j. umi i. . i . . uik - - 1 - STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUR!) KVKKY FRIDAY STITKS AMTTINH. "rmrTna ;" 1 9 .1 ou Bawli a 00 I20L- AW 7 I sis H op mot f i.'.UU . T 0t i g.Kl IflUS f. 1 ou iftut 'ruu tr.tsi ISBB It ou stow ; 4a CO all Mi:WrK 'Bla 0a.rai HuUUIe.s areata I to a Mhrrl. toflf) ivoo ; woo ! 400U I rslis; I wk rieci 100 I 2 00 I , 3ia! t ' 4on f.-t BOB' k " I 7 AD 5 1 M t Ifl 00 I 20 00 I tOOB 600U lOtf l O TSRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION njH cv. fxr yar, in at) vane nt! . ., par jaax. atsnt i fr ... .uris copy, Mk u i. mi h Si Ml 1 60 auials e-p, Hirer mnlns moaner. 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r . n.ISN. O. K. CHAMRRRLAIH. K1.IXX & rHANBKKLAIN. ATTOB.HRYN AT LAW, Albany, Urfgoa. aar Office in Pewter Brick Hlo.'k.'tjs; vlSnlStr. R. S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. OrffOH. WII.I. rRACTICK IN ALL. THE Conn- of t.s State. Will give special attaaUon to lections an J probate matter. Office in Foster's new briok. 49tf L. R MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. a .a.. office mteteim, over John Brings store, 1st street. vMnSStf J E. WEATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBJ.K ',) iTTORN EY AT LAW, AlBOVi om:.ov WILL PRACTICE IN ALL Til K CoCKTS OF THE Mat. Special attention fiva. U .tiasluna auS pro hi natter. aTUN ta O.U KaJleWa Tsmpt. iU i 1. C. KWIU. W. R. RtLTEC POWELL A B1LYEI , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALU A MY. - - OKEtsON. Collections promptly made on all points, fxaaos negotiated oa reasonable terms. ' snroffiee in Fosters KriL.-B&T vHniaf. IB. R. SKIFWORTH, t TTM S E . AHB 4 at ELOK AT LAW A R NOTARY rCBUT. WI LL praetlce in all ooarts of the State 11 business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. rW In ff Tool Block, Brixvtnh n $htt, 4-Vk 1 A Sftesy, Offon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And CQHusellQi1 At La? -A Nil otary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all af the Courts of tbisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jpScOK.ce in O'toole's Block. LEWIS STMS0N'S I.I V BUY AID FEED ST A R LI' First class vehicles, line horses, god feed, accommodating proprietors ami res- ihie chartreH. (live them oaa. ' 3ahies near Ilevere. House. Gyi. t W. LANCDOH & CO., DRIGhlKTs. Ikxks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A 1 Arge .Stock and Low Prices. OITTT X)IT7Gr 8TOEE, ?yi tuitxy. aaiA.oN. FOSHAY A MASON. WSM.El.alI ASS aSTAJL Druggistsand Booksellers, ALBANY, OUI(.OV. vl6n4ltf REVEftE HQUE, r nt nr. aid eswfi Aiaaai. Ttis sew fjojel flvtfl qp in Aistehas atyie. TsataS ausiid witb tU the market aBonla. Hiring Htl in every Kuuio. a $xJ aiaapl kuac for C'i nerciaJ Trarekss. aaTFree CsaHi t. asA frwas Mir trl.'Sa 13ANNAL3 & WOODIN " - I MAxmama amd dcalu is FURNITURE i BEDDING. Corsrr Irrry sat Seeee Streeta. Tltoiljl T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT l.Ai AXD- Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat. othce. J. A. DAVIS, M.D., Physician and Surgeon 8CIO S aV. - OREGON V '.MX ". t It 4laany Ba,th Housq, rssug OgQKESIVNiP WOULD RESPECT I fUy UiiFa th I'liflsi f Albany s4 vi tltnj tilt 4- OS Vtftaaf" ussrgw " mittnaaiuu aibii t, aod, by keeping clean roosts and pajis (trie 1 attention to basinet , expsets w iuit si thus, who stay favor us with their patronage Hr Sni5 ter.tofore carried oa no'bing bat First-Class Hair Urssslng Saloons sxpseU to give entire sstisfaetioB to si aarCbMdten nH Ladtsr' Hair neatly es sbsatpooed JOft WEBBKH. ALBANY PQSfilT? fNSTTVTTE f'? 4aP4$.r, Oft. Tli1 Tbir4 Term begins es Thurs day, February st, )m. . For rrtlclaraoteenilr.f the cfmiw of stutly and th pric 'A tuition, applf t ' BKV . ELBEatTN. fOajj. y.resiaeat. PP CROWN MILLS. SQS, LAXNIXfi CO., PBOPR'S. N EW PROCESS rtOCp SLTEBIOR fOP. FAMTUES 4ty BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR VOL. XVIII. ML M. JONES Breeder aftd 4 Shipper a PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KKITHSBlRti " - ILLINOIS. My breed iaff stork; is registered in tor Out ml Poltinil China Record. Stark for sale at renMiitfthle rates- TIis hofra art descent! - ants thmi t lie beat herd In Indiana ami Illinois, arr quiet, docile, eiwy fatted and xpiemud motlierH, fret reeeived by Vs Sa VliKXCIlKKe Shedds Or. EUROPEAN STEAMSWtP TICKETS. Conference Rates. Tickets sold to sad from all parts ef En rope, to and from Ml Matt ot Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Maataaa at a really reduced and lowest poaatble rates over the following flaes ; sorin veraaaa Loya ai'ship t o Hamburg dmerieaa Packet C o. White Ntar Line fttrsunshtp Ca. Red Ntar Line Bteamsplp i a. Americas Line Nteansshlp t o. Apply by person or By letter to OLDENDORFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, AGENTS. X. 1.. Waahlaataa ... allU Huk BalMlac p. o. hrx. .1. PORTLAND - - - 0RK00N. EDWARD EVERETT. Sired by Putsmltb, by Pathfinder, ftrst dam by Vermont, sire of Lady Faustina, (&2K ;) FJla Lewis, (2:27 ;) Parrot. (2:2 ) Will make the season of 1SH1, Mondays and Tnesdays of each week at HbtxUl ' station; Wednesdays and Thurly. at Dome, Sand Ridge, and Fridays and .Saturdays at Lebanon. Edward Krcrett is a dark bay. !'. nanus nign, uetgbs i:t0 pounus, Trv stylish and full of sneeH. $1J to uisurv. Audrewi M'-Ksk.iit Haos.. Albany Or. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, ! MUM, on. C. o ri-i owQ WD ti, ern onrl VHi4lgU II UllgWU UUU rMinw kK r m n aa. . nAVe aiwarsofi baml the best ouality of their own make of POOR SPPJH& WA80NS, CARRIAGES AND BUSBIES. All made not of the best second growth H'kory, and warranted. V'.. If. fioltra, in Albany, handle the work of the above tirm. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Boilder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON'. OTICEOFfUliUC LETTHKJIiV i ; 1 1 a v.' rtaps ana spec, ini i liuis rsUibe', op short police. ROBT, OROSBY THE DRAYMAN. At KIG AM MOVIHG PI AMOS, organs and fnrai tare a specialty. All hauling within the city promptly attended te. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AXLVr Notary PufeUp. Will practice in sll the Courts in (bis State. 105. First St., Portland, Oregon. (With Curtis a aibbs.) LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are alwsy-t kept in good condition, sad hair cut in tbe very best style. SAN WA VIHC Hat the '4tst eatai.lUhai and tet cndiwUnI LAUNDRY. , in Annr, an.i ts-thin7and irorsas ruM irie mtiatactiori. AimI viatan atore, Chine arvt JapanMMu'Mi, ilue tea, fa;ia. Cotitr-tor Vr tana UW, Next u City ISaiit . 8BNr TBNO. Bj Best washing sod ironing in Hie city. No. 11, Plstforth Street, One door .sntli of Eevere House. MI88 EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL. LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE SEVERE HOUSE. '83 A QRARD oWBINATION "'(4. STATE RIGHTS DEMQCHAT AND THE L0UISVILI.13 WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNA I. One year for only ).!jft. Two panre" tuf little more ' ' than the price of one. Br paying un 3.5Q)ou will receive for one year your hunie paper with the "(kmrier .linrnal," the "representative newspaper of the Honth, Owuocratie ani for u, tariff for revenue only, and the hestiirih ri and ablest family wseWy in the Unit'.'d swiS sew tMSeaire- tir examine a sample copy of 'the ouriVourirl' can dp' so at'tyis ocei PHENIX INSUAANCE COMPANY 6F gflQSKLYN, N. Y. Asaeta, lec.l882. Premium income t3.r3 G07,i3i ....... ... . .. a. a ! Safe, reliable and fiuik to pay juarase af loss'. ABCH MOXTEITiI, Afeut. AAbajxy, Qrsgcct AKlK" POWDER Absolutely Pure. TU powder nsvr i trWa. A roan si 4 purtijr atrancts .'! wholcinnnai.. Mars rwtntfl than la. ..nhnar klixta, ami ranrtS a. s44 In .- .t..,i. rlUi tst KauHilstt. low law, .hurt -, alum Of h'WT4ut. a,raca. SnM i.nit in .an.. HrtTaL HtttsirVHrtaa l .i. lofi Wall at . S . LVDIA E. PlNfCHAM VgglTASH C03tlT0inTr. A Mara, t are for all JKKHSLts tvk K Nfcaaix, latrlaatsa Leeeawetaeas lr reealsr east Psisfst .U.atasramilata, laaasiaisilea sad lleerstlaa af the Wasaas flsafjaa Pito uuemm tTKHa. Ac tr'"Ml t i lUm la.ty, a inwa awl taui. I jia a. t. It uearaatlstMa praary, ass r.- a paa. ssnaa' tmhvf aaa at neater u rstwiisffan Annaaisi. it num. rW P' a ail w4uraia f tfea rnrai- rtai .latriri it laaaeoadt.sa ivaaaaif that Ka r Ma i iri the pvtM i aM ff all ekaasn cl lb atxrara S S ta OraaOiiiCMa'4y u U. ta-arnxKy CJOnri.AiNtx.r ima West I iwdt.reat M.lU-f i It. tas. t ai a i. ristta vies aaaaa Miru wtU radv-at rry aSt- tt.a. . Inaa It.. Sv-ui. at ra. awa. t'n af t.a a4 4rawS . .Larte. a- aaarrttawawT HawMt.asaaClhaWW J "Tl 4h thaCcaBtva4alt4 St fstykr am aar-4 SB aa4 tii S) Iaa Saa-. t'i.r .f.Htirr, fl. WsbuttUafM fa. 1'-' V'tny .X ..tkrataHtalhafbm.ilfkill. r J. -. . ,pt . (.. r (i ar t l tor Sar. Mr fl --i fajr aatwr ait SSStS aT uji EmHu least a.i4 far taaSlii. .a.a Mrar. m .ikw,'iisnii" a-J T""V- " ! Sm o4 . all Prerirtss.' t IH cYagwwaypB or a TORPID LIVER. Lo. of Appetite, Bowel coettre. Pets n toe aesar witn s oejj sense uon tn .. is. part, Patn under .tht BbeolOer bieas.f'Oiaessaiter eattasf. With s dtsln- cl.n.tion u azsrtaon of body or wind, lmukoil'tv dl temper. Low spirits. wtt a fechng of navmg negfteiid seme rtuty. Heeemone tenersUy over the rtsjit eye. Besueaaeea. with flBml dreams, manly colored Urine, end c reae Jrawtv aa tt. TUTT'S HAH. DYE, Oa.r Tltia oa Wniaars. raahc4 iotiin-T lo k' sr .MnataHpi'il.'itm.trt'a Dv. It u. tairta a natural oulcr, at ltiM.nti.navm.lr. ijoUi hy nrnrwSn. tr srnt hy rt.rri on rr-elnl nr tl. rrtra. avaasY arr. VXef iokk. ( a. Tl ira at St . i. . .ta 1 ... r..u.. aa. 1 SM u. a4 a rlHatlaawif DR. D. B. RICE. Physician and Surgeon. HAS ttCTCnSKD tn tble city and restated pre i . e. Ofltne In new telex tf! ..tt.'-e, OTuaSSrS taBawaSjaj BrnadalWn areet, aatSSaa Ktert and Sec i.inl street. ASianv, Or., ltor. 8, lUi2. t alwajrao Le I.KI koll li r rl:f --m I" i iwir.i. pn-M wmTapaf an'l h HfO awaap veaiiby;twaa ade m improve tseir upportuni tie. 'remain in iMtvrty. M ofer a rreat chanea t m k. nSieer. W. want nu.iy owwi, wnasan, Uija ail If Is to work for us right in their own lAesHUss. Any one can (k. the work properly front tla Aral sturt. The kfialnew will nV'IV tan t.in.. .irdinary v.win. 'Eneiiaiv. nirf. fn'ii'l".l frte. Noone wtu. ... w rmt m i I . in . Hininj tl ruicjwea aiw im i . .1 . lapiuiy. 1 .in i-an w . . . . . . . i ... . . i . 1 1 1 rapidly. You .i 1 1..- wrli, or only vn a yi . ii'.o iu. Ui Hf -ih, ornaly eur spai'. nasiw.ils I nil iiiforii.rtii.il Bit.i ull that is nsenea kaatfrea. Adareaa Htinson AO., 1'ori.i.aal, Jsaina. BU1RDIAN ASSURANCE CO., OF L0HD05, ESTABLISH ED, A. I. 1821. Capital subscribed, .... Capital paid up tlO.oOOOOO , 0,000,000 Notk.-TIiIh conopsny has tlio larasai naid uo oanltal of mnsny aoina husnesa in the y nlted state. 1 i.;,rs Poair. A. rosTvs. AKtaf Albany. A week made at home hy the in diistrieufi. Hest buwnwm nfW La? tfienuhle Cairltal not redrd . We will star you. Men. women, boya and girls wanted every where to work for u.. Now la the time. You can work In spare.tirrie, or give jrov whole time o te borfineas. KootSer biisincw wiU pay 'you' nearly as Wf. No one can fail to make enormous pay. by en gaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money mad a fast, easily, and hoaorably. Addrees Tnri, '4 SAM COHEN Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS Of T Wfl 1 BWSlONS, KeejiUUe finest biilard ball in tbt city. I will also Hell real estate, moroba.i Jlse household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tl oft v or count v Store ouoosita Revere Heuse, Albany, Or. fiwf SAM COHEN- WfTOMAri CANf hcaum or wcMAjf CjXtmxHZi wrrrM thc mcpc ay ONT! Tl"l'PB PTLIAinrf ,.'hll an-h i u-, wrte cl.r rftrrf t duasw. Brw urhHTFttmmmy a.. V. - '-'- i in i i mi ii"i X. , .. ' ... ALBANY, ORfBGON, FRIDAY, JUNE ---njas -asaasaassassawasssssaas.. A sBVAraaitL si nraisr raatt T rhe raterlslsmesl rarsiaaeS h s tleaser MeaMser freea e teres.. On the night of FeWenary 2, 1 "H f, S-iMitoi Ktlmnndi entertained select (arty of friends at his mom- on K treat , i Wsfhiagtou. The guests were Henators Tabor, Hoar, Shermsn Oaatttfoa, l.u, lngaHg end Deet, sad a .si.-, slim gentlemen a bow Hen .tor Tahor introduced as a Mr. llopkins, ntf (dorado. Tbe genie i pert sat srooad the slove sud tiiiel a in-, smoked cigarettei and recounted litersry re miniscences si' llsbelsia, ll iccaecis and Ualrtc until liuslly Henator Hoar pro- nosed . .rn.ll g.me. Mr. HopkiB., tU pal-, slim pentlemen frou f)olor.ilo, coofassstl to know very littla about poker, hut lbs rest ol the pert insisted upon bis sitting in with tl.eaf and he was too much of s irectlemen lo hold out. Ascordinal". when tl.e group ar range! themsehe tround the Uhle, it ws in tht following Older . h f n Sherman ; h, ffiwr ; c, Iogalls ; d, ' tmeroR ; e. Kdraunds ; f, lsgsn ; , Btck , b, llopkins . i, Tehor. Senstof Shermeu csiight the fu at deal, Senator Hoar sateing up s bt igbt, new, iite-d!lar gold piece. Mr. Hop- kin i. seed out, snd after the di.w end tbe brt ting, Senstor ( ameron took the J pot on jacks and lives. On tbe neat ; deal, Mr. Hopkins, the Colorado atran gar, hat $200 to Sana tar Hoar on three sixes, and tbe kindest sympathy wes txptesssal for bim on aocouat of hia in- ( etpsrieaca sad hsrd look. Hot Mr. Hopkins' ill fortune dit not end hare ; he contincel to lose steadily for 0.- ensuing five deals, the winnings of tht j othet ernes aggregating abaat 12,700. , It then came Mr. Hopkins torn to J dea'. la spite of Senstor V. hsmodn' -j advice to disw out, tht plucky Coiora- do j -.ranger said he would remain a J whilt longer, sad be abuhltd tbe esrds with astro spirit than would bsee been expested cf a m.o in bia bad streak nf luck. Tbe peste boards basing s-n deaU, tbe gentlemea stl draw out with ! tl t exception of Senate r Sherman tad Mr. Htpkiua, The Senstor atrssl pat sod Mr. Hopkius took oe ar.l, sad tht betting bsgsit hy Sbei man's throw- ing down s fifty dullsr hilt, ahich II y kins raw and went oat hundred better. TbaStnstof calmly saw the one hun dred sn I w n- ;; btindrad better. Mi. Hopkins looked st bia hand, heU a few days for the purpose of estab t a' ed s moment, end iha said bs be- ' ilahlng examining hoaeda in all lisvetl he felt warranted in seeing the the large cities. They expect to have (tea hnndawd snd hetteiing it with one I their bureau in this city in working thousand. Senstor Sbsrmsn smtlel j order about the first week In .June, sarcastically as he put up his last one i The work has been so divided that thousand dollsr bill ami called tor s j each commissioner fa assigned to a check hook te make hia check ou an district. Mr. Kston will take the Ohi. henk for a cool five thousand. principal Kaslem citios. New York. a wr- "I don't understand tbt game," re- j Philadelphia, and Host on. Mr. Ore maiked Mr. Hopktoa, looking paler and ! gory will go to Chicago, Milwaukee, slimmer than ever, "hot I give it out Buffalo, Detroit. Toledo, and other cohl and fist that I'm going to stsj . Lake cltlea ; and Mr. Thoman to St. with you." raH, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Kansas And Mr. Hopkins borrowed aome j city, New Orleans, and other cities ia change of hia friend Tebor, aaw Sber- m tu'a fire thousand and went him five thousand bettsr. Tbtrt was now shout twenty thouaand dollars in the pot. Sherman began to grow nervoua. He showefl bis band to friend Hoar. "What shall I dt P he whispered. -.Sock it to tbe f tocky mountain sucker' was Mr. Host's reply. "I ll lend yon tht money if you are short of currency' So Senstor Hoar put up for Sherman with tbe remark : "He sees your fire thousand and calls you, Mr. Hopkins." The pale, slim man from Colortds laid down (our beautiful, acta.. "Well, Vm ,V said Senator Sherman. Mr, Hopkins gathered up the pet amid a cold silenct-. "I will never atand pat on four kings again," said Senator Sherman. "Mr, Hopkina seems to lie in Issuer luck," anggeatesj Senator Tabor. "Ves," ssid Mr. Hopkius, "in anch good lack, I believe I'll draw out." . "Ob, ait awhile longer," expostnlst- a .we WW til a ed senator uoar ; "we'll all le going to a fnw minatat," M t.i... a hi i. - : M HSb VMOl i.Oll.llll .UIIU'I ' yho rooqi. The first: person hs saw. was Mr. llopkins gathering up his pile of monev. e yhy, hello Bjwen," be cried, ' you bere !" "Well, yes. in a uiie. sort, of way' responded Mr. Hopkins. (Bowtn1" esolsimed Senator Kd irtunds ; '.fy)en i No, you rs mis- fiken, Knmh. This is Mr. Hopkins, a friend of Senator Tabor." Senator Plumb broke into a long, loud laugh. Senator Sberraan looked offended ; so did Senator dmuuds sad the rest of them all eaoept Senator Tabor, wbo aeeraed to be embarrassed about evmetbiuf?. "I see it all," cried Senator Plumb - t as a-wn as bt had managed to ref epress his laughter. "Tabor has beta pltv gbtat. "Tabor has beta p'.ayilag one of hit jokes on ynu Hopkins, in deatt ! Whs, this is Tom Itowen, the new Senator from ('olmndfl, end tbe rattliegiat oker urtist in .merics.' iUsst'sr ' Trlbmt, -aae WA.HIcrB It I IIS. jSa I from uf HeyilUr rrvtp .nj.nl. j Wamiun;tos, May II, Ihx.I. The Preslffant has directed the Marina Bind to nfyin the open air Conor r I In ti.e While Hotaa grounds next Saturday afternoon at half past flea o'Hock, half an hotir l.tier than treratotore ami inora ronvenltnt for OiB st ten. la nee of the public. These concert Hbvb always been popular """ i' f 1Kb tnudc. which la doubly a'tractive be. nesth the green Ireea amid beautiful surroundings, but, after tbe futtnnar of gregarious humanity, avervbody Ukea to go where erery body ele goes, and well dressed peofda collect on thae ocoasions prineipally to hstk st each other, and aa no seats are furnished, the crowd being com pel led to remain blending, beautiful dresses are diaplayed te tbe best advantage. There is sea real y a road leading In any direct lor, from Washington that does not afford an attractive drive, but the Soldier's Hotaa park Is tbe favorite resort, not only for the alyllah equipages, but alto for unpre tentlotM turnout-. After five o'clock lo the afternoon tbe road to these beautiful grounds is thronged with vehicle of every i laser I pj ion, which just st this season raise n .com In nous cloud of dust three miles in length, Gen. Siurgis. (.svernor of the Soldier's Home, bss opened tbe sark to the public on Sunday, and fclat Sundsy was. opening dy. tJo Hun. day heretofore Judge This end That snd General So and S were allowed the freedom of the park, but tbe laborer whose only leisure comes on Sundsy was debarred recreation In these exclusive gr o .-i- leaving the gate ejrtr for pieh. i WBH B pit tici an is one step m the right dl. reel ion, but the N'aJleaaj tjspital lacks BBBCh gH (,f laying an ideal llspublican city. The ngresooW Library, Nations) MuHeum, Botanical tJardens, Patent (jlfls-, ami rnsny other piece- where the w.rking peo- pie could obtain luferni.i.on, ara tlll closed on Sunday. The now civil service rule luxe been revised, appro v.-.!, and have at last reeeived the aignura nf the preaidrnt. In the form in which they have been promulgated they are twenty.' wo in number. The com missioners will leave Washington in the South West. Kach commissioner j will take with bim an assistant tie. tsiletl from toe of the Depart men ta here who has already served oo ex amlolny boards and fs familiar with tbt work. The examining boards in tht cities will be selected from per sons in the service in those cities, and j examinations will uot bt held oftener than twhw a year. Mr. Holm's name has been withdrawn at his own re- quest, and Mr. Charles Lymtii, Chief Merk of the Treasurer'. Oftce has been appointed chief examiner ot the civil service corona U-non on the recomfnendalitui or the comrnN. sioner.i. With characteristic caution the President Is not hasty in Ailing the vacant commissiooership of internal revenue. l on a recommeatlation of Secretary l olger, Mr. Knox, comp troller of currency, hss I icon desig nated t i set as commissioner of Internal revenue for ten day., that being 1 he legal limit of such an np- pointmeiit. Prominent among the many applicants for the (Uane are th flam,ei of .Hui Caesar Burrows, of Michigan, and fiou. Butter worth, of Ohio, hut as they have been mention.. ed as applicants for every vacancy that has occured in the public service since their retirement from, Congress, the hungry crowd of candidates do not look upon them gs formidable competitors. Iu the Slur Route trial he losing arguments for the defense have be. gun. There are seven of the counsel to speak, and each ia likely to speak four or five days. Col. Hob. Iuger. soli li to make the oiling argumeo t. Baroum'a circus has been the popu. lar amusement of tbe wee';, and Jumbo's receptions have eclipsed those political and official. CjBbrioleta were Introduced In Lon- I J doo la 1022. 8, 1883. seBfRAa caasir KewYobb, May Vt, 1M8.",. ..vr-ruor Butler is ftghting sgsiost hssve odrla in Massschuseus, ami in the fell elections will have an easy t me of it. Hia pluck and ga senses however sopMrt bim, and es he has the fieople with bim, be can afford to see the noli tioisni writhe. The whole r-Aon of this deter mined saaault upon bim is simply that he has found so msny sors spots rt tbt body poli tie oj which he i. the h swl, that it requirwl tht coinage st d t'ta strangth of s Hrc'iles to crmmwncs the work of cleaning. He has net alone commenced it, hut. kspt it up snd in lbs exercise of hie pnrfMSV bes Spar ed neither friend nor foe. What tht country wants is more (iajveraars libra him. It looks very much sa if, thsnks to tht efforts of Ih Voting Man's t 'stbo lie Association, the demiiiog vice of opium smoking, sml ths infamous trsde of the t 'hinese is this oo taction, was shout to bt broken up. Perbefa it would have bean hatter f ar the asks of the Eventual rmvif'.ion f the Mongol ian tienda if the society snd the two clergymen st tht bead of it hd quietly gathered all the evidence they .could, went before tbe G rend Jury, bed tbe miscreants Indicted, and then given the results of tbeir disco vet ice to tbt press. Tbs pressure of public opinion gould then bsvs secured not stone tbeir in dictment but tbeir speedy punishment. Aa it ia, tvidsnet in the legal senss will be aetnsabst difficult to rnenre now, aa every Chinsmsn is haeajjbta scared snd keeps as sbs.lv as psssaNa)B, Veu mist underatan.l, that iff sgira'ion is not so tnooh againat tbt tfaa of opium smoking BaBBj as iectr. nlmood tred Asiatic make it th vehicle of debauching young girls, sud ruining them, mentally, morally and physically te Buch An extent that they Income practically beyond reiiemption. I at me explain this (2iinane question of ours. The facta I have obtained from a gentlemen who is thoroughly acquainted with what he ajteaka of, and f believe most of hia points art unknown to tbt public st large, sad fully deserves ths greatest ventilstion. Of tht Chin-sat mptiletion in this city, fully 00 . urr vnu d lio' hint for s livine Ths otbei It isw cent, consia'a of laundry mett principally, s few servants, hot all work for their daily bread The 90 w cant, keep opium joints, run frn tsn la bias. Irate blackmail, and in general grow rich ly cheating or aaindling tht others ottt of tlieir bard earned money. Oa Sttnrdsy evenings the Chinamen who work in tht laundries and factories of Jersey City, Belleville and other soberbs, corns U town to purchase their stock of groceries etc., for the week. They rarely go tasck to thir homes with a dollar in their sckntt, for tbe sharps manags to get all their money away from them. Now for years thia colon f has been under the thumb of Tom lae, a former Oeputy Sheriff who a few week a ago was indie' ed tor ex torting money, dismissed from tht Sheriff office and is now in prison. This fellsw is one of tbe shrewdest f seen for s long time. Tereed, Sbeherd aod other notsMlitiea of the Caucasian race would not I able to hold a candle to bim. He is clever, quick-witted, adroit, BBsursttWesja snd spesks Kogliah tike a native. He ruled tbt Chinese ipiaiter, and there was not sn opium joint, nor s gambling houae from which be !il not draw a weekly stipend. In fact it was ssid iha' there was not a Chinaman iu town which did not pay him tribute fur protection. And tbe best psrt of this wholesale confidence scheme was that, his band never appeared ia any of thse confi dence transactions. When it became necessary to raise tbt wind, or when a member of the col ony was refractory to the chla role, he was either individually arrested, or a raid was made. Arrainged in . ourt the next day, of courts the jodgt could not grant them s hearing on account of the Isngusge. Then ther were always two assistants of Tom LrW in court to interpret lor them, and they interpret, ted just as it would suit Tom lies. Mauy and many a poor devil, it is said, was, thus planished for crimes snd of. fences which he never committed. If he egrted to yield to the power of tht chief, matters were so arranged ss to get him clear, for s consideration of course. Two Tombs ahynters were tbe legal advisers of the king harpy and they aid"d and abetted him iu every way. Ti B courts of course knew noh. ing of hi inside history, but whether the police v srt acquainted with it, ia to tay '.he least, open to doubt. Tht rapid and certain disintegration of the Republican party ia fully shown by tht otter indifference of hundreds of its voters wbo openly avow themselves as pleased to ate the organization tailing to pieces. Never have fciarty lesdsrs been so u ..faithful to their party or to tbe people as Republican leaders bare been, end their utter route end con demnation will be in keeping with tic u&faitbfaintss. NO 45 Bttrs srtn rit. Tbe hsbit tf smoking, sad chewing Ubacco have tweome sa St ralehl, snd its afTeet on the l.-dv end mied o ia juriaus, tbst I fcal i'. n0 duty te asy amethin' :o thf hovn ef our country nw. . W e concerning ihst asrll he '..it. fobecco is well known to Is a power ful vegetsble pofs n a f.w di cf the assent i. I oil wp esiiiwaksti life in man. sndasmtny kiods of antmls ; If tslcen in the siomacb in stance, s very small IMwtion of the leaf ia snfticitnt to Is ing oa nausea sad voeking, scj-oatpttned with great wesknrse and a cold, death, liksawtat. Msny ieraona hsvt sct ndly been killed by the esctasive use of tobacco. Tobacco, so much used in various acts has the most deleterious offer te on ths system, it iy tries on dys pepsis snd diseases of tbs liver, lunge, stomach, ami nervous system. Very msny WBssa aiecarely that tb-y have ever indulged it. thi ehw, but sure, poison, which, i t many conetituiiooa leads to each !) cone..iei-cee ; and conhl we drso back the covering of the tomb, ami know whet mbatcoo haa done in shortening human hsV, it would sur prise us that man, the image of bis Mi ker, endowed with reason, should thus destroy himself IsrUi mentally and pbya ioally. By chewing tosacoo all its deadly powers ate speedily manifested in the commencement of the practice ; iu nauseous taste snd stimulant excite snd keep up s (refuse discaerge fromj tht salivsry gUnds. The great increase SB . a e aa . . at a Ot this lischerga rf JTB snd ster et- ing. and the large qttsntitiea swalhrwed at that time are very deleter ions to the digestive organs. VVhat, then most he ths state of tbst man's or boy', diirestior. bo, ..aril seated st tbe tsble, kee,- bis ! qniu iu his mouth, and i.modistelr re- turn- it thitber afusr eattnr hi. me.la I When such tea sms art affected with uyapet-u. or other diseseaa, jatUcnl.rH of tbe osrvooa aystem, thay never think of.landoning their tobacco a. the ! tsnse, but aftm-esifTeriBg . while, place them a Ives un.lr a lihffttnin m mm 1 I - snd pour into their stnmscbs s qusetity of modi cine and raise nature to its want ed tons, only to he again destroyed by the use of totacco. Tbe Iiaaaerou in fiueaca of tttl.-'-.i ufKMi the midd is no less fesrful than ufton the body. No pan or tongue can d. scribe the intellect- usi ruin te-rasiorrfo nr ic i anacca hit, i : : i i ?. m i uttarlv ruine.1 thooesadsof b..va. caoe-; i T ing manv danroos diseases. Weakm-a of the nerves. ar.re eves. res. lewtte-s. pal.atstionof thebesrr, cancer .4 the lip, s disasssd stat.d- the litr, lungs. stomach, and impairs the isftiim v f these who ... .l An,.- h.-rl. ...I freelv srnok-s r chews tobacr. . never I makes s man of energy, aod Iscka phye- ical ami aiuscolar. sa well as mental energy. Boys, take tht advice of s frimm. and cp.it Mttoking and chewing tobacco. Don't say "I ctn't," if von dn'L n..ir. it .ill law wr 'o., Will soon turn yellow sad become dis eased, hen disease will soan csuss death. A Fkiekd to Tin: BbTt. ' 1 at rcsiLS at by n .bibs It is a perplexing fact that while more boys are born than girls, there is a surplus of female population. Of the children horn in this city during last year, M,oufc were lusies ami 13,2.3 females, sud yet it Is ito-rd ble for 88l,tfo7 membeis of the; gentler sex Iu this country to nnd husfttnd without inveigling an equal number of males to commit bigamy. 1 It has commonly been supposed that war and tbt hardships and haxards peculiar to their manner of life are the cause of the excess of mortality among male, but a writer in an English medical jouroBl resents ste- tistics to show tht four per cent more boys than girts die before! raari.ins; i rt ... net. .vsrnr-, ..... intimates that an explanation is to be found in the difference in nurdug the two -exes receive, lit-does not asy whether hoy babies are hugged too much or pinched to death by their fair attendants but a reform the method of beir treatment a-n, t. , m; be imperative. The writer to whom ; iinpri!Wned r and A.n WterentH3ishere m tdes ungab.nt , Frencn naJ enough to tuggest that tbe excs of f v0 bira bls ntKrxy, I sit mortality ameng male Iniants may.r v. lx KlM1 in oe tuc in part to a iiigner uram... . . 1 than that of girls, but of course the explanation is unworthy of consider ation. Our fair friends will perceive 1 be gravity .of this suljeet, for the preservation of boy ha Dies is essential to the supply of tbe demands for husbands. There are nearly a million j leas males than females in the United States already, and the stagnation of the matrimonial market begin s to excite alarm. X. Y. Moil. ss a ' Andrew, the las't of the Pulaeologi, after the overthrow of Thomas, his father, as ruler of the Mores, became a Mahometan in 153a. Louis the Fat was the first .ing who took tbe or i lit mine Into bat He. The. banner belonged to the Abbey ef SL Denis, and was suspended over his tomb. npecisl business notices in lri t'cd umas at eants par line. Hern is r ItM-si iii.-es 10 cents par line. Foe least and trsnstent sd Tenement al us per senate for the first iiowsieai sim! sj cents par square for each sntseaoneut msentoa. aV ssaa. Q teeti Victtaia bee faasnd . f .llowcr ir the person ..f the Marchoter. f Westminister, aho hss f abirhh'n the eating i f Is nh at her th4. Tbe lea Memorial Av"ri.riai of Virgii. is has formally ecrwjfte.1 Mr. Valentine's rectrmhent suto f Ore. Kolswt il Iee, and it will I .mvcill oo June 27. Oen. Joshua It.ker ia the rddaet living graduate of ths military ec.o. my St West Point. He eomp4-e.t hie e udies there sii'y Ue years eo at the agt of taen' v-four, ami is still hale and Atgrty. "Ths Royal lied t'ross" ia 'he de.iy nation of tbs new decora t ion a bam Queen Victoria hat created. ; It will la conferred tor apecisl atrba in noriog tbs aick and wounded f tire Mm si d navy. Peter Caoper was aa examp'e f mu aged liver of bis kind, of which we were wont justly to boast. Ha has heat, however, outdone in yesia, f not in deed., hy Moses Moniifiore, iha He brew bibtnthrnptet, whs hss nearly rest-bed ths sge of oaa hundred. Since returning to Paris from New te York tbt Doe da Moray has led a cru sade against the Wadr coat Ittntng drees. He wears on sll full dress oc essjais s plum-colored sal vet aait, adorned with sapphire buttons. fKcsr Wilde will immediately proceed to em balm bim in a poem. (. v. Ireland, of Texts does rw te earn bia most ssea who occupy high political places. Hs is said to have given away in charity, since his eec thm. newe then bia salary smon-t t... il ,0ib," 01' l ih mmm wk th "" tu" WM renmaia nraw w,,, not .oo a ii. it ! . . 1 " ,TOiW Jo8B " Uwm ViHoria, ami ,t is nor M " T Clark, another bieland laddie," will, heaever. sasuma some of John ' dntiea. Esri de Gray baa sn shooting in Iidia with a rsCT sot ran tin lv h- j . 7 SW t i JJ er j Maharajah of Der bungah, and has mad a total hag af lis:,. including fostr tigers, forty-eeven hnnak, r and 467 Beer, the remsianW ut ths bif . . . .. mS mmli The Aoshls- i J . i u t--B w"r"1 " - -"?r-T " al - 1 I awxxmm ,H lue 1'' no- wlm.eaaJ. Awsfa, tiu,, PJ " hlP'- il r brrmiititr strneon mmm. Sigaor Marm lUggi'a stote of lxud unveiled in ln- tUm S,r ard N.s-tbcwi-, i- of colossal size, nine feet high, and iH.ihU 08 I w I""- f-el Wlh' U l"h ' parts of copper to ! f no and wst cast at a tempera- 1 , - ar a ' . :tue of about 2000 F. It represents ' the famous leader standing ia his diplo , matte dress, wearing tbs robe f an earl, snd the q-coratioas .f the Ordei af the Garter. Tbe face wesrs s thoughtful expression. m ISM 14 tl Oaone was discovered by S.-hon-in inci n ig0 Theriy kings of Ireland were jmugurted at Tarn in Meath. York fa tAe moetBiirfet Metr..sw ,.51,, BngiBnd. Tt wa made n Nslhof)rit. Kiaf. LocIlH. .t 180 i .j, lM?t punK.msMd for o EaclllD4, Wa. death. At that dllte it chaBgrj lo trans,or. j fa jjfe j 4RadlcalM booaroe pWaajsji .... . R Hamnden clubs were formed, of which Sir Francis Burdatt, lirl t'ochrane ami . wa!i(B (t were members. x1iUtiu in Chancery were appointed ro assist the ignorance of Sir Christopher Hatton, Tuord ('Bncellor, of Eogbtnd, in I .",87. The office was abolished in 1 g."2. 1 Thn an r render of Abd-eJ-Kader to - B icon's rebellion, which wj u movement made by a Virginian named Nathaniel Bteotii against Berkeley, the tyrannical royal gov ernor, took place in 1670. li came to nothing, was put down in i;77, and several person were hanged for joining io it. Malta, the llelita at St. Paul, ir rendered to the British, f.epi. 18of. When Napoleon, two years previou y, seas on his way to Eyp. he received the capitulation of the island from the Knights of Wain, win. made no defence agaiest tbe young Corsican, Nelson soon after block aded Malta While Napaleon was pnie ecuting his expedition in Egypf, ami the renowned knights 'reded their little island to Eogtand. It has bcu ever since In tbe possession of that n e siy tiasff