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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1883)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Stab Bights t "" "" 1 1 ' -1 1 1 1 i i mi , , tmumi ADVEanSlSO RATES. Twk 1 rr. ls Om 1 jrr ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 1 inch 2 " 3 4 k Co) 1 00 200 3 00 400 600 7 60 10 00 3 00 500 r, oo 7 00 000 12 00 1500 5 00 700 1000 1250 15 00 18 00 H t 800 12 00 15 00 IS 00 25 00 4000 19 00 18 00 0t 27 00 35 00 48 00 00 00 STiTES & NUTTING. tMMKirriCSt Besaecrat BaUeMatea Street. 15(10 20 00 Jpeeisr busjneirnrTfh Ceil (Vd nmna 2 cents par line. Regular local 4O00 W 00 100 00 TSKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION lasts eopy, par rear, in nl ranee HJJ Mh Mff, per r. at end ( rear 00 stagieeaa. staata S.r:u,"::::::::::::::::::.: 5 VOL,. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1883. notice iu cents per line. For legsl and transient advertisement II 00 per square for the firs Insert ton and 50 cents per square for each sjubeeqtiesst insertfon. NO 30 0 ALLEN & -OF ALBANY - Are iw reemiag their Immense Work of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of eae ef the larit Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes all the latest styles nud novelties. Oarstoek if all fresh and new, and much of it was purchased in New York, and there is not one piece of old style goods in onr store. THE CLOTHING CoaUini' one of the largest and Quest assortments of clothing and gents' furnishing goods ever brought to this valley, and will be sold at nricestha defy competition, either here or elsewhere. Wo also keep a fnll line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, of the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, i it also to be fouad at onr store GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Our motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. MARTIN ORKKON, and west fesaj let tUfk of Merchandise in Albany. The DEPARTMENT direct from the manufactures. our splendid selection of a large and we 11 -selected sti i FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I.. PUNK. ft. K. t'H AMSKMI.A1N. FM NX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jarofflce in Foster's Brick Dlnok.- vUmJMC U.S. STRAHAN, Albnny, Oregon . I KArncK in all Tnn courts or 1 thia Statu. They give apeolal alien, turn t collection and protiate matter. Omee iu Koeter'a new brick. 4Wf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANIV- Notary Public. 1 fenny, Oregon. Office u petal, over John Brians etore, let elroet. v Hn23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NoTAKY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALHANV. OBBSIOX. WILL lHACTICK IN ALL TUX COUKTS OK TUB HUU 8acUl atUmUuii giltti Ui euliactto MMl rolil matter. trvmc in oaa renews Tenia. tu t S. O. TOW KM. W. H. HILT KU POWELL & HI LYI.l , iTTOKNEYH AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Chancery, 4LRAMY. - . . OKrfeO.V Collection promptly made on all point. Iioww nKiUaied on rrvtonll lerniM. BsrOtnee in Hester's Hrlr:k.-s vMnistf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LKBAIOX OBCtiOil. Will wraellea la all tha entuta of tha lSLta Prompt attention given Ut collections, een eeyaaeea and rxamlaattoa of Titles. Pro tie 1 a seaciailly . v E. K. SKIP WORTH, mOKMI 1DUI rLOK AT UW A ntxmt rtuue. WILL practice in all oonrta of the Stale ill boat time intrusted to me nruui fit ly attended to. (ifr is O'TooV Block, Brvuta&in tfrref, 45yl J v.. if... Orcyoa. LEWIS STIMSON'S L1VEHY AND I'EKD kTABLt. First clsss vehlelee. fine hone, seod feed, accommodating proprietor and rea sonable charges. Give them s call. Stable near Kever House. OyL E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRU4GIT. Books, Nlationary snd Toilet Articles. A large .stock snd I-ow Prloss. OITT X5RTTO STORE, si iLBtft t . obicov. F08HAY & MASON, VB0UOULS MS SSTAIL Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OKKUOM. vi6n4ltf J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will nruliM In ll r.f iIia Viitla of this .State. AH businesa instructed to hitu UI I) promptly attended to. r-Offlce in O'Toele'a Block. REVERE HOUSE, t'aree int sad EUssrerta Albany, art go. Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thia iaw ll.lci it flUa.1 up h flrat class stria. Tables upvllod with the boat th market aSorda. hiring Uci In every K--m. A good Maniple Hmjoi lor Um- wrcm travelers. SvrFree ar h to mmd trmm Htm Hl-1 . Aioany Bath House. rHK UMDKKS1CNI0 WOULD KKSPECT fully Inform tha eltiMaa of Albaayaod ri entity that I fcavetakan charge of tsU KiUblUh mnt,aod, by keepiag oless reoatt and payis trivtaiteattoa to saaiseM, espeata u ait al thoM who may favor us with their pstrooag UaviDg heretofore carried oo norblng bat First-Olass Hair Dragging Saloons, expeeti to give entire atUfsetioo to al JatTOUdiea and Ladiee' Flair aaatiy as batsrooed. J 08 WEBBER. C C CHERRY. C.R.PAH1CK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, WEllAVEOUK NEW SHOPS ATX completed, snd are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERN MASK OH SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alo manufac ture the improved Cherry fc White drain Separator. Shop en Baker Nt. omce a Lsssber Yard. Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WACONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, FOB RHEUMATISM, thuragie, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soranati of the Chest, Govt, dainty, Sara Throat, Smell ing ana4 Sprain, Burn ana' Scalds, BanaraJ Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ecr and Haadacha, Frosted Faat and ian, and all other Paint and Aches. 9 MnittMi ee earth ewle Sr. J4(,M o. , M , turf, mUmpU a4 rhmp RgMfael A lrUi eMtefle but the eDerOw , U.DtBg outlay f AO feet; 4 every o. tttft.n... lth imim ca heee cheap aad ieixl pru( .( m UtrMttSSShj SOLD BY ALL DRUOOUTI AID DEAL EM IE MEDIOIEE. :r Sl co.. MmiMtHm,, ma., v. a. a. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. 1 litlwi Cure ?vU tUw l'tfl Vum tUtA VTnliiaa e t hM fwli yltl . A M- .tl oi far IToaiea. If at4 1. y a Wawas. Preare4 by a V, owe. TV. Otitmt Umtrnt tmtt,f Um Pmmn mt It tfii . r;.. . 0m ereoatMf t.rit, lelgtirati et h..-.. . . . C...r-.t- ...-ti... .1; '.! Crn.- Ui IV u p. r.-Ji rr tt MUnU htMr to lUm T.1 plutUea tbn pl cmS uf nMi ti lni it utat prte -4 artjr mrawir time. C afPhrelcbat Uie It aad Preterms R rrei -fa It fv7ra rlatii, Uloi cjr. daatmjri ail krtf lur AuooUat, aa4 rmlienm w)utm of tea ttuawr. TW fmliat f haart-tj dv. rM4of U, Wtet4 aat baHkaefaa, la alwajr prrmnnanl j i a.-1-J t y It. Par the ear T KMy aata!at f Ithsr aa l.TUIA r, PIHKtf M a IH.SIO ftcinrit : i . nuiinua evvrjr auur ' l.ui-t. Ion, I It W-.l. 'wl r to ajxl Urf!. la tha ryaUm, W ua ouiuaa ur rt.ikl !.!( oa ka laf IU II tha Cootpaead a..4 .n - t f f :ft. r are SSSJBSSl StsOSSSsV Waaw Areeaa. Ly .a. Sea, t'rkw of ettSvr.SL Kta SSMSS f tjk fcrathyreeUl lathe forai af jhIU, or f l ' . o rwwlpt of prUm, II per ta f jr eShcr. Mr. Itat ha-n f ratty aaavar ail lottare af Uxj'i.ry. Eacioas a laWSh SaaS toraaspah4 o fMaJty H'nM he wiiiTm LTP1A B. PTSIHAS LTVKS riM.t. T!i. r cure r..iaitl4i. L aajawBSlsW te Uer. auuprl'. SdrMelai hT all lratata.- S afcl TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. or Appetite, BoweU oostive. Pain In the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness slier estins. with a dtein ohnaUon to exertion of body or Kind. irauumitT pi temper, juow apnncs, with a loaiing ox I 1 Z a-aaipraa f aaaw w afiaa W B)SSS of having neglected eome duty, ea, Diaalneaa. riuttering at the ntm hafnra tha at.VllA Ukin Heart, Dots bel Headache generally oveftho right eye! w i i in aaiai ge aa v aa a j w v we jr a eg Reatleeaness, with fitful dreami nigmy wwrou unse, ana CON8TIPAT10N I TT'TTO PILLS are eapariall y adapted to aueh eaeea, one doae effarta aneh a ehatig of feeling mm to aatoniah the aufferer. They iBMSeawe tha Appetite, and caiuc the body to Take eat Pfeeat, thua the ayatani la eairhetted. and hy li-r Toate Aetleet on tl.e deead. Price ie vriMt, areaiar meeii are in- cent. a. aa y SL. V. Y. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Osav Hair OS WnitKi nn rhanrrd to a Ouitwr Blacs by n alrielf appllntlon of tlila l)r B. It I m parta natural letor, arte InainntMiienuaiy. Sold by Uruggiau. or eent by exproaa on revuipt of t. orrinc s hhirt t.. wr.y vobh. (Sr. TIT 'I 'a RAkllL at TalaaKIa ltaraatlaa MM h CaaM SmIU mlU U awilei t SUl aa aaSaUaa. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to thia city and resumed prac tice. Oflice in new tsleg-aph office, OToole'i Buildings, BteassJMs street, between First snd Seo ond at rati. Albany, Or., Uor. 8, 1882, WB0. people are alwayao Eel the lookout for ensu ces to increase their eeniinrs, and in time become wealthy ; three who de not improve their opportunl Ues remain in poverty. We offer a great chance to m ke money. We want many men, women, bo vi and gl Is to work for us right in their own locsiitiee . Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can de vo e your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full Infonnrtion and all that is needed sent free. Address Stixson St Co., Portland, Maine. BUABDIAN ASSUMNOE 00., OF LOHDOS. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, $10,000,000 Capital paid up 6,000,00i Note. This company has the largest paid up capital of mpa ny doing business in the United States. Insurance accepted by Robt. A. Fostfr, Agt of Albany. A week made at home by the in dustrious. Best business now be fore the public, Capital not needed . Wo will start you. Meu. women, boys and girls wanted every, whare to work for us.. Now is the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No otner business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormoua pay, by en gaging at onee. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. AddreesTsiB & Co., Augusta, Maine. m S m 11 a. av aea' e a a m UBAXC1K IMSTAI.LATIX AT SMKOtt. Hbetld. Or., Feb. 11, 1883. Mi n at, itnnocrat: For the past eight or ten rears 1 have heard a greet deal said about the grange in Linn county, still I bad al most conclude 1 that all tbey did was to Met tad enjoy -Oiamselye A short tints ago f received s special invitation to attend a public installation of the officers of Sbedd's grange, on Hsturdsy, tbe 10th of this month. The roads be ing rough and tbe morning being very cold, 1 did not expect to see msny there, but, to my surprise, I found tbe Ms sen tc hell crowded. 1 notiosd parties theie from almost every part of the county. Among these were Mr. and sirs. Brsdweil, Mr. Parker, Mat Hcott, three of tbe Hwang's, Ee and IS. K ester, A. IS. Morris snd wife, H. W. Cooper snd son, all from Band Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Luper, Mr. snd Mrs. Knighton, of Tsngenf. Thoroes Krotnsn, of AJb. ny, snd many others from different parts of tbe county including Hon. A. W. Uunsrd and lady, Horn. H. Kbsltoo snd exaBherifr R. A. Irrine. About 1180 a. m, Mr. Htanard called the grange to order, inviting the officer elect to be seated on tbe left. He then notified the cfficei a thst R. A. Irvine was to Lnetsll them. (I began to get snxioua to see tbs wrformanoe.) Irvine, assisted by Mr. Fioman and Mrs. A. B. Morris; proceeded to install tbe offi cers. This was dene in about twenty- w 1 five minutes with great credit to them selves snd tbe grange. J. B. Cornett as installed ss Master. After the in stallation, we were invited to tbe room below to partake of the supply of cakes, chickens, pies etc. The sociability snd scquainUncee formed there mere than paid for tbe time apent. After dinner we were invited to the room shove, when Mr. Cornett called tbe house to order and read the following program : A. U. Morris, Thorn aa Ftomsn, John ."per, Moaee Psrker, Mat Scott, Her- vey 8 bel ton and R. A. It vine. Mr. Morris was Ualled for end talked about fifteen minutes. Us said s great man) good and true thing. Thomas Fromsn talked shout ten minutes, lis showed Nearly to my mind, that it was nece- aary for the farmers to ououerat togalb er for their own protection Mr. ltiper gave them to understand that Tangt-ut grange was in s prosperoua condition. Mr Psrker, not having much to say, etd bat he would give awsy fir others. Mst Scott talked about ten minutes, sllhough Isboring uodsr a a sere cold. Hon. liar vev Sbeltou wss next cslled lor. lie referred to tbe social features. tbe moral influences snd the great ben efit for tbe young people. Uie argu ment was with great force, and from the attention, I em satisfied that it left a good i ss press ion. R. A. Irvine's speech asted just one hour. He gave ns to understand thst we had been invited by our friends to attend that meeting, and that we were more than welcome. He then proceeded to ahow tbs workings of the Linn County Council, for tbe last five years. He convlneod me thst tbe grange is not only benefited by the work of tbe council, but slso every farmer in be county. He also convinced me thst tbe grange has been badly misrep resented by parties who know nothing about it. He spoke of tbe great influ ence the grange had on the young peo ple, also f tbe mstetisl of which the grange is composed ; bow the grange wss increasing in this country ; thst it was much better for the young people to join the grange and have tbe influ ence of the old substantial farmers. Tbe best of sttsntion was given Mr. Irvine. He is well posted in the grange mat ters, snd manifests great interest. I will sdvise every fsrmer to join the grange at once. A Farmrr. NO I'BOOs RICQI IKI.O Branch Covington was tried yes terday and acquitted of having slandered A. C. Cnapin, a prominent Austin lawyer. Chapin enjoys the reputation of being tricky, hence the jury did not hesitate to acquit Cov ington, who had merely stated that lawyer Chapin was a scoundrel. Quite an amusing Incident occurred during the trial. One of the witnesses, who was being cross-examined by Chapin, himself, was asked If he heard Covington say that he, lawyer Cbapln, was a scoundrel. "I did hear him say tea crowd of ten or fifteen persons that you were a scoundrel, and he offered to prove it." "What did yeu say T" "I said, and all the rest of us said, that he need not prove it, as we all knew he was telling the truth when ho said you were a scoundrel."- Siftings. The Sculptor Clark Mills, who died in Washington lately, began life as plasterer in Charleston, S. C. A bust of John C Calhoun, for which he re ceived a gold medal from the city conn cil of Charleston, wss his first import ant work. Two of bis sons are sculptors. W ASNISiiTOS LRTTKK. (Kress ear Regular Oorrpnpolnt. Washinutox, Feb. 3, 1883. In (Joogresf. tbs week has been con sumed in monotonous debate on the tariff bill. Both the House and tbe Ssnste bare separate bills under con aideration. Tbe House is getting slong very slowly with ita tariff bill, but tbe Senate is taking its measure in heroic doses, having sat up with it for nearly a week until midnight. It See ma almost impossible thst sny thing can be accomplished in tbs few remaining days of the session, tbe work is so gtest, ee intncaU.and so important ; it is fraught with sock grsst political industrial, and commercial possibilities thst Congress oan hardly be blamed for hesitation snd timidity. Tbe stimulant of protection bss been given until it hss become s necessity, and to deprive our economical system of it now will produce tempor ary debility snd may bi ing on delirium. Tbe probsbilty tbst no substantial changes will be made in tariff schedule has given rise to increased speculation as to tbe probability of an extra session. Democrats seem to think that there will be no extra session, but it is believed in some qusrters thst a esl'ed session im mediately sfter the fourth of March is by no mesne improbable. Tbe bill recently presented by Mr. Blancbard, of Ixroislana, to change tbe time of the assembling of Congress bss received more favorable comment, per haps, than any bill hss been recently presented, and everyone is asking : "why wss not this msde s Uw long a a m a a ago. According to the present ar rangement a Congress does not come into power until thirteen months after its election. This is ample time to en able professions snd platforms to be forgotten, snd for the Congress elected thirteen months previously to become a political anachronism. The country now bss ooly the illusive remedy of choosing s nsw Congress, which like wise grows stale before it can legislate. Thus it ban gone on for session sfter anon, no Congress performing the be hest, of its lime because it had been chosen, ss it were, for s previous sge, snd so long before its dsy of actios that its energy bad become devitalised, iu vows forgotten. Mr. Blanchard's trill enacts that the first session of Con grass shall assemble os the 5th of March, immediately after the adjourn ment of tbe previous Congress, snd again on the 1st of January. By this arrangement the first session of each Congress would continue from tbe 4th of March until about the middle of J one or perhaps longer, and the second ndon would begin with tbe begin ning of the new year. This would do away with ths holiday adjournment snd, it is agreed on all hands, would facilitate legialation in msny wsys, but, chiefly, in thst the new Congress, com ing in on the 4th of March, would be enabled to take up legislative work where it kad been left off, and the ne cessity of deiog the same work over snd over again in Committee would be avoided. Thia ia the week previous to Ixsnt, and society in preparation for tbe sea son of abstinence, reflection, and pious resolutions, is disbolicsly gy ItaaqMets, bells, receptions, soirees danaaote, and beds masque sucieed one another, or rather overlap one another iu a confus ing tangle, and one wonders at the stamina of the American woman who not unfiequeatly makes s dozen calls in the afternoon, goes to the theatre in tbe evening, and is seen in tho tnaxse of the Germsn from miduiarbt uutil two the following morning. But it must be confessed, she shows tbe effect of this torture in a faded sallow face, early wrinkles, snd s peculiar dejection of gsit and style for which the English have coined tbe word "Americanitis. " "Americanitis" is epidemic here ; it spares neither sge nor sex, and can be cured only by the substitution of fresh air and rest for carbonic acid gas and revelry. If Herbert Spencer hsd de livered bis famous warning against "overwork'' from a Washington stand point, he would most likely have said thst the menacing danger wan uot ever work, but over-play. Lent, elsewhere is a period of rest, is so onlv in nsme here. Church fairs and entertainments for alleged charit able purposes tske the piece of banquets and balls. The dramatis peraonse snd the play aad the passion are the ssme, the stage properties and scenery alone are changed. "durability is better than shew." Durability of health is worth more than the wealth of a Yanderbilt Kid ney-Wort is man's co-laborer in main taining health. With healthy liver, bowels snd kidneys, men and women will always be in good health. If the bowels are torpid, if piles torment, if the back is full of pain, get a package of Kidaey-Wort and be cured without more suffering. For supplying London with water there are now 8 28 J miles of pine constantly charged. CHESS COLUII. On Jan. 19 we commenced a regular chess tournament to consist of 10 prob lems, one to be published each week until the tourney ia completed. Mr. 8. A. lJ.A'an.-y,of J'fferson of fers ths following prizes for solution of problems in this tourney : To sny person solving sll of the 10 problems, s prize of 100 blank cbes diagram. To the one solving tho next largest nu n ber, 7ft blank chess diagrams, ami 50 to the next highest. When to or more sre tied in the number of solutions, then ths prize will be awarded to tbe one who furnishes the neatest and most plainly written solutions. All solu tions must be sent in within three weeks from tbe date of the paper con sining the problem, except the solution to problem No. 10 which will be re quired to he snt in within two weks from date of ssane containing it. Problems fjr the tourney will be fur nished by 8. A. DeVauey, Jefferson. tousmky raouLKM o. C. White K at Q B 4 Blsck K at K II I Kt at g B 1 P at K B 3 P st K Kt 4 Q at Q B C 11 st K B 7 it st K Kt 4 B st y B 7 White to ptsy snd male iu two moves. SOLCTIOX. No. 3, Dr. J. E. Kirkpatrict No. 4, Dr. J. K. Kirkpatrick. No. 4, Clifton Kirk, trick. Dr. J. E. K. Tbe go as-you please problem is a three mover and of the finest order. It is tbe best extant. It challenges tbe beat talent the knights of tbe I)l sue a at can bestow. 1 1 M IMC A rKIDEYT is last. Ws have been asked to prepare and print a Uble showing how the electoral votes of the several States would be divided between tbe two parties if tbe States should go in 1884 aathey have gone this fall. With pleasure, for wbst it is worth. It is well enough to recall the fact thst sn enumeration of th. sort, published by The njut after the elections of 1878, indicated s Kepublican majority of (I in the electoral vote of 1880, and that the actus! result varied little from this estimate, Garfield's majority in tbe Electoral Colleges being 59. In the following tab'e we have guid ed for the most per by the vote cast this fall for State officers wherever State tickets were run, and iu other cases by the vote on Congressmen. There sre s fsw exceptions to this rule. New Jer sey elected a Democratic Legislature, but a majority of Republican Congress men ; we have put New Jersey on tbs Democratic side. But we have given to the Republican Colorado and Kan sas, although a Democratic Governor was elected in each, and Virgina, which is of uncertain political value on sc count of Mshone. It will be observed thst the new sp portionment of Representatives hss carried the total electoral vote from 3G9 to 401, and tbe majority needed fer .u election from the historic 185 to 2 J I OssaiiereUii Becturts: Votes Republican Eleetxrial VOe Alaaassa M .... lO.UosoraSo s Arkansas ' Illinois W California 8 lowe................ is t ..niu-ctiiui. ............ .. S Kaassa 9 Delaa-are SiMslae. Florid. . . Gaorgte... lnJianv .. 6 Mlai IS Nearesks IS. New Krntin W Loulataaa. h Rhode lelsad. Mar land Si Vermont Meesathusstla lej Virginia. . Mtchijc IXlWIscoaeiB. .. II 11 M UB MkaausnpfM M Missouri t Total. NrvaJa 31 Not Jersey oJ New tors.. North Carolina 11 Summary, Ohio Pennayltaata Ml Total clrrtorul v tea .401 Bests Carolina a Majority SSI Tsaaissii It 1 tolas .aw Texas IS Kef Miblican ekfct'l votea. 103 West Virginia. asssssesn v Total tJi No doubt our democratic friends will find solid nuggets of encouragement in this table. Ia order that they niv not T W become unduly excited over tho pros pect which the figures bold out. it is w - proper to remind them that the nex President of the Uaited Sttte will not be eleeted until 1884. This reminder is not unnecessary. Some of onr esteemed contemporaries seem to be laboring uuder tbe impres sion that a Democratic President was elected last week. Tbey differ in opin ion only as to who was elected. S. Y. Sun. "All through advertising," remarked ex-Mayor Gregory, to us ss he went homeward with a bottle of St. Jacobs OH, "that I bought this. Your paper contains so msny wonderful cures of course they are facts and so I thought I'd try a bottle for the rheumatism." Madison (Wis.) Daily Democrat. ITS WeXKFtX KFSTC All . No remedy ever discovered ptssossee the wonderful efficacy of Syrup c f Figs, The certainty with which it expels sll impurities from the system, at the ssme time giving tone to the liver, stomach and bowels, places it ahead of all other remedies, to say nothing of its being more easily taken. It is selling very rapidly. FLAW Till rial SwSieeSa. BY A rLAlX CHAP. THE PUI1LIC TASTE. "Deary se, what are we coming to," said Mis. Jones, tbe other day, throw ing down a paper which she hsd been reading, "there's tbst big fisted Sullivan can draw ten thousand to see htm pound s fellow being around tbe ring, while tbe great Prof. Wiseman has to lecture to empty benches,' and she heaved a rolling sigh ss she remembered tbe time when people went to bear the educated tell of tbe iutellectusl sffsirs of the orld. Thst remark bss set us to thinking too. Awhile ego we reavd the tbe sc eouut of the sparring match in Kailech's church, in Sen Francisco, between llsee snd Blade, snd it msde us wonder what the world was eeming to if they had got to tbe pass when they open front doersgto churches for brutal displays of bull-dog strength snd physical skill. Tbey would not stsnd such proceedings everywhere. Suppose, fur instance, we should propose a dog tight next Monday night in tbe Presbjterisn cbureb, er a boxing match in the Congregations 1 cborch, er a "purring" exfcibttien in the U. P. church, we would soon very justly find ourselves "elevated" into the near est gutter ; but, at the ssme time, if such things were to occur even here, we'd wager onr best eoat there would be full bouses. wslking mstch wt'l fill tbe largest paviiien for the sake of seeing several men walk gauntly, breathlessly, ss if worn out, around a sawdnst ring ; eve rybody watches to see a Ian tic of a man starve himself by going without eating ; in New York a sporting gentle man has been endeavoring to eat two quails s dsy for thirty days, and tbe way be sasnds it is telegraphed sll over the U. 8., snd gaping multitudes stare at hi mat 4 o'clock each day wnen he taken his meal. No wonder the Mrs, Jones every where sigh when tbey think of sll this. It simply exhibits the fact that the human race is becoming wrapped up in tbs sensational, or anything thst will produce excitement. It is tbe spirit which causes intoxication, gambling, and faat living generally ; tbe earth dosn't turn around fast enough for most men. We have been looking for some nervous yankee to invent some thing which will make this uncertain globe revolve with greater speed. Or even if sometbtng could be obtained which would make the blood circulate more rapidly without wearing tbe sys tem out, a step in this direction could be obtained, snd with our blood at fe ver heat at ail times, matters would move slong with more sctivity, murders would become more frequent, lynching would be the rule, divorces would Lelp disturb society, knock-downs would take tbe plaee of hand shaking, mobs would meet on every corner, and things generally would be lively. Thia is wbst msny of the people seem to like, snd such sn invention hence would come into plsy now. Public taste is a curious affair, but we must bow to it fer the majority rules; but still there are tboes who prefer the steady, reliable, plodding ways of life, and some who have too much good sense to le carried away by the i tional. RAU. It is reported thst tbe pi setice of Dr. Anna Van Daenming, a lady dentist in Vienna, is worth $12,000 a year. Queen Victoria is a large real estate owner in New York. An advance in rente by her agents baa changed the tenants in a large block on Broadway near Eighteenth fctreet. The first degree ever conerred upon a lady by the Philadelphia Dental Col lege has been received by Miss Jessie F. Detchon of Philadelphia, sister ef the actress, Miss Adelside Detchsn. A Chicago lady once seat Mr. Long fellow 200 of her visiting cards, ssking him to put his autograph upon them, as she was to give a reception to her friends, and desired to present them with some memento of tbe event. The remission of fifteen per cent uu he half- yearly rents on his Men t more estates was Lord Kosebery's Christmas gift to his tenants. Every cottager in the villages on his estates atao received six hundred weight of coal and a joint of beef. A Newfoundlsnd dog seised a lady's satchel in a depot in Banger, Me., a day or two ago, and ran with it up street snd down, pursued by s rcore of men and boys. Fleet of foot, be dis tanced them all, snd st last brought it back aad lsid it uninjured st the lady's feet. The German emperor's brother was buried on Tuesday amid the mourning of Berlin, snd the German emperor's son cdebrated his silver wedding on the following Thursday amid the re joicing of Berlin. This is the way of the world, or, to be still shorter, such is life.