STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSCSD KTKRY FRIDAY Or UMC&UTlOtf aa n to S 00 1 w 7 M ....... a ... , a a a a ALLEN & -OF- ALBANY - An mwmmMic thir eUsjte FALL AND WINTER GOODS I - :V fsMifttiif ef ene ef the Urges! General Merchandise Kvor etcred for lale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Iieitdea all the latest ityles j-4 novelties. Oar stock it all fresh aid lew, and Mck ef it was aarcaaac4 ia New Yerk , aid there is let eat piece ef eld style goods ii ear store ft -.a THE CLOTHING ef ike largest aae1 feats farakkiaf feeie ever kreafkt to'tVu t alley, aid will he sell at aricesth a defy eeesectities . eitberfbcre er elsewhere. We alae keet a fall liae ef ladies', ehildrea'i aid gftitletrai fm turn st BOOTS AND SHOES, All sf the hest aaalitjr aid direct frees tie maaifattiret. We alee iivite atteatiea ta ear sfleidid selection if i HATS AND CAPS, here isalse te he fend at ear stare GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Oar ssette ii ONE PRICE gapilee eeathjr ail'frec, ta appleation. ALLEN VOL.XVIII. MARTIN OREGON, I Stock t aid Ml complete stock ef ii Altos-. ?! DEPARTMENT ineat aeaertweaU ef clothing and a large aid well-selected stack FOR ALL. & MARTIN, 5 7 First Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U ILUII, . . CHAM HUM. A If. KLINN 6t CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOBUKYM AT l-A , saroffloe In Footer's Brlok Blook.-W. vlBnlStf. R73.4TIUHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TIIK Courts of thta Ntale. Will five apodal attention to collections Mid probate euer. Omoa In Foster's new brlok. 4tf L H. MONTANYB. ATTORN EY AT I-AW. Notary Public. Al C u petal ra, over John Ilrijcx' tore, ut VMnxstr J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (XOTAST 9VUC.) tTTOHNEY AT LAW. ausaxv. eeuutas. rLL riucnce IS all tiis courts OK TIIK Hal. SBeoavlattaUoas frm U outtaiAiuaa ai a. Sl Odd PtRSar'a Tea.4. (14:1 j. o. rowiu. W. K. HILYKU POWELL ft BILYEU, vTTORN EY8 AT LAW. Aad Solicited ia t'kairery , ALBANY. - - - ORISON. GotteoUooa promptly dm, on ail point neoteted on reasonable terma. in Vomimr Brick.a vital'. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OlMfl. ta aii the oooru of tbe SUta. auanUoa riv-n to aoiKaUont. aoo- liuaUen of Tttlaa. Probate vlSaJUU. E. U. SK I P WORTH, a ironist Asecoitasxea at law as sotabv rmu. WILL practice to ell court of itao Mate All business tatiastod to ma prompt- y nBsasjei to. OJke im O' Toole's Block, Bnxulalbim Stmt, 4Ayl Aba, Oregon. LEWIS STniSOR'S tTABLE. Flrat elaaa vehicles, fine horaea, good Caad, accommodating jHWWiatora and resv oaule dnrm Ulve tbeui a can. Saab lea near lie vera liouae. eyl. E. W. LANCOON A CO., BBUCIOIETS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Artlolea, A Largo stock and Low frloea. DKTJO- 8TPKJB, tjrt 4I4SSSY. euEis. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBA MY, OEEOOI. iMamf J. J. WHITNEY, 1 attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Publico ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice ta all of too Court of tbiaState. Ail buaiuea inUuatod to him will be promptly aUended to. asrOffioe in OToole'a Block. REVERE HOUSE, vtret ChAeV Pfeifler, Prop'r. HwhitoStUiiaptaamclMattjrU. Tablai rhA Um Im tea mute affoeia. Spvttic Aloany Bath House. TOM U H D1R8IQ N1D WOULD RK8PICT J. tally i aform tka aiuaaa of AJkaur aad ri etaiif that 1 kaTOtakeaakarga oftkia Irtathak at, and, by kaapiag olaaa reeaia aad pajrte trit attention te buiuw, azneat w uit al tkoi who vaar raver US with taair aatroaage Barkig karetefera carried ea ootatsg act Flrat-Claaa Hair Dreastog Saloons acaeeta to glee eatira tatiifaction to al agfCkUdtea aad Ladiat' Hair aeatlf keeaoeead. JOS Wg BUCK. O. O OHBKBT. C.B.FARICK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sucoaaaora to C. C. Cherry.) lacMnitts, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE If AVE OUH NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinila of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine. Oriat and Saw Mill Maohinery, and all kind of Iron and Brass Caatinga 0MwS ' rATTKKSS HANS ttV SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alo manufac ture the improved Cherry Ar White Grain Baker St.-OSee a Lamber Yard. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. I8tf W. H. QOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Macblnery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG- Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, WUIpraettos Prompt eostaaas a apacleltty Rights ALBANY, OREGON, SPOBSflU H I w. 1 UrL " )rJm CErmanremedY. I'Olt RHEUMATISM, Nouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backaoha, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smelt' ings and Sprains, Sams and SeaJda, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and ait other Pains and Aches. " rrapBaUuft on math )ul r Jt - r. 0,1 M , n rf, ttmptm mu4 rhrnj, r.Hri. .. 1. (i...i)r a trtel MtaiM Set U owmni.,i, t .Hii t .iUiU .4 uO (VaU; and rry Mann t'b (muu cm Ufa cSaap aa4 iaut. )w W Mt kins UMUwli BOLD II ALL DSUOOIBTS AID DEAL EI 3 II MEDI01ME. A. VOOELER Sl CO., re. mm., V. M. JU A Mr: ..i .M4tiaMir Vn ljC!tr:i . .a. 'Tin latHTafliteflMasaiaTsSaie : rataaSVaitlaMai Maaaafi ua. it ai r ears. n iw w awssi ra '. ti otM.-vi u tore aer t,' ta a -.v-' Hwfc itw; aaSaaaj a '. - ,r,lt 4Mlwr,i ki tr:,; i i Mo ' r. -r .y at ,.t- .f,..u NJ li r VcrV ! r '.' owl te a BaiSBSai f" gnu-i aad aaS u l A paaaa tAansakdMaaii am miirtmd 4 im- tmt of ut. 0 taeaoaat -f I: awtl'a. U U ii niataaei aaJ r-cr'.V-! by DoSaW akfekSsBl ta U ' c jaairf. Om afii t; wt . Mkm a rharai and . mneU Main. UQni raCTttT '. . -t uiu f C. ;.im at tW U-m'. te tr'jiM, J-t-ttuUt abt Mjalut geaaSaaaaJyl oarU iv I uHi:!ua aa4 CtoMvitua. r. 4t'ar. -i f- :'"- rw mm l'x- Mjsntt ;4Mi MlWk, A. . J tj peaf -4., I IBajl to apaaalaSaeeia vf.umat aks arna, aa4clM ar UX uul ir. tl rw tuati. , ftaikty. itaSrwyi all rla tor UmuU'. omJ tUm w t- r thm a i a It cam 9t(Uff. IIswW Kx ciwni PataaWrSSawi tav IIoiUti". Tiul f- '. am "t aiae 4iw,rMutaa :ta,etru baJ UkWM, a alvart f ramtiil aarad try tu Un.iu:ii!w ,i ame'aaakeSanateseiVaa la awataay w.uuUi tut aawaas ta (uaio i t:. l:rar fL Mrf UrftW or t . . . r f. . - I. anM ,f m SaSSSi Aay arasarwt.t, 1. 1 jc . uiaaatsaAS t:. asaaa of sway Im ia v ur ti'.turxi t psrfart S Sl hr tka aaa of tke V-;-rtat ' oas.-aanMt. ran W Jaioae jgeaykasSSj BS a t lur at aar Sanaa a Idraa, Uaaa. Vor Cldaay OompOatat of UW . w:i4U aanrpawad aa aSuadaaa aaMawaSUa asear. Srm, Warsaw', taw rua." aaya vnawriter, "are ttWaad im (A worid fur Ua aura ef Oaat'llln . SSSaaasaai aad Torptdiir of the la, Bar CSaad rarCarvorSawoedarsta U ap 11 i. -waadtdOfa to ataal tSa Compound In It imSirty. AS i-aat rapawt bar u an a n, c J ol licrrf whaan cjj aai'tioo 1 u eageat to fSSaa iteaasSjSssj ra aa Xn. a. m n TUTT'S PILLS 0YIWPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loaa at Appetite, Bowela costive. Pain In the Hand, wish a dull senmtion in the back part. Fain under the Should a r blade, fullneaa after ting, with a dteuv of oodv or mnd. olusatton So exertion Irritability of temper. Low spirits, wish a reeung ox cat s feeling of having noglected tome duty. Weartneee, Diaatneaa, IMutterinc at the Heart. Doss before the eyes. Yellow Skin. lioadache generally over the light eye, Bestleesnsse, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TfTTH PILLS xre erprrtaJljr adapted to aur h reeea, one doae enact aurh a ehanca of frcllntr ealoitlah thr- auffarar. They laamaaa ttor AnattSe,aiid rnc tha body to Tae on ft aat. tbua tu- ayolfin U ann uy ii'irTanir.noa on tii Ma, etaaraiiitr woau arc pr- eciita. SS Sunn; ttt., M. Y. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Orat ftaiaoa WHittKKHM ehancrd toaOimur Black by n mugw application of ti,i litric ltm pars a aatural estor. at tn lnianiaiiwnjiy. Hdd uy Uruagiau. or aeut by aitrt-aa on r-vlpt of tl. umot, SS Ml Hilt Y f.T.. vr.rr YOUK. f Br. TTTTH BAXttL tt V.l, l-.f.,nlna u4 V VSiatel SaMteA. iHh abated tut ! i.e. . DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to thia city and reranual prac tice. (MSc in uaw tolag -aph oltlua, o Thi1u' iiuililliiifi, Broadalblu tn ct, balwtuu Find and Sec ond traet. Albany, Or., lfor. g, 1889. people aro alwayno tliu lookout for chan cea to iiicreaao their earniinri, atid In tiuia beama wealthy j tbnaa who da not improve tbelr opportnul Uea retnain in poverty. We offer a ifreat obanoe to iu Ice money. We want many man, women, boe and ff te to work for ua rifht In their own locaiitiee . Any oaseen do the work proaerty from the flrat atart. The bualneaa will pay more than tan Umea ordinary wages. Kxpenalve oulflt (umUhad free. Noonowho enirairej fail to make money rapidly. You can do- vo e year whole time to the work, or only your nparo momenta. Full informrtion and all that la needed aunt free. Add roan Htinbos Jt o., Portland, Maine. SU1KDIAI A88DRAM0B 00., OF LONDON. ES TA BL18 II ED, A. D. 1821. Capitol subscribed, f lO.OOO.OuO Capitol paid up 5,000,00S NoTSUz-This company has the largest paid up capital of mpany doing business in the United States. Insurance accepted by , ; RoBT. A. 1'OSTTR, Agt of Albany. A week uuide at home by the In' daetrtouR. Beet business now be- the THtbHd. Capital not needed . We will start yon. Men. women., boya and fflrla wanted every where to work for ue.. Now la tbe time. You can work In tpare time, or give your whole time to the bulneftt). Nootner bualnees will pay you nearly aa well. No one can fail to mako enormous pay, by on- trajriiijf at once. Costly outfit Mid term free. Money made faat, eaaily, and honorably. Addicts Tiu e & I 1 FRIDAY, MARCH (rarlh Uaaot RAT.) THE RICH AND POOR 00U8IH8, "Well Allho leta play a joke on the people while we air at NVjwjmrf. You are poor, wl ile I am licit, and there will sown woithieea follow tali dead in love with we or my mow-v while we ate guno. When 1 warry a tusti I want hiw to hive we aiui not what few Uollars I kevt.. So J will play 1 hw tke piMi one ami you the tcta, 1 will dteea voiy plainly, wtar souat dull ooior, an urown, anilt: yon get a hanJaowe outtiL i wilt foot ihe hill, sndjnst carry things hih, and m o how much you can flirt. Von know your hand is aWeady j.rowiatU in niariiagn to Mr. South the laukr. Ko if whiie you ate waking a fool ! eoiue wnp, you for a iniii tile should not fijfgt t that VOU are -iigagnd to the richeat mi. in KU bany just real foot e on the diamond on your linger, that will remind yon of it, so have all the fun yJ can, kuow ing your fortuno is esadr. u the man that (alia in love with the poor, plain girl will love Iter for herwilf alone, and that'it tae re l for nt ." Lilly th siesker was a pet feet blotide, with golden cutis and hlun eyes. While Allice was just the opptsitc,e hrunettr, dark hair, wbieh wade a ii h coil on the back of her head. They were orphan living with an uncle and aunt. Lilly had only Wen an rj-han two year, while Allies hsd lieett without father or mother nearly ae-n rears Ilia father involving all his money and prowrty to an unlucky nieculation anon loat hie health, and a short time before bis death ho sent for his brother and gave to him his deal rat treasure on earth, his daughter Allice, who was honjefeas sod penniless. Since that time her uncle has given her a good home and cared for her aa though she was his own daughter having the same name, strangers supposed her uncle to be her father. Near ) far ago she became Acquainted wuh Mr. South and at the preattnt tune ia hi imttothed wife, the marriage ia to lake place on her eighteenth Lirthday. The girle told their nnch their plan, wbitli he thought a capilui idea. For said he 1 want ray little golden hair lo g t a g od true man, one that hi worthy of bat. Si everything w arranged and o'l they started, their nude for thr-ir escort. He said "now girla don't foe get the part you are to play ; leta mass thia thing a success. I'll watch and keep you posted how things are going. While I am talking to the old folks, I'll be aure and keep my eyes open to bow my girls are getting on." Shortly after their arrival at New pott they attended a ball, this tteing their first entrance in their assumed cbaracteri they determined to make it count, so each played her pan wel'. Fred Hamilton a worth lees young law yer was there and (ell desperately in love with the stippoaed heireaa. Gus. Arno'd a clerk in a dry goods store was there also, he sought for, and received an intiodoction to Lilly as did Fred with Allice. After going home thst night they spont some time in talking over their new acquaintance, Qua. saying he believed Lilly ae pure as the name she bore, while Fred carod but little for tke others purity so he gained the money, said that was the main thing in his eye. "Why, see how she dresses ! she must be heiress lo roit- lions, did you see that diamond on her finger. I'll tell you I've set my head to win her. The v met at severs I par- ties and Fred always managed to 5c at Allice'a side, she could hardly get a a . . .a . as ) ?. , i wf r. f . J? chance to dance wiih auv one else he was so attentive, There was to be a grand ball given at Judge Moore's, am at A I J which was to be the last of the season, Fred borrowed small amounts from . . ... .1 any one who woulil loan t him m order to put on a great deal of style. Gus on the contrary dressed aa neatly as possible without needless expense. 8o each were at the party ia good timo as were the girls also. Fred as usual sought Allice and remained by her side watching every turn she made. During the latter part of the evening tliey took a promenade through tbe Lawn, when Fred thought the right time had come for him to propose, so he began in the most perfectly studied words.tell- ing her his love, how over since be be- came acquainted with her she hsd been bis dreams by night aod bis thoughts by day, she listened quietly until he was through. When she said, "Oh it is so unexpected, givo mo a little time to study," he took her hand in his, threw himself on his knees and said, I surely will die if you vejW me, for live with out you I oau't." things had gone far enough for her then, so she said ' I am in so much trouble to-night 'tis Lard for me to settle my mind." "Tell me your troubles dearest Alice and let me share them with yon." fL feel a little delicacy in speaking about them to you, but perhaps . 'twill be as well. I received news to-day that the bank where my money was, has failed and I am pennilesa.,' Up he jumped, can that be so, have you the news enurrraf 23, 1883. gjrrectly," " Yi 'tis so,csmo fn.m a re liable souroe, I led it deeply !ut will have to beaj it- As to your answer, I hnve been studying and have aliout de cided to say "Miss Allies don't you tli ink we hsd hottet go back to the ball room V That was the last of Fnd's love for Alice. Ou oalled on Lilly occasionally sad each time they were more favorably impressed with each other, In time he proposed to her at.d ws accepted, they rsturntHl home, tha girls preparing for their weddings. Lilly and Allice were mtriied the same dd.v. !u a few daya Qua snd Lilly moved iieuta to a small ottsge ho had rented, they bad only lived there two weeks when one even ing Lilly asked her husband to take a shoit wslk v. itb her, ssyiog "ahe had a head ache and thought the frtsb air wjnld do her good." They had only gone a fw blocks whea looking up, Gus Said, "why, there U uuclc," Lilly proposed going in and n-HMng. After they had en t red and uncle bad given them seats, Lilly said, "My dear hus band you thought jou warned a penni less bride, this is my wedding piesent ti you, Twaa a joke we played. I am therein as while A lir i ia the poor girl or was until nhe mirrie.1. To eay Gus was sstoniahei does not express it, but ho cannot leve hia rick bride more than he did the (tonr one. The last heard of Fred he was waiting fer something lo turn up in order that he might marry rich. TEMPEMSCE DKPA&TMKHT. smtTru by ma Wsnei'a Chrialiti Trnstrssee Csiss hno snstx esot r.B The gteat que won of the press nt day with na ia whether the liquor trade is to conquer this nation Or be conquered by it. That trade ia thoroughly organized, has unbounded capital at command, and has its sgents swarming everywhere. The profits are ao great that it will nev er lack eMlrgieta and defenders in the preea, in our Legtalatorea and ssaong the perple, and will only go Out, like he ovit spirit of ol i, upon compuleion, and even then it will try to rend and convulse society. Were sll good men oppmard to it, it could be easily over r. gen, lata there is a class entitled to that name who defend and patronize id- liquor uaffio in aom- of iu phases, though condemning ii in those forms ' which do notlnlerfere with their own indulgences, and the better the men of this class in other teepecta the mote tower tbey hsve a supporters of the liquor traffic. This is the struggle for life and death, in which there is no neutral ground-; every man snd woman muat be either (or or against the great enemy of all righteoaaue-fa the traffic in intoxicating drinks. New York Wttneto. The f'o'e facts are undoubtedly true. There is also, another class of men ho ex pt ess their opinions freely with enthusiasm and earuetnes. snd )et when it comes te the test, you find very few who have the bia'ery to sus tain their opinions. They empty their quiver of its bitteissto arrows, but do not follow thetr declarations with act ions worthy ot the opinions exprossed, and such s course injures, rather than assists the cause of tern jn sace. Dr. Lyman Beecher, in one of his fa- e a aa a Sl uous temjierance sermons said : "All denominations of Christisus in the ns- tion may with great esse be united in the effort to exclude the use and the co-nmercd in ardent spirit. They alike feet and deplore tha evil, and, uuited, save it in thetr ower to put a stop to , a - - aa.--.A41 - wee u. This union may bo aceouiplumeu through tbo medium of a national soci- I a a a a I ety. There it no ot.ject lor wnion a national society is more imperiously de- manded, or for which it can Iw reared ... : J t unur nappier aunjua. Temuerance keeus the senses clear snd u,ierobarrase.l, and makea them seize tbe witU m0MJ kwnoes anj t. UUctiotK It mmn w;th life ia the , , deco..UUJ irv tiIH orHOn . it comrnand (f your head, secures your health, sod preserves you in a condition for business. A FAIR IMtoPOM I to Anyone suffering from habitual coit stipstion, torpidity of the liver, colds, fevers, head aches, restlessness, sleepless ness, indigestion or other ills arising from a disordered or inactive condition of the liver, stomach and bowels, and wishing to give Syrup of i?igs a thor ough trial, can buy it of Fosbsy & Mason, Albany, Rector & Sob, Halsey who will agree to return your money if it fails to act promptly and satisfac- tonly HOW TO AVOIO DK1.MKKN1VESS. Forbid intoxicating nostrums and use Parker s Ginger Ionic m your family. This delicious remedy never, intoxicates, is a true blood and brain a i food, and aiding all the vital functions never fails to invigorate. Premature grayness avoided by using Parker's Hair Balsam, distinguised for jta cleanliness and perfume. NO :4 mt Doivn. On Jan. 19 we commenced a regular chess tournsment to consist of 19 prok. loins, one te be puhliahed each week until the tourney ia completed. Mr. S. A. IVaney,of J-AWson of fers the foflowing prizes for solution of problems in this touiney i Te any person eolvfng all of the 10 problems, a prize of 100 blank che dUgrama T' the one solving tho next largest nsiai tier, 7." blank chess diagrams, and Sw to the next highest. When te or more are tied ia the number ef solutions, then tks prize will lie awarded to tbe one who furTrieho the neatest aad moat plainly written solutions. All solu tions must he tent in within three weekS from the dste of the japer con aining the problem, except thn solutioa to problem Na 10 whirl, will he re quired t sent in within two wWas from date of i-aue containing it. Problems far the tourney will be fur nished by 8. A. De Taney, Jeffett4on. TOfOXEV Mtoui.t.M jro. 10. White K at K II .1 Pa at K It 7 ii at u u a II at K K 2 Illack it at Q fi P atQ Kt 2 PatQ 3 Pat K B 4 ltd Kt 3 Kt at Q K H Kt at y R 7 . White to play and mate in two moves. By iuvestigstion it bss been ascer tained by several Knights that tourney problem Ko. 6 wee net sound. We will therefore in our next issue pub lie a auWtitute for No. C which will cloe the tournament. "Sad." says : ".Vow if 'go-as-you-please' ia a fair square problem it is in fact a god one, but I feel certain that such is not the case, t would like to see tbe solution." But Dr. Kirkpatrick tinder date of March 10, lays : "I have succeeded st this 30 minutes past 8 p. m., in finding the solu'lon. ft gives me in tense satisfaction. I can't express a "dying mans" tbonghta, neither my continued delight in tbe solution of so profound and excellent a problem. It ia beautiful ! It is difficult ! It is pare P But yet the Dr. does not give sll the variation The following is the fall solution : White Blade I Kt to K I) 7 1 KtoQ5 2 Q te B 2 eh 2 K to Q 4 3 Kt tks B mate 2 K toQG d Kt tks mute 1 2 Q to K It 4 a Kt tks H- male 2 3 Kt ks R raste 1 K tks Kt 2 K Iks P 2 K to Ii 3 2 2 K to Q 5 3 KttoKB2 ma'e .v o sr t ' ii- WW!' 1 1 U tks B er P toB7or PtoKBGsr It tks P 2 K to B 3 2 Q to Q B 4 oh 3 Q tks B mate 1 2 Kt tks R eh 3 Q tks P-mate 1 B tks P 2 K tks P 2 K to Q 0 3 Kt tks P-tuite 1 2 Q to Q B 4 eh 1 P tks Kt 2 K to B 8 3 Kt toK 3-mate If black on his first move plays B from B 4 or moves 11 to B 3, or B to B 3, or K to B 3, or K takes pawn white mates next move. Dr. Kirkpatrick haviog been tho first to find the Key move, is award ed the small prise. We have mailed te hitn a copy of "Pen Pictures of Representative men of Oregon." SOLUTION. Tourney problem No. S, Dr. J E. Kirkpatrick. Note. In placing black in tourney problem No. 9 we say pawn at 3 but it ahouid be pawn at Q 3. Old birds are not caught with chaff." Therefore seek and find the pure golden frains of health in Kidney-Wort. Wo men, young or old, married or single it out of health, will be greatly beae- fited by taking Kidney-Wort. - -mmm 1 Women are rapidly finding places in the learned proiessions snd the more lucrstive occupations from which they were formally oxcluded. Many are graduating in medicine. Mrs. Lydis E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., is a min ister of health to thousands who may never touch the hem of her garment or behold the genial light of her nodest countenance. ae The first auction in England was held In 1700 by Ellsha Yale, governor of Madras, who thus disposed of tho gooddi which he brought home. vEanstno nAiss. wFT jlss I fat fyr i J Ml 1 1 00 2 00 sue 4 00 (100 7 so 10 00 3 00 6 00 ti 00 7 00 0 00 n oo Ii 00 500 700 10 00 I2MI 1500 1800 800 12 00 2 H I 4 " II 00 1500 100 25 00 3000 see so oo 1800 22 4 27 m :i5 oo 4S 00 eg loses 25 oe ) MaJ l.r 00 20 00 ial buai ootiei umns 2s cents per line. Kegnlar looal maieea io nenu ner Une. Kor legal snd irsnwient sdvsrthsasi uto 1 Os per aqnsre for the first Insertkan sod M oenu per aquare tor each aolawjqneat insertion. caetrg ar AvecATies. Laxo Statios, Mar. 13, 183. Ed. Democrat : Every youth should early deter, mine upon some calling, and prepare for It and pursue it with vigor. lisle and female, rich aod poor, high and law, one and alt, should have souse honorable aad useful employment which they snail pursue as a regular iHteinew. Every youth should i-o educated for a particular purpose aad a particular manner, sir uld be determined by hie menial ewpAciltee eud tbe object b lias In life. But mark ! Every youth skeuUx he oluc$stL, waatevt r Is ta be hia Credo or pr jfesui ai. If a young man is to ftdtow agricultural pursuits, be should be educated for It. Hi mind should be fully trained, aiuJ its power dov.kped In tbe direction of their lite pursuits. He should be made muaUW with all the natural sciences, such as chemistry, geetegy, ml aerology, bo tony, nod the natural history, character, aad ph biology ef animals ; for their breathing forms sre all about him, and through his life be muat have to de with them. His food, his drink, his drees, his all are within them sad he must draw tbem out. The touchstone of his knowledge must Unapplied to their dead aad living forma, thai 1st, bis wife aod children, may ho surrounded with tbe comforts and harmonies ef Ufa. With astrooamjr, pbynology, meats! and moral philosophy, and the rudi ments st least of a thorough mathe matical education he should he made acquaioted, tor these he needs every day in tbo care of bis fsmilyand in his business transaction with tbo world. II bj course of studies, his mental training, -ahouid be directed with a wise reference to hie s vocation. Not only his success, but the bappi nees and usefulness of both himself and family, depend ou it. .Similar remarks may he applied to youths who hsve designed te fill nny of the honorable callings in which men fulfill tbeli earthly destinies. First of all, a choice of business should be made, ami made early, with a wise reference to capacity and taste. Then tbe youth should be educated for It, and as much as poU hie in it, and whea this is done, it should he pursued with industry, energy, and enthusiasm which will ( warrant success. The humble writer 1 presents these few lines for public action, for tbe benefit of a few young men io tho community who have no ' business, nothing to de, and era ft pest to society. They are wasting their early lie in feu it toes endeavors at nothing. They have no trade, no profession, no object hetere them. Kducate themselves they can net, for they know not what thoy do it for. They waste their time, energy, and little earnings In endless chances and wanderings. They wish fer good things, bat hsve no wsy to attain them. They lay plana, invest schemes, form theories, build eastlea, hut never atop te execute aad realise them. AM that ails them is the want of an abject, a single object. They took st a hundred and see nothing. Remember there are only s few such boys la this community, while on the other band wo nave some as bright and energetic young men in this community, as can be found 'n the country. They hsve made their choice of svocstien which is agri culture and are making it a study. They know that their calling ia ft good one one that God and goodness sanctions, and they are true as steel. They sre throwing their mind, might, strength, heart, and soul into action for it, and success will undoubtedly crown ("heir efforts. Ths Me&m AIDES. CI RIOI S PACTS. A spring at St. Tammany parish, Louisiana, pours forth clear, cold water all day, but at sunrise it Suddenly goes dry, discharging no water until tbe sun rises again. While sawing veneer from a walnut knot an Indian discovered in the twiat ed fibres of the weed a perfect picture of a Spaniel's bead. The lines sre as accurately drawn ss if by the ncil of sn artist and when framed this natural curiosity has ail the semblance tf srt. One theatrical tham a hich has been revealed by a florist ia the remodelling of designs received by actors and actres ses. The material of a flower skip re ceived in the first act apjiears in the shape of a harp in the second, of art an chor in the third, or of any other de sign. And all She time the audience is amazed at the extravagant profusion of flowers. The liou and unicorn became tbo supporters of the English royal arm in 1603 at tho accession of James. Tbe unicorn was the Scottish kud-porter. Co., 'AugUDta, Muiuu.