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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1883)
Ik mml Official City a id tuity hY, Kniered at tho jt OMce at Albany, Or. a second-class mall matter. FRIDAY JANUARY 19, 1883 STTIE8 & HUTTING. tut Iter unit lrprl'lor. riKlf. XITTIXtl, Lecal Batter. o. A R. K. TIM K TARLK. Albany MtMtlou. lKItBTI BK or TBUK o( hb sciitii. ALBANY KXI'RKSS lVrUt rRKIUliT I'U.MNS " . f.:W) A. M. " A. M . 11:45 A. M li:06 l M. MAIL THAI! Arrives at -lHlartsat norxp sotrtn. 1 Arrives at i Dviutat MAIL TRAIN 11:45 A. M. :'".'. P M. S:SO P. M. s ;as P. M. FRKliMlT TRAIN . ALBANY fclt'UKSS ArriveVet . All Train dally, except Sunday. Notiok. On and after this date regular tickets will tie nold at our ticket office for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Wilu H. Rioa, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. li. Co, Albany. June 18th, 188'. HERE'S A COOP CHANCE. Any one sending us five new yearly subscriber, and the cash ia advance at theratoof 2.50 a year, will receive the Democrat one year free, or if now a sub scriber will be credited one years subscrip- tin. Portland. Portland ta teming with business it is booming. Ileal estate Is "way up,' and buildings, business and private, are being constructed at a rapid rate. All these things are filling the baarts of the Portiander with glee and happi ness ; but he had better hold bis horses, for he is like Home when in its glory, overdoing the matter, and the first thing he knows, there will be a callapse. We predict a reaction within no great length of time Portland is lively for the carpenter and mason and painter, bat it is a fact that there are hundreds in other employments in that city who can not find a thing to do. The streets are full of those who are doing nothing and can get nothing to da The result will be that there will be a change in affairs, for her manufacturing interests are not keeping pace with all this flurry. Just watch far mussed plume. Tasjataut K ft "Jlax WestfaT' was in from the Ya quina R R list week, and returned last Monday. He now has 10G China men at, work, and states that he is au thorized to bare 1000 more ready in the spring to go to work on the construction of the road. The work bei ng done now is on the tunnels, and we understand considerable headway ir: being made. It has become unsafe- to predict tnucL about this institution. One might as well try t foretell the condition f the weather twenty-four hours ahead ; but it doe look now as if at least some work will be done during 1&S3. although we doubt if it will be pushed with the vigor we would like to see at the back tf it. The management has labored under many disadvantages, and it is but right that they have the benefit of them. ftelld Mea at Uarrlsbars. A correspondent writing from Harris burg says, "Tbe recent visit of the tax col lector has brought to light tbe fact, that this Precinct has some solid men as well as other parts of our county, for example, notice the following heavy tax-payers : Enoch Hoalt, f223 31 ; Jerry Hay, 133.1e; William Leach, $123 58 ; Joseph Summer vine, $205.35 ; Est Russell Alford, $165.37; Horacs Lane, $22 4.22; Chas Scrivner, $110; John Summerville, 9112,15; 8el Warner, $206,16 ; M A Rodgers, $202.96 ; B Harris, 108,4 1 ; J F McCartney, $158,. 6) ; E F Wyatt, 212 ; J P Schooling ; $205.87 ; May A Senders, $170.47 ; R A Rampy ,$169.66 ; D C and C B Hoult,$lU, 48 ; II A Davis, $159.51. Collections have been easier than ever before in this Pre cinct. "SoaaSV Poetry We have received a small book of poems praising the Sound county, from the versa tile pen of Alet Sayre. He says, "Could I bat paiefc I'd paint tbe scene of Paget .Sound in golden Sheen. " Now that's what we like, and what a pity 'tis that this Western Long fellow can't paint instead of writing poetry, then we'd get bim to pa;nt Linn coeaty in a golden sheen, although nature does it very well in the fall when the wheat fields are at their liesfc. The poet pays a glowing tribute to "Seattle, built on terraced hill," and im mortalizcs New Tacoma by calling it the terminus. Anyway the book is worth hav ing. It contain about 30 pages and can be bought for 5. J cents. Send that amount to the author at Seattle and get one. Death mf Mr v. Hani Saam. Last Saturday morning at Junction City Rev Hardison, of Junction City, was taken suddenly with conjestion of the brain, and died at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Up to that time he had enjoyed very good health and his death was a surprise and shock to all of his many friends. His remains were brought to Tangent last Monday and buried, with Masonic rites in the cemetery near that place. Rev Hardison was a brother of Mrs D C Mc Far lan (I, of Tangent, he was a member of the Masonic Lodge at Junction and of the A O U W, His wife will receive $5000 from insurance in the former, and $2000 from the latter. Dreamed of flatter Tub. One of our corpulent young men, who reads tbe AW regularly fell asleep the other day, having been out till mid night the night before, and wag heard to mutter in his sleep thusly : I am called little Butter cup, I tear little Batter cap, Though I could never tell why. For I am around Butter tub, A great, big fat Butter tub, A pig-headed Butter tub I. For rent House city for rent cheap. in eastern part of the Inquire at this office. HOME AKD ABROAD. Read our outside. F M French, jeweler, llluo Ribbon Ciub to-night. Wheat, 90 cents at the mills. Goods at east at Montague's. Lebanon. EL 11 Skipworth, lawyer, Albany. Or. Floor is $13.50 a bushel at Baker City. Tho Dkmocrat, $3.50 a year in advance. Calendars for 1883 can bo had at this ofliee. Cast your eyo on Dr Davis' card in an other column. A god second hand orgau for sale cheap. Call at this office. Congressman Uoorgo ask for $140,000 for Yaquina Ray. Sheriff Humphrey is receiving taxes in West Albany to day. Having a tooth tilled is hko being placed on the inquisition rsck. Gold was discovered in California thirty. live years ago to-day. Dry goods at cost, boots and shoes, etc , at Montague's. Lebanon. A couple of alternating accounts of Grange meetings on our editorial page. DrR 8 Johnson furnishes his patrons medicine without extra expense. Business seems to be centering towards the corner of Ferry and First Street now. Gat and wheat straw for sale. Call on Fred Burkhart. ono mile oast of Albany. Union service ware held in the Evaagol- ical and U P Churches last Sunday evening. Win Bogga, J. P., at Ilarriahnrg, has moved his office into the old G F building. Dr. G. Willis Price, dentist, office in Gdd Fellow's Temple, over Ijuigdon's Drugstore. Gae of Jay Rials blood hounds got loose in Eastern Oregon and came near dvvouriug Ma The thermometer was IS degrees above zero yesterday morning, tho coldest of the winter. The game law go into oporatien this morning. Now look out for well for most anything. A terribly cold waive struck ua Unt Wed nesdsy and made matters quite friged for awhile. Those desiring a cnod place to board in a private family can find one by calling at this efnec. Jas Simpson a few days ago sold to Henry Settlemier 36 acres of land at Tangent for $50 an acre. Sheep have been selling in this county for $3 a head, and we. heard of one lot going for $3,25 at auction. We wonld like to hear from our 8-aio cor respondent. People are getting anxious about "ThVForx." Remember that for pure grocirias, the best in the market, th.? pUce to g is McIT. man & Joseph's. The Short Line is to cut Uaker City and Portland and wiU terminate at Seattle, in all probability. The Women's Suffrage Convention meets . . a . t a in rortlanu on reuruary w r.veryoooy should go or send a proxy. A chess tourney has been beun on our first page. To those familiar with tho game it is of considerable interest. The Oregon ColonM fur January is splen didly gotten up and is full of interesting matter rotating to Ifeinton canty. Monteith & Seiteabach are agents for the Uuivcrsal Fashion Company's perfect-fitting patterns. Examine them. ' 400 lives lost at a hi; lire in S' Peters burg. Ilaasia. The great demand is for fire escapes t- prevent these holocaust. Now Year's wae a bloody day at tho front in Montana, and several lives are reported to have been sacrificed to Bacchns. A fence is Win2 built on l's property on Second Street which improves the appear ance of tbe premises considerably. The skating rink was crowded Wednes day night with active, lively skaters, and was noticeable for the splendid order kept. Prineville is having constructed a Court House 24x61 and 14 feet high, with four rooms in it It is only a temporary build ing Hunters around Prinevillle mad the best of the game lawjand were killing all the game they could sight before the law went into effect Hoffman k Joseph have a Urge stock of apples of the very best quality which they will sell for 50 cents a bushel. Lay in a su pply. Last Saturday noon 669 letters were dis tributed by Postmaster Raymond in this city. It was the heaviest mail for teveral months.' Last Son-lay the mad oa First street wai scraped by a patent scraper into the center of the street It was a good thing for a day or so, Ai rests for drunkenness were made on Friday and Saturday last, and in conse quence the City Treasury was slightly re plenished, Mr John Barrett died at Brownsville on Wednesday of last week at the advanced age of 86, his birthday having been n Christ mas day. No runaways, no fights, no fires, no mur ders, no sensations ; this may be good for the city, but it makes dull business for the newspaper. The Iromsn's Christian Temperance Union meets in the Y P C A Hall to-morrow (Saturday) at three o'clock p. tn. By order of President An article on Whistling by a friend who thinks women have no right to whistle will appear next week, in answer to Plain Chap on that subject. An exehange tells of business be ing at a freezing point If that is the way it is here we wonld like to sej the thermometer up to 120 in the shade. When a young man in Prineville declares his intention of "going to the valley" it is considered the same as stating that he is going to get married. Wachenheimer waived examination on the charge of porjary at Harrisbnrg, and was held to await tbe action of the grand jury under $1000 bonds. We are glad to learn that Frank Kenton who has filled the position of Deputy Post master so faithfully for several years, will be retained by Mr Irvine. Ladies winter wraps and all woolen goods have been reduced to cost at Monteith k Seitenbach's. and if you would cet any of these goods cheap, eall on them. Kendall's Treatise sm the Horse is worth as much as a five dollar book and is as largo as books that usually sell for a dollar. Hoe notice in another column. Remember that Pelers & Blaiu are on the corner of Ferry and First, and that they have a sulendid stock of shelf hardware which will stand inspection. E N Randall an old an respected citizen of Scio died very suddenly last .Sunday night His wife heard his moaning but be fore anything could be done he died. The Star Brewery seems to Iks the leading place of resort for those who drink beer, and Mr Faber is said to be the best manufacturer in the valley. His beer has a big sale. Anyone sending $1.50 to this office will receive a gross of "Acme" pens, adjustable to any holder 5 quill acting with fountain qualities. This is the cost price of them. A idnr rofinorv ia talked of at Portland. n r the son of Claus Sproclcs having been thors and stated that possibly several years from how one may be established in that city. We eat California cabbages and ought to be ashamed of ourselves for not being able to raise enough for home consumption, to say aothing of getting "a little soar kront ahead. Considerable interest has been manifested in Oregon ovur the shooting of "Lucky" Baldwin in Han Francisco lately by on Fannie Baldwin, who claimed to be a cousin. There sro seven persons in South Browns ville oyer 70 year of ago ; in Brownsville and Center Precincts there are forty-five ever tixty, twenty-four of 70 and 5 ovor 80 A letter came to tho Pest Office from Leb anon Wednesday addressed to "Dkmochat, Lebanon. Or." Evidently tho writer got matters mixed and imagined things reversed. A rehearsal by the singers of the eity is held at Y P C A Hall every Wednesday evening, preparing for the Stat Temperance Alliadoa, Th oommit'eo wish a full atton- lancc Tom Gilbert was snutenccd by Judge Boise th first of tho weak for the murder of Wapato Duvn and his wife to lie hung on March l. between tho hour of 1 1 a. m , and p. m. The Imperial Dancing Club moots every Saturday night at the old store of Saltmarah it Iangdon, opposite th Ruvuro Ilauso. whero thoy onjoy some very pleasant oven tugs. Tboro I01 lc-ii considetablo sick no at Tangent lately. Several of the mcmbets of J J B-ard family hav tarn quit low and the wife of Mr Walter Molten vai very ill for awhile. Albany has a dog which goes by th namo of Bummer." He hangs aronnd the streets like a real two legged bummer, and will make friends with anyone who will treat him decently. Does the Chinaman pay a road tax? Not inn h. Yot he expects more privilege on our walks and streets than a school girl. Don't stand it Lt give him tit if ha doesn't koep his level. Oar efficient Sheriff tiro Humphruy has jaet completed his tax collecting tour having collected $3"000, whieh we are informed is a much larger amount than was ever collect ed by any Sheriff in this county. Our new Postmaster J M Irving, has re ceived his commission, and has made up his bmd and forwarded it to Washington City. When it is approvod "Johnny" will be doly installed as tbe Xaby of Albany. A fist contest at toe depot in this ct y, between a young Portland lawyer and a young man from Rarriabnrgis reported. A warrant was issued for th arrest of the former but it was not served on him. Farmers and others desiring a gutoe. lucrative agency bn sines, by which $5 to $90 a day can be earned, seid address a one, on postal, to IL C. WitaiKsox k Co., 195 and 107 Fnlton Street, Nw York. There is an imntents ruth to Montague's at Lebanon, caused by his great coat sal. His goods are being sold at seh prions that no ono can refuse to purchase for want of money. Better kswyflafl wore nevrhad We acknowledge the receipt of a flue sup ply of seeds from D M Ferry k Ca. of De troit, Mich. They include cabbage, car rots, onions, watr atd mask melois, turn ups, cucumbers, etc., all our weakneea The boiler of the Juphiue blew op on Puget Sound 50 miles north of Seattkt on Wednesday, in which bent ight mn lost their live. It una toe mot tcrribl acci dent that ever happened on Puget Mound. Th ladies f the 'ongragationa! cboreh will .,.v.: their sociable at the residence of Mr A Staiger on Tuesday, January 23rd. A good program will be given by the tast talent of tbe city. AH are invited to attend. Our wide awake Cmnty Treasurer Mr Perry informs us that It has paid ovr to the State Treasurer $25000 of our Krtion of State taxes. The balance alont $5000 or $WJ00 will be paid next week. This speaks well for old linn, A telephone system between Altaav and CorvallU is being agitated. The owners of the Exehsnge ia tbe latter city an corres ponding with some f our business men in reference to it, but it is not known yt whether it whi succeed r not. There are vagse rumors afloat of new in stitution to bo started in Albany next spring that would give onr city a good lift, bet ru mors are such uncertain affairs that it n "n safe to iay par valu for them, and they generally go for about a small bit When the Albany Farmer's Co's new mill is completed all of the mills of tbe city will have a capacity for grinding about 800 bar rels of Hour a day. With sneh a power not a grain of wheat should be allowed to leave Linn county, until it goos away as iour. A dead Chinaman was taken through tbs city en the neoa train Wednesday te Port land. Ho was shoe somewhere near Hose burg, by whom, how and under what cir cumstances wo did not learn. As no was "only a Chinaman" probsbly no one cares. Last Mondsy Sheriff Humphrey received s telegram from Sheriff Sears st Portland to arrest a certain man with a horse wh would be on the train when it reached here. Deputy Smith was on hand hut no man with a horse put in an appearance, so no on was handcuffed. Mr 8 F Wright, living near Shcdd's lately sold his fine farm of over 200 acres for $37,50 per acre, receiving for the whole about $8000 and $2000 for his growing crop. It i to he hoped that Mr w right will remain tn Linn county, for he is one ef our tast farmers and citizens. Owenby, who was tried for the murder o' E It Cummins at Djptn, W. T., was ac- nattted. and afterward nonfussed to his murdor, iuipli'tating them other mea. Cemiiins owf1 one of o'ir uurehaot a hun drel dollars lor a Wtgon, but was consider ed an honest man. uud was killed only . for his mouey. Jas Townscnd and Frank Thsrpo were arrested near Stay ton last week by the Debuty Sheriff of Crook couuty on a war rant charging them with the Prineville mnrder, but a number of citizens in Salem having made affidavits that the accused men were near Salem when the murder was com mitted, the Deputy discharged them to save expense to the county. Queer proceeding Valuable information for every one who plants a single Reed such as conld not be ob tained from any twenty agricultural text books i to bo found free in D M Fbrrv & Co's Seed Annual for 1883, which is mailed to any one sending his name and address to D M Fekuv & Co., Detroit, Mich. A pair of young men from Shedd's.ono of whom was C. S. Farrow, came into our office the first of the week with a pair pears, as big as they often grow, in fact each weighing a pair ot pounds. J hey are 'pound, pears," but doubled their weight. For those heavy presents there arc a pai r a thankful men in the Democrat office. Mr Jas Klkins, who is spending the win ter on his ranch in, Grant county in a letter. home, written on the 4th instant, stated that the weather had been very cold, the thermometer 011 tho 2nd falling to 28 tie grees below zero. Stock is looking well and gets plenty to eat on th bills, although in tho valloy the snow bail been six tdoboi deep. A young man at Halsey run in debt. His debter in order to get his pay put the mat ter in th powerful grasp f th law Tbe Constable at that place attached a val uable horse belonging to the father of th young man. Of course the said father would not stand this and so immediately replevied the horse. Then the affair was settled, but the Coastablo was so disgusted with his office that he resinned and a successor has since been appointed. Last Tuesday noon half a doteu of our lawyers hero Loan led the train for Harris- burg for the purpose of taking oar of Mr Weohonheimnr, in tho examination of him to b made before Squire Boggs, on the charge of perjury, in the afternoon of that day. When they arrivod there and the Court had convened Mr W, waived examin ation and gave bond to appear before the grand jury in March. Having seen that this was dune all right th six lawyers re turned to Albany on Waduasdsy. Ed Walker, ono of the famous quartette, at tho Ilotol do Smith was released ataot a week ago, having asrved out his time in the couuty jail. Liberty was too mnoh for hint, and so ho got drunk last Wednesday and hail a little spree. EnUriug S irbin's saloon snd not behaving huniulf wry well ha was assisted out by tbo sid door, whon he was picked np by Marshal Burkhart and taken to the calaboose. His ar -vices are needed about new on our strowts, so that his arrest was quite timely.' It is reportm! that tho Salem Woolen Mills ar an institution uly on paper. "A $.110,000 woolen mills" has been something to make it look as if there ware a boom there but it is reported that through some f ado re to agree between Iteod and the popl of Salem tli affair has entirely fallen through, and tli their only prospect of getting th mill is through some other channel. For tho good of Salem it i to be hoped that this is not tre. Tbs Kwbruary numlwr of th North Ameri can llre'fw ia to contain an article n "Th Experiment of I 'mvcrsal suffrage." by Prof Alexander Winchell ; a discussion of "Tbe Revision of Creeds," by clergymen represent ing six evangelical deoominatiowa ; a paper mulled "The Doay of Protestantism," by Bishop McVaaid '. an J a def ns of th Standard Oil monopoly, by Senator 'amden. The February nainbor of Frank Leslie s Sumday Mtttjaumr is promptly ou onr table, with its usual manifold attraction literary and artistic. In the department of notion -Justice Warren's Daughter " and "Weighed and Wanting" ar continued. There ar some excellent poems, many of them beauti fully illustrated and ia th Horn Pulpit is a characteristic sermon by Dr TaJmage, "Hos pitality." Addreas Mas Vhamk Luius, Publisher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Plaee, New York. Everybody that baa triad Ataman's Cough Syrup continues its ns ; besides they sell their neighbors of it We wer in a drag stor the other day when a customer asked for a tattle of Amman's Cough Syrup, aay tng "I do not know anything about it my self, but my neighbor advised ate to hoy it for my cold, and tells mo that th ns of three bottle has entirely -jr. d bis cough of two years stsndtng, in fact he says "It is th- Wat medicine in the wnsiil fer euughs, . old and liiaj cotr.plaista, " aad that a on dollar tattl did him more good than all the pre nptioi.a be hod from the doctor. To I ho N. i. officers and biotbron of Dierdoir txdge No. M, I. O. . K. N. O. and brnihrun, your nomirdltee appointed to roport suitable preamble and reaolu tiona cominomorative of the virtuo of Brother W in. Foren, P. G. of Ibis lodge. Would respectfully submit: W u nuirafi That in the death of Brotbor Foren, this lodge be lost one of its moot ii(igelto and efmdeut members, welt tsono of Its most ompe'ont ofB eers, who as our representative In the gnnd lodge, showed himself an earnest, honeat, competent worker and we feel that in the death of Brother Foren there hi taen taken from our ranks an Odd L Fellow indeed. Revived, That we doeply sympathise villi Sister Foren, 1 lie bereaved widow of deceased brother, as wolt as with I heir Iteart-Hiricken children, aad we do here by commend them to tbo fraternal care of all true Udd Fellows. Itaftolvo', That the charter and princi pal chair of thin lodge be draped la mourn ng for 30 days and that tbo mem tars wear tbe usual oaogo or mourning or this sail beroavment. Hnflpoctfiily submitted in F. L. T. H. T. PnAisca S. T. Mil MR. Committee. The era. We have received a quantity ot treat ises on the horse, which we propose to giveaway to every subscriber pay log in advance, if requested, whether per sonally, or by mall. Wo will fell the book to others at the bottom price, two hlu ; if. ordered by mall postage will be prepaid. The American Cultivator has the following to aay of the treatise "Kendall's Treatise on the horse Is a book of about 00 pages, with paper covers, fully illustrated, and containing an "index of Diseases," which gives the symptoms, cause and the best treat metit of each ; a table giving all the principal drugs used for the home. with tho ordinary dose, effects and an thlolo when a poion : a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at differ ent ages, with rules for telling the age of the horse ; u valuable collection of receipts, and much other valuable infor mation. In preparing copy for this book It was the aim of the author to make it as plain as possible for the non professional readers, and give them formation which Is of the greatest mportance to horsemen, and yet avoid ng all technical terms as much as possible, and also condensing the book as much as possible without leaving out the real essential Information in treating each subject Kvery farmer or horse-owner should own ono of these little books. Skinny Men. 'Wollos' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impo tence, Sexual Debility. $1. The Kesnlts. All persons fooling dull and depressed or iierlmps revornli with no Appetite, no energy, the system clogged, the liver tor pld, and tho bowels inactive, who aro wondering how to find relief should pur cbaso a 50 cent or $1 bottle of Syrup of Figs, read the circular around tbe bottle follow tho directions, takinu a few doses of this pleasant remedy and be restored to health and happiness. It may he had of Fos bay A Mason, Aloany, Hector A Son Halsey. 8 III LOU'S COUGH and Consumption Cure U sol'd by us on a guarntee. It euros consumption. BOOIAL AKD PERSONAL. 8 K Young made a flying trip to Portion Monday. Jas A Gilmour was at tho Metropolis Tuesday. Wilbur Wrstlako was is Portland last Tuesday. S B Finnigan, of Peoria, was in the oity Wednesday. Rev. Driver of Eugene, was in tho oity ovor Sabbath. F A Watts, of Hhcdd's, was in the city last Tuesday. C W Watts was in Salem awhile tho first of the week. Mr A J Beard, of Jefferson, was la tho oity Wednesday . Wm Voigt and F red (loots went down to Portland Monday. Miss Maggie Fastir wont te Portland th first of tho week. Soett Ward of ShedJ's, made ns a plea. ant call lost week. foe wife of J J Hoard living at Tangent died tatt Wednesday. Dr. J. W. Watts, of Oregon City, was in th oity last Saturday. Jas Mollsrgue and wife, of Brownsville callod on ns last Monday. II 0 ffardman. living near this oity has been In Portland part of th week. Jos Speidsl, of Cor val I is, an old Una county hoy, eallod on ns but Monday. J J Dorrie, City Recorder, of Scio, celled on us last Wednesday, while in tin oity on business. Hon J K Wratborford is in California on a business trip, and while there ' to San Jose and other places. Mr Robert Foster, who has been quite ill at his bome naar this eity, ws are glad to bear, is improving. Hon W R Bilyeu, Hen J J Whitney, Host G E Chamberlain, UK N Meekbura ami L H Moataayo wore in Harrisbnrg Monday. Mrs C H Stewart and Miss Mb Irvine have been ia Halsey this week, and in con seqaenoe there is a lonely look on the Coun ty Clerks face. Miss Jennie TalUy, daughter of Wm Tab y who is well known in this eity was snar- ried last month to A Ions Hawlev near Monro, in Benton county. Sheriff Humphrey ha returned from his collection tour, which has been quit suc cessful, and finishes it np to day ia this city. Th Sheriff is llrat-clas at the bn ptoses. Mum Fran set Cbtrltta who has been ly ing sick in this eity at the resridoao of T J Stttos since New Years has so far recovered so to bo take home to her fathers living six mils east of Lebanon. nan wiuiams. mr in past two years a ne ts- 1 1 M - a compositor on tho Herald, loft for Portland tho first of tbo week, where we bop good fortune will attend hiss. Hall a eae Usee was Postmaster ia East Portland, Mr i W Simpson, of Hoaldsbnrg. Cab, a brother of Mr George Simpson, of this oity, arrivod ia Albany last Taoeday after an absence of nineteen year, lit will re- nvun bore during tbe winter en a visit to his relative and frn-oda. J B Hern, of Portland, baa wu in tbe city this week. Mr Urne' I at or partner in th flax business tare, Mr K..iiy, has gone into th stock millet st at !' m l in Wuou county, where hn ) at iil r-l in a baud of ss. p. mouin sails aortal The pleasant rooms of Dr. Bice's reaidenc on Lyon rtreet wer crowded fall last Toe, day evening with people from all kinds of churches aad a churches at all. It baa beru a long tins sine we have had a social gathering, and as sociability is na ture it wall crop oat and push itself forward. just the way it should, bene the large num ber present All seemed bound to have a good time, if not in 000 way then in another. (iamss were played, tongues set loo, eyes opened, sn-l finally teeth pat te work 00 an oxeellent rp it which th ladies ol tho t'resbytsnao Church ar sneh adepts ia Ketltiur uo. rreviesas though to the last Honed ssurcis a short program rendered, oensiatinii of a well rendered piano .i,. I, Mia. Itella Senders, a mourn bv Mm G K Cham tar lain and a loeitatioa by Miss ileitis Miller, all of which were greatly ap- nvecietod. Aa adiournmeat was bod at a 67 reasonable boor, Some asjalb. Tbe story It told of a roan who invested 64.VJ in Albiaa property six moutbs ago and has since increased it to 626,000. An interesting correspondence from Long Ststion will be published nest week, An old subscriber just "squared" np with ui end nsid 1 1 veers in advance. Hoch nun a re 'scare. A new bridge is to ta built across the Oohoco at Prineville. The Nevft was behind hand on tbo Paget Sound Disaster. Th hotels and restaurant in Portland have withdrawn their patronage from th Orrfjonian. Hence no lists appear. Monro k, Mica , Sept. 25, 1875. Biri-'I have been taking Hop Bitters r.1..4t .mmatlM, nf Itl.llinVU Plt tltatflikP ijriiiiiiiii"v. . baa done 1 or me what four doctora failed . . O UO. 1110 Ciiooi, an uoF rouarai ' SWSI rW a IT. - T3l mm u.a. ,1 1 no magic ui ui-. W, L. Carte h, Success depeo.U on a liberal patronage of the printing office. -J J At tor. for tho Dbmocbat. Subsorita 'Bough o Stat. ' Clears out rats, in ice, roaches, flies, ante, bed-buir. skunks, ohiotnunks. gophers 15c. Druggists. Vt IIY WILL OU cough wh en Shlloh's Cure will give Immediate relief Prlos 10 &0cta.and$l. BHILOII'SCURE WILL immediately a m tin a. 1 relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. . SHILOIPS CATARRH REMEDY positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthona and anker Moufh. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Reme dy. Price 50 cents Naaal Injector tree. THAT HACK1NQ COUGH can be so quickly eured by Shiloh's Cure. We guar ante it. fact tmTt wa axaw. e If vou are suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, cons u 'notion, loss of voice, tickling in the throat or any affection of tho throat or lungs, we know that Dr. King's New Discovery will give yu imme- diate relief. We know of hundred of oases it has completely cured, and that whore all other medicines had failed, rtoosner mem mnn can ahnw one-half aa many pe.rmancn curt. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure of aathma. bronchitis, bay fver, con sumption, severe coughs and colds, hoarse ness or any throat or luug diseases, if you win can m any uiuga"" " a T HEltBV. OKO. Bourbon, Ind.. says; wife owe our livoato SU MPHON CURE.' H. THAI JLR 'Both myself and SIIILOII'H CON What has become of the debating society that developed so. many Websters and Clays last winter T What bss bnen dene with the $50,000 rail road'bridge to be 1 uilt across the Wil lamette r What is taing done towards obtaining a new school house ? What are onr citizens doing to get a woo. en mill here ? What if we should have lively times in Albany during I 83, and What if we should not. What proportion of tho dogs on onr streets nave taxes paid on them. What limit ean b placed on the population of s city that depends entirely on agricul tural interests for its growth f What if a Linn county farmer wonld sell part of his farm, instead of mortgaging it T What do yon think about tho new paper that is trying to push the old paper to the wall ? What de you think tho price of wheat ought to be anyway T Mack Monteith has been kept frbm (he College a few weeks by lung dis ease. Miss Francis Cbarlion likewise from tbs Central school by fever. Miss Kane. Prof Itobb's accomplished latent, while at her home In Forest Urovs during the vacation was taken with the quliuy, and was unable to eome to Albany until several days after tho beginning of the new term. ('olds seem common among tbe chil dren when they wish do stay out of school. A now cbool building for tbo city schools Is desired as much by the chil dren as by their parents It Is not only a business move, bat It Is a matter a most of necessity. We steal this example 1 If five quar ters make one English ell, ard six quarters one French ell, bow many quarters does it take to make a Dutch II ? 4a a Caf r Teasswraae Allien. Zfotloe 1- hereby given that tbo annual mooting of the Linn County Temperance Alliance will be bold at tbe Y P C A Hall la Albany Oregon on Taewday, Feb. Ctb, IhsJ, commencing at 2 o'clock, p. m Memtarsblp In this Alliance shall consist of duly accredited delegate from tbe dif ferent temperance organizations la Una County the representation being one for tbe ergonix ttlon and 0110 ftr each ten member op to nfiy or fraction thereof. It w hoped that there will be a foil atten- T. P. it ACKLKMAS, Chairman Executive Committee. Albany, Jan. 14th, 1886. Will Tho last ol this month Mr. J. M. Nolan, on anoount f hi;iao of bueines will re move bia Farmers' and Mechanics' Store and I Adie Emporium Into tbe large brick store neat to Peters A Itlain, and will then run bis business all together. He intends to kseo a first rUst atocs of goods, and give our ciUsetia an opportunity to get them at bottom rote for cash. Keep watch for lb obaoge when further aa- 0011 rtoomonta will be made. BltM Bis) Club. Th- edjoarned meeting of this club will ta held llus evening at V P C A Hall, when the program published two weeks ago will ta rendered. The ad dree is to ta by Mr John Shaw lately a student of a Seminary in Penn sylvania, and auite a fluent aiieaker. It will no deubt pay to hear him. Silver Creek, S. Y., Feb. 6, 180. GjTs I have been very low, and nave tried every lb leg, to no advantage. I beard ytsir Hop Hitter recommended by many, I concluded to give thorn a trial I w ... . L A . " now rouoo, tnu ouaanawt- ly improving, and a a nearly as strong as ever. W. H. Wilus. e 1 A Bna 6 la tltr White Slense. There was aeon yesterday at M Knabe A Co's factory a magnificent con cert grand, jaet finished by them for tho Presidential mansion. President Arthur, who 1 a thorough oonnoisnour of music, In oeleotlatj a piano tor the White House, decided In favor of the Kuabe plape, his preference, and ordered, accordingly, tbe Instrument referred to. It io a concert grand, of beautiful fln'oh, ion richly crv ed rosewood oaae, and of superb tone and action -a a instrument worthy in every re spect of the place It te f o occupy. It wss sblrpod to its destination yesterday. mT Dresses, leaks,coats, stockings and all garments can be rolored successfully with the Diamond Dyes. Fashionable colors. Only lOo. A Valr rreooalllen Anyone suffering from habitual consti- . tJL. r....- pauon, aorwouy ' v, , hauiAftfieeL Mstueaunasa. sieODirssuoxis, in I - 1 - - a Kr lit. e.rl.ln frm a rtuw I UlfJbWMI m V. wmwi ...v - O m ipi ordered or inactive condition of tbe liver, stomach and bowels, and wishing to give I Umm,tt VUu m lhnMllli trial Mil llNV it nf ' o aThan R.r A Son. -TT Aiaiaev, wiiu wm agii) w money If it falls to act promptly and sat isfactorily. Ladies of all agos who suffer from loss of I sppetlto ; from imperfect digestion, low spirits aad nervous ueuituy may usvve life and health renewed aau inuoiuueiy . hv tha U1M of Mrt. IjVdUl E. ...... . rAmAr1lafl for oooiainu incident to the female oonutltutlon. We nmTenot enl - a llv w faith in Mrs Pink I ham, but we are assured that hor medi cines are at once most agreenole and effi cacious. A WODKRH L 01 SCO vast Y For tha snood v core of consumption and all diseases that lead io it, such as stubborn coughs, neglect colds, bronchitis, hay le ver, asthma, pain in the aide and cheat, dry hacking cough, tickling in tho throat, hoarse ness, sore throat and all chronic or lingering diseases of tho throat and lungs. Dr. King's New Dissovery has no equal and has estab lished for itself a world-wide reputation. Many lading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from whinh it is nrenared is hiuniv reoomniennea by all medioal journals. The clergy and the . , V .L. l . I I press have complimented in the moat glow- B I ing terms. no to your uruggisi anu go a tMittc free ot cost, or a regular vise for $1 Vfh sale by Any druggist's. teller 111. The toiiowma ts the list of letters remalolng int.hAPnat Oince. .Mhany. Linn county. Ore- t.n ,u ittH-'t Pnrannfi ratlin? tar theae otters must give the date on which tbey weie I -""- 1 uox, Arwiur at I Ilavnft Art Kin Elliott, Oeo F Healy, Muw B Miller, Miss Ooonjie MUlsr, J L Of I Miiiur' Mr IO H....U..1J 1 M Millar, Mr iWiillc Preseett, Mr - I KiuiUi. Mlas Ada Smith, Mrs Luointla Smith, A J P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Tbe HaS aaS Worthies aro ueer imitnu.f or couuterfeitM. Tills Is especially true of a family medicine and It Is positive proof that tbe remedy is a e a .'Asa at m meawra is or the highest value. As soon as It bad boon tested and proved by tbe whole world that Hop Hitters wss tho purest, best and most valuable sv Ml ma iamiiy meaicine on earth, many Imitsv tlons sprung up and began to steal the notices Ja which the press and people or the country had expressed the merits of H. B., and In every way trying to In duce suffering Invalids to use their stuff Instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. many outers star tea nostrums put up In similar style to II. B., with various ly devised names in which tbe word "Hop" or "Hops" wore used in a way to Induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters, All ueb pre tended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name ia, and aspec ially those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" In their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are mltatlons or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Hitters, with a bunch orcluster of green Hops mi the white label. Trust nothlnsr ele. Druggists and dealers arc warned sgalnst dealing in im tatiau r coun terfeit. Always a ssetMay It Is always a holiday at J. Gradwobra. His stock is about tbe oamo tbe year round, and Is something people alwayn want. He bse tbe biggest stock of baby carriage in the state outside of Portland , and has ox proa wagons, etc., In abun dance. And for older po ple is the best French china la tbe city, proceiain, stone and earthen ware. His Mock of silver plated ware I belofr greatly admired and deserv edly o, for it la line ommonly fine. .The bendsomrst kin of vase are found beru of the latest designs. Take Mr Grad wohl'a stock altogether and here Is not a hotter selected one, with a view to tbe use ful and ornamental, in Linn county. Do not purchase before calling on bim. Ua4 rr Sale. If you want to soil your land, send to as for blank applications. W have customers now that will pur chase either a piece of garde land, grain (arm or stock ranch, if placed ia our hands Money to loan at low rate of interest. BcacMABT Bnoa. Peal Ettatc k Loan Agents. Albany Or. rac t Editor of "TUnea" : Tbe veterinary de partment in your valuable paper hi al ways read by mo with great interest, and I value the information received from It a hundred fold more than tbe small amount paid for tbe nope''. One year ago yon pabliebed n letter from Dr. John Bates, re lating tbe wonderful eucoees be bad had in curing epavin and splints with Ken- Oall's Sjatvin Cure, and bis illusion to using it now in his practice for several bu- man ailments on account of the success be has always bad with it. The above state ments from so prominent a physician gave groat faith in it efficacy, and aa I had afflicted for years with rheumatism ami hip joint laraenewt 00 bad I coulu hardly walk at Hints. I procured a Dot tie and as it baa completely cured me, I wiah te proclaim it hs tbe world, as the moat wondeifui discovery ever made for tbe benefit of afflicted men as well as for the poor horse, for which It was first used. As this remedy must be of incalculable value to tbe world, I write this letter te express my thankfulness to you ror ever mentienlnz it in vour columns, and to aak another favor In behalf of my fallow men who are afflicted in body, that yon continue to make known to tbo world, tbe great value of Kendall's Spavin Core for both man aa well as beast. Respectfully yours, Arkold Park kb. Rochester, N. Y , Sept. 1st. 1881. "BekNalte." Quick, complete ewe, alt sunoying Kid ney, Bia I dor and Urinary Diseases. $1 Druggist. J. A. DAVIS, ML D.f Physician, Surgeon AND Obstetriciane Can bo found at Drug Store of EL W. Langdun, or at residence corner of Cala- poola and Fourth SU. ALBANY OREGON. Notice to Tax -Payers of Linn Co., Or. Kotiee la hereby given that I will meet the tax pay era of Linn Co., Or., at 9 o'clock a. tn.. at their respective place of voting, in the several precincts at the .bl owing times and places, for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1882 : Fox Valley, Tuesday, Dec?. 28. 1882, Solo, Wednesday, Dec 27, 182. Franklin BuUe.Thursday, 28. 1882. Santlam, Friday, Deo. 29, 1882, liobanon, Saturday, Deo. 30, 1882, Waterloo, Tuesday, Jan. 2. 1882. Liberty. Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1883. Sweet 'Home, Thursday, Jan, 4, 188S, Brush Creek, t'riday, Jan. 6, 1883, Mabel, Saturday, Jan. 6, 1883, Cravrfordsvilla, Monday, Jan. 8, 188S. Brownsville, Tuesdav, Jan. 0, 1883. Center, Wednesday, Jan. 10, lSJ-S, Syracuse, Thursday, Jan, 11, lStS. Orleans, Friday, Jan. 12, 1883. Harrisbnrg, Mondayi Jan. 15, 1883. Halsoy, Tuesday. Jan. 16, 1S83. Sbedds, Wednesday, Jan. 17,1883. Kaat Albany, Thursday, 18, 13SS. West Albany, Friday, .Jan. l'J, U83. Prompt payment will be rt quired. Pay your taxes and save costs. Dated Dec. 8, 18S2. (J bo. Humphrey, ShorifT and Tax Collector of Linn Co.,Or. METZER MANSFIELD. On Jon. 7th, 1883, at the residence of Thos Powell, in Halsev. by Rev Joa Psarl, Mb Chas M ktzkh and Miss Ava Mansfibu) all of Linn county. PALMER FAURAR. Ob Jan. 3, 1883, at the restdmco ot Samuel Mealy, by Rev A M Ach. Mu Kdwar'i Palmer and Mim Auuie Far bar all of Linn cjunty WILLIAMHON-FORESr.lh this city at the residence of Mrs .Sarah Helmick, on Mondsy, Jan. 10. 181, by Rev Hollsn baueh, Mr J N Williamsok, of Prine ville, Cook county, sb I Mis? Sarah V. FoRKST, of Albauy. Wo have always heard that East Orsgin ians wore well up io tho art of taking advan tage of tho timber culture act, but this is the first instance we have heard of where one of them has obtained a whole Forest bj only a few moments work. Mr Williamsoi and his bride will start for Prineville in t. few days. Albany Market. Wheat-Oac per bushel, at the mills, at tbe warehouse, 86 . Oats doe " N Beefon foot, 6 isMH Hay baled, 2S025 per too. loose, 18 to 20, BuUor-20 to 2 ot per lb. Eggs 30 cents per do. Potatoes floe per bushel. Fork-7et per lb. VeaL-ocperlb. Dried Fruit son dried apple, Go. " " plums, 80. machine cored apple, 8e. plums. Id. Bacons -bams, 14 to 16c shoulders, 10 to 12c. aide, If to 16c. Lard-lee per lb. Fionr-50 p-r bid. Chickens 3.00 per dor.. Soger San Francisc C, 12c Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton. shorts, middling, 25.06 "There is no signing a coward Into 000 rage." But even tho coward maybe brave after trying Kidney-ort, thai msd lei ne of wonderful etBoaey in all easee of the liver and kidneys. It is pared In both dry and liquid farm aad always be relied on a an effective and diuretic. Try It. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A Mors Um arduiMsy kiaim, aad essaaet be aa as uh tbe mulutaale e lea teat, eaert a t lavaajowte pearer. BjeM eeJT tn Bern. nasi it so roar mm ram Co. Iff WaU-sC, X. T. Order to Show Cause. Im ike County Court of the Stale 0 ) ft for ike County of Lima. In tbe matter of tbe estate of A & Breed, To Cat herina Breedeu, Eliza B Breed:, Manna V Breeden, Stewart J Ureedem, Minnesota Kreeden, Wm W Breeden and Ceo L Breeden. heir at law end ntxt of kin of A K Breeden, de messed, and to all others known and unknown, interested in said estate. la tbe name el tbe ttate of Oregon, too J and each of you are hereby cued and re- quired te be and appear in tbe Cvnnty Court, of Una couuty, Oregon, at toe Court House ta tho city of Aiestny, ta said oountv, on To node v. the 6th day of February. 1881, at the boor of ono o'clowB in toe awieraoon of mid stay and then aad tbere show cause, if any ex ist why an order should not be made di- reetinr and licensing tbe administrator, of said estate to sell all tbe right title and interest of said A R Broedeu. aeioassfl. at tb time of his death both in law and ta auity ta and to the reel property bereixt er described as prayed for ta the peti tion of J N Rico, administrator or in es tate of said deeeaeed, which petition is now on file In tbe County Court, ol Unit couuty, Oregon, which said real property is ooeortnoa a roiiowa, to-wtt : Beginning twenty-five chains and fifty links West of the South-East corner of A. K. Brendan's Donation Land Claim. No tification No. S719. and Claim No. 45. ta Tp 14, S. R. 1 W. of tbe Wulamaatse Merid ian, ta Linn Countv, Oregon, ana rusning thence West 41.56 chains to tha South west corner of said land claim ; thence north 88.66 osteins: thence east 65.75 chains ; thence sooth 14.42 chains; thence 12 chains : thence ta a aettth-westerly course to the place of beginning, coo tain- ing 158.48 acres. Also beginning at toe Pi E corner ei me donation land claim of A R Breeden, not No. -719. and claim No 45, T P 14, S R 1 ta Linn countv, Oregon ; running thence south 34.23 carina; thence went 31 chains thence north 34.23 chains ; thence east to tbe place of beginning, containing 106 acre. By Qjpder of tbe Court. Witness my hand an 1 tho seal of said Court, affixed this 4th dav of Jan. 1883. C. 11. OTBWABT, Clerk. TEACHERS. If von will send voor name and ad- -ith J N school yon are new teaching tee will send yon are new teaching yon "Catching the Raindrepa,' a beautiful Ton Color OU Chromo to bang np in your school room ; also other information of much interest to you. Address dome tonrAMov rra. en.. Cleveland. Ohio. Dissolution of Co-Part- nership. The partnership heretofore existing be tween F M Red held and J M Irving, un der the firm name of Red field A Irving as dissolved by mutual consent on Jan. 1st, 1883. J of Irving retiring, r M Res! field will continue the business at the old stand 1X3 First St., Albany, Or. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received at the Office of Albany Farmers' Co., up to February 17, 1SS3, for putting up a building for a Bearing mill. Plans aad specifications are BOW est file in the omce of the company dor examin ation. Attest M. H. Wild, D. Mansfield, President Secretary. SHILOH'S VTTALIZER Is what yea need for Constipation, Loss af Appetite, Dizziness and all symptom of Dysj spa n Price 10 and 75 ents per t ot Je. nA9 dc era pkuveu mi The aURC8T CURE for fSI KIDNEY. DISEASES. l tssavF eatthatyxm are TxS3jnPTHXf PO BJOJPfO rJtreoonuiendiOandtt arUlapeadUy seed? I lUe laauiOOi loroar idwulmsssis. Xidner-Wort t iaeit wtUactpromirUyaBdaeAfcr. IS paSekOasteTPopyoepoattB, and dull iliais.linf (pains, aU speedily yield to ita crozaArra povacfS BOLD BT ALT, DHUOOI8TB. Prloe SI. Bf mi