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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
i Wfa tmnut Official County Paper. Kntered aft the Post O dice at Albany, Or as wc6nfl-clav! mall matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1C, 1883 J "L-- . . II ., i J'..-- STITIS NUTTING. r.lllor and Proprietor. rnKor. tTriu, t.icai i;ai$ur. O. A- C. R. R. TIWK TAULK. A I ban j Ntatioa. UKIMKTIttK OP Ttl. v Mil !tTtl. AURA NY KXPRK&S Poparts st KKKK;irr train's - f.: A. M. WOO A. M. Mi. A. M. li:O0 P. M. MAIL THAI Arrives at leprt at none a Kami. MAIL TRAIN ArrirM at -DvCsWts at Mi' A M r m. 3:30 P. M. 8:35 P. M. fRKIiillT TH4IV " V ALHANf KXl'KKSS MN$ All Train dallj, except Saadajr. Notice. On and after this date regular tickets will be Hold at our ticket otrW for fallowing points on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walluia, Walla Walla and A ins worth. Wn.r.. B. liirK, Freight and Tiokt Agent O. A C. R. K. Co, Albany. June 18th, 188. HERE'S A GOOD CHANOE. Any cue sending us five now yearly subscribers, and the cash is advance at the rate of $2.50 a year, will receive tho Democrat one year free, or if now a sub scriber will be credited one year subscrip ten. mmm OM U SI II SOL MKK1IM.. Notice is hetehy given to the legal voters of School District No. 5, of Linn county Oregon, that the annual school meeting for said district, will be held at the Court House in Albany, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., on the first Monday, being the 5th day of March, A.D. 1383. This meeting is called lor the pur pose ot taking steps for selling or dispos ing of such property belonging to the District as may be deemed advisable. Alsof r the purpose of levying a tax for the support of the public schools of said district for the ensuing year. And for erecting a new school bouse in said dis trict, and for purchasing suitable grounds therefor, and for the transaction of busi ness usual at such meeting. By order of the IUard of Directors. Dated this 12ih day of February 1883. J. H. lit" RK IT ART, Clerk. Slippery Therater. W refer to the lake by that name situated about a mile and a half from the city west of the Willamette, as it was fauna last Saturday, by about a hundred of our citizens. It was a pic nic on ice. The lake is entirely sur rounded by trees, and the ice was al most perfect forskating purposes, veter ans at the pastime declaring that they never before hail seen such a magnifi cent field in which to display their agility at speed or the grape vine, etc. The stretch was three eMsrtoCP cf a mile and aboiA twenty rods wide, and young men and women spanned the distance dozens of times nntil their limbs beeame weary. All realized that it would be their last chance per haps for several years, so th it they did not leave far home until nearly dark. This was pronounced the floest skate ever njoyed by Albanians. There is this about skating in Oregon. We may not have as much ice as oar Eastern friends, far which fact we are very thankful, but when we do have any it "knocks the persimmons" off your Eastern congealed mas of snow and wind and water. KTftx-t oi VI beat. Last Wednesday R. A. Irvine brought us in some specimens of wheat just polled, which were good indications of the effect the cold snap had on the wheat By actual examination atout half of the sprouts were dead while the ether half would grow and flourish, and this may be said to be the way it is all over the county. It is claimed by seme that if the cold does net pull the wheat out of the ground that it wjBl grow anyway, and others say that even then some of the kernels msy be killed, and certainly in the specimens shown, which remained in the earth, half were dead. From all with whom we have talked, we come to the conclasien, that in almost no parts is the wheat killed entirely, in other parts, very little, wfeile nearly every where in the county, some. There . is not enough seed wheat in the county to sow it all, but there is probably enough to meet the demands which will be made, for there are a great many fields which will not nee 1 1 be resewn at all. What Dees It Me a T We have in our hand a clipping from the New York "Real Estate Record," giving a lit of mortgages juht filed in the Clerk's oilice in that city. Among the list we find this : "Villard, Henry to the Manhatta Savings Inst," and then follows a description of the great Villard's million dollar Madison Avenue residence, with the memorandum, "3 years per cent, S'JIO.COO." One migh judge from the pro fuse manner in which Henry Yiilard had run things in the northwest that he vraa flush, but there is a significance in his mortgaging his pet Madison Avenue resi dence, which does not speak well for his real property. Many think that within a year he will go completely to pieces, but so long as it does not affect the Northern Pacific as a transportation agent the poo pie of this state care very 1 ttle. Death of Willie Peters. Willie, son of W. S. Peters, died last Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, after an ill ness of about two weeks. He had been taken with lung fever, which had been broken and he was nearly well when membraneous croup and tonsdletus set iu and he grew worse until finally he breath ed his last in a quiet, painless way, as the day changes to darkness, and the bright, n bls boy, left his loving parents and friends. It seems sad te 836 one just as he reaches the age when manners begin to be fixed to be taken away so suddenly, biit it is a part of life and something we have to learn to bear. Mr and Mrs Peters have the sympathy of a larte community in their affliction. 125 mens' and boys' fine eassimere coats at S3 and $4 each, worth from $7.50 to $10 at Nolan's Cash Store. HOME AKD ABROAD. Nelan ' Cash Store. FM French, jeweler, Doctor have been busy. Go to Moutaguo s, at Iebanou, for gooda cheap Nolan a Carh Store next door to Peters & Blain a. C. B. IfaatSMM, Ceucral Merchant, Nib- anon, Or. Ladies (iac kid gloves at coat at Nolan" Caak Store. U-dlcr akating is the popular amusement of tho city. Nolan'a Cash itorc is the genuine Iwrgain houte of Albany. The location of the Narrow Oango read la liable to be changed. A large atock of canned go-U yut on baud and for aale at Redlield'a. Bargaioa in genuine inosrAohssm pipes at Nolan's Dish Store. 2000 lbs. smoking and chewing tobacco nt cost at NulaB a Caah Store. Remnants pika nf retnnauta at Nolan'a Caah Store. Trices way down. Hsv J S McCain ha purchased a half in terest iu the Dallas Itimizer. The River and Harbor hill provide for only $30,000 for Yaquina Bay. llrK d Johnson furnishes his patrtita medicine without extra expeuso. Lost- Gold breast pin, pearl ia it Re ward paid. Return to thia otfioe. 13 head of good driving horses for aale cheap at Lebanon, by L. O. Ralatoa. Big bargaina in blanket, flannels and all winter goods at Nolan'a Caah Store. The body of a child buried at Buens Vista was recently found to be petrified. The last legislature encouraged marriages by reducing licences from $2.50 to 82. One second haad stove and (oar eh an Jo - iers half price at Nolaa'a Cash Store. The State Temperance Alliance meets on Wednesday ot next week, in the Court House Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist, effloe in Odd eilow'a Temple, over Langdoas Drugstore. Goods at bottom prices at Montague's, Ilianon. No humbug but genuine bargains. It is now lent, and dee-pie should be care- fal abeat eating to much meat behind the door. Jos Nixou baa gone o-it of the St. Charioa Hotel at Lebanon. Mr Rilea is uow run ning it A plan f Yauuina City has josl been received. b.ts are beiug ,!.:. at 8IC0 and $75. Skatiug riut open Saturday and Monday evenings far all, and Wednesday eveuiog for ladies. The wind and raiu Sunday night were a decided relief to the frozen up inhabitants of tho Valley. A alight fall of aoow Tuesday night whit ened the ground, but aa hoars enaahine dis persed it F M Rediield has a Urge and complete assortment of garden seed, onion seta, seed corn. etc. The skating rink will not be ran next week during the seasioo of the State Tem perance Alliance. Foshay 2l Mason receive aeveral cepie of the Texas Sijtitfje regularly, w bich their patrons can get. Corvalli people have been investing in Vacuum Motor stock. Butter pat your mon ey in air pumps. Shoemakers are particularly busy now aiava eobbliiig fur the wet feet of their many patron. Call at Hoffman k Joseph's and get some of their potted meat. Pure groceries gener ally are to be obtained of them. The verdict in the case at Portland against Alfred Anderson for killing his brother was, "guilty of murder in the first degree." A communication on the meeting of tt Grange at Shedd'a which was received juat before going to press will be publiabed next week. An exchange engjeat a publisher -convention for the parposn of protecting news papers from Raster Advertising Sharks. We second the move. Staple and fancy dry goods, dreat goods clothing, mens and ladies furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats ami caps and everything at coat at Nolan'a Caah Store. The sermon next Sabbath m raio at the Presbyterian Church will be designed es pecially for the children. All, both old and young will be cordially welcomed. People of Lebanon ahonld not forget that if they would get goods cheap they ahonld go te Montague's, who is selling at bottom prices, preparatory te bia spring stock. Anyone sending $1.50 te this office will receive a gross of "Acme" pent, adjn stable te any holder ; quill acting with fountain qualities. This is tha cost price of them. Quarterly services for the M E Church will be held next Saturday, and en Sanday forenoon the regular communion services will be held. Hev I Driver, Presiding Elder will be present and conduct the services. A society has been formed here by young ladies who wear red badges, on which is in scribed 4 ! ! B. F. The person sending us the best solution of the above, whether cor rect or not, will receive a horse book free. air Moses Parker living near thia city has. wo understand, within a few months lost aeveral horses, and reports from other quar ters of deaths are frequent. Buy one of our horse books, or pay yosr subscription in ad vance and get one, and learu how to trea your horsea, MsMinville bras of a pair of skates fifty years old. We are requested to state that Albany can beat this, as there is a pair here used by a young man which the young ladies claim are a relic of a hundred years ago. They are called the centennial skates. The attendance at the Blue Ribbon Club Friday night was small, as well as the pro grans, although the parts rendered were good. Rev S G Irvine delivered an addreas and Miss Massie Foster an interesting seleetion. Hoffman & Joseph pat up about a hundred tons of ice during the cold weather, rnnch more than they thought possible at first Jt is stored in two houses, and will give our citizens a chance next summer to tret all the ice they wish at the loweR price. Breymen & Summerville, of Prineville, sold their entire outfit, ranch, cattle, horses and all last week, to A H Johnson, of Port land, for $140,000. Mr Summerville used to be a resident of Harrisburg and in only a few years has made a fortune at the stock raising business. M A Scott, the Magic Balm nuisauce, who with two cheeky songster; tried to run this city aeveral months ago, has been arrested in San Francisco for l igamy. After leaving this State he went back San Francisco and attended to his original business, minstrelsy, XT- l t !i his enanccs ior acqmcai, it is claimed, are slim. Now that the cold snap has disappeared we are reminded of the fact that the Star Brewery continues to manufacture the best made in the Willamette Valley, at least this is the repoi t. Call on Mr Faber and ascer taiu for yourself the truth of this. His sales in the Valley are goo and apeak w ir ior nis ncer. A life insurance agent was in the city re cently. Ho had been from Prineville to The Dallea daring the coldest weather, and was telling how it frees one of bis oheeka. Up spoke a man standing near : "It must have been frigidly cold then if it f rose your eheek.' A milder topic was taken up. The Soap Greek Debating Club tackled the tariff question Monday evening and de cided that "no tariff ia better than a high tariff." We looked for thia notwithstand ing the groat force brought to bear in favor of the other side. Tho following are a few signs of insanity A man returning an umbrella, or pay bag debt without being asked for it, or staying home at night with his family, or settling up for his paper wbsa Ave or six years behind, after being dunned half a deaen times, and continuing bis suheoriptioo. The late freexe has done considerable damage to the foundation of the Baptiat Church la this elty. The sides et the build ing are banked up well with dirt ao that the aide foundations were net raised up by the freexe, while the end foundations, which wore not banked up, were raised and hence cracked the brick foundations. Mr C P Hurk hart, living near thia city re- ceived last Tuesday, 22 carp whioh were taken from the ear load of that species of fishes lately seat to this coast by tho govern ment for distribution in oar creeks and rivers. They are said to he very gentle and and submit to be handled as quietly as pig. Joseph Sward'e, w'ue with Brown and Jobneoa, attempted to rub O'&hea ia Pert- and about 5 years ago, daring which at tempt a young man was killed, for which Hrown and Johnson were hanged and Swaida sentenced to the penitentiary for life, died a few days since and was buried by convict. Ooe of the new fee laws to take effect in a couple of years ia a curious one. According to it the Sheriff will receive $5 each for boarding prisoners to the number of fear ; if over that number only $3 each. If he ahoutd have five bs would get oely $15, while if he had four be would receive $20, and would get the same for beeping three as fur keeping five. No comment ia accessary. Our worthy friend, Mr John Millard, lost a pile of rails of considerable value daring the cold weather. Rails very mueh resemb ling them were seen oa a big boa fire on the ice where some young people wore akating on Mooteith a flats. We understand trouble is likely to ensue if the guilty parties are found out, and even tha young ladies who warmed by the fire bad better keep hid. Wednesday was St Valentine's day, and the old fellow was bare, acting in his terribly capricious way. Per soma be had love sick, moonstruck smiles, emphasised by aagela aad pierced hearts and goaty verses ; for oth ers he had sneers, broken egg pastry, with big nosed rhymes and wide mouthed words. It was an unfortunate day for then who get either. The following have been appointed dele gates, by the Bias Ribbon Chtb, to the State Temperance Alliance, which meets in this city on the 21 at instant : Dr W Gray. Dr G W Price. T P Hack la men, John Con ner. Prof. 'Kobe, Chas g Rideoot. Miss M I Foster, Mrs L K Biaia, Wilnoo R Bhun, Mrs George Turret! , Miss OHis Miller. Miss Libbie Irvine, Mia Mattie Fester, Was FortMiller, Miss Jennie Clark. Two young ladies of Tillamook count; aged 19 and 2ft, one a blood aad th ether a brunette, good houte-keepers, each owning 160 acres of good land. 75 boast of cattle, two apaa of horses, three )oke of oxen and a lot of poultry, state in the A Moxiam that if any res pee table, good looking young man wishes a wife, now is bis chance. Re ahonld address M L G care of M H Larson, Tilla mook, Or. Wo publish the above free for the benefit of tho girls, and have no doubt it will assist them for Albany ia fall of young men dying to get married, and no such chance was ever before offered. SOCIAL AND PEH30SAL Judge Uurnett, of drvallis, was hero last Friday. Jndge Bean, of P.ugeu, was in the city last Monday. Miss Alma Story, uf East Portland, is vis tting in this city. Mrs. A. Staiger, is visiting bar sister Mrs. Kggert of Portland. Mr V H Brown, piana taaar, of Portland, was ia the city last Tuesday. Mr It N Armstrong, waa in Albany several day tho tint of the week. Judge K S Strahaa was in Dallas last week on legal bosinoa. Wils Ray burn, Esq., of Corvallis, was ia tbe city Tuesday on bis way to Salem. J as Foster, Jr., arrived horn from Idaho last Wednesday evening. He bears th scars of a tumble on the snow resulting from the front bobs of a sleigh giving away. Mr Robert McCally, of Lebanon is sow canvassing tho city with a patent oil can which we think is a regular "boss" in its way. No spilling oil in filling lamps. Try them, Pete Callahan left yesterday morning for Portland where he has secured a good poai tion in a large mercantile establishment. ete is a good clerk and deserves success in his new field. Will Denny and Frank Oak left yesterday to go np the Willamette for the purpose of bringing down a lot of ash and other logs, or which there is a big demand hero, with out any to meet it at present. Last Monday Mr S K Young left for Seattle W. T., from which place he bad received telegram that his mother, bad been threat ened with paralysis, We aro sorry te hear since that one aide of Mra Yonng is com pltely paralyzed. Mr John Isom aud danuhti-r, Lixxie, and sister. Mm M-!a, lav, hu the next steamer or Mr i join's obi homa, in Independence, Va. , where his father, now 70 years of age ives. He intends if be is well enough to brine him to Oregon. May rood luck and a pleasant trip be their fortune. Wm Wigle, of The Dalles, but formerly of this county, was in the city laat Monday and gave us a call. He showed us a letter which he had received, from his wife stating that it was extremely cold, the thermometer standing at 25 below zero. Water was frozen up in all parts of the city. Wood ia acarce and selling at $8 per cord. SURPRISED OK II KR BIRTHDAY. Last Friday Mra L Martin had tbe good fortune to have a birthday. Her frienda found out the fact through some moans or other, aud did honor to tbe occasion in genuine, hospitable manner. They met at the residence of Mr A B Woodin, and marching in a solid body surprised Mrs Martin -at her home, oa tbe corner of Broad albin and Fourth streets. Mr and Mrs Martin were powerless in their hands and had to submit to being entertained during the evening. A lively time was had, the cold snap being propitious both for big ap petites and good natures. Everything was done for the enjoyment of those present, and tbe result was a universal verdict in favor of having birthdays ccme oftener, and Mrs. Martin's ia particular. WMCHICK CONFESSES, I Says m Mar hi Aesl The first of the week it was learned that hlimchiok. who has been ooa fined in the ooanty jail since last October, j under aa In dictment for the mutder of The Ray la the Forks of the Santiam, has confessed to the killing of Ray. W immediately inquired into the matter aad ascertained the truth of ihs fast and also that ho claims it te have been accidental. It will be remembered that young Rays body was found in the river a mils aad a half below whore his gaa was found, on the Santiam, about eight miles from Soto. There were sevoo buck shots ia different parts of his body, sod sir cam stances at the time showed ooaolasively that he had been ahot by soma one. Mr Nimohiok, aa illiterate German, at least as far as oar language is concerned, gsv him self up, and was indicted by the Grand Jury for the murder of Ray, although bs denied having anything te do with it Bat now, he admit that he shot Ray, bat says they ware banting together ia a friendly spirit and had soared up some deer when bs notic ed a brown object ahead of him, and raising his gun, ahot, when he was horrified to find that instead of killing a deer ho had shot younjt Kay. Me claims that ho was so soared at what ho had done, and net know- in much about ear ways, that he was afraid te admit that he had done tho shooting. Ha states that there had always been the best feeling between him ami Ray. This is bis ceo tension as told as, and will probably be his defense in the trial whioh will take place lief or the Circuit Court neit month. Wo publish it without any com ment The complete facte to the ease will be brought oat on the trial, when our rosier. i give their owa judgment as te the gnilt or innocence of Mr Nimebtek. e Cewaell Tuesday evening, Feb. 13. ItSX Pros ant Mayor, Recorder, Marshal end Aids Wood In. HorToasa, leaning, Bruah, Itlsekburn and Mentelth. The committee en Ways and Means re ported that the bkl of the "Herald" for city printing was tha lowest, and on mo tion It wan accepted, and the contract awarded to the "Herald" for 183, It won moved that the elty proceed with the) suit again J A Crawford to collect the amount due en repairing bridge aero the ditch In the elty limits. Aye and noes sailed for. Ayes Heffmsn, Brush, lUaekhnrn. Nosw Weodia, M on teeth, leaning. The Mayor voted no, and the motion was declared lest. at lm all wee. O W Barkhart, fitf ; N J Uentoo, lO.oa, emsts la Moat ease, $6.ft, in Kd Walker case. $S.S6, K W Langdoas A Co. $vAl ; II F Purdoui, nlghtwolch, $00. aiLta anraaaxo. N J Hentoa, .70, coats vs Richards, $1210; RD Murrv,$5.7&; Pat RUey, $1 G W P. irk hart, $11. SO t Cenrad Meyer, $4. Persona who wUIatertaia dlgatw l l ho stato Temperance Alliance are request ed te meet with the commit! oa arrange ments at Hut Court Uouae at neon Feb. 21st, 1H03. Persona who will do this wUI doubt lean meet friends who can be assign ed to tbetr car. Unexpected that a large number will be present and It ia hoped that the citizens of Albany wll not foil to show their hospitality ss tbey have bm accustomed to do heretofore. By order of Committee. Bargains in ladies muslin, meriu medicated underwear at Nolaa'a Cash Store, ante ate. A sociable will be bold under the auspice of Ssfety Ledge, No. 13, A O U W, oa the ovming of K-U 22. at Y P C A Hall. All members of th order aad their families hev been invited to attend. Add rose will be delivered by Ilea J K Westberford of this city, and C B Montague ef Lehaaam. Toasts will be responded te by several mem bars ef tbe order. A sepper trill be served aud social, pleasant time is anticipated. As I contemplate moving away, I offer for ale my household fernitoro. Such as store, chairs, J tables, loaugt, spring mattress, bed steads, kitchen safe, aad a good Burdstt r- Anyone desiring anything ia thia lies. will get a good bargain by calling early on tbe undersigned, corner of 3rd k Lyon streets. P. H. Raymohd. 100 doa. assorted dreea buttons at 5 cents a doa at Nolan's Caah Store SHILSH'8 VITALIZES ta what yen need for Constipation, Lea ef Appetite Dixxineas aad all symptoms of Dyspepsia PrlcelO and V, cant per bottle. A srl To all who aro suffering from tho errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will euro yon, FItKE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in Sooth America. Send a self -mid resaed envelop to th Usv. Joskpk T. I ska. Station D. Nw York City. 9 Good eassimere suits for $8,50 worth $12 at Nolan' Cash Store. The heaviest tax-payer in Beuton county ia Creen B Smith, who paya taxes on $54, 994. GentlejiuN Your Hop Bitters hay been of great value to mo. I was laid tip with typhoid fever for over two months and could get uo relief until 1 tried your Hop Bitters. To those suf ferlng with debility or any one in feeble health, I cordially recommend them. J. C. 8TGETZEL,683 Fulton st, Chlca go, III. The Oteyonian employe 65 men, and its monthly expenses amount to nearly $10,000. -mmm . a Vexed Cleraryssaa. Evsn tbe patience ef Job would become exhausted were be a preacher and en deavoring to interest his audience wbllo tbey were keeping up an incessant eougb tng, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds. Trial bottles given sway at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store. teller Llat. Tha io, lowing lath list of letter remal jine In the Poet Oflie. Albany, Linn county, Ore iron, Feb. 16, IX&S. Person sal I bur tor thoa letter must give the date nn wbtch tney wre advertised. Clay, Daniel Cunningham, W. H. Morgsn, A. Stoinbacb, and Brody SUtoi. 0. M. (3) P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Shot Yea as asm. We t 4ersta4 That some of tho young man are inclined to be, with ooasldorabls reason provoked at the msaasr ia whioh their names ware hand led in a Portland paper last Sunday. That there or soma who will oppose oew school bees aad are doing hard work ia that dirtotion. That there are voters who will nut. aud that they number many. That one of our best citiuina has $1000 in geld which he will give towards getting a woolen mill hers. That ooeeiderabls let wheat will have to be rasuwn, although the damage dons is not so great as many have thought. That most of our oitisena are Wnbfbot enough te prefer wot to oold weather. That th Htat Temperenc Allien c which meet here Feb. 21st, will be weir attended. That some people tbiuk matters at duU, and That others on whom fortune is smiling, ar inclined te beliavo that there ia any amount of life left yet ia business. That Henry Villerd is liable te fail st aay moment That a company fur getting out lugs is a pessibility. That the price uf wheat ia very soothing to thus who kept theirs aad did ao. sell. That arraag omenta have been mad for pub lishing Col. Klhots story aa "The Power of Mind ever matter,'' whioh we shall notion at the proper time. That wood aawiag Chinaman ar very ar rogaat now that tbs steam saw ia silent msatfc r anm. Jema Met. The circumstance of Mrs. MeCoy's death aro soodliigly sorrowful. Hit had been In fair health up to about the time of her death. On Saturday Feb. S, she had com to Albany, and In coming or going from her had caught a savers cold, but nothing aarieus was apprehended from It On last Saturday morning about three o'clock ohs hod awakened bar husband and l xk tome medicine, after which tbv went te sleep again, but the steep Mrs Mo- Cey took waa the long esse which knows no waking. When Mr. MoOoy awoke at alx o'clock hi wife was lying beside blot oold la death. The suddenness of her death waa a terrible shock to her family aad friends, and cast a gloom aver the household which will not aoen be remov ed. The funeral service took place Sun day In the U. P. Church at Oukvllle. of bich Mrs, McCoy woe ana of the most exemplary members. In the death of Mr. MoCey L'nn coun ty loees en of its oldest pioneers. M r and Mrs McCoy name here In .about lfn. and have grown op with the country almost literally. Thy leaf being six son aad on deagh tr. th latter of whom, th yeaniest in th family, is Mrs. Frank French, uf this city. They came te Una County ia I $4$, aad were almost the very first settlers. Their boss has been near Pwsria. Mrs. McCoy was bora ta Green County, Ohio, aad are. vioes te her marriage tatght school for awhile. liargains m Ulioor.! l ir u at Kolan'e Cash Stero. . spew 0 m The "New" very lu-lly and pointedly pays tha following eons pi Unen t u the interior prase, which no doubt will be ap preciated : "Many of lb journals publish, ad In this elty sis neither as well written, a interacting, tier as Influential as the I alerter paper. Take the editorial aad local wark of papers published In haaltle, Olympia, Walla Walla. Taooma, Dayton, I Albany, Jacksonville, Tbe Dalles, Cheney, Orogoa City had many other places In Oregon end Washington, aad, whether dally or weekly, this labor compere mors tbn favorably with that performed by editors wbo write for city Journal. Judg ed as literary wark, It la good as that one finds anywhere, and aa mr aa influence hi concerned, it is much weightier than moat of that given to the public of a slty. To aay, or pretend, that all newspaper sense ar judgment te confined to elites, ta to talk absurdly. " Card ef Tbaaks . Mr. Wxtxi Walters and tbe narouteof 1.1. ll- I .-J J--l--. ' s- ui usvw isiutuma wi.e. orsiif iwcaprwn ibrougti aur columns, their heartfelt thanks to the many frieud who so kicd y assisted him during the Illness af Mra. WeJtarts, Oaly a huaband aad a father aad mother can appreeime favors dons st the death bed af one so aear and dear to them. It sems impossible that a remedy mads ef such common, simple plants as Hops, Buohu, Mandrake, Dandelion, He., sboold make ee many and sseh great cures as Hop Bitters do ; hut when uiu siiu tuuuk. ricn man noiir. iibilbi muu 11 I 1 a. .1 doctor, lawyer and editor, all teetlfy to having been cured by them, you must believe and try them yourself, and doubt ao lunger. free. It member If you waut a hook tell ing all about the disease of horses, and tbe remedy for suoh diseases, yau can obtain it lor tbe small sum of twenty five cents. Send that amount to this oflRcj and we will send it postage paid. Or any subscriber who will pay all ar rearages and $2.o0 in advance on sub scription will receive the hook free. Ribbons, lac and embroideries at cost st Nolan'a Caah Store. Notice. Notice is hereby given that an adjourn al meeting of tbe Linn County Temper ance Alliance will be held In Albany at the call ef tbe President during th ses sion of the State Temperance Alliance commencing Feb. 21st, 1883. Temper snoe organizations will please elect dele gates. T. P. IIacxmcman, Feb. 10th, 1883. President. 3tfTwcnty.four beautiful colors of tbe Diamond Dyos for Bilk, Wool, cot ton, Ac, lOcts. A child can uso with psrfect success. Wunlcd Purchasers for the long lists of farms, stock ranches, and garden lands, we have for sale. We are offering seme good bar gains. Send for lists. Money to loan on long time. - , BUBKffABT Bros. For Bate. A half interest ia the Albaay Soda Works and Grocery Store of Hoffman & Joseph. hfor particular inquire at tke store. ennlr earl ttary T IL ninn, Judas. H Prickereoo, allowed for plows ami Sera par, Supervisor of Diet. 18 reaigued and M Soott and 9 A Cowan appointed. Ordered that Supervisor be authorized to mek contrast for drving piles on th creek above the bridge at Brownsville to prevent th channel from changing farther and that be lw authorised to hsv tho 32 feet span tougthened at least 10 feet if bo deems beet. 1 M Bruce appointed to lot the contract for building bridge across Hamilton Creek. Application for relief uf ('has Martin con- tinuod. Ho s iu ease ef K B Brsedaa allowed. O W Crnson bill for supplies for Mr Hi me allowed, and $2.50 for service. Ordered that $00 a month for relief of Mrs Rum Daooao be allowed, to be expended under direction of Ladies Aid Society. Fees in osse agt Oscar Davis allowed, and ia ess agt T O Swarns. $79 ordered expended for Mrs Chambers and family by Mr T Umpbrey. Martin CesUllo'a resignation as Sapervisor of Hist 35 aooepted and John George ap pointed. Fees of jurors allowed. Bill of J J Dorris for lumbar allowed. SILL SLUlWaO. Building brtdg across Rook rcok, $228 75 Geo Humphrey, KbenfTs fee $'.fj;; so I) M Pace, Sap Diet 1 $60 00 Bn Cutter, lumber 2S 00 A HuUinpillar, Hup. Dust IS 20 00 iseett Ward, Kup Diet 20 2800 A R McDnald, Sup. Dist 7 22 00 John Hannah, lumber . V 04 M Alexander, colon for T Rsy $0 00 J M Phdet.a Sup. (heretofore disal lowed) 0 00 Mr ' D Hnyder.deed sod mtg record 48 00 1. B Carter, mds for M Gray 25 00 J H Peary, bill for spresaage 22 25 Albany 8da Works, mds 7 80 Jacob Shilling, balance as Sap $ SO P II Raymond, postage 15 35 Card well Clark, lumber 25 00 Ht Jbee Stone 10 00 0 W Watta. printing 4 50 A DGarderor, keeping Beu Heieomb 50 00 F at hWbtnaoa, Umber 6 50 Caleb Grey, gravel 0 05 R R Humphrey, lumber 2 40 T P Goodmaa, lumber and spikee. ... 6 00 J H Fester k Co. water rent 21 00 J R Arehard. Sup. Diet II 24 00 T P Uoodma. (sop. Dist 2 4 00 H H Mprenaer, Hup, Diet 25 25 00 J P Hawk. 8p Dwt 42... . 9 00 L H MsaUny. fans 10 00 J a Riley, fro in Walker case 3 10 J L Hill, ease K Kleser 3 00 J A Dana, esse K Kioxer 5 00 N Beam. Clerk' fees (Imretoiure die- allowed) 34 $5 I. Ftina, salary 75 00 tf R lay pool, tommiaaiooer 1H 00 John I so in, ( 'ommtsaioner 6 00 I) Humphrey, Sheriff 12 00 ) ' iei rsi mm Mmmmfmrtmrr sfSftl et aithveaae- Cenalderabl activity hi being displayed In the above estebllshtaent, preparatory to the eo ruing years huslosas. Tan men ore kept busy at work and new hare slaty sis of Baal's Improved alas n era and thresher aad cleaner combined nnder headway. Through Mr Baste great ingenu ity tha latest facilities ar introduced into their large manufartory, enabling them to do the vary beat work. Tbe thresher and el aaaar combined being manufactured te far Frotnan A Footer, of this county . Prob ably no agrVcultuial mscblus Invented can prove suoh a saving to tha termer aa this. Although U combine two distinct machine the whole is as cheap aa a single thresher. By addition of tbe cleaner wheat is cleaned for 20 to 25 cents per ton while now It coats about 65 cent sod it takes the same number of men to run both as the thresher alone. Another advantage is a contrivance by which all the good wheat ! saved Instead of being thrown oS with the strew, and a arrangement for aavlog the tailings for food Is io Itself worth from 825 te 888 a day ta tbe farmer. Tbeae machine will sell for about f 753, aad in time are bound ta be quite generally In use en tbe Coast. Mr Beat will leave In alto at six weeks for Csl iterate for the purpose of selling his mounted cleaners for field use as well as to introduce the thresher Laat year be said and delivered forty four e'eemiir in tbt Stale, and te nflH.nt rn soil for4fl0,wbils tbe mill separalor brlnga 8240. Tbe reputation tbey have received aava that n cleaner manufactured doe a cflishUis ssrk. This ! on. t a i inv'. I i-iitism. .net tb. m. u i. M I ii I i i ii ..... m wmwm "-v I . . ... . . . ceiving saouia ne a mauer or pruie to our citlxens. A inejularly Intereatlne; eaee was lately rafbrred to by the Brooklyn Regis." It waa told by Mr W A Da van part, connect ed with th house of Messrs Butler.Pitkon A Co., 476 Broadway, New York, and con cerned tbe marvelous cure of Mr Ezra D Clerkson, near Newark, N J, a terrible case of rheumatism, wblcb other remedies had failed even te alleviate. He was on his way to a hospital when Mr Itevennort met him aud Induced blm la try St. Jacob Oil, with ths result named. -Clove I rr IIPmJIm IT.rmnr " i buu iw.y -.v.. . . . . v. . The Horse We have received a quantity ot treat ises on the hers, which we propose to give away to every subcriler paying In advance, if requested, whether per sonally, or by mall. Wo will sell the book to others at the bottom price, two bit; If, ordered by malt postage will be prepaid. The A mrrieau CultinUor haa the following ta say of the treatise "Kendall's Treatise on the horse Is a bonk of about 90 pastes, with paper covers, fully Illustrated, and containing 1 au "Index of Diseases," which gives the symptoms, cause and the best treat ment of soon ; a tame giving an tne nrinciual drugs used for the used far the horse, ( with the ordinary dose, effects and ae- tidote when a poison : a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at differ ent aires, with rules for telling the age of the horse ; u valuable collection of receipts, and much other valuable Infor mation. In preparing copy for this book It was the aim of the author to make it as nlaia as possible for the nou nrofeeaional readers, and give them Information whlah 1m of the greatest r?urt?L TIT .b T. S II K ' WVHllluai v aa9 aw " ... . . S possible, and also condensing tue dcox as much as possible without leaving out the real essential information iu treating each subject. Kvery farmer or herse-owner should own oneef these little boobs. Always a Holiday. It is always a holiday at J. Qradwobl'a. His stock is about tbe same tbe year round, and ia something people always want. He has the biggest stock of bsby carriages iu ths state outside of Portland, and has) express wagons, etc., in abun dance. And for older people is the heat French china in the city, procolsiu, stone and earthen ware. His stock of silver plated ware is being greatly admired and deserv edly so, for it is uncommonly fine. The handsomest kinds of vases are found here of the latest designs. Take Mr Grad- wohPs stock altogether and here is not a better selected one, with a view to tbe use fut and ornamental, in Linn county. Do not purchase before calling on him. IS Ml MS Kit-. laaac Ulcrina died of 1. wt dies, so Fe rrna- ry 10th 1883. aged 81 years and 27 .lays. He was born in Tennessee, tat in so early day, inspired by a desire to visit the "Great West" then opening np to ntttlement, he cast his lot among the early pioneers who had settled in Missouri. Here h rsmsinsd living la cce and harmony with his neigh bors, and sstablisbiog a character for troth, sobriety, industry, and upnghtn of char acter, nntil 1850, when be fell in with that swelling tide of emigration thst had d. termiowl to jnpla the wilds of Oregon, and to make lief wildernese to blossom as the roe. H settled on a donation clam seven mile? south of Albany, where be lived ap to the time of bis death period of thirty-two yssrs. Here h reared a bug family. His bearing iu life was such aa te meet lb ad miration of hia nrigt.bore and friends. Ho was a devoted and consistent memlr of the Christian Church. Notice to Stock holders. Capital Gold and Nllver Mining Co n- pan v. Ixxralloa of prtmrl; al place of bunl- ne nalem, Oregon. There are de inquont upon me miiowing u-nnd ns-k on ac fount f as use me nt Mo. 2 levied on the day of 18Hi and wh!cb became de- llnuent Jan. 10, INKS the several amounts sot opposite th name of the rectJve share holders as fellows : ef eertsaast Mo. shares. J L Hill A ii iwii lSt 1SS 14 tie. ii. is. is, 14.16, 1S.17.IS.1U u.rl.xj.xs.t.z. j:7, Is 000 :: V; 14.000 ZX SO IV 'Ml IL 00 100 .u euo oo .W ten .71 STte 4 IS lo .tf loo .n l' .! loo .u 100 .H .109 i. 1 MS .1 iw .U M8 .1 i'" .1 . ) 1 : " ttM W)0 7.4 v0 .a v .it M .07 100 .IS loo U 100 .1 10.000 li.CO Of -S7$ list set 17 a 44U6 GS Si es ss ceof oe k c uiu M A Usker frank Olisesi llswtOrfi Wsut Oeeeye K O Smith C C W.jerv.u 87 MS 7t, z7, un St S3 Sl 88 aj VI J ft Titus at an g tterrl : o htrnes L KOs W U Wilcox S Vnx V V Morn Mrs It a r. .... ? J alien inmmAi W U rorher S hebowetft lltiiry H H'lxis M l3 I07 111 110 III. 31 Fnuwie T Am,nrHis m 91 nt 4 U Herfccr W OrViwrr LS Urvntt bse Wheeler u w i 140 James T MuUey 147 0 W Orsl Mi it J bouiko.n tUt 1 M 1111 ms J W Htalr JSjSMJ I C Adams tst.b I UTbecSeiUrry 3X7 so Abe a&w MSI' PWalas i u Wit.t,tntstee ar In seeardan'w with taw and aa order ef tho Beard of Din dor of tbe Capitol Gold and hilver Mining Company of Saletn, Oregon snasJe n th 1 .th day ot January, 1883, so many shares of each pareel of atock aa may be necessary will be sold at public ntwtton at tbe ofnee of sld Cam- paoy, tiruwold meek, second story, Salem, Oregon on tbe 24tb day of March, is, at in nour oi one p. m., or that day te pay seta oonnnneni mem tber- on together with costs of advertising aad exponas or saw. n r . t'SADWH K, Heeretary. Office Stock holders Block, fecood hUorv, aanem Oregon Sheriff's Sale. a I A Ctrcmk Court of bW State of Orjom for the Coeny of Limn : Pox, Administrator of the estate of O rex k Uro. Plaintiff. vs. Defendant. Russell Warwick. Notice is hereby given that by v.rtue of a writ of execution issued oat of the above named Court in the above entitled action te mo directed and delivered fr th sum ul 8V9..43 snth lotere-t at the rate cl one tsr cent per month from tbe 'JTth day ef Octets 1879, aad the further sum of 830. Alt y lees aad the farther sum of $20. 7 5 coats, I bar levied upon the Mtuwing described real property, tewit I ltegwnmg 13-&5 chain oath ot the northeast career of the dnaa. tion land chum of S. M. Pennington, Mot. No 1194 aad claim No. 57. io Tp II. S. IL 2, W. Willamette Meridian aexl running ; the oc eaat 32 chain te th east boundary line of the doaatissi land claim of Moon Parker ; thence 3 20 & on the east boun dary ef said land claim te a peiat 11-W chaias south and 30 chairs eaat ef th pbtc ef besiuomar ; thence west te th west beun- dary line .f the denation land claim of Mot Parker ; thence north 11-55 chain to piaee ot beginning, containing u ukt, M Ue proprtT of (he said defen- dant. Husaell Warkick and on Saturdav th 17th dev ef March 1583. at th Court Uoaae 1 door in the city of Albaay, Lien county. Oregon, at the hour of one o clock, p. m., I I . ,1 ... KH .......... KU..,. f.r kiad to the hiebeat bidder te satisfy said writ with accruing cost. Hated this 16th day of Ksb. 18KX. USO B I'M PURSY, Sheriff of Linn oonuty. Stock-holders Meeting. Tb annual meeting oftheatock-bohlero of "The Lebanon K R, Mining and Mil- llns: Company." will be held on the third Tuesday of March next, being the 20th, of March 1883, for tbe purpose of electing officers, and transacting other important business, A lsrge auenoanee is deeirea S. Klkism, G. W. Cbuson, Piesident. Secretary. HAS BEEN PROVED a Th SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. s vtoUmr TKXBT DO HOTIg XMasy-Wert eaoe, IO aad It wUlapeedUy I-QCliCSe tonwesawai land weskBMses. Kidney -Wort is las it srUl set promptly end ssAly. . I mUtarSex. Inoontinenoe, retention ofmln. IbrlcU dust sr ropy depoelta, aad duU dinaf pelas, sil speedUy yield so lta osamstee power COUD ET ALL UCKJ IBTS. Prion SI. Ladies cloaks, dolmans and ulsters lets than coat. Nolan'a Caeh Store. Mitt III 1KKLANI) PARK1SH. Oa Sunday, Fell. 4th, 1883, at the residence of J B Parrish, father of tbe bride by G W Crnson, .J P.. J S Ireland snd Miss Ida Parrisii sU of Linn ooanty. We congratulate the happy couple, par- twslarlytbe bride on her transformation W a Parri.h to Ireland, although it is well ww I . ... si U,m 4 Vs . I ss.i II ill II S A ll WSSS Yk J and we suppose the groom was simply fol- iowine tho custom of the country. Ireland has always had onr best wishes and this is no exception to the case. Msy Mr snd Mrs I. conuuer the little omxwitions of life and meet witn tne greatest oi success. . . . .M WHEKLER WILLIAMS. On Feb. Ii 1883, st Sbedd's in this county, Mr Chas R Wheklxr. P. M. and Mrs Elva i Williams all of Shedd Station, LANDRETH WEISS. -On Wedneaday Feb. 14th, 1883, at the residence of th bride's parents near Miller's Station, Mr Geo A Lakdretu and miss Emma Weiss. DIB0. BLEVINS. In Tangent, on Saturday, Feb. 10, 1883, ef old age, Mr. Isaac Blkvuk, aged 84 years and 27 day. McCOY. In Shedd s, on Saturday, Feb. 10, 1883, Sirah, wife of John McCoy, agsd 68 years. PETERS. In AUsav, Fel . 13. IMA Willis, son of W. S", and in -slia Peters, aged 6 years, Boas alamo baek or aeSsstywi srs JBJTjrwa noouliszl l oa ytnlJ Tr lb lltssay St.. per bul, at the mills, at the war. booses, So, Oil -0 " Beaf oa fooi. r. u Haybaled, 2S62o per ton. lease, 18 to Uf. Butter 2 to SO cte per lb. Tgga 25 cants per do. Pots tee 85c per bushed. Pork 7 eta par lb. VmL-Ocporlb. Bried Fruit-aun dried apple, an. " M pluses, S,t. machine ewsd apples, 8Xe. plums, 10. 14 ta lev. shoulders, 10 ta 13s. sides, it to 15c. Laid 15 jer ,b. Flour. 5X0 per bbl. Coickeus 3.50 per dec. Sugar Sin Franeiae C, 12c. Mill Feed -bran, 14.08 per tan. POWDER Absolutely Pure. TV,, lb .rJinsT binds, s snUi 'he wnluteee e low or iA.Mfrfe.eW Peel Bevas to. sis-,. x Io Weil sc. . T. DOUBLE REAL BANG NETS AT MRS. A. E. MARTIN'S, ALSO HAIR WAVES FRIZETT8, ETC. Administrator '8 Notice. Notice is hereby given that Use signed has been duty appointed a as in la ir tor ef tbe estate ef Jobaan P. Oeiijen bruns deceased, by an order ef th Ooanty CoartofUnn County. Orogoa. All par having claims against tbe estate f ud deceased are notified and required to present tbe same with tbe proper voucher within six months from tbe date hereof te be on Serai coed as bis residence, February 1, 1888, L BBS rs Adi Summons. a the Circuit Court of the State oj Oi rpm, for the county r Lena. II M Stone and William i St John, Plaintiffs. i va. f JsaiesT Keetem, John W f fSjaajsnsJnh Kascon, W c Keeten, and I K P Keetoa, ttefendant. ' To W C Kseton. James T Keeton. John W Keeton and E P Keeton the aVfeSKten above named. In the name of the state ef Oraaron. you and eaeh of you are hereby mimaeensd and required to appear ia tbe abv en titled court ana answer the Bsaaplshsr mf th plaintiffs ia LbiaeaJt by the tirS day at tbe next rewular term of said Ooart ia and for said I Jan county in said State te Is begun and held en the 19th day mf March, 18S3, or judgment will be taken sgaiast you tor want or sach as ewer. Tea are hereby not mod that lr yen tell te appear and aaawer tbe plaiaiifTa complaint bare- in, toe piainira a win apply te the Court for th relief demanded in tbe eomplalat to wit : That tbe Court order aad oerree that tbe deneription ef the real property contained in the deed executed and de livered by tbe defendant W C K a stoat te the defendants James T Keeton aad John W Keeton on the 7th day of May 1878, aad s'.ao the description of tha real property contained In the deed executed and de livered by the dafeadano, Jans T Kee ton, John W Kseton and K F Keetoa te the plaintiff herein on tha 2nd day of December 1880. be corrected so aa te road as follows in eaeh of said deed : "Be ginning st tbe southwest corner af tbe donation land claim of David Irvine aad wife, notification No 2088 aad claim Ko 66 ia Tp 12, 8 R 4, W ia Linn county Ore gon ana running tnenee north along the wool 'in of said claim 81 85 ISO chain ; thence east 81 S9-100 chains ; tbeaee south 31 S5-100 chairs ; thence west te the place of beginning," inatea t of the roepeeti ve de scriptions contained in said deed aad that DlainUffsrecover judgment against tha de fendants for tbetr coat and diebnr meets heroin and have snch other and further re lief ss shall seem proper to equity. Published by order of R P Beese, Jodge of said Court for six consecutive weeks which order bears date January 22d,1883. Fus A CHawasaxanr. AUy'n for PlfTs J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Publico ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice in all cf the Court of thhjHtate All business instructed to him will be promptly attended to. aaw-Ofuce In O'Toele's B ock. R0BT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AND MOVING PI ANOII, organs and furniture- specially. All hanling within tke ally promptly at tended to. Will plow gardens iu iirat-elstsa Btyle. 18-18. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE Otf PUBLIC LETT1NGS SO LICITED. Plans and tpecificatinns lurnished on short notice. Delicious ! Wholesome ! ! Cheap!!! THE PURE APPLE JELLY PUT UP DY A. BLAKER, AT SHEDD, AND SOLD DY F. M. REDFIELD, ALBANY. DAVIS BIOS., & WATTS, SHEDD. KOONTZ & SAME, HAISEY. mi W e-f Is f fTsWivt. A asMrTTCi flf yVsTfty csstns te 4 I eeMetiaea aeTaTafC 9tMJt WtjAsglajL. gsaaaj