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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1883)
THE SUN. new York, ma. Mors people have read "The Sun" during the year just now p-asiinrlban ever before sines It was nn printed. No oUiernowsnaixT published mi this ride of the earth Hu been fought aud read In any year bv eo many men end women. ... . We ere credibly informed that people buy, read, end like "The Sun" for the following reason, among BtH-aiue IU newt column present In attractive form and with the nwUet possible accuracy what var ha tiilereet for mankind : Uio events, the deeds, and misdeed, the wladnm, the phlloeophy, the notable Ml v. the eolid eeuee, the improving nonsense alt the now of the hulcst world at present revolt- 1 1- - ,1 Decaueepeople have learned that In IU remarks IMMBjej persons and affairs "The Sun" makes a uracil. v of U lling them the exact truth to the beat of ?. . - C I I A 1 -.. Sw. .lava I.. tl. I xtmr. before election a well a after, about the whales as well as about the small ash, lulhe faceul dissent 1 as plainly and fearlessly as when supported by gener- al approval. "The Sun has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the information of IU readers and the furtherance of tho common good. , Because Jt is evoryooay s newspaper, we iiwmi So nUBODte ilia imouu is iimmnwi tare and hie right. No man U so rich that it oau al low It.iukticc t.i he dona him. No man. no aaeucla ii.n ,,f nwtn w noworful soouirh to be exeiniH- from the strict application of its principle of right and wrong. ) Hiu In nolltice il has f.-urht for a doien years. without Intermission and sometime almost alone ......n.r tho rt-ht ha rosulUM in the re cent vera helming impuiar verdict against Kobeson- iam aud for honest government. ISo matter wnat party islu power, "The Sun" stands and will con tinue to stain! like a roes ior uic unci -m un 1 ill KLiiut tho ambition of boss, the encroachment of monopolist, and dishonest schemes of public robbers. All this I a hat we are told alm.wt daily by our fn.u.1. line man holds that 'The Sun la the beat 1 newspaper ever published, because it Christianity is undiluted with cant. Another hold that It I the beet Republican newsnapcr printed. (c cause It ha already whipped half of the rascal out of that nartv. and i. iirocvedm auainst the other hull with undiminish ed vizor. A third believe l to ho the host uianxiue of literal literature tu .viol ence, beeauae Its reader mis nothing worthy of .tiio thai ia current tu the world of thoiurht, ho every friend of 'The Sun" discovers one of It many aide thai appeals wiUi partteular force to his indiv iv id ual 'Am.'. It you know "The Sun." yiu w ill olwerve thit iii lSSitiaa little bet Wr than ever lrfore. If vou do not alrradv know "The Sun." you will And it to be a mirror of ali human activity, a storehouse of the choicest intxlucta of common cue and imaina tloe, a niainatav for the cause of honest gicrnn.cnl. i Miitini for '-cnuinc Jiffcnunuan lH'inocrac a mmrv fur wickednea of everv siteciea. and an up- .onuuonly gvxl investment for toe coming year. Teraaa to Mall SabsrrlbrrH. The several editions of "The Suu" are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : DAILY U cent a uonth. 9.S a year, Sunday ediUon, J.. . - . i . a . . Am aa. with WKKKLY-Sl I Ml ly issuer Kight ages of the best matter of the daily : au Aimvuiiurai ieparv mem of uneuualied merit, markvt retwrt. and liter- arv. setentiAc. ami domestic intcllUrence make "The Vt'eeklv Sun" the newstswier for the faruicr'e hue- bld. The clubs of ten with $10. an extra copy free. Addftat I. W. KNOLANI', IHlbllalier, The Sun," N. Y. City. ,Tkle rrrat alrenzlh- llaff reuwuy and nerve I tonic is the levtUmate re ult of oyer twenty year I of practical experience, and cures with unfailing 1 certainty Nt-rvuua and Iphvsical debility, semi I ual weakness, apcrmat.r- phoea, proa turrboea. emissions, c m p o tency exhausteu vitality, pre- t decline atd leas of nSR!aI5iSeti d from whatever L It nrkbd and purine the ana i nrTM brain, muscles, duresUon, re DmlncUve onran and nhvsicat ana meouu un'iim- ItstoD anv uanatoaaTdebilitating drain npon the srstesa. preventine involuntary losses, debilitating dm aainlnil lnaaae with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and body. It is re dia(inat..r of all kidney and bladder complata It contains no I iuiurioua fne-TMiient. To those SuflcnoS from the eetl efforts of youthful indiecretioaB, a speedy, tbor- ..mrh and nsnnaasrat cure ia U I AKANTfcJiO, Krice 50 oar bottle, or Ave bottle in case, with full di rections aud advice, 10. Sent secure from obaerva U to any address uiou receipt of price, or C. O. to be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, f t Kearney St.. 8m rraaelaeo. l Cooauhatiom strictly tonfMential by letter or at offi -e 'KF. Fur the canvenienee A ratienU and in order to insure iect secrecv I have add"itod a pn rate address under which all pack re - are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. to show its merit, will be sent to any one applying by letter, fating hct aimptotns and age. Communications strictly ooofldential, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAW. OB. The Third Term begins on Tbnrs day, February 1st, IHHIi. For particulars concerning the course of study and lh prke of toitioo, apply to ET. ELBEKT Hi OXDIT. Prenieieau The Great English Reme- lis a never faillne cure for INwvoU Ix-bilUy, heminal Weakneas, Kxhaoated VI- Jity, 8lrrnaU.rThj a, IUtdT MAAMOei. Im potency. Paralysis, and all Iterrjble effecu of Self- Abuac, youthful foIitca.ariO 'xesasex tu u.aturcr ycars- Isneh as low. of Memory, Lassitude, Kuiii'.n, Aeer- Ision to Mjciety. Dimncm of uion, Aoi.v-s in the Ilcl; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death tMt. HITIE will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Wllar for a case of this kind the Vital Meliora tive (under his special advice and treatment; will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found ir. it. Itr. Min tie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. TfoMoosrh ex amination and al vice including analysis of urine, eV. Price of Vital Restorative, $3 a bottle, or four times the quantity flu, sent to any address upon receipt of price or C O. M, obseure from observation and in pri vate If desired, by 1)H. A. E. MINT1K, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, CaL Sample bottle free. 'Sent on application by etter, stating ivmrtom, sex and age. Communications strictly con&JentiaL Dr, Min tie's Kidney Remedy, Ketihreticnm, cures all kinds of kidney and ldalder cr;mdaitite,gonfrrtuua, jrleet, leouchorrhea. Fur sale by all druggists, 111 a bottle or six hottlee for Dr. Mit.tie DaiKlelion Pills are the heart and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the msrhct. For sale by ail druginsti. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DB. K. C. WRIT'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT meut, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vuUioux, Nervous Headache, Menial Depression Loss of Memory, Bpermatoriinea. lmpotency. In voluntary emistiioos, premature old age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or over indulgence, which lends to misery, decay and death. On box will cure recent illness. Each box contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; seut by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. Witn each order received by us for six boxes, accempanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee K return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued ouly by WOODARD, CLAKKK t CO, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. Order by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEARNY HT. Treats all Chronic and pedal Ulseasea. YOUNtt MEN amrHWMAY ke ii f.ium; from the w w encw oi youtnru: lollies or humeretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, thegreatest bfon ever laid at the altar of sufferintr 'humanitv. f)R SPIN'NEV" will iruamntee to forfeit 500for everv cam Semtnale weakness or private disease of any kind or uw-w which no uuiuenaaes ana rang to eure. 511 llLEAGED MEN. There are many at the are of tbirt v-fi vn'to i vt v hn are troubleil with too freouent evacuation 'of th i.Uyi. der, often accompaniei by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the systeAln a manner the patient cannot account for. On ATamininr tha urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found uki sometimes small panicles or albumen will appear -r theeolor willteof a thin, milkish hue, again chang' lug to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of tliis difficulty ignorant of the cause which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. s! will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito'-urinary organs. Omca Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation free. Thorough exminatier and advice, $6. For private diseases of short standing a full course of medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, ir ill be neat to any address on receipt of 10 00. fan il mlsrasa, IM. iPISXEY t CO., 7 1 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal inant t rici fs ni Mill V Ekfe r ir It l-i II IIUsVsWL . VVI : 1 mm m m cbbbbbbbbt w mm IILuUVfrMAlUill Wrtl " ' : sKwV;-gvfli To the Sick and Afflicted ! -AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, a . . el III! Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Ktt, Ktc. ( THK GUKAT NKCP THOSE HAt K wno sre ...W..V . fr. ,0 SKXtAt. ANl NKHVOV8 COMPLAINT la phyalolan who eat comprehend their ailment and auceeaetully treat tnetu. ti. ,.i.r iini'UUiituir 11 not u iii'ii'iiu "rii " .... ' W . j 1 1. , 1 ...... . il Min 11110 1.1 . st, '! ' left to the aprrtnllat, who by education, km prac tics, thorough knowledire and wmntvhi nriie mind, I. prviiaiod to cure tlicm. Ol t. 0l), ui, ww celebrated tnsUtute In 18 .0 f-r the .)Ur.K10 aflordlng the afflicted tho certainty of j,,,,,;,,, wi .ktltfnl treatment and jierfeet and l0rttmn,m restoration, and for over 30 years It has Unstained the tlrst rank imt only awn this t oast but iht,.ughout the clvllived world. lam aware that by dwelling upon eo uninviting tho dncAV of sexual v lur the lgii'raut ' - ".," .. .1. . , may asperse my motivs mu - ihtiM wno km iiinnnniF viirvviun ij,..-... ...... wh.. hv &rolfMtantn or want of knowledge tnat .nr.. .-il, hwhad sn nut onlv hurrrinir thouiaclvea t so untlmal v irrave. but living sexual weeklies a an Inheritance to future generation, la too great an Inceutive to permit we to be ilonl. ttymptoma. I am uiAVrlnr from niht loams, nervousness ioii(uion of inlinl. sllkbl ! wueii .l..r ,i,. ui ii,risble temiHT. Irembliiic, li i .t,., Miil,.. Ac. or II vuu liae practiceti sbii- Ahlin Minn in Ibe alurhUast iWticular Jou iv atiHsr Utg fnuu the Drrad Enemy of llumnit life And fchould not hesitate to see k at once beallli aim ..... . m. tiL M It.itninMi In m. tntro. .'.i...... ........ .4....... t i-ew u.iiii I: v ri' 0ON8ULTAT1ON UY I.KTrKK Oft irTUKltWIHK ft nr.i itUAnnn r.r.i'. rc.w ,.- Vrrr. l.rlHol rly erjcUble Hctunllra I artl. I tWIKw Y 'U are especially liable b suffering from ncrv pratraltu. All your icvunar com- lUamUare nervous In their rglu and hence Jour uifii-iiiir arv leirlhlv drpresatux or InuxprelUly keen. The OocW lu his reeoarvhea anU practice oi nervous iroiiblra Ua ma.le our orv'SJiiiaUoll a MHx ial ntudv and Is Ihu enabled from hii cH rl etice and kuowledge to aid aud cure you lu any of the troubles, weakness, dulrcealttg snd sufferings to which as a vX Vou are liable. SsrYoU will and la the IKn-Vor a irien.i upon whom you can reply for eotufort, aid and cure Dr. l oans Female Beanetllr have at taiutnl a retulati'ii for ertleiem v iliivaiualed bv an; a un-diciue. or medical prescription ever offer Thev can be sent by mall or express. Those dooritn: prraoual care and attention can have all necessary accvniinudtkus fumUlied. O Letlers, TlHMe who can not llt the clly can by giving their Miiitoiu In their own way, re,-enc alinv, and when desired, tresiun r.t -4l huuw with cer a- uram-e of a cure. LKTTKR3 RKTVUNEO OR BESTTROYKn. Address, De J. r. lot Mettleal laalltale. m. t Murk ton at San Francisco, Fob. SI. 1SS2. NTISELL 10 000 Pianos PIANOS 1.0QO Organ i Halt. ar rt Nutlv lu, a Vrum tu (!. aaj t.i.. i:,tut I . ' :t rnlA vhll-5 ftxm. ANTtSELL ORGANS W.rk.l J MBjSji MtAUTH. ISCAC Le Kteluisj's t'urrs t'itauccrs Ccldra B4lam No I Oral and tecnd stages ; .v.i'; on the Legs aud Bwtir ; ay phltiuc aurr.h, ! eased Scalp, and all primary forms of thv iliw. Price, a.uu per BotUe. Le Birhau'i t.oldru Balaam t. Cures Tertiary, Mercurial. Syphillik.- Kheumatism, Pains in the Bone, Ulcerated Throat, Syphtlttk Rash, Lamps, etc., snd eradicate all diseases from the tystem. whether caused by bad lrwt inent or abuse of men u y , leaving t Vn pure and healthy. Priced AM per Bottle. Le Blrhaa's Coldra aMMlh AalMale lor the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, tU, lrie. JriSO jr Bottle. Le Klrbaui l.oldcn Apssilsfc Isijrrf la. a wash for care of Ulcet, atrictaree, Duwase of the Urethra and Bladder, cU. PrUw, LM per Bottle. Lr Btehaa's I. olden oiuimmt ht effective healing -.f HphiliUc aorcs and Erup tions. Price, 91.00 per Bottle. Also AgvnU for Le Klrkan' Caldesi IMIN. for weaknesw, loss of physical lowers, and all diseases arisng from atxise aud excess or over-w-irk. Price, 3,00 per Box. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely (atked pe Ex press. V. sTimAKOa at . Aermt. u- Sansotue street. Comer Clay, ban r ranciscw, GaL THE DISSEMINATOR. PuLluhetl every Sutual.-y AT HarristbnrK Oregon, S. S.TR.-A-IlNT,Witrr ft Propriatoff. Terms 82.00 peraDiium. &r& (wS f.: "' I U v. tSA- : SfA VYill IK maifccv. KKK! I:. '- -l-viieKit. . tmuersof! .! vedi.r5 tin it ; boat ntaSKCrt. !! l': ;ret i ! . -' - decrirlorui anl f sluaX fan ion i ba) of Vgril', i. !! l-.ants, I n-it lre: . . iuval'.K Jab'y to 4irket fiar-eu-i-s. H. nd r : D. M. FERRY & CU. Detdc . 'U, PATENTS Obtained, and all other bufcinewi in .the U. H. Patent Office attendcleil to for mAlerate lee. Our office Is opnotuie the L'.H. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patent in less time than those remote front Washington, hend modle ordrawinsr. We advisees to tatint ability free of charge ;lid we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the hunt. d Money Order Div. and to odWiats of the U. S. Patent oiliiu;. For circular, advu e. terms, and reference to act ual clieuts in yourown .State or county, sddre, Ca A. SPW&CO., Opposite I'atent Office, Washington, V. C. rtha11 keep the very best brands of liq- uora to be fcpr"4 int ' 'market, ana win nell atretail nrif! 4 ls the BEST CIGARS AVIS TOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES TAND NOTIONS.! I will also sell real estate. morhaaJiao household goods, etc.. at auction tor any one in the city or county fctorcppoajte Kevero House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN. Eanorer'i SsedSe FREE for TRIAL An nnfallins; and roeedr cure for Ntrvoii Jjibility and Weakne, lata of ViliUity and Vijjor, or any evil re sult of indiscretion, excess, over work, etc., lover forty thousand post tivacares.) MBnd Ue fer postage on trial lxz of lit) pills. Address. Or.M. W. DAOON, cor. ClarFBt. and Calhoun Place, Cmuaao. Ills. CttCtCt a week in your own town. Terms p)Vf and 5, outnt free. Address If. HALtiETT & uo.. Portland, Maine. SwVY By buying at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or per sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue (free) and you will find it there. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the United State-,. Montgomery Ward & Co. S7 & 329 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. A A $500 o 7t O a W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KIN UN. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Kitlior ilouhio Imrrol, ahot uun or three barrel two nbot anil one riilo. AlHoNlmnn. Homlnirton, lUI'.ard, Tluo- nix, anil Marlin Magaxino union. Alno a luriro ntook of lCniilbli. Qarmatl and American broocb-loadlnicfuot gnna. ,,..ll ,!. -t tl.nlM.M. tl-l..l. r'..ll..... run auiviv ui iwmni s mmvmh vuhii . Fiab jiu'Ihi klu of all klndu, aud Aininu- nltionof all klndu. A full atock of DavlH Sotvins Maohlnaa tho bout lu tho market. Alao mil atocK of aewing machine ueodloii of all kluda and machine oil. I makoa aptH-talty of rfnairliiK lire arnia ssil MAHflnn lkiir It I !!.. I " w, I I KPinmbor that I cannot Ui un.lera.ilil inthostato. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO v n www- sr nnm Mcrtn iV Uiljljllilll DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery. &c, &c, Froman's Block, Albany , Or. IM.ywicii&nM iiescrip- Itionx carefully prepared tln.vj. r nlgltt- m KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The West aaeerasfal Rrsneslr vf dlso.vsesd, as It is '-ertaln In Its effects and does not blister. Ucad (woof below. Kendall's Spavin lure. Hamilton, Ha., Jans ltth. ial. D. J. Krvnitt in, llenU This la to errufv lliat J have used Kendall's Hpavin Cure and h found It U. be all it Is reeumnmnded to be and In fact more to ! 1 have removed by aainff the abuvs CaJUiUS. Hons Spavins, King bones, Hptlut, and can cheerfully testily and recsnnnend it to be the best ti.ii.,' f-,r 'any iiiMtaif -c I base ever assdassd I have tried many as I nave sssle that wy st u ly lor years. Kospcctfully yours, P, V. CHIHT. FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS, H. I. OneotrU, New York, Jan. Cth, 191. tUrly last lumitmr Mossrs. B. i. Kendall and Co., of RiHisbura' Kail Vl., made a en tract aith the ptfh llsbcrs of the "!rW fur a half column advrUrtnnl for on year sctUnc forth the snerlu mt Kendall Kavin Cure. At the mum time ..- snird fnsm the Ann a fiuantity of books, entitled Dr. KandsJI' Trsw rise on the Mora and hi Diseases, whirh we are irtv in.' Ui advance laying subscribers $ the " Press " at a ptendwn. About the lime the advertisement first apt' red In thla i -i r Mr, I. U. acheruterhom, reside near 'oilier had a vined borss. lie read Ibe adver tisement and concluda.1 to tent the sAcney of the remedy, although his Iriends liughed st his credulity. Us bought a buttle of Kendalls Kuatln Cure and com mcneed using It un the horse in accordance with the directions, nd he informed as this week that It I feeted such a complete curs that an expert burse man, who examined the animal recently eould tnd no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located. Mr. Hchermerhorn has sine wen red a copy -f Kendall sTrsaUes) on the Horse and his Dtasssw, which he priac very highly and would be loth to part with at any uric, provided he could not obtain an other copy. So much for advertising reliable article. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wilton, Minn., Jan. 1 lib. 18SI. U.J. Kkmmll and Co., Gents :- Having gut a horse lok of yoa by mail a year sgn, U coatrnts of whU-h epniaded me tu try Kendall' Hpavin Cure on the IiiimI lee of one of my horse which was badly rwoolan and could ma he reduced by any otlier reme dy, I got two bottles of Ksudall 's nvin Cars of I'reeton and !uddulh, lrugtrli of Waseca, wbich completely cnre.1 my horse. Alxiut Sve years ago I had a three year old colt sweenied very badly. I used i our remedy as given in your book without rowelllng, ami 1 must say to your credit that the colt 1 entirely cured, which Is a surprise not only to my self hut slso to my neighbors. You sent me the book for thn trifling sum of 25 cents and If I could not get another alikj it 1 would not lake twenty-flvs dollars for it. Yours truly, Cxo. Mathews. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Kremout. Ohio, Jan. Uth, 18(11. Dr. I!. J. Kk.xdali, and Co., Cents : I think it my duty to rehdej- vou my thanks fur benefits and profit whtcn I have derived from your Invaluable and far famed Snav in Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth $4000 which bad a very laid spavin and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond any cure, and that the horse was dons lor ever. As a last resort I advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, It had a magical effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse Is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary nargeon was an uncle of mine, and I take great Interest In assisting his profession. Yours truly. James A. Wiltox, Civil Engineer. Kendall's Spavin Cure fs sure in it effects, mild in Its action as it does not blinter, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfns, splints curb, calous, sprains, swelling's and any lameness and en largements of the joints or llrnb, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for roan or beast. It Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with sin-h uiuiimlilieil success to our knowledge, for beaut a well as man. l'rice 81 ier bottle, or six bottles for $5. All drug '.'int have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any aiiiiro on receiptor price ny the proprietors Dr. B. J. Kkmdall and Co., Euosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Final Settlement;. Notice is hereby given thai the under siimed Exemitor of the last will and teH- tarnent of Nicholas Kizer, deceaned, late of Linn county, baa filed his final account as such executor in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, ana bv order of said Court. Saturday the 10tn day or March 883 at the hour of nine o'clock, a. m., of said day, haa been act for the bearing cf objections to aaid account and the settle ment thereof; any person interested in said estate is hereby notified to appear and file hia or her objections to aaid account and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Dated February 9th, 1883. F. M. Kizer, Geo. E. Chamberlain, Executor. Alt' y for Executor. spavin cureIB lit tmmt FRIDAY MAHUII 9, 18 83 tt t Mil .! LKTTEtt. From our llegntlar CorreiputiJvui. Washington, Fob. 17, 1883. The American citlxon who has sat for the last four weeks la tho gullery of the Hou?e or of tho Benuto wil1 have no excuse for asking : who 1m ,""r - ",d Tta,,"11 w,,,;, wllh, V,VMW VMIJI w mmtm w . v . that everything except air, water, and a few artlclos of footl aro taxod by the tariff for the alleged protection of American labor. Hut I am trenching on forbidden ground, smuggling in my own opinions, when tho Editor has told me to confine myself to news, and reminded me that ho has through a high protective tariff a mt. nopoly of opinions. Thl quest Ion 111 i I a I i "Ih p-rumi on ontireiy now linca of clcavaue anil has done inoro to obliterate Maaon'sand Dlxon'n dlvl sion, in uougrc, at toast, man any i question that has arlaon alnco tho war. It Is both novel and edifying to KanauH and Majtauchusetta to utund apart like two lovers divided, or to eo Morgan of Alabama and D.tvH of West Va., Democrats both, become peraonnl, angry, hot, ovor bltuminouH coal. The Star Houte trial Is drawing to a close, and the conviction of the late Chairman of tho Republican National Committee, Dorsey, Is not doubted, nor Is It doubted that he will have the company In prison of his co-eon splrator, that other Republican pillar of strength, Brady. Yesterday Rer dell, one of tho conaplratora on trial, withdrew his plot of not guilty and plead guilty Instead, and, afterward iDBMMd on the uitnoaa atand and gave damning evidence against the accused. With Jay Hubbell charged by hh own aiMwClate with bribery In Mien, igan : with all the method of the party condemned by tho election In November ; with the state prison yawning for him who was compll raented by President Arthur with furnishing the soap that elected Gar field -the party that has so long claimed all the purity, piety and pa triotism of the country, is in a hu. mlllated and moat disgraceful attitude. The truth is apparent to all who look below the surface that but little ia left of the Republican party save the lobby. It no longer represents a great cause, it has not a breath of !'s old enthusiasm, it exists through the support, and for the support of roo nopollsts and rings and office holders who, it Is known, are now here in a more powerful, aggrcsalve, and Im pudent lobby than has ever before sppcarfd in the Capitol of the United Suites. Many of these lobbyists have the privilege of the Senate floor as alleged secretaries of Senators, and so grot has tha abuse become that a resolution has been proposed in the .Senate ordering that no person shall be admitted to the floor as private secretary by a Senator until the Sen ator appointing him ahall certify in writing to the sergeant-aUarros that ho is aetual y employed for the per formance of the duties of truch secretary and fs engaged In tho per. formance of the same. The report that Senator Ferry la certain of defeat in the Michigan legislature causes no regret in Wash ington, except perhaps among those who hold government offico through his influence. The long bearded clerical looking old bachelor had few friends even in his own party ; he was without any ability except that for concealing his lack of It, by silence and an expreaslen of awful gravity. Representative Beltzhoover, who has favored the transfer of the Weath er Bureau to the Interior Department, published In the Congressional Rec ord, accompanying his speech on the subject, a number of letters which indicate that the officers of the Sig nal Corps under General Hszen undertook, last winter, a systematic scheme of lobbying and of organizing demonstrations of public sentiment in support of a bill called "The Majors" and "Captains Bill," which provided for the addition of three majors, twelve captains, an4 twelve lieutenants to the Signal Corps, for the regulation of appointments and promotions, and for other details, tending to consolidate the Corps and establish it on a permanent founda tlon la connection with the Army. General IXazen has made some very unsatisfactory explanations, and has now placed himself in a very awkard situation by asking fos a congression al investigation which the Secretary ef War has rather tartly told him is not the kind of Investigation that will meet his case. The Republican caucus on the tariff awhile since developed the fact olearly that with a solid Democratic vote, there is a large majority in the house in favor of the passage of the senate bill. It also showed that there is a majority o Republicans in favor of non-concurrence in the senate amendment. A majority of the house committee will not report any opposition to amend the roles while it is certain there is a majority in the house in favor of non-concurrence The first actual vaccination was made May 14, 1790. i ox. r.t i if ash numut in i We nil irond much tituo in panegyric of longevity. Wo consldor it a groat thing to livo to be an octogenarian. If any one diva in youth we say, ''What a pity V Dr. Muiilenborg, in old age, said that tho hymn written in eatly life by his own hand no uoto expressed his sentimont when it said : "I would net live alway." If one he pleasantly oiroumatancod ne never wants to go. William Cullen Bryaut, the great poet, at eighty-two years of age, standing iu my house, in a festal group, leading "Thanatopais" without Hpectacles, wosjust aa anxiotia to live an when eighteen )eara of agn he wrote that immortal threnodv. Cato eared at eighty year-of age that he would not livo to learn Greek. Monal- deace, at one hundred ynd liftonn yeara, writing a hiatory of hia time, feared a collapae. Theophraatua, wiitinga book at ninety yeara of agn waa anxioua to live to complete it. Thurlow Weed at about eighty-six yeara of age found lite as great a desirability as when he snuff ed out his first Dolitician. Albert s Barnea, ao well pretared for the next world at seventy, aaid he would rather be here. So it is all the way down. I suppose tha last time that Methuai Ub waa out of doors in a storm be waa afraid of getting his feet wet, leat it should shorten hia daya. Indeed, aome time ago I preached a aermon on the blesaings of longevity, but now I pro pose to say something about tho bless ing of an abbreviated earthly existence. If 1 were an agnoalic I would say a man is blessed in proportion to the number of years he can atay on terra lirma, because after that he falls off the dock, and if he is ever picked out of the ipptha it is only to be set up in aome morgue of the universe to see if anybody will claim him. If I thought God made man only to last forty, or fifty, or one hundred years, and then ho was to go into annihilation, I would say his chief business ought to be to keep alive, and even in good weather to be very cau tioua, and to carrv an umbrella, and take overshoes and I. fa-preservers, and bronxe armor and weapons of defense, lest he fall oft into nothingness and ob literation. But, my readers, yon are not sgnosiic. You believe in immor tality and the eternal tesidence of the righteous in heavem, and therefore I first remark that an abbreviated earth ly existence ia a blessing, because it makes one's lite-work very compact. Some men go to work at seven o'clock in the morning, and return at seven ia the eveaiog. Otheis go to woik at eight o'clock and return at twelve. Ctbers go at ten and return at four. I have frienda who are ten hours a day in business , others who are five hours ; others who are one hour. They all do tbeir work well. They all do their en tire work, and then they return. Which portion do you think tho more desira ble T Vou aay, other thinga being epial, the man who is the ahorteat time detain ed in buainess and who can return kome the quickest ia the moat bleeeeJ. Now, why not carry that good aonae into the subject of transference from this world 1 If a person dio in childhood, he gets through hia work at nine o'clock in the morniog. If he die at forty-five yeara of age, ho geta through hia work at twelve o'clock, noon. If he die at sev enty years of ego, he gets through bis ork at five o'clock in the afternoon. If he die at ninety, he haa to toil all the way on up to eleven o'clock at night. Tho sooner we gt through our work the better. The harvest all in barrack or barn, tho farmer does not ait down in the stubble-field, but shouldering his scythe and taking his pitcher from un der the tree he makes a straiahi line or the old homestead. All wo want to be anxious about is to get our work done, and well done, and tho quicker the better. Da. Tai.xaue, in Frank 11 Ik a Sunday Maoazinr fur March. nirotci tt The dt now placed ovor the t dates from tho fourteenth cenlury. The Peruvians burled all the wealth of tholr incas with them, and so great was the amount thus interred that the Spaniards took $931,000 from a singlo tomb. Tho common ice plant was origin ally brought from the Canary Isiauds where Its seeds wore ground by tho aborigines and made into food. In Spain it was formerly cultivated in order to procure alkali for glass mak ing. Tho Ink used by ancient middle- age writers was very micK and formed letters which seem almost in relief. Black was the usual color, although rod was used for initials and titles. A charter of Phillip I. of France, still In existence, is written in green ink ; emperors formerly sisrned in purulo und tho codex ot Upsal is written on purple parchment Hn silver Ink. Dr. Thomas Taylor, of Washington has uade some investigations which convince him that the common house, fly, aside from being an annoying pest, is possessed of the capacity of trans mitting disease by carrying the germs from place to place. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mlser ablo by that terilble cough. Nhiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. 1 do not advertise 1 du ! ) HASSAN lIUIftltt II. "While I was in Topcka last Winter, said If on. Arthur Kdgington, '1 had a pretty rough timo of it, I got a bad cold, ond, thon that not leing sufficient ly severe, I was also attacked with rheumatism. The pain waa in my left shoulder. At times I almost writhed in agony. 1 tell you sir, tho pain could not have been greater had my shoulder been screwed up ia a viae. I was utterly heploas, and felt like 1 was deatiaed to remain in that condition indefinitely. My friends and a physi cian were generous in their prescriptions and my room aoon became a minature apothecary shop. But nothing did me any good. One day some one told roe I was enduring a great dual of needleaa pain when I oould invest fifty ceuts in a bottlo of St. Jscoha Oil and be cured, I invested in a Wile of tho Oil, rubbed it on my shoulder twice, and in two daya forgot that 1 ever had rbeuuiali-in. Yea, that ia a great remedy, and no miatake. They can't say too much in favor of its healing power." The atwvn was uttered by Mr. KJg- inton wbilo aitting in tho porch of the I ..i Gonda , at Columbua, the other evening, and was overheard by an escaed teKrter, who is ttaveling over the country incog. Inquiry devet- 0ed tho fact that Mr. Kdgington is om of the most widely known men in Ken- sss, figuring prominently in olitica, and acting aa the responsible agiuit of tho Bradstrect C-.miuirrrcial Aeencv. w 0 Upon aubaequently making Mr. Kdg- ingtou's acquaintance the reorter was assured that all be bad heard was true, and he was at liberty to use it in the papers. --fi0fs0 (Kan.) Vrmocrat. I US l SaS)l II I ! ts PBKAttf . mm utr. Among tho hills of Northern Connecticut aro many quaint charac ters, Mil em In meln, sturdy and honvHt in their Healings, uut with a vein of underlying humor that crop, out dally In their conversation. Among them waa ono J S , or Uncle Jesse, as ho won familiarly called. Kstiy In life he studied hard to fit himself for tho ministry, and when he thought himself perfected he called on old Father l , a noted Baptist mini-der of that day In li , and told him he uf either preach the Gotpel or die, and stated hh wish to be examined. After a rigid examination Father P leaned his hoad upon his hands and remained silent for a few minutes ; then sud denly looking up, he said, "Mr. H , 'm really araid youll have to die." The rca .on why the tombs of the Kgyplian mouatcbs were built In the desert was that in this placo ;lu-v occupied no land which might have been uned for agriculture. llirB Wo liave rcceivfd auaniity ot treat iaea on the )idm. wlm-Ii e propose to give away to every aubcrlber paying In advance. If request!, whether per (onally, or by mall. Wo will sell the book to other at ttie bottom price, hroLr; If, ordered by mall poatage will be prepaid. Tho AmTieam (JmUieator haa the following t say of the treatise : "Kendall's Treatise on the hnrae is a book of about uo pagca, with paper cover, fully Illustrated, and containing u "Index of Diseases," which give the symptom, cause and the bent treat ment of each . a table giving alt the principal drug used for the horse, with the ordinary done, effect and an tidote when a poiou -. a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at differ ent ages, witli rules for telling the age of the horse ; u valuable collection of receipts, and much otlier valuable infor mation, lu preparing copy for this book it waa t lie aim of the author to make it aa plain aa possible for the non professional readers, and give llutn Information whi b is of the grvatest Importance to horsemen, and yet avoid ing all tech u leal terms aa much aa possible, and alao condensing the book aa much as possible without leaving out the real essential information in treating each subJecL Every farmer or hnrse-owucr ahould own one of these little books. liurch Prreetery. Y. P. C. A.- -Mocta at their rooms in Koa tcr s brick building on haturuay evenings at 7 uW o'clock, aud on Sabbath af ternooua at d. Husineaa in ft tines are held on the even ing ol the second Monday la each month. KverylKKly inviteu to altcnrt. U. P. CuuacM. Preaching very Sabliath, at 11 A. M., and 7r.M. by Itev. Vm O. Ir- vine. li. D. Sabbath School at J:30 P. v. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KVAKUKUCAL Cm Kill. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , aud 7 r. M. tsabhath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Uollcubaugh, pastor. Coao rsoation At. Church. Services evory Stblath at 11 A. H. and S i . m. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W Harris, pastor. M. E. Chuh;ii, Uouth. Services 2nd aud 4th SabUths at St Pauls M. KChurch, South, at 11 A. al. Sabbatli School at 10 a. st. sharp. Prayer meeting evory Thurs day ovenng. Jos. Emory, pastor. M. E. Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. st. and 74 r. at, Song f,vn m the evening before sermon. Sablath Schoil t 2.30 r. M. Prayer meeting every 'lhurs Uy evening. I. Dillon, jiastor. Pkehbyterian Cimacil. Service every Sabliath morning and eveuing iu Church cor liroadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursilav eveuinu. Kev. Isaac IL UOOdlt 0 pastor. KrisuorAL Cliuncil. Services evory Sun day, morning at 11 a. m., evening at 7i p. m. Iloly communion eyery Suuday morn ing at 9:43 a. m. Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Uobt. L. Stevens, pastor. not, lifo lsiwH:iing hy, w antl dare be- fersvou dta, sosastWas; sskylity sad sublime leave iw hind to oonuer time. tOU week In your own i S5 outfit true. N risk. KverythlnK new. Oaattal not required. Wo will turnlsh you overythiij. Stany are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and iflrls make irreat pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can make irreat j.ay all tho lime, write for uartlrulars to H, ItAUtSTra A c. , l'ortlan M sine. J. A. DAVIS, M. D., Physician, Surgeon AND Obstetrician. Can bo found at Dru? Store of E. W. Langdon, or at residence corner of Cala pooia and Fourth Sts. ALBANY OREGO N. H0rFMA & JOSEPH, --I'UOPJUCTOliS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IS Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Provisions, Candiei. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR REtW JOHN BRI008 STORE. tj AT THE OLD STAND, 72 H ItST ftTR V7VTT, IIAR ON HAND AS FINE an ASSORTMENT OP COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As ny liouMf in the allej. lie a no Imports and manulacl urea TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK EVERY !: ItlfTTON IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORJBOoN. Repair work done at iSn2T ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, HTAMiKR BROS. - Propr:rtors ALBANY, BBOOH.' MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aXU iii:ads io.m: KxecnWxl In Italian or Vermont Marble. Aim, every variety of oemetory and other atone work done with nesUitesN and dixpalch. Special attention given to order, from all parts of this State arid Wa-hingion Terr tory. 4aTAllwrk wrrir.-l. 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND ESTABLISHED IS65. By A. V. CBPBBBT, artuaied at corner of Kin and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. llavlntrtakcn ehirjreof the aUive named Work, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Kninc. Haw and Grist Mill, Wood-working Machinery, lump Jroa and liraaa CaMtingrn of every dosv ription. Machinery of all ikind repaired. Spe cial attention given'to rr-jirin frm n:a chiuery. ratter Maalas dar le ell 11 ferae. 16:IJyl A. F. CBJCEBY A stN. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tswteful and ljueuiiftil selection mado by Mr. Ie- niar, who na never ntiu-u co pi :ea tier cuitomerr. New rail Circular j;i i.uci. Send for it- Addre M KS. BLtJOl I.AM All, 15:7tT S77 Jtrt-. Umw t ft- Wo eontinao to art assouciEorafor . ClVUttB, do-ma rka. eonTTitrhts. etc., for lite United Ktatea, and to obtain pat enta in Canada, England, iTanws, GrrmanT, and all other conn trios. Thirty-alx yrart' practice. Ko rhargo for examination of model or draw lacs. Advice bv mail free. Patent obtained through en aro noticed in tho SCIKMTIKIC AME1UCAX, whirh has the largest circulation, and is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind pnhlished in the world. I ho ailvuiitcsolbUCliai:uUce i natrnteo uiub-rstandr. Thislaree nntl solcndid'.T illnntrsvtod not rporiapubliHhcd WBBKIV atf3.20ayear sua is admitted to be tho best paper devoted to eaeenro. mechanic, inventions, engineering works, and other department of iud istrial progress, pnlilished in any country. Singlo coptea by mail, 10 ccute. 'Sold by all news dcalors. Auarww, aiiBn .t to..pnouuer oi ssrM! nno American, jsroaoway, .--w ior. Handbook aBo ut patouts mailed free. a O - a s r.t'R, fix a day at aoew .a.iy fr i f.sHly outfit Irwj. AUdrwss Tars ma d a Co Auirusta.Uaiiic To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. . .;.. u r.t km sr., i 4 t one of Commer cial Sinft, San Francisco. KstaMiahed in IMS, r..r the treatment ot Sexual and Seminal DiseaseH, sack a SJoaorrhra, tilret, MrlrlNrr.KypntUsiual, ils l..rnw, ImpolrMry u-iiilsnl tVraLBi. nltfM lox bv UreslUH, pirn plea ii the face and l of ninhi.l can "itiveiy on curetl. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Ifciclor ha traveled extensively in Kuniiie, and liispet-ted tliorouyhly the various neajS tals there, uhtaiuiiii; a irreat deal of valuslJv lr.u.rraa tlon, which he Ucimjwtciit t iniiart t tlnnie in nd of his seryioea. ML UIBbON will make ii" i harye unless be effect a eure. Persons at a distance MA KK lKt:t AT MONK. All esfuui'i'atitiiis strictly confidential. You see nr. .me lu. the licur. Send ten dolUpt fur a ckaKe of iimlicino. lVirsoiis writinjr to tho lK,ctor will plcac (.talc llic nam "! ihc paper they nee this advert Immwut in. Chanrei rex sonahle. Call r write. Atldreas lIL J. I". UIKUON, Box 1S07, San Francisco. VUaO RED CROWN KILLS. IS0M, UNNIK0 & t o., PRoPK'S. NKW rnoCKHS TLOLlt SUPERIOU ion ano aAKKua osr. iam; lies BESTSTOIUGF viCILlTlES. Highest Prico in Wheat Cash for ALBANY, OR. Samples vorth Adrtas Siistsu-S A Co. 1'ortland, Maine. KJB tra m v SBBSSBBBV A.X v'. reasonable figures, J') ANNALS & WOODIN, MAScracrrasa aea auui or FURNITURE jg BEDDING. urn r Terry aa Seread Mrrets. ALBANY, - - OKK.OV iflfeBjl T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in Statks Rmibts Democrat ofhee. PARKER'S HAIR, BALSAM Tlxi f'uit dirawmmx my wachare etedic, to any aruJe, ca ac of its superior ssswai I'.irker't Hair finely perSnaed aod is ig st tWslssir mad to re- arrasicd to M:scox&Co. N.Y. . . 4 SSSSj Si n t- I Wi. fcrf JaHav J GINGER TONIC A Seperiathrt ReaMk saiBttafB Restorer. H yoa are a ssWsWafc or tamer, vara out with r.srrwork. or a trvsher ran Arm by faculy or setae--bold duties try pAsaca's Gtcia Toxic. I f yi are a Vrmyrr, ar.inmtT or bosssesji ssaa e- lf ysje 'KT9m Consmnycinn, DytpeL'UleasBS I r kriney CocnxJaims, oranydn4cf ftlelaac M reach. losrsJs, Mood of aerrca. Faaa ' Gescza TV-soc miil cure roo. It lbe Greyest BkapunSier rsJ tkm Best aad Sercst CascA Cerr Ear tbca. If yi are wasting away from mgc, Ssipatiaa or riy dneae or weakness sad retpsiie a sSsssSSI tmk Gikocs'lcBVCatoBce; a wtBsssjemsli sadtsasl p , - i mMssstsBiaiassa it La used buatircds of EVres; it assy cat-nox '-kaJi 1 n i ti.wiSalstJlstWsPMS-Sai ir " " Uc.luw,UnWnkdnri ctxat ilttng bcttxc nouaa f.zx. 1: n h -TTxl lasurig f-..- -ace Ka5 nti-'c f Ely popular. There Ui'hla? til it. I SBsssss t laasav sas oi ton C tUMim aadlook fix m&usc WStts. AST esssht r i I r ai Sii-i.i sm wit v. Eal.lM. Ul:..SMllC MTIJW TV. $r seari l:b:iiDEN CtMi.U.SLA. Hat lag attained a national rrputavloa ia FINE POCKET CTJTLERY, Indies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, 77t2TC ndded the tmommfactmrt cf m oil MtyUa of wmmiA penis. With a skilled nueriatendeot la thst ic.sri. mcut, niprtU-mented by cxtenuVd experfc-uce ia the working of Sue steel, we ere enabled to c.Ar of utivalil.j oualltv. To Ittnluoe o.r - - - - - - PATENT AUJt STABLE Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE ACrVTR," In ad rarer of regular trade channels ww s.o- rat . .:, and wilt mail" a sample jrv to a:.y add.- s vu rvxv.jit ot ax. Carrirs ss ssarh Ink ss trj rooatcia r. t:::s rus fits any iioliu : nr wh d Hne of Pea will be sold b tv. x'rku LaU furuUbod to denk-r ou u).u . GF.ORC.E W. IIIUMA, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, rUIMVILLR. OKFCON. Collcctiona proinitfy made on ail points. XQTM X. Those of our readers who intenil to make liual proof on their Homesteaibt. can help the Dkmocuat hy reipiestint; tho Register o designate it aa the paper, in which notice tof their application to make final proo shall be published. Pinal Settlement. Notice is hereby glv B 9mm the nnder siKned has tiletl in the Co tnty Courtof I.inn county. Oregon, ker 11 tal aoonuntas administrate c of the t-ttati of Cbarlea Levis, docea-.-d, and the Court has ap pointed ffatnrrf y March lOtli, I S3 at lo o'cleck, a. m., of said day, at the Court House in Albany, Oregon, for the hearing of objections, if any thereto, and the settlement thereof. All persons in terested will attend at said time and place. Elizabeth Levis, Administratrix, eatheriarddv Blackburn, Atty'a for Administratrix. BgWwy oJy that ae btuc&jal xj,'vr asdalarars tke Y Mflrlrf Color la Crn er fatea Hair .1. l .J. - - -