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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1882)
1 mwx&L Official Gity and County Paper, Entered at the Poet OlHco at Albany, Or, an second-class mail matter. ' 1 ," 1 T ... i FRIDAY DECEMBER , 1882 UHAMBEELATN & STITES, iftltSrt and I -prl rs. Optam Maskers. Marshall Denny and night wateh Bark hart, did eeme very commendable work an Wednesday evening of last week, when they arrested a you a a man and two female for smoking opium, in the Qwong Mow store. The youaj man, whose name we refrain from mentioning on this occasion, was placed in the calaboose and in the morning fined 95 and costs. The females, we will not dis grace the oppcaits sex by calling them we men, gave bail and in the morning forfeited it on their non-appearance. The next part of the program waa to arrest the one who sold the opium This proved to be the haggard, bngeyed, opium smoked, ghost-like looking wretch who seems to run the store mentioned. He was fined $20, which he paid, when he was discharged. That opium smoking is carried on in this city to quite an extent, not eody by the Chinamen bat as well by others, is a fact and one which should pat oar officers on the alert It is to be hoped that the habit way be entirely stopped, although this is al most an impossibility, so sly are the seise tiala. 1 . Came from Kansas far a saansl. Uow-they heard of each other we da not know, but they got to coi responding, and lu tieno to 1, well they bath wanted to get married, Sbe was a widow with one child and lived in Grasshopper FwnaaSj and be was a widower, with any number of children, and lived a few miles from Albany. It was finally agreed that she should me to Oregon and unite her fortune with that of the widower's, so aha made haste, and sold bar corn and started for Webfoot, arriving in Albany last Mon day morning with W cents in bar pocket, She teld her story to a gentleman hare, and he very kindly took her to the wid owers wham she saw for the first time. Both seemed to be wall pleased with each other, and so they were married last Tues day evening, and now their two hearts beat as one. They will no doubt make an exemplary couple. csT Muddy cross walxa are disagreeable and should be "nam added," New brooms sweep clean. "He might have bean e'ecteJ bat for the fact that that " Will the licenses be lowered by the next council. Rather unsafe traveling ever the diteh en Ferry Street. A building boom in our city next Sarong ? Taken all together tradehes never been better and is quite lively. One men te'ls us be bat dene as much this fall as ks did last fall and the fall before combined. Sig nificant fact. The high price of hops will increase the another of yards next yer. Look oat for a lew market. Holiday goods in abnndance and lots of people with money to t buy them m m m EteeUaa mt Bsrer At the regular meeting of Rescue Keok k Ladder Company No. 1, held last Friday evening, the following ofiicers were elected for the ejsuing year, under the new consti tution : President E K Skipwortb. Recording Secretary Fred P Nutting. Financial Secretary Dean Wheeler. Treasurer Simon Settenbach. Foreman 0 II levin. . First Assistant Foreman A W McLain. Second Assistant Foreman Fred ttoetz. Tillerman George Fish. Delegate in place of Jas Godfrey, J resign ed Chas Kidcout. A Valuable King. He strode into one of aur stores and bought a neck tie, with a twinkle in bis eye, and his hand raised so as to show valuable diamond ring, containing seven teen Kehinora. "That is a fine ring yon have," said the proprietor admiringly . "Yes, sir," said Alf Wy man, "it's a for tune, why that ring coat me $1,320,161, two years ago, and si cash for it in New York, frera money earned within two or three years front playing to f 100 nooses." And taking his necktie he went to the miserable, stageless hall and played the part of Marks, the lying lawyer, in his in imitable style. Sol anf Venus This aged couple met again last Wednes day after a separation of some time. By the aid of smoked glass they were seen in this city, there fortunately being enough hoi in the clouds to observe Venus as she cross ed the face of Sol. Nothing bnt a round dot, about twelfth of the diameter of the sun, it was little tons, but much to the cal culating astronomer. They parted about eleven, and will not meet again, sad a it may seem, for over a hundred years. Blae Kibboa la. following is the program lor the meet ing- of th.s ulub tv Its biid thisejaing Prayer Song by choir. . Recitation by Merrill Fish. feoDg by choir. . Ten minute addresses. Hong by choir. Recitation by KtU Stites. Miscellaneous. Seng by choir. Adjournment, Moved, Peter k Blaiu are uow in their new quar ters on the northwest corner of First and Ferry streets, having moved the first ef tjs week. Theirs is new at fine s hardware store as there is north of San Francisco. The two large stores are united by a large arch ; the east side will be used for shelf hardware and 'Veils,, Farge k Cos express, and is well arrni, while the wsst side is devoted to agricultural implements, of which they have some of the very best man ufacture. Polities of Oregon. Col. Elliot will address the people of Al ly and Linn county, to-night, at the Court i, en this important subject, and we lerstand will not be sparing in his arraign- iot of Do! ph. Turn out and bear him. HOME AID ABfiOAD. F M French, jeweler, Business it bacomtfifi lively. & R. Skipworth, kwyer, Albany, Or. Go to French's for year holiday A asw lins of pluahei at Monteith Sei tsnbech'a. If you are looking for holiday goods do not forget to stop in at French's. Lonsdale auslia one yard wide 10 cents par yard at H Denaca's, Lebanon. Fine line ef silk haud kerchiefs only 50 cents each at H Donaca'a, Lebanon. Ladies medicated red, knit uaderwasr at Monteith & Seiteubach's. - Kxamiue it A great vegetable tonic fer delicate females, is Picador's O.-egou Blood Purifier. A rumen's Cough Syrup never falls te our if used in time and according te directions. Dr. G. Willis Prion, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Leagdoa'i Drugstore. Ribbons, laces and embroideries at prices that will make yea glad. K Denaca's, Lebanon. Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, largest and cheapest stock ia town al the Farmers' 4 Mechanics' Stare. C W tfatts received from Ban Francises this week one ef the best paper cutters now in the State. Read Senders k 8Umburg's ad calling for large amount of produce. The pay the highest market price. Ladies cloaks and dolmans, goats over coats and sails at panto price bottom has fallen out H Denaca's, Lebanon. The display of albums at Feehay k Ma. soas is really fine, and as they will go off fast call early and make your selections. Mull wain is paying tke highest merke- price for dried spples and dried fruits of all kinds either for eash or ia trade. There will be a social ball at Knox Butte Orange Hall, an Friday evening, Dee. 15th, 1882, Tickets, including sapper, 2. Jim Hale received quite a kick by a horse en Thursday evening of last weak, bat noth ing serious will eceerr front the bruise. Lett week C W Watts lost a gold watch chain somewhere on First street, which the finder will confer a great favor by returning. The collection taken np at the Union Thanksgiving services at the II B Chareh, on Thursday of hut week amounted to $18. 31. Albums, autograph al bams, picture frames, work boxes and dressing eases. Prices so low yea are ears te boy at H Deaaea'a, I .e batten. Attention is called to the Christmas ad. ef H Ewert in anether oahtsan. Ho keeps a splendid stock ef jewelry and is selling cheap. The lienor license at Pendleton was raised by the Common Council to $1000, bat on the Mayor refusing te s:js it, it was rod ne ed U $00. Poet never dipped bis pen ia lovelier ink stands than those kept by Peebay Mason's, and never did sasidoa manipulate finer toilet sets than they keen. A fine stock of ladies dress goods and trimmings jast ret rived at Menteitk k Set tenbach's. Unsurpassed ia Albany and de serving of examination. There will be a shooting match of glass, balls and rifle sheeting at Tangent, Dec 23, all those wanting a good fat turkey fer Chris- should net fail to attend. A turbine water wheel for sale at this of nee : a 12 inch wheel, ia splendid condition: will u sold cheap. Also 40 feet of 1 iaeh shafting and about IS feet ef If iaeh shaft. Cold and silver watches, chains, neck- haias, rings, eoff buttons, ear drops, coos, bracelets, gold sad silver s eye glafser, scarf pins, etc., at French's. xamine prices. If yon want something neat and tasty for holiday time, call and see Santas! K. Young's assortment of holiday goods, saps and sau cers, plated ware, glassware and other sea sonable goods too numerous te mention. The ditch on Ferry street gsve away last uesday opposite the rear entrance te Peters . BUins new hardware store, Crosby's truck wss on it at the time, and only sac- eeeded in escaping front going down into the ditch by a hairs breadth. Call at Senders ft Sterabnrgs their stock of satin aad sloth dolmans jast received frera New York, she nicest sad best ever brought to Albany. Do not lose this opportunity to get a good dolman cheap. Hew the pork does cocas in, We noticed one hog which weighed 490 pounds dressed. Our subscribers who were going to square up when they sold their pork, had bettor pat a guUl ia their ears aad make aa a In the New York Herald we lately ed mention ef the speedy care ef Tbaddens Davids, Esq., of toe great ink firm, 127 Wil- liam street, New York, of rheumatic gent by St. Jacobs Gil. St, PatU (Jsfiss.) Pitmerr The first quarterly meeting for Albany Station will be held at St. Fauls Church next Saturday and Sunday. Preaching Saturday at 7 p. as., and Sunday morning aad evening. Christmas is coming, aad Mr Fsber of the Stir Brewery wishes his ma ty customers to know that he will regale them i i a holiday manner at bis brewery by giving them the best beer ever manufactured ft the State. Just received at Hoffman ft Joseph's, crushed iadiaa, farina, gsauine Veraest ma- pie sugar, stacked beef aad French mus tard oa draft : also a fresh invoice of their standard Wands of tobacco cigars and eigar- ettn.- Venus on her way across the saa stopped off at Foabay ft Mason's, when she was filled with wonder at the magnificence of their stock ef holiday goods. Everything image bis is to be found there snd ef a kind unsur passed. Bead the mammouth ad of S E Young ou our outside. He hss a splendid stock of goods, and is one ef the most reliable, steady merchants on ths Pacific Coast, presenting only a first-class goods to ths trade and sells at reasonable rates. A batter and more intelligently selected stock of books than that of Feehay ft Maeea's can not be found in the valley. No better I presents can be given, so that you should call en this enterprising firm sa .'ly and get s choice of good books. A meeting of tke Albany Cemetery As sociation is called fer to-n.orrow, Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, p m, at the Court House, for ths election of officers. It is earuertlr hoped that all voters, either as lot owner or original subscribers, will b present. The O F Encampment meeting at Har- risburg last Taesday evening was a big af fair. Representatives from Albany, Hal- aey and Brownsville were present. Ten new members were inia tinted, the exercises con tinning till six o'clock Wednesday morning. It is impossible to disguise the fact that the Vegetable Compound, prepared under the personal direction of Mrs. Lydia E. Finkham, with ths superior science aad art ef modern pharmacy, is the most successful medicine fer female debility, and siseasn hitherto known. On last Friday, ths five year eld sen, and enSstarday the oldest daaghtsr, of Mr Hatsinpillar, living near this city, died from scarlet fever, after a sickness ef only a few days. Two more of his children from the asms disease, but will probably re cover. They have tke sympathy of all in their sad affliction, Ths Thanksgiving supper at ths Congre gational church was well attended, It was weU gotten up and bountiful enough to satis fy a growisg boy. A sociable, eajeyable time was had besides the eating part, and everybody west away thankful for au op portunity ef spending aa evening in ssch a pleasant mannsr.HHI 111 Iadian Johusen, who Was tried in Oorvallis last week fer the murder of l)r Hutchinson snd son, wss acquitted by the jnry. The evidence was entirely ol-ouui-Btautial. The general ssatimtut ssns to be that he was guilty, but from ths evideace offered probably the juiy would not have been justified in rendering a different ver diet If you want either agricultural, political, educational, seieatifio, temperance, or gen eral news aad story papers, or msgsxinss of any kied leave your order with Frank Ken ton at the Poet Office. He will only ohsrge you Ike publish regular price fer them, saving you ths trouble snd expens of send ing to ths publishers. There will be a ball at tho Hvro House to-night, under the auspices of Mr and Mrs Pfeiffer. Some neat invitations have been sent out, and those attending will no doubt have a most ajoyable time. Tb Magta Spell Orchestra will farnith the music, which insures its being first-class. "Skill sad patisuoe succeed where force fails." The uaiet skill and patient research which brught forth Kiduey-Worth illus trates ths truth of tho fabla Its grand sue- everywhere ia admitted. Disease never to us without a cause. Ask any good physician ths reason and he will tell you smithing interferes with the working of the great orgaaa. Kidney-Worth enables them la overcome all obstructions and preserves perfect health. Try a box or bottle at once. Uncle Tom's Cabin, played by tho Wy. man's Thursday night waa a very enjoyable entertainment, and deserved the good houso It received. Mr Wymtn, as "Marks the Lawyer," is not often excelled , while Mrs Wyman. as Tepsy stands well. As Kva, though, we thought she was considerably below the average. The support is got 1, and the play as a whole well worth the con sideration asked. We hope they will visit Albany again. We heard a prominent physician say a few days ago that he thought ft was the duty of the proprietor of Amman's Cough Syrup to girs the -formula of the medical faculty, so thsy could pram rib and use it without violating the rules of the profes sion, for. said be, "so many of my patisota praise it to the skies, snd eases have come seder my observation where it has been re markably beneficial, that I know must be a wonderful discovery iu medic? I science." This medicine is fer sale by respectable druggists snd dealers ia medicine every where. A farmer living bear Albany borrowed $150 from a merchant aad started for the Court House with it, where we understand ho mists it to paying for a marriage license, bnt whds doing so dropped the moaey. which was mostly ia twenties, and picked it up, but could only make out 130. He went back to ths merchant, to st j if be had not atade a mistake ia couoti ig it, but the mer chant knew that be had not After a short altercation a friend called the farmers atten tion to something in the roll of hie pants, they having been turned np st the bottom. It was the lost twenty, it having caught mere wnen tne money waa aroppou. AnAimg was a great relief to tho former. THAT MATt'M HI M Its HiiatKaefeMan IHd.A deed ways Wer t. It was terribly wet on Thanksgiving, but notwithstanding the fact soma good hooting was dona, aa can bo ascertain ed by tho following scare, whloh shows wbateaoh individual hunter did, and speaks for Itself. The total li gives according to the points pubtlsI.eU last week i st'orr's TSAM, W B Scott 1 goose, SO teal duok, 1 mallard duok, 1 wtgeou, 1 pheasant, ljay bird, 1 king fisher. Total, 420. I) Hacklematt 2 teal duok, 18 stupe. 4 mallard duck, 1 wlgeen. Total, 810. Watt Monteith t teal duok. h snipe, 5 wlgeon, 1 pheasant, 4 ywltow ham mere. Total, 345. Will Miller 24 teal duck. 1 snipe, 4 mallard dueke, 1 wtgeou. Total, 86a Ju Murray 3 teal duck4snlp, 1 mallard duok, 1 yellow hammer. To. tul, I IV 0 W Watts 10 leal duok, 7 snipe, 2 wlgeon, 1 pheasant, 1 jay bird, 1 yel low hammer. Total, 265. Dec Conn -1 goose, 3 teal duck, 6 mallard duok, 1 yellow hammer. To ut. 135. 1' II Raymond 2 wlgeou, 1 yollow hammer. Total, 86. O W I 'rice -a teal duok, 2 wlgeon, 1 Jay bird, 1 yeltow hammer. Total, 70, Total score, '208V Average, 230. Ki-itKNoaa's TEAM. NJB Spreuger 40 tealduck, II snipe, 11 mallard duck, ft wlgeon. Total 873. D B Monteith 2 tool duck, 1 mallard duok, 14 wlgeon. Total, 230. PJ Baltimore -2 teal duok. IS snipe. Total, 230. J J Dii braille la snipe, 1 mallard Ju. k. Total, 230. Oren Huberts 3 teal duck, 2 snipe, 1 mallard duok, 4 wlgeon, 1 pheasant, 1 king fteker. Total. ISO. tiro W Burkhart 8 teal duok, 2 mal lard duck, l wlgeon. Total, 130, ( has I'felfTer-T teal duok, 2 wlgeon. Total. WO. A Beneicke- 4 wigeoti. Total. 00. Than Monteith, Jr. 0 teal duok, 1 suipe, 1 mallard duck. Total, 93. Total score, 2103. Average, 24o. It wilt thus bo aeon that Homager's team wen by the email majority of SS points. According to the rules of the hoot It devolved on Scott's side to furn ish the game supper. This was not a ve-y difficult affair, an, to start with, there were 2 geese, 144 teal duok, 71 snipe, 32 mallard dock, 48 wlgeon, 4 pheasant, 3 jay bird. 2 klsg fishers Dedication of Mil fellow's Mall at rubers ar. and n yellow turn meres As big esters as good time was had. Last Friday will bo a day long to be remembered by the Odd Fellows of Har rlsburg. It was the aooasten of the formal setting apart to the businsss and purposes of Odd Fellowship the new hall just tlnishsd in that town. Tho dedication ceremonies were conducted by P. O. It., J. J. Walton, Jr., of Spencer Butts Ledge, No. it, as (1. Master assisted by P. O. T. J. Htltos, or Albany Lodge, Ne. 4, aa (J. Marshal, P. U. W. W. Francis, of Halsey as flsrald of the West, P. O. Samuel Uendee, of Covenant Lodge, Mo. 12, as Herald of the Kast, P.O. ft. Mulhollaad, of Junction, as Herald, of the North, and P. O. J. L. Fuller, of Covenant Lodge, No. 12, as Heiald ef the South. At S o'clock the members of Covenant Lodge with visiting msmbers trim Al bany, Brownsville, Halsey, Coberg, Junc tion, Kugene City and other points, met In the old hall on the north side of Smith street, aad formed a procession under the ubarge of P. O. W. J. Brain well, Marshal of the day. The procession headed by tbe Juvenile Brass Band ef Harrlaburg, mare bed tbreagh the principle streets of the city, and Anally into tho new hall whlult was found to be literally Jammed with the bounty and intelligence of Bar risburg and surrounding oenntry. The large and attentive audience was then treated to muslo by the ohelr, Miss Nettie lsbam presiding at the organ, Miss Nsttle Henderson, Miss Lulu Martin and Mrs, Alloa Honderson aa sopranos, Mies Alice Love and Mrs J. O. Crawford ss Alto, Mr J. L. Fuller and Mr J. L. Martin aa baas and tenor by the writer ereef. The lar jre, elegsat hall wss then dedicated In the formal but beautiful and Impressive cor s monies of the Order, to those "cardinal virtues which should adorn snd elevate humanity," while the temples of the hearts of the members of Covenant Ixnlge, j No 18, were dedtoatod to the double triple oardinal virtues of Friendship, Iove and Truth, Faith, Hope a a Charity. At the elese of tbe ceremonies of dedi cation which were of the most absorbing Interest In all their details, to tue large audience. Prof. Emery, P. O.of Oorvellts waa introduced and delivered Just such a lecture en the prioclptee and purposes of Odd Fellowship as he Is known by the lastiibern ut tbe order to be able to do. It' waa full to oversowing with the beanUae aad worth of Odd Fellowship, sparkling with burets ofoloiuonce, aa well ss.blts o humor, which, together with the earnest expression of devwllon to tho order by the speaker, served to bold the Urge but or derly and attentive sudieuee spell bound during Its entire delivery. In the evening a daace waa had by all who were Inclined te Indulge In that hind of pastime, while la the Ixxlge room a aertabl was bsid which waa well attended and when a general l hi Hi. Klerllen . There was an election held In the city Monday, tbe reeult of which nn best be understood by tho following figures, which tell the story i MAYO it. Walter Ketehum 1st ward, 70 ; 2nd ward, 76 ; Srd ward, 46. Total 190, I 0 Dlckey-lst ward. 43 ; 2nd ward, 73 ; 8rd ward, r,3. Total 16H Ketehum' majority '11. KM "Oil I KK. N J Hen ton 1st ward, 0", ; 2nd ward, 04; 3rd ward, o2 Total I A. H Kokermnn 1st ward, 22 2nd ward, 63 3rd ward, S& Tetfti KM, Menten's majority I4i, Oeorge iiurkaart 1st ward, 71 ; 2nd ward, HO ; 3rd ward, SB, Total -MS Nick Wcrnlraont 1st ward, 41 ; fted ward, oi ; 3rd ward, 57. Total UM Burkhart h majority-21' IKKAStltKU. Fred Mulkr Istwsnl, 2nd waul. ; 3rd ward, 67. Total -29. J H Ilurkhart 1st ward, 31 ; 2ml ward, 01 ; 3rd ward, 40. Total-132. Muller's msjorlty 07. AI.IlSS MS.H. First ffard -Arob MemU ith.ol L C Marshal, 61, Montoilh's msority, 7. Mecoud Ward A II O'eodln, 78 ; J (iradwohl, ". Woodlii's majority. 1$ Third ll'ard lehn i!riih. M ; Obaw Hideout, 41. I'ru-h a mnjorlty, U t Hi.SJttKlttf Hall ol Albany Engine i SOCIAL AND f EB80BAL. Dr Felix OTocle want down to PortUud Tuesday. Davs Horlschsr has been in the ct'y this week. J. H. Morris ef 8ciu, wss in Albany the first of the week. Roy. Ua bar of Oorvallis, was ia the city last Tuesdsy. Joe. Pardon, SberrisT ut Duglats Cuuaty. wss ia the cisy y set may. W J MeMeekin, ef Harrisbnrg called on us but Friday. Hs is ons of our old stand bys R 8 Stmhaa. J K Weatherford and Oeorge E Ckamberla n, have been attending Court at Dallas this week. 8 K Grey and John Duncan left for Ess. tern Oregon butt wsek, where thsy talk of going into ths stock raising business. Do ran Wakeneld and Jas. Palte, cun-i op from Portland, Monday, to attend thw Burk hart. tjfsans'r weddi ig en Taesday. Mr K F 80s sad family lelt for Seattle hut Monday, followed by the best wishes of their many friends for continued prosperity in their new bent. Mr J McC'onnell, who has been away for a few months retu ned to tbe eity but Satur day loosing much better on recount of his trip. Mr Alf Chs'cb, of Portland spent last Snsday ia the eity with his father-in-law. Jos Webber sad Monday acoeuipauiea by his wife retu -ned to Portland. Mr If Baum is now s partner In the firm ef Alesky, Kraesr k Co, Portlead. They are probably tbe largest candy manufac turers in Portland, and do a big business. Mrs. John barrows sod daughter, Klla, left yesterday for t'ue'r boms at 8- 1 Francis co. 1 netr visit 1 ore ass n e.i a pleasant ons, sad we are sorry it can not be prolong ed. Mum Lizzie Cendit left Albany the latter part of but week for her old home in New Jersey. During her short stay in Albsnyi Miss Lizzie made a host of warm friends, snd she will be sadly misled by all. We join with them ia wishing ber s safe snd plsss sat journey, snd hope she will some day re turn. , Willi Humphrey ban retire 1 f r r.i thn tel egraph office in thin city after a connection I (a st war a wtiit it or M;vm ne nu become a h wl.ful operator, a faithful, efficient servant of tbe com pa iy, and we ar.e sorry to see him leave the off ee. but have no don bt the good reputation he has obtained will secure him s better position financially. Lyle Rice suc ceeds him. Last Tuesday evening the many "friends of Capt Shields surprised him at bis horn in this oity, snd aa it was hu seventy-first birthday, run matters for several hours Tbey brought with them some valuable presjnts. among which was a gold chant, a largs rooker- etc, wh'u '1 were highly appre ciated by tbe Captain. Me is still ha' a aad hsarty snd good for many years yst, or a e hop so. moid hunters are, ours conoludod that it would be Impossible for about twenty. Ave persons to get away with 320 bird. In order to da which they would have to eat about 13 birds a piece, so they generously distributed part of thei among thrir friends, and had enough left for the uauk aurpKs which took place at toe K change Hotel Saturday eveslog, uader tbe skilful -upervisfon of Mrs. Murray, who has abtaiood the reputation of being the beet wild game eook ia the city. It waa do exeepiioa te tbe many excellent suppers gotten up by her, and without an exception received the most hearty praises from the twenty-five who par took of It. The fact that from thirty to fifty duck and forty to seventy snipe were eaten Is the beet eneonuim that can be given u. saw one young man demolish two duck aad five snipe. aad would have reeemmended his be ing made Ring or Rome, bail not one or two others surpassed him. After tbe repast the speeeh making was opened by t'aptal n Scott, of the defeated (vim, who read the score, and then proceed ed lu a very gamey manner to deprecate the mournful looks of the victorious party, lie was answered by Wun Peterson behalf of Captain Sprenger, who was absent, In a lively meaner. Upon being called for, "fly" speechee were made by Messrs Jones, Thos Mou 1 be history of Covsnanl Lodge, when wall understood, is a remsrksble one. It was organlzen ia 1800 with a small mem- twrsblp, and held its meetings la the third atory of the old Academy building which was a small, dingy room with low ceiling, with aa meana of ventilation Hero this little lodg held Ka meetings about a year, when l!ty removed to the 1 hall aver what U now know ss tbe Kagte Saloon. Horns yesr after the lodge took op !ta quartern in CUui chill's kali which tbfy continued to uccepy up to the time of taking shelter within tbe walls of hall. During tbeflrst eight years of its esiateooe it was a question ef life or death, and mont of it monitor would, at one lime or auotber, u w w eery ai d dtalteertsssad in the eftart I maintain IU es'stonoe, but a few y lei Jed not to dis oeuragemeut but mat regularly, and often had 10 go out on the street to hunt up a stray member or two no that a qoorium might be had to hold meeting. Hut the Lodg now ia In s healthy, growing con dition ha v lag a membership of about 00 and a line lemlde which, with the furn iahlngof the Lodge room, will cost sp- proxltnsloly ten tbouasnd dollars. There were but three of the veteran ntem be is who stood by Covenant Jxxlge In ber darkest days, that witnessed the dedication ef the new hall. These were J H. Vaugbsn, of Coberg. Levi Douglas, of liarrlsburg aad tbe humbl 1 writer af this article. Ths membership af Co tenant Lodge deserve much credit for the enterprise and spirit which induced them to build No. I, 1, 1 m. Wiirkkam, The hand of death has again fallen la our rubUt nod taken one of our most eatoemcd mem hern, Mon trose !. Moutoith, a young- inau born and reared In this city, and for a num ber of years an hsnrt-d member of our company, aau, Wc bow with nubmissiisn to the chastening rod of our I'mh'i. In thus snmaaoninu from our ranU our departed comrade aa I in view of the loan we have sua a I ned by the deceas ef our friend aad sssoclstc, and of tbe still heavier lose sustained by thero nesr eet snd dearest to hi iu. therefore, be it K-'.r.i, That it I but a tost tribute to the memory .f the departed to nsy that In regretting bin removal from our mtnst wo mourn for one who wsn, 1 everyway, worthy of our resjx 1 and regaru. ltfArd, That to tbe drth of our kfOSH r the company sustsind tos of one who always pntseuuxl the etn heart sod ready hsnd ef s true lirems i, Rrtolvd, That we siucerrly wo l- 1 - witn the faim'y of the decease il ssj the dupenss- tioa with which it has pleavod tbe !ivin I'revidence to aflltct them, and commend them fer consolation to Nun, who orders all tsiags for the ht, and whoae ' hastitemeoU ar meant in mercy. T'orv, That this heartfelt e-t iii'.nnl of our sympathy and so row be spread upon the minutes, and the secretary be requested to forward a copy to the parent of the de classed and to t-sch of the city papers for publication. C. W. Watts, T. J. Qua, 'n .-. Peanfrea. IS Nf. HOKUM. . HOLIDAY GOODS, mio lineMtflStock Ever Houg; h t to Albany AT Thero is nothing of the best class of holiday g co d but what is to be found here. rtfSlO o Books and Albums, 0W Beautiful Inkstands, mrtM Rich Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Handsomest Vases, Lovely Brush Brooms, W Perfumeries of the best makes, and many other goods suitable for holiday gifts such as MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and articles fancy and substantial, too numercu to mention. Call and see them before Purchasing I..mhI lm. Itoibr rarasrrr Ma aad 44 J .latest nall- Udth, Sheriff Humphrey, Mullen, fat- saoh s costly and naagninoent building to ti nirer. Curt-en, Watts. Miller, Kay- be devoted to the promulgation of the maud, Price and others, same of whom principles and purposes of Odd Falhtw- wore too full for utterance, but all ex-hlp. It la not only a credit to tbem but hiblting a good feeling- rarely wltaeae-1 a credit and leadiag ornament to the city, ed. Scotts aide before adjournment many of whoae dOsene who still belong 1 . i. .. on , I -. lei, l --.'. On Monday. Nor.2Tth. Brother Wm. M. Haitth died at hi resideuce near Ix-bauou la the Otnd year of bU age. Hro. Smith was a . hurt, r member of Iibanon (i range and one of its most faith ful ineanbers. The fan ml rerwumniee were eon. I ictod by the ()fBage, and many palrun wsre proMsnt to pa thrir hurt tribute ut rve-l to a dermrtaevbrother. Bre. Smithiva one of ihe v.ry ft ret Mauler in Lttra county, aad waa a wry highly reapertsd rttisen. Ilia loss will tie deeply felt by the-omieafty la wbh-h be lived and eapeclay wdl bit prasonne be miaaed st the meaty T l4banon's (i range V M. siriTi.n, Secrrtrsy of LabaHon tirsnge. Mr. Smith wss well kuown to all eld citiaensof this county. From pereoasl knowledge we can nay that ere sways re garded him as a man of irrapreWaahle, private character, and strict integrity, and while he was a man whose views questions warn sharply marked am! fined yet be was not intolerant a radical. Hisexamp'e might be safely followed in all those tnings which censplru t make s good i it .on. tfetmVn Jr. tern berg. Iiaviug Jul en tuhlUlied a husiue. and eneued cut a branch Miore at I'r neyille, Crook coun ty. In KoV-ern Oregon, desire to inform the people of this and the adoialug r ouutii s, that, as heretofore, we Intend io continue aur business In Albany, and are now prepared to pny, and will pay. more for the foUowlos; produce than any oilier house inthlseity. W want it immediately, at our Albany Mtore, iissi boxes machine dried apples, 'JfUMt Iwxes sun dnd apdes, -VN) boxes dried plums, Vs botes drtod jseara, Pssi V machine dried currants, K)0 lb machine dried tioose-berrhs, lout) tt machine dried black-berries, Jis-i n Timothy sed. Mean.) n bacan, oisju P ham, 3MNJ0 P lanl. In I and 10 IL cas. 808 hualieis white beat -a . " bushels piuk beans. We i in p ty the highest cash for the above articles, for the reason that we have facilities far disposing of them nt our brauch store, that na otuer husi-nes-i house ir the city hn. We will also pay, in caab, for wheat, delivered at I'r. ore ddlar per basbe for oats. U eta per bushel, and for bar ley, 8U cts. fier bushel. Call at ace, i.eforc we an supplied. S.Mn - fStn-NUii.'.. tiiNiar klsTI sansst s"sr"- H i turbcl. e hIiTsfi I Wheat -Hk OutU- Keef on foot, r to ft.-. Ilsy baled, isttsssr asst. - -d Pioae, U te to. ltoMr-30cts per lb. Eggs 40 cents per d'.z. Potatoes 45c per bneiwd Pork 7 cat par 4b. Vael oeperlb. ftsi n., . Dried Fruit sun dried a p plea, 6c ' plums, Sc. machine cured apples c plume, lax. Hi' i . bauia, 14 to 16c. boulders, 10 to 12c idea, II to 15c Lard-15eper lb. Flour G.Csger bbl. Chickens 3.00 per doz Sugar fian Franctsc C, 12c Mill Feed -bran, 10.00 par tan. short, 15. middlings, chops, 26.00 e$i Tarawa On aaeesjast of there being no certificate of election to the roll, and the ballots not returned, in tbe Third Ward, as providsd by statute, v understand the vote of that ward will bo thrown out entirely. The only difference it will make, wPl be ss to tbe councilman, it being claimed that tbe present one will holdover unlU bis gjs saaaor is elected. It seems nnjust to oust sinau from a ijohiUou which a msjoruy have ssid lie ahall All, on acoount ofsn in formality, although il may be tbe lew . arr .i.orx- w osSrcr. At tbe electiun held Last Monday tbe fol lowing city officers were el sated : Mayor J P Schooling. lUscorder- Jss Eiley. Marshal Jss Frsns. v Trees urer- U W Brandenburg. Conncilmen L Stites, Terry Hyde, A M COS Jas Sabia. T T Koacb, M Fuller. a I clear out rats, mice, roe easts, i bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers I5c. Druggists. K evsst The noon traia from Reeeharg dad as as- a a ar a - a a s r SJ a no nere Monoay uii aoasu a e caeca, on account ef a Lead slide near Cottage Grot. Welles' Health Ren war restore health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impo tence, Sexual Debility, ft. - : . .tSte Parest aaa ai Hap Btltlrrs are law Kilters Ever SMISt. 1 - OOOPKR.-OnNov 'Ho the world at large" seem to take as much pride in tbe temple as though tbey were connected with the order aj. Faded artistes of all ktads restored la their original beauty by Diamond Dye. when all went borne bearlag nothing I Trfct snd siapls. 10 enU, at all drag but the quacking of ducks till the next lst morning. gave a formal challeage to Hpreager's beam for a hunt to take place oa the 11th, which was accepted oa the spot. After some bantering as t whloh would beat an adjournment waa had, W like St. Jacobs Oil, snd observe too that the IU. Uev. Bishop (iiltnsor iaaorses the remedy. Aufmaer' (Jd. ) Cathvl'r Mirror. PINS BOUpAV . I'r seats rr todies. Fine cloaks and cashmeres. Culluloid sets, plain and leather. Albums, morocco snd plush. Picture frame, plush snd vslvst. Card oasss, Russia leather snd pesrl. Bohemian vases, new styles. Coin, silver snd rolled plated jewedry. Fine hair and cloth brushes. Ladiss satchels, plush, seal and morocco. rJsndkerebief and glove boxes. Hlegant fans snd silk umbrellas, Celluloid, baad mirrors and oosabs. Fine cotssts and kid shoes, Fine sets, muff and boa. Also a large assortment of j fancy, desirable goods, suitable for ths approaching holiday trade, every article marked in plain figures at to west cash prioc. J. M. No LAX. Ladies' Emporium. asw holiday coani Present far alea and Beys Box Fine white shirts. Whisk brooms in velvet sud aatin. Fios cigsr esses. (lesuine Meerschaum pipes. Fine silk hsnd kerchief i. Fine hah snd shoe. Fine pocket knives aad razors. Chains, charms snd lockets. Pocket books in Russia leather. Fins Key West rgare (aO in box). Walking canrt and umbrellas. Fins undsrwesr in ssts. Collar, cuff and scarfs. Silk suspenders sod kid gloves. Iambs wool socks in boxes. Also a largo and complete stock of cloth ing, furnishing goods, etc., etc, All goods sre marked in plain figures at the lowest r h pries. J. M. Nolan, Farmers' k Mechanics' Store. 17. lKS'J. near thia city. te tbe wife of 8cm Coopr S boy. i ut i .il i . . .i i m Lady Beaatlflers. TJi . . .. jauies you cannot mane I air 8k in. rosv cheeks, and sparkling eyes with all tbe cos es tics of France, or beautiiers ef tbe world, wniie in poor neaitn and nothing wil give yea such rich -bled, good health, strength snd beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. Oa- "mm Letter Umt. Ths teliowing is the list of letters re ma) Mnu In tke Poet Office, Albany, Ldnn county, Ore asm, Dee. 7, 182. Persons eallln tor tne letters must give the date oa which tbey were advertised. Carisl iter, Root, Doming Lucinda 8mith, Martha Smith, Da Id Smith, F Af Thompson, Laura Wood, James P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. It Seals All. Yes, sir, the stock of holiday goods at Gradwohl's is really fine and uasur pass ed in Albany. His stock of children's express wagon, carriages , horses, ate,, la tbe largest this side of Portland. Hla boy's raw bucks snd raws are worthy a attention, and then for toys generally, there are any number, dolls of all kinds, tin toys of ingen uis make rations, rob ber, tin, wooden, and all kinds of toys and enough to bewilder one, haw they do bug out tbe ayes of the youngsters. And for older people is tbe best French china in tbe city, porcelain, stone and earthen ware. His stock of silver plated ware is being graatly admired and deserv edly so, for it is uncommonly flue. The handsomest kinds vases 3 f sre found hero of the latest designs. Take Mr, Gradwohl's stock altogether and there is not a better selected one, with a view to the useful and ornamental, for holiday gifts, In Linn county. Do not purchase before calling on nun, Keeowmeadslloa. We regret that our school closed last Fri day evening, Mr. AUen Simons, teacher. In parting with Mr. Simons our kindest wishes will every attend him, and that we can recommend him to tbe public $ a teach er off onr little one, as one worthy of their full confidence and highest esteem. M. C. Caldwsll, John C. Bratty, Directors. Wm. McKinnon. carisinsu Novelties. Samuel E Young invite attsation to bin stock of Christmas nsvolties. They com prise an endless vsriety of useful articles, most auitablo for Chriatmaa and New Years presents, He would especially call atten tion to his a took of yelvet and cleth em broidered slippers for ladies snd gentlemen, handkerchiefs, tits, purse, fancy hand satchels and ahopping baskets, etc. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee oa every tt la of Sbilob's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. 8HELTON MONTGOMKRV. On Nov, IS, 18S2, at th residence ot A Moutgoin cry, ia tbe Forks of the Baatisss, M Nh r.i.ros" and Mi- FtOUtM i MoarrooMKKY sU of Liiiu county. CURL 8HELT0N. On Nov. la, 1S82. at tbe residence of Harvey Shelton, in Sato, by Rev J W Osbnrn, Mr J W CVKX, and Miss Isabel Shkltum all of Linn county. SIMS GILKA. On Nov. '2C, 1832. st the reaidesoo of th bride's parents, by Rev J W Gsburn, Mr John F Sims and Lit i i vn L Gilka all of i.i un county. FARRAR PATT1SON. On Nov. 29, 1882, in Albany, at the residence of Mr. I'.uti- son, by Rev. D. W. Cameron, Mil. Boat r akkak and Eva Pattisos all on.tun county. JONES RAIN R V. On Dec. Srd, 1882, at tks residence of the bride parent near Miller a by E R Skipworth, hsq., Mr. JosKi-il A. Joaaa ami Miss Mary t.. Rain ey all of Linn county. Mr. J ene is one of Millers best ouug meu, while Mrs. Jenea is in every respect worthy of the good fortune of thus well married. She is a daughter of of the Democrat's best friends, J. II. Rainey, and both are deserving of the best wishes o their many friends. 1 lu-y have oars, ami we uaito with their friends in Albany in exteudinu our huirtiest coni;raUil.atious to the happy couplo J PARKER RICHARDSON. ---On Dec. 31 IS82 at the rosideuoe ot Tho. Uumphrey s iu Albany, by E. R, Skipworth. hsij Lewis T. Parker and Miss Ltcv Richardson all of Lebanon. ? BVRKHART CONNER On Tuesday. December 5, 1882, at the residence of the bride's parent in Albany, by Rev. J. W. Harris, Mr. Calvin Bi -rkuart aud Mis Kate W. Conner- all of Linn county. Mr. and Mr. Bsrkhart have our congrat ulations aud best- wishes for the varied blessings and happiness of life. They were married at sloven, snd in tho afternoon went to the farm of the groom near the city, which they will make their future home. May success attend them. COUKY HAWLEY.-On Dec. 5, 1832, at the residence of the groom, by Rev A M Aobeson, Mr J B Coukv and MR3 A J Hawley all of Linn county. At a meeting of Lodge of No. , I. O. O. V'., b(dd Wednesday evening, the follow, ing ofBrora ware olected for tbe ensuing term : . x L H MontsmnaL. O. ;oo Ho. hstadajr, V.O. T P Hacklensan, R. S. W H Huston, P. 8. J H Uurkhart, Trees Trustees. T J Stilus, W C I aeodalo, F Simpson. vrr fur Hate, 0 Otto Fast has oas of Hall's aah. leat coneH'.ios, which he wdl aeu ch yon would get a bargain, call early an amine it. Early atrrakrast- excel- 1 x- Tliey are oompoundad trosas He, Malt.Buchu, Mandrake aud DaudeliOB, the tdest, be t. and most valuablo medicines in the world and ont'a(n all' the heat aud most curative properties of all ether remedies, being tbe greut atfl BloasJ Purifier, Li ver Regnlator, aad Life and Health Besiaring Agent oa earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are need, so varied and perfect are tbe.r operations. They give near life aad vigorto the aged and infirm. To all w basse em ployments cause irregularity of iba bowels or urinary organs, or who re uire an Appetizer, Tonfc and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are Invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and atlm ulating, without intoxleaUaaf "e No matter what your feelingsor symp toms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, hut if you only feel bao "or miserable, use Hop Bitten at usee. It may sa.-e your li e Hundreds hare bees aavra by ro doing. 4600 will he paid far a case they will net cure or help. Io not suffer or let your frlesds suf fer, but usa and urge them to uie Hop Bitters. Remember. Hop Bitters is a vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medietas ever mads the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without tbem. Try the Hi i tiers to-day. Parties going off on early morning traidJ can get breakfast st the depot hotel before he traiu leaves. -- ... ' lrlrl Frail. If you have dried fruit to sell, and wai t the hivlioal market price there ia paid for it, go and sec Alton A Martin, Albany, Or. Success depends ou a liberal patronage of tho printing office. J J Astor. Sulacribe for the Democrat. "BaekepallMB." (Juiek, comVlete csuw, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Disease. l. Druggists. IIKMI.VH Alt Mf t SAEtB. BRUSH PAXTON Ou Doc. G 1882, in Portland. Mr Chah Leslik Bruhii aad Miss Nelub C Paxton all ef Albany. Ths transit of Veona could not be better celebrated and we congratulate the happy couple on the event. May tin wheel of time bruab all sorrow from their pathway and OU their lives with sunshine. This is ths wish of the Democrat aa well as a host of friends here. Tho beat salve in the world for cuts, brum . -- r . ..4 us, sores, Ulcers, kui rnvum, lover mviim, ic- ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns una aii LimU of skin eruuuons. J ius save u guar- auteed to give perfect stufaction m every ease or money refunded, rnee 6ov pt r oox. For sale by l oHliay ana Mason, wiuiesaie airta : I Moore, cmjio ; v roiey, ":iuuu , O . T J A.V. .1 1M .... Ur rowel I, ueoanon ; neupu r.,,., lAir.-rsmi : U M Caloreatn. uuena . n ViA ? O Cornelius. Turner ; K A nampy, Harrisburg : SUrr and lilakely, r rowu vill. eau. ,1- t KTKKIUI."l u DeirccisTa. Messrs Foshay and Mason, the live drug ,, wt of thn town, are alwavs un to w ion en and ready to meet the demands of their many customer. 1 hoy have jubi reeeiveu a sup ply of that wonderful remedy that is as ton -istliinit the world by its marvelous cams, Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption, mAi nnlile uthm& brniic.bitis. hav fever. phthisic, croup, whooping cough, tickling in the throat, loss of voice, hoarseness or any affection of the throat aud lungs. Th a rem edy iositively cures, as thousauda can testi fy. If yon do not believe it call at Any druggist's and get a trial bottle free f coat or a regu lar size bottle for oue dollar. As you value m lifA ctiva it a trial and be convinced, as i thousands already have been. POWDER Absolutely Puree This powder rwr -varies. A liana a! 4 Ktrenctii ami BassSSSMBa More ecoi.Ofuioal tbe ordinary kind, and cannot be sntd ia coupe with the multitude o low test, short veirbt. or phosphate powers. Sold oniy ia cans, 6 rawvut uu., mo wan-si., n. i. tlaou Baking GREAT CURE WIS RHEUMATISM-r KIDNEYS, LIVER aoVtaearid poieoa that easaas SS dLteadral iSSsliiS WSSI only the vtesfcna at BnewwtaHswi sea inattss THOUSAND a OS CASSS at the wont Sanaa of tkJa terrtbto eiseeei have been yateMy rsUevsiil, ertS ssssassai PWECTUY CUKgft JSr 1t2tt'mS be eaatbr inaU. ifitiigiAyaeLWaa saa, rje