The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 30, 1883, Image 3

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    Official Gounty Paper,
Kn tared aft the Post Office at Albany!
Dd-claas mall matter.
FRIDAY , MARCH 30, 1883.
t:titers aad lroprlrlr.
IKK r. MTVIVI., Lssral E Itlnr.
Albany Station.
IIKlVittTI CK Off Ttl.
6:90 A. M
MA. M.
11:46 A. M
1S.05 I'. M
Arrive at
aocas surra
KXI'RKSS Arrivest
11:45 A. M
r.. r M.
3:! P. M.
S;M P. M.
All Trains dally, except Sanday.
Notice. On and after this date regular
ticket will be sold at our ticket office for
following point on Columbia river: Upper
(decades, Dalles, Umatilla. Wallula,
Walla Walla and Ainaworth.
Will. B. Rica,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O. A I ' . K. V . Co.
Albany. June 18th. 138'.
i it aksts.
Folio wing are the Dociiats .Inly au
thorised agents to receive subscriptions or
money for the satne :
Harriaboiy Sam Mtv
Shedd's. .
O. K Cosbaw
. T. I Porter
. F. A. Watte
W. K. Kally
lte Meeting.
Saturday night our citizens met at the
Court House for the purpose of selecting
a site for the new school house, Several c
proposals which bad been presented to
the directors were read. After motions to
take time and call meeting eight or ten,
days hence and in the mean time corres
pond with Villard in reference to certain
railroad property which U was thought
he would give to the city, and that the
matter be left to the directors, had been
pat and lost, the whole matter was, on
motion laid on the table for the present
and the meeting adjourned.
Fo'.lowing is a list of the propositions
made, with tbs total amount fur each
block. In some of the cases tbe buildings
can be sold , reducing the prices consider,
Patterson Dlock $3800
Barnes Block 5300
Freeland Block .. 6500
School House Block - - 4800
MonUlth Block, or will exchange fur
present school house lota 2000
Allison Block- 2500
Uclaendorfer Block 4000
Among other things, the Queeu of tbe
Pacific which arrived in Portland Fri
day, brought 23 cases of honey. 243 sacks
f beans, 22 cases of cheese, 4 boxes of
butter, 7 case of lard, 2 barrels and 4
casks of hams, 2 barrels of meal, MM
sacks of ground barley. 4a The are
s'l thing waich should be raised in Ore-
S" ujr uui laiuieia, auu ufu a state
the size of this aends its money away for
such thing, it is a good sign that some
thing is the matter. Just so !ou as we
are unable to raise our own beaus, but
ter, cheese, Jte . we most expect te hear
growls and see mortgages on our farms
This accounts for the place a good deal
of money goes. Instead cf receiving
we ought to be shipping these things.
Thin cannot bee msidered too earnestly
by tbe formers of Linn County and Ore
gon iu general
Blaw: Ktttbee llab
Following is the program lor the meet
ing of the Blue Ribbon Club to be held
this evening :
1. Prayer.
Reading of minutes.
3. Recitation Bather Marahsll.
4. Flute solo Dr Price.
5. Reading Miss J Wilson.
6. Address Rev J W Harris.
7. Vccal duet- Misses A Taylor and I
8. Miscellaneous business.
u. Recitation Miss Mary Irvine.
10. Vocal trio-Mies, J Wilson,
Robertson and Mr Chariton.
11. Reading Miss A Taylor.
Thejr Raa the tiaaetlet.
A conpie of Kaighta while attending the
institation of the new lodge at Kogene went
to see the aights in that beautiful city. They
came to a building, on which was a large
card, "none bat firemen admitted." As one
at least was a fireman, they unceremonious
ly walked in. and lo, and behold, Engenea
new hand engine was before them, in all it
uniiedgfcd betuty. Tnoy sto id ap die I ftr
a momeat j.nd then started for the door,
where they were confronted by a long, lank
youth who pointed in ghostly style to the card
One of them muttered aometiiiu-r about.
their not being so mihty afraid of their fire
engines in Albany and they passed on. It
is thought that they are afraid some one
will carry the engine ofF under his coat, and
so arc keeping guard of it.
Mlaa Lave
Misa Luse, although having read iu A1-.
bany several times, was greeted again
Friday night by a good house, showing
the high appreciation In which she is held
here. Her selections were mostly numer
ous, which we think take best here. Dif
ferent people have diflerent opinions. The
ptrte which suited us best were the
'-Brakesman at Church," tbe "Naughty
Little Girl," and "Rubenstein." The
latter particularly seemed to be well ren
dered. It is full of expression, and as in
terpreted by Miss Luse was quite inter
esting. We are giad to bear that she will
be here again in a week or mo.
lira;! stated.
Among the list of ten graduate of the
Medical department of Willamette Uai
varsity, which held its exerciser in Port
land last Sunday aud Monday, is the
name of E L Irvine, of tbis city. "Lige"
has been a faithful, hardworking student,
and we understan 1, graduate with honor
in fact, st&udiag highest in the class.
He has given evidence of a peculiar fit -ness
for the medical field, and there can
be no deubt of his success-, wherever ho
locates. May it be large.
Cant of Thank.
The undersigned desire ty return
their sincere thanks to those friends
who gave us suoh kind assistance dur
ing the long illness of our little Kate.
Ma and Mrs prank Puiidom.
Nolan's Cash Store.
F M French, jesreler,
Blue Ribbon Club this evening.
General Sherman is to visit Orsgou.
Spring goods are arriving in large quau
For house cleaning uto Oregon Washing
Tobacco, tobacco, big bargains at Nolan's
C wh Store.
Mr Krve Henderson ia thought to be itn
proving slowly.
Misa l.eavitt, the fashionable dress-maker,
Her work is warranted.
Peaches are said to be entirely killed in
the Hood Rivor country.
Go te Miss Lsavttt t for the beat aud
eheapest millinery in Albany. Johnson furnishes hia nstrtns
medicine without extra expense.
If you want a copy ef "Treasury of Song"
address K Carter, Agent, Albany.
A splendid liae of hats, latest style and
best qualities, just received at L K Ulain'a.
Br. G. Willis Prion, dentist, office in Odd
Fellow's Temple, over 1 sngdon'a Drugstore.
Otto Salinger keeps a full a took of cigars,
tobacco, oaadlas, and notious. Call and ace
Ladies ! those Hal brook shoes have ar
rive I. Call and get a pair at Samuel K
Travel on the 0 A C K R has increased 30
per cent over last year, and is quite lively at
this time.
Any person having mowers that need
sharpening can have them ground aystemat
tically by John Briggs.
Wc are sorry to hear of the illness of our
friend Nat lied path, at Lebanon. W'e un
derstand he ia improving.
Look out for early vegetables at Hoffman
A Joseph's, Already asparegas and other
things have put in an appearance.
There will be a public examination of
teachers at the Superintendents office in ah is
city on Friday and Saturday of next week.
The iron work far the new bank building
at Poaeborg manufactured by Cherry k
Parka, was sent to that place last Wednes
day. Steamers sail from Portland now every
three days, the immense immigration to the
North West necessitating an additional
Postmaster-genera). Howe U dead, hot it
is pleasant to know that our mail will come
with the cams reju - and irregu -larity aa
in the past.
Ladies will do well to call on Mm K.
Schubert and examine her elegant stock
of millinery. Everything exquisite can be
found there.
John Ennia was arrested the tint of tbe
week for being drank and disorderly, and
was fined $5 and costs, which he paid and
left the city.
A Portland paper says that of all peats
the newspaper borrower is the worse. He
ia generally a man of money who sponges off
hia poor neighbor.
Dry goods, clothing, ladies and men's furn
ishing goods, boots and shoe, hats, fancy
goods, etc., cheaper at Nolan's Cash Store
than any bouse in town.
Postmaster John Irving was confined to
hi home the first of tbe week. Miss Addis
Putiuaa has filled the position of Assistant
Deputy with satisfaction.
Bottled beer for family use can be bad at
the Star Brewery. It is well made and wil
be sold at a moderate price. Call on Mr
Fabcr if you want anything in the line.
Oae -of oar leading farmers living near
Peoria ia this c maty took some mutton
sheep to Portland a few days since for which
he received the neat sum of 96 per bead.
The skating rink is open fer ladies Sat or
dav afternoon. This is just tbe time to
er w
learn to akato as they can have everything
to themselves and there is no confusion.
The sppsrtionment of county money for
the schools has been made and school clerks
can get their money by calling en the Conn
ty Treasurer at the Court House.
A number of Independence men have en
tered into aa agreement not te lay around
the saloons and gamble. It means money in
their pockets, s clear conscience sad better
The largest assortment of gents shoot in
the city at L E Status. They were bought
of the best eastern manufactories, for cash.
and for stvle and oualitv they cannot be
ev at or w
An interesting easter service was held at
the Episcopal church Sunday evening. Tbe
church was handsomely decorated aad at the
close of the service the children made their
floral offerings.
Farmers and others desiring a genteel,
lucrative agency business, by which $5 to
$20 a day can be earned, send address st
once, on postal, H. t". Wilkinson 4 Co., 107
Fulton street, New York.
Last Saturday the Daily Ntten appeared
in double form, with sixteen pages of read
ing matter. Tbis displayed aa enterprise
deserving of commendation and speaks fr
tbe success the paper is meeting with.
Hamilton Byd once Mayor of Portland
died in that city last Saturday. He was a
complete wreck at the time of his death,
having given up all for strong drink. His
many good deeds should be remembered.
F M Wads worth has been appointed
agent at tho Siletz Reservation. It ia said
that it was through the assistance of Hon M
C George. The appointment is spoken of as
a good one, and it seems to give general satis
The man who said the "rail old English
it .. a a a
gentleman was a connector ana was evi
dently on the wrong track IfoMon Courier.
The man who said it ought to be switched.
Polarin. Or checked for Por'slaud.
The prevailing sentiment of the voters of
school district No 5 is that our directors
should call a meet ing at an early day aud
let them decide by vote where they will
have a school house built.
Easter Sunday was a rainy, drizzling day,
but flowers filled tilled our churches with
sunshine, and plenty of eggs oor
stomaches. The remembrances and the
practices of the day are pleasant one's and
deserve being served.
One of the Portland papers is going to
send all the immigrants into the Willamette
Valley if certain of the Up-Columbia paper
do not shut up on the small pox business,
and will stow away 100,000 here. This is
good new a.
The report that there had been an out
break among tbe Umatilla Indians and that
they were on the war path proved untrue.
It is claimed that the report was started in
older to affect immigration to that part of
tbe Northwest.
The school teachers institute for this die
drict convenes in Independence this week
and we understand is being an interesting
one. Yesterday several of our teachers left
for the scene of the intellectual feasts on the
steamer "Isabel," and will return to-day.
Hon Jas F Watson, U. S. District Attor
ney, of Portland, was married last Friday to
Mrs Virginia Kinney, of Salem. After the
marriage ceremony they left on the steamer
'Oregon" for California. The happy couple
have the Democrat's best congratulations,
From the Yaqnina Pod we learn that Mr
Stratford arrived at the Bay all right, aad
says that that place it the center of the
earth. That District No. 03 is to build a
school house 16x24. That a new addition
called "Pigaville" it to be made to Newport,
Mrs ED Sloan has thssols right to teach
tbe Eureka or R inker system of ontting in
Albany and vicinity. All those wishing to
learn a first class system of drees cutting
and fitting should avail themselves of this
Little Kate, daughter of sir aad Mrs
Frank Purdom died Tuesday night Marsh
97, 1 883 sged two years, two months and
oue day. The bereaved parents have the
sympathy of many kinds friends in this
their hour of sorrow.
The representative of tho .Win who was
sent to report the exercises of the Willamette
University in the Methodist ohureh last
night, "fell by the wayside" and lost his
head He was discharged. Sew. Hence
no report appeared,
A etter in the "shew case" at the Post
Oniue, fer ueupoateg, was directed to (Ian
W S Hancock, Uraad laUnd.N. Y. People
looked aad wondered who could I S as die
tiuguiebed aa to have a correspondence with
the t i candidate for the presidency.
both O 11 Irvine and Fred lUumbsrg had
umbrellas atolen from them the first of the
week. They are anxious to titd tho foal
fiends who eould be so heartless as ts filch
umbrellas from two lone young men. May
the rascals be found and receive the punish-
meut they so richly deserve.
A man died in Portland a few days ago
with small pox. Although he was on First
street, in the heart of the city, and the fact
was well knows, no mention of it was made
by the daily papers, though they have heee
ready enough to till columns because l-ap-
ent a victim on to Walla Walla.
There is one thing about tho freess.
Nearly every farmer while patting ia wheat
where frotun out, has also put in as eitra
amount which he woqld not otherwise have
done, so that the yield will be much larger
than it would other wits have been even if
the yield par acre should be no larger, which
will net be the case.
Mr Grant who live on J MoCoanell'c
faun out raat ef the rity killed 13 wdd
at two shots a few mornings since
with a double-barrelled msxxts leading shot
sa. s a m a a m . a
gun. It is said be bought tbe nun under
Pierce's Adminiatratton when there was no
high tariff, which is said to aooouat for the
quality of the gun.
The following is an advertisement in the
Seattle PoM-lmUUigtmetr : "I will give a
good old religious sou pie rent free, in the
prettiest cottage in Ssattla, if they will take
care ef a bed room and parlor for my own
ate. They must be neat aad tidy, aad oat
quarrelsome, and the woman must be old
enough to be my mother."
Frank Yalaruay, a saddler, and Char lee
McGee, a Y equina mad carrier, got into a
quarrel at Cor v albs last Friday, when the
former cut a gash with a kuife iu tbe cheek
of tbe latter rssachius from bind the ear ts
the chin, ami laying the artery bare. It is
thought McGee will recover.
DrG L Hoar I, ones a respectable citisen
of Junction, was in the city last Satarday
and getting too many tails in tbe wind blew
over and after trying or threatening ts gat
away with one of our citiXena, waa arrested
aad allowed to quiet his nerves in the cala
boose for about five days.
The first number of the t'ommtrrnil JemU,
pub ban ed at Portland cams to oar table
Saturday. Appearances indicate that it
will be very reliable and contain a large
amount uf information necessary to tho
commercial world. There ean he no doubt
of ita success.
Votbto. b too n is a man mom than neat,
well made, been, and there ia nothing we
should be mare particular about. 1. E Blain
has just received from one of tbe best man-
. . I It . M IT. ft f .
u lactones a apectai line oi nne wnite amirs.
collars and cuffs, entirely new, aud probably
the t est matte.
Geo W If arris, doing marble ami stone
work in this city, has just received s Urge
supply of the finest monumental and
bead stone designs of the
lateat sty Ice
from Chicago and Altono Illinois. All par-
ties wichiug to purchase cemetery work will
do well to call ou him before purchasing
elsewhere. Shop opposite Dkuockat Office.
Following arc the rates agreed upon by
the livery men of The Dalles i F .r sac
horse to hay over night, 73 cU ; 2d, t r one
a pan of horses to bay over night, $1.50 -,
31, for single horse to bay per month, $15 ;
4th, for one horse to hay and grain each
night, $1 ; 5th, for span of horses to bay
and grain, $2.
"Richard ia himself again." It bat rain
ed and abundantly, aud we can already sec
the tproutt tbooting up. It meant thou
sands of dot Urn in the pockets of Webfsat.
A fertile ground and a copious rain combin
ed will give nt the biggs; wheat crop ever
seen in this state. Verily things work to
gether for good.
The fine appearance of many of onr young
men lately it easily accounted for. L K
DLin hat just received s full line of meut'.
yentht and boyt suits, latest stylet, and un
surpassed for their quality and general make
up. They are bound to tuit the taate sf the
most fastidiout, and will bo told at a reason
able price.
The 4th of Ju'y, iu the natural course of
events, will be here in about three months.
Last it year skipped Albany, passod com
pletely over onr heads, oor spare change
going to Lebanon, Corvatlis and other places.
It it onr turn this year, aud to wc speak
early in order to have the matter before our
citiaeuM, and ask the question, shall we
celebrate ?"
It has been decided to held a couuty fair
here this yea-. It is to be hoped that ar
trangeineuts will he m id of a nature which
will tusuru iUsucccst. Heretofore at much
interest has not been taken in it at thould
have been by the farmers, and in conse
quence the display of oar products has been
small. Let us turn over a new leaf aud
make this one which will thow off the pro-
j ducte of Linn county.
Mitt Mattie Allison hat been In Portland
this week laying in a new and well selected
stock of millinery goods which will arrive at
her place of business iu this city about next
Tuesday, when the will be prepared to
furnish her customers with the latest stylet
of all kindt of goods in her line. She hat
on band a large tupply of summer haU
which she is offering to the public st mar
veloutly low figures.
Oor Corvallis friends arc very considerate
and selfish Last week W. Scott wat in their
city ; he it an ignorant, harmless tort ef
vagrant, and an expensive affair to any city,
so Corvallis, to get rid of him, paid his fare
to Albany. He wat taken up as a vagrant nne
here, and as he wanted to go to Portland,
waa given a ticket to that place and put oa
the cars. When he gete there no doubt
Chief Lappens will forward him to Walla
One of tbe completist and best arranged
mercantile departmente in the city it the
thee store of S E Young. Wc were some
what surprised at the line of goods which he
arries and tbe splendid order in which they
are arranged, presenting qniU metro poli-1
a v cm a a a . A L. i f
tan appearance, not a oi tames anu gesassa
mens goads it ia a fact that ef the many
lines which he carries he rarely ever fail
te tad what hit customers want, and the
quality of his goods, is a matUr which, at
much at anything else, hat given Mr Youag
saoh a land ia the shot trade here. This
department it aapsriaUadtd by Mr Georgt
Turret, one of the best shoe men ia tbe
northwest and to his judgment and taate
much of iU success is due,
In tht North American Revirv tor April,
tbe scriptural and tbe legal aspseU of divorce
are presented respectively by the Rev Dr
Theodore D Woolaey, and by Judge John A
Jameson. Dr P Bender, n Canadian, uuder
the title, "A Canadian view of Annexation.'
Senator John A Lagan set a forth the need
which exitU for "National Aid to Publie
hcheolt." The Rev Dr Howard Crosby
writes of "The Danseroas Classes." James
0 Welling, I'resideat of Oetttmbian Uuiver
tity, trsaU of "Rase Edaostioo." "The
WaUr Supply of Cities" it discussed by
Charles F WiagaU, "Ethical SysUmt" by
Pr..f F II Hedge, "Street lugging" by Rev
Dr Charles F Dsssnt, and "Critic ism ttd
Christianity" by O B Frotbiogheia, Publish,
ed at 90 Ufayette Place, New York, and
for talc by booksellers generally .
Hi Wagtton was in Albany Wednesday.
Ala Harris returned from Portland Wed
nesday. C I Wslvcrton waa in Portland the first
of the week.
W W Briggt, sf Harritbarg, was in tbe
city last Tuesday.
Marioa Leech of ('rawfsrdsvilU made us a
call on last Taeeday.
J H Fester and daug liter Maggie, have
bean in Portland thia week.
Jas RiUy of lUrnsburg Deputy Sheriff
was in tbe city last Wednesday.
I ..!i Duuglas and J L Martin of Harrit
barg were in the city last Sanday,
Ed Mask was in Albany tbe lost ef the
week ou his way U Eastern Oregon.
O lUibarU sf the Ursa of Thorn peon A
Rabarta, ta rusticating at Y equina Bay.
Mr Chat Pfeifcr, prsprietsr of the Revere
House, went te Portland last Wednesday.
Mr Ed Bellinger returned U Albany last
Friday frees aa extended trip U California.
Mr J M Hems lust returned frees Portland
and intends remaining daring the summer.
Mrs Fulton, ef Eastern Oregon, has been
visiting with her east, Mrs A B Mel I wain.
Will Humphrey returned from Portland
last Monday and will fer awhile, work in the
Sheriff t office.
Mr Wan Cosptr. one of lian a tsoot tub
ataatlal men, waa ia the city Wcdactday
and asade nt a call.
Mint LixaU J oh neon, nam ef Soto's snostx
pita had young ladies, was in Albany the first
of the week, visiting friends
J Brandt, Sa peris Usad est and Tccdy
Clark. Road Supervisor, of the O A C R R
spent Tuesday night in thia city.
Mr John Crane, ef Portland. Syeut last
Sanday ia Albany. He at aa old Albaay
boy, aad wat warmly greeted by hia friends
Judge J W Wbcicy. ef Portland, left the
first ef the week for Europe. A coat pi
tary dinner waa given hist previous to
Jas Pottiuger and Hall William a left for
Portland last Monday, aad inUod residing
there ia the future. Wc with them so
is absudenea.
II J Petersen, who has beau residing at
Philomath fer a year and a hall, returned to
Albany a few daya ago and will live hers in
the future.
Capt Powell, iu charge of the government
workt at Cascades came np oa the ei press
last Saturday evaotajf and staid over Sab
bath in this cily.
K E Hammock, cf Lesg Station called tan
nt Wednesday. He says the Mcrmsidca
doubled the site sf hie hop yard, it being
only four acres instead of eight.
We acknowledge a pleasant call last Kstur
dty from Mist A It Luse. who cases in to
! what our lbansn osrrscpoodcnt thssgbt
j ' her readings, as well aa the many cttixane
j who took her part.
; Mr II L Rndd, of Peseta, was in Albaay
Saturday. He was sa but way heme from
Portland, where ha had bean with aetne
mnttna aheap, for which he received about
' six dollars a bead.
Prof J D Robb,
Miss Tits Kane Miss
Emily TurrcU, Mtas Nettie Sparks, Misa
Rova Alexander, Miss Minnie Allison, Mist
Oilie Kirkpstnck, aad several others went
to Independence yesterday to attend the
teachers institute.
Mr Brown, of Brown, Craig A Co., N Y
city, was ia the oiry the first of tbe week in
the interest of the Pbcniz I
Tbis company should not be
with the old company known at the Phoenix
of Hartford.
Messrs. George Hoohstsdler, J J DnbnrUlc,
O H Irvine, Jas Foster, Jr., N J Hen tan,
Jas Hale, l-osu Csmpeea, W B Scott, Geo
W Harris, E J Leaning, D Hack lew an and
Mr White went te Eugene Tuesday aad that
evening iuatituted s new lodge of Knights of
Pythias. They had a big time.
a LivsxT atrarajsa.
Recently W B Rice, the popular U R
agent, in thia city, purchased the neat reci-
denos of C M Miller, on the corner of Lyon
aad Sixth atreete, and Last week moved into
it and ia making it one ef the prettiest places
ts be found. About forty or fifty of tbe
friends of Mr and Mrs Rice, tboutrht the
place ought to receive a genuine wanning,
so they put up a job on the young couple,
and last Tuesday cveaiag marched in on
them, completely to their surprise For
several hoars matters warn exceedingly
lively, and it would have been n good thing
if what went oa had been transmitted to tbe
wires which run from the house, at in that
cats tbe Oregotucut and Nwt the next morn
ing woald haye had a little telegraphic newt
to have given to their readers instead of
crying "wires down."
Parties desiring to borrow money in any
amount can be accomodated by us on men
favorable terms than sver before offered,
for pe tods from two lo ton years. Simply
paying tbe interest yearly nnd repaying
the principal In one sum nt the expiration
of the time for wbioh the loan Is msde, or
they may divide their loans into yearly
payments, nt your own option. Call on or
address, Rurkhart Bros., Rani Ketate and
Insurance Agents, Albany, Or.
Letter Litt.
The lonowing Is the list of letters rcaaal jlnu
iu the Post Ornce. Albany, Unn county. Ore
kou, March 39, Ufc3. Persona sal Hug tor these
letters must give the date on which they wre
. .Vol LIHOUi
Drown, Jas N
Gilmour, James T
ft si I Miss Rhode
Eberle, J
Hlutoa, Frank
Turner, Hon M Q C
d. M. IRVING, P. M.
necat Wheal,
it you want to mage np lor tbe money
you have to expend for teed wheat you can
do so by buying your goods for this year of
Ueu& Martin.
Cahaacll Prscsetllaga.
Tuesday evening, March 27, 1883
Present all members but banning; Marshall
ami Mayor.
Recorder report, reported correct.
Committee allowed further time to report
oa ditch.
Property owners on First between Wash
ing ton and Elltworth ttrceU. were granted
perm iaaien to put in troughs to carry off
surface water.
N14J a i. i-o wan.
O W Burkhart, $12 SO : City vt Thoc
Clark, in So : N J Hcntou. to no ; E F
Robinson, $10 13 : G W Burkhart, $24 i
R D Murray, $2 23 : Ptiun k Chamberlain,
$130 : John Junes, $70 i N J Htnton, assess
ing city. $100 : Mrs ES Uphsm, $2 i Mat
tiPsul, $4 80 : L 11 Montanys, $70 l W M
Ketchum. $3 00 : Engine Co No 1, $0.
him , Kl.rKKHSI.
City yt Emmet R.inwtter, $14 03 ; N J
Heoton,$ll 15 : city vt G I. Hoard, $3 03;
0 W Burkhart, $1450 ; G W Rurkhart,
$14 30.
Mote Hrrmrs. t SsalesI
Following U a list of tho oenlesiU to oc
cur at the State Tournament, at Salem, en
the 13th aud loth of next June :
1. Steam engines to run 100 yard, boas
company to run 'MM yards, lay 100 foot of
hose and throw water,
t. Steam engines on distance, statin
UntlUsi to 120 lbs, notoser; 1st else aUtairt
er will play through 2.V0 ft. boas ;2nd nlass,
200 ft ; 3rd clsas, 150 ft., aud t!i clave, 100
a. Steam engines to elation with cols'
water, lay loo ft. hues, and tnrow water
100 ft. from nosxle.
4. Hand engines to run 'WO y Is. hoee
company to run 300 yds, lay 2.V) ft. horn
ursax coupling, attach pips and thr tw wa
8. Hand euainoe on dlui-e. flrst-Hasus
etiKlnss will play through 'iM It. of ansae,
and twoond olaas through L'sO ft. uf )..
Allsnsmesi liavluu cylinder of ttiiot .m-n.
en In disniotor. or over, rank at nist-ciaae;
all under as ascend class.
8. Unas oomrmnhsa of 12 men te run
20J yarda to hydranu, and attach and Uy
oue litis of hose of SO0 feet from bydraut
and get water, all tmtipflngs to be made
sad pipes on. Hons to be reeled on to cart
sroarrtagsin oue continuous line, all coup
lings made.
7. Hook and Udder cmipaolet wUI run
100 yards, rates a Si bet ladder, nod m m
to aaosnd to ton, time to be called as ton
aa he grasps the top rung with his haul.
companies te no limited to ao men.
8. Hsaat companies, any team. Ut'-tnakw"
and "break" five couplings in "line" hose.
0. Grand sweepstakes foot-race, foranv
fireman of any company on the northwest
nt, to run sso yards. Foreman to certi
fy active membership for 30 days.
10. Engine tender oumptnUs of 11 hove.
Id yearn old or under, to run aJ yard . and
carry 200th. of coal.
Too t Mart Ceeslr.
While OrngonUne nrc calculating lbs
dollars tbey have loot by the reostnt freeas
and some are wearing tbctr lingers off to
make tenth code meet, it may be sf inter
arst to read of poor, pre vert y etrlckan
Oamlly In new York, that alto has Is
- i r
scrimp to make the ends moot (?)
"In and chow the eoHel event
of tho tcaton will beat vuirhiit'a to
night. The flowers shoot r sninttsi
M onset over $2Vw. iiv.r it iitvnsiloos
were Issued . I S - eveum ppr aay tbe
bsMtasas, Mrs Wllllatti K Van terl.l it. will
bo arrayed tn n Siv dre and Jewelry
worth over flno. Many other UJieo
even exosl Iter u riehnts of exist
t nines. Tho display of diamond w ill be
simply saaxlioe-. MoscUl dsntms have
boon prepared and re bast reals have litem
rolua on for a wtsak. Dm. or. a will
be eoocealcd In a grove of orsoge trots In
full bloom Ibo grand rtwp ion m hu
win so mo groat nan, wiih-ii QUej up
etier ins siyic oi a cswsiie r several ecu-
'.uries ago. Groat wooden logs will bias.
and crackle iu tbe hearth, and portraits f
anoaasora will look down ou lbs visitor.
The tUnning hall lea groat dining raw.
-4 foes long by 36 feet wide. I be supper
wili be ou s coals of regal spbiudor, and
tne costumes to be worn have been iu
preparation for months. Fifty pot lee men
will be on band to ace that the carnages
of tbe diatiugutabed gueats arrive and de
part In regular order.''
kssrly sn AevlsUat.
A few d a a farmer came ts the
city, aad ou hit return borne in vareleaaly
removing a revolver from a pocket it went
offend fortunately struck a large soup dish
which lie waa holding against his side which
was the bsppy means wf aaving the gentle
man 'a life. Thia dish was purchased sf Mr
A B Mid I want of thia city who keeps con
stantly on hand a large supply of cutlery,
hardware, trunks, values ami everything
usually kept iu a wail ordered store, all of
which be sells at figures that defy com peti
tion. A t My
Lately we have heard considerable talk
In reference to making a city park of thn
square In front of tbe Court lleuns. It la
claimed that eventually that block will
hays to be devoted to anch apurpyti, nod
that the longer It Is put off the morn it will
cost, A few yeart ago it eould hnvn been
purchased for inaa thnn n tenth of Hs pres
ent price, but n few years hence when Al
bany becomes at largo at Portland It wll 1
coat ten limes as much as now. Thia
a peaks for itself.
We have beard frequent comments on
what an advantage a linn elty park at thia
point would be, and thn remark U made
often "what a square wo would have there
now if this bad only ben attended to ten
years ago." It U easy to picture a good
looking fence around tbe block, with shade
trees crossing tnd recreating the Park In
tystematlc order, snd spreading n shade
over It tbat tnakee such a place a great at
traction during the summer mouths. AH
those things we hear talked of now tbat
there are evidences of a big boom end
prosperity untold for Albany people, nnd
so we put thorn on paper for the benefit oi
tbe Dkmockat's many roaders.
Mew fit sir Ian h
The eighteenth nnnual graduation ex
ercise ef the Medical Department of Wil
lamette University occurred in Portland
last Monday evening, snd elicited great
interest, Taylor street M R Church being
full. Tho commeueement address was
delivered by Rev Dr Marvin, and la at
publUhed In tbe "Oregonlan, rn able
effort, full of instruction. Diplomas were
awarded tho following, whose standing In
thn examination, wo understand, waa In
the order In which we give them : E L
Irvine, C Be bee, Allen Ronebrnke, John
W Cleary, Hannibal Blair, II H Alden,
Marie E Whipple, W H Davis, J Will
Graham and J S Stott:
W. C. T. V.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union meets on Saturday, March Slst nt
three o'clock in Y P 0 A hall. ThU will
be the last meeting of tbe year, nnd all
members of tbe Union are earnestly re
quested to be present, as wall as any who
am interested in our work.
Mri L E Blain,
MrhE G Jomrsojr, President:
Jacksonville has raided
t3 (20 a year.
the saloon license
What Oar rcstssastets Will eeslvc
wuen tne two cent postage law g
into effect the salaries of Postmasteas wUI
also be changed. What they will be Is of
local interest to all, so we publish the
system of rating those salaries i
Where tbe gross receipts are t'tQ.OOO. the
new so lieu u it win pay from axono to $4100;
wnere too receipts am giuMW) tne pay
will lie advanced from $3200 to $3300 ; if
the recelpte are $150,scO tbe new salary
will be $8000 when receipt arc $100,000
the new salary will be $30oo, and where
the roneipbsare between $5oo.ooaud $oo,
000, the new salary will be$500, Under
the new schedule the niaxluin cslary of
$11000 will be paid where tbe reoolots ex
ceed $000,000 ; under the present schedule
the maximum salary where the recelpte am
$4o,090 would be $tatf, nud tbe name
wham the recelpte are $t,2H0,0O0; but
where the receipts ar$l,500,oov, the salary
would be $l7oo. Under tbe new schedule
second class of It con sre thtnwt whose re
ceipt range from $hooo to $to,ooo. and lbs
taurine range from $2wj to & ; third
class ofRcesare those whose recelpte are
$Iuoo to $Hoou, B,d nslarioa range from
$looti to first. In offices of tbe fourth
dans postmasters are now allowed 00 per
cent of tbe first $lvo per quarter of the
revenue, and 60 per cent on the revenues
exceeding tbat, and not exosediug $300.
Tbe new ached ule allow the whole of the
first $' of revenue per quarter, aud
per osut of the next $2w.
1 e
An nstUneselste satranacsL
Its cent Improvement 1 11 tho making of
stylographlc (tent have rusd.i them a very
serviceable aud almist Indispensable In
strument for those bavlug ooo-aaion to do
much writing and who desire a conven
ient pen at hand wherever th -y may be.
They have come Into such general nan
that It Is rather late to recommend them
to anybody, but there have been eoine
improvements In tit rn tnu factum of the
Uverraoro Htylographic Pen relating to
the fastening of the noodle and the ease
with which it can be cleaned aud repaired,
which have ojoaslonod mu'i'n favorable
comment. There are now over tOO.OOO of
these pena In use, to any nothing of numer
ous Inferior Imlutlonc. Tbey mske not
only a vers handsome but a very useful
Implement. Tbe manufacturers have cut
down the price of their abort plain pens
to $2, and abort gold mounted 1 1 $2.60
each. By remitting tae nn m it to I tula
E Dun lap, Manager Mtylotraptiic Pen
Company, 2PJ Waahlngtou Street, Boston,
the pen, together with a p scksgs of tupe.
lor Ink, will be cent by return mall, and
the m ouey will be at ou.: refunded If
tbey do not prove to be perfee. and sat la-
factory In every respect. "Dtify Ameri
can,'' vraterujry, 1 .inn.
ar tialsrhts ge la Kairat-
l ast Tuesday Nttttn of our boldest
Entgbte, to-wit . Ceo W H chetedler, N J
Hcntoa, W RS .it. O H 1 vjsss, It Du
bruilU, Capt E J latnning. Uses W Harris.
Jas Poster, Jr.. Denver Heck lent an, Louie
Campeao, Jas Hale and Mr If kite, buckled
on their armors and want to Eugene, where
they instituted a new lodge of KutgttU of
Pythias that evening. District Deputy
irend Chancellor If ochttedler had charge of
tho ceremonies, which began at half past
eix and tatted till half past five the next
morning The new' lodge formed tUrte oat
with a membership of twenty-coo. and it
composed ef some of E-tgene'e best young
men. It is named Helmet Lodge No. 15.
At half past twelve a grand supper was
served at tbe St. Charles, one ef the beet
idi declared, which they had ever partaken.
Oar KnighU apeak in unlimited praise of
the spl end id treat meet which they received
at t !. of the new Enighte of Eugene,
a u.i Isrtpc eotse time to have an opportunity
of ruteraiag the many favura eitesded thent-
Ttefdlowtn o.'B .-era were duly elected
aud metalled rite name evening :
Ed (ft, Clark, P. 0. t
J, M.Sloan, Q C.
X.J. Taylor V. U
M. S. WaUia, P. P.
J. 1. Ream. M. of Ex.
H. C Humphrey. M. of K.
T H. Cox. M. at A.
Roht Day, I. C.
V. Mc Far tend. O. &
IS ucwoki tu
John W. Pruuk:. the subject of this
sketch was bom iu Fairfield. Kentucky.
in 1817. When merging into inanhoo
he caught the spirit of adventur, en
terarlse, and progre-s, aud moved to
Sangamon county, Iillnma. where he
remained awhile, but havlug a desire
to go farther west, he uui i - ted to Dec
Memos county. Iowa where no wns
mnrrled to Jane Sett I . In !8S2 ho fell
la with the hardy pioneer who crossed
ton plains iu lar,e numbers that ynat.
Oa thn planus his wife died. He nettled
la Lino county In tbe fill of 1852 tin
was married In 1S6J t Strati J Mc
KnighL Me was honorable nnd up
right in all his dealings nud was held
in high esteem by all who knsw him.
He died Marco 7th, 18S3. aged 01 ynars,
11 mouth, and 11 daya. A largt num
ber of relatives and friends followed h ltd
remains to their last rjeting place.
Iown (Dec Moines) papers please copy
Keel aad sheee.
N K Young is op tnin out tho largest
stock of boots and shoos ever brought to
Albany. These goods hnvo been bought
for cash from eastern manufacturers and
for style, fit and durabi ity cannot lie ex
celled. Having made a specialty of ths
business, he is prepared to give you
better value and a better assortment thsu
can bo found In the oity. Remember tbe
pltce.Satnuel E Young's 11 wat a 8 hoe Store
Albany, Oregon, Hpncisl attention given
to country orders and satisfaction guaran
teed. New PeaUl Order.
The follnwing in reference to the new
potts 1 order explnins it well :
The new orders sre to be Issued so ss to
admit of sending small amounts in letters
withaut the expense or trouble of getting
money on era for any particular person.
No written application la necessary for the
new older e, waich are made payable to
bearer only, and can be drawn by any
person at the office where it is made pay
able on the payee slsntng his name. It,
therefore, dons not differ, as far aa safely
iu dispatching It goes, from n banknote,
but, unlike currency, it Is msde payable at
a certain omen.
Kew Music Stare.
J II Daniel lias opened a music store
at Laugdon's drug store and will sell the
Matbushck piano, probably the best
constructed In the market, and the-
ShoningerCymbella organ, one of tho
best organs, and getting them direct
from manufacturers will sell them a
bottom rates. Those desiring first
class, reliable instruments will do well
to call and sec Mr Daniel before purchas
ing. "If ACKMKrACK," a lasting psrfume
Fries 25 and 00 cents.
Bourbon, Ind.. says: "Both myself and
wife owe our lives to SHir.OH'i CON
Answers la test
EnlLtna - Better
Weeks Pnzslea.
be afooe t ban
bad company.
Word square. ADA
I) A D
Correct answers to
Knlgma and
aqunre word of last week, were received
from Nonpareil, ('laud Lemaster, Mem
rer Fidelia, L M Reed, Hweet Afton,
Zennbea, Jem Inn Berry bottle.
To square word from Lola Itllry, Wm
H Rue.
Tn Enigma ir m Minnie M.
There seems to have been iOi mis
understanding In reference to tbe
manning of the lour letter word square,
for which, on behVf of one of our mer
chants, we off jrest a go d pen to the one
tending In one There can ouly b lour
different letter iu the whole, four dif
ferent words, an 1 each word contain
ing four letter1, that I each word
ahall contain the same letters dif
ferently arranged
1 1 ciin be done but
only by nomnatudy and that it the rea
son the prize of a haudaoine gold (ten U
offered. The offer It continued.
The four letter juar; word, compos
ed of the words metl, emit, Ititig. and
item, received from W A McO. would be
correct If there were such a word iu the
dietinnary as met I, but wc are unable to
find it.
WOUD ftfjUsttS.
Each word composed of four teller,
nud reading each way.
What people do when they walk ; the
ebb nud flow of water; what Strict k
Nutting do with the Dmo.";:t ; some
thing must children base.
Z-N ie:a.
My first is in ilvnglas but not in
My second ia Iu orsnt but not In
I Miatilla.
My third lain Josei blue but Met in
My fourth Is in Steven but not In
My fifth ta In L-tke but not iu l -ilon.
My sixth is In Marion but not iu Coos.
My whole Is the surname -f a proni-iii-nt
Orrgon Ian.
lamp leiat Letter.
A letter received from a subscriber at
Camp Plk states that they are having
the fi test weather ever seen there, hav
ing bad but one cloudy dny since the
flrtt of Februnry. noanow nod only one
HtUe shower. Stock looks first rate
sod fall grain Is better than ev?r Itefore.
Our correspondent given an Interesting
account of a bail at Canine town, known
by some as Dog town, good music. 1
fins lunch and adjournment nt 12 p. m
was tbe order.
The ('Ibsen family who were caught
In the storm nt Fhh Lake Inst fall got
out nil right nbout a mouth age, the
fsraily going part of the way on snow
thoes, a boy In aud a girl 14 coming out
two week before when the mercury was
la the twenties below zero.
Administrator's j Sale.
Notice la hereby siren that the under
alerted. Administrator of the estate of A
It. Brooueu. leceaai. in pstrauain. , a
order of the Ooouty Court of Linn Coun
ty, Htale of Oration, dir. v made and enur
ed sf record, will on tbe 2 tub dsy of April,
1ASS. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of naid day st tbs Court House door
in tbe city of Albany, Idnn r,unty,trcgoo
at oablic eutne b the highest bidder
ssstl sit the right, title aad interest of said
1 Ursa end In nnd u the fntlowina: deecribed
res. property, to-wit: Beginning 2
chains and M links west of lbs xoulb eat
m . r. .1.... ........ I-.. ,1
onmer 'O n. n nrsssuvu uun.iu 1 . ii..i
ideim Notification No. 273 and cairn No
45 In TownahlD II. 8. K. I W. of the Wil
UnseV-ft meridian in L'an countv, Oregon
and ruaning thence west 41 chain and
50 links to tbs south wet corner of said
land claim : tbem-e north chains ard
&t links ; tbouoc oast St chain nnd 75
linka ; thence south 14 chains ami 42 link ;
I bancs cast 12 chains : thence m s nnuth
west course to tbe place of login ning, con
UiainaT li 48-100 acra more or le ail in
Unn conn y. Org-n.
Terms of sale cab in hind 011 I'm dsy
of sale
Dated tbi the 2Jud dav o' Mar 1 IS8I.
' J. at Kit K,
Ad n in ist r.tor.
A thing ol beauty it a jty forcvor aad
an tea
An assortment uf tbs above shoes in
Juat received at
HAIGHT-RUDD. On Wednesday, March
28th, 1883, at the residence of tbe bride's
father, H L Rndd, in Peoria, Mr J K
H.uour.of Albany, and Miss Luna Rudd,
of Peoria.
Immediately after the knot waa tied,
and Miss Rndd, though by Love, be
came Height, the happy couple ttarted on a
trip to Victoria, Britiah ColumbU. After
visiting the principal points of on
the Sound country they will return te Peoria,
whore they will reside in the. future. Both
ef them have done well, and they deserve
all the protperity aud happiness possible to
obtain in this life. They have cur bent con
gratulations aa well as the good wishes cf
inunmeranlc friends all over the coucty.
dence of the groom one mile south of Al
bany, Rev D W Cameron officiating, Mr
Hvoh NtcasaaoK and Mss E M Waliuus
. . QS a. s. .
Sheriff's Sale.
In tlu Circuit Court, of U4 Suae oj Oregon,
f'tr the Conwy of Litm :
Iteltoncs Csrter, Hsmuel K Young snd L K
Plain, Plaintiff.
S D (lager and Mary J Oager hi wife, J C
Hudiouanri Amanda J Hudson hi wifn
J It Otbaori ami Mary A (iloson hie
wife, and W W Thayer, Governor, ft
I' Herbert, Seeretery and Ed Hir-cb,
Treasure! of tbe Stats of Orogsti.noiietltut
IntT tbe Hoard of Com inhesion r for turn
sale ol aoboei lends and the ina usgemeut
of he common sobovl fund. 1- hmdaoU
Notice Is hereby siren tbat by virtue "f
an exeouttou and order of eale lesued out
of tho ab.e named C-ourt in the above
entltleo' suit to me directed snd delivered
I will on Saturday tbe tttth day of Apm,
lnxi, at the Court fi'tuso d star 111 the city
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tne
bou r of onn o'clock, p. m sell at public
if ion for cash In hand to the tugboat
bidder the following real pro;rty, de
surihed in said order of es! se follows,
to-wit : Iteglauinsr at a point 10 7J -hain
west of the south east corner of the Elmer
Feat donation land claim In Waterloo
Precinct, Lion county, Oregon, and run-
'bins thence ea-t In chains; tnewse north
j 30-a7 chains ; thence east to the middle
"f the Nan 'Urn Klverand down it ton point
tine north of lbs pisce of beginninc ;
tbeiton eoiith to the place of beginning,
'11 a mi 1 n 01 acres rn re or less, exe c -t
slway tbe building lot lo aahl town of
Wsierloo and containing amase six acres,
the proceoda of sale te ho applied first to
too oMte and expeus of sots snd neat to
the inayment to the said Plaintiff ftencccs
Carter tbe sum of $78! $2 with interest
thereon at the rate of one per coot per
mouth from the 21st day of OcCotwr, 1802,
and interest mi the sum of $1778 70 st the
rate of one per '-out par month from the
14tb day ol Marco 18S2, to the 21st day of
October 82.
Dated tbta teth day of March, 1883 a I f t at? tWS M o IrV
' r. ' a a 1 a s a essav a f
s e riff of Linn Co., Or.
Sheriffs Sale.
the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon
for tiu County of Umatilla i
L White, I W bite, and WillUm Lane part
ners corns but usee under tbs ft' m name
of I. Whits k Company, Plaintiff.
R K Wilton, Defendant.
Notice it hereby given tbat bv virtue of
a writ of execution ieucd out or the above
name court in tbe above emitted action to
me directed and delivered ( r tbs anm of
$093 with interest at the rate of lo par cent
per annum from tbe 2.tb dsy of October,
I8.0 aud the further sum of a, as costs.
I have levied npoo all tbe right, title snd
interest of the said Defendant K K Wilson,
-n or efter Augut aah 1K77, in nnd to tbs
fallowing deseibtd premises, to-wit : be
ginning nt n pomt lo-sr caalna couth and
1 4 So chains east of the south east corner
of section 14 snd running l bence north 41- le
chains ; theooe west is lit cbalat ; thence
south 42 Xi chains snd iheevos east ICox
chains ts the pbvw of beginning in Town
whip 13 8 K 4 west of tbe Willamette me
ridian in Linn county, Oregon. Also the
south hslfof fstx-t.on 24, iu Township 13,
M R 4. west. .Ie the following: Com
mencing at the north east corner of
Ni bets Miller' denafi u tend claim in
Section 25 Tp 13.8 R 4, west. Linn couuty,
Oregon : tbe nee east 19 15 chains ; tbeos-o
south 23-IS chairs; thence west 14-04
chains; thence south 27-04 chains ; thence
weft 4-21 chain ; thence north 51 efaali a
to 1 lie place of beginning, conuining So
7- tr-9 acres, and on Saturday lbs 28th day
of April, lbSX, at tke Court House dVor in
tht citv of Albany, Linn county, fregon
at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., I will soil
said real property at public auction for
cash In hand to 'the highest bdder to
aaUfsfy mai si execution with accruing cobs.
Dabtd this Mb dsy of March IfVO.
Sheriff of Ijouc-juuty, Oregon.
No; ice i Us.mii v given that Hie Roar I 0
Directors of tSoatttM Dis'rict No. 5, Unn
county, Oregon will sit as a Hoard of
Kj'ia fixation to examinw. correct and ap
prove the aatsmmeut ml! of aid ISeuirt
ou Tuesday, April lth, 1 7:3 o'clock
p. 111., at the office of L II Montanys.
Any person desiring their aawesmeiit as
made by tbe cterk, changed ia any reapsot
will call at the time and place above stated
and make known their request
March 2Slh. Ins.".
District Clerk,
At farsl Hands.
ci.le.1 t open a IbMcSOttVs eotimipHr Uus9
is Walla. WsUa. W. T. Tbev mill .ts. 1 carry a (tU
Vnek ,4 their cuacbiiicn at MiicbeU. Lemis t tVe.
ajfo Detmt. cx rurr Frees end Motrisou treet,
rear of the Eeseonu Hac. lAsrUaml, Or. The bet
ter n s.-. iiiiivkIus ih. ..- cuSAincra iu the brierier
;iU n Mt tSI
He'kl i tr circulars aad nriee list
pesseot, sJdtvsa, usuiibj this pafmsr.
tree. K..r -he
ktl SKCL4. at Co., rsrllaad.
Or. llaw OS., MaasllHea, Ohio.
Ureeder and
Jehlppcr Of
My breedin stoek i; registered
in the Central Poland China Record.
Stoek for sale at reason .ble ratvcs
These hojra lire tleseeiicl
nnts from the bet herda iu
I ml ia 1 1 a and Illinois, are
quiet, decile, easy fatted and
splendid mothers, orders
received by
Shedds, Or.
A box of acme pena at thia office, quill
acting with fountain qualities for $1.50.
The Ifatchmmn says the fruit iu tbu
Walls Walla valley is all killed. Tho
warm weather previous lo thn first week
in February started the sap and swelled
the buds, hence when tbe cold saap
cams it destroyed everything except
the apple trees, nnd they will not bear
this year.
r s Vv
IIo o- :r c'isceae iamav rs valeat in thia uusta I
t norfags . 3e. and 110 remedy has uses!
i. Mo ectobratcd lUUaey-Woxt sa
c' vaate ver tne canaa. aowe ver orsrtta
it tfcp case, this Tasaedywm evereeaae it.
THZ3 irsliisaSilt
plaint le very epi to tael
v-i - 1 I m
jstrf hjt iens toe treajceaaa pane aad qmektyl
e'and rr.:.ica have befbre Ctilad. a
L yea Uvm t&lhar of
1 use r
LjsTO.v . ..i $L