv-two aeare j Qf AVom 1,79 Ul jpu p- a-aa pfnator ef Arricultnre n tbe loti-r ! iit, Tanneasee, aad laas somu" t oeat.d a ca t la the -sb Carolina ia- I I atitutton. K eoon aa tba eamplei mh I the aup- Nof 'battn Paettie aball have b nleeianted br tbe onaoectioo with CeJi. fotoiafrom P..nland, trains will ma ft-ta St. Pael te San Francisco via I iretfon in tbe same tiiaa bow made by tha roioe snd Centtal Paeif from Omaha to Ran rraucisca. The distance from Mr. Paul to San 'reacic via Portland will ha about 2,700 mUe. ssu l.e made in fVmr tUye at au average spaed of lee than thirty utUrs -n toir. Toe s rest suspension bridge, com raenced en the :i-d of January, i8T0, onneeetiug New Turk and Broorlyn. was Ofiene I 01T Thursday leo. This giatsnriu ostuctarsj baa a total length of j.580 feet, auu a height above rhe river eflSofeer. U. was I eat t mated that, tbe bridge wonlal cost a 10,000,000. This est!oiae i.s.s f.llej $S.OO0,0w0 lalow actual cost. R lubery, fraud ami plun der have marked its canst r tidies. The longest ferry ttcet in the Uoiud States, with one exoeption, wiil la that latilt, in New York for tbe Northern Paciiio railroad to be used between Kslama and Ignore, the point opposite. I It waa shipped by sea, in sectitwe, from Xew Voik May lth. and will ta at Kalama in season for tbe completion df the work bet ween Portland aad Ianore. A recent decision of the P.iatoffiee Deftarimeot) ie to the effect that. a Utter, after being sent, can be recalled by the sender, upon his making application for it to the postmaster, who haa authority to recall he same by telegraph. a '' easier to convince a man acaiust hiaaeasea than agaiaatiis a ill." When a sick man baa given Kidaey- - 1 Wort a thorough trial, both will and I .? a ; jA . ...... -ft w j aeneas join in unquaaowu ap...t v, j curative qualitJsaln all diseseer of 1 the river, kidney end beweli. Til $TAT aiHTS MM9CMT a I tw butm rlralaa areer rr leeetea raaavrf rartJeae. a see TBI KM UTEKTKllft KtSlDl; pHi ial boaineaa noticea in lea: ' nuik l emtitm per Hue. fieii'' n..'v- lOrafMepWKne. Kor lafat aba Waartaut 4vertheani -91 (a rr aqua re for the fir.t iin i ai d rente par adnata for eah aulneKi ttata for other advaniaemrnt n aoe kt.ewn sen TI1PI1AI0S DEFltMSIT. cmiiD by raft Wsgtr&'n Xbriiltai TrBpeiagre files Oar National Pre-tdent, tti---WHtnrd. has -dSn wart frmae. v eVpoctdl rf her, and om o. oas bean disappointed. It wraittf s folly for u a to attempt even a fc.vnop4.i4 of her lecturee. ym all heard her. " 3 a.a, 1 t long snay each of you retnendwr ha-; earns!, christian wteiia, bt-r f-t.t!e. ei argfftji, eSledlation tt Work U r rite eeoae af letaerafe-e anrl ai waay nays of working did rne haara ly ripiain and sxanl isit lhat urn one, not even 1 he weakea of ne, ran gad aa-eacAeae far aa aakJinr oar mite. JM as remember ard imitate u r nly gaWUsbiimi ean ilgalty. ir aaa to maktaa the can vf Chrlai and tempetance ot e and ibe aarue, and pot tufib alt our eoeii- f r the cODVeraido of Ibe erring, Aar then will I bey be indeed rrfoimed. The if-flaaoee of ter lae'eiM-e fell like a benediction up m o-, and hoalng nor head we thanked lend for toe preeefH-e In our tiaaa.i, even lar so rrt a time, f so-b en ex. maple of cbrtsriae peaty, and v.-ti a worker for fax, frail baaamattv. JM us do as site beir o- -ibank fi el ami take courage" from her ai-e words uf inatrunioo s ml advice, nod her grav-lnus commeodaUoa 0 what baa teen done, and forwerl ft. , 1 II f k. .. , y ' -4 . "T . ""''"f '" ", f ' camplmh much ; fur UsaajlJ lbt Lord's hand i- not shortened that it cannot save ; neither 1 bis ear heavy Lhat heeaamd h nr. Tbe grand jury or St. la-mi-, after careful ezemlnstJoa into the aork- logs of tire dram jdtops of thai ci report in aob-taoce as folio : We have taken a large amount id leH- inoav ia recartl to tle reletbas ! tneaa last It uibars,. JaUh -. tba expen diture ami rasreooe of ine city. Thai a itneasea were these who would give us fits nt iadiapotalde bade are! intelligent opto low , aaquehfjed by prejodb-e. It wee-shown by ' imaaav. leatibeS ptnef iw that at lca-t eighty of the eriaae and petiieri-.iii ofseldciy comes direct ly Ir.-n ire of area ratios bet are aa the proprietor of tbe establishment, and !. d-. perate iararters wbu inie-4 lom. ia ao faint aa to be almost unrviitiz-'! ; that to them as ta their taaaat cngr- : iai ;.auot- t-nne the drones anal leaches of eoctaty ; that in triuany thsMS tba hoodlum gangs rotv-x i schemes hy whi .-h Idle youths, a 1 yet cr imbeds, areiartiaUd into n - way id vice ; tbat trot. eeae ed laas ' weaaore of protection. 1. The rswt af prHrtag the vir i grades of these dens is msnifoW ter than ihe rwvenec i.rlvj from their iuntiteti say lag contritmii-ai h Iba dtra rafakarue. of t-rirtre end misery aithwhi n the social compear of St. laouia I rur dened and afflicted. " Tha ananhara kf ika arrn1 Uarar j M u,ftkfaI to yaair-JHibarW XaA . aaaWaaaeiMi 1 ri.K their present lights to their duty as citizen, If they did not at this time ; aecJ-rtJ bc unh,wi oaiviction thai la this ci y therr? is ow lay aa subject which o immedt itelv and imperatively denvuidH the earnest t coasidaratioa ami actitai ot tha tax paying commoai'y s tne cs -The The liquor Trafuc." 1 SiiruU. Tney were paaaieg a dry good store, when one of the party stopji them ami mU : Lat's go in tttid take something.' M "Why, that' adrygoods store," said uta af the party. Well, what of it Come in." In they matched, ami arrangiog themsalves before the tiunter, the gentleman who had invitetl them propounoVt tbe quesibin, Wh tt will you take?' One of the prty took a baa of collars, another took a clean shirt. When tbe bill had been settled, and they had wjike I out, they locked at each tar rather sheepishly, and began to see for the first time tbe f.adishoeas of tbe treating business.. M'vUhUwH Vw. eae Air aa'aaaarstr. Jsly husband had drunken htit m could not overcome until Prka 'a Uin ger Tonic took away bis thirst for atiea ulaute, restored his energy of mind aji gave him atrengtb to attend to oom neee. Cincinnati lsdy. Aa etaStea a Bellrt Have uaad'Parket's Ciuger Tonin f .r my bad cough sod hemori1;age i had twenty-fiva year. I feel I ke another man sioce I used it. Am 66 years pat. Believe it euro to cute younger rros. A. Oraar, Higbapire, Pa.