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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITESirmiTTING. na or SUBSCRIPTION raw. In adranca.. Sj w ?r. y. v.. . . '. i . . . . it ALLEN & -O F ALBANY - An nv raceiriag their FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 Consist. ag of mo of the largest General Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ineiades all the latest styles and novelties. Oar stock is all fresh and new, aid mack of it was pare based in New York, and there is not one piece of old style goods in oar store. THE CLOTHING Contains oae of the largest and finest assortments of elotking and gents' finishing goods ever krongkt to this valley, and will he sold at prices tka defy competition, eitker'kere or elsewhere. We also keep a fnU line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, All of the heat quality and direct from the manufactures. We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, Pre isalso to be foaad at onr store a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ET C Oar motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on applieation. ALLEN Stab VOL.XVIII. MARTIN OREGON, laaeaM Stotk of and most roaiplete stock of in Albany. The DEPARTMENT our splendid selection of large and well-selected tt ck FOR ALL. & MARTIN, 5 7 First Street, Albany, Or i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U IXJMN. O. X. OUAMBBRLAIlf. KM NX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jaromoe In Foster's Brick Block.- vloulBtf. R.8. BTRAHAX, Albany, Oregon. 1 11 At Tl CK IN ALL TUB COURTS OF I. this mate. They give pedal atten lion to collection and probata matter. Office In Foster's new brlok. mt L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEpAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brings autre, let J. EL WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY f UULIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBKf , onr.o. UTILL PRACTICS IBf ALL Ttlt COURTS OF TI1K If tftaia aMoUlaieaUwacitrca towUMklMul iter. la Odd FsltoWt TMapta. (144 i. o. powbu, w. n. hii.tko POWELL & BLLYEU, vTTO H NEY8 AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, A Ml A MY. ... OKt-'CO. Collodions promptly made on all points. Loana negotiated on reaaonahle terms. mn-Offioa In Foater'e Brick.- nomlttt F. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OHEUO.. Will practice la all the eooru of the Bute. Prompt attenttoa iloto to collections, coo vejaaeea and ssarabuaUoa of TtUee. Probate a speciality, v E. K. SKIP WORTH, tnaugf aannmnmnmnsam at taw a sot au v TVBUC WI I.I. practice In all con rta of the State 7.11 business I u trusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofct in O' Tool,', Block, Brul3in Strut, toy! A aVuiy, Orseon. LEWIS STIMSON'S AND First class vehicles, fine horeee, good feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. (Jive then, a oall. Stablest near JKevere Uouee. OyL, E. W. LANGOCM & CO., Dttl CGIMT. Books, blatkmery sod Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Frieee. OITT DRUG- STORE, trt tiatlf.MIMI. FQ8HAY eft. MASON, ass aavasv Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OKKUOS. rtanflif LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrOampaan has purchased the brb shop formerly owned by J H furle, a will continue the business at the old pla and guarantee satisfaction to customer. REVERE HOUSE, Cornet 'lrt sad EUswsrtA Albany, Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This Mf HuM I. SttaU bp ta Srst daaa stria. TUm eoseesd wit th boat lbs market aSonia Sawta Bads in v7 Room. A ruud BsatSS Rotes tot Oosv Trsrslsis. Ceaeb leaaa Aioany Bath House. THK UNDKHSl'-NKD WOULD RI8PECT fatly inform ths eftissai of Albany aai si eiaity teat 1 have takea charge eftsis establish mant.and, by keeping, elsaa rooms sad parts stria t attention to baslasss, sspeets i salt si tkoas who atay favor us with tksir patreaage Baring keretofors carried ea as thing eat First-Cl ass Hair Or easing Saloons, xpteu to give stirs satisfaction to at mnChtldisa sod Ladiei' Hair sssUy os hse3suod. JOS WEBBER. - ; ! 1 O. O CHtRRT. C.R.PA RKK IRON WORKS. CHEERY & PARSES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, and are now prepared to handle ail klnda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Msohin-y,od all kinds of Iron and Rrmsa Casting. PATTSBM M4IMI OW HHOBT WOTHE, Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Shop ea Baker Sc. ffloe a Lumber VartL, Albany, Gr Dec 1, 1880. 18tf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, A NASAL INJKCTOBfras with each bottle of Shiloh ' Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Eigttte ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1883. CERDY. FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, tor and Headache, Fretted Foot and Bart, and all other Paint and Aches. Wo toMsrotfoe se isrta oqssk . Jkcnm , A. oojc, slssjits oad akmrnp BstOTMl sms a trtsl sefedk set Um nutiiim.iy 'Twit kss 2mm wJ vos.rig SOLD BT ALL DBU0OI8T8 AID DSALCBS IB HEDICIBfi. A vnriFrT.-pw jtr no M.. V. 0. Am A NOTAi HOT VapfSTUkb ...... U. U.... I . . A IKhmm of UrK Ljr.'fct a ns I I r1SVnU Iot. Im mJI hr. ShS i aaitafcaraaSk aSSaSktaassjiasaw O Jwlo hi'r Mt Ifct U.v "rw:td ;.rttpoi W,rfcUHsstUejWiUI ' i " ft-v. or luy M rtuwfnn IV. tltr X'c-tA ssssaai k a aeSkka f. food o4 o oS psrsMML 1 ka. pmoMll; latmiftMltiM slLeslo mats rf Uda On soousM of . r,n BwtU. M BweOMH ufad SI pasSsSksi (,., ;..,ru. l Um eovMry. OSSSr "It rati Uk a chan oiiu. It vtC v-jr sttrat Um orM torm f UJtiiw Of i!m Um. Irufrliaa, trra(-jkr smI pslafui Bawkaekaa : oaua Tf ,, Ikssaaaskal vi iiomuo, rwdiacs. an Bk ikaaaeak mj t aea t,wntt itoa) waoaKac4 U SJ1ri to taaMncoruf. It n nowln ..rry frUoM of lh sow Uo KSi iSjBa l'. n nuttt fa Wtrur anS f at Um.UfcL.. n4 Mi.iM weak I f OBTf a4i71 OCfacmVi tBtll III y , TW forUnj of bMVtef 4 tMrkat !m t alVkva tMlUMM. Il...uu:l:u.i.u.l oaoVw all obisssanssm or to UsnmMjr ttS im u that evm Um fowMtySn. lteotu oaly fi. tr botUaor aix for tX.uA m oot4 by SrnCytM- Aaj aSSMS nr;nlrodaa iefJMaMf th Man cf manf wtio have brm rotoml t twaJUkl r (M oaauf Um Vai4. r ompoqimI. awa t hit 1 nit ts Ljruo, Kmm. Bm IiessrlsisiofoaAtrsBsthUiisiii)issalk Sra, Ftakhoaa'a IJar Pttla," aajn cas writer. -ar SM bnf to fSo OMH4 for Um OSro of OoJOrttpalfcm, BBasayaa asd Torptduy of Um Mrwn Br Wood PsrUor works woodm is tts opoeisl Uoo ss4 144 tear to orfaaj Um Cowjfjcwjkd ta tta popajartty. All wo rospost ksr ss ss asgat of Merry wSooa sab riiMUon la to doguod lootboto. PS. 00 Ufa. A. it Jit. TUTTS PILLS TORPID LIVER. Lose of Appetite. Bowels costive. Pain In the Head, with a dull sensstlon In the bsck part. Pain under the BhmiMar btado. full neas after eating, with a disin clination to exertion cfbody or mind. Irrtsabilitv of temper. Low spirits, with ft feeling of haying neglected some duty. Weariness, Uiasioess, Flutterina at ths Heart, Dots bufore Che eyea. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right aye. Bast I ses noes, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION I TTJTT8 PI HA are ooporlsllyndopted to urh eaaea, one doso eltoi-ta nnch n ehaaga of foelina' as to aatoniah ttic aiiffaror. TUey laiM'iiasi ike Aopetllo. and cauar tho body to Toko on Flriii. thua tin- I IMaraiiro Oinna Bee-nlMr nioola are pr duosd. Prico guama. i Basray ajc uPt. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Obay H ais oa WirrsKirsa chanced to a Oummv lii.ACK by a Httislr application oft!): Lyk. Jtlui paru a natural color, aM InvtantaneotiAlv Hol'l by DrussMU. or aciit l.y exprewt on r-vtpi of tl. orpirc as xrnatAT kt- nx,v vork. Cr . TITT Bt III A L .t Tataasj. I,..ra..M, a.4 a CMfai SMalpto will u aaiMJ tUk aa ISi1li f I. ant by tu-ir TesMe At Mew on tho DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to this city and raanmod prac tleo. Offloo In new tslag'apb offloa, OToolo'i Bulldlnga, Broadalbin Btrssa, bstwswn Pirat and Sec ond atrnet. Albsay, Or., Hot. 8, ISM, BCTB pooplo are alwayio El tho lookout for uh ao Incraaao thoir oarainr. and in tlaaa bssasss wealthy ; throe who ds not fin pro re thoir opportuni ties remain in poverty. Ws offer great ohanoe to make money. We want many mn, women, bey and firla to work for ui right in their own looaiitlea. Any one can do ths work properly from the flrst tart. The buaineaa will pay more than ten time ordinary wages. Expensive outfit (urnUhod free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can ds vo a your whole Urns to ths work, or only your spare moments. Pull informrtion and all that is needed sent free. Address Srarso A Co., Portland, Maine. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00., OF LOHOOI. ESTABLISHED, . I). 1821. Capital subscribed, . 110,000,000 capital paid up '! eeaeee WfUWjWV ST AAA AAA Notk. This company baa tho largeat paid up capital ef rap any doing buaineaa la the United States. Insurance accepted by ROBT. A. F06TPB, Agt ef Albany. A week made at horns by the in dustrious. Beat business aow be fore the public, Capital not needed. We will start you. Hen. woman, boys and stria wanted ever where to work tor us.. Now is the time. You can work in spare time, or eive your whole Ume to the business. Nootner business will pay yon nearly as wall. No one can tail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money mado fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tncs A Co,, Augusta, Maine. I -X. sin PBTM AMD TBB OOW. While In Montreal I heard a story ar Sir Peter Mitchell, member of rarl lament for New Brunswick, of whom I spoke In a recent letter, lie was an opposition member during tho lamentable Government of Sir John Mackenzie In the last decade, and was a constant and moat uocomforta ble thorn In the side ef that unhappy premier. Sir John was a oonsplcuous railroad magnate, and Just before the opening of Parllemont one Winter, Bir Peter oaltod en him to Induce bin to pay $40 for a widow's cow that had been run evor by the ears "I don't believe there's anything la It," oxelalroed the premier perempt orily "It's probably a trumped-up case, but I'll Inquire, and you eel! to morrow." The gentleman from New Bruns wick was not used to being treated so cavalierly, but he pocketed It, and called In the mom lag. .a .Mi .a (A ' merra no justice In It. We wen t pay far the cow." broke In Sir John. yeu won't ; won't you W rejoin ed air Peter, with a manner quite aa bouncing aa that of the leader ef the Government. "Have you been there, or sent there and Investi gated it r "No, I haven't ; hat I won't pay for the cow. It's a mere trifle, and she ought to have kept off the track." "Don't tbelaw aay you shall have a fence f I4 won't pay for the cow, now i and that's all the answer you'll get" "You won't pay for the widow's cow ; won't you, Sir John Mack, eesle ? I will make yon pay far It," exclaimed Blr peter, now thoroughly aroused. 'You will ; you will I Mow will you r' growled the premier. "I'll take it out during the session, as sure aa yen are a living man The widow's $40 Isn't aay thing, Isn't t ? I'll take It out of you 1" It waa an Irishman against a Scotchman, ami both were angry. The aequoi proved that Sir 1'oter took It out of him very thoroughly. le Is a roued headed man, a hard worker, a pugnacious gejrf redoubts ble foe, an unforgiving enemy ; bold and elegant In debate, no dilettante, but a bard hitter, and some of hit onslaught were furious. If he bad not groat tact be had groat force, aod he never forgot the cow. In the speeches ho made every dsy against the measure and methods of the Gov ernment, thon under serious eusplc- on, be told tbe story of the cow and trotted her out with a frequency that must have seemed like cruelty to animals. Finally the laat day of the aoeslon dawned, and tne consideration of Mackenzie's expense budget was re sumed. It provided tho appropria tions for the coming year. Sir Peter Mitchell took the floor aod launched Into a euloerv of tho deceased cow and tho propriety or making an appropriation for tbe widow. He was greeted with laugh ter and mocking applause, and then his auditors waited uneasily for him to finish. He did not finish. He continued. He to'.d the story over again with embellishments and elab orations. He contrasted tho stine- Ineas of the wealthy ruler with the quiet endurance of the pennlles8 widow, fie began to read from the Bible the commands to mercy, Justice and charity, when the honorable members straggled out, one by one, to dinner. Sir Peter bit a biscuit, drank a swallow of water, and con tinued, impressing upon the empty chairs about hlra the tender duties and graces of humanity. Members straggled in again. He quoted the "Song of tbe Shirt. " They appealed to him to draw his remarks to a close. He told the story of the cow. Mean time Sir John Mackenzie was per. spiring with wrath and anxiety in the premier's apartment hard by. All his hopes were bound up In the appropriation budget. What if it should not come to a vote ! Tho honorable member from New Bruns wick could not be stopped, for this was the one bill In the Canadian Parliament on which a member could snea'c as long as he wished. There was no way of cutting short the debate. No motion waa in order. while ho was speaking, except the motion to adjourn and that would be adjournment sine die. The Gov eminent members were in consterna tion as the orator delivered n speech on the blessings of vaccination, gave statistics en the cost of fences In tbe United States, passed an elaborate encomium on the superiority for draft purposes of Devon cattle, to which class deceased domestic friend belonged, and then began to describe the religious ceremonies in which the sacred cow of Burmah takes part when the bell rang for vespers. A short time mora and thn na anion wnulti expire by law, and thft Government Bfnwrat had passed no appropriation bill ! At this critical Juncture one of the Government members returned ex citedly from the premier's rootrtj rushed to the orator's desk, and ex claimed t "In the name of God, what alia you, Mitchell ? What de you want P Still," aald Sir Peter, finishing the sentence he had on his Hps, not a cent has over been paid for the widow's cow !" The member uttered a vehement exclamation about that animal and added I 'Hit John Mackenzie authorises me to say that bo will pay for the cow If you'll let this bill como to a vote." Sir Poter eat down, rather tired, and the widow got her pay. The Government orgaos declared that the widow's cow cost $40,000. Her champion Is still known In Canada as Bismarck Mitchell, on account of his boldness and shrewdness) In out witting a cabinet and making him. aelf long the ad vise. In chief of a vacillating governor. tUianapotis SournaL rerciAB scssavB A grain of iron may be divided into four million parts, and gold may be beaten so fine that it will take 1,360, 000 leaves to make an inch In thickness. Taking tbe enumeration ef tbe people of France ia 1881 as a basis, M. Cber- via skews that tbe increase sines 1876 has been only twenty per 1000, while in England it was 145, sad in Germany so bigb as 574 per 1000. About 90 per cent, of tbe human body Ui wster. Bread is 46 per cent. wster j meat. 7 ; fish, II ; eggs, 21 ; potatoes, 75 , turnips, 90 ; anions, 88 ; cabbage, 89 ; boiled rice, 77 ; beets, 83 ; apples, 86 ; figs, 25 ; oranges, 80. It has been ebcerved that workers in a m a n a a copper wan absorb a considerable amount of dust from tbe metal, enjoy a quite general immunity from cholera, typhoid fever, and like complaints, while copper salts protect various mate rials from parasites. A ton of London sewage contains only three jiounds of solid matter, say oae pound of organic and two pounds of mineral constituents, the former yield ing lees thsn three ounces of ammonia. snd ths Utter hslf an ounce of phos phoric scid and 11 ounces potash. Hence in a ton of such town sewage there i oaly about five ounces of foatii- ising matter. A French scientist, explaining why fiah eaten in .Holland are superior to those eaten ia Frauee, ssys that tbe Dutch fishermen kill their fish as sdba ae taken from tbe water by making a slight longitudinal incision under tbe tail with a very sharp instrument. The French fishermen, on the contrary, al- ew their fish to die slowly, and this alow death softens the tissues and ren ders them more liable to undergo change. Naturalists will be interested in earning teat a doe having home, so prominent and well developed as to give it all the apnea ranee ef a buck at a distance, has just been killed in a wood nssr Aachen, or Aix la Cuapelle, in Rhenish Prussia. It is wsll known that eld deea shew rudiments ef boras but scarcely, if ever, of such a siss aa to emulate those of the mam. Ia this in stance tbe longer of tbe horns was nine. teen centimeters in length. A fire baloon has been made in which the lower part is constructed of asbestos cloth, while the upper part ia covered ith a fireproof solution. A spirit lamp is used to supply the hot atr for inflating it, and, being fireproof, them is no risk, as with ordinary hot-air bal loons. The system is said to be espec ially valuable for war balloons, as a sup ply of spirits can be easily carried where it would be difficult to take the applt ances for preparing gas. As to mimicry the giraffe hat the meat astonishing power of any animal, aaya Dr. H. W. Mitchell. Inhabiting, as it does, tho forest of Africa, and feed ing upon boughs of trees, its great site makes it a most conspicuous object. Its meat dreaded enemiee are tbe stealthy lion and man. In tbe legions it most frequents are many dead and blasted trunks of trees, snd its mimicry is such that tbe most practised eye has failed to distinguish a giraffe from a tree trunk, or a tree trunk from a giraffe. It has even been said that a lion has looked long and earnestly at a giraffe, in doubt whether it was a tree or not, and thea skulked away. The St. Louis (Mo.) Poelr-DispaAck at the olose of a long article says : Ia fact St. Jacobs Oil is pushing all other remedies out of the field, and, excellent though some of the liniments, formerly offered are. the efficacv of St. Jacobs w- r r m w Oil is magical ia cases of sciatica, rheu raatism, pleurisy, neuralgia, nervous headache, lumbago and scores of other disorders ; while in the case ef sprains, burns or injuries it is an absolute pana cea, and for general use it is better than he advice of many nhvsicians. "A. . m e w word to the wise is sufficient." I Ecvnt became a Roman province 30 vears B. 0 NO 28 CHESS COLUII. On Jan. 10 we commenced a regular obese tournament to constat of IB prob lems, one to be published each week until tbe tourney is completed. Mr. a A. DVane,of Jsfferson of fers tbe following prizes for eolation of problems in this toutnej : Te any person solving all of tbe 10 problems, a prize ef 100 blank chess diagrams. To tbe one solving tho next largest, num ber, 75 blank obess diagrams, and 50 te tbe next highest. When to or mora are tied ia tbe number ef solutions, then tbe prise will tie swsrded to tbe one who furnishes tbe neatest and moat plainly written solutions. All solu tions must be sent ia wtlbin three weeks from tbe date of tbe paper con aining the problem, ezoept tbe solution to problem No- 10 which will be re quired to be sent in within two weeks from date of issue containing it. Problems for tbe tourney will be far niahed by S. A. DeVaney, Jefferson. TO U I: sky raooLKX no. 4. White Five pieces K at K K 3 g at K It 7 K at Q B 5 P at K Kt 2 Pat K Kt 5 Black Six pieces K at K It 4 Bat K 4 Patgs P at K B5 P at K Kt 2 P at K Kt 3 White to play and mate ia two moves. soumojr. Tourney problem No. 2, J E Kirk patriek. Dr. J. E. K la oar issue of 26 inst., speaking of your solution te No. 5, we meant to ssy "Kt takes pawa," as a key, would result in mate in two moves, hence tbe problem is unsound. BAAe. The Lower House of the Missouri Legislature contains forty attorneys aad fourteen editors. There have been 2400 divorces de creed ia Maine Oaring five years, mak. tng a ratio of one separation in ten marriages. Toe girl stn leats in tbe Experimen tal Kitchen of the Iowa Agricultural College learn tbe philosophy ss well as the practice ef cooking. Tbe Indian schools at Hampton aod Carlisle are to be visited by Bed Cloud, wbo has come east for that put pose, snd is now in Washington. It is said that the Prince of Wales is naturally ie favor of putting Long fellow's bust in tbe Abbey, although be has never read bis poetry, because he ie always in favor of a bust. Out ef a family of tweatyfoor chil dren, Abd-el-Kadar baa ouly eleven surviving, aad his second son has lately arrived in Palis from Damascus to ttn dsrgo an operation for cataract. A Christmas present from the Chinese minister to Mrs. Frellcshuf sen was a gilded cage of artificial singing birds, which are life-site, with real feathers, and delude many by their warbling. Rosa It. Wrnana, of Baltimore has moved into bis $500,000 manrien, which 200 men have been a year in building. It is seventy-five feet square, five stotieo high, and looks like a French chateau. Miss Alice Stanwood, eldest daugh ter of ex -Secretary Blaine, is engaged te marry Col. John J. Coppinger, of the United States army, and it is thought thst wedding gifts will be in erder in February. Capt, Mayne Raid's farm of sixty acres in Herefordshire is bis hobby ,sad gives htm a fine living ; he still re ceivesan income from his boys' books. Owing to the re-opening of a wound re ceived in Mexico, he is obliged to walk on crutches. Don Carloa, for so long a pretender to ths Spanish throne, is a man of tow. ering stature and soldierly bearing ; he baa large, dark, sympstbelio eyes, spesks with a great deal of gesture, and is decidedly a leader of men. His wife, Dona Margarita, is a mistress of Eng lish. The combined wealth of the mem bers of the Califcrnia Senate is shout $20,000,000. Tbe Senate is oompoead of four editors, eight farmers, one min er, four capitalists, two merchants, five mechanics, one contractor, one physi cian, oae viticulturist and fourteen lawyers. The Duke of Buooleugh.altbougb one nf the moat liberal and considerate of English landlords, has now seven farms aggregating 2400 acres, vacant on his Northern ntonsh ire estate. Ther are "jiTh'il all ia excellent order and well situated. Certainly this is significant of bad times among English farmers. The sidereal charts on which Dr. C. H. F. Peters, director uf the Litcfc field Observatory of Hamilton College, has been working for twenty-two years have just been completed, snd ho has presented a set te every observatory, te the lead in astronomers and to the members of the Board of Trustee! of Hamilton College, as a Christmas gift. Semiramu is tho only queen men tioned in the royal records of Assyria. AoveaTiatae ratbs. T raT I la I la I fat fyr 1 loch 1 00 200 100 400 IBB 760 10 00 1ft 00 300 BOO 800 12 00 2 " 5 00 00 700 000 1200 IB 00 20 00 700 1000 12 50 16 00 1800 25 00 4000 It 0B 1600 1800 BS 00 BOOB 4000 B0 00 IB OB ttot Sf 00 BftOB 48 00 BBOB 100 OS 3 " 4 special" bosrfr notices in brim ts cents per line notions 10 cents par line. Regular local For legal and transient advertisement ft OS par square for the flrst liissilloa and 50 cents par square for each anbaeqneot Insertion. pun uii BT A f LAIV CHAP. A colo axAr. Everything is saapped this Friday morning by a cold wave not very eon genial to the tastes of the Webfoot. A old blixzsrd seems ea much out of place hero as a warm day would at the North pole. It ia a terrible institution because it acmes se suddenly that it has aa by tho neck before we can get a tippet and in consequence the first thins: we know we have tho frigid sons in onr throat and boaHa talking as if we bad lest our moioor-in-law. And then again ase bow it puts its sharp pointed nippers huo the poor wheat and drags the golden seed hate the open atmos phere, to the farmers dieeomfitnre, for tbe way we da farming ia Oregon, it is, "no wheat, do money." And again it sees te aaiaaiag the beads of tbe young people aad they get oat their skates, and seeing a thin film OB the water, pat them en and with a eh ear go off into tho water, aad if it wasn't thst it is gsnssilly only knee deep the andoctakor wwaid as have a job. But on tho other band tbe cold saap is very timaiy. The river at a terrible rase aad waa fwee at Harriaburg, with its feee turned toward Albany. The snap took it by tbe aeee ae that whan it reached this city tbanab it ail net walk very straight it had coaled off con siderably and behaved itself very well We eaa moat always by banting find goad mixed up with the bad, aad tana it is that cold bx cease have their good aad evil rides. Hew eery sufgeetivo is the cold snap that hies the Willam ette. At the farthest it never mercury maoh below tan degree sero, but, whew how ia aoca go through our bones ; we are not need te it, there's the point. Ia tho east tho mer cury, dodges down to 30 below and the cold ia not fists much mora there than here. We can net ieaagias each a thing as 30 BBBJBBBB below sera at AW bany. But what a spectacle each an occurrence would present. Little imps would skate in tho channels of our art teries, and icicles weald hang frees our noses, molasses barrels would solid, and sugar would change into aod ice. We would light our bet with kerosene icicles, and take our hot coffee solid. We would capture ear conversations ia congealed lumps and pack them in eaw duet for future di vorce oaa so aad breach of promise suits. Picture to yourself if yoar imagination is great, a sewing si role en each aa eo caaioa just before its eloae. fan goesip of tbe members has fr guee aad hangs in from their mouths ae ea te ho read ate glance. Artist oou Id not hero fingers daft enough to paint the aoaae. It would not be possible tor such things te occur ia other plaess bat in this beautiful valley where tho thermometer keeps many degrees above sera each would certainly be the result. Let us hope that it will never occur. r acts a an saws. A Chicago couple have fifty grand children. Chicago, with a population of 600,- 000, has 444 policemen. There are thirty female dents in Washington. About $7,000,000 worth of are worn in this country every year. Texas has about $1,000,000 lying idle in her Treasury waiting for bonds to msture. There are 2,000 yonng men being traiaed for the ministry in the United States. Ia oae shoe factory in Lynn are thirty women who are all divorced wives. A woman living near Ksboks, Mo., has only one eye, and that is in the middle of her forehead. The smallest plant is the Artie rasp. berry. A six ounce vial will hold the whole, brauches and leaves. Welvne are eo numerous in Natchi toches, La., that poison is put oat for the purpose of killing them. There have been 2,400 divorcee de creed in Maine during five years, ma king a ratio of one separation in tea marriages. Tbe eeaeus printing ordered in Coo grass in 1882, independent of that for the bureau, and not yet done, will cost $678,624. actios van tc. In our family of ten for over two years Parker's Qinger Tenia has cured headache, malaria and other complaints so satisfactorily that we are in excellent health and no ex- , , . .. irii a ! pense for doctors or other tnediciner. Chronicle A sweet potato four feet long aad aa average circumference of seven and a half inches has been raised io Marion County, Ky. w w w ar