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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY CHAMIKRLaTn 4 8TIT88. ALLEN & OF ALBANY - ArMw rtcMc taatr WiW. rear. nm mm jSvB "'JC rsr j JJ FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Gmittiif ff see f tie lircwt General Merchandise Ever ef ered ftr sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT liciiles UE latoftityiM o4 loreltjo. On stock it til fresh ait tW.utmtk 6f it wu pirehased ii Now York, Mathers is lot mo piece of oU it)le feeds ii ear store THE CLOTHING Contains oio of tke largest and insst Moortiieats of elsthiig aid fosts' firmiskiif feeds ever hreifkt to tkis f alley, ail will be teld at prices that defy ossjf emtio, oMfc or koto or elsewhere. We also kocf a fill liao of la4ios,t ekUtrea's sad f eatleaea's BOOTS AND SHOES, V U of tke koot oaanty aid direet torn the aiafaeteres. We also is vile atteatisa to HATS AND CAPS, r e i also to ko foaat at ovr store a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC Oir atte ONE PRICE mti) atu net v 4i tff ALLEN VOL. XVIII. MARTIN OREGON, IaaeiM Stwk rf aid soft eeaplete tUek of ii Alhaiy. The DEPARTMENT oar ipltidid seleetien of large aad well-sel f tt d itetk o it FOR ALL. uei. & MARTIN, 7 First Street, Albany, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FU. O. B. CHAMBERLAIN. FLINN 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOR1KVS AT I AW, Albany, OrfRon. aSTOffloe la four's Briok Block.-; TlSnlStf. R.8. 8TKAHAN, Albany, Oregon. "ORACTICK IN ALL THB COURTS OF I this Hute. They give special atten tion to oollecUona and probate matter. Office In Poater'a new briok. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brim' store. la street, vUn23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (BOTABT PUBLIC,) tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAXY. OBKCOX. 1171 LL PBACTICB IN ALL THB COURTS OP THB sViUNlliiMI fljivvfl l4 OoHojCeiiMil ami to 044 PatbVi Taenia. 14:1 J. o. imwblu w. a. rilybu POWELL & BILYKUt ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Aid Solicitors in Ckaaeerr , LLI4NV. - - - ORKUON. Collections promptly made on all point. ia negouaiea on reaaonaoie terms. SSrOffiee in Koeter Brick .Sn vMnlftf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEiAxoN oaiaai. Will prsetloe la all the courts of tha BUI. siren to eojleettooa. eon ilaauoa of Titles. Probate CJBOBOE W ATTORNEY AT LAW 41T - Notary Public, CbbbbSBBBBI promptly made on all points. E. R. RKIFWORTHlT ATTOftSIBT AMD CO I XBBLO AT SAW ABB WILL practice ia aUooorta of tbe State All bus! news intrusted to me promt- ly attended to. OMct as 0'ToU; Block, BrtuUJbim Sin, 46jrl Albamp, Orsfonr LEWIS STIMSON'8 First dace vehicles, fine horses. toed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable onargee, dive them a call. HUblea near Revere House. 6yl. L W. LANGDON & CO,, DRIUGI4TH. Boone, HtaUonery and Toilet Artlciea, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUG STORE, t1 ttBtlf. SRC(.SV F08HAY & MASON, as ass aevAav- Dreggistsand Booksellers, ALBAS V, OKKUOff. vl6o41t L06IS CAJfTEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Caiapeau baa purchased th brb shop formerly owned by J H Hurl-, a will continue tbe busineas at the old pla and guarantee satisfaction to customers. Chas PfeilTer, Prop'r Hotel tstotod sets Bret style. Tsetol with Um beet tU BPrtsf tor Cosv to ererr Aloany Bath House. T1K UNDBRSIGN1D WOULD R1SPECT telly lBfem tbs eittsest ef Albaay end vi eiflKjtaat I aevetaken eaarg e ef tbia SstaBllsfe aveat.aad, by keepiag eteaa reosn sad psyia striet stteatlos to basiaeM, exaeets to alt al Osseewae ntay fever us with their yatreaags Havtag heretofore carried ea seta tag sat Firat-CIaaa Hair dressing Saloons, axpecti to give satire satiafaetiea to a! JBF-CKldtea as 4 Ladles' Balr aaeUy ea sbemaeeed. JOS WEBBER. 1HE MOST POPULAR WHISKY iai tuc as a trcT rrw -err ma FAVORITE. r FOR MEDICINAL i FAMILY USE AS WELL AS FOR A KsUfiXfuWlT MbUJaVB HO WHtax EQUAL TO THE OLD JUDGED FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS I LIQUOR DEALERS. '4MltnUfSJCTMS L.T- KANE,OLEARYCfl WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, SB Sit BUSn Hi SAR rSAnvlSCW. liU. Wholesale and Retail Aent ALBANY, OR. KElfcitiifll! WSfflSBR 'to I t Eights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1888. ftADB gaMABg; WNxm RHEUMATISM, Nturaigia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Somas of too Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Small ings and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Paino, Tooth, Eon and Headache, Frosted foot and Euro, mod all other Pains and A chas. Bo PrvmraOoa es earth muS Br. Jrea On of, sMrw, sbbsbSj ssd ebeap Beae. A trtal esaoW set tbe eaassnMIi; Utti nrntlmf at SjSj CestSt d ITf (MM Srli with aeJa ess bee SBSBJ ee4 getUe seeef of tu SOLO IT ALL DSDOOI8T8 AID DCALC&8 II MEDIOIIB. A. VOGEXKR to CO.. ,Md..V.OA. A NOTXD nt T UTfTITUtU WOMAN, praeas tbe Sanaa Oaeba. , .. c4 ttktnem t,t Bra. I U. B Hk- Kasa ens saaseeS aaasa I m j v . . rorrK(oWiU lov lo nUl W. She .a renalteaarweaX anbbiinai annanS . cjms n ouie u. ke tear . - -- . ir Ufuti br, h botlnj It. i b-.ruc a c( reSHnt or Jo et tUM froB IL BaS VrtL. - t-l ui mniiiM fur rouri a4 eaS eU yusiims t b iseeeseB tevMUestad M es4 set ananal 4 tw maia or tau. Ua aagiete of lu pro mi ewHi B a 11 niniaeal esd srearnui lr Uaht efcy Oa mti i - It work. Uac paS. H Hi . .ifl7 UMratlacM of ef tba Urras laBBsBBaBBj lrrrtaf ead BaSSlieifUt. 1I OrarU ThU, nfUjm(l.a a4 mU Ur. ii i.t. MkJtAaaae. (uaJ aine Li eBttanSB BtBJSaS lo ttwCheaceof Ufe." u aaaaanej 7 trtton of ia seBfeea4lrr. M 4a ri ait rnnlne fur Ufru.Utit.. and i of theatra rk. It lU!l-r. aWaaa That fUaar ef C paio, Afta ee4 ta. harha, le aJar eared laBeasa It will at au Baaaa aaf ail ctrroaMUajra. art la karaaar with Ibm tow tat geeaen tha Ben4 aaBeav It cou oaj SL yit Uettto ta a for BA. and to eotd hf drucanttA Abjt advkee raqalrad a. to ( .-lal raaia. aad ta saana of tammy bu bar baaw reatorad to aavfeaA by the an of taa 1 paanl usinaesd. was he Vj illnaatoa Bra. !'., I1U rtaaap (or restr. cSesrseeMbtLres, Bra. fin ahem'. Liver Intl.," mjt one wrtorr, "are 0w haaf fa the world for the esre ef Co taaii at. Bejesasaae aad Torptdity of the trrer. Bar Stood twinei i 1 1 fc woodara In U apcUJ Una aad Uda taSr AB saaat reaper her as sa Aeejel ef Berey wheeaaole eaabniiaatotodogeeAteethem e lanaBnjBBh re. 00 Bra.A.n.a TUTT'S SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Leas of Appetite. Bowels costive. Pain In tha HeadT with a dull sensation In tbe bfek part. Pain under tbe Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a dtsin- cunauon to exertion or Door or mind. Irritability of tetnner s feeling of having neglected some doty, , JjOW spirits, with vy n n ewe, uisuocme, siuttsi Flattering at the evee. Yallow Hktn. Heart, Dote before the Headache generally over the right eye, Reetleseneee. with litful dri-ama. hia-hlv colored Urine, and 99N8TIPATION. TTJTPS PILLffnrr fipf Ully adapted (n each easea, one doao eBVeta urh a ehsnce f feellaa as to atstoniak the attWerer. They Iwiwreet Use Apprlitr, uml ret Dm body to Take es rieeh, thu tUe ayatatn la atawraatoraL and by th-ii Towle Artlees on th btaswilra Orwatna. ttafrular "Moo la are pro deeed. Price flWu. Hurra; nc. M. V. TUn'S HAIR DYE. 0 say Haib os WRrsKsss chsos ed ta s Oioesv Black by s atns le application of ttila Uva. It tm parta a natural color, ecu I naiantaueously. Bold by Oraggtots. or sent by rxprnw on receipt of si. OmCt, BS NI RSiY bjt.. BATvr TOKBL Br. TtVrS BASCAL mt TalaaMa lahnaatUa aad' Final Settlement. Notice a hereby givea that tke under signed Administrators of the estate efC. D. Burkhart, deoeased, have filed their floal aoeount as such Administrators In the County Court ef Linn oeuntv. Or., and by ord of said Court, Oaturtlay the 9th day of December, 1882, at the hour of ten o'clock a m., has been fixed for the hearing -of objections thereto and tbe settlement thereof. Any person interest td in said f state la hereby notified to ap pear and file bis or her objections to said aoeount and tbe settlement thereof on or before said day. J. D. Burkhart, C. M. Burkhart, Administrators. DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. HAB RETURNED to thia city aad resumed prac tice. Office in new teleg-aph offloe, OToole'a Buildings, hroftdalbin street, between First and dec ond street. Albany, Or., llor. 8, 1882, Stock-holders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that tl e will be a meeting of tbe Stock holders oi h Llnu Co., Agricultural Association at the office of J. H. Fos er dt Co., in tbe c ty of Al bany, county ef Linn, State it Oregan, on Thnradty, the fourth day of January, 188S, at ens o'clock, p. m., ef ar id daysfor the purpoie of electing seven director for the ensuing year, for the transaction of any ether business- that may tome before said meeting. . Nimrop Paynk, K. A. Foster, j r jtident. Secretary. Sweat mMtwrptmiKWaXS wM $shnumUk omeMi wtia la atiow. PILLS BKri BLH AV RirnAVAtiAM . We said in our issue last week that one of tbe oauiea wkick led to the over throw of the republican party in tbe late elections wad tbs extravsgant ex L ! as a a. m ai pannuure or nublio fundi. The state ment was a general one, a mere allege tion without any proof to estsblisa it. We new propose to submit figures which will establish lbs allegation tbsn mads. Tbe genets! appropriation bills for tbe years 1874 to 1H82 inclu sive, were as follows : 174 Ik7&.....,. IbTS I" li....M SKS.BW,) I7,00,H9 IA,0i;,7aS I0, 404,617 ,i7,7' -e , . 104,1 nt,n i .171,111,010 i;.,atSASi4 IM. , BjSBeBJ It will be lememUrsn by these who have watched the course ef public affairs that the democrats had a majority in tbs lower bouse of congress for lbs years 1875, 1S76, 1877, 1878, 1879 and 1880. Tbs dsmscrstB went iato power under a soluma and public pledge that if given tbe power, they would redoes the expenditures ef tbs general govern ment. It will be seen by tbe above ta ble that tn 187o tbe amount ef tbe ap propriation bill, passed by a detnocrstie congress, was $17,272,942 less than the amount appropriated by a tepubltcaa caagreos in 1874. In 1876 tbe amount Bsvsd was $24,575,760. Tbs amount saved in 1877, was $48,168,690. Tbs amount savsd in 1878 was 828.221.. 217. The amouut saved to 1879 was $273,881. But it will be seen that for the year 1888, tbe last congress kaa sp- propria ted tbe enormous sum of $294,- 293,097, or tbe sum of $122,272,2 7 8 mere tbsa tbs highest amount appropri ated by tbe democrats for aay one o' tbeaix years above mentioned. And this extraordinary increaseia made de spite tbe fact that the interest on tbe national debt is $30,900,000 more than it was in 1873. Is it a nmttor of sur prise that the people have oadfed a halt. The honest element ef the republican party is overawed and kept in subjec tion by the stalwert guard, who call ing seems to las to divide up the offices, and band them over to tke camp follow er, and plaoe Hunter, who will ountriU uto the greatest amount of bis ealeiy to perpetuate tha power of the party of great moral ideas. Aad yet some re publicans look u;on their late diaaster as a matter clothed in mjf star j. Wheu we look at tbs 6gurs stove, we are Ird to aaaert that it does not rt'juire pro phetic vbvott to foresee that there s ill be large reductions in ibe appr ptiatioas of ibe (jeople's money by the next con gress. True we see now tkst many re publicans do not comprehend tke force, nature, and extent ef the rebuke which they have reoeived at tbe bends of the people, but this class is oomesed main ly of the leaders and their subalterns. while on the other hand, tbe non-oftiee holding meubers oi the party not only camprekended it, but are ripe to force a recognition ef the necessity ef retrench ment and reform, at any coat, even if tbey have to drive tbe 4'graad old par ty" into oblivion. We feel safe ia say ing that with such men aa Morrison, bringsr, Holmaa, Randal I, Oalisle, Hewitt, Rest crane, Hurd and ether able democratic tnembets to lead our forces in congress, we need have no fears that the interests of the eople will not be faithfully and jealously guarde'. With such a man as Carlisle or Springer in the speaker's chsir, Randall as chair man ef the committee on appropriations, and Marrien aa chairman of the ways aad means committee, tbey "mar rest easy. ran tb lambs. Ladies suffering from sick head ache, neuralgia, colds, fevers, indi gestion and habitual constipation will 8nd Syrup of Fit's as effective In affording relief as It is pleasant to tbe taste. It acts throughly, yet gently, a very small quantify sufficing to remove sll Impurities from tbe system aad make one feel happier and brighter. Largo bottles for Bale and trial bottles free at Foshay anal Mason's Drug Store, Albany, Rector and Son, Halsey. IIMIOBM Al. The battle fof Vicoria waa fought in 1813. Coaches were introduced into Eog gland in 15C4. Chili waa first settled in 1450 by a colony of Peruvians. The emancipation of the West In dian negroes look place in 1834. Tbe plesieaaurus was discovered in 1821 by Willism Daniel Conybeare. BlMMkL 4. EM', Rosy cheeks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Gluger Tonic better than any tning, makes pure, rich blood and briugs health.joyeus spirits, strength and beauty. Ladies try it. Bazaar. The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain tbe dopularlty ef this reliable restorative. fmofrat BBW talk asm lasts. I W'"S srassBveniag Tetleetts a-u .a t f . . . ""M fcr7 g'"g . I ttositdoes not go. lorn handsome M..J.2;.... i i. i . ,i i """'"I wrwwaww usw wwew ruaireiy made or it and iu combination it sp pears beside groe grsia, repe aud bro cades, all of which are employed for the bridal costume, epeately or altogeth er, for it is a peculiar freak of f sab ion that while ia ordinary material ooav binations are scarcely seen, in rich goods they are in espeeial favor, three and feur kinda teiag often united, Reps so large as to be called ribs are time velours looks up sgaia, gree grain silk takes precedence of satin, because ef it's rep, while the ribbons of lbs day are seamed and furrowed in fashion meet smrroved. Nothiae I have Bald however bat what holds good of even - ing as well as bridal toilettes. OBA.NCiB BLOSSOMS are about the sole distinctive feature if I wa except the long tulle veil which every bride arraages ts stilt bsrsslf. But even orange bloaaeass show spar ingly among richer clusters ef (Uses clematis, spirea et wh.te roaes, while orange huas are too stiff and waxy (e m m . find approval. The prettieat of all are rases of iace.nae machine made lea and therefore not very expensive, the at-1 tondant loaves being ef white velvet traced with veins of gold or silver, On very rich costumes searate figures of velvet (chiefly floral) are put on) with admirable reault, yet these are not mere eleganl than too superb hro - cadea which are veritoWIe aooma Pure white for the bride of course, hut where color comes in embodvins ail that ia beautiful in hue. Delicate on the one bend and gorgeous on the other ate eveaing colors while tor daytime noUble are the rSCt'UAB .KSTHCTIC lendiage. Leading here we see olive breose, terra cotla. Venetian breeze. -rushed strswherrv snd wine. Baa. n aT T10 nbbons, each ,n ksmpiag. Even your little spool of Clark. Mile Knd eotton dyed ia harmony. To modistes innumerable this brand ie a necessity, owiog to ile superior strength, elasticity and smoothness, but doubtless tbe great demand is also partly due to esre that it .I..11 t... : :. l taa i ...... m.i.mmhic wini wreveumaT cwisrv. I"WUH" Ju inmiimr wua it ; 0B4as ate art aa. a as 1 we ., Sam. tU.. I tv" v.wj 1 saasaae w waaarBBia asm awaas - w Red as a roee ts she, bother com- alexmn o delicste that the hitk color is a superadded charm. Urge, utiful blue eyee, soft hrowa hair, cancKt ;u . i., Li.. i -.A .k: pmsBOtly shaped, exuuisitelv noised SO " ww "w mu mw aa.aa suvwiUB SB head I an elenaat ureaenos. aad a f sa. ciaating saanner by which aba capti vates tke newspapi-r reporters. These heroes prostrate ; p rostra le too the pepera. Poena to tbe Jersey Lily are aung daily, and up go the prices for a aeat from whence to gase a right-minded person aeee a far from perfectl) formed noae and a mouth too large for absolute perfection. All this eea preliminary to saying that in walking abroad she did not disdain a plain hole cloth suit. Neither then should we. Them plain wool suits are iadeed quite a papular rage ; of green, brawn, garnet, etc., we see them everywhere. Many are of simple toiler finish, but ethers are finished by THB aWOttlsfoS OF I BS DAT. Given a strip of goods from I to 6 in ches wide, piak the edges, box plait in tha centre. Beheld your niching ; wide fot skirts, nerrow on neck and waist ; no rule but that of good taste, H din go tea snd redingotee ef plsia wool are thus ornamented. Too many, in truth, for everybody can get oae ; what anybody and everybody haa, no body ere long will have. Result. The redingotes beruehed must go. Perhaps a aharp Yaakee might sail them to the Chinees. Many a drees is sow trim med with a niching around the bot tom, neck, and up the front and sleeves. Tbe chaneea are here for longer duration because not so conspicuous and crowd ed together as on the street. Mere over too, in smaller places where per petual repetition, does not tire the eye as here, a ruching would be a good choice, especially for slender figures. In themselves they are both novel and pretty but a stout person had heat re main content with the tailor finish or an edging of flat aide plaits. A wool redingeto ao trimmed haa just gone by, the forerunner doubtless of many aa ether. Lucy Cabtbb. a UKLu tars ArrarriBBB, That ensures digestion and enjoy ment of feed ; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervous ; a harmless diarrhea cure that don't constipate just what every family needs Parker's Ginger Tonic NO 19 (bees problems aad ether items solicited from all our chess read srs. We nronoae tat taSMSwA. I . . ' ' : r-w I isbb each week for solution by our I readers, after which, if sufficient I . a oeursg ement is given, WO will sales a regular oheas touraamoat. PBSSLKM 1. White Black K at K K t 6 K al K 5 Q at Q B 3 BatKBft BatQ7 to at g 8 RatQlt8 R at K 7 It at g Kt 2 P at K Kt 4 P at K Kt u PatKS P at g B8 P . t K 4 PstgKt4 PatQ7 P at g Kt G ibe solution will be published in two weeks. Also the aamee of those who send solutions ia ties tar aur 1 -,y Id. Each ijorsoo mar use an assumed name for wublioauioas w w but the real name must accompany the,rit wit wbWl lft moto moom to solution. ranTiAsn.BasnnaSTBism We ae io leoeipt of the Eighth Aa - anal Itoport ef the Board of Trade I Pcrtland, Oregon, from which we meke aB as set . I u lollewmg sx tracts tor the puriaavel I of calling the attention oi ear readers I to the aubjeete there is treated of : Our rich leads and never failing srapa, combine to make iregoa an ea- ssntially agricultural commuaily ; aev rtheleas, maaufaeturos have not horn neglected. The elder eetaalishmeala of 1 the State have iaaTsaesd their prod act I " l drul tr hetweea Broad, I in nearly every iaatanoe frees sen toWB B1 ttrry particularly I thirty per cant Floor millia is wasm" v. I ing greater attention. Old mills are10" aUM tiw iaJBJ fal artuhas hetag extended, new eaee built, itnd rnucs foreign oapital is betag invmied in this direction. With our abundsat water-pawar and fine wheat, there would seem to be no practical limit to the extesBnOa oi our milling faanUties. Tke sxperieaee of ether markete bav-1 ing deBBonatrated tke ing mnnofactured product, rafiner limn raw matorisl. tha Suaaatitiitina, mi iaai ( wheat, i. outgaiag enrgwrn, will re, daund to tb. . Jfit I saTTsZ. mi our Bute. It ie to he hoped that tke lakers efPwry niegrapay, of coo i as jam tbe Uaitad Statea Tariff CVmmtsaioc. I tftiak U mm W UreJ aecordiag to now in session, may bo productive rfibrda"ir hntlat ma suggewt ib.t In a oeuntrv ao vsst ss l ijIliLtd itk - I. nleresU of iu various sections, there is no subiact which no subject which demaads mora uro - I lOUItU aisle asanas It) llln thm mnaar sa a ... s a sdjustment uf Custom dutiee. Thel1 si tke piacee spoken of ; bat aa I BO afS m. a a.. . aa present tariff operates with peculiar I bardahiu uiKa OresTon and WaahtoArtosk The high duty upaa steel rails aide fmaUy to tke cost of railroad construe - I tan- whilatLb.t ,xm I... I g v --wa ajaajaj wsi l wllflelat hes largely the profits of our t arm era. The duties anon those artaalaa. which are neneeeary to the continued tty of aa agricultural oommuaity like oars, sleuld he removed, whilst the de ficieecy in the revenue thereby arnuag, ahould bo made up by increasing those upon articles ef luxury. saute, wa atBsr At sis r The following is one of the meet brilliant pasaafos ever written by the lamented George D. Prentice i The flat of death le inexorable. No appeal of relief from the frost law which dooms us to death. We flour ish snd fade as the leaves ef the far. mt, and the flowers that Moom, with, er snd fade In a day, have no frailer hold upon life tbsn the mightiest monarch that ever shook the earth with his footsteps. Generations ef men will appear and disappear as the grass, and the multitudes that throng the world to-day will disappear as footsteps on the shore. Men seldom think of the great event of death un til the shadow falls across their ewa pathway, hiding from their eyes tbe faces of loved ones, whose living smiles were the sunlight of their ex istence. Death Is the antagonist of life, and the thought of the tomb Is the skeleton of all leasts. Wo do not went to go through the dark valley, although Its dark passage may lead to Paradise. Wo do not want to go down into the damp grave even with princes for bed-fellows. In the beautiful dream ef "Ion" the hops ef immortality, so eloquently uttered by tbe deatb-devetod Greek, finds deep response le every thoughtful soul. When about to yield his lire a sacrifice to fate, his Gleaasathe ssHced if they should meet again, to which bo responded : "1 havo asked (bat dreadful question t0 the hilts that look sternal, of the deer streams that flow forever, of the stars amsog whose fields of azure my raised spir its have walked In glory." SHI LOU'S COUGH and CensumsUoa Cure Is sold by us oa a guantlee. It cares ceasumation. CATARRH CURED, health aad street breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Be dy. Price 50 cents Sfcsal Injector Area. Aran. 1 a. Tyr 300 6 00 600 7 60 900 12 0 If 09 600 700 1000 1250 15 00 ISO 2600 800 12 00 ItOS 18 mi 1500 220C 1800 27 00 2600 36 Oo 1000 42 00 4000 60 00 60001 10000 2000 4000 nmmm u cento per nM. n rvi. Regular local VStS Bare tor the first Miami aad 50 OMU per Miur for each idhnuiMi.t for each eilhesnwant Plain Talk, ST A rLUB OAF. THE SOU OATS. I nay have already laea ia by Thaaksgiring, la which with a hearty good will, Sll joined f Ibtags we bad to be tbaakful for too. And new next ia order oamce Christ livdieat and most gladaoaae of ail, to bo remembered far ssaay thing. hut the one which agitates my asiad is the gift asaktog which occurs on that day. Haw the yaaag aad old aad everybody loves to be resaaas bored ou I ceo net sasiare ear ste joyful scenes in my childhood, ome oonnectod wita toe retir ing of preeeau on this plsaaaal holiday. I was never Wesaed wit. pexeaU m m sxpead meek an aae, hat the I see on tnm day was worth osstly gold watches and r . 1 1 resaemDor receiviiag skwat ton, a cart made by taw ingeniea 1 hand of my father which tiled me with eflos much bappiaaee as if it ef Goo. H. Will I a a w And as 1 have come to I i the animus than the ia I tnnsae value of the article rweeaated. If I1 Aerd aamelhiag fine than mh tae hotter. Oar city affords plendid chances far snaking ex lent aleeteons wiUt which to feast I ur f"nds, aid aad young I he feuad some really eiagant. aad at wklc" 10 remember a friesad. Of ce governad much by tha ef tbe one roomring in makiag the fatal leap. raaatimm I have thought taat I would rather be a peli lician on the anxious seat than a pet son looking after areaente, ao hard is it to make tha aelectien, aad at ill pro- toot eaee packet book. And even if ana rrmfinss oneself to he eke, to ssaay cases tke very beat gifts te be ob tained, the teak is jaet aa hard. Wilj they prefer fiction, ar hietory. or a a a my J ". I not already, by selecting something I wit ,.. to it. l But tha little ehildi i . . . . . loss nave their gilts, aad tbev can ae wa r aav m UUW w tAag with ate 1 oar SnM Holler, Slay 1 Uraawaal, and tbe ingenuity aw 1 PIJ1 ln ooimiruetiag peasanta is pe. I wcwy woaooriui. i notAOwd a I tain ut I"111 r- oa a circle by nF 1 wiaked aomw body would hoy far ana, and aa many peculiar eeatrivaooes that loan- to dsAwwiha aksaa. But all these things make ma giad ai the fact that Chrism as ia namins: with mi its brightneas aad festivity. Oa that day one can feel entirely fiee from care, and aevnappy as a pig ia a corn bin, at a eat ia a bead of mice. Hew excract atiagiy aioe is ia for tha esntissenui young asaa ta eea hie girl first gaae with a look of pride on tha present ha took ee much trouble to bay far her, aad aa well vice verm ; ss it was a year ago when be writer grasped tbe ing, fat-faced, rubber hey I two or throe admirers t) had kind enough t get ( aim, and place em tha Christmas tree. Oaa of the bast featuies of eke holi daya is that they All oar Sunday aohoola. Haw the little, sparkling faces do be gin to troop towards tbe church as Chriataiaa draws near. And for aay part I am giad to see them even af they quit this religions freak tbe vary neat Sunday, far it is a goad thiag to give thorn fi rat-class aaaoeiationa if for an y a month or sa. I like Christmas trees whan rightly eendxwtad, but I tkiak wa had hatter hove none at all than to run them the way bo ass of our churches do. For in- I have seen the members of receive thirty or forty which shewed an ootiaadiah while their poor neigh U-t g almost net king. I eaa't aee bow it., tolligant people oaa leake this a place to display their gold watches and tick goods ; hut aay Bomber do it, and some even put things oa tbe tree which they have purohaaed to use iu tin household, for the sake ef show. Thia is wesws than EUieepeaaism, and would shock a Hotootot. It wilt eventual l break up Christmas trees entirely if net snapped, ae that they may be de voted So their proper use. I hope our people all over the city will show good sense this year and permit only eomt -thing that approaches equality oa their Christmas tree. Wall, Christ Baas is aleaoat here, aad he sura to .give something, all .that yaa cast afford, for it is a mesas of consider- able happiness, and will hens fit both ifAttvsr and ffivsr. ACT 1 1 wh 1 loch 1 00 2 " 2 00 1 " 3 00 4 " 4 00 i Col too I " 7 80 I iuoo 1 " 116 00 ""JC5& bueTt