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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1883)
Ik geitwrrat. Official County Paper. Entered at the Office at Albany, Or. nd-claas mail matter. FRIDAY MARCH 2, 1883 STITES & HUTTING. EdUers U PraprleUr. K r. XlTHSti, ImI Kdtter. t t . . R. TIME TARLK. Alaunay atrntluu. BMURTTRS TSUIM. KH' ROMFH. A LB AN V KXI'RKSS Denarte at KKEItillT TRAINS Jj MAIL TRAIN oj SOCRS tuvni. MAIL TRAIN ftseortt FRKIOUT TRAIN . ALU A.N V &X Pit K3S Arrive, at . !.: A. M 0:00 A. M. 11:46 A. M 1 i.Otk P. M 11:46 A. M. 106 I M. 5:30 I'. M. .... P. M. All Tralea dallr. except semdav. N'oticu. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following peioUon Columbia river: Upper tscades, Deiles, Umatilla, Wailula, Walla Walla ami Alnaworth. Wruu R Ru b, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AC.KK. Co. Albany. June 18th. 188'. HERE'S A COOP CHANCE. Any oue sending us five new yearly subscribers, and the oaih la advance at the rate of ti&e a year, will receive the Drxocrat one year free, or if now a aub scrlber will be credited oao year subecrlp- ion. A Hold Bart-tary. One of the boldest cases of burgUry we have heard of occurred last Sunday after noon in this city. It was a beautiful afternoon and Mr Ed Zeyas and family about four o'clock, with nearly everybody else in the city, took a walk, locking all their doora before they toft. On return ing at about five they found their beck door open with the marks ef a pick-ax in the aide, where it had been pried open,, and the pick on the piazza. They iname diately investigated matters and found that the burglar had taken f&$ in money which he had broken open a drawer te get, and a $30 silver watch , which be found in Mr Zeyas' working clothes. Although Mr Zeyse residence is neat to tlte Evan gelical Church, with innumerable houses all around hia, the only person who saw any one around the house wea a girl two or three blocks away, who noticed a man in the yard with a dark coat and light pants, but supposed Mr. Zeiss' -folks were at home, and thought nothing of it, An effort was aaade to find the daring, cheeky scamp, bat no clue to him could be obtained, for no one saw anyone in the neighborhood except the girl mentioned, and she only noticed his clothes. List Thursday evening about uine o'clock several of the members of Dr H C Hill's family, three stopping with them daring the Alliance, and Miss Nettie Sparks, who boards with them, were taken suddenly ill and began ve ns. iting. Dr J L Hill was called and i mi med iately aaw that they bad all been poisoned by something which they had eaten. Two of the persons came very near dying, and it was only by considerable work tiiat they were brought oat It was ascertained that those who bad eaten some cabbage, (California cabbage; were affected, while the rest were not, and there was nothing else on the table which could have caused it It is thought tha. paris green had been put on the vege tables to kill bugs, etc:, as is a common practice with many of the Spaniards particularly around Kan Francieco,and it had worked itself into the body of the cabbage. Dr Hill intends making an analysis of the cabbage and find out for certain. Since the above was set up Dr. Hill made a thorough analysis of the cab bage, and found that It contained arsea fc in considerable quantities, which no donbt came from the use of Paris green. The family ef Michael Peyser, were also taken sick on Wednesday from eating cabbages imported from Call for nia. aeaeated. Wdx Ballard, aged 27, an married, with a cloth around his head and no coat on bis back, crossed the ferry Monday evening from Beaton county, end entered Albany. He acted insane ly, and so was captured and taken care of ever night Tuesday morning he was examined and found ef unsound mind, and at noon was taken to Etst Portland by Sheriff Humphrey. This is Wm's second offense, ne having been released from the asylum last December. He is evidently the victim of an abase which is filling our insaue asylum, and while there are seversl sparks of intelligence left in bis brain, ne is most terribly weak, intellectually and physieially, and probably will receive the treatment he needs uud -r the excellent care of Dr. Rafferty. Ie Hex Max. The skull of Peo Mex Mox, we will call him, for short no longer bleaches on the plains of Eastern Oregon. While on his recent excursion up the Colum bia Jas Foster, Jr., captured the skull of an Indian who four or five years ago was assisting his red brethren in mak ing a descent oi Pendleton, so it is claimed in order to put importance to it, brought it to this city and Saturday sent it to his brother, Ge Fester, at Princeton Col leg-, New Jersey. The.'e will he a rattling of dry bones some time when that Indian attempts ioget himself together. It would no doubt be a matter of great pleasure to Peo Mox Mox could he look out ef those hol low cavities of bh and see College pro fessors ant student staring at his, in some respects, well developed cranium. Blae RJbbea Clnb. The regular meeting of this club will be hold this (Friday) evening when a mis cellaneous program will be rendered, which we are unable to give at the pres ent time. The regular election of officers takes place. We are requested to urge upon the members the necessity of being presseat and helping to make the meet ing a feueceas. 1 I I Jo nut lie! HOME AND ABROAD. K M F reach, jeweler, Ulue Ribbon Club to-night Seed wheat $1.90, at Isont, Laming Cos. Tobacco less than ooat at Nolan's Cash Store. Wa ahaks with our new Postmaster, Mr John Irving. Hinh School Muic Uader fur sale at langdon & Co's. Remnants of all hinds nearly half price at Nolan's Cash Store. DrK H Johnson furnuhes his patrons medicine without extra expanse. Now is the time to plant spriug adver tisements in the Dkmovrat. IS head ef good driving horses for sale cheap at Ubenon, by L. 0. Balaton. J G Pillsbury has been appointed Keoeiver at Oregon City in place Dr J W Watts. Dr. G. Willis Pries, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over ijuigdon s Drugstore. Rubber boots, Arctics, overshoes, ulsters and overcoats, leas than cost at Nolan s ( ash Store. The Circuit Court meets one week from next Monday. The calendar will be very small. Mens clothing, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats and caps leas than cost at Nolan's Cash Store. Meat 20 cento per pound. We are vege tarians about now. Subscribe tor the Democrat. Roller skating for ladies Saturday after noon, a good chance for those to learn who wish to skate. The Civil Engineer far the Covernmeat works oa the Pacific Coast .was in the city ever Sunday. At cost, staple and fanes dry goods, dress goods, cloaks, corsets and fancy goods at Nolan's Cash Store. Spring, gentle spring, the time of the season when young men's fancies turn to thoughts of love, has come. Ladies of the Congregational Church will give a sociable Tuesday evening, March 13. Farther particulars next weak. On oar outside will be found a han Assess illustration of the great telescope at Roches- tor, N. Y., with the observatory When you wish to subscribe for Su Francisoo nepers don't forget to your orders with Frank Kenton at the Post Office. Revs Floyd, Doty and Whitney are hold ing a series of meetings at the M K Church with a view of estabtirbing a Christian Church here. Riding ia the Metoalf cart is as much a pleasure in passing over rough reads as on level ground. We took a spin and can roach for it, -Garden seeds, onion sets, etc., at Hoffman A Joseph's, now is the time to begin garden work and II A J are the one s to bay your seeds of. Here we are with the J I Case Racine Chilled Plows with genuine osst steel shares Also the Triumph aad Heosier drills, seeders and cultivators at Peters A Wain's. The following music has been lost by toe Ladies Cornet Band ; first alto, second tenor, baratone. A favor will be conferred if the finder will leave the same at the store of Moateith A Seitoahach. Anvooe sendinc SI 50 to this office will receive a gross of "Acme" pens, adjustable to any bolder ; juill acting with fountain qualities. This is the cost price of them. Considerable petit thieving has been going on lately. We hear of one who lost a eoaple good blankets from a line and another two sets ef flannel anderwesr. Watch your lines. Thos Holmaa, of Salem, ha received a patent for a screen cleaning device ; J D Hurst, of Salem, far a bolting reel ; K Hut- son and K Squires, of Salem, for a driving cart A meeting of the Una County Temper aaee Alliance was held last Friday, whei Dr G W Gray was elected President and T P Hackleman, Secretary, for the ensuing year. Peters A Blain nave just received invoice of pocket cuttlery, which they fully guarantee to be the best made. They what they say. Every knife guaranteed as represented. Last year J L Kendall, of Shedd dried 15.393 lbs. of aoDoles : J L Galloway, of w lit Benton county, 10,000 lbs ; and J H Harper, of Polk county, 11,000 lbs. They brought from 8 to 10 cents. The H A L Co, had their first drill last Tuesday evening, and there can be no doubt from the speed which they made on that oc casion that they will take the first premium at the State contest at Salem in June. There will be an Oyster Sapper and Soci able on Tneaday evening March 13th, at the room formerly known as the Granger Store. It will be under the management . of the ladies ef the First Presbyterian Church. "He stood dumb like a lamb before the slaughter," was said of a member of the Common Council who was accused last Tuesday evening of a falsehood in his report as a committeeman. He bad nothing to say. Mrs E D Sloan has the sole right to teaeh the Eureka or Rinker system of cutting in Albany and vicinity. All those wishing to learn a first class system of dress cutting and fitting should avail themselves of this opportunity. Last Friday Mr Chambers, of Knox Butte, who was the first County Clerk of Linn county, caught the fore finger of bis left hand in a cutting box aad jam bed it so badly that he came te this city, when Dr Hill, amputated it, between the second and third joints. Graham A Son, tailors, nave just received a splendid line ef suitings for spring wear,) which have never been excelled in this city. The designs both for coats and vests and for pants are varied and first-class, some of them being very pretty. Call early and ex amine them. A man with a string of fish came into the city a few days ago. A friend accosted him : "Did you get any trout" "Yea, I have a Hue one," he answered without thinking of the game law." "Well, you are liable to have to pay for it if you don't look out." He looked out Dr O'Toole has sdt an exa uple in the manner In which he has fixed the front of his block which might well be emulated by the owner of property all along First street It is very attractive, and the Doctor is en titled to much praise for its fine appearance. 0a the 22nd inat., the good citizens of Sweet Home celebrated Washington's birth day by having a dance at Donaca's Halt We are informed that it was a most orderly, pleasant affair. Mr Donaca and Win Mc Kiuoiu deserve much credit for the manner in which the dance was conducted. Last Monday Dr Hill amputated the first finger oa the left hand of Mr D Hogans two year old son, el Halsey. It was cut off close to the hand, which was made neoesai probahly (rem some scrofulous diss ass ef the flnjrer, although the boy stuck a sliver in it once, which it was claimed affected it considerably, Last Monday night some depraved villaiin ffeotod aa entrance into the residence ef Mr John Haiti more in the eastern part of the city, while he was absent la the coun try, and 11040 a bran new rait of elethss, which cost 923, a 99 pair of boots, a satchel and sev era! other articles. He left no track s and forgot to drop his card, so this was a complete less to Mr.K. Last Monday Mr S Deokard sold a large boras for 9175, we understand to Mr, F ra ster, of fortland. .Mr F. takes many of the horess which he purchases to San Fran else where they command a high prion hi tho dray age business, suoh a horse bringing from 9250 to 9300. The cart for which Mr Lmit Miller has srecured the right is called the Metoalf cart, California institution. He has the State right snd will sell the county right for the different counties in the Sttto. The eart Is one of the best manufactured and is just suited to oar roads, having double acting springs, and other advantages which can better be understood by examination. Hon F E Hodgkiu. Secretary of the State Firemen's Association, was in the city Man- day, on business connected with the contest wUl take place at Salem, oa the 10th of June, aad there will be contests bet woes all kinds of oompintet. The convention will he held on the 13th, to which three delegates should be sleeted from ail volunteer a pan tee. The State pioneer association will be held oa the same day. A Portland man was praying during the Alliance when a child set up a terrirle yell- e mm a a a ing. lee minister was beard to speak or a "crying nuisance," which brought a grin to the face ef nearly every one ia the room. At about the same time some one asked as why the aforesaid nuisance was Ilka a good resolution. Wo always give conundrums up. "Because," he said, "it ought te be carried out " Like moat resolatioae it was not carried out. Mr P H Raymond retired from the Post Office in this city last Wednesday evening, after having been Postmaster ton years, and unacted with the office fourteen years. Mr Raymond has tanked among tho best Potftsnasters of Oregon, hie aoeoants with the government have never boon questioned. and he has obtained a reputation as aa ae onomodating genial gentleman aad past ister. We wish him seconss ia whatever field be may eater. Again we nail attention to the mooting at the Court House next Monday evening, it ia urged open everybody who is a legal voter at ouch meetings, saea aad women, to be present aad act hi the matter. There is no doubt that we waat a now school house, nor that a majority ef ear citiseas are in favor ef one, so that it is to he hewed that we will not lone the opportunity ef voting one on account of tho deeintereet ef our mwsana. If there is each s thing he oa hand aad do aa act which will be of great benefit to as. "The contract tho contract, ' a farmer ejaculated, "I propose to stand by tho writ ten contract'' It seems that one of our mied citizens, whose eyes sea only which will benefit htweelf. had made a tract with the said farmer for 1200 bushels of wheat to be delivered at Iobaaoa by the first of June. Our M. M. wanted it now at the farmers barn, delivered out ia quanti ties of 20 bushels up, but the farmer refused to submit to it "It was not ia the con tract." As the M. M. was being offend 91.23 per bushel, he was terribly fidgety over the matter. The Xor(A Amgrkam AVeicie for March opens with an article on "Money ja Esse MS," by Henry George. Robert S. Taylor writes of the "Subjugation of the Mississip pi." Moncare D Conway contributes a very striking study of Gladstone as a man aad a ateamaa. Hon George W Julian's "Rail way Influence to the Uud Office" is good. Richard A Proctor writes of tho "Pyramid ef Cheeps ;" there is a syaa postern en "Ed ucational Needs, " by Prof G Stanley Hall. Prof Felix Adler, President Thomas Heater, aad Dr Mary Putman Jacobi. Published at 90 Ufayette Place, New York, snd for sale by booksellers generally. SOCIAL AND F1 Walter Terrell returned 380IAL from San Fran- cisoo last Monday. W A Robb, of Oak ville ssade ns a friendly call last Saturday. Mr Earn Poppletoo, of Independence, was in the city Tcesday. C Herbert Nash was in toe city Tuesday, on his way to Corral lis. Wm McKinnoo, of Sweet Home, was in the city the first of the week. H C Clement and family are now located at New Tacoma. May success attend them n their new borne. Mrs Dr W MeCeiley, of Goldendale, a sister of Mr N J Hen ton ia stopping with her brother, in this city. Rev D T Stanley and wife, of Monmouth, accompanied by Musi Percival of that place gave ns a passing call last week. Horace Robb left for Portland Monday, having secured a position with Westing house A Co, ia their agricultural works in that city. H A Johnson and Geo P Litchfield of Salem were in the city last week attending the Alliance and fell in upon ns while here- "Jim Westfail. wss in Albany again Tneaday, and said he had contracted with the O. P. for 1000 men within a short time. Prof McKlroy is new in this county work ing up the forthcoming Teacher's Institute to commence st Independence on March 28th ioat. J oh a Collins, returned to Albany last Saturday after an absence of several years, and left Monday for Portland. He saw the famous Sullivan Ryan fight, and has many incidents to relate. Mr Frank E Hedgkin, Assistant Secretary of State, paid ear city a flying visit last Monday night on the express and returned to Salem next morning, Frank must think this is an "off" year as he did not call. We received n call yesterday from Mr J B rryrear, oi lurners. About a month ago Mr F. returned from a three months trip to Illinois and other States. Hs came back by way of the Southern Pacific, and was glad to get back to Oregon after experiencing a taste of an Illinois winter, Illinois people are as ignorant of Oregon as everybody else in the east A. O. U. W. SOCIAL, There was a large attendance at the social given by the A. O. U. W. T. on Thursday night of but week at Y. P. C. A. hall, and those present seem to enjoy themselves, aad particularly the excellent sapper, set for these in attendance. Hon J K Weather ford delivered an able address snd toasts were responded to on various subjects by Hon R 8 Strahan, D R N Blackburn, L H Montanye, H H Hewitt and T J Stites. Chess is being played some in Albany, but not as much as the game merits. We sug gest the organization of a club. Parmer gay About vYaeal D D Hackleman, el Albany shows as fair samele which seems to be alive aad growing. Ha thinks hie crop is ail right Jesse Met i hoe, of Tangent, laid a fair PPM an oar table which Is at dead ai a "door sail." Us thinks his is nearly all killed. WUl mow. David Bilysav of SantUm, says wheat Is all killed. Farmers blue. Dr G F Crawford, of Center, says wheat is badly injured. Wm MoKloaon, of Sweet Hume, wheat all killed, G Fnrrish, of Brownsville, wheat nearly all killed. C O Burkhart, of Albany, wheat ruined. l-osnjto lion county 1,000,000. John Morgan, of ahedd't, will hate to re. sow about one third of his fall sowia. John Nichols, ef Center, wheat gone a p. C T Ingram, el Center, all gene. I D Miller, ef Millers, almost total loss. 0 P Adams, of Miller's, will have to re sew all but a few. sores. James Audoway, ef Albany, wheat aearly a'l killed. Mr Donaca, entire loss. Jeha J Davis, of Tangent early and late sewing wiU make a good crop. Nevenil-r sowing all killed. V M Riaahart of Shedd'a, all killed. Cooper Turner, of Albany, one green stalk te the acre loft Total lota, Jas Marks, of Lebanon, will have to re- about a hand rod acres. Wm Barrows, of Hkodd's, about ball killed, ill reeow only about 0 seres. E A Irvine, of Lebanon, will have to re eow all but about fifteen acres Geo Cliee, of Albany, will ptwhably have te reeow all, altnougn it does not look as had as at first W M Ketoham. of Albany, wheat aad WUl loos. Am reeow ing. Kxaeet to raise more wheat than if we had no freeae. Jas Pielayson, of Albany, wheat all killed. Will have to reeow or we will have no wheat. H D Burkhart. Wheat injured seme. bet think it will com out ail right. Odeooa wheat not injured. Rufus Thompson, Soap Creek, my wheat injured some. Think it will make a fair crop, wui reeow 4 or I Feb. 27th, imX Preeeat Mayor, Itooardor, Marshal and Aids. lUackburn, Hoffman, Woodia, Men. teith aad Brush. On motion the Marshal was ordered to notify the owner ef the wood along the south side of Eighth street, between Broad- hia aad Ferry to remove a snaleioBt amount to allow paaaage way for On motion of Boftasai Wealth and Police was instructed to exam toe the ditch and street aleag the oast side ef Brondalbin frees Second to Water and re port tho condition ef the name aad what was aesdaii to bo dune. The Marshal was ordered to pet hi a six foot side walk at the junction ef Ferry aad i t . i . M . a r.teraoui ptreets ; aiso oruereu te remove tho dirt near Benders A Sternberg's build tag aad place it over the sewer north of Water etreet ; also to notify property own era oa First street to gravel where nunsosstj and the water company to gravel where it bad opened the street, and the Marshal hao the eqaares graded where needed nilXS AI.LOWKK. N J Heotott, $0 70 ; 0 Meyer. 94 ; R D Murray, 93 73 ; Pat Udy. 91 . eoato ve Kit-hards 912 10 ; G W Barkhsrt, 911 AO F k Westfail, 92 fiO ; B B Davidson. 9 N J Heatoa, freight 916 ; Springfield nulla. lumber, 9&9 1 ; June Jonas, nightwatch ami engineer, $7o - aarsauxn. John Briggs, P 73 ; wood and sawing for Engine Co. No. I. $9 : ; W Burkhart, 911 25 : N J Heatoa. 95 L H Mootaaye, 910 ; F M Westfail. 91 SO. ' I II KajrriOBMM Always a stotlatay It la always a holiday at J. GradwohPs. Ilia Mock Is about the sense the year round, nod is something people always want. He baa the blggent stock of baby carriages In the state out-klo of Portland, and baa express wagon, etc., in abun dance. And for older people Is the beat French china hi the city, proeebxln, atone and earthen ware. Hie aioek of stiver Dialed ware is being greatly admired and deeerv edfy so, for It la uncommonly fine. The liandaopjaat kinds of vases are found here of the latest designs. Take Mr Grad wohPs stock altoaatber and here hi not a bettor selected one, with a view to the use ful and ornamental, in Linn county. Do not purchase before ceiling on him. Miss Emma hehubert lately from the as purchased the millinery estab lish mem of Mrs Martin opposite the Revere House and In about ten daya will receive a large and well selected stock of goods which will be offered to the dtlxens of Albany and surrounding country on moat reasonable terms. Call and aea her before purcbaai ng else where. ahseJeul Most sty. Last Wednesday evening those interested in music met at the Y. P. C. A. Hail aad organised temporarily a musical society, which it is proposed te make permanent aad an ornament to the city. Prof. Robb, Dr O W Crey and Mrs. E W Ltngdou were ap pointed a committee on constitution, snd Mrs Lsngdon musical conductor. A meet ing will be held next Wednesday evening, when a permanent organization will be form ed. Persons having copies ef the High School Muaio Loader are requested to hring them at the that time. Mlltlaery. Miss Ma ttie Allison still conducts the millinery business, and new announces to the public that she has on hand a full sup ply of all kinds of trimmed hats and s full lias ef goods which she is selling st remark ably low prices for cash. It will astonish purchasers to see the bargains offered. She positively sells for cash only. Don't ask for credit, A,etler aVIat. The renewing tithe list of letters reinaljing in the Post Omci. Albany, Linn eounty, Ore gon, March l, ist8. Persons ealllng lor these letters must give the date oa wUlou they w r advertised. Carnes, Fannie DevU, N Erven, David Karrler, Marietta aUterd, Lewis Jurt, L Levegue, Mm Frsnk Neer, Mrs Hrh J Taylor, Samuel Kshor, Peter Westgste, Laevl U J. M. IRVING, V. M. Proof Everywhere. If any Invalid or sick person baa the least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Bittern to core them, they can find eases exactly like their own, in their own neighborhood, with proof positive that they can be easily and permanently cured at a trifling cost or ask your druggist or physician, ffffATC TKMPRAAMCK ALLIAXtft. Tit una day Arraaifooa skssiok. After prayer by Rev. Irvine and repot of the committee on credentials, a vote wan taken on the next place for the meet Ing of the Alliance, and resulted in the choice of Portland. The following neaJotlouN were adopted unanimously i Resolved, That we reprobate Use bra mii effrontery of the liquor d osiers an J speculators In urging before Congrats an eatenslon of time In which to pay the tan oa whisky in bonded warehoutoNAmount Ing In the anarevate to the Immense sum of 9W,000,wo that wo condemn the course of the membsrs of the United btetes Senate, including the two members us our own mate, woo nave voted ror the pe snags of tho iniquitous measure ; and that wa enter oar Mr nest molest sulast the enactment of the pending hill Into law, and further that the above action be com municated by our Correspond Ins Hoc ro ts ry to our members from Oregon. Ala the following which were voted on separately i 1, Reeelved. That aa mi alliance we rat-. ognbat divine bloeahtg lu the tacaiure of oss wemn uaa atiantlsa our nfTi.t Im the past year, and wa feel snonursged to proaeouie our labors tor ttie time to come with renewed energy and xeel. A Iteeolvod. That we have an abldlnn faith In constitutional nrahlldtiiin an a iL feotery legal rcaedy for the evil of In temperance and we are determined La flgbt the battle on this lino to a su.-ooWui S ' M f. ... i. .ii. . wm, mv w unarm j tenner the thanks ef this alliance to the members of the last Legislature for the paeke of the old to submit the Prohlnltten sinend rasnt to the decision of tho people. 4. Reeoived. That we laorMBlM tUm influence of the temuommm woman of t-itir Mate In helping forward the temperance ww, anu wo ueaniiy commend to their fhvorable attention tina nnmv.ii., oi the Woman's Christian Tamnnrarmnualoa 6. Reeoived. That thta aiiu..,. Ha. beard with pleasure of ilia lniand,wi vtait of Frances K. Wlllard. Praal.lant f the Woman National Christian Troin-er- Unlon. and that tho uamlara br.r will give bar all the aaeiatanoo in their power. The report of the finance committee was read and adopted. The following resolutions were paased: Resolved. Thst we una unon the aiiau. lion of the teen pe ranee people the tin par ol eneeunsT country oruanlxntloua throughout the Mtatn. whlrh shall ac". as alliances subordinate to this body. Resolved. That It le the sasasst' ran uaat of this body that this Kxoouuve Commit tee appoint Dr J W Watts as .State lecturer during the ens a Ing year. It was vote! to pey the Secretary fja After a song by Mrs Coon, a resolution wee peeaied endorsing the eatebllsbmeal U the home for orphans at The Dalles, upon wniob remarks were made by Mr Islsod. avaatno eaaaion. After devotional exercises en I oliwr uiisceilaoeouo nualaosw at? addreas was delivered by Rev 8 1 Miller, of Scio. Duet by J D Robb and Mrs A Mtelger. Addreeeee by Rev K H Ferny, ef 'Port land, atrs Llnwaoo, of the name place, also Mrs II K Mlaee. F M Itohnrtaon and Uvl Iceland, were listened to, interspersed ' - wUbeawoyrovMreKWLangdon, music by the Unites Cornet Rand end singing by tbo ebeir. A collection wee taken up amounting to about 90, and pledgee rrow, M iotloe and a as s s e . inuiviuoute ninooniing to 377,36, war received. e raiaav mohm.. It was vctod net te print tbo minutes of the alliance in pamphlet form. ltenolalteoe tiMn the daa'h of K W Ryan, once Preidi of the A 1 llama, wore mad. The following resolution was passed Reeoived, Thai we urge the v arums miMpcrnoea) acadetien end mimter d lte Mtete te take up for careful dteBusamu n various resolutions adopted by this alli ance, and lo tela way advanoo the luur oata of eur oommoo cause. Iteeolutteas were paused tbanhlag the President, Dr J W Watte, the members of the executive committee, the offices cT Linn county for furnishing the Court House to meet lo, the railroad and steam- pantos, the citizens of Albany, mittee on music, ete. Numerous bill ware presented. Voted that the Kxeeulive Committee be required to extend aa Invitation, by moans of circulars, to all chore hen and tern per -anoe bodies te send delegates to the neat ef the Alliance at Portland and committee be appointed previous to the next mooting to prepare an order of exercise. The President made a abort add re s and the Alliance closed with prayer by D T Stanley, of Monmouth, j Teaapetrsusoo Haas itoetlna. Friday night a general temperance meeting was held at the Court House, which waa filled with aa enthusiastic audience, many of the delogatee to the Skate Convention having remained to ai etet In making K a eocenes. The meeting waa called to order by Rev, 8. O. Irvine, and Dr. O. W. dray was elected Chair man. The following program was well carried out : Prayer by Rev. Doty. Muaio by Ladies Cornet Rand. Address D. T. Stanley. President of Monmouth College. Song 'The Battle Soog." Addrees-vRev Craven. Seng-" Well Stand the Storm." Addreas Rev J T Floyd, of Monmouth College. Music by Band "Comic Medley." Addreas Rev J W Whitney ,of Rugene. Song "Farwell to Wbiakey." Addreas Rev F M Robertson. Song by club. Address Rev Doty, ef Sclo. Song by clnb. Address-Mr Leland. Wa see In the "New York Spirit of tbe Times" mention of the cure of Mr George Drake, 4 Fifth street, Indianapolis, Ind., of a severe case of water rheumatism, by the use of St Jacobs Oil. "Cincinnati Kn qulrer." e Gray hair often cause sunoyanoe, which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents by restor log tbe youthful color. w. c.'t. E The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet on Saturday, March 3rd, at three e'cloek, p. m., in Y. P. C. A. hall to tran sact important business. All members of the society aro expected to be present. Mrs. L. K. Bi.ais, Mrs. K. G. Johnson, Pres. Seo. Nntare's owa True Laxative. As sgreeable to the taste as tbe fruit from wbioh It is made, prompt and pain leas in Its action en the liver and bowels, the great remedy Syrup of Figs is selling rapidly and giving satisfaction to all. Children ory for it on account of Its pleas ant taste, and grown people are beginning to use it exclusively, ee It leavea them teeliog better than any other remedy. Foakay ot Mason, have been appointed agent for Albany. For Hale. A half interest in the Albany Soda Works and Grocery Store of Hoffman & Joseph, for particulars inquire at the store. jaeer Moloas We are Aseusatlve people. An Infer noe by a aw earner that Oregonians are at all Inferior to tho people he left bohlad It very Justly received with re sen I moot. Tble was unite noticeable during the temperance meeting last Weak, no rue one intimated that wa were "Country Jakes, "and Mr. Leland went far him without gloves. Another gentleman appeared astonished at our having beautiful woman here and talked with a superior air, and he re ceived a rebuke from the lime witty gentleman which he will not soon for get. Kasteru people must have curious aotioas of Oregon, and mm of them seem to tnlnk we have ho advantages, and when they g jt hare begin In a style which shows their own awkward ncs and lack of refinement, to express surprise at our knowing any thing, and that we have graduates of colleges, Jto. right In aur midst We suppose many are like the Easter a school teacher who wrote here to knew If there were any schools to be taught or churches to attend, or another who wanted to take ap land within five or six miles of the -State Capital ; or the one wondered If Albany people were not terribly frightened du ring the Modoc war. And even now aeme Inquire if there Is nny danger te be apprehended In this ttf from the Indians. Verily Kasteru people should be ashamed ef themselves .fr the knowledge they display In lelereuoe to aaeaf their hltate as ellliacd aa any In the l alou. Sertb ttrewaavtllo Scbeel R-'P rt. Por term beginning JvpimuVr llth, lS8i : Average dally attendeaoe for Sep tember, 49 -0 ; October, 71 S-ll ; Novem ber, 77 15-22 ; December, 7H 1-& ; January, so 12-23 ; February, 78 IS 22 ; average daily attendance for the term, 73 20U9. Term opened with 28 ; number of girls enrolled daring term, ft.'i ; a u tuber of beys enrolled during term, to -, whole number enrolled daring U rm, 111 ; num ber of days absence, 137 ; number of v lasts by County School Mupt. 2 ; number visits by School Hoard :-J D Arthurs, 5 ; lomse Kay, fit D H Put man, 2 ; R N Tbompoon, 1 Total, It; number of visit by other feruone, about .JO ; average oothly salary to two tea dier, 91120 Janitors ex peases, 0. 'l it,' b..i ha twvstealellaa s writing union, alee a literary society. Premiums awarded by the ecbool lor meat Imprev- ment la Penmanship to Kdward Shay, Robert Putman and Lincoln Kirk. Pram turn awarded y the writing union to Rerton Wltleon. The teachers take this method of ex pressing their spprectetten of the interest man I looted by the student and the hearty co-operation ef the pitron and ether cittesns in general. J. B., Principal. A good Rapt 1st atergvmsn of Bergen, Y., a strong temperance man, su tiered with kidney trouble, neuralgia, and dlxxl- n.-vss aliuoat to bllndneam, over two years after he uaa told that Hop Hittors would cure him, because he was afraid of aud prejudiced against "Rtttern.'' Since bis cure be save none need fear but trust in Hop lters. tSI tL M MOO I. WIlfcT I C Nsioo I hereby given U. the !o,;al voters of Mcbool District No. 5. of linn eounty, Oregon, that the annual M-hool mooting for nald district, will be bold at tbo Court 1 louse In Albany, Oregon, te begin at the hour of 7:'W o'clock p. m., on the first Monday, being the Uh day of March, A. D- ISH3. This mooting is called for the pur pose of taking ntepn for selling or dispoa- Insr of such property beloneina to the District as may deemed advisable. Also for the purpose of levying a tea for the support ot the public wchooie of said district for the ensuing year. And for ereotiag a new school bouse In said district aad for purchasing suitable grounds, therefor, aad for the transaction of bus! s usual at such meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. Dated this 12ih day of February, 183. J. H. lit axil anr, Clerk. M wool ntniM. Notice Is hereby given to tbe legal voters of School District, No. &, Linn county Oregon that the annual eebeot meeting for said District will be held at the Central school house ia said district te begin at tbe hour of two o'clock on tbe second Mondny being the the 12th day of March, 1883. This meeting Is called for the pur pose of e.ectlua one director to serve tbe ensuing two years te All the vaeaacy oc casioned by director E F Sox moving out of the district, and one director te aerve sold district for three years, and for the election of a clerk to nerve one year, J. H. BcajcsiaBT, District Clerk. - Albany, Feb. 20th, 1883. BtoeahaMer s Meetlax Tflere wiU be a meeting of the Stockhold ers of Linn County Agricultural Association oeiSaturlav. March 17th. 1883 at 1 o'clock P M at the office of J- H Foster k Co Business of importance. All are requested to attend. P. W Stock. R. A. Fostkh, Presidout. Secretory. Mew Ueeda. First of tho scaaon, ory gooi, groceries, hardware, boots, shoes, hats and general new buouvIv. all of which will de sold for i v cosh or produce at lowest prioer. A. B. McIlwain Waa led Purchasers for the long lists of farms, atock ranches, snd garden lands, we have for eale. We are offering some good bar- mtir.a. Send for lists. Money to loan on w w ong time. Bit rk ii art Bros. - Free ef All poraou suffering from oongh8,eolds asthma, bronchitis, loas ef voice or any affection of tho throat and lungs, are re quested to call at Fnsksy a Mason's Drug Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, fiee of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and shsw what a regular dollar-slse bottle will do. Call early. All -ladies who may be troubled with nervous prostration, who suffer from or- iraniodisplacement : who have a sense of weariness and a feeling of lassitude ; who are languid in the morning ; in whom the appetite for food is capricious and sleep at proper hours uncertain, should have recourse te Mrs Plnkham's Vege table Compound. 8EED WHEAT. Last Tuesday Cipt K J La nning, of tho firm of loom, leaning A Co., visited Portland, and made arrangement tor obtaining all the seed wheat needed in Linn county. Already two ear loads nave arrived and the wheat can be ob tained at the mills of loom, Ianning A Co. In this city for 91.30 per bushel or the Kinney kw beat for $1 Ih just what It cost to get R here, the Railroad Company having very generously agreed to con vey It tor nothing. Mr Lsnnlng was able to make (bene splendid arrangements through the aseiateuce of Sibeon, Church A Co. of Portland, who generously let him haye two car loads at once, at coot, and further made arrangements for get ting wheat from California, so that is. will cost only $l.2i per bushel, the transpor tation company charging only what It actually coat to handle it, about & cents a buebel. All that loom, 1 canning Co. ask Is oash or good security for the w beat, getting nothing for tbofr trouble, but the satisfaction of aaslatlug those who have met with a misfortune . Their enterprise, ae well as the geiiroeiiy of 81 boon, Church A Co. cannot be lo hlgnly com mended. Remember then that you oan ge . all the si;ed whaat you want at the mills of (moid. Laouing A Co. for .'t per bushel. I oris Sana's Uucle Ham lettes carriers are a hard. working set of men, and aro liable to contract rheumatiam because of the constant cximsure to which they arc subjected. Calling at the post-jfTice the reorter ha I a pleasant conversation with Mr. J. H. Mat tern, one of the inoet popular aud clever letter-carriers in ludlanapolta. Mr. Mat ern said that while in tne army during the mvil war, lie sprained oue of hi ankles, wltieh was always wcrseluthe spring daring the period of therspid changes iu the weather. Ve did notfiud much relief from the several remediee be applied But two years ago he hit upon St. Ja. rob Oil. and experienced wonUr'ul relief from lie use. kteversl applica tions of the Croat Crman Remedy re lieved him entirely. The n porter talk- ed with others among (he letter carriers and found that the Great German Rem edy wa popular in the potoice. Tney use It for sore feet, rheumatism, etc. and praise It highly. ImtUani4i (I ml.) isee Aeres et Laai few Sale. One farm ( 300 aoree vary oVairab 1 One farm of 135 acres. Uoc farm of 4'2 mere-. Thcte are all near school houtea. One tract of I '.. scree of rJd laud. One tract of SO scree. One tract of 70 acres. One tract of 133 awes. and other small tracts. W ill toll in lots to soit purchasers. Will trsde tor olin-r nrenortv. Call at thta m - PUBLIC AUCTION. ta haraha u 1 ran that ha arilir of the Board of Directors of the Grange 1'alon Albany, the undorsigbed will, on Friday the 23rd day of March. LS, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of aaed day, at the Court House door In the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregoa, aeil at public auction to the highest hidden for caah In hand, oil the netcarscoourits claims and demands of hataoever hind end all judgment owned by end In favor of the Grange I'nion, Ai ban . For a list of said aooeuet, urUr, claims and Judgment, and for further particulars inquire of tbe undersigned. II wt G. K. Sinrao, Pre! dent. Notice to Stock-holders. Capital Gobi and Sliver Mining Com pany. iocsuioa ot principal piece oi ui nana Salem, Oregon. There are de.inquent upon the following clecrlbed "Lock on ac count or aaoswament Mo. zievteu on mc isui day of August 1882 and which became de linquent Jan. 10, 1883 the Hcveral atnounm sat opposite the inarao of the respective ehare holders as follows : r meatman s hre, anonem ih Bin 136 IS 18 tl0.ll, it, is., J.,t,SS,4,S.S m uu.uuo A 11 Urll aveso 43 so k. o.i tt te 10 000 15 00 loo .is 400 .60 eriO .' SUM rroo it 100 .1 100 .14 100 .is 100 .15 100 .15 100 .1 loo .15 100 .15 lOO .15 100 .15 100 .15 i a -- 2. so son 7.&0 tUO .30 100 .15 SO .07 140 .15 100 15 100 .15 10.000 15.00 tSA .371 1755 2 03 175 .tt 45. 87 J G8.S1 40 .at Co. 900 90.00 a 0 Hiii M A Hsker Frank Ulfasnn 17 Ueorife PeWr E O Smith 7. lis, tat sat,wi.t.Nrt, S7. aw Si C K Wolvartoa J B Titos M Mid K Harris C O Hun L Kline W fl WUcox 87 n 14 108 107 111 lis S Vox c P Hecns sirs R A Julian W U Parker 8 chsnowsto .Henry H Hetue Henry 8 FrsasV ' T Arnaarens IM A P Parker : W l I ' liner 22 L N LHnrett m Lee Wheeler 137 u W Ceaer 2e! James T W.rllcT 247 O W Cmtud 24: II J BouaUUMi S50 j w iiaii ayj J W Blair ajeasa, J C Adkfcss tSM,& J D Tkaehelberry 327 8 O Allen S55 ot V PWetea J G Wright, trustee 323 In accordance with law and an order o' the Beard of Director of the Capitol (told and Silver Mining Company of Salem, rwegon made en the lUh day ot January, IKJW, mo many shares ot earn parcel or otock as may be uraeesary will be sold at public auction at tbe office of eaid Com- Kny, una worn a uiock, seconu at ory, lem, Oregon on the 24th day of March, 1883, at the hour ot oue p. m., or that oay to pay said delinquent assessment there on together with coats of advertising and expenses or sale. . t . t:HATwt:a, secretary. Ofllce Stock-holders Block, Second Story, kjaiem Oregon. McDONALD SIMONS. In Lebason.Feb. S3, 1883, at the residence of J N Mc Donald, by O W Cruson, J P., Mr. J. F. McDonaui aad Mrs. Simons -all of Linn county. REBHAM WHITE. At the residence of H White, by lloliert ltobe, J. T. Rkbuau aud Aurora K. Wiutk all of Linn county- ZKNIKB BRADY. At the residence of James Dalan hy II J C Averili, J. P., for Browaaville, Julius Zkmer sad Miss Maky Brauy. HA RDM AN. On 8aturday, Feb. 2lth, 1883, in this city, MimSamuu. Haudman. McCALLEY On Friday, Feb, 93rd, 1883, at Portland, Dr W F McCaluy, aged 25 years. Dr McCalley wat a brother-in-law of N J Henton oi this city, snd- was on his way home to Goldendale, W T., from California, where he had been for his health, when he grew worse and lived but a short time. DOUGLAS On Friday, Feb. 23rd, 1SS3, at Harrisburg, Mr Wm Dowlas, aged 16. For particulars see Harrisburg coreapon- t deuce Albanr Warkrl WbrtJt3c per bu-hd, mfcine mills, at the war,diHt4e, 10m. Oau, Z0 lleef on foot, ft trfe Hay baled, s;ot,j, ,H,r teas, 1'iOse, 18 lo 20. Butter 2i u. an ete per lb. Kgg 25 cent per,dox. PolaLooaoVio pT buobsrf. Pork -7 eta per lb. VesuV-ucpertb. Dried Pruit sun dried apple, rtV. " . " plums, 9c. machine cured apples, HXej. plums, lu. - fJucon-jaan, 14 to lOo. shouldem, 10 te lie. sides. 1 5 to IlSc. Lerd lAeper lb. PiOur-.ViO per .bbl. Chickens .VjO per dor. Sugar -(ten Pranctoc C, 12c. Mil! Peed-brsn. IV-00 par toe. POWDER Absolutely Pure. suasgwi uti'i waeesM le erditiarr ki.l, a ith the ntuluusOee t i.n..-t.hVr iwtrv kH "u ss CtitulV.! Co. Jv4 Wll e.lX. X. Administrator's Notice. Notice hi herebv sriven that ike under- M'gned baa been dyly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Jrihann V. OeJiJoo brans decenoed, by an nreer of too Ceenty ( ourt of Linn County, Oregon. All persona having claims againM the estate ef send deceased are notified and reouircd to present t be same with the proper vouchers within six months from the uate hereof to the undersigned at bis reahtseme. February I , lf&. Unas Parana. Administrator. Summons. Im tk Cirrmit Comrt qf the StaU of Orrjom, for tkr rouny oj Linn. II M Stone and William ;John, PteinUtTs. v. I oiummem. Jiaiea a nsHnn, Jonii w i r . v m t Kenton, W C Keeten, end 1 K F Keetoo, defendants. ' To W C Kecton. James T Kenton. John W Keeton aud t. t keetoa tbe above named. In the name of he Mate of Oregoa. ana esvcu or you are herebv and required to appear ia the above en titled Court and answer tbe complaint at the plaintinji ia i bis suit bv the ri rat day of tho next i eatlar term of said Court In aad furaaid Linn eounty in eaid Stale to la lgun and held on the 12th day ef Merck. WbS, ear judgment will be taken efuiua! you for want of such awawew. Yon ar hereby notified that If van fail ta appear and answer tbe plnintuTn coinplaiut bore in, tbe plafnlfrTs will apply to tbe Const for the relief demanded in "the oomphunt io wit . That the Court order aad decree that the description of tbe real property contutned in the deed executed ana de livered by the defendant W C Keetoa te the 'lefendant-H James T Keeton end John YV Keeton on the 7th day of May 1879, snd also tbe doner i;tku of tbe real pronertv contained ia the deed executed and de livered by tbe defeudanta, JamewT Kee ton, Jobn W Keeton aud E F Keeton as tbe plaiiitifTa herein on the Ind day of December Igfjfi. be corrected en ae le rvasl a follows ia each of aakl deajta : "Ho trinnlng at tbe south west corner ef tbe donalioo land claim of David fa-vine aad wife, notification No 2036 aad elates Ko 5 in Tp J2, 3 K 4, W in Linn eounty Ore gon and running thence north along tbe west 'ine of said claim 31 5-100 chains ; thence Vast 31 39-100 chaine ; Usance) aouth 31 so-100 chains : thence west to the place of beginning." instead of tbe reapective de scriptions contained iu ssud deade aad thai DlaJniitTsrecover judnmeat inhat tbe de fendants for their coats and diaborsments herein and have such other and further re lief as f ball seem proper tc equity. PublULed by order of R P BeeSe, Judge of naid Court for sis consecutive weeks which oider hears date January 2Sd,1883. Ft. INS X i'HASBKkUIK. Auyw for PlfTa. R0BT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AND MOVIHta Pf. A MOM, organ and furniture a apeelally. All Laulinc within the city promptly at tended to. Will plow s arete i atylc. aim 18-28. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Boiltler AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTINGS SO LICITED. Plane and specincatious furnished on short notice. Stock-holder's Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock-holders of "The Lebanon K K, Mining and Mil ling Company' will be held on the third Tuesday of March nest, being the 20th, of March 1823, for tbe purpose of eld-tin officer., and transacting other important business, A large attendance in oesired. hi. Elkth, G. W. Cruson, Pi evident. Secretary. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done wHh ner tness and sharp razors, which aro always kept in .mod condition, aad hair out in the voy beat style. rHE CHEAT CURE R-HE-UhfrATSal a tt ia Car all the peiaftd dianMae ef tt KIDNEYS, LIVER AUD BOWELS. i of SiwtuaaUam THOUSANDS PERFECTLY CURED. rCaBurUatoaVt. A marvel 4 ,r,tf I rseenf fce aSS la mi pulilio low lat, mmi awfc4,aleaa oa. Sot At