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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1883)
FARMS FOR SALE -BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following is & partial list : 170 acres tone and a half miles west o Taugcnt, Oregon, and 6 miles from Albany. 86 acres In cultivation ; 40 acres more can ba put in cultivation easily; balance good tun ber ana pasture land, sou, rich black prairie. Uood house and barn, good board fence, all In good repair ; young orchard of 100 trees; good wen and running stream for stock ; good school, church and pest office good neighbor hood and rood socl oty. Terms 30 per acre ; $2,000 down, on easy terms. 280 acres on Nariow Gauge road, It mHcs from Albany and 5 miles from Scu, ninl 7X miles from Jefferson. 1 15 acres good farrainc land. 75 acres in cultivation; re mainder in timer and brush; house 18x2s, with 16 t walls, ell 16x28 ; good barn 22x34 wi th 14 foot shod on one side; good fences and water. Terms $3500, cash down if possible. Rather than net sell will take jyono down, ana balance on 2 to S years tuna, secured by mortgage. 190 acres of mile west of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation r nd 98 acres oak and ash timber, wood woo J land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and Vi bad ; about 7 acres in orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-storv frame house, plastered, G rooms, built in 1S7S, and cost $2000; good barn, 28x40 and two sheds; well arranged for farm purines. Terms, 18000, 2 years time on $5000. 180 acres IX miles west of Tangent; 100 eras in cultivation; all new laud, clean and in good order; goo1 two story house, 8 roosBs, nearly new and in good condi tion; good new bam 30x36; line young orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, feu apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water; 20 acres of good timber; rich, black soil and very productive. Price 15250, K cash and balance on time. 100 acres ene and a halt miles northeast of Albany; 15 acres in wheat, rest in fair average; woodland; good land; nearly fenced. Price $25 acre; terms easy. 300 sores 1 mile southeast of Soda Springs; fair farm ins ; small house; 300 acres fenced. Will be sold in small tracts or all together, good school, church and post-office at Soda v ills, also the Soda Spring. Price $0 per acre; easy terms. 80 acres IK miles above Oaeatta, on Ya quina Bay, known as the old shipyard. It has asplendid frontage on the llay. and will be said at $11 per acre. 200 acres, lying witl in o mile of Mon roe. Benton county. Al " under fence and divided into five fields. 'All good farm land and half in grain. Uood house and barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. It is one of the best farms in that section ef the valley. Price 25 per acre $1000 or $1500 down and balance on time 202X acres lying 5 miles north-east or Harrisburg and 1 mile east or Muddy Station ail under fence? 180 acres in culti vation, balance in pasture, but meet of it can be put incultiration. Ia stofV bouse, barnf good water, etc., 1 mile to school. 123 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent. 75 acres in cultivation and all under fence, 25 seres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of $100. House, barn, splendid water. A fine young orchard. Price, $30 per acre. 483 acres in Center Precinct S miles from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres Sa cultivation. Uood IX story house, wood house, barn, and splendid water and tine orchard. All under fence. Price $15 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. All under fence, uuJl orchard, no buildings; 50 acres has been cultivated, but it is all now used as pas ture. Price $10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, sll under fence. ISO acres in cultivation. Large li4 story frame house, good barn, several outbuild in rs, orchard and good water. i-nce, p m per acre. 9AO seres of land :n Marion county OVfO miles from Busna Vwta and seven miles from Jefferson. 80 acres in cultivation and balance iu light brush anp timber. House, barn and good orchard. r touring mm within 2 milea. Enough wood can be sold st the pottery works at nuena v ista to pay lor the farm. (JaJl on u. rl .'Stewart, at Albany. The Great English Reme dy. liaa oaver failin? cure for rvuua Ix-Ulity, SetninaJ wcasaeaa, Exhausted Vi ItaJity, BpLtifutorrtaa. ItbmWT SaXSMS, In. poteacy, Paraiyato, and all item tle tSecta (4 Sell lAbuac, youthful folJk.-a,aid aea in mat urcr Ttai raoen as ioaa or Memory ILasaitrtde, Kmiarion, Aver lsuu M Society. Imitriuwo ViaioD,Xoiac In the Ilcatl las vital said paastn imobac-rved into the urine, and many other? dtoeaaea leading to insanity and death. asst. allSTIE wiU agree to forfeit tire aadred aaaiiars tor a cae of Uua kind the Ital Kratora - - . . . . i . f . a . . . . rvruiiucr ma ajecuu auv-ice atm ireatiiu.-at J will no: cure or Vjt anything impure or injurious found ir. it. Ir. Mintie treats all private dtoeaaea iracceasfully mercurj. consuiiaiion tree. I h r' itfh ex amtoatKin and advice including anahlUof urine. $5 Prtoeof Vital Kestoratire, 8:1 a bottle, or four timea the quantity f 10, sent to any addree uw.n reeirfpt price orij. O. D, obscure mm observation and in i.ri ate if desired, by DK. A. K. MI.NT1K, 11 Kearney Sample o-t:k- frc. " S H on ajjpilcaUoh by etter siaiuifr rytn,m, x afKl .e. ttiiiiitiiii''.ti.rfir nncuy coi.&deutiai. Ir, lIuiNes Kmnev Remedr, N-riiri um, cures au aiiuisi.i KuiiMtyaiKl WmUltr,v.nnb.i.a jri. i-.ii-n.rrl.On t -r aale l,y ill insiata, 21 a ,-. M- i.r : '.nil!,;, lor v... tf m'- . UiiHlelioti Pills r the t,. ... A eitran i 1 4i fl aiMl rBIM .tire Is t.; luall.ct. For sale ii diiitftiKi'.. NERVOUS DBoILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. TTXR. E.C. VVKsT'S N KKVR AM) hHMS TkRAT- jw iiieriv a a,cUlc lor Mygter.a, Inzinena, Con yutoion, .Nervous Headache, Mental lAepression Loss of Memory, bpennatorlinea. Imiioteucy, In voluntary emissions, premature old ajfe, caused by over-exertion, seif-abiise or oaw.lnaHitoeace, which leads to mlaery, decay ami death. Oae Uix will cure reent illness. Each lxx contain one month's vreaunem ; one dollar a Ux, or uix boxes for Ave uuiiars; sent, oy mail prefwud on receipt of price ve guarantee mx boxes to cure any case. Witn a reeeivefl by u for six boxea, aceempanied u.c .lonitin, we win hena me purcuaser our wntteu guarantee to return the money If the treat- meniaoM not cnect a cure. Guarantees iiued only by . WOODAED, CI. AKKRA CO. wholesale and Retail Druggists,, Oregon. VaUB xjj jn,aii ic'uiar JTce. Br. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEAKNY HT. Treats all Cbraalr anil portal BfsenscN. YOUNG MEN W?MAw UK KI 1TKB1M; FKOM THE effet of youthful folii!s or huiscretion, will do well to avail themsel ves of this, tbegreatest boon vw lakl at the altar of suffering humanity, fjjt SPIXNEY will guarantee to forfeit fSOOfor every case Seroinale weakness or private disease of any kind or cansoter which he undertakes and failg to cure. MISsEE-ACHE MEJT. There are many at the age of thirty-fivejtorixty who are troubied with tio frerpient evacuation 'of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account lor. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found nd sometimes small particles, of albumen will appear ,r the color win he of a thin mllkish hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. 8. IS guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Ormcs I lot; an 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sundays from 0 toll a, n. Consultation tree. Thorough exminatisr and advice. t&. .For Pvate diseases of short rtanding s full coarse of,adtoin e sufficient for a cure, with all inxtructtoiis, will be s.t to any address on receipt of $10 00. Call atm address, DK- aPIWXEY A ., 71:12 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, Nervons Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. TIIK OHEAT NKKP Tll"si: HAVE who ar aiifferina- from SRXUAL AND NKUVOVS txiMPbAlNTM la a pliysiciau who can comprehend their ailment and successfully treat them The gSBSMl practitioner to not uHMnittl skilled in those class of trouble to do ao, and It must bo toft to the aueelallat. who by education, kM MM lice, thorough knowledge and compn 'In uUi mm. I, in prepare! to cure mem. DO. J. 0 tot ti Opened hi now celebrated I tistltut In IS'.O for the iiur)xiaw ot afford in tr the afflicted the certainty of houurald and skillful treatment and perfect and permanent restoration, and for aver Wi tear It hae sustained the first rank not only up. m this toast but throughout the dvtllved world. Ism aware that lf dwelling upon unluvltiuira subject as the decay of sexual vigor the Ignorant may asperse my atotlv bit the desire to Inform those who are suffer! n- throuiih Ignorance, and who by carelessness or want of knowledge that a eureoan be had, are not only hurrying themselves to an untimely grave, but ittviug sexual weakness a an inheritance to future gcneratloue, la too great an liicouilvo to ixruut me to be aileut. ajrsaptaat. If you are sufferiiur from night loss, nervousness, waakneaaea, confusion of mind, alight losses when under .m Itmeut, variable temper, trembling, palpi tation, flushes. Sc., or if you save irartled self abuse even In the slightest artlcular you are auffsr- itur from the Knrnty ef Masssa Life. Dread And khoutd n. a hesitate to seek at once health and happines In a cure. cIrks UUAKANTF.KP. FKE8 MODKKATK CONSULTATION UV LKTr'sUl OH OTIIKKW1SK Free. Exelaalvely Vegetable Kraiedtrs taed. O- LADIIM You are es?cUlly liable to auffcritif from nervloua rotraUoti. All your eoullar sum plaints are nervous In their org In and hence your suffering are terribly depressing- or uicxprcaaibly keen.' The Uoctor In his researches and ractice of uervuua troubles haa made your organisation a aaxiai tudy ami la tbua enabled from hla expert ence and knowledge to aid and cure you In any of the trouble, weakness, distressing ud ruffe ring to hich aa a sex you are liable. asYou will Bad Is the Doctor a friend upon whom you can reply tor comfort, aid and cure Ir Yaaaa'a arena! Krmrulra have at tained a rviKtlaUon for eltkictw uuLiualed inciicine, or medical preecnpliuu tnr .i u .- r m . ,j any iffcrvxl. imj can oe erni i,y null or etpreaa. mnae Oamrlnv pcraoiuU care ami att. ran have all noccaaary acvumuxKiatiooa (urnubcit. - O Lrllrra. Thoae ahssnS not tUit the dty ran by trWlng Uiclr )nutoaia In their own way. rvooivc advice. and when aealred, trcaUoeitt at huine with every aa aurance f a cure. LrTTrUi eJEniaHsM) ill KKimtOYKb. Add rem, lr J. C. I01.. Medlral tn.iituir, No. : MliM-Moa St San FrancLato, Feb. 21. ISS NTISELL 10000 Piano, 1-000 Oraana. nji . PIANOS ORGANS ". Batcr laHalimvata. AlfTISELL. MCAUTH. ASK. t Klrfeaa'a Coldrn ttal.nm I ftrt ami snili ataffes ; Sora Curea (liancvra. n Hm Ug ami Uody ; hyphiliac i tarrali. d cased Scalp, and all January forms of Uk uiksw. Price. SV'jO mx UotUe. Lr Rirbaa's 6ldrn KalsasM Mo. t. Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, SyphihUc llhnnitm. Pains in the Bonea, t'tccntrd Tbnat, MypbtllUt BasS, Lianps. etc., and eradicate all duee from the lyatem, whetOcr cauaetl by Uad treat BaSSf or aboaa ! merrtt.7, lealK Ute blojd pure and beaJthv. Priee.a.'-.o'i per Mis Lr Blrfcaa's Coldra Kpaatab tnlldot for the cure 4 Utti bo-a, Ulcct, etc. Price, ti-M per bottle. Lr Blraaa'a Coldra Spaalab laJrrUaa. swash for cure of Uk--l, Stricturca, Inai-aae of the I rethra and IQaiHcr, ot. . price, 81. to r ituttle. Lr Klrbaa'a .olilra Otntrarat for the effective healinc; g SphibUc Sure aiul Krup siooa. Price, St. On per IV iti. Also Agent (or Lr Ktrhaa'a Celdr a ritfa, tm weaLncaa, kwaof h Meal power, and all li..a arianx from al.irw and eX'Xa oi oar-.rk. Price, SU.0U ir Box. Sent every here, C O. I)., securely !rkd pe Sssssa r. RKNlRlli A t o. Agrala. 4'7 a Ml bauaonie street. Corner t K , San Frafusm, Cal. THE DISSEMINATOR. i'ahlished every Saturday at IIarriburg tlrcgon, S. S.XR.AI3ST,Witor ft Praprisut; Terms $2.00 pcraanaot. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A valuable stock farm of aerei situa ted in Hitters gap 7 mites eat of Lebanon with plenty of good bay and irraiu laml in cultivation, together with line tiantureH and springs to make it one of the best toek far nn in Linn Co. Also 0 b'-ad of cood young: cattle nm aljout 40 l.'al of hoga so sell with she farm. My pri'-c and terms can not be beat, or I ill exchange for :t smaller amount of icood farming land. Korparticalara call on 0. C. Jark aon on tho above named pasmiMCK . Tarties winning to sre thb Isnd can be dirpftcd to t from Lebanon. 9w3 Inntni ta, aad to cam- totnnra rrf laat Tr wtthmit rit it contains about 176 pages, 600 iOastntions. prices, accurate oesenpnons ana Taiaaue (Urecuons tor ptantins IfiOO rartetles of Vetratabta sad Flower Heed. Plants, Fruit Trees, , esc inn In valuable to all. esoec wujr w aiaj-aci uaraenera, eena ior n 1 iauy 10 Maraet uaiA D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MlOH. PATENTS Obtained, anil all other busiiyiss In the L. H. I'aUnt OHict altndederl U tor tuluraU: feci. Our office is opposite the L'. K. Patent Office, ami we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Kend niodlo ordrawimr. We ailvise as to tat:nt ability free of charge ; and SsSSu no chargu uiiletsi we obtain patent. We refer here, to the MttSsBStisT. the Sunt. f Money Order Iiv. and U officials -A the L' . S. I'atcut tttmtt Por circular, ail vice, terms, and referemses to actual clients In your own State or county, uddrcsx, C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Putent Office, Washington, D. C. TrTseT" I sball kfjeo the vorv best brands of lio- uors to be fennJ in (oe (market, and will sell at retail oric 4 lso the BEST CIGARS AWB TOBAC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will also sell real estate, merchandise tim in i,ii3 viiy or uoutiiy r,l'-,rI'nosite waaswavi Buurtr't SpaJCe FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and speedy core for Nervous Debility and Weak. TV,.. OI Vitality and Vigor, oranjrerilre- suit of inriiaftml-. Lion, work, etc., Orer forty thousand pout exesss, over- tire cures.) sar oeao ioeior d laa far nrnfuo. on trial hoi nf ion nlll. i,i..- trial ir.M. DrM. W. BAWNorroiarOt' aad Oaihoua Place, Ohicaoo, Tt-tV Ad awekinyourovntown. Terms r)Jr and $5, outfit free. Address IL aiLjstt & Co.. Portland, Maine. h OlSt win ne mailed nrw tn all innHmi W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KIN PH. The Celebrated Baker Gun. Kither doubla barrel, shot gun or threo barrel two shot and one rifle. AlsoHharpi, Remington, Mallard, Thte nix, and Marl In Magazine Hides. Also a large stock of English, German and American brooch-loading idiot guns. Full stock of Revolvers, Pistols Cutlery, FiahingTaukle of all kinds, and Aunmi niUoa oi all kinda. A full stock of Davis Hewing Machines the best In the market. Also full stock of sowing machine noodles of all kinds and machine oil. I make a specialty of repairing lire -arms aud sewing machines. I to member that I cannot be undersold In the State. SMITH & McCartney, SI rcKSSOKS TO McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals. Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., Froman's Block, Albany, Or. tionn a-iai-iitlljv- I M I :i IM'll li 1 v 01 nislit W. H. GOLTRA DRALKR IN Farm Machinery, WAC0NS, HACKS, BUC CIE8, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, VI GOODiS, '. ' CfTEHItY. t'.K.J'A It UK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY 9 PARKES, (Mucoessors to C. 0. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEWHHOPS ALL oomnlntsd, end are now prepared to handln ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Ku-am En (fines. Grist and Saw Mid Machinery, and ail kinds of Iron and brass Casting. PATTEKXS M4DK SMOKT MITII K. Special attention given to repairing all kmds of machinery. Will also manttfso ture the irnproverl L'herry A White Grain Separator. Shop Baker M. ootrr a Lassber Ysnl. Albany, Or., Dee. 1, 1880. 18tf By buying at dealers' prices. ' We will sell you any article for family or per sonal use , in any quantity at Wholesale Price. Whatever yon want, send for our catalogue ( free) and you will find it there. We carry in stock ths largest variety of goods in the United States. Montgomery Ward ft Co. 7 ft 29 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB4.XY, OB. Th First Term ending on Thurs day, November 10th, 18S2. For particulars crmcernintr the courses ol study aad the prion ot tuition, awl- to Ur.v. i i.iu.itT . ( OMiiT . r rMaainr 1883. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGES SUITED TO BOYS AND GIRLS OF FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. ol. IV. eoiiiiitenreM November :. 1HM3. Tiki "Vonnjj People" has been from the Srat n-. MfnNwyiind-anticipuUon.-N. Y. "KvenlnK Hi,"' It has a distinct purpose, to which it steaill.r ad erufi that, namely, of suytplantlnir the vlclou'x par era for the younir with a paper more ;.UnwUv-, as Well as more wholesrnno. ''iiiNiton Joariial." i'or nuatiiess, eletptnce of eii((raviiiK, and contait&c jreneraliy, it is tmsurfMumed hy any ptililicatlon oft kind yet brought to our natlce,--"litulmr!j tlaetta;," TERMS. UAItrKR'S YOU1C4 PK0PLK, ) ler tear, Poatage Prepall. f IMJt Single numbers, Four Cents each . Kpecinien copy sent on receipt of Three Cents The Volumes of "Harper's Youmf People" for CAM 1 arm isaz, nanosoineiy bound in llluininated CsmIL, win he sent by mai!, postsge prepaid, on reecaaD o- $3.G0each. Cover for ''Young People" for 1883, 25 cents ; po3tso, 13 cents additonal. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Dianas Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Ncwmapem are not to cojuj thin mlwriitr- witliout tfie exnrtmi order of Harrier & IJrotbers. Address, HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. FRIDAY J AN VAUY 19, 1883 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. KDITKIi BY TIIM Chrlitlta Temperaaec Unieo Women' TKPKttSli SPKK4 H AT A IT. Uocontly the freeholders nsMooablotl In tho new extension of the county Jell, Pitenon, Mow Jersey, to cole brato the oxpendlturoof $80,000 for that purpose, end to partake of a ban quet provided by the offlceri of tho board and tho cotractora. After drinking a number of teaata, Judge Woodruff offered aa a volunteer toast, "Tho Temperance Cause," and callod upon W. U. II. Bertram to respond, which ho did aa folio wa : "Qentlemoo : I thank yeu lor thla Invitation, and 1 rocogniao Its fitness. You have assembled to cele brate the enlargement of thla Jail, rendered necessary by tho uao of strong drink, In which you aro ao freely Indulging this day. Down atalrs the cella and corridors aro crowded with criminals who have but changed places. A low years age they were respected cltlaena, some of them occupying as rosponsl ble positions aa thoao filled by your selves ; but they commenced aa yeu have commenced, and they continued as many ef you are continuing, and to-day they are reaping the harvest In a career of crime, and paying tho penalty with a period of punish ment." At thla moment another bottle wa opened, and Mr. Bart ram aald "I hear the popplog of tho cork. I liaten to the merry voices and the praises you era singing to the infern al apirlt of wine ; but there comes to me the sad refrain, from the pris oner's ceil, who Is aheddlng peolteo tlal tears ever hla folly, and accom panied by tho still sadder wall of anguish uttered by Uie broken -hoar ted wife, worse than widowed through he traffic In atrong drink, which, as a Judge In one of your courta aald, la the great promotive of crime,' a traffic licensed by your voles, and sustained by tho patronage you are thla day giving It. It la with Inex pressible sadness that I discover that there can be found In Passaic County so many men with hearts so hardened, feeling so calloused, sensibilities so blunted, that in a place like this, under circumstances liko these, they dare raise to their lips that which uYpraves tho citizen and ondangcrs the State." "Thanking you, gentlemen, for this unexpected privilege, I take my eat, fully conscious that you will never again call on mo under similar (-irvuraitancee." .SefWto. raoniKiTio wtSTKBv Our hearts were mado aad last week ty aeeing tho president and vice -president of a Gospel Temper, anco organization In a village In New Jersey Intoxicated. For years the former has been an active worker in the Gospel Temperance cause and a prominent member of tho Methodist church ; the Utter was a "brand plucked from the burning" through the instrumentality of his companion. Scores ef young men, too, havo been aaved by their active efforts. Yet, to our astonishment, Li an evil hour, they had yielded to temptation, and stood before us lacking sufficient wit to feel their shame. A visit to New York hud proved how frail was their fiower to resist an appetite they ont o thought was conquered, ilow the rum element of that quiet New Jersey town must have exulted aa the president of the Temperance or ganization reeled through the stroets to the homo of his GoU-fuarin pa rents, who fir yeurs had boon satisfied that their son whs a thoroughly re formed man ! He told us It should never happen again, and remarked. "A man who has once been u drunk ard Is never safe !" What thoso poor unfortunate men need is prohibition. Will the readers of this article in the States of Now York and New Jersey, do their part to secure that great blessing ? We do not give any names and only wish wo had never aeon the men In the condition described. N. a Y. Witness. STOP A WHILE.' There is In Africa a thorn called "Stop-a-while." Jf a person once gets caught in it it Is with difficulty .1 . t t A t tnat ne escapes wuu his ciotnes on his back, for every attempt to loosen ono part only hooks moro firmly another part. The man that gets caught by this thorn Is in a pitabio plight ore he gets loose. You would not like would you. boys, to get caught in this thorn ? And yet many, I fear, are being caught by a worse thorn than Stop-a-while." Where do you spend your evenings ? At homo I do hope, studying your lessens and attending to your mother'j words ; for, If you havo formed a habit of spending them on the streets with bad boy 8 you are caught in a thorn worse than "Stop-a-while." If you spend your evenings at home, do not allow any of your playmates to per suado you to go out and Join them h i one evening only, for if you do, the desire te go again will be strong ; you wilt have laid tho foundation of a bad habit, and you will nave a harder struggle to oscapo with life than If in tho brambles ef "Stop-awhile." Boys and girls who disobey their parents, who loiter about on the Sab bath Instead of going to Sabbath school, who take tho namo of the Lord In vain, aro caught In the worst of snares, and that It will be more difficult to oxtrleate thomselvos than from the African thorn ; for their habits are strong, and constantly lure on their vletlms to pleaauros which satisfy not. The bey who roams the streets at night has fallen into ene of the worst of habits. It moii teaches him te neglect hla studies, adopt ovii prac tices, and to corrupt hla heart whllo he who spend his evenings at homo escapes evil and grows wisor, bettor, and haoplor. SunJay setool (Jem. use m m A BUIMMAS) UIHthi IMIUIIIHII. Not every one ao cheerfully cournuoi sates his knowledge and opinions as re cently did K. L lyjwtice, Ksq., eashier of the Cincinnati Southern lUilwsv. w , that splendid outlet to the South from the Ohio. Our representative waited upon Mr. ioweree, and in reply to cer tain questions the latter gentlemsn ob served : "I wss suffering troin a very severe attack of theutnatism in my right foot ; it was in a terrible condition ; the pain waa almoat intolerable ; oor family pbysicisn waited on me without sucoees; I sent for another wall known At. I., but even tbt twain could do nothing for me ; 1 could not get down hete to the ollico to attend to my dutiea ; in uct l count not put mj loot under me at all, and after nine weeka suffering 1 bgan to grow deeperate. Hy friend (whom, of course yon know, for he la known by everybody), Mr. Stacy Hill, of Mount Auburn Inclined Plane Kail road I k., called to see ae; he spoke very highly of St. Saoobs Oil, and re ouatnended the remedy to ms in glowing terms. I laughed at the idea of using a proprietary medicine, and yet the (tar ty recomutonding it, (Mr. Stacy Hill, remember), being a man of sound Judg moot, set me to thinking tbe matter ever. The next day, when tbe pbysi cians called, I dismissed them, and said to myself thst I would let nsture take its course. That resolution lasted just a day. On tbe following morning 1, in a fit of deaperstion, sent a servant for a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, I applied that wonderful remedy, and it penetrated me so thst I thought my foot was sbout to tall off, but it did not ; in fsct it did a a Sa s m just the opposite. the next morning the pain had entirely left my foot, tbe swelling waa reduced, and really tbe ap pearance was so different altogether from tit day before, thst it actually surprised hie. I applied more of the St. Jacobs Oil, and that afternoon walked down here to the office, and was able to attend to my dutiea and get around as well as any ono. Lst me say for S:. Jsoobs Oil that it beats rail romd time, and is always sure to win. Cincinnati Enquirer. corn IK MIXSCK L'jpper wires traasmttlin electricity of high electro-motive force become brittle after a while. The greatest astronomical event of 18S3 will he tbe solar eclipse on the Cfch of May. Unfortunately the line of to tality both in the East snd West is ia mid-ocean. M. Zenger maintains that the hurri csnes of the West Indies and the ty phoons of the Cbineae Sea have a peri od of twelvo days, equsl to that of tbe rotation of tho sun. Tbe light which falls upon tho earth from the satellites of Mars ia about equivalent to what a man's hand, on which tbe sua shone so Washington, would reflect to Boston. If tbe earth should be sudden ty stop ped in her orbit and allowed lo fail un ob it rue ted toward the sub, under the accelerating influence ef his attraction, ah i woul 1 ivach the cent.' in about four mmth?. In Husaia molj uae the thermome ter of Leilte, urt , ia Ger many that of Keaurnur, a Kreacltsaan ; ia France that of Celsius, a .Swedo, ana ia England and America tba of Fah renheit, a German. Tho rate of vibrations of tbe rattla- snake's tail haa been determined lty Dr. Ott to be sixty cr socdud. Tbe .meth od of experiment waa to attatia m pea to the snake's rattles, tho record being received on a revolving dm a. The Hand of the Sahara desert aome times heated to a temperature ef 200" Pah. by tho vertical rays of the sua. This gives riso to a scorching wind rthe droadod ninioon--whid m rendered still moro terrible by the Writing par ticles of sand it carries along. In the course of a recent cj clone which struck Iowa th mainsprings of watches were broken in extraordinary numbers all along tho track of the storm for thirty miles wide, which goes to show that electricity bad something to do in causing the disturbance. Tbe enormous power of modern great guns is well indioa ted in tho state meat that the largest on. board of the vessels of the British fleet ia capable of throw ing a projectile weighing 1,700 pound at a velocity of over a mile ia four esc" onda, equal to 27,213. tons ol' metal fall ing a distance of ono foot on an object The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain tbe ciopulnrity of thb reltatole wstoraUvo. Rewtpaser BrrUleas 1. Any person who takes a paper regu erly from a postofflce, whether directed n hla name or snetksi's, or whether ho aubscrlbod or not, In resienslble for pay ment. S. If a person orders his paper discon tinued be must pay arrears, or tho pub Usher may continue to send it until pay inent Is made, and then collect tho whole amount, wnothor the paper Is taken from the office or not. S. The courts have decided thst re fusing to tske newapspers or periodical from the post office, or removing and lea vlng them f l I n s fseie evidence of intentional fraud. M aslhVlM. EVES, Uoy cheeks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginger Tonic better than any thing, makes pure, rich blood and brings healtbjeyous spirit-, strength and beauty. Ladies try It. lazwir. Mrrriorf. Y. V. 0. A Meets at their rooma in Fos ters brick building on Saturday evening at 7 . 'Ml o'clock, and oo Sabbath afternoons at 4. Be Bines meeting are bald on the even ing of the asoond Monday is each month. Kveryhody invited to attend. U. P. CHtnsXSt. rroachingsrery Habbath, at 11 a. m., sod 7 r. u. by Rev. K fi. Ir- vine. D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 Y. st. I'rayer meeting every Thursday evening. Evanosmcai. Vnvnim Preaching on Sab- Istth at 11 a.m., and 74 r. t. Sabbath School 12:15. I'rayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. tlollenhaugh, pastor. CosoiiwiATtoAi.('nuwii.-Svievefy Sabbath at 1 1 a. u. and 8 r. . Sahheth School at 2i3D. I'rayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Ham, psster. M. K. CnuRcsi, aViem. Services 2nd aud 4th Sehtaath st St. I'aui'a M. K. Church. Soutto, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 at. sharp. Prayer mi tsng every i nur- day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. Oweneit. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 74 r. M. Song ervtce m the evening before ssssnoa. Sabbath School W .at - t 2 30 r. m. Frayer meeting every inora- iay evening. I. DiUon, petor. Pa as srrsai am Cu eaeu . - Service every Kabbath morniaa and evening in CoUege Chapel. Sunday School am mediately rfter the morning asrvioe. I'rayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac 11. Condit pastor. EriscorAX Chcvcm. Services every Sun day, morning at 11 a. ., evcaing at 74 p. m. Holy communion every Sunday morn ing at 'J.-45 a. aa. W4asday 7 JO p. Robt I Stevens, pastor. m Administrator's Notice. Notice ia herebv given to sll pemon ha vine claim Saralnnt the estate or v 11 Smith, deceased te present them with tbe proper vouchers within sis months from ike date of thla notice to tbe undeniitned st her residence two ml lea east of Lnhanon In Linn oounty, Oregon. Tbe undersign ed havlna been duly appointed by the 'ountv Court of said IJnn onnty, ad iiilnintratrix of tbe estate' said W M Smith, dsrnasail. Dated thla l&th dsv of Dee. 1SS2. RiiotiA A. Nairn, Administrator. Mr. WITT At JinTANT, AUy'sfor Administrator. THE SUN. NEW YORK, mx:i. Mors psopas ha rasa! "Th sun" Uariac Uas v ar jus i... ri'r tSaa aver tcfre stac It a a SnS .rtnll. Jto uOttr nmmwfmpmr nuMlshsH n Uua aids A Mm sarth has bssss buohl aiaU rcau in any jcar lT at. tommy men aixl SWSSSai Ws arc . ISSaa lbtjrtnd Uiat ",J' 'Jr. rsad, ami Ilka "Tbs Sub" fur U IwUuvlliK maia, aam-uy Urcaiaac Its n.-a columua present in attractive form ami srtUi lbs grsatsst uraastbis accuracy "hat star haa tours fur manKind ; Um svssiU, Ui asotla aivl oaladvsat. lb srssdotn. I ho blUaautijr, Uh n'HabU Ml) . tbe sulks aaoaa, Um issruTlns; njnaaai ail lb uawa uf Um bualsat world at .rcani reirxjv inc 1 SfSBBS. iMcauaa mntU hairs aSWSSi that In lis ranartu rwttcemios; fsrsutja awl aSir "'I lis Sua" maaea a firarUas J tatlina tbmn lbs start tratb the bast 4 lla ability Utrac hundred aad airty flrs davs In the jraar, IsWars mttxXUm mm veil after, auuut the luUva aa aril as about Um small ftsh. In tbs las ul dbasnt sa btalnlr and learlesalr as alien supported ujr mytivr al aiurural. "Tbs Sun baa absolutely do purMaes ta SWWj save tbe infxrtnaUun uf Its nsdsrs and Um furtherance of tbs oomnion food. aw It hi erory body's nesrsnapsr. So mau Is su humble tbat "Tbs Sun" la IndlSeretit to bis waa tare and his rigas. No saaa is ao rich tbat it can al luw tsittaUoa lo bs Sooo him. No man. ao asnueia Uuo of wso. hi puesrful snoufb to bs axssnpt Iron tbo strict apbotUua uf It fsriiiciptas of riit and srrorif. Ilooaasa In politics it bs fought for dosen ysars. with., ul intei SSSSW and sucduUhkis almuss alone among nswstmpors, tbs Sarht ha rsaislted in tbe re 'th i uvsnrhslmlng popular verdict agajuat Uobeson. ism and (or bonsai goemroont. No matter what party lain power, 'Tho San" stead aud will con UtiM te stand like a rock for the interest uf Um pso pS against Um amblUoii of busaaa, tbs sncrcstch msat I nonop4iate, and dishonest schemes of public robbsra. AU Utls la what w are told almost daily by oar frlemut. hm man holds that "Tbs Sun" is Um host teligtotts newspaper eeer publiahed, because Its ChrlsUanity la undiluted with cant. Another holds that it Is Um beat Itepiiblican nswswr printed, bs rsnss It haa already w hipped half uf the rascals oat of tbat party, ana is proceeding satnt tbe other half with uadlminiahsal rigor. A third bttUeva K to bs tbs bast magazine of general literature in exist -eeana, hetaoes Its r sad ere miss nothing worthy of notes that la current la Um world of thought. Si ewery friend of "The Sun" discovers oae of its titan v aides tbat appeal. wiUi particular forco te his kudu id ual llksag. If row already know "The Hun." you will observe tbat In ISS3 it Ma little Utter than ever before. If yoa do sot already know "Tbe Bun," you wilt find It to be a mirror of all human activity, a storehouac o( ths choicest products of common sense and imagina tion, s nrnlsMtey for the eanae of honest government, a asuUnei for genulue Jeflersonkan DSSSM rw j a anurjo lor wieheilnoss of every specie, ami an uu- I commonly gotal to vestment for the coming year. tm Mall SabsrrlliriH. The swvsrsl ediUons id "Tbe Sun" are -cut by mail, Hitpakl, as foliowa : DAILY 3S oSMt a -uouUi. $ I fWr, with Stiudsy edition, tl lm. M NPAV Kiaht iMifsa. l.'.t) a year. WKKKI.Y SI a year Klght i-ai-., f the beat uuttter of tho dally issues ; an Agricultural Iiepart incut of uiit'ouallfd nurki-l rcimrta, and liter ary, arientiflc, and domestic Intelllreuco make "Tti Weekly Hun" thu newsiacr for the farmer'e houso hold. Thoclubsof ten a lib $10, an extra copy free. Address 1. W. KNU1.ANI, I'ublisher. TlieSun," N. Y. City. and curve with uuhdllns divaical debility, rnii- iuu weaknuss, siMMTuauir- rboea, pros taUirrhnea, inlsaiiHia. em pu tenry, xhauated vitality, pre turo decline and lea uf nediuiHHtscomphTa and fnm whatever usa earodunsd. It enriches and liurlfles tho blond ktswrurtbrns the nerves, brain, muscle, digestion, re irmduotke ontans and physical and mental faculties It sSotsi say unnattsuU debilitatins 'ndn uimw the UStant. nuwveiittnff Involuntary losses, deblllutiriir drsanu, awalual losses with the urine, etc . so de atr active U saJnd and body, It la a sure sllsnmator of aM kidney awl bladder oomplsJiU. It contains no injurious ittaredicnt. To those tuff erinfl frxnn tho cvlleffcU laTyutithful h?vVJy i. T ..uih and cure Is Gt AIUNThBl), Price &0 pair buttle, or Ave bottie In ease, with full dl .rocttoiis and advioe.. 10. Sent aecurs from nllism tlon to any sddreas .sii receipt at price, or C. o. v., tu ba had only! DR. C. O. SALFIELD, tia Kenraer at.. San FraaeUeo, Cal. . i..i. ..rlMv Hiililentla) bv letter or at srfBVe PREF. For the cattvsnieiice of tlents and hi to Insure po rfoct secrecy I havo addnpted a prt vaie address under which all packages aro forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. cau.l.,.1 .h..or Ita merits, will be sent to SllV OI10 anplyinfr by letter, statinc his idmptouis and age. OMBsaunleations strictly confklenual sswagjsssssasi not. life ia sweeping SasBss mm tm im rtiii I darn ha. fore ws en, teniethlng nugniy anu suoiimo w hind to conquer time, feu a woes in your waa aa ....mi. mU No risk. KvervUilrur new. Capital . miImH We will furnish vou evorythlnsf . Many are raakhift- fortune. Ladle make a much as me, and boy and girl make jrreat pay. Reader, if yoa want buainecss at which you can make (Treat pay .11 the time, write for partlrulars to H, Hau.bttk A Co., Portlau same. THEREV. GEO. H. T1IAYP.K ol i Bsurben, Ind.. says: Both myself and wife owe onr lives to SHILOH'3 CON- ltstTSfPTloN CURE.' ifin CsVLF VE n'OlIalaa'ronM!.! v and" Srt u I AttaHSBM8u,l"c Uie ltiimito re Kajgjfipl ?.( ' irar Ui-a)1 ' rilvV, fiMffiSn i mraiisTTiAiiuii U0liHA & JOSEPH, M'aOI'MBTOiiS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AD DEAIfEllM IN- Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Provisions, Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. A. trills .y, " - OxfJ01a- OXE DOOR BKLOW JOHTf BRIOOif STORK. 99yi AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRKT HTRKKT, HAH ASSORTMENT OI' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As any bouse la the valley, lie a so Imports aad man ufa lures TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK EVERY DWiCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEKF8 ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICKS, THAT DEKY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at vMsM ALBANY maiiulf: WORKS, 8TAIGER BROS. - FropriHors ALBANY, SBNfl,! MONUMENTS, TABLETS, xttu HEADS rOMES Eaocutol In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done wlUi neatness and diapalch. Special attenti'n iriven to orders from all fstrta of this State anl Waahington Territory. JSP'AU w-rSc wrrntel I 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE 1ST A It 1. 1 Sill I 185. By A. F. CHERRY, sttuatetl at corner of Klmt aud MssajsejSMBW Stroeti, Albany, Oregon. Having laknn abargeof the shove namod Works, we are prepared to miimifat-lure Staam Kngincs, Haw and tirist Mill, Wootl-working Machinery, Pump, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. If achinonr of all ikinds repaired. Spe cial attention privenfto retiring Sarin n.a chiftery. rattrn Mnblag SfS la all Ita rwrsaa. Kkiiyi a. r. CH KBBT & SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with tho tasteful and beautiful selections made liy M ra. It mar, who ha never failed to iUase her cuKtomers. New Fall Circular juaUnsued. Send for it Address MRS. Kid. EN I.AMA.K, U.TU SH! -ray, New g tra. We eontinno to actaasohcitorsfor patents, caveats. trado-marka, eopyrights. etc.. for the United States, and to obtain pat ent in Canada. England, France, Girmanv, and all other countries. Thirty-six years practice. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Pafejnta obtained throngh us aro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, -which has tho largest circulation, and is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published In the world. The ad vantages of uuch a notice cy ery patentee understands. This large and aplendidlv illustrated news paper ia published WEEKLY at ta.20 a year, and i admitted to be tho best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published m any country. Singlo copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by sll news deal era. Address, Mnnn A Co., publishers of Scxcn tifio American. 2C1 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patent mailed free. C'fm't" A WF.EK. St 2 a SsW i h'me la-iriy a O I . ) i -.wtij outAt Inx. Address ' & ad Co Au.'UKlti.Ma.i.i . To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. KEAstmr ST.. !-) cnier of t lum mer clal Street, San Fmnciseo. Established in IH54. for Um treatment ot Sexual and Seminal IMaeaf ea, such aa Sraarrhra. Clrrf. Mrirturr.svphltlaina)! ha bmna, luiiM tenry HesalBal Wrakaras, nu;ht losse bj r dreams, pun plus on the face and liais of manhood can posit ively be cured. The sick and afllictoil should not tail to call upon him. The Itoctor has 'traveled extensively in Eurotie, and inspei'ted thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a great dual uf valuable laioruuv tlon, uhirlt he iscnmctnt imi4trt to those In need of his services. DK. UlliltUN will make no ehanrc unless ho effo't a cure. Persons at a distance M . 1 E CI'KKIt ST NAME. All Sit iSSSall itiiais strictly confidential. Yon sue no no bu . the IStetor. Send ten dollars for a stckatre of inclieine. Persons writing- to the Doctor will pleane atate the liainn nf the jumht thev see this advert iaeravttl in. lltarjroa res sonable. Call or write. Address I'll. J. F. til UioN, Box 1957, 8an Fmnciseo. vliJ RED GROWN MILLS. ISOmlANNIKU & CO., PBOPR'S. NKW FRM'KSS KLOUR SUVKRIOK VOU KAMIIJES AND BAKERS OSS. a BEST STORAGP FACILITIES. Highest LPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY.OR. $5 to $30 y5 free. tier day at linnte. Sample S'orth Adress. sraass a Vo. Purtland, ilaine. t Fjl aft.' AsbbbbbbbI 1 nana 1 ON VJAND AS FINE AN reasonable figures. J ANNALS & WOODIN, SASCTACTVaaB ASH MUC Of FURNITURE t BEDDINC. I'srsrr t'rrrj ami .mi Mrrrta. AbBA.W, - - ORECsON. T. J. STITBS. ATTOllNEY -AND AT LAW Notary Public. Offine oRoe. in Statks Riorrrs Dr.xo-ru PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Thil elegit! rlrc- : J aaasMd 1 y t . v U scpermr A. ; r :r. Parker's Hair D. wamr'kad lo pre Move dssifaT a: Um. sad I mt PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Ssserfsthrs Ncslft sas Streafts Bzttarsr. K ytxt are a mechanic or fanser, vara out with overwork, or a mother no down by haouyos housc bc VI duties try pAKxaa's Cwu Toanc. If you are a lawyer, asiaisser cebmmeM ctaa ex-l-a -j i I y mcatal umia or acaiom cares, do noe take intr io ia g ttrSulasta, but use Psiker's Gtsger Tone If roo bar Cfisi ptf m, Dyspepsia, kheuasa lin. Ki-Jaey CoaijAsina, cr atry di&ordcrof the haaga. crcrnarS. boweb. blood or nerriavjajcx' GnaosSK To:ac will cure yoa. ltiiUcCreatcssi3oed INbSsB ted ths Btzi . II yo-i are eirr Oaae Clothe 1 onc at cocc : it i yon cp trosa toe nrst com M wis i It las tared huadrrda of lives; it frrrr.Seadiwi i cl t-nm tmaratlaaaal i..a C, X. T. tec. a ft anaHsa tr.UT EAVI.X.J evv::.o I- LIA2 uzz. Its tvh and bwasg isg,i it ha saade this r!-'.yhiful perfume erceedinejy popohn-. There i nothing lib It. hnsst opoa hann; Flosx TwH CVa.a.xi and look k Hc-.nirc of Sag SSaaata cr 4car fa SfSBSlUoat ran. LACGK SAVIM: BfTlXR tV. FITZ. FISH, GAME, &G., i HAVi'. opened a fish an game mai ket iust cast of the Kevero .Iihi, an tain uavo airo supply at alt lints Chieken4 boug sold. 13tf J. HUMPHREYa. YIKG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the best washing and ironing In Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts ntade for Chi nose labor, foundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery stable DOYOUBELEIVE Von want work if you wouid not accept it a ben v u can do so without the least risk or haw ! at ICKM' ever hail su. h a cbaiuie, except hxxu us, sih! ere will soon have all we want tone in each ronnty) and tin u j ourr.ffer a ill be withdrawn. Bit. PAY is made hy 1 our Asrenti, heeauae wc liavc irals titat aill II In J every Sunily. acd'et the buyer pay less than ! t-balf the reu'ar price ! tre. A DEAF MAN C'liild sell mir pok1s beeanse a of cur po da are left at eaah bouse, and a Circular explaining sala and how solil, also staling that the Agent a ill caM S'.'aiti to collect uioecy m take up the stasia. a vu V now an thinr easier thai a ill pa from Sf to 1" a day't : '.t ant try this. Send fcr .ur offers SBM go to work. Address, U. S. Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, Fa. , it ?tr mi rs Meriden Loitii.u.!iU. Hating attained a national reputation in FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, 77a rc tuUted fft manv facturt of all StjfM bj ir I With a skilled superintendent In that deport' mr.nt, aupph-uiented by extended experience i:t th workihi; of fine steel, we are enabled to o .Vr good of unrivalled quality. To introduce our " PATENT AjrSTACI.K Quill Ac "T in advance of sf ft, SB will ou revvlptof Carries ;cnf Reservoir Pen, rtlar trade ciartne! we f'ir-r i ail a tsaafts L"r-i to aaj uddrum .acb In as aay ; euii1;. i i r. n. FIT- frariv u 2 VL tdbj atsrjpsijfj 1 1 sas 1 saps . - i :. ; -. pjsai i-;v :ir whole line nf Pen i P.-ice Llitsl'unurlicJ t mm vyW 'eff7 cr7 are sdecasl PMBajgrgr to tbe scalp utd hair ajKf mr aadaJwaya sejBJBJ B R Shan BSs U Tzicj Hut tecj peifcmcd aad is 2 a Dae hair tad to e H iccx&Co.N.V. !saBif awjir wcsb aajc. ensspssaao ar iB nrricorae sadbmid i