Ifc geraoftat. Official County Paper, Eo tared at the Peat Office at Albany, Or. a second -class mail matter. FRIDAY MARCH 16, 1883 8TITES & HUTTING. Kaum m4 reiuV. 1R p. M TTi u. Ural Utur. O. A C. R. K. TIME T.tBLK. a. I ban y MUsUom. . rti Tsaixa. soars SOST). ALRANV tOCPRJBS Dfvk at MAIL TRAIN MAIL TRAIX Arrive at uetavtaat eorxa SOUTH. Arrivaa al ( lViart at KRKIUHT TRAIN " " . ALUAN V EXPRESS Arrivaa at t,:SO A. M A. M. Il:6 A. M li:06 P. M 11:45 A. M. 12:06 f M a. P. M. :S6 P. M. AN Trains dally, except Hsmaar. Noticr. On and after this date regular tioketa will be sold at oar ticket office for following points on OoJnmbta river: Upper ('anrades, Dalies, Umatilla. Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Will. B. Hi. r, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R E. Co, Albany. Jane 18th, 188'. tea reals. 1'urduui vs city. AwfM Wtsxlav We refer to the man who predicted the terrible storm. The time limited for it to sweep its deetiuotire body over the north west was from the 9th to ike I Ith. The 9th, 10th, 11th aad 13th were as mild, serene and calm days as were ever wit nessed here, thus knocking the false prophet completely in his cracked crani um. There has one good point been de veloped in the matter, and that la that while eastern people have gone crazy ever the matter Oregoniana have not been dis turbed at all. We are aot a superstitious 1 people. It la said that a great many wo man along the golf of Mexico actually went insane over the predictions, fisher men stopped plying their trades, aad at Gloucester. Mass.. they estimated their tosses at $125,000 just frem following the advice of the tympanum brained Wiggins. The Onondaga Indians in New York State tied their houses to trees and fences with large ropes to keep them from blowing away, and the telegraph has been full of such foolish repeats. Verily one man can cause an immense sight ef trouble by allowing his wiggling tongue to waggle toe much. Wiggins deserves decapitation. last weak the hired man of Mr. Peter Bilyen was digging a post hole on Mr. Mil yen place In Scio, when be struck a hu man skull, abeut a foot from the surface. The earth was dug away, when all the re mains of an Indian were found, property arranged, as fat death, of course the flesh for years having been dissolved, and the bones were well decayed. The Indian waseviJently e Flat head, his forehead being completely pressed back. Beside him wsa a helmet peculiady shaped, a string of beads nod a knife, the helmet and knife being made of iron. It is probable that the earth had been scraped oat and the body laid there in the usual form. ( paid by tie county HOME AKD ABROAD. Nolans Cash Stun. P M French, jeweler, Fence up your sidewalk. Read oar new advertisement!. Glassware lees than coat at It Donaca's, iiebanon. A railroad is to be built f mm East Portland to Sandy River. 20 yards of calico for $1 at H Houses s. l.ehanon. Drummers have to pay a license fee of $6 a year in Ashland. Dr K c; Johnson furnishes hi patrons medicine without extra expeuse. A box of acme pens al this office, quill acting with fountain qualities for f 1.00, Dr. G. Willi Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellows Temple, over Langdon's Drugstore. When lack knocks at the door it often finds the man inside to lasy to lift the latch. There are 100 Deering twiue binders com pleted every day at the factory iu Chicago. The store of L K. Hlain has boeu greatly improved in appearance by a coat of white wash. The Salem Si.U m m soems to think Eil Hirsch is Secretary of Salem, inatead of the Basse. Iadirs ! those liolbrook shoes have ar rived, (all and url a pair at Samuel K Young's. All districts not supplied with teachers should inform Scheol Superintendent Moaea st once. la California it is fearv-d the arhofe wheat crop will be ruined unless it rains within a snort time. Salem has caught it heavy, to use a Grecian expression, and ittsiata on a $40,(100 school house. They have aerazy mau in Pendleton. He found $10 in a buckakin pouch and adver- for the owuer. Dry goods, slothing, hats, cap, bouts, shea, groceries and tobacco at cost at H Donaca's, Lebanon. Spropendyke is out of date and people are getting decidedly sick of the I ltd Roy, What wiU come next T The Marshal of Pendlebm says he is a red hot dog collector, aad is gutting either the dogs bead or the tax. The license in Portland has been raised from 9200 to $e00 and there is considerable excitement over the matter. Henry Hay, Millard Hayes aad Alfred Kwert were elected members of I sbjsj Kagine Co. No. 2 last Saturday evening. J C Flood, an old pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at Roaeburg last Tuesday morning. He is highly ealogised. A big lot of the celebrated bit cigars just received at Hoffman k Joseph a, w here the best tobaccos in the city can be found. Farmers bsve rushed the sowing of Spring wheat, aad many of them are now ready for a little rain to put the wheat to sprouting. Patronise home iastitctioas. Do not or der your clothes, shirts. Ac of traveling strangers, when you can do as well in Albany. W H Rrnnk and R A Stratford of No. Si were granted exempt ccrtilicate at the meeting of the Board of Fire Delegates Moo- day night. Jasliitmour has again brought out his steam saw and we unduratand will begin operations in fjobanon. l.-t the Chinamen look out. We have jest received au earaviug of the Presidents from Washington to Accident Arthur, which is a very fine affair snd well worth examination. The acnenbeuner examination Wfore the grand jury brooght to this city about twenty-live witnesses, whose expenses are Mr. Hub Bryrant, of this city, secured ail of these roUes bat the- beads, and they can now be seen at his office. . few days since a prisoner ic the coun ty jail at Koseborg, being lei oat of the jail for a temporary purpose by the deputy Sheriff, thought to gain hie liberty, and to that end, he started to run towards the brush when the Deputy called to the Sheriff who was in hhi office near by for help, when the Sheriff, Joaeph Purdom, started n pursuit and called the prisoner toj halt, who did not obey, then the Sher iff Ared over his head to make him halt, but the prisoner refused to heed, when the Sheriff seeing bis bird was approaching the brush when R would be almost im possible to capture hist fifed another shot which took effect In the small of the back. At last account! the prisoner was in a fair way to recover. a Sekaal BUatrtrt fclertien The scheol district election wss held last Monday afternoon, and brought out a much larger vote than customary. On account of the new school house to be built considerable interest was manifested. Following wss the vote fcr two DJ SECTORS. 11 ...,123 BSStrahan The Mqnteith ... V H tydtr .. CLERIC. i H Birkbart . II H HeWiU. Kuattering eases .... . ..139 Gl .. 3 tk A. K. Ball. This wss one of the most successful balls ever held in Albany. It occurred lit the large dining room of the depot hotel which was neatly arranged for dancing, lietween seventy-five and a hundred couple were present, sod they all had ovary reason 1 1 be satUiied with the com plete arrangements made for their enter taioment. The Msgic Spoil Orchestra furnished the mush-, which insured its being good. The upper was gotten up by Mrs Gross, and was very highly compli mented by all. So enjoyable was the affair that there was a general desire on tin part of those, present for the OAR t make these balls annual : ! . My All Meaas We have just received a letter fiom Missouri asking us about Linn county. Now, we dote on Linn county, and our answer is ready. If you have the "sand in the craw" by all means come, Linn county has some of the host natural ad vantages of any county in the world. It is the garden of the northwest. What it wants is men willing to work and keep the ends to gather. We Have some ; w want rqre. We Wili o Prevaricate. Thoe PO other pi me attfiacUne: more at Uqn.but none which have advantages rep resenting such stability as Linn county. ' I w - - sVss. Iu this city, a gold neck or watch ediaiu, for lady, with locket containing the picture of L Martin. The finder will confer a faver by raturaing the same either to this office or the store of Alleo & Martin. Nolan's stock must be sold iu 90 days consequently big drives. Any school district desiring the services of an experienced, and thoroughly competent teacher, (gentleman) would do well to call or address this office. - Will wicked wiggling Wiggins wiggb: westward. We would weave wretched Wiggins with Willamette water while Web- feet would watch willingly. The WaUe Walla WaP-Wi has found a mau who left there about a year ago and has since returned and paid his debts. This is a sure evidence of insanity. A yeang nintrod in this city was complain ing that the trigger to a gun pulled hard, when it was discovered that the hammer was down. He stopped pallinp. Last Friday night there was a Uul storm at the depot when some one trying to Ixlsh- tun run his elbow through one of Urn large panes ef (class, cost of the fan $4. A skating carnival takes, place at Lebanon wj-uigni. some oi our ny skaters are talking of going up. We bespeak for them good treatment by our Iiebanon friends. Our painters are having their hands ull. There seems to be sn inclination among our citizens to improve their premises. Do so snd yon will also improve the city. The quarterly meeting for Brownsville and Harrisburg circuit ef the M. K. C'hutcb (South), will be held at Center school house, March 24, aad 25. D. 0. McFarland, P. E. A gymnasium has t,cen talked of, ami it is to be hoped one may be established. A comparatively small amount of capita wouid be sufficient, snd it could be easily raised. Our neighbor. Justice Skipwortb, rushes business. On Tuesday he obtained a divorce for a woman, and the next day performed the marriage ceremony which united her to an other man. Base ball begins to loom up, and the little sphere reacting from the effects of a greater force is seen cutting its way through the gentle Zephyrs which even Wiggins was nnable to disturb. The ladies of the Congregational Church will give a ftociable at the Church, March 20. A program will be rendered by the best talent iu the city. Sapper 25 cents. All are invited to attend. Two youn" ladies were baptised into membership in the Christian Church last Sunday afternoon in the Santiam Ditch on Third street. The immersive scene was witnessed by a large crowd. II Donaca, of Lebanon, is going to open a store cast of the mountains April 1st. All persons indebted to him will save further costs by calling on him and settling their accounts without delay. If you want your grave-stones or monu ments cleaned or repaired and reset in good order call on 6 W Harris, opposite the Democrat office. All stone and marble work done on short notice. Attention is called to the new ad of Julius Qradwohl in aunother column. He is selling a splendid line of crockery snd hardware, and those desiring anything in his line should give him a call before purchasing. Next week we shall publish an original story from the pen of one of our subscribers. and there will also appear an interesting article on the 'Choice of an Avocation," from a literary friend at Lang Station. lbe interest manifested by our young friends in the enigma which we published lat week has enduced ns to start a regular puzzle department, which we shall endeavor to keep running if as much interest is uiani tested. Mrs K D Sloan has thssole right to tsash the Kareka or Ktnker nystsm of cutting iu Albany and vicinity. All those wishing to learn a first class system of dress cutting and fitting should avail themselves of this opportunity. At a meeting of the Y P 0 A held last Monday evening the following officers were sleeted for the ensuing year i President, Dr O W Price Vice President, Mrs I, K Hlain ; Secretary, IC 1) Haven : Kiiisueial Secretary, J W Hlain ; Treasurer, H F Merrill. a aa s a a a iM a a a v o r istoner, oi niicmia, ns made ar- rangements, with M M Jones, ef Illinois for receiving orders for the celebrated Poland China hogs, probably as large snd fat a hog as is raised. Those purehsaiux ahould call ou Mr Fletcher. See card iu snothtr col umn. Mrs 1 1 ray and Mtaa Asinooart are prepar ed to do all kind.Hof work in the line of lressmaking in the most approved manner. Cutting and litting done in the highest style a tfcl art, aud to suit the taste of the most fastidious, Call ami sea them at the old stautl. Why ahould not Alhauy have a board of trade? It sounds big and imlieates that there is something to trade. Ry putting our trade into a board it crystallites matters ami givos a community great iutliienos ovrr rail roads and wheat crop. We ahould by all m ana have a board . Our attention is called to the fact tint there was not a couple present at (he U. A. U. ball from Corvaltis. Our )ouug meii feel somewhat hurt by the alight, a they have always patronized Corvallis entertain ments of hka nature very liberally, but they claim their friends tSicnt are rarely ever wiliiug to reciprocate. last Friday eveutug Mr. Alf. Marshall was riding with tho two daughtera of Mr, been on First street, when opposite K W Ijsugdou's the team become frightened, the girls were thrown out, but they srw not thl kind who cry either st spilt milk ur spilt girls, snd so got over tho allair all right with hardly a bruise. An unfortunate accident hipptued to the baby carriage of Capt Leaning hut week. The Captains boy was taking s spin, when he displayed his high kicking power by elevating his heels through the top ef the carriage, which ia consequence had to be repaired by the insertion of a ten inch steel top, toe proof. Coder the new postal law money nrdare will be issued Ur 8100, and the rates will be as follows : For orders sot escoediug $10, 8 cents from 910 to f 15, 10 Cents ; 815 t $30, 15 cents : 10 to 840, 20 cents ; $40 to 850, 25 cents ; 850 to $U0, 30 cents 800 to 870. 35 cents ; $70 te ?S0, 40 cents ; $S0 to 8100. 45 cents. Postal notes for or un der will be hsood for .1 cents. In a'i towns where a newapapr Is publiah ed, every man should advertise in it. even if t is nothing but a card, stating his name snd the buainaaa he u cnajpd in. It not only pays the advertiser, but it lets the people a a distance know that the towu you rvaide in has a live aud prosperous community of buai- as men. A the seed ia town, .. shall the seed recompense. Air. (eo w Harm has latoly put in poaiimn the curbing around tho graves of Lien M V a a as . , . . nrown ana vt j niewan, in the Slavonic Cemetery. The work confer romodvrablc credit on Mr. Harris. Tim lot ia 122t ft. the curbing being a foot high ami eight iuchea thick and tht coru-r potts a fott and a half high and a Tiot square. The carvt-d poats at the rutrsnre are two f.-.-t high. The name Brown is in raix d letters oh the atep. Two mouu incut are to m constructed for these grave, within a short time. H. P Barger, s juryman st the circuit court connected with the Brownsville Woolen Mills, made us a pleasant call the first of the week. He report the mdl ai puahing bnai- m. About 45 hsnds are employed, and a class of work is being done not snrpaaat-d, if equslled, on the ooaat. I htsn mills are a aplesdid institution for Ihownsvilh', snd while we do notenvv her. we would !iks to e Albany have one of the saiw. with pel ' hsps s double capacity. Several of our oitiaxnt were xereuadud last Saturday evening Tnree of our youn; bjsm made the night melodious as with sn H'diu harp. Wandering from plat: to pl:s tin aoftenud the night air with the buntl toum of sn nganctte, Ws did not have the piiaa- are of listening to Otem. When our tune came thiy, by mistake, got ia front of the wrong door and we missed the whole aSafr : but they have our thanks. s An Impressive Messr. 800IAL AND PERSONAL. Dr S W D.idd has been in Portland this Week. Mr Aus Lincoln, formerly of this city has been in Albany lately. Miss Kate Jsoksou, of California, (s visting friends in this city. Daniel Howe, of the State penitentiary, has been in the city this week. WiU. Uayburn, of Corvallis, wns lit Al bany Tassday ou his way to Salem. Henry Ach. of 1'ortlumt and f IUorri, of Kugepc, are iu attendance at the circuit hoourt. Rev MolafTerty, of Kugone, will preach st the M K Church south, next Suiidny morn ing ami evening. Kx-I'oetmaster Raymond left for Salem the tiist of the week and will uiske that his future homo. J C 1 1. molt.. n went to Portland Friday, with the intention of remaiuing there if he can old. -un a loe.it i m. M F Spencer, lately eity Auditor of Portland, has beu appointed ksjtlness man- sger of the AVim. (I If I !il. r and family left on Monday for Forest I irove, Washington county, having MM out hi interest in this roitnty. Mr A llacklemsn and wife st-compeiiied y Mis Annie Pin e, W K Frio ami wife, and Mr t'oaan. left for La-U to Orevon lut ruoadny. Mr. Maek Mouteilh leaves to. day for San Franeiaeo, where he will remain acvoial months. We wiah him s pleaatit trip And rvnuwcj health. LHUriggs, of Lebanon, called on ua lest Wednesday. He has within the last year plowed the same piece of land three tmisa. He is bow remwing eighty. five sere of wheat ruinsd by the Isle frigidity. A II t'roasinan has been sppouti d I "oat n..it. i at Salem, iu place of L e' Saott. Ai our retiriag poatmastcr to halsm te eutcr buslnesM, we Invite Mr Scott bi Ah bany to make op for onr loss. The follow ing lawyers have baun iu at tendance at tho Circuit Loait tht week r L BilyeU, Ceo S Wasbburue, of Kiig.me, Isilge Bonhsm, W H Holma, J A Strattou aud L Dawne, of Malem, Judgea Burnett aud K sissy, of Corvalha. J i WHKbt. .f Janv tieo. Norris Morn ariived iu Alhatiy U.t Saturday after an aUeoce o! a year and a half in Chicago and other plans lis wss as much ehsnged that wu underaUiel his father did not recontxe him at lint. Uo u here in tho interest of the Deering manufa luring company. The Oyster supper aad sec sable giv-n by the ladies of the Presbyterian ehurm wa fairly attendetl aod was a pleasant affair. The suppergottea op was a complete success, ami was not one of the old atyle ehun-h ajs ter suppers, weere a single oyster was boiletl ia a boiler of water and a cracker thrown tu to each plate, but op the oo.itrary ni pioa was spared to give every oas tlm worth of their money both in oysters snd Meiability, ni;mttY scarr.tuc Iexat Theradsy Mrs V U Burkbart years of age. la oouewqueaco hvr rim la uwuitcd ou oelebrstiug it aud they did ao f.y calling io a large irowd at an uatly hour, and remaining with her and her husband for several hours. They brooght along their havakets and wkat was betUr s dip-. . i tu have; an enjoyable tune. Tiie result wss farther to tho ditpoattiosi, bar a hettar spent evening is rarely pastoil Uirt'i 1 y parties, sny kind of parties, alHuld te more cuiumno aad we are glad to re oar eitic-ns atxeltMy inn up the fact that w niJ m r letabiti ty among us. Aastktrr ritnrrr i.r. John M i Ur wax born In I'.'ilh r ohm ty, Ohin, Swpteiiilmr Uth, htfli, and diesj m Benton ciui.ty, Or-govi, Msn-li 8th, Itttt, and was therefore Co yonmsn-i six rnoatlte of age st hla death. l'rui bio h mover! to Montgomery, Indiana, whore he r Malawd hut a short time wlMfl ho moved THE NIMCHICK TRIAL ThU I rial wan roaehnd in the ('Ircult Court In that Hy on Wednosday al 10:30 a. ro Tho following jury wun i-nipaiiiicled alter two hours tiino : W A ('ox, B VV Cundlir, John nrush, W Young, J D Burkhart, Win M Allen, B Moss, Ml (barter, L Stltok), l Murray, J J Board mid ltubeit Harrison. Tho Main was ropromuilod by W II Holmes, Dbt. AU'y, PlttMl ft ('iMMbtf lain and J J Iravls. The deleiiNo was reprowciimd by Hewitt A Bryant, HiihIhih, II unifdirey ami Judao1 Bentietf. MM line ufdn'oiiio wa set forth In tho opening remarks of counsel for defense to Lkj (hat the tMMHkfd killed y.Mittg Hsy, but til nt it WM hceldelitsah Hiiautti Thorp being sworn Umtilled : Was acquainted with Titos Kay, ho was my eon, iKod w lib :m near Nlinubick'st sa- hliu last 7llf ofo.-t, In tlta forenoon at m SkaM a I I . S . . t. aaaA aaaSh SB my liotiso. lUII!lilCK s uwy mmo niter l loon. i Muu blck, Bvod iiosiosl creek' I Ihh went w ith tho Imy. Had ou ducklne eoat uiid Uglst pint. (II. io hat wa shown to witness who retstgiilaod I', as TlrffmnaV.) Never saw blm alive alter he wont sway, lie and Nliiichlek worn out buttling Suiidsy liefore ho went away. Moveinli of octolwr was Muttrdsy. TIion had a hound wheh iw given him. (Horn wili.o was shown piece of calico ami alilil wtlleh hIio reeognl.i il an mdlig the same n uarmeiits w.rn by member of dert family.) Suppose remnants csme frem .Isck llpubiu' Prn. Wont to Ni uieblek's ti the '.Kb and io-k him a pirn of venison. The 7tli of Oct. wss clou ly, but llmre was no fog. ThuratoM Ihomns bring fcwotn U-Ntlfled: Wasarriiialuled Ills Tims Hay, rceognr. cd hat as the oitq that I found ( Thomas t'reek. Do not remomlaur the iiay I found It. Hat was muud . 1 , or n miioa lxdw where Us v was klllsxJ. N Mnlhmald tesUflsd as fohowa : Wan a. i i uoto. I w ith Tho U.y, not MMas ai-(ualiited wllll Nlmchlck. I helil asan?h fur htm. IM)0gBlMll the bat. Was apiMtinUad OH a Winratttas) to llml out the mnrierer. vwi m .niurnira n hduw wlUi Voting and Mollis Miuehinh sai l hewssslek. Tobl Mmcbick b bad no fever. Asked hint when be wtw Bay last. Niuielih k Mti l bo never sent for Hay. Saw the piece of eslle and shirting. Ak d Kliuutih U If he knew anything about calico. Said no nt lUt. Saw n calico Hbent thn honsa) lite, tbl piece. Askrxl Ntumhtok' girls to show calico Karnssata alaiiuttbo bouse but OotM were like this. 1 msaasured the distance from where lbe young men ws hot to tho ptsco Irmn wrhwre the shot wa llred, It wa 41 feet. Map .r pine, wbern Kay was shot wii nhoivfi witrifx. aim oxpiaiueu y nun. Atatmt H let from whore nnch:'k nUvwl a shot s'.ru'. U n d'gwusl and some other bnahew on ttt-? way. i-oulJ as a man vi-rv wt.ii from vru"r tho shut wa llred tu the place where Hay wa killed. Could o-o a uiitn i"i mi y triim one Kitni m U,o ier. J ho auglw from whern the toy t..vl to whore the nliot wsh lln. waa about 4& degrees. Ktrings wero tied on the brub that wax hit by Ibn ho'. Did not Wc them. ThM p'.i. o in r, nr8 ratios osat of UMM drift Just imlow wlier Kay wss killed. Weal Pi Slim-hick tw.ee after the killing. Was some talk of lynching. i'.ple SotMht Nlmchtok was utility. ToUl all io Ml lb law tk Iu oree. So throats made In HhwOhbHt presenno. Was iirsasnl w-hen bolv i fmud. h- mslned until UHtoiiei ismo BimIv wss taken out f wa'er bei--re Mafs0"f -m. No dillereiM-e lit ae-itus a intn on a 'lily day fnam too plao lr 'in n r th aho wajt tlrod and lh liv -i v. !i-ore ItaV whs kllh-d. Is'U inr i -'Uet wu I 'i rued wnma eitte i-'it when Hav w fun l B.ely not SWtHlssI or Qllaxl who w ier whmt found. It fbuml VI uillae Im lew where ha aai kum J. When I wsnt v. Sisnehlek's there wore no person iii.-se rxiH lu children. Mmctilck ws in lel snd said hofvaa siek fAd I Xhnehlah ho whs not lik. Ho ws aHtimc lreiy. treat many men exammed the pls. Largo ttr tree near where Ni.ii'-htk Hnt I. Do not know Low limbs or. fir tree en-. Jake HuLanr Urstilmd as fwl'ow : Wax acijualiiUnt with Hav and .Niuo liick. I wa al N i mh irk Uth of month. Mm SjMokMabl ho was ak:k. Askinl Nunchlck If ho OOttitl g'vn u Information w hem Hay wa, Mwt after Hay, lut I did not nmm ltav. NlltV hick's leiy said Itay wen: lavk toward the rrewk. Was at Nlmchlck' af isjc tbl and NimobtuK "aid he bad no'. je-en Hav I'Ut hta le.y aw bun th morn Waa acfinainted with Ray In his life hum-. Am acquainted wlih Nlmchlck. Molned in the searoh. (Witness desoribo I the brush of tho locality and how much It would obstruct the vision In looking from the point or shooting to the plsw where Hay was killed.) Dogwood, h-raeJ brush and then a cluster of arrow wood were on the line of range of the shot, obstruo lion would tie great. Hal 1st brush would oi.si runt the vision of the legs, No leave on lbs brush at the time I was there. It wa i in day after the shooting that 1 was there. I '"Hd see a man plainly from the pi i of shooting, If standing at the piece where Key wa shot, Deer have a crossing both slesve and below where May was killed. Msrt Bilyen testified as follows : Am acquainted with Nltm-hlck. Helped hunt the body of Hsy. Kssmined the plane of shooting. Had a conversation with Nlmchlck shortly after the shooting. Told Nlmchlck that people did not under stand how shout May's being kl led. Nimchlek filled up ami began crying but said nothing. Wld Btlyeu told h!m people susjMMomi him. Nlmchick ssld he did not kill Hav. Maid ho liked Hav. ttx- smlned the range of shooting and a person could see very well to shoot. Was some thing said In Nimohlck's persont about hanging him. H r Thayer testified as follow : Knew NlmchW.-k. On 14th wont ts hi bouse le help hunt for Kay. Niwt'-hiok said ltav wanted his dog to go hunting hut he would not let him have it. Nlmcbmk tied up hi dog. A M Sheltou testified as follows : Ksamlned tho (round where shooting wss done week before last, also when thn gun wss found. Help Btratetl line en rsugo of shot. Home dogwood, tsesle wo-nJ end sells! would aoraswhat obscure the vis. on on the line of the shot. Think I could see a man easily from the point of shooting to the point of killing. Itoer will somotliooiun either down or up stream when pressed with dogs. Often fogyy on the crock when It is clear over balsnce of country. H O C'usU;k lsliig sworn teslifiet : Kxahilned the place in Feb whore ltav was supposed to b killed. Very little brush on ibe line of shot to obstruct the vision. No trouble In dlMinguiahlntc s man from one point to the other. Lewis Itay text 1 bed as follows: Am acquainted with Nlmchlck and Kay. Had conversation with Nlmchlck uext Kridav after Tho Kay wss missing. Nlmchick satd be sent for Thos and t list Tbaw left snd wont off towards the creek. Would not let Thus Flay hsve bis dog. Nlmchlck wss st my house th day of the stunning, lie was nervous ami uneasy. There was no fog. Live a mile from Nlmchlck. Ksamlned tho ground where the shooting waa dona, t.'ould see very pislttly a man from a beast on the line oi hot. Have htrwl counsel 10 prooecu'e thia case. Took s lively Interest In the prooectilton. I'lsiutiff her rested. f.oorge Bdyeu on part of dcfniae tratilicd: Uoaide near the place where Bay waa shot. F.i sunned the ground where Bay waa shot. There was brush eaoogb to obacure the via loo. If the leaves were off the bruah would obatruct the viaion on the line ot tbs shot. Foe often rests along the creok. Thiuk the leaves fell lite last fall. Live I miles from the place of abootiug. Morning of 7th was clear but at -il.t or niua a'sSOah it wns i a; u i uk and foggy- OadatOf dar is gray at this season. John Bryant huiug sworn Vosli.iud I lave over a mile from lbs place of ahootioa. Kt audited the ground ot abootiug in t If leaves had been on I have my doubts wheth er a person could hsvs seea clearly along the lino of abot. The bruah would oiattnict the vision on the line of shot. Cesaatdersble sal lad bruah. dogwood, taeelewood and a large nr trse, the limbs of which hsng over the lute of the shot. Tboinaa Crock at that point runs nearly cast ami west. Commen ced to rain aboat 8 o'clock oo the morning of 7ihofUct, though it drizzled before tnat lior. Fir tree is two or three feet from the hue of ehooting. Could see nearlr all the marks of bulleU on the bruah. Think the limbs or. the dogwood would obstruct the aitit along the line ol thought. 1 Oat waa J a dork cloudy morning on Ike 7 th of tlct. ! I lam in Shrlton Sr testified aa follows ; Live ou Thoniss Creek. Was st the piste whore the killing wss duneal'ortly after the ws tuund. Dog wood arrow wood partly i in the hoe "I tho ahot, l)u t think the hi u. ii woohl oleitruct the sight on the hue of it .in. g. I Mil think there waa any fog on the morning ol the ahootiue'. Frank Ximchick teati'nd Know Tomruy Bay, Know ahwst the time when Tommy Kay came over to ask my father to go hunt tog. The prisoner waa then called and tetttlied in his own hehall aa followa i Was born in I'ruasia. Came to 1 S about 'M years airo ll'ss alxnit -o year a of age wh. u. 1 came. On MISCELLANEOUS f M Bedfield has'ttm renowned Fointlieyss dairy butter. Hsve you tried that grahsm meal put up ' y Jim Morgan, forssleat Ileyie1d's. A son of Mr O L I'arkea fell in the cans I tho tii it nf the week, hut was rescued by Mr Bistey. Mr Ksrwell.D.'puty Sheriff of Jackson C , wss ia the city yesterdsy m hi wsy to II 'ashing ton Territory, The grand jiiryfooud au indictment agt W H Bonner for selling liquor withoat a license and against B Bafel for larceny in a dwelling. The following sre the nsmea of the grand jury . C T l. v. r, foreman, Heo Overton, K L Knox, W J WillUnka. J Hhea, John flriaham, Oeo Airlstrt. A fine new line of gents shoei just received from the Kast by L B Blaiu are having a trig run. They comprise the latest styles snd shspes aod cannot lie surpassed io the city. It will he good news' to many to I. am that Monteith k Heitenbach will aooo r ceive as large and fine a a lock of good a as has ever been brought to thif. city. If yon would get bargsins las ready for their new goods. J IF IFirtsbaugh nia.li sMa pleasant call yesterday, On HVduesday he waa admitted to practice in the C rurt of the State on as order on s ccrtilicste f a.lmiaion to the highest ( 'our ta of the Htste of Nebasks. He will probably locate in Linn county. uMir sort Wsrcte Trraa. 0U1 PUZZLER, U riinil, J ttdge, M II Ue.l, ' ;u,ul..i .!.. f I M Ierrigau resigned as sujsrr visor and Mr Queen wss appointed. K H Jeter was grsntoil s ferry license. l a day allowed for board of Win I'ittin ger. N Hhauks allow.! Is purcnsM: 4i00 feet of Inmler snd 11.130 worth of spikes for Inst. 39. K A Hester's resignation is Mal aup r visor scot ptcd and H 0 Hanuis .auinted, D Myers' resignation as SUjrt of Diet. 7, received and has Bicbardson appointed. D H Harris' resignstion ss Sujrt of Dist 2H accept! .! and V Kreig sppointcl. I'etition sskiog for Imilding of hridge acroa iorth Santiam river continued. F M Westfall silo wed s plow and scraper. Besignation of 0 11 Bsher M Sopt of Dist I '., accept d aud B W Ssuks appointed. BILLS AIXOWCU. U Mereer evmmy Illinois, w br.. bo ma;-;,-( I I B Wf W a, as a a a s . a T T rn-.i fains l.yma .Mii:er,wno mriivm nun. y.-.u- I ing iiHseni after him. Lived In Ximchick ' i uesf hboriMol. Have known him ' or 0 j rrl the ntglit of the Uth of Oct laat 1 had a sore was awake moat of tin night Heard hound barking iiearly all night Last Friday afternoon waaexew-edlng ly dull among; our budneM men. Not a necktie was even sacrificed, nut a car -tridgcsold, not a pill got rid of, not a plow carried oat of the city. nt a yard of calico measured off, not ring dis posed of, not a brief drawn, not a sub scription taken ; hence there waa some excuse for the metliud crowd that shot at the mark with an air-gun back ef Scott's gun store. The scene presented was one worthy of the pencil of the art ist, able bodied men, aiming their level best al a piece of paper, with decreasing rings on it, numbering lto 6 and skip ping to io, the center. The oue getting the farthest from 10 paid a bit Into the "pot," and the m xt for the gun. When the writer stepped into Hie scene, as he had killed several men in the wilds of Western New York at two hundred pa ces and was in the pabit of making a hulls eye six times out of five, he sup posed of course that he woald quit with his pocket- bixik a 1st s ever, but in stead, iiufwit m an ling the fact that J). M , C. W.. F. B , awl others were lucky if they got InKidj of the second ring, I13 managed to put 10c Into the orange fund frequently. It was noticeable right along that the best heavy gun shots, ike D. Id,.. J- ft. Dr. J., and A- did tho poorest shootiug, ho that bo felt at ease inthe matter. It is an 111 wind that blows no good, aud (here certainly Is considerable In an afternoon spent with an air-gun. one from v. hied tho shot wa lirod.l Mm . . . ..a k aia ..... i ... ...i. . .. . .... ton cmnty just scro- Dm river frhM Al- JJJJ! U un iSaU1 hU f-t wmrn M lany w here lie dlod a before tstel, Mr. j h1j n,e Mm. Nim hu h saiJ Iow s Kay Moekerwasa iitet, orderly, esempinry ! Kt pills Tor him. Held limy ma le b:m lck. nit 1 alii snd his loss will bo mourned ,y 1 stootl where Nimchltk was suppot! to . , .... 1 havssrood snd youn Irvine stood where many Miatives ami irieiiiis. , U wa kj,iL aoj n,ere wa not much t ! . . . . . . . i . i I i.ruli in inn way to Keep mn irum -.-wuig twien service. htm. I could see Irvine opto nnd shut h cyos. No brush near wbsre Nimchkik H' v 8 Hall loting. of Fort Wraugel HtlKj. i,,cw.od which snot strtuk I i i nun. vusi ii - -.- ...v ....... . - - I . ....... ... . .. I l.-r hnuklatt on Um nuiniiiu uf Ur Tin . ... .. .ihai vt i la i l.i i mi sin .oil liar it tin w iiero ns r i - wm i uetmtgratmi to union inn set- T.7,-, jS h oarrocL I sent Frank over after Tommy llsy to u with . . ..a . j .i .,..1 in. i - - - - - - - z i - . . - i . new mi ati'in 1'iaim near aiaiinr ;(,(n, wi,0 me l at uroat leiig h Linn count v wbeio ho lived until ab-mt 1 whv bn tbotichi the Place named wa the three years ago wliou Im moved Into B-i MafM IIumphre', hhlTs fees. . . li Stewsrt, feea . W l.uper. ss supervisor fihn Irigg. repairing tail I Kerykendall. keepmir P Potter. . . svis Bros, k Watts, spikes i.rsdwobl, mdae P H Hay mood, ooaUge A Bngue, keeping Cbas Miller rhll t oheu, uwlae, A Millard juror (X-t. term Circuit Court Foley, medicine for Mrs Sims M Ah-lander, coffin for Thos Bay. . . ees committing I ri.ni is h Krooks Kspensea committing Win Ballard . rhnn I K Clay pool eo Humphrey . n Italier as road aupervtsor f Holsoaan. foes S U ClaypeoJ Co. beaiuees SKI la.I, inspt.i ting Rihardsou hridge dP..4l . XiH 45 . 1D.00 :'j mi . soo ;oi . 9s7i 5.75 J4 410 . 17 M SOO .10.00 15.25 15 J. 75.00 15.00 15 00 .10.110 10 80 b'.40 5.00 The answer to our puzzle Issi week wa .'New school bNaaWJL? Msry Stlnson solvuil the pu..'e first, aad hence receiv ed the premium. Correct answers were receivel from Lbe following: Mary Ntinson, Albany, Harry Woodin. ABstny, Maude Henderson, Albany, Iva Fsrwell, 8bedds, Howard Braaweli, ilsriisburg, Amelia May, Harrisburg, Charlie (Joan, Lebanon, Charley 8hedd, Hbedds, Claude H Iemaster, Brownsville, Iark Peery, Albany, Thomas Parser, Albany, Hoot Montague, lebwncn, Huby J Fronk, Lebanon. New, we propose lo have a regulsr pu.der, giving seveial punh-s a week. The one sendmg the most answers In tw.. months will receives handsome volume ef Byron's poems. Would like eontribu M ma from young people itenerally, ami will publish either regular mime or ficti tious, a desired, iMMMAs I am eomiMMted of 10 letters. My 8, 12, 17 and 5 is the name of a plaee iu Linn coantv. My t, II. 10, IM, 1.1, 14 and 21 the name of one f Oregon largest cities. My 12,2, lit, 10 and 4 Is a village In Claekamas ootfuty. My 5, 15 and 1 bt the surname of one of Albany's moss estim tide women. M v . 1 1, ', 7 and & U sometumg bene ficial to I ho school fitted. Mjr whole is excel lent a-1 vise lo souse people. no. 2. My first is ia Blain but not ir Young. My second is In Montague out not in Burkhart. My third is in J rimes bat oet la Alferd, My fourth lain VorXmt but not hi Wil liams. My fifth i In Lindaey but not in ( 'ocbran. My whole is the name of a villaae ia the Willamette Valley. OOVUXDattX. Why Is a eertslu Portland paper like an article in some beds. J. C. tint i it oi bt. lloralUanfj l.nleria.ewral Following is the program for the Llecu. tionary Kutertainment to be given by Mist Luce at the M L Church on Friday evsn iog March 2Tlnl, for the U io-tit of the Sun day Heboid : 1 Hannah Jane 2 The obhn 3 Poea Bells, (by rr.pieat) 4 The Brakesifaii at Cherch. ft The Fireman' Piayar. ti 'lite Naughty tattle Gift 7 Arckedamta. K The Canal Boat. 9 Ass My Pa. 10 Buhetratein, (!y reqneet) Adnusahm. 25 eta. ixMiiuu.-t.ciny at 10. Married Alaska, whose iustructive addresses In terested the people uf Albany two yearn ago, will vl.it this city on Sabbath uext (18tb.) Ihe churches will give up their several evening Mfylces, and a union meeting will bo hetd in the Court House, at 7.15 o'clock, at which time Ur Young will deliver uu mM.-vs on Alaska, giving some iiiftirinaUon oou cerning the country ami its iuhabitnuis, aud their wonderful progress i:i civili zation and christian mission. Mr Young will preach In the Prbyterui'i Church Sahhttth morning. A Flue stallion An. Marshall has just purchased of Isaac Edwards, of Junction, ouo of the best stallions in the Valley. It was raised by WO Motet's, Is fl year Of ago, Ugh1 grey, beautiful menu and tail, powerful limbs, a splendid eye, gentle and qutot, and weighs 1700 pounds. It is of the Por- cheron stock, and Is a model lnovory way. Tho stock raised by It aro making the host horses in the stat-, particularly suited to work bore. Llnu ciunty men will be for tunate in obtaining the aervievs ef this valuable horse during the coming xoason. me to are what hounda were laarkina at tommy came and wc aUrted to the creek Toinnivsanl he wouhi uu to the iatbt aud down the creek, I said 1 would go straight down to the creek. lfheo I got within 15 or 20 yarda of the creek I saw something like a deer moving round near the water. There waa fog and amoks about the creek. I tired at what I thought waa a deer. I then called three times b Tommy to come at I On the 1 Ith i nst., Mis F.lls Morgan formerly of this city hut now of Newport, Yaquina Bay waa ai irried to J J (Fright st the reaideaee of Mr U'alliag's in Newport. Mr (Fright keeps a store ami tin shop and we are informed is s fit huststnd for a de serving wife. The many frieuds of Mrs Bright a ill congratolste her on her good fortune. Some valuable presents were givea the needy married oople. The printers of this ofhee were not forgotten, sssll the wsy float aa4 Mine 8 K Young Is opening out tho largest stock of boots and shoes ever brought to Albany. These good i havu tieeu bought for cash from. eastern manufacturer and for style, fit snd durability cannot be ex celled. Having made a specialty of th's business, he is prepared to give you better value and a belter assortment than can be found in the city. Remember the place,Satmiei K Young's Boat a Shoo Store Albany, Oregon , Hpecial attention given to country orders and satisfaction guaran teed. UOO .teres of Laud far Sale One farm of 3:K) acru very desirable. One farm of i:t5 acres. Ooo farm of 42 acres. 'I'heso are all near school houses. Oua tract of HYJ acres of v .Id land. One tract of 80 aeres. One tract of 70 acres'. Ooo tract of 135 acres', and other small tracts. Will sell in lute to suit purchasers. Will trade lor otln r property. Call t this ollice. 1 U U Kvcilotl Tbnuauuds. All over tho land am going Into rjostaoy over lir. Ivimi's Now insoovory for Optir sumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes tliem to go nearly wild in Its pratso. It is guaranteed to positively cure-Severe Cugtn, Colds, Aathma. Hay Fever, Bronchitis', Hoarseness, Loss ol Veluj, or any affoctinu of the Throat mid lAingn. Trial .Bottles lroe at Foshay A. Mason's Drug Store. Itrge size l 00 Kred Hbent, If yon want to make u the money you have to expend for Reed wheat you can do so by buying your gocds for this year of Alien k Martin. The er-i Sturkholtler's Jfeellua; bero will lie a meeting of the Ktookhold of Llnu County Avrlcnltural Aasnci ition nn Saturday, March 17th. 1883 at 1 t.'elock P M at the offieo of J H Poster k Co Busiuess of importwueo. AH ur requested to attend. . P. W I IMC, R. A. Foster, President. Secretary, about as big as my wrist. Mhot marks on dogwovd were about 3 foot from ground John Thomas testified as follows: Am nr. ua mied a un Nnncbick and Kay. Am aciualnteil with the locality where Itay was killed Measured the diatanco from the thr tw to the Itun on the ra0g from whore Ninichtck wss aupposml ui havt stood and where Ray was killed, and the treewaaii feet from the lino. To placo a man where Kay was killed I could stand whore Nimchlee was supposed to .'aland, aud I could see a button on the man's coat. Never knew of deer having a cross ing at the place where Ksy was killed. Tii-v lia l a crossing a half a mile above nnd otiu halfa mde lelow, hut they do not cross now unless run by dugs Sizo of dr troe about 4 foot. Tree about U0 feet from Where Hay waa killed. Peter Bilyou being sworn 1 out i fled as fol lows: Was Ht'ipialuted with Kay In his llm-tatuo. HlM)din tho search fur Kay. Found bis gnu. (inn was H feet from yew tree. Ouh wits standi fur muzzle dowu in iu iho water. Two-thirds of the gun was iu water. Pound gun on 10th. iun wss loaded with ono cartridge. Oun was found before hat. Frost was with mo when I found the gun Considerable brush has b eutranipeti down about where Itay wu-. Lille. i. At Arat there wan consider able brush on the line of tbe shut. J.?aVo were Into in falling from apple trees last fall (fas with Hubvr, Kay and Irvine when they measured tho distance and range uf the nhot. Mr Front tontlned as fallows - I was nc'iUttiiite l with Kay In his life time. Am acquainted with Nlmchick. I was with Pete Itilyeu when he found the gun hut wns wot close to him The yew tres was down stream from where guti whs found Knew tho gun was Bay's l. eblmltoii testllird as follows: I wo acquainted with Itay in his life time Am acquainted with Ximchick Spent two weeks hunting for Bay's body Found shot near where gun waa found Took range uu line of shot. I looked on it Bee from where Nimchlck waa sup posed to havu stood and I could have Heenamati very well standing where Bay was killed I was there about the UOtli There were u leaves then on the bush I found patching (Here witness identl Hod patching handed to him by counsel.) JoeShelton found one piece mid I found Ihe other, patching was fntind is and 20feet from where Nltn chlok was supposed to have stood, Frank Hhruin testified as f.wa: I was ncuimiuted with Ity. helped at the S a. . a a. 1 . : L.iiiiI search, fmiml part oi patnnius;. ntveling of pink oalico.Tho witness was shown patching which he fouud near the dog wood, Dr J Is Hill tostlded as follows : Am practicing ntyrsfclan, Practlood 13 vears. Was called to attend requestor Kay. Corouer ami I went together. Several per sons went from Solo. Do not know at whoso house bodv wa. Made an examin ation tit body. On back of neck wore wound". One on shoulder blade went threuu,h lung. (Or described at great length the several .shots tha. struck tho head, three of which were fatal.) Ben Irvine test! tied aa follows : had shot a deer, lie did not come ; snd 1 went down tw the creek aud found 1 nadsL by mail came a box ai delicious cake which as .1..17 .... gracct tne nappy occasion. May happiness killed Tommy I was so scared tbatfey did not koow what to do. I want to l-ewia Bay's to tell what 1 had done, but 1 was afraid to t-ll ss I f oared they would baug me. I wait ed several leys and then heard there was talk of mobbing mewheu 1 started to Salem tn give myself up. Thought I had to go to Bslssa. hd not knew they hnd an thing at Albany (meaning courts.) Wa arroaled at Stayton. Have bunted a good deal with Tommy Bay. He and I were good friends. Never had any trouhle with hiui. Killed two deer liefore st the place where Tommy wss killed. Thought Tommy was way below when I ahot. Tho prisouor thl his story ie s very trsightforward manner, though with much emotion. II H Qieeoer sworn and testified: Saw .Mmchick iiffir atayton, aanl he was going to Silent. He spoke something aieiut their tieiug after him, but I told him to keep his mouth shut t.il he hail got an attorney At the time of -oing to press jury was still out. Big bargains in everything at Nolan's Cash Store. Xew .11 stale More. J II Daniel has opened a music tre at Langdon's drug store and will s. 1 1 the MathiiHhck piano, probably the best constructed in the market, aud the Shonluger Cy tube! la organ, ono of the best organs, ami getting them direct from manufacturers will sell them a bottom rates. Those desirin r first. class, reliable Instruments whl'dq well to call ami see Mr Daniel before purchas ing. Dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, boots aud shoes, and, in fact, the entire stock at and under cost at Nolan's ( ash Store. i l.fttler fhirst. The tn.iowiiiE Is the Hat of letters renrnl jmir In the Post Office. A many. I.lnn county, Ore icon, March 16, IH83. Persons ealllmr lor theae Utters muNl Kivetne Ute on wbieh tney w-n-advertised. aud long life attend the happy pair. Twenty-five dollar fine black dress sui:s f IM.iO, s' Nolan's Caah Store. A thing of beauty is a joy forever and so is a LUDLOW SHOE. An assortment of the above h es in LADIES', MISSES' ANS CHILDREN'S Just received at SAMUEL E. YOUNG'S. Following sre the decisions rendered ap to the time of going to press yesterday : 3. alaryatts Carey agt Thsddeus Hand ford. CooHrmatioo of Surfs Hale. K D Snettock, Phuu k Chamberlain for pbY. Confi aaed. 5. J I Caae k Cat aet Wa McCeBister et sL Continuation d ShfTa sale. Fhnn k C'hamberlaia for piff. Connrsaed. i. V K Hobtaeea agt Eh Carter and Ed B I Carter. Sait in equity. FUnu k Chasu laerlatn for plff, Powell k BUyea for delta. 'on tin ii I, U H Irvine referee, 10. J S Ames agt W C Stewart et al ('.uartnation of hhffs sale. Wamtiierferd BUekhum for plff. Coaflrmed. 11. B C Miller agt V, Bibryaad J H Snur tock. mnnnation of SkfTs ssis. Weath erf or-1 k Blackburn fur plff. ( ntiim.il. 1-2 L Fhnn agt Eli Carter aw si. Cesttv mation of Miifa Kade. Fhan k Chamber lain for plff. Coatirssed. 13. Misms .Sternberg agt Mi Carter et al. Confirmation of ShfT a aale. fTien Jt Chaai. Iicrlain for plff, Coofrned. 14. Sussa Bardosn agt The city ef Albany. Homages. Powell k Bilyen, J K Wtaathes f'd for plff, Fhnn k i haeaberbdn fssr deft. Verdict ef (108 and costs lor plff. It;. Koshlaad Bros agt C D Simpson. Actum at law. Fhnn ami I 'namiaerhun for plff. K B Skip worth for d. ft. Jada-saeat opened and aatwtr ffled. 18. W S Noble a Margaret Ortaer et a!. Suit in eaity. Fltan and Chatuberhua fcr plff. Ootinuetl 19. RW Beesesgt Wm Haeebusd. Actum at law. C E Wolvertos fur pIC Klinn asal Chamberlain for deft. Settled 30. Wm St John and J U SUane agt W KeetAn. rt al. Snit in e)Qity. Fliaa and fhamberUin fer pltT. Judgment by .Ufeult. ft Belle fano agt A I! fiano. Divoree. Bonhsm and Bamsey for plff. CranUd 23. A J Habler art C D Sim paran AetsM at Isw. Fhnn snd Chamberlain for plff. B B stralian for deft. Motion to atrike out part of complaint aBowed St J D Burkhart et si agt C V. Borkkart et st. r r partition. Westherford Blackburn for plff. Decree of partition ML Clarinda M McKnight est The Uulwav and Nvigatioa i .. Weetiierford and Bhackbora her pHTs. tied 27. CUriada M McKnignt st Tee Oreeoa Bailwsy ami Navigation Ce. Davnasrsa. W, atl.crfi.nl aod Blackburn for ptfte. Settle.! m Nancy G Haydea et al agt Lhuoe M Thoniannet ab Suit in sqnity. L Bilyen aad U S Waahhara for plff. Jaecree according to prayer of complaint 30, Amanda E Redman agt J H Miller et a). To foreclose mortgage. E J Dawne for plff. Bon ham aad Bamsey for deft. Miller. Dismissed 31. John F Martin agt BbnnVh C Mar tin. Divorce. T J Stites for put. Beferred to E R Skipwoath 33. W H Haydea agt Naney G Hsydee et ai For partition. L Btlyeu and G S Washburn for plff. Can tinned 34. J J I avia agt J H Davidson et al. To foreclose mortgage. T P Hack lessen for plff. Default as to J II Davidson snd wife, con tinned as te W J Woflf .to. 11 C Hill ait Sih Williams. Action at law. T P Hackleman for plff C E Wolver teu for deft. Settled til. Mary E Gordon agt Amos D Hy1an4. Suit in equity. Continued 41. J McCrackin ami Co agt J A Clear water. To recover money. Strahan and Bilveu for jiffs, ii B Dorris for deft. Set tled 42. J McCraktn and Co ngt W S IjmkHs et si. Action st law. Strahan and Bilyen for plff. G B Dorris for deft. Settled 43. H-beeca Carter et al f S D lager et al. Confirmation of ahffs aWi Ham phrey and Wolverton for Board uf Commiss ioners. Confirmed 45 D M Cooper ajjt N Whesldoa et al. in equity. Demurrer to complaint sustained 48 J L Cowan nSK Coble. Confirmed 49 Mciaulcy atd Andtitcn nSK Cable Confirmed M tuttlt.lt. ' .I-.-. I Dow, Nettle K. Kngola, H. P. Uray, Mi- Jilh K. H.itt, Miaa Jenny ftover. liiaac Kliarle Joa (2) Post, L. Ilumiihrey, Mlnnio UUwk. Nancy J. M. IRVING, P. at. . . aaeiStilSSj - - Money te Loan Parties diiriug to borrow money in any amount can be accomodated by us on mere favorablo terms than ever ueiore onereu, for pe tods from two to ten yea.-s. Simply paying the interest yoarly and repavhuj tho principal in ono sum at the expiration of the time for which tl3 loau is made, or thoy may d'vlde their loans Into yearly payments, at your own option. Call on or addross, Burlihart Bros., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Albany, Or. TURNER SAVAGE At the residence of J A CUmour in this city, March 11. 1883, hu Bee J W Harris, Ma E D Turn KB and Mihs Dolla Savaue. aU of Lian county. SIMON ARCHIBALD At the bridi's father, near Tangent, Sunday March 4, by Rev P A Moses, Mr Geo C Siuo.v and Miss Mary Archibald all of Linn county. The brii'e is a daughter of S J Archibald, and an estimable young lady deserving s g.iod husband. The happy con pic have our best congratulations, HACKLEMAN STROUD Oo Mosday, March 12, 1883, at the residence ol T P Hacklenam. by Bee J W Harris, Ma Frank Habklkxan and Ml MiRTHA Strocd Morc.am, sll of Albany. Mr aod Mrs Hacklemau left on the noon train for Eastern Oregon, where they will reside for some time. May their life la Ranch Grast aa well as ebewhore lie a pleas ant one. KVLIN HARRIS Oo March Uth, 18 W, hv E R Skin wm th. E.g., at Albany, Ma Tuiuuorb Kvlis ami Mrs ISki.u. Hauim. We congratulate Mr Snip worth. M. M. JONES, Breeder snd JJ Ntlptrr of PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS Kl.lTHSBl KG - - ILLINOIS. My breeding sloek Is registered in tbe (Vutral Poland ( bina ReraH. Stork for sale at reasonable rates. These liojrs are deseeud aiits from the het herds in Indiana and Illinois, are quiet, decile, easy fattetl aud splendid mothers, enters received by W. $ FLETCHER, Shedds, Or. THE CREAT CURE nSaT"" aaaaaaaaaaaaaa flEUMATSII Aa it la for aU Uxe i -Jul aUaaasss ef the UDNEYS,UVCR S.NO BOWELS. Jttsisaaass Uvs srsjM SSasssU asSaon tm1ous"AosoVcss,u oi Uas want forma of Utia WiifSaa dsassaa PERFECTLY CURED. i- uero oa sfcT, ssaa by Bacecnm. eaa b acot Sr maU. Oo.,