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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
K ! fa "1 do not aU-rH.. I This great ireBglb- m mmy ami nerve ti s he lPitunlo re ult if over taenty twars of preeUrat erWnee, ml inrvswtth unfailing taint v .tvim atal vskwl tleliiiit, semi aknoe. rinetir- r UtlHTlUK1, em r tency, vitality, i-iv lure (lectin and law of JitVivnn and frot whatever itiM produced. It enrich enrt " rtnMtbm the nerren. braiu, muscle. uigtwUoti. re productive onraii ami whys oat and nwui raouiu.--Hatops any aniaatwal debllitath drain ,rti Ut . Lraramlaa invnhiutaTV l.i, UeUiliUtlng fream, seminal Ionn with the urine. etc.. so d nti. l mi. .a ubi It la a Mire ellennator . .f all kidney and bladder ix.mpUU. U contain no l.tnrUu ituMttant TS, thnae suffering f TOW the ettleflecta of youthful ndfaretiwaH, lh MhMrluUl. ..i- flir -.ule In with full dl- . ...inni ...t t,u M. x. nt secure from obmm tn nv sil.irraa main revell wrlcw, OT V. O, P., to be had only of OR. C. D. SALFIELD, te Kearney M . San Imarhre. at Consultations strirtly toafldenUal by letter or at o- KRKK. For the oan,ventno of patient and in writer t innr pe jrct sectv.v 1 have addHtd a pre- ate addr under which all packajw are f.irwantetf. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. , Ui show It mtrit. ill httwitto mv one pplln by letter, atating lip niuipt.uiiii and 3fe t homunicUwua etrivtlj- cuafidenUai, The Great English Reme dy. lis a never failing tra fur lNervuU Itrbilitt. .S.UUU. Em h , , I laewnep. i.vmni i KsaJitv. SuennatorrtHi a. laakaT MlHM. Im hiutetu-y, taralia, and all terrible tVerta 4 .saif labvae, ynui hint folllea,and lexeaaaaain maturvr vrarn- lauch a Mciury ILaaattude. KutuMioii. Aver huon to S ei. liuiii-axf It iuuu, vi- In tl llea.1 the vital fluid nnobsrrvrd into lie uritie, and inanv other) diaeaaea Tnadlna tn insanity and death. aK. MI.1TIK tU arree to forfait Klvr MsadreU UeJtaira for a ca.e of this kind tha Vital PrMorav live (eeday hia apadal advice and tmmwnt) a-nl eet ore - for aavthln Impure r tujurtou iouuu u it. Dr. U in tie treat all private diaeaae u . -f ull v aaj wary. tionnuunn tree, in.rouyncv -inination andadTW inclMtnir anabaia.J Prioe of Vital Reatorative. S3 a Wttle. or four tuneo the uoantrtv tie. seat t uir addrew upon i'eit iriea arC. O. 1. obacurafruin obaervatWm ami in im vate if deaired. by DR. A. IC Ml Ml I.. It ktame) street, San l'rnci--o, cab ftaropk bottle free. Sent on apf.lWvtWm by rtter. e'atinc vrmptotn. ki and ae. ' unmi'muatiiaf trk-Uy coofldeutial. Dr. Mintie'a Kidnev Remedy, NVphretirtirn, cures -.:! kind of kktner and bladder L-nvplaintjig(4MnlHi!a, ytaet, laovh-snrrtMsa. Kor aale by ail drut M, ft a tn-jtfrt or tax 'inttba for . . Dr. UiatM Daaeatton Mil are Uu? lt and chop ret Dyapetleia and Bilious cure in the uia; l: t. ror ate by all druu'tata. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DUtC. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT ment, a BMeMe for Hyateria. Uuuine, t on- ruliiom. .Nervuoa Headache. Mental Vn is-taaimt Lni-t ui Meaory, Speraaatorhnee , Itapotency, In voluntary naawiiina, pteaaature oM aire, omnsetl h rr-srtton. artf-abaae or over indalgance. ahich levh to misery, decay and iteath One box will cure recent ilhjem. Each boa enrttaina one monih'a treauaent ; one daOar a box, or six boxes for five dottass; ssst by mail prepaid on receipt l price We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. Witu each order reoahad by as fur six ho tea, accetnpaoi! with five doUan, we will ssad tha purchaser our written jrtrntee to return the money if the treot sawat dsss ana atfect a cant. Coaraatecs iued only by WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. Wholeaaia ami Retail Druxyiata, Porttawd. Orcat. ml era by mail at rej.-ukti pmas. Dr. SPIWEV, NO. 11 KEARXY T. Treats all hraalr sad .ftpeedaJ ataaraea. WHO HAT BE MrrFFJUC FaMftX THE eaVtaof youthful follies or htuarretiun, will do wen to .vail Ui iimaeleea of thta, tbaaraaliat tmon ver add at the altar of redennj humanity. UK. &mrsHY wiu roarsntee to tartan fevaor every i Cesiinaia weaknaaa ar private ifietaae d any kind or asica be aaaartakaa aad nite l" cur.. LtaE VEX. ' at the age of thirty-five toiixty who are troubled with too frequent eramatlna of tha tdad- ansa aeenmpariied by a align assarting; or burnioc oi u tar. wiO eAea be fowad iuuir milkiab has, again than tag to a dark and torpid aaaasraata. Tkaau are many sasa who die of thte diffbralty ignorant of tha cause, which ia the aeeocd atagw of saaiiinaT weaftneae. Da. 8. will guaraa tee a perfect cure in ail such eaaes, and haa Hay restoration of the genito-uriitary organs. Omca Hoess ie to 4 aad (tel. Semdara from TO toll a. a. Coasuitation free. Tboroagli exmiitatior iM advice, t6. Kor private llarinn of abort atandinfr a full coarse aadieine auUUricnt f,r a cure, wiUi all inatraetijna, wiii be ee-ot to any addresa u receipt A 10 ". Cah a . Iilraaa, Mt. ftn.x.virr et ce., 7 1 Ko. 11 Kearny St. lata Franeiaoo. Cl To the Unfortunate ! DR GIBBON'S dispensary. f)fy KF.4KW gT., 1(CJ conic of Commer cial Street, Kan Franctann. iKatahlished in 1S.V4, for the treatment of Sexual laud Seminal biaeaae. auch as Conor r bra. tire I. . Mrlci arr.Sy phi II in al ; it form.. Iwt pole a c v aeaaiawi WeaAafess, nlirlit lories bt dream, pim plea aa the face and loi of manhood can (xaitively be cured. The rick and afflicted should not fail to call uwiim him. The Doctor tout traveled extensively in fcurope, and inapeeUMi tliorougbly the various nuapi tal there, obtaining a great deal of valuable iniorma lioo, aliich ha is competent to irnriurt u tho in newl of hi eeryicea. UK. U1BBOX will make no eharye uiilea he fleet a cure. Peraons sit a dietance M A V ME i I KI J AT HOME. All eot mnahationa strictly cor.miential. You ace no one In;, the boetor. Send tn dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will f.lea-e atata Ute nam ot the pafier they see this adverusemettt in. charge res aonabte. Call or write. - Adilresa bft. 3. V. OlbhO., Box U67, San Francisco. vlintJ sr to $20 portiari. Maine. per day at borne. Sample woAli ei free. Adrtea SnsKOX at Co. Our spring and b'ummer Price-Lifct So. '' j, has made i its appearance improTed land enlarged. Over 20O pages. Ov-er3,OOOillus. trations. Contains quota- ions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all art idea in general use, from Adam and Eve to Bitting Boll and Mrs. Lengtry. It costs us 25 cents for every eopy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. We ahould hare the cost of production. The book ia full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Bespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ST At sa Yaaa Avaaae, Cldeag, lib PATENTS Obtained, snd all other business infthe U JK. IPatcnt trtfi atlemleded to for moderate feci. Our orflee is oppoaite the V. S. Patent Office, and e on obtain Patent in le time than tbe remote from Washington . rnd modle or drawing. We advine an to patent ability free of charge , and we make no charge unless e obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Wv. and to officials of the U . H. Patent fficc For circular, advice, terms, and refareuoes t.ictual client in your own State or county, addrean, c. a. sxotr&co., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE DISSEMINATOR , Published every Saturday AT Harrfsbnrg Oregon1, S. S.TTtA-IIST.Editor t Proprietor. Terms $2.00 pferannuD). - ? !nkAk i iricrt tvrs,, HlN.4&SSSkIll faiaKnr inSMea aelHK5Rl. nBiH Bin I"-"-1 i !5E urinary dapraata a r-pv aedisaant tad sometime mail particles of albumen will appear. r the e4nr will be of a this awarn i ja xjagn I Mi as BANK CERTIFICATI. rrtr.AKURY hkpartm knt. Olllr of Comptroller of I he einreiioey, . & a a . a. a. aulM 1 AslUMiTON, April 1UU1, issa. Whitrkai, by satisfactory evidence mated to the undersigned, It hw been made tnappear tbet "the Fir National Bank of Albany" In the City of Albany in the County of Linn and State or Oregon hMcootntied with all the provisions of Uie Revised Statues of theVnltnd Ktetee, required to be complied with before an aasortation shell Ite authorised to roni- mtnce the bunineee of Banking : Now, therefore, I .John Jay Knox.Come- trollerortha Currency, do hereby certtiy that "The Find National Bank" oi Albany in the City ef Albany, In the county Ql .inn antt state or Oregon, i auwioriaeu to commence the ouatneaa ot iiatutin as provided n Section nny-ono hundred end Nixtvnine of the Revised Statutes of the United Htatee. In testimony whereof witness my hand ana eeal of office, this )tkh daytfArni, 1JW5. ( Seal of the Com p ) trailer ot tha V Jous Jay Kmox. I Current-. J Comptroller of the trnrreney. Final Settlement Notiee is herehv atven that the under- slimed Administrator oftbetvMtata of Alfred Powell, ueoeaeed, nan men, m me onnty Court, for JJnn County, (ireffou, bis tinai account as such Administrator, and by or der of said Court, Monday, the 2nd tlay of Julv. lti&t. at the hour of one o'clock, p. tn set for heating ohjecliona thereto, and the seulemeut thereof'. Any person inter ested in said estate, is hereby notified to appear and file hia or her objections to said final account on or oeicre aaiu nay. Dated May M, 183. J. 0. Powmu Administrator. Citation. a thf ( 'iKsfy f wrf of Limm CoMtHtf, StiU n In the matter of the Huardianshlp of tha perMiUs aud eataten if 1' T VanlaadinehauP Andrew J Vanlaud- Ingham, lloaat M Vanlandutgham, Judith Vanlandlnchsm, ticotge W Vanlaiidiua'- ham and Calvin I. Vaulaudinirham oiiuors. In the name of the State of Oregon. To H'w roao'jiAdia : Whereas a petition has been filed in tint above entitled Court by (ieorge W Van- laud Ingham, one of the above named heirs, a-kiic that Win W VanlandinKhsut be clteHl and reunred tn appear and ac count lor the trust in hia hands, and U pav to said petitioner certain money, in Mii-t hands, as truardtan beloaK to petition er and the other wards above named, aud to make and rendera full accounting with the County Court, of IJnn County, of all matters concerning said Guardianship, accounts and matters. You are therefore hereby cited and com mantled to be and appear in said County Court at the hour or one o cioca p. rn..on wonaay, juty -nu. ISS3, and account for all msUers of said guardianship and to fully settle with the netitioner aa well aa the outer wards here in before named, who have attained their majority except witjj those you have paid. Be order of the Court. This citation la pub-Jw testimony where- iubed by order of of 1 have Hereunto Judge L Fllnn, Judge awt my hand and af of said "ourt, whuh fixed tlie seal of ttie order was made tbejCounty Court, this 28th day of Mav.IWi i'dJidavof May.lse;!. C. H. STEWART, u a. 1 sftHfc For dressing the. heir, and beautify ing it when grey, nothing ia so satisfac tory an Parket's J lair BaUam. The Pacific INCUKaTOR. I'atkweu ja.w. aa, IS83. gaTManutaeWtrad in hvt a'x-. Any efwial -i- man jtat-turad to uraev. Fee pw Ovulars sand alam-i t-n whietrsii vareadara ta GEO. B. BULKY Imfricr and l.rei' ( -hie (.... rv f -1TT1, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Vast aeeeeeefal Krasedly ever aTassnssas, salt Mccrtaia is its effect and ;.. n..t Ididr. Head -rA helow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hamilton, Mo.. June Mth. Ifcal. V.. J. Kl' ;!.!. A to, lhi U Pi ' . hat I have uaed Kanaali. Spavin Cure and bar found it to be sit it la reeeennw nded to be and in fact more too ; I have removed by aring the ahove : Callous, Bon Spavin, King-hone, hptluts, and can cheerfully textny and niaanniasil it to lie the beat tiling for any bony eiifawtanc I have ever sat d and I have tried mar.; a I have ma le that my sKUy or year. . Respectfully yonri, P. V. CRIST. FROM THE OREOifPA PRESS, H. Y. Oneonta, New York, Jau. tb, i ---; Early last mtnrncr Meaar. B. J. Kendall ana Co., of Eiioitburg rail Vc. rsade a contract with .the pnb h.ticr of the " lr:w," for a half column adv.'rtiaMtw.ii' fur one tear aettlnir forth tlie m.rii. ,.f'.! Spavin Cure. At the name time we ar cored from the arm aquaaUty of hook, entitle.! Dr. Kendaira Trea r'mts on the Horse and hw Diaraais, which we are giv ing to advance jiaving aobacribera to the "iVeaa" as s prendum. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this fer MrrP. O. S l,ermcrhon . , ho redde near Collier bail a spavined Itorss. II read the adver tiMetnant and concluded to iet the erti of the rtmtjily, altlinuxh hia 1-uighed at hia credulity, lie bought a bottle of Kendall 'a Hpavin Cure and com menced using it on the horae in aocordanc with the directions, and he informed ua tbie week that it ef fected auch a complete cure that an expert horse man, a ho examined the animal reeecUy eould And no trace of the sivtn .r the place where It had been located. Mr. Scbarme? liorn has since aectired a copy r Kendall aTreati on the flora and his Diaeaac. which he jiriaee very highly simI wonM lie loth to (art with at any pries, provided he could not ntdaiu sn oilier copt . So murk tor r im n-.- reliable vrticle. Kendall's Spavin Cure. WU on, Minn., Jan. 11th. 1-H '"B.J. Kr.UKU. and Co., Centa : Hating got a horse hook of you by inall a year ago, the contents of which persuaded in to try Kendall Spavin Cure on the hind lay of one of my hones which was badly woolen and could not lc r-dueed hy any aher reme dy, f got two (Kittle of Kendall' Sstvin Cure of Preston aisl Ludduth, Dniggists of Waseca, widen compleu-ly cared tny horse. About Ave years ago I bail a three year old colt aweenled verv badly. I used Mitir remedy as given in y.ur tireik withoui rowellhig, and I miiali hay to y. nr credit that the -..It Is entirely cured, which i a stirpriae not only lo my self but also to niy ne'uMsna. ou sent mc the book for ti.' trifling sum of V cent and if 1 could not get another alikj it 1 would imt lake twenty-live dnlkvra for it. Tears Imfj, Ceo. MATnmrf. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 'J.'.th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kexdau. and Co., Gents :- I, think it my duty to render vou my thank for benefit and prolfts wniclt I have derived from your Invaluable and tar lame Spavin Cnrc. My cousin and 1 had a valuable stallion, worth SM00 which hail a very bad spavin aud was pronounced by four eminent veterinary mir ireon, beyoiui any cure, and that the horse was done ir ever. Asa last resort I advised my eouein to try a hottle of hendaU's apavtn t 'ure. It had a manical effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse is ss well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgeon was an nncl of mine, and I take great Interest in assisting' hia profession. Voars truly, P ' Jasks A. Wiltox, Civil Engineer Kendall's Spavin Ci i Js sure in its effects, mild in Its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfna, splint curbs, cahrtia, sprains, wflings and airy lameness and en largement of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for man or beast . It is now known to be the beat liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in ita effect. Send address for Illns'rated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtu. No remedy haa ever met with such unqualified (access to our Knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price t l per bottle, or jix bottles tor $5, Ail drttff rlsts hare it or can get it for yoo, or it will be rent to any address on reeefptf price by the proprietors. J Jr. b. J. Krui'ALL and Co., Enoaburgh Fails, Vt. SOLI) BY AIL DRrCOISTS i LIEBIC iMapeasary, ar. wearr nan Q Nasea eta. aaa rraaelaea, li tWl 2 mitR COIXKOK IrfTSITtTE POR 1 the cure of all special cots. O idlcatad ami eo-ealled Inettrahie chroalc dteeaeea. IMP- Lteaia etlaaa la visors tr 1 pnal Uvely guaranteed to cure norv nu aad phyaleal debility, aouthml watkniai, last of manhosd, snei ma tort he, Urn of energy, ringing and dlxilbara ht tha head, me Ian ahoHa, bopeles ftehnira. proata Utrrhea. aad all the raaulta of yiuth lut Iniprudoti ami etoeaea of mature year, The doctor, a runt )u r gnllea phyalclatt fnm, Kuroe will agree to forfeit one thotttaml Qdidlara for a cuae the Invlirorator win . . ... , . . 1 mt,A Oitov rule unur fjwii .riiivii miwm adv W. O Tha reason as natnv can not get rttrtti ot weak neae and the abave " dlaeaaaa Is owing to a ooniplliatteB, Z ealted IVoeUUu rta, whiuh retulrea erf iiecullar i real men t. a? Ir. Ueaara lavkaaralar Ka. 2 t la tha only pmdtlve cttre or lra- tatnrrliea. Price of, either larain raWtr. IJ par Iwtttle ; al for tiU. Hent to any address on r.- it ot or CUP. Roeponaltdc jientona oan mv when HMictaat aecrocy malutatmsl. l-atieuta rtimi at home. Ir. UaMa IMapanaary haa. an en jpvnt drug atnre In Ita bulldlnir TvRrre (Hlliuent Too freuuent wacuationa of the tu.iddcr ami ropy nt ii uriiM tn nviiintoiim of whmihIhi v m-iiii- nal sreakneea and proatatorrhen (Vunplalnl rcwltly yield to the Dr. l.isllf treaUnent. aaataM i aui Anv rrnH-iil iwae of atiru tivl or private dto curen tor io. n" to cure will he promptly aant. with ftdl dlrectttma and adViea, on rta-elpt f IO. All l-acanuee uir aacurtdv ov.-rel from oimarvauon. In via era Ur Bamples rree. To prova tea wonderful power of tha tlreal tu nnan Intlgoraior a x U4tle oleltlier surlier will Im aent tree f charge. Feranaa ordering s traa litlle will nnli liave to uav evni lasage on deliverv. iiael MaeawM!t trw tw nollciit ion mUtatlon, evamlnatlon ami adrtce fiwe aiwl private. Call or writ. Ir. UEAIK at V . eae t.rary !.. Frivate Katraarc. e-, Ntwa al.. a ft al SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO MoCOY &T5LLKKT DEALERS IN Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &o., &c, Fromans Block, Albany .Or. fipaied lt.v fZSt RUSSELL dc GO 'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM" 8AW MILL EH8IHES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC it f lraj Hafaels. fBtliK afg.Vr 'kI,L KVfrlT.V OI KE II A V ft ML ' 4ene I a Mrarv 1, t rtim and Sn , House at fc aJla aua, w T. inwy WW alau carry s full alosk 4 ith a- H Mitcholl, -I. Or. Agcat, f. f rjet anl TanBt hi,. I'on TV batter to their ' r a the interior an I i I be Coast. Write f illtaftraud nrmlar end free (naiaiag th. pae. Address prbw UH aant tt saixj. at Cav, Pranr,, Off, Walla Walut, W NTISELL 10000 1 000 ..... t-a. gite IsatailawMla, AkTMCU. ttvkii SeJ aa r imimm (-HKKHY. f.a.PaHgK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEUHV & PARKES, (Huoeeaaorg to C. C. Cherry.) MachiBistsS. Millwrights, and Iron Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AI.L completed, arxl are now pretstreil to nandfe ail kinds or neavy work. We will manufacture Steam Kn (fines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. FATTEatMft M4B OX hIIOKT OTM B. Special attention given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved t;herry A White Oreln Separator. Sbep aa Baker si. office a Laaaber Vsrd. Albany, fir., fec. J, 18S0. iHtf a aa . . I a . . ... W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. not, life ts sweeping 1ar ii.. (.,( dsn, awaaaaaa w sHawsaawaaass aweHMaw' BHaaaage ar. auu u iiq- fore you die, something mighty aud sublime leave be hind to conquer time, ftie a week in your own town, r.'i outfit 'free. No risk. Everything new. Capiul not required. We will furpiah you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladles make aa much as men, and lioy and girts make great pay. Header, If yon want hufctneaa at which, you an make great- pay all the time, r. rife for (strtiruiara Pi H, II u :. n t. & Co.. P.ietkui Maine ALMOST AS BAD. What fbe Perplexed Physician da la sar t Bmeraeaey. "Ill tell you the honest truth," an wercd the doc tor. "Brigbt's Disease bothers the medical men almost as badly a cancer does. Having p sscd a certain stage, both point straight to eternity. It may be un. professional to let out the secret, but wheoevere s patient comes to me with Bright'. Disease, or any kidney trouble acting like ft, I tell him to put on BENSON'S CAPCINK POBOl'S PLASTER without delay. " The doctor spoke by the card. The Capcins goes right to the cpob, if yon can he helped, the Capcin" will do it. Look out for frauds. Is the word CAF COT cu in the middie of the plaster t If so you are all right. Prie 25 cent. Sea bury Johnson, Chemists, New York. Highest awards. 42 Eiaartv fVLF la ass, a BMfci all i. c. RiBiaaT a, cw.. at w taka. DR. I . tBBBBBh. I W M f PIANOS nnniyc A iniwHnu Vlfal Yl 11 i.snUse a r r-.Lr'".T Tm awavd I UhII Ik tmmt FKI DA V JUNK I.., 188.-J po pi i. tit aricnrr. The c?cloi.e in Illinois was the ujmal funnel shafl cloud, arcontoapieti with lightning and a roar. The boiling point of water ia ordina rily L'l 'J , hut every liquid haa a point of ita own. Thua sulphuric ether hoila at alcohol 170 , oil of turpantiup 31G't tilphnrle arid C20' and mercnr 002. Am adopted hy tha (Wat and Oeod' etio Survey and hy Urn Hydrographio ORiOF, ft nautical mile in one sixtieth part of the length of a degree on the great circle of a iphera whose aurfaco ia equal to the surface of the earth. Using the Clarke spheroid, thin definition gives a nautical mile - Ia83.248 mo tors -.0,080.27 feet. This value closely corresponds with the Hnglish admiralty knot of 6080 feet. Nature create by tha million, appar ently that the may deatroy by the myr lad. She gives life one instant, only that abe may anatch it away the next. The main difference is that the higher we ascend the leas lavish tha creation. and tha leaa sweeping the destruction 'Ihur, while probably but one fish in a thousand reaches maturity, of every 1000 children born, G04 attain adult age. That is, nature (lings aaide 090 out of every 1000 fish m at useless for her pnrpoaes, and two out of every fiva human lxunga. et . . vt nan oral ts ajipjn-.j to a vaunt containing water, the temperature grad nally rise, and vepor comes silently to the surface, but a certain degree of beat steam begin to lie formed in aerial a a a a explosive bursts at the hot lota. nd rising through the liquid in consider hie bubble throws it into commotion. If, after the steam is allowed to eec) freely, the teinisiratupe of the water rises no higher, however great lb fire. he water ia then said to boil, and the temperature at which it remains t soanent ia its boiling paint. The purest lard oil ia said lo be that which, ia manufactured by submitting solid leaf lard to great preasuro duric the coldest neriod of Winter. Oil of this quality is used for burning in sfnej mechanical lamps ; if give a brigh flame and does not inorutt the wick. A lighthouse lamp, however, being of a much larger size, and involving a much greater amount of beat, can consume oil of a much cos reef character ; and it has been found that oil containing a certain amount of solid matter, provid ed tb Utter is not too much in quantity to be consumed by the lamp, give a higher illuminating power. Mia roail at The AUIttionist fevdety was fortned in ttoaton to 18.12. (Juack medicine have been tased in F.ngland since ) 78 j. The diatonic 'scale was first used by Gay of Arnucyelaout 1030. Yucatan waa diaooveeed by Francis Fernandez f 'ordovn in I5TI. Nankin is ail to have been made the central capital of 'bint. Fulton's firat steemboat began run ning between New York and Albany in 1 807. Zurich was admitted a member aad mad heed if the Swia Confederacy in rail. Machine for ruling paper were in vented in 1 782 by a Dutchman livirg in I Ondon. L'onstantin ordeied the pagan tem plet to be deatrovfid throughout the empire in 3.11. The administration cf an otah in judicial proceedings waa introduced into England by the Saxon in GOO. The fauout battle between the lion Horn me Richard snd the Hers pis and Hoar borough took place September 28, 1770. Tho first Thanksgiving Day was in 1021, and was appointed by Gov. Brad' ford, in gratitude for the season's har vest, The nam Escorial it derived from the fact that the scoria of a neighbor ing iron foundry were thrown on the site now occupied by the palace. The first American bishop was .Sam uel Heabury, who was consecrated bishop of Connecticut by. four nonfil ing prelate at Aberdeen in 1784. The Bach Society waa instituted in lindon in 1849, but there was so little musical enthusiasm in the capital at that time that it was disbanded in about, twenty years. The Covenanters' flag of Scotland was first unfurled in 1 038, and was display ed at the battle of Drumclog, and at Both well's Bridge in 1 070. It ia now in the keeping of the Edingbnrgh An tiquaritn Society. The first general synods were called by emperors, and afterwards by Chris tian ptinces ; but the power of assemb ing them was afterwards assumed by the Pope, and one of his legates gen erally presided. The bombardment of Fort McHenry took place Sept. 13, 1814 . The place was defended by 1000 men under Gen. Armstrong! and their loss and that of the British fleet tinder Gen, lioss was trifling. The ffrett wall of C'-iina is 120 0 miles long, twenty feet high, twenty -3vo feet thick at the base and fifteen feet wide at the top. Towers are set at intervals tjf 100 feet, or rather were set, for now the greater part of the structure is but a heap cf mouldering rubbish. CHESS OOLUMH. We this week,. Tune the 8th, beaiin a new tounu'v consist i.f live rob- eas ' afr" ww' lems. Thsv m- airsnged snd furnish, ed by Mr. J. T. Ford, oi Independence. Mr. Ford offers a prlre of Till hlsnk chesa diagram to the Knight who solves the aresfW number of nrob- ems in the tommy, 30 to the next lighest, and 20 to the next highest. Should two er more knight lie in the tourney then the award will he given to the person sending the neatest and most thorough analysis of problems. Post-mark of letter containing solution must be dated within twe weeks from date of publication of problem. Now let all knights enter, aa there will be fun in this tourney. TOtnatT PflOMJ i . j. 2. f (Coinpoaed by It. C Kit White itlack K at Q B 4 K st IC 5 QatKKtl UatKBC BitQIJ 7 K t at K 1 Ktat K B 1 1' at K Kt 3 Rtatg Kt S P at K ft I PatK2 latQBC PtKB2 PatqKtf Fat K Kt 8. White to mate in two movea. A Tree aiart The Poitland Standard tells tho fal lowing atory. which our rciib-M an- at liberty to believe or not, as they please. We admit that we doubt the truth of It "A singular occurrence is report ed to have taken place on the macada mixed roatl a day or two ago wh ire the Portland water company are ctearitig land for the erection of their new wa ter worka. A large white Or tree waa to be removed, and a charge of owUcr waa pleoed under It aa the easiest way of accomplishing that end. When the blast went off the tree wt tit straight up into the air about fifty feet, the force of the blast shattering and breaking the body of It about thirty feet from the ground. This demolished port ion fell to one tide and th tree Began Hi decent, striking where it ha'I formerly stood and slaking to a great depth where It stood seemingly at secure and as much ofa tree a ever, lacking about fifty feet in length. Workmen had to place an other charge of powder j ita trunk and again set It off before tho fereat monster eould he brought down." --vet - That pour hfri'Hen, invalid, wife, !ter, mother, cr daughter, can bo made the picture of health by a Vjw bottles of Hop Flitters, WitlijQH 14 them wjfr when so rssily cured! Aa M MaVa Belter Have need Ferket't Ginger Tonic fjr my bad cough and hemorrhage) I had twenty-five year. I feel like another man since I used it. Am CC year past. Believe it aura to cure younger persona. A. Oroer, Hightpire, Pa. I.ydia K. Pinkbam' great l. tboia tory I.ynn, Ma., la turning out mill ions of packages of her celebrated Com pound, which am being sent to the four winds, an l actually find their way to all land under the sun snd to the ream teat roorinoa of modern civitiaation. " 1 1 e i Yang Ming, the now Chi neae consul, nd hi aeeretary, interpreter and trans lator, attended services at Plymouth church, Brooklyn, Sunday. They were dreeaed in the custom of their . native land. Allcoek'4 Porous Plasters sTRC WftERC OTBIB n.tllKs I til aVK T UUKtK. Tear aa asfcee ar a wUI be d. InSlaf hatlnr AXdCQQJEC' Pint. , 30S North Tliird St, Kabrasry 1, IsSS. I have liocn oalny Aixeocs 's Poaot s Pt aarcss for a number of jsars aad always with marked liensftt, I hare been much troubled with mosculas rheumatiatn bar bean treated by fl of our hast phyaidans with out rseaMae- any rallef whatvr. I then uaed Al uoca 'a HLAsraas on th parts aSTeMed and I nan aa aurs yon the pain has almost entirely ft m. 1 ea re urameiid litem to vry mis aa th laat plaster mad, lhave tried other kimla but luund tbtsu wnrthlesa, P. F. G ti.t. toaaa. Weak Kidneys Cured. CoNTOnrnos, S' II. . March S, HZO. I liar been graatly tronbksl with rheumatism and weak kidneys. I was advised tn try Atxcoca 'a R aw s Pi.stt.b (hail iaad two ether kinds of soalhsl Porous Ptaatrs, which dkl m no good), hut one of yours has worked liked s charm, giving me complete relief, and 1 have not been troubled wUh rhauniatiam and 1. ..In. complaint alnce nalng- liMint, and consider myavlf cude.1. KiiWAr.n I. In mia j. CONQUEROR.! A SPECIFIC FOR .wr mam,, CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS; ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLtSM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADaCHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, GQSTIYENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. JaLSOpsffeaflt, B8ldk7Udraigirt3.-pi Correspondence freely answered by Physician. Mt Dr. S. A. fiidiBioiiil Med. Co Proprietors. St. 0"osojs23l 3e. (21) For tettunanlals and circulars tend stamp. taaWHCTO A CO., Afents, Sen Fraucltco. seWWssvm'm'Osawejeeawaeess I I'barrh Olreriery, V. P. 0. A. Meets at their rooms in Fos. ter'a hriok huihling on Hatarday evaninga at T.'M) o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons at 4. Business meetings are held on the even ing of tho seeonrl Monday in each month, Kverylsxiy invited to aaeu1. U. I1. Citrxcw. ProaeMngevery Rabbath, at 11 a. M.,.and 7 r. u. by Kev. K O. Ir vine, 1). fj. Kabbath 8ohool at 2:80 r. u. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening KvANarf ifAf. Cnrant Preaching on Sab tstth at M a. tt, and 7 P. m. MehUth Hohool 12:lfi. Prayer meeting eivrry Tliurs day evening. J. A. JJollenhotigh, pastor. Co shi aao a ti n a v C h v men. Herv ioes every Sabbath at 11a.m. and 8 r. M. Sabbat h Huhool at 2:.W. Prayer meating on Thursday erening of eaxlh week. X. W. llama, paster. M. R OMOMaV aVnrfW. Her ices Sad and 4th Habbatha at Si Paul's M. fCCbareh, South, at 11 A, M, Sabbat 1 1 Kenool at 10 M. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Joe. Fmery, pastor. M. V.. CnvacK. Ireaching every Sabbath st 11 a. m. aad 7 r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School vt 2 !W r. M. Prayer meeting every Thnrs. iiay evening, lie v. I. W. f'aineron pastor. PKltsmmtRTAf C'lffucif. Service erery :-aldsth morning and evening ia Church "r. Jiroa'Ulbin and fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. tn. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveuing. He v. .Isaac II. Good it jiastor. KrtworAf. Cm Servicaa every See day, morning at II a. m., evening at p. an. Holy communion every Sunday morn- ! a. u i i aJ mg at u,o a. m. weMeaiay v si u. tn. I Stevens, pastor. Clfr.lBTM Cut in ii I'ruackiiiif a a a .a . m - w every ti-iiath at V I t - A flail at II o'clck. A. m., ami r. M. Pnlpit aoppiied in ordrr iy i:eva. floyrl, hitnry an l Ihty. THE NEW mfrT Stem Winding Open Face Case. H 1511 r UTI K 1 1 av TMf. American Watch Co., WALTHAM, MASS. Tlila ess. la firraaal in one a4U eiees wUkottt jtint sssm, i ;-u In hunt isily, thus avqUirty th uaual rsev, a mI aatwrtity rl nrvnrlM aaS Snra blllty. Tknaa Watrta ar all n f.-e. Ti'. Isal, lnU srliUh an t,tra siren: .rstal U r.n.. ith an ivlally .r. r..! vitfr -r.f mrnt, la aUartiad Ut taa rasa hy srresriaf It thai eon, six! thus forma an alr-tlch JaaetWn ulth tha haly Out , . hfa I nru", asalnat Uu.t aad aioaater. Th railnsad men, trstak-rs, itiiMis, luUrinm uta Hi- ke arr alaaat wi-stantly aafsaaad and wke have U, mass friani ff-rmtni Ut tha rai' h. itmr italiU um A tl, ninvM. I m .rtaivx. TUr full.iulaa Irllrr. aar l. II tkelr asa V iMoata, Csnra.a, Jnlv M. l! I a.lU aaa -I j'Hir Katnt ItyA 'rw4 ja iSeat Ua nteotfe ir", al Ute Akr 4s It raaw ta4 tn mm arUh the rtsust tn ssak It wind ajr. Oa eaaatinatlon I fusd Uat th tm aa rusty, aad I Uwairaa lautltacaassadlt. Th gmnUfattm stated tw nw that n was UmrUttg .a as ksjs Out lad I'slaed In the hand d th rirsr, vtxm hi chain naayht In a trash and Otmw !.! wairh Into aUjttt tr,v lert '4ratT, an l ha abont two Ii Air. aa-1 fludlng H Whao h r It "Ut it ara ramiUa; Im ii.uu.-ht all right. In aUait thrss ny.ntha . .iund that ll atam wa hard tu turn aad ant it t tue. I ran my that th. h U all Oiat the 'laimafwrit anl i 1 li u. all railruad nv3l ami, U. W. ei ti Caaaos, h.wo, Ar:i 29, iC.1. 1 wiab ,m w.;CJ swd aaa Sfaring or th Wro kUery Wat-h Uy the way tlii 31ry Is a I sH 1:. yu tr Sr-rew b. al Cawt U. s farowr fart Th flrat . Jaieiary he Um th aratrl, la th woads, and firil K this week In abnau on foatuf water, It had lata thee mnnUia and tmmr in mw aadaater, with lint attgkt injury in th wakh only a hair prnf , ".S PiTwrro- Tbaaie.sw were very sersre test . se t dwmonstraU hwyoesl a doubt, that it any ri aasi4Uiigth of taadur it (hlh awaaah nnjfhi U ..e4er water It w.'uld reSe no Injury whafwrer. We make the raa in h ah r M snd eilj, and as a perfectly Inirt Priad, Stani Winding Wakh Cane, challlenaw the wta id to pm lue it inl. far sal' hy all Mrss-e-las Jestelf rs- ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - I'ropitois ALDAXY, ORRG6N.' ssa aaa MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADS rONES Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Alao, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness aud dispatch. Special attention Riven to orders from all part of thin Stato and Washington Territory. aaTAn w.irk wtrrantyl. 1 SheriiTs Sale. fie Circuit Court, uf th Stair , got for m County of IAhu : W H I'attenbury, WaintifT. vs. M 1 1 IJatnlHon, lcfend.-iiii, ) IJy virtue of a writ of oxetulion and or der ol sale issued out of the above named ( 'curt, In the above entitled action on tho 7th day of June, 1HM3, to me directed and delivered for the sum of S1I3.7.', with in terest thereon at the rate of one per coot per month fiomthe 24th day of tkHober, and the further sunt of $04 40 with kite seat from said date at the rate of ti per oent per annum and the further aum of tti2 05 coats, I will on Saturday the 7th day of July, 1SS3, at the Court House, door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Ore gou at the hour of one o'olook, p. m , sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest hidder the real property hereto fore attached in aald action and described as follows, to wit : Tha east half of the northwest 4 of section 23 township !) south range 1 east Lion coun ty, Qregon, and the undivided one-half interest in the north half ef the southwest quarter of section 23 township 9 south range 1 cast in Linn county, Oregon, the proceeds of aale to he applied first to the payment of the costs snd diaboramenta of suit and ac cruing costs and next to the payment of said judgment with internet as aforesaid, Dated this Nth day of Jane 1883. Oeorcb Humph rev, S ieriff uf Liua County, Oregon. Ga CQHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMfS SION. MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS .teiweafcws! 'iaw - H0FFMAV - roPKlFrTfH.s Of - ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ANT) DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigaia, Tobaccos, Groceries, Pi o visions, Candler Nut and Tropioal Fruit n Albany, - ... OriKon. OMR DOOK BELOW JOHN BKIUOS STORE. y. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 KIHT STRKKT, IIA A-oKTMKNT O.' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa ttstf ttoueei In lie alley, lie at mo Import and luauufarlurn TIN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK FVKRT DHSCRlPTIOIs" IN STOTK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, If R KP.KP-i ON HAND, A FULL AHStKTMKNT F GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. All. I.L- ta(ftrtf Ttm Afftrl'nn rr-, . m-. - - "i.i- ii nr. rr,w j jiir, lUBlf; AT rKH;r, THAT DEF1 OOtfPatTTTfOlf, Repair work done at vitii26 CLARK Indian lr Ctiros all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its effioacv in heal- ing the above named diseases, and pro nounce it to oe the BEST RBMED7 KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to cure JHmpmmiU$m afPL9aflaw- TflAPC MASS P(r A GENTS WANTED. Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggist Eeil it NERVOUS DEBILITV Ts FSaiH '1 rt st- mar. aaanastasi naa-tOc for If vai.rta aaaa. Cuavalaluaa, rt.. Xersdas N atalpa, Maadanha. i.rrais In..trrl kt. rauiil l.u.nM. of ainulK.1 nr haec, Walfslis )!i iU li. prawascat vtai'i si e rrratn wniiti u m in Brain i-u landintf 58 u tu mnrri. tlfrstt aid ia.Hi i Prw.uMlnrm nr", iirm.M.,i,, i.i Hif lufttiaar ai. Invtiluntarr 1 m t ii trrrHrea SMri ijr orresTtk n ! il I isla.SjW aqqn ur CMor-itiaaiw-m ri'"l! i i t ii isir. month'a 1 1 laitit. IU ! a I lir : la.a. . for JVIJ. arit hymail tr-f .al ,i r.i . m , ( t.w: 1 efts ,. K. Tf.F. fsIX IfOtaiK t'i rqra any rase. With narh ornW r rifii hj n for aix ttbSMa. aerompapiad srjtli fin. - vU m nd th mrchaM-r oar wriiltn irusrn u in rr ftind th mm if tfi trwaimtif dot m.i . I., li a care. Gaaraaf esa taaWri r hy WOePASII. I. A KM. A i V Acl a anl a anl aSsremll XT-ac-'jrts ri: 1 1 m oi'.i Onk-r by ruai1 ,.ll f i r- ..wasp ait4iks. TAX SALE. B Y VIHTUK OF A W A Kit A NT. kaaued out rr the t'oiiutyf'. Uun laiuntw. Maie of Oreextn, m the i-t day of ! May. IH83, to roe rirar.teal and deHveretl i for tbeoollortioh of the delio;tteot taxen la said Aoonty. for the yeaii Itoti. and com- . niandioa me to levy upon the goods and ; f-haltels of the delioquent ux- pavers ami .f none he found, then upon the real prop- , erty aa set forth in said delinquent Ut list now in my pon nana ion. and lieing unable to find any (rood nr i-hattnln whereon to , levy, I nave levied upon the the reel prop erty i.f the follosrtaw named deHnqaent ! tax-pa vat, as set turth iu said delinquent j tax Iha a follow: Ann Sullivan. Iteginntng at a point heh Is l-? ehains went of the N K cwrner ul Nutiii -.Jioa No ! 177'J, ' lalui h.'t, Tp II, s K 4 went, runnlng t henna south deareen ". ohaioa. theni-e aduih &0 devHa al j chain : thenoa aotilh A1X djarea et I ehaln ; thence south 4.; deartart wal 1 tteiu : sooth i:ideroe east I chain, and half; tbeme south i jeftveea wt 2chaiaa; thenoa south drcreea west I chain ; thence south Ui degrees west 1 ehain ; thence south 55 degrees v est 1 , chain; thence aouth 71 degre weat l chain ; thence north 67 it degrees went Ho links ; the nee north 7 deareea went I i ehain ; thence north 10 degrees went 4 tihaina ; theoee eaat a-M ohams to i he plaen of begiuniiiK. containine; 7 ST-10 acres all , iu IJnn county. Oregon, Tax $2 2 IfrwSV MeOalley. lesU 4 and a in Block 105. Ixt4 in Btook 114. Lotn 1 and 7 In Block II .. Lot h in Klock 121. I mi .1 in Block US. !a 1,2,3, 4, 5 and C in Block 1G. All in Haokleman's Addition to thecify of Albany? Tax fu. and i n Saturday the Mill day of June. !..;. at the aurt. iioue door in the city of AHutnv, Linn county. ' Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p in, I i will sell aald real prtpwtty at public auu tion for aah in hand to the hiahest bidder to pay aald taxes with coats and txpeoat f collection. Dated this lat day or June, 133, " UKO, lirMCHFKV, Sheriff of Linn Oo, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISH F.D 1863. By A F. CHERRY, situated at corner of ind Monurotueiv Streets. A than v. First and Oregon. Having taken ahargeof the sliove named Worka, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Knginea, Saw and Orist Mill', Wood-working Machinery, Fiimpe, Iron and Bras Castro ga of every deax ripiiou. Machinery of all .kinds repaired. Spe cial attention givenflo repairing farm u a chlnery. Fattera Making dune ia all It fatase. ltfcllyl A. F. CHERRY A SUN. (tfftfc a week in your own town. Terms 5)UU and $5, outfit free. Address II. Hai.i.ictt A Co.. Portland, Maine. S12adayat home eailr mil A i C i t Costly Auxusta.Maii-- outnt fre. Adilova Tata WAXTK1), AT ALL TIM El. L1VH, ENERG ETiC men to aell Tunison' Clebraunl M ana and Chans. No caoital rwouiiml tinu er month iruaraaieed to aseula fol tow ns; our instiut: ions. For Dartioulam addefr. JNl. fflXUN. Saoraiiiento. Ca. D. BR0WH, Judicious ea e ADVERTISING Discreel StTBSCRIPTIOIT I aaaHaaVl ,aTa6a i aCalBv i trii7i ha. .. si ' - 1 mm i a r f . r 1 JOSEPH, ON WAND Al FINE an CALL AT 72 FIRWT STREET, ALBANY, oKEOON. reasonable figures. JOHNSON'S Blood. SvruD PAEKER'S BAIeSAlzL H JWSTful Lv - Slirhv- - in. . it of at fftrrMir ilrriji i t '.-. Ut eor.tair.-. ru:n!f Ct3j that are lwBrial to th aca'p i-l hasr saaass fifrf tfmtrfiSii'nii r-rkera flair Baamai !.:.:iy per -J and n anrrasaed to ptrtit faflmj ef tKt ha-r at-! to re tnovcUfidruaaditclais. Hiotw ft Co . N . V. t .,t imitntmdrtmAmmt. , PARKER'S GINGER TONiC a kBssrliBs Mean aatflwiafCi Issawar. y you are n serhaaie or farmer, worn .t wSsh . v i w..r. 9 a m-aher ran daw by faaaiy r hov. i. ivttr try Pjnrca T '.. - :.i ei rnxTjraTirrainori.- irfxi cat take i uag tamilaali,lsnnu PariaOragrr 1 taCo If yon liave C Mi yana. Dyspetaaa. Khetiraa hra. kidaiy foaaptaieu, or any uwuc of ihckajCV swaaach- tinsaK aiaad ar ass. -a .' t Inntr wil cuae yon. ItitlheCrei'.t hrureVi ta fa: Cast aad Sarsxt Cessh Csre w Bscd I. ,r. j rre wast'oe away from pe, dnatpcoaai or r fry C v wcaknew aad reouae a tutm..:.-,, tako t.i-w i 1-C at once; itwiainnca ,, imbsU y- i i.p ntm the fteu das bat wit Serxl sniaxkatt. UUsuvedkaaslrcdacdkve; Buy aae yonr . r i mox . - arfw, j mssSaaet. hAf. Sat T-;, i mi aalaaiaiiao fct f-m reaaasasw r asaas i iisck,t aavasiitows .2aT saTuas bttixc Dccjjta tax. In n h nadi hassax frsraac ass made thaa flVlliiful pr-tua caceedialy pupdar. 1 her i aethlsa liks it. Invt tawa Using Hat. tin uamumioax tor jacnauwe ci - l rmt. URfcL tiN.; i!-r; iwERIDEK CQKK,U,SJ. Uav lag attained a national repatauen la FIXE POCKET CUTLERY Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Hart added the mmmrnfaeture of mil itgUt of With a 'killed nrneriateadeat ia that dir?. inem, mpjilemented by extended exjieriei., jj th.- worfc.ii; or tat steel, we are 1 nl-.l to .. er a of unrivalled quality. To ibtrodut-e Set PATENT AIM V ST A BUS Gtuiil Action, Reservoir Pon, "THE ACTbCE," in airraner of reenter trade c!:anm!, w e -, w en cfii.aud stIM mail a sayijU jrvi ;u r. . nod, en .e, . ij it.rat. arr lea aa ma eh Ink ss ssj Tesataiu 1V. M. - mt 1 : i -i l'a,l AITS AM V MOM, u Ifctr r. 'i' a Hue of IVm mlt r -M MVtr I rut- l..atsfurai !.! to Ufcr - agios' FREE for TRIAL An nnfailia and .peady ear for .VrnvM Hrmmtf ami UisJhisH, Lata at I'ltaiil, aad I'teor, or ear evi I r ealt of iadiaeretioa, ame. . work, etc., irwer forti' tbouXnd post tire ru reai tSn-na 14c tor postaaw oa (rial boxof MBbitla. Addraaa. Jr M. W. 1 AtXJ N; .or. ClarS 8V r 'ad ho 1. fUa, Cnioano. Llx. OR. Preventive and are. for either Sex. This remedy being injected dually to the seat of those duwases of the beiulo-l.iur.hiy Inzer.. r-ouirer no chang of diet or n&cseoue. n eu 01 ml or noiaocoits rocdicinrti to be taatn n.teri.alb when taken aa at nrevenUve 1 j tither nex, it is impossible to otitiaet any veiei al diteseee; but in fee rase of tl.oee already aaferta nately aflllrted writ h Gonnorlto a ai d Glit. w iniaranUie 3 boxes to ear or we will rtfnnd the money. Price by mail, jtstrie paid. per box, or, 3 boxes for SA.Ut W lituncuaisLteta iseued by all authorial a agents. She, Felix e Bna t e. Pole Tra pa. llUODARO. ( LARK A C O., Anthoriat-d Atsents, VXliClcceilw and Keta'.l Xrvcclsrtav 1 OKT1.AM), OHfitl. Orders by ni. I will ueeiTe pnivpt attention. J. r UILI., M D. E. I.. 1RVINB, M. HILL & 1RV1IF. Physicians and Surgeons. ALBA Y - - OREGON tvOftiee Peterson's Block over French's Jewelry 55toi.-at. XmS HAIR. ajj X, fHHS-8pria ael FELIX LE BRUITS C3s-C3r