..MAY 18, 188:t ....... Blticrs. Gekkkal Butlrr it making heroic efforts to sprinkle salt on the tail of the American eagle. The party that wins in will be the party that vigorously fights against excessive taxation. Tiisrr are fourteen State cases and eleven divorce oases on the Circuit Court Docket in Douglas county. Civil service reform under the present anapieea is sine to become a farce. This teems to have been prear ranged. Tax reduction is a necessity, and tax reduction means tariff reduction. Noff free trade, but freer trade and lower Bkx Butler's doings stirs up as much consternation among Republicans in Massachusetts, as dynamite does among the English in London. Qexeial Kejfer is about the only distinguished Republican leader who has not felt moved to deny Presidential aspirations. We can state on the authority of the farmers and agricultural people of Ohio that the late frosts hare in no way in jured Democratic prospects. Senator Ca heron could t prevent the passage of the civil service bill, but he could corral the commission, which, on llw whole, will answer His purpose iust as well perhaps little better. A prominent Indiana Republican k a a mm -v ii says : "i toil vou u joe McDonald ts sr v nominated by the Democrats he will carry Indiana by 50,000 majority ; mark my words." The News says "that the Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, who refused to allow his foundry to eater into oontt acta with the city, would be lonesome in Port land." Most any Democrat woold be lonesome in Portland. If the Democrats in Ohio weuld put up Alien 6. Tburman, and the Repub licans would name honest John Sber i, the Guberoational campaign would asume national proportions. - i When Hayes occupied the Presiden tial Mansion, the Post Office Depart ment was honey combed with corrup tion. Mr. Hayes may plead that nobody told him that anything waa wrong. Erarta, Sherman, Scburz, and Key were all silent, and Mrs. Hayes never mentioned the subject. ' The New York WorU under its new management lays down its principles and among other things says that to day we are confronted by a struggle in different guise. Organized pi ivi legists, coveting and possessing exclusive rights under the aegis of chartered monopo lism, undermine our political freedom now more than 100 years ago. It is for true Democracy to preserve politic al freedom now as it established politic al freedom in former days. To this doty the World is pledged. The practice which seems to obtain in nearly all eastern cities of profession al price fighters deliberately appointing time and place when and where two of hese number will meet to engage in pommeling and slugging each other for wages of large aumsaof money seems to grow more fashionable every day. For merly the willing spectators to sncb scenes of brutality were drawn altogeth er from'the slums of society. The ig norant and the vicious alone seemed to drink in the brutal pleasures of such a contest. But of late days the respect able and cultured citizens of Boston and New Xork, are wont to congregate at the places where two muscular men meet to test their "knocking-out' quali ties. While boxing, wrestling and oth er athletic exercises are as unobjection able as rowing, base-ball, or other in nocent sports, yet prize fighting should not lie tolerated in any respectable community. The effects of such cus toms upon the minds and morals of the young men who are thus brought into contact with such brutal practices sre damaging beyond calculation. We of the North have been unspairing in our denunciations of the brutal practice of dueling in the South, while we scarcely enter a protest against the prize ring which is a, pernicious as dueling itself. The brilliant orator who holds his au dience spell bound seems not to attract so large an audience as the prize fighter. When this brutal practice is willingly witnessed by the intelligent, the cultur al, the ehrixtientzed, then indeed is it ihe duty of publie teacher i to sound the cry of danger, and call te halt those who by their superior intelligence and civilization, are by their example lead ing the young into vicious and brutal practices. What purpose the News can subserve by saying that "every Republican pa per is a protectionist paper and that every Democratic japer is a free trade paperis more than we can tell, unless it be to subserve the purpose of the father of lies. The readers of the News may be led to believe such statements but the people generally are too intelli gent to believe them. Every observer of current political events knows that the New York Times, Springfield Re publican, Oregoman, and many other leading Republican papers are what the News calls "free traders." We bad hoped thst the New would show a proper regard for fair dealing, but in this we are disappointed. FEUD A V. 'J' . M-J-1 ..lli.JJ.,1'.. 11 BE IU HOI K M V With nil the investigations made by statesmen and profound constitutional thinkers and expounders, with all the researches made by delers into con stitutional lore, with all the tin study bestowed upon the history of the movement to establish constitutional government in America, from the pas sage of the stamp act down to the fruition of the he pea of liberty looing people which culminated in the adopt ion of the constitution of the United States, no man has givn such a bold, vigorous, clear, emphatic exposition of the fundamental principles of the con stitution as did President JetWson on the occasion of the delivery of his inau gural address iu 1801. We give an extract below, which we hope will be read with great care by all our readers: "Equal and exact justice to all men, oi whatever state or persuasion, religi ous or politics ; peace, commerce, and honest friendship, with all nations entangling alliances with none ; the support of the State governments in all their rights, aa the most competent ad ministrations for ow domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti- Republican tendencies; the presta tion of the general government in ita whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and aafety abroad ; a jealous care of the right of election by the people a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopfed by the sword of revolution where peace able remedies are unprovided ; absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the msj nity '.he vital principle of repub lics, fom which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and imme diate parent of despotism ; a well-disci mm m . i . ft a e puned-miulia our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of wsr, till regulars may relieve them , the supremacy of the civil over the military authority ; economy in the public ex pense, that labor may be lightly bur dened ; the honest payment of our debts and aaered preservation of the public fitb ; encouragement of agriculture, and of commerce as its handmaid ; the diffusion of information aod the ar raisrnment of all abuses at the bar of public lesson ; freedom of religion , freedom of the press ; freedom of person under the protection of the babe&s cor pus, snd trial by juries impartially selected these principles form the bright constellation which haa gone before us, snd guided our step through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages snd the Mood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They shoal J he the creed of our political faith the text of civil instruction the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust ; and abould we wander fictu them in momenta of error or alarm, let um haiiten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alooe leads to peace, liber ty and eafrty." tcses it sews Gen. Grant's mother died a fw dsys ago. Jay Gould proposes to keep out of WslI street. Villard arrived at Be. Paul, Minn . on laat Saturday. Opium smoking is becoming a great evil in Chicago. President Arthur is te come to Cali fornia in August. Poor California. It waa reported that Keene bad fail ed, but the report is now denied. The Creo Indians in Montana sre preparing for the war-path. The wool market is very poor, so says a San Francisco d.spstcl,. The Sunday law is being enforced in Wilkes barre, Pa. Such things are rare. Both Lwrence Barrett and Modies kaare in San Francisco, playing to immense houses. Joe Brady, of Phecinx Park fame, was banged at Dublin Monday morn ing. The Missouri and Kansas cyclone of last Sunday was a bad affair, several people being killed at Kansas City and other places. California now claims that its wheat crop this year will be the biggest it has ever had, and it is thought j ,500,000 bushels will be exported. Another big silver mine has been discovered in Texas, near the itio Grande. We would like to trade our Sodaville affair for it. The Brooklyn bridge trualees have fixed the toll for foot pasiengers at one cent. The disbursement thus far on account of the construction of the bi idge is $14,688,905. Sullivan defeated Mitchell at New York in three rounds, completely knocking him out of the ring. This is one wsy that Ireland can whip Eng land. Henry Gresgunan, French commis" sioner of agriculture to the United States.at New York for two years, sails for home Wednesday next. He proph esies a great future for California wine and thinks we cheat ourselves by using foreign labels on our good wines. The minister of the treasury has warned the canal company that they must pay the expenses of keeping be tween 2,000 and 3,000 men on the isthmus to maintain order The minis ter estimates that the cost thus impos ed on the company, during the 14 yrs. the contract grants for the completion of the eanal, will amount to $7,000,000, and might even reach $10,000,000 or $12,000,000. Nearly all the tradesmen of Dublin have received a circular which is termed: "Analysis of Special Juries on Eight" een Trials Under the OrimjsLjyL" Along with this circular was a slip con taining the words : "Woe to you if you have any goods of these jurors, for yon and likewise they will have the blood and suffering of innocent jeeplo on your " The slip was signed by "Hook or Crook." A sensation has been cam ed by this latest movement on the part of the friends of the Irish prisioners. aCMOOL VISITS. . SJB Eda. Democrat : A short time since, 1 visited the Harrisburg school, but it was during examination. The pupils showed great proficiency Id the various branches upon which they were be ing examined. Kxarulnatlon was written. Thinking I bad better see the school In its dally progress before writing, l visited it sgaln and spent a whole day in both seeing aod hear ing. I was so much edified that the day seemed very short. I saw no Idleness, heard no friction, and was convinced that both teachers and pu pil wore making a wonderful suc cess. Eighty odd pupils for the sorioff term. No student is permitted to advance fastor than he can under, stand. Discipline was all that could be asked, and system In movement, studies, and classification was harroon ieus. When Inquiring, I found that la addition to good teachers, they had good directors who do their whole duty, giving the teacher moral as well as legal support. Oood patrons, who were doing the same, and re. quiring of their children all thst the school required. These three in har mony, necessarily make good children and good scholars all were in har mony. Prof. Held has taught In your city, and you know his worth. I predict that many of his pupils will become proficients in the educational department of this Valley. Other directors would do well to Immilate the example of these directors audi patrons. They have never had a better school than they now bavo, and they should retain their present teachers so long as they c in compen sate them for their services, P. A MoafcV Sup'U Scheota, Linn ( uiuty. st momv ircna. Di-jwnsvillt?, Or., My 15 1HH.J. KJUiJrs Democrat : The encampment and L'tdgo of Odd Fellows at this place, are repre sented In tneir Grand Ixige whicb meet In Portland thh week, by M. a Crane. N. II. Stsndlsh, Fred drop, W. R. Kirk, J. D. Arthurs aod J. K f! ranger, who went down on the train yesterday. Mr. J. M . Mayor and lady also left yesterday on a pleasure trip. Tbey will be Joined in Portland by Conduc tor J. M. Poorrnan (of the Narrow Gauge) and lady, nod will take In Astoria aod the Sound Country inclu ding Victoria, aod expect to be absent about three wooers. Their many friends wish them a pleasant trip, and a safe return. Dr. Blanchard, of Columbia county. is here looking for a location, aod talks oi stopping with us for awhile. Our new watch maker, Mr. Smith, has hung oat a very handsome sign. Sunday was a regular March day. The wind blew a stiff breexe all day, and threatened rain, bat It cleared off in the night and we had consider able frost Monday morning. The apple and pear crop seems to be pret ty much destroyed in this neighbor, hood, so far as I can learn, bat there sre plenty of plums and Jack-frost seems to have bad o ial spite against Oregon this year ; first killing the fall sown grain, and then nipping our fruit crop. It seems that with the great Influx of im migration, we are also falling heir to some of the ills of our friends across the Rockies. It win be the grass, hoppers next The hop-field around here are looking floe. Meyer Bro's. & Co. are making preparations to attach the machinery of the steam saw-mill that they pur chased of W. H. Kirk, to the water, power thst runs their planer, and expect to build up a considerable lum ber business here. Tbey have made some purchases of timber land, from the O. & C. R. R. up the Ollapoela, and expeot to run considerable tim ber down the river next winter. Dr. Starr reports a twelve pound boy In town, and anyone that meets Ike Loabo could tell by the cut of h!a face who was the happy father. The weather has been very fine for a few dxyx, and the farmers are hap. py. Pu ad. 11 lit U I Hit I It . IT P.m. Harrisburg, Or., May lfi, 1883. EAa. Democrat: Mrs. J. P. Schooling has been quite sick for the pa.it few days, hut is now recovering. Bad colds and coughs are very prevalent just how In this vicinity. Mr. K. F. Wyatt Is going to move to Eugene City next week. We are to have a new harness shop here soon, under the management of Mr. Butler, who lately sold out to Mr.aH. A. Blodgett. Mr. M. Fuller contemplates moving bis meat shop around to the old stand on First street. Miss Mary Sullivan, of this place, and Mr. A. F. Cooper, from East of the mountains, are to be married to day, and also Miss M. Lou Love to Mr. C E. Maxon. Both couple start the next day for the Upper Country, to make it their home in the future. We noticed Mr. Isaac Miller and Hon. J. K. Weatherford in the city, during the past few days. Mr. A A. McCulley, a former res ident of this place, but now of Salem, has been spending several days here making a division of the estate of T. D. Love, he being administrator. Our business men here complain of very quiet times. The Good Templar's building mat ters eeeua to be taking a rest just now. Dam. Ladles! Allen & Martin have just received from New York a large stock of laces. Call and ee them and enquire prices. M ie KOTO Srio, May 12th, 188& As you seem to be very kind in pub lishing the different letters that have been aent from floio, I take the liberty or trying my hand at a letter ts your paper. lama Granger, and have the inter est of that society st heart as well as the welfare of this whole community. We are a quiet and enterprising peo ple In this section, and every few days have an addition by some new man coming here and buyitg a farm. Some of the people if this city are radical on the temperance questions but seem to get the matter the wrong way, instead of using kindness snd mild means, they aeem to deem it a benefit to the cause by accusing and excusing members of the different societies, of infidelity to the same. On laat Blue Ribbon meeting, for some reasons the committee on program did not work in harmony, and when the program was a partial failure, (not in quality so much as qusntity) some liegsn to accuse each other of their short comings, such as visiting saloons, playing card, and even J f ... urinsing, anu not in a very mild or pleaaant manner. Now 'this is sll wrong, if tbey have the temperance cause really at heart. They would en deavor to lead and not drive people to their manner of thinking, and not be bickering and quarreling amoog them selves as to who shall be the leaier or say the most, or give the best speeches. Scio is improving, sa you could read ily observe should yon try to find an empty house here. Kvery houss Urge or email ia filled, new men are coming in anu investing money. Our old friend, Peter Hllyeu, bss sold his hotel property to Jsok Hilyeu, bis brother, snd the boarders say they believe all the Bilyeus sre good oooks and providers. And right hero, Mr. Editor, I don't bslieve It Is true thst Jsek went off into the brnh ttefore day to practice ringing the hotel ttr. as he seems to ting it now st lout with abili ty (muscular.) Sometime our city fathers sre tittle slunk in keeping our sidewalks in repair, for inatanoe, nur kmi master hsd quits SO aemdent, I believo from this neglect. While coming to the of lice early to pot up the mail, placing implicit confidence tbst the boards were well nailed down, he stepped on one which resulted in his getting dirty clesr down 'o bis heels. All kinds of business seems to be prospering and lively. Brown it TaU cott are putting npa new front to their store, which is aUraotive. My eld Virginia friend, Chapman, has been decorating the front of hia store with an advertisement for choice eastern wines, liquors and cigars, and furnishes groceries as eheap aa any, so that no one will go hungry. We would advise one of our drug gists to beware of bird cages hereafter, as Aleck does not care to nave hia pros pest ire son-in-law or anybody else, held their heads too high. Whether U is Ashing for trout or a wife ia a query with us, but we wish him luck anyway. If you have any old watches to mend bring them along, he will do it in good atyle. Mr. Soris, barber from Albany, has located here, and gives good satisfsc tion. A picnic is to take place on May 19, under the auspices of Jordan Valley (t range, and a good time is anticipated. Dr. J. A. Davis baa a neat office at this place, and seems to be getting his eh sre of the practice. Weather good and farmeis jubilant. Billy B. being of a retiring disposi tion does not exhibit his wounds. No arrest a. Silas Joxes. Jeffersan, Or., Msy 15, IHHX EJh. Democrat : Fanners again busy seeding, and most all will finish the present week, if the weather is favorable. I aaw in the Democrat of laat week that potatoes were too high to reach. Our neigbbora caught the inspiration and are cacheing theirs, one family in particular, tbey having planted about I G acres to potato-. BrUiant Lodge, No. 425, L O. O. T. is in good working order, and nothing tut progress ts its members motto. It. B. Carey was quite sick the 12th and 13th inat., Dr Dear dorff was called. Reported much better yesterday. Cbas. Hall, the young roan that fell from train while in motion as reported Isst week, became conscious some time Friday, and talked some that and the next day, is reported better and doing as well as could be expected. Strong hopes are entertained by the attending physician, Dr. Dsardorff, and the young man's friends for his recovery. Mr. E. N. Thomas is away from town on a trip for his health. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beard are at Soto, visiting friends and relatione. We are informed by Mr. Wm Coin that his two farms lying just east of the Green rerry bridge, are tor sale, and his price is low and terms easy. For the benefit of your many readers, we will give a short description of his farms : Hia home place contains 240 acres; over 100 acres of it is iu cultivation, and buildings very good all lying north of the road leading from Jeffer son to Scio. Is 3 mites from Jefferson, 3 miles from West Scio, 3 miles from Marion Station, and ; of a mile from school bouse. Plenty of stock water in brooks on the farm ; a good oung or chard plenty of email fruit, such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. Fences all good. The other con tains 320 acres; about 125 acres in cultivation, and about h of the balance good pasture land ; lying south -cast of other farm I mile ; buildings fair ; fen ces good ; average orchard ; plenty of running water ; school house of a mile distant. From Jefferson, 3' miles ; 3 from West Scio. Terms : One-half down ; balanoe on time. Purchasers will do well to call and see Mr. Ooin, or write. Ut. Supra. DuRMAJf B. Eaton must be a very young man. He hasn't got bis eye teeth one yet. m niHi.no rrn u Waterloo, Or., May 14, 1HM3. ''' '. M9cr il i Wt have no excuso fur Oot writing last week except flaring the Mpiing fever. IVork hsH been pponedjat the saw mill this w.ek, while Mr. lire (Jonn puts in the new water wheel. Wo think thst the change of proprietors is very beneficial ss Kobt. U Stevens means business and intends to try the capacity of the water Kwer at his plsce to its full extent. J. O. Beebe t Co. are talkincr r,f moving their Bowl Factorv to txm County, on the MeK iasey river. Ceo. Gross launched his new hnaf. this evening and we all took a ride to the springs, but had no success in getting sods. Joe. Kelso has rtumil to take charge of tho Miimaon Livery Stable. iiammySurU and Chsrlie w . - were in town to dsv wsmim work in the sawmill, but foiled us full hsnded. We would like to ask vou a ouMLion Will a one cent stamp curry a letter through the mail, an unxnaled letter to any point 1 No. j Sume people have a slv wuv . t ing the benefit of the law to keep from a t a psying tnetr nooest debts. Just as some people think is the way they will talk whether it is a'out their neighbor or not Social bops are becoming more fash ionable than meetings for social warship. Young folks must hsve someplsce to go and aa there hi no social meeting or singing tbey must hsve s hos down as tbey csll it. We were out to visit Mr. A. H. Mc Clung's school. Tho school that he has charge of has had the reputation of having some of the worst scholars in it to bj found, and wo wore surprised to Qnd what good conliol he has over them. The seholsrs all respect him and hw has the good will af all, and sre hod him to be a competent tcsc her. Jtev. Kobt. L. Siovons hss eenfjkt the Oibson place of ('bs. Mou'sgue of liltsiton. Wanted in Weirrlun. MsSj effcoa ocmi, qjso with Oah, tasri ai'h Ifsslao, in. n that wit) attend to their keaoeseo, and men with good common ruus. Now the truth is our little town is bound to giow. There is a big thing here for men with money and tbey have juat found it out. But when we get a bridge across the 8nlism st this point, which I don't thiok will be very long, there will be a chance for men with any good trade to mako money. Ambrose Farrier, our boss logger, met with a serious accident yesterday ; while cutting a log hia ax glanced sinking his foot, cutting two toes nearly off and two lesders entirely off. Oauxor.a. mxca roow sncoos. SitEim, Or., Msy H, 1$83. Etli. Jkmtrai : Not seeing any correspondence from Khedds 1 thought I would take the re. sponaibility upon myself to write a few sketches. Most of the farmers have quit sowing on account of it being so late in the season snd very few have sowed all tbey intended too. Miss Ioaa Cranfield and Miss Jennie Blaker are teaching our school, and as far as I know, are giving satisfaction. Bliss Ollie Clark, of Kugene, is visit ing relatives here. Our little town haa four secret socie ties, the Grange, Masons, Good Ti rap iers, snd Ancient Tempters, snd sll seasa to be carried on satisfactorily. When you open a soda bottle turn the cork towards .the door not towards the clerks' eyes. The two . Mr. Blaker'a have left our town for Portland to go into business. I hope their loss will be regretted more when they lesve their present borne then it was when they emigrated from here. Mi. Kdwin .Simmons of Boston Mills has been very sick ut to the pleasure ot bis many friends is rapidly recover ing. Prof. Davis of vour citv is teachinc his second class of singing here and giving satisfaction. Mastiir. DfSTOICT XO.ttt, IT KIIS. School Dim. No. 28, Msy 14, 1883. Hi-. Democrat: As it hss been a twelve month since I penned an article for your valuable paper, and thinking a few items might be of interest to your many ruadcrts, I drop you a few Hues. Oar school is progressing finely under the management of Miss Qussie Meaes as Teacher Mr. J. E. Granger has our new school house nesrly completed, which will be a credit to our District. Our neighborhood was thrown into a fever of excitement, a few daya ago, on a neighbor going to Mr. J. II. Stevens house and when near there saw Mr. Stevens acting in a very strange man ner, he having a long pole and was jumping from one side of the house to the other, when a posse was raised to learn, if possible, the cause of such strange actions and upon arrival it was learned that he had another son, weight seven pounds, which was enough he said to cause one of bis sge to act thus. Farmers are done seeding in" this section and are laying on their oars. Equity. "Mean people take advantage of their neighbor's difllcultles to annoy them." Mean diseases,' such as piles, rhuessatism, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, lame backs, etc., take advantage of people's ex posures and attack them. It is then that Kidney Wort spears on the field and by its timely agency puts to root this flock of evil ailments. It is a friend in need and therefore a friend indeed. Laugh and Grow Ft- One is not apt to laugh and grow f at if he is not feeling well. The legless who from habitual oonstipstion, suffer constant ly from headaches, torpidity ef tbe liver, dullness, feverishness, sottr stomach, etc., can be persuaded to laugh only after tboy have taken a few doses of Syrup of Figs. Try it and see. Fer sale by Foshay & Mason, Albany, Rector A Son, Halsey. l!l OI I TIOM Of OMOl.t M g. WiisaRtH, Dsata has invsded oar ( rang and tssen from our midst our beloved sister, Mrs MsIliMs.1 Vaaoiditran, therefore bait Kfolrl, By Osk itain Oreac, No. 6. ' t the desth of airier Vaaoidstran this (Irsnge hs lore s worthy member, snd the community s respected snd much esteemed fiMXhUor, utie who wss slwsya ready to lend a helping hand to any in diatree. rVoiW, That we extend to ths sorrow log husbsnd snd bereaved children snd fritted our deepeat armpstbiea, sad would point them to the trnlir mmmttmm nt Id.,. who hss promised to hi sn ever present help in time of trouble. That ws should he almonissed by tbie sad liersavement to be also resdy, for in eut h an hour as you think not .the Hon of man cometb. Thst thoae resolution a be anread upon the records of ths U range and that s py be aent to the family of the deceased a later ss a token of our use peat aympsthy, snd tbst s copy be fumiab the county papers for pub lication. Thou art son SWrt lUr And u.y Ioaa Ssesff ' ; Hut 'Us Ood that baa bereft , IT can If nur aorrowa hai. I.' t-Y WaoawTj Mahy A. Powkiih, K. A. Htamasp, Committee. CiseinearemrMt Kserrlae. j VoUowing ia the program f-.r the com inemwssent exorcises of ths Agricultural 'ollege st -orvsl!i : Friday. Jens 1. Kxamioation of clssses in Agrioultare. 9 .10 a at. Kntertslnment by Preparatory depart, merit. 7 v u. ' Saturday, June Adelphisa Socisty.- Hesday, Juns 3. P Knight, D. D. Monday, June 4. 2 Kitertsinment by 7 9 M. Aanusl Mrmon )y iv 11 A M. Annus! meeting of ths 10 a . Hoard el Trustee, Addrtea of Pres. It I . Arnold to fioard of Trustees snd cittxena of Kenton County. - 7 f M. Tuesdey, June Address before Adet phisn Society hy lion XV I t'rntoo. 7 r at. Wednesday, June C Graduating Rser oisss. ''.'.') a u. Xai-oaUineat Addreaa by llr J A 1 leans Annual Ceanion. 7 r M. Tke Had una VrertM. are Uever iiniUill r r mterfrHel. Tills Is rhrteiaUy true .f a family medieioe, and it l positive proof that the remedy tmjlnltl h of tli 3 highest value. As soon ss it list! been I -Ni-d sod proved by tke WISOs world t hat OJnp Hitters was the pores t, b?t ami titot vnlunids family loeUieiue oo earth, many imitations sprung up an( began to tsal the notices Iu whlc:h the pres end pe-ople of the country hal expressed the merits of IL R. and In every way trying to induce suffering invalids to use their stuff In stead, expecting to make money oo tbe credit and good name of M. h. Manv others started nostrums put up In simi lar atyle to H. B , with variously devised names Iu which the word i hip 1 or "Hops" were used in a way to Induce people to believo tbey were Use same as Hop Hitters. AH such pretended reme dies or cures, no matter what their sty le or nsrae Is, and especially those with the word "Hop" r Heps" In their name or In any way connected with ihem or their name, are imitations or couuterrelta. Beware of t hero. Tuch none of them. t"s nothing but irenu ine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green HopK on the white lobel . Trust nothing eho. nruggista and dealers are warned against dealing in imita tions or counterfeits. time! Is mi a e aa4 ur.rt. ' Mt of i !.. eminent ilovtoni in the Kast, as well as several of the medlosl faculty In New York City." writes Rev P P Shirley, of Chicago, "felled to help our daughter's epilepsy, which began to show signs of turning Into Insanity. By tbe good provi dence of God we tried Samaritan Nervine, and it cues! br." Your druggist keeps ii. Referee's Sale. s le ft'ws Court e fir Stale of Oregon for Lim County. John naston,Plamt n vs. Roes B Ifnaton. and EMi:s Huston, Defendants. !trUee Is hereby given that pursuant lo a decree of tbe above entitled Court, duly rendered In be above entitled cause on Thursday the lGtb day of March, 183, or tbe fourth Judicial 'day of the regular March term of aaid Court for tbe year lK.i, duly appointing the undersigned a Referee to salt the real property hereinafter de scribed and duly authorizing and com manding me to sell said real property in tbe manner provided by law. I will en Nnturday tho 19th day of Way lh3. at tbe hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at tbe Court House door in tbe city ot AUny in Linn county, Oregon, oner ror saie me louowing de scribed premises, t- twit : Tbe southwest one-fourth of Section 30 in Township 12, south of ranges west of the Willsuistte Meridian in Unn county, Oregon : Also the following described tract to- wit : Be- Sinning at the northeast corner of tbe onation land claim of John A Smith, it being Notification No 4746 in Township 13, south range 3, west of tne Willamette Meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and running thence south 6 34-100 ohsins; thence west 00 chains to the west line of Haid claim; thence north 0 30-100 chains to the northwest corner of said claim; thence east 00 chains to the place of beginning : Both of aaid trauta containing ns 14-100 acres to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand in United States gold coin. O, U. lRVTXK, Retsres. Notice to Contractors Notice U hereby given that tho contract for furnishing material and building a church building at or near Oskville, eight milts south of Albany, will bo ' at pub lic outcry at the Kite of saUl bulidinR by the undersigned committee on Thursday May 1 7th, at the hour of one o'clock in thu afternoon of aaid day. Plans and HpeeitlcationH can be seen at the residence of Win Ht John near the site of building. Tho committee will furnish all hauling of material. Contractor will be required to furnish bond with approved security for tbe nerformauce of the contract. Com mittee reserve tho right to reject any or all bldH. By order of Com. Joseph. Yatbs Chairman. MISS FLORA MCC ALLEY, Will open a store on April 21st AT LEBANON, W'tb a select line of ladies' and children's furnishing GOODS AND NOTIONS. This will I e the piece to get bargains in this lino. I9G sxqnoi ir jo in ro J."- ' la 1 Iwrrr-wfrrfl rnu fiavr. I .1 T 1 r. riUTSf 1 aOUTlOUT ." f l nil - - - - . L. . . . . " leq e w ja st 9utitt b?JJ1I1 ! -moo xtSKSTP erws S M ITSttooJBAO mjufinBM ire 'so SMa testriisqo xouq eatwa m wqa. lng Is ss uoAxror usissasms an PtrBff Lisa. sail jCpaniM on puw 'uojsctnauoo so ffM-M 'NOIXVdlXSNOO $ JO IMS IHIHVHMM 3H1 HOip Iii.iiis tiradu'ohl'N Store, CROCKERY, CUSS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE. 1 Large Issortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice 8electon of Cefee, Tea and 8ngar, ONE DOZEN OUP8 AND SAUCERS Sl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON Tin: HIOHBST JHARKKT PRICE PAID FOR MMM ' Remember! What I Say I lean. Give Me a Call. When In need ' :i PETERS & BLAIN, I Unn County Agents f r the J. I. Case & Co. Engines, Threshers and Headers. PEERING TWINE BINDERS, 8TUDEBAKER FARM AND SPRING WAGONS. an sac rMiivETMxiivc; iiabhow nUlilE. and OTor ci hi Sbw m JE BbbsjosssosjhJP afiWFi and all kinds FARM MACHINEET. F Willert -MAS! FAfTUiEIl OF CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES Second Street between Ferry and W ushiiigrlon Everything is made of Eastern material, and every carriage and buggy will be GUARANTEED. REPAIRING, TRIMMING AND PAINTING PKOMFTLVWD NEATLY DONE. F. WILLERT. a THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE. Thlalirsr and KUIney ReyuUtor b nor pf-ful.r anU arrtam.rsirsthnuy oo the Hcific I Kvarybody uw It and Uk who pry it 1"e 11 alwa. For amis averywhsra. St pr bottl ; U butus lurfi ISSS) Srrea sf LsnS rrsl" Use tann ol .TJO aens vx-ry deaintble. las farm of 135 acres. One tract of 1611 acres of v ild Uud. Oae tract of 80 acres. Qns tract of 70 acres . Due tract of 1.13 seres, snd other small tracts. Will sell in lota to auit purchasers. Will trade lor other property. Csll st this office, You can keep yonr hair abundant snd glossy, and retain its youthful color, with Parker's Ha'r Balaam. A .Car. To all who are suffering fr.ni tho errors snd indiscretion of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of maahood, etc. , I will send a recipe that will cure you, PRKE OK 11 A1K1 K. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary ia South America. Send s seif-sddreued envelope to the Ksv. Jsskph T. Inmav, Sutioo D. Neir York dty. Far Sale (A half interest in the Albany Soda Works ad Grocery Store of Hoffman & Joseph, for particulars inquire at tke store. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Deo. lest. Premium income . .3,295,326 2 307,15V Safe, reliable and ouiek to r,av in .saa of loss, ARCH HOXTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregoc, j mneynsiLP ssT anything In on Sheriff's Sale. .. tke CiremU Owrt, of tke State of (trgom for tke County of' La : i Rebeccsi Osrter, SMunoel E Youne snd I. K j Blsin, PlaluUff. vs. S S D Gager and Msry J Qeger his wife, J C i Hudson aod Amanda J Hudson bin wife, j J D Gibson and Mary A Gicaon his ; wife, ana WW! bay er, Governor, R P Esrhart. Secretary and Ed Hirech, Treasurer of the State ot Oregon.cemaUiut 1 inc the Board of Commissioners for tbe ) sale of school lands aad the management of the common school fund. Defendants Notice is hereby sven that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued on j ot the aboe named Court in the above i entitled suit to me directed and delivered I will on Saturday tne 2nd day of June. 1888, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tne hour of one a'clock, p. m., sell at public suction for cash in hand to the higbest bidder the following real property, do scribed In said order of sale as loilow, to-wit : Beginning at a point 10 7u baius west of tbe south east corner of the Klitiej Kees donation land clainjt in Water leu Precinct, Linn county, Oregon, and run ning thence east 10 70-100 obains; thence north 30-37 chains ; thence east 10 chains to the middle of tbe Santaim River anil down it to a point due noith of tbe plate of beginning ; tuenos south to the place of be glnnlng.oonialninjr 01 acres more or lessex cept always the building lots in -said town of Waterloo and containing atone six acres, the proceeds of sale to be applied fint to the oosta snd expenses of sale and next to the payment to the aid Plaintiff Bebecea Carter the sum of $784 02 jtn jntere9t thereon at the rate of one per cent per month from the 21st dsy of October, 1882, and interest en the sum of $1778 70 st the rate of one per cent par month from the 14th day ot Marcb 18S2, to the 21st day of Ooteber It 82. Dated this nh day of May,l8S3. Geo Ht'MfHRs.Y, Sheriff of iJon Co., Or. Notice. Is hereby given that the Fair Grounds will be let to the highest bidder. Parties securing grounds are to put the track and fence iu suitable rder for holding a lair. All bids to be in writing. Bida to be opened Tuesday, Msy 1st. 1888. F. W. SprssT, :rt A. Foster, President. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mHE UNPriRSlGNED WISHES nanul tn ln &! ! k indi of tAeunm mod nia'rb au and . 1, .sds of stone, hot deal . i . ' -. .-ii repairing aa resetting a speeiaitj and examine my prices oerora ins elsewhere as 1 srui not no i Shop oo west side or Urososi ODDoslte telearao' offlce: O. W. HAR