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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY CHAMBERLAIN 6 STITES. tmuxal A I'TCKTIsmo SATKa. BCUM tmOHla t Batldlagaa TXRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION iatf. copy, par yax. ia adranca J RO lagta aaey, par yaar. at and of jwr I 00 tajrla oopy , atx mo.Um 1 SO Hperiar biiaineaw tuakwa aTTmT ll. umos 1 cents per line. Regular ioeal noUeea 10 oenle par litav For legal and franaieni advert iaementa fl oo per qare for the And inaertkaa and If sBfjaj per square for eaen sut-ssqneaf VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 32, 1883. IS 10 NO 31 Et0Us ' . " " ' " ' 1 1 " ii i I I i r l i LTt rurrr" . - - ! - f ion i w .1 UU 5 00 8 00 " 2 00 5 00 7 00 J 2 00 3 " 3 00 0 00 1000 15 00 4 H 400 7 00 1350 1800 1 Col 6 00 00 JftOO 25 00 I " 7 60 j 12 00 1900 3000 I 10 00 13 00 2500 4000 1 " I 1500 I 30 00 j 4O00 I 60 00 ALLEN & of- ALBAN j - Are low receiving tbeir I tuuieuse fcieek of FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Ceasistiig of oie of tie largest and most c omplete iter k of General Merchandise Ever offered for DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Indniea til tan latest styles and novelties. Onr stork is all fresh and new, and nraek of it was port based in New York and there is not, one piece of old style goods in onr store- THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Contain one of the largest and finest assortment r Hothilff aid gents' furnishing goods ever hronght to this valley, and will be sold nt prices that defy competition, either here or elsewhere. Wo also keep a fall line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, V !l of the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND CAPS, er e is also to be found at oar store a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Onr motto is ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. ALLEN MARTIN OREGON. tale in Albany. The direct from the manufactures. onr splendid selection of large and well-sel c i (t k e FOR ALL. & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u ruN. o. a. ex am b anient. FLINN & ( HAMBKRLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. nWOffloe In Foster's Brick Block vlftnlStf. U.S. NTKA1I AN, Albany, Oregon. I SKA (TICK IN ALL THE OOUHTH OK JL this State. They give special atteu- lion to collections end probate metier. Office In FcMter'a aew brick. 40tf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AHo Notary Public. Albany, Oregea. Office upstairs, over John Rrtgga store, 1st J. JL WE ATHERFORD , (NUT AH V PUBUCJ tTTORNEY AT LAW, AUIXT, OKKtiOI. iiriLL raAcrioa is aix tmk courts or tub T Y HUM. BMefcU alteuliun rircn to mUmUuh and probate SMlsn. In Odd FolUw-i Twnpla. fievt j. o. rowaix. w. a. nu.vxu POWELL & IslLYKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in (haiirerv, ALBANY. - - OUHJON. Collection prompt v made on all nointa. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. noromce ta Fcater' Hrtck.-fm vUnlOtf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OSBOOb. Wilt nrartlna In all tha imirta r ih bm.. Prompt attention etven to collections, eon- aj-aaoMi ua examination of HUM. ptpbai a. p-ou my. vOmtOU. BOnOE W. B A UN EN. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND- Notary rsavEviixc, Colleotions promptly made on all points. E. R. SKIPWORTII, attwbsbt a ewinst at saw as SOTAB I M BUI . WILL practice in all courts of the Huts All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended, to. OJUt in & Toole's Mark, BroadaBbin Strttt, 4Syl Albany, Ortqon, LEWIS sTisisors- LIVEHY AMD FEED NT A BEE. First class vehicles, fine horses, good feed, scoommodsting proprietor end rea sonable charges. Give thorn a call, tables near Revere Mouse. L E. W. LAHUUUfi ol oo., IIlt .IKTN. Books, Stationery snd Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITTT DRUG STORES, tji .lbu. anesinv. F08HAY & MASON, WeotSLAUi ASS RSTAH, - Druggists and Booksellers, ALBA XT, OKEGON. vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCampean has purchased the brh shop formerly owned by J H Hurles, a will continue the business st the old pie and guarantee Malefaction to customers. REVERE H0U8E, Cerme, Bint ansl Ell worth Albany, Ort-sn. Chan- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. , Uwl Bd op In flnrt dua etyla. T.Uaa MppiMM mm u.o bMt the nuu-krt afford Sprtof Bto Inarary Huunt. A good ImBJM Room for Cjw- sVTree Ceeeh to and frees She eteL'mt Aloany Bath House. rNlHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RISPBOT JL felly inform tht citixaoa of Albany and vi einitj that I havetakan chares ofthit EiUbliih neat, sad, by keeping slsan rooms and payia strict atUntlon to butinaa, aapeets to anlt si tfaoas who may fsvor US with thslr patronage Having aerotofora carried oo nothing bnt First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons. sx pacta to give eatire satiafaction to al aBChUdien nod Lndioa' Huir naatly en bnapooaA. JOS WEBBER. THE MOST POPULAR WHISKY Sm FUVeHSUPERIOR TONIC PflOP esTf 0 ABSOLUTE PURITY MlWjZ GREAT FAVORITE.? 1 WR HEWCIHAUFAMIlY m AS WEIL A8 FOR A WAlIHY.ftfASW DRINK ,TK IS MO WHISKY EQUAL TO THE -OIaD JUDGEk- FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS sUQOOR DEALERS. r4"tairsMHTNt SUCCESSORS TO a KANLOLEARYCQ WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, tBtm SUSH ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 1 FRED REIS, Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY. OR. rir-rnll71 PBS OIL warn RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Faint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostaa Foot and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. Bo PnanBin oa earth eeenle Br. Jtrxm Oh a , -, ttnmpU and eap U-atmiy A trial eataUa hat the eapiwutiT iriaiic ontley of IB Ceatat aod ery oa m, pain ean have aheap and poaBtte proof of i . BOLD BT ALL DEU001BT8 AMD DEALEM IE KSDIOm. A. VOGELER So CO., LYDIA Ee PINKHAM'S YEGETABLE COMPOUND. I, m tNitHe fore Be otf theee PatolWI CewytatoUnad WioAaeiM eee itatoewhort ftauU ata4lea. A .-.i;rin- for ffwitt. taemtedby aWeataa. Prepared by n Woman. Tfc. CmM !!-...., atM IW S. . W Wtmrf. r-t'.r , U.o d.-,; ..n ...ti'.t. It,. bjSSSSSl "J t.-m t . .5. v. an ! i U m lh fwie r'uk of oun Uo toeS roe ut Ute'e aartaa a.t ra: mmmr urn, t ePnjilcltae Uas aaJ Prowrtbe U Fraeh; "SB U rc-o ). rJatee. r.Uut -try. daetruye all rrec BV Miaou at, ond rolum, w 4 n . of the ! m h The! fel J of Uartaj do. runf pete, wig-til ea4 tarfceeSe, to ala; .umm j itrnl Irjr It. '. Bar the ear of KU- l awpuiau -f lihor aaa tale gSssseead u naessBSSSBeV jLTBia e. 11 v it it Hi BLoen rrKtrtt:n will rdicato e. . . in,- - .. tieawr trvm ih . Stood, aid Kite I. t and r-a-:. io im tuto, at to aSSSSS orehtid. BMBsSs naeasj S. h"h the Coaapomnd anTiil PurUWr ere iwroared SSBBeBBBB BPnBBa Aaa, Lyaa, Baae, frteaof nrx b.iVw for & "'al t7 awll la toe (arm of dlta, er of I rt.-r f.-, oa roociat of prior. i prr U f jreSBar. Mr. Fiakaun frotl anworall Utuvof haeabT. KaeJo abmp. SeaSforaaniiddrt. . .f" f"!"7.h"ilr ,r1h" i.tdu a mxvnAMs UVK i il.t.t tn-r eare catinmtio. Mlii eaniam. eaataurpldUof ttwferer. aeoatepc boa. BaTHaM by ail DraeM-sea,-CS tl) TUTT'S PILLS 8YMPTOM TORPID LIVER. ci nauon m axiMiAn r Nv) m "." u7a iwr eaiinn1, wit Irritability of temper. Low splntaTth ll"1?? ?Ti2 negleoVd some duty, w-lrr? pijtttneas, Fluttertn nt the gfsrt. Dots before the eyes.YslTow BkS, Headache sonsrally over tho right eye! Bestleesoesn. with fitful dreams. hiaZly colored Urine, and MM"y CONST1PATIOF). TETVH PtIXS are imperially adapted to such faaeae, onodoi enact norh a ehaaara of feallenr ae to aatontah tho aufferar. They eeaaat tfc AaactUe, nod oaoae the body to Taha on rienah, thua the ayatem la dttCTd. Vric "la. aa Murray ataJII? Tf; TUn'S HAIR DYE. wba v hair oa WKint mm chanced to a Ouwav Blaox by aalnfleapplkiitlon orihla lira. Ulm partaa natural oi.lor. acta Inauntamoualy. Bold by JrutiU. or aent by exprr on revetpt of SI. omen, as bvbbat st.. wnvr vokh. (,Trra Sill I L W v.u.M. Ufra,aUaa aa4 Gaehl aeetayta win k. bmim i ui aa pimSm. Final Settlement. Notice jt hereby siven that th undAr- signed AuminiMtrstors of the estate of C. u. Jiurkiiart, deceased, have tiled their final account as BUCh AdmiiifNtrvtorN in the County Court ef Linn eonntv. Or.. snd by ordei of said Court, Saturday the 9th day of December, 1882, at the hour of ten o'clock a m., has been fixed for the bearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Any person lnterext- ad In said estate is hereby notified to an. pear and file bis or her obieotlonn to Raid Account and the settlement thereof on or uorore said clsy. J. D. RuitKHART, 0. M.BURKHART, Administrators. DR. D. B. RICE. Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to ttik city and resumed prac tice. Ontce In new Uiim? imii ,.(.. tw.i' Bulhiinira, Broadalbin nin-ei. tu, iiiU. , u-. . - - - I waa a aa at v tat iva aw ond atrnet. Albany, Or., lfov. 8, 1S82, Stock-holders Meeting. Notice ia hereby given that there will be a meetlag of the Stockholders of the Linn CoV AgiWMural Association at the office of J. H. Foster fc Co., in the city of Al by county of Linn. State of Oregon, on Thursday, the fourth day of January, 1883, at one o'clock, p. m., ef said daysfor the purpose of electing seven director for the ensuing year, for the transaction of any other business that may come before said meeting. f 3 - Nimrod Paymk, R. A. Poster, Prasldent. Secretary. Loss of Aepettte, Bowels oontlve, Patn in the HeadT with a dull senantion lnthe ttfJL 5Lp8,2 nadBf the Shoulder n a main. BHAMM l. JBWKLBf. llo recent experience of a neion My of rank, who wisbtal to sell some jewels, goat to prove that shams are not newer then other things under the snn. Regarding what were supposed to be plead id rubies the jeweller said : "They are certainly very ahewy, madam, but unfortunately only clever imitation in glass!" The ledy, much cbsgrined, then called attention to the beavjr setting, to which the jeweller replied, after the uiual teste : "The setting it only gilt!" Another article produced far appraise ment wai a superb bracelet, the gift of a Continental sovereign to the wife ef b distinguished diplomatist. The skill ful manufacture and eciOc gravity of this splendid object had bean extolled for generations in U t fsmUy of the poe- aeasor.and so highly was it prized that ii was invariably aent to the bankers whenever the family went out of town. The jeweller scrutinized it carefully, and pronounced it to be estremely heavy ; "but' be added, "if you will allow me, madam, to raise this very thin plate, I shell be sble to show you that the bracelet is filled up with lead" Yet it is quite possible that the origi nal purchasers of these articles believed them to be genuine, and paid for them as such. A few rears sir n Knr!Uh gentleman took a bracelet to a leadine provinoial Kagliab jeweller to have the clasp mended. The jeweller looked at the stone carsfuily, and then aaid . "You are aware that this is not genu ine!" "Not genuine !" exclaimed the gen tlemau. "You mast be mistaken Thla was given to my wife on her marriage by my uncle, the last msn in the world to give sham jewelry." But the jewel- ler, sn eminent man in his line, nerstst- ng, the donor was iaforntod. Ha wrte back that it coat f300. and ordered that it be at once tent to him ; and, taking it to Messrs. , a firm of the first eminence, indignantly ststed his case. It was a sbsra. They uttered a cheek at once, or a new bracelet, ami seemed terribly chagrined. The explanation was that, do what they would, tboy were at times the victims of their work men, who substituted admirably made bogus gems for real ones. Probably soores of persons have jewelry thought to bo r a! which in truth ia not so. m jb mere were 5(KK) beimia lu r i . v . tb- Kgyptian thebaid aloae. Chatles IX., Henry III. and Henry IV. issued edicts agsinst the hoop, but witnout avail. Beventy thousand Mohammedans were put to the sword when Godfrey of Bouillon captured Jerusalem. .11....' a t . , -m.ukj on inua was so elo queat that Iuis XIV., before whom it was read, required it to be repeated twice. Racine wrote on the same theme. Tacitus says that Felix, before whom Paul sppeared, ia all savageneas and profligacy wielded the power of a king with the temper of a lacky. He had been a slate but was a ireedman As late aa the beginning of the last century, the poor of 8ootlsnd were in such a condition that Fletcher of gel a a toun gravely proposed to elevate and benefit them by selling them into sla very. Servetus waa cited, condemned and executed by Genevan law as a bl phemer. He wished to have the divin ity ef Christ denied, hoping thereby to make Christianity acceptable to Mos lems and Jews. Isbean of Bavaria, queen of Chsrles V 1 , sent a collection of doll, di eased . a - in the latest French styles, Ut the queen of England, thus introducing the latcit French fashions in a way which has been imitated of late years as a novelty In 3G2 Julian the Apostate gave the Jewa permission to rebuild their tem ple and city, hoping thereby to refute the prophecy that their overthrow was irretrievable, bnt balh of fire coming from the ground and explosions of peat up gases soon put an end to the work. In the latter half ef the fifteenth cen tury the Francisoans and Carmelites preached against the chapels, windmills and other structures with which wom en were accustomed to decorate them selves, and, in consequence, one of them was abased out of Paris by the angry ladies, and all of them became very unpopular. "Too late to whet the sword when the trumpet sounds te draw it." But never too late to whet your appetite by taking Kidney-Wort, restorin health and making yourself a well, strong. hearty man. It is unequalled as a rem edy for all liver, bowels and kidnej 1 a aa diseases. OlII druggists kee-, end reo- ommend it. Tfaat wonderful oatholicon known as Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has given the lady a world wide reputation for doing good. It is ike a living spring to the vital constitu- ion. Her Blood Purifier will do more to cleanse the channels of the circula tion and purify the life of the body than all tho sanitary devices of the Board of Health. BJISTaKK At CHESS COLUMN. Chess pi obtains and other chess Hems of interest solicited from all out chess readers. We proosu to publiah at least one problem each week, for so lution by etir readers. If sumcivut en couragemont is gtvn we will com mence in a few weeks a regular chess toursnment 4. White Black K at y It at Q K 3 Pat K K l Pet K 3 Pat K 7 Fatgii w K at K Kt 7 at K 1 H at K It 3 It at Q B 7 Kt at K Kt 3 KtatQ Kt 4 B at K B ft B at Q Kt H i'at K 4 Pat Q l 1 White to plsy ami taate in two moves. 5. Hy B A Wfaito bavanajr.) Blsck K at Q 4 It at K K i Pat g Kt 2 Pat y Kt 4 P at K B 2 Pat K Kt 2 P at K Kt 6 K ul y 3 y at K K Kt at y k J B at y 7 P at K H Pat K B i Pat K 2 at Q 4 White to plsy sad mat in two moves. Wa do not publish solution of Piob em No. 1 ths week aa it is a good problem and we will give the chess ex perts further tsBBB, L' t sll send in so lutions. We have a number of chess readers who ahould for their own emustsaent and profit, contribute so lutions and problems to this column. 8. A. D. Problem No. 1, is a two mover, hence your solution ere un sound. rXAIB. statue of John Brown is to be erected byjtbe Stale of Kansas ia Wash iogton. A yeatly salary of $15,000 will be received by Gen. Sherman, eveo in bis retirement, and be baa also a handsome revenue from hie real estate. The son of the Com to da Paris is to be adopted by the Comte de Chambord Hnry V., aa heir to bl crown and p. "Firi catch your crown How aaany people in America were aware, before the late celebration at V&t- fl . J.I I .S wa e a rutiaieipma, tost rennayivanta, waa aot named for William Penn, but for his father, the admiral t The fortune of the ex-Kmpr m aaa m m r.ugeme ta immense, and her connec tions stsnd in great fear of a will that shall make the Princess Beatrice the richest young woman in Europe. Mr. W. C. Depauw of New Albany, Ind., who la to endow Asbury Univer sity with aver $300,000, was left an orphan without a oent at sixteen, and has been a merchant, a grain dealer, a millionaire and a banker. A little colony of fonr handsome houses, nestling smong the green fields and maple groves of the valley at Wind sor, Vt., consists of ex-Secretary hvarta s home snd the- of hit three married children, who all reai le in New York City in the winter. The health of ex-Surgeon Gen. names continues to be so feeble as to excite the gravest apprehansioea of his friends. Dr. Woodward, another of President Garfield's physician.", has been steadily sinking for several months past, and no hopes of his recovery are now entertained. The property of great men who have passed away soon falls into the bands of strangers. Will ism Cullen Bry ant's favorite house at Hoslyn, N. Y., has not been occupied by his family ; Mr. Irviag's much-loved "Sunnyside" is held by strangers ; the picturesque "Idlewild" of Mr. Willis has beea twice in the market ; and Dr. Hol land's "Bonnicastle" at the Thousand Islands ia held for sale. Herbert Spencer thinks we Ameri cans have departed too far from savage ife in our intense application to work. He ia struck with the largo propoition of gray-haired men among us, and in quiries made by him have brought out the fact that with Americans the hair commonly begins to turn some ten years earlier than with Englishmen He concludes that we have bad some what too much of "the gospel of work.' It is time to preach the gospel of relax ation. IT NK vast BAI ca lf all other remedies have failed to afford relief there is oae that will never disappoint yeu, and thst one is Syrup of Figs. The strong aud the weak alike find it powerful for good ; harmless, yet thorough, alwaya giving strength to the bowels, so thst regular habits may be formed and the system restored to a healthy condition. Each half-dollar bottle contains from twenty to thirty average doses, and the dollar bottles more than double. For sale by Fsahay & Mason, Albany. Rector ds Son. Hftlsey. pi "JJari am ran by tub women, ibrlifiti Trinpcraore Coin as im rr. "I wish I could IpM i-vi-ry drunkard u tnoiand that .lenun ulono can say. him. Ill Mood (' (MIki-Ki . in." Howrotetoniooneofth,..J xtraordlnary reform! infbriaUs wnom l havo ever known Two ywrs ago be bad sunk to the utter- msm depths of tioverly and dt.d. Hon. A kind Christian frletul h,H pssVM him up in the oocn strt t i m . - w tarned out by t,e heartless groff-aell. uni-r lift iini t.r, er to freexe and perish. I had known mm in bit la-ttt r davs ami iA ui a a friend, a trusty man of hnair. uf " SVwa aa BBI 111 and BM : - Feu member of my church. Hut the ihi x?. urivn . ..w.u ouim, oroki n Mi hi once nappy IsBBSjg. and hurled him out ai a wandering wall from nn. lo May Ood have v" nrniiaiiH who aid bbss. auet Usaaa iri,ii- . ' urioiuB tarklnk - I . H'wura sucn wretHlM Vir- niy poo, TrlQnd H , Nothing scorned left to him but the prayers of a gedly wifo wboaa "U-nerie had hmken and Whom bin raru., I.,.. I - a . . iiau sunt w ner SWBBl UO rTl. ... a a .1 " UiJ Mtoniahment this roan, whom I had given op as hope-1 i came in to eur pray-r-meeiini' s av a i iew months ago, sober, well dreeeed. uuu m -nis right mind." He a I . a a . . - arose and tM.iiriwi nr hs u i . - bwhi in roniefsion of hi-sins, and In a melting prater ef thanksgiving to Jesus far the miracle f til ! i I . . - mivauon. in. amn n n. a" an i lie jftory to the atonincr Mr! t.- meeting became a "Bochira" as the reformed man told hlstoochlnestorv fst week he was with us again, and told us how Christ's arm had held blmopfor several months and bow tho grace of God had even conquered his old appetite for drink. As boor as ho closed, another mem ber of ray chnn b, whom I had Isid uo:u oi once in the street, when a union "rungard, rose and added hb a -. . lawumony iu ihC power of Jesus to save. His speech clenched the nail U I -l aa . waircu my iriemi s had driven Immediately I c-alled upon the meet- , . . ng to sing Mrs. Wittenmeyer's oymn, "Jau m mJ.-Mv to nave " We felt that the old miracle of cast ing out the evil spirits had beeo re Bted afresh, and to the wonder working Baviour belonged the glory. Tkl. I- a . aa n apy.nete for tho true taillMMIIna ...f.. . . - S .- immm vnuuj, "JCttUS CBO fStVO the drunkard, and He only." Dur, (tin aaaaa S . m a a s y iate auendance upon the National Temperance Convention at Chicago, I heard several converted uouTiBies lestity in public that "Christ's indwelling grace had taken away even tbeir appetite for strong drink !" This is a wonderfal fact which the physiologist, and the moral reformer too, woo ia do well to heed. Moral suasion Is good, total abstinence and pledges arc valuable, I ut poor weak U 1 a a . - luiiiamty, in us battles with the devil, needs the Almighty arm. When Christ saves, he saves to the lilABaaaMaa 111. uucimusi. mis grace can conquer even a physical appetite, an well as a depraved affection. In proportion as the victims of the cup lay held on Jesus, is there hope of their perma nent reformation. Tho one "Inebri ate Avium" that I have mast faith in, is tho Gross of the atoning Re deemer. TeII every drenkard (hat Jesus only can save him." isut let us not stop here. The vast majority of tipplers and sots will ww iet come io Jesus. Wo must strive to pros'eut the young and sober from ever becoming enslaved to the bottle. What motive so strong as a conscience enlightened and strength ened hy Christ ? As a Christian duty, let us urge all to let the accur sed cup alonn. Upon every Christian conscience lot us press the Divine precept that it Is good not to drink wlno whereby a brother is mad weak." Christ and the temperance cause should be wedded together, and what God joins, let no mm put asunder. Human laws can do much. but the grace of God can do infinitely more. American sTaaataarr WBBt SHALL VACATE T A mad dog roams the street. Children are going up and down. They are warned. With the bold curiosity of youth they venture near. One says, "He dosen't look cross ; I'll handle him." He is bitten and dies in the arms of bis father. Seme people say, 'It's a shame ; the dog ought to be put off the street" Others say, "No, the children should have kept away and they would not have been bitten." Is the street designed for mad dogs or children ? Kill tho dag and let the children run. So the rtTga-9hops. Society Is Jbr thopoopJo, not for those who prey upon the people Instead of asking that the people should avoid the rum sbope, we should demand that tbd rum-shops avoid the peopio. The streets are for the citizen : If I ay n ' vtnlt IM "eD "no lDe Crunader, i.l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai HiUI fjlil m rtala SwBJrrt, BT A FLAIJf CHAP rOOI ABO BAD HABITS. i i ww : i iw. ta uu nm last legs, it m Boioar not lik . ,lAu? below the top of the stick. Vine day. l .. j t. . ' a I mill UMIBW 1L Will far Sa an aaat mm mm aa-at. m. rata, .. i - a .a - . ' i - wr,"1 eyed, sparkliag 1883, I refer to this . . . i tor toe purpose oi re nana teg as of the I man V eood and had laaUlai .a K.r. contracted during the ist sear. I knn.iti.r,,riaMM.ii..aaM.; ofenly the Utter. People are in the habit of raking ever I bear bad habits of I.. . . .. I toe year, lor toe sase oi Basing etasolv in rinolutione. at the bfcm..iar a.. I de not bo saamh sat New Years reaolutiona. WhaiT wld advocate is a manly reaolntlaai avery dav af tl.a aar La li.a - V.I- I ... .. ones nature win permit. Hot tats is I not eoatomarv,if it were we wwwkl have "ore good men and women. On the I contrarv the reamatioaa are chusified xnd even written out on I January one, and three da a after for gotten, and if it is in oaw to be a rascal it is going to crop out, without a won derful sntidote is used. Yew ssicht aa well try to make squash pie out of ap ples as a good person out of one who only resolves on the first day of Janu ary of each year. At the easse time we ail have Wad habits enough which we ought to re form. They are so many and diversitf eJ that we need not sasation them. One person has one, another nether. The person possessing it may be aware ef the fact and may not, but he ia pretty sore lo notice that of bis brothers which is much worse than hta own. I know so many good people, who. seised np with their more exempiaty habits. ha ye some of the maanest litlla praclkeat imaginable, at least it see ma so to as, bat all the time they do not nasal tu use telescopes to ebaerva thw main ut as had habits in other people, aUbougfc they cannot be aaada to appreciate that they posies them. It ia too oamaioa for many always to see only the evil ia some people's makeup, never esieiag the big lumps of goodness which the possess. New, 1 believe the heat waf ts to look at the good in ones natuta first, and to make a practice of seek lug it, i a stead of alwaya squinting around with a microscope for tl e bad oae has in him. When a young saaa comes to a new country the first thing people do is to suspect him of having left several wives behind him, besides perpetrating innumerable bank robberit-s, instead of suspecting him of having )ivd aa honest life even it' hta face indicates this. It. is true so many have proven bilks that it is natural, but it is no excuse for do ing it on general principles. There is lots of goad in mankind yet, and I am in favor of hunting for it with shovel and pick. The more good yoa get out of a man the less will he the bad in him. Suppose a young man pons hubs an equal amount of good aud evil hi his nature, to start with, he is liable either to become very goad or ery had, de pending much umti axfcociatieviK. If the good is cultivated the !ad will be weakened, and so the pmnm(h ia true. It is eur duty then to bring out the best in a? person, urn! we should Use every opportuaity to encourage it, In stead of alwaya looking at the dark side of the characters of thosti around us let us inspect onee iu awhile- the btight side, and use our beat endeavors to help to make it better, even if it is not the kind of goodness which units us. The Trenton (N. J.) Gazette, mentions the case of Mr. John Wood, with the American Pottery Co,, that city, who was cured by St Jacobs Oil of aa at tack of rheumatism, which had confined him to his bed for seventeen weeko. He praises it unstintedly. A DELMieis ArrtmiEB, That ensures digestion and enjoy ment of food ; a too!e that brings strength to the weak and rest to tho nervons ; a harmless diarrhea cure that don't coustipete just what every family needs Parker's Ginger Tonic The quantity of previaluns cunsutt.ed at the coronations of some of U Eng lish kings waa extraordinary. For that of King Edward I., Feb. 10, 1274, the different sheriffs ef twelve ef the counties were ordered to duliver at Windsor a total of 440 oxen, 743 swine, 430 sheep and 22,560 fowls. Sjgy Hoods, scarfs, ribbons and any fancy articles ean be made any color wanted with the Diamond Dyes. All the popular colors.