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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1883)
THE SUN. NEW YORK, 1683. Mora people for mJ "The Sun" during the rwr just now paasin; then rr Mora since it wm Brat printed. Sorts Mnspsper puUiehed on thU aid of Um wtfth ha beta bought and rand in any year by M seesny BVM Mid JPQflMfc Wa an credibly Informed thai peoil boy, read. and Use "The sun" lor MM wniiwaa lu natra column nreaant In attractive with the gran last possible so curaoy what rar r mankind; Um wiadnan. Uw nattoaanhy. the tolly, tb autid aeoae, the tmnrevtnf aQoaswD i new ot the busiest world at araaant revolt iiurin aaM. Becau paopta hare laarnad that ia ita remarks inassralas persons and aSetrs "Tb Bun" make a M in Sscauss practice of Veittsg than the exact truth to the heat ot Suability three hundred and sixty five day in Uta year, before JectlB aa wall aa after, about the whale a weB aa about the etaalt flab. In the face ot dlaant aa plainly and tearluaaly aa when aupnorted by gsasr at approval. "The 8un tea absolutely no purvea to ssrve, aave the information of lta roadera and the furtherance of the common food. Barnes It la everybody' newanaper. No man la so bumble that 'The Stan" la i mil Rr rant to ht wel tare and hi rights. No man la eo rich that it can al low Injustice m be done him. No man, no aaeocla Uoo of man, la powerful esuaab to ha exempt from the strict application of ita principle of right and wrong, Biaaasi la pottuca it haa fought for a dosaayear, without Intarmlaaioti and auneUwe a) meet ahm aaBniajajawnpapara. the Sfht haa reauiMdin the re cant evarwhelmina popular verdict against RoUoeon lasa and tor honest government. No matter what party la in power, "The Sun" atnnda mid will cou tinue to ataiui like a rock for the inlereeta of the peo pie again the ambition of bmam, the encroachment of monopol jfcs, and diahooaat achemea of public rubber. Ail this ta what we are told alm.wt daily by our friiwfla. One man hold that "The Sun" I tli beat lellrious newapaprr aver published, because ita I'hrtatianlty is undiluted with cant. Another Imkl that it la the beat Republican new8per printed, be I'anaa It haa already whipped half of the raacela out ot that party, and is proceeding against the other tudf with undiminished vtgor. A third liellevaa it to be the best luagaaiue of general literature in eit eaoa, braaa lta readers mia nothing worthy ot nottea that eorrent in the world of thought. 80 every friend of "The Sun" discover mm ot ita many aide that appeals with particular force to his indtv id usJ liking. If you already know "The Sun." you will observe that in 1333 it uta little better than ever before. If you do not already know "The Sun," you will And it to be a mirror ol ali human activity, a storehouse of the obnlceX preducts of common sense and imagina tion, a mainstay fur Um cause of honest government, a aantiwal tar genuine JeSarauuian Detnceracy a scourge for wickedness of every aperies, and an uu-.-ouuuonh good investment fur the cutningyoar. T In Mall Sabarrlbe r. The aaveral editions of "The Sun" are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : DAILY M cent month, as.5. a year, with Ounday idttUia, t-M. ' SUNDAY- Eight pages, 91. t. a year. WEEKLY- St a yer. Eight pag of the best matter of the daily iaaues ;an Agricultural Depart meet of unequalled merit, market reports, and tiler ary, iranitlg, and SHBsatie iutellicence make "The Weakly San" the newspaper for the tanner bouse hokL The dubs of ten with 10, an extra copy tree. Address I. W. ENGLAND. PuUlshar. The Sun," N. Y. City. great strength s' ran Jy and ner e is the legtu mate re twenty ywars lot practical experience, land curvs with unfailing Nervou and debility, ertul o a taiotYhosa, a m po tency. dcclineamilasBof lu cumpUcaUona m L It enriches and i the uaiiaa. brain, mam re prod active organs and phyaioal and It stop any ununtnaaJ debiht ts . uanwtnaaJ debUitaung armn upon tne preventing involuntary losses, debilitating amninal lease with Uw urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and body. It is a sura eliminator of ail kidney and bladder complin u. It contain no iniurioos ugrinls To then ulnrhit from the evh Tecs of ywwtbfal Indiscretions, a speedy , thur it cure is Cl ARANTEBD, Price 2 60 par bottle, or Ave bottles in case, with full di reetions and advice, $10. Scat secure from observa tion to any add rem upou receipt of price, or C. . D., to he had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, Kearaey St., tea rrnnrlsm. Cat. Cnwanhatlena strictly (onfklential by letter or at oftW FRF. For the eanraniane of patient and in order to insure p Ject ecrocy 1 have addoptad a pri vate addres under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Behvat toabow ita merit, will be aent to any on applying by letter, stating ban rimptom and aa. t-nantnnnti aiiung strictly confldenttaJ, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB The Third Term begins on Thurs day, February 1st, 1883. For partienlsrs concerning the the price ui tuition, apply Uj of gtU'h jid BET. H. OXD1T. rren The Great English Reme dy. lis never failing cure for INervous Debility, Seminal weakness, Exhausted Vi- pality, BpermatorriKra, ILOxT S t.tMOOB. Irr. IpoUrwry, Paralysis, and ail ShBUL .r-Bn - . WM c temMe eflecu of mm llhnas, youthful follies.and excesses in msturer yenrs- ISOch as hMe of Memory. (Lnasitude, Emission, Aver- Mon to Society. fTlamis if v talon, Sonus in the Mead; the vital Said psaefng unobserved into the urine, and many other? disease leading to insanity and death. ME. MJftTIE will agree to forfeit Five Hand ret mUat for a case of this kind the ttnl Mtra tlTe (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found In it. Dr. Mintie treats all private disease sacceaaf ully vrithoot mercury. Consultation free. Throuirli ex aminatioo and advice including analyaiscd urine, 0. Price of Vital Restorative, 93 a bottle, or four time the quantity glO, aent to any address upon receipt of pries or C. O. D, obseure from observation and iu pri vate H desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, CL Sample bottle free.T Sent on applietUon by etttr, stating syniptom, sex and age. Cmtniunieation stristiy yiwi Dr. Mintte's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures so kinds of kidney and bladder cxm)plaint,gmnrrhu. gleet, leouchorrb-ba. For sale by all druggists, 1 a bottle or six bottles for $0. Dr. Mints Dandelion Pills are the bert and cheap est DyilUi and Bilious cure in the marl . t. For mte br ail drugrists. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT ment, a specift: for Hysteria, Dizziness; Con vulsionn, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression Loss of Memory, fcpermatorhne. Impoteiury, In voluntary emimioos, premature old age, mused by over -exertion, e If -abuse or .over-indulgence, which Made to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent illness. Each box contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxes for fire dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any ease, Witn aseh order received by us for six boxes, aouempsnied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treet meot does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by ... , WOODARD, CLARKE A CO , Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Portland, Oregon. Order by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats alt Chraale and !peial lUeaes. YOXJixi MEN VVTBO HAT RE SUFFER! NC FROM TUB If effctsof youthful follies or huiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of tills, thegreatest boon hdd at the altar of suffering humanity DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit gSOOfor every can Seminal weakness r private disease of any kind or caracter which he undertakes and failg to cure. MIDDLE-AttEO MEM. There are many at Um age of thirty-five;to sixty who are troubled with too frequent e vacation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning Mimtisn, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found and somefrmea small particles of albumen will appear r the eotor will be of a thin milkisb hue, again cbang' lag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, whiahis the eeooad stage of seminal weakness. Da. a! will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and nsmxsy i mi a sunn or one gem to-anna ry organ. Omta Hocas 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sunday from 10 to 11 a. M. Consultation free, and advice. SS. Thorough exminauor For private diseases d short standing a full course of amdicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, will he east to any address on receipt of 10 00. Call ani. address, ML SPINNEY at CO., 71:11 LNo. 11 Kmy St. San Francisco, Cat TSaVTbls IBfeunof oyer ajaxftuu wears am, xM(mwm .nature tTo the Sick and Afflicted ! XKt SPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility , Nervous Prostratioi, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Ete., Eta. -o- rtrsHR GREAT NEED THOSK MAVK who arc I Mifertug from SEXUAL AND NERVOUS fJuMPLAlNTS kta phyaieiau who can oouirhond their ailment and uoosaafutly treat them The general practitioner U not sufUclyutly aktlled in these ulnssss ot trouble to do so, and It must be left t Um apelaltt. who by eduoatiou, long prac tie, thorough knowledge and cumpreheiMiiiemuid, is prvpored to curs them. j. e oi . Opened his now celebrated Institute in 110 fur the purpose of affording the afflicted the certainty of himorahm and skttlfnl treatment ami perfect and pertnanent rsstorstiou. and tor over 90 years It ha su.Uiiied the flnrt rank not only assgfe Uw rt Uut thioitghout the civilivrd world. I am aware that by dwelling upon so uninviting a subjects Um decay of sexual vigor tit Ignorant amy asperse my motive but the deetrv 9 inform the who are suffering through ignorance, and who hy uariliaetmi or want of knowledge that a cure can be had, are not ahly hurrying thomsalves to an untimely grave, but giving asxual weakness a an Inheritnnce to future generations, is too great mi incentive to permit me to be silent. Sysnndasn. tf MJ are suffering from night Inner, ncrvoumeea, coiifuion of mind, alight I hi ioC WIICU variable temier, trembling, palpb ti.' If v..h ktva nru.'ti...! elf abuKc'cven in the alighteet tarticular you are suffer ing from the Dread Barmy af nansaa Life. And ahnakl not lies 1 late to seek at once health and happiness lu a cure. OTKKS iil'ARANTKED. FEES MOHKKATE fONSULTATlON BY LETFKR OR trTIIERWlSK MSh Barlaalvely rgcUblr Kcuscdies l acej. L t MEM -You are especuvlly liable to suffering from nervious proet ration. All your peculiar cum pbunte are nervous in their oigin and hence your suffering are terribly depressing or Inexpressibly keen. The lioctor In his researches and practice of arvuai truuble has made your orgautmUmi a apecial study and is thus enabled frvm bis experi ence and knowledge to aid and care you in any of the troubles, weakness, dtstraasiug and sufferings to which aa a ex you are liable. aVYou will Hud to the Doctor a friend upon whom you can reply for comfort, aid and core 9r. Twaag'a Featato Krnsrvllr hav at tain ad a reputation tor efficiency unequal d by any medicine, or medical prescription ever offered. They can he sent by mall or express. Those desiring personal care and attention can have all ry acvoiamouation furnished. jf Letter, Those who en not visit the oity can by giving their symptoens In their own way, receive advice, and when desired, treatment at home with every ae uraneeof a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED, address, ay. j. r. tmic cetleal taasltate, Rn. 9 Stock tun at San Francisco, Fsb 11. UiSi HEALTH k Klcha . .Idr atataaaa Xa Cares fhsnuss Erst and second staarc . on the Lag and Body aypbtliae tarrh. dm ased Sc-atp, and all primary form of the disease. Prise, 00 per BoUle. la Klrhaw's Coiaen Balsaas Ma. t. Oures Tertiary. Mercurial, Bypbthtic Rheumatkcm. Pains in the Bo, I Iccratol Throat, Sfpl.ttiue Bumps, etc., and eradicate all aiss-aass th system, wbettmr cauesd hy ba,i imat or ahus of asarauvy, leaving the bld pure and henfthr. Priss.f5.0o per Bottle. Ea KirJbaa'a tiiMw hpaatmh Aattdate for the ear of Oaaorrama, elect, etc. Pries, EL 50 pm Bottle. Ea Blcmaa's CsMes Aaaalsb Inertta. a wash for cur of timet, atrkmar, Dissasc of the Urethra and Bladder, etc PrW, fl.50 per a SaMa mlataaaat for the Baling of Bypauiuc aura and fcrup- Priee, 91.00 per Bottle. Ahm Agent for LcKtraar tisldra fills, far weafcmssj, lose of physic si powers, ami all diseases art sag from abuse and exec or over-work. Pries, 13,00 per box. Sent everywhere, C. 0. D., securely jacked pe Exprat. 9. IICUIN t CO. A grata. 437 A 42 Sanemne street. Comer Clay, Ban Francwuo, Cel. THE DISSEMINATOR. Pabliahad erery Saturday AT Ilarriahurg Orftfon, S. S.TRAHST.itor k l roprktor. Terms E2.00 perannum. laf' 9 r'Sl f ,1 . f Will be maitod ru.t. i . . .J .tul.. . bnnersof laetjtr.r wt;. i ; in'". : about 1 !. ma HlnHrst'ir . t, .. . . b9.iiittm and vst'iai " m varieties oi v.a-;..le fid Plants, Fruit Trsi iMV-dl islly to Market ' Ur -i - Kend lor it ! O. M. FERRY & CO. De i k - A. PATENTS Obtained, mid sll other business in the 17. 8. Patent Office attended ed to for moderate toes. Our office is opposite th V . B. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patent in lees time than those remote from Washington. bend modle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Monty Order Div. ami to officials of the U. H. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clients in your own Btate or county, sddress, Co A. SNOW &, CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. LIRTJ0R ST0RE rhsll keep the very beat bt-andfi of liq uor to be feD"l iot f (market, sod will nell a-retail pric t A lao tbe BEST CIGARS ANOTOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS.! I will also sell real estate, merchaJdise household (roods, etc., at auction for anv one in the city or county' ttort 'Pposite nevere tiauae, Albany, Or. 6tf satvt nnnaiw. FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and snssdy core Car of Vitality iHi'vioor, oriftt aolt of indiscretion, excess, over work, etc.. (over fort tbonaand dosL. tire cares.) (7Hend 16o for posUg on trial box of 100 pilU. Address Dr. M. W. HACON, cor. ClarkSL and Calhoun Plaes, Chicaoo, Xlxa tfiCtCt aweekinyonrowntown. Terms tpyjxj ana 95, outfit Tree. Address H. HALLKTT it Co.. Portland, Maine, By buying at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or per aonal use, in any quantity at Wbolesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue ( free) and you will find it there. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the United States. Montgomery Ward & Co. 4W7 ft 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. AiiPiANOS vwnilnu I Sure 1 mm, mtu't Iptdl s9f rWmT WM. r SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KIN UN. The Celebrated Baker God, Kither double barrel, ahot gun or three barrel two shot and one rlftn. AlsoHhsrps, Kamiuirtan. Hallsrd, Tbm nix, and Martin Magasiue Kliles. Also a large stock of Kngliah, German and American breech -loading shot guus. Full stock of Revolvers, Pistol Cutlery, Fish ngTsekloofall kinds, end Ammu nition oi ail kinds, A full stock of Davis Newing Machines -the best in the market Also foil stock of sewing machine needle of all klude and machine oil. I make a specialty of repairing Are arms and sewing machines. Remember thst I cannot be undsreold in the State. SMITH & McCartney, srrcKssoRs TO MoCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., Fro man's Block Albany , Or. F preacrlp tiont- oareiUlly prepared day or itirht. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tke Vast Krrrfl Ifnty ever itmsnvsrsd salt U certain in iu eSccl and dues not blister Kendall's ( Spavin Core. Hamilton. Ma. Jan ltUi. MM. B. J. Ksssau.0 Co.,-Cents: -This as to eertlf Umt I hav. asaal Kaair Spavin Cure sad hav frond it iii n. ail it at riinmMinilii ta a and ta taetsaor. km; I Hat removed fry aaing UwaSov Csiksaa Ben Sanvlna, BJagliium, llptssls, and cm eaasefnlly tcwUfyaad n nimiilii I it to be tb frm ifring fur any frnr snUmane. I M ever assdaad frave trmd masy as I hav mads that my story lor Rmpectrally yonrs, P. V. OUST. PROM TEE OHEONTA PRESS, I. T. Otmoata, Kw York, Jan. eta, In. Karly Msmmr kfaaar. B. J. Kendall and Co,.of r.mi.urif fUs VL. mad a eon tract with tbe tmb libers of the -PrsssT lor a half column advmttavsaaat foron.jrwr sMtwg forth to mriu f Kendall noavtacur. At Um same Um we mevirvd from Um Bra a saanUty of book, enUtled Irr. Kendal r Trav rise on mm Hon aad Ms Diseases, which r sr air Ins; to advano SMMg subsrribsrs lo tb "Prsss" aa a A boot tb Um. th sdvertliiHiiat Irst appeared In thUnaner Mr. P. U. labsramrhurii, h ramdm near ' fliers had a spavined boras. He read the advsr tannin mi eoaataded to Ur tbe efSoacy of tne remsoy, although hm trwod Hnghsd at hi emaoMty lie buht a bottle of Ksndair Spavin Cur aad earn "c.i using It on the bore in accordance with the .iire..t.i, and ho iofufBMs us this weak that It f. feeted each a complete ear that an expert boras- man, who examined tbe animal recnUy euuld Sod no trace of tbe spsvin or the tdsos where It had bean located . Mr. Mmramrhui u has sine secured copy t Kendall sTrenUa as th Mors aad ha which he prise very highly and would bekAb to part with at any pries, provided be could not obtain an outer cufy. So much for adverUalng retlafrl irHataa. KendalFs Spavin Care. Wilton, Minn.. Jan. 11th. lfl a J. KsxSAik and Co., Oents .- Having rot a horse book of yon by mail a year ago. th content '.f which persuaded me U try Kendall' Spavin Cure on me nino lav or one t my norae wnicn wa badly s woolen ami ouil not be reduced by any other reme dy, I got two bottle of Kendall's Spa via Curs of rreatonand Mvlduth, Irnijfifist of Waseca, which completely cured my horse. About years ago I oao a wrss year oru oou wnta very badly. I used your remedy as riven In year hook without roweiling, and I must my to yeur credit that the eoit u entirely cured, which Is a surprise not only to my self but also to my neighbors. Yon aent me the book for Um trifling sum of 26 cents and If I could not get another alls j It I would not take twenty -Ave ooiiar lor n. Your truly, Oao. Matiibws READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont. Ohio, Jan. Mth, 1961. I)K. H. .1 Km DAM. and Co., Genu : I think it ray duty to render you iny thanks far benefit and profit which I hare derived from your invaluable mid far fsmed Spavin Cur. My cousin and I had a valuable aullion, worth StOOO which had a vary bad spavin and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary Bur geons, beyond any cure, and that tbe horse was done lor ever, as a last resort I ad viaed my eousin to try a bottle of Kendall' Spavin Cure, ft had a mac teal effect, the third bottle cured it aad the horse Is ss well as ever. Irr. Dick of Edinburgh, tbe eialsswt veterinary surgeon wa an unci of mine, and I take great inter in assisting til profession. Yours truly, Jans A. WiiTOX, Civil Enjfineer. Kendall's Spavin Cnre Is sure in it effect, mild In Ita action as It do not Ulster, yet It is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or oUMr enlargement, such as soavfna. nAnta calous, sprains, awsllings and any lameness and en largement ol the joint or limbs, or for rheumatUm in man and for any purpose for which liniment i used for man or beast. It Is now known to be th boat liniment for man over used, aeUng mild and yet certain in it eaeci. seno satires lor illustrated circular which we think gives positive woof of its virtue. Mo remedy has ever met with such Unqualified success to our auowMore, i or neastas weu as man, Pries gl tier bottle, or six bottle for S6. All drur gist have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any aaoreas on receipt ot price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kkxdajx and Co., Knosbuigh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Final Settlement. Notice la hereby given that the under signed Executor of the last will and tes tament of Nicholas Kizer. deceased, late of Linn county, baa filed bis final account as auob executor in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, ana bv order of said Court, Saturday the 10th day of March '883 at the hour of nine o'clock, a. m.. of ssid day, bas been set for the bearing; of oojecuons to sata account ana me settle ment thereof: any person interested in paid estate Is hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said account and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Dated February 9th, 1888. F. M. Kizer, Geo. B. Chamberlain, Executor. Att'y for Executor. 7 eSdalSI krjvin cureIM jmmflHl CaMastas-ssJMammCTi n Tff . ' T WmmmmmWmWWBW A ntu YELssf ore. j Tbe abovo cat reprtaooU the largo toieecope lo Warner observatory at Rochester, N. Y., one of the finest in the United States. It Is quite a con trut to the hog pen, from the top of which Mr. Swift, (he astronomer, used to examine the heavens. aesja raaaesAL axrueimsra is raaf sjMh A few months ago I was engaged in some investigations concerning tbe modes ot ti sining employed by profee stonal acrobats and gymnasts In educa ting children to take part in their per formaace, with a view to elucidating a certain point of considerable medical interest (In no way connected with the present question), and I learned inci dentally that, since the precaution of a net ass been insisted upon for tbe pre vention of accident in loft tumbling, many gyanaats new make a "terrific sleseent" or "aerial dive" a special fea ture of their entertainment. Drops of sixty, eighty or 100 feet sheer, ot even mere, are not uncommon. A member of the II anion Vol la troops has dived from a height of no leas than 120 feet above the net, where circumstances have permitted of it, and declares that not only is he free ftom all inconven ience in the descent, which is jmsde head foremost, but that bs would be willing to fall from a much greater ele vation, due cxtenaion of tbe capacity, elasticity, etc., of the net being provi ded. Tbe extraordinary "spill" made by ms of the Uanloe-Leas, formerly belonging to the above troupe, in the third act of "Le Voyage an Suisse'' will be remembered by most of your readers, though it is retnsrksb's rather for the arrest than the duration of mo tion. On being assured by the propri etor of some newly-invented mechanism, spplied to a novel feat of aerial gymnss tics which bad been taken up to the roof of a building to inspect, that tbet e was ao danger, I made experiment of a descent of sbut fifty feet. Sixty feet was the extent of the fall claimed by tbe gymnast himself, but I imagined that this would include the elevation of the highest point of tbe are obtained by the oscillation of his trapese, as well as the depression caused by his weight upon tbe net, and therefore calculate it to have been about tea or twelve feet lees from the aitustion of my body, ss I bung at arm's length from a motionless bar aitb my legs drawn up in a sitting pasture, to the point where I impinged flat on my beck upon the cushions. I was conscious of no physical embarrass ment while coming down though I ' must confess that my mind was too much occupied with the possibilities contingent on arrival to admit of any very accurate analysis of my respiratory sensation in transit. The idea thst the set of fslling "stops the breath," so that the person who falls is dead before he reaches the ground, is a very common one, and it would be interesting to know the testimony, if any exists, oa which it is based. Nobody complains of suffocating in violent agitation of the sir, such as thst produced by a hurri cane travelling at the rate of 100 miles an hour. Of course, asphyxiation means more than an impediment to breathing, and a man falling from a great height might attain a speed exceeding 100 miles per hour ; but I sm not acquainted with the records of any post-mortem examinations which bear out tbe as phyxiation theory. No matter what other lesions are found, tbe indications of this ought to be patent onough. Even more conclusive, to my mind, then the cases advanced in disproof by yonr contemporary are those innumerable of people who have fallen from lofty pieces, and, though sustsining fatal injury, have not expired immediately. Nor must it be forgotten that nervous shock slone may have sufficed to kill where no physical lesions of such gravity as to acoeunt for death can be detected. Arthur Stratlling, in live, London Field. This curious story occurs In Lea Monde : A man who was very close to a tree struck by lightening assorts that he was saved by crouching on tbe ground and covering himself with a woollen umbrella. He was enfolded In flames and completely electrified but received no hurt ! avwasrsa. The first Scotch missionary of the Iteformed Kirk begsn work in Calcutta in 1830. . t . pmvammWi " f . ' ir . The first mention of puppet shows in Kngisnd Is found in "Gammer (iurton's Needle," which was written in 1517. Roman gates wero so doubled as to mske two nassa&es. one for re r ess the other for ingress, and wet e covered by heavy lintels resting on vertical joints. MeAdsm first discovered thst stone breakers could do more wotk sitting snd usiug a smsll ham met than they could do standing with a heavy hammer, and since bis time the work haa beam given to persons not likely to do other labor, sou therefore diminished its cost one-half. The present firm of the Corinthian column first appeared about 150 II. C, ia the temple of Olympian Zeus in Atb. ens. It was built under the direction of Cuesutius, a Koman, and roan sfter its completion Sylea csrried the columns away snd used them to restore tbe tern pie on the 1 toman Capitol. Although the ancient Greeks called all persons of foreign birth, barbarians, S a a .a . . ana thought that si moat any crime might be committed against them with out sin, yet they were exceedingly hoe pitable to all travellers, snd those who had ones been their guests were, in messure, sacred to them afterwatds, and even the children of such persons eoald sppeal to them for favors. Tbe five chief divisions of the sncient gymnastic exorcises were running, lesp ing, wrestling, boxing and throwing quoits. TI ey were practiced in the stadium, which was about a apace from 200 to 325 feat long, aad ueustly lay along the foot of a hili, so ss to give space for sloping seats. If possible, a narrow valley was selected, and seats were erected on both hills and carried in a curve around the goal. Oxford .seems to have boon an espec ially unhealthy place during those cen turies in which the plague ravaged Europe. In HHO, 1493, J503, 1507, 1509 and 1544 the plague raged fierce, ly in the University ; in 1571 almost all proceedings were interrupted by the same disease during most of the year ; in 15 82 all lectures were suspended, and in 1603 it spread from London to Oxford, and all university business was suspend ed during Michaelmas term. The Chaldeans used son-dried brick for their walls, because they lacked the fuel to burn theu ; but they tried to compensate for their frailly by making them very thick, sometimes giving them a facing of burnt brick, or using alter nets courses of the harder material. Bitumen off clay kneaded with straw made the cement for their walls. Oc casionally they were also curved around the other end, and from this arrange ment gradually grew the amphitheatre. Tbe practice of sending dolls from France to foreign countries began at a very early date. In the royal expo noes for 1.1U1 fit-tires so many livres for a SaV sr doll sent to tko queen of Kngisnd, in 1496 another sent to the queen of Spain, and in 1577 a third to the Duch ess of Bavaria. Henry IV. writes ia 1 600, before his marriage to Marie de Medicis : "Frontenao tells me that you desire patterns of our fashions in dress. I ssnd you, therefore, some mod al dolls." It was also the custom at Venice, at the annual fair held in the Piazza of St. Mark on Ascension Dsy (a fair which dates from 1180), to ex pose in tbe most conspicuous place a rag doll, which served as a model for tbe fashions of the year. In the reign of Louis XIV. the custom of dressing up great dolls originated in the salons of the Hotel Rsmboiullet, where one dolly termed La Grende Fandore, st each change of fashion was exhibited in full dress ; a second, tho little Pandore, in morning dress. When Sir Rowland U1U introduced his penny postage, Lord Lichfield, the postraaster.general, said : "Of all the wild and visionary schemes which I have ever heard or read of, It is the most extraordinary." It has recently been discovered by experiment that paper is as servicea ble for rails as for car wheel. It U superior to steel in that It is more durable, is not subject to the action of heat and cold, is lighter in weight, furnishes a better track: for the locomotive drivers and is less expensive. llKTim 4TIOX Bf MAxnwafTixti A good hundwtiting is getting to be one of tbe lost arts. Tke fathers and grandfathers of tbe present generation, as a general thing, woto a handsomer and more legible hand then do the children and grandubildren. There is one point ia penmanship to which I have just been giving some attention. It relates to the testimony of handwrit ing. Not long ago a man wss hanged In New England by hand writing ex perts. Asaolsss, such experts ought not to have influence enough to hang a est. And now it is claimed that some Brussels murderers have been i ua down by tell tale tricks of their penmanship. The readers of this little note may be assured that tbe writer of it knows in viduals who can write other ts&ople's names so cunningly that these other people cannot decide whether the sig natures aro their own or not. I have actual eases in mind where this puzzle bas been tried. One notable instance I must mention. The State 1 1 Massa chusetts not many years since bad two of its bonds presented for redemption which teemed precisely alike. One was a forged band throughout. The officers whose names appeared upon these bonds could not tail "which was which." But this is notbiog. I have a men near tne who can write your signature and mine or the signature of any parson that may be placed before him ss a study, so cunningly thst neither you nor I csn tell which is which. It is lucky that be is an honest mas, or be might do dangerous Work with yonr name on a big cbeek or note When a freight train from Troy reached Pownal, a few days since, the eoglneer heard a rooster crew apparently under his engine. Upon Investigation ho found a game cock parched upon the brake-beam of his eogino with as roach apparent sang froid as If be had been on his own roost with his family flock. Ills roostership was taken from his peril ous perch and placed In the caboose, where, In due lime, be arrived In Troy, where he hsd gone to roost. How this rooster could ride on a constantly jarring brake-beam for thirty-nine miles without being thrown off by the Jarring and suction of air under the engine ia a mystery. The total eclipse on the 6th of May next will last six minutes, and no longer one will probably occur within the aext hundred years. It will be partially visible in many places, but few will see it in Its entirety, as Its path Use almost entirely through the ocean, teaching land nowhere bat at a little island In the Sooth Pacific called Caroline Island, which Is out of the track of sny established com merce or travel. Wo have received auanilty o treat ises oa the he rat, which we propose to give away to every subscriber paying In advance. If requested, whether per sonally, or by mall. Wo will sell the book to others at the bottom price, bits'. If, ordered by mail postage will be prepaid. The American Cultivator has the following to say of the treatise "Kendall's Treatise on the horse la a book of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully illustrated, and containing aa "index of Diseases," which gives the symptoms, cause and tbe best treat ment of each ; a table giving all the principal drugs used far tbe horse, with the ordinary dose, effects and as tidole when a poison ; a table with an engraving of the horse's teaih at differ ent ages, with rules for telling the age of the horse ; a valuable collection of receipts, and muck other valuable infor mation, la preparing copy for tbls book It was the aim of the author to make it as plain as possible for the non- rirofesslonal readers, and give them nfortnation wfchh Is of the greatest importance to horsemen, aad yet avoid ing all technical terms as much as possible, and also condensing the book ss much as possible without leaving out tbe real essential Information in treating each subject. Every farmer or horse-owaer should own one of these little books. m rvr. Y. P. C. A. Meets at their room in Fas tar's brick building oa Saturday evenings at 7 JO o'clock, snd oa Sabbath afternoons at A Basincea meetings are held on the even ing ol she second Monday ia each month. Everybody iavtted to attend. D. P. OsnracaL Preaching sassy Sabbath, st 11 a. sl, and 7 r. m. by Rev. f 0. Ir- vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. EvASfisucALCfii KrM. Preaching on Sab bath al II a. M. , and 7 r. if. Sabbath School 12: 14. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. RoUsabaagh, pastor. CosonsoATloNALCucacH. Serri coa every Sabbath at 11 a. a. and 8 r. u. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K CauaoH, Sooth. Services Bad snd 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul s M. K. Church, South, at 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. U. B. "Chttbch. Preaching every Sabbath as 11 A. K. aad 7i r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thura tay evening. I. Dillon, pastor. Prksbtt kr ia n cWrch. Service everv Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Hroadalbin and Fifth Sta. SundaySchool at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Episcopal Cuuacu. Services every Sun dsy, morning at 11 a. nv, evening at 7J p. m. Holy communion every Sunday morn ing at U.45 a. m. Wednesday 7 JO p. m. Roht. L. Stevens, pastor. not, III I sweeping; furs you die, soon mighty and ausSSM leave be hind to eonqusr time, toe s waex in your own town. sa outfit teas. Ho risk. Rverythlnjr new. Capital .hli not required. We will furnish you Many are making fortunss. Ladles make much a smb. and boy and ifirts snake great pa Header, if you want business at which you can make great jy all the Ume, write for parurulars to H, Halls-its a Ce.,PorUan M aine. J. As DAVIS. M. D., Physician, Surgeon AND Obstetrician. Csn be found at Drug Store of E. W Langdon, or at residence corner of Cala pooia and Fourth Sta. ALBANY OREGON. HOFFMA & JOSEPH, J'ltf 'I'KIKTOKX OP ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AMD DEALERS IH Imnertsfl snd Damnstin f!ieram Candle Nuta and -Aliii.iiy, - ONE DOOR BELOW AT THE OLD MTAND, 73 FIRST HTREJCT, HAH ON QAND AH KINK AN AHHORTM ENT 02T COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa fxay house la (feci valley. If e a aa I ai ports aad naauf actarae TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK EVERY DESCRIPTION IN HTOfTK OR TO ORDER. ALSO. UK KEEPS OR HAND, A PULL AMHORTM ENT OP GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OP WHICU HE OPPERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICE, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT Ti FIRST NTKEET, a I.HAN Y. ORJ9UON. Repair work done at vfjraH ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. Proprietors ALBANY, ORCiiO.1 . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ii i:a ih iones Execute! In Italian or Vermont Mar his. Also, avry variety of other eUxte work dona wlib dispavtch. Mpectal attention given to orders from all parts of this State snd Washington Territory. aST-All work warrant 1. 1 742 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND huhim: shop. ESTABLISHED 184. By A. F. CHKRRY, sftusted st corner of First and Montgomery HtreeU, Albany, Oregon. Having tslcen barge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Kngtnea, Saw and Grist Mill, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and liraaa Caatlngs of every dee Option. Machinery of ail pcinds repaired. Spe cial attention given Jlo repairing fiarm n:a chlnory. PatSera Staking ar la all Ma faesas. lailyl A. F. C11K11RY A SOS. NEW YORK SHOPPING 1 Everybody delighted with tbe tsatsrsl and beautiful ae! actions made by Mra, La mar, who has never tailed to please her customers. New Kail Circular just tseoed. (tend for It- Address MRS. ELLEN LA MA it, Utf S77 -..., S f-rK aaeolkitorafor I patents, csvests. trademarks, eopyrighm, ete. for Use United Statea. and to obtain Pat en ta in Canada. England, France, Ui-rmsny, sad all other eosmSdsa. Tbtrtv-atx years' prsocce. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice hy msil free. Patents obtained through na aro noticed in the SCIBSTiriC AHKIUCAX. which haa the lergest circulation, and ia the mot influ ential newspaper of ita kind published in tho world. The ad vantages of such a notice every patentee understands. Thia largo sad splendidly illustrated ncwa paper ia published vSTEEJtfLV at $3.20 a year, and is admitted to be the beat paper devoted to sci once . mechanjna, toveattosa, enghieering worka, and other departmenta of industrial prasraaa published in sny country. Single copies by mail, 10 oents. Sold by all newe- dc alerx. " Address, Muzm A Co.. publishers of St tine American, 261 Broadway, New York. BUsdbook about patents mailed Iroe. $75 f-AWF.Eg. at a day at non) easily mad Cosuy uuim tree. Aeures rata m vo Augusta, Maine. To the Unfortunate! DB- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 Ksuajrr sr., eoreer of Com mar- elal Street. San Francisco. in 14, for of sexual Diseases, such aa (iaasnSH, Cleet, SI rlrf are.Sy phUls in al. Its furma. laaaefeBry1 SHISISS) nlas on tb (ao and less at a BSBS nlfht losses by draaiaa, aim of manhood ean ncsit ivly be llcted abould not fail to call cured. The rick and afflicted upon Mm. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Kuruee, aad inspected thoroufhly tbe various sjuspi- bus there, ohUining a (rsaa deal of valuable isajrsss tion, which be 1 competent to impart to tboea in eead of hi aeryieea. DR. UI0BON will make no cbarve unless he effect a sure. Persons at a distance aa Y BE Ctiaaa AT SieMR. All coi mun cauu!.a strictly oonndenUaL You aee ao one bu. tbe Hooter. Send ten dollars for a sseSaT of medicine. IWsous wriUug to the Doctor wUI please stats the same of lbs paper they see this advertiaenMiit in. Cfsarssa resv sonahle. Call or write. Address DR. J. P. Ul BBON, Bus l!7, San Fnuiciseo. viftnS.1 RED CROWN MILLS. ISOJf, LANNIKG a CO., PROPR'S. KSW PHOCKS8 FLOCK SCrSBIOR FOR FAMILIFS. AND BAKKRS I7SR. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest LPiice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. f( 4-r QKTt par day at hoeaa. Sasaples rortb 0 UO ty'J 6 free. Adreas Stuson it Co. Portland, Maine. asV Tt" s7i" "IJaalBBBBa HBsHK Vn nin aA..i. xi ri . Tropical Fruits. ... Oregon. JOHN BRIO CM HTOKKV" gOyi reasonable figures. i'ANNALS A WOODIN, asaersereaaa sstsiaa is FURNITURE i BEDDING. ALBANY, ORECtOV. sMMlrl T. J. STITE8. ATTORNEY AT LAW AJTD Notary Public. Office In Statks Rmhts Iemocba- OCT OS. I A R K. K K ' S 5 HAffi BALSAM TTmi rtr am r r'nssinr is fAnJ by tSsss wisaA4BC ISSvJst, tOsUry ffflsJr Saaa as th lisir mmd to w. Htscox & Co . N Y. Ms.s44i PARKER'S GINGER TOKiC A K v-aj ie a i ci vost, aa SMSJssT ras dsb pt asashrcsr faomsv try Pass' Owus Tost sr. Um. SSs!rossrArrss oTans!ortcrIse sZtgL saoasadS- bshss. Bssi or crra P bkvk's Cncu Toxic sri.1 cure yo. 1 1 is Uw Greatest BSsaal Itsnacr tsS A3 Bert sai Sarat Cesss Csn Ever Osat City Gnsoaa To at ma: it sriB i ro up Sacs Ss inr das but srsl a It hi saved acjadrcsk of Etc ; a; C ACTIOS lSs sushis is IWtWI I ia Bilssssssan lUc-UU,.r. tec 4. p ssut tsTcto srrntc ooixjjt au lUI There toaethtasUkea. FL-ats- TC' Cf Aonmt and look fat Ast 4 MsaeSic i LAScs ?avi5o arrow -e til rw - umb - to. LtrjBEN. Cqhh.U.SA. Ilarlag attatoed a aarJoaal reput avion to FIXE POCKET CUTLERY, Laities' Scissors aid Ink Erasers, Tlmmx orfas! AS of el STEEIi FENS. Tftth a skilled sarpertntendeat In that SVfassi. m-ut, supT-lenseBteef by exteseVd ejt-ri-iice ls tbe woru. of fine steel, we are eaabltd to uJer jCoeUs of unrivalled quaitty. To istrodue ocr PATENT AUdrSTABLK Quill Action, Reservoir Pcnt "tub AcrKfn," In ad ranee of regular trade e.isi! la. vre 'nsr rrt cf It, sad wilt Bid A tJUUe gruM u anr w...-.-s ea receipt of S3 Carries aa macs lax as esj resatsia r . r t::i- pen fits ajty mov:.i - i:t v !. v t.f rn will bes.At - . ,otn li ice LX.UfiuuULed lo Uck r wa -ji--.' . . W. BARKEN. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, raiEVILLK, OKL4.0S. Collections promntly made on ail pointa. aim Those of our readers who intend to make final proof on their Homesteads, cab help the Dxxocrat by requesting the Register o designate it as the paper in which notice tof their application te mske final proo shall be nublished. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given teat the under signed has filed in the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, her final account as administratr! c of the f state of Charles Levis, deoos-ed, snd .the Court hss ap pointed ffaiarri j farch I Oth, 1883 at 10 o'clec , s. m., of said day, at the Court House in Albany, Oregon, for tbe bearing of objections, if any thereto, and the settlement thereof. All persons in terested will attend at said time and place. KldCABBTH Lkvik. Administratrix. Weatherf erd c Blackburn, Atty'sfor Administratrix. -' Sifts oeeK csf its puiu Sjsssy csslr ths are bcaccisf E5a5Sj3 Ot sea.'? aad har eJE dsias aairw at Tssfsssl Cswra toe er f KaS Mas- ParWs Hair Bafcssa is fiaaj iiiismii I i I i bMWMmbb o aWRNHi ht JBUr sssnsBBSj Wl jM9Sk