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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1883)
1 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT I8S17RD BVERT FRIDAY STITES 4Ni:TTIX8. State tmmx&l AOVXOUIKISU a-!!. I I k I 1 a I 3 6m 1 yr I lech 1 00 ; 3 00 1 .'.no mm 12 Ot: f " 2 00 6svj 7tXH l:on' lot " 3 oo i oo j iooo i.Hm: u 4 400 i 7 t i It M ! 1800 ! 27 Ar 1 ( l 6 00: 0 00 t 15 00 25 00 35 OO fj " 7 50 12 00 IS 00 3000 4 0U 4 " lOttf .13 00 25 00 4000 o0 I " ,15 oo . 20 oo 400m mt oo loo on . - hi ME4erifr;i nMmi naiteiagea aaeeelahiw IM rw t wun or subscription kftfU opr. pr rr. hi aOrano $2 SO ata;a ', par jm. at and jmr S SO dag-te aapy, Ms Mmlb9 1 fiO eiagla o-pv, Utrer Manilla if liilHMntr 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, u rvnrn. o. a. ativntun. FL1NN & WAVBKRLAIN, ATTOR1EYN AT LAW, Albany, Ortjon. aavOtuce in Foster's Brick Blrk.-"aa vlftnlStf. R. 8. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILL l'KArTICK IN ALL THE lurl of this suae. Wi!t give special atteation to collections end probate iu attar Otnee in Foster's new brick. eetf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Office upstairs, over John Brtfqre store, 1st street. vMnSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PVItUC.) iTTORNEY AT lAW, ausaxi. ttKUot. WILL PB-CTICR I.N ALL THE COL KTS Of TBS iui. Special uuntUxi p van to eol tactions aud probata sudter. amOaSoa as Odd FalteWa Trap). U:t 1. C. POWBIX. W. R. BILTKU POWELL & BILYEU. tTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors is (hanr cry, ALBANY. ... OKltaON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jeTOmce in Foster's Brick:-. vlealtsX E. R. SKIP WOKTII, iITBEV AX 4 at NSr.LOK AT LAW sonar nu . W ILL practice In all courts of tbe State J.M business intrusted to me prompt- 1 v attended to. Offir is O' Tools' Blork, Broadalbim Stmt, 43; 1 A If ang, Orcjon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Votary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of thmState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. JOT Office in OToole's BSook. LEWIS STWSON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, Ane horse, gxd feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sou$bJe charges,. Qtve them a call. Staples near Revere House. 6yL E. W. LANCDON & CO., DttKaGISTft. Books, Stationery and Toilet Artic les, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY XoRTTO- STORE, )1 aUttSV. OnOXAiOS. FOSMAY A MASON, ASS KSTJtnt Druggists and Booksellers. ALBANY, OKECiON. vlOntltf REVERE HOUSE, Cha- Pfeifler, Prop'r. Tiua nana-Hotel iaftttad mp ia irataiaaa arrle. Table aWBPjP(Pa Ra4aa efaO bVaa asfta) SaVataaHafaVaV SaaaVOaVdaaB SiSaO Bads in ary Ruoaa. A good atsplii Hotm tor Ooav aareisi TisTkrs. DANN4LS & OOElIN aa5cracrcssa ass dsajiss n FURNITURE Career Ferry seat Seeeaal street. Af.fAWY, - s OREaO!K. eMotifl ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. OflBce in States Riohts Dmocra otrjce. 4. 4- DAVIS, M.D,, Physician and Surgeon CIO - OREGON. Aloany Bath House. 'tHB UNDItH,8ICWgD WOULD RESPECT fully iafwrw tbe cititn of Albany sad ri siBttast Ikavetsksaebargsofthu Establub uieut, and, bj kespiaf clean rooaat and pay is ttriet attention to baaissa, expect u suit al (boas who may faeor us with tbeir patronage Basing heretofore carried on aobjjag bat fiTlfcQH-t ai?" WrtMlng Sojaono ta-peeU to glee entire iatiifaction to si jafKChUdien and Ladief' Hair neatly ea bsenposed JOS WVBBEK. ALBANY CtfLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB 4 Pa Y, OK. The Third Term begins oil Thurs day, February lt, 1883. For particulars concerning the course, of study and th ric o tuition, apply to aRV. KLOKKT M. t ONRir. Presaaeat. RED CROWN MILLS. L80X, tltSmM & CO., PROPR'S. NSW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR POR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORA-GF aCILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. VOL. XVIII. ML . JONES I I eeri u' Klilpper of M PURE POLAND CHINA KEITHSBLRG - ILLINOIS. My breeding stork is reriuterrd in tbe Ontral Poland hina Record. Stork for sale at reasonable ratt'v Those Iiolts uro lesiil- nut s from (he beat lirU in Indiana ami Illinois, are quiet, decile, easy tatted and AO a at T ... a . spienaiu inoiners, oraei roceived by W s KljlO'eTC'll I'ilts Shedtls, Or. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Conference Ratese Tickets eM to and front all parte of Earop. to Mat from nil points ol Oregon. Washington. and Meutana at greatly rod need and lewoat possible rate over the following fines ; Xorlh Wran Lord NCshio t o I am burg American Packet t'o. White star Use Ntesunahip C o. eo star une aieantanip t o. American Line Steamship t o. Apply by person or by letter to OLDEND0RFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, ACENT8. o. lo. Wnablaajtea St.. A'ntional Dank Rulld lag. P. O.bcx. Sa. PORTLAND - - - OREGON. EDWARD EVERETT. Sired br Putsmltb, by Pathfinder, first dam by Vermont, aire of Lady Faustina, (2H ;) Ella Le-vis, (2:27 ;) Parrot, (.) Will madce the season of 1883, Moudavs and Tuesdays of eaoh week at Haedd'a station; Wednesdays and Thursdays at home. Sand Rid?, ami Fridays sod Saturdays at Lebanon. Edward Everett Is a dark bay, 10'i bands high, weighs 13.10 pounds, very stylish and full of speed. $13 to insure. Address McKaK.irT Bros., Albany r. KELLY, ENCLANO & CO, ur - vi km, OK. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, j Hsvs always on hand the bt 'juality of tieir own make or FOUR SPRIN& Il&OHS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. Ali made out of the beat second growth Hickory, atid warranted. W. H. Goitrs, In Albany, handles lbs work of the above firm. 4. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder -AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. TkT OTICE OF PUFUJC LETTINfJS SO L1C1TKD. Plans and sped Beat ion furnished on short notice. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN, it fcio ad noyi.vt; rf. AaffHI, orajnuo ana fnrnitpre a (BOflalty. All haulina; within the ely promptly attended to. Will plow gardens fn flrat-elaae style. ls-JB, J, NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT -AND - LAW. Notary Publie. Will practice Sn all the Courts in t his Stste. 105, First St., Portland, Oregon. (With Curtis (iibbs.) LOUIS CAMPIAU'S Barber Shop, Sharing done with neatness and sharp razors, wtiiub are always kspc in good condition, and hair cat in the very best style. SAN WA VIRC llaetne okCest eaUbltehed uui beat conds'-tnl LAUNDRY In Albany, and hie washing and ironing never fatls U (five satisfaction. And provision store, Jhiiia end Japanese (foxbi, fine tm, tans. Contrscfir f China Ubor, Next to City Hank. KENG TENG, iift wasbiag aud ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. O BH 3ff ? . ,v.-a r M mm EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FIE MIL LINERY GOODS OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. '83 A GRAND COMBINATION '84, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only $J..r)0. Two papre for little more than the price of one. - By paying us $1.50 jou will receive for one year your home paper with the "Courier-Journal," the representative newspaper of the South, Democratic and for a tariff for revenue only, and the beet.brigh ebtand ablest family weekly in tbe United States. - sew h deire to examine a sample copy of the ourier-Jouruai" can do so at this office. THEJiEV. GEO. Bourbon, Ind.. says: wife owe our lives to BUMPTIOJ? CURE".' h. thaTek or "Both myself and SHIfiOH'ri CON- 1 1 11 1 11 POWDER Absolutely Pure. TManowder never r. A niantl 4 tstrity strength and wtyiloaiSB eases, Mare eeunoeniral then th ordinary kind, eaunoi br a;4d in eMnpUU4Mi srtth the muititixle o tow teal, .hnrt wtrtfha, aiuw r hthaU nnarara. Hntd omiJT M nana, Kotak H.MN..I-. t o. 100 Wall-ek, n Y. s LYDiA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE . a rvliiw Can rea- alt tkap ratsfSI isaalaiwtaessd ff aa aaiaiassa - tmr Set faaaala yaavalatta. A Xrdiciss fsr Ws;. lstrrstsd By a Wees as. frrpsred ky s Wseasa. TS Snati at SS-al W 11W7 Caa aa SiHry. IT ', r iiliss ts Sfiialsy e"rft, aj1fsea a and lrm at sSaorjaadr fa , tvsstauf sad jaaai . to tha aus. aHH ss tss ssterel asSrS to lU .. J. aiauo ts paa aSw fc t saafa tae trass rw m ft B.'a a tx u at MMijt jwr tana, tdr-payaiciass Use H ssJ Pra.cfibe H Treaty It tsas mi fats'mai. Masai ry. daatroya ait ia ksj tr atnssiiux. end ratisv. wmm tS .1 ,aav a That f I uj l hcartta a-. . raodaeiedn. arS( a I taw-feHeSa. a tleu (wsuiaM'f rarad MS) is 9wr tka T KMktf Cteaaa4aJa mt t k r aa a tada faaaasa.d U auaar LTMi r, PISKHSW'n UtasSS M uiriKM alu .radiraie aeary 4a . f l.unu i. lA t ttn Sli'OS.aaatsr. Um and MnaMli ae Iks -jr-r. W aaaav ti or nhBd laiat ua iMtkay U. I aai UUud farJUr ar. aexXSafsdas W.atins Atmutm, Lroa. Masi l-rteava aauwr, SL SU SoCUaa fur SV aWat b; aaaU laUw ftwaa at ptna. or of Ut on aaatjl of pru. f 1 pvr bus f st HSr. Mr. Itaasam f real ana-ira all tire f bwsdry. aatleaci.aawaia Sssrorpaaaatt. S5fai'yetM ae wltaaarttYMA tl'inini USCa HUX TSy ere eMpW.u I aasturaesit u iaaSar. St pf u Ivy all Itrwaatsss.' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. of Al isreia eosttwe. Pain t n the Used, with a dull eamaation in tHu nil si blade, ?5linoas after CUBBHOD W lrrltubll tv c a feeitna of I wesrjitess. wnuias Hssrt. Dote before) th Headacbe aenersiiy over toe rtcnt eye. Beatiessoess, with fitful dreams, highly ooiored Urtne, aad . CON8TfPATOW. r.TTS PlLMer 1uilrndar-d to uttsaa, tnsloac caes-. urh n chastfje of feeiljr as to nafouUli th- snfTrrr. Thry lairfe th AesrlHa. and aua the body to "Tads am ite-at. thus in.- .yMrm la ann ny raaif HMn n ma BVarailMr SI I. an- nro- duoed. Prtr S tauta. sieiaij at.. 91. V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. flSAY H .is oa Waasriesa chsarad to s Otxasv Bf.ACK by iiiitfficaptMattfirtitt Uvs. It m. tartSa iwturai cnlur. acta Initantanissts'.v Htdq by Dnicflaia. r smt by miiw on re -eiftt s H Offll, U IfVRKtV ST.. N-.rV VfiRli. sat leatiats wtu s adwd n DR. D, B, RICE, Fhysieian and Surgeon. HAH RETURNED to Uiie city and resusied .ra. tioe. Office in new telej -aph ofTica, OToole'a Huildingni, Broadalbin areet, uetwren Fir-t and Hen ond atmet. Albany, Or., loy. H, lWii. UVJf I OaVaaC 'aLa "ple are alayx. rVST aJaVaSaZVaJaaaai the lNjkiiit.rchuii em bi incrcajN; their earnings, and in Uiim; become wealthy ; those whi ds not istprove iheir uiortuni tie remain in jioverty. We offer a great chance to in ke money. We want many nwn, vrninon, li)ainl ff Is to work for us right in their own locaiiHea. Any one can do the work pntfisry from the flrat start. The bu.iieet will pay more tlmu ten titnea ordinary watfe.. Kxieni .e iii'fi fsriched fres. Mo one who eiuajfe. fail. t m k- m hht rapidly. You emn do vi, yom whole nine to the woik, or only your spare uiomenu. Kull infoiinrtioii and all that U needed sent free. Addre bTi.NHO.V A Co,., 'ri Ud, Jdaiiie. SiULwittn OF LONDON, KSTABLISnED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, . .fj 0,000.000 Capital paid up.. 6,000,00 Not k. This company has the largest paid up capital or mpany doing business in the- United Htates. Insurance accepted by Rout. A. Tostfr, Agt of Albany. -a-- A week mode at home by Uie i, diistrioim. heet businesH now S fore the public. Capital not needed . We willsLar you. Men. women, boys nd jfirJs wanted every where to work (of ns Now a the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No otner business will pay you nearly a well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at onc. Costly outfit and term free. Money made faat, easily. Mid honorably. Addrees Tmt. k Co!Augnsla, Maine. ' - - SAM COHEfT a' msM ay all itrwaaaesa. TU1PILSLS s iuweriM a xeuow Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Ketps tbe finest oil lard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merehaadise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in tLe cityor county Wtore opposite Revere Reuse, Albany, Or. 6 1 SAM COHEN ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY II, rat Tin: rr.ori.K Messtur Hsysrd'a Rlesiasat sad retetedtr iaeeel) Mere last Jraraaiss essaaa eratie eisjssrsstlaa, tae Ireaeet riaa, ef eteaas A assaalii ss sWaes A aeaae sad I aspawerahir Af eaisat tssisai Me aeMUata la Trad aad Mimii la reu Hies. Saator Bayard, of Oslsarare. ia re tponse, after sying a romplinnt to the 0H7 of Obiesgo an. I to the comjdiiijr asse milled, and so mm a tiring the gt eat ness of the nation ami it reaitimes in elooient straias, sti "Standing thus upon the highlands of vision ami realizing the msteHal ftroet, placsd in our osre, liow important, how dignified, beoome the duties .f esvh American oitixen ; how vsst the inter eels couiraitte 1 to his ehsrge, (.,r we can not disguise the presence nor lessen the weight upon tbe tnttnWu of this Dem ocratic Republic of individual as Well ss collective teapoustbiltUes to srlmlnister well and wistdv te sffsirs ef so grand n Empire, si vi a body of human in terests and souls. Our country is the spirit of justice and liberty Hading ex prestion under rqusl law-, for tbe pres. ervation ol which the written 'onutitu lion of our Union a ordaiusd and the tree institution! of our government foundisl. lVfi free and unfettered to pro :l aim and exsrt tbrusslves tbe in telligence and faculties of msnkind have vindicated by their results in ibid coun try tbe wisdom ot non-tnleiference by tbe Government, either to assist or ob Mtruct tbe exerciee of individual etTmrt nd faculty under the regulation of equal laws in just such mode and di rection as the possesion of conscious powers and inclination by the individ ual should instruct, f fence we have in Amsiica the children of advers ity and poverty growing strong in their contests with cirrumstsnea which eras where would have proved an ioeujsjra Wle bar, but undr the njuity of our Amesican system, beoooie guides and instructors to sticeess a teat for grow ing abilities st,d encouragentsnta to high and honorable aspiration The enduring greatness of our ouutry is foundel uton what h really elevstel and great in the minds and hearts of our people. I. si tig never f rgst the, we bsve embarked our hopes upon trust and net upon distrust io human nature ; u,sm what it conuins of strugih and worth, end not up-m its wvakaess and depravity , upon the Is in f i bat the in stinet ol Kelf.preservatiutt left fiee to recoil from natural and necessary errors and mistake will not rrjieat them, and that with free and recurrwat oppvirtuni tit f.r popular elections misoonduct in rulsrs and mistakes in public poli ci dj can snl will las corrected snd rem edied under eaceful, orderly, ami ef fective forms of law. And can we be mistaken in th present indicatiotss, ea mauif.'si and abundant, that we are soon to be witnesses in the election of 1884 of a splendid and potential proof of ih popular wisdom and power to re dress griovanosa, to reform unwise poli oirs, to rebuke corruption end purify ami strengthen popular institutions by driving out of tbe temple of our liber ties mercenary and machine politicians who have betrayed tbe popular trust and disgraced and degraded tbe sdaiio istrstion of our Government f Gentle men, tbe era which incluiee our life time is one of remarkable, almost in credible, combination!. The results of invention in the production of material wealth and the rapid and facile distri bution ot that wealth bring tae) whole world into such oloee and intimate rela tione that all tbe former conditions of human intercourse are changed and problems bewildering in number and importance aro presented to our view. Time and space are no longer obstruc tions to tbe world's intercourse. The telephone bas already brought the line of New York close against the car of Chicago, and to girdle tbe earth in forty minutes would be an unpardonable waste of time. Never in' human history was the creation of material wealth so easy and so marveloqdy abundant, iia consolidation under the forms of incor poration creating vast units of power which result in monopolies and absorb and withdraw individual and independ ent rivalries. Herein are dangers It will behoove us to greatly contemplate and consider what forces shall be sum moned to counteract them. The great question which attends this creation of wealth is, what will you do with it Are we to be content with making his land of onre one great wealth factory Is that to lie all and end all ? Are we to travel over tbe same lowlands of lux ury, effeminacy, corruption and decay as tbe nations and governments that have risen and fallen before ue on the plains of history On what do we build and for what do we build ! What greatness do we seek to achieve 1 To what do our institutions tend 1 Is it the creation of mere wealth or is it tbe advancement and elevation of the hu man race 1 Shalt we not light up our pathway of progress as a people with more justice, more benevoleuce, more of the higher attributes that stir within our heurt and dignify our manhood 1 Strong fortresses, chains ut' mountains, rttgfd frontier and deep seas do not of themselves protect a country. It is the living wall of biave hearts and i willing arms that constitute its sine and aheap defence. Tbe strongest for trees in the known world is tbe Rock of Gibraltar, and fot nearly two centuries it has been held bf the availed hand of an alien and s stranger, n menace and sn abiding reproach to the kingdom ami people who surround it, beeanee e braver and holder band thn its natural owners has taken and withheld it from them. An essential integer of our country, a atminsl principle f the Ameiicsn G ivernwienf , a germ of our greetaees as n people is I ee indestnd ant, fearless, individual msn, founder and head of the family, wboae social and political influence enlarges itself from the family into the state. For the family is the birthplace and nursery of tbe fireside, virtues bom shred snd bred at home honor, truthfulness and courage, sell' tenia! and modesty, sitae ity snd honesty. These are tbe qusli ties which enlarge tbeir influence from home to neighborhood until they perme ate tbe community and pervade tbe State, and public sentiment at laet be comes imbued with the spirt af srsuo al worth and integrity is tbe ultimste settlement of tbe gravest affairs of nations. These ere the qualities upon which men must rely for safety snd goad order, end under tbe form of gov ernment we have adopted the need for tbeir cultivation and ascendancy seems greater even than elsewhere. They must be represented soma where in our Government ; therefore, whether you call it local self government or home role, f am deeply impressed with tbe necessity for its restoration in full foroe in the broad Union, equally for the strength and safety of tbe L'niw, as well as of these pillars of Stole of wnicb thst I'nion is composed and upon whose integrity it depetds. And this is one of tbe moat imf'tr'nut duties of lire political party to wlce we are at tached. A prosr f emulation ssf two o pluming forces cvni t ifueal end cen tripetal asintains true ipiiiimium, and for tbV last twenty years th.- iatirr force bas been ' lf inI and the former weaksuwd ay disuse. Tne can -traiiaaliua of power and asJMoa is an obvious rasult of tbe invention of steam sod telegraphy. The aftWy of our petai ular institutions demands tln deueatral ifdtion and distribution of power aud Its exercise for local self guverouiant by those whose daily lives and inter eats sre to be affected by It. Home rule, or local self-government , is a right and a ntoessity uf American ekiwjM snd the intent and m easing ef the written Constitution of tbe I'nion. The strength of tbe Stale reote upon tbe number ef upright, ioeVpendeot, self reliant and oelfreepeoiiag individ uals it contains, and, under our Demo oratio theories of government, all inva sions cf individusl freedom and alt action not eesentia! tor tne ftreeervatioo of social order snd the protection of individusl and public rights are un wise and unwarranted. All the lend- enctes at leaisiation wntoo, ignoring as s e a -a a e a a individual reeponeibltity, substitute governmental control in matters social and arsons I, abends to weaken tbe powers of tbe individual, and. enfeebling tbotn by disguise, lessen tl.eir agency in good government. In this mischievous substitution of governmental power in matters social and eraonal lies tbe objection to sumptuary laws, ioterfer enoe with conscience in social and religions attaint, invasion cf the domain of private opinion and personal liberty, which seek to impeee penalties for anticipated acts and offences yet uu committed. This spirit of unwise and unjust interference by Government is tbe abjection to laws wnicb, under tbe name ef taxation, favor certain olaases and occupations at the cost of others, and abridge that freedom d commercial intercourse wbioh an eoligh toned and enlarged sense of self-interest should control. It is, in fact, the principle of socialism and communium paternal oversight by tbe Government substitu ted for individual endeavor guided by intelligent self interest aud restrained by Individual couecienoe. It is to pro mote a healthy sentiment and habit ot self-reliant manhood that tbe Demo cratic party throughout the United States insists upon tbe fullest degree of individusl liberty of conscience and action consistent with public safety and tbe rights of others, and for that reason we deprecate all unnecessary interfer ence with the right of local self-government snd all clans legislation by the General Government which assumes guardianship snd protection over the business of private citizens an 1 control over matters of domestic and local n teres t. We must carefully end iealouslv insist that the true germ and real basis of tho greatness of our country ) should not be obscured snd overlooked, snd public control allowed over mat ters properly belonging to private juris diction. We need this as a check upon centralizing influences, tbe consolidation of wealth and power and the tyranny of party organization, all of which tend to 1883. wither individual manhood ami con cience snd to sheelve men from a sense f personal duty and obligation " lOmil 41 MTV The great majority of troubles and trials which befall men in this earth life arise directly from the general neg lect on the part of man to perform per sonal duty. These tribulations fall without respect to srsm ss a penalty for the sin of neglect, or willful omission to perform tboee well known duties which bespeak their own oAsiervance. If all (lersons would willingly, cheerfully, and promptly psiform s'l obligations which an enlightened cynsotonce dic tates and poiots out, bow much more happy and contented would the world et large be. Are you a husband, then learn at once te ierform all those domestic, home duties, the performance of which so gladden and cheer the heart of tbe wife, a bo, axua!ly with you, has her daily routine of personal duties to per form. Be a stay, a comfort to her, and e rich reward will be yonra. Are you e father or a m ther f Then be careful to do all the duties which ere enjoined in mnseqnence of tbe (Mir en to! relation. That sou and daughter must be clothed, fed. and educated, but above and beyond ell ia tee duty of forming the character of your child. It will be a good character or a bad char acter, aa you choose le make it. It will Ire e boy or girl who delights to spesk the truth because it has been trained to love tbe truth, or it will feast itself Ufton fabwhosel and deceit. It will become a bright ornament in society end a valuable member of the community, or other wise if it he al lowed to contract tbe habits and vines of toe vicious end degrade!. Generally the chat actor formed in youth will be the established character for life. How important then ia it that it should be constitute. cf tbe virtues snd graces that so adorn and ennoble tbe every day conduct of human life How great the contrast hetweeo thst msn whose eoaduct was closely aud carefully guarded and diicted a hen young by loving, doting parent", and that one , boa conduct aad daily life waa what! kuI asafeialaa easa i: 1 ... m.L I the-ui. Tbe training of tbe one makes! Iiiim a favorite with the upright, tbe honest, tbe pure, while the training of tbe other leads him into aaaociations with evil end vicious compenions, tbe commission of crime and finally an ex piation of such crimes in a dungeon or on the gallows. Tbe neglect of any duty entails a punishment. It is not necessary to traee the consequences of such neglect as every right thinking person can de termine them by reflection. Hat let ; every person come as nearly as be can up to tbe stan lard of duty and the world will be fat better then it is. r'rom all parts of tbe c mntry comet rnaina in the leading string of his form tbe moet cheering intelligence concern or partners, but the name of Gould ing the prospects for an unusually pro- will oease to sway the fortunes of Wall ductive yield of wheat, I'matilla's staple j .Street, except at the times when it can article of export. The cold weather j Cruab by the mere bulk ot tbe mousy end continued rain bad begun to cool behind it. tbe ardor and dampen tbe spirits of tbe timid. Bnt we have taken some troub le to ascertain tbe facta aud are pleased to state that there never was a season of greater promise. The wheat around Heppner and along Willow creek ia as healthy leaking as could be desired. Tboee who recently located there ere jubilant over the prospects. Io the neighborhood of Prospect and Margin ranches and all through tbe famous Cold Spring couutry, tbe appearances indicate a more prolific yield than ever before. On the foothills eaat of tbe city tbe prospects are equally encourag ing end nattering ; while in tbe vicinity of Weston it seems almost superfl toue to add, that its reputation for fertility will be more than sustained, tho growth being so rank sn some places that it bas been deemed advisable to pasture stock on it From the vicinity of Ceniervilie, Milton grid Helix, from Cjus creek, Dry ereek, Vansycle and Juniper come tbe same encouraging accounts. Truly, "there are good times coming." Wet ton JsHvhr. lew te Cadi the Star ttoate Trial.--Caa arosaaaaa Cox's ttoam BaadaU'a gtevleae Way. Jar tew Id' a ttottreateaiA Mas Stroke ( baraelerlsl Irs aTkls tee Vearge earth ef Cbampagae.Wraat we wrlah' Tbe Oyster Sea sea ClesJas- Naw York, April 7th, 1883. "Is there no way ef ending -the Star Route trial V 1 asked of a prominent Washington office-holder whom I met in the corridor of tbe Fifth Vveuue Hotel lost evening. V Yes," he replied, iir. ilnvn the Amsb of thai oovernment counsel. These . gentry are working this trial for all that it is Worth, end the longer tbey keep it up the better it suits them. You mark my words sfter tbe Star Route trials are completed we will hove another exposure, and that i a on tbe question bow were tbey sen eVacted V NO 41 Anybody kWt thinks that Congress man Cox, New Yr-rk's hard working, snd ever clever and witty representa tive bee yielded all claims to tbe speak ership is mistaken. The comic pspers are poking fun at him, n' even bis own friends sre burling light shafts if ridicule st kirn, yet be is ftdimsyed. He is now traveling thrqugo the South, lecturing on African Wit ami Humor. If he does not sneeeed ia getting the South solid for him, hie aem ? guerre ought to be Sunrise instead r f Soaeet. Kendall continues to be the great stumbling Mock in the way of hefjae eratic harm'my, aad although be is fully swore thst if he keeps on be will eventually wreck tbe party, he still keeps on. Now is tbe time to give blm e square set back. There hi more troth than rid ion in the stories about his dickering with the Republican pro tectionists. Kx-Oovarnor Hendricks wss ia town yesterday and had sever si interviews with leading I '--raocrata. D not be lieve that he considers himself shelved for tbe Presi-leucy. He is as strong aa ever, and is making a quiet and hence ell tbe more vigorous canvas. J ay Gould it going to retire, aa you have already been iaf erased by tele graph. After a boy hood and manhood of iaoeseant labor be is st but going to take a Icag holiday aad aee bow a little play would go. Hie fortune it estimated io round numbers at $100, 000,000, nearly ell invested in aecuri tiee, end bis eon George is new to con duct the forces which wealth like this ensbhst e leader te command. Before retiring 31 r. Gould did a clever finan cial aad legal stroke. Aa you ere aware the Western Union Telegraph J Ooseimny was enjoined from paying a quarterly slivideud eta over fifteen mil lions of its stock, tbe legality ci the assaauus of which waa at litigation. As it is impossible to order on which fif teen millions of tbe stock tbe dividend was not to be paid tbe whole bulk of it waa placed under tbe ban. Did the company pass its dividend, allowing the value uf tbeir S'ock to appreciate t Not much. Mr. OesaU was not en j pined by a court from payiog out what money be liked to. He paid tbe entire dividend, and now the smart people who ... -1 St. A in i ......I ..... t mim . A . , . . . . . the fact that tin- uitgic talisman which tbev thought they had wasted to dost in the presaaoeof this witsrd of Wall Street. George Gould is not like his father. He ia what la called bright and clever ia rich young men, but even a greet many of bis asaocettes aav that be does not know enough to go in doors when it rains. He is ambitions, who would not be ambitious in tbe presence of each a roan ae his fitaer, but he lacks i tbe mental power, the quick decision, the combination of tbe shrewd newt of the Tombs shyster, and the ability te grasp large questions which character ise the Statesman and the General. He may be perfectly safe ee long as be re- 1 was speaking with a leading imnor ter of champagnes tbe other day, and he assured me that the price of "fizz" would materially increase ia a very short tiro, aad that aa far aa tbe beat brand i were ojaoaraed tbey would be herd to got. "Many of tho leading manufacturers in tbe champagne dis tricts," said he, "will net in ike a battle of sparkling wiuu of tbe vintage of 18&2 Last autumn waa so cold and rainy that tbe grapes could not ripen aad therefore tbe saccharine mstter waa destroyed. Ot entree there ia a big supply uf wine in the cellars of tbe m in u fact i rets, but you will see how the ab-etnou of one yutr's crop will affect prices. You would be surprised to knoe that I tit year 3,324,561 bottles were imp tried tutu this country. Now it ia safe to sty that fully that quantity if not more of New Jersey cbaropiigne and other uativ sparkling wines have been consumed) as well. Th is you aee what a nation ot wine drinkers we have become. Two wastes hence our ovster sassea will close, for no New Yorker with any liking for the proprieties, bojaw of a happy life an 1 aspirations for a b ias iul hereafter, would dream of eating an oyster in s mouth whose name rejoices in no R. The supply this seasou hat been limited, competed with toiroer years, and aa a veteran eysterman as sures me, if wholesale aad indiscrimin ate dredging for them does not erase, we will be as badly off as England for the juicy mellusksand it will take the Fish Commission years to repair the damage. Surveyor General Tolmsn is going up to Pendleton on Thursday in cotupa uy wirn a surveyor named Cooper to see what arrangements can be mado for surveying the addition to that tows. SHILOll'S VITALIZER is what ye need for Constipation, Loss ef ApjoUte Dizziness and all symptoms of Dytpr pela PricelO and 75 canto per bottle in Ixseal r.. Regular local times 24 cents per line. io coma per nne. For legal and transient advancement $1 Of per square for the first Insertion snd 50 cents per aqaora tor each sntsaeqnent Insertion. TEIPIHAHCI DEPARTMENT, KIM TED BY TH a Weattf't Chrittin Trnpenirr Itiwi wise ratartK c willam. Mies Fiancee K. Wills rd is of New England parentage, ber parents belay natives f Vermont. .She in now Pr-t-dent i t 'be Nations! Woman's Cbrle tisn Temperance Union, shd baa hehf the position far nearly four yes re past, having been unanimously ir-elreied kf Louisville by Delegate from thirtv States. 8be is s highly educate! Udy , a graduate from ae Eastern college, t.d baa studied in Paris am) traveled ex tensively through E irofe. After re turning to the United 8'ate rhe was President of tbe Womsn'a Ofdiege at Evanetoo '(the leading sobm-h t Chicago), and editor of the Oateago Pott, having taken ehsrge of '.hat )per oo tbe deatb of her brother, who wss its editor until his death. Mie Wil lerd and ber brother's wife tok editor ial charge of 'he paper and displayed a high order of talent in ite conduct. After retiring from editorial work she took tbe field as e lecturer in the tem perance ee use, and worked with Mr. Moody for a time In gosef ten-j era nee work in tbe city of Boston. Wnile engaged with Mr. Moody she met Miss Gordon, her efficient secretary. Miss Gordon is a native of Massachusetts, tbe daughter of a former treasurer of the American Missionary Board, Mis Willard recognized in her the one she needed aa e co-worker in tbe temper ance labors. Since that time she baa been the private secretory, beloved friend aad constant companion of Mm Willard ia her labors in behalf of f em poranee. She is a skillful orgsnizer, vs is shown by ber great success in eaird ing the interest of young !adi-a in the cause. She is also a very" interesting speaker, and recently address! the young ladies of Cleveland, Ohio, t y invitation, from one of the pulpi's ,f that city with great effect. She is ea thusiastic in ber devotion to Miss Wil lard and the great work she ia accom plishing. After finishing ber labor sitb Mr Moody, Mias Willard returned to her work in tbe W. C. T. U. aad iu the fall of 1880 was elected to the osittori f President of that organization, whi b office she now holds. In this piaailinsi ano aao shown remarkable 'HteMau ship and uaoqualed oxeeu ive ability. To ber energy is due tbe prwjerou condition nf the organization which she represents, snd which bss now attained to e position to accomplish the greateat poasibls amount of good, ami ia the largest society ever orgaerzed and cm trolled exclusively by women, aamtaw ing 50,000 members in tbe United States. She bas organized for temu perance work thirty-two comiaittees, which are planned to represent aad care for every possible phase of tern per arce work, and under her management there ere now State auxiliary rrocutiea in thirty-five States and re vera! Territor ies, all of which are fu'ly equipped for labor, and earb State baa its own ub oemmittees, which report to the nation al society. John B. Gougb sai ! of thia society, that U is ''doing more U r tbe temperance cause to-day than all o Iters combined." Mies W i Hard's object in eomiug to California is to strengthen the work al ready done and assist ia every way iu advancing Christian temperance work. jnse adX a SS a bbe also comes tv tne unanimous in- viuttoa of tbe WrMuaii'a Christian Temperance Union, the Good Templars and hi heartily indosed by ail Protestant Churches. Previous to starting on thia trip to California he made a tour of the Southern State, and received a perfect ovation from the jasople of every town and city which she visited, and was entertained in tho families of snch people as Governor Colquitt ot Georgia, m a a aa aa a tae presidents ot colleges, ano persom. of the higbeet social distinction. Thin trip includes Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washing ton Territory, Nevada, Idaho. I' tab, Wyoming, Montana sad Manitoba combined. As a leader and organizer abe baa displayed an ability not equaled by any other leader who baa ever een engaged in temperance work, and ber generalship baa not been excv-l'ed by any teacher mi any moral question. She baa conceived the necessity of em ploying adequate means for oven h ros ing tbe drink traffic, and ot" establish ing national sohiety : uf eradicating the fountains of evil which are sapping tbe life of tbe nation. She advocate total abetioeeoe for the individual and probibiton for the State. Miss Willaid is tbe ladv whcarrid into execution tbe idea of (aBrpetuaiiog tbe memory ot Mrs. President Hayes for tbe noble stand abe took in liwuiah ing wine from the White Hooee, which baa en deai ed her to the hearts of ever Christian worker in tbe lamb Other ieavdiag workers of the V. C. T. U. will be sent from tLe East, until the work here is thoroughly built tip. Loe Aojgetea, Cai, April 2i, 133.