The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 09, 1883, Image 3

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    Ifc et0tf at
Official Comity Paper,
Entered at the Pjet Oflloe at Albany, Or,
j seoo nd-class mail matter.
lid I tor an U Proprietor.
I KKO P. M Tri.. I rl teller.
Dsatfs Aming Strangers.
On Wednesday of last week Goa. W
Pyalt, nf Portland, came to thia fit y with
Mr J M Home, an J Intended rein lining
with him bore several weeks. He was
feeling badly at the time, but was not
very sick. On Friday night he was first
confined to his bed with aggravated bli
iousness, and during Saturday and Sun
day was unable to eat any food at all.
Monday morning at 5 o'clock he was get
ting along very well and it was thought
he would recover, but he grew worse and
at t o'clock breathed his last. He was
taken to Portland on Tuesday by Mr.
Home, and buried in the cemetery there.
Mr Pyatt was originally from Pittsburg,
where he has an adopted mother. Leav
ing there be went to Denver, where he was
iu business several years. From Denver
8tt went to San Francisco and from San
Francisco to Portland, where he had
clerked in Cornelius' drug store, and we
understand was attentive to business.
He lived there about eight months, at the
time of his death he was looking around
with the intention of starting in business
for himself. Ho was engaged to a young
lady in Portland and was to bo married
in a short time. His life was insured in
the Manhattan Life Insurauce Co.. for
fSOOO payable t- bis executors it is re
ported that he was worth 810,000 or 815,-
tree Skew.
Tcop'e at the Depot Monday neon
w:re treated to a free show, worth at
least the price of the admission free,
$X00. la a box car, wiih doors wide
open, were two cougirs. a three legged
calf and an eik.
'Tut, tut, there, take care, young
man, or they will bite," said Murray,
the drayman, who was acting as door
keeper, as we were examining the eye
teeth of a cougar.
Then wo directed our attention to the
hind foot of the festive calf.
"Look out there, young fallow, or
he'll kiek," said soma eue. bu t we
kuew better for calves, like men. have
lo have at least one foot to stand on.
We understand they belong to Curl
Brothers, of Scio, but what they intend
deiag with them we did not learn.
Twe Wives,
There arrived ia this city a short time
ago a woman with ire children. She was
an immigrant, and there was a look of sor
row in her face. The pear children looked
fatherless ; bat they were not. Their pa
rental relative had come in advance of them
six or seven years, and had taken entu him
self another wife, contrary to the lawa of
our beloved count ry. Wife No. 2 found
that the lust on i was livia on a farm in
Benton county, and she immediately wended
ber steps thitherward, found him, and set
tled down in Mormon style, children and
all. There is confusion in that neighbor,
hoed now a days. We understand that
there will be a trial at Corvalli for bigamy
at the next session of the Circuit Court, until
such time we thall keep the names silent.
Maet Hail As Exprrlmrr,
An interesting letter from Mack
Montehh, at The Dalles, was received
a few days since by a friend. Written
in his pointed style, it gives an account
of an attack male on bim one Bight by
a couple ef "thugs." He was going
home about ten o'clock when they ap
proached him from behind with their
implements of war, ami were about to
strike him when he backed up, showed
fight, and getting a good chance, turned
and ran like well, like a deer, and as
fast as his long legs would ear-y him.
The Dalles is evidently a bad place,
such occurrences being quite common
there and we understand is fuil ef bold
robbers and street thugs.
An Immense flap Tarsi Sear Albany .
An experienced searcher from Portland
was in the city last week looking np the
title to the land in the neck of the Wil
lamette and Santiam rivers, known as the
old Crook's claim, for Portland capital
ists, Mr Bell, of the Oregon Bank being
the principal one. A deed of 1000 acres of
the same will be made and an immense
hop yard laid out. A large snm of money
will be put in it, and the men at the' back
of it insures Us success. Full particulars
can not yet be obtained, but enough is
known to place it among the actual im
provements of the county. No doubt
Albany will reap its share of the benefit.
Albany Muhiral Society.
Last Wednesday evening an adjourned
meeting of the musical organization which
met last week was held in Y. P. C. A. Hall,
and a permanent organization was formed
with the above name at its head. The follow
ing officers were elected ;
President O If Irvine.
Secretary F P Nutting.
Treasurer Dr G W Grey.
Musical Director Mrs E W Langdon.
Organist Miss Belle Senders.
Bine Ribbon Clul.
At a meeting of the Blue Ribbon Club
held last Friday evening, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing six
months :
President Wm. Fort Miller.
Vice-PresidautH Miss Hettie Miller
and Miss Jennie Clark.
Secretary Miss Mattie Foster.
Treasurer John Conner.
Chaplain -Rev. E. N. Condit.
. r. r, a.
Election of officers, a full attendance is
requested at the Y P C A Hall on next
Monday night, as there is business of impor
tance to transact.
G. W. Pkicb,
E R Skipwortu, Pres.
Seed Wheat,
11 you want to make up lor the money
T r m ' m a - m
yon have to expend for seed wheat yoa can
do so by buying your goods for this year of
Allen & Martin. w
Nolan's Cash Store.
F M French, jeweler,
Circuit Coart uext Monday.
Get our Kendall's Horse book.
Fine weather the first of the week.
W K Kelly, Notary Public, Scio, Oregon.
Nearly everybody had their wheat frosen
except us. Wo had none.
Dr K t? Johnson furnishes hit patrons
medicine without extra expense.
The OmjOHtaH now publishes the hotel
arrivals. "Wats the matter."
A man at Kugone wants the store .eepeis
to attend te their own business.
It is claimed that 5,000 men will begin
work at Redding soon and work north.
Dr. G. Willis Price, dsutist. nffioe in O Id
Fellows Temple, ovet l-augdou s Drugstore.
Remember the school meeting next Mon
day night for the eleetion of a Director and
ladies ! those Holbrook shoes have ar
rived. Call and get a iair at Samuel K
Our friends in the forks would do well to
call open W K Kelly for their drugs and
Anybody dosirtiig the sesnou laws can ob
tain them by sending' $i to the nonrotary of
State at Salem.
482,254 cords of wood were burnml iu Or
egon during tho year IHS2, the Value of
which was $1,254,571.
An excellent cotumuuication from Browns,
ville, unavoidably crowded out this week
will appear nett week.
It is aearly timo for strawberries. People
who are fond of that delicious fruit should
subscribe for the Dkmotuat.
It is time to begin fixing up your yards
again. Nothing adds more attraction to a
city than a good looking yard.
Miss Georgia Peters is making arrange
ments to open a private school for children.
She already has fifteen or twenty.
The pioneers of lane county have taken
the hint and propose an organisation.
There should be one in every eounty in the
When you wish to subscribe for eastern or
San Francisco papers don't forget to leave
your orders with Frank Kentcn at the Post
There u a quick-silver mine near Oak
land. Recently Hodgr, Iiavw k Co. of
Portland, shipped seventy-live Masks of it
to San Francisce.
Whoop-la ! what a glorious thiug a fat
office is aud what won't on average politician
do te get one or to hold i. when he gta it ?
Says an Kaasssjeja
Ourcity is full of ciltui ours, aad yet
taxes are paid on only about thirty. Even
a dollar a head on them would build a wool
en mill, more or leas.
A man was iu the city Saturday selling as
article with which one could Weld cast iron,
make razors out of stove handles, and chisets
out of horse shoes. Fact.
Mr Henry Hays, well know in this coun
ty, died at Eugene on the 28th of February
at the sge of seventy-three. He moved to
Oregon from Missouri in 1852.
Our article on "Watch your Girh "of twe
weeks since was republished in most of the
papers of the State, and they all said it was
god a J vice for their nwu girls.
TieexpinJitare iu Portland last year for
school purpose t was 9210.005,60, a cost of
about $50 to the student In Albany it was
only about $10 to the student.
The (trryoaiam makes the startling an
nouncement that Portland is now a city and
beyond the patching business in the mat
ter of school houses. Ditto Albany.
Rev Joseph Emery will preach at St.
Paul's M E Church to morrow (Satorday)
evening at 7:30 o'clock and Sunday morniug
at 11a m. All are invited to attend.
Anyone sending $1.50 to this office will
receive a gross of "Acme" pens, adjustable
to any bolder ; quill acting with fountain
qualities. This is the cost price of them.
Our correspondent from Scio last week
was made to say that A J Houston's stock of
iods inventoried $1100 when it should have
been $11,000. These mistakes are very an
noying. The school meeting Mooday night was
the largest ever held in Albany. Such was
the general sentiment that a new school
house was needed that there was si most no
opposition at all.
Just received a foil line of gentleman's
shoes direct from the factory of J II and F H
Torrey. North Weymouth, Mass. They are
stylish, durable and cheap; call and see them
at Samuel E Young's.
A lady in this city lias a pair of spectacles
one hundred years of age, and they are yet
in good condition, and if they do not get
lost on the back of some ones head are good
for a hundred more years.
The Democrat is the best advertising me
dium in the Willamette Valley, because it
has the largest circulation and a good list of
subscribers, as can be ascertained by refer
ence to our subscription book.
If any one notices an abrasion on the
bridge of our proboscis, we want it distinct
ly understood that we did not get it from a
pair of boxing gloves, we don't box ; a
pump handle fell on it the other day.
There will be twenty-two graduates from
Willamette University at the end of the
present term. John O. Goltra, of this city,
graduates from the business course, and Ed.
Piper, formerly of Albany, from the classical
Mrs E D Sloan lias thesole right to teaeh
the Eureka or Rinker system of cutting in
Albany and vicinity. All those wishing to
learn a first class system of dress cutting
and fitting should avail the in Helves of this
A Portland paper suggests that our hun
ters kill the immense number of geese quack
ing about on the Albany prairie's, and ship
them to that place to keep them company
during lent. Our nimrods are entitled to the
John Smith is dead. He attempted to
shoot one Gus Vanderwalker at PalousoCity,
Washington Territory, the other day. but he
missed him and then died instantly from
cold lead in the heart, put there by Vander
Last Sunday a Christian Church was or
ganized in this city by Revs. Doty, Whitney
and Floyd, with a membership of about twen
ty. There is some talk of building a church
here, for which outside capital is already
It seems to be understood that the Odd
Fellows of Scio will bnild a $2500 hall this
season. We are informed that John Beard,
of Jefferton will build the lower part for a
store room and the Odd Fellows will the
upper story for a halt
Last Friday afternoon a team standing in
front of the offico of J H Foster became
frightened and started to ran, when Mis8
Maggie Foster succeeded in seizing them by
the bits aud brought them to a stand still.
She is entitled to a gold medal.
Miss A R Luce, of Salem, will deliver
some readings in the M E Church for the
benefit of the Sunday School on the 23rd
Instanfc. We already know how well she
reals so that no recommendation is neces
sary, next week we will publish the progi
in full.
Mrs Gray and Mist Asinoourt are prepar
ed to d all kinds of work in tho line of
dressmaking in the most approved manner.
Cutting and lilting done in the highest
stylo of the art, and to suit the taste of the
most fastidious, Call and see them at the
old stand.
One Clark Hay, of Portland, attended the
Temperance Alliance, and attempts to givo
au account of it iu tho I'olnri. In order to
add spice to it, or what he purposed to be
spice, ho utters a falsehood at the expense of
ourself and our contemporary. His proer
aphoro is in his stack and not writing for
last Monday theie stepped from the Port-
laud train a tall youth, pants in boots, a
don't care look about hiin.aud a leather band
on his hat on which wcr tho awful word
cow-boy." We saw no revolvers nor
dirks, hut those words stared us iu the face
and we stared at the youth, a real, live cow
boy, from whore wo learned not.
The story was started last week that cor-
tain Portland capitalists were about to be
gin arrangements for the construction of a
500 barrel (louring mill in this oity ; but we
have been uuable to trace ths matter to its
starting point. It certainly would lie a
good thing for I.uni county if she conld grind
every kernel of whuat raised withiu her
We received a communication from Phil
adelphia the lirt of tho week asking us
whether Oregon was allowed a representa
tive nt the Anuopolis Naval Academy, ai:d
whether we have oue at prcrent. Iu
answer we will say that this atate is entitled
to one cadet iu that Academy, but whether
it haa one now(w have been unable to learn.
Our representative in Congress would he
able to inform our correspondent.
The residence of Mr Henri was burglarised
tho lint of the week aud severs! articles
taken. This sort of business is becoming so
common that it is high time for our citixens
to put on their spectacles and see if they
can not bring some of these miserable sneak
iug rascals to time If every vagrant Iwg.
ging on our streets wore to In arrested
ai.'-.t now he wold prove quite an assist
ance in fixing up our streets.
A few weeks ago we au account of
whst the manufacturing firm of Rest k Alt
house were doing, although they have kept
making reborn they laid that thry still lack
what is absolutely necessary for their Urge
business. In a short time they will erect a
foundry and machine shop just east of their
pruseut manufactory, in ord-r to enable
them to do tbe large amount of iron work
used iu the construction of their machine,
llesides their present line of work, cleaners
and threshers they will u doubt broaden
out and do work of different kinds, utakiug
this one of the largest snanafactories in the
Tbe March iiuiuler of Frank I. !. '
ular Munihtif is one of the most interesting
that has yet appeared of this attroctivoMaga
sine. The opening article of Noel Ueth von,
"From Ualmoral to Oaborne." with iu
eleven line illustrations, is admirable . There
are interesting sketches aad adventure,
poems of great mont, an 1 a new serial of
great interest is commenced, entitled, "The
lfedStifut Countess of flajritssS The mis.
cellany is comprehensive, amusing and in
stroctive, and the embellishment esoelUnt.
A chromo is given with each dumber. "For
Life or Death" is the title of the present one.
Price, 25 cents a copy ; $3 a year, postpaid.
Address, Mn. Fins a Publisher, 53,
55 and 57 Park Place, New York.
Ala Harrta wnt to Portland Friday.
Simou Set ten bach was in Pottlaod oyer
Wm Browa, of v.-ot II m hit bjen in
tho city this week.
Hon T L Porter, of Itl y arts? iu tb
city hut Weduesday.
We acknowledge several call from Cev
Floyd, of Monmouth College.
Ceorge Piper went to Portland We lues
day and will remain several days.
Mrs Daa IturmeaUr and daughti r re
turned from Woodburn hut Saturday.
Miss Amanda Irviue, was iu Llugeue hut
week, visiting ber sister, Mrs L Uilyeu.
Miss Kate Carlyle, of Corvallis, is visit
ing with tbe Misses Maallield, of this city.
H S Williams, ex -County Coin m mm ,. r
ami Lewie Hay, of Ml Pleasant, were in Al
bany Friday.
G A Mooney, of the firm of Mooucy k
Valentine, of Portland, spent last Sunday
in this city.
Miss Ella Phillips, wc aro tarry to learn,
is quite ill, at a friend in Beaton county,
near this city.
Hon. J. C. Church, of Uugeue, has been
appointed ' uuty Judge of Lane County, in
place of Judge Fitcb, deceased.
Mart Miller, who has been atttending
school at Eugene was compelled to taae a
short vacation ou account of poor health.
Mr J F Watkius, representing Btnoreft
Bros, of San Francisco, was iu Albauy last
week, soliciting for a literary encyclopedia.
W H Bruok returned front the extension
where he has had charge of a gang of men,
last Monday. We never saw him look iug
J H Daniel arrived in Albauy the first of
the week, and next week will open a music
store just east of S E Young's. He will sell
the Mathushek piano aud tho Shouioger
Mr Joint Hoif.nau, of the firm of HofXinau
k Joseph returned fiui a trip to the Sound
country last Wednesday. Ha visited
Seattle, New Tacoma and other places, and
of course was struck with their btMiuiiug ap
pea ran co.
Li-t Mood y eVeuiug t.iu Holland ilcad
iug Cut did me gran i tiling by a brother or
sister reading club from near Albany.
They received them in the office of Powell A
Bilyeu, and after a well reudorod program
treated them to a first-class repsst, com
posed of pickled Shakers pea re, baked Scott,
fried Holland, iced Longfellow, with a
few cakes aud sandwiches thrown in. It
was a pleasant a Hair and will not son be
Last Wednesday evening P H Iiaymoud
aud family, who have everything, torn up at
home, preparatory to leaving for . Salem,
were beguiled into spending the ovening
with C. C, Cherry, but they had only gotten
settled djwn, when aa immense crowd of
friends poured in from aU quarters. Then
the popular ex-postmaster and bis estimable
wife realized that they had been completely
surprised. There were about sixty present,
and they made matters pats very pleasantly
tor several nours. uames were played, a
well gotten np lunch served, and a good
time had, generally.
The surprise was gotten up by the ladies
of the Chosen Friends, who aro entitled to
much credit for its success.
The best wishes cf a large community go
with Mr. and Mrs Raymond to their new
home at Salem.
Thursday of last wee'x was the fifteenth
anniversary of the married life of Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Stitea. In ths evening of that
dsv they oolobratcd ths event with an in
formal party, souding out a few hours bo
fore tho timo some poorly written iuvlta
tinns which wero ouly deciphered by the
aid of an interpreter, They thought tho
lateness of the invitations would prevent
thoir friends from coming with gifts of
crystal, as they wero only ambitious of
spending an evening pleasantly, but they all
remembered thorn in a gensrous manner aud
had s good timo thrown iu. I ho evsning
was passed iu a lively mannor coasidoring
that sll were married people excepting the
humble writer ; gainos were played, minis
reudorod by our Imst talent and a sparkling
timo geusrally had, A sumptuous lumoh
was served wnioh wo only failsd to onjoy on
aoc.iUnt ef the wonderful capacity of our
next neighbor, and all started for their va
rious homes at an noflT hour.
"How late do you study at night
way ?"
The ladies .f the Congregational Church
have powtponod tho'r sociable until March
the uli.
Dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods,
boot ami he, and, In fact, the entire
stock at and under cost at Nolan's ('ash
Tim protracted mooting at tho M. K.
Chiiruh, ooihIuowhI by I'm Chritlau or
Disciples of Chi 1st, is well s' tended. .
Wa rootdvod a pleasant call Wednesday
from Itev. hituuy, of Eugene, and Rev.
J. W. Hprlgg, of Malum, who are In tho
city conducting a prolrscled meeting at
tho M. K. Church.
Tnere will on an adjourns I nioetliig
the lUptlst Church unit Naturdsy after
noon at 1! o'clock p. m. lmortant bust.
moms will I m transacted. Members are re
queilod lo be present.
lMi'r ,t ItUlu now have tbo bsndsom
sal sign In tho city on ti... oast sh of their It reads: "Hardware and Farm
Implements," and is paiuUvi In throo cot
or, black, md and blue.
lbmemlMr the tystnr supper and socia
ble at the C range Mnro building next
TuuMlay evenlug, tho 13th. Cotton, caks
aud other refrewhmoiiU will a! . rv
id. iiipp-r con's. All art' In vile I.
The following commtUnos have ueon ap
pointed by tbe Pioshloiit of tbe blue Hib
hoii Club to servo during the present term:
)ii ipoakcr. Itov.H. . Irvine; i it nota
tions, Ac.. Prof. Mt;ou; on muiic, Lilllo
A petition for tho building of a bridHo
across tho North Manttam ImIwcii Nolo
and Marlon, on the line botween this aud
Marion counties, ha been preeeuUtd to the
county court, and If Marlon county ag-ece
will probably be grantod .
A small Hurprieo was given one of tbe
in uibor of the Iady's Hand iaat Wednes
day evening. It was complete, fur the
young lady was Iu bed dreamlug, no
doubt, of ha) horn, and of the near de
parture of thelr leader to Haa Franchto,
when the company put in an apfwaranc.
ISrparlmral riMNgr
The uenrneas or the Stale content is
reminding many of ouryoung men that
they are llremeu.
At meeting of the H. c L Co. last
Friday night, the following wre ob i t
ed members i Henry Walton, Archie
Pershaw, A. W. Marks, Chan. Irvlui
Fred Hlumbcrg. Isaac Fogal. A . EL
No. ! i brwiightout their baud engluo
riitinday evnlug of last week, aud agi
tated her pump for frw moments
What has become of No. I s steamer ?
We uudemtand that the H. Jt L"o. is
about to challeuge one of tbe other com
pan lew to game of ball, and aro brag
ging about bow they can "knock tho
noxlcV oirtiiem.
State Kiremeu's coutest ou the loth
of June. How many prizes wlM Albauy
carry off?
At a moetl ig of H i I. Co. la.t Friday
uiiit, (ieo Kish, O H Irviue. Chas Illdeeut
and W U Blain, were appointed a committee
t - - what i.i l i rio.:iit would ke oil. r-d
for t-utvnng the contest at Balmft
OS. A. St. faUli.
Tiie fiit annual ball of Mo Ptieroou
'M No. 6, Q A 11 will bo held At Al
bany, : .rch 1.1, 1SS3, at the Deot
Hotel. The following oommltteei have
been appciuUsl .
ColThos Monteith, Hon W H Bilyeu.
Hon J K w cm her fun I, Hon T J Htiles, i
Hon O T Porter, Albany. Ceo C S are,
'ortland, Capt Scott, Salem, Hon F Ml
Wadsworth, Corvallis, T J Black, Hal -
sey, Geo Blakely, Brownsville. Joseph
Morris, narrishurg, I F Conn, Lebanon.
J A Gross, D H N Blackburn, j o
Beliee. Archio Monteith, H A Foster. N
I Hamphrey.
Capt Phillips. Fred Muller, Wm II
Huston, I, II Montanye, Ceo Manor,
Martin Helrou, John Jones.
Ki.oor. afANAOKlta.
A W Carey, Charles Monteith, F I.
Heie.TJ Clims. Fred Muller. T (1 Hop.
Tickets, innludingsupper. $2.
To the scholnr in any scbotil lu the
county sending u the first solution of the
following we will Moid them axtnall book
called tbe "Album Writers Friend," con
taining three hundred choice selections is in Brownsville but not in
Harris!) urg.
My second U in lAibanon but not in
My third h in Willamette nut not in
My U In Sliodd hut not in Tan
My firm is in cio but not in Fox vai-
My sixth is In Northwest No ws" but
not in (irogonian."
My aevetitlt is in l'or'Jaiid but not in
Myeiiihth is in Corvallis but not in
My ninth is in I.inn but not in Denton.
My tenth is In Yamhill but not in Polk.
My elevocth is in Tillamook but not in
My twelfth is in Umatilla but not in
My thirteenth I in .Sviacuse but not in
My fourioenth Is In Peoria but not in
My whole is something most of as want.
..w Music Starr.
J II Daniel has opened a music store
just cast of SE Young's ami will sell the
Mathushek piauo, probably the best
constructed in the market, and the
Shonlnger Cymbolla orgau, one of the
best organs, and getting , them direct
from manufacturers will sell them at
bottom rates. Those desiring first.
class, reliable instruments wllldo well
to call aud see Mr Daniel before purchasing-
A Wfu.ooe Srhou! II me v.l.
The Court House was full last Mondsy
night of people interested in our school
matters and determined to do Homethlng
for the good of Albany,
Tho meellnr was called lo order by
inrwinr II II Hewitt iumI tin. ctll wa
re I by tho clerk, J It Bnrkhart.
Following Is ths Direators report, which
was then road :
Wo, the Hoard of Director of School
DUt. No. r, I. urn uoimty, Oregon, beg
loavo to submitlhn foil wing report for
the school year ending numb ft. lftK.'l.
First that wo have received tho follow
Ing amounts during tbo year t
Amount on band March r, kh2 I.TI.OO
Itee'd from iki. Tree. Ca, fund...
Iteo'd from Co. Tress. State fund ..
Kco'd from Dial, tax during year...
ft IS. 20
HI.! M
Total UttLSI
That ald utoutys have been disbursed
as follows
Amount paid out for teachers.
Amount paid for mnalr
in Wirt
Amount (said for fuel and olhor
.mount i.i other purp . .
Total paid during year flOUYM
Amount In hands of clerk t . m
Iu the opinion of the Roard tho dlsburs
menu for the uext school year will be
about as follow :
For hire of toacliere, 37O0 00
For fuel BWM
For Incidental expense 1U0.00
For Janltora foes IMJM
For outstanding dtihlM.Uulior fee
Pter A Hum, fJI 43 00
To meet this outUv fur next
think we will have
Prom tbo county fund
. .'! 09
year we
.. 12.101.00
.. .ViJ.OO
I'roui llio stato fund.
UuiMUoo ou hand
Total 2H.V 01
I saving a defloll of $i:i7.oU
Which amount cculd bo raled by a
tax of two mills, and that we reminHnd
that such Invy he made, and we would
earuostly recommend that the DltrlH
oaiiMi to bo erected a school building ef
fordintr gioator accommodation for the
coiiNlantty Increasing numbers sf our
pupil, a building with all th modern
improvements, well ventilated. Ihrhtd
ml hesuod. A twalv room building In
tho fttyla of the I'srk street building In
Portland can be oro -ted at a cost of $iVX.
The DUtrict now ne! for tbsaooommo
datlon of pupil altendlug our school
during the last year, at least nine Mchnol
room, ami we would therefore rnmin
mend that a twelve room building Ins
built and nine rooms bo finished for the
present accommodation of tbe District and
that the remaining three rooms tie com
pleted as our neosuleN demand them,
and tbe H-Mrd ht constrained to make the
recommendation for tlii resysoa tlit
less number of rooms cannot be erected
In uch a sIisk, that other roomii can Im,
added wltkout imirlng the nymtnslr
rsHivenienoe au I itri!lne of the I
itiK. wen a M'Kiinir to ttin cwl ot SOa
ntriinUon, ail of which ia rtpeclfully aub
milted. II. l. llxwirr.
A motion to levy a two mill tax for
school mii pose woe laid on the table.
Judge It H St rs hati moved that it was
tho sense of the meeting that the Dtwtrtot
build and furniah a school jOJ0 ate cost
off JO. 000. Carried unanliii'.u 1 v.
Judge U S Strabau offered a rwlutlon
which a amended and efuirward ad
almoet unanimously, reed a f .Mows :
Unsolved, by the oier of School In,
trtct No. ft, in I.inn ty, Or . thai I .r
the purpoen of ranting mouev with which
to . . t and fornfsb a Wuitabte chl
heuee In District N. ft In Unit county,
Or ,tbo Dl recti- of ssild Dttr are hero-
hy authorised and iMpowtrd to ua tlm
I Kind of mm id District imyah'o 10 fi-tr '
for the agsregafo sum of I..U00. cav-h
Vf'V'rii Z'JZT!?.
ElrlZ " 1 . .1 .'
til per annum, payable at tbe od nfj
ten yswrs from date, or at pleasure of Ma-
trlot after two veer, which lionds may te ;
iingoilatad and sold al the !(, pn that
can lio oi.iaineo iisrafnr, nut not DSISW 1
can 1 otuaineo in roior, nut nl rmlow 1
ratr. for the pay merit of which bond and j
hitereet at maturity the faith of alJ Dls- I
tnci i solemnly pledged. Provide! that I
nledued. 1'rovL.lo.i thai
if 10 director find If .nora oonvotilent or
expedient in borrow said sum of money
and secure the payment thereof hv irivinir
I one or mcr-t promissory note ..f the Dl-
: trlot therefor, they are authorised to do ;
Ihe Pillowing resolution was alo of
fered :
IteNolved, by the voters of school Dis
trict No. ft. that for the purpose of ralslug
money to buy a suitable block in tho city
if Albany aud to ereet-iueroon a uitahle
biilldirg for school purpose In aald Dls
trtct a tax of nix mill on the dollar I
hereby levied upon the property n ald
District liable to tax. it ion and the further
Mtim of two mill on the dollar i herebr
lovied on all procrty In nald district
liable to taxation for the support of the
public schools therein for tho ensuing
An amendment to strike out the two
mills was loot.
The resolution wa thou carried almost
A motion to ap;du( a committee of two
' to act In conjunction with the director
: lo
It was moved snd car hod that the build
ing be of wood with stono or brick foun
dation. A motion that a meeting he callod and
tho locality and price bo Nubmitted to the
people waa carried.
A motion providing for the public
schools continuing only nine monthrs-sras
A vote of thanks was extended the
directors and clera and 1I10 meeting ad
jeurnod. It i.h'H I 1 1 0 Of C9SDOLKSCK.
The following resolutions were unani
mously adopted by Samaritan Lodge, No.
310, IOOT., ct a regular meeting hold
March 3rd, 1883 :
Whbrbas, Death has invaded our
Ijodge and removed our wall beloved
brother, Willio Douglas, taking from us
theotnolent Sentinel f our Lodge, there
lore be it
Kesolved, That we mourn the loss of
an n urighl mid faithful member ; a cap
able anil prompt oflloer ; aud one whose
example will ever Hlaud as worthy ot
emulation and remembrance, by those
who survive bim.
That we will cherirh his memory, prac
tice the vlr.nes he exemplified, and w ork
with renewed zoal tor the cause that he so
ardently espotisod and s Oarnottly work
ed for.
That we extend to tho boroaved family
our sincere sympathy, aud point them for
consolation to llim who doeth all things
well, and to bis virtues and pleasant
way, the memory of which wIU be tbe
moat grateful balm ror tuetr wounueu
That the Lodge be drapod in .mourning
tbe usual time, and tbe badgo be worn.
That these resolutions bo tnsertbeu m too
minutes of this Lodge, a copy presented
the family of our deoeased brother, and
they bo furnished the press for publica
II. A Davi,
H S. Tuain,
W. L. I.IM Kll.
r.miui.t '
A Life Bavins Freseat. .
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan. :
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consump
tion, whloh caused -him to procure a largo
hrtiiiM. that comnletelv cured him, when
Twiira. chancre of climate and everything
n se naa iaueo. anuuis, wuh.hum,
. . ' . . R . . I D...,.kll.
Unarsencwts. Severe Coughs, and all
Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaran
teed to cure. Trial Bottles free at Foshay
Mason's Drug Store. Large size fl.00
Twenty-five dollar fine blank dross units
819.50, at Nolan's Cash Store.
IBM If 01 RT.
Following is the oslsndar for tho term of
ircuit Court which meets in this city aest
Monday, March 12, 1883.
1. State of Oregon agt. C D Simpson,
larceny by bailee. W II Holmes and J J
Whitney for plfT, Kslsay k Skipsrurth for
3. Utate of Oregon a;t Jcacnh Niinohiok.
Murder. W H Holmes for pilf, Hewitt k
Bryant for deft. ,
3. Marystte Carey agt Tuaddens Hand
ford. Confirmation nf Mhtfs Salo. K D
shattuok, Flton k Chamberlain for plfT.
4. M A Hsrral set W M flat ml. Divorce.
T It 1 1. md l.-y for pill.
I J I Case A Co. afft Wm MoCallistor et
at. Confirmation ef Stiff s sals. Flinn k
ClismlMrleiu for phf.
i. Jas Hhisl.U at SeVi Tdlard et ah
Action at law. Hirshsu k ftilyou for fJL
7. Albany and Santiam Water Ditch and
Canal Co. set John A Crawford. Suit in
equity. Powell k Riiyoii, flonhsm k K unsey
for plff, Pliurt k Chamberlain, Htrahsa k
Uilyeu for deft.
h F K Cabin sou set Kli CsrUr and Kd U
M Carter. Suit in eouity. Flinn k Chain
borlaiu for pilf, Powell k Uilyeu fur deft.
9, Msrjpiret M Csrrigan agt Jas II iarri-
Kail. Divorce. Campbell k Hewitt for plff.
10. J S Ames mut W C Stewart at at.
Continuation ,,( .Stiff's sale. Wtberfrd k
lllai khurn for plfT,
II. U 0 Miller sgtC RiUyand J H Sour-
lock. Confirmation of Stiff's silo. Wvalh-
rford k Black bam for plff.
12 L Flinn agt Kli Carter sfsl. Conor-
mstton of hn Ssle. Puu'i k Chamber
lain for pilf.
1.1. Moses Sternberg sgt F.!i C.rb-r at el.
Confirmation of SbtTs sole. Flinn k Chain
Iwrlain for plft
14. Susan Pardom ess) The city of Albany.
Damages. Powell k Kdyou, J K Wathr
ford for plff, Fiiuu A 'hamUriain for deft.
13, J A Wilso set Allen and Iwis.
Suit in equity. Weatherford and black -burn
for pilf. Pliuu aud Cuamberlaiii for
HI. Koshland Kro set CD Simpson.
Action at law. Flinn aud Chaiute:laiu for
pi If F. It Skipworth for deft.
17. i F Craw f rd, asin-'i sgt Susanna
Paterson. Suit in Foully. Flinn sad Cham-
lrlin for plfT. Weatherford snd Ulackburn
for deft.
1H. W S Noble a-' Marart C..artney ot
el. Suit iu equity. Flian and Chamberlain
fur plff.
It K W Itreseagt Wm Hsvelaud. Aotiun
at law. C K Wolverton for plff. Hum ami
Clismberlaiu for Heft.
M. Wm St John and J M BtssBS agt W C
Keeton, ft al. Suit in eq nty. Fliun and
Chstubtrrlaiu i.,r flf.
21. Belle (i Attn agt A H O400. Divwrce.
IVinhsm and Kamsey (or pilf.
Ht. Itoard of Scbowl Fond Commissioners
ss;t S (I Thompson t al. To foreclose snort
4 . 0 K Wolverton for plrT.
J 1 A J Hablcr avt Q D Si n.. m Action
at law. Fhan and t hsniberUio for plff. It
H Strahau for d- '
24. J D Berkhart t al Ml 00 Iturkbart
et al. For psrtilion. Weatherford and
Blaeklnrn for plff.
Amelia Duncan agt H it Duncan.
Divorce. R -I Strabau, J J Whitney for
2C. CUrirela M McKoight airt Tbe Oregon
lt4lway ami Navigstioa Co. Damages.
Weathrrfonl and Blackburn for plfle.
27. CUr.n l M Mc Knight agt The Oregon
lUilway and Navigation Co. Damages.
Weatherford and kburn for plffs.
3S. John Huston agt lleta B Husten and
KsUflla Huston. Fur partition. Flinn and
Clismberlaiu for plff.
2U. Nancy (I Hsydva et at at Lizzie M
ThoinMionet aL Suit in eqmty. 1. Bdveu and
0 S Washburn for plff.
33, Amanda K Redman agt J If Miller et
a'. To foreclose mortk-aee. K J Dawoe for
pilf. and itsmsey fur deft Miller
.11 F MaHin agt Klisahetb C Mar-
io Divorco. T J Stites for plff.
to 11 u n..,t,i..r .1 --a i..i 1
rWmm2 Weather
''.id A lll:kb.irn for plff.
e W II Hsyden sgt N mcy Ci Haydm
t aJ. For fsrtirion. L Bilyeu and O S
'.Vashlmru for plff.
fta, J J I aad at J H IV. Lis .t 1 T
34. J J 1 a isat
furech mortg.g. .
(. Hlllakt:
T P HackUman for plff
saau sa ossasi siissaasa acuiwk
I law. T P Hackleman furphf. C K Wolver-
ton for deft.
I in - - t . . .. a si mm.
" j j ViUon. Action to condemn
Flinn k CbomberSoin fer plff.
37. Nathaniel I lice sgt Jas Mcllargue et
al. To foreclose
mortgage. Powell and
Bilyeu for plff.
3H. C H Matt. mn agt Leslie Msttoun et al
For partition. I. II Mootsnye for plff.
39 J F Backensto agt Uarmau Aulauf and
J C Drain. Action at law. Flina and
Chamberlain for plff.
40. Mary K Gonial agt Amos D Hyland.
Suit in equity.
41. J VlcCrackin and Co a(t J A Clear-
wtr. To recover money. Strahan and
Bilyeu for plffs. ii B Dsn for deft.
42. J McCrakin and Co sKt W S lumdis et
al. Action at law. Strahau aud Bilyeu fer
plff. OB Dorr is for deft,
43. Ilebeeoa Carter et al agt S D Cager
et al. Continuation of stiff's sale Hum
phrey and Wolverton for Board ef Commiss
ioners. Nolan's atock must be sold in 90 day
conaeiuently big drives.
m uooi Mi.:ri..
Notice is hereby ghen lo the legal voters
of District. No. 5. Linn county
Oregon thst the annual achoo meeting for
said District will be held at tbe Central
school house in said district to tiegln at
the hour of two o'clock on tho second
Monday belog the the 12th day of March,
18M This meeting Is called for the pur-
pose of o'.ecting one directoi to serve the
ensuing two years to nil the vacancy oc
casioned by director K F Sox moving out
of the distrlijt, and ono director to serve
oaid district for three year, and for the
election of a clerk to serve one year,
1 Dhttrict Clerk.
Alb my, Feb. 20th, 188:1.
Muarj le Lean.
Parties desiring to borrow money in any
amount can bo accomodated by us on mere
favorable terms than ever before offered,
for pe iod from two to ten yoars. Simply
paving tho interest yearly and repaying
the principal in one sum at the expiration
of the time for which the loan is made, or
they may d'vido their loans into yearly
rmvmenta. at vour own option, ('all on or
address, Uurkhart Bros., Real Estate and
Insurance Agents, Albany, Or.
St ekt outer's Meeting.
There will lie a mooting of the Stockhold
ers of Lhta Comity Agricultural Association
ouJSaturday, March 17th. 1883 at 1 o'clock
V M at the olhce of J H Foster k Co
Business of importance. All are requested
to attend.
P. W Shink,
It. A. Foster, President.
Death ef 4ieere MeNell.
This gentleman who was one of the
early settlers la this county, having
lived for a nu ruber of yea. s near llalsey,
died in Wasco county on the night of
March 5th. He was father of Mrs
George Patterson of this city, who in
auswer to a telegram took tbe train on
Tuesday for The Dalles.
e s e
Big bargains in everything at Nolan's
Cash Store.
verlsnd Mealhly.
Fred W. Morse, expert fir ths State
Vilioultural Commission, has been carrying
en an extensivs serins of investigations d til
ing the past two yoars concerning tho
Phylloxera, which have beeomo such a terror
to vineyardista. Ho is the only ene who so
far has succeeded iu finding tho wioyed term
of this insect in the field, though one or two
others have propagated them artificially.
The results of his investigations will tie con
tributed to The Overland Monthly for March,
and will be th 1 m nt important contribution
on tho subject yet published on this Coast.
"King Cophstnai wife," a new Serial by
James Berry Hansel, whose anonymous novel
last year met with sach success, will be
began in Tho Overland for March, 1883.
Prof. Martin Kellogg, in a sensible paper
entitled "Our West," will try to correct
some eastern misapprehensions. A careful
Historical Paper will bu contributed by
Charles H. Shiun. . by Milieent
Washburn Sin m. Kltnmid Warren Hossell,
ami others ; Stories and sketches by Joseph
ine Clifford, Mary H. Field, an 1 others, will
also be found in tbe number, with all the
usual departmenU, serials, reviews. Ac.
Always a ILilldar
It In always a holiday at J. OradwohlV
His stock is about tbe name tbe year
round, and Is nomething people always
want. Its has the blggewt stock of baby
oarriagos In the state outside of Portland,
and has ex preen wagon, etc., in abua
danos. And for older people is the heat French
china In tbe city, procebaln, stone and
earthen ware. His slock of silver plated
ware is helmr greatly admired and deserv
edly so, tor It is uncommonly fine. The
handsomest kin-' of vaeeaj are found here
of the latest deaigna. Take Mr Grad
wobl's stuck altogether and bore is not a
lietter selected one. with a view to tbo use.
ful and ornamental, In Linn county. i
nut piirebsNO before calling ou h im.
Bellglew Sailer.
Toe Christisa Church will hold their ser
vicca 00 Snnday next at eleven o'clock and
al the usual hour lit the evening at tbe Y
PC A 1 1 all. All are cordially invited to be
present. The church as a body srs unan
imous iu exUnding tl eir thanks to lite M.
K. Church North, for the curtesy shown in
so kindly tendering tho use of their church,
for services daring tbe last two weeks. Tbe
utmost good feeling exist upon tbe part of
the Christian Church towards tbe members
and pastor of th Methodist Church. By
order of the Christian Church.
It tie Irrr. mt tint far Sale.
One farm of 3 JO acrs vry deeirablu.
O is farm of 135 acres
Oue farm ef Al acre. Then ate all ner
school bouses.
One tract of 16J seres of vJd land.
One tract of SO
One tract of 7C
One tract of 13."i acres, sad other msll
tracts. Will Ml in lots to sait purchasers.
Will trade for other property. Cdl st this
rrZ.,a atatr
I fM-stesl.
This nrhool wa established at Mon
mouth. Polk county, by tho Legislature
for tbe purpose of supplying better tea-h.
era for the public schools of the State. Tho
Faculty conehsU ot six regular professors
and teachers besides a dwtanls, and the
enrollment la already over 100. Teachers
and those nimiag t teach should send far
circulars giving full particulars. Addreaa
D. V. SUalsy, PtdMit, Monmouth, Ore
gon. Orllaal tlrrh. Urpnrt
The retort of School Clark J II Dm k hart,
shows t he 11 amber of children io District No.
5, of school age to lie, males. 361 female,
393 ; total, 737. The numlier en nil 1ml in
tbe pablic school dariag tbe )ear was, male.
IHS ; female 'AX ; total, 3. The number
attending private schools is M, and not at
tending any school, 273. One gentlemen
and five lady teachers are employed.
SUr Brewery beer is said te he tbe beat.
1 on a ill find it st the corner of First and
Lyon Street, or can get it at any of the
saloons by calling for it.
Te Tfke TavParer ef Linn ( ossiy.
All taxes remaining unpaid- alter
this date are liable to casts as upon ex
ecution. These taxes must and will be
collector. Cemein and nav. I do not
ish to charge mileage.
Dated March 3. 1888.
Geo. HuMrHaav,
Sheriff and Tax -Collector
Linn coun'y, Or
A Uappj Tkanshl
It was a happy thought that led to the
production of a concentrated fruit syr
OP " naraneas in us nature mat it may
bo given either to the toother or her
babe, relishod alike by both, and of such
wonderful efficacy that all who take it
fWl brighter and hannier. Koahav k
MaHOOi Albany. Reader Son. Ualsey.
5 fiirni-i, mnvnna u,iui.i v., r
Figs It trial bottle free of oharg-,
or sell
oU cont and $1 bottle.
Msn ladies who had scarcely enjoyed
the luxury of fueling well tor years have
been so renovated by using Lydla Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound they have
triumphed over the ills ileal Uaid to be
heir to, and life haa been crowned with
the udded charm of a fresher beau' v.
Is heraby given tint I will not le re-
sponsible tor any debts contracted by nay
wife, Mary Spreng -r, an i the public are
hereby warned not to trust her on my
N. II. Kprknokr.
Te Lssan.
Seven hundred dollars to 1 an. Mortgage
security required. Call at this office.
Quick, complete csue, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Disease, fl
tor Sale.
A half interest in the Albany Soda Works
and Grocery Store of Hoffman & Joeepb.
for partiou lars inquire at tlte store.
Bstray Notice.
Token ap before me one cow ab ut
it vnars old and calf about 6 months eld. no
marks or brands visable, token up by es-
ley Kiussr, seven miles south of scio, Linn
county, Oregon, appraised by A J Jamison
st 820, o Justice of the Peace, this 5th iay
of March, 1883.
at thatresidence of A J Jirnigan, in S:io,
ly A J Jarnigan.J P., It C Watkinl-.s and
Miss Amanda Keithlky all of linn
Mammary of Meteorology for Feb. 1883,
from observation tak.n at Albany, Una Co.
Oregon, by John Mriggs.Eoq.
Highest Bar. 30.33 ; lowest, 29.16 ; sseaa.
Highest Temperature, 63 ; fewest, 8 J
Prevailing winds, N.
Maximom v,looity foroo, 3.
Total rainfall during month, 1.36 inches.
Number of days on which .01 inch or snore
rsiu fell, 4.
Number of days of cloudiness, average 8
ia scale of 10, 8.
Frost on tho mornings of I t 11, 14 to J6,
23 to 26 ami M
"Keep your place an J your place wil
keep you." Hut you cannot expect to
keep your place without health, ths foun
dation of all sucoeoM. For instances), a
railroasl engineer in the C M x ht Panl K
H haul been grievously affected with dia
betes for six ye irs. He took four boxes
of Kidney. Wort and now writes that be ia
entirely cored and working regularly.
A loan? Market
Wbeot-lU; per bu-h-1, aitbe mills,
at tbe warehouse, lOU.
al :a "
Beef on foot, 6 tr6c
llay baled, 'Ofo; pet ton.
looae, 1H to 20.
Butter 2 to 80 cU per lb.
Ffrgow 25 cents per do..
Potatoes 000 per bushel.
Fork 7 cts per lb.
VeaL 0c per lb.
Dried Fruit sun dried apple, fie.
M pluas, Sc.
machine cured apple, H'i.
" " plum, 10.
Bacons -hams, 14 te 16c.
shoulders, 10 to 1 .
sides. 14 to IV.
Card Ifte per lb.
Flour -5j0 per bid.
Chickens- -VjO per dor..
Huirar San Franeisc C, 1.
Mill Feed-bran, 14.00 per too.
Absolutely Pure.
This tMjSHicr ii
SJB0KSJ Oi sixi h I
srilii UVe BaitlUUSiW
1 hn etSaii prTBL eass as
UssissiHosbcaOo. Ij6 Wail-st-.S. T.
Notice of rissolution.
Notice ia hereby given that Use co-part-eerahip
heretofore exsating between T J
Black. Joeepb Pearl and T L Poner. au
dr the tirni name of Black, Pearl st Co.,
at Jlalsey, Linn county, Oregon, and
ggei in toe mercantile anU warehc
bueinee is this dav by mutual coin
din-olved, Jueeph Pearl rettriug from tbe
Dim. All detsta and accounts doe or to
tani ,m. due to ibe late firm are to be paid
to T J Black and T L Porter who will con
tinue the bueinea and pay all demands
against ibe late iirm of Blank, Pearl A Co.
lisued thie lTih day of Febuary. lSttS,
Jaenraf Pvaeu,
T. L, i'osTks,
Referring to the above the undersign- d
respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to
the Urn of Black, Pearl a Co.
Black, Port an A Co.
Stock-holder's Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stock -bolder ef the
Odd Fellow Hall Building Asswetatton
on March 12th, 1888 at 7:30 o'clock p. so.,
for the purpose of electing seven directors
fur the ensuing year and ffor the transac
tion of any other business that may 00 ass
before aald meeting.
J. F. Back euro ro,
J. H. Bu kk 11 a kt , President.
Albany, Feb, 2nd, 1888.
men to sell Tunison' Ciebrate! Mane
and Charta. No capital required, f 100
per month Knaraatee.1 to agent follow
ing our instructions. For particulars,
Sacramento. Co'.
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the Courts in this
Stave. 105, First SU, Portland, Oregon.
(With Curtis a Qibbs )
Notice is hereby gives tiot by order of
the Board ot Directors oi the Grange Union
Albany, the unaoralgbed will, en Friday
th23rd day of March, 1K8, at the hour of
oue o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the Court
House door in the city of Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidders for cash in hand, all
tbe n8tes,sccounts claims aud demands of
whatsoever kirfd snd all judgments owned
by and in favor of the Grange Union, Al
bany. For a list ef said accounts, noses.
claims and judgments, and for further
particulars inquire of tbe undersigned.
31w4 G. F. Simpson,
for all diseases of the ...oners and
It h .pecUlo action on UU
- it to throw off
iL itfllliit th healthy si lis sttosi o
ths BOe. sad. by keeping the bowels la trss
vrr.Ail flbcttas it rceular SUseajeeg.
1 l if to arsUSms ros
mUlCiriCl- m0r!, hTC tt ehUM,
rs biUoas, dyspeptte, oraoa a, Kidney
Wart wtU surely reUer sad v-caly esaw.
In the Spring' toelesa thsCjInis. e sy
on shosld taka a thorough oonrs of IX
asi sale Is sssfiilsJ 11
so. ssssrt ssassSXs. sssw
cnesw Sot si.