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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1882)
.f -. OUR HOLIO STOCK of Christmas Gooods has now arrived. We have large arrivals from Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, wherever we can get the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods. Following are some goods that have just arrived : AY Dry Gtoods. FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERE, COLORED CASHMERE, BLACK SATIN RHADAMESE, BLACK BROCADED SILK, COLORED SATIN RHADAMESE, BLACK TERI6T, TABLE UNENS. A SAMUEL E. Ik gtowrrat. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1882 CStlSTS FACTS. LmkUb, England, has s fotirteen- apartment house, ISO feet in sight. The toy "jumping Jaek" is of very ancient use. In the tombs of ancient Egypt, figures have bee found whose Hash were mads movable for the de light of children before Moses was It is stated on authority thai the analysis of the recent census of the people of India will shew that within the limits of the Indian Empire no fewer than 132 separate and distinct languages are spoken. Daring the British campaign to Egypt a ray of sunshine was reflected, as a signs), from the top of one of the pyramids near Cairo to Alexandria, about 120 miles away. The signals hsd the appearance of small luminous points and were, it is said, perfectly readable as a message from the commander of the forces. The use of cork for msking jackets, as an aid to awimmiag. is very old. We sre informed that the Roman whom Camillus sent to the Capitol when be sieged by the Gaols, put on a iigbt disss and took cork with him under it, because, to avoid being taken ty the eaemy, it was necessary for dim to swim across the Tiber. The head-dresses of the ladies in 1776 were remarkable for their enor mous height. The coiffure of a belle of faahien was described as "a mountain of wool, hair, powder, lawn, inualin, net, lace, gauze, ribbon, flowers?, feathers and wire." Sometimes these varied mate rials were built up tier upon titr like the stages of a pagoda. ,, - a svils or bates actios. This from the Cleveland (Ohio) Pen ny Pre, carries its own suggestion : Recently meeting Mr. H. G. Keffer treasurer of the Cleveland Herald, our representative inquired of that gentle man, after stating his mission, if be per. asnally knew anything about the Great German Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. A smile played across Mr. Keffer's ex frarave face and his eyes twinkled mer rily as he replied in the affirmative. I will net refuse to state my experience with it, and you may use it as you think best. Pour years ago T sprained one of my ankles, an accident which, year are aware, entails much suffering and sometimes leaves the limb in a con dition to remind one frequently of the eM fcort. Unfortunately this result en sued. Whenever the weather became damp or my system absorbed by the slightest cold my ankles pained me. This went on at intervals for over three yssrs, and I could not obtain relief. List winter I applied the St. Jacobs Oil and it Completely cured me. I hare not since felt a return of the pain. A man came into the eiiice of a practical chemist one day, and after ask ing leave to lock the door, produced from a bandkei chief, in a very myste rious manner, some substance which be laid on the table. "Do yon see thatt ' he asked triumpb antly. "X do," said the gentleman. "Well, what do you call it?" "I call it iron pyrites.' "What! ain't it gold'!" "No ; it's worth nothing." And placing some on a shovel, he held it over the fire, when it all disappeared up the chimney. The spirit was all gone out of the poor fellow as he sank back in a chair, and at last the sad cruth came out. "There's a widow in our place who has get a hull hill full of that stuff, and I have gone and married her." For staining bricks red : Melt one ounce of glue in one gallon of water ; add a piece of alum the size of an egg, then one-halt pound of Venetian red and one pound of Spanish brown. Try the color on the bricks before using, and change light or dark with the red ar brown, using a yellow mineral for buff. LARGE STOCK OF YOUNG, The kings of Burmah used to play chess with men instead of pieces. In A k bars palace, at Delhi, was a court marked out with black and white mar bis squares, and having at one side a pitlar upon which the emperor used to sit in a circular stone chair to direct the moves. Fredric the Great and the Duke ofWalmar also used their sol diers for chessmen. Pope Adrian IV., who was an Eng lishman, gave Henry 11. a document by which all Irelaud was granted to the king in consideration ot the payment from Ireland to Rome of a penny for each house. This was given "for the purpose of enlarging the borders of the church, setting bounds to tho progress of wickedness, reforming evil manners, planting virtue, and increasing the Christian religion." There wa a singular cut lorn at Rome in connection with the pur chase of provisions. Purchase! and vender simultaneously closed, and then suddenly opened aOQ of their hands, or some of tlroir lingers, If the number of fingers on both side was even, tho vender got the price which he had previously asked ; but if the number was unewn, the buy er received tho good fur the su n ho had tendered. Gen. Nest t ' . thu famous Piohi bition leadsr, is about seventy-right years old, but is so well preserve! that he does not look to be more than sixty. He is of medium height, rathei stoat, and wears heavy side whiskery, which, like bis hair, are ail ve red with agt, Engraved wooden blocks fur printing books, the mariner's compass and rock ets, the use of movable types and the prototype of the printing-pros were all known in China in the tenth century. Pi Sheng is the name sf the man who invented a mode of making impress ions with separate characters live cen turies before anything of the kind was done in Europe. Corporal Blucher, MCud artillery school master at Fort Mc Henry, a line al descendent of the famous marshal has been tendered Baker Pasha, a staff position in the khedive's army. Blucher served a military attache of the Sruan legation in Egypt. P IKkLlVC .EVB, Rosy cheeks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginger Tonic belter than any. thing, makes pure, rich blood and brings health,joyou spirit, strength and beauty. Ladies try M.Iiazaar. The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balaam explain the dopularlty of this reliable restorative. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS fkfff?fi Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c, &c, Froman's Block, Albany, Or. JEMiysiciaiiH xi"eBeiii Hns oai'efu.lljy prepared dieiy or niglit BUSINESS. Otto Fox has removed his goods to Roseburg, where they will be sold at auc tion. Those indebted to him in this coun ty can settle their accounts by calling on Wm. Webber, who will be glad to receive v hat they have to pay. The sooner they do it the better. Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIED HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, PORTMONIES, SATCHELS. FANCY SHOPPING BASKETS. FANCY SCARFS, LACE FISCHUES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, GROCERIES, W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINIW. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Either double barrel, eliot gun or three barrel two abut and one rttte. Alno Sharp. Reniington, llaliard, Ilne nlx, and Marlln Magazine Kittes. Alo a large atock of Engllah, lnnan and American breech-loading abet gun. Full stock of Rsvolrerw, Pistole Cutlery, FlahlngTackloofalt kind a, and Ammu nition ol all kind. A fultatock of Davie Sowing Machine -the beet In the market A leo full atork or m wing machine ucedteaof ail kind end machine oil. I nukii MDoclaltv of repairing fire -anna and sewing machine. Kememlwr that I cannot be ueuersom in the State. I shall keep the very txmt brand of llq uoralo be fnurd In tlif market, aud will aell a: retail prte ) BEST CIGARS A RJ TUOmw COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will aleo'eell real otat. merchandise household good a, etc, at auction far ny one in the city or county tloreupoiu Revere Heuac, Albany, Or. 8 f SAM COHEN- OBny at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalog wc, fret con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home I Part lea going up In the mountains a hereby uoiitied that they will not Hare after be compelled to pay extortionate rate for horse feed at Buck head In Sweat if.... r 1 Io.f T htn nnmnmA it n afiaari etable and have reduced the rates to a figure mo low that all can atTord It. Wive rue a fair patronage and thu prevent a . a" . m.m -.... return u me 01 u extortionate rate. GEO. ROWELL. Sheriff's Sale. In lut CirrttU (fottrt of tltr State of Omjon for the. County of Ltnn : J 8 Ames, Plaintiff. vs. William C Stewart, iayphena Stewart, T M Stewart and (1 C Cooiey and J II Wan- borne partners nnder the firm name aud atyie 01 (Jooley & Waahhurne, Defendants By virtac of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 23rd day of December, 1882, at the Conrt House door in the oity of Albany, uounty.Or egon, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. mi, aell at public auction, for caah in hand, to the highest bidder, the mortgaged premises de scribed in said decree and order of aale, aa follows, to wit : The cast half of the north west quarter and the west half of the north eaat quarter of section thirteen (13) in township fourteen (14) south of range one (1) west and contain ing 160 acres ; also the donation land claim of Ijevi Fields notification No 2736 and de scribed as being the N K j of the S E i of section 13, Tp 14, SKI W and the K h of the N E i of section 13, Township 14, S St 1. VV and the N W quarter of sec tion 18. Township J4, S K 1, East and tho N W i of tho South IKest of section 18, Tp 14, SKI, E and containing 320 acres all in tho county of Ltnn and State of Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be applied first to the payment of the coats of suit taxed at $68 57 and the costs aad ex penses of sale, next to the payment to the said plaintiff tho sum of $1356 66 in U S gold coin with interest therein in like coin at the rate of one per cent per month from the 25th day of October, I8s2, and the sur plus if an v there he to bo paid to the said deft's, W C Stewart and Isyphena Stewart. Dated this 24th day of November, 1882. Gjsoboe Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. , . NEW PISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders & Stern berg. Will keSD conatantlv on hand all kinds of fresh and salt fish andeysters mac me maruet attorns. M. Hr3 W. H. GOLTRA DHALKK IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, Tbe Great English Reme dy. Us a ar feMta mr fcr Barrow ItoblUtjr. AMMimaJ ITaiSiiiBi iUbeaeud I MstilllSli. la etsran, VfcralMia, araf afl UrrtW "f U hi I ilMri Arm Lu Swtetjr. 4 la tit Said pmm lag aai asiriss lata Um wwy.iUwrltlt mn jsajhsj u taauiltr Ml. HI a nr. Ui trm u, rive Siur r, ,4 ih kind Um Vital tltr (weoar Ida aerial aens aa4 Inaaaasai) iu cw ur tat sayihtng imaawe or lajwrioaa laanal la it. Ifr. MlUuUtll trtrta aiimiis wpiiili ilull? wiiowai BBaMjnh CorMNtltaUoo tnm, TWaXNhfS i ateieallwe md sdvW taci4tn saeliats of ftoe,a. VtUm of Vital KcMru. IS a settle, ar tear Umm ihm iuniil) 110, Mtil Um say gitri upon rseataS of arte mVSmO. l. Wt,r trwa ob r il'o sad Is nri rate If dwdrad, by UH. A. K. MIKTIK, II Kaaraay turn, Han rrandaoD, UaL bottta trot t Sent on ttfdtraUoa by attar, . aaa aaa. CoauBttataaUaoa autatly aS kind ol ktdnay and bladder gtasl, lawn bmikjiaa. Vm sate by all tattiaaf ala Hotttai for a.-.. la lr Mintt iNUMMtaa nils are Mm eat Djajwteia aale hr all dra ITS tatSe aaai Ut. 'or NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUIE GUARANTEED. WR- k. c. wkstts x snvi and brain thkat MJ eafet. a aaaattk far Hyatorta, tnaataaas, Con fvktmm, Bsrvoas UaadaclM. Mental UwataUs voluntary imladtaa, sranialsia M aaa, eaoaad bv ovarMrtlon. at if -ateus or war IndaJraacs, wMai tatds to atiarry, daeay and death. Oratbas will car raeant Ulaaav, Kaak aaa mmlai oaa atontb's treatment ; ona dollar a box, or six boa at far Sta oouars; aeM ay ami I unpaid en reosipt of prtat w ruarantoa six boxaa a ears any aase. W1U aaeh order raoetrad by us for sis bosas, saaampsnlsd with fiva dollars, a will aaad Um parehsear ear wmian gmraataa to return the money a lbs traaV areat dees not afaat a eam Unaraotaas iaeaac only by WOODARD, CLAXKB CO., Vboteaale and Batall Urnfftata, Portland, Orafae Ordars by mall at rafular prtoss. Dr. SPlMEY. NO. 11 KEAHNV 8T. Trcata alt Ihranle and iSrxr lal YOUNG MEN XXTMf MAY UK HirFKBINU IKON TWB T T anew or yotruirai loiuaa or nolaoraUon, will do wail to a rail tbamsslvaa of this, llnsnslisl boon BEL. JUr bumartlty. DR. SPiKNKT will iruaraiitaa to lorfail SkOOtor avary caaa sailuals waakmat ar private dlssaas of any kind or oaraatar which bs undertakes and fall to aura. There are many at the aya of thirty ft veta sixty who an troubled with toe frequent evacuation of the blad der, of tan accompanied by a aUc at amarlinw er bunuraj senssUon, and a weakening of the system In a manner UMpauent cannot aooount for. On examining- Um urinary deposits a ropy ssiMassrd will often be found uid someUmss small particles of albumen will appear, -r the color will te of a thin mllftah bus, sgain cbanr 'r to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many man who die of this difficulty ignorant of the aaose, which is the second atage of Nominal weakness. Da. 8. wnl guaraatec a perfect curs in all stub oases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Owes Hot? as 10 to 4 and 0 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. k. Consultation free. Thorough exmlnatior and advioe, S. For private diseases of short standing a full course of modicin e sufficient for a cure, with all inetruoUbus, will be sent to any address OB receipt of f 10 00. Call and address, DK. BPIBBET at CO., 7 1 .18 No. 11 Kearny St. Ban Franciaco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. QO aiEAKNV ST., JAO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. Ksteblished la 1SS4, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as CennrrhM. Cleat, Klrlctnrr.ay phllla in all iu forma, aitataoaow Seminal Weakness, night losses br dreams, pirn pies on the face and I oaa of manhood can positively be cured. Tho sick and afflicted should not fail to nail upon him. Tho Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various hospi tals there, obtaining a mat deal of valuable tion, which be is competent to Impart to those in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance BAY MB CUBBtt AT SOME. All sot untmioatfona strictly confidential. Ton ess no one bu, the Doctor. send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons wnung u me tractor win please state the name of the paper tncy see this aitrniitaainaiti In miuma sonaue. Call er write. Atklress Da J. F. GIBBON, II Box 1967, San Vtanektto. Boots and LADIES, FRENCH KID SHOES, LADIES AMERICAN KID SHOES, HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES FANCY SLIPPERS. LADIES "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, LADIES EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, CENTS EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, LADIES WHITE KID SLIPPERS. WINDOW SHADES, FRED WILLKRT, CARRIACE AND WVCON MANUFACTUKEK, Corner Second and Ferry 8u. Albnny.Or Is pre p rod to mannfarttiro rarrlairee and wagon at abort notioe and of the very BEST MATERIAL. Ho make) the premium carriage and buKKieoflhe Hlalo. KEPAIRINC; AND JOB WORK doo at ahortesd notice and In the moat SKILLFUL MANNER. lit work and material 1 warranted to be drat claaa. Mil To the Sick and Afflicted ! AMD ESPECIALLY Those Sifferiag from Debility, Nervous Prostration-, Lous of Vitality, Sexual Ufirttitie, Ete.t Etc, milK OKBAT BESI TIHWK HAVE wfco are I snflaring from SKXlAL ABU NKBVo'S (JuBfLAlBTBIsa ihyslss who eae aoaafanl Uvair ulnwu anl aoruaaf ullr UuU tfaam The general prartittoaw la not soaVAanUr aklllad In IS mi Hn .4 inntble to do so, and It must be Mt u. lha efateialls, . ha fdiumlia, Umg war tint. t0SWah knowtadga tUui uilisw mtnj, U tal Ut cttra . 4. C loixt. Ooetwd his now eetebrwted InatMato In IA4 lor the pwrpuas of aSWiliug Uto afflU-totl the vrrUtiuij of n4 ral'ia 41 killlnl Uoaluxmt anl ftyl SaJ permanaat mUnraUan. end Cor over SO rs it haa uaininad ihm ft rat rank not only B thla i'uset but UMuwghuut Ua atvlUtwi world. I am swara that , dwelling vann n antntUiag s rub J act aa Um decay of eaaual algaa the tgntant may ant arse my moUre but the 4aetre to tnlm thnes who are attSartu thruorh Ignorance, and who ay cniwleawnaas or want of kmrwladge that a care can be had, are nut harrying tlmtnasWae ba a wnUnWy grava. but atainit aaaual woaknans as an tnherltaaoa te future genera Uune, ie too grant an to me tu be atlenu aya adnata If yon are suffer '.it from niaht Um, o r .mmn. na, ounrnaioa f mit4, ahgh oaara ahrii . nine l, variable tern tier, tmnbiiiw, tipl' UU, flush se. Be., ar If you have practiced ealf abuaajrven tn the alighlnst Jrui ulai )uU are Buffer Rarasy nf Maasaa Life. Ad akoaU not haalUte to ark at .ua lioailh and hananesa In a ears. it; BBS tifAKASTI.ItP IIK.s MOPKBATK tXiBst LTATlo.N BV LBTKBB B trTHBItWlHK free. Kxelaalvcly VegrinBle Bee4les I sett. LAMBB-You are especially liable to owtsrtng rum sat nuns proswasiuii. All your peculiar cm pnuntsare asri'uns In their orgin arid ham y.ur re terribly depr easing or incirraaibi; ik-u in in, raaaaMMi atfi siaal m trouMas haa made your organtnaUn i I is thoa enatdod fr.m hU cir! eae and kanwledge to aid and ears yon in any of lo iwiMM, wseanoos, distressing and Bufferings to which as a an yea era liable. will and In the Doctor a Mead )"u can reply lor comfort, aid and cure Brr- Inaaga f eaaalr Krasrtllea hae st- teiaed a reputeUon fur aSVdeacy aeacjaaied b ar madical laraacriptioa ever can be sent ay mail ar esprssa. aw daeiri asrsoual care and slUntlon hat afl neeaeaary ssassssiiiJiiUona lurniahad. Lrtlrrs. Those who ra net visit the ctty can by giving their s)inpt4,ms In their own way, receive advior, and when deal red, treatment at home with every aa- ot a cure. LETTEBS BBTt'BNED OR DBSTBOYED. Addrsas, lr J. C. YaUSC, Med i mi iMslllaf, Be. : a tor bin a Si. San Francisoo, Feb. Si. IBM. NTISELL PIANOS 10000 Pianos 1,000 ffiasnT Sva Half. IU,' M FrMatatUfl.ass Cah. RMtae I ii.t.l i in rata (auifuM ra SBTrtELL ORGANS w w.rk.ta rowan U BfeBaa's Cures Chanuurs, dloldea Balsa No. 1- flrat and tevond atagoa ; Sores llodr : My nhlliUc fatarrah, dis- tn the Loirs and eassd Sealn. and all primary forms l the dUcaae. Price, lrj.00 per Bottle. Ba BlrJinn's Ueldea Balsam S , t. lures Tertiary, Mercurial, SyplulkUc UheumatiHin, fains in tlie Done, Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Kaali, Lumps, etc., mid eradicates all dieeaeee from ths lysteni, whether caused by bad treat ment or abuse ot ntercih-y, leaving- tlie blood puro aud hsalthv. Prieo.So.OO per Bottle. I Blrhaa's tielilea Bpaalsh Antlrlnfe Sir the cure of Oonorrhuav, Uleet, etc. Price, 2.60 per Bottle. t Baa Blehaa'a dSeldea Bpaalsh luJerUoa. iv waah for cure ot tJloct, StrictitreH, liiacaae of tbe Urethra and Bladder, etc. Price, S1.60 per Bottle. Bat Klrhau's oldea Olatnteat for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and Erup tions. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. Also Agents for Ee BlfBaaVfioldea Fills, tor weakness, loss of physical iiowera, ami all da oases' arlsng from abuse and exotau or over-work. Price, 3,00 per Box. Beat everywhere, C. O. X., securely packed po Bxprees. e V. B1CMJJBDB a O. Agents. 4S7 A 429 Banaorn street, Corner day, San Francisco, Cal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Ilarrisbara Oregon, ILas r. mTi a -r -ak.-r t.-i J : i a. Ii..:.. " " A A $500 HEALTH. 'ils Shoes, CURTAINS, GLASS WARE, ETC. ETC UOIFUfAj k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN - Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candies. Nuts and Allmny, - ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIOOS MTORE. j AT THE OLD STAND, 71 FTRflT MTRKET, H Afl ON VI AST) Afl FINE AN absoktment u:r COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As mf houir la the mlley. He TIN, SHEET IRON OK EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL AMfdORTMKNT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL or WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 KI1WT STREET, ALBANY, OREOON. Repair work done at naass TBI an al UrrBglh rnlng rcanody and nerve ukik ia inc iciuinaae rw twenty aara estiertencs. ith utifailtriif ty Nervous and aal dahttUy, ar.l- pros mtaaMM. em o tasjejr. ahauttl litaiity. pre dnrllne and lesa af niHwiH snd ma waawver eaaes nrndaoad. It eniVhea and punnae the blo.l Birnfthne the neraea, hralu, moachw. diceeUoa. re- i - i Ruiui r 1 1 1 1 i I stops any uarialuaal dahlllUUnf drain upon the - i .i i. i . -- - ,i-i..iiiiii. Lun. with lhr lir.IIC. at. . dr- uu i..r to mind and hodjr. It la a sure eliminalor cd all kidney and bladder mijJaita. It eontakna no la)urtoua rnrradienta. To Uwe auffennJl from the eruefTeete of youthful tiMiiarrwtiona, a speedy, Utor HUrh and parmane tt cure te OI'ABASTEBI'. lrtre r vo per IwrtUe, or fle bottiee in ease, with fail di rections and ad rice, sin. Sent asrure from obeerva lion to say addraaa Uon receipt of prte, or C. o. U., to he had onlj of DR. C. D. SALfclELD, tIS kraraey M . Baa I' rear lam. Cat. Coraniltations strictly tonSdentia! by tetter or at effl r'BKK. far the can i an lance of tienta and in order to Insure pa .Iwl ee:recy I have addopted a pri rale addraaa under which all psshaass are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. KufrVetent to show its naerita, will be sent to say one applying by letter, stating hia atuiploUia and age. tommuni4sU. il. trtctjv eoon.lentiAl, IfiERIDEN Com Having attained a national reputaUoa ia FETE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have added the taan(rtMSro all ttgUt of STEELi PEIf &. With a skilled svperlBtendeat la that depart mnt, supplemented by extended experience in the working of flna Steel, we sre ennbled to offer Roods of unrivalled quality. To introduce our PATENT ADJl'STAIALK Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, In advanco of regular trade channels, we show eat of It, and wiir mail u tamplo gross to any uddress oa reosipt of BB. Carries as aiaek Ink as aay Foeataia Pea. a a, ?.S a It ?aT t r5 XII 1 8 1'EM FITS ANY UOI.DKK. Our whole line of Peni will be sold by tbe trade, i'rioo Lists furnisbed to dealers on applioatlon. FREE fob TRIAL An unfailing and speedy cure tor Bereons DrbUHy and WeaJrseas, Lut of VttaiUy and Vtaur, or aay evil re. eolt ot lndlaerelion, exoaaa, .over work, ete., lover ferty thonaand poal tive cures.) tffond lao for 'postage and Caibouu i'luoa, CHiuaao, Xua, RED CROWN MILLS. IS0M, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS PLOUR SCTPKRIOR FOR FAMILIES AND DAK BBS VSB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest iPrico in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. flDSBkEKin'OI il l 'AW aVlalav-f laeucal laffSnnn-HB&Snntland tares BHHLT -HBBYBiaVS na iw.Bus..ima Mil allatBSasAIIIIISV lladJUVBRniUllflnaur, I I. -II I. K S s Awi SlSH M l Spwlflo Cloaks, etc. LADIES BLACK DIAGONAL CLOAKS, LADIES DOLMANS, LADIES COSSAMERS, CHILDREN'S COSSAMERS, CHILD S CLOAKS, MISSES'S CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, ALBANY, OREGON Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Tropical Fruits. ... Oregon. a o Imports and manufactures AND COPPER WARE OR TO oUIBK, ALSO, HE KEEPS OS PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY reasonable figures. ALBANY MAUBLE WORKS, 8TAIGER BROS. Propi-i ttors A 1. B A X V , ORECiOM. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, Executed in Italian or Vermont Marbl. Alno, every variety of cemetery and Bihar atone work done with noatne and dispatch. Special attention eivon to o tilers from all part of thla State and Washington Territory. Jaw" All work warrtntel. l :4 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND iiachim: suap. ESTABLIMnED 18S5. Ilv A. F. CHERRY, actuated at corner of ! First and Montgomery Streets, Alljany, Oregon. Having taken shargeof the above mimed Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Knginea, Saw and Grist Mill 4, Wood-working Machinery, Puuipa, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. i Msehlnerv of all jkintis repaired. Spe cial altenuon givenjto repairing farm n:a chinery. Patter MaBlas deae ta all lis fortes. 16:1 ly I A. F. CHERRY A SON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who ha never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular Jnat issued. Send for it- Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 16:71 s77 Broadway, Now Ya.-a. IM1 aetassohoitoriifor patents, caveats, trade-marks, copyright, etc.. for the United States, and to obtain pt enta in Canada. England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Thtrtyslx rears' practice. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advioe by mail froo. Patents obtained throngh ns aro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which lias tho largest circulation, and is tho most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in nho world. The advantages of such a nonce evury patentee understands. This largo and aplendidlv illustrated nors papor ia published WKKli L.Y at $3.20 aye ar. and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news deal era. Address, Munn & Co., publishers of Scien tific American. 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patants mailed free. $75 A WKBB. " 12 a ('ay at home easily raids Costly Outfit free. AUdrvas Tai t B .. AuyuMts.Uainc. TBHUiLSI JA) ill I ainat iSaav mm ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Tiin First Tens cadis si Thurs day, Xsveuber lftta, 1K2. Bl rartiealars eonccrahaf tae eaarsas of stady and price of taiUon, naasv to the BEV. ELBEBT B. rBB4T. DO YOU BELEIVE Vn want norh if yon vnU not accept It n can do so withonl tea least risk or leas T B ever harl soh a chance, esrut from n, aaa mim hare all are want (one in each eounty) I EBT r.rur offer a i!l I withdrawn. wUH rif m our Aacnta, ueeaoas we hate roods ths every family. ajxTjrt the buyer oay lean sell in r frf-. a .f m JB OruUl sell oar rl heosass a Pstkaee 4 are left at eaeh house, and s (Areolar esiJaininr r""i sad now mAi, also stanaf taas tan Ageui win oali aain to enOsct money or take up the jf'-aia. bo yon Snow anythinc eaaier that will pay from S3 to BM a day proBt T it BBS try Uun. Send far our off tra ar. 4 go to work. Addraaa, U. 8. Manufacturing Go. Pittsburg, Pa. C C CHERRY. C.B.rAl ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sucoessors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwriglita, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP3 ALL co in Dieted, and are now Dreaared to handle ail kiods of heavy work. We will matiufecture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Bras Ctinga. rsrreBBB nac o bbbbt otk e. Special attention riven to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the itn proved "Cherry A White Grain Separator. Albany, Gr., Dee. 1, I860. Mat aaaBI fS toss. Aiircsa AC. I'nrtlajid, Maui MANNALS & WOODIN, aarcracrcaaa aaa aeaiaa u FURNITURE f BEDDING. Carver retry ALBANY, 0BE60I. vlaaalyl T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. Offlos in States Rights Dkmoc&av office. PARKER'S HAm balsa:,.:. This cfcr-iat ilwait ia prcicrrvj 1 iL.e halisii cnI a, tj tr.y art.- e, ta a. -ef V su.teri' tinry. It conuaas tn itcri-U self III it arc Lcic..! to tbe scJp aud hair and always the Yea ratal Cver ta Srcy or Faax) Rs(r Parkar's Hair BaBam ia ficely perftnaed anj is wmited to prevent hSSma staaa lir and to rt- dasruft andadaing. Hrscox & Co . N. Y. at. ! tl a,alnlinairptliikhM. PARKER'S GINGERTONiC A SaatrUtiva Naaifli as. Stress St H yon are a mechanic or farmer, wan out with overwork, oraiotharraa dowa ty fimily or hoaas bold duties try Pxatcaa's Gixoca Ttanc If you are a lawyer, suaaaer or basiaaas st&a ex haisted by mental unin or sruiiou cares, do not Like iatcxaaringtuniulanta.batnae Parker'a Cutler Tonic If vou hare Coesuraption, tKpepsb. Kbeuau. km, kidbeyCeapkints,oraaycisordcTCtheUnps, stomach. boweU, blood er nerves. Pa t m's Tonic will cure you. It is the C". restist Blood IHrrii'icr AsS the Best sai Sarett Casfk Car Cm Cits. If you are wasting away Boa ege, dissrpation or nny diae or aakness and require s Mmiuui i take Gixcaa TostrC at once; it vHB invigcrate and Luikl you up from the first dose bat ail aevar inwvricate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it nay save year I. CAUTION 1 BSS afl nWtlSM. ruW.ClnrTfc la wy sWtWinlnaiialMm laaaaiil.,i1Sauaj JiJrrtDt from yfnl!n al giatt ainai. Smi hcrlmkr Ukon C., N. T. iOe.ttiasaldakmaira-t GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIU. Its rich and lasunj fragrance has made this delishiful perfume exceedingly popular. There is BOiaiaf lias it. insasi apoa oariBa siammM ton Cologms snd look for : xurc ot Abt Aiufct ar AwAvr ia r: aaaasaiyyaa. t i 1 nmt ttewv LARGE SAVING Bl'TINO tic. S:7i. FISH, GAME, &C, I HAVE opened a fish and game mar ket just east of the Revere .louse, and will have aist cf tsu ppiy stall times. Chickens bc-ght and sold. IStf J. HCMPHBJKTB. YILiG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the best washing an41 ironing fat Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable UlSfSl 4 vift48 Term sz.uuper aauur.