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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1883)
Avvr.i; 010 ait TTwr JL,r ji'txf u 00 t; (ti 7 00 00 V2 IX 1 it 1 Ineh 2 " .1 " 4 1 (Ml 200 3 00 4 41 I 00 ISSURD KVKttY Fill DAY stitks ANumse. 7 I ir o 1000 I Ifis IxU) rMal 7 " f 10 (X : ir no ! 20 00 4O0O I j ift 00 j go no j 4oo m uo I u itiMDi.vittltK C-lli Ikeasarrsl Ualtdla&sa UrwaiUIOia atrawl. 'bpHciat biiMTMaaaj "ffdflttra in Lomi ' ! umna 24 cent per line. Kfcu!ar Ir-al n.ti-a 10 t-enra per U;. For lesl end transient arivertireuient $1 00 par square for tbn first insertion sod AO rant nor nqnare for each aubeerjiient insertion. BE RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION aiu o?jr, v jfur, In .l-aiw r- ainis . pw fS alarls oopy, a wwu ingle VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1883. NO 31 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State lights 1 ALUM & o F ALBANY ArewrfMivig their FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of one of the largest General Merchandise Knr offered far sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ironies all the latest styles and teities. Otrstwfk is aH fresh and new, and much of it was purchased in New York, and there if nnt tit piece of old style :oods in oar store. THE CLOTHING CoaUiiH one of the largest and finest assortments of clothing and gents' fnrniihing goods ever brought tothis valley, and will be sold at pritesth a defy competition, either'herc or elsewhere. Wo also keep a fnll line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES. All tf the best qnality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, l e is also to be found at our store GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Our motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. MARTIN OREGON, !' wk of and most complete stark if in Albany. The DEPARTMENT direct from the manufactory. our splendid selection of a large and well-selected st s FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rilNH. O. . CHAMBBKZJ.XM. FLINN a chamberlain, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. eerofflce in Foster'-- Brick Blook.-tJ vlftnlStf. K. 8. 8TKAH AN, Albany, Oregon. UHACTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OF 7 thin Htate. Thar give iipeolal ait en Mon to collection and probate m altar. Otttcn lo Foster's Nff brink. f L. H. MONT ANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. i Notary Public. Albany, ONW. Offlee upstairs, over John Brigs store, tut street. vln2Stf J. K. WEATHEEFORD, (NOTARY POOUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBA. UNI, WILL PRACTICE IK A U. TUB COURTS OfTHR nut. ayaaai itmUou atom u BBsasshns nnl prtOaUa wHir. to oaa pinw TiknUi. (144 J. O. POWBLL. W. R. 1MLTSU POWELL BILTEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - - tlWtl. Collections promptly mad on all point. Loan negotiated on reasonable tarma. nrOffloe in Factor's Brick.- vUnlftf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OREUOft. Will nrtrtliu In M that of tb Plum pi sAleaitoe fin to ooIUhAIoos. m- Nf B. II. SKI P WORTH, ATTOBJrST A ! KKLeB AT LAW AAA NOTARY rtBUC TK7ILL practice la all eon tna of the Stat f T U bud no Intrusted to uie prompt- Of At O'TooV Btetk, 4oyl Assay, Orefna. LEWIS STmttVS LIVERY AMD FEED AT A RLE. First clam vebtole. flna horses, load lead, aooom modal i pg jtroprtsiors and rea sonable charm, CHve tbam a aall. sharges. Itavere House. tyl. L W. LANCDON & CO., DnttiGINTM. Hooka, fltsttonery and ToUot Articles, A Largo Stock and I jam Prices. OITT DRX7Q tj tlBtlf, . FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. TlOoAltf .J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor It La? -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will nrectlee In all of tbe Court of thbiHtat. All business Intrusted to him will ba promptly oRtntti to. asr Office In O Toole's Block. BEVERE HOUSE, rr. rir u4 UUwartk Albany Chat Pfeiifer, Prop'r TMaaHnMltBSUdssls arstslMtktjrto. Table ad wUB tSs baat UM Burkat si Is avarr Books. A rood Is Aloany Bath House. TOE USDKRS1'-NKI WOULD RESPECT felly tafsrn the eidaeat ef Alkaay sad vl eialtythst 1 Ss v tskss ar fs o 1 1 s m asteua suat.aa4.ks keselac eleaa resata end eeria trietatteettea te bailasM, ssaeeti t ait si tkeas who mmy faver ua auk tkstr satroaafe Haviag bsrstofsrs csrrlsd on sstbtof aai Flrat-Oiaaa Hair Dressing Saloona, ezpsets te give entire aatUfaetioa te si narOUdian sed LsdU-' Balr ssstlj sa bsssaoosd. JOS WEBBER. a O OBBBRT. C.B.PARIt ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Suocossors to C. O. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. VlE HAVKOUK NEW SHOPS AT.L f T completed, and are now prepared to handle all klnda of heavy work. We will manufacture Staam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana Brass castings. rATTEBMA MADE OSf HHOBT NOTKE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry White Urals neparator. n Baker BA. a Lassswr Yard. Albany, tirM Deo. 1, 1880. 18sf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, CERMAHREMEOY RHEUMATISM, Nauralnia. Sciatica. Lumhann. Backache, Sonnet of tho Choet. 6 oat, Quint, Sot Throat, Swell' I ing$ and Sprains, Burnt and sown, vanaraJ Modi Punt, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Trotted Toot and ion, and all other Paint and Mehot. Hi ?1 SMI Mill ss aftff saaab Of. Jirom rhl m . trm, 0imml s4 ekmp larl BSw4jr A Utsl MlUUb hat Ow amipmnui- I iMfitht utit7 vt 00 CmsA ss4 Mtflnr , Ma Mis ass hmrm tm sei eaettbr mW ut a BOLD BT ALL DBU0OI8T8 AID DCALC1I II MBDIOIBE. A VfifirTTp Mr nr Reinnsnssj mo., v'i. a. A mjtk' i!i r fxTtvr.: : p i .."' -t u vi A KbM ff rjnUa S x . . a. ..iri..tiidi aaesn laben j v. r ty; W l ikil k. r. kits lU ks Ml, IIHWmImm - . .iiu AUsmi is k, a Mr, ia'maaesarnsineeenansannne (.Ski i .t la earn esaj aaal assiaaj m naanl kA.4t( i!i.i M a shMtiw Ui D TtSSMUaC ... O wSIH r youd ay; tat imubbm. I ts Mtwsaay lsausOil a s4 O t e-nrotui. t I. pr.w wrSfc U U rwMMSMSSi W I rt'Mrrl'- br fS :4.j.WrtJM U tba Uu r;n ' U wt.Ua Ilk s Ur k4 Miav II (D --unt cM40 Ita war fun i C roUMf f Uk SSirs I Ik II, !rrrttW -luTul 1Um(. U ISj1 iiH 1U. mtmr Mh.,hb4 l ill anaasi o eftnW u kananan 7 :--nv-i th u:. iw f It il mlmmj tat Xttmu rrSSUatiss Oiral ItaAiUtjr. Urn That r-t.a " Si tf'.arka, la ala,. SfMsw nUlsksIlltoM.ss4 v:tt i-.. U It roata oaJjr fX fr lottiacr U f.r ti-.M-l la aafct bf dr-tCt.!. Aur ad u rapture.: a Wl i of MtfatktrtkaMrSMl u kaaWk by tsa aaaot Um V iiieA.liCiWiisil.kka) ly i l IraaS Sra. l, lib ataas tar asb, M tat Lyna, Haa. rtSflSt IwtlsiBSlill Skriw. lrar rtSa." Mn w rur. ara 4s (A fr Um aajr f OwwUJXlo. I S TorjSdMjr of the ttasr. Mar V.mA tm tU apart Uca aad U ttw U ita popularS,. kT m ss Asski Barry wSoa aola tsstkass. CO TUTT'S PILLS OYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I-osspf Appsttte, Bowels eosilTs. Pain in tbe Head, with a dull sensation in tbe beck pari, Fain under the Shoulder bled, fullaeaa after eattns;, with a dlsln- frriiatrofpr. aw?tn .. rTnTA Haart, Dots before the eye. Yellow Skin. Hsadaene senaratlr over tbe right eye. Reatlessness, with tful dreams, hi shir rer tna riant sye. colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION I TTJTT8 PILLBar 1 S ore nr tally adapt rd to aueh oas, one doa sffaata aueh a akaaa of farllnx as to aatonlah the auBaircr. body m hm aafanta, ana rauaa tna n Stskt. thua tha avatam la sC and by thair Tawse AaSl en Ui luuad. Vrica tnttAMm aaa nro- r awk. m. x. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Oa v It a ik oa Wurinrvaa rbaaavd to s Gummy IH.ACK by aalnfflaapHicanonrtiua LYK- Itim psitaa aaroral enlnr. art Inatantanaoualy. Sokt by lmsstkt ur eent uy axprcaa oa rtvalpt of SI. OmCB, S4 KTRBAY NT.. WBaf STORK. Or. TCTTk StatiL mt VataaHa laftjraaillaa CaaM SaaaiaU tS aa amtaa I kJU aa DR. D. B. RICE, Phvsician and Surgeon. aaia tivrirnvtrri i. til. aa . Nan mi v.ft' v.. .lift til miu iwwwv- tto Offtea In new telas -apti offloa, oTnoia'a BulUitar) Broadalbln atrret, betwrou Flrat and Sso- M. na.J.Ikl- ' . . STSaauk anil " ood kArajki. Albany, Or., Mov. 8, 1882, SBSSBSBBB a ra alufavin BBaatBW PWUIIV aa w aaavaaawir BBB L - - . 1 a '-- ------- SKaviaa aaa aaa kmm. m I aa 1 1 aaa a Ti nan I 1 S asMBMasjffi mo inosnuL n i:nsu aaalbU.lbA kvkA it at a laaaawkwa S iaakla MtnArtlllii. HSVAWmSPV BMW IS waBXHHIMSta SSSSIA SIS VkllkV IWWIMV WVSBSkW a akkrWV W aW IMA SSBaBBSWTSJ VSSVka 1 Ua ran tain la povarty. Wa oflar a graat onaaoa u m kamonav. Wa want many nv-n, women. lK,iand m ia to wora lorua rwnv in vanruwo umiuw, mij onacando tbo work irooriy from tha flrat itart. Th beatnasi win pay mora than um umaa ordinary was. Espatwva outflt fundabad free. Nooaa who Baraga raiia to make money rapidly, xou can ue vo a your whole time to tba work, or only your apare momenta. Full lnformrUon and all that la needed seat free. Add reea Btlvson A Co., Portland, Mains. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00., OF LONDON, ESrABLISHKD, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, 110,000,000 Capital paid up 6,000,00s Notkm This company has tbe largest paid up capital of mpany doing bdsinesa ia the United States. Insurance accepted by Robt. A. roeTrn, Agt of Albany, A week made at borne by the In duatrioua. Beat business now ba ths pubho, Capital not needed. We will start yos. Man, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work fur us.. Now is the Ume. You can work in apare Ume, or give your whole tlma to the but! new. No otoer business will pay you nearly as wall. No On can fail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at onus. Costly outfit and terms froe. Money mads fast, eaaiiy, and honorably. Address Tiivm A Co,, Augusta, Mains. 4 "J1 I- .Vk ABtasnrasjsck 872 fore UHMtT LKTTftM. irruMour ngsUr(W-iiJ,i.i WAiHinoroit, Fb. 10, 1883. Haw not to (lo it and fat to appear to want to da it U the difficuh rule that tha ttapublioana era essaying in tba matter of too tariff bill. Iast msmioh when they lisil abundant time ibey ebifisd tna raaNHisttdlity uo a land' OOtBBtiaaiun, and now, although, brought to a tense of duty by tba leneoa a No vemU'r, they ma fiitieiing away tbe twenty days remuant of the pteaent leloa in an tffoft to gain polittosl ventage and place tbe Democrat in a falae ioitton. If no tariff bill ia panned too odium must raat on the party of tna mejority. Tba Dvmoctate have rxpreeeed their wiliingneaa to vote for tbe bill pro)oeed bt a commission ohoa- en by Kr pultcana, and, on tbe parly having a majority both in tha Hauea od in the Senate, all! raat tbe coo damnation of wasted tlma nml policies! oowardice. I have heard it said that tbe Democrats will offer (be sonata bill aa a substitute, for tba bouse bill wben it shall have been completed, and vote for it solidly. It this progrotnme hi oa rried out it ia poaaibla enough Repub lican members can be found to pass tbe kill, but the intereaU wbich wilt be ar rayed against it are diversified and powerful 1 do not aee how Genfreea is going to accomplish anything, unless doing nothing can b called accomplish ing something. There ia grave foreboding and even alarm in nearly half tba bouses of Washington siisiog from n report that Congress will pass a bill adding one hour lo the day's Isbor of Oovermeot 1 clerks. Aa it is now. the fifteen thou sand Government eletka are required to be in office at 9 a. m.t and are dis missed at 4 p. to., with a reossa of from thirty sainutea it one hoar at noon. It is .reposed ey the bttl to make the hour of dismissal T p. m , instead of 4. But tba prospect of bavin aa additional hour added to the da s labor ass great ly alarmed three psutrrd eletka, sad they have been making into print, end rusbing to I hose memtams of Congress with wbem lhy are aetpisiuted in or der to pofaoedc ik-ie la vote sgainst the bill. Tha stock atgaiott mmd by tbem is that mental UUr muck more fatiguing than manual labor, but, to tbis it may ba truly sid tbst not one clerk in ten ia capable of mental labor, or is expected to pet form work tbst re quires such thought or study aa atiaine the higher faculties. To tboea who know the reel condition of tbinga in the Government offices tbeee complaints very ridiculous. Here are 15,000 persona, supposed to be working fur tha Government, but (hey are without an overseer, and have boon for twenty years without an inspector. They are responsible to nobody, and tbey- come as near doing nothing from Christmas to Christ maa aa any like number that ever lived. I wish tbe reader could have a hit de-eye view of nil tbe sui- plojeea in all tha offices of tbe U. 8. Government. lie would aee earpted and frescoed rooms, desks that cost sixty dollars, lu x urioua chairs and lounges, ex quiaite writing paraphernalia, all tha equipments ef a clerical 8ardenajalu. He would sea sybarite clerka, male and female, reading, gossiping, smoking, neglecting tba work which half their numoer couie eaaiiy periorm. laay neglecting tbe work, for it ia aeterieus that work in many offices is far in ar- m. 1. . . j;r It .ft M W 1 lT:mi aiwaiw un- ficult, hut the workmen are incompe tent and idle, and have no one to keep them employed. Take tbe Patent Of fioe'M an example. In this office there art nearly one huudred and fifty ex aminer whose business it is to exsmine inventions and allow patents upon such as appear to be new. Yet, owing to tbe neglect, idleness, and shrinking of a majority of these examiners, many inventots have to wait from ten weeks te one year before their cases are ex amined and suaed upon. There seems to be ne way to make them do the work ihmt ihy are Pid with th in I . . . . . I vaniors money to penorm.ior tney nave 1 J ' been appointed through the pollticsl B ... .... influence of certain Republican Senators and tnembera sad they are entirely in I tdaaMAiwIar. S avf t V l innoiilaM i uouvininnv vi uiu uivuuwui a bo pays I . a nil . . -v aa a I LlMnl. I HI r'AlAtlT. I mif 1 finf. fT I If 1 a a mm www wvwmv uaaawv aaj a a v w waaaj I i . , . .... supported by the money which tnven- , t , . I tors pay for the examination ef their i , . ., . . , CABBS, but it brings a large surplus rev enue into tha U. S. Treasury. The net profit to the Government from the Patent Office was, last year, $325,351. And the amount to the credit of the Patent Office accumulated since 1337 is $2,205,471. Considering the faot tbst the Patent Office is nob only self- supporting but contributes largely to tbe revenues of tbe Government, it is certainly due to inventors, the suppor ters of tbe Patent Office, that tbey should have their business promptly executed. physically Gov. Alexander H. Stephens Is said to be almost a wreck, bat be is still a giant mentally. His small and nearly . helpless body is wheeled about from place to place. CKKKMAL IEWR Kufun If etch telegrspha from LtBilnB that tha innudation in tbe Ohio valley is nothing in eampariaon to the terrible disasters in Kurot, The floods in many placea in the Ohio vslley continues. Tbe dsntsgo is bstd to aatimate, and the end 1 as evidently not been reached. Tbe reMrt of the invi-aiigation com mittee in regard to the lss of the Jeaaette has I wen made It blsmes nobody and exonerates eveiybody. A costly piece ef business fr nothing. General Hasan will not, it is thought, ask for a bos id of iequtiv to investigate the charges made sgxiurt him by Rep resentative Beltxboovtr. lb-publican in the bouae bare at length abandoned the ways and means committee's tariff hill, and taken up that of the aenate as tba only chance of passing ih bill st tbis session. A diapatcbof the lXtb from Wash ington says : Tito fate of tbe senate tariff bill will be nettled to-morrow, and indications U-nigbt are that it will be killed. If it does, the r spensibtlity will rent on the Republican party fail ing to peas a bill aatikfactory to the monopolist of Pannsytvsnia and Ohio. They do not dare give tbe house an opportunity to psaa oon the work of tha aenate. Tbe Jhrahl, reviewing iis summary of tbe Amerieau reciprocity treaty, eaya: "Tbe principle on which it ia constructed teems te be the free impor tation of the chief agricultural products of Mexico into the Uni.ed States, in interchange for free importation ef seme of tbe preiucta of the Ui.iiad Btetasfer manufacture in Mexico. Bo rigidly is this principle sdhered to that raw cot ton, tbe largest item in the list of our exports to Mexico, is not included in its provisions, although there ia not a mill in that whale country which spina Mexican cot without mixing it with Capt Wilkinson tells a story of tbe bsrd fate of a soldier belonging to tbe garrison at Foft Missoula. The fellow had gone te town on a sprue during tba recent cold sna, and nj-n leturning was overcome by tbe cold and got down on his handa end knees end was trying to get to bia quarters, wben be froze to dralh end was found slill on bis hsnda and knees. Tbe next dsy a letter was received at tbe fort from a sister back in the Ststee, who spoke joyfully ef an adventure in being snowed in aerself, at a certain place, and among otber things, asked bow he (her brothet), was stand- f . e ss .a a i . a, tog toe coin weather, the letter was turned ewer to Capt. Wilkinson to an swer, but be says tbst be has not got tbe heart to answer it and eonvev tbe news to the sister. Mrs. D. M. Jessie died at Walla Walla ob the 1 Gib inat. She wss the daughter of Gen. Hargrove, an old pioneer ef Corvsllis. In 1859 she was married to Dr. Mc I teeny, who wss drowned in 1867 or I860 in the Snake river, Bt Boise City. Seven years after, she married Mr. Jessie, a very highly respected gentleman at Wall Walla, one of tba pieueera, however, of Yam hill. Mrs. Jennie was mush reapeeted by all who knew her. She ba been an invalid far over twe years. The almost universal result of Re publican wraaglings ever senatorial elections has been te place a class of . x t . i w x r a era . li s men rn rue unirea .caies oonatti wno ao not sua to tne morat strangtn, anui- ii.i S. i a t 1 m a . a r a a. a a a a w : t vj, or oignuy ot inai. .xauy. ud Upham and Miller ef New York, Miller of Jfennaylvama, Bowe and la- t. t r i - r aa: or t voiorauo, oaom ui .nneaova, aueiaoteaover wrangitngauuaiTMuons, - II -I . J 1! J J!.!.! I . U D....L .... . . ...;.!!.. I "M " TwrJ losing in moral strength, anility ana statesmanship in that body. On the other band the Democrat keep up their moral worth and business eualiacattona a a i t ti. i ny tne re-e.ecuon oi sucn aoie ami ex- perienced genthmen as Morgan. Harris, Oatland, Butler. Ltmar, Coke and itansom. All indications point totneijj who marriea a tlaughlorof tbe early disintegration and decay of tho "party of great moral ideas. ' It is said, says tbe St, Louis liepubli can, that Mr. Wiudom was turned out of the Senate because he is known to be opposed to repudiation- But hew could this be in so sound a Republican State as Minnesota t The fact, howev er, is, both Wiudom and the debt are repudiated. It is said that the committee rooms of tha United States Senate are now a place ef almost continual resort by those who are disposed to tipple. Even New England Senators are said to indulge freely. We have to say that a rnajori tt of the United States Senators are Republicans. A project is favored in certain quar ters to entirely do away the territory Idaho. The new Novada delegation Congress want the four northern coun ties annexed to Washington, and the rest of tbe territory they want joined their own State. CHESS COLUMN, Gn Jan. 19 we oommnad a regular chess tournament U comtikt of 10 prob lem, one to pui.lirb-'! sch week until tbe tout i 7 ia cinph-ted. Mr. S. A. DVniy,of J fferson of fers tha following jnizon for solution of pt obtains in thin tourney: To any person solving si of the 1') piaMcmn, s prize of 100 blank cboe diagram. To the one solving lht next IsrgT.f. mi at Iter, 7. blank chas disgraine, and 50 to the next highest. When to r mom srn tiwd in the number of solutions, then tbe prize ill le awsrdeJ to the one who furnnheM the neatfst and moat plainly written solutiona. Ail solu tions must be snot iu within three weeks from the dab: of tbe paper con aining the problem, except tbe solution to problem No. 10 wbich will le re quired to lie mint iu within two wk from date of iaaue containing it. Problems for the tourney will b fur- niabed by S. A. iJeVaney, Jefferson. TOtRXfcY rnoni.L'B xo. 7. White Black K at Q 7 I at Q B 6 Q at Q 11 7 R at Q 15 7 I at Q 4 Bat K 7 B at K 11 C P at Q B 3 B at K B 7 PatQ7 KtatK Pat K BO PatK7 PatKB7 White to mate in two moves. SOLUTION. Tourney problem No. 3, Js Slater, A Binding aid Clifton K it k pat tick. Touiney problem No. 4, Clifton Kirkpntrick, and August Binding. Tourntv nroblero No. 5. Dr. J. E . . - Kitkpatrick, end Clifton Kitkpatrick. Jas. S. Your solution to tourney problem No. 4, not good. Pawn to K K t 4 under your key would be taken en jxijuanl end hence would tail to mste. DrJ.1L K- Tbe Go-as-yoo-plaa-" problem taxss the ingenuity of tbe best ebeasTtsTeorin tne COSBtry. Try aaio. rxxcaoxAia. The wife of Arabi did not accompa ny b.m to Ceylon, but resides at l'arb. The widow of the Arctic explorer, Mrs. De Long, Is expected to receive a peuaion, as he should. One of the pamcngcrs an t he trial trip of Fulton' steamboat. Mrs. Sally Smith, died not long since at Edgar town, Mass., aged ninety-two. The principal of tbe female depert- fmentof Liberia College, West Africa is Miaa Jennie E. Davis, who gradua ted at tbe Boston GiriV High School ten years ago. The Minister from Chin to this country, a very wealthy rajn, gives, it Is said. $100,000 per year to t:,e support of the poor of lion Nan. And yet we cell him a heathe n ! Hundreds of thousands of dollars! were spent by Oie Bull in his attempt to colonize large numbers of his countrymen in this country, ami es tablish a national school of acting and rnuic in Bergen, Norway. Peter Cooper was ninety-two um the 12th day of this month. He H still able to attend to business, but the Infirmities of age have eo increased that be is rarely to be fou id at his office in the institute. Robert Collyer gives sound advice wfteB nsj my:i . "Never say that the t WHS tier than to-dav is : read Bew UQ(Jorstaod , tho new idu, ... kM faith in fkaJ and in mgin and in thfi vicfc0ry of good .. . . , eXOected by Mr Rlch Proclor to ,ake an excursion early in Spring through the American atmosphere tnd make u hot for u9. . W0Ql(1 mem if tbi3 astroncmer waainoro ia th0 of llie comets than nre other irODQmen. I Daniel Webster and John G. Whil- Uer lrac0 their descent from Christopher Hussev of Hamuton. N j flrst minister of that town, the Rev. jr. Bachelor. The black Bachelor eye is said to be famous In their part - oftne country, and we have heard th1 ,helr wa a gHntof it in the eyes f ilawthorno and Caleb Cashing wth the exception of Robespierre, I Ganibetta Is the ouly Prime Minister - of t ranee who has died at so early an age, though Casimlr Perrier was but five years his senior. As a rule, French premiers havo boen long lived. Eight are now living. There have been fifteen Home Ministers since 1870, and tbe present is the 121st since the revolution of 1789 Miss Catharine Wolfe's "cottage" at Newport, R. I., is built of Long- j meadow brown stone, cut and carved elaborately ; no wood is seen, copper and stone taking its place. The - 1 twelve signs of the zodiac are among of 1 tho carved decorations of the hall, in and tbe windows are of stained glass - I and French plate. Miss Wolfe is said to be the wealthiest single wo - to 1 man In America. She has a superb 1 ool'.eetion of pictures. MIS BOTE Frio, F.-.. 20, i 883s kl. Dmorrtiit : Thatmometer atanrlftnj Umperof', o we thought to faun yon a few note, as onr frozen web h thawed oat r.d on account thrraof wa aj.Ur.t ln Ht.n.i thing to 04 ap a reacthm, N aa to i r gain our former rqnillbtlnin. Our city court wa flH''1 wjih husi rt8N during tha first part of lat week. Tbe reenlfs foi!ostnK' wtre that tlse city jaU bai th ree ecHpanta f i a fchort time a hose mu-n we forbear to (--lion, and two others taring fin.- f r wanting to light. Tbe eople of Hcio ao gattrngoit lii musical air. 7fi-i? Wing tine; ner organs leceived hrra durii th? last week,! names of mcheaa'rii : W. H. Talcott, J. J. Dortis and W. K. K !!;,, tbe latter purchase, canning qnite a wtw ration and is one of tha foremost upics smong tbe news dtaat-mmators of our town, why not 1 Mr. J. II. Lannuis dVfairted Tom our city this morning, lur.d for Mc Mtanville. Mr. II. is able to ! on the streets tbis evening. Mr. Cbown, of Portland, U lie Crsa of K. J. Northrop t Co., ss in Dn Isst nighL lie is on aa advtriising tour through tbe rsiley. Dr. Curl, of Brownsville, formerly o tbis viciaity, baa beea with us duiing the st week. Ua reports uorinoA fair. He bad considerable work while berr. Wo are crfediblv informed tbst W.E. e Kelly is authorized and will take or ders for tbe Geo. Woods fc Co. and Sboninger organs. Aniuaa desiring such instruments can obtaiu theut at tbe very lowest prices, sad will do well to call on him before purchasing of other parties. Mr. Roe Curl, brother of Dr. Cnl, was married to Miss Miller near this .lce on last Sunday. Tbey have the beat wishes ef many fiienda. Mrs. Da ui has been dangerously i'i f7r SL-trsl days past sxveV bot little hopes of bar recovery- il eotertaiaed. A. J. Houston took aa invoicS "fjC bis entice stock of general merchandise last week amounting to $1100. Perbsps a liat of the buaiueas hero would be of some interest to your tea-i-err. We have four general maicLau dise stores, two drag stores, one grocei v store, three cigar and caaiy shops, two hotels, three iivtrr atablas, thrte black smith bhopa, one jeweler y store, one cun shop, oue boot and ebons, otae boot aAop, one grist mill, one butcher ! shop, one wagon shop, one assh snd door factory, one tin aoi hardware atore, one barber shop, IWo dental rooms, oaa paint shop, eu. The Scio Blue Ribbon Club turtt on Saturday evening this week. We an ticipate a fine program. The school is progressing iiuely al though Prof. Marsh's health is rather delicate, judging from the namber of visita to Dr. Martia'a of late. We fear the worst has not been reached aa yet. F. M. 'Dannala was iu town last night. Sjmo talk of his purchasing the grist mill, t nimotsaay. Scio has 1 7 or g&t.s and 3 pianos. Stta-Ml M irrLAJt !tcr(r. Smoke will soon ho at a picmium. From 2,800,000 cubic feet of smoke given out by say 1000 cord? of wood, it is said 12,000 pounds of acetate of lime, 200 gallons of alcohol and twenty-five pounds of tar uiy Le obtain, ed. Dr. Neuber, at the late Congress of German Surgeonc, poke highly of tho antiseptic virtue of peat or black earth, which is filled into bags made of loose gauze and laid over wound-. Tho bags are held in place by banda ges of the same material. There seems to be little or no necessity to change the dressing. All secretions are rapidly absorbed by the earth or turf, and the healing proceeds very rapidly. E'trly in the Spring the marshes resound with vocal noises, which many think are doubtless made by frogs. These sounds come from the throats of toads, not frogs. Only the male tead sings; and when visitors to the country seat themselves on door-steps in the plessaut ever.ings of May and June tc listen to V e singing ef the frags In a neighboring mili-poad, they are iu regality listen ing to the singing of mule tonds. So r says Prof. Bickmore. It is estimated that there re sWe times a many kinds of laeeete as there aro rpecies of all other Ihu s things put together. The ok alone gives shelter and support to aoO species of insects, and 200 kind make their home m pine trees. In 1840, Alexander Von Uumboidt es.i. mated that the number of specie preserved in collections was laatween 150,000 and 170,000, but scientific men now say that there must t MOtuething like 700,000 species.