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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1883)
I tto Jnla at alrfaath rilR rwuedy and nvrve honle it the 1ttUmMo re- hull W uvvr t a 1'iit.v year I.J nnutkal cMK-rienc. I and cure with unfalUrtft eaitaintv Nervous uw Itfthvalral debility, semi pro Utorrhoc, ion.. in r teller, Lxhaualed Mtalily, pr Euatur decline and 1 of manhood U all Its eotapltraUtw and fmm whatever trongthen the nerro, brain, iucle, alynn. ,i .iiLia ,r-vB. ,i nhvt'.-ut and menu! taoulti i .wi ..., .i.,nnitaiiur drain mn the InvolimUr;' loMMMU deMUUtinif imuu mkiImIIom with dM urine. de- tru.-tire to Mind ami body. H la a sure eilnlnat..r ..fall kidney and bladder omidajtie. ' e.nUlu no . .. - i, tkdMnilannl fnmi Uie ,.u.ikii iruiuerattaaa. a speedy, tfvvr 1 , i. ;i ARASTK8l, Price a US luitk mm . L.ItU In ,-aae. Hit full di- NMUl and adVic. Sift. Sent eeowe from b!rT lion to any addreae upon receipt of price, or V. u. u. t ha had mtly ot DR. C. D. SALFIELD, US Kearney M . Saa rreaelae. al jtrt, t)Y tonfWcntial by letter or at ofS-e PRKP. For tbe oanvenienee ol paUenla and in order to insure pe .feot secrecy 1 have at.pixi a vn eat ddrett under hick all packaKv- are fvir warded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. n show iu merits, 111 be sent to by letter. Malm his ajwutotu an) arid IMMU applying Cowmun are. uuiealious atrn Uy onfUleutial, The Great English Reiue II a n er failiinr ottra tor Km -vows Debility, .vnimai IWmkiunv KhauiM t Italitv. 8trrtiMt.rrtur. F7 " vA vCVfl ILttiOl .74HtfVI. II" (potency. Paralysis, :unl all IternUa Seet t Self Abuse, ynuth'tti folliea.aiMl Htiiwn in Riaturer year buch aa I. d llein.ry. fLaaaitude. Kiuii.n. Aer- Uaou to buctoly. Ihtuuew..! IViaion, Noiw. in the Head Uie vital fluid paasinf itnobeerved Into tbe urine, aitd many other lira Icvdlnr tn Imaidt y and drcih Mft. HMTIB vrtll afree In forfeit rtvr Hundred faltora for a caae o? tbto kind the lftaal Brdeif tle (under bto apsciaJ advice and ereatnienti will not cur or for anything impure or injuria found in t. Lr. Mtntie U oaks all wnvata aamci aucoauiiy wHnout mercury. Comultatton free. Tb-iroiiuh u ami nation and advioe including analytic it urine..'. nice of Vital Ketoretive.-&i a bottle, (4- fmu- umea the Quantity tlO. sent to any addreae upon ret-rii orC. O. D.ubMurefiuiu baervatin aiul in nri eateU deeired, by IR. A. K. d!.VTIF, II Kearnry atrert, tan rranciaca, Cal. Sasnpie bottle free.' Sent on appUcatum hf ettcr. tating svniptom, at and aye. CMuinuiucaUon trictiy conlbfentia. Dr, Miatie'i Kidney Krmeoy, Nepbretkum, curve oil kinds of kidney and bladder couiplainta.jjtmwTli.i-a, srieet, lawwehwrrhiwa. Kor sale by alt drutvfota, si a botUeoraU hottlea for Dr. Ilintie Dandelion Pills are tbe beat and cbeap eet Dyspepeia and WSeos cure in the StSSfSef. Far sate by ail dnurrisU. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I SURE CURE GUARANTEED. SR. E. C. WF.ST Knm AXD BRAtN TKEAT nient. a epexaSc for Hysteria, Uirsiaeea, Om ims, Nervous Headache, Mental IVpnssinn Lena of 3 voluntary 1 1 III II n ltnp"teticy, In- , pretnature old ase. caused by over -esartion, self-abuse or owr-indulxence. which le-d. to misery, decay and death. One box will cure at mness. Each box contains one month one dullar a box. or six boxes for Ute dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any caae. Witn each order received by as for six boxes, si nmiHaiait with Sve dollars, am will send the purchaser oar written g-uarante to return the money if tbe treat ment does not effect a cure. Unaraateea issued only by WOODARD. CLAKKE A CO , Wbnleaals and Retail braiqrieta, Portland, Oregon Orders by mail at regular prices. Br. SPIWEV, NO. tt KEARXY ST. Treat all rkreale aasl ISpectaJ Btaenaea. YOXJIVci MEX r BO HAT TSK MTF r.Kf S FKOH Till. If effete of youthfol follies or h mac-ration, wll) do well to avail theanseives of this, Ihsjiialnl Uon ever laid a the altar of euflerinr liiimsnKi. UK.. 8PDTNEY will gnaraBtee to forfeit 500(ur e cry easw rfttvate nisfsss of any kind or kea ana faUr to cure. ae act. sy at the ace of thirty -flveto sixty ho are troubled with too frequent evacuation .of the Mad- often accompanied by a client smarting or burning arttort, and a weakening of the system hi a manner the patient fur. On urinary deposit ropy sediment will ice small nartiris of -- aril am -car. -r the eolor will te of a thin tmOdMb hue, again ctiang iag to s dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this dimeolty ignorant of the cauw, which is the seeond stage of aeniuai weakness, lia. & wfJJ gvaraatee a perfect cure in all such case, and healthy restoration d the genito-urinary organs. Omci Hons 10 to 4 and 6 to ft, Bandars from 10 toll a. a. ConsoItaUon tree. TTaorough exainaUof nd advice, S. For private diseaees of abort standing a full cowrte medicin e suflcient for a cure, with ail inetructionM, k ill be wet to any address en receipt of $10 CO. Call k idreaa, ML SPUfXET t O., 71 No. 11 Kearny St. San Traneteeo, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Digpeusarv. in ui:u.v sr.. 0 eorne' of Ojinsar cial ntreet, Kan Kranciaco. Ketabliehed in &4, for treatment of Sexual 1 Seminal IXscases, sucii Conorrlica. Cileet. : Mrtrt arey phills in al He iurnu. lmnntcnrv Seasfdaal Weakneas night lossea by dreamn, pint the face and ioea of manhood can pneitively be cute.). Tlie rick and afflicted khoold not fail to esfl upon hitn. The Doctor has traveled extousively in Europe, end irwpcctod" Uiorouf hiy the various n.ajpi tahvtherc, obtaining a grtat deal of valttabie ir.rorma tion, which he in coin) cu-nt to inn :-rt to those in need of his seryicee. DR. GIBBON will nmfce no cliarjce unless he effect a cure. Persons at a diatance MAY ft CLKEf ST BUSSIK. Ail eoruminitiotik strictly confidentiaL Von see no one ba . tbe Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Person writing to the Doctor will please state the name of tbe paper they see this advertiemnt in. Char? rea sonable. Call or write. Addresa TL. J. V. GIBBON, B.x 1S67, ban Francisco. vl6n43 srtoS2orfS. Portland. Heine. at liofne. Samples wrrth Adrcss fvnxaox A Co. OOur Spring and Hummev Price-List Ko. 33, has made its appearance improved and enlarged. Over 220O pages. Over 3.0OO illus trations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Lengtry. It costs US 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly o0,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. "We should have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from vou. Respectful! v, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SSr A SS Waaaeh Aveaaa, CMemgo, IU. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in"ibe DiS. TPatent oflSee iumleled to for moderate fees. " Our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and wec4u obtain F'attnu in time than those remoui from Washington . " bend mooie or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; aBJ we make no charge uu! we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div. and to otflehOs of the U. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and references toactuai elienU lu your own State or county, uddresu, Cs As SKOW &CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE DISSEMINATOR. ; i'uhlished every Stardajr- AT , . II arrisbur;; Oregon, S.S.XRUsT, Editor & Proprietor. Terms $2.00 perannum. 'I do not aierti W. Administrator's Sale. Xoliofl la iinrnbv niven that tho unlr- igned, Adniinlntrttor nf tho estate of A, It. llreerien, deo4erj, in jwrmianrw oi mn order of the County Court of Iilnn Coun ty, BUUO or OrMrOU, duly mu an nwt ed of record, will on the 28th day of April, 1883, at the hour or 10 o cIock in me lorw noon of fMld dv at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn euunty.Ortwon at publlo auction u the highest bidder, eell all the right, title and interest of Mid deceased In ami to tn rouowiM aatiuiiati raal orooortv. to-tvlt : lleginnlng 25 chains and .-u linka weat of Ute voulh east wmorof A It liieettetra tlonalioit jana claim Notification No. 'JTIWsikI Claim WO, 45 In Township 14, K. 1 W. of tho Wll lamelo tnorldtan in cuntv, Oregon and runulmc theuc wt 41 chalua and 50 liuka to toe eoutii et inirrier or seta land claim ; thonoe north :W chalne art 33 link ; thence ttt 3 ami linkH; thence south 14 chalnNaml44 UtiK ; thonoe eaat 1- clutlua : thence in a south west oourae to the placo of beginning, con taining 168 48-100 acres more or ioh an in Idnn county, urgon. Tertuaof aaJe cah in baud on tho day of sale- Dated this tho 22nd day of Maroh, 1883. J. N. Kicb, Administrator, Sheriff's Sale. In fht I'huif Court of the Slate ot i''jon Jot Linn Count if : James L Cowan, IMaintilT. ) vs C C nurge, Iiefentlant, J Rvvirtiin of an execution ami ortir of salo issupd out of the above mtmml fourt in tb ttttovo entitled aotion on the llth tiav nf Anrll I 8a to nts direotsd and de- Hvered I will en Saturday the llth day of May 18S3 at tbe Court House tloor in uie eby of Albany, Linn County, Oreg on, at the hour of one o'clock, p.m., sell at publio auction for ca.Hh in band to the Ma bent tii.l.lor tln rwnl nronertv heretofore nttnt'li ed In said action and do:orUed in said S - 1. f..tluu. t ... t . oruf r tu sair n hmhw, iwn . Conimtimiinirsttlio notthiMtat cornrr OTi the donation laud etsJm of John MM and PollvW lturge, lialng notincathm No certllleats No :MVU. Halm No &h, in s.wt;i.n ;'!. Towninhin VI. aoutb rsnge, 1 west Willamette meridian. Littn etinnty Oroon. runnimr thuc vest, :iT ".' 100 r-hnliia thence soiuh i"A 2-100 cbaina thence east 37 7100 cltsiua ; tbenos north it ii lOO chain to the place of beginning, contain i:ur 220 acres moro or lean, the pro ceeds cfale to be applied flrt to tbe pay- mnt of the mini S44 5.1 costs sun me mkts inl ex nssMSSl of Bfaisv aecond to the rxtvmAiit to the Mnkl Iilitintitf the Mttm Of SbU.SJUwitbintereat thereon at the rate ol one oer cent per month from the 2 4ih day of October. 18S2. luted this 8tk day of April, IbX). t;0. UOMPItKKV. Sheriff of iJnn eoHnty, r. RUSSELL Hl COS PORTABLE 8AW MILL8, FABMWAW MILL ENGINES, threskTsg machines, etc. :t Reel Uaai rBIIB ABOVE WF4.I. KSOWX IIOl 8E HAS DB Jl ci-ted i. .j n a ijran.h uifkw anu lluuw in Walla Walla, W. T. Thev will al ijrry a full toek of their machinery at Mlu hcJl. Lewis at OorB Wayon Depot, c I rwl.t and Uoiruun nraata, rear of the Earn.i.J 11 . IvruaiiU, in. 1 he Ut tor to accomnvxlatc . urt-num in ihe interior and on the cnat. KcsrorssiBLt: ilkmts waited SssmI f-r eirculara and nri" lit frc.-. Kr tbr prvaafit, addrres, naji.m thie l-apcr, Kt SST.L1 A .. rarilnnrt. Or. Or. Ilome Offle. MatailiU:, Ohio. t. U. UU X., if. V. K. L 1RVI.NK. W. I' HILL & IRVINE. Physicians and Surgeons. ALBANY - - OREGON : ' i ;": - i v .-i - n ' Kiock ever Frencb'a Jewelry Store.-rtoi Wml KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Yfc Sarecawfril Remedy tvr diwered, aait Is certain in its effee?a and d net bt!tr. !( i yrx,t Ijdow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. llasnfluin. Mo., Jnne 14th, ls! . B. J. Wt t M.:. .V Co., Gent: Thie I to vrnitv that f bare naed Renlairs Hperin Cure and hat found it to be all it U recctnnv-bded u be ami In fact more too , I have removed by nainj tne above : fallons, Bone Spavin, King-bonce, Splint, and can cheerfully te thy and it to - ti:e beat thing- for any bony subotaiice I haveevtr astdand I have tried many as 1 i.a. j ina-le tint i. y ttuiy for years. Beapctfu'.jr y are, ! V.cBIST. FROM THE OHEOBTA PRESS, I. Y. Oneonto, New York, Jan. .-., 1SS1. Early lsfttsninmer Mcsr. B. J. Kendall ani Co., of I-:nohtrnr fall" VC, made a cr.ntract with the pub In. her of the "Press for a half column adwrtiwtneni ir one year setting forth the tucrita ( Kendall'i -.... 1,1 Ci.rc At the same ttrnc :n-i irom Uie Sru a quantity of hooks, enUtled Dr. Bendalfs Trea rise on the Uu. and tus Oiseaats, wbk h we arc glv loir to advance )iayin subetribers to tbe "IreW aa a premium. About the time tbe dver'ieirtent flrt anpeu-ed In thin paper Mr. I'. O. Sctieriucrborn, who roakluM near Colliers had a fcpavintd hotee, H: rmd the adver tisetneat t:.d c-mclode.1 to teat tbe riTuMf of the remedy, wlthooeh bis friends i .uvhed at bis crolulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Hparlri Qon and oran ttieiMeduef ng it on tbe horse in aecordanea with tbe directiotis, and he informed ue this week that it ef fected aucb a complete eur-j that an expert b'rse man, who examined the animal recently could find no trace of the in or tbe uisce where it bad been located . Mr. Hchermcrhorti naa sbiee Htcnred a copy cf Kendal! Treaiifie on the Horse end his ! -. , which he prizes very hijrtii and would be loth to part with at any pi ice, provn!, ! he could n'-t obtain an other eopy. So much for Miyerttsine; Mtabie-nrticlcs. Kendall's Spavin Cure. WiP.on, Minn., Jr.n. tHh. 1661. B.J. Ksxdau ai..i . , Cents :- fc-ot a borne book of you by mail a year ago, Ue contents of which pcrauaded me to try Kendall' Kpavin Cure on the nu.d lev of one of my horses which was badly swoolen and conW not 1-e rdueel by any other reme dy, 1 got two botUea of kendaU'a Savin Cure of Prraton and Kudduth, Dru'ints of Waaeca, which completely cured my horfe. About five cars ago I had a three year old clt sweenivd very badlv. I naed tour remedy as given in your book without rowel'insr, and I most say to your credit that the colt is entirely cured, wbidi is a surprise not only to my self but also to my ne'Kbbors. Vou ncrit me the book for the trifling' sum of 2.1 cents and if I coukl not get another alikj it 1 v.ould not ttlie twenty-five dollars for it. Yurs truly, Grw. Mathews. READ PEOOP Of WONDERFUL CUEES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 2r,th, 1181. Db. -B: J. KEnAM. and Co., Gents : I think it my duty to render you my tbanks for benefits and profits which have derived from your mvaluahle aud far tamed Spavin Cure. My coosiu ajid 1 hadvalaalJd stallion, worth SlOOO which had a very bad spavin and was pronounced by foar eminent veterinary sur treonii, lieyond any cure, and that the horse wa dons lor ever. As a laat resort I adviaed my cousin to try bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, It had a mavicsJ effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse it as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinnureh, the eminent veterinary wirpeon was an uncle of mine, and I take great Interest in assisting bis profession. Yours triily, Jamks A. V.'iltox, Civil Engineer Kendall's Spavin Cin Jm mrc hi its effect?, uoild In Us actln as it ! ; not LUetor, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep ke&tcd pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, snch as spavfns, splints curbs, calous, sprains, awelltngg and any lameness and en largement of the joints or limb, or for rheumatium In man and for any purpose for which liniment Is used for man or beset. It is now known to be tbe best liniment for man ever used, acting mild aud yet certain in iu effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular which ws think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy hs ever mot with such unqualified hiv ess to our knowledge, for be&stae well as man, Il-hre il per bottle, or six bottles for $f. All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to fry address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. H. J. Kemdall and Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD EY ALL DRUGGISTS QamJLEl sail at ' 'k 7 f a2s SRftVIN Summons. in the County Court q' Linn County, State nj r, ' Cooley aud .1 II Waahburn eo part ners doiiiK buaiusss In browoavllle, Ore gon, under the firm name cf Cooley A Washburn, Plaintiff. va. George L Bread en, Dsfendant. To Oeorgt L Jireetlt the abontnttmetl DejX In the name of tbe State of Oregon, vou are hereby required to apear and ana we r tne complaint or tne aoove piaMnutr in me above entitled action bow on file with the Clerk of said Court, by the let day or May term 1883 of said Court. towlt : the 7th day of May 1883, and you are hereby notified that If vou fall to appear and an- awer sard complaint, aa hereby rejursd, ton riaintiit win taae juaament ajramst yon for the aum of f&S.fO and lulereat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from lbs second dav of June 1877 and fur tbe coats and disbursement a of thla sctlon to be taxed. hla nnminonR hi publlahed by order of Hon . Fllnn, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers March stoth, 1883. T. J. S TI1 KS it 1 . K. CB tM ItKIU.A t N. ' i t.y' for Plff. DR. LfEBIC DUpcMaary, t r iieary ami aaa IrasrUru, Cal TDK COLUBQl INTITt TK FOR tbe cure of all iei ial eoni. I Healed and SO-Sailed incurable throttle dtseaxs. Dr- lrll Lrrassn lalaralr I iost. lively guaranteed incurs nonoua and physical debility, seminal weakness, lost of manhood, sper matorrhea, loss of energy, ringing and dluioees In the head, me Ian cboIUi, hopdes feelings, prints- u.rthrft, aau all tSe resuiu is youth ful ImpruUen ie arid sAiieesea of mature years. The doctor, a retro hr ...llegn physMau from RBmpe will agree to forfait one thouaarul dollars lr a ta tbetnvtgnrator will nut cure under apw-'tal Uvlruent and ad vms. 1 he reason v many eaa not gal cured of wSaBMSI and the eb'e dlneassa Is owing to a cuniplluallon, failed prualatorrliea, which retmlree (rcullar Iraatmeni, Hr LiehB lavlgoralwr . t is the only itu - crara Nr Prus Utorrhca. ItIc of either luslg i ,n.r. tf par bottle j six for ItO. Kent to any adiDsss on receipt of price, or C i D. Ilevponaibic wreons can pa) when cured. Strictest secrecy main lal nod. Paileau cured at home, Dr, liable tMspeiurary has. an ele gant drug store in Its building Too frrtUeeV evacuations of the bladdor and ropy ndiment In urine are eytnptorua of secondary eemt tI weakness aiHl iiroatat'irrhas ('miidalHts rtIHy laid to the Dr. Liehlg Irratment. rsllaary t saea Any rsosnt wase of special or nrh ate dieeaSie cured for 10. I( urflcwnt to cure will be urompUy aant. with full 4lrt-tlon ai.d advUw, on rcceljd of to. All u aagee are securely covered from observation. laetgaratar Sasunlea Free. To pnive the wonderful power of the Crmt German Invigvirator a Iff bottle of elihtr nu'ubrr will 1 ernt tree of charge. Jersooa ordering a free lotUe will osly liave to par e-ipreeaare on delivery. Mt ertu: electric belts free to pWJlenU. on ultaUon, examination and yUn-e free and priate fall or write. ir UMISeif . 4SS Private Ealvasec, 4SS Mt Ceary si.. s M i s rial- SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS H) MoCOY & ELLEBT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c, Fro man's Block, Albany, Or. I?li wieinnH retsierii tionK ctareiull' prepared ln y or 1118111. NTI8ELL PIANOS to 000 1. 000 r y f Mualklui,,. ORGANS CmsX S.atr luttltaMWta Ok . ... i , , Me ?i a 0 CRKKKY. C.B.rSRKK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERKY & PARKES, (Hnor?esfsmi to C. C. Cherry.) Machifliats. Millwrights, and Iroa Founders. WK HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now preparad to handle a 1 kind of heavy work. We will maun fixture Hi earn Knfrimwi, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, auU all kinds of Iron and Drass Casttofr. I AT I EH Nli: n HHOK1 MIT U K. Special attention given to repairing all kiwis of machinery. Will also man ufao- ture the improved (;berry & White Grain Separator. Shop an Baker si. Office a Inmkr Yard. Albany, (Jr., Dec. 1, W80. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, not, life is sweeping . i .... fore vou die, something ruUchty au'd nubluue leave be hind to conquer time, sou a week in your own town. ft outfit free. No risk. Everything new. tferiital not required. We will furnish ou everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies'inake aa much as men, and boys and xirls make great pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for partirular to II, IIaulrttk & Co ,1' irtlan Mainu D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING Discreet SUBSCRIPTION FREE sua tosksx- il. AnnetEs. tm!iikiim2tiim HmmU, to fall I'M lu aSMBM ror piwja hcUis. lantwn min E. 0. KUtSsT A W.i I A FRIDAY MAY 4, 1883 v, i. i . . i i. Chah. A. Dana, siUrer of the Now York Sun, ia in San Franuiacn, where a Chronirh reporter inlet vitiwinl him. Dana said that the Demecrsts ran come squarely before the country aa advocates of a tariff for revenue only, and that internal revenue, which was levied for ipeoial purpose, should now be aboU ishod, with the exception of that on liquor. The latter tax should be main tained until pension arrearages are paid off, and thtn abolished alas. On the free ttado question, he said, there was no queation of free trade at all, and can not be, so Ijtig as interest on tbe nation al debt is to bo paid and proviaioni made for the extinction of the debt it self. An average duty of 40 per cent, on ail foiargn imports was sufficient for government needs. The effect of a free trade plank in the Democratic platform would be to defeat the party in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and probably in Indiana, all tound Demo cratic Mtatec. FOH PRKSIDF.XTIAI. CAMOlDATU He mentioned McDonald of Indiana, Hendricks, llayard and Palmer of Illin ois, and Thurman. If Ohio would unite iu support of the latter, his nomi nation eras assured. Tilden is not a candidate and Itntlt-r has ne chance, for Southern Demoot ate cannot forgst his war record. Blaineg chances are poor er now than in t HTC or 1H80. Arthur does not deaire rr-noinination. (e is a gentlemen aod good fellow. No man who bat become President through thev death of a Preaident rvet had a chance of election after. Grant has not a ghost of a chance; Pendleton nsither.l He has no originality or enterprise. Iteplyicg to a question if there was any prospect of STALWART AND TttOt BI4CI Being healed, Mr. Dana said there seem ed to be no prospect of reconciliation. Tbe two factions bste each other worse than ever they hated Democracy. On be subject of civil service reform he does not believe the commission appoint ed will accomplish anything, nor nould much be expected until the Democratic party bad the President and majority in boih bouses of Congress. Mr. Dana eipressed himself grestly impressed with the Pacific coast, lu variety of prospects, beauty of climate aod felici ties of silnation make it (he said) one of the moat favored regions of tbe world. To the concluding question of what his opinion would be on the leading is- ; sues of tbe next Presidential csmsaign, ! Mr. Dana quaintly replied : "1 suppose tbe principal issue will be the turning eut of the Republican." Tbe recent decision of the aupreme court of the United Htatra in the case of tbe Missionary Society of the Metb olitt Kpisoopol Church, appellant, vs The Dalles City, fappollee, wss tbe terrr.iuation of a lawsuit begun twenty three years ago. It will be remembered by a few pioneers, but will be news te thousands ia Oregon and Washington, that Rev. Jason Lew, representing the mUsionary society, established a atation on tbe south bank of tbe Columbia on what ia now a part of The Dalles. It wss sold in 1847 to Dr. Marcus Whit msn, agent of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign A flairs (Pres byterian,) but before he could take possession cf it through one of tbe missionaries in his jurisdiction, ss was his evident intention, he was murdet cd, and the mission wss abandoned. Tbe land under dispute was afterward taken up by the town of Tbe Dalles under the town-site law. In 1860 suit for posses sion was begun by the society before i Surveyor General Chapman and decided in favor of the city. An appeal was tsken to the genei al land office, and the city again won the case, Hon. J. K. Kelly appearing for tbe city. It was then sppealed to the secretary of tbe interior. Attorney General Bstee gave a decision that tbe land department had no jurisdiction in tbe case, snd tbe appeal was dismissed. Secretary of tbe interior Harlan reinstated the case and it was pending until 1875, when Secre tary Delano decided it in favor of tbe misssion. Then proceedings were begun in the State circuit court for Wasco oouaty to have the Methodist mission declared a trustee far Tbe Dalles City, virtually setting aside the patent to the mission. Tbe case wss transferred to the United States circuit court in 1877, and was decided in 1879 by Judge Deady in favor of The Dalles. An ap peal was tsken in the supreme court of tho United Ststes which recently affirm ed Judge Deady's decision. The Dalles City has been represented throughout, the case by Hon. J. K. Kelly, who pre pared the brief on whioh the oase was at last won. Hon. Rufus Msllory snd J. 0. Cartw right were attorneys for tbe mission. The land in dispute is about CO acres in the lower pan of the town and is valued to-day at $500000. Indulgent parents who allow their children to eat heartily of high-seasoned food, rich pies, cake, dec, will have to usa Hop Hitters to prevent indigestion, (sleepless nights, sickness, pain, and, pet haps, death. No family is ssfe with out them in the house. A lady tourist at Jacksonville, Fla., took to a jeweller live lizard, asking tbat it be mounted iu gold for a scarf oin. W very humbly bog leave to call the attention of those Republican journ ala which are rout inually tinging in the eartf'of their readers that Democrats only are whisky guzzlers, and are the onee who oppose a I restriction on jiro hibitory leglslstlen, to tbe fact, that the prohibitory amendmoot to the constitu tion, in Connecticut has boon defeated in that State although both branches of the legialaturo ate Republican. It will be remembered that only a few weeks since we were called upon to inform these same people that the State of Minnesota, whose legislsture in both branobss was Republican by four to one, hsd defeated s liks mesaure. What baa become of tbe boasted cleanness and purity of purpose of the petty ef great moral ideas t The truth is, tbe srty all over the country has lost wbstever of moral power and force which it ever bad in consequence of tbe orgsoisstien of tbe party being in tbe complete end almoet undisputed control of corrupt and designing men, and the sooner sll good men leave toe oia nuirc to its Ute, the 1 al . .li 1 as . r- . .a 1 better it will be tor all concerned. In the year 1001 1 Intro was made at Seldenberg, Germany, a barrel that was capable of holding 800 hogs hoads of water. The groat vessel no doubt the largest ever msde - was composed of 112 solid beams, which were twenty seven feet long, sixteen feet across the ends ami eighteen feet through the centre. King Kelakaua of the Handwicb lalands wants tbia Governmu', to coin his gold and silver tor him. l -i t "! - - 14 - 'St THE NEW PATENT DUST-PROOF Stem Winding Open Face Gate. StMl trtiai B BY TtSR American Watch Co., W ALTH AM, MAM. This rasa Is formad In ene eutld leee wltfcout juknt r seam, in In frosit mly. lima ariadtav la asaal i-ap, ana securing- grealer tWesftta and dura IsTsjSf. Ttseae Walcbse are ail epea U- Ttao basal, into which an aatra etrons trvslal U Slled wtUi aa as peetalljr preeared air psasl peasant, la Hashes' trs the ease by srrssrtaf It theieoti. and tans turns aa air - light jrgncUon with the hodjr of the ease, whteh la proof against dust and aaoiatnre. The railroad man, travelers, tuinses, lanabnnti id those a-ho are alaa oat sssjstaiiUy nnatd and who ba to snahe fjSjejaBJ refarenea In lha waH. thras talltlee are of the eiasost liaiwrtance. Tho r.n.v. iag irtaere u ihelr aw a VaMoeta, Oeorrte. if . tSsS. f aubl una of )mir fratM Dtsst Prasf Caa aWit ten asseStas mga, sad file oUtsr Sar It aaass bark lu raw artUi Um rvuasi to saake U rrtad m On etamiaaUon I foiad tifcat Um raem art rusty I itMfUirat Into the eauas ot It. TlMfcnfaeraei u, taat ha aa Marti or eesae saa Us Ukat had I s4 la tiss bstaS ef fse rts. wtsea bis chain "ai in a buah assi Usresr a sraiaS mto aassa ttie feet of tjefrsr, aai he ares shoal tar asese tadlrtg it. Whan Um gut It out It was nuiutaf aral h thought all rlf hi. lu about three aaoolha he fuuiMl that Iha aUsa was liartl u. torn and ant H le I sa aajr that lha watch la ali that the rasjayaiiy rlaiaaa fur it and rr.n.mnil it Ui ail railraed and aaIt fnaa, ft. XV. Ilanrtt." Clinlon, I wo, AlWtl 9. leal. "I wtali you w.iolJ asstd um a spring for lha H m fOlary WaU-h 1 By Iks way this EUsry ia a last fall The Srst of January ha lost the vaiahhl lha woods, snd fottnd It this wawh la about ow footof water, It had lain thrws month and oter la enow and realer, with est llbl Injury to ths watch only ahalr-eprlrtf. C. S. aTose." TheaboT wars very aer ut, and desowstrale beyond a doubt, that fr any rwaooabM Ungth ef rne during whir h a watch might ha under water It w..uld reoeirt no injury whalevar. W mak ihawe rwaaa In both goal and a!lr. and a a parfacUy Dtist. Proof, Stom Winding Watch Case, chaJtiengethe world to indurw tie equal. or sale hy all lrl-rlii Jewetc ra : .n T.ER CDTf 1Ieriden IJmffl.U.Sii. llarlaf attaiaed a national reputation in FINE IWCKET CUTLERY, ' Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers. i7ee lWJJ tyu?'!!fKtr STEEJL FENS. With s 'killed superintendent la that deport, ment, suj)lmented by cxtondrd exuerirncfl In tho working of Ine steel, we are enabled to o..Vr uttito vt unrivalled quality. To introduce our PATENT AXXJUSTAUXJS Quill Action, Reservoir Pon, in advance of legniar trade channels, we 'irw rnt of it, and will mall a cample gross to any adlr on reo-ljit of fS3. Carries aa meek Iak as say Fountain Ten. THIS 1'KX fr ITS ANY UOLUKU. Vrrr wh ' line of Tens irill be sold bv the tradn. i'rioc Lists fnrnisLed todesk-rs ou applloatlon. Administrators Notce. a taiss - '" 1 Notice is berebv given that the under signed has this day been appointed ad ministrator of theestate of John W Fronk, deceased. All persons hsvlng claims against aaid estate will present the same properly verified to the administrator at the late residence of the deceased in Cen ter Precinct, Llun county, wltbln six months from the date hereof. Dated this 24th day of March 1883. J. D. Fronk, dminiatiator. Weatherford fc Blaokburn, Atty's. Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of 'Mar garet Hughes deeeaaod has flied with tho Clerk of the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, his final sccount for nettlement and tbat said Court has made an order appointing Tuesday, Juue 5th, '883 at the hour of one o'clock, p. m of aaid day at the Court House in said county for the hearing of objections to said final account and tbe settlement thereof. Newton Huohet, HaWTTT fc BRVANT, Administrator. Attorney's. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY positive cure Tor Catarrh, Diptheria and a Cs ' r Y V j " 4ess9 B0 " BrsTsjfSSaswssr g IP " ' I I fTharra wlrerter. V. I'. C. A. - Meat st their room M Fos ters brwk building ou Saturday evenings at 7 iHO o'clock, and oa Ha b bath aternooos at 4. limine meetings are held on the even iag ef ties seeeed Monday ia sack month. Everybody invited to attend. V. 1". CHOacs. Prrjaohlng every Habbath, at U a. u., sod 7 r. re. by Bet. f. C. Ir vine, I). I). Sabbath ftohool at 2:30 r. re. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvAwartucAi, Onufurn. Preaching on Sab bath at II a. m., and 74 r. at. Habbath Hobool 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thnrs- uay evening. J. a. llolleatiaugb, pastor. ummwATiuii LiBt7Bcif. services every Habbath at II a. m. and H r. m. Habbath Hchool at 2$30. Prayer meeting oa ihuraday eveaiag of each week. J. W. llama, pastor. M. K. ('uracil. akiCTlf. Service 2n i.d -ith Sabbaths at Ht. Paal'a M, K. Church. mith, st 11 a, m. Habbath Hchool st 10 A. fa. sharp. Prayer meeting every Tliara- iy eveung, joe, r.mery, pastor. M. E. Cur rum. Preaching every Habbath st 11 a. at. sad 7 r. m. long service in the evening before sermon. Habbath Hchodl it 2.-30 r. sl Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. I), W. Cameron pastor. PafMtrrrxatAW Car sen. -Service every Isobath morning and evening ia Church oor. Bfosdalbia and Piitk Htm. Haaday Hchool st 2 90 p. in. Prsver mastiaa every 'aJdJr K. ! It Coodit KrnuorAL Cauacn.- Services every Mon day, moroiag at 11 a. in., eveniog at 7 p. m. Holy oommunien every Sunday morn inf at a. to. Wedaesday 13Hd p. m. Itobt I Hteveas, pastor. ('uaiflTUN Cmi awn I'reankiog every Sabbath at Y )' f : A Mall at 1 1 oleck. a st., and 7;30 r. m, Pulpit sopplid in order by fievs. Floyd, Whitney sad Iloty. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIflKR BROS. PraprieUrs ALBANY. ORKCsON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, STSfS HEADS rONEg aUaruted In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every vartetv of ether stone work done with nearffca and ttpeeiai aUesstion triven to order from all parts of this Htata and Washington Terrilor). arsTAll wark wsrrsatl. 1 Ml Sheriffs Sale. a fee CsfSjrsfP tWf fA Stttr of ttrryo or the CouMy of C mat, tin f L White, X White, and WUlUm Lane past er ejehsg brastneee under tbe arm uame of L White A Company, PlainUfTt. vs. R E WUaon, Defendant. Notice Is hereby civen thai by virtue of s writ of execution Issued out of tbe above eenrt in tbe shove entetied art ion te me directed and delivered for the aum of pan with interest at the rate of lo par cent per annum iron tbe 77 tn day of Ooteber, 1ST 8 and tbe mrtber sum or I I have levied upon ail tbe right, title and inter of the aaid Defendant R K Wilson, on or after Aufruat 0th 1877, in snd to the tallowing oesctbsd utwrntaea, to-writ : He- flonioa at a point le-e7 chains sooth and 4 so chains east of ths sou lb east corner of section U and rueatnf thence north 41-1 o onaine ; tbenos west 7e as chains ; tnencs sooth 42 20 chain and thenos eavat 79-oS chsins te the place of beginning; in Town ship 138 R 4 west erf the Willamette tne- rid tan In IJnn county, Oregon. Also the south half of Hectiou 24, in Township 13, h k 4, west. Also tbe following : (Joan meneine; at the north east corner of Nkhelae Miller's donation Land claim in Section 25 Tp 13,8 li 4, we4, Linn county. Oregon ; tbenos east 19 13 chains ; thence south 28-IS chain : thence west 14-84 chains ; thence south 27-84 chains : thence west 4-21 chsins ; thence uoith 61 chains to the place of beglnnlnr, containing 66 Ail - I CJ 1 Aft II A i tv acre, ana oa asuruij sua jjbum uy of April, lsVS. at the Court House door In tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tne nour or i o ctneg. p. m., i win sell said raal property at public auction for cash In hand te the highest bidder to sntlafy aaid execution with acoruln uated this mi day or Mated I Oreo Hutsmbkt. SheritT of Ijnn county, Oregon. ions. Jurtirr'a Court for the Prtclnri of Selo, Stmte of Ortfom, County of Liu . W K Poffer, 1. C Miller, Prtrs. f WanUSmlth,Deft ) To Wm. II. Smith tht ttbore named Jrjrmlant. In the name of the Stale of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear before tbe undersigned a Justice of the Pesos for ths precinct aforesaid, en the 9th day of June, 1883, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of aaid Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in civil action. The defendant will take notice, that it he fail te answer tbe oom plaint herein, the plaintiff will take judgment ag&lnat him fur thirty-nine dollar on an account due said plsintiO and oosta of this action. Published in the Statics Riomts Dkkocrat by order of James Williams, J, if., which order bears date April 23rd, 1883. Olven under my hand this 23rd day of April, 1893. Jamfh Williams. Justice ot Wi Peace. Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of Tyre Alley decease, has filed in the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, his final account aa auch administrator, and by order of said Court, Tuesday the 8th day ef May, 1883, at Ihe hour of nine o'clock, a. m., is set for hearing objections to said account and the sottleunent thereof. Any parson interested in said estats la hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to aaid final account on or before ssld day. Dcted April 5tb,1883. J. D. Woon, Administrator. GroK. CiiAMUKitr.Aiif, Att'y for Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah M. Smith deceased, to present the same to 11. Brysnt tbe duly sppointed administra tor of the estate ef said deceased within six months from tbe date of tbia notice, at the office of said administrator, in Albany, Oregon. Dated this 17tk day of March 1P33. II. Dhtant, Administrator of the Estate of barah M. mith. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES. LIVE, ENERGETIC men to sell Tunison'a Clebrsted Msps snd Chsrts. No capital required. $100 per month guaranteed to agents follow ing our instructions. For particulars addess, JNO. WXON, Sacramento, Cal. IMMENSE The Store of Julius Qradwohl CLASS WARE, CROCKERY, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A large atiortmwnt of baby carriages, and a choice selection of coffee, tea and sugar Also A IfAf&fe Ayh NT or- SHELF HARDWARE, OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. B00D8 SOLD A8 LOW A8 AIY OTHER HOUSE II OREGON, THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR EGOS. Cm W A OA IX FOR I MEAN WHAT I SAY. JVIAVH oradwohl ALBANY -AND !KAI.KIIH IM- Importedand Domestic Cigara, Tobaccos, Groceries, Pi ovlaiona, Candies, Nuta and Tropical FruiU. Albuny, ... Oregon. OMK IXXjH ilKU)W JOHN BH1QUM' MTOItK. sws AT THK OLD HTAKD, Tt riVT HTRKKT, HAH OW VATfD Ait fr'IN K ah ASSO 1CTM KSi'f O' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, aVa wo) bouse la the alley. lie a so Imports aud manufacture. TIN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK KVKRY DESCRIPTION DC OTOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE REEP oa HAM, A PULL AORTME2tTOP GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OP WHICH HE OrPERH TO THE PTJRLIC AT PRICES. THAT DEKV COMPETITION. f'ALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANT, ORBOO.V. Repair work done at s-lSoS Indian Or ti Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver. Bowels. Kidneys. Skin and BJood. Millions lestifV to its efficacv in heal ing: the above nounce it to do tne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. tksuc mark Quatautccil to cure spfpsht. ITAGENTB WANTED. Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it. THE BOOK OF BOOKS ! . hgSjrJ aVafEtl ! LATEST!! II IM arftTrsrr MM jiiM i niiftwa. fta 4 a mm. h I mtm mttmrni - r in mm mmmm wmw 'I m r. ft . mmwmtm mm MS ffrVrt'r'--? 'rwftiTi1 ia" oc an m umn n TnicTthv bt e sr fct:T ri ' iiffiT' ' r.a ftftt.laLM bDann JHArv-;- ttSi " " " ri r tTi Tif4 r 4kJi.M-U4kl P49MB1KnEZt&t!ytl - tft. W - iii . mmt ! ' tma. ftgfgfg r wwm i nai " ftl 'gggggggggH 1111 I..4HH. na, BblrlBSSSSSSSSnnnB tr-'' - 1 nTnTnTfnTnTgf u w , '3oKSr54;, .' S3 4m "it"S fnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBr awmTt Ji DkHfl 111 mintlft raassMC anat valaaSia aral AWirshJ. ana tt . ami an im atnj u m i E r mumMf-v''- Now Is thi time ! The n We have received suan;ity ol treat ises on the horse, which ue propose to give away to every aubcriber paying: In advance, if requested, whether per sonally, or hy mall. Sfa will sell the book to others at the bottom price, tiro bit: If, ordered by mail postage Will be prepaid. The A nteriran CnUiraior has the following to say of the treatise : "Kendall'8 Treatise ou the bone ia a book of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully illustrated, snd coniaimng an "Index of Diseases," which gives tbe symptoms, cause and the bet treat ment of each ; a table giving all the principal drugs used for tbe horse, with tbe ordinary do9e, effects and as tidote wlten a poison i a table with an engraving- of the horse's teeth at differ ent ages, with rules for telliug the uge of the horce -, u valuable collection of receipts, end much other valuable inlor mation. In preparing copy for this book it was tbe aim of the author to make it as plain as possible for the non professional readers, and give tlnun nforonation which Is of the greatest mportanceto horsemen, and yet avoid ug all technical terms as mnch as possible, and also condensing the book ss much as possible without leaving out the real essentia! information in treating each subject Every farmer or horse owner should own one of these ittle books. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ESTARLIMHKD 1805. By A. F. CHERKY, sftusted at corner of First and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. . Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to luanufat turn Steam Engines, Saw and Orist Mills. Wood-working Machinery, Pump Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all ikinds repaired. Spe cial attention givenfto repairing farm ma chinery. Pattern Making aVae I all Ha furwaa. 16:1 ly 1 A . F. CHERRY fc SON . (HtS a week in your own town. Terms OOO snd $5, outfit free. Address H. Haixett & Co.. Portland, Maine. BARGAINS! AT IN - & J08EPH, HKf)FKTT!TORS OF- SODA WORKS, reasonable figures. CLARE JOHNSON'S Blood. Svrun named diieases, and pro ABSOLUTELY TBZ MOST UBERAL CrfTR EYER Ths ramrra cri. fhhtaat, tuua.ucji THE CTAR SAlluLtTJ I! -tcsaussa tt laclaar aifW MTl rr. . .'arw! Cm ta snjsna Ta. . fjii ian. na.t S M r gusu ! Oaravr." karat. tKr ) T,rS mmmmtm. t.(J In rji V 4., ta'ftlioa. ft ad ta o m m mi tfeit ai-l iMiaaT.!a3rTrJ 1 mmn mmmmmm aanooai ny. ttte rmra Ml Bar. aa a W (1 StaNr. tart 'ft a. w. . .'.ftrc . Trmr and r. par artaal tO I I KlTtl SUBS) nhll aili rr naarrU vrwtk S) r-! r-- aaraachaaaaraajraoidai Si aamv PUT ftirr Thb oSrr, Z rW il VJ 1 uu 1 IT ta driara- koto. He Saa sl; hm ai. 1HISS f a nr aagii. 1 and a taanSard SaraMj aii Sat lur a H-uy faalisnlac C- mtmm t. ass PARKER'S HAJSBAIaSASL Cslsr ts Cm sr rsswi ta Paiirer's Hair Balaam h fiodr perfumed and is vr.irrameJ lo pre ent failias; af l! hair tmd to rr Siaox-c dandruff anditchin. Hiscox & Co . JC.Y. Mr. aa4 $1 bn,U SaaUn ta Sref, aw wtrfa. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Supsrtsthr Btaffs ssdSOsegfi) Etslsm. K Too are a Mechanic or farmer, mm out with, evtrwoslt. or a mother ran down by huai-'y r hoMsas field duties try Pakku's Cixcaa T" xk. U rat are lawyer, missnu or pmrnuem raa rr-hai-ftttHj hy mental i train or anxious carr. do no: take ustc tkatin g t umuhnts.bu t use Parker Guijrcr Tonic lfyouliava CaaMJfeS Djrpnis kaemu- I in, K. nine Com plainli, or .ny aooiUcrcf ihelusqpW F'oasnch. tweU. blood or TKrrrs Pai nrsGMn VomicwU cure you. hit the Creates: Ekxxi l iirCK.' fard Iks But aod Surest Coiifs Care Cm Csea, If you ate wasting away treat rpe, datatkn or rny ciaaae or veariinesa and reflate a Munulant tako tltNcaa Tokfc at once ; it win tnvietuie and I uiUi von up fraaa the first dose but wall pevar intoxicate, II has sated Luruhods of lives; it may yocra. C ACTtOV ' rlrfo- all taMSatat. rSAcr. Gmr Tralc U rj.1 t ia. Ut MarSi.1 St (a SsrWSrftSSSSS a 3. irni irwa T-wrs' .u. t.1 pint rr alt. bftd tor t-u. 4iU.w i C ft. Mc atftiMsataralmiaar. C2S4T SAVING EL'VING POLUth S1ZS. Itarich aad kxuiuK fraaraoc Ss this drbhifij perfume ejcceediugly popular. Thar is noTniBg use u. iiwbh po aavtae i lokbs ToN COLObNaand lorJt for ugiauzvtx At.- druest't or dft.r la W r r:i uioJr jrsa, i-a4 15 traS iir-. LARGE S VTIfl BrT?Nt V tJag mmmmW::mmmmlmWmmimVOM-lW d-yi ' -BkTSBBah- FREE for TRIAL An uufailinst and apaady ear for Kerwuut Debility ani Safrsss, Lote of VitalUt aod Vigor, or any aril re trait er lantacrauoa, wrcifs, s work, ase (orer forty thowt.nd tivecurnaj tvnMad uelar on trial box or ftUpiUa. A )it.U. W. PAsKW. ear. 'jalAOO Jfutca, Q rar ? A WEEK, a day at h toe eadly mil J 4 O CosUy Oat:., trot. Address Tar 4 Co AuustSjUaine. aVLNAro firtj iilaan I T raSk. cji cjjv. NHS. WW llornc SfeJ r -ai. it rasBSaanl .. t -a ft - t - a. - UNO! that prefctrcil 1 tbusa IHVn whohave al k. f any J fl Rrailar ru., aa ac- ' ji Hcfunt f ; s!- rr ' sfcaissal r:riT. fCaj7 0Jrjr thai art Ima&cii I SsSlLwSrrJr de sex'p arai Zitr adahri Itaitsui fin Yaaafsl sTasrssr! SpKlit tmm CUr8.