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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT 1 em0crat ADVSBTMritO SATS. 1 it 3m Pflw j lyr ISSUKD EVERY FRIDAY 1 loch 2 i 4 " flights 100 S0 600 800 If 00 200 6 00 7 00 1200 ISO 200 600 1000 1600 22 Ot 400 700 1260 1800 27 08 600 800 1600 2680 8680 7 60 12 00 1800 8000 48 00 1000 1500 2600 4800 8800 lft 00 j 20 00 j 4888 8000 108 88 STITES & KITTING. Col Ut?aSB OR M Rle trawml WRMS Off SUBSCRIPTION riiMRMW 7ir, ii Steele sofw, ttiw Mthi J laCM aasiW w nines 2a cents per line. notices 10 cents per line. For leeal and transit ant ndvi VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26. 1883. NO 36 ft 00 per snuare Cor the first insm-tinei sand AO cents per square for each subsequent insertion. ALLEN & -OF ALBANY - An wmeiTitg their FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Oaainisg f f t largest General Merchandise Ever .fered f.r aal. DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes ill the latest styles ana aovelties. Oar stock is all fresh and lew, aad asBca of it was aareaased ia New York, aad there is not to piece of old style goods ia oar stare- THE CLOTHING Contains one af the largest aad finest assortments of eletaiag aad gents' furnishing goods ever brought to this valley, aad will be sold at prices tha defy competition, either here or elsewhere. Wo also keep a fall line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, Mi f the beat quality aad We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, er e is also to be fonnd at oar store GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ET C Onr motto is ONE PRICE Samples seat by mail free, en application. MARTIN OREGON, ! Siatk af aid Best raaialrtr tttek af i Albany. Tie DEPARTMENT direct from the manufactures. oar splendid selection of a large aad well-sele t d ifi cl o FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, Flrfet Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u rum. o. a. chamrrrlair. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jsroffleo in Foster's Brick Block.- lSnlfttf. U.S. 8TKAHAN, Albany, Oregon. ERACTICE IN ALL THJE COURTS OK this State. Thoy give special atten to collection and probate matter. Uffloe la Foster's mw brick. 481 L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEAT law. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Ollta npaUalra, over John Brigs store, 1st street. rHuBStf T. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY FURUCJ iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBA WW ORR-OS. 1T1LL PtACTICK IN ALL THK COURTS OR TUB IT State. SfMMtat at tent ten gives te oullsctioae and protista pi.t tar te Odd FeUsWa TssspW. H.t 1. c Powell. w. k. rilyrv POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aad Solicitors ia Chaacerv, A LB AMY. ... OKKUOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jerOmce In Foster's Brick.-ma vlenlfcf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OBKQOft. Will preetio In all the court of the Prompt all alien given to eollectiona vera ease and esamwiaUoa ot TUlee. Pi eon- Protaate a speciality. CiKOKtiB W. BAKNC., ATTORNEY AT LAW AHI Notary Public, Collection promptly made on ail points. E. K. SKI J'WOKTI I, ATTOHRaTY AS at SftRtan AT LAW ARB) SOT ART rt BAM. W ILL practice hi alt court of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. 2!r in O' Toole a Block, BroodoBti Strtmt, Albany, Oreeem. LEWIS STIMSON'S IIVEBY AID PEED STABLE. First class ven teles. One horses, good socom modeling- proprietors id rea- sonable eharaea. lie eharges. dive them a call. Stables near Kevere House. 8yl. E. W. LANGDON & CO., UltlCiCilMTA. Books, aiatlonery and TofleA Artioles, A Large Stoat and Low Price. OIT Y DETJO STORK, yi tut sr. oatxos. F08HAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEGON. tioaiitf CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCsmpesu bss parchssed the brb shop formerly owned by J II 8urle, a will continue the business at the old pla sod guarantee sstiafsotloa to customers. REVERE HOUSE, ttiwt mm aRferwetta Altwer. Chaa- Pfeiffcr, Prop'r Thl. ww Hotel l INUd op In Snt elam nty): snSed wHfc tetetthi awU agufdc ssea ia evwy Boies. A ffosd sunpte Emms Tabte Boon for , Trmrilart. SBHRfsa reecb te i Aioany Bath House. rpaa UKDER.SI 3NBD WOULD RESPECT felly ' aform the eiussas of Albeay sad ri etaitvtaet I RsTCtaksDehsrgs of this EaUblUh sent, and, by seeping eieas roomi toe peyis trietetteetlee te saslssM, espeete u rait si tboae who msj fsror us with their patronage Harts g heretofore osrried os nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, aspeett to glre eatlre atUfsetios to si RrCr'ldien end Led lot' Uiir seefly OS bWood JOS WEBBER. 1883. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Thl rxifHi'w l'tiriiiU U h rum combination of liter tur, art, ami Uvbion. IU turloa, poems, and y re by tb best writer of Kurofte end America ; its L-nyrsvinics a ones, the highest artistic excellence ; and in all matters iwrteinlng to fashion it is univer- sally acknowledged to be the leading authority in the Is ml. The new volume will contain many br many brill ant novelties. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Tear t Ilsrper'i Magazine Harper's Weekly Harner'i Bumr ...... ... 4 00 ft.! Mate ewe 4 00 4 00 The three above pbUicatlous ....... ijHftti .... 10 00 Any two above named . , Harper's Young People. llarjters Magaslne 7 OT I &0 00 Harper's Young People ) Harper'a Franklin Square Library, One year (52 Numheia) 10 00 Postage free to all mlmcribert hi the Unite States or Canada. The Volumes of the "Basar" begin with the first number for January of each year. Whan no Urns is Mentioned, It will be understood that the eubecri ber wishes to orassteonoa with the number next after thr- receipt of order. The last Kour Annual Volumes of "Harper Basar," In neat cloth blurting, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), ior s.wj per vomme. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding, win h unt hv " tinttn t I a ,.Int . J tn nn " J i 1 1 1 , v.u . n' r Rarnlttances should be made by Post-Office Money wruBr or man, mi avvra cnanet Of RMS. Newspaper are not to eo. (Jus advertise ment without the express p of Hunter tt ftretben. Address HARPER t BROTHERS, New York. mm INM RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quint, Sort Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burnt and Scads, Conoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Haadaeho, Frosted foot and Ears, and ail other Paint and Aches. Ra fMHiSM am asftR lasala Sr. Jacass On m a .-, .r, timmlm so sAeeji Rairiu-i K-r A total sauna bot dM asasssrstlfii 'tt vvttur rf 48 Oasts; ai4 sea .aSrrir.. lttt fmio am sat Wsy as pmtU pnwf ut u COLD BT ALL DBD0O18T8 AID DEALER IV BEDICIBB. A.VOGELER&CO, nttimr, MA, V. M. X. xWyaCSs- S LYPIA E. PINKHAM'i VSGZTABLZ COMPOUND. A Mr Cere tW all FEStALX tKAta SIMHKH, lacJeesea larrrivara. lr- aa4 Palstfel Heeetiseileei aad t'lewrsulen ef Fleedteei FUO- I.AtMCM rTRRI, eVe. X to lb. taa. aateaotess sl taawa lit aassR-rt. it isagiailbifsjai ssegesiuy. aa4 i . tessfsaa eartae laser aad at ntakr tmtU,4. reiawiats rsa rr assrassrsnn rr rsutr. rrf aia waaaoa of tn. gnati srw ef eRhsf eseyW a ssess4 to no wasatiy that hat t.r , al f'.r a:i !L.t- . t;-, S ts tea Oraaiirf teW - tte SWUL rJraLIDXKT COM PUt Lf T af tttther Seat find Ureat Belief ta Its Use. A B-WKKMAsrw RLoeo ftuirtrv aesas uaa wOfs eS,aa t asaaarvaUoeaU resnRs esSMCaatxtaau. are iwrad at an aad as Western Aw-aM, U). n Sa rrteaofartaar.St. x batttea fbr SV Tha Cwaa.r isasnt ayssaR ta tea form of sal km. or or loatorw.. . rinstet ef pnea, ft par boa for atthrr. Mr. rteStaw freely an tetra of inquiry, damp, saad for pasapsbt Mmuum u t-rt rai rmifi I mm frua est Cntati ika. Ulteaasaul Torpaxty of ten Li' r. si Id Rr all 0rs)aTteta.-.a (t) TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOM OF A TORPID LIVER. Lose of Apoetlte, Bowels eostiwe. Plata ta tha Heedj with a dull sensation in the beok pari. Pain under the Shoulder oiaae, luunsee alter eating, wtta s disin clination to exertion of bodr or mind. Irritability of temcer. Low snirita. with n aoeiing oi naming nog, dm? . Weariness, Diaslneaa, Fluttering at the eart, DoU before toe eyes. Yellow Skin. eadaohe aanarallv over the ria-ht aa xteatieeaness, wun nuui areoms, Qlghlr colored Urine, and COWSTIPATION. TUTT FILLS are apr-tHJIy ndaptrd t snrh eases, one dose c dose cc u aurh n change natonieh the sufferer, the Appetite, and can the Stash, thus th system Is y tii.-ir Toatir ArUcss on th of feeling as to nstonish the sufferer. ruey ism bodr to Ti wirkhll and , sure wntana. Mreulnr etemla are pi Price Jk wilts. 91 a may ro- r. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Osar HAinoa Whik ma chanced toaQiossr Buses; by aanclepiil!ciit!oniif thin lvs. Him parte a natural color, nets f tismnluneoualr. Hold by Druggists, or seat by xprs on receipt of II. OFFICE, SS SVIISIAY aT., NEaV YORK. CB. Ttmi Si at 41. af Talaati. Hfrraialtea aa4 SasM Ssasteaa tW at saWa Uag aa appianaUSe n r vi aure ihvsi , ' w Physician and Surgeon. BIAS RETURNED to this city and resumed nrao- I ttee. Office In new teleg-aph office, OToole's BeJMingt, Broadalbin itrret, between Flrwt and Re ood .treat. Albany, Or., Uov. 8, 1882, iieoole are alwayto W S mmmm eaaaaW MSaaiSa ane lOOKOUt lor CI oes to increase their earnings, and In time ben wealthy ; those who ds not improve their ointorti ties remain in poverty. We oSer a great clianc tne lookout for onan time become unl irrsat chance to make mone girii to work for us right in their own tonalities. Any ey. we want many men, women, ooys and one can no tne work projxiriy irom tne nrst start. The business will pay mors than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can do -vo s your whole time to the work, or only your (pare motaente. Pull tnfonarttoa and all that is needed sent free. Address Srufsox A Co., Portland, Maine. QUA1MAN ASSURANCE 00., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital gubacribed, f 10,000,000 capital paid up 5,000,000 Nora., This company has Iho largest paid up capital ef mpany doing business la the United States. Insurance accepted by Rajrrr. A. Fostpr, At of Albany. A week mads at home by the in duewkus. Best business now be fore thc public, Capital not needed . Wo will it art you. Ilea, women, boss and giria wanted every when te work fur us.. Mow a the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole Urns to the bad esse Mootaer business will pay you nearly as well, no one u ia.ii to make enorraoufi pay, by en gaging at once, coativ outfit and terms free. Mom made fast, easily, and honorably. Addrees Tare Co., Augusta, Mains. z VWOMAW CAnVHLAIJH Of OmWlh I.VDI MSJ .lu4l lu-4. at the awsjaRsSa WARBIftiiTvR LRTTKH 1 From oar Rage tor Perries wndtsts.l Washinuton, Jsn. 6, 1883. The psAsage ol the Civil Service bit by Ute House was an agreeable surprise to a few millians of peopls, and a bitter dissppointSRBt ta a faw scores of Goo graasaisn who bad prepared speeebeB on the subject, and who now mourn over their uorecited siorjusnco. The bill not whet it should be ; ii is not thor ough, it does not go to the root of the tvil, but it stuck s its little branches sad twigs, aid let ua be thsnkful for smsll favors until we are able to demand reform ia a more imperious way Real reform uadsr an ffwmfRRiioal Data ooratis Rdmioiatrstion will moan the re duction by half of the force aad ex ense of civil serviee esUblishmsnt, and a business, instead of s political, administration of the purely busim sffsirs of the United Btstes, Until this ideal is reached doctrinaires aad asati mentsItsU will continue to write, and sgitate, snd vote, until the Coakling's and Cameron's and Maaene's are fur ther eliminated, and, no matter bow grsac msy ue toe eon tempt oi tne so I . W .L. . . M - . called practical politicians for the doo- trinsirea end sentimentalists, a reading between the Unas ef history will sbw that the latter hare bad their way ia the long ran. President Arthur will no doubt sign tha civil service bill, and it will become a law. Among the most brilliant sneerers st civil servioa reform ia Mr. Frank Hstton, editor of the National Itejmb- lican, and assistant Postmaster Ganeral of the Uaited KUtee. H is paper makes the prediction that the commissioners to be sppointed under the bill will "sell and mart" the offices for gold, and that additioa, division, and silence e ill b the chief recommends lion far piece, rather than the qualifications of com potency and booeaty. New since Mr. Attbur bss recommend"! ibe p swags of a civil service rt-fortu bit), and mi ace its measures will to a urtnt stent de- pend upon the high cilice which Mr. Hstton holds for their faithful epj.Si a- tien, the President should remove Mr. Hstton and give bis piece to some one more in eooord with his policy, with Congress, and with pabHe seuiimeet. By ao doing tho President would U no than consistent with bis mrsssbI action in removing officials in this city for tbeir sympathy with the Star Route thieves. The Civil Service bill has been the general topic of conversation smeng the clerks whom it msy sflect throughout the several departments. Dy some it bclsimedtbat the provisions of the bill will not be strictly enforced, even if it should become a law. Others sav thst the frame rs of the bill are diaait- pointed at its success. There ate a certain class of employes, however, who have been la the public service so long thst tbey bare become utterly unfitted for any ether business. The latter are greatly excited at the prospect ef being thrown out ia the cold world and having their plsoea filled by oollego students. Msnv of them aay they would purler to contribute yearly to a campaign lund than be corn tailed to submit to s com petitive exam iaalioa. A communication from the Secre tary of the Navy was yesterdsy laid be fore tha Senate, containing recommen dations for the construction of a steel cruiser, of about 4,000 tons displace ment, to ooat, it is estimated, $1,516.- 854 ; three steel cruisers of about 2,500 tons displscement, to ooat each, estimat ed, $1,031,225 ; one iron dispatch boat, or fast clipper, of about 1,200 tons dis- plseement, to ooat, estimated, $460,000, and one cruising torpedo b-jat, to ooat $38,000. The first touch of sectionalism that has disturbed the present session of Congress obtruded Itself in the Souato debate yesterday upon the Fitt John Porter bill. It was a abort duration, however, and did not provoke the sav age taunts, jeers, and rejoinders which wore wont to mark Congressional dis cussions when the feeling engendered by the rebellion were stirred again into activity. Ia fact, the introduction of sectionalism yesterday only served to show bow absolutely dead is that apirit which once swayed the opposing sides of Congress and caused a whirlwind of ex citement whenever introduced or ap pealed to. eiea. FOI'l LAB RCISRCB. Some English chemists and sanitary reformers have started a movement to make bread from the entire grain of wheat, and not from the inner portion onlv. The movement has the support of the first physiologist of the day. Diamonds, A. B. Griffiths considers, had been formed by the action of high ly heated water or water gas, aided by great pressure, on the carbonaceous matter or fossils in the sedimentary rocks, followed by cooling and conse quent deposition ef carbon in the crys tallino condition. The first law in the history of France authorizing privateering ap peared in 1400. loro statios iraas. Lova Statiob, Jan. 17th, 1883. YAitort Democrat : Being as you have ao regular corres pondent from this plaot, I thought per haps a few lines would be acceptable to your valuable paper. The weather baa been stormy for the psst few dsys though Rt present tbe sky is clear and tbe ground frozen. Fall wheat looks better this winter thsn it has for several years. Tbe ducks and gaese are not as bad as usa al. The whistle of the little Narrow Gauge engine, which made its first rag ular trip yesterday, cheered tbe hearts of some ef oar farmers who have grain ia tbe warebouee at this place, to ship. Tbe school near this plsce under the care ef Prof. J. D. Wirtabougb, (Dist. No. 17,) is in a fine condition, some of bis scholars intend to teas an examina tion in the spring, under tbe Sept. for tbe purpose ef securing a certificate te toaeb. Prof. Wtrtebough bss a fine reputation ss a teacher. There is oonflidersble sick nam in this icinity. Pneumonia fever encms to be the geeersl oomplsint. The I. O. O. T. Lxlge st Her y Orange ta in a fine condition, J. Powell ia W. C. T. and be wields tbe msllet in a very graceful manner. Mr. Clay Mardman of this vicinity baa gene te Portland where be intends to oomplete bis course of study in book keeping. Clay and his brother Frank intend going into the mercantile baaf- next fall. "Mother rumor" has it thst Frank intends forming a co-partnership with some fallow in Lebanon, by joining "Holy bonds in Himbaehe" is ir so Frank t Coaatderable interest is being mani fested in tbe bop business in this vicini ty. Dr. Klerooder bss tbe largest ysrd in tbe community. Lewie Stratoff and wife two old pi- oncers of Oregon, are now living ia a "rode bat" near the banks of the San -tiam, ia tbe lowest decree of povertv Sf W Thoa. ! Wallace a farmer student of Hantiam Academy and one of Leb anon's most asteomod young men, baa returned to this place where be intends to engage in farming with bis father. Tom looks well behind the plow and it e ia hoped tbet be will remain in this vicinity. Just before closing our items the news cams to us Inst Samuel Hsrd msn sn old pioneer of Oregon living in this neighborhood wss dead, tbe partic ulars of tbe case we did not learn. Tna Mkrmaidk.v. T N RR A lCt TIC ARB) OrSaRSWIAR. Footes Journal ef Health ma tea the following rocorninondatlous : Try popcorn for nausea. Try cranberries for malaria. Try a sun-bath for rheumatism. Try ginger ale for stomach cramps. Try clam broth for a weak stom ach. Try cranberry poultice for ory slelas. Try gurgling lagor hour for cure ofhore throat Try swallowing saliva when troub led with sour stomach. Try eating fresh radiihes and yellow turnip for gravel. Try eating onions and horseradish to relieve dropsical swelling. Try buttermilk for removal ef freckles, tan, and butternut stains. Try the croup-tippet when a child is likely to be troubled In that way. Try hot flannel ever the seat af neuralgic pain, and renew frequent ly. Try taking codlivor oil In tomato catsup If yon want to make It pala table. Try snurang powdered borax up the nostrils for catarrh "cold In the bead." Try taking a nap In the afternoon if you are coiner to be out late in the evening. Try hard cider a wlneglassful three times a day for ague and rheumatism. Try breathing the fumes of turpen tine or carbolic acid (o relieve whoop- log cough. Try a cloth wrung out from cold water put about the neck at night for sore throat. Try an extra pair of stockings outside of your shoes when traveling In cold weather. Try walking with your hands behind you If you find yourself be coming bent forward. Try a allk handkerchief over the face when obliged to go against cold, piercing wind. Try planting sunflowers in yoar garden if compelled to live In malarial neighborhood. ADKUCIOl'S That ensures digestion and enjoy ment ef food ; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervons ; a harmless diarrhea cure that don't const! pete just what every family needs Parker' s Ginger Tonic TEMPERANCE DEPAETMEIT. rditko by rum CliriHiaB TeBtBeraaee Uiei WiaUI'i President JF. If. S sely in en address before tie Massachusetts Prohibitory Convention said : When say people comes to feel that tbe right depends upon tbe statutes and can be made or unmade by acts of legislature or Voters of a common-wealth, and that what is wrong csn be turned into right by a license or sny thing else, then the vigors snd purity of thst people's moral life bsve began to decay. I bold, tberofore, thst prohibition in this matter is wise ststemaaship aa well as sound ethics, snd wbile I do not anticipate an imaea diate victory from tbe use af thill weap on, nor an ultimate victory if wa do not employ other weapons also ; while I do not believe that prohibition alone will stop the sale of strong drink sny more thsn it will stop tbe prevalence of gambling, or of theft, er any other crime, I would mske it dear by statute, l.i :. : : i ,l. i ,v wessnwno ... inn inn- gunge vi tne greet rmgiian nisissmsn now leading the Govern moot of the r . L . ... i l at t i British Empire, "It is the duty of Gov ernment to make it as hard aa possible for man to go wrong, aad aa easy aa possible for him to go right." Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage says, "No party Las ever risen into pewor so rapidly as the prohibition party is now rising. Tbe anti-slavery party came out from under the mountains of seem and contempt to take tbe Presidential chair and both Houses of Congress ; but tbe prohibition party, if yon will watch the statistic, ia coming with four times the celerity." He advocates a national prohibition movement so thst the stronger States on this matter can help the weaker States. Women of Oregon arouse, there ie temperance work for you, "of the worst foea that woman has bad to encounter, wioe stands at tbe bead. The so- - A petite for strong drink in men has polled the lives of more women, ruined more hopes for them, brought to them more shsme, sorrow, snd hardship, than any other evil that exists. Tbe coun try numbers thousands ct women who are widows to-day, and sit in hopeless n sods, because tbeir loved ones have been slsin by strong drink. There are already thirty-six bnsnchea of the W. C. T. U. in Dakota. CHESS COLUMit On Jan. 10 we commenced a regular tournament te consist of 19 prob- m one to be published each week until tbe tourney is completed. Mr. S. A. DoVaney, of Jefferson of- ere tbe following prizes for solution of problems in this tourney : To any lersou solving all of tbe 10 problems, a prise of 100 blank chess iiiagrama. To the one solving tho next largest num ber, 75 blank chess diagrams, and 5D to tbe next highest. When to or more are tied in tbe number of solutions, tbsn tbe prize will be awarded to the one who furnishes the neatest and most plainly written solutions. All solu tion must be sent in within three weeks from tbe date of the paper con taining the problom, except th solution to problem No. 10 which will be re quired to be Rent in within two weeks from date of issue containing it. Problems for tbe tourney will be fur nished by 8. A. DeVaney, Jefferson. TOURS KY PROBLEM SO- 2. White Black K at K 4 R at K R 2 Bat K Kt 4 KtatKBl Kt at K Kt G P at K B 4 and mate in K at K 8 Rat Q Hi R at Q Kt 6 B at Q R 8 B at Q B 4 Kt at K B 4 White to play two moves. Solutions of problems heretofore pub- lished. Sad, solves No. 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Dr. J. E. Kirjiatrick, No. 2, 8, 5, 8, 9. J. Nat H. No. 7, 8. J. B. No. 1. K. N. T. No. 1. A. Binding No. 8. Dr. J. E. K. Your solution of No. 5 mates. Kt takes P also maves. Hence the problem U not sound. If a problem is in fact a three incver snd vour antagonist nlavs weak and you mate in two moves it U legitimate, unless it is specially provided in nroblem that von must avoid that the a - suit. "No eye like the master's eyo." Had Mop lived in our day he might well have added, "No popular cura tive like Kidney-Wort." All eyes are beginning to turn to it for relief from diseases ef the liver, bowels, and kidneys. Kidney-Wort is nature's remedy for them all. Those that cannot prepare the' dry can now pro cure it In liquid farm of any druggist. At the marriage in New York af Mr. George Do Forest and the Mexitma beauty, Miss Anita Hargous, 60 00 rose buds were used in the floral decorations. FUJI T'ALK RT A FLAIR CHAP. WKXRTURO AOAIR. Some people think women should whistle end some do not. A good ns tured correspond sat jo one of the latter, and bare is what be thinks about tbe matter ; Plain Ctap : I nstised sn article ia the Democrat of Jaa. 5th, headed, "Plata talk, on plain subjects, by a plain chap. ' Whist ling. w In this article the writer sd vises women to learn the art of whistling. 1 object to this as it is un natural for a women to be a wbasimr. We see at very early lite the meie cbtU (sometimes ia the cradle) whistling, wbereaa the female child baa ao desire to. And also the birds the Raale is gift ed as a whistling bird, net so with the Old maids may ejaculate that tkev would rmlber listen to a wkiatlW I 9 whis lies' saea The of this is, tbey have bean whistled east to the gate eo often and then left teeie s martyr aaesioaaam. lev whistling man ie a nuisance to It has always beea aonsidsred a bad omen far any ef tbe female sex te be come a whistler. Foolish people same times say very true things, if they have said that "whistling maids aad f using hens always come to some bad end' there is some truth ia it- For we knew that a ben always crowing wants to be a rooster, snd a woman always whist ling with her hair parted en one side, Good Lord deliver us I I once knew a woman who would occasionally take great pleasure in whistling, aad just aa sure as that whistling spall came en there would he a terrible "blow-eat'' for the next two weeks. van in man it baa beea reasarked, whan a man is always whistling in a low tana he is meditating evil. Once a lady going to Church on Sunday, was fallowed by her poodle dog, snd she could net drive it back home. She mat a maa somewhat a intoxicate!. She te-ld him to whistle sad call tbe dog and take it home, and she would give him a shilling. He said no, no ! I cannot do it, its a great sin to whistle on Sunday. I wenld not advise any young lady to learn the art ef whistling, unless it wan to est a good example before the world. As an old Scotch Minister onoe told hie people never to call anyone a liar, and if they heard anyone lying never to call thesa a liar, but te whistle. So tha Minister was preaching one Sunday on the loavee and a tew ems II fishes feed- ng ao many tseoasawil people. Ue la bored very hard to prove the miracle to the congregation, but be theughl they were not believing him, ao he said brethren, the loavee ia those days were not like tbe loaves new-a-days. They were large like that hill out there, pointing his finger to the Oaltoa HLH Edinburgh. (A hill some thing like Peterson's Butte.) A saaa about the middle of the Church whistled load. The preacher stepped and said : "Who ie that that calL me a liar I ' liow a lew voice replied : "Willie Gray, the baker." "Well Willie, why do yon eali me a liarf "Mr. John I don't call vou a iar, but I just wanted to knew what kind of ovens those loaves were baked tnr J.'J. FlX LAY SO?'. n I STORK' A L Seridom ended in France iu 1779, in Hanover in 1831 and in Prussia in 1810. The Persians were accustomed to place fire altars on the tops of their house, which hsd fist roofs. There were twenty-two oracles ef Apollo In different parts of Greece. Tho most famous was at Delphi In 1760 the various religious socie ties of the United States protested against the use of alcoholic beverages at funerals. Under eld European law the crew and passengers ef wrecked vessels could be imprisoned and enslaved, their property reverting to the lord of the coast or to the crown. During the reign of Henry IV., which lasted eighteen years, 4,000 French gentlemen perished In the duel, and the king gave 14,000 par dons to those who had broken the law by duelling. The Roman Emperor Varans was burned ative in 378 by the Ootbs. He was wounded in a battle fought near Adrianople, and sought refuge In a pessant's hut, to which the savages set fire. The last trial for witchcraft In Bel gium took place in 1815, and tn 1836 the people of Bela, near Dantzic, bent aa old woman to death, because she proved hereself a sorceress by rising twice when they plunged her into the sen. Among the Romans of the first and second centuries were certain societies called 6'olleyto, the members of which took their meals in common, and by regular payments prepared a fund for their burial and for festival-