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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITKS fcNUTTINe. braises orriraia Dcasserai nuiMiason rsaualtta Mmk TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION la te copy, par tpt, in advance.. f2 50 3 00 1 so J5 to lag! copy, per Iruriaeopy, etx i vuio oopy, Mr year, at end of year MX MMMM three moo Um ALLEN & -o F ALBANY Ar new receiving thir FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 Consisting of one of the largest General Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes all the latest styles and novelties. Onr stork is all fresh and new, and mnch of it was purchased i New York, and there is not one piece of old style goods in onr store- THE CLOTHINU DEPARTMENT Contains one of the largest and finest assortments of clothing and gents' furnishing goods ever brought to this valley, and will be sold at prices that defy competition, either here or elsewhere. We also keep a foil line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, All of the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, e is also to be fonud at our store 0." GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Oar motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. State OL. XVIII. MARTIN OREGON, Immense Mock of and most complete itock of in Albany. The direct from the manufactures. onr splendid selection of a large and well-sel c U i i U I o FOR ALL. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rUIN. O. K. CltAMBKKI.Allt. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jeroffloe In Foster's Brick Block.- vtanWf It. 8. STRAIIAN, Albany, Oregon. PRACTICE IN ALbTHKUOUKTNOr thi Btate. They gtvs special atttm- m to colleeUon and p robs to mstter. Office in Foster's now briok. 4Wf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Offios upstairs, ovor John Brigg" store, 1st surest. v uniat r J. K. WEATHERFORD, (SOTAMY PUBLIC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OKK4.e. WILL rttAlTICK IS AiXTIIR COURTS or TIIK XI to KmkU1 attention given U oullacUuna iumI prut to matter. ffUAc In OOa Fllw' Tempi. U:1 J. O. POWBIA. W. K. IUI.YKC POWELL A BILYEU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - - OREGON. Collection promptly made onsil point. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. JOTOfflee In Foater'ii Hrl. k.-8JB Tl4nl8tf. F. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OREGON . Will nrmctlee la til the eonrti of lUo HU1. Prompt attention Riven to collection , n- veyaaoeaand esaminaUou at Titles. lrofaeta aapaoiallty. GEORGE ATTORNEY BARMEN, AT LAW AND Notary Public, rnixEVi&x. m. Collections promptly on si I point. E. K. SKI l'WOUTII, ATTORNEY t(llriSI AT LAW AD SOTaBi rt KU4'. WILL practice In alt court of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. MM in O' ToolS $ Bloek, Bromlatbim Strrmt, 45yl Atbamy, Urtifon. LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. First claaa vehicles,' fine horse, geod feed, accommodating proprietors Monable charees. (live them aiu d rea- call. Stables near Kevere iiouse. oyi. E. W. IANCD0N & CO., DRI'tGINTN. I look. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A l4trge Stock and Iow Prices. OITT DRUG 8TOBB, - i alb st. mtuuimn . F08HAY & MASON, VSOUOULJ ASS T4Ur Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY. OREGON. vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. a Mr(!srapesti ha purchased the brb hop formerly owned by J If Surlea, a will continue the business at the old pis and guarantee satisfaction to customers. oran stmt sad EI t worth Albsajr, recs. . Chas- Pfciffcr, Proper. Thl. new Hotel U fitted up in flrt rtaae etyle. Tablaa uildieii with tits best the market aS-Tl. Hprina Bed in every Kwna. A rl tMunH Hxm lor Com meroUl Travelers. Cwseh te aad Itsae Aloany Bath House. fnnS UNDKhSKNBD WOULD RESPECT JL fully iaform the eitisens of Albany and vi einity that I have taken charge of this KitebiUh mant,aad, by keeping clean rooms and payin trie t attention to bastasse, expects te salt al tboie who may faror us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, expectf to give entire eatiifaction to al J89"Chldiea and Lndief' Hair neatly on bampooed. JOB WBBBEK. THE MOST POPULAR WHISKY 'IHKE rUVmtSUPfJlIOR TONIC Oto JtoGB W ABSOLUTE PURITY HAVE lAOi-i . I FOR MEDICINAL & FAMILY USE AS WELL AS FOR A WEALTHY, PLEASANT DRINK THESIS HO WHISHT EQUAL TO THE OLD JUDGE FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS I LIQUOR DEALERS. 'L"80tEMWNUTMS , KANE,OLEARYCD WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, a a i amm asaesaae a Mill fetuiA a . a (Lancia ouan a i. aan nuuiwiseu. uau. FRED REI89 Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. VFSmSm Bights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER SO. 1882. mm 9s If 1 ar CErmanremedY. voia RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sonntti of Hi9 Clint, Gout, Quinsy, Sot Throoi, Swell ings and Sprain, Burnt and Scalds, SonoraJ Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Faro, and all other Pains sued Mches. Xo friaerettua as caffs easale Sr. Jtraa nn pr, mn, dasas end hmp kat.r .1 Umif A USd Ml talk but tt ntrilr.!x Iriaiuf .mlUy al M fas tat aad J M.r!..r itb (Ja rmu haw ctcp aad puettlte prw tt u. ai Mrctla la BOLD BY ILL D1U00I8T8 AID DE1LEEC II sTEDIOIIE. A. VOOELER A, CO., r, Jfd , V.S A. a Ntrrt:i kit rvriTu:: WOiLX. t tVM IX 8SS) B it. sales i"-d tnsert f Ura. ljfU R Itaav v. .. .rf t ,y ..a. iaMaaasassaS8 sf8sf ainass ssssjs 1 1 ri.'aar SsaSsaS8Jes9MSjkfsf8taasBa4 ' r esasssSSStSsIS leta sr. Sac t. i -imt ...k, r.Lhuaiitanae a I itady, aad U eSUd ta korp aU lad - - fc -. - ,1 nliaia daShdSCf S-r U epoa W, each twaritia; Ha tfarial taiCea d rxr. niuw, or -y at leaaasj rroai Ik Bar rtai4 CvmnuajMl tea aa i ill la for ga4 aad sat rU pstr'wa I ha ei raaasBr 8sajaj8JSj8s1 S; esd apasOsfjl a thiruuruu kt!-:f.!.yia4Ja U cvaaur. Ona nj, -It a Uaa a r (ate. ttatlJaara nttr. Jy tba urM form if fft!a- sff taa tm, Lmaarraii. trrarir Mn raatl .! Ortt Tnntila. l-ccrvw-a, ttaadteSH all I niarnt n4i v.atlM., aa4 U gal caaa irf It aeasjejSaj arcry j-.r u n at iba aaw Ue aad tcnr. Il r w faUMaw Tuat ttrV.tiC at bnwla (d harka. ha. Ml ajay mrtd bj IU saa. tt at ail itova. a4 aJletrfwasaan i, art toaswocy wastfcates that gvKtm tSa f ill tyataaa. It oort. Jy 1- UMU . r .1 fr-ri .aAdtoauUby Straa. Aay a4vw rwjalrt.1 a to :- aU i uwasassiaf asaay was ase aaaa rasiin I to trUta by taa sMtd tU VqrataU Cotopoand. raa U cwatead lor addrasssa Mrs I'.. UJ rtastptar nptr. at bar hou attras. Masa tttk0T an tba eoawesatf to abtiaaae titlnaStbi abna. Mrs nakbaaV Uar Mna," aya om wrur. Mara SB Sto swrtS for tt rara of CVamrtlpattcm. Torpidity of the llnr. liar Btaod In Ita apndal Una aad UiU tmtc In IU popularity. ail aa aa Aasst ( Jlamr aboa. aote U to do rood toot ban. a Xra, a. M. U TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. te. Bowel eosttve, Fain in the srtth a dull m back uon in the Pain under BDOQld miui i ia iiioa miwi w uu uuuu oil nation to exertion of body or mind, Irritabilitr of temper, Lost spirits, with s feeling of having neglected some duty, W earl newt, Disslneea, Fluttering at the Heart, Dote before the eras, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right ere, BesUsssnsss, with fitful dreams, highly oolored Urine, and 99NSTIPATION. TTJTT8 PIIXS arr ; lully adapted to Kuril oaae, one jjoao in 1 1 kuoIi n rhaugo of feillas;aa touluittih the aafferor. Tin y lasweaee tUr Apatltle, unl -aoiu tha bod to TU mm Mli. thus tli yatrm Is Honrbhrd. nn1 y tlx ir Tonic Artlawa on tha Plajasilse aiaawe. aarcnlnr Minola arr pnv duoad. Prtct? ffi o-nin. MA Mnrmy Sd,. M. Y. TUH'S HAIR DYE. Oaar Hats oa WitieKrnn rhanerd to a Glomv Uiwtca by ti vUitflrapiilicuilonaf tlilM 1yk. linn part a natural ulur, arin Intantuiieotily. Wold by Urugglau, or aent by ixprcsa cn revtHpt of 1. o rr icb. as mvkuav nrr.. nev vorjl (Dr. irrra m-si r io. .1. iir.ratiaa taaSU ttawlpU IU l uH4 1 RliK mm appUtaUaa. A,ll... Mllu with Pinal Settlement. Notice jt hereby given that the under slsned AdBilnistrators of the estate of 0. D. Uurkhart, deceased, have filed their final account a uch Administrators m the County Court sf Linn county. Or., and by ordoi of ssid Court. Saturday the Dta day of December, 1882, at the hour of ton o'clock a in., sas been nxea ror tne hearlnir of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Any person intereat ed in said estate i hereby notified to ap pear and file bis or her objections to said accoHnt and t he settlement thereof on or before said day. J. D. Burkhart, C. M. Burkhart, Administrators. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAH RKTUllNED to tbla city and reeuniod prac tice. Office in new teleg-aph offiua, OToole's liuiMtnge, liroeaaiuin Ktrcet, between r imt and nee ond street. Albany, Or., Wov. 8, 1882, Stock-holders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Linn Co., Agricultural Association at the office of J. II. Foster fe Co.. in the city of Al bany, county of Linn, State of Oregon on Thursday, the fourth day of January, ta4amaaaju aad t h. r. K. r"-i PruatrUo, Gaacral DaUUly, ISaaateSSSNaL of Adds t! ilesd. Dart. 1883. at one o'clock, p. m., or said daysror the purpose of electing seven director for the ensuing year, for the transaction of any other businesi that may coma before said meeting. Nimrod Paynr, R. A. Foster, Jt rasident. Secretary. i.lAI.H i L ftKWM. The penal code was nol.tfifoicftl Hun day in New York. Congressman (tallove H. Oith, of fn diana, died on the 17tli Gen. Hsurninn gives up aetiva com msnd of the army next Fall. Importation oi tbe Irish WurLl into Ireland baa been prohibited. The steaaar for New Vorlt, from Havana, baa 91 87,000 in specie. Hon. Lot. M. Merrill, of Maine, is dangerously ill, and List friends look for bis death at amy ties. James Jyton (ill more was hanged at Deadwood, last Friday, fur tbe miir dor of Bleento Orten, June 17 'J. Tbe President baa scoaptsd 250 miles of new road on tbe Atlantic and Pscifio .railway, aad 200 in Arisons. Tbe fugitive secretary of Hrooklyn board of education, Stewart, is a de faulter te tho amatint of $250,000. Opositioo in the (Icrmsa federal States to tbe profsMed prohibition of tbe importation of American ork in ct easing. Secretary Kolger apftoinled Nelson Pierce" and Martin ilulger inspectors of foreign steam vessels for tbe port of San Francisco. Tha treasurer of tue UuiteJ States baa received from J, l: , an attornoy. KXK) In cash for tbo account of the macianoa funL At Santa Rosa, Cel., a young lad named Wilson, son of a widow, killed himself accidentally while out bunting eo the 16th. (Jen. W, D. Callender, a retired ofAcer of tbe regular army, who received sev eral wounds in the Mexican war, died at laysvtlle, III. In a bar reota row st J,-advt!le, Kcarick, from Victeria, IU., sad a man named Cum ruing, were shot snd will probably die from the wounds. Th gross receipts of tbo Globe tbeatra, Boston, during LwgU's two weeka engagement, winch terminated laat night, amounted to $26,748. At lialtimon, Sitni'lay, John Schet gler shot hi wife sud killed himself. At Louisville, Ky , tbcie is anow three inches dtt p, ll.u fitst of tbe see son. Geo. C. Dames, the muu ulaiu vn- goliat fiom Kentucky, is holding forth in New York. Jamtsi Lsighton, sr. OMo man, ssa banged at Deadwood on (he 1 7th. The hangiof was private, lie killtsl a Mexican in Dakota for no known res- as son. Ilia parent an- wealthy. Au ageot of the secret service divisi on at San Francisco, has telegraphed tbe treasury department of tbe srrest in tbst city of John T. Ilenneberry for passing counterfeit silver coin. A Time's Boston secisl says ; KJ wsrd K. Kiev, tba veil known theatrical manager, filed a voluntary petition of insolvency yesterday. Toe claims against hi in amount to the sum of ?!,- 000. Itabeit Ould, assiatant secretary al war under the confederate government, is Jead. Ha was prominent toward tha close of the wsr for the part he 'took in endeavoring to secure an equitable exchsnge of prisoners between tbe two government. At Hartford, Conn., tbe German so ciety of progress are moaing to secure a modification of the license law. At Lynchburg, Vs., I). U. Thomas, president of tbo bank of Ahingden, has failed ; liabilities arc said to be fi)0,000, Tbe boarders of theUrsnline convent at Quebec, were aent home yesterday in oonsequence of an outbreak of typhoid fever. ou t orn out A Republican exebango nays that "a Summary of the vote of New Jersey st the lato election uninistukably indicates thst it is much more likely to go lie- publican than Democratic in 1884. What indications there are that Ne Jorsey will go Republican in 1884 is more than can be seen by mortal vision. New Jerse? went Democratic in 1880 by 2,000 majority. A summary of tbe vote at the lato eleotion as made by tbe New York Sun shows that the Dem ocrats have 3,000 majority. All the indications here point unmistakably to tha fact that New Jersey in 1884 will be in harmony with the prevailing Democratic sentiment of the country, that will eertainly sweep Republicans from power by the eloction if a Dem oeratio president. . IS ' - Nearly 880,000,000 worth of peanuts are consumed every year. Of this amount $28,000,000 worth ia sold by street-corner vendors. In North Caro lina the peanut is called "ground pea," in Tennessee, "groover," in Alabama, "ptnder." A Jesuit writer, Gerard Grumsel, in in 1G60 issued a volume of poems, term ed elegies on historical events of the cjntury, which contains 2068 hexa meter and pentameter lines of no mean order, each couplet giving, in chrono gram, the particular date 1660, IIHVOVU). The tomb of Mr. Garfield is still g.inrdod by sentinels. In hope of relieving hi btonchitia, ex Minister Klihu B. Wanhbunte will winter In Now Mexico. In recognition of his gieal services st Constantinople, it i n-ported that Ttord DufTorln is to be msde a marquis. Kinglake is finishing the last volume of his Crimean history ; it will appear just twenty yesrs after the firat one. Mrs. C 0 Washburn, wife of tltf late goveraoi, who haa Uon in the asylum for thirty year, is now likely to recover. Mr. Henry M. Stanley, tbe African explorer, has gone to Nice te recuit bis health. He will return te Africa early In 1883. A picture by Mctssonier, measuring only six by four inches, "Policbinellr," was lately bought by M. Secretan, a Parisian amateur, for $8000. One of tbe drat men to reveal to tbe average American tbe wonderful clear- nr-ui of the Hindoo mind was tbe Rov. Dr. Scodder, in his lectures of twenty three years sgo. Washington Qiy is to li the perma nent dwelling place of tbe inventor of the Bell telephone. Mr. Bell was born In Scotland, and took out bis naturali zation paper only the other day. The estehlUhment of a Darwin Scholarship of Biology, which will sup port sn American student at the Euro pean school, is likely to be tbe form of s memorial to Darwin selected by tbe United State. The Hon. Joseph Uiutnell of New Bedford, a brother of Moses H. snd Henry Grinnell, celebrated tbe ninety fourth anniversary of bis birthday lest Saturday. He is the oldest man in Massachusetts who was ever a member of Congress, and still fo as eases good health and unimpaired faculties, A tribe of civilized and Christianized Indiana in New York State, have been found by Mr. Frank Cuahing to pos ses s complete scqusiotance with Zuni ceremonials, war and medicine dances and the rest, which they have guarded so carefully tbst be was only able te learn tbem in bis character of initiated Indian chief. L:cy Hooper writes from Paris that among the articles taken from the body ot the late prince imperial was a ma!l morocco case which be bad woru upon bis brca t containing tbe picture of lbs daughter of a l.indon tradesmsn ; snd the latest romantic story coueerutng tbe prince i that his mother aeut him to Africa t prevent au imprudent tear riage. Staff Commander J -tinea Charles At kinson, tho oldest nUicer iu the Britiab navy, has just died at tho age of 100 years. He commanded the Peneuin. " ana wesceptureu ana nt. vessel destroy- .i v... . 1. 1 : ir -a I lOia . t n aptSV ror .no pui, uiteeu year, ne mm f a a mM mam w w t l l v r mm . I I mm mm m m ni m m Mm mm mmmr a mm Mm mMm m v- v-, v - Lattiixl all In j jrn In., unimntliail 1 1 rt ... -i -r to the vety moment of bis death. like to be thought a paison ol tender years, and claims to be twenty-five. one is iieuto, weiguiou nmriv-iovir - ' " A . a a pounds, and her teet are not unduly smau. one ureases on me street as i, ni .i a . I American lauiea uo, navm lately ocen seen in a wine-colored brocaded velvet I . . I i. -tit 1a1 r , isttonaiae over itisiii velvet, wnn a nai wnose iirun droops over tne orow, ana , on tne Bi:es bang long drooping piumes. -it t a a I Not long ago, Mr. Peter Cooper, who U witbin tnree motiin- oi being ninety- . . , two years old, called on Miss Clara Louise Kelogg. and was entertained by her with several charming songs. Then he asked her if she knew, or had hoard au eld ballad called "The Tor toise-shell Cat," She answering in the negative, he at onoe sang a verse of it for her, in a clear, firm voice, and ia a asaaa. that won from hr s h(itv OnCOI'O. K.flnv. and Conflrrassraan Cvrus Carpenter, of Iowa, will soon be retired to private life, having failed to secure a re-nomination for Congress laat Sum- mer. But he accepts the situation with cheerful philosophy. "My de- w m feat," ho says, 'did not hurt ma ner sour me. I havo as cood a farm aa there is in Towa, and no man who haa that needs any one'a sympathy." And tho Towa Slate Register adds : "Bless- inga on a man who has been thirty ------- w wmm in r1t mta nn.l ita WiMinnUtd and ycato saa 'Va iviuj hmu avis v a vu wass still keeps so pure a name and so good a heart as thin Paul amanrr imblio men in Iowa." a nnuriera appetizkk, That ensures digestion and enjoy ment of food ; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervons : a harmless diarrhea cure that don't constipate just what every family needs Parker's GingerTonic It Is suggested by iierr uueoerg that tbe moon may be habitable on the side invisible from the earth, tha water and the atmosphere being drawn thither by the effects ot itation. grav- NO 32 CHESS COLUMN. Chess problem- snd other chess -..miu, imtim, auiiciieq trom all our chess rAidsrs. We propose to publiah at least one problem each week, for so. Intlon by our readers, ff miiTicieiit en couragement is gin we will com mence In a few wwIcm a tegular ehess tournament. I'SOIlf.KH C. Itiy I U. H ) White K at q Kt I QetO. 8 Rat K 8 Hlsck K at KG Ktat KM Kt at K 4 Ktat K Bl! KtatO, 4 I at Q B 2 Bat K Kt 1 P at J 3 PatO. B4 (White to pl.y tgW mae in two moves.) enoiiLKM 7. City w i ) White Ulack K at K 4 K st K tl 4 CjatO. 2 Put K Kt 2 Kt at K K t P at K B 3 (While to play and mate in two moves.) solution to vonmum 1. Key move is R to O. 5. We do not deem it necessary to give analyais of solution. Solved by J. B., K. N. T. and S. A. DeVsney. Hope our chest readers will take up our problems and solve them and contribute such items M will be of interest to chess readers. Jerri: ftse rrr.wv Hit. b morril: Our Scio friend 1 connect at Jefferson (or their mail, etc. Tbe 2Tetth Santism waa higher than ever known before, some inches above the flood of 1802 or 1880. Fielding Denny's parents are up on a visit from Washington county, Or., and the flood gave them a good visit. 1 believe Dr. Kirkpatrick has con cluded to succumb to Mr. Thomas at JefTerson, on their game of chess. They will play a game or mo more. Greenbury Goin expects to start for hi home in Ida couoty, Iowa, about Jan. 2nd. 183. U ha been viettitie here since the Jt of last March Mr. J. Shilling our road Supervisor, has tho boys 01. repairing the many bi sac Lea made by the flood,and will have the roads in p4uhly good order in s few dsys. The fl xd played 'havoc g;oerally ; fencea washed away, hoyt. catth; sud sheep drownod. Our neighltors loss ss far as known in, 7. (i. Hays, 56 ubeep. Pat Penned, ur9 head of cattle and some sheep and hogs, F. P. DeVaney has 3 hend of ctttlu Diisanz : but not known to be lost. There is a joke pitte prevalent here. that a certain German gold bis wheat a 1 . . . I isr tiys ago and not being a i tuae.or Mfc hdpi fc I bin money I a . . Almightv Jollor went down to secure, the "root of all I .... ...... evil" snd dabbling in the cold water 1 ..l hL. hand, to tret numb, and to the great chagrin of Johnnv, he y,. . . . Vlciting aid ? ,ni tbat at a ,ong di8U(lt; i i,,. , - , i mJ. ji m, " - i WmWmmmmWO ua tun-- SSI J W 1 1 1 w Mt8 tJ tu i.-.j...,,..-r i. .ifT.r. 1mm UO flt3tmva fW-S 'm. vuu wc-arwas ter diu.h wtLW dnr th(J flKkI a(Ui diJ mttKM ,lttinJl-e to fArmo fttove i t , ... t i .. goneraon ami ociow trecns urnm. I And iL wiu cost UKarl $4000 U) tako fc. . d river ij, forced m dltch by the rive th can .nv ,atH to m:lch;nerv at Jef. m j - - rr - ferson. More anon Ct. Sum a. POflLAK miiimi: Mult iiis Id drawing, writing aud all mechnnical labor Is from right to left In inferior racs, and tho opposite in more highly civilised ones. Iii the Germ-in army more and I - - - -- - nal.l ft i t I. a I ouuu voouiivu is wing lam ivr uio selonco of nerosialies, and officer are being trained to make balloon awen- 8ions: Mr. Carre cilimates that moat may bo frozen sufficiently to destroy any trichinae it may contain at a cost of leas than a tenth or a cent per pound, He has strongly urged to the French Academy llto importance of this sys A new use of the micro-telephone I . . m mm is that of finding undei-ground wat er courses. The microphones are I buried in the soil on a hillside, and each connected witn a separate bat tery and telephone. By listening at the telephone at night, the faintest murmur or gurgling of water can be detected. A peculiar disease has attacked the workmen on the Brooklyn suspension bridge. The cause which has pro duced it is the high atmospheric pressure whicn the workmen in the. caissons were obliged to endure. Tho pressure is said to have been eighteen pounds to the square inch hcn the difircriosr belew the caisson t was begun, reaching thirty-sis pounds before the conclusion of thu work. ITBRfiff fj rats i inco i w ;tw 00 IW 12 00 2 " 2 00 5 00 7 00 1200 If OB 3 " 8 00 6 00 1000 I 1500 ft Ot 4 " 4 00 7 00 1250 1800 .87 00 1 CiA 6 00 8 00 1500 2580 88 00 h " 750 1200 1800 8000 4888 i " 1800 15 80 2500 4800 80 00 I " j i." 00 j '20 00 f 4000 1 80 00 100 08 HpMjial business notice. ffc TTrW. tiinna 24 cent per line, notices 10 cents oer lino. Kor legal and transient advertisements 11 00 per square for tbe first I use thin assd fioosiiu per square for eacb svibssqaasit Inaerflon. 1 Ui aamassaaaaays-fa. PLAII TALI Oa rials nr a rim cbaf. 183. In three days it will be ushered ia. Tbe changing from one year to snnther is a great event, aad very properly watched with interest. Tbe passing swsy of the old year often son ass like tbe dying of friend. And too, like tbem, it has gone never to return, but the deeds which it hae done are to live for ages, i bey canned be forgotten. Stamped on tbo pages of hbjtesry, they remain as monsroenU of. different events. 18JJ2 baa beam aaaa mf hm most prosperous years ex peri est esd for many years. Business baa bees boost ing all over the United Hut as Crops have Iteeu large, and brought good pri ce. Ksil-roadk have been constructed at greater rapidity than ever before, snd peace has reigned so proms, even while the miserable apology for Pres-- drnt, B-I-hazTdr like, has reveled in diasipation and profligacy, rail-road kingn have extended their monopolies, and real estate ahsrks, doabled their fortune. In our own little corner, op in the North-West, matters have jump ed abou : with Iota of alacrity, and asaay places Lave jumpeJ up like the boys who alept for years, and found them selves in short pants and long lege, and in a childish way filled their muaicipal heads with golden ideas enter to be re alized. Portland Seattle, Taeoama, Walla Walla and Pendleton, all have imagined themselves having a big boom, while we in Albany, have been just gently plodding along, gaining ground ateadly every day. We had a boom several years ago, and as soon as we nee up tha drift-wood, caught by it, will have another, it is bound to come We do not aay is will in 188$, but something is sure ia happen during that year, which will soon be upon aa. It i a good thing we cannot look ahead. If we could, what misery woe Id 11 the cups of 8m ; what ha ay in eu the jogt of othera. 1883 will tee many impor tant event. We predict as prosperous a year aa the past, snd while it is claim ed by an eminent gentleman, that a tremendous storm is to lay waste ear tain parta of the United State, e do not anticipate anything serious, aud at tbe time set for it to come, would as soon be on the Sulf of Mexicu, iu a wash tub, then, as any other time. Ws look for a confusion among some of tbe rail-road king, and shall not be surpris ed if they are made to realise tbo fact, that tbe peopled bare rights which they are bound to respect. Gould and Van derbilt might as well be tied to the North Pole, as to continue their unruly conduct. We hope 1883, will be free from war snd rapine, and aae no reason why it should uot be, although the self ish, overbearing course of England, is liable, at any -time, to cause trouble. The bull headed boy seems to have no higher ambition, half the time, than to be fighting with some Hot en tot or Zala schosl girl ; but we anticipate he will keep quiet daring 1 883. We want to see Oregon continue its good conduct and as no Iislature meets, no doubt she will. Anyway we wish all ita inhabit ants, little and big, old and young, a hap py year, from January 'till December. While the people of the United States k.- ; t i - v- ; um . mru uiviiuru mv uum utw Kmmm material progress of the country during the last decade, as shown by the census of 1 JiSO, still tha facts brought to light in some department of the census work, are such that we cannot contem plate with pleasure, though we may with profit, k.9 shown by the census, we have 50 millions inhabitants, 36 millions et whom are over the age of ten years. Among these 36 millions will be found 4,023,607 or 13.4 percent who cannot read, and 6,239,958 or 17 per cent who can not write. To some it is a matter of surprise that Pennsyl vania should have a larger per cent of illiteracy than any ot the Northern States, yet when we consider the occu pation of many of her inhabitants and their peculiar characteristics, we may net wonder at tha fact. As a matter ef course the South makes sn unfavorable showing, growing out of tha iguorsnt blacks. But free schools in the South have already done much towards making a better showing in this regard. Noth ing has contributed so largely in keep ing down illiteracy and buoying up tbe Manufacturing, and general industrial interests of tbe country as our public free schools. Without indulging ia political cant, we have no hesitation ia saying that we believe that free pub lic schools are destined to become tbe essential htay and hope of a people who purpose to be free. We hope the bill introduced some time since in tbe United States Senate appropriating $15,600,000 to be distributed among the several States in proportion to the illiteracy of eacb, may become a law, aa this would cause free schools to spring up all over the land, and thus drive ignorance, illiteracy, and vice from the land. KeguJr local i