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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1883)
SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State flights AovKansiao sates. 1 wk 1 1 rr. 8 a as 1 yr I loch 100 S00 500 1 9 00 13 00 I 2 00 6 00 700 11 00 IS 00 3 " 3 00 6 IS) I0U0 i;,00 ffut 4 " 400 7 00 I2A0 1S00 27 00 tOri 0 00 il 00 1500 2500 25 00 7 50 12 00 1800 3000 48 00 4 " 1000 1500 2600 4000 00 00 ' " ir. OO yo oo jt,in, tO 99 gg (i ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES ft NUniKO. til ftIXK4HrFt-K-l OfMorr UNlldlag aa UraatlalMa Mm t. flOMS Or 8U B8CR1 PTION BpeoUtl buaineaa) untie. in Tintiti CVr- tirnna 2 cents per line. Regular local notifies 10 cents per )n. For legal and transient advertisement f 1 Off per square for the flrat Insertion and AO cent per square for each suiaserjnent Insertion. liult cany, per tf. in advance. y. Pr r""- t ' jw s oo 1 30 7ft 10 VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH !), 1883. Wagleeonjr, MXIINMM... last ease, hre taeath burl autaber NO 33 ALLEN & -OF ALBANY T AreMwreceimg jhlll FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of nne of the largest General Merchandise Evef offered for DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Inelnfe all the latest styles and novelties. Our stork is all fresh and new, and much of it was purchased in New York, and there is net one pieee of old style goods in onr store- THE CLOTHING CoaUias ens of the largest and finest assortments of rlotbing and gents furnishing goods ever brought to'this valley, and will be sold at prieesthi defy competition, either here or elsewhere. We also keep a fall line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, All of the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, the le if also to be found at our store GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Our motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on appication. MARTIN ORE HON, S of and most reiuplete stork of in Albany. The DEPARTMENT direct from the manufactures. our splendid selection of a large and well-selected iis:k FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U ri.INN, O. K. C HAMUKKI.AIN. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jerOffloe In Foster's Brick Block vl&nlstf. W. S. 3TRAHAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PUACTICK IN A I.I Til K Courts of this State. Will viva special attention to collection and probata mat tar. Office in Koater'a new brick. 4m L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Ofllce upstairs, over John BrlirgV store, I at atreet. vl4n2Str J. X. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LJVW, ALBANY, OKII.01. WILL PKJUTIt'K IN ALL TUB OOl'HTS OK THE suiti Hikk-UI alUmlkuii gttau Ut oollocttoiia and probata mattvr SaTOfflc in Odd Fallaw Tmuj-U. (14:1 , O. POWIU. W. n. NILTKU POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. ... OKKtiON. Collection promptly made on all point. Loan negotiated on reasonable term. TOIllr tu Foster's Urlck.- vHnlOif. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBAVOff Oltl.GOV Will practice In all tha oourta of ttta SUl. Prompt aiu-ntlon Rlvn to enllertion, eon veyancea and examination of Title. Protate buaineaa a p-rlalltjr. vISdSUU. E. R. SKIP WORTH, attosxey as ei xsflob at law an not tat rrsuc'. WILL practice In all court of the Stain AMI buaineaa intimated to me prompt er attended to. ttfir, in O'TooU't Itlork, BroadatLin Strrti, 45yl Albany, (Jreqom. LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVERY AMD FEED MTAttLE. First els voblnle. line horse. feed, accommodating proprietora ami rea aonablo charge. Give them a call. Stable near Revere House. E. W. LANCDON & CO., IKI r C. UINTA. llook. Stationery and Toilet Article, A I Jiri- Slot? ik and Iw Prioaa. CITT DRUG STORE, F08HAY 4 MASON, aejaNaBU riv Druggists and Booksellers, ALBASY, OUEilOR. lOnlltf J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney M Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Publics ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice In all of the Court of this State. All buaineaa Intrusted to lilm will be promptly attended to. ar Office in OTowle Block. REVERE HOUSE, 'rae Ural aad Uhwwrth Albany, Orr. Chat- Pfc-iffer, Prop'r. Thk i tew If .,ll I fltted up In flrat da style. Table uiuillol with lb bawl the market afl-.r.ia. Sprlne; Uoil In every Kj-.ui. A rl iMUa'le Itooai fur Com inarcUl Traveler. VtT re or to trum lltrl.- Aloany Bath House. 'lHE UNUKUSI'.'NED WOULD KKSPKCT JL fally iaforu the cttUen uf Albany aad vi emitjthat 1 havetaken charge a ftbU asiabllab men t, and, bjr keeping clean room aad pay in ttriet attention to basin, expect w tuit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nouting but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, expect to give entire atiafaetlon to al JaVCHldien and Ladle' Hair caatly cu baopooed. JOS WEBBER. O. C OHKKKY. C.B.PiBKK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, 0 (SuoceaMorM to (J. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to haudlo atl kirida of heavy work. Wo will manufacture Hteam Engines, Orist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTEBNa M4DK ON SHOUT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture tho improved Cherry fc White Grain Separator. HUop a Baker St. Office a Lumber Yard. Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, e HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, W lDfllHl Hdtr'k - "! Jr 'lfc, cerSy. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacha, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins , Son Throat, Swell' t igs and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. N" Preparation ea earth equal ftr. J.,. M r, , a a -, mure, tlmpl aad rhmp b,eral t. . ...ty a trial aaaWW hat the eaaariii luflii.K t.tiila uf Mr ('eat, and one (. n. , iih aia ran Wave cheap ad puaiu piuef af iu (Uiaav Hreettuae hi 1a Langita;. OOLD BY ALL DRD00IBT8 AID DEALERS II MEDICI ME. A. VOGELER Sc CO., HaKaw, if at.. V. M. X. v- LVPIA E. PINKHAt, VZGETABLIS COMPOUND. aaaaaaBaaaaBBaawawaaBaBBawa A Mer are fwr all FKUALt! 'KAl1 NKMMKM, !aeladla LaararrhaNi, Ir recatar mm1 Paiafal .Meaatraatlna, leiaaaaMttlM aad t'learailaa af the Wmb, I leodlnu. PKO I.APMt M t TKUI. Ar. f rV tB IdllMlvbi, rOi -i, ... lfrn- -.. a It. WTaat. It U a great b l la "Pi" a4 r t . eaia dartnff laheraad at n vUr part 0M ratintcrr erKMBttr. rr ta'ttr. rwFoa ata Wa t ih. tmx aaajaal ef cilU.r an, U Uwruml luao rnwtj I bat ba. . - More i r pabU i an4 far all aiarata of tta tCrMTCTS a I the OmilMt (a Ik M eeai. ;r-KIDXBT CO.WPt.AnfTMaf rtther Se f IndCrral Kallrfla Ita fee. i.ydia r pim!ihm' rt ttiri: it all ireairal. rvery mty "t leua ! I ! , at I be .. t'in UI lr ' ami trrt fit t I be . A mareetVa. In reautl the r8 4btaCensr'iaailaa4 BJ ol rril. r mw V rr- -1 at a aa4 C Wealrra A. ana, Ljrea, K. rrWe uf etiber. l. Si buttir. f..r f Th' Caat .. I seat by wafl In the form af pilU -r of ha. ae. l rvatp of prior, tl par bus for rtttr. Mr. PtrJtbam freelr aaawere all letWt of ltWUiy. Carluateeeat tui Bead for pampbu t. MnUa tu. TVarr. .-rn m. Pmotw ijem tn.f r. rrp ; , i. ha awawi aad Bwiaaai af - u-. eet.u. M he alt ttrnrrUra.a'a ' TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pais in tho Head, with a dull sensation In the beck part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fUllneaa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, lmublltty of temper. Low splrtta, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariiieaa, Dissineaa, Fluttering at tho Heart, Dots before the ayes, Yellow Skin, Headache, generally over tho right eye. Uoatleasnesa, with litful dream, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTTfi PILLS nr eopeHully adapted to eueh ewsaa, one doe rflttet aueh a change of fueling- a to aatonlali the nftrr. body to Take am tleatt. tliu tin ay.lem I 1 ley laereaae tlie Appel lie, nmi mni..- ti e and tv tbelr Taette Aetiaei mi tin. uivreurr ummm, tearaiar ieieoia are pro- iluml, I'rice S rt'iiU. B5 fgairmy t M. If. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Oar HAisoa WHTflKKR rhsnrrd toatiuwv Black by a liijrle application af tlii 1yk. It Im parts a nutural color. u'ta IiiiitnntamHiUMly. Hold uf Drug;!!, or eent tiy xjr sn on receipt of tl. orrnts, as Mi natY nt.. nbv vobk. (Sr. TtTTH SANt'ti. of TataaM liUraaOM u4 I'tefal krlBU alUe. nailed rtkU a arilkaUea. OR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon, HAS KETUItNKI) te lids city and reramud prc tiee. itti. in i.ew tuieguph offlo,' liulldinj', liriKulalliiit street, belweun Fimt ami 8c.- oiid Htr.itt. Allianv. Or., lioe. 8. 1882. - , r . : Mxiii are aiwyo tin: iuoiui rr chan ra 1.1 tiMtnittju. Pnir idtruijiis. awl In. thin Ittu'iiMitf I wealthy ; those who io not improve tbeir oMOTtest- tie remain in poverty, we oner a jrrest ciianco ki ru Ice money. We want many men. women, boviiand k for us right in thelrown Icsiailtle. Any one can .lo the work properly from the tlrst atart. Tlie tiuslnuse will nav more than ten time ordinary wage. Kxperulve outllt fiinilahed froe. wooue wno . .... . . . engages fail to mako money rapidly. You can do ve e your whole time to tho work, or only your spare sentfre:. Addre Htissos A Co.. Portland. Maine. iiKiiouota. run iiiionnruou aim uu mat is iignnu GUARDIAN ASSURANCE LONDON. 00., OF ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, fdO.OOO.OoO Capital paid up 5,000,000 1 1 VT ml. I . t . 1 1 .... ... , , paid up capital of mpany doing business la tho United States. Insurance accepted by Robt. A. Fostfb, Agt of Albany. A waek made at home by the In (lumrioufl. Ueet business now be fore tho public, Capital not needed . Wo will start you. Men. women, boy and girl wanted every where to work for u.. Now I the time. You can business. Kootner business will pay you nearly a 1 I V ...... . .. II A. . 1 gaging at once. Coatly outfit and terms free. Money ,UZiB&r hOBOnWy- UrfWMAH CABQCAITH Cf WOhUvA . CS$YTa?ATr2C WniwlTlS THE HOPE Off ustHtn iioaaii. New York, Feb. 15th, 1H83. Kven Ueiuhliosns are dingusted wltb the manner with which their repmsen Utives in Ouiigriti aie systeruaticsll) evading their duty with reference to Tariff llaforni. Tbry do nut at all act like men who bavo a keen aptrvcisti')a of their situation, or any desire to com Ay wiili the wishes of their oonetitu ants. Feeling tbst every other means was failing under Demociatic pleasure, i ln-y are now resorting to a method of absenting themselves from the House Ths fsta of those legislators who buried thomseives beneath the Itiver and lUi bor BUI, ought to be a warning to mem hers not to fly in the face of the coua try's wishes. The Silver Question is not likely to receive much attention during tho pres ent suasion, but in the next it is cer tain to assume very lsrge dimensions. First of all a determinrd effort will be made to have the trade dollar entirely withdrawn from circulation. There is a quiet but none the Ires effective snd uteady agitation goiag on against it in the Mercantile Exchangee aad other cantrea of commercial life. It is at best a nuisance. It was intended for the 'hineserJspsneae and Houlb Ameri can trade, but somehow it would never go there but remained at home where it was not a dollar but a great deal less. The beat answer to the repeated tauntg of Inactivity, and shirking of re form promises on the part of the Demo cratic legialsture st Albsny, is the in troduction snd probable paasage of s bill providing for the payment ef a fair salary to the County Cleik ef New Yoik City, snd requiring bim to turn over the fees received into the city er treasury. The fees received amount at present to about $1 00,000 a year to the incumbent of the office. The fac1 that a arty means to reduce the vslue of an office which hss slwara laxm held by one of its own minUu ia the best proof of its honesty aud deair f-.r ro form. Death has I-, n active laat ctk among the tanks of dialiriguinked i nous. Ycateida I he late William K. Dodge was boiied. The funeral "was aimple snd yet ao imprewiv. There was s gathering of all that aral ilia' lii- guiahed in the melruj-uliv Marchant princes brushed sgsinsl clergymen and famous scientists and artist sat aide by side with statesmen and lawet. S.ich a collection of fine old facta, chaatered snd refined by the polishing steel of time can seldom las found together, and a painter with a memory fur facial trsits here found material in abundance, A touching fact connected with the funeral is tbe absence of the wife of the youngest son of Mr. Dodge, who ia a daughter of late Kx Governor .Marshal Jewell. Mr. Dodge died on Friday. e a In tbe midst of the grief into which the family was plunged by tbe sudden death of the venerable merchauk a telegram summoned her to Hartford, where her father was dying. She ar rived barely in time to close his eyes. leaving the chuich I walked a few blocks with a man who waa in his time one ef the meat active political men in Washington from this Htate, but whaia now closely identified with mercantile pursuits. He at once and as I thought a little oddly, began to talk of the tariff tUacustious in progress ia Congress Buing ait ardent free trader he denouuc et tbe ahilly-shsllying jiolicy practised there. i you know, said he, "pro- .a ..v. a it as at taction is the most harmful thing that ar w has over been invented for mankind. It makes men evade the laws who would sooner lose ail than rob their fellow men of a penny, liven as 1 aat in that church I could not help think ing ef years ago when there waa no duty on statuary, that tho house of Phelps, Dodge & Co., in connection with other leading metal . houses, had the lead which they imported oast into rough statues of Napoleon I, and other noted men, and thus got it in duty fiee. The venerable Peter Cooper y eater day celebrated his l inety-third birth J- WiQ8 tbw weagnesS i.18 fumily requested that he be not made the leciment of nub he honors or ad- ' ... , . .. dresses winch would involve the neced- i t sttv of his mukiui retdies. He celu- bratcd the day quietly among his familv and in the evening had a few old friends . ,, " I to utnner. I no taiK aoouc raiHing I , , . , i An am am a ih w s v.. a . . it., .. . . uiuhuuiuiii. vu nun. uicavou uv a mini : . ,. . . , I OMl OWII1L' te 1118 OWn dlSaniirOVai. lie has one monument,the Cooper Institute which has furnished thousands of eager and industrious young men with the opportunities of learning the sciences and rudiments of industrial ui ts. and . , , - . enabled hundreds of young women to I V earn a comfortable living by means of Wv. e telegraph, sculpture, painting, etc., learnt there, and all of it without coat ing them a cent of money. Any man may well be satisfied with such a monu ment. Tbo first Dutch explorers of South. Om Africa gaVG tllO natives tflO naiTlO I 1 Hottentot ffOItl the fftKlUenCy Of ' the clicks in tbeir language. NOT I .1 tout I.I.I INraKSSKB). Welle Station, Or., Feb. 28, 1883. AW. Democrat : While in Albany last Week attending tbe Alliance, I received a caustic rebuke for a breach of etiquette, f bad left my hotel and waa on my way to tbe court-house, when I noticed that one of my fingers waa in deep mourning, whereupon I drew my knife from my iMM-ket and proceeded te remove tbe obnoxious matter. On the opposite side of the street, and coming toward me, were four young I wish I could say ladies women, walking in couples with an interveining distance of per hai thirty or forty yards. One of tboee be hind called to one in freht and toh? her to hurry and get her nails cleaned, and to be careful and clean them good and to clean them hereafter before she left heme. And just sa I passed them she aaid : "I wonder if be tumbled " There were at least 6 fty person heard tbe remark of tbe young woman, and, while I was not injured by what she asid, nay not even annoyal, it left the impression with me tbst the young wo men were either courtesans or tbst it is only a queation f time when they would be, for tbey are treading the path that ends only in a life of shame.- No lady would have used tbe language she used under any circumstance, least of all on tbe afreets, in tbe presence of, and to, an entire stranger. I do not write this for the purpose of gratifying a petty malice, nor do I wish to cast any reflectioaa on tbe ladi of Albany, but it ia time the citizens of your place bad their attention called to tbe beha vior of audi women, and that tbey be required to conduct themselves decently while on the streets. Justice to your Isdies requires that strangers abould be treated courteously and that any wo men who are allowed to perambulate your streets, nee slang phrases snd 'rhiii' entiie strsogerr, are not calcu lated to give the place . a good name abroad. It may be ossible that tbe young women I apeak of ! longed to the school eaat of tbe court-house, snd that they were only having, aa tbey thought, a little innocent fun at my ex- p -Me, and that tbey did not know tbey were using expressions seldom heard ftom a woman's lips oulsiJe of a house of prostitution, snd never from the Hug of a LAUY. If such ie the case, will they allow me to suggeat, in a spir it of friendliness, that hereafter tbey conduct themselves as Isdies, remmber-J ing that there is but one construction men put on such behsvior, and, that is construction which will msntle the cheek of rnodestv with the blush of shame. Very yoaivj ladies are some times thoughtless, but they should nev- erbe ao wheit thoughtlessness would have a tendency to smirch their reputa tion. If what I have written will be tbe means of causing one of Oregon's Ueautiful daughters to think before she sfieaks I am well repaid for my trouble. UfCN CUILPERS. VKsKgUL SMte. To a Masonic Grand Lodgu of Miss ouri has parsed a tiKoluti u that any member of the order who Khali engage in saloon keeping shall l-e guilty of unmasouic conduct snd dwnlt with ac cordingly. Salem ia taking stes loasrds organ- iziu- a Hoard ot 1 rade. Albany abould take steps towards organizing and establishing a "trade" after which a "Hoard" could be organized if thoae interested thought sdvisaMe. Mr. N. T. Moore has organised Hoi Temple No. 3, Ancient Order United Templars in Salem. Thia ia a Temper ance and Insure n co organization com bined. Miaa Frances E. Willard, president of tbe Waman's National Christian Temperance Union, wilt viait Oregon and Washington Territory aometimo in Marsh or April. She will assist in tbe organization of a State Union. Lawrence Billiard of New York city attempted to commit suicide Feb. 1, by hanging himself to the door of his oell where he was confined for drunkenness. lie waa tried before Judge Cowing for the offense and sentenced to the per.i- tentiary for one year. Under the uenal code in N. Y.. tt is a crime to - attempt to commit tuiqide. Jay Gould will shortly start on a tour around the world for pleasure. He will be gone two yoais. l ltOH Al OLD The following 1 copied from an old Nashville paper : "Mr. W. S. Williams, of Illinois, announces that his wife, Ann Eliza, having left his bed and board without cause, he will net be responsible for any debts she may contract "Ann Eliza. Ann Eliza, Once I loved, but now deapiaa her, And aa I no longer prise her I will go and advertise her, For although I'm not a miser I won't pay for what the bay a her. The hyssop of Scripture is the caper tree, which abounds In southern 1 Europe, Lower Egypt and Syria, gg Cigarette smoking is thought to be hurtful by Dr. Mulhall, tf Hi. liuis Mrdicsl College, lause the smoker inbsles tbe smoke. f he oldest living ex8enstor of tbe United Btates is ex Oov. Alexander Moulton cf Louisiana, who is still oc- cssionally in New Orleans. Miss Harsh Culiasn, whose parties in Washington sre temaikable for their beautiful arrangement of flower, pava 1 1... ... .0 i.uv nijjmv iMA oi any woman in tn city. She is still more remsrk able for her charities. h ia impossible," said Or. George M. Heard on his doslh bed, "to record the thoughts of s dying roan. I should like to do so, aa it would be interesting to read the, struggles I sm going through." Four or five children of the great scout Kit l 'arson sre livine? in Las Vegss, Now M.-xico, in need, and it thought a penaion will be granted them, as tbeir father as lieutensat -colonel in tbe army at his death. John Howard Payne wrote "Home, Hweet Home," while sitting beneath the entrance lamp on the steps of a nobleman's mansion in London, where, bis theatrical ventures having failed, he feund himself without a shilling to pay for a bed. Tbe bouse in Washington lately bought by Mr. Bell, of tbe telephone for about $100,000, waa built bv Lieut. Brodbead, who married a niece of N.P. Willis. It hss in it a miniature thea tre, with orchestral accommodations and chairs for tbe audience. In the Franklin collection msde bv Mr. Henry Stevens, som of the papers of which were fouod in a London tailot's shop, one really cut into a pal tern of a child's sleeve, the worth of one single manuscript is estimated ly Mr. George Bancroft at $5000. In Prof. Felix Adlei's charity, on Forty-fifth stieet and Broadway, New York, the poor children p'sy at sculpt uring, drawing patterns for wall paper, singing and carpentering, besides learn ing mathematics and goology a Kin dergarten which s a royal road to learning. The wife of (Jambetta'a successor, Clemencesu, i a New Englander, and a ver charming' weman, who married bim for love. Tbey have three beauti ful children ; th face of tbe eldest gill has all the regularity of a Greek statue, tbe second jjirl hss the animated French countenance, and tbe boy is the image of his father, with an air of American freedom. Many of tbe wealthiest men in New York began poor. Jay Gould was a cowboy, James K. Keene came from England with $20 in his pocket, Rutus Hatch legan by dealing iu "garden aaaa." D. Appleton kept a grocery atore, James Watson Well waa a coun ty clerk, Henry Villard waa a reporter, Leonard W. Jerome waa a printer, HL B Claflin waa a Vermont school teacher, Charles O' Conor waa bora of tbe poor eat of Irish parents, aad Peler Cooper was a hatter's apprentice. Mrs. Speaker Keifer's receptions at the Kbbitt House, are noted for ties elegance of thi floral displays. The lady herself has a special fondness for flowers, and many exquisite tribes are presented to her by her numerous friends. The President of the United State and the Speaker of the House of Representatives are exempt from the heavy tax and troublesome practice of supply i ef'reshments at their receptions, although this social custom is most generally obaeved by the other digni taries of the nation. ruriLta eeisxcc- Sir WiUiam Thomson follows Dr, Thomas Held in ascribing to man six senses instead of five, namely, the sense ef force, of heat, of sound, ef light, of taste and of smell. An excellent soap-bubble preparation ia composed of oleate ef soda and gly ce rine, and from it bubbles two feet in diameter and of exceeding brilliancy can be blown. Some of these have been kept forty-eight hours under glass. It has been proved by numerous ex Iterunent that flour connot bear the action of the sun, even when not expos ed directly to its lays. When flaur is exposed to the beat of the sun an al tercation takes place in the gluten similar to that produced by tbe beating of tbe stones. For this reason it is advisable that the transportation of Hour should take place, if possible, oa caol days or by night, as well a the flour ahouid be stored in a cool place. A favorite antidote for rattlesnake poison in Mexico, ia a strong solution of iodine in potassium iodide. Mr. H. II. Croft has tested some of the poison it self with this solution, and nnda that a light brown amorphous precipitate is formed, the iaaolubility of which ex plains the beneficial action of the anti dote. Wben iodine cannot be readily obtained a solution of potassium iodide, to which a few drops of ferric chloi ide has been added can, perhajw, be used as i an aatidote to snake poison. CHESS COMM. On Jan. 19 we commenced a regular chess tournament to constat of 10 prob lem, one to be published each week until the tourney is completed. Mr. S. A. DeVaney,of J tferson of fers tbe following prizes for solution of problems in thia tourney : To any person solving all of the 10 problems, a prize of 100 blank cheas diagrams. To the one solving tbo next largest mis bar, 75 blank cheas diagrams, and 50 to tbe next highest. When te or more are lied in the number of solutions, then the prize will be awarded to the one who furnitbes tbe neatest aad moat plainly written solutions. All solu tions must be sent ia within three weeks from tbe date of the paper con- aining the problem, except the solution to problem No. 10 which will be re quired to be sent in within two weeks from date of issue containing it. Problems for the tourney will be fur nished by 8. A. DeVaney, Jefferson. TOiaXKY PRO EL KM 0. 8. White K etQ Kt8 It atQlT Black K at Q B 3 Q at K Kt 3 R atQ R 3 B at K 1 BatQ Re R at K L B at K Kt I B at K It 7 KtatQ B3 . Kt at Q B 8 White to play and mate in two moves. Dr. J. K. Kirkpatriek says : No man living can force problem Go-as-you-please in three moves." Beware, Dr. We can only say "Try, try, again t iKiata pact. When Sir Rowland Hill intwlaced bis pet ny postage, Lord Lichfield, tha postmaster general, said : "Of all the wild and visionary schemes which I a have ever heard or read of, it Is the moat extraordinary.' This curious story occurs in Let Mon de : A man who was very close te a tree struck by lightaing asserts that he waa saved by crouching on the ground and covering brmself with a woollen umbrella. He waa enfolded in flasasa and completely electrified bat restive! no hurt ! It has recently been discovered by experiment that paper is aa serviceable for rails aa for car wheels. It is anteri or to steei in that it ia snore durable, ia not subject to the action of beat and cold, is lighter in weight, furnishes a better track for the locomotive drivers and ia leas expensive. Wben a freight train from Troy reached Pownal, a few days since, the engineer heard a tooeter crow, apjrar ently under his engine. Upon imeeti gation he found a game cock perched upon the brake-beam of his engine with as much apparent sang-froid as if he rHad been on his own roost with his family flock. His rooatership waa taken from bis perilous perch and placed in the caboose, where in due time he arrived in Troy, where be bad gone to roost. How this tweeter could ride on a constantly jarring 1. rake-beam for thirty-nine milee without beiog thrown off by the janing and auction of air under the engine is a mystery. The domestic cat, so far aa Europe) is concerned, is generally atipiosad to be sjmewbat ef an upstart. In Egypt ita cuitus had existed for ages before our ancestors dreamed of paying it that seciee ef worship which at present ap pears te connect it with the tutelary genius of the earth. Wo have the au thority of Herodotus fur the fact that wben a cat dies in an Egyptian home the members of the bereaved family shaved off tbeir eyebrows, aud that of Diodorous for the touching statement that although Egyptians have been known to eat their fellow-creatures dur ing famines, no iustance of cat eating was ever heard of. A New York restaurateur being asked why it is considered so difficult to eat two or even one quail a day f oa th irty days, replied. "Becaese the hu man stomach is an intelligent and sen sitive member of society, if you were to teed it every day for thirty daya on a pound or two of sawdust, you wouldn't wonder if it lehelled, would you t No. Well, quail and the white meat of all birds is very much like sawdust. It's dry ; it's indigestible. It lies there on the stomach, and of comae tbe stomach doesn't like it, and when ou want to add more to it tbe stomach is very apt to rebel and make you aick. Yeu may try to coax that itu(Krtaut functionary with bribes of pepsiu and that sort of thing, but there is a limit to even that. Se you see why quail won't do as a steady (Nee," Tbe St. Paul (Minn.) (Jobe, observes: Things had gone wrong v. 1th him, and he wsnted to die ; yet he had the whole house darting around mighty lively, ae we heard, hunting for the St. Jacobs Oil bottle, wheu the first twinge of rheumatism gatbeted him up. 4 . a The differeut leagues of German ciies were united into one by the treaty of Heidelberg, signed in 1381.