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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1882)
Uir gem-mat. FRIDAY. DKCEMBKR $, 188: rirv l i l t TION The municpal election in this eity last Monday, resulted ia a victory for tht republicans, tliey having elected the entire ticket except councilman in tht third ward. After looking over the battle field and seeing the slain, and by whonl and where they werw slain, the astute philosophic politician will dis cover that a variety of causes conspired to ferine about a democratic defeat. The w disposition heretofore manifested by democrats in some parts of tho city to endoise the River and Harbor steal, caused a loss of a number of votes ia certain parts of the city. The deter mination anions' some democrats to v force the natioaai bank issue alienated a number of democratic capitalists who otherwise would havo supported the ticket. Again, in tho very heat of the campaign tho republicans sprung tho tariff issue in the manufacturing dis tricts, and caught the democrats unpre pared for such an issue. Uere again we lost votes. - Another powerful agea cy contributing to our defeat was boss iaaa and machino politics. Many dem ocrats had determined, for the purpose of purifying polities, to smanh the ma chine and crush eat bessism. This they seem to have effectually -efon. Demo crats have been long clamoring for a modification of our revenue system, but those in power, have lost sight of this reasonable demand, and hence the party is again severely punished. The pre hibiticn question seems to have created an intense feeling all over the city. Dssa strata may see from this that they c in not wia political battles, on a pro htbatoty platform. While by making that kind of an issue we gained no tem perance votes from the ranks of the re publicans, yet we lost a number of our own voter who are known to bo anti prohibitionists. Tbe repnblieana have always out-genera led us ou this temper ance question. While many of them profess loudly to be temperance men, they never vote for such men unless they are on their ticket, while the dem ocratic party, which has within its ranks the great body of the intelligent, moral votes of the country, is made to suffer defeat because so many of its members hsve the courage cf their con victions to vote for temperance men, whichever ticket they may be on. But the most potent cause of our defeat was the smoont of the corruption fund which Hnbbell literally poured into the city to corrupt votes. It will be re membered that immediately after tbe election in New York Isst month, a call was made upon all federal officials and employes to contribute to a fund, which, it was then supposed, would be used for the purpose of paying the fine of Gen. Curtis, who had been convicted of violating the civil service reform lawg, but since the election last Monday, it has been positively ascertained that that fund was sent here to s well known republican politician of the firat ward who seems to bare put it where it would do the most good. And last, bat not least, is the fact that the repub licans have about 3d majority in the city. The astute, phiiosephic politician will readily tee that it is as dfficuit for 200 democrats to ori vote 230 republi cans, as it was at s memorable period in the history of our country when it was utterly impossible for 7 to out vote 8. We thick are have faithfully placed bsfore our readers all tbe causes which breoght ns defeat. True, tbey are ster eotyped, and wiil apply to one election and one party, as well as to sny other election er any other party. IT WIIX nOT Kt Ki.lH.ti. The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks that ia the midst of all tbe worry as to who will fee the speaker of the next House of Representatives, a sweetly soiumn thought comes to ns o'er and o'er to the effect that it will not be Keifer. The Iowa State Lewler Chinks that Sam. Kandsll is as smart a mtu a3 dem ocrats cauld wish, but to select any man from Penusylvaaia for tLi next speak er would seriously endanger national success in 1884. We can not afford to elect Mr. Randall to this important office ; neither can we give Lira the chairmanship of the ways and means committee. He wili best serve his coun try on the appropriation committee. Keifer and Kellogg will go h long ways towards making amends for the absence of Robeson iu the fortv-eignt a congress. They will do good service an monuments of the wreck and to remind the country that the republican .party ia as incapable of voluntary reform a.s a wolf transforming itself into a sheep. FLECTION IS Tbe democrats elect mayor, and re corder by about .,130 majority. They also elect two councilmen. They had no candidate for Treasurer. This, in a . I . .1 . l i . Je I. i tier i 'i city that has heretofore had 250 repub lican majority, certainly sueaks well for tbe domocrats. The great tidal wave seems of the inevitsPpFor the causes of this republican defeat, see editorial elsewhere. . Our old friend M. G. Harbord was too much for tbe solid 18 in Salem in the city election last Monday. He was re-elected Marshal by a large majority. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY, a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. A birth of it yetin Obi tic chronicled in I'hBtee, much fuss is made, f Star Rout a Dortty U snii l quite sick and triil prebabty nt? to attend court during his trial. Anteuio Veda, of NP, was run over by the Kearney street ratlroatl, San Francisco, on tho 3d, receiving injuries from which ho died. jsyv. Hemiriewef etemlily gaining and will recover, although suffering from blood poisoning, and ui.y bo confidently counted out of ielltlcs henceforth. Following aro tho rocont postal changes ler Oregon and Washington Territory : Established, Uidge, Uma tilla comity, Or., Woa. R. Stausel, postmaster. Waklport, Baker coun ty, Or., David Rubblo, postmaster. A -.11 i Ik. TV . is.. A nril Ahbott. emnloved by a farmer at w Waddlngton, N. Y., ntolo from his trunk $40 00 in greenbacks and fled to Montreal. Thero sho bought two watches and a sealskin sack. She then picked up a paramour and gave bim $1000 all sho had ioft. A Cincinnati coroner found Mh Ton Bohren'killed by an accident at the hands of Frank Frayne. A dis patch was received from the glrPs mother, saying she did not hold Frayne culpable. About COO (jeaksrs met in Jenkins town, Pa., meeting houae,Sundsy, in commemoration ef tbe first meeting of the Society of Friends 200 years ago. John Weir of Vi -afrfo City, la., has been arrested for complicity in tho mur der of Mayor Stubba of Polk City last April. He has mtfuV a partial confes sion. Oeorge Burko, Per Martin and Henry Knight, pilots, were blown out to ses in an open boat fiotn Port V.i U Wednesday, and have riot been heard of since. At Petersburg, !ud. a fire originat ing from a cigar stump in a saloon, de atoyed ihe bushuss portion of the city and burned all the receipt books and papers cf the city govetment ; loss $40,000 ; insured one third. The governor of Louisiana has order ed tbe prom ulgatioa of the result of the election of the 3d district (Ksl!oggs) witeoat giving a certificate to any one. A monument to the confe-h-nte dead was unveiled an the :'')ih, at ('barter too, South Carol in . Gladstone refused to grsnt Paruell's request for facilities to dicuss the sd ministration of th land nrt. Aboui eight inche-t cf uow f-ll Thanksgiving day in lfs York. Physicians expect that (I t-u'.t-tU will be convalescent ia s few dm a. Large tracts of Holland aro submerg ed snd the rivers are still rising. The New Yoik b-jaid of mana-jr s of the National TcmperHSce society paused a resolution urging CJngress to pass tbe Senatu bill to provide for an impartial national commission of iiuiniry concern ing the alcoholic liquor traffic and its relation to the general public we'fare. A collision occurred on tfse Fort Wayne road, near Nw WaOrf jrd, O- hio, on the 30, between an accommoda tion and a freight train. John 8. Hotwe, Jr., of Alleghany city, fireman on the passenger train, was killed. En gineer Wm. Fitzsimons snd John Sny der are serious lv hurt. M t SOTF. Sue, Dec. L', 1882. The marriage cl Jlr. niley ahelton and Miss Florence Montgomery is thing of the past. They, have our best wishes for a pleasaut and journey through life. sztceaMe The diphtheria has subsided and our School, which has been suspended for two weeks, has commenced again with the usual good attendance. About 80 uames are enrolled on the register. . The new dwelling of Mr. Mvers is nearing completion ; it will be quite an addition to our Utile burg. Several small cottages c&uld be tented very well in Scio, at present, there are none vacant but many tah to rent it has been rumored on our streets tlu; Mr.. I. C. Dickey, of AlJLsuy, had purchased Mr. A. J. Houston ' Store, iMit, as yet nothing defi'tite u known Messsr. Beard t M v are dealing ex tensively in pork. A oyone wishing te dispose of their pork can get a fair price by calling on these gsmieieen. Oar City election wiil be held ou Monday, a number of -candidates are named for each office, but wc surmise seme will get left. Will Kellv, of the fashionable drucr store, has received a hue assortment ot holiday geods, h u always ready te show his good, and his puces aro in t each of all. Mr. K. Pentlsnd, is impioving Lis farm near Seic. Wonder if the Judge wo'uld like to purchase another farm. Mr. George Shriver will give a grand Bali on Christmas. As Mr. . always makes a success ef his sociables, we predict a pieaaant time to all who may attend. The Blue Ribbon Club meets Satur day evening, a good program has been prepared, and an interesting time is exacted - Prof. Jas. Bilyeu in succeeding nice ly with his School in Jordan Valley. The Prof, is well calculated to succeed as a teacher far he is a dear lover of the (fair sex) little ones. Mr. Will Taleott has every thing ar ranged ship shape at Lis new Store. Give Wi'Ia call, if yeu wish to carry home the full value of the money inves ted. . . .. y . . a, Dr. Kirkputriek ia tho bos3 Chess playetydon't it Dr. A certain damsel of Scio has (not) succeeded in making the required im pression on the mind of our School Pref. Rex. 0 Ml Uie Tltfc fell lIO We publish the fallowing letter on tho other sldooftho "Division Quest- Ion" In Umatilla Geuniy. We have received some other communications ia favor ef division but as they make aooutjlhe same points as Mr. Sperry's letter we emit them. We must de cline to publish any more letters on this subject, as only a smell portion of our readers are Interested in the matter. HtrrsMt, Or., Nev.29th, 1882. Prmtwriif: Dear 8m : Under the heading Tbat Dlvlslou Qaoateea," I notice In yenr Issue of November, 10th 1882, aeopv ef a letter written by Fred Pg Justin, W. 0. Dow, aad J. H, Tumor, In the name af theCII! sens ef pendleten, te certain State Senators who voted with Sen. Pen. nlngten niralnst the ruotien to bring up H. . 2D out of Its regular order for second Reading. I would net trouble you en this subject but for the fact that the writers ef this loner take upon themselves tbe task of express ing tbe gratitude of the majority of the people of Umatilla county, be cause same of tho people of Pendleton appointed them a commit too to write Khh letter. For the benefit of those uninform ed on this Division Question, and perhaps among these may be some ef those Senators to whom the letter was addressed, I would state that this Division Question has been agitated for semo time, It being apparent to every inhabitant of Umatilla County that the division of this Ceuoty was necessary and Just. It was also ap parent to Mr, Pennington, for only on his promising te advocato the Division did he obtain the votes ef the Western end of the County. Not only this but he pledged himself that he would work faithfully for the dlvi. sion of Umatilla County even if tbe line of division should divide the town of Pendleton. For H. B. 29, organizing the Coun tv of Thurston, a petition was signed by 1100 Citizens, and for H. B. ill organizing Cole County, a petition of S signers was presented. Upon the representation by Mr. Fred Pago Tustsn, and ethers that thepasssgeof H H. J0 would run the County Line within 2 mites of Pendleton, a re monstrance was signed by 2200 Citi zens against the passage of H. B. -"J but no remonstrance was presented against If. 11. 111. Mr. Pennington will hardly dare to deny that he owed his election to the fact ef bis tiavlng nlodged him- M-r :e work for the division of the County, and yet when the preposition was made in the Senate te lot If. B. ". come up for 2nd reading and re fer the same to a Committee, be re fused tode so even when be knew that thero was a remonstrance signed by 2200 against a Petition of 1400 name. The reason for this apparent. It gave Hdra an excuse for with drawing his motion te suspend the Rules in the esse of H. B. Ill and it's passage through 2nd and ird Readings and final adoption by the Senate, for which he would have had no excuse had he acceded to the proposition. In view of these facts Mr. Editor, do you think wo have anything to thank Mr. Ponnlngten for ? I do not imagine for a moment that thoee Sen ators who rendered Mr. Pennington their assistance were aware that they were helping Mr. Pennington to break the pledge given to his constiuents ; for they are gentlemen that are well known for their integrity, and have been found faithful to their trusts. But merely call their attention to these facts, that at tbe next session of tbe senate, (two years hence) they may co operate with Mr. Pennington for the Division ef Umatilla County and net against It, as only by so doing is ho representing his constituente. Apologizing fr trespassing en yeur valuable time I remain Yours Respectfully, J as L. Spebry. VAKIVA LETT K R Editors Democrat: Our ssge bruab country is filling up quite rapidly with a good solid class ef people. Two years sgo our vote was about 500 snd this election shout 800, giving sn incresse of 300 votes. And they are now leclaiming tbe dry asge plains by irrigation, and tbe sage lands hen properly irrigated is tbe most pro ductive soil in tbe country, snd we have a large domain of that quality of land yet vacant, inviting settlers to corns and establish homes for them selves and families, besides our ssge mm plains, we nave seme valley lands yet near the foot hills thst are vacant, and uflarge amount of high bunch-grass or table lands yet unsettled. Also tbe Yakima Indian Reservation, embraces perhaps tho finest valley in esstern Washington, and our people now are petitioning Congress to open up thst large domain tor settlement, and give what few Indians there are left on it, the homestead privilege, instead of the reservation. There are but few Indians on the reserve, and thev exnreak tho willingnetH to cut loose from their tri bal relations, and each one have a niece ef land to hiniHelf, that he can call his own. They are tired of the agency business, and want to be free. We hope that there may he a concert of ac tion among the people ail over this coast in trying to induce Congress to modify and entirely wipe out the pres ent. Indian policy. Since the Grant policy was provided, the Indians have cost the government nearly double the amount required in former years. And yet there are less numbers of the red- men of the forest now, than thero w as forty years ago, and again, meat of the outbreaks and Indian troubles for the past few years, aro attributed to the agencies, and for these and many other reasons, we say turn them loose, and the Indian problem will soon settle itself and the Indians will be better off. And these large reservations that have been kept back so long from set tlement, will be brought into cultiva tion, and thousands of homeless families will be provided with the finest loca tions on the Pacific Coast. Our town is improving very nicelv, quite a number of large and respecta- 1 ble buildings lidve boon built within the past season. Land speculators aro coming in now, ahd aro )ying liberal prices for deeded lands. LEMAMO NOTKH. Bupt. P. A. Moeeu, wss via! tine the publio school here on Tuesday. Ifo re ported everything in good condition, snd was well pleased wi.h tim manner in which the teaohers wvre conductini tha school. Ilia remarks to the Hchool were highly appreciated by both teach ers and pupils, lie rather protniusd if tt could bo artangttd, to bold a tuuchr' institute here in the ner future. The citizens of Lebanon would gladly do all they could to add to the nuccciih of such a meeting. Dr. J. If. Powell met with uubcr a sere disappointment ou Tiiaukagiviug day. For somo time l e had been ford ing a fine turkey for a dinner on that day. The evening before, in nonin oh acoouotabls way, the turkey got at lib ertv, and the doctor went in soared of his living roMnt. Aftnr tracinu it around in different yard ard gardenx, and in stituting icarch in bnniH und h n rooste us wan forced with a heavy heart (v givo up tbe hunt, and farego (hu pleas urea with his friends ef teavtiug en tur key on the occasion. Tho um htuiv. u joker got away with him. "A V'M "JV 'if now mtu il M U :. i hy tha aim. of mo", Hut when ll ciur- to .h g Si OBBBSK Thjf will nuii tol nt UU jy ) MMr." Our merchants are ell getting well supplied with holiday good-. Tho atcck is much eujiertor to that of other year, and offers a wide rsngn for all to bo suited in procuring pres-uta for their friends. The A. O. U. V. will givo a grand ballon the evening of the i'lht. . Coud music will ha turniihd nd all arrange ment will bo mads to make it ntncccM. J. Blick bus rented th- Hand hu!l L i a month, and ha opened a sfcetiag rink. It was rather ssaossng tho timt evening to see gieat tull follows ues ure their iieiuht en the floor, and m even smile, while the n ectators mtne.i perfectly wild. There has been near a hundred car loads of wheat, oat and dour ahipoed from here no far thn s'-aaoe. J. W. (owsu avcragns about a oat load l! fiour daily. Arrangements are Wing made for s publio Christmas tree. This will - goed news to tbe little ones. I. in. bKOWlfMl: man KJitora jMrmontt : The Baptist of Hrownftvillc,ob!ervi 1 Thanksgiving day, by services in tin :r Church at 1 1 o'clock, conducted by Iter. O. W. Black, the pastor. Aff r services they repsired to tho City Mall, where s bountiful repast was spread by the ladies of the congregation oif which all could peruke by depositing with lbs door keeper the sum of fifty., cents Pioceeds to bo spplied to rrjiting tb Church. - Attbsir stated commuaicaticn held !c. lat, LinrrChapter No. IK IJ. A. M. elected the following ofiieera to rve them during lbs ensuing Mssonie year, vir. : J. I). ft. Moreloch, II. P. ; John M. Waters. King,; II. J. C. AvetUl, Scribe ; J. P. Oslbrsitb, C II. ; It. N. Thompson, P. 8. ; J. B. Irvine, It. A. C. ; W. K. Kirk, O. Hi d Vail; ft W. Jack, (J. IL '2nd Vail ; A. K. Thomson, 0. M. lat Vail ; J. M. Mov er, Tress.; F. F. Croft, Sec. ; J. Howe, Sentinel, and will inatalt on the 27th, at 7 o,clock p. n. Linn liodgc No. '-'2, A. O. L W. elected the following ofiicers to serve toem for the enauiog semi-aunuai term, viz. : J. B. Irvine, P. M. W. ; Wm. Lemasters, M. W. ;T. 8. Peilaburg, ; M. B. Ciacc, O. ; O. A. Dysen, Rec. ; G. C. Ceoley, Receiver ; J. P. Galbraith, Financier; K. W. Jack, Guide , C. II. McFarland, I. W. ; A. C. Mausrasn, O. W. ; J. W. Starr, J. D. Med. Kx. The lodge ja ins flourishing condition, snd while among the oldest lodges, has never yet had te call for an sioessment. Brownsville hss just had another ex perience with the gonitis "oilk". He cams this time ss a horse buyer, from the Umpqua His name here was J no. Pearson. Wanted noue but largs hors es nothing undsr 1400 pounds would answer his purpose stayed two weeks with friend McCully, aad then akipped tbe town, leaviug a board bill for him self and a hired mau ; unpaid. Tt is another boy weight ten pound, and C. IL McFarland la the happy fath er. Tho Cumberland Presbyterians, on Friday night, closed a series of meetings at their church bare. 'Ihe Rev. G. W. Black, paUor of the Baptist Church hero, has gone to Halsey, to held a protracted meeting. Dr. I. W. Starr's, estimable wife ia again around, after a very protracted illness. Mr. Gibler had Kd. Moore arrested on Friday and taken before the Recor der, on a charge ef pet til larceny, but the case was dismissed without a trial. Mr. G. W. Perry, wh6 went to Um atilla County aouie time ngo, returned en Saturday, last, after his family. Georgo looks well, and says there in no place like the "bunch grass country." I. P. Coshow, Jr., who is now attend ing school at the University ut Lugeuu city, spent Thanksgiving at home, and was accompained by bis friend, Mr. Da vis, of Albany. Tbe Woolen milla aro still running day and night. Mrs. W. R. Bishop, of Portland, who has been staying for some time with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Starr, has returned home. Messrs. Blakely and Morren, are gut ting up a directory of the city, which will be out about the holidays. PlIAJ). LETTER IKOU ECHO. Echo, Oregon, Nov. 27, 1882. Eds. Democrat : This flourishing town is situated above the old Umatilla Landing on the Umatilla River at the crossing of tbe old Emigrant Road. There is one hotel, one private bearding honse, three black-imith shops, two stores, one drug store and post office combin ed, one hay yard and feed stable, two saloons and about one half a dozen dwelling houses. mm I x-A.axrc3Hoar lltivo Jiiat reoelvod tho most enmnlcleaud elcgamt stork of HOLIDAY GOODS to be t'enud In the Valley. THE MOST LOVELY, PRETTIEST VASES, AND MIRRORS TO SEE Y00R FACE8; BOOKS THE LATE8T AND NEWEST, FOR BIC AND LITTLE FOLKS, ALL KINDS OF TOILET 8ET8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, ALBUMS WELL A8S0RTED AND OF ALL CRADE8, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS CARDS, BRUSH BROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL CASES, PICTURES, PERFUMERIES, INKSTANDS, and enough other things to bewilder one, at LANGDON & CO S PI'iTKRK A HAVE MOVED INTO THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS ROOMS ON THE COR OF FIRST AND FERRY STREETS, Alluiny. Or., WHERE A 8PLENDID STOCK OF A.GR1 ( U LTURAL IMPLEMENT) CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND. (.HDDS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT. DRY C00D8, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S' FURNISHING GOODS, RUBBER COATS AND SANDALS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CR0CKERY,LAMP8 AND CLASS WARE, o i My fall and winter stock 1m now complete. PRICES WIIL TELL. CJME AND COWHIDE YOURSELVES. If yon wImIi full value for your money give mo a call I WILL SELL A8 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST Tho railroad company Is putting up a largo and cammodious depot. There is a goed Bridge across the rivers; this placo. Tho lmd on tho hills back from tho river is bUng taken up fast by men who want hemes. Thoso who want good homes close to market would do well to como here while thero is yet laud to be taken up. That which recommends onr town most is our School house which is twenty which is twenty fur by forty feet. The pupils now in atten dance number forly-Uve. Echo City. XRiAS GOODS H. EWERT'S. A spldld lino of LADIES AND CENTO WATCHES, RINGS, BRACE LETS, FRUIT IA.ICli.TS CLOCKS BROOCHES, EAR RINGS, SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, SLEEVE BUTTONS, HANDSOME STUDS, BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, Solid Gold and Plated JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware. ETC., ETC. AT H. EWBETS, ALBANY, OE. AND O. B. P. Wm. Plunder9 asonTsaro uxmem 31, imo. Is aha peopie'a popular renasly it ia warranted to ,-lv atlafaeilon, bjren want teatlmonlala call at oftV Wa don't puldlah them, but refer you to tha dealer andoonuniera. It has no equal. Cl er bottle or bottles for S3. AS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY- DISEASES. diaordored i Almr THE l Kidney-Wort at I tat efaWOWTOetttl i iwtUapaedUy no tho diataMW 1 Ladies. tore weaiwiyat I oomplalata pat : dnat or ropy dapoalta. Ipalaa. sU spasdOy ySSd i DBXTOOI8T8. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly enrsd by Shiloh'o Curs. Weguar anteo It. . 11 H ACKM ETACK," a lasting perfumo Price 25 and 60 cents. A NASAL INJECTOR free with eacli bottle of Shilsh's Catarih Remedy. Price 50 cents. it Min k;ah I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was al ways doctoring, and never well, tossed me so urgently ta gat her some, I con chi ned to be humbugged again; snd I am glad I did, for In less than two months use of the Bitters, my wife was cured, snd she las remained so for eighteen months since. I like snch humbugging. II. T, St. Faul. "Post." OYS All havo d display of D oils, Trains of Oars, Rubber Boys ana maris, jsuueung Joiocirs, Express Wagons, Rattles, Story Books, Ingenius Mechanic al Contrivances, andlsVbbden5Rub berTin and Paper Toys, oys mm o - HEADQD Wiioni vouoan f,wl tho largt assortment of toy ovar hraugbt to from Now York. CAST IRON TOYS, WOODEN TOYS, TIN TOYS, RUBBER TOYS, MECHANI CAL TOYS, PAINT BOXES. BUILDING BLOCKS, f HOTOCRAPH AlBUMS, INKST ANDS,YASES.RUBBR DOLLS, DRESSED t)0lL8, WAX DOLLS. TEA SETS, BABY CARRIACES EXPRESS WACONS, CHILDREN'S MUGS, AUTOCRAPH ALBUMS, STO Y B30XS,:PJAN0S, WORK BOXES. RAT TLES, DOMINOES, SURPRISE BOXES, C. &C, &0. And a nsvr ntok ol fnm 'rockery nd Awn ware, ;rocriaanl Provision, Tobtyxo and Cigar, J'ipc, Cut!-ry and Notion, Candy. Bird Cages and NuU. hithf ('irmU Court of thr Ktitfr of t)f'Qtm J-tr thr County of Limn. Ma Stern rnra, TJainti Kli '.artcr ami ; at l. 'arUr hi wife, Ed K M rU?r and Ida J Carter hi wifo, C H ltonam admitiUtrator of taa tmtato of JtmeiU ls-unatil, deoea"-!, .N I'ru-v, 1 I f'.iuaii, LKIkins and Maria I. WT-.tmmi, V.y vlrsuoofa .Uumi ut.i, Kaiu Ihhiio'I oil, of tbn abavo ti:t:n-l oun, In thj uikv oittltltKl htut, ta tu drtuu asuJ dcllverad. I will on sssUurdss; Uw J'HIl tUy of ioc3iiitx;rl J--J,al Diu I 'HitL tiu) lKr in the city ut Aitany, Lino i-oliiilv. (Iri'L'un. at Min ni n i natu tJi,mmL I i. in , aJl a'. u)h- uuc.ioji ..r u. tiaitd iu ibn bighotl bidder tao uiongaaed r riiif daaenbed in aald dacraa in iho 4rd'-r tlirn-m pravided, tha irocced da area irm me ea v. a.ti rigafpavi preiiiiw., t li appilpoVto ilia pay u.m s ihacUlni aeialiiaiier m i. . "; i.: a. rordanro a ith ikir Mivnal prioriUea. t, the fuilaalng deacTibed prumisss. to-wit: I Ail No I. or tho north wat oor n4t U,Oi feet by 109 bet iu bb k No J 00 ia OacJileiMan'M addition u Um . uy of a1 bany. Alao beginning at s point on the south Una of oloca No l - n w. i a luntui. 04 feet tKitr : r frr the wit.WeM ,nrnt of eald block, aald corner oeing on tb line d viding tho doua:ioa land ciaitua m( nomas MouUtith and A ila'.'kleuiau, and running thence easterly along the aaid aouth Imu of ald block 1 1 fact ; thence northerly aralit?l aU tue amt line of aaid btook. No Hf to the Willamette Kiver ; tM :.( u() aaid rivar to the eaat lino of aald lot ouo, in block l' ; thence aoutherly te the jtce of beginning. Alao tha follow ing: liegtnning at me ho uthaaat corner of J II Cowley ' lota on which he now re side and weal of tho la: on which Ms Sa-ih and loor Factory of ti Carter Jc Oa. now aani said comer o u .4 on the aald claitu Mjs dit idmg the dObaJou !asi ('bnum of aaid :ontcith and Hacklewian and running thonoa north along aaid claim line to the Willamette liner ; thence wtat four f et ; thence South with aaid claim iiue to said Coudey a south lino; then4 east tr the place of beginning, the aamo lying and boing ia the aaatern addi tion to vhe dty of Aloanr. Ttia a ove de Hcrtoed tract being Nubalautialiy in one body sod form what la knowtt aa Carter A t'i'm mill lot, including the machinery described a follows. t--wit : Toe water wheel four bay, pouatock and ahafUag iu aaid factory, 1 wll also aelt the following deacribad machi iery : Uue panel planer, 000. Smith C moiiidcr, ouo gig aaw aad fmute, one morticiaa mac-hhu:, one shap er and counter aaall, one rip aaw with boring attachment, ouo rip Kan , one ten oning machine, ono aiicacr, one emery griuding machine, one aaud paerio iiU'-nino, ot cot olf saw otie intr described real proi.ierty, to-wtt : ii" niug at a point on the seat hue of lot No ooe, in block No JOl in ilacklemau' ad dition to tho c ty of Albauy, Oregon, 30 feet northerly fromlho aouiheast comer 01 aaiti 101 oni northerly to ttio lot; thence weste r!y aloug tbe north line of aaid lot and in tho same direction to the east aids of Mill M.reet : thence aou'.herlv j along tho east Hido of said street to a point wesi of wie piac oi ocianiug; tUanoe easterly to the plaoe of baiimiag. bald parcels of real istat6 and machinery to be so d In lots to suit purchasers the pro ceeds of sale to be applied hnsl to the costs and disbureu:euu 01 suit j.'d 15 and tbe costs and expense of sale. Second 10 the payment to tho defendant, C 8 Leonard aduuniHtrato. the sum of $1451 n. with accruing intere st thereon at tbe rale of ten per cent per annum from the ittth day of October, 1832. Third to the payment of tbe several claims of tbe plajuiiff, Moses Mernoerg in tue order 01 their j wit: the sum of 4S.&t with accruing iu terest thereon at lbs rate of ton par cent ' per annum from tha iMth day of October, 1882, and the further sum of S1M.35, with iatrobt t hereon at the rate of one por cent j jx r momn irom tue Join dav d uclober. tss2, and the I tiMiisrsiUU ofS4"i. w :nu"vi luoreou ad me ram or jeu per . . . jf '."iS X I er a llium fruut October SGlh, auc; tao lurthcr sum or stKs.8a with iuterest thereon at the rato of ten per cent per an num from the -oth day of Ootober, Insj, next that the mortgaged promises describ ed in said decree and order as follows, to wit: lotSiu block 1 iu Hackleman's addition to tho city of Albauy.Linu county, Oregon, as will more fully appear by ref fereuce to tho maps and ilata of said city, now on hie in the oilictftit the County Clerk, of Linn couuty, Oiogoti. And ail tools and implements used iu or about the said Planing Mill of the said ECarter & Co not hereinbefore described ; be sold and the proceeds of the sale thereof bo ap plied first to the payment to tho plaiutifl", M uses IStern lie r the said eutus t ii5-' jb and the sum of sisi aSsslreliiirore 4t forth with interest as aforesaid and second to the payments ot the subsequent ciaimr in the order of their priority; next that the following Uescri bed mortjratred preiuis-s, deccribed iu said decree and ordor of sslo ss icllotvs, tu-wit : lot No 3 in black No 11 in Hackleman's sobSSMl adtiitionto tho city tt Albany as ll o ssmu is kiuvn aud describad on the plats and surveys of said last named addition on li: la Oiarks offics in said Li. in county, he sold and the proceeds ari-sin from uit salt) Upason! be applied tirst to tiio jayuienw of tho snd sums herein last mentioned as duato the said plaintitr, to-wit : the sum ot $515 15 and tho further sum of 08 M as 1'eroinbeforo set forttt with iuiorest' as aforesaid aud ttic costs aud See ruing costs of this sale. KheVitrofi.lah csunty, Oregon. Notice to Fruit Growers. Tho unilersincd having obtained tho exclusive light to make and sell tate Pium mcr Hot Air Family Fruit Drier in the m ine tsois BE counties of Linn, Ias aad Beaton the present opportunity tainfrom p wno waut to siivcTiifir rruircTop, he is prepared 10 receive orders far the best fruit drier id the market, Pin miner Hot Air Family Drier, for particulars ad dress. John Dmaos. Albany, Oregon. HQC8 jJifiSI THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid for Eogs by Fred Mail er, the Grocer- Opposite Re vere House. th a. a AND GIRLS their eycs'on I ova, cenniallngof CLAUS AT Linn Co., Or. KoUeeferx rabyitiv-n that 1 rul meet tho tax-payers of I. inn Co.. Or., at 9 o'clock a, m.. at thtlr raspective places of voting, ia tiie several precincts at tbe fol lowing times aad places, for the purpose year 1SS2: 2. 1SS2. , Wednesday, lec. 27, li!2. Franklin Tr:iUe. Thursday, 28. Vt2. Mantiaru, rnday. ec. 2i, 1H82. l-banon. Katurday, Dec. 30, 1M2, Waierioa, Tuasdsy, Jan. 2, Iti. 'LlHAty. WMwefsr, Jan. 3, "-'. xwaat Home, Thursdar, Jan, 4. 18J, Itrush Creek, Friday, Jan. 5, 1SS3, Mabel. Saturday, Jn. 6, lwv'J. Crawferdftyille," Mandav. Jan. S, ISS3. Lr woavti'.e, T:f - JavJan. J. lao.t. C'-nisr, Weduas lay. Jan. 10. l.Mn Syracuse, Thursday, Jan, 11. Isff. orleaos, Friday, Jan. 12, 1SH3. llarrisbarg, Monday, Jan. 15, 1883. Halioy, Tue day, Jan. 10, 1. S0ld, Wednesday, Jam 17, 1SS3. iiaat AJ taoy, Tburaday. is, 1.; vj Wesf Albany, ri!y, Jsti. T. lBl. i'reuip: paymam w"l be required. Pay yon r taxr-s and save r sVi." !:' . Doc. 5, into. Geo. HfliHKKV, Sheriff sad Tax Collector of Linn Co , Or. 1883. Harpers Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. dr-iigm.r. sagsW its M-.t4tJ sl mr,:t. toe IsenuMr N amber. It ia uoi only the i 1 -MJtar 1 .utr'.-d periodi J ia awries aad hi t. but Uo Um Urrct ia ia soaasaa. t te liasatlltii in it - !; -rxtux, and ta bast i'ui t t bma A new novel. eC Jau "For the Major," by C...jr4aCB Fssisoas Wuut,ws. tha aothor ef Aaoa," aa bogaa in Mat S ambar Vv-aear. la literary aad a r mt re rxeellaaoe tha Majrariae lmttros w li tci. tio eaalT Vututr. special tffaru ae Kcti tttid t-ir tt lighter eaaawlisaairt ttd reader taroujh bu-murvtta ktorica, abet' he, Ac HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Fear r Ilxver'. Magr rise Ht-T- Wevfcljr . . . - Baar The three sbcr -bulicatKn Any two sQaas aaJi " j i Itarjie' a i'ua.i rVMfile . M . 4 00 . 00 to w . 7 00 . 1 SO si 00 to 00 I tla -pel- FraakT'n Snanre Library, Ouv joar ( j; Vaaaii)... Piteta'jf frtt to nil ulmr3r :tk VuUfd States or Canada. ySta-aalW LaaWafBSa asfnln; baa n,:ui- bc.a tar June a. id December of cacB ysar. Wtiea .tine H wcinpl, it aril' be underatuaS thai tha (ub c :Scr viahe t to beyin with the current Number. Tue last . ul.t iuma ot "Uarr Main,"la neat clh bi taig, a .11 be aent by mail, naevud, on r ipd ov pr v .lavjs. tot casta, lor bied injr. 50 Mawrcli-l laO, (Kajld. We-: to "iU er'aMaeaxitie.- Alrd at st eal. Ana l.v tab and 'l - .tor Hmea 1 ia SO, iiidnsire, fruntJuuc, ISoO, to June, It), o w vaL, Sfo, cloth, S4 09. Kemit.ancca ahoaJd be made bv PtwUOSIee Money 0-.cror U a.t, to avoia c tasce ol loac Nwpa.MTr nrr not to copy tkl oivertiAt mcut tc'.thont tlir r.rjrra oraer Harper ct Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Now Vork. GUARDIAN ASSUHASCE CO., OP iLf!in:r, a. d. ii. Capital subscribed, . .fi0,000,0u0 Capital iaid up 5,00d,00S Notk., This company has the largest paid up capital af anv ompmy doing business ia tho United States. Insurants scecpted by ROBT. A. l'OSTFR, Ast of Albany. FREE for TRIAL An nafi .rrott ot enlt ot An uafailisjt and work, ate., ovr furur taouaand posi tive cure.) TScnd Uo lor poetaan on trial box of 100 pUia. iiliiaaa. Ur.M. KAOON, cor.ClarTst, aad Calboun Vlaoa, Oaicaao, lixa TbiN graal irrnSi!i- lux runitii and iicrvo lie ia thi lr -tuirmUr tv- ult of ojer trtity yaara I'ra.'tKiti fivrii-r:. hu in: with unlailinir rcitaiiity Nitou aiid .lis ii dcuilitv, arlui nai aWskaaSiSj ts-'miaUir-r'toca. proa tatorrhea, cci.n c in o aticy , Nl.iiii.voa vitaltty, pre talaiv Ccciioeaitd i. af U eiii)dtcations and f-mu altaiever It enrlchea and Hriaw tho blood0 nerve, braiu. miacle, diirwiion, re- uiaalua.LL j umuiiai il va m ajul iuatAl faculaae- dreams, seminal Uaae with the urine, etc.. so de atructie to mind and body, It is a aare eliminator ot all kidney and bladder e-jinp'ajnu. U eoiitain no iniuriou ingvdicnts. To thoe suffering from the evil vtXtiU of youthful indiacreuon, a apeadT, tuor ourh and permanent eure ia GCARANTE8D, "Price fci.60 per bottle, or tivo bottl in case, with full oi roc'ions and advk-e, M. Sent Stwure from obaerva tioii to any addess uion receipt of price, or C. O. D., to be had etuyeS R. a tX SALFIELD, ft'raBelco, t'.ii. Consulutiona at.'cUy tonfldentjal by letter or at o.tlo rTUlF. For the caaveniencr of patient and ia order to insure nc :fact eecrc cy I have addopte-1 a pri vate address unJor which all packag- ; are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to abo- iu merita,. will be sent to any ouo applyias; by k: r, atatiMt; his siinproms and ae. Ceu -uunicatioi. otrictly coufklenual, SHIT.OH'.S CURE WILL immediately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and BroDchilis. Forlamn FLu lt. Siiln er Phnai us Shilnh ' Porous Piaster. P.i.o 23 cents. oi ail Annas. r: SANTA Bt-wtr-. Srf!fi (Slftri W CTfCl STifr QZUIti-ViJi a,l IIMSru ..?;. ... . t lHmmvi.Wripr UUMn, IU cause produce tifoaa