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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
. J I BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following la a partial list t 170 acres tone and a half mile west o TanocOltogoa,and 6 mile from Albany aft um In oulttvation ; 40 acres mora can b put. in cultivation easily; balance good timber and pasture land. Soil, rich black prairio. Good bouse and barn, good board fence, all in good repair t young orchard of 100 trees; good we 1 and running stream for atook ; good school, -cuuron ana peat ortice ; good neighborhood and good soci ety. Terms $30 per acre: $2,000 down, rest on easy terms. 280 acres oa Harrow Gauge road , 1 1 miles from Albany and a mUes from Solo, snd 7Vi miles Iroca Jefferson. 1SS acme good farming; land, "5 acres in cultivation; re mainder In timer and bruah; house lSxiS, with 16 toot walls, ell ltixiiS ; good barn 3834 wi th 14 foot shod on one aide; good fences and water. Terms $$50Q,caah down if possible. Rather than net sell will taWe 99000 down, and balance on 2 to s yrirs lime, secured by mortgage. 190 acres 4" of a mile went of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation r nd 9M acre oak and ash timber ,wood wool land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and Is bad ; about 7 acres in orchard, apples, mostly pear; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre ou average; good two-story frame house, plastered, 0 rooms, built in 1873, and coat 92)06t good barn. 28x40 and two sheds; well arranged for farm purposes. Terms, 8000, 3 years time on 96000. 160 acres 1 miles west of Tangent; 100 acres in cultivation; all new laud, clean and ia godtt order; good two story house, 8 rooms, nearly new and in good condi tion; good new barn 80x9 fine young orchard, H O plum and prone trees, fair apple orchard: fence in good orth-r: plen ty running water; 99 seres of good timber; rich, black soil and very iroducHve. Price 95250, cash and balance on tme. 100 acres one and a halt miles northeast of Albany; 16 acre in wheat, rest in fair average; woodland; good land; neatly tweed. Price 95 acre; terms easy. 599 acres 1 mile southeast ol Soda Spriugs; fair farming; small house; 300 acres fenced. YVU1 be sold in small tracts or all together; good school, church and post-office at Sodaville, also the Soda Springs. Price 95 per acre; easy terms. 80 acres IK miles above Oneatta, on Ya quina Bay, known as the old shipyard. It has a splendid frontage on the Hay, and will be sold at 9H per acre. 980 sores, lying witl o c mile of Mon roe, it. Hen ton eounty. Al nnder fence and divided into five Balds. Ail good farm land and half in grain. Good house and bam, splendid water aud a fine orch ard. It Is one of the best farms in that section f the valley. Price 925 jier acre 91000 or 91500 down and balance on time 202 acres lying 5 miles north-east of Harrtaburgand 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under fence? 180 acres in culti vation, balance in pasture, but most of it can be put in cultivation. 1)4 story house, barn, good water, etc., 1 milo vo schocl. Price 95000, 128 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent 75 acres ia cultivation and all under fence, 25 scree more can be put into cultivation by out lay of 9100. House, barn, splendid 'water. A fine young orchard. Price, 930 per acres in Center Precinct 3 utiles fsom station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Good 1 story house, wood house, barn, and splendid water and nne orchard All under fence. Price 916 per sere. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. Ail under fence, smell orchard, no buildings; 50 seres has been cultivated, but it is all now used as pas ture. Price 910 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Censer Precinct, all under fence, loo acres in cultivation. Large IH story fmtne house, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard aud good water. jrnee, v per acre. 3IQ acres of land ;n Marion couuty JJ(j 1)4 miles from huaaa Vista and seven miles from Jefferson. 80 acres in eatovation and balance iu lieht brush an timber. House, barn snd good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 miles. Knough wood can he sold at the pottery works at noons vana to pay ror the farm. Call on C rl Stewart, at Albany. The Great English Reme- las never failiita-cur fur oiu Ix!dii, Scauioai uutncM, exhausted V t Mr, OperwatorrtHi, tssT Masses. Im boUsSey. Paralysis, and a terrible effects A Half Abus, o4ithtui follies ,j..J xetmus in n.aturer years- as ksta fit memory rnkmUta, Aver ts sva.-ieiy. Dimness Off d.Aoumm in the lUa.1 we roaj Dai a passing- anotmmd into Use urine, and umay other! diseases leading to intinrt i aad death mm. aiSTIE will agree v forfeit rite Ma ad red Stellase for a ease of this kind the Vital Sestara Sire (under his special advice and treatment) will uo ' may :aistf( mtfmrts or injunooa lOUDa In it. Dr. Mfartie treat all private dhuaana aoeceawfuHy without mercury. Consultation free. Throarh ex amination and ad vice including analysis of urine, "Kt m imi oesiorauve, & a muic, or lour una qnanncy etu, sent to any address upon reeeipt of wuu. u, ouscure trout observation and to r.n i If desired, by UK. A. K. M1XTIK. 11 Kiianv sneai, ou r rancmco, uj. bottle fre." Sent on anplicaUoo br etttr. yaipaoai. aex and are. 4 'rtir.inimiorin!.. asnciijr eouaueuttai. Or, WnaVa Kidney Iiernedy, .Vpbretioum, cures aJ kinds of kidney and bladder yinplaintaiaiorrbia, aleet, leouchorrhoa. For naie by all drtiiiirts, tl a Dr. ilintte Ofcridblicp. Mils are the best and oheap- mn oysrertu and tsoous cure in the nwktt. Tor saie ut auonugewta. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARIMTEED. DR. E. C, WESTS NERVE 'AND BRAIN TREAT nieut, a apeciflV: for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulaivn, Nerrous Headache, Mental Impression isAse U Memory, Sperintorhnea. Impoteney, Jn roluuissry smissi,Qg, premature old aje, caused .by aver-esrttn, seff-abirse or over-induljjeiice, which leads to misery, decay aud death. One box will cure recent illness. Bafih box contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxen for five dollars; seat by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any ease. Witn aah order received by us for six boxes, aceesmanied wKh tve doflani, we will send the .purchaser our written guarantee to return the mooey if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv WOODARD, CJLAKKE A CO, Wholesale and Retail Druu'i), PorUand, Oregon Orders by aiail at reiular prices. i t tf Dr. SPIXXEl , NO. 11 KEARXY ST. Treats all Chronic ast Special Diaeaars. YOUNG MEN 1 IT HO MAT BE BUFFERING FROM THE V V affct of youtliful follies or huiseretion, will do well to avail therm-elves of this, thesp-eatest boon ver laid at tbe altar of suffering: humanity. DR. 8PINXEY will guarantee to forfeit SoOOfor every case Seraiimle weakness er private disease of any kind or earacter which he undertakes and failg to cure. MIDDLE AGED MEN. There are many at the aire of thirty -fi veto sixty, svho are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often- be found uuk sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, -r the color will be of a thin milkish hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, whicfa is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. S. will guarantee a perfect etae in all such cases, ami healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Ofrics Horia 10 to 4 aad 6 to g. Sundays Srotn 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Thorough extra natiw aud advice, $b. For private diseases of short standing a fuH course iit medicin e suificient for a cure, with all instructions, will be sa&t to any addrcn cu receipt of M 00. Call at. Mresa, DR. SPINK ET A CO., 71:12 No. 11 Kenny gt!"San FnuKTiscri, Cal y. tUa ir 1 bp mi tit mn jralaaaa9 ' o the Sick and Afflicted ! AND RSPKGIAI J.Y Those Snfferine from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc o ri-VtK CHEAT NIC It I TUOSK 1IAVKH are I sutwliif feat HKXUAh AM' NKHVOUS (iUatrtAlNTS laa h)aiciau wU eusiprshsud thotr atlnivnta and uosafiilly tn-at Hu m k nrmctiUonor I tint sufStHentlr akllletl In Hiiiiii nlissss f r -)'-1t - ' and It mut ) tott i.. tho Kuarlallal. who bv rluoaii-u. Uni .ro Uve, tSoiviujh hSfaWft and tiomtiroliMwrt ahid, la j n a to tiura Uu in BK. J. t YOI. Oucncd his now MlobraUd InatltuU In lSO It the ounxise of affordliiK the afflicted the certainly of hiMMiralila and akilltnl treatment and -rte.t and iHnnannt rsstoraUun. and for over vears It baa unstained tho tirl rank not only wiHet this Coast hut throughout ths dvtlived world. I m aware that hydwelllns upon so unlnvUinit subtests Ike eaaur of sexual i&r the Ignorant may aanerae mv ntotlro hut the dealrx' to tufuriu thna who are sutTsrins throueh Irnoranoe, and who br carelessness or wast of knowledge that cure can be hail, are not only hurrying themselves la an unUtaely grave, but giving sexual w.mktiaas as an Inheritance td future generattos, is loo great an tnceuUve to iwruul me to be alleut. Syanptaiata. If von are suffeHne from nU-ht biases, issrvousnsas woakiiessos. confusion f nilud, slight IoSm when under exciunost, variable Uimer, ireuibttmr, lpl WsUoa. flushes. e., or U you haro la-aetieed self al-uw oii in the lUiffhtest isxrUsular you are stiffer hag frvm the Dread Barmy ef Hamaa Ut. And should not tu siUtc t. seek at oiu health and haiadness In a ruiv. C'ilKKS OUAKANTKKO FKRS MOUKHATL CONSt LTATION BY hKTKth OK WTIIKHWWIC Free. Exclusively Vesetahle Btei O leatlea t'aeel. LtOlkCS Y u are es.lally liable to suBavinf from proatratiei. All your i. uinr vu 4aMiu aim nervous In their org In and hruee your suffering are terribly depressing or tiiexut-eesihly keen. The !. -r in his reaearrltcs and praeUqs ner. troubles has made your orgenlcsUuu aiH-ctal sUidy and is thus enabled from his ex peri enee and kiioa ledir U aid and cure vou ill stir uf the troubles, weakness, distressing and suffrrisgs to which as a aex you are Itai.le. g-JTl iu will RiMf In the IVartor a frieud up. n viimu you can repi lor comfort, aid and cure lar lounsa Irmslr ResMestlea have at tained a reputation f .r edk leney uneuualed b msuaane, or meutrai prcsrrtption ev They can be sent by mail r ei press. oa sat tieatrtng personal care ail att utkS can bat e all necessary aceuiinutins furuuited. - O LHtart, ThQM who can not visit ths city can by giving their in their owu way, atlttr. and when desired, treatment al hows with every a- suranee or a cure. LBTTEJIS RETt'KNEl Oft tETROYEI. Address, lr J. C. I l t., Mrdlral taafllMlr. Sav. f Mark tan SI San Francisco, b. tl. last. NTISELL 10 000 P.ano, PIANOS 1 OOO Oraans. raMHattrasy ' ( Saaalsitunirs Jtoesttt tS).M Cask, Seal se fasts I t-.'sa CsX' - Tm, asTfttLL ORCINS w s ai IJevwtl 0f" v LaC HATh t aUesuias ChsMea Balaam I riirm i huMTT, Arat and samurai sts . on the Legs and Rudy j Syuhihta: tatarrab, ds- sascl Scalp, aad all prisaaxjr Lsnos ol Use w Price, SSlUO per IloUia. Le Klrhan s VsMrS Balaam Res t. Cures Ternary, Mercurial, 8yphihUc Kb wiuatWm, Paias in the Hones, I'lcssratssl Tbrtsit. Hjphulsk I Cash, Lumps, etc., aud crwdicataa all dtseaas from Use rysiem. whetner caused by hod treat meat or abuse of mereu.y, leavlrax the (.-: pur aad heaithv. I'nsr.S.oO per Hottic. la Rlcaaaa'a .Mr soaaiab Aailldafe tor tbe cure Ovworrbua, Ulsat, tie. i'r..v. Z-Mlper Buttle. Lr Rleaaa'a Calden -.aslsb lajertlaa. a wash for cure of t.lo.c, strieeirvs, lisrassi .4 lbs Urethra ami Hbvddar, ate. l'n., ft. Ml per UotUe. Er Ktrhasj's Cld-n eitstseiil lur the eEactive taaUing h4utiUc Sssrca jI Erup u ..... I'rtee, fl.UO per bottle. Also Agenu fur ac Rlrbsa'a Cal4aa fill, fur weakneas, lose of phvsval powers, and all distance aiisng tram asSM aud excess oi v-.k. Price, fci,uu par box. bant everywhere, C. O. D., secuely pWscsl j- Lxpeass. W. RIM4RDi sk O. A grata. 47 a 4 Sanson xi street. Corner Clay, ban Francisco, CaL THE DISSEMINATOR . ruUiseed every Saturday at - Ilurrlsbur;; Orrgon, S. S.TH-A.I3ST, Alitor ft Propritter. Terms $2.00 pcrsouutn. V - r- -t . - i- 1 t ii ;.t-. ii.i! -r '..rauidi. J- . ntali' ifja.t.. V 1:01 trt ",f mr. i . Betd s t I C). M.FEKRT &CO. Detroit Mirjff. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in t be t K. PaUmt Office attendeded to for moderate fees. i ir office iaoMiu.' tb Ui M. Psuml Office, and we CiB olstain Patents in less thee than those remote from Wtfthlngton. hend inodle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ;aud we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer hers, to the Postmaster, the Hunt, of Money Order Div. and to officials of tbe 1'. S. Patent office. Por circular, advice, terms, and u. actual ciieuts in your own rilate or county, sdUrsss, C, A. SNOW !l CO., O'osiic Patent Office, Washington, D. C. LiaxroR ST0EE. I 'shall keep tbe very best brands of liq uors to he lernfl lnt "market, snd will sell a' retail pric s lso tbe BEST CIGARS AUR TOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will also sell real estate, increbsadise household Koods. stc.. at auction for nv one in the city or county Storvpposite ttevere House, Albany, Or. Cif satvt rnwvw Eaawer's 8piSe FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and spjed7 cups Mervoum JJtlnllty and Heaknen, tar is. Tjiam of KiltUityand Vigor, or any evil rai suit of indiscretion, excess, over work, etc., (aver tortr thousand posi tlvecures.) aT Hand 16c for postage on trial box of 100 plUa. Addrasa. lr. M. W. IIAOON. cor. OlsrkSt. and CeJbouu Place, Oaicaao, 1lu CiCtCt a week In y on r own town. Terms Z)')l) and 86, outfit free. Address H. liALLKTT & Co.. Portland, Maine. FACTS THAT WB KNOW. If you are snfferint; with a cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat or any affeatiou the tbroat or lungs, we know that Dr. King's New Discovery will give you imme atete relief. We know of handreds of cases it has completely cared, and that where all other medicines had failed. Noother medi cine can show one-half as many pernianrn curtt. Now to give you satisfactory nrosf that Dr. Kinc'a New Disooverv will cure you of asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, eon- sumption, severe coughs and colds, hoarse ness or any throat or lung diseases, if you will call at any druggist's. a IX I 1 500 "am ma mm. wfr -it- CI.".' W.B. SCOTT7 Importer and Dealer in SPORTING HOODS OF ALL KINDS. The Celebrated Baker Gun, IHthtT iHntrll barrel, shot huh or three barrel two shot and one rille. Also Sharps, Rent Injrton, Hal! aril, nix, and Martin Msgarino Utiles. rum Also a lanre stock of English. German and American brooch loadina snot guue. Vnll atockof Revolvers, Pistol Cutlery, Fish nirTaekle of all kinds, and Ammo nrtioa ol all kinds. A full stock of Davis Hewinc Machines she beat In the markst. Also full stock of sewing rnachlno needles of all kinds and maehlneoil. I make a special ty of repalrliiK fire erms and sewuiff machine. Kctnonlier that 1 cwnnot lis undersold In the Statu. SMITH & McCartney, Sl'lH'ESSOltS TO MeCOY ife ELIERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., Fro mans Block, Albany ,0r. tionr. carefully prrpitrcil clay ot nitirht. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tbr VJwai Ssi'Sf ssfsil Rrseasty vr d'soo rated, as it is as, law. la Us ff s. ts aad doss as bit star. Keal i r - f beiW. Kendall s Spavin Cure. HastfltAti. Mo., June lab. Ittt. H J. KssaaU.e .!.' .This Is to rrrtifv that I have usasl K ouji s Sfia Care aad Has found R V be ail H Is rseommandsal in he and n Urt mure teo ; I have rwaovad by uabag tba abase t Callous, Runs Kiavlns, Riiig Uasai, Splints, and can ebssjrfuily tsjstify sad rsaass nmiiii it to be tbe beat thii.rf bsTaay my tulssaiMss 1 bevs eser us I aad I have tried inasy as I bars suvls thil my atuly for itssfiSMUuily yours, P. V.CHIMT. FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS, I. T. Oissonta, Mew Verb, Jan. uh. 1SS1 Larly Isstsnuiiucr aiwsars. R. J. Kendall end Co., of Lnosburg Falls vt , ravlo a contract with the t.eb listers of tbe "Press" t"T a balf eolunan adverawaVMsa f'iroaeysar setting forth the merits vf hsndall's Spa. in Cure. At the same time we sseured fnmi the ftrui a quantity of l.-.ks. enltUed Dr. aandall's Trsa rise on the Horse aud bis Dlnasri, which we are gi ing to adranos isaylag tnrsa?iibers lo tbe " I'rrss as i pteHiitiw. About the time the adertiteBrnt first ai.-ars. in tins paper Mr. I. 8. Hebaraacraorn, who rssidas near oiners bail a spatmd iwrse. He read the adver tlasa-nsnt and eoncludeil Ui test the t-ffiraiy of tbs remedy, alsaouxb his tricods Im;'- - at bis sreduMt Ife brught a bottle of KsfMbvil's Sisivln i urt ami cum- osus-.-d using It on the horse in acordanea with the llrertious. and be informs! Us this week that It ef fecU-d stub a t oiaplsta sure that an eanert horse man, wbo staminad the annual rc. "fitly w.uld Snd no traee of the spavin or the place where It had Lnen located . Mr. Scbsnoerhom has sines iiSS'SIS'I s oooy i rvenuau i rcatiso oi tae Horse and bis in which he prises very htfMy and would be loth to part with at any prkv, provided be asujd net obtain an- outer copy, wo much lor advertising' reliable srtu-laa. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wlrton, Minn., Jan. nth, lfltl. I I U .. . . . mm . . f iaui. aou on., tiits : Having- got a horse boaf of you by maal a year ago, tbs contents or which persuaded me to try Kendall's Hfetvin fore on tbe In. 'id lee d n ut my bursas which was badly swoolen and could not be reduced by any other re me '! 1 Sot two bottles of Kemlatl's Ktstvtn Cars ol rresiou ami l.udiluth, urujfirisia of Wsssca, which completeiy surod my horse. About five imn ago I luul a three year old elt swsenled very badly. I used tour remedy as given In your hook without rowclliiur, and 1 must say to yaw credit that the colt u entirely eureo, whl h Is a surprise not only to my self but also to rnj neighbors. Yea sent me the book for the trifling sum of 26 cents and if 1 eould not get amitheralikj it I would not take twenty -five dollars for it. Yours truly, Ogo. MatitSws. BEAD PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. ttth, 1881. Ds. U. J. KsKDAbb aud Co., Oente :-I think it my duty Ui render you my thanks for benefits and proffts a blub I have derived from your invaluable and far famed .Spavin Cure. My cousin ami I had a valuable KtkJllon, worth f 1000 which had a verv bed anavln and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur- guuns, nejroov any cure, aau mat tnc horse was done for ever. As a last resort 1 advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's Hpevln Cure. It bad a nyvakal effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edlnbuivh. the eminent veterinary surgeon was an uncle of mine, and 1 take great Interest in assisting his profession. Yours truly, JamksA. Wuvrov, Civil Engineer. Kendall's Spavin Cure la sure In its effects, mild in Its action as it dnaa not blister, yet it hi ienetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bonvrrowthor other enlargements, such as spavfns, anlhalj curbs. caious, sprains, swellings and any lameness and en largements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which Hutment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effect. send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy lias ever met with such unqualified suocoss to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, Price tl per bottle, or six bottles for ST.. All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on reeelptof price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kksdall aud Co., Knosburgh Palls, Vt. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS, By buying at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or per sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue (free) and you will find it there. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the United Stater . Montgomery Ward & Co. ss? A aag Wabash Avenue, Chicago. y r KENDAirslk Sk mxrcat. "RID-VY FEBRUARY 10, 1883 asaaaaaasMSBW. I '" "J . r.1" "V "'aJI -,t '.( AN A 41 It PIT'S MIAN. On ths sftsrsooa of October 10th, last, Mr. F. Myers Os.,of C5g Brsad- way, New York, prstsntsd to Prssi- dent hiaNew York residnnee, 123 Lexington slvsnue, a copy of a rs markable aad tdsguifiosat sagrsviog, entitled "Our Prssidsnts, 17801881" .copyright, 1882, by F. My trt A Co.) After warmly commending the pictura, ths President bespoke a copy also for ths Whit House, sad ths picture, slegantly framed, has accordingly been supplied "with tbs compliments of ths publishers." Oa November 22sd, General U. S. Grant, while pisaout at his busioess offlus ia ths ivuitabls Building, Broadwsy, N. Y , putobassd a copy from a can v siting ugsnt and ap peared much ptsassd. Said ths Usasr aland sx-Prssidtnt, rsferiiog to ths portrait f himsslf : ''That is a very gaad liksasss of sis. Is is just as 1 look now, and my hair ia just absut aa gray, and no grsysr, thaa it appear there, snd," added tbe.GsnsraJ, "ttar fisld'a ia excsllsnt It is vsry good of Arthur Yss, aad there's Taylor, Gen eral Tsylor -I asrred under hire that is a good oas of him ; Indeed your pic ture is a good one gsaerstly. 1 stn quits familiar with all ths fscsa , I was so long at the White Ho urn, alters goad portraits of all tbs President ais found. Itiee good idta, aad f am qt.its plsassd to hsvs one." Saying this, General Giant, having paid ths agsnt, left his office, rotate for his up lawn mansion, carrying his ospy of "Oor Presidents, 179 1 Ml with him under his arm. On tbs next day, ex President It, B. ilsyss, received a copy sf ths plate at bis boms, in Fremont, aad he at sncs addressed a litter to tbs publishers expressive of his approval and gratiSsation. Tba high merit of this picture the finest national pirttait-group svsr pub lish is established ia the beauty of its conception, whisb bss there caused to bs sasemblsd, in 6gure, for ths first time, our twenty -one President! giving sudisno to tbs great station aver which they have been bonorsd la preside. It pressots them in ons of lbs grand sa loons sf ths Whits iiottSS, artistically portiaysd ia natural sttttudss, in full length figures, saob one clad in tba atyle peculiar to himself in bis day. Tbs portraits are telling and life-like, snd recall tbe memorise of all. A sing ular effect is produced by thirteen clean haven fseee, the custom of their times, while but four of the twenty -one wear tbe now papular mouatacho, tin tbe walls of tbe saloon bangs a well execut ed picture of tbe aurrsnder of Corn, wallia, which in itself socurstely illus trates tbs great historical event. It ia taken from the original painting in the Rotunda of tba National Capitol. From the window of tbe room appears a flue view of the National Capitol Bttildiag, sermeuntad by ths goddess of liberty, fbe picture ia 22x28 inches in size, and affords an elegsnt and admirable sub ject for tbe homes of the people, it may well be considered a standard American picture. Tbe day dream of caovaasiog agents may now be realised, for tbe aale of auch a work will no doubt be a steady one, snd somethine: enormous. It Is said especially through canvassing agents, snd we understand that tbs publishers wsnt agents in this locality and in other parte. This affurda a timely business opportunity for some of our enterprising citiaene who may find themselves st liberty to ecoept in agen cy. In order to more rapidly intro duce this fine work, full patioalara with an agent's outfit, including the engraving, circulars, and a brief history of the lives of Presidorts every on0 of tbem will, we sre informed, be for warded, cbsrges prepaid. U those who apply with a view to an agency, and wbo at tbe same time remit one dollar to pay costs. All communications must be addressed to the publishers, F. Myers fe Co., Post Office box 52C, New York City. We advise tboae ol our readers who become interested in tbs subject to sand for an outfit at once for their own advantage, also that others may, through auch agencies, posseas themselves of copies of this happy pro duction. - se ! i When the girt with plnk-aud-white powder on her face got into tbe street-car tho two passea&rers who had been talking about breadatuffs resumed their conversation. Said one : "Flour is plenty and cheap enough ; have yeu noticed ?" That's because lt'a so much kneaded," responded the other, with a feeble attontpt at a pun. Tho first speaker threw up his hands in affected horror. Te this complexion have we come nt last," he quoted. Then the girl rose up. think you're juat horrid," she exclaimed. "I won't sit here and have no such remarks passed on me !" "We didn't mean" ono of the gentlemen attempted to explain ; but she was not to be appeased. "Let me out !" I'd rather walk. "Flour, indeed !" and she flounced off. Loss of hair and grayness, which often mar the prettiest faco are pre vented by Parker's Hair Balsam. 1 1 amis fa its. Vfiof a r cent violent storm on the Ungual! ik it n quantity of sarin e mat sr was obsi rved on windows st a dis tant inland, Ths deposit is believed o kave been made by ocean apray, which in thia case must have been blown by the wiud at Issst sixty miles. Ban Francisco has jnst hsd its first sleighing in thirty years, as the result of tbe only heavy snow storm ia that period. Thousands ef young folks saw snow for tbe first time in thsif lives. Sleighs were hurriedly constructed, both for nesting and driving. Ons of ths oity mtllionsires was seen in s pi ano box, undsr which were runners audi of plsoks with tbs suds rounde l off. Ths town of Langholm, in Scotland, was long famous for a curious iroa in strument cal In 1 ths Dranks, which was fitted upon tbe bead of a shrew, sad, bsving a prong which projected into ths mouth, prevented her spssking. Tradition In Lsnuholm iroes to show that its application was attended with excellent effect, and Dr. Plot, tbe anti quary, aaya that ho much prefers it to tbe ducking stool, which only endan gered ths patient's health, but also gsve the tongue liberty between every dip. Tbs slsugbter of s plow ex is prohib ited by lew in Chine, sod s violation of the lew ia punished by two months' imprisonment snd 100 blows of the hsavy bamboo ; except in cases where ths offender is ths owner of tbs snimsl, when tbs imprisonment is one month snd the number of blows eighty. Man dsrisns who fail to take notice of such offences sre also punished. The ex is thus honored shove other beasts because be is annually offered to Confucius ; sad because of his services to man in plowing sod tbe entire dependence of tbe hnsbandmsn on him, man should refrain from doing him harm. A Norwich (Ot ) paper aays : A pe culiar freak ef nature or ths elements of something eras observable here on aUtordsy morning. Tbe heavy fog which hung over tbs river ia the early morning spread over tbe tsad snd be came congealed in contact with solid substances. It was espscislly notios sbte around suspended telegraph wires, en those foi ming a line nearly aa inch ia diameter. JAter iu the morning as the sun rose snd shed its heat these psrticles, instead ef melting and drop ping as wster, flew off ia light flakes which, beiag caught by the wind, gsve ths appearance of a anew fall. Tbe oc- currsuee was marked ay many as s pe culiar pbenemenoa. rare asserratv aaiAjiB. 'Do you know the latest agony among tho first families ?" asked a friend witb whom I was roconlly chatting. Of course I professed both Ignorance and anxiety for enligtaon. men t In this respect, and my friend with tho observant eyo and glib tongue went on te say ; "This craxe Is called tho 'Ltngtry expression' and handshake, because It was introduced into America ny the jersey Lilly a few weeks ago. It is never practiced among Intimate friends, for It is IosiUvety dangerous to a wan friendship It is adapted to ladies alone, and Its workings are decidedly shocking. By way of Illustration, you are introduced to Miss Smith. The young lady acknowledges tho iutroduciion with a bored and care warn air, and ber eyes take on an been -out evcr-nfght look. Just as you are wishing yourself In another country, Miss Smith braces up and step forward as if desirous of making amends for her cruelty. She extends ber left hand, grasps your right, and then contracting tho muscles of her arm, pulls down with so much vivacity that tho poor victim la In danger of being doubted up like a jack-knife. Miss Smith says nolh. ing, but before releasing you permits a tremor to pass through her frame which leaves you In doubt as to whether she would like to know you better or Is only joking. Many ladies, I understand, take lesson- In this new social acquirement every afternoon." ii.uin i ri Kti. i m Ms. As a rule, tbe crops which require ths most labor should hsvs tbs best I mil and the heaviest manuring. Dried peat will absorb a largs amount of liquid excrement of oattlo or horses. But it is difficult in our cli mate to keep It dry until ready for use, unless kept under cover. Tbe Cubans are going into the cattle -growing business on a large scale. One thousand bulla wars lately sold in Havana for an average ef $45 saob. Perhaps, however, some qf these were for hull baiting. In diasuasing the advantages of farm life it should never be forgotten that ths country is altogether the best place to rear a family. The successful busi sees men in all our large cities were mainly born an bred in the country. If tbe country had accurate and re liable crop reports each year it would save many millions to producers, and be no less to ths consumer. Our mid dlsmsn make a profit on the general uncertainty, and they often fail in tbsir operations. A VAKIP.D PCKFOKMANCfl. Many wonder how Parker's Qinger Tonic can perform such varied cures thinking it essence of ginger, when in fact it is made from many valua bio medicines which act beneficially on every diseased organ. When tho farmer is feeding high, priced grain to tatting stock in Winter bo has at least tho satisfaction of knowing that the manure Is of corre sponding value. A farmer who fed throe horses and four cows through the Winter found in Spring that at $1 per load their manure was worth H per week during the feeding season The good effects of a charcoal bed are visible for many years. The small particles of charcoal aro slight ly alkaline, their dark color makes tbe soil warmer by retaining tho sun's heat, and they also absorb ammonia, which Is given out as needed by roots of growing plants. ChareO wlrceterr. Y. I. C. A. Meets st their rooms in Foe- ter's brtok building on Saturday even infra at 7 J0 o'clock, aad on Habbsth afternoons at 4. Btisiaess msotisge sre held oa the even ing of the second Monday is each month. KvurybOdy lsvitod to attend. U. T. CscaeM.- Preach inarfvery Hahbetb. at 11 a. si., and 7 T. at by Kev. (.. jr. viae), D. I). Habbsth Hehool at 2:30 r. m. i'rayer misting every Thursday evening. KVASUBUCALCaiiaOH. i'reachiiiion Hah. hath st 11 a.m., end 7 J W. Sf. Sabbath School 12:15. Prater meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. llollenbeugh, pastor. CowotiBOAlinwAi ritnsra. JgeeMoeseverv ftsshbatb at 11a.m. and H r. u. Sabbath School at 2s3U Preys nsasttng SB Thursday evening of each weak. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K Cacacv. South. Services 2ad fMsd 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul's M. Ffc('haroh, South, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. sharu. Pre ver tneetintr everv Thurs day evenng. Jos. Kmery, pastor. M. K. Cut sven - Preackms every Sabbath st 11 a. m. snd 7 i r. M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t I 30 r. ml r raver massing everv Tburs- iay evening. L LHlkm, pastor. PksasvTKUIAN Cmusch. Service) everv Sabbath morning and evening ia Chorea cor. Hroadalbin and Fifth Sts. OS oday School st 2 30 p, in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evsoing. Kev. Isaac II. Coodit pastor. KsTlMorAX Cm USCM sWvieaa avarv Sun. day, morning at 1 1 a. m., evening at 74 p. m. noly communion eysry Sunday mom ing at IViS a. m. Wediieeday 7-30 p. m. Hobt L Stevens, pastor. THE SUN. NEW V0KK, Mare -atspte tsars read "The San" tur1i, Uu rser Jus t kw feaatag Usaa e-er seaVare store it as first StSaaa, uWssaaT puUisi,,! uu UU aids ' SWta has bsssa UsagM aad read in as ymu br se nsaajr aasn aad wesssa. Wsare ersaitly lafarsaeJ Otel t-njole her read, sad lis "Ttss Sua" tar the fcdfcwta, Tin . ' mAkmmmm , iU fSI SjABMH t rrrtil i'. .I'.!,).,. WtUs Ua SlSllsil - ssSssi esar has hrteraet Tar iisaaUad . the ssssits. ths deads, aad 111 Hi, the wtasnea. the iWm-pky , Use iHaMa UjU). Um id sssssa, Uss UaprvtUiC MaaVass an ssssj news (a isse assi werM al j.resssnt result a ( I nsls bare isamed that la its raaaai i ssisriuae s-sesness aad sSairs -The San nsaSa nrart ; uf ietilasT tOasa lass LruO. u. tha mm-t lu aWlit tbrsa buadrad and x Ss data to the jwmm$ sswsawaw vassjsviayaasal sstv WwSJ tsw ssswaw stsaVVVw Usw aa ell as abuui ths ssnsJi Sah, ia ths taeeof as fsetojy and Isartssatr as twsu suprUxl by save the toaorasatluri ef lu readers and 'Am s se isas ssnssnen gone. 11 sa asassti Si' . tm. - L. so hsssMs that -The See" I. IssYSswI u. bi. wH fare and bis ribu. So anan is aa rteb tbet it cava al toa iKluatio. te be dene bass. No wau. no a-aa;ta tlun uf esaa. la nawetfal enoturb to bs esasnpt front the strict Bigdinalfcsn f lis iwuscifsiee at rbt and wasas, ll- auar In noliUas It bssssasl las s assa . ..... asatsas. aew-jieissfe, tbe farht has rasalusUTtbt aant evssrwbassatoe luuuiar r.n.t strain.- issn ail f .r bunaaS s-.,rimaftt. Nu malirr srl..i lr ts In ssaer. -"fbe Hen ' stamU and afll eon. tli.ur to iUt I iikr a r. . ( m- .. i ... . sssaSa i n I ''llsli .eat aocr"&' robbc. ah mis sa anai ar. ,M alnwat .Is a taat "Tba Sea" ts U wassuar ter iKil.llahcsl, bacauas Ita l.rtat.anlt. it Ui..Ul.rVs.! aiu, cent. Another bulda Usat H U tbe best OsspubUqan na,w urUau. U easae H has air ad jr fajastd ball uf Use raareJs osjt U Una jstrtr, and is prutsksdin; asifsst the etber Isalf smb umllanasshad rtsxar A LkirH s y ,.. bs Us bast SSMSBSS of leneral lltaratore la rtlst "o. tsj iaass Ms readers Mies noUtlns; worthy of uuOoa Uau to s-anwnt In Use world sf UM.-iaht. Ho eerr friend of "The Sun dieouters ane uf lis man. states Utat sasaSal wiU part, ular bsres thtoinMid ual lib lfssx If yuu alrssalr know "The Boa.- toe win observe UbU Is ISSSittoa llUto better lUn star bsaVsra. It ytnx do not already know -Tbs ban," run will Snd it to be a num.r A all human acUtit, a stisrslisisss uf lbs cbjuteeat uradia is uf neunus SsSSJ and lassHna 'toe, a aaalnaaay far the caoas of honest f rmntnl, a aanUaal lur riiult Jetwosaton lissrtuctae) a fr wtokssliisas of every spaclas. ami an un j saaa in rasassssas sar ttts oasaaaf yaar. a Hall satsarrtbera The suveral aditlona of "The San" are sent by mall, sajiai.1, as fuUoaa . UAILY if oenu a luoi.Ut. aa.SS i ailb Sunday edition, SI TS m mAi r.ujni fmgm, ii. aw a year, WRKKLY SI a tear KUbt isur .,f tbe matter uf tbe daily Issuss ; an Ainu-uJtural I hi. ait mrnl . uiukiuaiied inent. market rrisru. and ln. r ary, a tan US,- and domaatic ttnitwnee make "The V rkl; .Sun tbe liir..r il fartn-r h.-ns.-b.4d. Tbednbaof ten with tin, an estraeoiiy froa. 1. W. KMiU.VH, Knbllaher. "Tbe Sua," H. V. tlty. This great tlrrnglb ealaa iwtvedy and nerve tonic Is tbe lcKiuiiate re- of eyer twenty years uf ufacOcal eiiertosce, and cares with unfallitie- (-t-itainty Nervuua and -diveiral debility, semi, nsl wrsrssss. sirmatiir- rhBSS, p r S tatorrbuea, einlssinns, ispo tenry, sxha listed vitality, pre. decline and toea of nutnbood Is all Its oodj plications anu imm wiiatevvr eaaas itradoeed. It enriches and parlSss the blood mmmmmm , . . . strengthens the nerves, brain, muscles, digvaUon, re. iiniducUve StfSJSSS and physical ana meniei lacuiuca H stops any usnaluaal debllitotlug drain upon the system, preventing invuluniary loaaea, acuiutating' cfrearoa, seminal losses with the urine, etc., so de structive te mind and Itodjr, It to a sure eliinaU.r r all kldnsy and bladder compitvSts. u coniaina nu injurlnua InirredienU. To those surinJI from tho evil efTeets uf youthful linliscreUissa, a speedy, thor uuirh and cure Is fiVJAaANTEBl), l'ri. c faM pw bottle, or Ave txAllua in case, with full di recUons and advice, S10. 8nt secure from ..baerva Uon to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. !., tub had only of DR. C. D. SALFiELD, SIS Kearney St.. Saa rraaelees, Cal. Consulutlons strictly confidential by leUer or at uffifle t'HKK. For tba canvenlenee of patients and In order to Insure pe -feet secrecy 1 have ad don led a pri vate address undsr which an paeaagos are nirwarueu. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show lu merits, will be sent to any one applying by letter, statliiK his simptuins anu age. Communications strictly ooonuenuai, net, life is sweeping bti swsrv s. tut it si Pea lae. lore row die, aometbhsg mighty sjvd subueao leave be hlud to conquer Ume. fotl a week in your own town. SA outfit free. No risk. Everything new. CaptUil not required. We wtu furnish you everyvning. Manv are maklnir fortunes. Ladles make as much as men, and boys and giria make great pay. Reader, If you want buelncess at which you can make great pav all the Ume, write for pertlrulere to II, Hallittk A Co.,l'ortlan N aine. J. A. DAVIS, M. D., Physician, Surgeon -AND Obstetrician. Can be found at Drug Store of R W. Langdon, or at residence corner of Cala pooia and Fourth Sts. ALBANY OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Th Third Term begins on Thurs day, February 1st, 1883. For particulars concerning the courses of study and ths price ol tuition, apply So BEV. ELHEBT W. CONBIT, Presiaeaf. imsim BaaaaaVRK.1 aHarBsaHal l a.sss wsnswsssassBamature IIOITMAV & J0SKPII, PKOPRIKTORS Of ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domentlo Clgari, Tobaccos, Groceries, Proviaiona, Candler Nuta and Tropical Fruits. Albany, . ... Oregon. ONE DOOH BELOW JOHN BKIOCsM' STORE. jftyt AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STRKET, HAS ON BAND AS FINrfAN ASSORTMENT 07 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As any house la the alley. He a so Imports aad manufacture; TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK KVKKY IESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDBR. ALSO, HE KEEPS OB HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF genuine: granite iron ware. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COM PETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at s-iaaaa ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAHiKK BROS. iVopHeWrs ALBANY, OKKGO. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AMD 1 1 1 : a i s roiHEg Eaaoulssl in Italian or Vermont MarMs. Al-so, every variety of etiietery and other aUHi work doite witii watnaea sod disrsatch. Sparial attention given to orders from all parts of litis State and Washington Ten ury . TAU work wen-sate!. 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND iiuhim: shop. lMTARLINll F. I lftOS. Bv A. F. I'll RRRY, aftnated at eornarof Fin and Montgomery Slreeu, Albany, Orsgen. Havtog taken ehartreof the above named Works, we are )rutared to litatiufaeture Steam Enginea, Saw end Onst Mill, Woaxl-workinK Machinery, Pumpa, Iron and 1 trass CsMUngs of every dess rifKion. Machinerv of all ikinds repaired. Spe cial attention givenu rfpainn- farm n a chlnery. rsiurs aablac Ammr iu all Its faff-eaa. lscllyl A. F. CHEKRY A SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody dalighted with the tasteful and beautiful aeiectioua made by Mrs. La mar, wbo has never failed te please ber customers. New Fall Circular juat issued. Send for It- Addreaa MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, STT SssssSsSsW, Saw T irl act aasaluatonsfor patents, eaveata. trade-msrks, eopyrights. etc, for tho Unituil Kutes, and to obtain pat ents in Canada. Enpland. France, Germany, and all other conn tries. TUtrty-alx years' practice. No charge for examination of models or draw inaa. Advieo by mail free. Patents obtained through un aro noticed in the aciBXTIFIC AMERICA, which has the largest circulation, snd is the most infla ential newspaper of its kind published in tbe world, The all vantagesof such s notice every patentee understands. This largo and splendidly illasSrskvi news paper is published vVKkKly at 13.20 a year, aud is sdmitted to be the best paper devoted to soi ence, mechanics, inventiona, englnsanng works, and other departments of industrial progress, published fa any country. Binglo copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. Address, Munn A Co.. publishers of Scian tiao A ate ri can. 2C1 Broadway, New York. Handbook about pstonts mailed free. Osyr A WEEK. 112 a day at hosts raaib nuvl V ) I'ostljf Outfit Address Tat a & Co aegW-a , Maine. To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 KEiSMT ST.. comer of Ct mroer- cial Street, San Kranciaco. RsUMishad in ISS4, for ths treatment ot Sexual and Seminal biaeasea, auch as t.oaorrbra. 4.leef. Strirttire.Syplmlllainail I. . a . ii.Vesst; wv..iii nwins, immiirar) Scaslaal VYeakaeaa, nit-ht losses by dream t, pim pies ou the face and of mannooil can piU' 'ely bo curvd. Hie kick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor lias traveled extensively in Kuroiie, ana insXH'tea lliomuirhly the various nani Lais there, uhtaiiiing stTsat deal of valuable inronaa tion, which ha is(.-ouskut to iuiitvrt to those in need of his services. UK. (TTtilw N will make no charge unless he effect a cure, rersoua at a distance NAY BR I'l'BKIS 4T HOME. All ci -uiuuicalions strictly uonfldential. You see so one bu . the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a isxckase of medicine. rVrsotis writing-1 the Doctor will pUsute state tbe name ol tbe paper they sea this advertisement ia. Cbaryes raa Bonable. Call or write. Adtlrcas Dtt. J. T. OlbUON, Ikix l!-r7, Nan Krunciseo. v-19ii4a RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LAN N ING & CO., PROPK'S. NKW PROC'KSS VLOCR SCPBRIOK POK FAM1UES AND BAKKItS US. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest LPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. SC f n OSsla Ir 1J' l borne. Samples orth 9 &J& free. Adress Rtimsox A Cu. Portland, Maine. m reasonable fiureg. liANNALS & WOODIN, savrracrraaa ass asaiaa ts FURNITURE t BEDDING. trmrr t rrry mud seeetsS streets. AI.KAM, - . OKKOOV. TlSs4yl T. J. STITE8. ATTOltNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Offlee to States Riacrrs Iiuok.. ofAce. PARKER'S n n I tv HA lAAff? Tbit rl im i'hssii i is psetemsj hy iL. wSsiasis aaoiie, to aa. t of ia txyen.Ar and wtirr. oabr tiii are Ler-f.j! to the acSTp fccj haj ttornevFaJc-iasIr J'Mker's Haar i V; 1 U:u.ux L. Co . K.Y. tat. mm M stt.s at 4m tn 4-mgt PARKER'S GINGER TO HC K you arc a mt tmsic er farater, wore oat asfk es.i mmtk. or a nxaWr rwn dosm ty Cssagj or BSStSS. Uid datica try i'Aaaaa's Uuk.cs Tceuc. f f r are a lawyer, ssirsiisrr or 1 usiasj nas ee l-sauar use Parser's Ganrcr 1 o irroahave CosrsaaeiRa-sa. Dysftqaia. kk fun. kfcdae-jr trasp lifts, or sarjr dssorder of Ac ! -ijch. UmssSs alaod er iwrsr-s Patera's C: wvUtacwaa. It istWGacassss Bfeod PtraVr fisd Oa tat sstf aWrsst -ffJte- t.tacas Tuax at csace; a tj nor r o from nm mm dose bee w9 1! IS ii rAcv. n. T. ssk a p . CtXAT SAVTJCO SCTDCG bosaas f :zx. Ittrf h and humr frarraaoa has Blade teas tassaklsai tiaalU lastst wpcm ktu Fujjuu Tost l.aaaatv tsaiVatA fat ikstSSi i ef Mttta Aa I sails sr - - S. u. . . ujsslvsaa. fS asi u m shrv ' ' L-MtGa StVTO ItTTX': fTTt FISH, GAME, &C, JIIAVi: opened a fish am -came mai -ket just east of the Revere .louse, and 11 have afresh supplv at all times. Chickens boght and sold. latf J. HlMI'HBLV. YDfO SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Does the best washing and troning in Al bany at lowest rates. Conintcss made for Chinese labor. Issundrv on Wasblnsaost street, oppoafte Marshall's Livers Stable latfSrtf aTK. sWaVtVawa ' liaTin saUaaAed a liationjU reputav FIXE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors ami Ink Erasers. ifase mmmmt tkt mammaciurt of ail style of With a stillosj ss-periBtrtMlest in that ! --..r r ntent, sajiplctut-nted by extesahd exp-.rb-nt-a la t':-workiufof fine steel, are are ettal.:. 1 1 trnHu ooda ot unrivalled quality. To lutruus: our PATENT AlijrsTALl.ij Gtuiil Action, Reservoir Pon, "THE csiz:," In a-lvn-'-o of rplar f-ate r.-.i. ! . , ,-.-t ef It, aatj u ill loail a taaij.;, rrosa to asy aeVaaats oa lvc iptof as. Ci-irlss ss stark Iak ca as; reiataie 'm 1 1 'i . ..-1 i.;N I1T3 ATa l.' lt. it, O-ir vhaJr ftsa r IVn v' I Ui .'t tb ' rrlcs' IslttJlairaU'tTra nnsnWieva agr . OEOssOK W. BAR9TES, I ATTORNEY AT LAW AND- Notary Public, raiXETILLR. OKLCOH. Collection?- promptly made on ail points. nana. Those of our readers who intend to make final proof on their Homesteads, cab help the Democrat by requesting the Register o designate it as tbe paper in which notice tof their application to make final proa shall be oablished. VSatS- mnhu. :l C41-TTOS- Bs-n ssas-tetss.1WW.ClaawTaalc is V s c-l