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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1883)
I& m$mt Official City md County F?iu Kuler v) J at the Poat OiTtee at Albany, Or. r second -class mail matter. FRIDAY".. FEBRUARY 9,1883 STUBS & Kilitar and NUTTING. Proprietor. IRKtt P. M TnU, Lrnl K lltur. O. A- T. K. K. TIME TABLK, Albany Station. DKr tKTI'BK r TRAINS mas xoarn. A LB AN V EXPRESS IVnarts at r RKIUIIT Ttt.MNs r:90 A. M. ; A. M. 11:46 A. M. I'Mf. P. M. 11:46 A. M. 12:06 P M. 8:30 P. M. 8:M P. M. MAIL TK..US J Arrive at -( Dsnartaal MAIL TRAIN 1 Arrives i -( IK ixu-ts at KKRIUHT TRAIN " ALBANY KXPKKSS Arrirsa'at All Tralna dally, except SasMtay Noticb. On and after this data regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket oflioe for following point ou Columbia riven Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wall u la, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Wau R Rica, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. U. Co. Albany. Jane 18th, 188. HEBE'S A GOOD CHANCE. Any one sending ua five new yearly subscribers, and the cash ia advance at the rate or flSO a year, will receive the Democrat one year free, or if now a sub scriber will be credited one years subscrip ton. Annul Hraool Meetlas- The annual school meeting has been called for the 6th of March, when our citizens will have a chance to say whether we shall have a new cchool house, which shall be an ornament to the city and assist in advancing its interests, or whether we shall continue to use the cramped up, poorly ventilated abell which would be a disgrace to a veritable Podunc. The matter has been pretty thoroughly ventilated, and If something is not done now it is because a majority of the voters in the school district do not want it done. If our citizens wish to see our city kept be hind the times in their sdaoationsl mat tors there can be nothing said, as a ma jortty most certainly have a right to rule, but it is to be hoped that public senti. ment when it conies to an actual vote will aay differently. $15,000 voted for a school house st this time, or even more, would be no hardship, as it would cot be intended to pey it by a single assessment, but by notes, which could be paid in whatever length of time thought best. Whatever mode should be pursued, though, of coarse will be left to be decided at the meeting. The impor tance of an emphatic expression one way or the other oannot be too thoroughly Im pressed upon our readers, and there will be ao excuse now for there not being a complete representation at that time. Pioneer Ceaveultoa. A pioneers convention Las been suggest ed by a correspondent of a Corvallis paper for Bee too county. The idea ia a good one, and we lay it before the pioneers of Linn county and suggest that they have a conven tion in Albany, to meet some time within a couple of months, when they could have a big dinner, in the good old fashioned style, retell the events of the past thirty or forty years, and have a general reunion of those who crossed the plains years ago and took up their home in a wild, lonely country, which is becoming one of the best on the face of the earth, and since then has bloom ed like the rose, and begins to feel beating the strong pulse of an active commerce Linn county is fall of pioneers and such a convention could be made a grand success. We should like to hear from our old readers on the subject. by Mphfkerla. Last Friday night Maggie, the blight eleven year old daughter of M. M. Harvey, died at her fathers home in this city. She was taken with diphtheria a few days De fore, bat it settled and notwithstanding all was done that it is possible for medical skill to accompllsb, she passed away last Friday night, mourned by everybody who knew her. The funeral took place last Snnday. Jennie, fonr years old, a sunshine ia the house of Mr. aud Mrs. Harvey, caught the monstrous disease, and she too fell a victim to its terrible powers and died last Sunday nigbt. 1 he grief stricken parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community, in this their saddest affliction. Treed a ou. One morning a few days ago immense excitement was caused sic ng the north side of First street by the discovery of a coon in the shed of Foahay A Mason's drugstore. The news was soon circulat ed all along the line, and business men rushed from their back doors brandishing revolvers and pokers. A general on slaught was made on the.beast, but be was too much for his opponents, and evading them rushed towards Parriah's Block where he was met by reinforcements and cold lead stared him in the face ; but the wily fellow managed by some hard jumps to get under a shed and find a resting ptace where none could molest nor dis turb him. Present. On Friday, the 2nd fust. Mr. Peery, County Treasurer paid up the last of the taxes due from the county to the State. The whole amount paid by old Linn this year is $30,962.05. Ho far as we are able to learu old Linn is the first to make payment in full. This speaks well for the promptness with which our tax-payers make their an nual, contributions to run the State Government, and the efficiency with which our Sheriff acd Treasurer perform their official duties. Shall. Shall we have a new school bouso ? See notice of annual meeting and cogitate. Shall we have a woolen mill? Ask your neighbor. Sball we make business lively this year ? At least do your best towards it. Shall we make an extra effort towards turning at least part of the tide of immi gration towards the Willamette Yaliey ? Shall we give our splendid water power something to do ? Shall we try to breath a little life into some of the fossils who oppose our best iatertits. HOME AITB ABROAD. Nolan's Cash Store. FM French, jeweler, 0 degrees in the shado. Bine Ribbon Club to-night. Splendid skating the first of the week. Newport is talking of building a college. The Democrat, $3.50 a year in advance Wheat has been 03 cents at the mill lately. Horse treatise in Oft man for those who wish. The Vidette is to be rcsnrrcetod, so it is reported. Nolan's Cat h Store next door to l'uters A Blaine. C B Montague, Genera! Merchant, Ub anon, O.. The Nec says Geo W Sill, of lloaton, wi1 in the city, Joaquin Milters father died at Eugene City last Friday. Nolan's Cash Store is the goontuo bargain house of Albany. Hay is $50 a ton at the railroad front on the O C extension. Tho next Circuit Court in this city will have a small docket. Plants all through the city froae limp, ami house-wives are mad. County Conrt met this week and transact ed considerable burinoas. The A 1 Ulna iletoltl comes to hand. Its first number is well gotten up. DrK tt Johnson famishes bis patrons medicine without extra expense. 13 head of good driving horses for sale cheap at Ibanoo, by L O, Halstou. Dig bargains in blankets, flannels and all winter goods at Nolan's Cash Store Hew did the jelly granger learn to thread the needle ? By holding anecdotes up. One second hand stove and four chande liers half price at Nolan's Cash Store. Found a gold locket with picture of man and his wil e in it, Call at this c See. Some of the Late wheat will probably have to be mown, so badly has it been f rosea . Caas Brush sprained one of his ankles last Monday while skating on Monteith's flats. Young ladies are warned against skating so the ice in front el the butcher' shop. Fifteen divorce salts will bo disposed of at the next Circuit Conrt in Marion county. For rent House in eastern part of the city for rent cheap. Inquire at this oslice. Dr. G. Willis Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Langdon's Drugstore. Ben Hayden will assist in prosecuting Henry W Abrams for the murder of Dr Browulee. Young people wwre again made happy the first of the week by an abundant of skating not often surpassed. Hen Geo A Waggoner and T J Boford have gone into partnership ia the real es tate business at Cor vail is. Go to Montague's at Lebanon, for bar. gat as. Remember that he sells the best goods at the lowest price. "Shall we have a new school house f is now a practical question, and if wo do not have one somebody is too hlstns. There has been considerable sickness in the city and county, sauch having been caused by the sudden cold soap. Thirty-live bead of cattle recently sold ia Eastern Oregon for $1,000, a year ago they would have brought leas than $500. Potted meats, potted tongue, mince meat, anchovies, shrimps, sardells, caviar, etc, at iloffsaaa A Joseph's. It will pay to try them. The Linn County Temperance Alliance which met on Tuesday adjourned till the time of the meeting of the State AUianea on the 2 1 sir. The thermometer was 12 degroos above zero Saturday morning, 0 Snnday morning and 0 Monday morning. These figures tell their own stories. Friday morning the water at this city, 27 feet above low water mark, and nothing tat the cold soap kept it from raising several feet more. We are requested to remind singers of the rehearsal for the State Temperance Alliance next Wednesday evening Staple and fancy dry goofls, dress goods, clothing, mens and ladies furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats and caps and everything at cost at Nolan's Cssh Store. Wallace R Strnble is now editor of the Polaris, so that those who subscribed in stead of losing will be benefited by the change, from present indications. Young inos in other cities who patterned after our Anti-Corset society have some to grief, for the y. Is, in nearly every case say "give me corsets or give mo death." Attention is called to the card of Robt Crosby in another column. He is our lead ing drayman, and is entitled to the confi dence and patronage of our citizens. On the 2nd and 3rd of March the Browns ville school under the charge of Prof Horner, will give seme public exercises, and prepara tions are being made for a good time, The merchants of Portland claim to have sold $40,000,000 worth of goods during 1882. This is a few thousand ahead of the busi ness of Albany dnring the same period. Anyone sending $1.50 to this office will receive a gross of "Acme" pens, adjustable to any holder ; quill acting with fountain qualities. This is the cost price of them. At the meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. 2, held last Monday evening it was provided that all exempt members should be exemp t from fines and dues, and retain the rights of active members. Th e dance by the Imperial Dancing Club, we are requested to state, will not tak place on the 14th, but instead there will be one at that time at tho residence of Mr Wallace near this city. The Postmaster General has decided that postmasters who fail to notify publishers when subscribers remove, or fail to take their papers from the Post Office, sh til be responsible for their snbsciption. Last Monday Mrs Lucinda Norwood was examined for insanity before the County Conrt and declared insane, but was not com mitted at the time on account of some un couple teness of the charges. Various remedies for typhoid fevor are given, such ss inhaling sulphur smoke, garg linz the throat with kerosene, etc., but it is evident that nothing can do much good after it reaches a certain stage. "Resolved, That a high traff is better than no tariff' will be agitated by the Soap Creek Debating Club next Monday evening. A warm time will no doubt be had, for it is the question of free trade straight. The Commercial Herald is the name of a new paper to be started in Portland in the interest of commerce shipping, andjgeneral business of Portland and the Pacific North west. It will no doubt succeed. We have received the first number of The Gem, published by Mattoon A Keesee, in the interest of the State Agricultural Colleg at Corvallis. It is well gotten np and con fers credit on its publishers. It is to be permanent. Business has been neglected quite gener ally this week by young men who know how to use the skates . They realize the fact that if the pastime is iuduged in in the Willam ette Valley it can only be dons by taking time by the horns. The State Temperance Alliance moots bore on tho 21st of this month. Delegates have already boon appointed from different parts of the State and there is an assurance of a big attendance, when the hospitality of our eitisens will bo taxed. The faculty and societies of the Willam. ette University are having a windy contest, and each side is ohampioaed by tho two Salem papers. This is big business and the whole crowd ought to be taken on some, body's knee and spanked. Last Monday morning (leorgo Simpson lust another horses in this oity. It had, been sick about ten days, bttt what tho matter was it could not bo assoortained. A knife was inserted near the shoulder, and it was found to be literally rotten. Hoffman k Joseph have grabbed time by tho forelock, and have had six or seven men at work this week putting up ice, which they are storing in their ice house back of Jos Webber's barber shop. The ice is three or four inches thick of good quality and tboy will be able to pat np st least twenty live ton. Mr J H Maine has recently mannfaetnred a shingle mill, with an invention of his own for clinching the blocks with creator case. It is well constructed and tho invention is a groat improvement on tho old style. Ho has also constructed, to go with it, a joiner, which works well. It is money in ones pocket to get goods cheap. People their 's of C H Maotago at tabancn appreciate this. He is selling dry goods at bottom prices, which means cost for a fw weeks, and those who would get bargains should call early. Ue intends running tho biggest sad moot oosa piste store ia Lebanon. To-morrow (Saturday) afternoon there will bo a child reus temperance mooting, especial ly for tho yenng people, given by the W. C. T. U. A general invitation is extended to everybody. It will bo given at Y PC A Hall and a ill begin at o'clock in the after If yon have loot any chickens lately, da not lose your temper, but remember that it is Chinese Now Year 'a And when yen boar an unearthly sound jest keep cool far it is only s gaag of Celestials making night and day hideous. Ths svsnt only happens once a year, ao it can bo put op with, although not with much relish. Wednesday's Sctc contains an aeatant of a Presbyterian church being dedicated at this city on Sunday, in whieh Dr Lindalsy, preached tho sermon and Dr Geary the Pas tor dedicated the bouso to the service of God. It either has matters terribly mixed e - else has mistaken tho Eogeoe services for ours. The first part of a fight coo erred among two young man ia this city last Moaday, hut tboy were parted before any thing mors that considerable ill-feeling crista between several, and the only way to appease it they evidently think is with tho kaaoklea. They always poor sr biters, and some other course bad better ue resorted to. k a a it a . a . The Brownsville school's appreciation of Prof aad Mrs J B Horner was recently os- prossod in a vary forcible as well ss sub stantial manner. Mr and Mrs Horner wore respectively presented with a Webster's Ua abridged dictionary ami a set f silver ware Wo bear the beet reports of them as instruc tors and are glad to boar that their students know how to manifrst their appreciation of tiiem. They have struck town, that is the valou- tiass. more horrid than ever. Ixwking into our drug store windows wo are stared in tho face by block beads, spooney yenng men. bad eggs, sheepish policemen, beer guzzlers. flirts, double faced people, wolves ia sheep clothing, old brooms, etc. I it possible that we are to be afflicted with snch institu tions. All right then, 1st them come, and eases by tho cart load, They help business. Wo acknowledge tho receipt of No. 1 of Vol 2 of the Travelers Guide of the Pacific northwest, published by Messrs Lswis k Drydoa,at Portland. It Is a valuable journal showing the time tables on all the rends end lines of travel ia the n art k west, besides con taining general items of interest to the trav eling public Tbo subscription pries is one dollar per year. If yon are a woman and would coot riboto your influence to redeem humanity from its numberless ills, make all things eiS'i subor dinate to health. If you possess this ines timable treasure yon may transmit tbo same and your offspring may rise up and call you ised. To secure this it will bo well to seek the motherly countenance ef Mrs Pink- ham, Lynn, Mass. The January number of the We Shore is. uncommonly bright mid well illustrated. Its oeeaee are placed ia Washtntou Territory It gives New Taooma. Rcnton and other places s bete tit, whioh no doubt they do ve. In February the grand scenes of tho Northern Pacific will be illustrated, the editor and his special artist having come by that road from tho cast. The pump of Mr. Phillip Swank near this city, froae completely np during the cold snap, something that happened to nearly everybody's pomp. Io order to thaw it out Mr. Swank built a rousing fire around it. The result was that the sir in it expanded and the top bursting off was thrown into ths air folly a hundred foot. It was a curious occurrence snd well worth chronicling. Albany bss a boxing clnb, a bona fide pu gilistic affair, as can be ascertained by ex amining two big pairs-' t gloves stained with claret from some of tbo boot noses of Albany. The members go by the names of celebrated fighters. One is known as Sulli van on account of hard hitting aud pugilis tic abili-.y peneraily. Another one is called Slad-, another jd-to, another Tag Wilson, another Ryan, etc. They are developing some wonderful staying powers and can be banged around hko an old hat. It is not a bad practice and we hope the beys will keep their tempers and make a success of it. Tboy should be careful though about getting confident like the Detroit man who attacked a strawberry seller. Last week an order was obtained from Judge Boise placing the five children of Buss Duncan in the charge of their mother, Mrs Duncan, A suit has been begun by the bit ter for a divorce, and from the stories circu lated she evidently has good grounds for one. At least there seems to be no doubt that she can obtain it. Wore we addicted to tho sensational we would have the material for a leading article ia the matter, but as it is do not desire to interfere in the affair. The complaint asks for the divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and other canoes. The fact that Mrs Dun can has some of oar best citizens interested in her case simply from a spirit of a love of humanity and justice, speaks much for her cause. Rev. S. S. Van Dersal of Forest Grove, has commenced an action for libel again it J R Herrick President of the Pacific Uni versity at that place, for haviag published and circulated a false and damaging letter about him to-wit, a certain circular relation to stories whioh said Tan Dorsal bad told oonosrning Mrs. Marsh, a widow, of Forest Grova Ho has also begun an action against VVm. H Roberts presiding eldsr of the For est drove circuit of tho M. E. Church and tho publishers of ths HilUboro Independent. This is for alleged false statements in a let tor written by Roberts and published in tho Independent. Damages la each ease are laid at $10,000. It is said a similar suit will be begun against tho Pacific Christian Advocate for pablishing tho letter. SOOIAL AND PEK80NAL Hoa J N Rice, of Crawfordsvillr, was I, tho oity Wednesday. Mrs Copp Cherry has been spending sever al days io Salem, visiting friends. Wm Morgan, formerly of this county, is now one of tho proprietors of tho PolarU. Mr Sylvester Hall, of Fox Valley, was in ths city last Wednesday and Thusday. Goo W Sill special agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Co. has boon in tbo oity this week. Mr Thus Key, manager of the Browns ville Woolen Mills, was ia tho city but Wednesday. Mr J as Danuals and daughter. Rose, went to Portland the first of tho week, and will be gene several days. Hoary Christian, one of Mommoath's best citizens, was in tho oity last Tuesday, and made us a substantial call. Miss Anna Gciseudorfer left for Drain Station I sat Wednesday, where she has been engaged to teach so Soot. Mis Jos McCoy is io ths city and will re main hero two or three weeks, when she will return to her home oa bar husbands farm. MrJBCoialey returns to A Id ban y tho first of tho week from Southern Oregon, whore he has boon workisg on tho exten sion. Prof Davis makes trips to difteront parts of the oouaty several times a week, sad we are glad to boar has some rxeeUeat singing classes organised. Dr S H Curl, ef Brownsville, was in the city last Wedossdsy. The Doctor Is Brownsville's only Dentist and is a young man of considerable skill la the business. Ala Harris rotor sed tho first of tho week from Corvallis. I jt week be assisted ia oeiebrstiag his farthers birthday, who was remembered with s valuable gold watch from his boys. Mr Lswis Ray of the "Forks" informs ss that diphtheria is very prevalent among the children a few miles oast ef Scio. Los abel ton lost one child and many others have it ia severe form. Mr J J Horns, of Seio, was ia Albany last Wednesday. Ue is one of linn coun ty's best bridge builders and genera! con tractors, and is a thorough mechanic, and we ere glad to boar that ho is doing wall. Sac bss card ia another eoinmn. Mr D M Pass, Supervisee of road District No. 1, situated in King's Prairie oa tho North Keatiam above Fox Prairie, has been in the oity this week making his report sad settling with tho conrt. Ho reports that that portion of the county is gradually set tling ap with thrifty energetic settlers. Mr Abe HackUmaa, of this city has re turned from his ranch en Crooked river where bo has Urge cattle interests. He in forms ns that the weather has been quite cold up ia that region being as lew as 32 below aero st his place during the first oold spell. Cattle arc doing fairly well as there baa not been much anew. Mr II seedsman says the Willamette Valley is the plaee ef all otlurs to make a homo in. Ringing the cows nose io the name of a now game. Prospecting for oil u being done in Wash ington Territory. Tbo price of lumber bss increased 82 per thousand in Portland. Mrs Mary Cogill ia Postmaster or rather mistress, at Kast Portland. RmoanU --pale of remnants st Nolen s dab Store. Prices way down. Miss R. A. Lose give's a dramatic enter taismont st Ijcbaaou, this svsaisg. Tho suproott oourt adjourns to-day at Salem, to meet the first Moaday ia March. The Recorder's fltos at Price v die flouriah- ctb, haviag taken ia 1220 iu lews than three moatbs. The oity council of Portland has levied s tax of 0 mills for city purposes. I-at year it waa 10 mills. A man named Hendricks fdl from a scow into tho Willamette a few days sgo when found was f rosso stiff. Wm. Simpson and Frank Prins sold their entirs band of cattle at Prioevillo, consist ing of 1600 head, for 028 a head. The PrineviUe AVssw says Oeorge Bill took 8100.000 ia insurance in that oity. This was no doubt owimr'to tho uncertainty of life there. Scio people have boon completely bound in by the washing away of the Saotiam bridges, and on Wed nood sy had received no mail for several days, Brownsville is completely divided on count of having no bridge between the two parts of the villneo. It makes msttors rather doll there. Advertising should be regular, wo do not state this for our own benefit, bat for tbo advertisers generally. A business should keep his nams before tho public at al times whether times are lively or not. A man named W G Alloa was recently find $10 for cruelty to animals having loft his team out in the oold, without any food or cover from noon till the next morning at Prinevillc. Served him right. Wink at your girl in tho dark. You know what you are doing, but ao one else does. There are a few institutions in this county that might make the world think they are alive if they 'advertised, &e. Cent. It is claimed that there Is an immense body of ooal on theSilets reservation, whioh if it could be mined would prove of lues tlmable value te the Bay region. The land though Is In the possession of the Indians who hardly have the capacity tor appreoia tine: what real value ooal posses sea. If it only could be purcliased of them and pi a ced in tho hands of the white man with his pick in his hand, It would, no doubt, be a big thing for whoever would take held of It. Coal mining has proven quite an In dustry iu Washington .Territory, and there is no reason why it should not in this State. Kinc Btlbben Club The regular meeting of this club will be held at Y. P. C. A. Hail this (Friday) even ing, when a good program will he rendered Short ad dr oases will be delivered by Revs D Vf Cameron and 8 G Irvine, and other exer cises of an interesting nature will be provid ed. e SH 1LOH V1TAL1ZBR is what yon need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms of Dysf epsla PricelO and 75 rents per bottle. stoeirafsd Yhuiday evening the new Presbyter Ian Church wan o row d oil full, even the aisles being occupied, many being turned away ou aooeunt of n lack of room, The services were opened with a song by a quartet composed of Mr and Mrs J BWyatt, Mr Kinross and Miss Annie GrilUn, all of Portland. This as well as their singing throughout the en tire services wan excellently rendered. It ! rarely the case that we hear bet ter vocal music. Prayer was offered by Rev Llndsley, of the Portland Presby terian Church, n hymn was read by Hev D W Cameron and heartily Joined In by the whole congregation. Rev 8 G Irvine gave a scripture reading, which wm followed by another song by the quartet. The dedication sermon was then preached by Rev K H Geary, of Kugene, and was impressive and at tentively listened to. He chose for bis ton John X VI I-17. "Hanotiiy then through thy tr oth ; thy word Is truth.'' Another song was rendered by the quartet, and then Hev I H ( end it offer- ed the dedication prayer consecrating the church to the eervlees of God. A selo by Mr Kinross evoked considerable praise. He has a powerful bass voice, whioh le completely at his command. Hev Llndsley, of Portland, spoke In n fervent, eloquent strala, and was listen ed to with the closest attention. An other song waa followed by a short ad dress by Hev Berry, of Salons, who has made many friends In Albany by bis earneet manner and logical stylo In to rope reed with muslo were some point ed remarks by Rev go Irvine and a historical review of the ehnruh sines It was first proposed to build It by Rev I II Condi t it has cost a little over $3000, Is entirely out of debt aad only ewes for the lights and one stove, the payments on which dn not become due till the let of April. Other things will need to be added bat within ayear It la hoped by the members of the church to have everything f mplete. The exorcises were cloned with tbe do x elogy and benediction by Rev J W Hnllenbaufh. Cos Under the lew pnnsed at the last I .legisla ture appropale' log 86,000 tor the purpose ot erecting a nb bidder at tbo Oregon City falls Gov Moody has appointed Wei lane Baldwin of this oity as oossinteektaer to carry nut the objects of the bill. The object of the bill Is to erect suitable ladders at the Oregon City fails, which will enable the ash aad mora particularly caisson to get above the falls where the fish msy find places to lay and batch their yoong unmolested by the eoeao of nets that All the tower rivers. And also that peoplo above tho falls rosy to able tooo- cnetbasny catch fresh fish naarer to their own households. The law if it will work the object Intended will certainly be a good one. This, however, rwsnalas to bo looted by actual oaparienoa. "Usawtte.' A Stoeat Se4lrr The following in reference to Mr. J. S Thomas, who rcotiv died at Dayton, W. T., ws clip from the Journnt, as Mr. Thom as, was wall kaewa ie this county. "Mr. Thomas wss one of oar ebtaet, and moat re spected ci titans, and bis death which was somewhat saddca, will leave a vmd in the business community which cannot eaaily b. tilled. He leaves a wife and two children Ho ales loaves a large amount of property, funeral services wore hold at tho 0 P Church yesterday afternoon. Rev. J. C. Van Pattoo officiating. The church was crowded to its almost capacity with friends of tho deceased and the many aad countenances plaialy wed that his loss was keenly felt Msy his last sleep be his best." 2000 lbs. smoking and chewing tobsooo at east at Nolan's Cash Store. Barawins. Mian Mattie Allison, having purchased the stock of millinery good i lately owned by Mrs U Parrlah, now offers for sals the whole stock at bargains never before known in A 1 berry. Nicely trimmed sum mer hats at f 1 and upwards. Do not pur ehaae until yeu have called In person and bu what great bargains are to be had. All accounts due Mrs O Parrtsh as mil liner have been purchased by Miss AIM son, and thoae Indebted are hereby notifi ed to caul and settle at once or the accounts will be placed In the hands of an attorney for collection. Mrs Q Parriah will con tlnue dress making at tho old stand. liar gains ia genuine moerseliasm Nolan's Cash Store. - i e pipsc at f at A grand ball will be given In Farwell u.h.. ui.-ij lk itiv. tuu'i ....i i.. it iiwiii uiipi., a .u i nil, imi, mni wait . . . . ' TTV . is ucing gotten up unoer tne supervis- Ion or I) U Troutman and G S Farrow, uooii music iu auenuancr, a general invitation is ex tended to all Tickets including supper $2. free ef Cast II persons wishing to tost ths menu of a ureat reuien v one mat win positively cure Consumption .Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of tho Throat and Lain go are requested to call at roenay at Mason's Drug Store and get a Trial Bot- tio of Dr. King's Mew Discovery tor con sumption free of coot, which will show you what a regular dollar slse bottle will do. Ladies Has kid Cash Store. gloves st cost at Nolan 'a Wealed- Purchasers for the long lists of farms, stock ranches, and garden lands, wo have for sale We are offeriug some good bar gains. Rend for lists. Money to loan on long time. Burkhart Bros. Per aale. A ltalf interest in the Albany Soda Works and Grocery Store of Hoffman dt Joseph. For particulars inquire at the store. Good cassimere suits for $8,50 worth S12 at Nolan's Cash Store. jaTFor five cents, Walls, Richardson A Co., Burlington, Vt , will send colored - 1 A 1 f 'f M ..I I 11,..- samples oi an colors oi hmuuuuu with directions. 100 dos. assorted dress buttons at 5 cents a dos at Nolan's Cash Store. Letter LI nt. The toiiowinc is tbe list of letters remalAlng in tht Prut ornee. Alltaav. unn county, ore- iron, Feb. 8, UBS. Persons ealltint - tor these letters must give tho data on which they were advertised. Andersen, Mrs. Mary A. Deupy. Alios Erring. Dvld () Oearish. Henry Harris, Eldon M. Mamveti, Ullte Thomas, Agness (2) Thomas, Mrs. Marion Teters. Wm. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. awheel Be sort Following Is the report of the Public Schools of Al bany for the term ending Jan. 20, 1103, Prof J D Hobb's room Average number belonging, 27 11"; av daily attendance, 24 1-10 i av dally absence, 3 8 4o, No. re maining at date, 20 ; percent of attendance, 07 No. tardy, 0 j No. of oases, 18. Miss Visa M Kane'a room Av. No, be longing, 43 27 loo; ay dally attendance, 48 1-4, av dally absence. 1 21 -to ; No. re maining at date, 66 1 per cent of atten dance, 09.3 ; No. tardy, 0 ; No. of cases, 16, Miss Kmlly M TurrelPs room Av No, belonging, Go 6-8 ; av daily attendance, 48 1-4 ( av dally absence, 2 8 8 j No. re maining at date, 61 ; par cent of sttendanoo 00.2 ( No. tardy, 11 ; No. of eases, 18 ; 1 cose of punishment and 8 of suspension. Miss Nellie M Spark's room A v No. belonging, 67 0-2 j av dally attendance, 84 4-6 j av dally absence, 8 3-10 ; No. re maining at date, 71 ; per oent of atten dance, 00.4 1 No. tardy, 10 ; No. of oases, 16 ; 7 eaeee of punishment. Miss Minnie M Allison's room. A v No. belonging, bQ 15-10 j av daily attendance, 63 13-10 ; av dally absence, 8 2 10 ; No. re maiuing at date, 60 ; per cent of attendance 04.6 1 No. tardy, 6 j No. of cases, 6, Miss Rova Alexander's room. Av No, belonging, 42 2-1 ; av dal y attendance, 80 8-38 ; av dally absence, S 3 -34 ; No. re maining at date, 44 ; per oont of attendance 02 6 1 No. tardy, 1! ; No. ot cases, Si ; 3 of punishment. Klmer Bothers and Laura Porter, who eloped a week ago last Sunday, were brougtit here from Albany ou Thursday afternoon by Deputy HhertiT Lewis. Oa arriving here young Bothers was taken before Jostles Carlllo who issued the warrant, aud as Mr, Porter bad not yet returned from Junction, where be had gone la pursuit of the couple, the hearing was postponed until Monday at 10 o'clock. Bothers depo.ltlag $300 for his appearaaceat that time. He was on hand Monday morning, with bis at torney, J W Hay burn, but Mr Porter not appearing a further postponement was had until Tuesday. At this time, it probably seeming better, Inasmuch as the yeuog couple wre married when (band, that the matter should be dropp rd, the prosecution was withdrawn and Betbers discharged, the coats, amount ing to iH4.7. being charged to the prosecutor. Wo understand one of tLe conditions ef the arrangement Is that Bribers and his wife shall live apart for the period of one year l."i.irr. SWore and irtrr A handsome picture deewn by a special traveling artist now graces our sanctum. it represents two ceoea. The nrst is a candidate for election in Polk county be fore the day of election. Ho hi in bis glory, spread eagle sty le, and is saying : Follow citizens; 'The people of Ore- goo are tbo moat intol I ienl .people n the worm, ana i am an urogoniao. i r. The next Is ths same candidate after election, with his head down an I his fane long. lie Is saying : "The people ot Oregon are the biggest fools In the world, and I am an Oregon ton." Tboy toll the whale story. nummary of Meteerolcey fr Jan. ISM, from observation taken at Albany, Liaa Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Keq. HigSest Bar. 30.37 : lowest. 20.48 .t4. Highest Temperature, 36; lowest, 11 ,34. Prevailing winds, 8 4 N. Maximo to velocity force, 4. Total rainfall during month. 7.37 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or mere rem fell, 16. Number of davs of cloudiness, sversfte 8 in scale of 10. 19. Frost oa tho mornings of 1 to IS, 17 to 2), and 31. Ribbons, laces aad embroideries at cost at Nolan s Cash Store. Tne sis VV. lia.ii raAalvail t ..II ti ! i 1 1 ill front. j iseson the hers?, which we propone to giveaway to every subscriber paying In advance. If requested, whether per sonally, or by mall. Wo will sell tho book to others at the bottom price, rem bu ; If, ordered by mull postage Will be prepaid. Tht American CuUixvitor hM th f0uowlng te say of the treatise "Kendall's Treatise on the horse le a book of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully Illustrated, and containing an "index of uioeases," wnicn gives which the symptoms, cause and tbe beat treat- ment or oacn ; a tauie kivhiu an tne I , , , , , . . . principal drugs used tor the horse ordlu- doM effect, and M tidole when a poison - a table with an engraving u,v.,o luiws ee u eBt . w,tn tmm for "n8 100 & oi i ue norse ; u vaiuame wiwuuu ui l I. .. i.,t, I matlon.' Ia preparing copy for this book It was the aim of the author to make it as plain as possible for the non- uroiessivuei renuwre, ST . I I . .0 an 1 rm I a I la A T I urormatiou winan is oi tne grsatewL m a s a S- s as a I e- in nn lauur iaj uviwuichi uu jci nsr an tecnoicai terms s mutn n-. possible, and also condensing the ! k as much as possible without leaving a as s Htiai ak r asm t 1 ii i i it treating each subject Every farmer or horse-owner should owu one of these little books. Ladies cloaks, dolmans and ulsters less than cost, Nolan's Cash Store. Always a Holiday. It Is always a holiday at J. Oradwohl's. His stock is about tbe same tbe year round, and is something people alwsys want He has the biggest stock of baby carriages in the state outside of Portland, and has express wagons, etc., in abun dance. And for older people is tbo best French I ohln4 u tb- prO0eUlll earthen ware. His stock ot silver plated ware is being greatly admired and deserv edly so, for It is uncommonly fine. The handsomest kinds of vases are found here of the latest designs. Take Mr urau- wold's stock altogether and here is not a better selected one, with a view to the use ful and ornamental, in Linn county. Do not purchase before calling on him. Free, a Rimember if you want a book tell ing all about the disease of horses, and the remedy for snch diseases, yeu can obtain it lor tbo small sum of twenty- five cents. Send that amount to this i oflioe and we will send It postage paid. Or any subscriber who will pay all ar rearageb and $2.50 in advance on sub acriptlon will receive the book free. ""'BB''B, anas aeneaBanesawensneuBepanesas sw awmansnsanaseanssasssimaa A I s lea Letter- A letter from our correspondent at Un ion, dated the 5th eta tow that the thermom eter was 88 degrees below zero; at North Powder, It was 61 degrees below, spirit thermometer ; si Piles Cannon, six miles from Union, 62 degrees bebw; at La Grande, 37 degrees below. The result le that stock at dlflerent points is freezing to death, the worst place being Powder Hi v. or Valley, where the snow is three feet deep. The Sheriff of Baker county and party were out all night and came near freezing Into the next world, and the dri ver spent bis time singing "Home Sweet Home." Stock men nave to run all ever the Valley for feed for their stock. Bran and shorts are f 30 per ton ; barley and oats 3 cents per ponnd, and wheat f 1 60 per bushel, and there is not enough there to seed the ground In the spring. sBwasssaa at-eg as Slark Lissa. This is ths wsy the Jscksonville Time gets st it, and ss it is to the potntwe give it te our readers who owe far five or ton years subscription, aad never set as if tbey intend ed to pay it : "Pur-nsnt to announcement mads several weeks sgo, wo this week struck off the names of several delinquent subscri bers from our subscription list These have neglected or refused to pay the small sums they owed the flsaw ofilec, although given ample time snd opportunity to do so. Ws will continue freeing ourselves of these bar nacles as they appear. It is difficult to com prehend bow anybody can subscribe for s paper, dsliberatoly failing or never intond ng to psy for it, and then swindle the pnb 1 talicr who is kiad enough to trust them for s long period. Their names should be pub lished to the world as a warn in to all hottest -8is.w ' Exempts Is bet .or than precept." It is wall known I bat dyspepsia, bilious at tacks, headache aud many other 1.1s can only be cured by removing taetr cause. Kidney-Wort has been proved to ba the most off actual remedy for these, and for habitual ooeUvsnesa, which so alitcts mlilioaaof tbo American iwp!e. Bargains in ladies muslin, merino snsdiostsd soderwear at Nolan's Cash store A Caurd To all who are coffering from the errors and indiscretions of yentb, nervous weak- early decay, loss of maa)tod, etc , 1 will send a recipe that wdl cure you, r II KL OP CI I A BG fL This groat remedy was die covered by a mieaioaary in South America. Senti a self-addressed eovslope to the Rkv. Jusarn T. Julian D. New York City. Bargains ia ooroate aud bahnoral skirts at Nolan's Cash Store. Try it. "I like It bettor than any remedy I have ever used, because it leaven my bowels in better condition." Is ths remark mails by ovsryono when referring to Syrup of Fhm That is one of the principal reasons why 8 Fifn, U mkiug the place of all tbo nd astiseona aalhartu heretofore used. 1 ry h; Kasha y A Mason, Albany, Rector A on, Halaey 123 mens' and boys fine caseintere coats st gft and 84 each, worth from 87.50 to $10 at I Nclan's Cash Store. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. ThTOTICE OK PUBLIC LETTINOS so L LIC1TKO. Plana and specifications f urn tube' I on short notice. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. Th M KINO AND OVIXti 11 L AMOS, nasi mrnttnrre specialty All hnntinn within tne nlty pro iptly attended to. Will plow gardens iu first-el slylr. 18 28. . . ix ri s IIMIftOUK I V IlOlCSOme I Cheap ! ! ! THEP JRE APPLE JELLY PUT UP BY A. BLAKEK AT SHEDD, AND SOLD BY F. M. REOFIELD, ALBANY. DAVIS BROS., & WATTS, SHEDD KOONTZ & SAME, HALSEY. J. J. WHITNEY, . . , n if v. AblrUI'UBJ AUU UUUIifiOlleT AU nan i AND Solicitor in Chancery aioauv noenny ALU A NT , UntUUN, I wm nMiM n ih. rwnaSa f nnumn I vent uiswjsivu u vf-"- afcj alUjUlon given to Keal Estate and i Collecting UusitieaS Ollloe in OToole's Block. Administrator S JM O blC6. Notice is berebv given to all persons having: claims against the estate f W II Smith, deceased to present them with the proper vouchers witutn six mourns ironi tbe date of this notice to tbe undersigned at her residence two miles east of Lebanon in Linn county, Oregon. The undersign ed having been duly appointed by tho County Court of said L:uu county, ad - mlntstrstrix or ths estate or said w hi Smith, dtoeasnd. Dated this lath day of Deo 1882. Rhoda A. smith. Administrator. Hewitt A Bryant, Att'sfor Administrator. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE CONSTIPATION. rj-, other I'lrtm ia mo nraralent In tbla oooa-L Wtr-r aa OoasUsaiiaa. aad no ramedy Uaa ever! Soquallad the ecletavsted Kidney-Wort as al euro. Whstever the eaaae, however obattnata Bl Out oaae. tola remaOT wui ovoroomo it. Ml ids I B?0 THIS dlatreaaiasT ee ef rllata9a plaint la very apt to be g'mniifliUadwlthoourtlBauen! iwtdasy-wortl Utrcnftheas the weakened parts and quiofcbrl fljenros a'.l kinds of Piles evsn when physisiane! tilts- t3ZI you have cither oi theae trout npRicisi.i DEVINK DUSTINE On Jan. 31, 1881, in tbe viciuity of Waterloo, by Rev S I) (lager, Mr Cuas H Da v ink and Mus A Thkopoka DusrriNB all of Linn connnty. Albany sjarkrt Wheat 03c per bu-hai, st the mill, at the wsrehouses, V. Oats j) Beef on fot, ft laws Hay baled, 23fe26 per ton. koe, 18 to 20. Butler 20 to T ou per lb. Eggs 2a ewnbs pur doa Potatoes ojc per bushel. Pork 7 ots per lb. Veui oc per lb. Dried Pruft eon dried apples, 6c. " pinma, 8c. machine ewmed apples, ne. plume, 10. Bacons hams, 14 te 16c shoulders, 10 to 12a, sides. H to 16c. Lsrd l&eper lb. Flour, 6.60 per bid. Chickens 3.00 per do. Sugar San Pranclsc C, 12c. Mil! Kesd-brsn, 14.00 par ten. "Evil depositions are early shown.' Evil tendencies fa our systems ore to be wstcbod and guarded egnlnet, Tf yon find yourself getting billons, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, kidneys disor dered, symptoms ot plies tormenting you, take at once a few duces of Kidney- W orL It is natures great assistant. Use It as an advance-guard don't watt te gat down sick. Read adv'L POWDER Absolutely Pure. This !.:. r M( vsrWs. mnh Um I, assart welghLj stent ubij is eana, Kotaa ... N. T. BastsefW DOUBLE REAL BANC NETS AT MRS. A. E. MARTIN'S, ALSO HAIR WAVES, FRIZETTS, ETC. Administrator's Notice. Notice is barebv snvsn xnat tae ui tennd has been duly appointed adminis trator ef the estate of Johann F. Oehjenv bruns deceased, by an order of the County Court of Linn County, Orosjcsn. All person haviag claims ssastnat tne carets or said ; oases are nouned and reouired to present tbe name with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to the undersigned at his residence. February 1, 1883. Ukbb Parana. Administrator. Summons. la the Circuit Conrt of the .State OJ Oregon. for the commtn of Linn. II M Stone snd William . BU John, Piaintifla. vs. Summons. James T Keeton, John W Keeton, YY C Kaeton, and 1 P Keeton, rjefeodaata. To W.C Keeton. James T K swoon, John W Keeton aud K Y Keeton the defeodanto above named. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon and each of yon are hereby summoned and required to appear ha the above en titled Court and answer tbe com plaint or tbe plaintiffs in this suit by the nrst dsy of the next tegular term of said Court in and fur said Linn county in said State to le begun and bold on tne 1 2th dsy of March, lSa3, or judgment will be token against you for want of snch answer. You are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer the plaintiff's eosn plaint here in, the plaintiff's will apply to tbo Court for the relief demanded in the complaint to-wit : That the Court order and decree that the description of ths teal property contained bu the deed executed and de livered by the defendant W C Keeton te the defendants James T Keeton ami John W Keeton on tbe 7th day of May 1879, and also the description of tbe real property contained in the deed executed and de livered bv the defendants, James T Kee ton, John W Keeton snd E F Keeton to the plaintiff's herein on tbe Snd day of December 1SS0, be corrected so as te read as follows in each of said deeds : "Be ginning at the southwest corner ef tbe donation land claim of David Irvine and wife, notification No 2036 and claim No &6 in Tp 12, 8 R 4, W in Linn county Ore- gou and running ineooe nortn along tne went line of said claim SI 86-ISO chains ; thence east 31 89-100 chains ; thence south 31 85-100 chains ; thence west to the place of beginning," inatea lofthe respective de scriptions contained in said deeds and that plaintiffsrecover jtidaiineiitagNjnM the de fendants for their ousts and dibursinento herein and have snch other and further re lief ss shall seem proper to equity. Published by order of R P Boise, Judgo of said Court for six consecutive weeks which order bears date January 22d,188S. F1.1KN fc CHAMBKHLSIN. Ally's for PUTs. FOR SALE OR TRADK A valuable stock farm of 625 acres situa ted in Kilters gap 7 miles east of Lebanon with plenty of good hay and grain land in cultivation, together with fine pastures and springs to make it one of the bent rtook farms in Linn Co. Also ' 8 head of good young cattle and about 0 bead of hogs to sell with the farm. My price snd terms can not be beat, or I nlll exchange for a smaller amount of good farming land. Por particulars call on C. C. Jack son on the above named premises . Parties wishing; to see tho land can be d'reoted to it from Lebanon. FARMERS NOTICE. A. line lot or second, hand farming- imple ments for wale, in good order,ofthe bestmake and nearly new. 1 Marsh Self binder( wire). $150.00 1 ( hampioii mower 75.00 1 Sal key ilew an. 00 1 Hay rke (salkey) 30.00 1 Plaw 15 inch 18,00 1 Chieaffo Pitts Thresher and horse power,list pi-ice $750 350.00 I fieitner 25-00 1 Rolling harrow 25.00 2 Plain harrows 14 00 Call on Robert L Stevens, Albany, any day except Saturday, Snnday or Monday Terms Cash ftOYAi S sssrrd asperity Use eromerv uLds. sad csessot to s w eassoedssesi sssusMadee low tae am Co. ltd WsMh