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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1882)
AI-VPKflHlKtt BATCH. I 1 wk j 1 bTTTh m 1 Inch 2 3 " 4 M 1 00 200 300 400 0 00 7 bO 3 00 ft 00 fTOO 700 000 12 00 500 800 1200 1B0B 1800 SS 00 8000 12 00 18 00 ttoc 27 00 SS oo 48 OU SOCiO 10000 700 1000 1250 1500 18 00 Col t Ball d tag 10 (JO 15 00 2600 4000 1500 00 1 20 00) 4000 j 00 jli m jlx.'-'i -qgasas; uafneas notleas In 0000 epooial h "5eT T&ftMS Or SUBSCRIPTION u runs 2i cents per line. laale copy, pw jear, as idnnc f 60 too 1 fiO 76 10 notion iu '-miia por line. For legal and transient ilTirtlasmanla 1 1 00 per square for the drat Ineartkwi and vo cenu per sofjare for each anbeaxiiaaat inafirtkni. land o par ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 188. ti VOL. XVIII. NO so auortisr STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY CHAMBERLAIN STITES. St at f Bights Ifmorrat. ALLEN & MARTIN PROFESSIONAL CARDS. alAUll 1.3 III I -OF- ALBANY - OREGON, L. fUKK. O. K. CHAMnnM.aJII. FL1NN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albauj, Oregon. TOfllcD in Foater'a Brick Block.- vl5nl8tf. R.S. STRAHAN, Albany, Oregou. - -- ovnrws rff PKACmCK IN Al.u tiik v;u v Una Ntate. They five special "an on to oollecUons and propaw mauar. ( MUoe In Foetor'a now brick. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brig store, Ut street. vMnliSir J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUUUC.) iTTOHNEY AT LAW, Wttx practicf. in au. thk courts or tub KUU gttevlal etteulloii gt en lo collections en.l probate matter. Serofflce In Oill Fellss Ten.e. Are mw mif iig their Nueiise Sok of FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 CousUU.g ef wan tf the largest and most complete stock of General Merchandise Ever offered for itle in Albany. The DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes ail the Ufctt style aiinovelUes. Oir stock is all fresh and Notary . - j v.- v. and there is not one oatM- BOW, alfl 01 ll was pnrrnaMru Collection promptly made on all polnU. piece of oU style teds in oir store- j. c. rowiLU W. It. HIUTBV POWELL & I1ILYKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ami Solicitors in Chancery ilttVW. - - - OHKUOS. Collection- promptly made on all polnta. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. oar-Grace In Poster's Brta.-H vltnlftf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANOS OBEGOft. Wilt practice In all the courts of lb SUM. Prompt attention rln to collections, oon- vsjrances and examination or Title. irooaie busiueae a saeolalltr. vlSnSftf. UEORtiE W. BARM EM, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND W TRA"j CA,tjr'2l roil RHEUMATISM, Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Sweff ings and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Hint, Tooth, Bar end Headache, Frostod Foot and Ears, and oil other Paint and Achet. V Preaarettec m earth equate Sr. !- On i a , mrc, (fmuJo uJ eAvenf. fctTl li'iurj, A trial eataila tmt tfce pprn.!j (ttltii-c outlet ..f AO relet ! n0rrin( ltb pain emu bar cfeatp aU postth t t ol lu MM I'lrvaftfcMM la IDat an , t f-'if BOLD BT ALL DEDQOI8T8 ABD DEALERS IB MED 10 1 IE. A. VOOELER Bl CO., r, Mtt, V.SXAm w THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Contains one of the largest and finest assortments of clothing ana gents' famishing goods ever brought to this valley, and will he sold at prices thai defy competition, either here or elsewhere. E. R. SK 1 P WORTH, ATTOKSEY AX0)(rSKAB AT LAW AXD xotabt etauc. I LI. practice In all court of the.Suie J3 1 bnainM intruatad to mo prompt ly attended to. OJI- (m O'TooU'm lilork, Brtxulalhim Street, 45yl Alfioaj, OmfQH. LEWIS 8Tlljg0iri 1.1V KB V AMD FEED STABLE. Finit clam vchtdoM. flne horaon, fee!, aoeomrtKMjatinK roirl0lom and ra- Monaliio vhmrnm. Glvo them a call. SutblfH near Kere Houae. OyL E. W. LANCDON & CO., DBt'tiGISTS. Ibioka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A I jtre stock and uw rnoea. CIXTT JD-RTJO- STORE, ;i 4UAV. OKKCOX. Wo also keep n full line of ladies', children's ami gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, 11 of the best quality and direct from the manufactures. FOSHAY & MASON, tiuUU.AU HCTAI! Druggists and liooksellers, ALBANY, OBEtiOBI. Tl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCarapeau ban purchased the brli nhonfornierlv ownwd v J B Snrl, a will continue the buiiineaa at the old pla and guarantee atlfactlon to cuetoiuern. We also invite attention to onr splendid seledion of HATS AND CAPS, REVERE HOUSE, Crae. rint aad ElUwerlk Albaajr, Orrgon Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. ThU i cw Hold is flttl ap In first elaaa stylo. TftbJafl uprlkxl wlUi the best the market afferda. Hpnnc Ueda la ever)' Koudu A Kaaapla lUxwi (or dmi menial Travelers. tar Free teach ta aad from the sfotcLlES Aloany Bath House. mHl UMDBKSIONED WOULD RBSPKC I fully iaform the eitUant of Albany aad t! eimtythftt I havetknehrgeofthU EaublUh neat, aad, by keeping clean rooms and pajin its-iet attention to baaiaaM. experts to suit al those who may favor ua with their patronage Baring heretofore carried on notstng sat First-Glass Hair Dressing Saloons meets to viva entire satisfaction to al BBBCMidien and Ladies' Huir neatly ou SB. er e is also to be found at onr store a large and well sel 1 1 It d t U k o GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ET( 1 Onr motto is ONE PRICE FOR ALL. Ft nines tint Ij ftcc, in uy tU,n. i bampooed. JOS WE JIB El fjpn .tnaeATrtzt wrrHVtt the hope on SjJWOMAMjgTME RACEtW LYP1A E. PINKHAM'S VEOETABLS COMPOUND. A Kmrr -re for alt WKMAI.K WKAtt. M:sh1, larlsMttaaT I swan ho a. Ir- lar aad Patafal .Mea-traila. lataassaattM aad t'leertattaa of She Waaah FtaWlaa. mo- Uktmvn VTKUU dke. tetaalaaa. eflVesaeea aa4 hsaiiun avMaeAVrt It U acreet btlfta aiayasatij'. aa4 r trt aeta drlis labor aad as r-tl, piteaa. rataanuastasrr aseretateiec rr rasttr. ttrT'm ut W4BTraetee of the onree of eiUwr ars. It Is Ic. a- rl) ht be err i aabue i aad for ail ou. of tt M l taa Oraassat Mmud$tm tas WorUL fcr KIDNEY coMPUtlNTKaf KltaarSea FlaACafoat UW la Its t ea. ltbia c rur km a era mooe rt Htrira wtU eradiraSa tt Taeoea ' Hum.i iraes taa !h.1. at tae aanw Um MH r tbesmcai. Assaarreooasin i t erBoth tae Cosspoead end eaatu uioiaa" Stood rartar are p i Aesaas. Iaa. -. brfA. TbeOoanpaaae PrWorettaer.Sl. a aissaS braaaS ta the feres at pUU. or of reri of ttaa tl lr b.-i for .ltl.rr. Vr.. freely aaewers alt leMan of Hvjutry. Xarleseleeas stamp. Saad feraasspblK. Mmtum tki, rpr. aeTftaU br all Draeaate."a o lo a rugged sod mounUiooui district of Wales is situated a mining village, noted for this little storjr which the win er tell to their children. Years ago in tho little villsgo of there wis an humble but neatly-kept cottage, whste an eld miner dwelt with his wife snd only child a son. And Aliok wss but a young boy when be RfOt descended into the mines with bis fstber. One evening, as the old miner was returning home from a neighboring vil lage, his attention was attracted by a little girl. She was weeping bitterly. A few bt oken, almost inarticulate words told that she had been deserted by bar mother. The child, weary and hungry, had cried itself to sleep, tod while aba was sleeping, the unatural parent had fotseken bar. The old man was touched by the in cident. Raising bcr tenderly in his srms, he wended his way homewsavJ. Entering tho cottage be placed the light burden in his wife's lap, saying : "God in His wisdom bss seen fit U choose our home from all other hemes in the villsgo to shelter this deserted child. KnowiuK vour kind heart, wife. e-w sj w r I did not fear lo bring the little one to aa you." The dame pressed tho good men's hand siTectionaUly i reply, and Amy for so the child wsa called was soon stated before a simple repast. AHck, on bia return from the psitah school, welcomed the little girl with ev ery expression of pleasure. Yoais passed away, and Amy's child hood days were spent. Without great claims to beauty, there was, nevertheless, a charm about her hich all recognised. The miner and bis wife were not sur prised when Aliek one dsy ssked them for their consent to mske Amy bis wife, and to this request they sccorded their hesrtfelt blessing. The day for the luetic notials was named, and was luukad f ,t war.) to aa an occasion uf gmviat rejoicing. The hsppy dsy sriived, work was susnded that all wight Joist in tb merry-msking. Taking the band of the trembling girl within his own, Ali.-k. according to the lutig-estaliliabml diatoms of tbitiU lege, led the way to the little viae net a a a . area cnutcn, wjjero thr i-ansii i m-at leased their love. Children allowed flowers by the way-sido and sang gsy songs. hch guest bed msde a modest ottering, hut to no one would Alick con fide the nature of his gift, wishing, i he did, te excite an agreeeble surprint When they had returned to the cot tage, Alick kissed bis wife, telling her he would lesys her but fur a short son. the mouth of the pit, und the most fearless wero about to dfscend, when the call bell was rung violently. Kvery roe was at once put in use, while the miners were white and troubling with in tor mo fesr. tsHIM.ION l.t.TTC. it,-.;, i,r lUftilar O.rfeepehdent) Wammsoto D. ;., Nov. 18, 1882. Tho llmo for the teg-lnnlng of the list woiiun Of Iho Keifor Ifciha asm Te every inquiry they eccotded the Uongrew - MOT, hand. fln,l rtl- most disconnected repliea, such an "a comllltil Republican politician son man' "n daemon," mirsc!!" At atoM, aiui memrmrs of ihe House are length from one old man they garnered ogm,B Mcn obout the afJ( B thst they bad worked steadily to open the ,ohb, of fje hofek h u communications Utween the new snd mng to olsierre (he effect of defeat the old mine, but finding only a small ,howf) , WfynM( fif y - obstruction at last a sturdy blow wss a eertain bedraKglemont of mein und made, and the dividing wall had given manner whl(.,, (n0y a law wnyjthntwhentbecl.udof dust had lwaln poUtlelan look a mueh like paased from before their astonished eyes aimmiraed ,OVfir as anything' you they saw a young msn ; that be was ly- ever aw ing upon a rocky bed j he seemed to be NoUn'co thw (;ieciUm of T1(Ien sleeping ; that his cheeks looked fresh havo Ul0 ortlf?0 hol(ers hcr0 j i .1 4 ut- i: mi au ta.r, snu o.a wer mm a armed and dfarrwlni - - - - g v w-m ve red. Instead of approsohing him they had fled in fright, filled wit I. the belief that it waa an evil spirit in human guise that they beheld. The owner of the ssioi listened at tentively. As the old roan ceased he rushed forward exclaiming : "To the mine! To the mine!" Heon the tiuth was known The Machino barrel i empty. Th im mense um that Jay. tf unbelt levied, is worse than lost It is n w realized that hi audacious bribery ha not only ruined Ms party, but ha made It ruin dhgrarcful. Many believe that tho regime of theft, corruption, bribery, arid lxjhtn which has do. Kremany uinutes three bauehed the (iovernment for so munv miners issued forth, bearing between years, ami, under the banner of "mor- them the body of the young man. Willi gj ,de4f., h9JJ mol,n ftvery tjJng ffom a feeling of iriepiwatahle horror they (jOVernmcnt btationery to TJIdens laid him doon upon the green swsrd preeidency, U on it last iegs. Not. His clothes were old snd indicated a withstanding this is the hope and style worn years and years ago ; sll belief, one see very little of the ex. ware, however, in s perfect sUte of pres. utatlon that was eonspirnou here ervatien. He seemed dreased as though wher Icmocra(ir rongMMp VM for a fete. In his hsnd ho held . box ,n J874 m It contained a gold eioss, chain and me- , , G w dallion. Time bad blackened Iheae lit. r, mMimmmtmtmum . . . tie pledgee which Ifco i trsnger hod WV(, , silence I oil the more try. doubtless intended for home village - - - - - - M , it as or ni nmi 4 nf a mnMl onH a - They were about to raise the body force tha wi, moro Inrtro..,ve in snd bear itaway fot burial, when old lhe fl , f (. . . Amy waa seen approaching. lasra. They made way for her, and those curious to note that the Re- near at hend Ara struck hv the einfrtllar i: ....... " - iuuucan- f:tH4 wic r liooe rif -ttni Her eyes purk. , he t lwMttnt, elcetionon led with new life, and her step-, uhusI- lhft pr0l,,l08ioU WundorfJ of , he comn a m a a 1 a. ft. .1 ly so leebie, seemed einieai to ne I IhMneeruti gained the elasticity of youth. Wsving them aside with an imposing dignity, she fulranced directly toward the dead man. Kueeling, she jiarted the daik hair on bis brew end murmured, in a eongres. Wait, tliey say, uniii ino next House assembles and has a rough and tumble fight over the speakership. Wait until it nas lo lace the tana 4uesticn, the Civil SOrvifP utloli i:. 'ho Rluar .... I 1 f - - A . - nuu i... .f in.vurMiittli. lrtvA ami Urlllll r- I ... .... ..... ..r Hartjer, uml Tension bills. If the neas, his name "Alick! MX. n,.,,,,. .. , ,...u At once all was clear. In an inhUnt . . .. Llf wiiuiuwmr ita iwc'iiuiHieans irieuus. Plain Talk, Plala aalru. HV A M.I CBAP. the she tho old people present tvengnired cumnanion of their youth. Again sieke : 'Alick, ft tend of my childhood, my husband, I knew thai we would meet sgain on earth." Kt she ceased speaking, her head diopied lower and lower, until it aank uKa bis breast, as in prayer. At length the young men adacced to remove the hody. (JfOtly the wo- TUTT'S PILLS 8YMPT TORPID LIVER. i at Anoatita. Bowels costive. Pain in LU, oowii Win. uuil wmmm ... inw back part. Jfoin under blade, full nesa after call nlinatlon to exertion o it will certainly blunder, early and often. Tho RepuhJicang draw a hopeful augury from tho faet that although iheylost the House in 1874, they gained the presideDcy in 1870 (?) There mljht be xonae retseu in the inirrrnee if they had "sined the presidency without the help of Re turning Board, Eliza Pin ;sun, and a i res a e . . . HIH . 'C nr.i I 1 1 1 1 . f i ! 1 1 m If mat - - w . mm 'iii, iv seesaw U-.l-A L.. I I I . I. .. Rm.trm nf (In. I.niurn en. ..... cosiaiv u.r, iiuusk, auu, aim cue men ism besald that these forcV will not malt last, lingering look at the doorway man. Seeing that ak made no tUe next president. where Amy stood waving a merry adieu, tauoe, they bent ovci h. i , und found Thit (he he hurried off in the direction of the old that she, too, wss doad. Her long, lov- blunders in lh mort mnraw i- mines, and a curve in the road soon kid ing vigil was at an end. The ssme pretty certain, but they will bo nutn bim from view. As his lithe figure die- grave holds them both, and many a orieally stronger than the eonirress appeared Amy uttered a faint sigh, sug- sweet flower is laid ujwn it in remem-1 that was elected prior to Tilden'a gestive of a dull foreboding evil of the bsrance of their fate, waits the legend election , and they will lie strenarer In fulness of her mirthful joy. of their love U often lecounted in ti e tho taent and exoerienco of their Da)i passed, snd search had been humble homes of the poor. New Yotk personel. On the other hand, the made everywhere. Weeks followed ; Daily Seen. Republicans will Iw weaker in num. ber, and by the absence of Blaine, -Siaaa isuat. i n,,,!-- i..n .1.1 .. ...... uuiici, 1 1 iiv-i'i. i "iii'i, ami imiici blade, mil nesa after eating, with a dlaln- or body Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with the Shoulder h a dlaln or mind. Cbeas problems m fk infl. nt havtnor t a irlrtH mnmm lint. SJ!rie 'zrr. r m . . . T jf iutteriDK at mo u Yellow Skin, the rlaht ere. Bestleasneaa, with HUul dreams, highly Weariness, Dtesineas. Heart. Dote before tho ores. Headache generally over the right Skin. colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. lUTl'S PH.XA urr (iri lullr adapted to nu nh iiasna. one doee atfaaJSa uca a change of feeling as to astonish the auffnrer. Thar fir near (lie Arrpellte. and cnuw the body to Take on flcah. thus the system Is ann ny irn-ir innir mrxtmu ihi iu. then months. But the bridegroom did net return. Nor could his absence and strange disappearance be accounted for. Ko clew was gained by those who searched untiringly. At length hops was abandoned. The widowed bride clung tenaciously to one idea, which NMMinfo.i aimoat like foils-, in lift, or ileath . , . . . . , . - couraiement is fivn wo will commence she would see her husband again before 1 . 5 she was called awav from earth. This and oihsr cheea Ue istrllamentartans and debatera. I I I A., i... .......... I . ' i .... I I. , i in m . . t .a .... i nvcijin sw ito Biemm iiaset nit; iu- lLems of interest ao icitf d front sll our I chess readers. We pro,- to publish Comin D?2?T . . . i i i t incKio tnw uirni honmx, eiaws nnj an. mt at nss nrohleni each WMtk. for HO- I i la . i r . ,.n : t , i as nu iiivivnv vu lutton by our readers. Sfosd!" r SMoole arc nru- array at.. .1. . in a few weeks a regular chess tonrna ment solution. paoBi.r.y 2. (By 8, A. lleVaney.l White TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray lists os Whiskrhh rharured toaOutaav ll lack by n HlriRlt; MpjilK'i.iloii iff ttiln iJYa. itlm poxtn a natural color, acts Iiistantuneously. SVtld by VraggHnn. or sent by express on receipt of tl. omts, as st'aaAY nr.. issrr vosua. g Dr. Tt'TTS BilCSI. f v, Infer sOmi as4' Uau assslfls iu br auiies raas THE MOST POPULAR WHISKY -at" I HI TUr MADUCTfe "iSmfiHE flavor vm mm tonic PBDP1 A ALLEN & MARTIN, ftt Firht Street, Albany, Or inn ..,. ,; - ....,fuiiW 4Bai. n"u adsvlu 1 1 rum 1 1 KAf tsv . 0l dUOGtf T-K CD TAT FMnRITF i FOR MEDICINAL & FAMILY USE AS WELL AS FOR A leaLTHY, PLEASANT DRINK JUKE IS NO WHISKY EQUAL TO THE -OLD JUDGE FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS 4 LIQUOR DEALERS. SOUFMNUETMS Final Settlement. Notice hereby given that the under Higned Administrators of the estate of C D. Burkhart, deceased, have filed tbelr final account as such Administrators In the County Court ef Linn county. Or., and bv orde of said Court. Saturday the 0th day of December, 1S82, at the hour of ten o'clock a m.f has been fixed for me hearing of objections thereto and the settlement (hereof. Any person Interest ed In said f state Is hereby notified to ap pear and file bis or her objection to said account and tbe settlement thereof en or before said day. J. D. BURKHABT, C. M.BURKHRT, Administrators. Black K on Q 5 Ktou K It 3 P on K B 2 P on Q Kt 2 P ou Q u :t belief afforded ber comfort, ami the neighbors, while they did notahaie the conviction, humoied her in the thought, and spoke regretfully of tbe sad chang es that sorrow had wrought in her fresh young face. Forty years were gone, and but far the sad, wistful face of old Amy, and the whispered stories of the peasantry, the unaccountable disappearance of Al ick would have been forgotten. But tbe tale tell in an under breath by many a hearth was, that Alick had been earried off by an evil spirit, with whom be had held compact. Many pvmii went m far aa to aav that hi nul haunted the old cottage, and had been Knou1d an1 mt0 XW teen during stormy nights in the tnoun White ni rinv.nn rAWt.ULtAltIbU WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS. 221223 BUSH ST. SAN FRANCISCO. C AL. FBED REIS, Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAS RETURNED to this city and returned prac tice. Office in new tolegah oWce, OTole' i)uil(iins, Broadslblu ktrvet, between First and Sec ond street. Albany, Or., Kov. 8, 1882, Stock-holders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that ti ers will be a meeting or the Stockholders ol the Linn Co., Agricultural Association at the omce of J. H. Foster A Co., in the c t y of Al bany, county of Linn. State cf Oregon, on Thursday, the fourth day of .January, 1883, at one o'clock, p. m., ef said dsysfor the purpose of electing seven director for the ensuing year, for the transaction i of any other buainesj that miy torn i toafore said meeting. NlMROD PiTNB, K. A. Foster, I ra s deir , Secretary. Uins. Amy iudtd a netted that abe l.A.M.I I . U ....2 . . . . ....MI.... t . . . .. ..nil uiti-ii iiuiiu inn uiud vaiiinu uei. auu i - . , - .t. . .1..., i i - r I viib ngni h uiirntsu niwaja nuui riuv- i K ii '5 fall until dawn in her casement told v n k I IV i. Ull IV II that lit i hourt over kept vigil over his y on tt xr g KonQ 2 Kt on K Kt 7 KtonQ R7 BoiQB 1 B on R B 3 P on K B 4 P on Q Kt 9 P on Q Kt 4 White to play moves. In problem number 1 published last week we omitted to a tht white moves, PROBLEM 8, (Ry S. A. DeVauey. and mate in two dates for the speakership have been mntlo solely with a view to this ques tion. Ihero n another important question, however, which no party ran alford longer to ignore. It relates to tho reform ol the civil service. The Democrats conhl uot lo a wiser thing than to pass n law that no clerk shall be removed from n office in which ho has prove! himself houeet and competent. To enaet soon law would be right, a well as politic. 1 1 would make Democrats of a large numler of Govornment clerks, and of the friends of civil service reform everywhere. It would de prive their adversaries of their most telling taunt that all the Democrats want aro the spoils of office. a oood son,., I. norsc. I am in favor of one for Albany, a large one too, one arranged in anticipa tion of a big growth of our population. I like the way they da along the Union Pacific. They build s $10,000 or $15,- OOti school bouse, and then lay ant tbeir town, and booses sown swarm around it like flies around a sugar bowl ; and lo and behold tbe first thing they are aware of they have a large thriv ing city. The school boose did it. When a man with a family of children contemplates moving into a new cams try the first thing be asks is, what kind of a school have yon. Suppose Al bany was in the mind of the emigrant, f can imagine some sueh cob vernation as this enauing : "Well, bow are you fixed for school! "Ob, sbem, we havs same excellent teachers, but regular old sbeda for school house, benches worse than an inquisition torture box, rooms too small for dog kennels, snd no more chance to ventilate tbeta than a dungeon, I am sorry to tell you this, but ft is a fact." Whew, why in tb under doss' at your city build a new one. Certainly with a population of 2500 yon can af ford it V "Yes, but you see we are earned with a lot of old kickers, who are aur biggest property owners, witboot a child to their name, or the prospect of one, they seem to ears for nothing but tbeir ten per cent with as little offset in the wsy of taxes as possible, and as they have a little influence tbe result is tbst every effort to vote s new school building bas been defeated by that chronica." "Weil that is enough for me, I don't care to live in a place filled with men who do not work for its interest, and which cannot boast of a place fit to educate my children in." This is not n visionary picture, but illustrate truthfully tbe sentisaont of many immigrants on seeking a new home. They want to give their chil dren tbe advantages of a first-class ed ucatlon : if they can not write tbeir n name. Tbe denire to give il.nn an education whieh will give them a good position in tbe world, is in bora in tbem, and in going to a city like Al bany where it cost more to Hve, ubey expect something better than if thy sstefaw in a backwoods district. On sight, or a deactiption, of onr cramped np sffair is enough to discourage any one. It would be a grand thing if we only could make enraelvus realize the fsct that we must have a new school build ing. One is enongb. "Let tbe city soil the three buildings for fire v oed if for nothing else, and build one large structute in a central poattion, wnere there will be plenty of room, lots of - a - air, convenience, etc., and teen pat in enough teachers so that justice can be done to tbe pupils. No teacher living can take charge of seventy or eighty pupils and benefit them the way they should. Fifty at the moat is enough. These things should be taken into con sideration. Money spent towards educating the is like wheat sown in fertile ground. It brings forth tenfold. It so ridiculous to hear men oppose tbe expenditure of anything for a now school house and ti e next minute waste their money on Honor or tobacco. Yet in a month they will siend more fool iahly than their school tax would amount to in a year, 'Ob, consistency thou art butter at tffty cents a pound." Well, notwithstanding this opposi tion, we nre after a new school bouse, and can get it if we will only go to work and vote it. All lhat is necessary is n little hard work. Shall we attempt and see what we can accomplish. fate. The old eoUtfjo continued to be . 9 - - thought haun'.ed hy ghostly visiters, and bees use of this miperstitton none weuld occupy it. It gradually fell to decay. The women of ib village rare- v nnsed ths dead miner's Ihimm with P on K R 5 White to ntey move i. Black K on K B 3 B on K 4 P on K Kt 4 P on Q 3 and mate in twoi mrm FAMILIES. I'Yom time immemorial figs have host! used rs a delicious laxative food, and now in the form of a concentrated Syiup of Fig:i they are doaiined to play un important iart in tho m oMotn of 7 a a human health and happiness, by pre setting to the thousands who suffer from tho ills arising from habitual con stipation a remedy as pleasant to the taste as it is effective. Trial sire free, snd large bottles for sa'o by Foshay & Mason. Albany, Rector & Son, Halaey. In a Cincinnati daily we notice that Mr. Tim Gleesou, ex-member of the m . . s .i I j -4 i f al 1 J m.m,0 wt thor. out offeiing a prayer for the restless uouncu irom me ruuiw, ... g0UI. city, aays he suffered terribly with The old mines having been worked, rheumatism all last winter and spring. it was at length determined that new He tried all kinds of liniments aud. excavations should be opened. Amid medicines without any bsnent nntii no- m . ... kt ar ran arm e mnrsiiir I Hoed St. Jacobs Oil.the first amplication w.c - --- -- "T. , niaht9 ' anl strength to tho weal; and rest to the was heard mingling with the sound of of which insured a full nights rejiose.antL j ..... the pike. Suddenly a wailing cry rent its aubeequent use entirely cured nun the air, and the earth seemed to tram- It is a great remedy. - j 4 krait (Ohio ble. Those above rushed in terror to 1 Beacon. A BP.LI4 IOIS APmvTIZKn, and that That ensures digestion inent of food : a tonhj enjoy- hrinss nervons : a harmless etiarrnea. cure that don't constipate just what every 4 family need? Parker's Ginger Tonie "Middle measures are often by mid dling measures." There are no 'mid dlings" about Kidney Wort. It is the most thorough refined "flower" ol' med icine. It knows do halfway meaeuree, but radically uproots all disease (,f tbe kidneys, liver and bowela. It ovtr throws piles, abolishes c uiatijiation and treats the system so gently aad utl- ingl) as to prove its true kinhbif b nature in all itt ( risen. It is pe tar ed both liquid and dry futn. Among tbe ladies alio may read ibis there may be several siok! who have made up their wii.d- u aet the old saw wbich Hocitiaa that ' VVbt can't laj cured, must be endured." While tbe truth of the old proverb is self-evident it is just possibilities ef the healing at t outside of the niedtca' pr o fession, and before giving np in despair they had better test the efficacy of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound, which is now attracting univer sal attention.