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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1883)
emorrat SAT AS. I wk LA S' as I fts 5l 1 Inch 2 3 " 4 " 1 Oaf " I 00 200 3 00 4 00 fHW 7 fiO 10 00 300 ft 00 700 10 00 I2ft0 1ft 00 18 00 25 00 800 1100 If Oil 100 2ft W .'WOO 4000 1200 18 OH 22 0k 27 00 36 00 48 00 60 00 ft 00 0 7 UO 0 00 VI 00 l.'MIO isswwt eWUMia l.r. 00, 20 00 ' 4000 00 00 103 00 cim:1I business mafeea Is fisMl t uron 2i cents mr Haw. Regular local notice 10 cants per Un. For legal and frsnstent sd vert k-etaent II OS issr equar for the flrt insertion and 50 cent per squsre tor each aabeeqiteot inMcrtbm, settle pf, put rear, ta sasai MgU ewes, ear fme. si east VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH Hi, 1883. NO :: flasaa4g4 VsssVjs)b STATE RIGHTS DBIOCRAT ISSUED KVBRY FRIDAY STUBS 4 NITTINtf. Maw Rights ALLEN & -OF- ALBANY - An uw raetaYiif tWr FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of oso of the Urgent General Merchandise Ever oferen for isle DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Inclines si I Us latest style aa t lSTshiss. Oir stack is all fresh sd sew, aa aisck of it wss Birr has is Is York, ss taere is sot sis piece of oU stylg4s is osr store- THE CLOTHING Contains- of Ike largest aa tmest aasertaseats of elotkisg aid geato' fariUkisg goons ever krosgkt te'ttis valley, sad will to soM at srieestki iefy esaaetitisi, eitker'kere or tlsewkere. We sis keep a fall liae ef ladies', ekiUrea'i ai4 geatleaieafs BOOTS AND SHOES, All of ike Wet ttaiitj aa Ws also iavit sties ties to HATS AND CAPS, t ei t k als to ae fo ad ai oar star GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Oar bmU is ONE PRICE Samples seat by Mail free, ea aafteatioB. MARTIN OREGON, SUek wf Hi -est eemtlete sUek of is Albany. The! DEPARTMENT tired frnai tae ataaifaetares. osr stleaeie a Vara; sad well -selected stock FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, A 1 First Street, Albany, Or. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rUKN. CI. K. t It AM HKIU.AIH. FLINM 4 CHAMBKRLAIN, ATT()K. ICY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jarOfnoa In Foster's Brick Block .-ta vl5nltr. R. 8. STRAHAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. A Ibaus , Orrion. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THK Court of this State. Will give pedal attention to collection and probate matter. Office In Foatar'a new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office u petal re, over Jobn Brim tore, let street. vMn-Stf J. K. WE A .FORD, (NOTAKY PUBLIC,) tTTORNEY AT LAW, aukaot. nana. WILL MLACT1CK IN ALL THE CUt'KTS Of THK an. aiMcUlftiuitUuu gia tooollertiuesaa prubate matter U. Ovid reltaWs Teasple. U J jr. o. rowBtx. w. n. BILTBU POWELL 6 BILYEt , vTTQRNKYH AT LAW, And Solicitor in I haacery, ALBANY. - OKetCsOM. Colleotlona promptly made on all point. Loan negotiated on reasonable term. jnVOfflo In Foster's Brick.- vHulOtf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT UW LKBAIOX OlKQOft. Will praeUeeta all the eoor Prompt alteatlon aivn to c vevaaess and esamloaUoo of la all tb eoarta of the Stats. collections, eoa veraaees and examtnaUoo of Titles. PmbaU business a spsciaitty. v. E. K. SK I PYVOKT1 1, 4TTnnKV ABlkflB AT LAW A SWTAB1 rt ILK w ILL practice In all court of the Stale .II bnalnaaa intrusted to me prompt ly stranded to. OMee in O'Took't Block, BrtuUIbi Strrmt, 43v 1 A aVuiy, Oreaaa, LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVEKY AND I'EED STABLE. Flrat clan vehicle. Ana konww, gxl feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges, diva tbem a call. sable near He v ere House. 6yl. l w. imam k co., DRIOuINTM. Htationery and Toilet Artidaa, A nrge Stock and Low Prices. Large OITTT DRUG 8TORE, l AJLStBV. BWI FOSHAY & MASON, SSOLSLAU AS ASTAtV Druggists and Booksellers, ALBABY, OBEUOR. vlonAltf J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND - Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Court of th Is State. All bnalnaaa intrusted to him will be promptly alien ded to. noroffice in OToele's Block. REVERE HOUSE, 1rS an REUswerl Albany. Chaav Pfeiffer, Prop'r Tate sew BoWIUBtUd sain Bret dsn etrl. TUm wtth tb bat Um market kHorda. Btsnsi la avarr Hoosm. A f o tSaxAm avnat lor Cuaa TrarMSJ. Aioany Bath House. HK UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE8FECT foil iafora th eitlM of Albaayaad sf ainHyi that lkaTBUkBbrgitBM Kium ateat.aad. Wt keelac oleaa reoatt and payta tiitttBtioe to burman, oxseet" v toil al thoit who m.j Caror UB with tbsir patroaag HeriBf ketetoforo orrtd oa noting but Flrat-Claaa Hair Droaslng Saloons, azpeeta to glr atir tltfetlo to at SBrC'iio sad Ladit' Hair Mostly os kaanssood. JOS WBBBKH. O. 0 OHIBRT. O.n.PARItr. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Succeaaar to C, C. Cbarry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. aaTE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A IX TT completed, and are now prepared to handle all kind of heavy work. We will manufacture tfteam Knslne. Qriat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind of Iron ana nraes casting. rATrnmxs uabb nw snont xotm r. Special attention given to repairing all Kinu or machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain separator. n ahir Bt.-4MRee a Lnntner Tarn. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, S&nvnm - JjSnjoBSangactJinWnnnl worn RHEUMATISM, Mmuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sorenes of the Chest, Gout, Quint , Sore Throat, Swell ings ami Sprain, Burnt and Scalds, Sonera Bodily Peine, Tooth, Bar end Headache, Frottod Feet and Bert; end ell other Feint end Aches. B rijsiinSa o artti qsala Br. Jtma On mmfr, r, mtmtut e$kmp ftrT I H-47 A trUi MlmiW tml h if mint oMlajr of 10 CSsbr; s4 wry . aasHsf nb pmio !W (U ud wtU. tt ml m (la'M. IMiMtiaa la KWrn Uagsaas. BOLD BY ALL DRU0OI8T8 ABO DEALER IB MEDICI ML. A. VOOELER tc CO. . DlHmwr; Md., U. 0. A. LYDIA B. PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE 00MP0PND. WmwSUhmom r.lafWI t BBBl 4 U .Uwm In ' B ali tl A Xr4ieU far Xfm n. I tr . I. , . tTauiaa. frrsarod b a Vtaia. b 1 mmi lrfu Mmm) IS .-' it mrT. bu.n , Om oreUtl.- f- a . am, fir: !'.. ilf f 1 nr-ao'Ut IS" trp. rmtritm Hir Mtwrml I tmttm lolha tPbTleiiiu 0m H n J Btncib II rroolf ' f.l.lkM M&AuWm iliitr ti llli ml i r oe SiMttU, to I rIS m f Uu - TU f. I oIU ji ,v .1 . . CM ln Wm tB rmrm mf Kttwr (')Ubl f llbr t , f.TDIA C FTSKHAM Bt-OO I't uiru n vt a J Ii: J f it iVt r pr C xa jJ SK WaSn A . Ujum. )lu frtra u tew.BL tbiii.for fa, nen b asm tats rot of ;Cta. ar of Us r7. oa rmlpt of pr.t, (1 ff -x f I Mlbw. Br.. H Uia a f rarly ann ail l llor cf i.ia ap. Saadfurtaisal Bi. KaNaiPT -h M Ha uviea rit.i.i T-r asBbvosili ai is ti Pt -b H I TTitA R nXKII A TUky alirestsa. a .1 TUTT'S ILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. et!t. Bowels eeative. Pain In with a dull oenaabion In the Pain under the Shoulder the back blade. lines after eating, with a main i to exertion of bod r or mind. ellnanon to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of tamper, XjOw apirtta. with a tseiins; of havina nealeeted tone duty. pima. wivn some duty, ring at th weanneaa, I)laanaa, Fluttering at tbo Heart, Dote before the eye. Tallow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye. Be uotn. with fitful dream, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. Tlrr8 PILLS uri? r.j lally alajtrd to aiich twee, one dose chert a auch a sfcauge of fMllna mm to natonlafc the inffrrrr. Tay lams tbif Atrtlar.aid raw tln iKMtv lu TmUm Vm BneaBu Uiua Ui- ayatnii la .rttest n the nolo art uro. MaMUtr Oigaaia. aiaator ntssla an pro. aim iiy iri'-ir nnir enajr St.. N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Qaav H atb na WrKtt rtianrM in a Oujmhy tiLACK toy annate application nf iIiIm Wk. It ini paraiB uatural ofitor, ai'ta InatantnatHaiaty. HoM uy UruggbM. or nt ny exprtsa on n-.Wpt or ti. m imtY mt-. nsv torm. (Sr. ttTTH HMU of ViImM, ItAtratllMi 4 BeSSt BaeripS iu a aaufart abb . ay aBasBbsJ DR. De B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to thla city and rwumeil nrec- Uce. Otnee in new tuft -ajili uttba, OT.-eVa Huilillnsf, hroadalbin sttvet, betweun Kirat and Scv- ond atreet. Albany, Or., Huv. a, aru alwayno luokoitt tr Iio.ii t Innreaai! their earalnea. and in time lief tino wealthy ; those who de not improve their opnortunl tie remain ia poverty. We offer a ifreat -hance to m ice money. We want many nun, woinun, t.oymiKi g la to work for us nam in tneirown teeaweee. r one can do the work properly from the flrat start. The business will oav more than ten times ordinary wages. Bxpsnsive outfit furnuiio.1 free. . no one wno i7 falbTto make BSSSSV ranidlv. Vou can de- vo e your wnoie time to mo wors, or oniy your paro momenU. Full lnfonnrtiou and all that is needed sent free. Address Mtissos A, Co., Portland, Maine. BUAEDIAH A88UH1NCE CO,, OF T QNTinN " ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. ?ifflKb Notk. This company has the largest i r paid up capital ef mpany doing buslneaa in the United States. Insurance accepted by Robt. A. Fostkb, Agt of Albany. A week made at home by the in- dnstrious. Best business now be fore the uublic. Capital not needed . We will start vou. Men. women, boys and iriris wanted every where te work fur us.. Now is the time. You can work it spare time, or gv ymr whole time to the busiuee. Nootner business will pay you nearly aa well. No one oan fall td make enormous pay, by en- irairfnjf at onee. Oostlv ontflt and terms free. Money lnaiio fast, easily, aud honorably. Addrees Tsie a as i ej M-sm. ' y y . m w -bat Dart. ru Cev Augusts, Maine. I I M il M NKWB. Mm. VX'.va Ann Liggett, from near Boeua Vibtn, wn brought to town on MoruUy lat, mid after ao examination bnfbto Judge I J. A. John, hy lira. J. N. Smith anl . T. lodon, wan pro iHHtnrod inaanc, and waNaeni on Tue day to the Anyluin at I'Ubt Port land. Hepott from different rortiou of Southern Oregon bhow that grain town laat frll especially oat and barley ha been aerious'y damaged hy the aiu ter weatber, which Btand ttDequalO for continued auverity. As n .coiiee quence, moat of the ground miiHt be re aown, which the farmer will loan no time in doing. A the weather i fa vorable, it in not likely tUnt ctow will be any abortcr through tbi mis fortune. Still the loaa i considerable. A oow belongina to Win. Nucke, of Kerby villi, a few day ago died, afiar haviag given birth to a calf. Tbi x cited the curioaity of a reidnt of that place, who cut her oeu to ascertain the cause of her istaiss, Hi anion ibmnt can Ixi better imagined than described whan he found throe more calves, all of which were wall developed. The new combination lettet paisir and envelope, now supplied to the post- ofliee by the poat otii :a deartmeut, ia a kheet of letter per with an envelope flap having on it a three cent alamp. Alt the Bender will hv to do after writing a letter will be to fold the letter abeet, cl it by moistening it with the mucilage on the envelope flap and drop it in the nearest poat ofiicc or letter box. The combination i to be sold for throe cents, and it will undoubtedly prove to be a great a convenience to the public aa the poatal card. Another feature of the combine. i iun i that the name of the poat office selling will be printed on the envelope. Scarlet fever end rah have put in appearance at Ashland, but hae not assumed a daugerons j. lierriott dc Livealey, if Vaahon Is land, are making full pieeriion for manufacturing btick. Tlnvy mil em ploy not leas than eight ut tun unn and manufacture aUiut 7,0i0 brick p r dsy, which they siil deliver by scows to New Tacoua and Oihat (toiuU. A mtou aa the ethri aril' permil oiera tiona wilt hecoiunieuc!. It ia thought by the projector that (. i-aa ibau 700,000 buck will be manufactured during the present year. The value of lota in New Teenies f jt aaaeaami-nt purjMiae, as decided by the assessor it aljuut aa followa : Pacific av enue fioue the liaUtead House south to Eleventh street, c 1,000, beyond Kiev, enth street, $000 ; 0 street to south Klevertk street, $350 ; beyond Eleventh, $300 ;on 1) street from $175, to $150 etch , on K street $(25 . on ( street $75 ; Yakima avenue, $75 ; on I ami J street. $50 per lot, west of I and J street, $25 each. The atesmbost Yazoo while turning a jreint at Hennct (Corner, above New Orleans, struck a log ami sunk. Sever al parsons drowned. Hev. 0. W. Uallsgher, pastor of the Unitarian church in New York, preach ed a sermon last Sunday, in which be defended the "PeiMion Play'1 of H.loii Morse, Esrly yesterday morning, an immense ball ef lire darted across the heavens, brilliantly illuminating the city of Pitts burg, Pa. Its course was northwest. An explosion was heaid" shortly after the passage. The explosion was follow, ed bv loud detonations and tremors of the earth. The light was very brilliant, and blue tints were Beeu all along the route traversed. Peraons were awaken- od by the noises and bhocks. The oentemplated trip to Ctliforuia bv Charles A. Dana and Simon Came ron, and their families, delayed by the illness of Csmerou'ri son, will start within a fortnight. They will travel by the Southern Pacific, making an extend ed stay in New Oileann, and only a short visit in California. The trip is purely for pleasure. Hon. Jas. S. Boy ton, president of the State Senate, of Georgia, has been sworn in as Governor. He ordered an election f. jho vacancy caused by Stephens , . death, Oil th 24th f Aplll. 1 lie UoiU ooratio executive committee of the State is called to meet Tuesday at Atlanta, to consider what action is to be taken. "They who cry londcnt are not al ways the most hurt. Kidney-Wort 1 u,nri- UV, l,ft (looil Mmnai it in uoea 118 OrK like 1116 UOOU Oamailtan, - unrtitnt utionek- l.iir with qCKIV, UnOSientallOUSly, lUC Wltn I uroaf (hnrnn oli nu. A Naw Huron "alre dy writ8 : "Mother has been afflicted for years with kidney diseases. IT . , Ml 111 sprins sue was very in ami nau Q1 aiarcniDR pau: inj nHmbnes in one Kidney-Wort proved a great I . . . . . . . . ii it w,e88'n8 completely curea nsr. IgFNo woman really practices economy unless she uses the Diamond Dvea. Manv dollars can be saved every year, ask tue aruggisc. a a . a s For the delicate and complicated Jiffl.nltiea nprnliar to women Lvdia E U11UCU1UeH PeCUllar 10 WOmetl AV(11 Fj i Pinklisr'K VaDetsle (Vunimund ia the 1 r K,a 8 v egeiame v .oinpounu is tut soverign remedy. nnonta villi: itkms. tUtk Bk HiorrtU : Mrs. Dr. Gross ia about the same. Th'j Drs. seem to be rpiite busy at preaent. The infant child of Air. Pill.bury's ia very sick. Mr. Richard Stephens it recuMrat ing very rapidly. Ml. Frank H vda eXMct to m ve Into the mountains soon. Work will likely soon commence on the Brownsville bridg. Mr. Fred Hancock is the happieat man in town a eon. Warren Arthurs bus len very sick with a catarrh in the head. Mrs. Kllen Washburn ia vieiting frienda and relatives near .'orvallis. Mr. Jas. (?url has sold hi tuenag aria to parties in Portland for $150. Free school opens in North Browns villa on the third Monday of thin month. Messrs. Wataou and Mc Masters were here laat Friday in the interests of the Oregon Railway 0a Mrs, Thatber who has been vieiting friends here returned t hr home in Salem on laat Wedneaday. The little children ef Msasra. Joseph Sanders and Jas. Mo U argue are very sick with the cidmru OtUm. Mr. J. Al. Moors hax moved bis stock of liquors over to Kjuth Browns ville, and will nhertly ojien out over there. During this One weather the farmers are very buaily employed with their crops. If the westber favors the bop crop will be very Isige. On the 24th, by B. J. Averill, J. P., Alias Mary Brady lately of San Francisco was married to Mr. Julius Feiner head dyer in the Woolen A! ills. After .upper, refresh taenia, and danc ing the whole community joined in wishing the happy couple a life of tree happiness. It ia rumor'! that Mr. Geo. C. lilakely ao long connected with the drug store here, baa lately aoid his in terest to Mr. Klmer Forsythe. although everyone will be pleased to welcome 51 r. Ferny the into lbs business circles of Brownsville, yet Air. BSskely's long acquaintance has endeared him to the asople and ebouid fate call bim, we ahatl miss bim. - On laat Monday the school meeting of North Brownsville district waa held in the city hall. I be clerk read the minutes and report, which were msde out in s vary credible manner. Mr. J. P. Gelbraith was elected director, and Mr. II. J. 0L Averill was elected clerk. Although the office of clerk or director doea not really honor a wan, yet the hoard has in the past honor id the of fice, and doubllesa will do all in their power to promote the woik of educa tion in our district. It was voted that a tax of $150 be levied on the district. The school until the next annual achool meeting will be free to all who draw public money in this district. The cloaing exercises f the winter term of the North Brewiisville gra rll scb jol were about as followa : On Thursday occurred the entertainment given by th primary grades of which Mrs. Horner is teacher. Oa Friday the examinations took piac. Several visitor and other patrons honore 1 the occasion with their praaeuev, in the evening came the entertainment given by the fifth and sixth gralea : Hon. E. B. .1cKlroy, Slate Supt. delivered a very eloquent address en "Industriel Kluoation," Ar intellectual educa tion is not sufficient in this rapidly de velopiug epoch of our statu. Tbo great esources of this country cannot be de veloped without education. The wealth of our state can best be increased bv increasing our manufacturing aud ag ricultural interests. In addition te thi, the manv valuable minerals that underlie our mountains, an t vail vm, as yet untouched these must be n aeh- ed. The production of woolu and vegetable fabric! cannot bo produce 1 without a special education. These interests icouire an industrial and thorough education. It was conclusive ly proven that while thero are man) valuable systems of education in this . m, I M . country, the nub he school srstem is the only one that will reach the mas rf. ; ' ses. Kver interest oi society ucmanus ws e. . aa e ! l that our public school work be promot ed. The apeakers remarks were very practical and were appreciated by every one. Afier the entertainment closed, the sixth grade gave a banquet in the Citv Hall. J. B. II. THR RKSDLTa All persons feeling dull and depressed or perhaps feverish with no appetite, no energy, the system clogged, the liver torpid, and the bowels inactive, who are wondering how to find relief, should purchase a 50 cent or $1 bottle of Syrup of Figs, read the circular around the bottle, follow the directions, taking a few doses of this pleasant remedy and be restored to health and happiness. It may be had of Foahay fc Mason, Al bany, Rector fc Son, Halsey. wkt um.iMi i r i r t.u Bfuvervillt, Wast Virginia. Feb. 11, 1 883. Kt, JJrmocrat : Having through the kindneas of em old time friend (now of Oregon; beeu made the weekly recipient of your ex cellent pa pur u kiii the rt quest that 1 would rontribute from time to lime,tbe local happenings in these euda of the eatth to the Dkmocsat. And I etild juat say by way of introduction, to yeu and the readere of your ealuable psper thst I sm a Democrat in everything that constitutes or pertains to true Democratic principles. Believing that if our national domain is saved fiom the new impending wreck and ruin, it must and will be through the aid and inflaence of Democratic principles. I have never dabbled much in po! tics, content to h one of the common, labor ing elsaa id citizann. Tried slwav te vote as I pray. But aome are ready ta say Now don't mix religion aud polit ics, affairs." We say, let nN politcal measures be seasoned with religion enough to kep them pure snd honest as was the case in the dsvs of other yeaia. Just now aome of the lea Jiag Republicans here are getting wonder fully kind and liberal toward Democrat ic measure ; same are slmont resdy to drop over en the other aide of the fence. But aome eld rata think they see a cat in the tneaUiub. The party in pewer don't like te give up the spoils, and fat positions. But enough of this for the preaent. New while the good people of Oregon, are having their wet season, here in West Virginia, we are having all aorta of westber rain, mud, sleet and anow, with now and then a clear dsv, to cheer us en our wav. m at Scarlet fever and diphtheria are rag- a a ing almost aa an epidemic now on Spring Creek. If desirable, in another letter we may try and give aome history, I oca tins sad productions of this portion of oar mountain state. And now Mr. E liters wiahinig yeu and your readers all a happy and pros'ierous New Year. Adam D. Uodam. MYSLLn IM.W Oakvitlr, Or., Feb. 21st, 1883. A'.. Demerat : Farmers of thin viciutty sre buay a a saw a sowing wheat. Mot one sere of rail sowing but will htve to be renown. Seed wheat not so acarce as at first thought. Most of us hsve pleoty to sow again. At a achool meeting we trisl to vote a tax to build a school house but it waa only a try. We were lcalcn badly snd are al most heart sick. We have a .l.l th.t J- I....1I Httntaarh j Indians in, it being too small and leaky and without furniture worthy oi the name. Just think of 25 voters voting against a school house un ler such cir cumstances and only 8 in favor of it. Men with children to educate voting agatnat a achool house. , rshaw. lbe old bachelors aud young men turned aut snd leat ua. We will keep up the ught uutil wo get the house. It makes eur hearta glad to knew that Albany i herself again going to build a $20,1 school house. AKVILLE. While Jobn S. Wiae waa breathing fire and slaughter at Richmond, that emiseut patriot Jay Hubbell wan giving some instructive testimony in the Mas- sey-Wise election case at Washington. It must gratify "voluntary' contribu tors to Hubhelt' fund to know that $10,000 of it went to pay cspitation taxes ia Virginia. It must b stilt more gratifyiug to the "monied" and "middle" elasses. who are aai I to bttve such an sffeetion for the Republican tarty, to know th il th m naers of that party invested such a sum in Ma bonism and dishonesty. Uubbell also testified that the Na tional Republic in Executive Committee ordered all its ptuers to be burned. This was wise en the pirtof the ommitiee, but is to be regre'te l in the interests of sound information. The papers of the committee must lave curtained a great deal of the curious and crooked. What a otmpaign d cument might have been made out ot them ! Sail, the couutry seems to have guessed their contents pretty well at the time of the last elec tion. Tho funniest-look ing man in the Senate is Ingalls of Kansas. He is tall and very thin, and his Prince Albert is generally wrapped so tightly around his form that one could be pardoned for supposing that a good whistling breeze would carry him before It. Ingalls has steel-gray hair and red nose. He wears eye glasses, and is seldom seen on the street without kid gloves and a polished silk hat. . He is well informed and his knowledge extends into nearly every field of human thought. His eulogy on Ben Hill was the simplest, prettiest speech of the kind delis er- ed in the Senate for many a year,und it has been scattered broadcast throughout the country. CHESS COLDMI. On Jan. lit wa commenced a regular chess tourrmmviit te consist of ! prob leios, one to Ian puMishsel each week until the ton rosy is ceaipMed. Mr. 8. A. DVsney,of J fferawn of fers the following arisen fer solution of pioblema in this tourney : Tw any person solving all of the 10 prebiansa, a prize of 100 bleak chexa diagrams. Tw the ene aolving the next largeet nnni tssr, To blank chess dtagrsma, and hit tw the nasi highest. When te wr mors are tied in the sues her ef aelutiwns, then the prize will be swarded tw the one who furnishes the neatest aad meat plaialy written solutions. All eelu tiane mast ba sent in within three weeka from the date ot the psper cwa aining the prebisra, except the aoln iow to problem No. 10 which will be re quired to be Sent in within twa weeks from date ef inane ewntsiaiag it. Problems fsr the ten may will be far niebed by 8. A. DeVaaey, Jefferaen. Toi. a.vsv raoBLcn aa 9. Whits Black K at Q K t 7 K at K 3 W at Q R 4 R at K 4 K at Q R 8 P at 3 Kt at Q 5 FatQBS P at g 3 PatK 7 White to play and mate in two ovee. solutions. Na. 5, A. Binding. No. 7, J. K. Ktrkpatrick, A. Bind ing, Clifton Ktrkpatrick. We was Id any that Dr. Ktrkpatrisk and Clifton Kiiknstriek bath insist that -Go a-yeu-pleaae" own net be made to mate ia three assess. The knights should remember that a small prize is offered for the first eelutiew ef this problem. Where is "Sad V ana Besetattens. Resolutions ef sendwieace, submit ted by the Uarriaborg B. B., to Mr. and Mrs. L. Doagtas. in teetioseny of the high esteem in which we hold our late member : WntBEAs, la view of the loan wa have sostainodi, by tho death af war beloved member and associate, Willie Dooglan, and of the still heavier less sustained by the household who were nearest and dearest to hira ; tbereferw, ba it Ttetolced, That it is bat a just tribute to the memory af Willie, to ssy that In regretting his removal frwm our Band wa incur a far one who was every way worthy af oar tender est regard. AVjoW, That ia our united sor row wa extend oar heartfelt sympa thy to Father, Mother, Brothers and Sbter, and and consolation in the . . j u . ...Ill eft-lien iier win luiweerc vaant bwctsi music ia that home beyond. Resolved, That while we tenderly condele with tho bereaved family, w share with them tha hope af a reun nion, on tho other aide, where there is no parting and bliss ineffable for bids a tear. Fold hla hands tender ly o'er hie pnlselara breast, Ha no more on earth ear Band will lead ; Carre- him gebtl y, lay him te rest. While we wss sre auleken In anguish weep. His bark drifted out at the close ef day ; Ns mere hla cheering votes oar ears will greet; He ha anchored safely, as ia hope we may, In that haven ef rest at the merey teat. We knew Willie's at reV ia that summer land. Where meadows are Canned by haavens wind, Come o'ft Willie in spirit and meet with onr Band, Though our music be a 1 aid war eyes tear -dun mad. The years will oeme snd th years will je, And life's current will move as before: And Time, the great healer, will temper the woe, Of bereaved one whose sorrows none other can know Ai they too seek the Evergreen Share. AaTHua BaAnaajraraa, UEjaaa Isham, Cuas. Casts a, l.SSTSR Rilby, RueanLL Wtatt. Wii.un BRAanasaoBo. Howard Bramwri.i., Matt Fukk,v Eodie FA.NaiNO. Scipio, N. Y.,Dee. 1, 1879. I am the pastor of the Baptist church here, and an educated physician. I am not in practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise ia many hii j-v ST a eases. Uver a year sgo l re cni 'need ed your Hop Bisters to my invalid wife, who has been under medical treat ment of Albany's best physicians sever al years. She has become thoroughly cured of her various complicated dis ease by their use. We both recom mend them to our friends, many ef whom have also been cam! of their various ailments by them. Rev. E. R Waaaax. There will not he half the usual quantity of stock sold in this county during the present year. There was a great deal sold last year, which leaves the range with less than half its usual number. Mr. Hastings L now hero buying stock, and after he leaves, it will be almost useless for other stock buyers to come. Bud Hock Dem.