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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1882)
j 1 of Christmas Gooodshas now arrived. We have large arrivals from Chicago Boston, Philadelphia, New Vork, San Francisco wherever we can geu bn dco i a untMrfcv i vw. x. wuuwm6 w oviuu guuo unttu nave jus amveu : JUS Dry FANCY DIESS GOODS, HACK SATIN IMADAMESE, UAfiX HOGADEB SILK, WvWH ewwwBB nay Brassy w COLORED SATIN INADAMESE, HACK TEII6T, SAMUEL E. lit gtjwrrat. AT .DECEMBER 1, 182 WW! ft life the BUSt be! life Deliticiana majority of these go from dis ss disappointment. or are at least h un met, ef necessitv. applicants are disappointed. 1 A Bet aappnte that all the complaints ail up and down the land are mum unadulterated patriotism. The simple mat in, the disappointment a Ujam they can bear. By an Uw we can uet bava more in assens a i ,- thing to seek the rhen ant ef the one thous- she think tbamseivee fit for the only five can get it! There is prfthftbilitv that any of them will be siruftk by lightning than they will get to be Prntidftni If yen, through of city, or State, er nation, seek go ahead ; bat if you seek it far a livelihood, or seek it for fan, you make a terrible mistake. Al ways vote. Always attend the caucas. Always nee your bent ialoenee for the I lit usual of the paUie interest. Bat he who enters polities as a profession, hoping frees it to get famous and high eiaeea, is ia all probability committing ft fatal blaadar. Through all the warsla, through all the townihips, through all the Hales at this time, either through fail arc to ensure nominations, or through asflare ef election after being put on the ticket, there am people aero of . and sore ef heart, east down and mis men Tbe time wes whan so Car from office snaking that they had by penalties to be compelled to take See. The Court of Plymouth, in 16 19, sneered that "whoever ahenld refuse the office ef Governor should pay twen ty pounds steriiftg, unless he should be two years sacoessively ; and refuse the office of cours er magistrate should pay ten Ho more sueh compulsion r, and tbe scramble ia terrific, eft with Pleading all the peril financial, oral andl eternal. Macau ley 'Every friendship which a man may have becomes precarious as soon aa he sngsgee ia polities." Thomas Cor wia, the groat orator of Ohio, said to a snan who wanted him to gat him an ess lis 1 position at Waahington : "Ac eept s clerkship hero and yoa sink at mm ftfi independence. I may givs yen a place te-dey , sad I can kick you out again to-morrow, and there is anoth er au oer at the White House who san kick aao oat, aad the people Wv-snsl-by sen kick him ant, and so we go. But if yen own ens acre of land it is your hinfaesa, aad your cabia u your castle. I x en ere a sovereign, ana yoa will leel it ia ovary throb of your pnlae, and ev ory day of yonr Kfo will aaaure mo ef your thaaks for having thus adviaed yea." Bat if yoa hare a misson in public sfiaiis, advance eenfidantly. WhaXover our bands findetb to do any departmaat ef social, er civic, in or re if ia us doty, let at do it. Tbe weeks 90 by, aad swifter than tbe comet in ear ejMsflp heavens we are speeding as into tbe great future. What we hare 4e do far this world's improve ment we sut do quickly or never do it air all. Napeleoft said that the Aus tria failed at Rivell because they did sot kaov tbe value el minutes. Dh. Tautasx, in Frauk LttMJt Sunday MejOASixier December. taxbs itiiaT sb sruictu 0a thiug may so pot down for cer tain : deep and wide slaabing into the taxes will bo the most conspicuous vrerk performed by eengresa at its ap proaching sessiea. The Republicans, who control the present bouse, wilt re vert t this in the endeavor to retrieve their losses is tbe late election ; they will atlsefjit to repair their neglect to redac iexatieu last session by making ef it the comiug that if they fail to do it th new democratic cetigress-eieet Groods. A LARGE STOCK OF YOUNG, will Lav the honor of doing it. Tbe reduction will have to be made in both departments of revenue customs and internal revenue system has been a pet instrument of power and wealth to the Republicans ; but it will have to be shorn of its proportions. Tbe smaller exercises will piobably be abolished entirely, and the taxes on spirits, beer and tobacco reduced. But the cuatoms branch of the revenue must not be spared. A lower duty on sugar ; the removal of the duty on salt ; the aa- f numVer of nw tcmu tnat sre needed in manufactures trm duv material reduction I S A l .11 a A 1 a 1 1 QUUM on u arucies oi cioiuiug QM bJ th of the people these r tn leading changes that ought to 1 Ma i an" 11 106 Pr3t congress, I W IWS BUUrUKCUtUZ oTHlUU, IftllB IrV UU the work, the privilege of doing it will fall to tbe Democratic congress chosen en the 7th. Standard. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO MeCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c, &c, Froman's Block. Albanv .Or. ml Physician presjerip- tionm corefUIIy prepared clay or night. Hsrkig attained a national reputation ia FINE POCKET CUTLERY, La dies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have added the manufacture of all style of w BTmrni FENS. WttU a skilled gtroerin tendpnt in that depart- mem, supplemented by extended expertm nee in 01 uw Keel, we are enabled to offer gooes 01 unrivalled quality. To Introduce our PATENT ADJUSTABLE Qliill Action, Reservoir Pen cc Carrie m muck Ink aa any Fon n Uin Ten THIS PBJf FITS ANY BOLDER. Our whole line of Pen will be sold by tbe trade. Price Lute fumUhed to dealer on applWkmT RED GROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIKG & CO., PROPR'S. anw Faocass flour upsior wob. kamilikh AND BAJUBtS USE. BEST STORi GF LCIimm. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY, OR. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A valuable stock farm of 625 acres situa ted in Hitlers gap 7 miles east of Lebanon with plenty of good hay and grain land ia cultivation, together with line pastures and springe to make it one of the best rtock arms in Linn Co. Also 40 head of good yen ng cattle and about 4o head ef hogs to sell with tbe farm. My price and terms can not be beat, r I will exchange for a smaller amount of good farming land. Forparticul- a call on C. C. Jack son on tbe above named presnises . Parties wishing to see the land cau. he directed to it from Lebanon. 9m 'J nl( BBHsftanSBmsnmBnBn , 1 i Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, PORTMONIES, SATCHELS. FANCY SHOPPING BASKETS. FANCY SCARFS, LACE FISCHUES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, CROGERIES, W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING 'GOODS OF ALL KINDS. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Kithr lAubi barrel, ahot Run or three barreltwo ahot and oue ride. Alao Sharps, RemingtenBallard, Fbu nix. and Marlin Magaxsne Riflea. a Ian lriato k ef Engl teh, Ocrntau and American broech-loadingshot guna. Full stack of Parol vara, Piatola Cutlery, FiahinaTackloof all klna, anu aui ina nition ot all kinda. A full stock of Davis Sewing Machines -tbe beat in tbe market. Alao full 1 ateck of sewing machine needles of all kinds and machine oil. VI make a specialty of repairing Are arms and sewing laarbiue. i'..tml.r that I cannot be undaraold in the .Mate. LTOR SW1E. t t,. ik ra Iim( Uiiutl of Ua hami K.r.nn.1 Intk; market, and will aell at retail oriel 4sotbe BE8T CIGARS AH H TO B A C COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will aleo'sell real estate, merokajdine household arood, etc.. el auction aar one in the city or county Store Ppostts Kevere iieuse, Albany, ur. I f 8AM COHEN- Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any I article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue, con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry -in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home ! Par'e going: up in tbe mountain turn hereby uotihed that they will net bore- after be cotrpeileo u pay extortionate ra-ea for horse feed at Buck bead in Sweet Home valley I bare opened up a feed strbie and nave reuucea toe rates to a .' ,'ure so low that all can afford it. 04 ve me a fair patronage and tan proven, a return to tbe old extortionate rates. OEO. ROWELL 6 f. Sheriff's Sale. In tu C'irruit Court of lit for (f County of Linn : J S Ames. Plaintiff. Stnte of Oregon vs. William G Stewart, layphcua Stewart, T M Stc-wart and U O Coeley and J It Wash- burna partuiTa under the nrm name and atylo ef Cooley & Waabbnrna, Defandants. By virtue of an execution aad order of tiale ieaaeel out of the above named Court in the abore entitled anil, to me directed and delivered, I will en Saturday the 23rd day of December, 1882, at the. Court Hosee door io the oity of Albany, Linn County, Or- egon, at the hour ef ten o'clock, a. m., sell at public auction, for eaah in hand, to the hit-heat bidder, the mortgaged nremuea de scribed iu said decree and order of aale. as follows, to ait : 1 he east half of the north west ouarter and the west half of the north east uuarter ef section thiiteea (13) io township fourteen (14) south of range ene (I) wast and contain. mg Kin acres ; also the donation land claim of Ievi Fields notification No 273d and de scribed as being the N E i of tbe 8 E of section 13, Tp 14, SRI W aad the E 4 of the N E i ef section 13, Township 14, ti sL i. W and the JN w quarter ot sec tion 18. Township 14, S R I, East sod the N W i of the South (Test i of section 18, Tp 14, SRI.E and eontaining 320 acres all in the county of Linn ana State of Oregon, the proceeds of aale to be rpplicd first to the payment of the costs of suit taxed at $68 57 and the Tcosts and ex- penses of sale, next to the payment to the said plaintiff the sum of $1350 66 in U S sold coin with interest therein in like coin at the rate of one per cent per month from the 25th day of October. 18s2, and the sur plus if any there be te be paid to the said deft's, W C Stewart and Isyphena Stewart. Dated this 24th day of November, 1882. George Humph key, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. NEW FISH MARKET. On corner oppoaibe Senders ASterebesg. Will keep constant v on band ail binds of fresh and salt fish aodeysters mat tne market affords. M. Hv o W. H. GOLTRA DBAI.KK IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, The Great English Reme dy. Ila a trr fcilttur run r waaaioes. im 1pucy, rarvJiata, aad U IWTlMa rBarta nt Matt wznmm ta wearar laaa of ll.a Uwila. KaBlaaion. Aw -v to Sawtotr. r IVMoti, Motown, lh HJ laid f i wtig aassetrrad lnu Um arte, aad BMiy tWaaM lajadlac to Ittaaait and Bt. BfiariK artll acraa to tortott rive SJajaCreal avataara -.r a caaa of taia kUMt um wiioi live (under hi. apaeUU adrkw and IraaAmaot) arul out nr aayiauw imimre or mmtom loawa la it. - "Tnnrii .. "'" mmrvn-T. owonaiiaai traav. Tairaiajra am- aminiaan aadafTka loataaflaa; aaaUata of urine. S& mem m t iuj aeeaeeautre. SS a evtUe. or lour U leanUt S10. arot to an v ilitl a uuon reoattal of Sria eef. O. , eomre treo. ubaermUon aad la net- IV dartres, wt UK.A L atiaTlK. II Mrtct, Men Krandeco, (Jal. otUe free.? Sent on aui4keii. be taller ateuna ayninaorn. act aod aa;. etrieUy ouufelennaJ. Mr. MlnMe'a Kidney kemadr. NruM,m r,. all kinda ef kidney and t lad ttr r rentalnla aiaiiaibaa. paet, leotMAorrbo. Kor aela by all drtaniata, $1 a eeawe .1 otuae lor Wb. Ur. Mtnlte a band aM en Hlto are Um baet and eat UeeaiataaW arul Mtbrue cure In Uke nautct lor ale by ail dniaiief. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I SURE CUnEJUAMRTEED. TH - - wRcra .verve and brain treat mm men I. a apeciSc for Hyaterta. biutinaaa. Con. vulaiona. Rervotia Headacbe, Mental Pn riaali n voluntary amiaaiona, nraaalure eld acaTcaaaad by I otereurtton, aetf-ebuae uvrr Indulgence, which I leada u ralaery, decay and death. Oaa be artll care recent lllnee. Kacb bo oonulna an. motn h a iroairreni ; one dullar a b.x, or alt boiea fur fiva aouara; ay mail laaialil on mnatnt at aeftoa wa saarantee alx bexaa to . ur. m mo arim aen oroer reeelveo by ua for ait boxee, wiwi nvc uouara, will aeeu the purchaeer wniien euarantae he ret am the money u the treab- ment Oeea net affect a cure. Uauuia. amy ey woodahii, clakke a ro wnoiaaaie arm aeuui Urueeiata. Portland Ommb voucra oj mail at regular prioea. i . .. i . "r e r. SHWEV, NO. 11 KEARNY T. Treata all Chraale aad ISanrlsl YOUNG MEIV Wrao MAY BR aCFFEBffC rstow V V effete Of youthful full tea ur hulacrwtlnn will do watl to avail thatnaalves ef thia, thegreateai beon aver mm at uie aitar ta sunennf humanity, ph. orinnKi will guarantee to forfeit SMOfur every Semlnale waaknaaa er private diaeaae of any kind aaracUr which he uitdertakea and fallg to aura. MI DOLE-AC El Than are many at the tare of thfrtv-flvalarivt whn are troubled with ton frequent evacuation of the blad der, often aoeom oaiiied by a alieht amanirurnr hnmin. x.iwum, ana a wuunugi oi torn avavam in a manner the patient cannot account fur. da a"-Hlng tee urinary depeeiu a ropy aediment will eften be feund um aomeumea amall partlelas of albumen wBl appear, JT the color will La of a thin milklah hoe. aewin kaWa. lag to a dark and torpid appearanos. There are many umo woo uia ui wua uimcuity ignorant ui ina aauae. , a. la, I W I tL . a a. M i . a ' woiun ia mo aeoona stage ot aeminai w aaaaaae. la. a. win euaraatee a perfect cure In all audi naa a healthy raateration of the ranlto-urinarv orvaua. Orrica Itouaa- io to 4 and S to a Bundava from to to ii a. a. uonsuiiauoa free. Thorough axminaUer and advice, SS. For private dlaeaaea of short standing a full onaraa or medicin e aufflcient for a cure, with an inatntatioua. w in ,m acuv io any aoareas on receipt of B1U ou. t 1 1 i , . vwi a.ivi aoareea, Oft. SPINNKV at CO.. 7 1:12 No. U Keaniv Bt. San Franciann. f.'al To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. QQ KEAttNV ST., jA)0 corner of Commer cial Street, Ban Franciaoo. EsUbliahad In ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such aa ;norrlirti, filfrt, M rid nre,y pbtlis In all ta forma, ImiMttearv itatf Seminal Vr eakneaa, igkt losses by dreams, pirn plea au the face and loss of manhood ean positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extemnvely in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable inionat- of his teryices. DR. GIBBON will make ao charge unless be effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAT BE CUBED AT HONE. All eonmunicetiona l m vhiAh tta ammiu jnl. in mntn rtt I nnM in nun strictly confidential. You see no one bu; the Doctor. Se id ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons g te the Doctor trill please state the name of the thee see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1867, San iacisoo. vln43 mmhtmm. Khttrl Boots and LADIES, FRENCH KID SHOES. LADIES AMERICAN KID SHOES, HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES FANCY SLIPPERS, LADIES "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, LADIES EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, CENTS EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS LADIES WHITE KID SUPPERS. WINDOW SHADES, FRED WILLERT, CARRIAGE AM WVCQM MANUFACTURER, Comer Second and Perry 8te. Albany , Or Ia prepared to manufacture carriages and wagons at abort actios and of rbe very U o makes the premium carriages and bugglea of tbe State. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK done at shortest notice and In tbe saccc SKILLFUL MANNER. HI work and be flrat-claea. material is warranted to 24 If To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESPECIALLY Thoae Sifftrimg freai Debility, Nervons Froatritira, Loss ef Vitality, Sexoal Inflrnitief, Etc. Ete. r e v iidmi naev Tinwr. iiae w aa Jv. ifAL ai Micavots vnn.Ai in taa oftyweaan who caaa o Utetr aUmeoU aoU aa niaefilily treat Ukaaa. Ttm tru.n.1 .rrUUonr la not anSMceU aktOed as um. cli mii of irotUMa to Se aa, end it meat u orvfatfed to cttra Ihcto. d. 10I-S4. Opaetrd hat new eetoWed leatHale In UiO lor taa araajaa awreias; um eaueted ih anenariiMe ao4 ah til' 1 Ueetaaeei nod o aaaaei-oi xaaaeraUM. and lor over SO rear tt naa n Brat rank nut unlr enon lak Uuaat boa tarsaaauat u ctinad ui I an aware uau bjr daenias oa a aaianin a aaBayerae mj naouea trettae eeatr u. no py eafasBaawjaa ar earn kuaUn ia. . are net et.l hurrytne eaaia ame. but eirtaw aeaaaJ an uibenuuxM to luture (rrtereUene, ia too bnaaau.a to batma aaa to ee eUent. ftral ao yas II yoa are aoCarine from MM nroouearea. u..j. r fSSSMt. Mt.iL kaaaaeaj taUun. Sunbea. Ar , ur if yon here abuae 1 in Um aiur hLaa lafllnikr an. auflar tit troui the aheold not hear la la u arck ai o&aa hUk uj naoMnaaa In a cere. i li KM ! ARANTKKfi fvrai uiifmire OORSt LTATIU.N RV IJ.TI EK UK (TMKRWIIMt Raclaalrely Vcejaiaaie BeaaedUas Caaaa. O LA Man Yoa are assaalally Uehtc u euffariaf J..T'IT" rnuom. m au rear aawoie are aertoua in ueir errin aaveruer are Urriblr d.ona tunoiu. rear f i. rkK f San a ft L - aT a w . aT M r in in. reaanraaMB wmM aaaaaae ef at apaatajatady aad fat ikua ...abUa tZ ku a-.. J?? M and cure yoa in any of U iroabWa, aejrjaatteaatef aaef BaCaruart Is wa a mn yea are uaDta, aarroa win and la ibo o,u a wean yea oaa reply ler ooanfort, aia and ftaan nUned a rvutalien for T2 " r1'1 b uuJ1 J? "rtn Iaraea hv sM.moiwsry aen er TIjOBa who can not vlalt the eity ean by giving aafr tymploiiia In their awn v mi aaiaa aad when Sealred, trenieaeni ai heeae with every as auranoe of a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR WECTROYED. Addraaa, r J. C. TOtKC, Med I ml laaaMale, Mo. f Sto.a turn aa. Fab. M. loss. NTISELL PIANOS eve Half " af Manafarturtr. rrw rat lull, eat Umi ar . . laaUlluienla ANTISELL -mi' MaHterewen! Le Blrtiau's lioldea Balsam Cures Otianoers, first and tooond stages ; Bores on Hie Lege and Body ; By ph Hi lie (eMrrah, dta eaaed Benin, and all primary forms of the disease. Pries, Sb.OO par Bottle. Le Biehaa's fnalden Balaant Vo. fl. liiires Tertiary, Mercurial, ByptilllUc liheuinatiam, Pains In the Bones, Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Kaah, I.umpa, etc., and ermdloatea all dlaeaaea from the lyatem, wheUier caused by bad treat ment or abuse of mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy. Priee.SS.OO per Bottle. le Itlrhnn'a Ciulden SgNiMlah AalMaSe for the euro of Uouorrhma, Gleet, etc. Pries, iti. 60 per Bottle. Lc Klcbea'a delden Span lab laJeeUaa, a waah for cure of Uleet, Strictures, Diaeaae ef the Urethra aad Bladder, ete. Price, 11.60 per Buttle. Le Blehan'a Cioldea Ointment (or the effeceive healing of Syphilitic Sores and Krup- tioos. Price, St. 00 ior Bottle. AJao Agente for Le Bleauta's Ualdea PIMs, for waaaaess, loas ei pnymcai (lower., and all diseases ariang from abuse and excess or over-work. Price, fJO.OO per Box. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., seoarely packed ae Lxpreea. C. w. siiajeiAKOa at tjo. a Beats. 487 a 489 sanaome street, comer uiay, um i anciaoo, cai. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday at llarriaburg Oregon, t3, S-XIRA-IUST, Editor Proprietor. Terms $2.00 per annum. ar aanraai, alcere and atteniiea aaa l mm. t n WIIUHI1U SLy BBBBBPV ' esaSt . "V aWr-aBSBBBBBBBBt Ne Shoes. . CURTAINS, CLASS UOITtIA -PROPR1RTORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AMD DKALEBS IK Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaooos, Groceries, Pro viaionB, Oandlea, NuU and Troploal Fmita. -A. lb tin ym . . OMr DOOB BELOW JOMM BBIOUS STORE. AT THE OLD IT AND, 71 FIRST STREET, HAS ASSORTMENT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Baay Siafaea la Um stlly. fie m so Imstorta auad taaataiailfac4araa Til, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE Or EVERT DESCRIPTION IE STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS OR UAJl, A rUIaLi ABBvKTMJutT Or GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. wr nnitii uk urraaSB TO THE OOMintTTnOaW. CALL AT 71 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREOOH. Repair work done at Sheriff's Sale. a fAr drtmit CWf of th. Stale for fir roetny pj Linn. ay OVryea, Maryoite H. Carey PPff ) TUaddaua Haaford Ibsrt. By vlrtoe of a writ of eseculioa ana r oar of sate, leeued out of tea above- aamod oourt in tbe aba ee-en titled suit, to me di rected aad delleered, I will, on Satarday, tee Btk day ef December, 1882, at tbe court bouaa floor, la tbe city of Albany, Lian oounty, Orosjon, at tbe baur of oaa o'eJook r. U., SOll at tNJblbr auetioa. for emnh ia nana, to tbe blaheat bidder tbe morttfred pramlsoa, dsaorlbsd la said order ef sale, aa follows. lO-Wlt I All ibeaaa raaKmin rear. oela of land, aUuate In tbe county of Linn aad 8UU afOregoa, rtsaoribed i follows. towit i a part or teat certain donation land claim situate la section 16, to em sb In 11, aontb of ramre two. weat of tbe Wlilem- ette meridlae, and wblcb ra dosif natod en tbe maps aad plate of tbe government sur veys aa tbe donation land claim of Jere suutb Drlgga, and being more particularly deecribed as lota one. two. three, famr. fiva and aiz aa shown aad deeinated on the Plat ot a Portion of said donation iaarf claim of Jeremiah Drigga, which Is duly rooercea id toe records or saia Una ooun ty. la book E. of deeds m page 191, which said p . is referred to for a more fall aad, complete description of tbe land con veyed, eontaining loo acres, mora er less, alao that certain other tract of land In said Linn oanntv. and State of Oreaon. and bounded and described aa follows, to-wit : IbMrinaing at a point which la twantv- three chains and seventy-seven Units south of the north-east corner of section (16.) T. 11, B. R. 2, W. of Willamette me ridian, and which is at the south-east corner of the deaation land claim of Joel Ketch nan and wife, and runalna thence west along the south boundary line of said Ketchum c'alm t went v. Tre chains and flftv-ilve Uaha; theaoe north six chains sad twenty-live links ; thence wast forty- slght chalna; thence north thlrtv-tarae ehalna and seventy-two links to tbe north uouaoary uneer said Ketchum claim, and thence north seventy-four degrees and twenty-three minutes seat along the north line of said Ketchum claim, aeventv-eeven chalna and aeventy-flve llnka to the north east corner of sal af claim, and thence aauth slaty chains to the place of beginning : Containing 300 acres be the same more or leas ; also all the undivided right, title and Interest of William J Mathews and wife and Philip M Lewis their grantee In and to the said donation land claim of Joel Ketchum and wife aa conveyed by dead of date December 28th, 1878, and which la recorded In said records of said Linn coun ty, ia book 8 of desde on Pasta 45ft togeth er with the tea entente, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bel onlng or in anywise appertaining, and also all the estate, riKht,tltle aud interest of said dsfsn dsat la or to said lands. The proceeds of aale to be applied as provided in said de cree as follows, to-wit : Firat, to the pay ment of the coats and disbursements of suit taxed at SSI.70 and the aeornlna costs and expensee of aale. Second to the pay ment to the said Plaintiff, Msryette B Carey the sum of $8534 17 in gold coin of the U. b. with interest at the rate of ten peroent per annum from the 24th day of Ootober, 1682 aud the further turn ef $160 attorneys tees In said suit, and thereafter if any of tbe proceeds of sale remain, the same be paid over to the said Defendant, Thaddene Hanfonl. Dated thia 10th day of November, 1882. (Jko. Humph iik y. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. YIMO SAM WA'S LAUNDRY I Does the best washing an faronbag in Al bany at lowett miss, Getsaees made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Waehmaton ssrsot, opooetbe Mareheja'a Livery BtaStsJ lftaoaf BUSINESS. Otto Fox has removed his goods to Roseburg, where they will be sold at auc tion. Those indebted to him in this coun ty can settle their accounts by calling on Wan. Webber, who will be glad to receive vr hat they have to pay. The sooner they do it the better. Cloaks, etc LADIES BLACK DIACOHAL CLOAKS, LADIES DOLMANS, LADIES GOSSAMERS, CHILDREN'S COSSAMERS, CHILD S CLOAKS, MISSES'S CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, WARE, ETC. ETC V JOSEPH, on. OR HAND AS FIRE AR KUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DHKY reasonable figures. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIUER BROS. - PrspHeters ALMA MY, O KRUOS . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, D HEADS lONEg in Italian or Vermont Marble. Alao, every variety of cemetery ouier atone wore done wttn and Special attention given to all parte of thia State and Territory. JBrAU work warrtatei. orders ffosn Washington 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1SSS. Ry A. P. CHERRY, situated at corner of Firat and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken e barge of the hove named Works, we are prepared to mauufiteture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist ' Mlllt, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Maohinerv of all Binds repaired. Spe cial attouttoct givenfto re pa hang Barm ma chinery. Palter Neb lag doer In all tea ft raw a. IStllyl A F. CHBRRY ds SON. NEW YORK SH0PPISGI Everybody deliahted wRh the and beautiful solecttona made by Mrs. La mar, who haa never nailed to please her customers. New Pall Circular Just issued. Send for it- Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, U:Tst 877 Broad war. New Teak. We continue to ataa solicitors for natente. caveats. trade-marks, enpyrlghtsL etc., for the United Stateedlo obtain pat ents in Canada. -England, Prance, Germany, and all other conn tries. Thirty -elx Tear' nractice. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. . Patents obtained through ns are noticed in the aciBSNTiFlo AMBUaiCAai, which baa the largest circulation, and ia the moat influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice everv patentee understands. -ims large ana splendidly illustrated news. per is punn sued wacauu. y at $3.30 a year. and is admitted, to bo the best paper devoted to science, mecna-uca, invention, engineering works, and other departments of industrial nrofrress. published in anv countrv. Bmarla copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold bv all news- dealers. a. Address, Mann Co., publishers of B( tine American, Sal Broadway, New York. jhbudook soon i pato&ts maued nree. aBSBBBa BWHBne IB nn Owt A WEEK. St 2 a day at heme easily Made. ep i O Costly Outfit free. Aeerest tsvs ve. AuB-usta,Maiue. OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBAS Y, OB. Tsb First Tern rBdinr ea Tsars- M ar a a - aj, Atreaser iffB. VZSL The ef Mia el i pnrate, ait per ta . etaaa of two an a " 11 prrr ia par aarss. dasa of two, Steer U Vesal, claaa of foetr, fr per DO YOU BELEIYE Tea wast week if yoa wowid aaa null it a this 1 1, eaetaa Ireaa ee, aeai we will ha-e weraat(aaM ia ea eeajaay) seal tkea T 'TZaVaV- SATs. -aaA. t BBBBM aRBBBSBRS WS BS StBBSBI ttBaSA wiU Bflfl fai eeery faaaaly. aadfnit tke be jar pe lam taaas tat Self taereeOvfarlee af A XEaA.I MA CiaM sen are aaB at eaBreet ?H m tower. 17. 8. Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg. Pa. C C OBBBBT. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARIES, (Soccesnora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinist, Mwriglits, aid Ira Foondaia. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prssjared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam 1P"-"- Qrkm eaaV :aaw Mill Machinery, aad all kinds of Iron rATTEBaa habb ea Special attamtaon advon aa kinds of msohlnaarr. WiU alao lure tbe im Droved Cberrv A Whtae firabi Uepttrator. Albany, Or., Dae. 1, 1880. 85 to $20 srt. -A aisr; ANNALS & WOODIN, FURNITURE 1 BEDDING. vaesaiyt T. J. STITBS. ATTOKNEY AT LA! AND Notary Public. Office in States ot&oa. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC M you are a mechanic or tanner, worn cast wfch overwork, or a eiotber r down byBaaauVor aaaBSa )mM duties try Pabkkb's Giscae Teatic. If you are a lawyer, minatacr or fawinaaa aaaa er Uauaiad by raeetel atnunoranxiowa caaaa, Aenottabe) iaStSBcaeag llisiliaeta,UUajl Parkari Cakecr Toaes If you have CooaumpOon. Drapevaia, liej. Kidney Coaa plaints, or any chaordcr of Moaaacb.bDwaai, blood or sereca.PABKaa's Goam ionic win cure yoa. ittstheUreetret J u you are waaung away froaa are. i ny disease or weakness asMl require aaaaaeakaM bake Gi.vcca Tokic at once; k wiB n vigoraat aad oeAd you up from the ft-t doea bat wil aevar It bai saved l.u:ni.cds of lives: tt stay stay save CAUTION I lafUwbsal t ianat turn awyaattuai l ItbeaabCaM.T. atcAli CSBAT SAVtMO BUT1JSG DOLLAR BBS. Its rich and tasting fragrance has Bads thia delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There Is aetblag ilka it. Insist upon having Flosss. ton LOUXiMB and loot: tot aegnature of bottla. Am inrfa aa . -' - a. "tr '7 aaaea ia aa, LAOGB SAYiKO SCTtMO Uc STZS. FISH, GAME, &C, T HAVE orfrned a fish anri franse X ket just vast of the Revere .louse, and will have atstoftsu pply at all timea Chickens bought and sold. 1IX J. Humph aara. ae'itaa!" ' 1 7,1 Ll "T 1,11 ihaSmfltj 11 aaadyaaal EST. ELBEBT U. eBfT. rrasaersTl, sad bow aose alee staAcee; taeU tbe Aeart wWmM yia U oeTect saeaayy as taAe ea, tbe aeaaSa. Um ALJgAHY, Bat BOB PARKER'S IT ATR B ATsaS A Iff. saMi "T-TThiTiBmiaaiiaj At h is pi aimed W tbeea Mm HEk whn hair !. mi mmj A Rf BbbBV8 anick, ao ac- ooemt of he sapanor BlMMaiu"W I -rib" thai a-itiinaftrial SBamS9HSr calP ad hak Vc nf aadahraya SatHf si SaiVfaiaal Ceier ta Crey ar fsaafl air Parker's Hair Balaam ia laaey perfumed awd ia warrajaadlo fff" jj Jj - an lmi. V I fi ill i ibs is 1 aH J 1.