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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1882)
Official City and County Paper, Kntorod at tho Pos; Ollloe at Albany, Or. as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER 22, 1882 STITES & HUTTIUQ. tMtafl ami Proprietor. IRKDr. MTTISi;, lacal KttMal-. Those of our readers who intend to make final proof on their Homes tua 1. can ht'lp the D : v : -V by requesting the Register t designate it aa the paper in which notiee of their application to make I'm a! proof shall Iks oublialiod. Christmas. It will bo hero next Menday, and will be a jolly day with our yount: people. Mauy ef tbem have already begun mending their stockings and putting additions to the tops iu anticipation of a large number of praaonta. We hope the nails which bold tbem wilt break ; aud the trees, may they over aud the Mini s crack, but it is to be desired that they will not be made institutions to display the munificence and getter osity of a few families, with t hu e who need to be remembered most left out iu the cold. It is bad taste to save fami ly stores for several weeks before hand aud then load down au innocent Christrcaa tree with them alt at oue time, for the sake of getting your name railed off tenor fifteen times. It does not product much admiration, but, on the coutrary. considerable bad feeling. The heads of fumi lies should see that the members of it do net get more than two or three presents apiece on the tree. Let the rest and most valuable be given privately. As C hristmas is one of our best holidays, and worthy of being celebrated in a sensible man ner, we throw out these suggestions ffraiU. and our readers are entitled to take tbem for what they are worth. Muter Baand. Several of our citizens found themselves iu Portland when the bridges gave away along ttie O. C R- R-. among whom were Dr. Felix OToole, J as. Dannais, Dr. Dodd, Marshal Denny, C. C Cherry, Thos. Monteitb and J. E. Sorbin. They all wanted to get borne to their families, and Me once again the lively streets of Albany, having become lire?l of the monotonous dullness of Portland, so they came down on the west to Cervallis, where they were little neater home. Thero they tried to charter the ' MeCuliey," but it was on go, and finally securing four hacks got within about three quarters of a mile of the city on the west side, amid many trib ulations, one of which was the breaking down of a small bridge, and the escape of one of the loads by a hairs breadth. The whole party iinally were brought to the city ia skiffs containing twe or three in each, it taking fro an about eleven till two to get them all here. They were a soiry looking set, and acted as if they had go;, ten enougii of such traveling. Death of Mr. ft. A !:: This estimable lady, eldest daughter of the late Dr. James McDride, and wife of Elder S.C. Adams, died at her residence in Salem last Saiuiday morning after an illness of only a few days. This will be aad news to her many friends thronghout the state. Only a few short weeks ago we saw her, seemiag'.j, in the full vigor of womanhood, surrounded by a devoted family aud loving friends who delighted to take the good hearted lady by the hand and linger on her hearty greeting and words of cheer. Her loss will be gener ally, greatly felt, and especially in the particular, social and religious society in which she moved. The bereaved family have the sympathy of their many friends, in this time of sorrow. Era I B (outtly Teat-hrrV lMlifate. This takes place at Corvallis, oa Dec. 26th and 27th. The program received Would indicate that it will be an inter esting one. Among ot!er subjects we notice that of "Importance of Book, keeping, methods of keeping it," by J. 11. Horner : "Object Teaching," by C. C.JHegue ; "School House, Grounds, Apparatus, etc.," by J. D. Hobb. A lit erary entertainment will be given on Wednesday evening, for which a good program is provided. It will consist ef Recitations, music, singing and the beautiful drama of "Bread on the wa ters." We are sorry that it will be iai possible for us to be present, as the cast of characters in the drama will in. sure a first-class entertainment. Sew Year t'alllns. There is considerable talk of observing this excellent custom this year. We have heard quite a number express a willing ness to enter into it, so that no doubt there will be a good chance for our yonng as well as older ladies to show their hospital ity on Jan. 1st, 1S3. Making New Year calls is a good custom, so long as rightly conducted and we hope to see it common this year. Io connection with this we will say that we notice that C W Walts, the popular job printer, has the liaest selec tion of New Years cards ever brought to this city, part of them being the very best made, which Mr Watts bought more on account of their beauty, than with the ex pectation of making anything from them- . Current Topic. The big current in the Willamette took the lead. Xo fears were entertained during the high Water, that the Willamette would rise high enough to carry the central school building down stream. Delayed mails made the Portland papers very acceptable when received Great fears have been entertained by many that they will find more holes in their stockings Chrisfcra is morning titan presents. niuc KIlHMa Vim. Following islhe program for the meet ing of the Club to bo held this evening : 1. Prayer. 2. Song by choir. 3. Reading by Miss Lib Irvina. 4. Song by choi". ' 5. Address by Rev T JWi! son. C. Song by choir. 7. Recitation by Miss Ina Robertson . 8. Miscellaneous business. 9. Song by choir. WhaUvcr you hav to say, y Mend, Whtrtor witty or grave or gay, Condense it a auch at svr you can, And say It th ruaditst way ; And whether you wrlto of ratal affair Or nutters and tliiugt tn town, Jutt take a won! of Homily adrloo Hull It down. HOME AKD ABROAD. f M Trench, jowoler, Bias Uibbon Club to-nutht. A uicrry Chriatniaa to yoa, Hobday good at French's. Wheat is 83 cents at the mills. Beautiful albums at Pushay A Mason's, K. It. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. Tho best tobacco at Hoffman & Joseph'. French has tho thtest display ef holiday goods in the city. It is claimed that no oue over heard ludian whistle. Most of Harriaburg seems to have heeu in Portland last Tuesday, For a cough er oohl thero is no remedy equal ta Ammen a Cough Syrup. Home full-Wlaodod Berkshire pigs for sale by J P (liltnore at Miller's station. For rout -House iu eastern part of the city for rent cheap, luquire at this osace. Dr. O. Wdlis Prioe, dentist, thee in Odd Fellow's Temple, over laugdoe DragStere. Christmas comes but once a year, so do not neglect to da your duty ueit Monday. Tho Dallas (iwiyr has just begun its ninth volume. It is a first-class local paper. Tho OrrjonUtn appeared Monday as a double sheet, but will uot keen that form up. l.ut your Christmas presents at Feahay A Mason's, the finest stock in the valley and selling cheap. Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, largos t au cheapest stock in town at tho Farmers' & Mechanics' Stare, That match hunt is still in expectancy. Ducks are dyio; to be ki!M, and we to as sist in eating them. There is a haggard look on the faces of turkeys nowadays, and hogs and and dog look just as sorrowful. Mr H F Newman has been appointed Post master at Pooiia, in this county, and H B Miller at Miller's. Collaretts, neck ties, fichu, silk haudker chicfa, etc., apleudid assart ment at Moo teith Jt &citcubaeha. At a raffls at 8am C-hou's Saturday night a silver watch was wan by It. D. Murray, and a pipe by Meyer Peyser. Go to Hoffmen A Joseph's for yor Christ mas groceries. They kcp a first-class stock and acll at reasonable prices. All sensible people, su It-ring a th rheu matism, use I'i'uader's Oregon Blood Purifi er. Sold at one dollar a bottle. Irregular mails are worse than irrsgular meals and any time a man will go without his dinner for his morning paper. M .11 wain is pvyia tha hihtt m rk i price for dried apples and dried fruits of all kind either for cash or in trade. Our Miller's package misscarried last week and was net returned to this ciity till Wed nesday. We are sorry for the occurence. School has now closed, at School District No 24, and the teacher Mr. M. E. Heera has now Kit for his heme in Marion County. Peter Morrison took tnorphinu bast Tues day evening at tho Xorton House in Part land and died sooa after from the effects of it All trains began running on time yester day, on the O. ft C. U. K. Freight wUI now be received for ship nent tho same as usual. Daniel Boat has just invented a machine for grinding feed, which is said to be quite an ingenuis, and as far as tried works well. If you have a jxvsr nyihbir do not forget him next Monday. It is better to give a dress to a needy woman than give to the wealthy. Some gilt hoveled edged calling cards, pat ap in beautiful satin cases of 50 each far Sale at C W WaiU Espocial'y for ladies, 91.25a box. Christmas gift, O K my lady friend, I will just call down to Monteitb ft Seiten bach'n where the best asertmont is kept aad bay you one. Oae of the churches in Portland sold it pews lately at auction sale, the first time this has occurred in that city. The highest price paid was $135. The ladies' pride themselves on pretty hands, and nice fitting kid gloves, the Can- temeri is the universal choice. Monteitb ft Seitenbach, sole agents Albany. All persons indebted to Otto Fox are re eueeted to call immediately at his old stand and settle their account. Mr. Win. Webber will be there to wait on them. Tie Womans Christian Temperance Union will meet on Saturday, Dec. 23, in V. P. C. A hall at three o'clock. Business of im portauce. By order of President. Dr Felix O Toole has purchased property in Portland amounting in value to f 13,000, He has since been offrred two er three thou sand more for it, bnt refused the offer. The people of Shed is and vicinity wil have a fine Christmas arch at Oakviile thiB a year. An interesting program is being pre pared and a good time may be expected. Monteitb ft Seiteabacb have done a lively trade in Christmas goods already, having sold several fine til'c dre.s patterns. They have abeaut'ful selection at all prices. The Good I.e wis wedding which was consummated last week was a big affair as seen on papsr. Miss Lewis is to be congrat ulated on the good change which she made. A turbine water wheel f.r sals at this ef lice ; a 12 inch wheel, iu splendid condition; will he sold cheap. Also 40 feet of 1 J inch shafting and about 12 feet of 1 inch shaft. Apples hanging on trees with the leaves all off is a common sight, and a sad one, for it shows either that poor apples are raised or that the owner is too lazy to pick them. It was reported a day or two ago that Mr. Harcrater, living across the river in Benton county, had been drowned in the Willam ette ; but do not known whether it is true er not. A large aud complete line of the very best table aud parlor cutlery and scissors a specialty at Peters & Blain's. The ar ticles are warranted and if not aa represent ed money will be refunded. , Mr Faber at the Star Brewery, requests us to announce that he now has some bottled beer for f aimily use, which is unexcelled for make, it ia put up expressly for home con sumption and should be tried by beer drink ers generally. The M. E. Sabbath School are making preparations for a fine tree next Monday night, to which all arc invited. A general iuvitatioa is extended to everybody to put presents oh their tree, whatever Church they belong to. It is free to all. French has a beautiful . line of gold and silver watches, chains, gold and silver thim bles, rings, charms, bracelets, etc, also a full line of silver ware and is selling at prices within the reach of all. Call and examine goods and prices. The skating rink is open every Monday Wednesday and Saturday evenings. On the first and last evenings it is for the publie generally, oa Wednesday evening for ladies aad gentlemen accompanying them. Regular tntetlag ef Oregeana Kaoampmont this (Friday) evening. All sojourning Pa triaroh's invited to be present, d. A. Davis 0. P. On the corner of First ami Kerry Streets, in Parrish's Block, is the well known hard ware store of Peters ft Blain. They keep a splendid stock ef goods, and have the best regulated hardware store in tho valley H F Newman, at Peoria, has just receiv ed a splsndid stock of goods by steamer, coaatsuag ef everything usually found in a first-class country store. His holidays goods should bo inspected by th people of Puoria and vicinity. At the election of oiloers at Krnwnaville last Monday the Prohibitions came out ahead by one Couucilntan. O I Coshow was elect- ed President of tho Couucil, H J C Averill, lUvorder, (' F. Stannard. Treasurer, and Dolph Brusha, Marshal. If you want something neat and tasty for holiday time, call and see Samuel P.. Young's assortment uf holiday gooda, eups and sau cers, plated ware, glassware aud other sea sonable gooda too numerous to mention. Ladies ! You will tind the largest and finest assortment of gentlemen's emhroid ered alippors at Samuel K Young's, Also a fall line of the celebrated U J ttelhrook ft Co.. and Samuel Dunbar's ladies', misses and children's shoes. Call and examine. Salem has received its new steam fire en. giuo aad it aeema to giyo geueral eatiafac. tion, although the stream thrown was not as long as it might have been, being ouly 241 feet with a good wind to favor it. Any way Salem i tea are happy. 1'heru will be a Kebecoa Degree meeting oa to-morrow evening at 7 o'elock P. M.. at O. F. laid. The cemsiitteos appointed to make arrangmsnta for public installation ef officers of Albany Idge No 4, I O O F. will meet at the same time and place. Let all members of committees attend. A vacuum motor is reported ia Portland. Slock in it rank high now, but when as much has been expended in it as was expend. ed in the Keely motor, those interested will realise the fact more forcibly than ever that Perpetual motion is as yet au impoaaibltty. Ting San ffa is studying law and run ning a laundry in this city. Ms ; when he finishes hi legal education to go to Portland.' and peUfugue for his brother celestials there. He aabes the fact lhat there is considerable money made to that way aad expects te make s fotteno at it, A curious rig for breaking a kicking horse was exhibited on our streets last Saturday. It was simply tmnt wheels at tar bed to an axle, the driver steading on the latter, and taking bold of the horses tail io order to keep him down in position and from break ing the daah board otl the man's tongue. It seemed to work to a charm. Ote day last week George Steven , Daniel Simpson aad David Mediae war drowned at Y equina Bay while oroaaiog the same from the government works to Newport. The wind was blowing ao hard that th boat was capsized, and the three men per ished ia the waves. Simpson and Stevens ware married aad each bad a child, while Mediae was singte. Mr. Simpson was a brother of Mr Chan Simpeoo, of ttii city. Laat week, one John A Carr, alie Mc Melson, aliai Ly mi for aixteoa years a resident of Portland, was arrest ed for a anrder committed at Oroville. Cahforaia nineteen years ago. Ho will be taken back to that place and triad for the murder of one Seachcx, a Portugese. Carr eUiais to bo inaooent, bat while it is doubtful if h can be convicted' it seems to be thought thst he was guilty of the crinv chargod against him. The proprietor of the akating rmk have recently purchaaod several ttw pair of skates ami have rcpairid Ifu? they now have, so they are aa gol aa new. Ksaier running akates caauot bo found in the State. The boy are running a nrst-chu riuk, ao that those wishing to apend an evening agreeably, cannot do it better than by going and taking a roll. We are informed that a now saerat society has been instituted io our city, and it is said U be rjpite popular among those who have been initiated. It is said the mem bers are considering the propriety of opm ing the doors to mystic rights so that fvuu. j as well as maiea can unit with the order. The county auperintendeat and teachers of Linn County bays been invited te attead the Normal Institute to be held at Corvallis Dec 26 and 27. This invitation is given by Supt. L. A Milner of Benton County, lt all who can, attend ami enjey the intellect- aal feaet Prick Pomcroy hat rrftnmssl the publica tion of the famous Vonro-j Democrat, new edition, at Denver, Col. It v ill be a large fifty-six column sheet, eight page and be says will combine the butt end of a battering ram with the buainesa end of a hornet, n-i.' .t. u. " i'" success aud a bi cireulation. He proposes to work for the Democratic party and furn- iah a tana narnsr. Hand 2 to M. . a m a r " n Ww . Am a - . a remerey, lienver, tjoi, and get tlie paper for a year. The people of Tangent will have a Christ mas tree next Monday evening, when a good tiros is expected. Everybody in that place is invited to be present and to bring in their presents early. .School Saperntendent P. A. Motet will deliver the address, and there will be singing and other exercises ol au in teresting matter A. Wachenheirner, formerly of Harriaburg who has been indicted in three counties for perjury is being tried in the V S District Court this week. The csre is exciting con siderahl intr-r' rt it i the. first one of the nature ever tried in this state. Weather ford & Blackburn, of this city are Attorney's for Wachenheimer. A few days ago at Lebanon, Tip Humph rey, of this city, had tho middle finger of his left hand sawed off while assisting Jas Gilmore at his portable saw mill. He was placing the wood before the saw when that finger caught in it. and he was unable to extricate it before it was completely off, The proprietor of the Weekly Standard ha reduced tbe subscription rates to 82. T0 per year, if paid strictly in advance, otherwise the same as heretofore. Send for specimen copy aud subscribe. Address Standard Portland, Oregon, The weekly has no su perior in Oregon as a newspaper. Some time ago a representative of tho 3, F. Warn was in tha city soliciting subscri a e ' ft a. ' a aa aa bers, as an inducement ne stated teat a sketch of our city as well as a mention of the business men subscribing would bo made, but although several months have elapsed, nothing of the kind has appeared either iu reference to this or any other city in Ore gon. This is not a fair way to do business The loss of property at Pendleton turns eut to be as great as first reported, and will amount to between 8100,000 and $1,000,000 Over twenty houses completely swept away, and others were turned around and tipped over so as to be about as bad as wreokod. Among those completely annihilated notice that of Hon M ft Psuniuuton, who loans $3,009. 1 in manse excitement occurred but fortunately no lives were lost. On last Friday Mr H D Wilson, a prad tioal miller of Oregon City, and Thomas Hvlman, of Hal em, purchased from Mr Abo 1 rglow the letter's mill property in Pallas The prioe paid was 90,100. The now pre. prtotors will improve the mill and build warehouse for the storage of grain. The ab i nd ant water newer here and the wheat area contributory to this place, makes Dallas a tiae mtil site. The nsw management will be a valahle factor io tho progress of the town and vicinity. - r'mVr. Under the editorial nhargo of Hov. T. De Witt Talmago, Frank Ieslie's nsdajf Ji,y M9M for January commences the Now Year brilliantly. It is a holiday number and, affords delightful, edifying reading. The first of a serios of articles on MBeligious De nominations in the Uuited .States" treats on "Methodism I Its Character Slid its At taioasents," by He v. Dr. Curry, D. D, Other contributions are from the puis of Mrs. Jane th Austin, O. M. Birtull. etc, and consist of admirably written stones, sketches, essays, poems, etc. There is a large in structive miscellany. Prioe, 99 a year . single copy, 25 cents, postpaid. Adilreaa, MM. Fsank fiHITTT. Publisher, fct, 53 ft 37 Park Place, Now York. Amman's Cough Syrup is not a patent medicine. No patout baa teeu aaked for or obtained upon it. To protect the public from counterfeits and imitations the manu facturer has had tho label regietercd In Washington. The Syrup is made from pure and costly drugs, and oannwt ho sold as cheap to the dealer as tho common patent medi cines that are simply made to sell, which ex plains why dishonorable druggist or dealers try to sell you something also when aaked for Amnion's Cough Syrop. it ia upoo tne market it poo its own merits. Yon can boy a samp!- hattle for 15 cents, upon which, at the wbolcaale price, the manufacturer makes nothing. Ask to see a largo bottle, and read the lahr. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Orange Morgan left for Chswankaa last week. Jaa Keedmau, of Corvallir, was in tbs oily Tueaday. A Wolfe, of Harriaburg, ai in the city laat Sunday. Mrs D U X IPaokbitru ia visiting frieadft in the country. Kx Shrr: ( CharlUm has Wen in the city several days this week, Mr W man, of Benton county, was in the city laat Tueaday. Fred McCoy, of HairUbarg, was in tho city the first of the week. S B Hen dee, of flarrisburj(, was in Al bany the first of the week. Mr Neptune has beea ksaglng around lately, and wU remain for some time yet. D S lid is in tho nty, his ecbao! at Harriaburg having closed till after the holi days. Mr. J. S. Polhsnaiis. Kuginecr a, the Bay in tho ctv vestcrlav ami uuvlo the Du n t office a call. W M Oa m a a a a a Jusge iiurnell. oj 1 orvalUs, called ou us Tueaday. He was on his way bams from a bnaiuuaa trip to Salem. jfias Ln Milter, of Jff ron, wa in the city VYedneeJay. and while hero made the Dr. wo. rat office a call. Mrs. Martin ami daughter Lata, of liar mbnrg. are spending n few weeks in this city, the aoeeta of T. J. Stitea. Mr A Durtbick. of Scio, was in the city Friday, and while her rtmeulrd the Dr.wiH by making it a pleassnt call. Mr. Cbaa. Mealy, and old and prenstnent eittaen ef Albany, but now of Prineville, ia visiting in this county, having noSM here by water. John DuiH-au kaa inadu irranef u uU to move to Prinoville, where ha Will run stock ranch, and aisist people out mf legal diSicultiea Hon J K Wcathrrford Inf. lor Portland bast Sunday with to others, taking a skiff ami oiug as far as Independence and the rest of the way Monday morninu ou the cars. A small party at the residence of Mr Charles Brush laat Friday evning, was an enjoyable affair, and testified to the gout start Mr and Mrs Brush have made in their married life. lie Clement returned home from the Sound Tueadsy. and intend moving with bis family shortly to Nsw Tacoma. He re port that place aa boomina. Next year It ia claimed there will be a thousand new house constructed theie. Verily the tide f emigration seems ftjt present to bo setting towards the Sound. (too K Chamberlain returned Mondsy from a trip down the Columbia. He got as far aa Wallula, when the trip had to bo dis continued on account of high ater. Al though the railroad authorities knew that tbe car, would go no farther they assured the that thoy would no clear .. " - , - . i, . . "gn. "y na.t to uuy UWK w rotmwu ucn nonauct w,nom near neiag wnoiosaio rooeery. sew Mount v count. Preaeais far Mea aud B Dux Fine white shirts. Whisk brooms in velvet aud tatiu. Fine cigar cases. Cenuine Meerschaum pi. Fine silk handkerchief. Fi ne hats snd those. Fins pocaet kuives sod rax irs. Chains, charms aud loeketa. Pocket books in Russia leather. Fiue Key West cigars (tfO in box;. Walking canes a id umbrellas. Fiae underwear in sets. Collars, cuffs and scarfs. Silk suspenders aud kid gloves. f jtmbs wool socks in boxes. - Also a large and co-nplute ttOOft' of cloth- ing, famishing gol, etc., etc., All goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest cash price d. M., Farmer' & Mechauios' Store. lady Beautiflers. Ladies you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes with all the cos- metics of France, or beautitiers of the werld, while m poor health ami nothing will give you suoh rich blond, good health, strength and tieaujy as Hop Hitters. A trial is certain proof. Letter iAnt. Tbe taiiowine is the list of intm rumai .tin. in tho Post uihce. Aiiiany, Linn county, Or con, uuc si, ihm. feraous eHlltmr tor theaa letters mum give tin. iu on winch tnnv wro. aavervwou. Kourke, Dennis 2 Famler. alra (iotUMjtli, 11 Humphrey. U L Morgan, O'to Marjfiiii, Mrs O Z Morgan, Miss Mvry MoNilkor, Mr John Kiiniiy, wm P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. SHILOU'S VITALIZES is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, I Dizziness and all symptoms of Dvspectia we 1 Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Ml M Hi i a. The never cossing mini of last week had the usual effect, which was tho washing away of bridges and the dsvastatiog of laud ail over the state. At this oily the Wil lataetto rose to '24 fett and 3 inches above low water mark, within U foot of tho flood of two years ago, and although it did little damage hers it did enough at other point to make up for it. Traffic on tho O ft C It It, was ttoped entirely from Wednesday till Mondsy, tho first mail coming Monday after- neon, it being traoaferred at Jefferson, tho bridge at that point being damaged ao bad ly aa not to bo serviceable but will bs re paired in a short time. Both forks of ths Sautiam were higher by- two foot than two years ago; The Narrow Ouago bridge on the North Hsntiam, lost tks north span, about 100 feet la Isngth while the bridge oa the south fork was con siderably d imaged. Ths Beaver Crook bridge, which wa jut completed was swept away, ami several small bridges lacked ths ability to hold their own. Iu Benton coun ty, several bridges wore lost, two on Mary . Itivcr, two iu Kings Valley ami a few others, the whole damagu to the county amounting to al out 91000, At I'.rowiiNvillo the ( 'alipoma cot a new channel between th" two villages, preveet- big rommnnisathitt oteoptby Tsy of rail way bridge. Ttie Columbia river was so high that the oars along the river were compelled to atop running, and considerable dainaga was done to property. Pendleton, it is reported, was about half demolished by the raging of the Cmsttlla. which was uncommonly high. Taken all together era Rood ef previous years have caused mora confuvieu, aud little more damage. ii i IX HKSJOftlltf. Ths following moolutious iu reference to tho death if Wn If Hauth ware adapted by banon . range No. 4, P. of H Iec. loth, 882 I WiiruaAs, The Divtno Master in hi ruliug sf the universe baa aeon it to remove Pre W m M Smith from our miWat. aud. VYnaaKAS ft is meet that wo ahould place HtK-n record tome recognition of tin sad hut unavoidable event, tkcreforo, be It AWc-.f, That, in the death of Bto Wm am oa. w. wis grang- .as met oue oi iia w m : .i .at- . i I raadv and to tn err ... ' the principles of the grange, tho community su upright and ky.aurahie dtiatn always vanwspawwas y son naving I cheering word (r all his Ismily, an aftec tiouate ami a provnlrut father, and that while we how in submission t the mandate that mast, sooner or later, ceme to u all. ws realise that hie f lace can never be nuou, lltmtlmt. That thne rrolutioae b ia- aenbed in tho ruinates of th grange, a copy furauacd th family decaaaed, sod that they lw fiuii to the pre far at.t. It. A. Iftourft, P. O. HaHaaan, H. hsasttn, Cummittoc II lla All Yes, air, the Mock of Uv good at I radwohrs la really Ho., and unaurpw- ed In Allasny. ttie iock of chlldron'B xpruaa wagoiM, carriage, h o-x-a, etc.. ia tha laraant lUi aldo of r.n.a i 1 lit hov'a eaw bocka ami aawa era worthy of sttention, ami then far toy generally, IbtrQaroony number, doll of all kind. i oi toy n of tniriiol nnk, nnon , ruhlr , tin, wooden, end all kinds of toy and enough lo bowllder oae, hoe i do hu outtlie aye of tho youugtr. Aud for oldr poopla la the lata. Kioneh china lo Uio city, pruoalaiu, atone and earthen ware. Ilia stock ol silver platod sir l hctni; greatly adtnlroil anl dr v edly'ao, i,i U la uuamumonly nne. The haudsomaal kind- of vaaoa are fouad hare of the isleat dosiffii. Take Mr. lrad- wohl'aalock arfbgotbnr and there is not a bettor aolacied one, with a view to the use- ful aud ornamental, ror gin., in I. inn county. lo not purchase bofora call I ii on bun. . ' a. liar. NOUDtV COOttv a far Ladle. Fins cloaks aad cash nu reft. - Cvlluloid sets, plush and leather. AJUuioa, moroeao and phssh. Piotorc frames, plual. ami velvet. Card oases, Russia leather and pearl. It-ihemnan vasos, now styles. Coin, silver end rolled phrted jewelry. Fine hair and cloth brushes. Ijuliea satchels, plush, seal and morocco, Handkerchief ami glove hexes. Khtgaut fans and silk umbrellas, Celluloid, hand mirrors aad couib. Fine oorsets and kill shoos, Fae sets, muff aud boa. Also a large assortment o fancy, dcairahlo l00- aiUhim f." tb IPhin hM I . j . -.:-t ...!. i : . . P Bgni I at lowest cash prices. J. M. Nolan. Iji liea' Kinjioriuiii. alal. J. ast Saturday evening a fw of thu family relatives assembled at the ron- doftce or Major James ixiw. to witneas ttie ceremony wblou uul tea rretiey Denny. Fsu.. and Miss Isabel Low In the bonds of matrimony. The nuptials of this happy couple took place at sW8 ) p. m , .lustloe Lutytou oiti'Mating ; after which the newly married pair received the hearty and sincere con gratulations of their many friends and relatives, they then adjourned to tne dining room, where a light nnd elegant supper wns awaiting the gueets. who after partaking thereof, spent the even ing in social converse until about 12 p. in., when all dispersed to their several homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Denny many annlvertarles 'f the happy ao cation, ttomau. (Utah). Mr Denny is a brother to Hon O N Denny ami Mrs Win Ralston, of this city. i ul n I k luu Ladge. At a regular muetiug Dec. ltlth. The following olfioers wtsre elected by Corinth my Lodge No. 17, A. F. A. M. : E. W. Laugdon, W. M. ; R. A. Foster, S. W. ; John Briggs. J. W. ', John Brush, Tress. ; John Graham. Secretary. III CUM; VH ARM Its. 1 AltS, The boat salve io the world for cuts, brum I, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever anrea, tet ter, chapped hands, ahdblaint, corns and al kinds of sktu eruptions. 1 his save is guar - anteed to give perfect atisfaction io every - case or meney refunded. Price 35o per box. For Sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale agts ; D Moors, Soto ; D roley, Lebanon ; Ur rowell, Lehanon ; iledpatb and Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Cal breath, Dueua v ista ; u oornenus, tarner ; n a namny, Harriaburg i Starr and Hlakely, Browns villa. Early Breakfast. Parties going off on early morning train can get breakfast at the depot hotel before he train loaves. Water Nark. A life saving crew it talked of at Ya 'jiilua Hay, on account of the recent drowning accident there. Bettor built railroad bridge In thin state would save considerable annoy anon, and make our mail more regu lar during the winter. hlnu county's loss of bridges Is not very groat fortunately on mcmint f tho recent raging of tin chin k. Considerable enterprise was display d In catching log last wick. Kacb one sell fur several dollaio If claim ed by the oweer the price received is generally devhh id All tho mills in the city had to stop work for several dsys, but fortunately there wss enough flosr on band to keep as through. h'umerous railroad men on our streets mad it pmcut a metronolitan anoearance. J, , w It explained to us why the terminus of a railroad ia like a hornet. Dock and geeaa ahould be in their ele ment, as there has been too much of the cream of the clouds around for them to h reached. haen friend. At a regular meeting of tho Indepen dent Order of Chosen I'rVud i be follow ing oilier- were elected for the ensuing lerui. r M Itodllold, C C. nflftL Winn, Vise. I It Mklp worth, Hoc. K M French, Financial Nee L Martin, Trene. A Woodln, Prelate. Mrs Mary Hamilton, Marshal. Mian Belle i'atnam, Warden KO Johnson, fluard. K H Ntraaen, Nontry. P II Raymond, A N Powell, Tho Mon- loath, Trustee. J I, illll. J W Jfarri. R (i Job neon, Medea! KiatnlOOS. r-a rirtarr tit hftfo received "Pen i'h turet of Representative mm of Oregon." recent ly publlohod by Hodgkln 4 f.alvin, nt slalom While there arc oana irood points to It, and Its oketi h-s are well written, wr are at the name tuna diaau. . . panted In It. Hie men sketched in it swonodoobt rH.ra.Btatl ve men. but fO Hiniiy are left cut that it fails to meet lit real purpose. Then again wo were .roniiaasi mita of tna r..,k-- -.r.i.- , " " "" " legislature, Will none apix-ar. We do not want lo bo erlii. -l !... ,.. ruth is wo fear lhat Hie rixht siiirit did not animate the publlh-r in their production of this. In hoiou icpecU, ailmlrable work. The (Ity erkosls will chase U. ila. and nd open again till Tuesday. Jnr. lext Tht intervening lime will be ued by teacher and student- as a va cation which they need in order to oh lain courage ami strength -ufhelent to ngnui lake their mnin on bard, awkward benehes, in cloao rooms It in to be hoped lhat all, from Ike youngest to lb oldest, may have such a merry Christ ass .nd a happy Xow Year, that they will b in splendid condition not ouly to t o ii but lo lenrn. uolwitbataodiug the di-mi vantages they labor under. the following notice apia-aia la the .San Kraueico Co-i..' .vr,.,r p r Decem ber : If. btwart. of Albany Oregon, wns elected count v clerk at the lost taction, ni,d he ran nil the Republican 1 1. -km in a doubtful diatrit t. fv mucn for being n popular iu-uraiico agent. Tils lo n huge joke, but whether th Itenublloaii narte or the ineiiranr-. coinameN I to receive the benefit of it we eannot say. sad VSurlfclf. art lmU tr,t wr counirrfeUetl, 'I bis ia especially true of a family medicine, and it ia positive proof that the remedy .mifntnt la of the hicheftt value As eoouas It bad been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop hitters was the naroet, best nnd most valuable family medicine on earth, many imita tions sprung up nnd began to stead the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of II. Id., and In every way tryiiw to in duce suffering Invalids to use their stuff Instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of II. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to II, at., with various ly devised names in which the word Hop'' or "Hops'' wore used in a way to Induce people to helieve tbey were the tame aa Hop Hi tiers, Allsuchpro tended remedies or eures. no matter what their style or name ia, and etpec (ally those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" In their name or in any way connected wita tbem or iiieir name. are limitations or counteriei ts. ui ware oi them. Touch nono of tl.vni Use nothing but genuine Hop I'dtters, with ft hunch or cluster of green Hops en the white labul. Trust nothing else. Drufntlsis and dealers art wanned sgalust dealing iu Imitatiaus ir co iu terfeits. Orli .1 I mil. a mmmy i If ym have dried fruit tit sell, aud wait the higheat market price thero i- paid for it, go and aue Allen A Martin, Alhniv, Or. MAftHIKn. LAMItKKSON -MOSSflOl.DKK -Ou Ih-c. I'itb. 1S82, at the rueiitcm-e of Uen W I ice, iu Lebanon, by Hev Martin Hick man, Mit J A Lamhkkxox and Mahala MoatlfOlinftP -all of Linu county. VALKXTINB CUNNINGHAM. Ou Dec 1st, 1882, at the residence of Marion ('un- nigham, by llev A C Vernon, Mr d A VAl.t.VTINKaud Mish Kmma ('cnnimouam. HAURIUAN YINGA. On Dec. 18. 1882, at tli oftJ nf K It Shi.lwortli liv K Skipworth, Kaa , Mr. J V Hakkihak and - ... - - - -s---' - - 1 J Mtss Emkline Vim; a all of Linn county. POWKH SIPPY. On Dec. 13. 1882, at the residence of the bride's parents in Halsey, MrK L Power ami Miss Li.i:tta Si ity all of Linn county. (h ten. DAWSON. Near this city on Dec. 13th, 1882, Jbssik Mykti.i:, daughter of S. A and S, L Dawson, aged 3 years 11 months and t days. The King of terrors seized her as his Within this narrow cell reclines her clay. That clay whore once such animation beam ed, hut wherefore weep, her matchless spirit tears beyond where splendor shines the orb of day and angels wait to lead her to those bowers where endless pleasures wait HOLIDAY GOODS, The; FineajtHtoel. Ever BraagM to Albany F0SIIAV V Thero is nothing of the boat class of holiday goo but what is to Books and Albums- Beautiful Inkstands, Rich Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Handsomest Vases, Lovely Brush Brooms, Perfumeries of the best makes, and many other good suitable for holiday gifts such as MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and articles fancy and substantial, too numerou to mention. Call and see them before Purchasing . frLr' Wheat Hi; r bu-hel, at. tlwj mill, al Urn WdreU'rt sea, S-'. Onto MVj si Beef on, U Vttki. Ilny-laaled, ' ,iu per ton. loose, VI to 15. hitlor-'JO to2 Ha per lb. 1'4CK - V' eonta er do.. ?OtnlOO--Ur per bu .ho!. Pork -7 c(e par lb Vastb-ocperlb. flrhwl PniH --un dried arf!e., plums, He. HIH bine nirwl apple " plum, lo. Bacons -ham, H l 1'- . shoulders, 10 to 1. aide. 11 to lift. I mi i I - r lb. fftftW j.IjO r bid. (Jbiekeus t.OU j- r dor. Sugar -S tu PranciM C, Mil! KcshI bian, 1. 00 ir Ion. abort, J'. middlingN, o is) ebon. -'..) POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlil toiwaer nr rarive. A ntarvet -4 parity, ontsth anl ah-ilcaiiaietti-ui. Mure ooneBal t taa the orninaiy kinda, and caniM be kl in rwaipetiu .n wiUi the nialUtixJ n low last, tturi a elf lit, all tn ,r iliithalA la-wrre. sM .. . ru. KuTaL. aiMi Kusaa cv. lofi Wall N. V. Provision Store. ROYAi W royal vsS W m . . , i i, I l8Ki, at the hour of one o'clock, p. nt-, of f ISII. V WTaHaUIOS, r rUlt, itI on the promisno hereinafter do a ion. f tt iuuii . ? ""J ..jj ut pubnc auoti-, to the higbeaa AT I. i. DENNY'S. (SucctONor to M, Hide) Cor Or. of Rroadal Ml) and First Si. Albany, PATENTS OU lined.. aiuUll .aher liuslnr in the I. PsUat oni .in ii .-.lit to ..r in. mIi n!- ii Oar oltiou ia iHitukita the I S lt nt OlCi-i;. and we can out tin IW-iil in k- time tlian tinea: rjnoU- from W.'liinvuin. Mend irmrlf nrdrawinit. We u.h ; a t. laWnt ability frta uf rhancc ; and weaaaJlc ib i-liar-e uiilew I we obtain i'cnt i .... . . . . i .... . Ui.. v iinltT I i v . and to . II'kiuN ufttit-r. S. Iit it I c rt-ii'r hit-, i. mi- i 1. 1 1 1 i . . . the Supt. uf tMIir--. For circular, advu-c. temia. and ralereai Ui actual vlicnt. in youruaii State or county, addreas V. A. I0V&0., OIpwdte latc:it Offlee, Washing P. C. HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for I KIDNEY. DISEASES. , ax flssst.1 LiUandit wiUapoadily Ladies. For com plaiaSs i , Kidnay-Wort la n no i !. lit i your i ittwmi leafwy. mmm- Slbriok dual ar ropy doposita, aad dull dxacgiac apesdUy ylaldtolu eoratt Waa. m OLD , UaUOOtSTB. Prtoal 31 Administrator's Notice. Notion is berebv aivon to all persons claims acrainst tho estate of W IT Smith, deceased to ureaent them with tbe proper vouchers within six months from R tne tiate oi tuis notice to vuo u.imo. at her reideuoe two miles east of Lehanon in Linn county, Oregon. The undersign ed having boon duly appointed by the County Court of said Litin county, ad ministratrix of the estate oi saiu w m Smith, dtcoasetl. Hated this I5t:i day ot Dec. isss. Kuoua A. Sat nu, Administrator. II k witt A Bryant, Atty'si'or Administrator. 'HACKMr-TTACK," a lasting perfume Price 25 and 50 cents. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kerne! v. IYko prey J gQ cent. WILL YOU SUFFER with DyKpepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize r is guaranteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misei able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cora lathe remedy for you. AT 1IAS0VS. be found here. THE SUN. SKW V0KK, kM. tM hate ual Th ! ' jti t ten pnsShaj iti ever .r.i.Ul. Noothtruc 4 tla rt. Dour aa - Ua bMajsn aad reai as aay aar kr -.7: '-' bay. r-n. " iu- suit ior UMt UAMm tna I U-oe Ha mt w nJun.ii m a . . unutiMiiUiMt pmaSSSi accaraey m in I- r-at Ur -rarr-iml ; Ua eeata. 'l'"ll, B1HI a MWf, U BaSaMa UM). Ikt 4itf i ll Um im 4 the i in . U ... ,,..c ,e i rauo fl t.r.t.. .4 utlcixUMca Uk eaaet troth t tiaal u alniitt Utree haaJre-1 aad atsty ftes ekwo OS the )ar, baOir timUum a aril a after aaatUM waala aa weft aa aliewt Use easaB ask, as toe laaaef dkastat 4aialy bA learhaaty srkaa soaaarliit ey aqaor al aw ..!. The euu ha aaasataSeiy ao awaaaa-as U ft, th. iiil'.rBiaUoti f it mtiri aaat tka lurUMTUMX uf the SSSOnan (auL h-aaach U ar).-J'. Mrvepaacr. aa aaaa is uu.M ua 'The tear ie iasaftsaaotse Me el lare ami hia n.tiU. Nu man au rich taal a aaa al low M.jiuw u tlaa aaa. Sm lm A BsaO. i i-.errf ul Utr ari-t ifiUcatkai U ita r(, IWaat if. laSiti.a it baa fcaaxfc lava aithoat U imii aiMl f-r liiiean I art j i in pel Umtr trt annsl Wfts a fuck far taw lalarila at the po lr ra.iMt ttw whi.eo af Basaea, taa laiim In n isftftaea, AU lao r ehat wr are tuU alaauat aaftj Wf aor l.-w-n-U ac utau fa4da Uuu Tb su- ia laa keas irltfiuas uvwrtH-r rrer BabOela-l, hn Lamtj . ui-lU-i'.! uiUi ..ul Aa Uul a m Urn hrt Keraiulraa aew-r T-u-r it iualrr4y wkuevoi limit ihm A ifcuu party. aaO ta Huaalar ataaaat tike hK with ooduuinnk-a tig-ur. A tikii! adaavaa a to iv ta taat aamiiiir of gsassraJ Hsaraoare as eviat v, teeaaae iu raadcr asiaa a elk Sag oastkf td ttutaw that Is rarrcat ia the aorld uf ikisqat ft lri:. .4 Thr Sui. uiarutcra a uf Ua aaaev tan u&U with urticaaur fore to has lain A aal liking-. a II yua afjsni y kaoar "Th Sea." yoa will ohaerv hat iu lata Ssi littie better ikaa ever hasten. If u Su nut alre4T kauw The Sau." yoa wUI ftaat K to he a aai'rae 'if aO haaaan acUitty. a aterekoaaeef UweOaaet umlartaaff BiumU.i lor Utr -au uf i - i.oiwl 1. r v ..urcr- Uf K -ertunai 4 Tlie arveral ediUuna uf .of as faCooa : are aaat ay i lAII. ii crnU a nuiU rditi..:.. rt 7S a year, e-fta M NOA1 Karht ffaaaa, tt.tft a rtar, S'EKKLY Sf a year. Eight pra uf null, i um- luurr keaaes :aa Arrv-altaral tVpait mX luer t .1 uiMiislir-l nwnt. ukarket repwrto. r. . . M-i.tiBt , ari .a. Tka free. Weekly San" the a a flu I lur tha karaa I...I.I II... l itrt.t -ii with extra AJJrt-a I. W. tN;i.AXD The Saw,- K.T.GkW. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby civet, that too under- rifmndt Administrator of tboeatato of Tytn Allv, deeeoaed, in pursuance oi an order of ttia County Court, of Lima county. irecn, duly made and entered of record. will ou Saturday the 13tb day of January , hiibler, sell all the right, title ami ii of said deceased in and to the follow baa lr ribed real property to-wit : AU tbe donation land claim of the said Tyre Alloy, being notitieatiQp No, 5,876 Ami i-laiin No. 57, situated in sort sans SI ami 25, township 13 south, range 1 wtta, and rasetiona I'.land 30.towr.ship 13 south. range 1 cast, W illametle meridian, naeept 'JO aeres otT tbe norili end, rxntainiotr 140 arroH, iu Linn county, Oregoo. Also, the roliovin; describetl premises : lieglnnuift at the N.K. eomerof tbe north weat quarter of section 25, township IS south, range l west .and running south 40 chains ; tbenee west 25 chains to theSantiam river; tboaee north 2 degrees east 0 chains ; Uaessoe north Id degrees west 20 chains ; thence east SO chains to tho place of beginning, containing 102 acres, more or lean, iu Linn couaty, Oregon: Said premises to he sold in parcels to suit tho purchaaera. Ikbms ok sale : One half the pure base prioe cash in band, tbe bolanee on a credit of twelve months from day of aa'o, with interest at ten per or at per annum; the deferred payments to be aecurwd ty snort gage on the premiaea. Dated Dee, 15th. !t-M2. J. I). Wood, Adiuinisliator. Sheriff's Sale. Ih Ho Circuit CoarfofAr St U 'J (trey am, tor thr rouhtjf o Linn. m RC Millet, P aiutiff. vs. Charts Rilev and f J 11 Spurlock, Defendants. ) P.v virtue of an execution aud order of sale issued out ef tbe above named Court in the above entitled suit to ino directed aim delivered. 1 will ou Saturday the 13th dav or Jsnnary, 18S, at the C.urt House door. In tbe city of Albany, l.inn county, Oresron at the hour of one o'clu k . K. m., anil at public an -Hon i r oash iai ami to the highest bidder the mortgaged promises described in haid oniei of Hale as follows, to-wit: Tbe undivided one aizth interest of the northeast quarter of section ;'., Tp, 11. S. K. 3 west. 8ituated in Lann cou.ty, uregon and containing 100 acres more or leas. Tbe proceeds of said f ale t lie applied as follows, to-wit : First lo the payment Ihi.ii world at faaaaat ravui - Ins nan 1 aawafj aal ui . .uw.'iil aooa iutt joent for Ua i naalaa, rear. TU- of the coats of suit lased at iU 93 and tha costs and expenses of ale Second to tho payment to the plaintiff, R C Miller tho sum of $674.72 with interest at the rate off one per eent per month from the '.'3rd day of October, 1882, and the surplus if any tnere be to pay over to tho defeudam J U Spurlock. Dated Ibis 13th dav of Dec. 1882. (jKO. H i: M FUBSY, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. Notice to Fruit Grower?. The undersifrned having obtained tho exclusive right to make and sell the PI u ai mer Hot Air .Family Fruit Drier in tho counties of Linn, Lane and Ronton akis the present opportunity toinfrom persots who want to save their fruit crop, that he is prepared to receive orders tot the bent fruit drier in tbe market, Plumtmr Hot Air Family Drier, for pardon la ra ad dress. Johh Bbjggs, Alhany, Oregon