The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 23, 1883, Image 2

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    FRIDAY MARCH 23, 1883
T J STITES, Editor.
nuw al rnivre.
tfubbell and Ferry, the A uguata Con
sUttUionalist asserts, have played Kil
kenny cta to the satisfaction of tat
Ctt&fraaa doesn't look aa big to too
ifortable ciUseasof New York, the
New York Graphic obeerres, aa it does
to the frequently shaken-in the-political-wind
The latest reports from Waahington
to the New York Times "indicate a
failing off in the demand for Mahoneism
and a strong disinclination to anything
Uko speculative transactions."
Better, the Philadelphia Xswm alleges,
ia trying to make up his mjnd whether
it is worth his while to take the Pres.-
wwn a a a a a
doner or not. ills final decision is
awaited with bated breath by the
American people.
That the poor are not without friends
on the Ways and Means Committee ia
evidenced, the Washington Port thinks,
by Ike feet that diamonds are still to bo
taxed only one-ninth as much as blank-
There are too many Republican
schemes for touching the sentimentality
of the country in 1884, the Springfield
Republican declares, and too few for
appealing to its common sense. Such
are the movements for General Sherman
and Robert Lincoln.
If Mr. Rerdell , while he is about it,
eould give us the exact amount of mon
ey which the Star Route gang contribu
ted to the Republican campaign he
would supply some interesting informs-
The President is giving a great many
dinners this year, but we do not notice
Mr. Dorsey s name among the guests. It
not always so. Time was when the
pari of the chicken wes not too
for Dorsey.
Rosiaees will boom again when Con
gross adjourns. The next Congress will
not bo a menace to the country.
The salary of the Civil Service Corn-
is $3,500 a yeai each, but
i not much likelihood of their
we notice with alarm that some
members of the Sherman family, able
American statesmen, are visiting the
Marquis of Lome. Time to bane out
the danger signals.
senator JJoiph tells a Si. 1. paper
V0 m -w-v a 00 W -
that the people of Oregon will be very
much bene fa ted by toe reduction of the
tariff on iron, but that they were oppos
ed to the red actios) en wool. Now the
truth is that our wool growers are the
only ones who were directly opposed to
the reduction on wool, because they are
directly interested, but they constitute
only a Tory small part of the great body
of the nasals. But the people in a
body were in favor of the reduction on
iron because they were directly in tares
ted, being Lenefited thereby. The truth
is, (and no one knows it better than
Senator Doiph) that the whole question
of tariff or no tariff is a selfish one.
Man in this matter of tariff do as they
do in ail other matters of money seek
ing, they favor a high one if it will ben
efit them and oppose it if it will not.
Hence the only way to deal fairly
with all the people of the country is to
so adjust nod arrange the tariff
schedules, that all the people, the high
the low, the rich the poor, the wool
grower, the wheat producer, the farmer,
merchant, mechanic all citizens shall
bo equally and impartially protected.
Bat ia this done 1 No. And never will
aa long aa the rich only are represented
ta the haUs of Congress. We hsd hoped
Senator Doiph would be more candid.
ia CAUrenaiA.
Tbe weather signs have been very
closely watched throughout California
during tbe last month, not to see if the
Wigginistic prophecy thou Id come to
peas, but to see if the larmers of that
State are to make farming a success
this year or not. The area is said to
be larger than ever before. It has been
estimated that if spring rains should be
abundant the number of bushels of
wheat would be fully 50,000,000. Tbe
Bulletin in speaking of the outlook for
crops fifteen days ago said that the
question of good crops would be decided
in the next twenty days. There is an
agricultural interest of $50,000,000 in
California, and if the dry weather
should continue from this on the
shrinkage would be 50 per cent. The
loss of 25,000,000 bushels of wheat
would be only one item. Hay, barley
and oata would be correspondingly short
Alreedy has the dry weather decided
the question of crops or no crops on th8
west side of the San Joaquin Valley,
Tulare, Kern sod Fresno counties.
Where irrigation is resorted to good
crops may be expected.
Taken altogether there ia not much
an the crop prospect ia California to
Has pi re hope among onr California
brethren of reaping an average harvest.
Even among our awn people at this
writing (March 19) we hear fears ex
pressed that we saay have a drouth.
It ie said, muck of the grain sown is
'lying ia the ground unspiouted in con
sequence of lack of moisture. One of
our experienced millers tells us that if
we do not have rain in April, the crops
will be a failure; but we confidently
look for rain in the next fortnight.
The Richmond Stale, in speaking of
the Civil Service Commission, soya that
only one of the three can be even sup
posed to know scything about the prac
tical reform duties whieh the Commis
sion must discharge. That single one
is Ma. Eatox, who has been long act.
ively engaged in this work, end whose
name has been closely connected with it
since the beginning of the agitation in
behalf of abetter service. The single
Democrat on the Board is Judge Tho
mas, a gentleman little known hereto
fore. He comes from a town in Ohio
which bears the unfortunate name of
Mahoning, and which, wore we super
stitious, we would look upon as rather
a bad omen for reform of any kind.
Judge Tu on an was appointed, it b said,
in courtesy to his friend, Senator Prx-
DLKTON, who was the patron of the Civil
Service bill. Prof. John M. GiBooar,
the third and last of the Civil Service
Commissioners, like Mr. Eaton, is
Republican. It seems that he has had
claims upon his party for tome time,
and has at last received his reward. He
was first put forward for the German
mission, then for the Italian mission,
and bavinc failed to receive either of
these appointments his name was vary
kindly sent in as one of the Commis
sioners. That he knows or cares any
thing about civil service reform is doubt
ful ; but ho seems to hare been choeen
for his present position not because of
any marked (justifications, but because
he had been waiting so long for an office.
His appointment is, therefore, a direct
blew at the very spirit of reform In the
civil service. The Commission, taken
all in all, is weak.
And now a Salem oori espondent of
the Standard comes foe ward and in
unmistakable language denies the re
port aent oat from Salem that Dr.
Givens, lately appointed sssistant super
intendent of the Insane Asylum, is a
Democrat. It will be remembered that
Governor Tbaver in his massage to the
last legislature urged very strongly that
the management of the now Insane
Asylum should bo carried on on a aoo
partisan basis. The general sentisaee
of the people, both Republican and
Democratic is that it should be made
entirely free of politics. Some tic
since tee iSosra cf commissioner ap
pointed Dr. Carpenter, a Republican.
of Portland, Superintendent, and Dr
Givens, ( whose residence we have not
learned) First Assistant Suerintendont
of that institution. The report w
sent out immediately that Dr. Givens
was a Democrat but it waa denied at
the time in the D choc-sat, the Standard
and even W a corresoondent In the
Statesman. Of course we know nothing
about Dr. Givens, aad so far as wo see,
no one ohm seems to know aim. It
matters not to us whether the Dr. is a
Democrat or a Republican. We do net
question the right of the Board to ap
point all Republicans. We shall not
sail ia question their integrity if they
do. But we said once before ia these
columns, that we had information that
led us to believe that the Dr. is not s
Democrat, and we objected then, end
do new, to the effort which somas to
have been made to create a little cheap
reputation for the Board if their was
nothing open which to base tbet repu
Tbe following extract ia taken from a
speech made by Senator Slater in the
United States Senate on the 2nd of Feb.
upon the revision of the tariff. Tbe
relations of the two parties to the tariff
question are cogently stated, Ve ssk
tbe attention of our fa riser friends to
tbe subject:
And now that the tar iff-ie vision
question ia at hut before the two
Houaea of Congress how stands the
contest between opposing iutereata
the protected monopolies and the peo
ple who bear tbe burdens of taxation J
Who champions the interests of the
great working and consuming classes 1
And who cbsmpions tbe other side,
where ere rsngad all tbe manufacturing
iutereste pleading that the consumers
of the country shall be taxed upon all
that they consume lu order that they,
the manufacturers, may fatten upon the
indirect enactions made possible through
the imposition of duties levied upon for
eign importations t Who has, from day
today, defended tbe interests of that
great class scattered all over the North,
West, snd South, engaged in agricultur
al pursuits i And who have plead for
high duties upon every class of manu
factured products, from a date-pencil to
a locomotive, for fear that some manu
facturer's income might be reduced
just a little if the rate of duty was
lowered or some struggling industry
like pig-iron, might die out or perish for
want of protection.
The record will show that it haa
been in every respect a party contest.
The Republicans with a very few ex
ceptiona voting steadily .and solidly for
the highest rsvtas f duty often Jargel y
increasing prosent rates, while tbe
Democrats witb equally few exceptions
have as uniformly urged and voted- for
lowering tariff rates and to increase the
free-list in many cases.
The Order of the Knights of St
Catharine waa instituted in Palestine
in 1063. An order of Russian ladies
of tbe highest rank was founded by
Peter the Groat in 1714, in honor of
the bravery of his Empress Catharine.
They were to be distinguishes for
purity of life and manners.
nr. TKACMas' ivamtTi
As already announced in a former
issue of this paper, the Teachers' Insti
tute for the Third Judioisl District
(Which includes Linn county), has been
appointed to meet at Independence,
Polk county, on March 27, aad contin
ue in session three dsys, closing Fri
dsy, March 30th.
This Institute is, by law, recognised
aa a part of the system itself, lbs
Sup't of Public Instruction is required
to hold en annual institute in oaeh J u-
dicial District. This indicates, to some
extent, the importance attached to
them, and to this feature of educational
work, by the Legislators who framed
the school laws.
It would be difficult to over-estimate
educational conclaves, were it
possible for all of the teeohers in the
District to attend.
The profession si association of tbe
experienced teachers of several counties
with each other, is quicken inn and of
- w
mutual benefit, not only to themselves,
but more especially to the young aad
leas exDorieaeed teachers. Those meet-
ings tend ie awaken ambition end ener
gy. The presence, aid and instruction
of the leading , earnest and thoroughly
qualified teachers of our State at these
institutes, are certain to develop a more
active, end permanent interest in out
public schools. Many desirable ends
are met bv these meetinffs. Wall di
gested and concise thoughts on school
organisation, government, programmes,
text books, and on the general manage
ment of schools, are riven. Another
important object, is the bringing to
gether of our teachers from country.
town and citv. In this way, their
successes and failures maybe compared
snd discussed, thus securing the mo
ton! improvement of all. in all pro
fessions there ie a common bond of
sympathy ; snd this is as true of the
profession of teaching, as any ether.
Tbe Institute than, is the special sphere
of tbe teacher to promote tbe interests
of his calling. Tbe true teacher Is the
one who endeavors to keep pace with
the times, and with the latest snd ssost
improved methods of teaching. He
attends teachers' meetings and institutes
whenever it is possible, snd thus I
m a . a a e
comes renerved, aa it were, in bis pro
fession, and better equipped for his
w B
These Institutes ere not held alto
gether in life interests of tbe common
schools, but for the general educational
advancement and benefit of all. The
object of these meetings, ss indicated
by the program. Is to forwsrd, pro
mote aad unite every educations! agency
in the State. A cordial invitation is
therefore extended to all teeesers,
school officers and frienda of dueation
in the Judicial District.
We hope that Linn county will be
largely represented at the Institute.
an Las (cal.) nut-ries.
No eity on the eoaat baa been more
thoroughly Bepubikan than Oakland.
Tbe Republican msjoritiee heretofore
have been simply overwhelming. But
on tbe 12th inat.,tbe Demoerata elected
the Mayor by a majority of 30c and
elected three of the seven eouneilraea.
Thus does last fall's tidal wave move on
in tbe even tenor of its way.
Charles Wilte, German lawyer and
writer U dead.
Gov. Butler and staff reviewed the
procession in honor f St. Patrick, on
Uneasiness is felt in New York in
consequence of the tightness in tbe
money market.
The woolen mills at Mexico, Missou
ri, Mfp burned. Lose, 960,000 ; insured
for S5,0ew.
There are 0000 men ettpjojsd on the
Panama canal, and the work is progresjL
iag satisfactorily.
The bill to authorize San Francisco
to issue bonds fr mouieipel purposes
has Jjeen signed by tbe governor.
The Irish societies in New York
paraded last Saturday, Patrick ggan
occupied a carriage in tbe procession.
Tbe case of Samuel Ruth, defaulting
cashier of the Washington Savings
bank, of Washington, Pa., was found
Cbss. Pfwfof jn tbe employ of Payot
eV Upbam, robbed hp employ eis of
several thousand dollars and absconded.
Ellen Cenwey, a woman 55 years
old, who sold newspapers on Broadway,
V. Y.t waa found dead in bod. The
room had a miserable appearance, but
when searched over foQAQ was found.
On account of the great decrease of
orders for stamp printing for the inter
nal riven tie service, and consequent
reduction of work st the bureau of
engraving and printing, oci4iabJ
reduction of tbe for cos employed in that
business will soon become necanery.
mi ' . ..
mere is a stringency lu tne money
market in New York. Are w on the
eve of a money panic 1 We bad "Black
Friday" under Grant and Arthur is the
friend of Grant.
We. Dye, who stele a horse from
Joseph Carton, of Hose burg, waseaptnr
ed in Grant county a few days ago by a
deputy sheriff of Lake county and deliv
ered to the Douglas lonty sheriff.
J. A. Boyer, gaand master of the I.
O. O. F. of Oregon, has granted a dis
pensation for tbe public celebration on
April 26th of tbe G4tb anniversary of
tbe introduction of the order in this
A special from Washington says the
department of state is informed that
Chineae government to drive Americans
from the empire. Restrictions are
placed upon their business, aud .ew
enterprises ere entirely prohibited, II
oonduoted by Americans.
An investigation of tbe consumption
snd distribution of corn and wheat to
March 1, haa been completed by the de
partment of sericulture. It makes the
stock of corn on hand at that date
about 080,000,000 bushels, or 39 per
cent, of laat year's orop. The propor
tion of wbest on band on March 1 was
26 per cent of the orop, or about 1 40,-
000,000 bushels.
Before (lermsuy psaaed its prohibi
tion against American pork tbe state
depsrtment requested that the country
appoint a commission to inquire into
the subject of the health fulness of that
article as made here. No attention
was paid to the request, and a law was
liases J affecting only the American prod
ucte. Ia view of this fact a meeting
was held, and it was concluded tbet
suoh was unfriendly legislation, and
there is little doubt that the next Con
fess will be inclined to indulge in re
taliatory legislation. Our imports from
German v are sufficient to make it en-
tirely feaaible.
Ooe of the severest changes In the
weather that has taken place this
winter occurred March 19, atBL
Louis, Me. The mercury In I ha aft.
ernoon marked 77 degrees. At 11
o'clock It fell below freoxlng, with
nearly an inch of snow on tbo ground.
Reports from Omaha, Nob., anal other
points in the north weet say that the
mercury Is all I bo way from aero to
17 degrees below.
Upper Ocnoeo, Or,, March II, im
Kds. Democrat '.
I never aoo any letters from this
part of the country in the DraocaA.
although thorn are tots of Linn Coun
ty people up here, so I am going to
write and toil you that I am not
free on to death yet any way. We
think thai eld Winter's backbone la
broken at met ; the frost hi all out of
the ground and the gray old rlmrock
echoes trees: too ptowtoy' merry
song. Cattle, aad In fact stock of all
kinds, bare wintered wall In spite of
tbe severe weather tbe latter part of
the winter. The grass was good till
quite late In the fall so that stock were
generally ia good condition when the
coid snap came. Some fall sown
wheat waa injured by the froeae, but
rot a froat deal because there Is very
little wheat sown here In the fail,
most of the fanner put that off until
springtime cornea, mneviiie is
quiet Juat now, probably our highly
rrajpoctable and moral igllaoco Com
mittee are reauiog ineir Dimes or
studying their catechisms, hut It br
vastly morn probable that they are
screwing their courage up to tbe point
where they can sally out, a couple of
ieneo atrong, and drag soma poor
wretch out of bed to string him op to
a juniper, or slip up In a body behind
some defenseless drunk and shoot hi
in the back. We are assured that It
Ie some of the boat men in the country
who do this kind of business, if so the
worst ones must be very low indeed.
Prinevllle bad a seasation the other
night however. A lady of that city
indulged In the rather expensive
amusement of tiring a revolver four
times under tbo vary nose of I ho staid
municipal government. Hhe mid
she waa shooting cats, and perhaps
the recorder had loot a feline for her
husband paid $50 for tbe recreation It
afforded her.
It la also reported that on Saturday
night, a week age, as Mr. Thurmau,
Mr. Combs' sheep herder, was return
ing from town he was fired at by
tome parties unknown who came Into
the road just Wind Mm and shot
twice; neither shot taking effect eg
cept to frighten his horse. He says
he has an Idea who did It but does
not seem inclined to any who It waa.
It la rumored that the Prinevllle
Sewt haa ebanged hands ; Mr. Aid
rich being tbo buyer.
Mrs. David Elliott, of Johnson
Creek, died on Wednesdsy last after
a fingering jjineas or almost three
months, fthe waa formerly of Polk
County near Dalles. '
Mr. Ed. Freeland's health Is stilt
very poor. He Is confined to tbo
bouse ail the time and a froat portion
of tbe time to hit bed.
The frienda of Mr. Jason Wheeler
Witt regret to Jnnrg t be haa suffer,
ed much from rheumatism tb part
winter and ia thinner la flesh probably
than any of bis friends have over seen
him. He Is rusticating on Peach uttes
at present eating flab and lots of good
things, and will probably come home
with ma clothes so well filled out that
Mrs. Wnoeler won't know him.
Mr. ftybblns sold hia largo band of
sheep the other day for $8.60 per
neaa lor mo lot to some parties from
Good fresh mlu cows sell readily
for $40 and $60 and are not plenty at
Mm Skipworiia, pother of Eugene
saipwortn or your city, is much Mked
in this community as a teacher.
HarrUburg, Or,, Mar, 21, )8i8.
Eds. Democrat :
Wa hear it mentioned near that there
is a possibility of tbo fine weather hold
iog on too long for tbe interests of the
fanning portion of the community as
the ground in some localities Is drying
out too much, and is getting too bard ta
The demand for seed wheat has been
good up to tba present due, and our
merchants snd others have been looking
out y jsaye sufficient to supply the
Our county school superintendent
spent taatMonday in our town, visiting
tbe school during tbe day aud delivered
a stirring lecturo on education ta a
large audience et this plaea in the even
ing. Hops ha will come again.
Hon. J. P. Schooling started for a
rip Kant of the mountains last Satur
day, and will visit The Dalles, F endle-
ton, fisker City and Prinevllle n the
rout ! by the way of SOttlS steak interests.
On' Callow town man ekJ haft lware
msrohs m W. J. liraMwdll wade a fly.
log trip aw Mouth to Riddle, returning
last ws as..
J. J. fcesw snerohant, ia Ulow laying
in a new etAnptf of goods.
The Wi eer warm of school closed
yesterday, ssnl ilae Spring term opened
to-dev um W te maeaasassat of the
am a tMcke T via.. D. V. 8. Iteid and
Miss Flora I Welt. County Bup't. Mu
ass reports t e eefeoot ss progressing
a jmu a neij . . av
There is so are talk of an excursion to
ftatem. or bob st other point below from
this place und or the manogement of tha
I. O. O. F. Hope it msy he,
Wiggin't storm is over.
nnovmsviLLR iTans.
Brownwllle, Or., March 21, ltt
Jka floats c red :
Messrs. Croft & Kirk are "fitting
un" their hero bouse. If the weather
favors, the Brownsville her eale will be
quite exUnatve. At the present every
oaa seems e neon rated over the fair
Mr. Goddard hi home from Ktstern
Mr. (Joohran and his estimable lady
returned from Portland last Tuesday.
Mr. J. B. Irvine, who lately returned
from W. T., expects soon to move his
fsmily thither.
Mr. Lelead organised a Bad of
Hope bore laat week.
Mr. Geo. O. Biakely ha offered four
exoalteat prixee to tbe various grades
of the North Brownsville school for
moat improvement in matheaaatice dur-
tag the present term.
Mkn Mollis Mimons quite sick with
tbo lung feVtr
Bar. Mr. Hunaakar, of afcMinnv.Hc,
preach otl bora laat Weaoosdaj oigbt.
Mr. Jaraas Btskely. of I'riaaviilf, ia
visiting fnorxis ami rolaUvss bars.
Mr. ZtAiujr has moved into Xortb
Mrs. Downiog, our ootarprisiag ha
ker, constantly keeps on hand bread,
pies, and cakes, at vary reasonable
Flour is $1.50 j sack.
Wbest -104c par bushal, aqtiie milts,
Si the warehouse., ISO.
Oaufio " "
Beef ob fool, 5 U1.
Hay baled, 9&2t par too.
looao, ia to 20.
BuUor gi to 10 ota par lb.
Kfge 10 oaats per doe.
Pstatoas aOu per buahet.
Pork -7 ota par lb.
Dried Fruit-nun dried apples, 0c
" pluses, Sc.
machine cured apple, s'o.
" plume, 10.
liaooos bama, 14 ta 10c.
kftuUUn, 10 la I So.
sides. If to 15a.
Klour-&fi0por bbL
Cbiofceaa 5JJ0 par doe.
SagarBea Vraoolsp C, Mo.
Mill Feed -bran, 14.00 per loo.
Qolok, complete owe, alt annoy log Kid
ney, Bladder aad Urinary Dieseeee. 11
w u.
Fretful babies cannot help disturbing
everybody, and mot bars should know
bow sooth log pvkor's dinger Tonic Ie.
It slope babies paius.iaakae then? u earthy,
reiievee ineir owa society aad is safe to
. "Joornat."
They are eonpoueded from Hone.
runic, ruenu, saauoraae ana Dandelion
the oldest, bast, and moat valuable
medicines la tba world and eon tain all
t. t . a met a m. . ..elF
a. k s ax , a a.
T.1 muQ oarnwre propertlas
of all other re mod lea, being tba grea
Blaod Purifier, Liver Regulator, and
im ana neaitu Kestoria
so varied and uerfec
They give new Ufa aad vigor to tbe
aged and Infirm. Ta alt whose sm
ploy meats causa Irregularity of tbe
aowela or urinary organs, or who re
oulre an Apetizer, Tonic and mild
Stimulant, Hop Bitters are invaluable,
being highly curative, tonic and stim
ulating, without Intoxicating.
No matter what your fvaliaars
are, what tba disease
Hod IM Iters. Don't
wait until you are stag, ant' ir vau on y
feel bad or m Iserable. use Hop Bitter
atoaoa. It may aae your life. Hun
dreds have been saved by so daring.
$600 will be paid for a ease tbsy will
not cure or hsl p.
Do ool sutler or let your friends suffer,
buboes and urge t Fie in to use Hop
Kemembjr, Hop I I Iters is no file,
drugged, drgakea nostrum, but the
purest and bast medicine ever made j
tbe 'Invalid's Friend aud Hope," and
no person ar family abomd be without
them. Try tba Bittars to-day ,
," ' ii'
a' c. ttnlftfl f T '
a the County Court of Linn County, State of
Oregon :
O Q Pooler and J H Washburn eo-partners
doing bnslpsos n Brownsville, Ore
gon, under the Arm name cf Cooley &
Washburn, Plaintiffs.
George L Breeden, Defendsnt.
To Oeoree L Bteeden the above named DtfL
In the name of tbe SUte or Oregon, yon
are hereby required to appear aad answer
tbe oemptalntof tbe above plaintiff In the
above entitled notion now on tile with the
Clerk of aald Court, by tne 1st day of May
term 1883 of said Court, to-wlt i tbe 7th
day of May 188J, and yeu are hereby
nodded that If you fail to appear and an
swer said oomplelnt, as hereby required,
tnTFllutlsTWMl be lodBnent sgsinst
voii for the sum of tW.W and interest
thereon at tbe rate of ten per oent
annum fcom tbe second day of June 1877
aud for the cosSs and disbursements of
this action to be taxed. f
This summons is published by order
af Hon L Vllnn, Judge of said Court, made
at Chambers March WHO, 183.
T. J. S'rrras A Q, E. Ch an berlauv.
Atty's to Plff.
Administrator's Notice.
NoUce is hereby given to all persons
um v jug uipuw mmmm 7"rr 7 I
i i ai fwat 1m --- or sa rao
M. smith deoeaaea, h oreeeuk mo bmb w
six months from the date of this notice, at
the office of said administrator, in Albany,
Dated tla i7ta day or atarcn
H. Bhvant,
Administrator of tbe Estate of Sarah M.
g Agent en
mm fan
Jilttera an
v "e
t are their
It ann f .HI
Absolutely Pure.
ThU BSfMSr nsrvr arW
A nurvut iA turitr
vweusts sms nVfic
tte SjpSSrr klwU, mJ mitA l m.Ul in SSMSSSa
Mora xrttoailtml lho
wmm mm nww'x " w 10111 wiiight. alum
f pftoatiMM) a. WHS IV Id nm K.t.i.
juiiniunuu. iuo wn i , s y.
TMsUver and KAmmy it a motor
sm effort emrv surei Usre af " im naa
W mm thud, ma ktind Omjm lu try W mm UM U
leave rr tela fterream
vsrrbn. SI ir UHU ; !
aaSaSj ur a.
Keeps the boat
brands of Imperial
Kaeps tbo finest btllard ball la tbo stty.
I will also aell real estate, mere bead lee
household goods, ete., at auction for any
ana ta tbo city or county Klore opposite
Revere House, a 1 bony, Or.
Notice Is aeroby given that by order o'
tbo Board of Directors oft he Orange Union
AJbaay, i ha ttnaoaaiaed will, on Friday
the 23rd day of Msroh, 1M, at the hour of
acre o'elook , p, m ., of aafd day, at tbe Cou n
lieusa door la tbo city of Albanv, Linn
ooonly, Oregon, sell st pooilo auction to
tbo highest bidder for cash in hand, all
tbe notcoccounta claims ami demands of
whatsoever kind and all Judgment owned
by and la fkvw of the 'i range L'nfor, Al
bany. For a list of said account, notes,
claim and Judgment, an 1 for further
particulars Inquire of tbo noderaignod.
Slw4 O. F. Kinraon,
nscatuwa aaai' a
The beet salve ia the vorM for cuts, broia
es, sores, aleere, salt rhrum, (over aorca, tet
ter, cbenptsd hands, chilblaioa, oorni aad all
ktads of ekta erapVena as aave u guar
an teed to give peffee ttinrat t-i in every
ease or money refuoduJ. i'nee 35c per box.
Fer sale by Foahay anl Mason, wholeaala
sgts I i Moore, Hero ; I holty, Ubeaon ;
Dr I'owell. Lsbasoo ; lleilpeth and Moo-
w4f0 Jeavraoo ; 1 M t'albreath. l'.uena
Vhate : O Comelies, Turner ; K A llampy.
llarrisbarg ; Starr and Ulakely, Hrovaa
a C era
To all who art) sutTchtiK from the errors
A iadiseivtioae at yoath, arv weak
early decay, Mas of mm hood, etc. , 1
will send a recipe that wQl care yon, FltKE
OF CHAKtf. This greet rsmedy was die
covered by a missionary in South America.
Seod a slf.addressed envelope to the lis v.
Jtaomr T. Irrrr. fHstlon I). NVv York
foe Safe.
A half interest in the Albany K la Works
sad f irocery Store of II oilman A Joa-pb.
for prtia lars ipqpire at tke'storp.
Peer(llr BrrftfMeaa ..
Pont oondoma a good thing lx cause
you have been deceived by worthies
nostrums. Parker's ULnger Tonic has
cured many In thta sootton af nervous d is
orders, and wo recommend It heartily to
such sufferers, "Newa."
BHtliOH'S VITAL1ZRR ia what 30
need for Constipation, Loan a Appetite
IHai'nssa anf U symptoms o i -Mpppsia
Prlceis and 76 oenu per beetle.
- m v j
"nengh en nata. '
Clears out rata, nioe,roaohe4, Hies, ante,
oea-ougH, nannies, nniimvinKH,. gapnerai
!5o. Druggists.
-UIhu Moo.
"TyellaaJ Healfh, lfnor" rrsfQfea
healthand vigor, cures iyrKntia, mpp--tenoe,
Setusl Debjlity. $1.
Barber Shop.
Shaving done
reaora, which a
lib lieauMhi and sharp
are always Sept in ifood
condition, aad hair
cut in tbe very beift
ishSIw rota
a -, a si a r a a
luumuii MASoa . wit. n
u BIAAfll
m maaart, a. iMobt a
osing out at sacrifice
Great Slaughters of goods.
snaar mi M
801D BY APRIL 1ST. j
REMEMBER you have only TWO WEEKS in
which to secure goods
is a genuine closing sale
-Irani 1ST. ... -
T "aiM
Hrfojeo Jawaj kna teefal di MAW- W anffctssn
The Store of Julius Gradwohl
Lea J " .n1
A Urge atMrtmant of baby carri, and a choit?e selection
of coffee, tea and sugar
A LEO A (Mf.CL At fOUl MI T Or
fTftlVj i iVf.H iltt YIN
ai aaa r w a assanSMM taw ! aa aVHMi taa fVaaj
OKafCST! urUT!!
ACAD U kuata
Urr. ee mum Siaaa
WW.W yt a ti mm 3
OMK-te Now ta tne
Conference Rutes.
Tirbete seld ta nasi f)-eraa all
tmrt of Europe, to nasi IVwwa aUI
points of Omss, Wawhlartwa.
S really
and Iswest wsellie rates
over the fbllowiag liaee ;
orth Geraaaa Leys IM'alslB Co.
11 am burg American Packet u.
White hitar Line Nteamihle Ca.
nOrTtts tts; imm i:-.
P-M !iy neraa er hy inter
OaaDEMOORFa m saiRflts
10, Vt'aahluston Ht.. 3'atiaaal
Rank Hat Idiag. P. O. Ir x, B.
Notice of rissolunion.
Notice ie hereby given that tbo eo part
nership heretofore existing between T J
tfer ri'e tirafnameoi jsiaok, Patriot' Co,
at llalsey, ,inn county, Qiegon, and en
gaged in the mercantile and warehouse
business ie this day by
mutual oonaent
dkaaolved. Joseph Pearl retiring from the
arm. All debts and aeeouuta ilae or ta
become due to the late firm are to be paid
to T J Black and T L Porter who will con
tinue the buslnee. and pay all demands
against tbe late 11 rm of Blank, Peart A Co,
pittad fhls lvb day of opuary, 1S8S,
liefer ring to the a,bove the undersigned
rosppclfnly aqljolt a ciHiunpe o the
liberal patronage heretofore etonded tq
tbe Arm of Black, Pearl a Co,
Black, Poaxxii A Co.
Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the estate of Jamee
Simons, Uet-faaod, ha nied biM hnaL ac
count as suoh admin iatranbr HffWI Wnw y
Court of Linn onunty, Oregon, and by or
der of cai.l Court, Vaiurday, the Ttb day
of April, 1883, at tbe hour of nine o'clock
a. m. of said day Is eet for hoar iou; nl.joct-
ioaataaad lyy iri-i -fiini art
aaaaaasnnnB aTTlrr T
mi ppacari3Ctoff
'''-aeaiSlsr1"- v1 aty! wmaaasaaaanshaai?
rtrt wr mH m 9tm dm afc omri THI If K mt m -- m ---- -
bis or her oliJvMJtlonH to ia! 1 dual aooouut m w la L
on or bt rore xaid day. March 8th iclli14irU ICII 1 1 llaiU
J. I).S.mos, AdmihlatraW. Ijrltlr Ih!IH!t r
Geo. K. C"4j 4 LMjytf&m.
For partictiiam
Wafnapto. C!.
dmUlt. l eatisit lt
hi mm.
A MOM, orgaut and fur altar
m apeelalty. All hsoUas irltbin
tfi ;Hy pronaUy attai
isM to.
Will plow gardens iu flralclnaa
tela. ta-28.
at at 1 t 1 vr w. j r ivi: MViconrrTir'
i nnr- m.kitlli .rnoroo),.,. ira u.r..,( TakTOl
1 poi ' hi aa ua a sa irtru wv asuiun I vri iu w mi -
inc our instriic iuiiH. Kor amrtioul&ra. I i-
Wif flaMllft- r.l fiTUIMP
at nominal prices. This
and will positively close
- . O
Rll VPP alh ruiun uinr
m m.
i mz. mm am aa
M. m rr tAmrt rmr rr.
a rmrytmi fc mt ommm wwaeiiw wiSwrifcin.
at . 9Ai. .wf ru.
aymMsmm . svdl lfca aasraaaanfaawaaw anaananrenaa am symmwpet
?aaauj os., ttfcuen, j
' Noticp to Si
itockt holders.
Capital Gold and Silver Mining Com
pany. Location of principal place of huai-
tUem, urenun. There art) tie iiiqueoi
upon tne fOrrowlatr described "took on ac
count of assessment No. 2 levied on the 18th
day of August 1882 and which became de
linquent Jan. 10, 188S the several amounts
set opposite tbe namea of tbe respective
share holders as follows :
af eartUteata.
13S 198 18
R C Hill
Haa-ptow wl
usefga renter xc:
E o Statu 7?. 11a, SSS
C E WulvartaB t,,
L Kline
8 Fux
U PHoinie
lira K A
8 ifaiHi at.
Henry UeVna ltKSM
rtseus T Arawtrony K.i
A V Barkar SUU
W O PaHear
at sal
Q W Chh
Jama T WarUey 247
O W Crrata! IA
H J u.n
j w n4i
Estate X PPWaUa
In aoootdanoe with law mu tu order Qf
the Board of Directors qf the Capital Wold
and Silver Mining Company of Salemt
Oregon made an the 11th day ol Jsnnsry,
laag, so many shares of tavh parcel of
! look aa may be necessary will bt sold st
public auction at the office of f-aid Com
pany, Orlswold's Block, second storr,
Salem, Oregon on the 24th day of March,
1883, at the hour ol one o. m., of that day
to pay said delinquent ai-exHinent tbre
on brgerhpr with eootn of adverliaina and
eapeosaanif -
1 H- P. Cnanwici., ferr-tary.
Offl.e Stot k-bolders Bl ock.; Second Hi rtry,
Selem (rgnn.
TCROKPcuuc ijrrnsiis sa-
t f 1 T 1 1 1 Ul.n. v . I .mutihiMllAlll
liirnisfted op shpft potip.
IMr-viov-vT "PriVilir
- - . . . . . . a j.
htiii - im an ina yn i-t
ww sis iirwia ia aa ibs ui sub 7uu1t
0. wu a aa tavm me -
(Witb Curtis iGbpa.j
positive cure
for Catarrh, Dl
year iAJtry lse.Sx fV
a aajftsShSM IHaftRV 1
n kit i jwa-
nte. Mot U I; A. ' T I i i I i mi ii i
tuisi ann ipt iaia wa
FTinH anu mil i
rt mt imii or
m .14
ise .15
MS .15
100 .15
100 .IS
100 JS
1 JB
i 1
m i
taste siM
&at 7je
oo m
100 .15
50 .?
100 .15
100 Ik
ItaVs cin
40 .