The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 29, 1882, Image 3

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    Ik mmnt
Official Oity and Comity Paper.
Entered at the Po4 Offloe at Albany, Or,
as second-class malt matter.
hUllorx and lroprleters.
frr r. srrriKai, tri BsMer.
Laet Monday evening, while Dr. Price
and family were at the Christina tree at
the V. P. Church, an entrance waa
effected by a burglar into the real den oe
1 n the Western part of the city, the party,
for it seemed to be a single person
getting in by the way of a window in the
back of the house, lie was a lawless sort
of a scamp, for he went into everything,
and threw things arvund promiscuously,
and from indications was only after mon
ey aad jewelry. Of the former he found
only a dollar or two; of the latter he cap.
tured a silver watch end chain belonging
to the Decter, twe or three breast pins be
longing to Mrs. Price, and ssveral other
swell pieces of jewel ry ; but did not take
an wearing apparel or goods of that na
ture. The only light which the fastidious
burglar used waa matches, which were
found half burned all ever the house. One
which was dropped when lighted into a
dressing case started to bum the things
around it, but aft v scorching the case some
fortunately went out. An impression of
tracks back of the bouse was obtained, bu
there was nothing uncommon about them.
On the same night an entrance was
made into the residence of Mr. Wm. Tree
dale, but Mrs. Tweeds e reluming about
then they loft without any disturbance be
fore they had time to take anything. Our
citizens cannot be too careful about fasten
ing their windows and doors at night.
ttwrlUerfly Mfcarp.
One of the sharpest business maneuver
iogs that has yet come to eur knowledge
was recently consummated by Mr Warn
Reed, at present manager of the Ameri
can Mortgage Company of Scotland. Mr
Keed upon bis difficulty with the Oregon
and Washington Savings Bank Associa
tion of Oregon of which be was manager
for several years, and just previous to the
final breech, made an assignment of the
cream of the mortgages of the latter com
pany to the former company, now run by
him, in this state, at mast we can speak
authoritatively about Linn county, and
are welt informed as to the rest, la this
connly twentyone mortgagee were as
signed Oct. 53th for a consideration of
31,000. In Marion county, we under
stand thirty-fire were assigned, and in
other county s, we believe, the same prac
tice was cairled ant, thus giving the new
company a big lift, and taking some of the
best mortgages from the old one.
Kesniea ef the Old sseeaaale Band
Wednesday afternoon several of the mem
bers of the old Mechanic Bead, which made
oar streets so lively a few years ago, met
again and played together after a separation
ef eighteen months. They got their lips on
well and played with almost the old style
expression. So well did they get along to
gether that they ventured on oar streets, and
furnished several excellent pieces. We ac
knowledge a pleasant acre node, and only
wonder at their temerity in submitting their
mask; to such experienced ears as ours. Fol
lowing are the old members who were pres
ent at this reunion and assisted in filling oar
Streets with masic for an boar orse : Charley
Pierce, Jobs Spangler, W Langdoo, Will
Miller, Frank Wood, John Goitre, Mack
Mooteith and Watt Monteith. They were
assisted by O L Irving. The boyereport a
splendid time, and are talking some of re
organizing. We certainly hope they will,
for they won Id help to enliven matters con
siderably. Appealed-
Upon a verdict of "not guilty" being
found is the War henheimer case in
the U. 8. District Court an appeal was
taken to the Justice Court in this city.
. R Skip worth. J. P., and the prisoner
was brought here, also charged with
burglary, it being claimed that be had
made false keys and entering the store
while in the bauds of the sheriff, had
sold goods to various parties. A writ
of assies corp was i-:ued and Wachen
heimer was taken back to Portland,
where hh? body was produced in court
Wednesday morning. This taking an
appeal from Judge Deady to our worthy
Justice, is a feather in the cap of the
Court over which he officiates, and pla
ces it on an equal with the Supreme
Court of the United States.
1883-3 days.
Poor traveling.
A happy New Year.
P M Preach, jeweler,
Look oat for burglars.
Wheat is 83 cents at the mills.
Look oat for the tax collector.
Wanted more mans factories.
Athanvjaow has seven saloons.
8. H. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or.
Rebecca degree meeting to morrow night
at 7 e olook, at 0. F. Hall.
For a cough er cold there is no remedy
equal to Aaunen's Cough Syrup.
Seme full-blooded Berkshire pigs for tale
by J P Gilmere at Miller's Station.
The Benton county school teacher insti
tute met yesterday and Wednesday.
A correspondence received this week is
sft oat for want of the authors name.
For rent House in eastern part of the
city for rent cheap. Inquire at this osfice.
Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist, office in Odd
Fellow's Temple, over I angdon's Drugstore.
Lydia K. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound
strengthens the stomach and kidneys and
aids digestion.
Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, largest au
cheapest stock in town at the Farmers' &
Mechanics' Store,
French has a few pieces of silverware ift.
which he will sell eery cktap. Warranted
quadruple plate.
Our merchants report a big sale of holiday
goods, and seem to be well pleased with the
patronage received.
To-sight the skating risk is open f r
lsdiee aad no gentlemen admitted oxoopt
when accompanying a lady.
Rev Mr Selph will preach at the Baptist
eherch, in this city next Sabbath, morning
aad evening, at the usual hours.
Both the college aad the eity schools are
now taking a rest, bat on Tuesday morning
next business will be began again.
The "hog law" only applies to speoified
parts of the state, Albany being excluded,
our citizens need not become alarmed.
First-class groceries at Hoffman & Joseph's.
They keep - the latest of everything aad
make its point that the quslity is always
Since Prinevilie has becoiuo the county
seat of Crooks county it hai been rilling up
with lawyers at a terrible rate, and now has
aboet six.
There will bo a public examination of
teachers in the County School Superinten
dent's room in the ('eart House to-day and
On the first Sunday in January a series
of meetings will begin at the Evangelical
church in this city under the charge of Eev
J W Hellenbaugh.
Do net forget that Peter's A Blain are
in the Parnsh Block on the earner of First
and Ferry streets, and that this is the place
to get hardware
All persons indebted to Otto Fox are re
quested to call immediately at bU old stand!
and settle their account. Mr. Wm. Webber
will be there to wait oa them.
Ia the case of the Bute agt A Wachen
heimer. tried at Portland last week in the
U. S. District Court for perjury the jury
brought in a verdict of "not guilty."
We understand that the Knox Butte
(i range has challenged another Orange for a
match hunt, which is liable to take place at
any time. It will be a feather-Hying affair.
Those desiring Mew Years cards should
hurry op aad semi in their orders to C W
Watts. He has a splendid selection aad
fills orders on short notice, as well ia the
eity ss from the country.
Those wishing bottled beer for family use
should remember that the Star Brewery is
the best. Wm. Faber is an expert aad is
getting a good reputation for the quality ef
the beer which he manufactures.
Skating at the rink, on the evenings of
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of each
week, the second night being devoted entire -
y to ladies and gentlemen accompanying
them. It will nay you to attend.
If you want something neat and tasty fo
holiday time, call and see Samuel E. Young's
assortment of holiday goods, cups and sau
cers, plated ware, glassware and other sea
testable goodsAoo numerous to mention.
Tnere is a complaint among many that
there is not enough sociability among the
people here, and that married people as well
ss yosng people should kayo their parties
and get better acquainted with each other.
H F Newman, at Peoria, has just receiv
ed a splendid stock of goods by steamer,
consisting of everything usually found in a
first-class country store. His holidays goods
should be inspected by the people of Peoria
and vicinity.
Ladies ! You will find the largest and
finest assortment of gentlemen's embroid
ered slippers at Samuel K Young's. Also
a fall line of the celebrated H J Holt -rook A
Co., and Samuel Dunbar's ladies', misses
and children's shoes. Csll and examine.
Christmas morning when the worthy pro
prietor of the Revere House looked oat of
Freight Train Wrecked.
Last Tuesday morning the freight train
going north met with quite a serious ac
cident. It bad reached Millers, and was
crossing- the switch at a rapid rate of
speed, when one of the rails gave way,
and in an instant nine cars were piled up
against each other, and several of them
quite badly smashed. Six had to be un
leaded, aad three at least will have to be
taken to the car shops and repaired, but
the remaining number can probably be
fixed where they are. Passengers and
mails had to b? transferred at noon, but
the wrecK was rend red so that a passage
was made that night
able into rest. Mr J as Qarrect put up a fst
beef cow, valued at $90, and no trouble was
experienced in getting men to shoot. The
result was that Wm Shepard got the first
choice, George Shepherd the second, New
ton Savage the third, Rilsy Oarctt the
fourth and George Coon the fifth. Another
match for tarktya and a beef will ooour at
the same place to-morrow, when a big time
is expected.
Last Saturday night at 12 o'clock a lodg
ing house at lumen's Mills, 12 miles from
Men roe, in Beaton county, was destroyed
by fire, and two of the inmates Frank Leon
ard and George Blake were burned to a
crisp, and Joseph Shepherd so badly that
his recovery is doubtful, All three had
been drinking hard the night previous, and
it is claimed were too drunk to help them
selves. Shepherd was taken from the build
ing by a saber young man named Holgate.
They were a levs sick looking quartet as
thsy wended their way to the Poet Office,
the two young men were so fall that they
staggered and the two youag women dis
graced themselves by keeping theei com
pany, and seemed to think it fan, for they
allowed them to walk arm in arm with them
with the innocent light of the sun shining
on them. From them they wooded their
way to the art gallery, but wo doubt if there
wore enough head rests there to keep them
straight, and it would take a Prometheus to
paint the staggering, sickly looks, on tueir
faces. How they succeeded we have not
yet loomed.
Amnion's Cough Syrup is not a patent
medicine. No patent haa been asked for or
obtaiued upon it. To protect the nuhlic
from counterfeits and imitatious the manu
facturer has had tho label registered ia
Washington. The Syrup is made from pure
and costly drugs, and cannot be sold as choap
to the dealer as the common patent modi
cihes that are simply made to sell, which ex
plains why dishonorable druggists or dealers
try to soli you something else when asked
for Ammen'a Cough Syrup. It is upon the
market upon its own merits. Voa can buy
a sample bottle for IS cents, upon which, at
the wholesale price, the manufacturer makes
nothing. Ask to see a large bottle, and
read the lain-1.
The January nnml cr of Frank lasbs's
Popular Monthly is remark able for excellence.
and is in all resects, what a magazine might
to be ; the articles are exceedingly interest
ing and instructive ; the storiss, sketches,
etc, highly entertainiofr : the poems i ma
ts much merit, and miscellany is most
comprehensive, short stories, sketches, ad
ventures, u. Y.x.'.x number of this popular
periodical contains 12S quarto pages end
over !00 illustrations, together with a beau
tiful colored phvte frontispiece, The prioe ef
a single copy is Cents ; yearly subscription
$3. postpaid. Address Mils. Kuans I.kiMK,
Publisher, 53. 53 and B7 Park Place, New
Ths Nottk Amttrtcan ifVstVa for January
opens with a symposium ia which three of
tho moot prominent advoates in this coo a try
of the "Revision of Church Creeds," namely
Rev Dr Newman Smyth, Rev Henry Ward
Beecber and Rev Dr I.vman Abbott, set
forth the grounds Jupon which such revision
is deemed necessary. ''University K luxa
tion for Women," is discussed by Prof W
iconic Mevee, lrof Isaac U luce gives
"Definition of liberty." M American Kog
lish," by Gilbert M Tucker, is s spirited de
fense of our cis-Atlantic fashion of English
speech against the aspersions of sundry
British critics. "Bigotry in the Medic
Profession" by Dr 1 1 avid Hunt, b good.
Finally, Charles T Congdon, under the
singularly apt title of 'Adulteration of In
telligence," exposes some of the grave evils
to be apprehended from the monopolisation
of telegraph lines, press associations and in
flueotiel public journals. Published at 30
Lafayette Place, New York.
ford, who will remain a few weeks.
Mr Hugh Dinwiddle who lives at Pine,
in the south part of this county, called on
us last Friday en his way home from Port
land where hs hss been since Nov. 27th, in
attendance upon tiio U. 8. Dlst. Court as a
juror. Court adjourned until Jan. 3rd, 184.1
when hs will return.
Mr Alfred Hoi man, aasoeiato editor of the
Orweafaa, was in ths oity last Friday, in
the interest of that journal, and while here
favored us with a call. Hs is confident that
the ( juniun will hold its own, sad if - it
wiU only take the right stand toward the
valley aad work for oar interests, we certain
ly bad as lievs see it prosper ss ths sew pa
per to bo started there.
Wo, last Saturday, received friendly calls
from W T Slater, son of Senator Slater, and
Milt Miller, son of 11 0 Miller whe lives
nsar Ubenou. Milt and W T have been
attending school at the State University at
Kugeae. Ths former will spend the holiday-
with his father's family while Mr.
Slater will pass his vacation with his uncle
Gray some ten miles from Corvallie.
band nr. sniov
Last Tuesday evening tho third annual
reception of the ladies' Cornet Hand, was
held at the pleasant residence of Mr K W
langdon, on Seooud street. Mr Langdoo,
Mr J N Duncan aad Dr K L Irvine are all
the husbands the Hand has at present, sad
wore sll present but one ; hat the prospects
are good for more, at least sallioiently so to
keep up the courage of the remaining unmar
ried inoraber.4. Resides the husbands, and
their wife there wore present ssveral young
men as well as a few more lady friends, jest
enough to fell comfortable and at home.
The evening was spent most agreeably in
conversation, bass, tenor and alto, and games
of various kinds, tho favorite of which seem
ed to be "Old Maid" in two forms. An
ulegaut repast was served at tea, emphasis
ing the fct that thorn are mumbets of the
Band who know how to cook ia Delmoaieo
style. As Levy's eornet playing is to most
cornet playing so was this to most evening
collations. Aftor some excellent tausio. in
which Mrs Langdoa's rich votes and Charley
torce's cornet, formed the principal part.
tho happy company dispersed at twelve,
fall of good wishes for each others husbands
d everybody in genet!.
Ttantmr. in v at rxMiwiu..
Twe Men Dung bl One afct
i estorday wo learned by a letter from
PrinovWlo, and aleo by an extra to tho
News" published at that place of a terr
ble tragedy In that city, last Saturday, in
hlfki a Llnnlte, a Marlonlto and a Call
fernlan loot their lives. Al Hwsrtx and
a n. a
several otuurs were playing arus in a
saloon when a bullet psesed through the
window and entered the nook of Bwartx,
from the effort of which ho has since died.
At about the same time a party of masked
men went to the house ef Wm Barnes
near Prinevilie and took from there Nyd
Huston, formerly of thin county, and one
Chan Luster, recently from California.
What they did with them may be au rails
od from tho fact that they were soon after-
sly Observed
In Albany
try Blc and
A mora beautiful day never blessed
this welcome holiday . It was approct
ted by moat of our citizens, who put on
their best "bibs aad tuokors," stopped
work and had a good time, moat In a
quiet, peaceable way, others In tangle
foot, haok acting manners. Chrlstmss
i peculiarly a day of giving. As this
Is ti free country everybody can give as
U pleases. One young man gave sev
ml dollars Into the City Treasury for
the privilege of defending himself (?)
when attacked by several boy a. Home
gave to Matin and some to their frleads,
oni for policy's take and som for
love, soma for fun, soma far spite, bat
nearly all gave something, and many
was the young heart that was made
happy, end some wa expect sad by neg
lect. Wo would rathor be a hermit at
the North pole than a boy "left out In
the cold ' on Christmas day. Most of
the giving was dona at the churches,
en trees, which seemod to he well filled
with enlbl presents The members
of the
1 V.xSUtt.U U.S. a.
held their Christum tree Saturday
night. The church waa tilled to the
front steps, with beaming counten
ances. Interesting exercises preceded
the giving of presents, the distribution
of whleh, was, as Is always the case.tho
principal feature, On Monday night
I reus were unloaded at four different
plarre. At the
M. k. 0W MM,
two well shaped trees held the many
substantia: and other prewe'its, errang
edso as to attract tho eyre of the y uing
one, and make them eager to hear their
names called. In tho back ground was
a handsome evergreen cross which
show (1 oil to advautage, ami combin
ing all u very pretty picture was form
ed. The giving of present look place
after MOM appropriate exercises by the
children. The single trep at the
Oi l . Mi I f-JMl'Kf
was entirely for tho young r children,
and looked as tieat as a wax dolL n
three sides of tho hall were appropriate
mottoes well pot up, back of the stage
being the words ''dory t ! in the
Highest, on earth jkjsoo good will to
men." The esereisea were er the
pleaaanteat nature. The two Iron
at tho
OOVsMMMAfsWalj uinc it.
were particularly pretty, and contain-
d Just enough presents to show that
hey were being put on more to reiucev
r the children than to .make a show.
le exercises were good and of an at-
Uve nature. The simplicity of the
rangements here deserve the best
Corumeudntloa. At the
t . P. it t:
Bine Klbbon del.
An Interesting meeting of this club
waa held last Friday evening, there be
ing only a fair attendance. The music
was furnished from somo temperance
hooka, at d was very commendable. A
reading by Mies Lib Irvine and a reci
tation by Miss I na Robertson were both
good. The address by Itev. T. J. Wll
son, of Halsey, elicited tho closest at
tention and received the approval of
alt. The fallowing committees were
appointed by the P res id in t for the
tftate Alliance which meets here In
February, the first.
Consisting ef two from each church :
or.gregational -Mrs A BUIger, W H
Methodist Mrs F M West fall. Mis
W R Cannon.
Presbyterian - Mm K (J ( lark, Pref A
M Matton.
United Pre hylerian -Mr L K Main
Miss Maggie Foster.
Kvangelloal-Mrs W J Davis,
Pu rdom;
BaptlK T P ilackleman, Kev It
M B Mouth K K gklpwortb, Mm u W
on uvhk-.
Iir; VV (irey. Prof W J Davis, Prof
J W itohh, Miss Jennie Clark, Miss Idb
I rune.
holiday goods,
Tho FlncHtHtock Kvor 13rotisrht to Albany
here is nothing of the best class of holiday goods
but what is to be found here.
Books and Albums,
Beautiful Inkstands,
Rich Toilet Sets,
Hand Mirrors,
Handsomest Vases,
Lovely Brush Brooms,
Perfumeries of the best makes,
and many other goods suitable for holiday gilts
such as -
Mr. Isliam Walker, the subject of tills I
oidtnary was born in ibe auto of Tennee- and articles fancy and su bstantial, too numerou
u" iimiesseo io:iirton wnuo iu tei
to mention, uaii ana see tnem oeiore irurcnasing
UldlMsrr Usllrr.
young and united wltb the IUSIa(:burri.
fie united In marriage wltb Miss M 0
Howell of that Mtato, with whom be lived
in undieturlMHl harmony and raised a
respectable family, who have followed
his eaamplo In usefulnees. He removed
to Oregon in an early day and became an
honored Htlsen of Linn "oniy, wbero,
slier the death of his companies, he mar
rtod Mrs K M Thompson, of the same
county, m the year 1974, with whom be
lived happily until death severed their
iu Ion. i ni riii bis sleknesss bis faithful
ossrll rwrr!la
Tuesday evening, JStkh.
Present - Mayor, ftecorder, Marshal and
Aids Krrott, lloffmsti. ftla:kburn and
Hideout. Absent -I Jsney snd Ianaing
The com mil tee on tho proposed fdtcb
case reported, the report was souepted and
a motion made t list Judge Itonhaiu of
Maleru, he employed to condw tin; case.
oom pan ion like an Aagsd of merry was to roceive f.V for taking it through the
ever ready to render any services be Circuit nit, and 5 the taprein C ourU
noeded. If taken up.
Urotber Walker filled the measure of a Report ef Recorder for 4tb (juarter on ae-
noblo cltlaen, loved bis country as a true counts and current expenses read end re -
patriot, a kind husband and devoted fatb- ferred to committee on accounts an I na r
sr. a faithful and energetic christian, pest- rent expense.
eaalng a warm heart, prompting a liberal A motion was made and carried thai the
oontrabution for the cause of Christ, dty procure the material to build feaoes
During bis protracted Illness be enjoyed en the engine lots, and that tho building
rallKious conversation, enjeylnuT the ssafaa. I of it be under lite supervision of committee
oa streets and public property.
Moved i bat the bonds of Treasur e r and
Marshal be 0u each, and that the saleoa
bonds be approved, ferried.
The following billa were referred : R D
Murray, $2 2S ; Dsmocaar, 9.5 ; Conrad
Meyer, $1.-" ; Hoffmen .V Joseph, 8.&5 .
John Dsvhtson, $; ; I Denny, i'J ; N J
Henton, fl8.o.
wards found hung to the limb of a Juniper two tree- hmUl mrz onmhef -.f pre-
tree, about, two tulles from Frinevtlle to
wards Ocboco. Huston was shot in the
head above the ear and Luster was shot
twice in tho forehead. The shooting was
probably done alter they were hung. Jn
reference to th reason fer this tragedy
the "News" says : "The generally aeoersV
ents, whitdi were noticeable for th Ir
variety, more than their great vetuu.
and ranging from a marriage license to
a quartet et snipe, from a lead pencil to
some beautiful silver ware. The exer
cises went of! well, as did also three
alarm clocks, which some mischievous
el reason for such work is re i waled at-
tompu, many ol which have been sun-ess- hoys had set to strike at H : . k.
ful, at spiriting homes out of ef this -lion,"
in other words that It was the work
of tho "Vigilante Committee."
saxswnt iuiim
H. K. limy is back from Priueville.
Ad ran Comely has been in the city late
Mr. Wm. Graves, of Salem, wan in Albany
Mr. Ed. Piper, of Salem, ia in the vity
this week.
Mr. P H llayui ud is oa a trip to Portland
awl other places.
'apt h J Lasuing wa iu Portlaod the
first ot the week.
Mr. Jobs Nelson, ol Sited la, was m tho
city last Tuday.
Dr Kd Clark, of Eegeoe, speot Christmas
with his parsuta ia this city.
Jim Davis, wli j has been attending school
at Kageoe, is home on a vacation.
Harry Uoham aud wife of Portland, are
spending tho holidays io Albany.
Miss Laara ;jltrp, of Portland, spent
Christmas with her parents in this city.
Miss Lydia Uambaagb returned from a
trip to Portland and other places last Men-day.
Tracy Porter came up from Salem hut
It Meets All
Yes, sir, the stock of holiday goods at
GiadacbP is nelly Hand unsurpaj
ed In Albany. His stock ef children's
mx press wagon , ear rii:v. ho race, etc., is
the largest this side of Portland. IIU
boy 't saw bucks snd saws are worthy of
itteuilon, and then for toys gonerslly,
th.-roarosny number, dolls of all kinds,
tin toys of ingenuie make, canons, rubber,
tin, wooden, and all kinds of toys snd
nough to U w ldn one; how they do bug
"Will my house he burglarised ? "
(eusiderahl good erase was displayed
Christmas night by giving presents ol fair
value, without too much display.
Usffl?e are exhibiting the caprices of the
Will we forget to write it 3 ?
As Uailroada must bavu aomcthiag to off
set the big protite made from their m on ope
lestio habits, accidents aud freshets, are
instituted, for the purpose of potting part of
the money in the p-ckots of laborers and
About two hundred marriages are con-
uai presence of the Savior. In view of
death he had no fears realising an aasur
auroof a home in heaven. He
quietly to the rest that remains for the
faithful on the 12th of Oetoher, leej.
as years u months sod '2 days. Peace to
bis departed spirit. The Bsptlst Church
In Albany mourns tho less of s beloved
mora her.
it C. Hill.
IU Kejaal i. taboew
A iiwoll (Maes.) paper, so wo observe,
cites the iao of Mr P H Hh ert. orourte-
w w - -- .
tor of the Belmont Hotel, of that city.who
suffered with rheumatism for seventeen 1 declarod his appointment null and avoid
scholarship oatr.uJ
Sometime ago Mr. John fJoltra who
held a echalsrshlp from I. inn county,
informed that tho 'bounty Court bad
V all fleeasee of the CUmis east
tt lo
T Sseptssr See beweSs la
a flw am. sal
4 9 1 dri 8 tr?ss!rfsssaist
Provision Store.
Fish, Vegetables. Fruit,
Pieneral Groceries, &c.
(Successor to M. Hide)
Cor. of Broadaltunaskl First f. Albany,
Or. -
Administrator's Sale.
en the ground that be had become of see
while living in this county. Mr Oeltra
has since contested the traUer in the Cir
cuit Court and obtained a decree setUng
aside tho action of the County Court, on
the irruund that bo is still a resedent of
that county, and that his oaaewaa tried In
the first Instance without giving bim sny
noUOeatlon.-'-State Journal."
airrt'oe (fOSrrr.
out the eyes of the voun staters.
And for elder people Is the best French sussinated ia Iana County each year
years wlib'iut ilndiitir relief from any of
tho numerous remedies employed, until
he applied St. Jacobs Oil ; "f never found
sny tnediuise that produced auch remark -able
and Instantaneous effect as it did."
soys Mr MhorL -"Lyons (la.) Mirror."
on. r Kstrsereiaary.
You have been waiting for Itargains,
and now yeu are going to get them, the
boot ever Offered. Monteith A. Neitenhsul.
m ni, ki. r..a .w i.ji i i I Following arv the oaUcers elected by Orc-
dolmans, ulsters, at COST, which means f0 Kecampaient, I 0 O K ; for the ansa.
just what it aays. They want to dose them I 7W
E A. Parker. C P
Geo, Hochstedler, H P
W. C. Tweedale, S W
T. J. Ktites, Scribe
J. 1L Berk hart. Treasurer
W. M. Ketcbnm. J W
J. F. haekcoston, W. M. Ketchum, W. C
Tweedale Trustees.
ehina In the city, urocelaln. stone snd
earthen ware. His stock ol silver plated
ware is being greatly admired and doner v-
ly so. for it is uuoommt.nly fine. The
handsomest kinds of vases are found here
of the latest designs. Take Mr. (Jrad-
wohl's stock sitojretbor end there bt not a
bettor selected one, with a view to the use
ful aad ornamental, for holiday gifts. In
Linn unty. Do not pure base before
cat liny on bim.
Whether it is pronounced Allnoa or AI-
breue is causing considerable feeling, and
may result in the changing of the nam.
It is said that Chinaman lo not appreci.
ate ear Cbristtnan. but hendsomu silk hand
kerchiefs just received from "Pretty" testify
to the falsity of this.
the door the omnibus lately owned by Lewis Monday and is new foreman in the Herald
UlimiAn mA in fmnt nf it with a. . nn OtnCO.
Large rigs.
W. F. Barrows brought into town last
Tuesday two dressed pigs, one of which
weghed 573 pounds and the other 576
pounds. These pigs were 18 months
old at the time of killing. They were a
cross between Burkshire and Poland
China. We understand that Mr. Bar'
rows received the highest market price
for his pigs and in addition thereto, a
premium of $10.00. Wewaut to know
who will beat this. It might be well
to say that Mr. Barrows claims that
the large growth of these pigs was the
result of the late democratic victor ten.
Evangelical a. a.
At a reorganization of the Evangelic
al Sunday School last Sunday the fol
lowing officers were elested for the en
suing year. It is intended to run the
school oa an improved plan :
Superintendent A W Herbert.
Ass' t Superintendent VY J Davis.
Secretary B B Purdom.
Asst Secratary Miss Ada Crowder.
Treasurer W B Scott.
Chorister Prof W J Davis;
Organist Miss Fannie Shields.
Dramist Willie Landau.
it, reading "from Mrs Pfetffer to Caas
Pfeiffer." This is the best present heard
from, on the receipt of which we congratu
late Mr Pfeiffer.
We are under obligations to Mr ifirani
Kenton for a photograph of his gold separa
tor, a fell description of which appeared in
the Democrat a few weeks ago. We have
placed it in n neat frame, and those desir
ing to see a picture of one of the meet in
genu is contrivances of the present day can
de so by calling at our sanctum.
In several places in the city tho Lateral
ditches have cavea in so that travel ever
them has become unsafe. One team Was
thrown, aud the waon was only gotten out
of a big bole by the assistance of an
other team. These places need attending
to or some one will have several damage
suits on hand.
tjuite a number ot our young men are
making preparations to make New Year
calls, so that if no card baskets are hanging
Mr L Bristow, b Jsiness manager of tho
Portland Standard, was in the city last
Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, sister and brother-
in-law of O. L. Thosakene, are visiting with
her in this eity.
Mr Wm Hopkins left for Salem last Sun
day on tho steamer and will spond
the holidays there,
Mr. Ciias. Pierco, formerly leader of the
Mechanics aad Ladies Cornet Hand, has been
in the city this week.
Jason Wheeler, says tho Prineyille iVaWf,
has been confined to his house fur a week or
so with the rheumatism.
John Goltra is spending hix vacation at
bouio in tli is city. He iiiitwa student at
Willamette Ciivoraity at Salon..
Mr. waiter jacnw, ot aweet Homo was
in the city the first ot the week, aud voiy
kindly remembered the Democrat office.
Dr. Iige Irvine and wife, came up from
Portland last Saturday and aro spending
see a , .
on tho outside a raid will to all probability lM noivuyn in tins city among tliotr many
If o
be made on most of the houses in the city, irienas.
I Tk 1 a iit. s .
They will not be foraeintf expeditions. nev Jona 9aw ,,a leen ltl Clty m
but fer the purpose of attesting the good wdl the interest ot the American Sunday School
which everybody feels toward cvervbodv umon' n" " now "wppwg wn Itev l 4
saw Mounts' coon
Pre seals fer Men nasi
Ilex Fine white shirts.
Whisk brooms in velvet and satin.
Pine cigar cases.
Cenuine Meerschaum pipes.
Fine silk handkerchiefs.
Fine hats snd shoes.
Fine pocket knives snd rssors.
Chains, charms and lockets.
Pocket books ia Russia leather.
Fine Key West cigars (50 in box).
Walking canes and umbrellas.
Fine underwear in sets.
Collars, cuffs and scarfs.
Silk suspenders and kid gloves.
1 amb wool socks in boxes.
Also a largo and complete stock of
ing, furnishing goods, etc., etc.,
All goods aft marked in plain figures at
the lowest cosh price.
J. M. Nolan,
Farmers' & Mechanics' Store.
out aad will soil them for just what they I
rml. They have also made a exeat re
duction la plushes, vol vote and woolen
goods, ('all early and see for yourself.
rr Sale.
A doe black walnut marble top bed
set, all in goed order. Kouuire ef
1 U
Notine is hereby sdvon that toe under-
signed, Adminirator of theoatalo of Tyre
Alley, deceased, In pursuance of an ordor
of the County Orurt. of Lisra county.
Oregon, duly made snd entered of record.
ill on ssunrUay the 13th day of J a nary .
1883, at the hour of one o'clock, p. na of
said day on the premises hereinafter ee
scribed, at public auction to the highest
bidder, sell all the right, title and inter
of said dooeo sod in and to the following
described real property to-wit :
All the donation land claim ef the said
Tyre Alley, betas; noUneation No. SjKM
snd claim No. 57, situated in sections II
and 2S, township 13 south, range 1 went.
and sect lone if ana ju, tosressup is seam,
range 1 east, S illaanette meridian, except
"J0 acres on the north end, contaunlnw J40
acres, iu Linn county, Oregon. Alan, tho
fol'owinfr described promisee : Beginning
at the N.E. corner of the smrthwsaatqsBUter
or section township ia ssMsua, ranee l
wool and mnnlnir south 40 chains :
ae.-.: 2i chsinsto the Sent iem ities ;
north 2 d ogress east 20 chains ;
north 10 decrees west 20 chains ;
30 chains to the piece of besnnninsr.
on tain iag (r acres, more or lessa, in Linn
county, Oregon: Said preen sees to be sold
in laurels to suit the pore he sera.
1 anus op ssle : One half the purchase
price cash in hand, the baJanee oa a credit
of twelve months from day of sale, with
Interest at ten per cent per annum ; the
deferred pay menu to be secured by
Those uf our read, rn who iuteud to make
linal proof on tlieir Homesteads, caa help
DaSSKSLaT by rnuestin Uie Uagister
rresealarsr Ladles.
Fine cloaks and oaahrnerea.
Celluloid sets, plush and loatbur.
Albums, morocco and plush.
Picture frames, plush and volvst.
Card cases, Kussis loath er aud pearl .
llohnmoan vases, now styles.
Com, silver and rolled plated jewelry.
Fine hair and cloth brushes.
ladies satchels, plush, seal and raomcco,
llandkerehiof and glovo hexes.
Klegant fans and silk umbrellas,
Celluloid, hand mirrors aud com hi.
Kino corsets and kid shoes,
Fine sets, muff and boa.
Also a largo assortment of j fancy, desirable
goods, suitable for tho approaching holiday
trade, evory arttolo marked in plain llgnres
at lowest caah prices.
Ijulioa' Emporium.
A certain gentleman in this city claims to
be the post esse r nf a meteor, composed of
iron and atone, which he writes us. "waa
but a few years ago a part of ens of the phn
eta. nstllioaa of miles above as." This bit ef
to designate it as the papain which notice important news is supplemented by a puff
make linal proo for his businesa, which, it would be agree
able to him to have published, but as our
corresoondent siifiis a fictitious name, and
mf w
we are not well informed as to the
part, we refrain from saying more.
sage on the premises.
Dated Dec, 15th. 182.
J. D. Woenv
of their application to
shall be published.
Sheriff's Sale.
s the Circs Court of th StaU oj Oil
for the iQsasfy ay aVesa.
LmUjt UraMtiaer
Indies yoo cannot make fair skin, rosy
cheeks, aud sparkling eyes with all the cos
mi tics of France, or beaut tiers of the world,
while in poor health and nothing will
givo yoo sueh rich blood, good health,
strength and beauty as Hep Hitters. A
trial ia certain proof.
tlssany Market
Wilton, at Jla'.sey.
Parley Me Knight is now working on tho
railroad in Umatilla county, where he has
charge of a gang of men. He is doing first
rate and likes the country.
Ala Harris returned from Koseburg last
Monday, and Tuesday was followed by
Mack Monteith. They disposed of tho entire
stock of Otto Fox's goods.
C C Hogue came over from the Bay lately
and crossing tho river on the steamer Salem,
An embarrassing pcene occurred at one of
the churches lost Monday evening when a
young man and lady received a large en
velope, which, when opened, they found to
contain a marriage license, completely made
oat, signed and sealed by the County Clerk.
The marriage has not yet taken place, but
will be duly announced when it transpires.
Considerable interest was manifested last
Monday over the arrest of a young man ac
cused of assault and battery. It is ssid in this oity Sundsy morning, look
that, after the obi English fashion, he took m ne had had quite a siege of rough
refuge in one of our churches, but it proved trvo"ng
to be no protection under our law, and he Rev R C Miller, of Roseburg, in company
was dragged forth and taken into Court, with his wife, has been in the city fer sever-
One side of the story is that he was attack-1 ' dys- On account of a severe cough the
cd by several ferocious beys, when, ia pure former has bean compelled to give up preach
self defense, he thrashed the ground with 1 10 8 for several weeks,
one of them, but tho case was settled. so tb at I Bruce McKnight left for Portland last
nothing can be stated authoritatively. I Tuesday, and will spend the winter there
Last Saturday a lively shooting match I taking lessons on the violin. He was ac
occurred at Peoria, which exeited consider- companied by his brother, and Whit Craw
To wlmm it may concern :
The co-partnership existing between O. T.
Porter and James Pottiager, under tho firm
name of Porter A Pottinger, publishers of
the Albany JeraLl, at Albany, Or., has not
been dissolved, sll reports and statements to
the contrary notwithstanding. I havs not
signed any notice of dissolution of co-part.
nersbip, and if my name should appear in
this week's Herald attached to any such
notice, it will be without my consent, and
such notice will, therefore, be worthless.
Jakes Pomiuiicit.
Albany, Or., Dec. 28, 1882.
Klectton or OMrer
At its last regular mooting, Day ley
Chapter No. 8, elected the following oill
cers to serve tho ensuing Masonic year :
J K Weatherferd, H. P.
K W Langdon, R. K.
R A Foster, K. &
Geo Humphrey, C. of II.
Geo K Chamberlain, P. S.
L Senders, K. A. C.
John Brush, Treax.
DSN Blackburn, 8eo.
A B Paxton, Q. M. 3rd V,
C E Wolvorton, Q. M. 2nd V.
W R Bllyeu, G. M. 2nd V,
KHM Carter, Sentinel.
The Installation will take piano to-mor
row night.
i . o. er a, t.
Dried trniu
If you have dried fruit to sell, and want
the highest market price there is paid for it,
goaud see Allen A Martin, Albany, Or.
THOMA8-BF.NH0N.-On Doc. 2lst, 1882,
by F.ld. A. J. Jsnnigan, Ma N N Thomas
and M Manv II Bkssoji sll of Linn
1882, at the residence of 8 K Grey in this
city by Bev J W Harris, Ma J 1. Hsnklb
of Philomath, and Mi.hmSi'sa,
of Albany.
BLAND-R0HRKR. On Dec. 19, 1882, at
the residence of the bride's parents, by
Kev II H Crosier. Ma Wm A Blanu and
Miss Missis Roiirkii all of Linn county.
Wheat hoc per bubal, at the mills,
at the warehouses, 82.
Oats Hie H "
Beef on foot, 5 to 6c.
Hay baled, 18($20 per ton.
loose, 12 to 15.
Butter -20 to 2S et per lb.
tiggs 35 cents por do..
Potatoes 65c per bushel.
Pork 7 eta per lb.
Veab-Ofl per lb.
The AL Swartz shot at Prinevilie was not
the one who used to live in Alliany by that
name, but a Marion county man.
Letter Lit.
Tiie to. lowing lathe list of letters reinal jlnp
In the Post OnVe. AHiany, Linn county. Urn
iron, Pee. 2S, 1SS2. Persona ml Una !or these
letters must kivk iiw ilsle on whleh they were
Oonvoll. Joh; 8. (2) ;routul. NoUic
llmiirar Jas. It. Moore. Wm. 8.
Millsr. Fanny l-urter. A. A.
Stieus. K. .snodarass. V. W.
RCMUlec, Plaint i
('har'es Rile v and
J U Sparloek, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out ef the above named Court
in the above entitled suit to me directed
and delivered. 1 will on Saturday the)
13th day of January, 18S. at tho Court
House door, In the city of Albany. Linn
county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock ,
E. m., sell at public auction ior caah re
and to the hi z host bidder the mortsrasred
premises deecfibed in said order of sale as
follows, to-wit: The undivided one
sixth interest of the northeast quarter of
section Su, Tp, 11. S. K. 3 west. Situated
in Uon ooiiuty, uregon and containing
lw) acres more or less.
The proceeds of said sale to be applied
as follows, to-wit : First to the payment
of the costs ef suit taxed at (34.93 and the
coats and expenses of sale. Second to the
payment to the p'aintm, K C Miller the
sum of $614.72 with interest at the rate of
one per cent per month from the 23rd day
of October, 1882, and the surplus if any
there no to pay over to the defendant J
Dated this 15th day of Dec 1882.
Sheriff of Linn county, Or.
Notice to Fruit Growers.
Orexon state Normal School
This State institute has been fully organ.
ized at Mommouth under the law by
which it was created as passed by the last
Legislature. The earollmout has already
run to over 100 students, and those prepar
t A - A a y m
lug to teacii, we aro informed, are going
from all parts of the state so that enroll
month rapidly increasing. The laculty
consists of seven regular professors and
teachers, besides assistants. The grad
uates receive a State Diploma from the
State Board ot Education that authorizes
thorn to teach in any pnblic school in the
State. For circulars or further informs
The United Order of Ancient Templars
have elected the following officers fer
1883 :
E Q Johnson, Past Templar.
J H Burkbart, Templar.
Mrs EG Johnson, Vice Templar.
T P Hsokleman, Leeturer.
Miss Mattie Hamilton, Reeorder.
0 G Burkbart, Financier.
W S Peters, Treasurer.
Fred Blumberg, Marshal.
E B Spink, Watchman.
Miss Katie Knspp, Guard.
Mrs J H Burkhart, Organist.
Quick, complete care, all annoying Kid-
tion, address D. T. Stanley, A, M., Presi- ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. 91.
1 dent, Monmouth, Oregon. Ex. 1 Druggists.
HUTSINPILLKlt, On Dec. 1st, Elksor
M k Hi i si mi i.i. Kit aged 10 years, 3
months and 20 days. Also Dec. 4th,
Morton Anuhrw Hutsihmllkr aged 4
vaars. 11 months and 6 days. Children
of Mr and Mrs Alonen Hatainpiller, resid
ing near Oak Creek 5 miles east of Al-
They woro victims of that dread disease
scarlet fever, and wore sick but little more
than twe days each. Thus in the bloom of
promising childhood these dear ones wero
taken from loving parents. Ella was speei
allv loved bv all her school mates ever
punctual in her olasaes and making rapid
progress in all her studies. She was very
thoughtful and kiad to her younger brothers
and sisters, giving them almost a mothers
care and little Morton was a bright playful
fellow just ready to begin life's work. But
they aro gone to a brighter life a better
home above ; there to complete what was
so well begun on earth.
"Let us be patient ; these serere afflictions
Not from the ground arise
But oftentimes celestial benedictions
Assume this dark disguise.
They are net dead-children ol our ffotion
But (rone into that school,
Where they no longer need our poor protection,
And Christ hiiuselt doth rule,"
g. G. I.
Absolutely Pure..
This powder never varies. A marvel ol jurity.
strength und wholoaonieasssu More economical than
the ordinary kluda, and cannot be ld in eomHUun
with the multitude o low test, short weight, alum
or phosphate powers. Sold only in cans, Itovat.
Baklno Powdsk Co. ICS Wall-st, N. Y.
The undersigned having obtained the
exclusive right to make and sell the Plum-
mer Hot Air Family Fruit Drier in the
counties of Linn, Lane and Benton takes
the present opportunity toiafrocn poroses
who want to save their mm crop, teat
he is prepared to receive orders for the
best fruit drier in the market, Plumnvr
Hot Air Family Drier, for particulars ad
dress. Joins Bunas,
Albany Oregon
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against the f state of W H
Smith, deceased te present them with the
proper vouchers within six mouths from
the date of this notice to the undersigned
at her residence two miles east of Lebanon
in Linn county, Oregon. The undersign
ed having baen duly appoint! by Use
County Court of said Linn county, ad
uiinistrstrix of the estate of said W M
Smith, dt ceased.
Dated this 15th day of Dec 1882.
Rhoda A. Smith,
Ha witt A Bar ant,
Att'sfor Administrator.
Southern Oregon in the coarse of hasaaa
events is bound to have a big city at seats
future date. There is quite a strife grow
ing as to what point shall get tho benefit.
sjsVDiamond Dyes are se perfect and so
hsstiilifnl that it is a n less lire la use thorn .
Equally good for dark or light colors
10 eta.