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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
aaVKKTISTNO RATES. iwi 1 ir. tm a 1 yr 1 look 1 00 200 3 00 400 tf 00 750 1000 15 00 I 00 f 00 00 700 1100 12 UO 15 00 20 00 101 700 10 00 12 so 1500 M 00 2000 00 1209 1500 MOO 23 00 3000 12 00 18 00 toot 2? 00 at on 40 00 00 00 100 00 ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITBS: NUTTING. 2 " 3 " 4 " 4 Col I: v osmasmorriCE-ta 1 Battalias aa 4000 0000 NioderbuaT toeaTCei: TBJLMS OF 8UB8CKIPT10N alafia eofy. par jw, la advaaca . sssajia JgJtW r' " M sr 3tarT umaa 28 cents per line, not lose 10 Rente asm Dae. Regular local ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1883. For legal and tree slant adeerdecsnsnte ft Of par square for the first insertion and 50 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. VOL. XVIII. NO 29 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT lemocrai. ALLEN & o F ALBANY - Are rtWig tUeir FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 Consistiiff of He of tie Hi General Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY "AN FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes all the latest styles and novelties. On r stock is all fresh and new, and ninth of it was nnrebased in Xew York, and there is not one piece of old style goods in onr store. THE CLOTHING Contains one of the largest and gents' famishing goods ever brought prices tha defy competition, eithcrhere or elsewhere. We also keep a foil line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, All of the best qaality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, also to be found at onr store reis GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Oar motto is ONE PRICE TSamples seat by nail free, on application. MARTIN ORKISON, Kwk of aid nol femnlete ntock of in Albany. The DEPARTMENT fluent assortments of clothing and to this valley, and will be sold at direct from the manufactures. our splendid selection of a large and well selected stoce FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, C7 First Slrrct, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u suss, o. a. chamberlain. FLINN A CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY!! AT I, AW, Albany, Oregon. jRVOffloe in Foater'a Brick Block .-Js vlSnlStf. R.8. BTKAHAN, Albany, Oregoa. 1RACTICK IN ALL TUK OOURTH OF JL It" Htate. They Bv special alien tion to collections end prolate matter. Dfflet In Koster'a new brick. 4Wf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEJAT LAW. Notary Public. lbanj. Oregon. Onto upstairs, over John BrijrjrV store, lat street. vMn'jatr J. K. WE ATHERF ORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOHNEY AT LAW, ALBUMS. OlltO. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TUB COURTS Or THE Slata 8ctal allaiitloii (troll U euilscUun anol probata toaltar. to oaa r.tuw-i t.i. lu-.t i. C. POWBtX. W. B. KILTED POWELL & BILl EU, iTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in bancery, IMtAMY - - OKL'UOM. Collection promptly mad ouall points. Loans neerolieied on reasonable tortus. flOTOfflea In Feasor's nrlck.-aa vUnlfcf. F. M. MILLER, TTORNKY AT LAW LEBANON OBEtiOR. Will oractiee In all lbs courts of tba State. Prompt attention sivn to eotlaclioni. onn rynec mail examination of Titles. Probate tu!oaa a paetattt)'. vlSnSDU. K. It. 8RIPWOKTH, attobmkt admhelob at law ao HOT AST 11 BUI . WILL oract ioa in all courts of the Htate All bualneee intrusted to tua prom it- ly attended to. Ofet fa O' Tools' i Mock, Breadalbi Sir, 43vl Albany, Ortqon, LEWIS STIMSON'S IIVKRY AND I'EKD STABLE. First claaa vehicles, fine horaea. Raod feed, accommodating proprietors sud rea sonable chanres. (ilve them a call. Stables near He vera iiouae. OyL "nLjir iANCDOM & CO., IMttl.t.lKTM. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A iArga Stock and Low I'rtoaa. OITT DRUG STORE, Sjrl 4 LB ARE. OBKtiO. F08HAY 4 MASON, waeuRAUi ssa inut- Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEOON. TltBlltf LOUIS C AMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCarapeau has purchased the brh shop formerly owned by J H Buries, a will continue the business st the old pis Bad guarantee satisfaction to customer. REVERE HOUSE, form, 'lra mud Ml wort Albany, regeav. Chan- Pffciffer, Prop'r- Thin hi Hotal U OvteJ up la first daw atria. Tabtsa jilted with tan baat tba anarkat affords. 8ririt UmiM ta o07 Bouss. A (god Manilla Room lor Un- l Travalars. Caaefc te aad Aioany Bath House. fllHK UNDEK6I NB1 WOULD BIbPICT I full? nforia tbt citiMM of Albsny sad ri oinity that I aavetaken e barge oftais Kttabuab eat, aad, by kaspiag elasa roomi ana psyu trietatUotioa to baaiaoaa, sapeeU w aait al thoaswbo may fever us with their patronage Bering herstofora esrrlsd on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, azpecti to giro antirs istUfsetiva to si BVChMdian and Ladiai' Hair nostly i hamtooad. JOS WBBBEB. O. O CHEKRY. C.K.PARKK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Suocossors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, And are now prepared to handle all kiod of heavy work. We will manufacture stonm Knglnes, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and brass Castings. PATTKB.XS MADE ttW HHOKT NOTICE. Special attention civen to repairinE all kinds of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the improved Cherry fc White Grain Separator. bup ea Belter At OBte a Laasbcr Yard. Albany, dr., Dec. 1, 18(4. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA 1) BALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUC CIES, e Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, A NASAL INJECTOBfree with each bottle of Shiloh'H Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. CHfSlEDY. RHEUMATISM, Nturalgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Ooui, Quinsy, Sore Throat, S melt ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Paint, . Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostc Feat and Ears, and alt other Paha and Aches. V frraarnUaa an nartb aaaaja Br. Jtman o, , - anVi tnr, atfaajala and sOeep Knt.mj U'n,4j A trial .otaAn bat tba anaaafail.); irtning oattay of 40 Cm tat aad aary oaa ntti.ti ( lib paia out bata absne and aaaUiva ftvt r4 Ha SBMa IsraattoM ta Bovaa T gSaBW BOLD BY ALL DBU0O18TS AID DEALtll II MSDIOtlB. A, VOGELER &, CO., iiailitmmr, Md., CM. A. . LYDIA E. PINKHAivV VSQETABLB COMPOTOP. A ( are far all FUMAM: vi.iu. MfWI'J, Inrlodlt- I-arorrbrra, Ir. irmlnr aad PasaTel afewateaailao, laBamaiattes aad tleevatteN of iir VVaaalN KWaAta. 1110. LAPMl'H ITr.RI, &e. fTrii SjSSBj t i MM larlr. irSI SSBSSJ atxt IsaSSSSSSj S;t.Swt. Ii in a cnt kti la tarsanny, aa4 r tvt-pal tfaiine labor aad at rralnr ytt ratkKiau rax iv itsrsxarsicr. ir rsiiLf. tlrrH lUVUDWOB Cf tAarra!i. or(tM mt .Itbrr . j . M to SSSSBi lw aa nmm'T thai ha r k - n i rf rm t .. pmbUt i aa4 tot all rtlw.x. rf Ua SSSBSBS M U taa Ciwnataa? SSSSStl BO Scrfa. t fr u i DNBT COIPLAHTTB ef Kliher Sea tladCreat Belief te Ita t ae. lvbia z riXmmxu' Bumn PTBrrxru w l ntaaiiaia a.arr aaaoar or Jlnjaii f i.tu ). a. j.i. . AaaespsVaaiiarwaSjeaasmOaasj A aBi(AtHaOaapoan4aa4 Uxl VrnTJ.- r r- pr pmr0 it tO and XS Wtntnra Aveaaa, Lre.a. Ml.". riB of tttear, ft. Six boiOaa tar SA Ttf Cmmyi'.n tea by seal U ib form f IU r a laaaa . rac-lpl o? prer, $1 far bat for rtbtr. Km. ftaktaa fraatr aaaanrn all tatetis of toviulry. BartaarSenaS uuaa. Sas4 far panaabVt. BnaMnn tain rmmtr. ra t. n B. rrnur l-rm rrua rr C-naTna Uo. ! ii , i.iwn mini 1- rpi-U: j ' -"aid b nil HrMreata.-fca at TUTTS PILLS 8YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. Loaa of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain ia me ueaa, wttn a aun ktion In tha back part. Fain under the boulder Kl.K. .- ..II.. lit - jiauui imuuum mivmw wmnum, nun m uww cl i nation to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with s fee line of having nealeeteU some duty, weariness, Dlsadnees, Fluttering el tbe Heart, Dote before tbe eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the tight eye. Heatleeaceae. with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'iFItXMare eiell)r adapted to aurh cases, one doao nW ia urh a, chango of (eellag ae to natoitUli tho auffarar. Ttiay aWeeewa tAvr ApprttScatid oaua th bryly Ui Tatfce on Virata, thua tbe ayau-m It uresis, an-l t.y id-ir Tease Aatlea on tii Hawailva Omsbi. Brcalnr Weals srspro ducaU. frlca 3 .:wu. SB Marray at.. N. V. TUn'S HAIR DYE; oray Haib tb Whiikkum chsnsM to a Gummy Huack by a Rinslc application of tilt Dyk. Itlm parts a natural color, ax'U iiintHntMneoualy. hold by Drusnuu. or sent by cxprrm on receipt or 81. OVTiCm, SB iff RR AT ST.. XRW YORK. CSr. TI TTH Si Hi ll, mf TilaaHW UhrmlU 4 Caakd BSWaSjSi Ul k tulUd SSS a ntylliallta J DR. D. B. RICE, ATliyblfJiaAl ana DUrgeUIA. HAS returned totals city and renume.i prac- mm nw. viiiim ii mvw wing njiii win v, . ' iaiv. Buildlnga, Iiroadalbiu street, batwaan Firnt and du - vain ww. Albany, Or., Hot. 8, 1882. people are alwayeo ess to lncreae their uaraluait, and in time baeoma H wo iounouii'ir inwi the lookout tor caan wealthy ; thasa who da not Improre thalr opportunl- tie remain ia PO arty. we offer a great chance to vuuurvuui- in ke mone; y. we want many nin. women, bote and si Is to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do tho work properly from the flrat Urt. The bttMneaa will pay mora than tan time ordinary wagea. Kzpansive outfit furnished froe. Noouewho SngagaafaiU to make money rapidly. You can da- yo e your whole Unto to the work, or only your spare moment. Full lnformrtion and all that is naaded sent fee. Address Stihson & Co., Portland, Maine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00., OF LQIDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, f 10,000,000 Capital paid up 6,000,00 NoTK.r-Thls company has tho largest paid up capital ef n i any doing business lathe United States. Insurance i I KOBT. A. l'OSTFR. Agt ef Albany. A week made at home hy tha in- Uustrious. Boat business now be- forethe public, Capital not needed. We will start wawe r'woWrir 'u"K fi? uvoTean aalfce CWrtdMTHCE WIThSI THE MOPE Cfl s wall. No one can tall to make enormous pay, by en- l .. ,t.- rna v Uf,v hmn in annm in BairW at onoe. Costly outfit and terms tree. Money I "OerOUS iney may nave ueen in SOIUS in- lostla fust, easily, and honorably. Address Thi s k Co., .Augusta, Maine. WABB1IE4JTBE LBTTEK. (fruai our iUyslar farranaaiKlanl.J Wash January 27, 1883. Taia weak haa net bata remarkable for grrat Bctiritjr in Co agrees. I udoed tbtrt are indicatiom that tbo National legislature has hecom dWeoursged by tbo inanensity of tbe tank before it, ami I 9 ja a a a in is in a atato oi seiBi-aaspatr. To wage tariff Itgialat ion in tho faee of aucb lobby a ig winter tog u tbo Cspitol is Boon to bo too much for tin a effete old (Jongreaa departiog from tho atogo with tbo hisses of November ia its ears. Since those things are so, there is a re- virsl of talk about on extra session, aad tho retailing opinion with soliiio al wise-acres is that an extra aeaaion will bo called to moot immediately after tbo fourth of March. In case an extra session ia called tbo oeuteet for tho speakership will be precipitated much earlier than baa been anticipated. There will bo no trouble or delay in tbo organization of tbo Henato, as tbo lie- publicans will have a majority of t we or four with tho assistance oi tho Jfctead- juator Senators I ram Virginia. The course ia tba Sonata it is thought will bo to oloot Henater Anthoay, of Ilhodo Island, President of tho Senate, while tho Democrats will bee tew tho com plimoat of their rote B(en Senator iij- srd, of Delaware There may bo another roaooa why Congress ia doing but little work. It is not within tho power of mortal man to caper nimbly in a ladioo chamber" all night and then to give intelligent consideration to legislative tabjeeU during the dsy. The social season ia at ita height, and ia raging in balls, reoep tiona aad dinners. Tho season is too short for tbe social program, hence too or three entertainments, each issuing cards to everybody of note, are crowded iota a a eveatag, and Mr. Senator, Mrs. Senator and Miaa Senator, aa well as Mr. Reprtaoatalive sad I is household, may bo sees at a reception at one of tbo Justice! of tbo Supra! Court from ton to eleven o'clock p. nr., and fiota eleven to two in tbo morniog at another rrtiab stone of tbe foreign misiatrrs. Thaws "cruahoa," as they are well called, ago about aa well catculataa to nrodacr e headache and physical suck a any thing that a diabolical science ooul l in vent. Tbe cruabea are resit v iheemuc 07 of the far famed Washington malaria. Tbo over heated, gaa lit, crowded rooms producing materia, in ita etymological sense (bad air), of tbo worst typo. It is curious to see the enthusiasm with which tho old fellows aad their wives plung into this dissipation ; they really enjoy it ; conceit still works in their seasoned bodies, else why do they not go to bod at ten o'clock instead of this martyrdom to vanity until two iu tho morning. It is somewhat disen chanting to aee aged senators, justices ofSu Court, and Cabinet minis- tors prancing around in pik-tail coats. No sculptor baa yet dared to give a atatue to this Urajmry ; it ia not dignifi ed, and 'dignified" eomss from a word that means worthy. I have boon led to these reflections by seeing two very prominent Presidential aspiranta, and half a dosen leas prominent but stilt hopeful aspirsnts, at two different re ceptions tbo other night. Mr. Blaine ia growing old very rapidly, he looks to be Bearer seventy than fifty-two. There ia a listlessness ia his motions, an air of weariness in his manner, and a bit terness of disappointed ambitions in bis face that was net observable ten years ago, when he sat the incarnation of health and energy in the speaker1 chsir of the House of Representatives. Attorney General Brewster is, through a terrible accident, the home- nest man mat ever apnea rod at a re e a e . ception. He fell in tbe fire years ago and his faee is scat red, seamed, and disfigured until it looks like raw beef. He bas been ma eh ridiculed for wear ing ruffled shirts, instead of the conven tional starched bosom, but Mr. Brew ster doubtless wishes to detract atten tion from til hrtrrikl iliufiniiMMMit of hl8 fae, by M eXeentricity of dress, and his ruffled hhirU have certain! v the ef- 0 m ' a J feet OI neutralizing the ghASthnOSS of Ita nlS countenance. The MarquiH of J.orne has arrived i .. .. . and IS tbo recipient Of mucb attention I . . . M rrt. , , . , . . x ais evening me iTosident Will gtve a dinner in bis honor, and to-morrow there will be a ball at the British Min i v , . . mWlTB, Which 18 expected to be the SO r tU OVenl Ot the SeaSOU. Prof. Reinsert thn sgi ves the results ef his researches regarding the manner in which coal haa been formed. He had examined with the min roam n not leas oertA - , sum. tnn 2500 dotoOBB of ooal, tnTwM come th conclusion that ooal had not been formed by the alteration of accumulated nA Dants. but that it consulted of m tiuswpiu tuiw. - to pi asm, and although he had carefully I 1 . Il 1 .Al examined tne COllS ana ovner remains oi I i . i i j i. j plants ot a uigucr uiasr. u wuiupunju that tbe7 bad contributed only a fraction of the mass of coal veins, however nu- I ai.mna Btances raaaoxALa. Jenny Llod has olteretl to teach a number of free pupils In the forth coming Itoyal College of Music In Kngutod - a royal offer. Cards on which tbo name apptsrn In white on a black ground are used by the Spanish Minister and his wife at Washington, who nrn In mourn log. The Princess Lroulte has sent to Ridoau Hall, Ottawa, a large number of Indian aad Cbiueso curiosities, purchased by her during her tour through British Columbia. Tho only brother of Mr. John G. Whittier, Matthew Francis Wbitth r, who was known many years ago to (he public as "Ethan Spike," baa Just died at the age of aeventy. Hawthorne disliked to sit (or lis photograph, remarking, on one occa sion, "The sun seeim to take an Infernal pleasure In making me venerable, as If I were as old as him. self," hot ho was delighted to lit for a portrait. Mr. W. W. Astor, the American Minister to Rome, hss organised an American club In that city for the purpose of affording fa-Hides to visit ers. The rooms of the club house are well furnished, and include read ing, billiard, card, dres and conver oat loci rooms. It fs stated that Bancroft, the historian, makes his roses tbo calen dar by which he tells off his seasons, staying In Washington until the Jacqueminots and June give op the ghost, and then lingering In his Northern garden until the hardiest queen of tho flowers eurrumbs. Mary Walker' present costume Includes a Prince Albert cent, high silk hat, and rather loose trousers. She carries a cane, and her hsir Is unskilfully cot short, aa though she had done It herself. Instead of wearing an overcoat on cold days, ahe wraps herself In a heavy shawl. Elisabeth Cady Stanton has seven children : Antoinette Brown Black- well has five ; Lucretla Mott six ; Li ilia Devereaux Blake, two ; Mrs. Olympia Brown, two ; Martha C. Wright, five ; Belva A- Lock wood, two ; while Lucy Stone has but one. Among all the pioneer suffrage women, Susan B. Anthony aays that she is the only ono who never married. Tho first dejrroa of Doctor of Pblieeephy ever given tea lady at Zurich has been conferred upon Miss Edith Thomas, daughter of Prof. Thomas of Jahos Hopkins Univer sity. an Besets MiTrta Hadn't I better pray for rain to day, deacon V "N-not to-day, dora- nle, I think," was the prudent reply ; "the wind Isn't right." Now, my dear," said the teacher. "what Is memory '!" The tittle girl BB.iwered, after a moment's reflection, "It is tbe thing you forget with." A man who has happened te have good deal of experlenee says 'Stand anywhere but four feet to the left ef a woman when site hurls an old bottle at a hon." An Intelligent farmer Ipjiiig asked If his horses were well matched, re plied : "Yes, they are matched first rate ; one of them Is willing to do ail the work, and the other is willing that he should." "Your husband Is s staid man now, Is he not V asked s former school mate of her frlood who had married a man rather noted for his fast habits. "I think so," was tho reply, "he stayed out all last night" Mr. J. J. if. Gregory says that an acre of land may contain six tons of worms. So It may ; but If Mr. Gre- eorv ever tried to ditr a box of bait m an ten minutes' notice of an invitation to wo fishlnr In a drv titno. he known i. " - it UUU I. Tho deacon's sen was telliair the minister about the bees stinirinir his oa. and the minister lnaulred : "Stuntr your pa, did they ? Well, what did ' von ns -awV i.atn this vv moment," ssld tho boy, ' I'd rather ' ' whisnar it to voir ' "How da vou like mv Din ?" said W young Browo, to his most cherished .i.i .i nri - baaaassMi anarf nln. Oh !" said ahe. "is it pin ? i noticed it, but I thought M was a bit of salad dropped on your long diause, have been reduce to a ra tio, and I waa iroJnir to call vour at- f dimentary and sightless sUte. It as- tentlon to 1l" A ho is ..dressed" when it ahavad and narfectlv bare A man u ,ir.aH .ban ha la ah a v and has hia clothes on. A lady Is "full dress ed" when she is not shaved and has a minimum of clothes to a maximum Mf fl crura Tlio H I fftnul t ioa of tba Ian mi a art hannina duilo in n ru nnntr. . SI - 1 The wali of Carthage were so thick that three rows of semicircular cham. bers, one above the other, were built in them and served as casemates and mag "sines. 0HE88 COLUMN, On Jan. 19 we oommenoed a regular chess tournsmont to consist of 10 prob lems, one to Ire published each week until tbe tourney is completed. Mr. H. A. DsVsnev.of Jsttereoa of fers the following prizes for solution of problems in this tomes To any person solving all ef the 10 problems, a prise ef 100 blank chess diagrams. To tbe one solving tho nest largest nasi ber, 75 blank chess diagrams, and 50 te tbe nest highest. When to or more are tied ia the number of solutions, then the prize will fie awsrdod to the one who furnishes 4he neatest sad meet plsialy written solutions. All sola tions mut be soat in within three weeks from the dste of tbe paper eon eining the problem, except the solution to problem No. 10 which will be re quired te he sent in within two weeks from date of issue containing it. Problems fer tbe tourney will bo fur nished by 8. A. DeVaney, Jefferson. Tol.'KNKT fBOBLCM SO. 5. White Kight pieces K at K Bl Black Nine pieoes K at K B C It at Q B 8 Ktat K Rft Kt at K Kt 8 PstQ Kt 4 P at Q B 5 Pat g o P at K B Q at Q H Ii st K 1 Ktat K Kt 2 Kt at K K C Pat Q R 4 P at K B 2 P at K R 2 P at K Kt 4 Sjlutioa tourney problem No. 1, Clifton Kirkpstrick. Solution tourney problem Vo. Li August binding. Solution tourney problem Nu. 2, Clifton K iik patrick. Solution tourney problem No. 2, August Binding. A small price will be awarded to tbe arson first sending solution to our go- a aa eaaa as-yon please problem puoitanod in our issue of Feb. 2. rwrt lib srtssrs Thick blotting paper soaked in a con- centrr.ted solution ef oxslic scad, and dried, will take out an ink blot without leaving a trace iiebind. Near Tabiana, Italy, the remains of a fossil elephant hvo bean found. The find has caused quite a sooaalion, and there will likely be a careful excavatioa made when the Winter ia over. Some silk worms' eggs from Japan, juet received in New York, are arrang ed on cards iu circlea, which leads a gentleman interested ia tne importation to say that tbe worm always leys ita egga in circlea. It is suggested that the rich tiate so mucb admired in tbe stained windows of eld cathedrals may be doe to the act ion of the sunlight, during many years, iu toning down the originally quite bright or harsh colors, aomeoouy recently sunea seiore tee aVseiete dUygieue tbat be had preserv- ad water potable for more than throe yeats hy adding to It half a grain of aalicvlic acid fer each quart. It is reo- ommended fur use in expeditiens m warm climates. Water aatu rated with alum is recc in mended by a Fiemb scientist, as a speed y and effectual remedy for extinguish mir fares. His proposition ia baaed on the theory that tho alum would coat the sa e objects wetted with it, intercept the ac- of atmospheric oxygen, and thus! stay com bastion. The belief is common tbat duiini? a considerable fall a person mast be as phyxiated bv tho rapid rush through the air. which eonsUntlv accelerates aa the distance fallen incresfos: but the waieht of scientific opinion seems to fa vor the view that, if aspbTsia ever re- -nii .l.,ris,cr full, th eiiatanee fa en ... 0 must bo very great. The bread crumb comprises a multi tude of cells of thin walls containing I i :i u caroonic acta t.e Prooa . nienUtien in the dough. These walla . . ... j of the ce s contain Both gluten ana I " Ureb nd ol and augar. I . . I . . . lk A8C0QBetluencB01 fcUO "4 wtor tbe of the I .... m.t . Min wnl0h- "taeir norm-i a eondiMon, are little aaw, nueti win mi- nute graaules et surer, proper I i l -I c . have lMwn uu uu"1 I w a IS a I .1 .1 a " weii-eataoiisDW ineory mas organs or functions ot living creatures gradually disappear if unused. A fa- a miliar illustration i f.irauhed by tbe it blind fish of caves, woose eyes, mrougn I .... . .1 l P' nowvcr lb,Lt tuls view aoe" un I - ....... 1 A. Is waya hold good, if it be true, as lately lu Ul""" - I . 1 .1 . 5 .. "L'' . Inmlm mice have been raised in absolute dark- - seas for many generations without sp searing to have lost in the slightest de- greethe sensitiveness of the eye te light I I T . SI.. rt Inn C Jk..A t tim iu our iauaujr . lD . vnars Parfcters tiineer ionic . . v. mrt i nas cured headache, malaria and e ther complaints so satisfactorily that, are In excellent health and no ex pense for doctors or other medicines. Chronicle. PLAIN TALK Veer4la ar a rLAis osur. CUISSSS SSW YEAS. Ia baa just closed. Tbo people of Oregon are te be congratulated on the fact tbat it lasted bo longer tbaa it did. Fer my part I bad rather be a mouse with s bell on mj neck thsn a China men (ben. Think of tbe awfal din tbat must echo witbia tbe cells of tbeis ce lestial ears, daring tbo sights sad dsys they uske hideous by their fearful modes of making noises, I entered one of tbeir establishments while their band was plsyiag, or whatever you wish to call it. There were about ten msking tbe walls ring with discords, although we are told tbat there is really a meth od to tbeir madness. One was plsyiag on a large brass kettle, bottom aide Bp, and two others oa smaller ones, tbe sharpness of tbe tones depended on tbe size of tbe kettle, another bad, a couple of broken cymbals, another a large, deep frying pan, or something tbat looked like one, another a asaaller aae, and other instruments which we are una ble to describe, but all produced tbeir sounds by betas, peanied oa, tbeir being none run ay winds after tbe America a feehion. All these ware baaag jsmb- ed at one time, tern indies; ene of a sen- nine charivari This LSfsssitutea the principal part of their celvbration, ami we suppose they do it te drive their Satan out ef their way, so that they eaa live eae day without his intervention, for all tbe rest of the tioae ho governs most at their asHtesas. New Years is the Only time tho Chi os taaa will not work, aadev-o tiea you will generally find year cloth ea washed aad your wood sewed at the end of the week, soeh aa itching has tbe China man for the filthy lucre. We onder stand that the way he dues this ia by drumming aad eating to only-fear hoars and then putting ia the rest of the day by working. Chicken is tbe principal diet, sod this is the only tiara when they are generous eaougb to waste more than ten cents in a day oa their store -acba. It is a fast well authenticated tbet they have been known to expend aa mucb aa two bits on each so occa-8Sso- Ia a strange contrast to this it is a curious fact that they will sotut tiasas throw away all they have laid by in gambling. If yon should be remem bered with a silk handkerchief do not flatter yourself that the celestial is bo- cWing liberal He is just baying you. anj wi, gt it mck four folsL It ia net true that he feasts on rata, this is a bees ,i.nir on hi. . BOr ia it true that fer a - - mr - aui . . the asks of sending bask bis money be sometimes splits bis kernels of rice into thirds, aad takes a third at oaa meat he always gets swsv with st least half a dozen. Well, the Chinamen haa a neat to bis New Year, aad so wa wish him happy one after his own fashion, we are bound to say though tbat wa wish he would celebrate ia bis fatherland. HisrostcaL. The Temple ef Ceaeord waa built by Camillus, on tbe forum at tbe foot of tbe Capitol, in 367 B. C. The laat fight between the English Ud Spaniards ia Georgia, took place in 1742 at Frederics, Tbe Cloaca Maximer was built during tbe reign of Tarqainiua 8 a per bas, and, it may be, by engineers from Etruria, of which he waa a native. The Lsoeeon was f-uud in 15(H g th M f th TikU8 " oam. Pliaj stys thst it was tbe - work f thrw sculptors, Agesandros, Atfaanouros and reiyderos. S.i a a vt a ti.. i i. u .i u. --wj -' l'""" mummies were made of tbe petals and sepals ef different flowers, iodoaed each in a leaf of the Egyptian willow aad then arranged in rows. Larkspur, blue lotus, white lotus, saffron blossom and acacia were among tbe flowers thus pre pared. In the early centuries of the Chris tian era the cathedral of St. David's "Wales, was a place te which pilgrim ages were made by kiags aad conoie ors. After tbe canonization of the saint two visits to his tomb were con sidered equal to one to Rome, aad three equal to one to Jerusalem. Tbe so-called "mean whites" oi Mary land sprang from convicted felons aad kidnapped paupers brought from the Mother Country and bound to service fer a term of years. Education was bald of small account among them for many years, and public schools were not estebhshed until 1728 Tbe first nswspaper waa started in 1745. Ia 997 Almanser tbe Great marched against Cotnpostella, conquered it, razed the city to the ground, aud dove away 10,000 captives, some of whom ware compelled to cany away the doors of the Church of St. James fer the mosque of Cordova, others to carry balls, and all to bear something to lay at the feet we of tbe caliph, in token of subjugation. SJ s 8HILOH'S COUGH and Consumption ure U sold by us on a guariitei It eun a consumption.