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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1883)
FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following is a partial Hat : 170 acres ton and a half miles west Tanoens, OrKontm.nd G miles from Allmiy. 86 sores in cultivation ; 40 acres more can be put In cultivation easily; balanoe good timber and pasture land. Soil, rich black prairie. Good house and barn, good board leuce, all in good repair ; young orchard of 100 trees; good wed and running stream for stock ; good school, church snd post office ; good neighborhood snd good soci ety. Terms 80 per acre : 2,000 down, rest on easy terms. 280 acres on Narrow Gauge road, 1 1 miles from Albany and 5 miles from fcieio, and 1M miles from Jefferson. 115 acres good fkrmtntr land. 75 acres in cultivation; re mainder in timer ami brush; house 18x2tt, with 10 foot walls, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22x34 wi th 14 foot shed on one side; good fences and water. Terms fSAOO.caah down if possible. Rather than nt sell will take 2000 down, and balanoe on 2 to S y r timet secured by mortgage. 190 acres X of a mile west of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation snd OK acros oak and ash timbsr,woxi woo l land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and ;s bad ; about 7 acres in orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-story frame house, mastered. t rooms, built m 1873, and cost $2000; good barn, 28x40 and two sheds; well arrauKed for farm purjiosos Terms, 18000, 2 years time on $5000. 150 sores H i miles west of Tangent; 100 acres in cultivation; all new land, clean and in stood order; treed two story house. r moms, nearly new snd in oood condi tion; good new barn 30x31; hoe young orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences in good order; nlen tv running water; 20 acres of good timber; rich, black soil snd very productive. Price 15250, H cash and balance on lime 109 acres one and a halt miles northeast of Albany: 15 acne in wheat, rest in fair average; woodland; good land; neaiiy fenced. Price acre; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast oi Soda Springs; fair farming; small house: 300 sores fenced. Will be sold in small tracts or all together sood school, church and post-office at Sodaville, also the Soda Springs. Price so per acre; easy terms. 80 seres IK miles above Oneatta, on Ys- quins Bay, known as the old shipyard. It has s splendid frontage on the I lay, and will be sold at 11 per acre. 00 acres, lying will in a mile of Mon roe, in Benton county. Al under fene and divided into five fields. All good farm land and half in grain. Good and barn, splendid water sod s fine orch srd. It is one of the beat farms in that section of the valley. Price $2$ per acre $1000 or $1500 down and balance on time 202H acres lying 5 miles north-east of Harrisburg and 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under fence; 180 acres in culti vattbn, balance in pasture, but most of it can be put in cultivation, m story house, barn, good water, etc, 1 mile vo scnocl. Price $5000, 123 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany ana x miles from xsngent. to acres in cultivation and ail under fence, s& seres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of $100. House, barn, splendid 'water A fine young orchard. Price, $30 per 483 acres in Center Precinct 3 mile.-t from staiien on Narrow Gauge. 100 acre m cultivation. Good IX story bouse wood house, barn, and splendid water and nne orchard. All under lenap. Price 1 16 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. Ail under fence, nnii.ll otchcrd, no buildings.- 50 seres has been cultivated, but it is si I now used as pas ture. Price 110 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Ilrsndon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence, loo acres in cultivation. Large m story frame house, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard sud good water. Price, S20 per acre. acres of land :n Marion cour.ty, IO 14 miles from fiusna Vista and seven miles from Jelferson. 80 acres in cultivation and balance ia light brush ann Umber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 miles. Knougb wood can be sold at the pottery works at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C. HStewakt, at Albany. The Great English Reme dy. I la a never failimr cure for IXfirvoas OebUity, Seminal Weak nee, ExhawSed Vi hality, tHwrmaUTfaaa, w LOST M tHOOD. Int I potency, Haralvaia, and all ItcrriUe effects 4 Mi- lAbuae, youthful follies.snd 'xccaaea in maturer ycara- lnuch as low, of Memory, lUuMitnde, Kmiaaion, Aver Won to Society. Irimncas f (Vision, Koiacs in the Head; kaaaaaa the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity and death. mm.. MISTIE will aeree u, forfeit lire Hand red liars for a case of thU kind the Vital estwrw live (under bis special advice and treatment) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mmtie treats sli private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Thuromfh ex a mi as t ton and advice including analysis of urine. $5. Price of Vital Restorative, A3 a bottle, or four times the quantity S1.0, sent to any address upon receipt of price orC O. D, obscure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by bR. A. K. 1IIXT1B, 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco, Cal. i bottle free. Sent on annli'stion hv ettcr. statins symnSntn, sex sod age. Comuitiiiicationf strictly confidential. Dr. Miatte's Kidney Remedy, NVphretu nrn, cures all kinds of kidney and blad'isr complain u.onorrhoji, K'eetr, leouchorrhosa. For sale by all druggists, Si a bottle or six bottles for So. Or. Mirrtte Dandelion Pills are the best ami cheap est Dyspetna and Bilious cure in Ums market. For ale by all druratt. NERVOUS DEBILITY, i SURE CUREJUARANTEED. D R. K. C. WESTS NERVE AND P.RA1W trkat. it, a specific for Hvstfcria. I vuiaiona, Nervous Headache, MenUl bepreasion lose of Memory, Spertnatorhnea. Impoteucy, In voluntary emissions, premature old sgx, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which lends to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent illness. Each box contairiH one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any vase. Witn each order received by us for six boxes, accetrinanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by WOODARD.CLAKKEA CO , wholesale and Retail Druggist, Portland, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEAKNY ST. Treat all throaie sad .'Special Diseases. YOUlVai MEN W m- mAW KE SUPFEKI Mi FROM THE f eucts oi youtnrui follies or huiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, thegreatest boon rer laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPIXNEV will guarantee to forfeit SSOOfor every case Hemtnoie weakness or private disease of any kind or wrauwt which ue unueruutes ana isiig to eure. MIBDLE-AGED ME.V. There are many at the age of thirty -five'to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accomijaiiied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner luepauem cannot account lor. On examining the rinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found tnd sometimes small particles of albumen will anwear . Ik. will I o u: ;ii.:..i. , , ' ' ... .v o. m win uotivisu nue, again cnanir lag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. s! will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Omcs Horas 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exminattor and advice, $6. Far private diseases of short standing a full course of medicin e sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, wn he tmt to any address on receipt of S10 00. GiUsaa address, mm. SPPNUTET A CO., 71:1 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESPECIALLY . . a . Those Suffering from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. miu- ( i li r at KKtn THOSK WW K wln are ...Worimr SEXUAL AND NKHVOUS tXYMPl.AINTS laa pkyMa Who ; COtnn lltulld . . .i .i an.iaiirtillv trial them. m.- ....I r.titi.tnr la not suHUiontly skilled In tho class of trouble to do o, Mid It niuH he loll lo mo prruiiiii w" j -..-...., , --- Uv thorough knowledge " comprvnuiiano um.i, .reaxvd loeurv worn. IK. ! C VOfNQ Opened Id no celebrated Institute In l"-0 for the .J !T.. mm.- Iho arlHi'led tlto . rUiiily ot and skillful treatment Mot iwlivt ami ..-...... r.iat,.rtlull and for OVBf . tram It lis L...i.iM t!u Aral rank ii1h!v Upon tlii tistsl hul a. .tnni ii... . iv ihn .1 srorld. I am aware that uy dweiumr ipo m mini il. decav of actual lirr the Icnorelit ; - , ... i. ,..,.,,, I..:-. who i, n, tiff.rlnir throuuh liruonuu'C, and ,... or want of knowledge that cure can lie had, er not only hurrylnir themselves W kit untimely rav, hut irtrlmi arxual weakness as an inherltamv to future jjcners'.lone, it Um ureal an Incentive to iwrtuil uie to be alleiit. Mytaptoiu If you are tuflerlnw from nirht l"ea, nervonaiiraa. oaVo4-wM. i-ontuiuon of nuiiU, alight loaoe itii under ex.-tlmoMt, variaMe u mjH-r, iremnunit. aii'i UUon, fluidea, e., ir If you have practiced aelf abuc oven In the BqpMfM pHRMMI you are aunwr- iiuj (iMin the Drrad Kaeatjr of Haasaa Life. And ahould not bettiUte to -k at one hoailii aim hainlnea lu a cure. TFltKS mTAHANTKKn. FKKS MIKHATF. CHINS XT ATIOX BY I K I I KU UK trTHKKWluK rrec. Exelaalvely Vegelablr etardlea laed. LAMES - You are micia!ly liable to uffertiK fruui nervioua nalnuin. All your weu!tr com pi at n ta are ucriU In their urylu aixl brooe yur uScnns are terrttdv dereaaiu or hicMrcihl keen. The lhaetor In hi reaean-hva and practice of nervous trouble has mad your organ tiaUuo a prvial atudy and la thua enabled frutti hta etri ence and knowledge to aid and cure VuU In any d the troublee, weak u a. diatreaaing and suffcringa to liu h aa a vex you are liable. jay You will and la the Doctor a frion.1 upon about you cau reply lor eunifort, aid and cure lr laaac'a Feaaale Braaetflra have at tallied a reputation for erhYlencv uuequaled by any medtctne, or mediuaJ preatiiTptton t t . h. r..i Th. v i-an be aettt by mall or erasa. Those dvairin peraonal care and atu-iitim tan have all neeawaary acvointnouaUtrfia rurniahed. -O Letlera. Thoae who can not t Uit the city can by ablng Utc-ir Minl..n. in their wn way. retWOe atllo. and when 4eaired, treatment at home with every a mirance of a cure. LKTTKR3 KaTl'ILS'ED OR KC9TROYKD. Address, l)r J. V. tOIM.. Medical laatltslr. o. : Murk ion St San rraucUoo, Feb 21, 1SS2. NTISELL 10 000 Pianoi PIANOS LOW oruac. ' Hair. Say el MutfKtinn Catfc, IiMtkliBala UleM Fir AimULL ORGANS HCAUTH. 13C.S ir Klrhwa'a .oidru BwlaatM o I t.'urrw (Tiaiicer. first an. I Sceirfwl fttatfea . Korea nnUulMutd llulr : Svi'bllSic ( WUarrali, dis eased rkwlp, sud all primary forma of thu diwae, Pries, &. per Bottle. k BJekaa'a WW Balaaaa a. t I'limTufUin. Mcrt un!. Slihlu lth uuitini Pains in the Hones, ClimUd Tbrat. Spbilitic ILxnii. Lunnis. cU-.. oii.l eradieaU-a all ,ic- fnm the tyetero, whetner ued by hal 'real ment or abuss of tnerru.-y, leaving the HSSfl -ure and health v. rrise.Sou per IhaUe. Ir Kir nana Cswlda npnnUh iMll.Ub for the cure of O-Me .rrli-i a, l.le t, ! . iTu:.:. ti.Uimr bottle . Le HlrSau'. f.elHrn SnasUU lMtrrllon a wash for curs of Oteet, siriciurea, !iae 4 the L'rethrs and Bladder, etc. Prke, LM r Bottle. Lr trkaa's Cwldea Olatsarat tor Ute effective heajintr of Svphihtic H-im arnl Krup Uoos. Price, at. 00 par BotUe. Also Agents for A Klchaa's .ulden fllt. for weakneaa, Inasuf phTatcai power, and nil ilwoaaea arlsng from abuse and esoass o otrvr-w-tk. Price, -..-. j per Bos. Sent everywhere, C O. I , securely i kci ps sfiem F. BICHAKDS Jk 0. A grata, 427 a Ssnscsne street, Corner Clay, San Krwrnaou, Cat THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Harrisbarg Oregon, S. S.TIltVIiT,EdiUr tc I'n.j.rieb.r, Terms $2.00 pcrannu m. On iaata, r di.rfV ft I I t 1 PATENTS Obtained, and ail other boldness in th. L. H. Patent Ofliix- attendeded to for mMlcrate fees. Our office is opposite the V. S. Patent ffti':e. ainl we can obtain Patents in lean time than those remote from Wsshintrton. hend modlv or drawimr. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ;and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Kupt. oi Money Onier Div. and to of luials of the U. H. Patent office;. For circular, alvi-e, terms, ami references to actual clients in yourowu State or county, address, C. A. SNOW & CO., Oppoei'e Patent (MkS, Washington, D. C. LTOR STORE. I sball keep the very bent brand of liu uora to befcpr-4int f inasrket, anil will sell st retail pric ) A Ino the BEST CIGARS AW TOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS.' I will also sell real estate, Ise i a . a t a. t J . iKjuwiDfiia gooas, at &uvutn iur anv one in the city or countyl iVnmlVd jwjvuiu ueuiw, Aiuany, ur. 6tf SAM COHEN. fitnerer's KpeclOe FREE for TRIAL An onfall ins; and epeedr cere for .'tTOm uruuiiij ana treaieiuat, JJot of Vitality and Vigor, Or any evil re sult of indiscretion, excess, over. work, etc., 'over forty thousand posU live cares.; t n noiia woiorp on trial box of Ut) pills. Add id lfic iz of U pills. Address. T. UAtKJN, cor.ClarkSt m Place, ClUCAOo, Ixia lr. M. W. aadCaihona lllCX. a week in your own town. Terms 3UU and p, outfit free. Address II. iai.LiKTt & uo.. Portland, Maine. By buying at dealers' prices . We will sell you any article for family or per sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue ( free ) and you will find it there. We cany in stock the largest variety of goods in the United States. Montgomery Ward & Co. tvj & 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. ft 500 jvififlfjj W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING 'GOODS OF ALL KINDS. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Kitlicr double barrel, shot gun or three barrel two shot and one rifle. Also Sharps. Remington, ltallsrd, rhta nix, and Msrlln Magaalne Klflea. Also a large stock of Kngllsh, Germsn and American breecli -loading snot guns. Full stock of llevolvers, Pistols Cutlery, Fish ng Tackle or all kinds, and Aniinn uitlon oi all kinds. A full stock of Davis Mewing Machines the best in the market. Also full steoK of sewing mschlne ueedlos of sll kind snd machine oil. I makoa specialty of repairing lire arms and sewlug tnschinca. Kmiituiihcr that I cannot be undersold In the Mtato. SMITH & McCartney, SU0C8S80R8 TO MoCOY &KI.I.KKT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c, dec, Fromans Block, Albany ,0r. lli'Mi?iii pre?rii ttoiiM carefully prepared clay or iiiulii KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Haaf Harrratfal K rawed crr disensrad, as It ia certain tn iu sffoets and : . -t hlMUrr. Head fnjt hciuw. Kondairs Spavin Care. Hamilton, Mo., June Uth, IDttl It. J. KeTtaatL A Co., isaa' -TWs is to ernifv that I bav used Kandall's Spa In Cure and have frtind it to be all it la roroninumded lo he and ia (act more too ; 1 have ranovd by watng the above : 'aiitu. Hone M1im, King bsasa HfUlnta, and can ehrvrfiilly kwtliyand rvrtmnmrtd it u be the beat thing fr any lii sASSSI I hsvssvrr uatd asd 1 have uirl many as I have mmm that toy staly for jean. Itespwctlttlly yoars, P. V CBIST. FROM THE ONEOHTA PRESS, N. T. Oneoabk, New Torfc, Jan. 6th, lnm Karly laat nininicr Messrs. II. J. Kendall and Co., of KtHMhurg Kails Vt . made a contract with tbe puh lUhvrs of the "PraW for a half autumn ad vertlafinrul for one ear setting forth the ncrita ef Ksndaira Hin Ctire At the same tiaae wo secured from the Arm a quantity of honks, entitled Ur. Kendall' Trwa riae on the Horse and hla Iilaeaara, which we are giv ing to ad. anew ylng aul ribcrs to tbe "I'rassjf a a wremium. Aimut the time the advertisement first ar,i wared In tht p(jr Mr. P. 0. Scbermerborn, who rewklee near ' '.llien, had a afvined boras, lis read the advar tiaeotent and enctu4d to teat the efSraey of the remedy, althjutfh his triands Kugbwl at ba cradulity. He bought a bHti at Kendall's Haviu Cure and aom luenced using it on the horse ib snrtnrdease with the directhaia, and he Inlormed us this weak that It ( f acted such a nMnnlete cure that an esftart horaw man, who esamiiMal tbe anunal raoeotly sou Id Snd no trace of tbe spavin or lbs place where it had beau located. Mr. Hchsmwrborn baa since eeeurwd a copy of Kendall s Treat lias on the Horse and his ISaswse, which he prises very highly and would be hah to part with at any rrice, provided he could not obtain an other copy, bo much for advertising reliable articlea Kendall s Spavin Cure. Wilton, Minn., Jan. Uth. D.J. Kkmmix and Co., Cent. Having gas a Mgai l,ok of yoii by mall a year ago. the coolants of which nniaded me to try Kendall's Spavin Cure on the hind ley of one of my horses which was lawlly "woolan and could not he reduced by any other reme dy, I got two bottles f KsihIsII's Knavin Cure of l'r. ni or. aiui Lu.lilulh, Drugvista of Wane -a, which completely cured my boras. About Ave years ago 1 ha.1 a three year old colt swevoied very badly. 1 used ur remedy as given in yonr book without rowelllng, and I must say to ynur credit that the colt is entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my self but also to my neighbors. You sent rae the book for the trifllntr sum of 2f, cents and If I could not get another alik ; it I would not take twenty-five nonara ir 11. Yours truly, Gao. Mathews. HEAD PROOF OFWONDERFULCuRES Fremont. Ohia, Jan. XSth, f)a. it. J. Kkxdall and Co.. (ienU : I think it mv duty to render von my thanks for benefits and proff u which I have derived from your invaluable and far famol -spiiwn Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth if 1000 which had a very bad spavin and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond any cure, and that tbe horse wsa dons for ever. Asa last resort I advised mv cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had a magical eneri, inc tniru notiie cured 11 ami the horse Is as well as ever. Dr. IMck of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgeon wi an uncle of mine, and I lake great Interest in assisting his profession. Yours truly, Jamrs A. Wu,to!, Civil Engineer. Kendall's Spavin Care Is sure In its effects, mild in Its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfns, splints curbs, ealous, sprains, swellings and any lameness and en largements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose .for which liniment It used for man or boast. It U iiow known to he the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain 111 Its effect. neiiii address for lllus'nitc'l Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy mis ever met witn such ini(iialitled success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Pri $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All drug srtsts have it or can get it for you, or it will he sent to any auiireasoii receipt of price by the proprietors. Ur. H. J. Kkmimli, and Co., Enosburgh Palls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Final Settlement). Notice is hereby given that the undor signed Excmitor of tbe last will and tes tament of Nicholas Kizer, deceased, late of Linn county, has filed his final accouat as such executor in the County Court of Linn connty, Orogon, ana bv order of said Court, Saturday the 10th day of March 83 at tne nour or nine o'clock, a. m.. of Haid day. has been set for tbe bearing of objections 10 h&ui account ana tne settle ment thereof: any person interested In said estate is hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said account and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Dated February 9th, 1883. P. M. Kizkb, Geo. E. Chamberlain, Executor. Att'y for Executor. 1 I fvS w tmtut FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1883 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. JCDITKD BY TUN Christian Tempernnce Uoios Women'i AIM LTSKATIO OV WIM. Tho nanuueturo of wine out of chemicals, la California, th rontons to break up the trad of making wine out of grapes. The grapo growers cannot com peto with the chemists. M. Urandeau, of France, has made some startling revelations in regard to the adulteration of wioo lo that country, which, (he being an export,) created quite a panic. He nays fucmne, which contulna arsenic end is extremely hurtful. Is used in large quantities. He knows houses that spond from $2,000 to $2,500 for this deadly drug The man or woman who drinks al cehollc wino those days, or the physician who prescribes it, or tho minister who offers It at the Lord's table, can not bo assured that thero is ono drop of grape Juice iu it untotts It has been analysed. Tho physician who gives suuh a cup of death to his patient, or tHo minis- ter who presses the poisonous draught to tho lips of a dlaciplo, and call "It one of God's good creatures," a "cup of blessing, ' mocks Hod, and insults human intelligence. The following very touching Item from ono of Governor St. John's in. iraltabie speeches will bo read with interest t In one of our western town-, lw(, or three years ago, resided a widow who had a son sixteen, and a daugb J ter eighteen years ef age. Tnero had never been a dramshop in that place until, some three years ago, the men petitioned the county organisation te grant a llconse to open a dramshop. (The women are never gnll ty of such outrages.) One was opened, and the boy, who had been an exemplary boy from bis childhood up, a regular at tendant upon the Sabbath-school, soon was lead astray, and went In there to play cards. (Hoys, do not play cards. LU me tell you, 1 never knew a boy in my lite who was ruin ed by letting cards alone, but many a boy has been destroyed through the influence of cards. You elder ones here to night, to you let roe May It will do you no harm If you never play another card. If you do not, you will not set an example that some, times leads astray youoger ones who look to you as pattern.; This boy went into card playing and beer drinking, and from that to drunken ness, and In less than fifteen months in a drunken spree he killed rado. lie was arrested, convhted, and sentenced a com fried, to be hanged. The day ef execution came on, and it found hissldterat tho Scat capital before the Governor, asking executive interference in her brother's behalf. The anther was in the prison cell, watching, praying, comforting her boy as a mother only can. The hour of execution came, and he was literally torn from his mother's arms, and she fell fainting to the floor. He was taken to the gallows, the black cap adjusted, the trap sprung, the rope broke, and he fell almost lifeless to the ground. As they raised him the Wood gushed from his mouth and nose, he, thinking of his mother, said in a husky voice, "Oh, mother! for God's sake have them hurry, won't you please?" He was again led to the scaffold, the rope? adjusted, the trap was sprung, and bis soul was sent to God who gave It. Men of Brooklyn ! Men of New York ! for God's sake I ask you to hurry, hurry not to open these places of iniquity, but hurry to blot them out and drive them from our land. Be brave Strike fo your firesldos aud your homes. Strike for a higher, grander and better civilization. Fr0m all the saloons in this great State, there never flowed a blessing, not one. Curses, and only curses, have come from them. How long will you con tinue to glvo the sanction of tho law ? fWSt Sf . m mis is no timo lor mea to occupy a doubtful position on this question. Every good citizen Bhould speak out boldly. Let moral and political cow ards step to the roar until the true men and women of the State shall have won a victory so overwhelming as to make the rum power throughout the country tremble. God Is just, and the victory will dp for tho people. Great applause. TOO Ml II KTWLK. 'Let us go to the Inaugural ball," sald-Gllhooly to Qus Do Smith. "We haven't got clothes fine enough lor such an occasion. The elite of Austin will bo there." "All you need Is to change your shirt." "But I haven't got any other shirt except the one I've got on." "Neither have I any other shirt, but we can manage that easy enough. You take off your shirt and put on mine, nnd I'll take 11 mine and put on yours, and then we can brag that we changed our shirts before going to the ball." Siftingi. NTThe most brilliant shades possi ble, on all fabrics are made by the Di" amond Byes, Unequalled for brillian cy and durability. 10 eta. sets Nothing affects the good character of a boy or ) uting man, more, thua his personal conduct st public gatherings or in public plaoes. We do ire to ssy hertt that the character of a man is hat ha, liinuolf, in a large degree, mado it, when he was a boy. Ws havo beard some boys say that tliuv sT.-- : w would give loose rain to their feeling when young, and when they grew v.p to manhood, they would settle down to a. . . . m , v ' vvhat a man ahould be. Some of them ssy they must sow their "wild oats" when young, and when they shall have arrived at man's estate, they will then root out the "wild oat" crop and engage in the sowing and harvesting of good grain. But boys, bo undeceived about this matter. You wilt not do these thing", when you get to ho a msa, that you are now ptom'sing yoursolf to Oo. If you form bad liatils, of w hatsoever -I.... - a i J kirUj when young, nine times out of ten, they will cling tenaciously to you all tho days of your life. When you emerge from youtbbood aud pass to the pliers of nisnueod, you may exert sll your moral energy, and ou will not be able to break loose from these long established habits. If, when a boy, you contrsct bad nsnits, when you go out into tho world alone tbsy will lead yeu into trouble, danger and ultimately oad in tl. sotatniasion of orime, follow ed by the penalty of law. Then, while young, learn to be subject to tbe powers that be. Kubtnit obedii ntly to those f . I tl . f at in authority, vvuen you are in tne school room obey implicitly th rules snd regulations by which the school is governed. Iet your conduct be such as to moot the approval of your teacher. Your teachei will like and admire your conduct in thus obeying his rulr. He will si ways be your friend in thus doing. If yon sre in church, lt your di port ment be Just what tbe rules of ar the church and custom require it to be. By all means avoid ail disorderly eon duct. Nothing shows the bal and evil disposition of a boy so plainly as noiay and unufntlcmanly conduct in church. In all public meetings conduct yourself as tho rules and regulations of the meeting require, and you will thus form chsrmcters thst, in sfter life, will meet the spprobstion of yo'ir fellow citizens. Tosv rsarea is tkoi it l 1 t i I m v a lony Pastor, of ew i ork, wno is now with bis inimitable variety combi nation, making a tour of tbe principal cities of tbe Union, is recognised as the leading character vocalist and variety perforator of the t'nitcd States, lie owns and runs a first-class theatre on Hroadway, New York City, and ha gathered about him the best troupe of vsrioty srtiats thst could be obtained. The cotupsiiy hss just completed a bril liant engagement at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, and after the present tour they will reappear in Tony Pastni's own theatre in New York City aa m , . e.s e e mm Sir. rtor is the originator oi Jim pe culiar schnol of chsracter singing, and baa made himself immensely popular, having realised y bis talents a large fortune. Tbe writer of this article mat Mr. Pastor recently at the Bingham House, in Philadelphia, snd found bim as gen ial in private ss be is smusing before tbe public. Duriog our conversation 1 inquired as to bis physical health, and be replied that, notwithstanding tho strain upon bim in the discbarge of his professional duties, it was excellent. He bad occasionally severe (siins, either the result of rheumatic attacks or colds, but any complaints of that character never troubled him long, as he bad found out a remedy tor all such annoying affec tions. 1 asked him what the remedy was, and be replied, "St. Jacobs Oil." I then learned from Mr. Pastor thst be considered the Great German Remedy an excellent prejiaration for tbe cure or relief of rheumatism, and that it was about tbe only thing used among pro esstonal people for that distressing complaint. A conversation held subse quently with various members of the orgsnizstion revealed the tact that St. Jacobs Oil had been performing most invaluable service for them in the way of earing them of rheumatism. Nearly every artist in the troupe used it, and was enthusiastic in its praise, and tbe writer wss reailv forced to tbe coaclu- Sf sion that Tony Pastor was certainly in luck in having so valuable an article known and employed by his inimitable good company of (lerformers, for it ena bled every one to be always in his place, thus insuring comfort to the man agement and genuine satisfaction to the public. Tony Pastor would certainly be in trouble without St. Jacobs Oil At leant, other managers whose artists have been temporarily unsupplied, havo noticed the difference between St. Ja cobs Oil in stock and St. Jacobs Oil out of stock uiuonir the members of their companies. N. Y. Clipir, Uotb Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $1 . Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozengers, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs Pinkbam freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3c. stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention this paper. It is stated that a toad which was found frozen as hard as a stone in a cake of ice at Woonsocket, R. I. , the other day, upon teing put into cold water revived, and is new as lively as ever. A curious stsry Is related la a recent French paper. A man who was very close to a tree struck by lightning, asserts that he was saved by crouching on the ground and covering himself with a wollen um brella. He was enfolded In flames and completely electrified, but ho re ceived no hurt. On the 5th inst., two half-breed In dians in crossing (J river in a Uiff, ran into the brash, and in endear- I oring to land got into the water snd got quite cold. Before they could rescb their destination one of them became iienuinncd witn cold ana leu to tiie earth, aud before his comrado could bring assistance he died. harrh Mrcesarv. Y. I'. 0. A. Msots st their rooms ia Pes- Uir's drink buildinir, on rsatunlay eveiiirii at 70 o'clock, and on Habhath afternoons at . Bsainesa ranothius sr. held on the even- ing of the second Monday is each month, Kveryboey invited to attend. U. P. CHCacsi. I'rrsvjhinBrivfiry Hahbath, st II a. .., and 7 r. m. by liev. Y.. Vt. lr. vine, I). D. Habhath School at 2:30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kvakokmcai. ClloacH. Preaching on Hah- bath st 11 a.m., ami 74 r. m. Habhath School 12:16. Prayer meeting every Tlmm day evening. J. A. llulleubaugh, pastor. Cosoiiko atioh Ai.CiccKi M. HervioessssTf Sabbath st Ma. af. and S r. M. .Sabbath nohool at ZijO. lrayer meetinir n Thuradav eveuunr of each week. each week. J. W. Hams, paster. M. K. Cut-run, SotTH. Scrrvior-s wl ai.-l 4th SaMaatha at St. Paul's M. K.Church, South, at 11a. m. Habbatb School at 10 a. t. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Kmery, pastor. M. K. Cnt'SOl. - Preaching every Kal.Uth 1 1 a. m. ami 7 i r. u. Hoax serviee ia the evetiiug before sermon. Kahbetb School t 2.30 r. m. Prayor n, ting every 1 nurs- isy evening. I. Ihlloo, pastor. PuKMrrr.iitAN Cmlkcm. Service every SablasUi morning and evening ia Church or. Rrosilalbiu and Fifth Sts Henday School at 2 30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac If. Coodit pastor. Kruw opAi. Cm; k u. Services svery Sun day, morning at II a. m., evening at 7i p. m. fluty communion every Sumlay morn ing at l , a, m. Wednesday 7 -30 p. rn. Uubt. L Stevens, pastor. THE SUN. SEW YORK, . Mora l-st.le hats resal "The hur." UurW tj Just rvrtv tassslric than svsr be since It a first rn.U.l. ..h.ji1.r puMlrtit.! ib.. a I it. satfta baa Umto bwua-bl and rsaal In any tuarbv so snany asm aayt vunsa. Waars rrsstlliiv lnltaeil Uiai mr. ra.l. arvi uas i urn suit lr me ..ll.wii.s; Ue-auaa iU news clwnrts rrassnt In atUarUva ai.l srltb ths fraaiest iraiblr leauai j what rtcr Itaa UiUrasrt lr naaafeliMl , .lassla. ISs waalnan, ths yhUtm1i, ISsaasa, Ust haav.vuic n-m boUbU UAXr. hm all tbs tt A tbe t re-W a sesato have learned that In lu remarks aSairs "Tba Sun' naini tact IruU) lo tbs beat uf atsty-Svs days la tbs after, about Ux taio aa as almttt tbs small Sab, In Um laa 4 aa Jain I y and fearbassly aa ahen aupfaartad by at atsprovaj. "Tbe hut, baa Ul SCT,, I .M be ran. r uf tbe lleeees It Is everybody's newspaper. No man la an buiabte tbs Tbe Sua" Is PadSsrsnt to bis wal tar and I. la rigbta. No man Is rich tbat It can al lost twitisUcs) to be does asm. No asm. wo euria tioe of men, la jisrerf ul snouab U. be sascapt tna the strict apptkntKn of iu arlncii4ea uf rlbl and vaaa naoanss in politic it baa I -ujiit lor a doesa years. liiurmiaafrti and .,' ita.-a aiiuust aiuee lirr. the fl.-hl baa reaulicd In tne re overarheltnll.a- cfxiiar . , . t aai'.U Kubsaaa- lasa and far bonost f'erniucrtl. No matter ebat lrty Is In er, "Tbs Sun" atanda aiwl will ceav lliiue l stand like a nw-k l .r tbe Intrreets of tbe peo ple aaralnet tbe smbltlun uf feaassa, tbe snenan-bmsmU 4 m .itufMiaU, and Utan-oeat a kims uf public arMaaa. All tbia U arhat are are WaVI alnvaS Oaily by our friends. Hm man holds tbat "Tbe Hun" U the beat leigrtutu newapaissr sver published, because tu i hrtattanit) la undituUl arilb rant. AiKAber bolds tbat it la tbs boat Republics nesetprr intad, be ause It has airsaur ablpfaal balf ul tbs raereje unt 4 that party, and la ..-wlu.t asairsst tbe otbrr laalf with undlsnlnlsbod up. A third It to 1st th beat aiseartne 4 irnrai literature la etiev encv, boraaae rU raarliiri mlea twAlilna; srortby of mSiea tbat t cttrrent In tbs BSBS 1 d tboiuybt. So eirri (ri.ii-l 'Tho Sii r." .li.... r. in. uf S main aklea that aprah nitb sarUcular lores to bis tndit bl ual liaing. If jr. hi already know "Tbe Sun." yea will olascrv tbat In lass it la a little batter than ever bnsurs. If you do not already know 'Tbe Sun," you art!! Snd It i be a mirror of all human activity, a al nihauas of the cbuiorat pralu1s .d csnnau sen and Imaurlna lion, a mainstay for the aauss of bones ruvemnceil, a aesiUoci tor (smuine iSrra.aUn fhrmocnacy a sio.uryr lor l.-kedncea uf every apBalas, and an un .XHIHI1..I.I. fo! inttlnirl.t f. tbe omilni; yoar. Tn a lo fall Rsbirrlbrr The several editions ,4 The Sua are Beat by mail. Mttani, aa foliosrs : DAILY AS oetiU a month, hunday rdiUon. tl.le a yeir, aith Si' N DAY -Kl-bt pa4-os. (I.te a year, WKKM.Y SI s veer. Ki.-ht pagv of th beet matter uf the dally Issues ; an Africullural Ik part ment of nne.) uaJ led maril. market reports, and filer ary, aetonttflc, and ilnen tic Intel I ise nee make 'Th Weekly Mun " the aevapaper for the tanner' houae bokl. Th clubs 4 ton with tflaaa estra copy (re. Address I. W. KNtJlJlSP, Publisher, 'The Sua," N Y. City. .This arret al renal h- enlng remedy ami nerve lloutc is tbe Icfc'tlimaU re IsuH of nyer testity years uf imsctwal eiiwrieiiee. ami eurv with unfailing eeitainly Nervuus and Iplitalinl debility, semi DkYa nal weakneaa, aperesator- Irheea, pros tsti rrhnsa. Iciiilejuoiis, m po Uney, lexhausted viulity, pre- i Jsollas and leas of luanhood In all Iu oumpJieaUdns and In.m whaUver cause produced. It enrirhe and purifies th blood strntrthns the nerves, brain, muscles, dUwaUon, re- ,r.M iwt in. nnrana and nhvaicsi aim iiieowai ia uiuc UlU lihVBIC St.. pa any unnatuaal delilIltaii"S "rain upon vn system, provenling tnvuiunury losoa, uomiaunK .Iriauiui seminal Inaacs ilh the urine, it. .so de tnirtiva to mind and hodv. It ia a sure ot all kidney and bladder rompUCuta. It contains no Injurious ingredients To thus uBcrttiS Iroin the vil afToeU of youthful indlsereslons, a speedy , Uior ouifh and penruuie it cure Is tirARANTEBl), l'ri ttfiO pr bottle, or five bottles In case, with full di rections and advice, 10. Sent aeeure from observa tion to any address upon receipt ol price, or C. O. 1., to be had only of DR. O. D. 8ALFIELD, tie Kearney St . Baa Fraaelare, Cal Constitutions strictly confidential by leMer oral ofno FREr". For the canvenienco of patiunU and In order to Insure e .foil ecreoy 1 hav addtipted a pri vate address under which all package are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. HufticUnt to show IU merits, will He sent to any one applying hy letter, stating his aimptoma and ajre. Communlcationi atrictly oonSdentlal, not, life is sweep! njr lv, iro and dare be fore vu die, something- mia-hty and sublime leave ba hind to conquer time, aou week In your own town. $5 outfit free. No risk. Kverythinjf new. Capital not required. Wa will furnish you every thtiir. Many are nuking fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make groat ty. Reader, It you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, wrl to for partirulars lo 11, Hallettk C'oFortlan M am a. J. A. DAVIS, M. D.9 Physician, Surgeon AND Obstetrician. Can be found at Drujr Store of K. W. Lsngdon, or at resldenoe corner of Cala pooia and Fourth Sts. ALBANY OREGON. a--. ' a i i ii ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OR. Th Third Term begins on Thurs day, February 1st, 1883. For particulars concerning the courses of study and ths pric oi tuition, apply to BET. ELBEBT N. COND1T, Presioeat . ronrerulas lasrw.ns anal .a- l. ol Uilibc Ihcro tu iu alMv Utres buaslrad and year. Ul'.r. clc-UsS a aril aa u.c u...rmaucti o( iu rsskdsrs mm! u. H0FFMA k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DEALERS IX Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candies ; Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIOWP STORE. Kyi AT THE OLD OTAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ASSORTMENT O'J COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aft any house In the valley. Ue at so Imports and manufactures TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEKPS ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OP GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF WIIH'H HK OFFERS TO THE PUHLIC AT PRICES, THAT DKFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STRKET, ALBANY, OREOON. ALL Repair work done at v)So26 ALBANY! MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY. OBKUON. MONUMENTS. TABLETS, AMD IIKAD8 l'ONE Eseouted In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety dlier at tie work- done of erotery and with neat neas and Special all tamrts aUentiun si van to on I era from of this ami Waaltlngton Territory. asT v . work warrants 1. 1 :. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND iiaciiim; shop. KKT 4 B LIUH ED 1S. By By A. F. CHERRY, nttuale.! at rner of First an-1 Montgomery .Street, Albany, Oregon. Having taken ebarxeof the above namtxl Worka, we are prefaared to manufacture gleam Kns-ines, New and (irtst Mill, Wotnl-workinK Machinery, l'utups, Iron and Brans Caaunica of every deat-ription. Machinery of ail ikinds repairsd. H pe dal attention givenflo repairing tarni tea chinery. Pattern Maklni done la all Its f arena. . 16:1 ly I A. F. CIIKRRY A SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who baa never failed to plaaae her cuattomere. New Fail Circular juat inaued. Send for it- Address MRS. F.I.I.KN iJkMAR, ir T'J 877 Bnavlsrsy. Pew Terh, act aeeohcirorafor paten u, eaveata, tn.ntnt.s trade-marks, eonyrtehta. etc., for tho United Kates, and to obtain pat ents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other conn Wise, Thirl :y-eU years' practice. No charge for txaminatioa of Baonels or draw lags. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through as are noticed in the SCICKT1FIC AMKR1CAW. which has tho Urgent circulation, and la the most influ ential novapaper of ita kind pnbiished in the world. The ad vantages of each a notioeerery patentee under atsnda. This large and aplendidlv llhutratcd news paper is published lITBEstLY at f3.30 a year, and is admitted to be the beet paper devoted to aci ence, meehanica, inventions, isiginirinng worka, and other deparaseea of indnstrial pffogyase. pnbiished in any coontrv. Single copies by mail, 10 oente. Sold by all newa SkksJajM. trM. a rn n.M!A.M itt aUUSSO, ISSHU W W.. iu..ll.iro.. w. kulo A n annas, 961 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patouta mailed free asr a week $12 a day at tasiy mad Tat a a Oo O i Cosily outfit feea. Address Augusta, suae. To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ aEAJtinr st., V4o esrnerefaar. cial Street, San Frenrieco. safcHrti l in lead, for the treatment of Stxual and Seminal Diseases, tuck aa .eaerrhea. fileet, MHetfeavailU : n al V3vCBBBBBaHBJeHlsWK' iv lucra, aasipseii rj aeaulnnl WenJkaeaa. nutht losses by dreams, piui plea en Uie face and loaa of manhood can poelUveiy be cured. Tbe sick and afflicted should not tad tv call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively In Europe, and inspected thoroujrhly the various ixepi Uda there, obtaining a great dent of valuable inroi ma ll on, which he is competent lo impart to those in need of his seryices. DR. UIBIKN wilt make no cluve unlaas he effect a cure. Persona at a diet nee NAY KE CIKKU AT HOME. All cor -munieetions strictly confidential. You see no on ha. the Doctor. Bend ten dollars for a package of msdlelae Persons writing to th Doctor wiS please state the nam of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or writ. Addresa DR. J. K. OIBBON, Box 1S67, San Krauclseo. rlftiii RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LANNIK0 & CO., PROFR'S. NBW PBOCKSS FLOUR SUPBRIOB FOR FAHIUBS AND BAKKRS I'HK. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest '.Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. O K 4- r Qalk P"' home. sonh O'J vr $&JV free. Adress Irnssoa dlCt. Portland, Maine. ;vn Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, ON HAND AS KINK AN reasonable figures. 19 ANNALS & WOODIN, aistraerraaa ana muum is FURNITURE BEDDING. 4irar r rear and Serenal Mrvcta. ALBANY, - - OREUOS. vlSMlyl T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW ASD Notary Public. OCR os In States IUohts Dkmocka, off! OS. PARKER'!! BALSAM. of iu x and Mr.'.t. ocly a-e ksasi S to tbe acsJa and Lair and always raftSJr at is finely perfoaned an) is t fjfissc tbebiir sad to e. H.kcox&Co.K.Y. . si sasIsrslBisjsaB PARKER'S GINGER TONIC N von are a xaechasac or aa weak, or a moiber ran .Vsro by lam Jy or I UK CxilMrt try fASKK t l.ivcaa I m. fyeusre a Ueryer, Himrtfr-r cr Lunr-t man e- inacanctMitanuaaa,haasi i Parker s Oan z Ify-uhae CumsasraKSS. Dr?cvsu, h i laeras lUMitv, s. Y. tte. a i ccxat s avixu trrsNC dolus size. Irs rich snd ksaesaf; fxasrraaoe Sea made Cts ddiekiful inHisni excaedaaarv lasaulsi. Tb re tsar a r I IsaeiaJacUaelt. I mat upon ksmsii l iuv. Ton Cotoaas and look tor saner? SeUa. Asy Snsaeaa a fe ; - - - is rasa rax LAHCS S A VI NO aCTIN 1iERIDEN CoilN.U.SLA. Having attained a national repot avion la FIXE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies1 Scissors and ink Erasers, JXare aaaaW Uujmmmhctr c STEEULPEKS. With a skined rnperinte odent In that d.-:rt. ment. aowdeiuented by extondid exprrirucw j the working of fine steel, we are enabled ti c. At goods uf anrivalled quality. To introduce wur I'ATLM AlKl I - I A l.I i. Quil! Action, Reservoir Pen, In advn-e. ef re-u'.ar trade c MMM : -, we- r of it.a.i.l will maul a aan.U: rj Ut any adjaireai on receipt of&d. l'arrle aa aserh Ink aa ary Teen la i a r mZm 1 . S I'KM TITS ANV if ox. Our u 'i ' l-'ia r-r SVn v; I s..' I'rKe LiiUfu.Hl L.vd to uc-. .... GEORUK W. BARKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, ramriiXR, sius.s. Collections proruDtJy made on ail points. XOTKE. Those of our readers who inteoil to make final proof on their Homesteads, ciu help the Democrat by requesting the Register o designate it as the paper in which notice tof their application te make final proo shall he nnblished. Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given tbat the under signed has tiled in the County Court of Linn county, rtregon, her final account as administratrix of the estate of Charles Lievis, 'deceased, and the Court has ap pointed Salara xj Hare 10th, laSS at 10 o'cleck, a. m., of said day, at the Court Houso in Albany, Oregon, for the hearing of objections, if any thereto, and the settlement thereof. All persons in terested will attend at said time and place. Elizabeth La via. Ad mimstrutr i x . Weatherterd & Blackburn, Atty'afor Administratrix. j0& 1 Hi asfaa eaesl i jjk is prefarTtd L BSaH arbobarc t vi , HldaSluaur a-. i - SettsmflMYseaM CalerUCrry PjaW Hair Bake a i lue. Kidney ( oeardaiau, nrinj i in n1 i nllks kaifjl. rtocsadi. bosrek, Uood c nervevPasara s GSseai Toencsrul cure ytsa. It tstkc Greatest lijod Pianacr If rou sre wasnre ssray frosssfg, or any dasesks or veeakneaa nad mnsre a aejaasjasnt taa? CtKCJta Tanc at nece; it srB tnvicoratc andhasH OM up from the feWt dose but sriQ nrre intu: :e. It hat used hundred of Eves: it may save youn. CAtmOS '-Erfs-raBnl SSm .rsrW.CatywTeair h sjsaa4statiiliiaiiifSilaiitslatasretia.aa4MSasy A t a