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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1883)
Wkt mttwi OS cial County Paper, Entered at the Pool Offlje at Albany, Or. an eecond-class mail matter. FRIDAY..... MAY 4, 1883 8TOE8 & seller a a 4 HUTTIHG. Preprletar. : r xrrntu. lmi Ktinr. O. A . K. ft. TIM I? TABLK. Albany Mtatlou. likl'tBTi ne. vi TIIIK SOCMB KOa. AXRANY EXPRESS Departs a:80 A. KKtlviHT TrtAlNS " S:vO A. MAIL. TRAIN i Arrives - lllft A Drut Ji:i K socss sovi. 41 All. TRAIN Arrive at - at ll:t5A. MM f 3:) P. S So K FREIGHT TRAIN ALBANY tXPRKSS Arrivaa'al All Tralaa dally. e-e.i ftsnitar. Noticr. On and after this data regular tkdcets win tie aold at oar ticket oftt'H for following point on C.'imibl river: Upper tdK, lislle, Umatilla. Wsllula, Walla 'all 4 and A in worth, Wu.r. U Kick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A V, K. V. Co A rao v. June 18th, 188'. Cat AaiKXra. Fdlowing are the EhntuOttAT duly au thorised agents to receive subscriUMi or money for the same : Harriaburg Sam May Brownsville U. P. Ceekaw Halsev T. I- Porter Shedds F. A. Watts Scio. .. KeUy M aeei mkctiva;. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the logal voters of School District No. 5, Hun county. Oregou, hold at the Court House in said District, an Tuesday, the 8th day of May, 1883, at the heur of 7:30 o'clock, p. nt. tor the purpose of selecting a location upon which to build a school house in said District, and to au thorize the Board of Direct on to borrow toe sum of f 18,000, for the purpose of erecting said school building, and to give the note of the District or to Hell the bonds of the District as in their judgment may seem beat. Ky order of the Board of Directors. J. H. 15LBK HART. District Clerk SliHtTH KrrKatTAMaCST. On Friday night of next week the play of "Bread on the Waters," will he present ed by an Amateur Company of this city , at Y P C A Hall, beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. The cast of characters made is said to be an excellent one, and the re hearsals' al ready had give promise of this being one ef the beat entertainments yet given here. Combine the fact that the drama is a very interesting one, fall of life and vivacity, with the fact that it will prob ably be well rendered, and we can see no reason why a big house should not greet iu As K is for a good purpose tbeie should be no hesitancy on the part of everybody to attend. A fi rat-das orches tra under the charge of Mr Hi. Richards will furnish the musk, which alone is a great inducement to be present. It la composed of eight piece, ail No 1 must Aisnu pAmntafa avewnoavmantu hftlnaT tend so that everybody will bj bound to m. a -e aV.a a . vet trie wonn oi meir inouev. .... . a4 rtef atrewnles- Last Saturday evening great excite- ment was caused at Tangent by the re-) port of the drowning of Willis Knigbteu, a sob of C P Knighton, in the Calipooia river, near that place. It seems that young Kalgltteu, a brother, and a son of P A Meecs, were plowing in a Held near the Calipoela, when Willis said he was going down to the river to get a drink of water ami started off I a that diree lion. He did net return, but Mr Knigh ton bad requested him to do something in another field, and it was thought he was there. When six o'clock came and he failed to put in an appearance, search was made him. Foot-marks were found on the bank of the river wuera some one had jumped down from s higher bank, and it was, supposed they were bis. They were traced to near some logs ia the river. The general opinion seems te be that lie gxt on the logs aad tried te push them off, or some thing of that nature, aad fell in. A hat wbieh he wore was on Sunday morn ing found about four miles down the riyer, leaving little doubt that he was drowned. The affair has cast a shadow over Tangent, and particularly over the boushold ef Mr Knighten, who has the sympathy of everybody ia their sad affliction. Willis was about seventeen, and was a bright industrious young man, who will be greatly missed by ail whs knew him. Seels ville a Sa Beaert- Eichyear adds to the gool name this place ha obtained, it becoming more and more ef a resort both far pleasure and health. There is every reason to beleive that it will eonie time-become the Saratogo of Oregon. Mr S H Claughton, of Lebanon baa just started an enterprise which, more than any thing yet done will tend to increase the rep utation of this summer resort. He will on the 10th of this month Iwgin running a daily stage line between this city and Sodaville, taking passengers directly te the prings,and also in connection with this will deliver the mineral water found there, well bottled, not only to Albany people but as well to the citizens of Oregon, Washington Territory aad California. Ia fact he proposes to make a demand for it all over the Coast. The water is now being drank regularly by hun dreds of our citizens, who have found that it contains soma splendid medicinal proper ties, is pleasant to take, and cannot be "sur passed as an appetizer. We are confident that it will become more popular than the famous Congress water, and it certainly has better medicinal properties. Its qualities can be seen by referring to the ad, of Mr Claughton in another column. Our citizens who wish a pleasant trip as well as a cheap one should take a ride with M r Claughton to the Mineral Springs, or, if they do not ieel like going, let them make arrangements with him to receive the mineral waters reg ularly at their homes. Stress eeed. Ladies ! Allen A Martin wish to call your attention to their fall stock of dress goods, in all the spring styles and sew shades. They will always be pleased to show their ttotV) whether you purchase or not. HOME AND ABBOAD. Nolan's CasbStore. F M French, jeweler, Farewell sale bow on at Nolan's Cah Store. Oregon City is now oalled he "Lowell of Oregoa." Bargains, Bargains for everybody at Nolan's farewell sale. A new firm, new goods and uew prices at the Albany (inn Store. I r K Johnson furnishes his patrons mediciae without extra expense. Five blocks were distreyed by tire ia Kt Portland last Tuesdsy morning, The Abrams trial will be brought up at the F.ugeao Circuit next Monday. We are under obligations to Hon F F. Hodgkins for copy of the gaaie laws. l ucre i a man in this city who was. i not, aad continues to be. Who is he ? A box of acme peas at this nflice, quill acting with fountain qualities for $1 ."o The grain surplus in the Willamette Val ley this year is estimated at 120,000 tons. At the Cue Store you ctn get a tishing outfit complete fur .HI , or any pries up to $30 each. Those desiring paintiu done by Kubt Bowman, cau leave their orders at I. vug-Ion's ilrng store. We have a 12 inch turhiue watr wheel, brass lining, in npltutiii 0 sedition, which w will sell cheap There is a bright, little girl, living near Tangent, nine years of ag, who is only Al iuches ia height. Sodaville water is brought tw this city in large quantities. It is a healthy Iwveiaje, and a splendid appetiser. Looking glasses all the way from M ceuts to float Monteith A Seiteubach's. (Jet one and see bow homely yen are. Beware of fever aad ague this coming Summer, by the use of a few bottles of Ore gon Blood Purifier, this Spring. Olney Fry, Jr., received a tumble from a wagon in front of Mcilwaia s last Monday, but received no serioes injury. Groceries, the very beet, vegetables, soda water, tobaccos, cigars, etc., at Hoffman t Joseph' popular grocery store. Attention is exiled to the adv. of (2 Cohen A Bra., ia another column. They are a solid firm and deserve s good patronage. The newspaper man is ei pec ted to trust the person he never heard of, when the merchant would not think of such a thing. Arch Monteith has just received the agency of the Pheoix Insurance Co. of Brook lyn, a well established, reliable company. ur citisens are requested by the Marshal to have their alleys cleared ef all rubbish within a iteen days from time of notice posted. Star Brewery beer is talked of by some new that summer is coming. Mr l abor is said to be eae of the best brewers ia the We have a shingle on oer table manufac tured by J H Maine. It is well made aad speaks for Mr Maine's anility as a shingls maker. Thompson & Overman have sold the skat ing rink in DanuaJ'a Hall to Dell Iauipniau, who took possession of the same last Wed nesday. The ladies' ef the Congregational charch will give a sociable on Tuesday evening, May a, at the residence of J W Harris. All are iovited. The D.ato r is the best advertising medium in the" valley because it has the largest circulation of a good class of sab se fibers. " ne was sixir-uae men. mti lew oeouie think enough of him to keep track of the event. I Immeuse stock of wall paper, of selected 'patterns, just received at Monteith A Seiten- bach a. This is the place to get your wall paper. Max Friendly, at Corvailts baa gone out of the merchandise business into the milling business. There is much the most money ia saw logs. Will Bros , have just received a large lot of the latest improved sewing machines, call and get your choice at their general sew tag machine ageaey. Voagaler A Co, of Baltimore otter a reward of 9 ISO for the beat humorous assay - on mothers-in-law. Wj have concluded not to enter the contest. We understand that A B Pax ton and "Dune" Monteith have purchase 1 a gold chum near Ysquina Bay. We hope they will strike it rich, Just received at L K Blain a large stock af standard over-alls and blouse, made to order, sowed with linen thread, and of sizes to suit everybody. Last Saturday evening quite a number ef young people went out to Frank Wheeler's near this city, where we. understand thsy had a pleasant social dance. Have yon been ever to the shiugle mdl ? It is a great institution, and we hope it will be a paying one for the owner. A friend from near Antelope, Wasco Co., says that "Jim" Titus, who used to tip the scales at about 200, now only weighs but 190, but he is healthy and happy. The crop prospect ia Eastern Oregon is said to be good, and Wasco county claims a big acreage and her inhabitants say she is good far something besides stock raising. Allen A Martin keep constantly on hand an endless variety ef corsets. The "ever lasting," "unbreakable" aad "corduroy, " the three best corsets made, always in stock. Sheep shearing has already begun in seme parts of the State. The price for wool at piesent is only about 25c. iu San Francisco, but it will probably not remain at these figures. Miss Althea Moores, a sister of Hon I K Moores, died at Salem last Sunday, after a lingering illness of some time. She hsd many friends in Albany, who will be pained to bear of the sad news. IPe understand that Fred Reis has dis posed of bis saloon adjoining the Revere House, having sold it to Harry Waters. He will remove to Seattle and open one there as soen as he can get a room. It is claimed that a silver mine, yielding $125 to the ten has been discovered within fifteen or twenty miles of Albany, aad that it is to be thoroughly mined. How much there is in it, we aan not state at present. You have probably noticed the word "Re bate" in many public places, attached to a box of cigars or tobacco. It mesas that the government has taken the tax off tobacco, and the revenue paid ha 4 been rebate J. Many inquiries are now made as to when teams can cross the C ne ide uiouataius by the way of the W V A C M W Road. Wil some of our readers on the line of the road inform the public through the columns of the Democrat. Rev R L Stevens has purchased the saw mill of J O Bee be, at Waterloo, and wil shortly remove with his family to that place this is a gaol site for a milt, a healthy place n whic'i to live. We have no doubt Mr. Stevens will do well there. The Standard came te band Wednesday with full telegraphic despatches, and mak lag a showing which speaks for its future success. There is no reason aow why it should not hold up its head with the best, if not get U a little the highest. Peters A Blain have just received a large stock of hardware from Chicago Among other thing are some of those Philadelphia lawn mowers, which they are selling very cheap. Everybody should nave one. It pays to have your lawn look well. Mr Abe Hackteman recently sold bis en tire band of cattle in Eastern Oregon of 91 10,000, They numbered about 3000 head. Sleek raising has proven a paying business for Mr II aek lman. and we certainly are glad to see an Albaay man do so well. It will pay Lebanon people te coftie to Albany a week from to-night, and attend the dramatic entrrtaiument. It will gp by am ateurs, but thon people miyht as well spend o cents to go tw an entertainment that will keep the money ia the county, as a dollar to a minstrel show thst carries it all away. School Superintendent P A Mosci will preach in the Court House next Sundsy morning, at 1 1 o'clock to the officers ef Linn county, to all of whom he extends an iuvits tioo to be tresent No doubt it will pay others of our ejssseat te he present and hear what the Superintendent has to say. It is not ueosssary to eater into particu lars iu referring to the complicated oi (aim am! functional difficulties to whifli the more dehcatn classe of American women aic sub ject ; but we take pleasure iu saj urn that Mis L)dia K. Pink ham (treat ibmiedy for rail these troatgea has an unbounded iMiuular- ty. ('has H and OrilU lied gav an exhibi tion in Y P C A Hall last Saturday evaing, iu which they were to expose spiritual me diums. Some of the tricks they performed are said to have been very good. As we were unable to be present we cannot say as to the merits of the entertainment In til its particulars. Over on Soap Creek on eeely every mans premises is posted up a notice to the etfrct that no ashing will be allowed on the same. It is said that some of those who forbid it are violating the game law right slung, kill ing deer and gross. Oer Isaac Walton de not like to be cheated out of a good fishing I ground. Take Oregoa as a whole and there ia com paratively little manufacturing duoe in it ,( but as anon as a direct railroad liae with the east is obtained the amount done will increase at a fast rate. The splendid water power mi Albaay ought to place ic ia the front rank an a manufacturing city, and an terpriae will certainly d it The Bine Ribbon Club Fudsy aight was a pleasant one. As there was so speaker it Was mu.-h to tbe nature of a literary enter tain ment. Seme recitations aad readings by Mum Maggie Partoo, Miss Margaret Faster aad Mr Frank Propat, aad a solo by Miss Emily Turrell, were wall rendered. The society though, would do well not to invite the young man who attempted to read "la the Catacombs'' to take part sgaia. A mask skate will be given in Daanale' Hall on the evening of May 14. Preparations are being inade to make it a Una affair.. Tickets to witness tbe aff-ur can be obtained at the store of L E. Bhua. and tickets for the skate are for sale either by Thompson k Overman or by Mr Lampman. Everybody should go and have a go 1 Uuh as well as aa enjoyable time. Last Saturday afternoon the teachers aad students of the Central school held a ptcnac ia Hackleman "s grove. It was pronounced a complete success. U would be impossible to express the mode resorted to for pleasure, nor the extent of the appetites displayed when tbe baskets, were opened. Saftoa it to say everything vanished lacn an airs put an impetus to stndiousnass, and uo doubt better Isssiss wdl be the result. ' This week as Mr Warsnssth, who former- ly resided bora, was driving along the Iry J Creek road, this side of Bine Mountain, the j seat of the wagon brake down and bis little , daughter was thrown violently to the ground, The wagoa ran aver her thigh, making a bad j fracture of the sane. Mr Warmonth Is s ' brother-in-law of Mr N S Clark, and in j company with aeeae ethers was on his way to Calif amis whan the accident occurred. - . IfWen l.vxdrr. Thursday and Friday was devoted to a ' horse case between Mr Zimmerman aad I John Maxwell at the Court House before K ' R Skipworth, Esq. They bad either traded or else they had not traded horses, ths plain tiff claiming that the defendant re presented ' the horse as being a different one from what it was. Tbe verdict of the jury was for the exchange of the horses or the payment to tbe plaintiff by tbe defendant of one hundred dollars. Tbe May number of Frank Leslie's Popular MonUJij is filled with mttr f the most in teresting and attractive character ; tbe illus tra teens are profuse, and the colored frontis piece, "The Little Mischief Makers" from Blame's painting, is rnally worth mors than tbs price of tbe inaeszme. There is an abundance of brief articles, paragraphs, etc, entertaining and replete with information. A single copy is only 25 cents, or 93 a year postpaid. Address, Mas FnaKB,' Publisher, A3, 55 and 57 Para Place, New York. Tbe North A mtr'raa Hn-ieie for May con tains nine articles, neary every one of which discusses soma topic or problem at the present moment prominent in the public mind. Senator J oh a T Morgan writes af 'Mexico." The Rev William Kirkus, writes a vigorous article upon tbe papal system. o "Emerson and Carlyle," Edwin P Whip ple discourses with all his eld-time keenness upon tbe strangely diverse mental and moral characteristic of those two great thinkers. 'rof Felix Adler offers "A Secular View of Moral Train i oir " ' ' unuuiiisin iu Ameri- " by Prut .Uxau.icr Wiuuhsll is good. The other articles are "Affinities ef Uudh disut snd Christianity," by the Rev Dr James Freeman Clarke : "Woman aa aa nventor," by Matilda Joslyn Cage ; "Col lege Endowments," by Rossiter Johnson and 'Extradition," by A G Sedgwick. Publish ed at 30 Lafayette Place, New York, aad tor sale by booksellers generally. White young men, immediately after settling Jown in life should, if tbey are of a Deasescle turn of mind at all, je some good solid sense and Crew n their happiness by making their HeasebelU complete,' which can be doue by bringing to their New Heme on j of those A 1 sewing Machine for sale at L. K. Blain's. Han County Council Linn County Council meets at Harris burg Grange Hall to morrow. An earnest request is extended to all true patrons to bo present. 8001 AL AND PERSONAL. Fred Lines left for Wasco county hut Ti I i ueeuay. Hoa J H Smith, of Harrisburg has been in the city this week. Wm Parker, of Yaquina Bay, was iu the city tbe first ef tbe week. Mrs J C Hamilton and daughter Mattie, left for Portland Wednesday. Rsv E It Oeary, of Eugene, wan in the city tbe first of the weak. Johu Keasee and Frank Mattooo. of Cor vallis, wore ia the city Saturday.. E E Hammock, of I.aag Station made us a very pleasant call last Wsduesdsy. Mr r rod Kis ret imed last week from a trip to Seattle and tbe Sound country. Henry Aoh.a popular young lawyer of Portland, was ia the city last Saturday. H J Clark and family moved to Portland last Wednesday, where they intend resid ing. Chinaman Charley was ia the city last Fridsy snd Satanlsy. Hs says, ' hang the railroad.'' Prof ! T Stanley, President of Monmouth College, was in the city last Tuesdsy ou hi way to Eugene. W S Peters left Isst Tuesday for a several days trip to the Sound, and will visit Seattle. Tsooms, Olyinpia and other places. Ei. Ziyss and W. Barr left Isst w.-ek for the mountains, and were seen going through Sweat Home in a preserve I ooadition. Judge Flinu left for Prineville yesterday. having aa important ease ia the courts of Crook oounty, which meets nest week. Mr and Mrs Turrell, of Hau Francisco, father and mother of Walter and O serge Tnrrel), have been visiting them in this eity. Mrs 0 us Eag lander sad eh i hires left for California last Wednesday. Cus will remain in lane County awhile selling tbe It lokford tire tightener. Mr Paul flarniou, a son of ei-aigbtwatcb Harmon, and a nephew of Mr Aha Hackle man. is iu the eity. Ne has not been here for bout fifteen years. Both Rev aad Mrs Miller are lyiag quite ill at the residence of Ceo Pattersoa in this city, the former with consumption and tbe Utter with pneumonia. E. L. Bristow, aftesjar of the St tadurd, was ia the city last Friday ia the interest of thst paper. Mr. A. E. Parker has charge of carrying ef the paper io this city . Dr E . Johnson and wife leave for Seattle. W T, ia a few days. They will be accom panied by Mrs Johnson's asetber. Mrs L J Powell, who has been viaittng with them for a few weeks. Jas Oilmoar returned to Lane oounty hut Wednesday. He has bad good success so far selling the Hock ford tire Ugh tenor, aad think, there wdl be s good sale for it sll through the county. ratal ArrMeai I -est Saturday moraiag while Jas. Miller, a brother of Mrs. J. McConee!!, of this city, was harrowing on a farm two miles aad a half east of this eity, be met with aa a o. dent which has pro van much mere serious than was at irst anticipated, ia fact, fatal. Tbe bariow became claggad op, and tamed up on one aide, when he tried to place it in peeitiao. The norass started up aad the harrow fell, ooe tooth striking in tbs calf ef bis right leg, cqttiug a fearful gash and rip piog it ia a bad manner. Two good ear genua ware immediately oalled and dressed the wound, bat afterwards it began to mortify aad it was feared that it woolJ be necessary to amputate it. Tuesday Bight wkea the Uvctoes visited Mr. Millar, they found the mor tification increasing. The tooth of the bar rww was a runy one, ana it lied neea im si Me to get the poien frsmtht system on account of the length of time ia which the tooth hsd been ia the man's lag before it came our, and Wednesday morning tbe Doctors aeut te Mr. Miller s plane for the purpose of amputating the leg. if ho could stand it ; but they found him dead. Keeriv the whale of tbe lag having turned greu, mortifying ia a tern ale manner, Mr. Miller was a young man about thirty. and leavee a wife and child. Meeting as aeewes wl eerier Friday afternoon, April Lmli. Present --Director's Htrahan. Moo tenth. Montauye and Clerk J H Bttrk hart The fo.iow'ing bills were ordered paid II D itobb. I moe. salary, 9120 ; Visa Kane, m ; Emily Turrell, 9&o , Nettie Sparks, 97) ; Revs Alexander, 97) Minnie Allison, 950 ; E A Parker, as jaultor, 1 no $22. It was moved and carried that the Janitors services be dispensed with nt the above price. A motion was made and carried that a meeting of the voters of School Dis trict No, 6 be called for Tuesday even log, May 9, at 7 30 o'clock te take into consideration the purcba.iug of prop- erty on which to build a school house. ana U.1 0 mmUH " M.r Ih. question or negotiating a loan. The otioeoftbo meeting to be given by publication in tbeeity paper. Sebeel Meeting. By reference to another column It will be seen that a school meeting has been called to meet at tbe Court House on Tues dsy evening, May 8, at 7:30 r. u , for the purpose of selecting a she for s new school bouse, and to authorize the directors to 'rjgyfr f b0Ua' Sk ka llaee.aA M ftl. Jl.a eeacaXmaal Ul IUC UiBW sJb Ifjfltliui, Alio uuttiiwa wnio authorixed at tbe meeting hold March 12 o borrow 910,000 and give tbe note of the district, but we understand that some o the directors are of the opinion that the meeting was not legally called, hence they have concluded to submit that matter to a vote of tbe people. It Is said that an effort ia on foot to defeat tbe whole movement. We do aot know how true this hi, but wo appeal to tbe friends of our public schools to come out in full force next Tueaday ev ening and settle the question at once. 1 large majority of the people are in favor of a school house, and their will should not be thwarted and set asidefon a trivial tech nlcallty. Let every voter In the district be on hand. "What is bred In tbe bone, will never out of the flesh." But rheumatism, piles, maiaria, csjistipation and all other con fluents from derangements of tbe func tions of tbe liver, kidneys and bowels will "out of the flesh" without fal after the the.-oiigh use of Kldnty-Wort, the cure for all diseases, fennel at last T ot Charley Host, but Charles Knott's elegant meat-market where tbo choic est meats the country affords are al ways to be' found. Give him a call. Highest cash price paid for fat stock. Ladles : Allen A Martin have just received from New York a large stock of laces. Call and see them and enquire prices. JL--1. aldssWf Ce)Ltr.! tTE IWTiriTn deed Frevprrfs far s lsr r.adowmcat, At tbe last meeting of the Presbytery of the Presbyterian church of the stats of Ore gon a committee was appointed ou the Al bany College Institute. Before the adjourn ment of tbe Presbytery it made a report, showing tbe present condition of the lusti tutejsud the necessity of immediate notion ia order to insure its perpetuation, snd mads oertsiu recemmendstious whins It is UO necessary for ns to give at the present time A committee consisting of E H Oeary, E N Cosdit ami John Honneyman was appointed to rsise aa endowment, if such a thing were tossihle. They immediately weat to work, aad so far have met with the most flattering sueosss. W S I .ad I and 11 W orliitt, of Portland each subscribed 9000, ou the con dition that $5 000 be raised in Linn oounty and 930,000 from any source, within three years, nevertheless interest at s ier cent to lie paid oa the said sums during ths three years. A thousand dollars from ether sooroee was also raised la Portland, and iu this county 9iT5 was raise! with little trouble, upou nearly the same uouditioas as that of Messrs Ladd and Corbilt, the parties sub- uniting only psying ths interest for three years from Jnly 1st of this year. After that time if the additional 930.00J is raised the amounts subscribed will lie paid and the fund will become a permanent endowment und This will place tbe Cdle ;e on a firm foaudatioo, and for three years at least wo are certain of its coutiusatiou. (In next Tuesday the President of the College, N Condit. will .'art for ths Eist for the pur se of raining the f3ot). and tbis pro-- easts for accHnplishieg it, are very encour aging. This work is beiug doue also under the condition that pledges for at least seventy- fivs Scholars be given. There can be little doubt that they will be obtained ami it cer tainly is to be hoped that friends of the in stitution will be prompt iu rendering assis tance ia this direction as well sa increasing the subscription io this cnty to st least f 1 0.000. The suooeas so far iu this effort to task the Institute a permanent one is a matter of great concern to all of us. We need a first slaas Col legs ia Albany, aad all this one lacks Is money. Prof wondit baa all the capacity for snaking it one of the beat in the Northwest ami an honor to I. Inn con nty aa well as the State Should the wboie endow ment be raised great improvements will be sde, making the College complete and taerengk Four teachers for the fall lime will be employed, ami only teachers of years of experience. S penal atteettoe will be gtvea to tbe work in the prefieratary depart- meat, making it a high grade of training for the higher departments. Besides other im orrmenU, first-class apparatus will be pare based, giving students advantages ia gnaltfj y, botany, physic. cSenuslry, etc. . which it is iiuposeible for them to oldata without them. Every encouragement should l cantinued to be offered , taodiua to i.l - 'h Cdleje i a sure foundation. It n l r tbe interest of sll. The institution .a a t a micun ie. Its directors behus, i.. un particular church. It is oejy uud-r the rharge of this church for the eake af giving it a relig iose laflaawos. May the coHece prosper. " -a-eaatira' S'ereasear Yesterday afternoon, at the- funeral f Prof. Warthingfon, lit pupil of lb public school formed in p rase anl ran, with a badge of crape ou the right arm. and bearing hi the hand a lotiii-1 of; flowers. They marched lnrrgoiaror dnrto ih cemetery ami filed around tbegrave aad deeited ths riwre therein. We were Informed that thete floral tributes core red ths casket for a depth of tw.t feat, ao that literally speaking the merUl remain of Prof W L Worthing te rest Im a bed of flowers. Th" 7Viae Moutn,rrr. A sad lxk ing woman with a big lunged eblld In Iter arms, a few days since enter ed toe grocery store of U. M. Htrong. where the following conversation took place : " iot anything to eat?" "Yee ma'am, eveiy thing ; what would you like V "Ob, have you any canned tomatoes?" Tbe accommodating grw ery man climb ed to the top shelf, and brought down n "I thlok I won't take tho tomatoes, put me up las eenU worth of gum drops." Tableau. A startling SNseevery PhyeJelans are often sU riled by remark able discoveries. The fact that ir. King Hew IMaeevery for Consumption and all Throat and Luagdlneaaes la dally curing patients that tbey nave given up to die, la ntartlrng them te realise their eno ef du ty, and examine into the meriU of thin wenuerrui atecoeerv ; rceuiunir in mm jf ZJ$3SSZiJt&3JS a Mason 'a Drug Store. Regular l.e 91 uo. turn. New goods just received at Allen A Mar tins, Albaay, Or. Their store is jammed full ef new goods of all discriptions, also jammed fall of sew customers. There ia no use ol talking good goods aad low prices will wia Yea have got to give the people credit for haviag good common sense. They will buy roods where thev cau buv the itwst soods for UVn money, that is tbe reaaea Allsn A J Martin's trade is increasing so fast. Allen A Martin pay tbe highest price for produce of all kinds. . Ceaamaslsa service. . . .1 I The Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be sdmiuisUred iu the 1st Presbyterian Church ou Sabbath murtiiu, May, in connection with tho preaching service at eleven o'clock. The usual Preparatory Lecture ou Saturday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. tieeel Bargains la MlUlaery, ate. Three or four hundred cheap hats at Miss Mattie Allison's tastily trimmed. Also ladies' underwear and infanta ward robes, and corsets and ruchiogs, splendid stock. Call on her for good bargains. - Meets and Stone. At Allen A Martin's is the plsOJ t find boots anl shoes in any quality you wish, and at any price. Good goods in thin line will be sold cheaper than at any mere in the valley and no old stock to work off. Happy Families. From time Immemorial fins have been USVU mn m u v. tuivu. ...... .wu. nuu uu. n . . .lulltlAli. 1a at t IT. I'.vk.l ttM.l IIAlIT in tbe form of a concentrated Syrup of Figs they are destined to piay au impor tant part in the problem of human health and bappinees, by presenting to the thou sand wne suffer from trie ills arising from habitual constipation a remedy aa pleasant to tbe taste as it is effective. Trial size free, and Urge bottles for sals by t osnav Mason. war Art BJttwr Tabes a Trip. The editor, living aa he does among let ters, artistic and plain, with forms of differ. ent descriptions about him, should have a good eye for tbe beautiful and arnmetrl oal In sculpture and art. We, at leant have a small faculty la this direct ten What we have a few days sg we took oc oasloa to display on a trip to the two ceui oteriee. One Is struck on entering the city cemetery at the difference Iu workman ship, both in design, and median iu work and lettering. A monument and curbing Just erected by Stalger Bros., over aud around tbe graves of the late children of Mr. HnUinplUer at ones strike one ss be mg uncommonly well constructed. '1 be tno'iument In s cottage one, of molted blue marble, perhaps the II neat de-lgn In the cemetery, while the lettering ou it Is neat, regular and well "Justlned." The curbing is even ans will bear the level and Una- On the two facing pillars in English serif are tbe letter II." We doubt if there Is aa well an executed place of work in either cemetery. While we are not disposed u criticise, we could not help comparing ibis excellent piece of work of ntalge. Bros., aa well as their work generally iu b'rtb cem eteries, with seme whUih we uoti-.i. For lusUnee, we noticed a en with three kinds of type, on one stone, line- of poe ry beginning with small letters, a I moot no pom -inaiioii, niKj wnat there wea wrong Thin is a kind of work that stands and one can afford to pay extra, even, for iba sake of getting It well done. Nothing provokes one much more than to see atone, monu ments and curbing put together as If dis turbed by obaoe, yet thorn are toobnany in notu i ity and Mason I cemeteries this way. Work epeeka for itself, and It is for t h la reaaou Htalger Bros, are glad to have theirs compared with sny. That tba ver dict Is io their favor ,csn 1 secertalned from the amount of work they are eending out. Several large nnd bs'iuiful menu menu are being made for parties In Lane county, end others are being sent sll over this oounty. If you would like to see some excellent workmanship, call at the ibope of Htalger Bros , on tbe corner of Ferry and Second street, or g i, the nam vU ry and Judge for yourself. We are no Wiggius, nor a prophet of any kind, but we predict that within a few years there will be more of the precious metals taken from Oregon than any other 81 ate in the Colon. The iadicaUon are eiroug that ths noil In parts which have never been eniued is full of gold. In South ern Oregon is a mine in which gold Is found ia immense quantities, but unfortu nately it la mixed with Sniphsret, and scientist havo never yet been able to sepa rate the two, so the mine lies Idle. Along the 1'arlfic the sen I is full of g!d. and It only need the aid of a gold separator to work wonder. In the vicinity of Baker C'ly aad that part of the Bute the precious uteul is being found in good (uantltiea, and In other part of ths Himlm It still lies imbedded io the soil. What i needed in tbe Ml axe ia to have It carried on on a larger scale. Trainer. aammary of MeUorology fr A put IsV, from obstrvtiu taken at Albany, Lion Cos Oregon, by Jubu Knggs.Ex. If ig teat lUr. 30. 12 ; tuwoal. .J..H ; gnji llinaet 1 emperatiire. 74 ; Iwweal, 3a ; mean , 4 S. 9-1. Prevailing wiud, H. Matunnm velocity I ,i .-, 4. Trial raiafall daring inuth. r, J iajWce. Number of days ou which .01 mch yr more rain fell. Pi Number of days of cloudmees, average S in scale of 10. IS. Fr st ou the mornings uf ti. 13, 99, 2C cw naae A band has lately been wrganixd in this eity, which gives promise ef furn ishing our citizens some excellent music during the year. Most of the members are experienced niul.-ian. having be longed la the Mecluuic , end ether heads. The pre at meinberliip i se follows J W Wills, oio B Flaf, leader. Wm Henderson, KFIat. Wm Miller, let alto Wm Fortmiller, 1st tenor K W Langdoti, barateue. Frank Wood, baas. Tain Callahan, bass drum. Tarn MostHth, snare drum. i - - eee - i CaaaMeraaae gffaa Tiie first of the wek, enr popular dc I very-man, Virgil parker. put in an appearance with a new delivery wagon which Is really flae. It ruga so smooth. y that Its owner forgete eutirely about the nights he has to w ilk the floor with that uew boy. Mr F roil Willert wis the maker of the wagon aad It ia a jab of which he may feel proud. It may be expected now to eee meat delivered be fore it is ordered ami groceries seut nt III come to hand at nine, an hour before haml. Mreaeaeael Alaaeat. a) esae mbs As manufacturers we have token great pains to supply an article iu every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar goods either foreign or doaitk-, and would respectfully aak an examination uf tbe various styles and shades to be found on sale by merchants wbo are agenu lor the good. All goods ef our manufacture should Imr the name and trade mark of liro.ulh.iut Yor. d MVUt Jamestown, N. Y. Tbe Broadheed alpacasand drees fabrics are justly celebrated as being positively the beat dress goods in the market for tbe price. 8am uel K Young ha jtit received direct from the f tctory a full Hue of these goods, bought at jobbers prices fur cash, no middle men. Call aud see our assort meat of surahs, mohairs aud bunting. SanugL E. Younu. Clashing. 0 blew spring goods in men's and boys' clothing at Allen A Martin's. Their stock is very complete aud they make every man happy where price and quality is concerned. Htl'ttLKV ASM' A aALvK. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruis ea, sores, ulcers, salt rneum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains,' corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar anteed to give perfect stisfaction in every oase or money refunded. Price 35c per box. Per sale by Fosbay and Mason, SLEKPLFSS NIGHTS, mtde miser able by that tentble cough. Mbilob's Core hi the remedy for you. A NASAL ISJKCTOBfree with each bottle of Shiltfh'e Catarrh Remedy. Prlc 50 cents. 'er rep eadearr Portland, May 1st, 1933. Wind np your business in Albany this month, until than sail goods regard less of cost. Voors truly, J. II. Dawsn, Assignee. Referring to the shove I would ssy thst this is ths last chann for bargains, until the snd of this month I will slaughter prices on my entire stock, cash buyers come to tbe front and braes up. N'.Jsn's O ie Price Cash new J II Daniel 'iai p.n I a music store t Latigdon 'adrug itor.- aud will sell tbe MathuMh'di piano, probabty the best con t ructed in I he market, and the- sjhonlngrr Cymb:ia organ, one of the best organs, and gelling them direct from manufacturers will eH thim a bottom rate. Thorn dedriur first alas, reliable instrument Will do well tocallanJ ee Mr Daniel before purchas ing. ewi tea rave. Wh wantwtsok lan i, grain farm aud all kinds of laud to moII to em migrant that are constantly arriving here in search ol home. We have mads arrariiremeuU in Portland and Nan Franci w by which nl person that want to buy land in the part of Oregon will Im mtit to u. If yon desire your land sold toosj and on good terms call on or semi X t blank ooutracu for de scriptions. Hi kk hart Bros., Heal KUteand l-oao Ages. Is. Albany Or Trass anal saved Hard worker a. autdet to bilious attacks which may end In dangeronr iltneaa. Parker' foola kjp the kidney and liver ami v 4, a ! by pre venting tt attack Msves aiokna, llmi an l espsom Detroit Pi WeslV " Atk for Wlls' "Itougho i Corns ' ltc, Quu-k, complete, permanent cure. Corn, warts, buuinus. avetln ef Shan. Nervous weakueea, dyspepsia. Impo tence. esual debility, oured by "Well' Health Rene war.' 91. I lie. aad gegs. Flies, reaches, ants, bed-bug, rats mice, gopher, chipmunka, cleared out by "Hough en Kate.' i BANK CERTIFICATE, ThKistisr oxraen-MKVT. Office af Comptroller of the Cuiisniioy, Waal fo roK, April loth, ltttt. , W nana as, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been mads to appear that "the First National Bank of Albany" In.ths City of Albany in tbe County of Linn aud Bute of Oregon has complied with all tbe provisions of lb Revised Butuo of the United haUa, required to lie compiled with befon aewjciaiion shall be authorised to taeuce the buioee of Banking : Now, therefore, I. John Jsy Knox, Comp troller of lUe v urreiH-v. Uo bereby certiiy tnat "The First Naito. al Bank" ef Alhaav in ths City of Aloany, in the County of Llnu and StaU of Oregon, ia authorized to commence tbe buaUMMt of II inking a provided ln Section fifty one hundred and slaty nine of th" IUvied ajututos of ths Cuiled State. In Ueatimouy wbref w tinea my hand ami seal of oflW, tnU icih day cf Afril. ianv j Sea! of the Com p ' trotter ol the ( Curreu;y. j John JatKkoi, Comptroller of Carrency. Dramatic Entertainment. The Drama "BREAD ON THE WATERS' Wit be given st V. ti C A. Hall iu Al bany, by a first -class company ef Auiauura on I riday. Maty 11. Itfrfldt, st 8 o'clock r. m. Muic by a first class Oicbeaia. Aslusiealea, 3 rents, Reserved seals same tore of I.. K. Blain'a. pri-e, far sale at LOST. Between Shodd's aad the Andersen xenon! boue. twelve or fifteen miles north east of Sbedd's. a until red calfskin pock 1 ei-book. containing currency and valoabn ; papers, also two photograph, papers ol im value except to the owner. Any one returning: It to tbe I pot at hhedd'i will be liberally rewaided. ! IS A SURE CURE tor all disease of the ...aoeye and IwlVtesK It ace epecttto nation oa ttus a Oawsa, eeaetukX tt V thmnr ear torpldM aset liaailbiu awawASwag tbo aaa2Ur i ii Hon oT lbs SQe, and by kaepan; ta ?crsa la fee aeadltkO. Tflft "T la it- julae i i I l. Tir BfranlPrl ia noa IVlCllCiriUa sMiarbaveOssebUia, seeatneas.aTaprpneoeesa' d.aUdaejr Weet win sure r raUcvo aud .-t-ay cars. eXo Uj Spring u claanae tu Crttec. cary should mka a Coreasb caase of tt. n- eOLPnVbntroClnTA. PrtoeOI. PARKKR.-On Friday, April 27, lb83 to the wife of Virgil Parker a bv. G ARRET BA LT 1 MORE Ou Sunday, April 'J9th, st the residence of Mr James Garret, near Shed. I, by A. Wheeler, J. P. Mr Comsok G.4KRCT aad Miss Anna Baltimore all ef this county. The Di: Mix -rat extends its beartient con gratulations to the happy cvaiple, wbo start out iu life with good prospects sod s bright L future before them. May their fund est hope be realized. KlMMflXs CAREY. On Asril 13. 1883. near Shedds, by Rev Robt Robe, klK K J Simmons and Miss CoaNBUa A CaREY sil of Lion county. Mr Simmons has been wanting for some time to carey off some young lady, aad w are glad te hear that he found one who likes (per) aimmens. He baa the beet wishes of a boat of friends in Shedds wbo wish him joy untold. Dint. Mi COR MICK. Near Shedds, oa Sunday. Aoril 20. 1883. Wm McCormick. sued 01 years. Mr. MeCormick came to Linn cosaty ia 18o3, aud bad lived on the saase farm ap to the time of his death, although it bad bean enlarged daring the period. He was one of our best farmers, and ia spoken of ss a pare, noble hearted man. He was a member of ths U P Church, his funeral sermon being preached on Tuesday, by Rev S G Irvine, pastor of tbe U P Church ef this eity. Mr MeCormick leaves a wife and sevsral chil dren, three of whom are married. sags Ti4t.esr. Tee Merer rer slaas la last Taesdsy on tbe Mantis m. nine mile east of here, occurred one of the bieodieet tragedies yst chronicled in Linn county. Forty-eight sheep belonging to fr N Br id we were attacked by two boned from Knox BntU, aad ent of the number forty-fanr were either killed or woeaded, thirty act oal ly meeting death si the teeth ef th ealtes hounds. Net ssttahed with spring their tet. the misers! Ie ears drove the V mi into a or ask en Mr Bridges tars, where, a oak In m th loes of bloo I, many of them were alo drowned. It was a enld blooded flair, and very justly raised tbe ire of Mr Bridges ami bis neighbors. A vigilant committee, if yen wish to call it that, was immediately called. Tbe bee baa ads were found, rest ing from their over-hardened Wad of mettoe, ropes sere attached te their necks and they were bang to the easiest bash until tby were dead, meeting a very deserve! death. Paniahsseot for a dag that will kill sherp sent he too summary, it makes differ ence wbtbr they are Weeded, trick dog, or oot Sheep are too valuable te be slaogli Ured by a set ef miserable ears. 0D1 PUZZLER Seewers Ie toe Weeave Ps Knigma Dull time Diamond C CAB C A B I N BIN X Answer to last weeks pszde w re ceived fruea Howard Braasnatl. L M k t Sweet Aftoe, Jess is Berry boUM. Te Ne 2 alone frees Oeada. Diamond ConeonanL a tart of a hog form of an mbireea to a lady, a pi-i with which gasaes are plael a Hear glwss Cempseed ef fee, three, ous, three, flee, letter A fruit, some thing te drink from, a nonsou sat, eee thing cold, an exclamation Toe ver tical being a blow. Wheat fWe jer beaJ, aa tbe mills, at to j wsran joaea, fr3 . Oat of " Baes on U a . 6 to Se Hay-baled, 232S par law. loose, 18 to . Butler-2 to SO ota per lb. Eggs -22 casus per doe." Potatoes t&c per bushel Pork -7 cU per lb. Veal neper lb. Dried Fruit-win dried apples, r " plum, te. toe cured apples, Sc. - plums, la. 14 te 16c 10 u lie. H to lie Iard 16c per lb. Flour 5w50 per bbl. Chicks as 3.60 per doa. Sugar-Ban Franco? C, 13c. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 par tou. Tbe lo.iovinf W the net of tetter rraeal j.a m tbe Kn osJre, Albany. La an Onuaty. r con. Kay X, MSB. Parana tall las tar the loners mm give tbe sate oa antcO tnarv w r Ereia Maw pan?, a. J. (Un J. M. IBVIRG.P. M. A HOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, Sodaville Springs Mineral Water. The uiKkncianed iskea pleasure in calling the sttsawlnn of the publbt ta lids most valuaoae mineral water ana ine mo-i attrnetivn and SUMMER RESORT on the Paefk? Coast. The curative prop ertie of this veJunba agent are veucti-d tor by hundreds of the ha eJustos of tbs .Stste ei urefou. Following are th" couetitn-nta of this water aa aecenamed by aa aasdyaas by the canes to Cnesntstrv efthe wtau Aerimliural College stCorvallis: (arbenlcacid.iflird.--sced, phoep baric acid, msewewum. ch rine. iron, soda and pssaasalum. An sn alyasa by aa eminent cbeentoH of B.atuii tae press ooe or lonme, nmuou On and after the 10th af May A DAILY STAGE LINE will be ran from the City of Albaay, vta Lebanen to Sodaville where thane vain able Mineral Spriags are hnated. RE1LTH AID PLEiSUH SEEKERS will And tbis resort tbe most desire Me pie on tbe Pacific f knsat to pend tbe warm summer momn. TIME T-eVBIaE. The stage will leave Albany at 1 o'clock p.m., arme at Lebanon at 4:30 snd st Sodaville at 6:30 r. at., returning will leave Sodaville at 6 o'clock s. m., 1 ban- on at 7 o'clock a. at., and arrive at Albany at 10 a. n. 8. H. CLAUGHTON PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. lRi ,. Premium income - ... 2 6v7,l? Safe, reliable and quivk te pay in ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albaay, Oregon. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, 08. SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS MISS FLORA MCCALLEY, Will open a store on April 21st AT LEBANON, Wth a select line of lad lea1 and children's lfurniahlng GOODS AND NOTIONS. This will te the place to get be rgdna in this line,