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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1882)
HOLIO STOCK of Christmas Gooods has now arrived. We have large arrivals from Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New Vork, San Francisco, wherever we can get the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods. Following are some goods that have just arrived : OUR Dry (foods. FANCY DRESS COODS, BLACK CASHMERE, COLORED CASHMERE, BLACK SATIN RHADAMESE, BLACK BROCADED SILK, COLORED SAUK RHADAMESE, BLACK TERIOT, TABLE LINENS. A SAMUEL E. FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1882 BB1 I I . , , At.KlLTl BtL ITEM. D. C Geron, of Vinelantl, has the past year grown 3000 bushels or sweet potatoes. Several acres averaged 300 bash els each. It never pays to under feed stock early in the Winter. An animal in gwd condition at the beginning of De cember is half wintered. Sweepings from a black-smith's forge excellent to apply around frui Uy pears. They keep the surface soil light, and their color retains the heat from the sua. When we get to making cheap sugar tad syrup from amber cane, it will probably be used for fattening stock. A small quantity even at the present high prices may often be profitably used as an appetizer. The sprouts from potatoes planted in separate rows produced better results in aa English experiment, than the pota toes themselves, thus indicating that much of the vitality of the potato gees into the first set of sprouts. Oil meai can now be bought by the car-load at f 30 per ton. This is less than the retail price of corn meal, while the manure from the ton of oil meal is worth 920, besides all the benefit f&ten ing animals derive from it. Concerning tbe increase of the dried fruit industry in Tennessee, while two years ago hardly a pound of dried fruit was shipped from Chattanooga, the dealers in that city alone have handled so far this year over 750,000 bushels. It costs fross $90 to $150 per acre to grow, harvest and cure tobacco. From such an outlay only the best land with good management will yield a profit. But the gains of successful tobacco growers are more than from any other crop. There are still large areas of land in Texas, near the Jexican border, that are net inhabited except as they are ranged over by stoek men with I heir herds. These men are, however, op with the times in securing tbe best blooded Shorthorn stock to improve their cattle. Potatoes should not be stored in large quantities in house cellars. They do not keep as well even when no rot occurs, and towards Spring a strong effluvia arises which easily penetrates to the family rooms above stairs, and is often the cause of Spring fevers and malaria. There has been a glut of live Logs re cently at tbe Buffalo stock yards, run ning down the prices ten to twenty cents per hundred weight er day. There are heavy shipments of hogs from Michigan, Ohio and othr Wes tern States where the corn crop was a positive failure. Wheat bran and oil-cake meal, com bined in a proportion by weight of two of bran to one of meal, is an excellent feed for cowh giving milk. A larger proportion of meal will too rapidly fat ten the animals If qusntity f milk only be desired the proportion of bran may be increased. The flowers of raspberries, where this fruit is largely grown, are ruining the honey product of the neighborhood. The bees like this food, but no human being lias been discovered who appreciates the prpduct. The honey from raspberry Howers is a dirty yellow in 'color, with a very disagreeable flavor. A German paper speaking of breacj making says, 'Fungoid gerin ipay be introduced with bad flour into the bread, which will not be destroyed hf the baking temperature of the in wide of the loaf (212 F.). In the year 1840 an orange-colored fungus was often observed in France in the bread, and indeed often in such quantities that rod, evil-smelling dust particles would issue when the bread was broken. ' The butter tree was discovered in h fAStral r.arf r,f Africa from ira kernel is produced a nice butter which will keep a year. LARGE STOCK OF YOUNG, rar.Dicrm. a tut it tbbb Washixgtom, December 1. The President has received a communica tion from Professor E. Stone Wiggins, LL. T., astronomer of the Canadian Finance Department, annoancing that a great storm will occur in next March ; that it will first be felt in the Northern Pacific, will appear in the Gulf of Mexico on the night of the 9th, and being reflected by the Rocky Mountains will cross this meridian from the west at noon of Sunday, Much 11, 1883. No vessel, whatev er her dimensions, will bo safe out of harbor, and none cf small tonnage can hope to survive the tidal wave and fu ryof this tempest. As the wind will blow from the southeast, the planetary force will be sufficient to submerge the lowlands of the American eeast, especially these bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and washed by the Gulf Stream, while the air currents for several hundred miles along the east side of the Rocky Mountain range will spread universal destruc tion. The New Kngiand states will alto snfffcr severely from the wind and floods. No point out.Ide of harbor in the whole area mf the Atlantic, cspec. iaily north of the equator, will he a place of safety ; for this wili be pre eminently the greatest iorm that nas visited this continent since the days of tbe illustrious first President. "In view of this event, therefore, I take the great liberty of represent ing to Your Excellency the advisa bility of ordering all United States ships into safe harbors not later than the 0th of March till this storm be passed." M'iUkllM ETEft, Rosy cheeks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginger Tonic better than any thing, makes pure, rich blood and brings health,joyous spirits, strength and beauty. Ladies try it. Bazaar. The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain the dopularlty of this reliable restorative.. Carbonate of lime strewed on decay ing potatoes is said to check the rot. 1883. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. " Harpers Weekly" stands at the hesd of American illustrated weekly journal. By its uiiimrti.xun posl tioo in polities, iu admirable 1 1! utt rations, iu care fully clvisen aerial, abort stories, sketi-bes, and poem, contributed by tbe foremost artists and author of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thou sands of American horns. Jt ill always be the aim of the publishers to nuke "Harper's Weekly" the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per ear t Htrper'ri Magazine Harrier's Weekly Harper's Bazar The three above pbblication Any two above named Harper's Young People Harper's Magazine Harper's Young People ) Harper's Franklin Square Library, One year (52 Nuruheis)... .54 00 . 4 00 . 4 OS IU 00 . 7 0) 1 SO 00 U 00 Pottage free to all nbtCTibert in the United StaU or Canada. The Volumes of the "Weekly" begin with the first number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscri ber wishes to commence with the number next after the receipt of order. The hut Four Annual Volumes of "Harper's Weekly," in'ueat cloth binding, wili be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar pt'r volume), for 17.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of fel .00. Remittances should be made by PostOftio Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loaf, NewHpaperx are not to copy thin ail oer time- Meat wiliout the exjiret ordef of Harper k J'rotliers. Address HARPER Sl BROTHERS, New York. LiairoR STOEE. r Khali kopn rhn vaiv best brands of Ho nors to be found in iiXf market, and will sell at retail prie j lso the BEST CIGARS AO TOBAC COS. POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS I will also'sell real estate, morchaudlae household goods, etc., at auction fer any one in the city or county Store Ppoaite Revere Heuse, Albany, Or. 6'f SAM COHEN. Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIED HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, PORTMONIES, SATCHELS. FANCY SNOPPINC BASKETS. FANCY SCARFS, LACE FISCHUES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, CROCERIES, W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KlNlW. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Either double barrel, shot gun or three barrel two shot and one rifle. Also Sharp. Remlngten .Ballard, rhe nlx, and Martin Magazine Rifles. Also a lane stock of English, Uerman and American broach-loading shot nuns. Full stock of Revolvers, Pistols Cutlery, Fi h ingTackle of all kinds, and Axntnu aiUon ot all kinds. A full stock of Davis Sewing Mschlnse the bent in the market. Also full I stork of sawing machine aeedlea of ail kinds ana machine eu. I make a spec ialty of repairing fire-arms and sewing machines. Remember tbat 'l cannot be undersold In the State. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Froman s Block, Albany, Or. Ihyj-icia.n prescrip tion carefully prepared, day or night- OBuy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for foxnily or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue, con tains over 1,000 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD ft GO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Sheriff's Sale. In tine Circuit Court of die Slateof On-yon for die County of Jstnu : J S Ames, Plaintiff. YS. William C Stewart, IsyphcnaJStewart, T M Stewart and ii V Cooley and J H Wash. borne partners under the firm name and tyle of Cooley & Waahburne, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 23rd day of December, 1882, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn County, Or egon, at the hour ef ten o'clock, a. m. , sell at public auction, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, the mortgaged premises de scribed in said decree and order of sale, as follows, to wit : The eant half of the north west quarter and tbe west half of the north east quarter of section thirteen (13) in township fourteen ( 14) south of range one ( 1 ) west and contain ing 160 acres ; also the donation land claim of Levi Fields notification No 2736 and de scribed as being tbe N K 1 of the S El of section 13, Tp 14, SRI W and the K i of the N E i of section 13, Township 14, SKI. Wand the N W quarter of sec tion 18. Township 14, 8 It 1, East and the JN VV i of the South West i of section 18, Tp 14, SK 1, E and containing 320 acres all in the county of Linn and State of Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be applied first te the payment of the costs of suit taxed at bX oy and the costs and ex penses of sale, next to the payment to the said plaintiff tbe sum of $1350 86 in U 8 gold coin with interest therein in like coin at tbe rate of one per cent per month from the 25th day of October, 1 882, and the sur plus if any there be 'to be paid to the said deft's, W C Stewart and Isyphena Stewart. Dated this 24th day of November, 1882. George Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. For lame Back, Side er Cheat use Shi lob' Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. BBBJsiw aWW LMBaaLaSBaaaBBBVsar' TBsW BBBs W. H. GOLTRA UKALEIt IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, vriiix ;ooin The Great English Heme- its Mf falling ruts for Sarrou. iMi.tUl,, ftwiulnsl WmkMS Kitsustsd V UlJly. Mc-nmlnrrho, MKT MASHSMtav Its barrl bis fleets Melt Abuse, youthful MUc,jm1 p In msMirrr UcS as lumm .if M M ify, Ijwaitu4, Kiumsm"Ii, Avar ray ftia sjaa li mcUr. rlmi.-. I ItMssuMsm In IU lltJ. lbs tlsl fluid psussin unntswrtvl lnU th- uHus, snd nstajr otherf IUssmsbs leading ft lossi.lly snd death M. NmiKsiUsrrNtu lorfm ! Msmslr4 Man 1r m -m ( this kind th t ltet -! rm llr (Uodvr his fsrtJ sdvtceand tmlimnli will but in ur lur tnytiaas; Incurs or Injurtuus found Is il. W. BDBSM SBSs sJI prioUdmcut . tu'v. Wul!) vithuul mcrvury. fK.u!lti. fro. TH rmigb sminott'iA sud sdvt Including nsJ)sisd, $ lYI'C of Vital Rrt..rU,e. 3 s WtU, or lour Urucs iho ouriii flu, scut to so -hinm urf rwtalpt of f U dsssrsd, by UR. A. K. Ml.M !C, M Ksrsrucy SimI, Hn frsnciaee, UsL BSSSH irse 1 BJS on sntlUoU b rtUr. SUItrts; .)DlpVfl). c .. I ,-.:. ,t strvrtly ousffldswUsl. Dr, MlnUe's Kldrtwy Ramsdy, .Vbrstlrum, rurssi sil ktudsuf kldny sod blubUr -um tiUinU.rooi'rrho-a. giVrt, IsuuctVirrh't!. For ssje hf sll lrunMK, 1 s b , U 1 1 Kjt tx otiiM for sa. Dr. Xlntt iHiMlelt-j. nils sro Oh. host sod cheap sss HysfU srvl tsitous rum In ths uuuUl 'or SSW ST sJI Jnwirti. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. f a. c. c. WKsra nerve asu biuis treat- MJ moot, s sfNKiftc for HysVsris, IMuioemi, Con vulslo,!., Nr..,u llcaUjvb., MooUt lc1.rsin Usjs of Msmory, Hperrusiorhnos. lrutjiHiirr, In voluttlsry smlssions, preinsturs okl -r, coussd by over-surtlon. Mlf sbuso or rrrcr lndulirrmcv, which lauds to mlsrry, decv sud dostb. Um b will curt rorsiit illness. Ksch box cotiUlna ons month's treatment ; ons dollar a box. or six boxes for flvs dollars; sunt by mail prepaid on ruotlirt of We ruarsntee six boxes to cure any caas. Witn each order received by us for six boxes, arcetnpanled with Ave dollars, we will send the pur.-haer-r our written w-uaranlee to r, turn the money if the treat ment does not affect a cots. Unarantecs taauo.1 only by ' WOODARD, CLARKE 4 CO, Wholesale and Retail Druxtfists, rortland, Ornr-n. Ordsrs by mall at regular juices. Dr. SFIi;v, NO. 11 KEAKXY ST. Treats all hronir and (Rpectal Dlseeses. YOXJIVci MEN WHO MAT BP. fOTnUN FMOH THE Ecu of youthful follies or bulacreUon, will do well to avail themselves of this, thogrestost boon ever laid at ths altar of suffering humanity. 1R. Hi'lNNKY will guarantee to forfeit SWOfor every ess Horn i rial e weakness or private disoaae of any kind or caractar which ha undertakes and fallg to sura. MIDHLE'ACiED MEN. There are many at the see of thirty -flveo sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation f the blad dar. often aoootnnajilad lur nliib .nmriin.,... sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the jiaticiit cannot acoount for. On examining the Itrtnaw . .. I . - - 1 If - M. . 1 T unmiw m iwpjr muinnt win often no found ind sometimes small artlcies of albumen will apticar, -r the color will Loot a thin miltriah boo .mln luir to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many oco woo uj ot wm uiuiLuivy ignorant 01 tno sauas, will tfllirantM a iiupfMil miM in all b ..i. IM I " v ... w. ,uvH vmm WBf Rim healthy restoration of the genlto-urlnary organs. Omcs Hours 10 to 4 sad 8 to S. Sundays from 10 toll A. M. Consultation free. Thomuvh aimlii.ili.i and advioa, a&. ror private diseases of short standing a full coarse of merllclne sulfleieiit for a cure, with all instructions, Wilt J ... ....... , .. .... . - - I. . A. A .... ' "in iv mvuv w iijr mjuidm 'n reecipb 01 flu w. Call and address, IB. MI.VEY .1 CO., 71:12 No. 11 Keamy 8t. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. KKAR.U ST., corner of Cnmnmr. ciaJMtreot, San Francisco. Established in lefts, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal DImum m onerrlia, iW atHetBjre.Hrphillsin all - - -aaavwaawsjSBSawejSaMOwsSSSavt wwr ivituo, SBU U OEfREl fV piss on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. Tho sick and afflicted should uot fail to call npon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and lnsnectefl thnrmnrblv thn vnrlnn. ti-i i r' ' . n ... ' . ii'fl) j' tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuablo inform, tlon. which he is competent to impart to those in need of his seryieee. DR. GIBBON will make no chargo Unless he effect a cure. Parsons at. a rilarmnm SB a V BE CVHED AT HOME. All communications strictly confidential. You see no one bu; the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writlnc to the FWutar wtM nlau .t.i. .1.. paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea- aonniMB. van or write. Adaress DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1967, San Francisco. vljh3 Boots and LADIES, FRENCH KID SHOES. LADIES AMERICAN KID SHOES, HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES FANCY SLIPPERS, LADIES "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, LADIES EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, CENTS EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, LADIES WHITE KID SLIPPERS. WINDOW SHADES, FRED WILLERT, CARRIACE ANO WVCOH JIIANVFACTURKK, C'uraer ftocond and Ferry 8ta. Albany.or N prepared to manufacture eaniages and go us at Hi art netiee and of the very II KMT HATEBIAL. Un makes Ova premium carriages and bUKRloa of Uie Ntale. KKPAIKIXa and job work dono at aUorteet notloe and In ths most SKILLFUL MANNER. Ill work and material Is warranted to lie flrst-claae. VMt To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND KSI'KUIALLY Thtwe Suffering from Debility. Nervous I'rontrttioB, Lous of itality. Sexual InflrmiUe, Etc., Ktr. XIIE r.ltEAT MEED TIIOftE If AVE who are nffenns; trvau asVXtAl. AMD XERVOUfl rt.AIXfSba (ArsietaM bo essi ousaprheod lb. ir aUoasrtVi sjsfl SMBSMafuOy treat them. Tbo grncral warUUoo u not SuftcUfitlr aalllo.1 trouble U do so. and It must U, irft b. Uw -la 1 1st. b-. bt prar rw, UKifuusb Kivm loUge atMl ptSfred u cnr them. J. c toic "fwJ his now es4ebrated IsstitejU (a M for tke vvrpom of aflordlog the afflict! the oartaiuty of I. .. r aftd sailtnl IrtalOMui ad i SISH and 1-crmarwr.t raetorauen. and fur oter SO wart it has uataaneU Uw first rank nut onl spud this Coast bst UuuugbMit Um i.tiii,d erurlei lamawaretkat bjrda-elllng op s Bjflsj MM object aa ttm davaf of anast tlflur Um ignorant mar aefMrse mjr mii ban Um dssare u lufors, Itfmm jbo are suffering through bnureoce, sad ah". Uy rarWfwea t want .4 knowlwlge that a cure can he had. are not only burr? tag taiansK U an unUnjMly (rave, but giving aaauai a iskiisssj as an Inheritance u future r r n nUnnt, Is too great an tfMSaUts to permit me U be silent. armfMsjejia. If yU are suffrrinr from Wght losses, ncrvoores, sraakaraava, rci.fuabrti 4 nund, sUebU wssssj wheat uik1 sitllmeat. rartabU tamper, trembling, 1I utivw, SuatM. Sc., or if eaj hate pnaul self abuse rtMi in Um allgbioat inuular yuu-are auflar ing trocii the Drrael V. 'my mf Ha ma at Life And should not hesitate to srek at oore health asst bapj4nMi la a rum. t HIM i.i , HA N'T I-l'I. KEEN MODERATE COXSIXTATlOSi BV I.ETKER OR TII KUW I sB--t'rr. Exclusively Irgriablr tsrd. UM-Vm are siwcUllf Uaide to suffering frm nerviuus prMtr(im. All your peculiar eom 4amu are nervous la their orgln atul henre your uflerUig are Urrtbit depreeaiug or lasiiissstalj keen. The tbirtur in hie resesreAes and nra. Urw ut troubtaa have made jour onraniaaUaa a apodal study ainl is Uma ruahUd from his rxperi sstssanu aiiowiedge to ell and cure you In any td vi In any id tbo trutiblea, weakness, an. I uff clings to wrmb ss a sss wit are liable. aVtau will Rnd In the Doctor a friend uikd whom you can reply tor comfort, aid and cure lr konag a Irmilr Br sa ret lea have at taibod a reputation for edbencv uuoquaied by any iiiodidne, or mad leal piaecnptlon eter oftsred. Tbe can he sent by mail er cuiirsss. Those desiring (wrsooal care and atlenlloa can bare ail necessary acooramodaUuna furnished. O Eetfera. Tttoae who can not visit tbo city eaa by giving their symptoms In their own way, recelvo advice, and when desired, treatment at home with every as surance of a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED. Address, Dr- J. . Toi'ftb, Medical la at It ale. , Ns. 7 Slaehssas sX. San Francisco, Fob. SI, MNH, NTISELL 10 000 Pianos PIANOS I.WO Organs. tit MiMfutiinn rrointSlusi.SOS Cah. Rator laMalltncmta aUliMa jVraa, ANTISELL. ORGANS w M i.k.'JI' ,.!, laa rtt 500 IXpiiAfirkl HEALTH. Ee Indian's ialdca Balsam Me. 3. Cares Chan iters, first and secoitd stages ; Sorts ii the Loirs and llody ; HyphlllUe Catarrali, dis eased Scalp, and all primary forms of the disease. 1 rice, 1&.00 pec liottle. Le Klrhiia's Clolden Kalsasn He. t. Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Uhaumatfsm, laina in ths lion ear Ulcerated Throat, SyphUlUV Itash, Lumps, etc., and eradioatea all diseseea from the lystem, whether caused by bad treat ment or abuse ol incrcut-y, leaving the blood jaira and healthy. l'rlee,SA,00 pur Bottle. le Rlrbnn's Ciolilen Spanish Antidote for the uure of Uouorrhaa, Cleet, etc. Prlne. 2.60 per llotUe. Le Blekna's Ciolden npanlsh Injeelloa, a wash for uure of Gleet, Strictures, Disease of tho Urethra and UUdder, etc. Price, S1.60 per liottle. Le Bicban's ftloldea Olntmetnt for tho effective healing of SyphiliUu Sores and Erup tions. Price, Si .00 per Bottle. Also Agents for te Blchan's tialden fills, for weakness, loss of physical powers, and all Ulsaasus arisng from abuse and excess or over-work. Price. Sa.OO er llox. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed Express. F. B1CBABOS at CO. Ageats. 437 4W Sansomc street, Comer Clay, Han Francisco, Cal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Harriaburg Oregon, S. S.TR-A.IN'.Editor & Proprietor , i Terms S2.00 per annum. M Shoes, CURTAINS, CLASS HOFFMAN k JOSEPH , PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Provisions, Candies . Nuts and Tropical Fruits. A.lbany - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIGQS STORE. 80y AT TIIK OLD STAND, It FIRST STREET, HAS ON IAND AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT OS COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As ijr notice la the valley He TIN, SHEET IRON. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL AHHOKTM KitT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at TbU scat aircactb ralaa remrt anJ wi Utfilr W lle HfttJi:l r .all of oer l.eor, rears of practioaJ espenenoe. aad um. with uneaittns twrtaln( S.rvous aa 4ialal debility. nai ataaoeas. ranee, i r o . ui.rr i... . m no uacy. hanatod vttaStjr, ace ore iloellne aitd Mas ef -i la all Its eneautmuosw ssn ma wsswrer eaaa BSseVseaS. It earVgaea ami Mina the bii .trrnfUtens tSe serve., brain, moarlaa. .1i-t-.i .n, rs orotlartlte organs ami pSirsical and mastUl !a ultlea U siufa say uauatuaal JeblhUUiis; drain nw.ii the systsai. pceeaatinc Inri.luntarx 1 SSSs, aeUliiatlaf areame, Seeaisal loaaas vith the urine, etc.. eo do stractlre V mind and hod) . it Is a cure eliaUnate f all kidne v aad ti ladder romtsW. It contain, no In)ur1.-j. lorredtenu. To tlx-r .ufftrinJI ram the e.ll effesta of youthful Indiarretlooa, a speedy, thor tttih aial psrmane it cure la Ol AKAKTKB1, Frloe 91 'JO per Uxtl. or tve bottlee In case, with full dl recti wis aad adctoe, $10. Seat aeeure from observe Uoa to any addresa upon receipt ot price, or C O. 1 . to he had only of DR. C. D. S ALFIELD, tt Ucaracy at . Baa rraaclscw. SBC OaaMillationa strictly BBSBawM by katter ..rat oCl-w KKKK for the of pstiaaU aad la wrder w Immre pa iSsot sesrssy 1 have addapted a pri vate siHrass aoder which all packages ace Incascdad. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. to show Its mcrite, will be eeat to say one bv lot Lot. stallnv his slmotaene and ut. applying Oascssjuii k atl.-ns strictly confidential. IflEHIDEN CqM.U.SJ: Having attained a aatioaal repntaUoa la FINE POCKET CUMEBT, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, llave added fas manufacture of all sfytes of STEEL, PBITO. With a skilled snpariateadaat in that depart. rrs nt, supplemented by extended experience Is the work! uk of fins steel, we sre enabled to offer iroetts of unrivalled quality. To ii.trodnoe our PATENT ADsTCSTAlUUK Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "TUB ACTM-Fl," ht adranco of rcjrular trado channel., are show eat of it, ami wilt mull a sample gross to any address m receipt of 8V. Carries ss sssch Ink as any Fountain Pea. 7 Till. PEN FITS AMY IIOI.DKIt. Our wliola Una of IVns will be sold by the trade. . J 'rice Lists furaislied to dealers ou applloatiou. FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and apeadr euro for UTrnmi DrOiUty and Weakness, Lamm of Vitality and Floor, or any evil re sult oi inaisorenon, work, stc, (car forty thousand poal- tirscu cures.) PS8eiM Oalhoun Place, I 1 iw Mna iso tor pc on trla lis. Aanrwi. Ur, SVWVs VMMSB DS, Oaxaaoo, Iua Clark BS. and RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. nkw morass ploub sdpebior roa pamilies AND BAKERS U8R. BEST STORAGE .FACILITIES. Highest 'Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. - - III a! I laV-.aJ Bl sV I r rrniasaiBjSjsai saws., t c n-jKSp : T Cloaks- etc. AD1ES BLACK DIAGONAL CL0AK8, LADIES DOLMANS, LADIES COSSAMERS, CHILDREN'S COSSAMERS, CHILITS CLOAKS, MISSES'S CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, WARE, ETC. ETC ALBANY, OREGON. a a Imports and maaafactart t AND COPPER WARE OR TO OEDHR. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON reasonable figures. ALBANY MA HULK WORKS, STAIGER DR0S. - Propi:lrs ALBAMY. o It !.. . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AHD HEADS IONES BsBMBBd in Italian or Vermont Marbls. Also, every variety of oetnetery and other sums work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parte of this State and Washington Territory. SSTAU work warranto t. 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. E5TABI.1IIIIED 1H65. By A. F. CRKRRY, ajtuated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregeu. RBving taken alutrge of the a bore named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Uriat Mill i, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all; kinds repaired. Spe cial attention gtvenfto repairing farm n:a ohinery. Pattens Mafclag dour In all Its forsaa. lttllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING I Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it- Addreaa MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 16:7tl " 877 Broadway, New Vrx. IfflaT El Wo con turn e to act as solicitors for na tents, caveats. imv trade-marks, oopyriRhta, etc.,for tho United States, and to obtain pat ents in Canada, England, Prance, Germany, and all other countries. Thlrtytx vsr' nractice. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through us aro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, -which has the largest circulation, and is tho most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. Tho ad vantages of such a notice every patentee understands. Thislarge and snlemlidlv illustrated news paporispubliBbed WEEktV at$3.20 a vear. and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. Address. Munn A Co., publishers of Scien tific American. 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. $7 A WEEK. 12 a daj' at home easily made ft Costly Out lit free. Address Tata & Oo. Auguxta.Maine. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAS Y, OB. Tin' First Tern endisg ss Than- day. November Utkf )K2. roc m rrt4rulars oswscalas; tb$ searws of stady aad prva A taiUoo, apply to the art. it. eWDlT. DO YOU BELEIYE Ymt srsot work If yon would not aesssi B erhsst yaa osa do so wrthom the least risk or leas ! SB AfcBST ever had sueh s iikasne. eseapt Bass vs. aad we arU so.jn have all we want (one in each eaantyS sad then ear offer win be ertthdrawo. Bit. FA is mad. by 'air Afsats, lis ra ass we have feeds that win sell In every family, aadjyct ths buyer fmg has Bast ass half the rewular price ef stores. A. XEuAJ MAN Could aell tet are left at ea a Packasre of our roods a Clr i saw esplelssat ooe (that the Agac will aaU and how sold, also acsaa to mflect atoaejr or ae up -l Ih.y.x wUl pay tmmn S3 to fioa t. Read far our oBars aa d Address, know snythiac saaer I day pcoot ? h not try go uj work. U. S. Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, Pa. c. c C.B.PA1 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKES, (Sucoeaaors to C C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwriglits, aad Iron Founders, WE UAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist nod Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and iiraxs Lasting. rATTEBS StUE BX hBBBT XSTH E. Kpecial attention aiven to reDairina all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Gram Separator. a Baker SC-BSce a Laaahrr Yard, Albany, Or., Dec 1, 1880. lstf Cf ST 4- C-.irv per day i O'l u OVti true Adreee Unxmrn A-Co. I' ruaa. Haiiw. IvANNALS & WOODIN, suurrracrcaaa ass saaiaa m FURNITURE jj BEDDING. Fevry mmd ftecaed mtrreta. ALBANY, OBEGON. TMbilyt T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW A2ffD- Notary Public. Office la States Rtohtb Democra bAbs, PARKER'S sHt.A JUtC IB A TeaS A TaCe This drraat chBHsea is pn-fencd try those tveeed,toaay Lassslarartkle, aa ac Icoui.t of its superior kleanP.nes and r tv. only that sre baaafdsl SJi.Ju BBS Cslar tsCmer Faded Malr Psrlcer's Hair Balsam is finely paifusaeil aad is warranted to prevent rolling ef the hair aad to re mov. daiKirun and ttehing. Miscox & Co.. N.Y. $0c aad $1 liw.ttSaknanpularfltkti. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Supariativa Hsatth aad I Y. you are a mechanic or farmer, wont out whh overwork, or a mother ran down by family or house hold duties try Parkkm's Gixckr 1 umsc. If yoa are a lawyer, minUter or business man rar liacd by mental srramor arixowcreiorot take Ifymihave Ccnsumption. Dyspepsia, Klieuma l:rn, KkineyComrLainta, or any disorder of the lanes, atousch. bowels blood or aerves. Pajvjx ex's Gnpuaa '1'OKIC will cure you. ltiathe Greatest lHood l'unncr ftad ths Best sad Sorest Case Care Ever If you are wasting away from aye. nov disease or weakness and require a s Gikckk Tonic at oaca: it willtnvicorate and build v i up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of Eves; it may save yours. C ACTION ! Rjrfaatl tabwlSiaw. Fattar'. eiafw Task U ib iiiiI ol is. tl naial fU la to. worM,aad hwatraly d frora prrrrmtM of (jarM Stu. fwchKalssk UImcx S C, N. Y. S0c.A t u, irakr to 4ap. GREAT lATBH B9IBM DOLL-.a Stra. ta rich aad tasting fragrance has made this deli hifal pcrtume eiceediugly popular. There isBothlaglikoit. Insist upon h-ivrnc Flokes. ton CoLUGaa aad look ssrnature of snrrwy Vottla. Aay aiasght m dasW Sr. rsa i i-'i'ly nt. t Md It rrut L-tanx savivn nrm-i; rrc. f :rr. FISH, GAME, &C, I HAVE opened a fish and game mai ket just east of the He vers louse, and wit have ssst cf tsu pp)y at all tiuu-s. Chickens bought and sold. Utf J. Hl'MrHWETS, YE G SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Doss the beat washing an ironing In Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington atn et, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable 3 iSsNBtf