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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1883)
FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON 11m following Is a partial lint : 1 70 acres tone and a half mile west o Tangent, Oregon taul 0 utiles from Albany. 16 aires in cultivation ; -10 iu-ivm more oan be Dot in cultivation easily; balance good timber and pasture land. Soil, rich black Cirto. Good house and barn, good hoard oe, all in good repair ; young orchard of 100 trees good wo i and running stream for stock ; good school, church and poet offloe ; good neighborhood and good soci ety. Terms fso per sure $1,000 down, on easy terms. 280 acres ob Nariow (jauge road, 1 1 miles from Albany and 5 miles from tsoio, tnd 7)4 miles from Jefferson. 125 sere good farming land, 75 acres in cultivation; re mainder in timer ami brush; house 18x28, with 10 foot walla, ell 18x28 ; good barn 22x34 wi th 14 foot shed on one side; good fences and water. Terms $3500.ossh down if possible. Rather than net sell will take 98030 down, and balance on 2 to 3 y jra time, secured by mortgage. 190 acres X of a mile west of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation rod 9S acres oak and ash Umber,KOod woo J land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and J bad ; about 7 acres in orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-story frame house, plastered. 6 rooms, built in 1873, ad cost f&iOOj good Iwru. 28x40 and two shads; wail arranged for farm purposes. Terms, 8000, 2 years time on foooo. ISO sens IK miles west, of Tangent; 100 seres in cultivation; all now lund, clean and In good older, good two story house, 8 rooms, nearly new anal in good condi tion; good new barn SI&36, Sue young orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, lair apple orchard; fences -in good order; plen ty running water; 20 acres or good timber; rich, black soil and very productive. Price 95250, H cash and balance on time. 109 acres one and a halt miles northeast of Albany; 15 acres in wheat, rest in fsir averages woodland; good laud; neatly fenced. Price 9-5 acre; terms esy. 800 acres 1 mile southeast ol Sods Springs ; fair farming ; small house; 300 acres fenced. Will be sold in small tracts or all together good school, church and post-office at Sodaville, also the Soda bprings. Price 95 per acre; easy terms. 80 acres IK mUas above Oneatta, on Ya quina Bay, known aa the old shif.y&rd. It baa a splendid frontage on the Bay, and will ha sold at 911 per acre. 00 sores, lying wit! iu o mile of Mon roe, n. Benton oocnty. Al." under fence and divided into five fields. All good farm land and half in grab. Good house and barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. It is oma of the best farms in that section of the valley. Price $2 per sere 91000 or 91500 down and balance on time 292K acres lying 5 miles north-east of Harrtsberg and 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under fence; 180 acres in culti vation, balance in pasture, but most of it can be put in cu 1 li va t ion . ! S stot y house, barn, goodwater, etc., 1 mile to school . 198 acres Iving 0 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent. 75 acres in cultivation and all under fence, 25 acres more can be not into cultivation by out lay of $ 100. Ifousc. barn, splendid water. A One you esr orchard. Price. 930 oer ww m w M 483 acres in Center Precinct Smiles from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Good IK story bouse, wood house, barn, and splendid water and bee orchard. Ail under fence. Price 915 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. Ait under fence, small orchsrd, no buildings: 50 acres hss been cultivated, but it is sll now need as pas ture. Price 910 per acre. 249 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's 8tation in Center Precinct, all under fence. 100 acres in cultivation. Large IK story frame house, good barn, seven! outbuildings, orchard and good water. x-nee, su per acre- 308 acres of land in Marion coustv. IK miles from lU:u Vista and seven miles from Jeilersoii. 80 acres in cultivation and balance la light brush any timber. House, barn snd troo.l orchard Flouring mill within 2 miles. Knougb wood can bo sold at the pottery works at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C. MStbwakt, at Albany. The Great English Reme dy. Ifea never failing cure for nron Ucbtiiiy. Semir.aJ I Weakness, Kxbxuted Vi Miiy, HpemsOorrbusv TO - I II IMiWOII. In lrxtencv. Paralysis. anS all j terrible tffets of OtU Abuse, youthful folHes.and x-e-M-in maiurer vtats 'Ucn ss luaa of Memory. Lassitude, Emission, Aver- non to Society. Iniuuessof . uuon, Noises in the Hwi; the vital fluid passing nnobserved Into the urine, and many other' iiea leading to insanity and death Mt. MIS TIE will acme U forfait Vtre Hinrit.d D liars for a cam of this kind the Vital Wcstorav sseetunaer nui sjtnu adnee and Uwaonent) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found in H. Dr. Klntie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Omul tattoo free. Thiroufc-h ex sminsUon snd sjI vice including atislvsisof urine. S5 Wee at Vital Kestotstive, S3 a bottle, or -four time the quantity 10, sent u. any address upon receipt of price or C. 0. 1, obscure from obervaron and in ori ent if fUtirs1 )r Titr A f i.'lv-iiL- , i . A. . MIMIK, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal Sample bottle fre.r S-.-nt on appi.eation ly ctter sutmir syn.i.m, mjx and s'c mmutiicatins Mricsly eoidldetttial. Dr. If intle Kidney Remedy, XebrelUfnm, enres as kinds of kidney and bladder c'rup!ii-U,a-uurrha (T'eet. lefjachurrtKea. for by all Uru-kTU. 81a SoUJe or aix tties for $.-. Or UintSt. s DarxlelkHi Mils are tSe best snd cheap set K'.r'i.ia . Uli.du ....... . I l.a u. tV ail dniz-'iuts. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WE-iT-S NERVE A?. I MUDf TUEAT tnent. a specific for llysUsri, lousiness Con Sobs, Nervous Headache, Mental Impression uom ot Memory, SpenualWhnea.. Impoteticy, ln voiuntarj eniiisivns, premature old ae, caused by over-extrtton, self-abuse or over-indnlk-ence, which lands to misery, decay ami death. One box will cure recent illness. Each box contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxes for firs doUars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. Witu ass order received by ns for six boxes, aocempanied sritlt Ave dollars, we will send the purchaser onr written guarantee t-o return the money if the treat ment dess not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by , , , , OOOARD, CLAKKE A CO , WSolesale and Retail DrUg-xists, Portland, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEY, SO. 11 KEARNT ST. Treats at! Chronic nnd rx-ial Ulseases. YOUIVci MEN WHO MAT BE ms-EHtmi FSOfl TIME effcU of youthful folbes or huiscretion, a iD as wall to avail tseuusiives of thte, thereatest boon ever laid at the altar of s&fferuig bunianity. Dlt. SPINNEY will gnarantee to forfeit $500for every case Seminale weakness or private disease of any kind or aaractr which lie undertakes and Wig to eure. mjoilE'A;ed men. There are many at the age of thirty-five to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment "will often be found ina sometimes suuiU paxtK.-Ies of albumen will appear. mx tuiui wui i.e in a nun ntiitusn uue, again Cnang tag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many u wuo uie oi ms aimcuity ignorant ot the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Im. s. wiU jfuarastee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Omca Hocks 10 to 4 and 6 to &. 'Sundays from 10 f - . QisuJution free. Thorough exminatior sad advice, 6. ,'fjPrivti) diseases of short standings full course of msdtcm e sufficient for a cure, with aU instructions Will bssa&t Ut any address on receipt of $10 00. Osllaiwddresst DR. SP1.VKET A CO., 7 1:12 No. 11 Kearny St. &a Franciaoo, Cat To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. mUK GREAT NKttD THOSE ll.WR who arc I sufferine from SKXUAL AM) NKHVO'JS I'oMH.MS' l'i U physician who twit couiprchoud their ilnnt and successfully treat them Th gwnsrel pracUUoiier is nut suttUHsiUly klill In Umm clan ii of trouble to do to, ami It utusl be left to the specialist, who by OmMtSS. teas prae tics, thorough know ledge and cntnurvhsualv udnd, i prv)iered to euro them. DR. j. tot Opened hto now celebrated Institute In l for tU purpose of affording the afflicted the certainty of hoiuiraM end tklllfttl treatment and porfeet sad iernuuieut restoration, and fur over SO year It ha sustained th flrt rank not only apou this Coast but thtoughout the civlllved world. 1 am aware that by dwelling upon so uninviting ubjwt a the deeay of sexual vigor tho ljriiorant may aKree my moUve but the desire to Inform thiee who are suffering- through Ignorance, and who by carelesenes or want of kuowtadgs tht cure oan be had, are not only hurrying themselves to an unUmely grave, but giving seveal weakness aa an Inheritance to future generations. Is text great an iuceutive to permit me to be silent. Symplons. If yoa are suffering from night losses, nerve, wane, weaknesses, confusion of mind, slight losses when uttder eacitmest, variable temper, trembling, wlpi UUon, flushe, Ai- , or if you Save practiced sell abuse evas in the slightest particular you are suflvr ing from the Dread Enemy of Human Life. And should not hesitate to at ouce health and happiness in a cure. CllRKS Ul'ARANTEKt. FKF.S MolKKTK CONSULTATION BV l i t . M; Ott OTHERWISE ffree. Exclusively Vegetable Krmrdlrs I scd. LA DISS You are especially liable to suffering from narviou prostration. Ail row peculiar com plaints r nervous in their org In ami hsnce your suffering ra tefrlbly depreestng or inexpressibly keen. The tHtctor in his researches and (irjkctioa of nervous troubles has made your organisation a special study aiui to thus enabled from his experi ence and knowledge to aid and cure y. u In any of the troubles, weakness, distressing snd sufferings to Step as a sea yuu are iiaUo. You will and la the Doctor a friend upon whom you can reply for comfort, aid and cure Dr. Young's Female Krmestlra bavo at- tamt-.l a rcpuution for euViouey uneoualed h mevlieine, or medical presenption ever tliey esu le sent by mail or express. Tfcoee deslriug personal care and attention ran have all neeessary acoomnuxtaliotis furnisbod. Letters, Those who can not visit the city can by giving their symptoms in their own way, receive advl? and whoa daalred, treattueot at Swum with every SV suranee of a cure. LETTERS RETURNED UR UEffT ROVED. Address, Dr j. r. rettMN Hcsltrnl laatitnlr, Met, : stork Ion St. San Pranctoce, Feb. SI, 1882. NTISELL 10 000 Punc, PIANOS i.WO Orgsnv . Hii nr rrssmUHSI .... Scalar IwdsiiMsaia aU;-'-s rrv, AttTlfELL. mm SSf M .'- m1j ssn m HCAUTH t Blrbnn'a Cures Chancers, ;!: r a Dalnsn ES I first sod second stages ; N-r. Iiody . aypttditM: IJatsrraa, ali un the Legs ami awl Scalp, aud alt pri inert forms ol the am e- Price, SSlUU per Dottle. t Rirbao's Corn 51a. . Cures Tertiary, Uercuriai. SvpUiluk. CIm untaltom. Pains in the liones. Ulcerated Throat, .) phiiiUc Rash, Lumps, etc., snd eradlralc. all disease from the tystem, whetner mitasd by sad treat ment or abuse of mercu.v, leaving the 1on1 ure and hsstthv. Priee.fgiU per Dot tie, Ir Blrhau's Ooldra SpaaUti Autldntr fat the cure of Cotrrha, Ulect, etc. Prttx. $UiO per Bottle. Le Ueku'i Cntslca SsMtalsk Injerttna, a wash for cure of Ulcet, Strictures, Dtaeaae 4 the Urethra and Ubwltier. etc. PrU-e. 1-M per Uottle. Lr Klekusn'a Colden Olatsue-nt for the affective heeding oC KphiliUo bores us. I Erup tions. Price, gl 00 K-r Sot lis. Alao Agents for k Klebnn Cialsten rilla. for weakness, baas of pSvsarel powers, an.1 all dii eases arisng from abuse and excess oi over- . k. 1'rttc, S3.w per box. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., escort ly peeked ps Express. r. atlfHAKtS st to Agml. 427 S 429 Ss.'isotue strict, C' Clay, Hu t rafctso, Cal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Pabliahed every Saturday AT Ilarrlabarg Oregon, S. S. TR-A. 1 1", Alitor 'i Proprietor. Terms 92.00 perannuin. v iiivul'lwmn ta stsi ci-ec- . vlf-m. Fclnl fnr It ! m PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the I'. S. I'atcnt Offlre attendeded t for mderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. M. Patent Office, sad we can obtain 1 'stents la less tints than those remote from Washington. r-nd nvxiJc ordrawirik. We a-1 vise as to patent ability free of charge ;sudwemaksnw charge unless Me obtain patent. We refer here, to the Itmaster, tho Hupt. of Money Order liiv. and to oibjials of tin; I . S. Patent olflce. For circular, sdrw e, terms, and references to set ual clients in yourown State or couuty, vddress, , A. 8ITOW &CO.a Opposite Patent CHBco, Washington, D. C. LiaupR StorE I ansil keep the very of lia rs to be ferr'l jnt market, and !wlt market, and Jwltl sell al retail prte t I ho the BE3T CIGARS A? O TOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will alao sell real estate, mcrcbaadiKe housebnld Roods, stc.. at atictlou for mv one in the ;ity or countv rtor DnnsitA Revere Hsuse, Albany, Or. 6 f R A rVT nnuv.KT FREE for TRIAL An nnfanina; snd speedr ears for brrv'jUM bebattt and Weakneu, lota of Vitality find VOjor, or anj evil re sult of iudiacretion, excess, over work, etc.. Over forty thouxand noai. tivecureaj taVHend lfic for poataas OS trial box of lit) pilU. Address. Dr. M. W. IJAOOX cor.Clarklt and Calhoun lJlnca, Ohicaoo, lii Clti week in y onr own town. Terms ip9 J and f5, outfit free. Address IJ; HallbttAOo.. Portland, Maine. FACTS THAT WE KKSW. If you are euffcriiu with a couh. cold. aathnia, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat or any affection ef the throat or lungs, we know that Dr. King's New Discovery will give you imme diate relief. We know of hundreds of cases it has completely cured, and that where all other medicines had failed. Noother medi cine can show one-half as many ptrmanen cures. Now tx give you satisfactory proof that Dr. Kings New Discovery will cure you of asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, con sumption, severe coughs and colds, hoarse ness or any throat or lung diseases, if yon will call at any druggist's. . IStAfeC. ... i-, - ai t- i--:4.f,fianiiwii. Itwnts!!!" fTauflSSS'a EnartS. W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Thttekbrated Baker Gun7 ICitber double barrel, shot Run or tbree barrel two shot sntl one riflo. Also Sharps, Kamlngtoo, ltal'.ard, rbce nix, and Marlin Magasine Rifles. Alao a large atook of KuRllab, tier man and American breeo h -load Ing shot guua. rull aUwktrf Wevolvera.Plslols Cutlery, Ftnh ngTsrklo of all kinds, snd Ammu nition oi all kinds. A full stork of Devi Sewing Machines the best lu the market. Alan full sUwk of sewing machine needles of ali kinds snd mat; nine oil. I mskna specialty of repairing fire-arms and sewing machine. Remember that I esnnot I hi undersold In the Stato. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., From an's Block, Albany , Or. I '1 iv it-in it jiroworip- tiontj careAillr prepared day or tiigrlit KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Hast SnrrrssfMl llrnnlr eeer iiaeered. as it U certain In tu tSwU aud doea not bllsSer Head pruuf below. Kendall's Spavin Core. IfamilUrn. Mo , Jane Hth, IWt. li. J. KfAKULS Co.. -tieaU: - This is to -errttfv that I hare used Kctxialfs Mpaln Cure snd bsvs loutxl it o. be all it Is ravcR;.r(itird f . be and In lac-t more Uh , I liate renuived by usUic the above v a.i.Hu, ivmm npavirtv, l.injf ooik. splint. Slid tan :heerfl!l Uatlry an.l recatnUMrnd It to be the I tliiriK-lor any U.ny aulwtane I have ever osrd and I bate triod many as I Save made that my stuty for years. Respectfully yours, T. Y.OMaT. FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS, N. T. Oooonta, .ew York, Jan. St. lSHl. Early laststimmer Messrs. B. J. Ksndsllaad Co., of Koosbunf Kalla Vy.. mads a cuatrect with the pub. Iiahars of the ess" tor s half eofumn advert latosnt foronevrar seiung forth the merito ef Kendall's .Spavin Cure. At the aanic time we ae urad from the Arss a quantity of bras. eoUtled Or. Kstulall's Tree rue on the Morse and bis Lriaeases, which we are riv ing to advance pay in subscribers lo the "Press" ss s pi end urn. About the time the advsrUssineut first appeared In Was neper Mr. V. O. (tehermerhom. who rsekles near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read the sder tisement and concluded In test the eAcaej of the remedy, although Ms trtettds Ivughed at his credulity, lie bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and coot-menc.-d using It on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed us this weak that it ef fected sueh a complete cure that an esert horse msn, who examined the auimal recently eould Ami no trace of the srst1n or the tdace where it had been located . Mr. Scbermerhors lias since assured a copy of Kemtall sTreatiae on the Horse and hie I'lsessn, which he prises very highly and won Id he loth to part with at any price, provldwl ho eould not obtain an other copy. Bo much for ad-. ertUIng reliable srtlele. Kendall's Spavin Care. Wihvm, Miss.. Jan. nth. 1MI. B. J. Krsnsu, and Co., Oeute : -Usvlng got norse boon i ym by mall a yner as-n, the contents of which erauadol ine to try Kendall's Spavin Cure on the hind lew of one of ni.v horses wblcb was badly awolsn ami eonld not be reduced by any other rente '.v. I cot two bottles of Kendall's Hrtsvin Cure of rresesa ami iMMmm, 1'rugs-lsts of Waseca, which Completely cured my horse. About Ave rears ago 1 nsvl a three rear old colt sweenll verv badly. I uod vour remedy as given m jour book without rowslllng, ami 1 must say to your credit that the oil is entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my. self but slso to mj neighbors. You sent me the bonk for the trifling sum of :, cents and If I eould not ge t another silks It f would nut take twenty -five miliars lor it. Tours truly, Ow. Mathews. HEAD PEOOF OF WONDERFUL CUBES Fremont. Ohio, Jan. 2.1th, 1881. Dr. 11. J. Kjs.mmu. and Co.. Gents : I think It tnv duty to render you my thank for benefit aud profits which I have d:rivef from your Invaluable and far rained spavin Cure. My cousin and 1 had a valuable atallloii, worth &400P which had s very bad savtn and wss pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond any cure, and that the horse wss done ir ever. As a last resort 1 advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had s mioal effect, the third bottle cured It and tbe horse is as well as seer. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgeon was an uncle of mine, and f take fe-reat Interest in assisting his profession. Yours truly, J auks A. Wiltos, Civil Engineer. Kendall's Spavin Care U sure in its effects, mild in Us action as It doss not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfus, splints curbs, calous, sprains, swellings and any lameness and en largements of tbe jolnu or limbs, or tor rheumatism in msn and for any purpose for which liniment Is used for man or beast. It Is now known to he the best liniment for roan ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effect. Scud address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy bus ever met -with such unqualified success to our knuwledif e, for beast as well as msn, Price $1 tier bottle, or six bottles for 96. All druir fflsts have it or can get it for you, or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. KBMDaU, and Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS, aaaflaaaaaaaaaklaV Wl KENDAlSl spavin cureIh ' " Haam By buying at dealers' prices. We will sell you sny article for family or per sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever you want, send for our catalogue ( free ) and you will find it there. We carry in stock the larger t variety of goods in the United &taU . Montgomery Ward &Cc . .U7 & aag Wabash Avenue, CbL , FKBRUARY 9, 1883 ........... a-SkSaSUHKS ( I MIOt V U T farmer at (Iridlsy, Cal., bunts with a cow. It in isid that he hai trained the animal to walk out to where a flock of geese have settled down, browning all the way along, he walking alongside en the off aide from the geeee. and when near enough the cow Hea down, and he ihoote into the flock and captures thirty or fotty. A lady of Tamps, FIs., baa grown a very largs tea rose, it is by actual measure six inches across, and nearly eighteen inches in circumference around the points of tbe etat. It la of a love ly pink tint and its fragrance ii exquis ite. Thia rose grew in the lady's gar den, in aandy soil, and was picked after uausually cold weather. Tbe death of an English (winter, aged fifteen years, at Newark, N. J., recent ly, is recorded, with an account of a wondetful feat once performed by biro. Joining in a chase after an escaped se nary, be leaped four feet in tbe air and caught tbe bird In his mouth. When be bad carried it to his msster it wsi found that ' the bird wan unhurt and that its feathers were not even rutllod. According to report, tbe Mexicans mast bo among tbe politest people on .a 1,1 as .a St me clone. Keen the robbers are gentlemen, and when they are obliged to rob, really put ono under obligation a .aa .a a e tor lUfctr attention. An instance is given of a pretty eeech tesde by Mexican Beau Brocade in appropriat S s aa sjr a tag a patr or earrings : "rosai-ssing neb bright eyes, fienors, what need yon of these dull stones V The proverb about people living in glsaa houses will soon lose its metaphor ical significance. One of the most prominent glsaa manufacturers of Pitts burg announces bis intention of furnish tag the imblio with class houses at an S a 1 a aa appruxttnsieiy ssriy period, as seen aa a suitable annealing process is dis- a a a a covered and a factory una ovens are built for the special purpose glass blocks will become a reasonable suitable building material. The lighthouse keepers en Long Is land are greatly annoyed by the glaae in the towers being broken be wild fowl in tbe night ti some morn tags as many aa fifty are found dead en grounds. They are docks and geeee as a tbe Hgbthou sttracted by tbe Itgbt, end come in such forcible contact with tbe building aa to kill themselves. a asm S a un a recent night a flock of geeee struck the Great West Bay Light j bouse, bresking two great storm panes ef ham m red glass worth about $15 cams a a a i he next morning enougn dead or helpless birds were found to fill s bar rel. Tho people once gave a public pet a public funeral. The distinguish ed snimsl waa a raven, which flew every dsy into the Forum, iierched on tbe rostra, and saluted Tiberius, Germani- cus and Drusus by their names. This he did for years, till a shoe maker by accident killed tbe bird ; the people killed tbe cobbler, and tbe corpse of this bird was placed on a bier, richly dight. and carried on the shoulders of twe Moors, with music playing before them, to a field called Kidiculus, on tbe Appian Way. There was that bird solemnly buried, and bis ashes severed ith garlands of flowers. WELL nDOUMD BY OI K OHKfrum a.4 SI aa as JMo matter bow useful sny thing msy be in itself, good indorsements seem to isereose its asofnlnese grossly by insur ing s wider field for tbe displsy of its special merits. We were thus impress ed in view of Ike following statements received by ono of our representatives from leading individuals connected witb some of the largest enterprises in our midst. Among others whose testimony was free! given wss W. H. Stearns, Esq., Master Mechanic of the Coon River Asilroad, residing at No. 28 Boyl ton street, who observed,: St. Jacobs Oil has had remarkable elTect among the men employed here. One ef them jammed his arm very badly, and by tbe use of 8t. Jacobs Oil was greatly bene filed, asd the arm was healed. Anoth er used it for severe rheumatic pains in tbe knee, and pronounced the Oil a complete success as he was cured by its use. Mr. A. B. Taylor, of tbe "Ray St Taylor Msnufactuting Co." was pleas ed to say : "My aunt, Mrs. Pilisbury, of Mount Clair, N. J., while visiting at our house tried St. Jacobs Oil for rheu matism and neuralgia, and found imme. diate relief every tirce. She prenounc. ed it tbe best thing she had ever tried for the trouble. Mr. J. B. Weston, 45 Greenwood street, Sop't. Car Works, Boston fc Albany Railroad, thus ad dresses our reporter : "lam one more of the fortunate who have had the good lock to hear of that wonderful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. I had rheumatism in the shoulder severely and could find no relief until I used the Oil. I applied it and must confess I was surprised at the results. I sm almost well and ex pect to be entirely so in a few daye,n Springfied (Matt.) Union. A ARIEI PEUFOBM kSVB- Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures thinking it essence of ginger, when in iact it is made from many valua ble medicines which act be ooflcislly on every diseased organ. FRIDAY lAfOKN'Al. John Osbot received the megnificent turn of ilO from Henry VII., Ly wsy of re wa id fur discovering Ametiea. Prisoners of war were held to ransom throughout Europe until 1648. It waa not until 1828 that Turkey and Persia agreed to exchange prisoners on the same terms as Christian nations. In 1503, Pope Alexander VI. issued two bills permitting Spain and Portu gal to divide tho nowij-discoverod psrts of tbe globe between them, and it is under this authority that Portugal keeps Brszll. During the single generation follow ing the Peloomteeiau war in which Sparta held tbe leadership of (be Gre cian States, artstooraticsl governments worn estshliNbcd in different cities of the pentuauls. In 1358 King I'M ward had as guosts at his Christmas banquet the captive king of France, and David, kitig of Scotland ; snd in 1302 he entertained King David and the king of Cyprus. Hiohard 1 1, kept 2000 cock a. In 1 399 be "kept Christmas sitting in tbe great halt in cloth of gold garnished with pearls and precious atones worth 3000 marks." ('run, brothsr of Artaxerxes. war killed at Cunsxs, 401 B. C. He planned to scire his brother's throne, and marched across, Asia Miner and Mesopotamia to Babylonia and met As taxerxes witb 500,000 men at Cunsxs. The UtOek generals who commanded bis sHies were murdered by the Per sians, snd tbe Greeks hastened heme under tbe command ot new the generals hastily chosen at a night meeting. Ordeal by fire and water waa abol ished in the thirteenth century in Eng land and Frsnce, but tbe more super stitious Germans resisted the mandates of the church, and kept up its use until tbe fourteenth century. It waa com mon in Transylvania in the seventeenth. Torture wsjf used in Baden until 1831 ; in Hanover until 1622, and in Bavaria until imi. In awUsrJaad It wss used in 1869. At the beginning of the first century before oar era nearly sll tab Isnd of Italy eras in tbe possession of about 2000 persons, who claimed not only tbe territory which they hsd bought from tbe Government snd from small pro prietors, but slso lsrge tracts to which they had no claim except long-eontino- ed possession. They employed slave labor, thus forcing tbe poor men to flee to toe cities for employment and bring ing about many evils, and nsgleeting agriculture, they raised sheep in grest numbers. MittoBot aarrras If vour dentist is up lo the times his bill will have a lithographed cut of the interior of your rosuih with lbs work Le bss done fur you carefully indicated in red ink. There is a young Isdy in Keokuk, lo ws, who is six feet four inches tali, and sbe is engaged te be married. Tbe man bo won her did it in these words : "Thy beauty sets my soul aglow ; I'd wed i Lee, right or wrong ; man wants but little here below, bat wants that little Ions." A New York photographer kaepa a sealskin sacque for poor girls to pot on wbsn they bsve their pictures taken. That is, ha did, but a poor girl walked out with it on while ho waa in the Vark room, and he bss never aet eyes on her since. He says (list settles the seal skin business with him. "Ob, you don't want to go into tuai ness, don't yerl" said sn angry Cock ney fstbtr to his laxy and loutish son. ' Yer want an appointment in tbe Poet Horfioe, do yer 1 Post Horace, i adesd ! Why, all you'er fit for is to stand bout- side, with your tounge bout, for people to wet their stamps against !' A Norwich couple who hsd a et cat which hsd grown helpless from ago and extremely fitty, put it ont of its caisery by the sgency of chloroform. Tbey buried it in the garden, and planted a rose bush over its remains. Tbe next morning it appeared at the door to be let in, and had the rose bosh under its arm. "So you have got twins at your house," said Mrs. Bezumbe to little fommv Samuelson. "Yes. ma am ; two ST asr of 'em." "What are you going to oall them?" "Thuudor and Lightning." "Why, these are strange names to call children." "Well, that's what p called them ss soon as he heard they were in the house." While Robert Burna waa at MoiTt once, with Clarke, tbe composer, the poet called for a bumper of branoy. "Ob, not a bumper," said the 'musician, "I prefer two entail glasses." "Tw glasses !" cried Burns ; "why, yoa are like the lass in Kyle, who said she would rather be kissed twioe. fearehead- r w7 4 1 van ' ad than ence with her bonn et os ." A gentleman while bathing at sea saw his lawyer rise up at his aid e after a long dive. After exchanging ssluta tions, said he, "By the way,, how about Gunter t" "Hs is in jail," repli ed the lawyer, and dived again. Tbe gentle man thought no more of it, but on get ting bia account be found : "To consul tation at sea about the incarcerat) on of Gunter, $3." Loss of hair and grayneaw, vi bicb often mar the prettiest face are pre vented by Parker's Hair Balsam. SHILOU'S COUCIII and Constimpt on Care U sold by us on a guarntot It on res consumption. Newspaper ttHsioas 1. Any person who takes a psper regu- larly from a postoffloe, whether directed la his name or another's, or whether be subscribed or not, is responsible for pay ment. 2. If a person orders his psper discon tinued he must pay arrears, or the pub Isbsr may continue to send It until pay mentis made, and thou collect the whole amount, whether the paper Is tsken from the office or not. a. The courts have decided that re fusing to take newspapers or periodical from the post ofnoe, or retnovintr and leaving f i s ft e evidence of Intentional fraud. as- The purity and olegant perfume of Parker' Hair Balaam explain the popularity of this rellaWerostoratlvo. hurra MrccBsWjr Y. P. C. A. Meets st their rooms in Vtm ter's brick building on Saturday evenings at 7 30 o'clock and on Habbeth afternoons at 4s business meetings sre held on the even ing ot the seoond Monday is each rsouth. Everybody invited to attend. TJ. P. Cnuav;n. Presching every Hahbath, at 11 a. m. . and 7 r. sf. by Rev. f O. ir- vine, D. D. Habbeth School st 2:30 T. u Prayer assaiing every Thursday evening. Kvasosucai. Oarmca. Preaching on Bab. bath si 11 A. st,, and 7fj r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Uollenbsugb, j sis tor. Cowonio ATiowAbCnirnrn. Services every Sabbath st 11 a. st. sod 8 r. w. Sabbath Softool at 230. Treves meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. VY. Harris, paster. M. E. Choscm, Sooth. 8srviees 2nd ai.4 4th Sablsttha st St Paul's M. KX'harcfa, South, st 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. t. sharp. Prayer meet lag every I nurs- day evsung. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. Csu'skt-u. - lYeaehiikg every Bsbbsth at 1 1 a. a. snd 71 r. st. Bong service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School . SSaw . S If i t 2 30 r. M. T raver meeting every i nusa- isy evening. L Ihllon, pastor. I'axasmsiAV Carucw. Service every Sabbath morning sad evening in College Chaps. Sunday School immediately rfterthe mnrsmg service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac 1L Coodit pastor. ErisoorAL CacacH. Ses i km every Sun day, rooming st 11 s. ra., evening at 7J p. m. floly eommumon every hunoay morn ing st 6 AS a. ss. Wednesday 7-30 p. m. Kobe U Stevens, pastor. THE SUN. NEW YORK. HWt. pesfSs tstvs rsssf "THs Sen" during th sssor sssee Mesa Srst soaud. No U teas' is' any yes b oviassesrti has Wasr prsdiWy that SfsJStf wd US Tfts Sen" for IS sat as ta tee rr tarns In 1 1 ssits. ses) ssisSos aoUftls tattr. Uss all Ua BMVaTS f tft rttuli Ihsl in as saw TIm Sea" rails sf issMssj Ussss tS sset tratS to Us tasst at fcsaMfa thr bu Mired see slit; Ss days Is Uss FtaSFa BjsJsSSSsJss saSssfltsaaJgi tt9 rfs' taaal aSSlaWF, ssVfcsjaj, tajs)Sal SJfc(BasSse aa wall sa about tS ssssUJ Ssav, la Us Uos est ISSJII t as ssalsly se4 saarisssty as srseo ismnsd tsy gasasr al asssssssL "TVa Sea kss ssn I unity mo pertss tossss. sss tiafnrsjsllsii of IU rssdWs and Um SBBBSlt I SVSSS SlS'SPSim. So BBSS I SB buBBbl that Th. Ses- I UsalSarvnt to kta sl ssrs aaMlMs rlrssa Me ssss Is a rteb Uast it ose al- Usr laliastlos to b See slaa. Xe Uos of man, Is psrtn: (nough to b to. atrtci sjiHaMna ef Ms aws Wlogajs' 4 hfat and Bsasssae la bsXIUss U kss Umghi tors siUaSeS IBaVsrsilsaa and I irt rasallod in Uss r- for t futcrunssil. No matter what tavrty la In pnr. "Thm in" ta and artll oon lluu. u stsrl US a ruck fur Uss nl aarminat th aJn'iiUon ct Xmmmm 4 unosif.lats, ait : (.uUlc BasVfaWSL All tSIs la hsd are sr Udd arssost daily by our frissds. On snaa bsdds that "Tb SdS is Uss bast reUftoes aerjapsr o.i irtibttabsd, bsaoe Hi hfisUasll Is ondiistod with tssu AncdSer bobf that It la Um bast fUpubllosn nrannaiDcr printod, be tavss It has already wblpfasd half of Us rasesds oet of Uhat party, and Is ssessllin salnet Us otSer half with uiidlailnUbna vlfur. A third bWlsv It to ba th boat wisessln of general htsrator ts slv eaes, tsassss its rssilsrs stlss uotbtns; worthy at ssdle that is cerrwnt la the world 4 thouWt. So ry frtu of "Tb Ss dasnoswrs ssss d its many sides thai anneals with particular fore te his Inditid aa! SSaSSJ. If roe already know "Tb Hue." os win observe that In lau it Ma litU belter than er before. If yea A sot already kassw TS ass," vets will Snd it to b a aslrror of all bosaan actlrity, a ssorwhouse of Sb esulesst ptssleets ol txsansan sen sad isasems iin, s nisirsslsy fur Ut see of hsw t nwrnsbit, s siwtlssl for twnulBj JaS.rsonian factSHirTacy a tor warSadiiaaa py every !. asd sa un- Uss n ing ywar. Tsesss to Hsu Tb several sdiUeos of "The pustfaaVl. SS follows : P, sr sset bj mail, DAILY SS osnts a saoaUt, s rear, with Hunday ediuon. fj JS M'STDAY-Elcbl fsases.f1.te s vesr. W SICKLY KLY 41 s year Kbrbt psswe of tb best of tb daily hams ; sa AfVteultersl Iraart I en ires H ssi Bsertt, market re porta, and liter ssttfks. and rtnsnselin IntellUrseos stake 'Tb matter of 4 Intel lie nes asake "Tb Weekly San" Uss aswepspef for Um tamer' sous Sold. Tblbs of ten with fin, an extra eon fre Address I. W. KNUl. M, IMbliabcr. "ThSu,- K.T. City. TSI sreet strrncth- ealag remwly an.1 nerve e is the karttirnaVe re sult of oyer twenty years ef prarUeal experianc. asd tures with unfailinr cettalnty Nervous and ysiesJ dMHty, srini rbosaV pre tatorrhues, sm po tenry, vitality, pre Settle and is of and from whatever .am w produosd. It enrich snd purtfles the blood etrengthens the nerves, brain, museWs, dlgesUon, rc- ooesats organs ana yajsiwi lml ulu stops any uanatuasl dSblUtatlng drain noon th prevwnung invorancary wi'a, muiuwinn seminal Loaaos witb the unite, etc.. so de- esaeaHlv to mind and body, It is a sure eliadnator sdsSkldnsy and kiasswsssapisj'- wnainmu Intwetnus inirredienU. To luoe suoenns trom ne v?l effect of youthful Indlscmtions, a speedy, Utor- and cure is UUAKAMa.HH, mc per botUe, or Ave hollies In case, with fall dl- and advloB. SlO. Sent secure from observe Una a any address upon receipt of price, or C O. D., te to feed only of DR. O. D. 8ALFIELD, SM Kearney sc. Bats Fraactao, Cel. Coesstttatlons strictly tonSdenUal by leMer or at offlee rKRK. For th canranlence of patient and in order to iawsr p pact assrssy I asv addopted a pri vat adJr under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. SufSeksnt t snow He merHs, will be sent to any on applying by letter, stating hi sunptom snd ags. CommunlcaUoe strictly confidential, essswam SI fSf&f eTWti not, 111 I sweeping i mV m f2kw asV by, go and dare be fore you die, something mighty snd sublime leave be hind to conquer Unas. fSS week is your own town. Sfi oatSt fre. Mo risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We wttl furnish you everything Many sre making fortunes. Ladles tusks as much aa men, and boys snd gtrls male great pay. Reader, if you want business st which yoa can make great pav all the lime, writ for psrtirulars to 11, Hallsttb. A Co.,Portlan M sin. J. A. DAVIS, M. D.9 Physician, Surgeon AND Obstetrician. Can be found at Drne; Store of E. W. Langdun, or at residence corner of Cala poola and Fourth Sts. ALBANY OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Th Tlurd Tern begins en Thnrs day, Febriary 1st, 1888. for naxtlctilars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply te REV ELBERT If. CwJTfMT, Prrstneal. csUasr as snavpss- ffHsaMBeTI lerest ssv Hssnslw ; Uss events, the 4ft, Jaal VfaataaMsIa Issts) BShsatfastOCSS ) 114 buaical trorlU al -rsaiit nnmliFi hoi l IILUUVEIeMIMIIBjmatnr. I maiULJIu comnlKsAloe. hoffmav 'IP Joseph, -PROPRIETORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, - -AND DEALERS 1N- Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candler Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - - Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIGCsS' STORE. gojv 1 JOBKT SXfcXsQrCa-S AT THE ODD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ON HAND AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aft any bouse la the alley. He a to Imports and aaaaaf act area TIN, 8SEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK EVERY DESCRIPTION tN STOCK OR TO ORDBR. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT COMPETITION, CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORBOON. ALL Repair work done at ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIttER BROS. Proprietors ALBANY, OKKUO. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, 1 1 i:vib roKBi Eseculed In Italian or Vermont Mar Me. Also, every variety of osrruftery sr:d stone work done w itu snd Ktsscial attention -riven lo wd ere from all parts of ibis tttste an J Wssbington Ternuiry. jasTA'.l w r' wsrrtatl 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND !AC1IIK siior. CMTABLIIIHCD IMS. Br A. F. f'HKRHY, aftus'ed at eorner of Klnst ami Montgomery etxeeU, Aitstny, Orvsgen. Ilavintr taken abarseof Die above nsmed Works, we sre prepared to Kiantifaetnre Btoam Kuirinea. tstw and firist Mill. Woed-worklng Machinery, Pumps, Iron snd Brass Castings of every dew notion. Machine rv of all Jcinds repaired. Kpe eUl attention givenfio repairing farm rra- eenaery. ratter Making stewe la all te fvaraes. lfcllyl A. V. C'UEKRY A SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody dslighted with tbe tssteTol and beautiful selections made by Mrs. Law- bar, who has never tailed to please ner cusSorners. New Kail ( :r.-ular Just Issueo. bend for ft- Address MRS. El.T.KN LAMAR. U:7U an Brwadwsy. Sew fvt set asaoiicitorsfor waaleAtav es vasts. trade-marks, copyright, stc. : for tbe United Rutes, and to obtain pai ents in Canada, Engl and, France, German v, and all other conn tries. Thlri v-t x yestn practice, ho charge for examination of models or draw. Inca. Advice bv mail free. Patents obtained through us re noticed in tbe SCIKSTIPIC AJKKiCa.H. which has tbe largest circulation, and is the most influ ential nowepaper of its kind published in tho world. Toe ad every patentee understands. This large asd eplendidlv Mtu tratcd merisusiiBBaou a ww.mj m j , and is adsaitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engbaeermc works, sad other deoaraaeats or i nuns trial progresa, published in any country. Sinlo copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. Address, Munn A Co., publish. rs of Scion tlflo American. 361 Broadway, New York. Aland boos aoout patents mauou rroe. aw," A WKEK US s day at horn easily mad 4P I vj Costly Oetat fre. Address Tsra s vo Augusts, Maine. To tbe, Unfortunate! DB GIBBON'S Dispensary. COO KEAatmr st., I) CO cernir of Comnwr cial Street. Ssn fYanoisoo. Kstabllshsd In 1SS4, for the In r ' of Sexual snd Seminal Dliissm. socji as Coeorrriesv. aileet, Mrsetsre.ay phllls in all S its forms, taaaetenry Seminal Week seas, night losses bj drssme, pirn pies en the face and loss of manhood can positively be eases. The stek snd afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled vxtenivly in Kurop, and Inspected thoroughly the t srious maga tals titer, obtaining a grtat deal of valuable miorma tksi, which he isconipetcnl to impart to those in need of kls service. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unlaws be effect a cure. Persons at a duSane MAl BE CTKElf AT HOME. All eoi miuuioatious strictly confidential. Yon see so one be tbe Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor win please state thd name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charge rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1057, San Franeiseo. rtud RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LANNIK6 & CO., PROFITS. IHtW PUOCKSS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST ST01UGF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. f QOA peroayat boss. Samples worth $0 9wV fc fre. Adress Rtusos A Co. Portland, Main. I Pi B j?! c am a MLaaCi Via eonttsse to nu aaaaB Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, reasonable figures. 1'iANNALS & WOODIN, SAsrracrcaas sss rstnes ts FURNITURE i BEDDING. 'rsrr rry and SfeS SCrvrta. 4 I.BA.V V, OBEOON. vtSMlyl T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT AND Notary Public. Office in Sranss IUohts Dcmocra, offlcs. PARKER'S BALSAM. or.)y afaSI ! s tb scalp asd last Self at IJ I li t.'x'.J 'r aaj i, Sasg f the hair asd to re- BiscoKftCo.K.Y. BSt. sol gl 1 AJRKEs R' S GINGER TONiC a H ycai are c issil sisic or Swwaer, ssnrs oat with CTcrw''K. t s r itrr run c'own ly taw.'c 1 bull duties try rxassa otscas ! sic. It ronsjeal tianncua grriiTiii' I nse Parker's Gacrer Ta rt' nsrn. LoweJs, i baas u easfse Ssn ssi i:i c.X.T. asc a i cntAT fAVTxa Btmsc dollas srrx. It ndk assi Isstasg fragrance has otad See delightful peraaawesmoeeduigiy popstsr. There is set hiss US It. laasst ssyoa kamnw Flcsx. toh O ntasaaasi look far ssaii wi of aw eearr ktSUa. Ar . raa aaailT ywa. Si a4 Tt LASCS SAVINS SCTI.NO tic. STZL FISH, GAME, &C, I HAVE opened s fish anri jrame msi ket just eeat of lbs Revere .louse, and will have afresh supply at all ti Chickens bo;rht and sold. l".:t J. 1 1 CUTH RKTS. TDTO SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does tbe beet washing and hrontag In Al bany si lowest isles. Confess mads? for PhinsMA lahsw. Iaanndrv on Wash in t street, opposite MarshalJ'a Livery TTs i tnj; sMsfsiiil s national repataUoa la FB'E rOCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have added fas oil afyfes STEELi PENS. With a skilled tvperiateadcat ia that depart mcnt, Bupplementea by extended xirtei..e in the working of fine steel, we are msblvd t e'er goods of unrivalled quality. To ii.i n . c or rATJEXT AlijfSTALi-E Quill Action, Reserve ir Per., In a-rme-co cf regular rrado oft:, n:il will rusd a ks-oilu on Koeltit ofoVA. v r cttt v us; -u ..-vi t :r-;eaamseh lai ss sty r-stf r 1 : . i S FX S TtT& A NT 1-? -'. ! V Oir wli-u'" liJIfi j w' 1 besr.' l f lTlc LlaUlartL'.Led tu uwl. ra o t 6EORGC U . BAK.N Es, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PUMETIUB, KEtisMI. Collection.' promptly mads on ail points. NOT11X. Those of our readers who iutessl to make final proof os their Homes teada. cab help tbe Democrat by reuses! sag the Register o design ate it aa the paper! ia whieh notice tof their application to make final proo shall be publishetL HATP Jt k pssfemsl by 'tast ' t . m BaaSa3w srtke, oa c- Ha AM Hsawsst ef ks sowenW W U ?ra?t sssT"r-Ssh Pwksr Rawr Balsam wTsramad ss srevoat S bead or serves. Pa rrs' Cssaaa S at-w . Wss a Wa. kaW li tow esing sway from age, daninsfirei or cry J-ca or wreak ocas and mroirc a stien.-ar.; take Ctwcse TosC st once : it w3 nrrira-aie and bund rws up from the first dose but wijl never sr.tojocate. It tm saved hiindrrd of Eves; it may save yours. SawassdatVsl i i is leijMi SaaarwwjCaawl iMlj aa. al aaaiava aa Sraca. aaBSBBBBaa ii " I- wwmk.1 -a .