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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1883)
99 Wkt tmmt Official County Paper, Entered at tho Post Office at Albany, Or. at second-class malt matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1883 STITES & r,titttrt and NUTTING. Proprietors. I'RKDI. MTHVl,. I. : I Klltr. HERE'S A COOD CHANCE. Any one sending us fivo now yearly subscribers, and the caih in advance at the rate of 2.IiO a year, will rooeivs the Democrat one year free, or if now a sub s.Tilcr will bo credited oae yoarssubsorip t ion. m9m AVt L M UOOI HH llt.. Notice ia hereby iriven to tho legal voters of School District No. 5. of Linn county, Oregon, that the annual school meeting for said district, will be held at the Court House in Albany, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. in., on the first Monday, being the 5th day of March, A. D 1883. This mooting is called for the pur pose of taking steps for selling or dispos. Ing of such property belonging to the District as may be deemed advisable. Also for the purpose of levying a tax for the support ot the public school of .said district for the ensuing year. And for erecting a new school house in said district and for purchasing suitable grounds, therefor, and for the transaction of busi ness usnal at such meeting, l'.y order of the Board of Directors. Dated this 12th day of Fsbruary, 1883. J. IT. UruuilABT, Clark. - o SptasfceA. These were twice as many idiots and fools in the United States in 1880 ss there were in 1870. Strang to say the number of poli ticians has also increased. It was not true that a mnle was lost in a mud hole in this city the first of the week. It was only seen oo the edge of it and did not fill in. There are those who believe the story that a tramp mistook the Central school house for a barn the other night and lying down on one of the hard whittled seats, imagined himself in a manger,. Next Monday evening the Fairmout De bating Club will take np the question of the superiority of the sword or pen. It strikes us that some time in oar lives we have heard the tune question debated, but it is possi ble we have it mixed with the Napelsea 'Doaaparte affair. I-ist week we offered a horse book for the best definition of 4 ! ! B F on the badges of certain young women. The answers have been so many that we have concluded to dissect one of tha books and divide it among the guessers. We give seme of the answers: 4 big fools, 4 Ix-autiful fanes, 4 big feet, 4 big flirts, figures before fool?, 4 bosom f fiends 4 blinking blonds, 4 blamelesss females, etc. Cold in Eastern Orrsu. An interesting let'.er from Mr I'M Watkinsto bis son, W L Watkius, of this city, was shown us a few days ago. Mr Watkius is at Lrittoa Klation, about twenty five no i Its from Baker City. In partnership with three others he has taken up a mining claim which no doubt will pat out well. Claims of the same size on each side were sold by Dan Cornes to an Las tern Company far 130, 000 each. They have dug ditches and have plenty of water, and their assays show $S00 to $ l."00 to the ton . We were shown a specimen of quartz sent by Mr Watkius, which indicates gold at least $l-j00te the ton, if not mare. He thinks it will pay them $10 to $12 per day. They have sunk a shaft in a quartz ledge 33 feet and are looking for biz results. One quartz mine recently add for $40, 000, and another for $10,000. One man last year took $3000 out in C week". Mr Watkins states times as very good, and believe a that will be a great mining region when developed, irorc Wafclast3U. We would refer to the father of our country, and n.t the many Ceorge Wj who have since disgraced his name. Yesterday was his birthday, and we bring up hi name lest the giddy love for sensation of tne present day shall en tirely drive all memory of him from our minds. We did not celebrate it Many of us did not evu call it to mind. What odds does it make who was the first President, so long as the ship of state sail! ali rig'it n w. There are those who say this, but for our part we do not care to forget the immortal Washington, George Washington was born on Feb ruary 22. 1732 and died on the 14th of December, 1799. His name stands at the head of American nanus, and it is hut right that on the anniversary of hia birth, we should at least have a kind remembrance of the great man who did a much towards establishing the Unit ed States Hg a nation. sane. last Tuesday Mrs Francis E. Brooks, of Fox Valley, was brought to this city, charged with insanity, and was examined before Judge Flinn, Ds Harris and Dodd making the medical examination. She was found insane and committed to the rstate Asyium. Tuesday mgbt she was kept by her sons at Mr Marshall's, and placed in a room on the first floor, but climbed out -f the wiudow and went to one or tne drug store where her sons found her. She was taken back, and Wed. nesday Sheriff Humphrey went with her to East Portland. Poor woman, we hope the excellent treatment at the Asylum will cure her for we believe her's is a curable case. Wate Your Glr!. There are several in this city, daughters of respectable parents, who are going to ruin as fast as their uncertain associations will carry them, They are allowed to run around the streets so much and go with such hoodlumish young men that their characters are becoming tainted to such a degree that they are almost past redemp tion. If their parents would keep them from going over the falls they had better turn over a new leaf pietty quick, for in several cases there is very little time to lose. You may say it is impossible that your daughter is walking in the crooked path but wo enjoin you to be sure ef the ma'ter. HOME AND ABROAD. F M French, Jeweler, Kugeno has two skating rinks. Yesterday was Washington's birthday. For a good shave go to I .on in fampoau s. The .Vcrt-en haa 70 subscribers in this city. Quite a uuntber of tramps havt been in the city. Masquerade lulls are reported from all quartets. Tobacco less than cost at Nolan's Cash Store, I'tof. Davis has orgauixod a singtug class at Corvallis. Ileninatits of all kinds marly half price at Nolan's Cash Store. There are 324 pensioners in Oregon, who receive $.", 201 annually. John H Mitchell says ho will lie back to Portland by thg first ef April. The plumbers of Portland strnoU and got CO cents a day more wages. It is now doeided that rattling is as much gambling as anything else. There is a very temperate appearance to matters generally this week. Dr K CI JohtHoa forntshoj hit patrons medicine without extra expense. 13 head of good driving horses for sale cheap at I.obanon, by L O. Ualatoa. Garibaldi, Tillamook county, has been citsaged to Sobbesville, What taste. Mart Miller of this county, is now editor for the Lauroan society at Kugeno City. Dr. Ck Willis Price, dentist, otlioo in Odd Follow s Tempi.!, over iangdou's Drugstore. For first class dress making, cutting and fitting, goto Mrs. Sloan Jt Miss Uutnbaughs. Rubber boot. Arctics, overshoes, nlsters and overcoat', less than cost at Nolan's ( 'ash Store. An interufttni); account of the Orange meeting at Shedde will be found on the first page. Mrs T J Bat'ordt wife of the Coouty Treas urer of lknitou entity died last Firday at Corvallis. The Temperance Alliance in eesaiou this week is t'n largest ever held in the State of Oregou. Pare, fresh groceries always on hand at HofTtnan k Josephs, also tbaco, confec turnery. &c. Mens clothing, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hat and caps less than cost at Nolan's Cash Store. If you see a stranger with a good coat, well we won't tell "on hits," it might hart his pride, poor man. At cost, staple and fanoe dry goods, dress goods, eloaks, corsets sad fancy goods at Nolan Cash Store. The roller skating ii .!! will i. open oo Saturday afternoon, for ladies who wish to learn, from 2:30 to fjft The social party given by the Imperial Dancing Clob, Saturday night, we under stand, was a pleasant aflat. Wheat 103c at the mills. As all or nearly all of tho famers have sold theirs the price is somewhat of an aggravation to them. The Xew says Portland has tho worst police department in the United States and dsrands the removal of Chief Lappens. The Oregou Women's Suffrage Convention which met in Portland last week, elected the following officers for the ensuing year : Uocorder X J Hentou is now assessing the city. Everybody should be ready for him so Cut it can be attended to without delay. A slight sensaMoa w.n brewing the fitst of the week, and it is claimed that at least twenty -seven young men were on the anx ions seat. Dr OToale has fixuj his store oo the cor ner of Pirit and Broadalbto streets np in fine style. It is one of the best locations in the city. PrinevtHc tried to organize afire company, but the project fell through. By the time the city is in ashes her citizens will be ready to do something. A big dairy farm running a hundred cows. near this city, would pay better than a large wheat farm and is more to be depended on. us have one. Mr lyittis Miller has purchased th? county right for manufacturing dog ciriJ ail will proceed to build them immediately. They are becoming all the rage. Anyone sending $1.50 to this oilice will receive a gross of "Acme" pens, adju .table to any holder ; quill acting with fountain qualifies. This is the coat pricj of them. Mr John Irving has received his commis sion as Postmaster, and will begin business on tin first of March. In the meantime Mr L is practicing and trying to get bis hand in. Last Friday evening the U L Societies at the College held a very interesting meeting, consisting of recitations, the reading of the Eho, and a debate between the two socio ties. Montague has been doing a good business at Lebanon considering the season of tha year lately, and all because he sells goods cheap, in fact at cost. Oo there for bar gains. The reason who the horse-shoe ia one of the blacksmith shops was so heavy was not because it weighed much, hut for the reason that it was hot. Boys shoe Id learn the dif ference. The price of lumber has bn raising fast all through the Northwest, in some places goingup to $4 on the thousand. The de. mand is so great that the supply hardly meets it A correspondent of a Portland papar says one of the Sunday papers will be up in Deadys Court soon for slander. It is news to us that the U S Courts have power to try slander suits. A women entered a drag store last Tues day evening and asked the clerk for an in strument to look around tho corner with. lie was non -pissed, nntil be ascertained that she was insane. Murray's track loaded with wheat got lost on the corner of Broadalbiu and First street in a hole last Wednesday, but by a little assistance and a large crowd to watch the affair, it was banled out all right. Mr Luprail, of Portland, has been award ed the gold medal for the champion skater of Oregon. It may entitle him to the notoriety of being the champion skater of Portland but not of Oregon. Albany was not consult ed. Mrs E D Sloan has the sole right to teach the Erueka or i tinker system of cutting in Albany and vicinity. All those wishing to learn a first class system of dress cutting and fitting should avail themselves of this opportunity. It is now claimed that a great deal of dis ease is conveyed by indiscriminate kissing, which physicians say should be confined to families. Sore throat, and throat affections generally are caught through this sentimen tal mod i urn. Joel Itobinson, of La Grande has just re. ceived a patent on a foot warmer. It would have been very convenient during the cold snap. J E Davis, f Union has also invent ed a fire escape, the 1090th invented, more or less. Paxton has a icture o: a stocmboat taken while passing on the river. Tin smoke curling behind, and even the waves on the river, are as natural as life. A picturo of as skatiag party on Moateith's Hats was taken, but not with as good success. Last Saturday evening at lebanon the skatiag rink was the scene of an unfortunate accident ueorge t'aul whUe skating waa tripped by another boy and falling violently to the floor broke his left wrist above the joint as well as spraining it badly, President, Mrs. H. A. I.oughary (re -sleeted); Vice-Preeidsnt-atdarge, Mrs. A. S. Dunlway (re-elected); IUeordlng Secretary, Misa Mary Combs ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Anna Fearnside (re-elected); Treasurer, Mrs. K. Johnson (re-elected). Capt John Smith haa resigned as ageut of tho Warm Spring Indiana. He has held the position steadily for twenty years and has had a good influence over that trilw of In. dians, both morally and practically. Hi place cannot very well be filled. There are 140 printers in Portland, and an exchange says there are not 00 of tha num ber who can claim a oeut Monday morning, although thoy earn from $1.1 to $2.1 per week. They spend it in dissipation. Pub lishers could easily put a step to this if they chose. Seed wheat is worth from 91. 15 to $1.90 iu this city. Considerable will have to be used, but probably not one-fonrth of the fields in the county will be re-sowed, at least a close observer pnts it at about that figure. Warm rains remind some poop's of the fact that the best place to buy their beer is at Win. Paber's. The Star Krewery Ukoa tho lead in ihe valley, and is quite popular among beer drinkers not only in Albany, but through the adjoining counties where it has a big sale. A Jewish lady in this city informs as that this is the Jewish leap year and that fur a period of about a month we will havs fires, casualties, sinking of ships, deaths, ia fact that everything generally goes wrong. Tho lady informs us that this is in accordsuce with the old bible. Our people are eating California butter. We write this with sorrow, if not chagrin A people who cannot raise enough butter to supply the local market need pricking up, ' and until we get enterprise enough to meet such demands it may be expected that our t .,, , -.i. . terms win oe covered wuu mortgages, Young ladies destnag a clear complexion should obtain a position in some fruit drying establishment where the ft nit is bleached. We know of two young ladies near Albany, whose completions were improved wonder fully by a few weeks ocenpatien around a fruit drier. A young man at Mom month skating en ice oo a pond a foot deep broke through and (ell in np to hia chin. The miracle of a persons falling into water a foot deep ap to his ehin is explained by the fact that be went in feat first and slid along on the hot torn until only his head was left out of the water. Salem is talking of organising a board ef trade, and is consummating plans for bring ing the Oregon Short Lino duectly to that city via Priueville, aad already in her eye she sees the steam horse plowing its way through Minto pass. Verily Salem is alive to the necessity of watching her iu inter ests. A new lumber will is talked of in Albany, with a large capacity, but no definite ar- ranomenta are yet perfected. If it is con cluded to build one, arraacments will be made to get all the logs that eaa be sawed. The trouble lias been to obtain the logs al though there seem to be enough up the rivers. Such a mill would pay well here and we would like to see it built. Independence proposes to run a ditch from the Willamette at Kuena Vista and surveys aad plans have already been made. It will cost &o,000, and when completed wUi be a good thing for that city A mill will be constructed and the w best ground at home instead of sending it to Salem. Spun key Independence. Arrangements are beiug inade for the or ganization of a musical society, aad f or the purpose there will be a meeting at Y P C A Hall next Wednesday evening, to w hich all interested in mnsicel matters will be invited. The affair haa been started by some of. oar leading vocalists, aad it is hoped will prove a success, for Albany needs a clob of the kind. Tho school directors of Portland hv .eu ordered to sell the Central school b uluiug aad lot for $75,009, with this provision that a hotel building be built ou it Portland already has good hotels and we predict that tbis high toned affair will prove aa big an elephant as the Palace, of San Francisco. Last Tuesday County Clerk Stewart open, ed a letter, which he found contained a check for (250. He instantly knew that it could not be for bim and looking at the envolepe, he fonnd it was addressed to "Albany Coun. ty Bank, Albany, Kew York." The letter had come from Portland aad was placed in his box without the mistake being noticed. Recently a man named Jehu Orepen stock, charged with some crime at Brownsville, the Stamlrd says stealing a revolver, but we understand the charge is embezzlement from the Brownsville Wool Mills, left that place and got as far as Portland, when he was ar rested by Deputy Sheriff Blakely and last Monday taken back to Brownsville. Some people wonder why editors get in free at all shows An exchange explains it very aptly by saying that it is by giving $25 worth of advertising for a 25 cent ticket This hits the nail on the bead. No editor ever got anything free yet where he was not expected to pay more than double what othor people pay for the same thing. "Resolved, That the round hoof animals are more beneficial to'this country than tbe split hoof antin d" win the ingenious ques tion whleh t'ie in 11. W c of the Fairmont DokMttti Cmb diecussetl lest Monday eves ing. We have not heard bow it waa decid ed. We have several times spoken of this club as the Soap Creek Club, being under the impression that it was in thst country. We very gladly correct the mistake. The introduction of fish into Oregon wa ters is received with great encouragement by all of our exchanges. Probably no state in the Union has more streams adapted to fish culture than this. It is to be wondered that private ponds are not established for the purpose of breeding, etc. One wonld pay well for the purpose of raising the fish and ss a Hummer resort, for picuics, etc. Let us have one near Albany. Some people think the size of an ad. should have nothing to do with the charges, and that a quarter of a column ought to be as chesp as a square. They are some like a Chinaman in this city. He has employed a lawyer here to draw u p short contracts for him several times, for which he was only charged one dollar. One day be had a larger contract drawn, worth from three to five dollars. When finished he put down his customary dollar and walked out of tbe of fice. The lawyer looked disgus ted. Frank Leslie's Sunday Marjazlm for March presents several new and attractive features, and fully sustains the high character of this popular magazine. Do Leon's "The American Pilgrims in Palestine" ie costiuu- ed with beautiful illustrations. The Home Pulpit has a sermon by Dr Talmage, "tiatri son Duty," besides a comprehensive and en tertaing miscellany. The number is elabor ately illustrated. Prioe, SO oeati a copy ; 13 a year, postpaid, Address, Man Kit ask Lasua, Publisher, 5.1, 53 and 57 Park Place, Now York. Next Monday week the annual school moot ing noticed ia another column will take place. Kvery voter at such meetings ia the city should, at least, be present and see that ar rrngotnents for some kind of a school house be made. No such opportunity as the pres ent will probably be offered for yean, and it ie at a time when we need something to put an impetus to matters. H those in favor of a school house will only agree on a plan there ie no doubt from the sentiment we have heard expressed that a building will be voted, but it ie often the case that a good project is defeated by the very friends who favor it on account of dissension in reference to aome immaterial matter. It is to be hoped it will net do so in this case. 800IAL AND PERSOHAL Sheriff Humphrey waa in Portland, Sator day. Joe Crooks, of Jefferson, has boon in Prim - j vtlle lately. Wm Cosher, of Prinevtllo left for home last Monday. Mies Alma Story, of East Portland, is vis iting friends in this city. E I. Bristow, f the Portland .Standard, was in the city the first of tho week. E L Ksathsin, oat efJOregen I 'ity's leading Attorneys, was io the city Saturday. Jim Curraa, the irrepressible drummer and story toller was in Albany, Monday. Dr T F Smith has left Weston and will probably locate at Spokane Falls. W. T. Iks ft in man, tho jovial clothes merchant of San Francisco, w in the city last Satur day. Mrs llaxoooeart and daughter have moved to this city and will live ia the Fromsa brick aear A B Pat ton's. Cap. N B Humphrey, of Portland aad Pendleton, was in the city the first of the week. Business is rushing with him now days. K H Palmer, of Palmer 4 Co, San Fran, cisco, was ia tho city Wednesday. The firm is about to establish a branch office ia Portlsnd. Mr R 0 Miller, of Uheuea, called on us last Wednesday. He orossed the plains ia 1847 and waa only proceeded by a few to tha land of the Oregon. Albert and Edwia Uaffenden are conduct ing a frmt farm near nan Ulsge, Cal. t 'barley is with C A Plummsr k Co., at Portland, and we are lad to learn that all are doing welt Jim Wostfall, was over from Vauntae last week. He is working loo men now, and ys he has orders to have 500 more by about the first of April. This would look ae if something was to be dene. st araiss raarv. On Thursday evening the friends of Misa andta Conn to the number of sixty ia ae. cord no co with a preconcerted arrangement, called in a body, taking bar completely by surprise. It was the oorsvsioo of the anniversary of her birthday. After passing an hour or so in listening to music, aad play ing charades, etc,, the party was treated to a repast provided by the friends. After luash, music, charades, games, social con verse, etc.. were again introduced and every thing wont merry ae a marriage bell nntil 1 1 o'clock when all retired feeling they had booa most pleasantly entertained. We will all re member the 15th of Fsbruary. a relMUjr The high water each year slowly but t surely wearing Ita way thrcugb the land this hWc of Mr Haiti waUn. on lite other aide of the river, and la bouod la lime to completely change the con roe of the Wil lamette, (uulesa, of course, a breakwater la constructed.) In such aa eveot Soap Crok would come within the limits of Albany. Mr Pierce's farm would be brought within our ehy and bis ferry would run on dry ground. True, the Call- poola would dries e peat, but L would not take up much room. One advantage would be that the railroad bridge would L nllralu ftrllliln Alt 1 1 an U u kmiiIiImI ftf v.j ...... u . ..,,, i w - lew ceume the land this side of the WlUaasette nbeuld be considered a part of Linn coun a - - o . a j as . . 4 s iy. more wouiu tne "MeLUiJey'i steam up to the f jot of Ferry street, or the "Monaiixs" to Simpson's dilapidated wharf, but they would have to land, probably on Soap Creek Avenue, or PVeree street, on the new channel. Throwing aside I ho humorous side of the matter, It Is a fact that a channel will be made there wltbia a very few years, and In order to prevent It, it is time to begin getting sn sppropristlon from the government for the construction of a break-water, and we suggest that $100,000 be inserted in tho river end harbor bill for tbe purpose, with the provision thst the surplus after bulling tbe break' water in devoted to tne construction of s woolen mill iu this eltv. to be run bv the govern mailt. IN en err. loo veal Ion. m ' Rock Hill, Feb. 16th, lo& &. Democrat : I noticed in the columns of your valuable paper, under dste ef Feb. 9th, the sugges tion that ws have a pioneer meeting. I heartily aaree witb you, that tne idea is a good one. And fellow pioneers of Lien county, let us have a meeting of this kind, aad talk over the old time stories, trials, troubles, aad pleasures, of the past. Let us have a good dinner, the old pioneers will eoiov it. But I would succest we have it in a grove Bear Lebanon ae the point is more central and therefore would accommodate more of the old people, as many wno use in , 1 the remote Dart of the county could not at- tend if hold at Albany, a. well a. they eould a " n neiu at i.eoanon or wino centra. !""- t 1 1 . v 1 l 1 :t I think that the time suggested by you wouia oe too eer.y in tne aoawon . roads and fair weather. I would suggest 1 s ft . t.. i .1 J the convention be held about tbe last of ouno no aueai wwrs wo otowe. uu . 1 si si . .1 l. 1: ; .... , . . work and people would feel more like pending several days ss they would hsve to do, if they came from all parts of tbe county. An Olp Pioneer of 1847. una way at Sssedd'a. lout Monday Alf Currie took a ride in a dog cart bohibd quite a spirited team, at least half of it waa. The cart ran aaainst a laro-e atone, soarina the team, which nnnir frirtvar 1. Ihmtslne 1 If sn tn Mia borsea heels, one of which began kicking, hitting him once or twice ,snd then started a O aaa aS . e ae to run, out tne otner norse was not m a racing mood, so that they were soon stopp ed. No serious damage waa done, although Doc was somewhat bruised end the ton gue (of the cart) broken. Mew First of tbe season, urv ifoods, groceries, w sae hardware, boots, shoes, hats and genoral D.iri.ul all nt urkiett will tut an id for UO ss EMUUiiv, boss era w w s-we-. w cash or produce at lowest pricar. A B. McIlwaii. 1TATK TEMritftANC AlUAWK. Called to order at 1:30p.m. Wednesday by Pros't Watts, prayer by First Vice President, Hey J N Deuutson, of Salem. On motion a committee of three, consisting of J E Houston, Mrs H Pont land and F A Watts, waa appointed on credentials. Short ad dresses went made by T P Haoklemar, Rev J M Denolsoti, Hon J C IfeDougal, of Portland, Rev W M Houston, of Junc tion, Rev Robertson, of Iowa, Rev H K Hlaes, editor of the "Advocate," of Port land, Hon M H Hewitt, of Albany, Mr Longaworth, of Junction, Rev K S Craven, of New burg, Krs Clawson, of Portland, Rov Doty, of Sclo, late of Kansas, Rev J U Woods, of Khedd station. Mrs Waldamlth, of Indiana, Mrs H K Bines, ot Portlsnd, Mr J Conner, of Kugeno City, Mre Ed wards, of New burg. Aoommnnloatlon from W L BUger, of Jackson county was read by the first vice president, Rev Demiieon, also one from John Raid iinen, W . C of Monitor Council, Wagner Creek, Jackson county. Mrs Coon, officio, upon being called for sang in a very pleasant manner. She waa followed oy John A Shew, from the Penn aylvlnta Theological Bommlnary, In a short address. Tho committee on credentials then re ported the following entitled to seats In the Alliance, which was adopted : Eureka I am 1 go -Mrs K J Washburn, J T Kirk. U S Martin, Miss Ksuais Oritur. Samaritan Lodge--W L laster, M Fuller, t'rawfordsvills lodge tt 0 Martin. J H Glass. Una Cotiuty IodgeM S I'rstn. Mre P J Porter, D P Porter. Valley Lodge 165, A J Wmdom, M J Pentlsnd, Ala Davie. Capital lodge 1 1 Mrs E Strong. Mrs M MilUr, E A O Donald, CW Kcribcr, Q P lacbfteld, A N Doathit, Ira Erb, flattie Erh,CA Scbslbreld. Roaebnrg Lodge--W Y Benjamin. E A Byara. Freedom Lodge 37S F A Watt. E 8 Watts, Mattie Thomjeoo, K Coughell. Cham pots lodge 370 Ada Yokum, P K Osbarne, John Jones. Harmony lodge 3w J rl roweli, U Hard man. Val Footis lodge 747 S tumble. Corvallis lodge 3e -J R Bailey. J W Will, T V B Kiabree, Mrs K Carter. Kings Valley !odgs 380 C B Crosno. W 0 Kiggs. Oak Omvs lodge J a. a ntevese. Amity lodgs g-J T Ruble, Mrs E J Taylor. Milwaukee Lodge 57-Jas Keller. J N lombert Oregon City lodge J W Watts. C K Watte, Joe 1 rounson. Butte lodge 3d, Jacob Conscr. Mrs A J Babb. Mom mouth Iodgs 331 U B Bootkby. Rescue lodge 3v7 Uoa T Carter, Ben didders, John Screfford. HilUburo lodge 17 Goo A atrender. Trtomph IJge 22 E W Cooper, W B Brocker, U L White, Emma Htanm. Seatiam lodge 373 Mrs E E Pen t lam 1, Naocy OiU. J J Dorrts. Progressive lodge 39t Otis Ktxer, Har mon Coadra, Newlon Warmest!). Uaioa lodge 100 John Mwitxer, Tones Witts Stay ton Lodge- Lola Telleaeby, A C Card wall. Nowborg lodge 302 -XeU L Wdey. Sadie Ileal ins, K A olds. Beolah lodge 307 Wm Pier poet. Pacific Temple U O A T. Albany -Mrs Wood 10. J W Millard. Mrs iUcsb-ftnan, T P Haeklemaa, Mr White. Advance Templars 2. I O AT fc.taosl Coon, Mrs Mary Conn. Presbyterian church. S,iri"v Valley J A anna. Kvsoewhcal Church. Holrm Mrs M C Bewersox, Oeo Waldsinith, Pev Acserman Preebytenan burch, Albany -Mrs DO Clark. Dr D B Rice, Mrs C E Wolvorum. Evangelical Church, Albany 'r-dio White. Rev J T Hirecbnor. Mrs A Herbort. C PCnurcb. Albany Mrs M A MooHth. Mrs LC Powell. Clara Blata. Maggie Bsr- ton. Friends Church, Ncwburg -Hon K Jeasun. Osvid J Wood, Jon Townaood. Maine Towtissmd, Mrs '"Uwsoo. M K Church. Salem Rev J X Di..u, Rev Wm Cornell, Mrs J Ramp. Ceng. Church. Or. City Rev E Oevy. M E Church, Hhsad - Mrs M Rioehsrt, Rev J H Wood. Pros, Caurcb, Jefferson - Rov B K Lmg worth. M K Church, Iobanon Mrs E A Johnson. J M MoDoasld. Cong. Church. Albany -Mrs A Ktsiger. Jas Pottlnger. H F Merrill. C P Chureh, lohaaoa - J Waosom. Svan. Chureh, Kings Valley M JCnr, U P Church. Halaey Jaa Crawford. Mrs Crawford. M E Church, Albany Kev D W Cameron, l av lor Bt M E Church. Portland N Dreed. Mrs Mary Sutherland, Mrs C Doug las Evangelical Church. Corvallis K A Jack- Sarah Jingles, Km ma Thompson, J J Chowa. Philomath Hoi mesas Association J K Oenaor. U P Church, Willamette- J no Barton, W A Carrie, John McCoy, A M Aeheaoo, Wn. Pattison. Anna McCor snick. W A Robb. Christian Church, Bcio Rev Doty, Mrs Doty. n H t int, Altmnv T P Hackleman Fib ,: j-oai, aEL Mrs Geo Terrell. Mre 1, K Blain, Mattie Poster, Maggie Pester, (lllie Miller, (i W Urey. B R Club, Rcio W K Kelley. B B Club, Woedbjrn Elmer Hall. MESS, Jefferson Mrs J Withers i te, Mrs J A Beard, Mre M A Lougswortb, Flor ence Thomas. Philomath Pres. 8 8 If 8 Walker, Prof Henry Shirk, Rsv C C Bell. J Ueakle, B I I . . ' . m T U71I Harris, .wrs & j "uw Pres. 8 S. Albany -Mrs B ii Clark MESS. Albany Mrs Jss Elkiae, ( has Hideout. Miss l. ryoodin, Maggie ueiseneor- far, N C Cobb. Friends 8 8 Newburg Mary K Edwards, IdaJeeeup, Maggie Wood, Klkana ('ravin. Pros. 8 8, Ibanoe Mrs N J Bed path. Shedd B & F M Rinehart, Mary Holmes. Junction 8 8. Amanda Outhrie, Katie Pick ett, Mary Unthrie, Rena duina, Bev W M Hasten. C. P. 8 8. Lebanon, Jss. II . Johnson. Union 8. 8. Nolo, -Mrs, Coon, K. Pent- land. Unlou 8. 8. Woodburn, Joint Vender vera. Union 8. 8. Independence, Minnie Dontv. Pres. s. a. Looanon,- xaary a uuuen. m 1 - m w, 1 1 1 1 , e. h. Montague, Mrs. J. M. Marka, Lily Bed pain. . . I M. r. 9. s. iiwiney, .-". i. rnieiuu. KvMfX-Jiooi 8. 8. Albany, A. W. Her- bert. Ads Crowder, Mrs. D. Froman, Ma- I . assart Wm ate as. W Wa as a. B SSS 8 T Srlnn. 1 2-. . 7 vt-, j k Yoiinir. Mrs. . Ii. Johnson. Hettie Miller, LlFlle Robertson, Mrs, Eiu urn w n - - R H-lBefMrfl. L. V. Wilson, v.vonoolleal 8. 8. Corvallla. Mm. R. Woodward, Emery Allen, Mrs. E. Allen, mre. a. . uihjs. l war an IT I 1 1 n a a r., t v u- 1 IO". 1 ' J. -tftH, SM. D.Y Mra. Berry, Mrs. J. W. Crsword, Mra. A. M. Thompson, Mrs. K. 11. Conover, Flo- tin I M N Wanno t!oC. W. Mora. Welcome Temperance ooolety, Wasco Co. Mrs. C. W. Moore, Miss America Cushman. Eva Rollins. Woman's C. T. U. Portland, -Mrs. A. R. Biggs, Mrs. J C Mendonhall, Mrs M C Cartwriirht. Mrs II K Hinos. Salem w u T u Mrs w t riper, Airs w o sn ae . mm w si w sa m . L W Hun ton. . Independence W C T U -Mrs Chas Par- K M. nmltll. Corvallla W C T U Mrs V, Wool bum. C T U Salem Mra A M lie w ley . Itobt Mo Cnllono-h. Mra R McCulleush, J M end Mm J M Martin. Allmnv WCT U Mrs M 1 Townsena, Mrs CC Kelley Social Temperance society new nurg Urate Woodward. Leading Starr Band of Hope, Eugene Miss Mattie Currie, J K Houston. Liberty Bend of Mope, independence- Mr L L Whiteaker. Portland Temp Association Rev J a rev. Rev A L Lindsley, Rev F R Mar I VJU MUU VV liOf 11 eVBsV JU14VWU OUU W II VI SWI S F T Lee, B C Dunlway, Mra AS Dunlway Mias Marr Baker. T C MeKinstry. am vln ana wuo, 11 ca. uuriton ana wne, nev I w . " - aaise axary rNsoer, x v ovumuevrj, aim wife, L M Parrlab, Rev II K Hinos. E F ITapvait and wifo. f Mark llav. Mra Dolten. Ms.esr .nH wife ClnrW ITav. Mra Ilaltan Mrs A E Torrey, C J McDougall, Rev G tor god wife, J F Jones and wife, J B Pitulsn, L Holmes, Hev K K Robertson, Mrs W W Baker, lly Chan Noyen, Rev J H Acton, and wife, A M Smith, Miss Car rie Aleen. Ilslsey Tempersnoe AJllan-e-Miss Ro ns Kan kin. A Powers, H M Robertson, John Batsmen, Rev T J Wilson. Additional names were afterwards pre sented and the persons given noate, wbw-b are not given. The whole MNlhgT being about 300. The proas was Invited to a ost on the platform. Moved a 00m initios of five on order of business he appointed. Carried. The following committee was appointed: Rev II K Mines, T P Hackleman, Rev D J Woods, D P Porter and Rev Hsnna. Moves that Mr Chllders bo appointed to report proceedings for some Stale paper, and reoslve $15 for It. Laid on the table. Cemmmltlee on order of huine re ported In part that report of president be received first, J W Watts, Proaldent, reported. Tha 1 sport of the President ws receive J and adopted. Committee on order of business reported, reading of Secretary's report by Mr Houston, as next, which was thoa d ae, ami tho report was adopted. J H Lambert, Treasurer, theo reported, and his report was adopted. J A Shaw was called upon f .r a song ami answered in Brat class style Election of oficers was then taken up and resulted as follows J W Watte. President ; Rev J N Deanisen, 1st Vice President ; Mr J Coaaer, 2od Vice President ; Rsv H K Hinss, 3rd Vies President ; J E Houstoo. Secretary ; J H lombert, Treasurer ; Cor responding Secretary, Rsv S Q Irvine ; rWgnaat at Arms, T P Hackleman. Moved that Pres., Vice Presidents and Secretory he the Esecotivo Committee, carried. ( B ( mono was clotted Assistant Secretary- The following standing committees were appointed : Resolutions -Rev T J Wilson, Mr Cbewo. aad Mrs El wards. Program Dr SO Irvine. M I Footer, Rev Music Dr O W Orsy, Prof J D R bb, and Mis Maggie Poster. kvcxisg sk;o. Opened with s song by clob. 'Cheer Boys Cheer." Prayer was offered by Rev H K limes, Song by the eleb entitled "Tt on the Rib- benef Blue," Minutes of the afternoon seeei n wore read aad adopted Committee on program r-a-1 order of ex- sretses for evening. Adopted. Rev T J irdsan, of IfaltlJ. delivered a abort address, ebxiuent aad u the point. Song by club, 'Temperance Maracllaise." ommittee on credentials reported several uass of persons entitled to s seat in the convention. ' xnmoaicetions read from S B Sherman, of Phoeats, Or. J P Oriffn. ef Udieboro.Or. Y M lteaertaon, of Iowa, delivered a tea aatnnte address, fall of interest. The President appointed the following Fiaanoe Committee C J McDougall, 88 Kimble. D P Porter. R Pen than I. and E Carter. The names of E X Coadit and Mrs Ifhit. eater were added to the committee on RasjotatJoaa Address by Mrs M LI wards, of Nowberg. Temhill Cenaty. Sn- by club. "Ojrcaesa is marching on." A id r as by Bev Dnty, of Scie. Siang by clas, "Have courar, ray boy to say no. Sosao books were a-. Id. f dUwe 1 by another eoag by club. 'Times won't be good. " Closing with lbisology. Adjourned till nine u I Tasredsy. Tin muur MOSS I Nd HaVeUOS. Alliance opened with prayer by Bev IF M Houston Minutes of last session read aad approved. Committee on credentials rv ported the of a number of delegates entitled to easts which waa adopted. 1'be President on motion was rvuueaUd te state what miscarriage had beu in the Journal of tho legislature in reference to the adoption of the prohibitory amendment. The President read from the Journal shorn- in the condition of tho amendment aad dually recoommonded that a new amend t bo Dropoaou. Mr Itennisoa ma ale a statement of the circumstances attending the adoption of the ataeaidmeut and agreed with the President in proposing a now amendment. Mr Detinison was followed on the same subject by Messrs Hackleman, ll'ilson, Hinos Condit and ethers. On motion tho Kzecu- live Committee was authorised to employ a lecturer to put in the field to pnomote the osnee of tempersnoe. The rest of the proceedings will be given in full neit week. Always a Melts! It Is always a holiday at J. Gradwohl's. Hia stock la about tbe same tne year round, and ia something people always want. He hss tbe biggest atock of baby carriages In the fttato outside of Portland, and has express wagons, etc., in abun- daoco. And for older people is the beat French chins in tho eitv. Drooelain. stone and w m eariuen were, xiib swea ui smor imiswu ware la being greatly admired and deserv edly so, for It Is uncommonly fine. Tbo handsomest kinds of vases are found here of the latest designs. Tske Mr Grad wohl's atock altogether and here is not a batter selected one, with a view to the use ful and ornamental, in Linn county. Do not purchase before calling on him. For Sale. As I contemplate moving away, I offer for t u Lia 1 i- taseJ. ... sale my household farniture. Such as stove, chairs, tables, lounge, spring uiattreses, bed steads, kitchen safe, and a good li mlett or- gac Anyone desiring anything in this line. will vet a rood bareain bv eallins early on 0 m ae mw mj the undersigned, corner of 3rd k Lyon streets. P. H. Raymond. False Report A report has been circulated, by parties 1 having an object in view, that my hall was net safe.. This is false, mechanics who worked on the building say that there is not a more substantial building in the city. Jas Dannalm. Wanted. Purchasers for the long lists of farm a, stock ranches, and garden lands, we have for aale. We are offering some good bar- galna. Send for Hats. Money to loan on long time. Burkuart Bros. rer Bale. 1 1 1 A half interoat in the Albany Soda Works 1U t.rour.y cwro ui i..uu vx, 1 et'a, ,.f lJ,.4T..a- Jr l.stVl W I For particuUrs ins.uire at tke store. Jmrr UsL a The following have Imen drawn as Jury men for the regular March terra of the Circuit Court which eonvenos In this city on March PAh nest : B F Darby, farmer, Ncio. P VV Hplnk. toatnsler. Albany. K L Knox, farmer, Albany. Worth Huston, farmer, Center. A Haltmarab, farmer, Lebanon. John Coy , farmer, lobanon. J W Willbanke, farmer, Orleans, Jaa Sanderson, farnmr, Bentletn. Thurston Davideoi, farmer, Halaey. Wm M Allen, farmer, If si soy. J B Jenks, farmer, Albany. M Achesou, farmer, Orfean. J Nnee, farmer, Bweot Worm, J W Swank, formor, Center, Joe Waasom, merchant, Iobartou. Itobt Harrison, farmer Browosvllle, J B Coney, farmer, Orleaus. Oeo Overton, farmer, Brownsville. II S Blehop, Urmer, Mclo. Jas fryer, farmor, .Vienna. John Brush, wlrn worker, APjsny. A Itocksrd, farmer, Albany. 8 P Barger, farmer, Hrownaville. W H Thompson, firmer, Center. O P Adama, farmer, Syracuse, John orisharn, fsrmor, Bantlsm. Jesao Berr, farmer, Liberty. A P Rlsi'kburn, farmer. Browneviile. C T lover, farmer, Hantlam. Oeo Arehart, Urm9t, Center. J M Diokson, farms', I!anon: MHOSl RECTI sc. Notice la hereby given tot bo legal voter of Hcbo3i District, No. ft. Linn county Oregon thai the snnusl nchoo meeting for said District will be held at the Central nr-hool houee In sold district to begin at tbe hour of two o'clock on the ssond Monday tielug Ihe the rah day of March. 183 This meeting In called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve the onsuing two years to fill the vacancy oe caalooed by director K P Sox moving out of tbe district, and onn director to nerve said district fr three years, sod for the election of s clerk to serve one year. J II P.t sksfaiti, Dietrlrt Clerk. Alissny, Feb. 150th, 1HH3. fondle Snellen I will sell at auction to the bigbeet bid- tier at my farm near Tangent Tuesday Fsbruary 10 o'clock s. m all my personal property, Ie mUi Four head of work horses, oae colt, three milk cows three calves, one brood sow. one two-bore ' wagon, two sets of harness, two plows, two barrows, one fanning mill, twenty cords of wood, sewing machine, two feather beds, household and kitchen furniture and many other arttcies to numerous too men. Uon, Taaxa or sm: : Alt sums under to cash In hand ; all sums over six months time will be given with approved security without Interest. 8. L. WsiotiT. Froea t Seal Wm Barlow of Barlow Station writes the Oreponson that ia lo. be had a fifty scr field of wheat killed by a freese that year. aa it has been killed tbis j ear. Daring tbe last week ia February hs sowed tbe told to winter wheat, without reviewing, aad when harvest came on. thrashed 49J bushels per acre. Tins year he says ha will repeat the .owing in the same way upon the same field, I being satisfied that be will reap an abundant I harvest. We give this for the consideration nf our fanner fnemla. atochhet Jer a fflls: 'Hiere will lie a meeting of the Stock hold ers of I Ana County Agricultural Association ootSaturday, March 17th. 1SS3 at 1 o'clock P M at the office of J H Poster & Co. Business of importance. All are requested to attend. P. W Snsn, R. A PeaOBa, President. Secretary. Cray hairs often rwuso annoyance, which Parker' Hair Balaam pre vents by restor ing tbe youthful color. Notice to Stock-holders. Capital Uold and Silver Mining Com- pany. Location of principal place of kuai- nana Salem, Oregon. There arede.iaquent 11 ron the followiutr described otock on ac count efaaawftsment No. 2 levied on tbe 18th day of August 1H82 and whch became de linquent Jan. iu, less tne several amounts set opposite the names of the respective share holsters aa loiiowa : N Be. ml eerUAast. Xo. shares. 1X5 136 1.1s no. 11, IS. IS, U,l&.le,17. 18,10, su.n ,.J4.i&. A tit-Hints J L Hill IN u A U lie 1 1 2n,7,S8.e,30. 1S7 see atf S9.0MJ 43 50 15.000 ii 50 1 i.000 15 00 100 .16 400 .OS GOO .0U 5eo .75 t750 4 It 100 .15 100 .15 KO .15 100 .15 100 .15 100 .15 100 .U 100 . 100 .1 100 .15 lUft .16 80 1 23 1MM0 82.60 500 7.50 200 . 100 .15 50 .07 100 .15 ino 15 100 .15 10.000 1&.O0 250 .37 1755 2.02 17.S .25 45.87 1 08.81 40 .08 Co. 000 90.00 It C illll M A llaker Krank Uibsun Hampton Wetl tisrjfe I'efr r. O Smith 11s, set C B Wulverton J BTHus at?, m n si n 87 el at U anJ K Harris 0 O tunies L Kline W U Wiloox H Kos C P Morns Mrs It A Karnat y Julian Jnacpli 103 107 111 lie iai.:3 1 8 chenoweth w 11 l-arker I u a,.. Francis T Aniutnnr 151 A D Hark ) W U Paisaer L N l.tssTett Lee Wheeler S tM 7 840 847 SIS tee ot.9.l!, tMI.& 827 855 U W Casey James T Wnrtley O W Crrsal H J IVntvlinin J W Hall J W Blair J CAdkitia J D Thachelbcrry S O Allen Estate .4 PPWstts J Q Wrixbt,tnrtee 329 Tn nmnlsnis villi law anil tB order of the Beard of Directon of the CapiUd Gold and Silver Mininn Company of Salem, All A-W ...... ' - - - Oregon made en the lth day ot January, 1883, so many share, of each parcel of rtnek aa may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of aald Com- Eoy, Oriawold's Block, second story, letn. Oregon on the 24th dsy of March, 1883, at the Lour of one n. m., of that day to pay said delinquent assessments there on together with costs of advertising and expenaes of rale. a F. Chadwick, Secretary. Office Stock-helders Block, Second Story. Salem Oregon. 18 A SURE OURi: for all dleeaeea of tbe ...dneye and LIVER TAluas speeifie ostkm oat vbis saost impatSsat anu, enabling It to throw off torpidity aad HttT Uxs healthy aecretl mof the BUs, aad by keeping tho bowels In fires tun-Its sasa I.Jn If joa are enBanng :oa IwlCiiar sCIe nvUaria, have the slUUs, are btUoua, dyepsptlo, er eons d,aitlnsr Wort will surely relieve and Hsokly oast. S lathe Bprlar to cleans tho Gyslswi, very oae should take a thorough couree of it. at- aOCD V DWUOOtaTac Prtooai. NKLSON HUNSAKKR. On Pel). 13, 1883, at the residence of Hev. Hunsiker, in McMionville Mr J H Neujon aid Miss Leon ore Hunsakek all of McMimvilie. Aleaar Market Wheat :o rer bu-bel, atoMm nsBas, at the war-b nnes. I lei. O ib VI Beef jn f.oc 6 tftn Hay baled, Jttfi. per ton. V o 9, is u .j-1. Butter 2i to V) eta per lb. Kgg i" csntn perfd'sa. Pjiatoos Wl$ per bunbol. Pork 7 cts per Jb. Vesat-Ocperib. Hried Pruit sun dried apple, flc. M i urns, go. machine cured apples, Vo. M plums, 10. Bacons hams, 14 to 16. shoulders, 10 to 13e. aides, 1? to 15e. Ltrd Bieper lb. Flour ,-5aTpw bb!. Cbickenav-3i0 per doe. Bngsr Ban Pimnolac C, Hr, Mil! Peed -bran, 14.00 per ton. 'S AKIHI POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powoor never varies. A sssrssl sf priAif. Riisogsn s sfy.ns isnsss wore ssc nsssluol taw orSlaavrr kinda, aad coana te 4d U witlj toe nulUUxie o low test, roort ar phehau pnosfs. Sou wsuv In coos, Kotsl UssixeKuvesa Ca I O Wail SC. . T. Administrator's Notice. Notice io hereby given that the under H'grted ban been duly appointed adsninis tralor of the estate of Johaan F. Oeltjen brnns deceased, by sn order of tbe Coantv 'ourtofl.inn Teunty, Oregon. All persena bes-iag claims attainai the estate ef said deceased are notified and required to preoent the same with tbe proper voucher within six months froan the date hereof to the undersigned at his residence. rVbrnary 1, 1883. Ubse PaTBua. Adntlnistrat.r. Summons. a far Cimtk Comrt of the StaU oj "roa, for die eowssfy of Lima, H M Stone and William . laJohn, Plaintilts. vs. .Suinmcn . JsmoaT Keeton, John W Kewtnn. W C Keeten, end 1 E r Keetea, Defendants. To W C Keeton. James T Keetr.n. John Keeton and E F Keetou the defendants above named. Io the name of the State of Oregon, yon and eaeh of you are hereby summoned and required to appear in the above en titled Court and answer tbe eons plaint ef the plaintiffs ia tbis salt by the first dsy ot tbe next r ocular term of said Court ia aad for said Linn county in eaid State to be begun and bold on the 12tb day of March. 1883, or judgment will bo taken s gainst vou for want nf auch answer. Tm are hereby notified that If yen fail to anpear and answer tho plaintiff's rom plaint bore in, tbe plaintiff's will apply to tbo Court tor tne roller demanded in the enmplaiat to-wit : That the Court order and aecree that tbe description of the real property contained in the deed executed and de livered by tbe defendant W C Keeton to the defendants Jamee T Keeton and John W Keeton on tbe 7th day of May 1870, and iso the description or tbe real property contained in the deed executed and de livered bv the defendant.., Jimm T Kee ton, John W Keeton and E F Keeton the plaintiffs herein on the 2nd day at December 1880. be corrected so aa te road as follows in eaeh of eaid deeds : "Be einn'ng st the southwest corner ef tbe donation land claim of David Irvine and wife, notification No 203s and claim No f 5 in Tp 12, S K 4, W in Linn county Ore gon and running thence north along the went Mne of said claim 31 85-ISO chains ; thence east 31 39-100 chains ; tbenee south 31 85-100 chains ; thence west to the plane of bejtinnins;," instead of the roapective de scriptions contained m aaid deon and that DlainHfTarecever judgment afrainst tbe de fendants for their cost and dibunmonts herein and have such other and further re lief aa shall seem proper to conn v. Published by order of R P Boise, Jndtn of said Court "fr six consecutive weeks which order bears dat Januaiy 22d,lS83. Fl.iN N A Chambkrlaiw. Ally's for PlfiTa. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKIXO AXD MOVIXG PI A MOV, orrsns and feral tare) m npecialty. All hsttlinc within tke city promptly at tended to. Will plow gardens In first-el style. 1S-S8. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. N' OTICR OK PUBTJC IsOTTINGS SO LICITED. Plans and stcifiaiions furnished on short notice. Iklicioas ! Wholesome ! ! Cheap ! ! ! THEPURE APPLE JELL . PUT UP BY A. BLAKER, AT SHEDD. AND SOLD BY F. M. REDFIELD, ALBANY. DAVIS BROS., & WATTS, SHEOD. KOONTZ & SAME, HALSEY. Siock-holder's Meeting. The annual meeting of tho stock-holders of The Lsbann K R, Mining aid Mil ling Company," will be held on th third Tuesday nf March next, being tho 10th, of March 1883, for the purpose of electing oflloers, and trantiactinar other Important business, A. large attendance ia desired. 8. Elk if s, G. W. Crusos, Piesident. Secretary LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with ne tniss a id sharp razoro, which are always k pt in good condition, aad hair cut in th vnybeat atyla.