" ft lit gttfrfflt. 1 '" 1 . nMraN.it- VAtrPUDft) OJ 1 QUO I riyAi......fl"' THE BKPI BLICA W DISAHTKB. vr it.. i ik. maV nf kulo kit . . . I drifted eway, and ttie pOUUCai SXIOI ro oM, mm .cl.W. .d tb. . .t led, ana tne two great ire cone into oner- oLnCflotVjo,- banners uoniing; joy e, with trophies un- political armies here ten, the one with ousiymme orowr, wnu iruF,.- i numbered attesting the overwhelming .nocas. of the cause who riguteousness was never doubted by thee, whofeught so valiantly to upbuild it, a cause that required not a Demosthenic eloquence . ... . r ta imnroBH its ustness upon toe mines or ih. neonle. while the other army with banners trailing in the dust, tinged and besmiiched with the disgrace brought "TiTnu i itJm ' omes in this eUto. Wm.ro ,ngwiuud beer, sssen them by oorrupt and uafaithiul Informexi that M C. (Hsorgo buforo his An agreod case was submitted to test Sa7or.,itwouldbewellto inquire in- Hou. J. M. Siglio, Sute Senator from departure th. east, Mh-I- to tho causes which led to this defeat. c, and Curry counties, has been ''in- tentlon UMKmniond severu. hargoj. ktrtiiw h decided that the proper Many reasons have been advanced by wed" again by tho Coo$ Bay Tom McPatton has been nutlfled that -Up baU nol u uken in gubmitting the vanquished, but none of them seems 4trJ Re.Wrter. Being asked what ef- his real geatlen will be soceptod, but tjl0 amm.dment to a rote end there sufficient to satisfy the inquisitive mind fecV the senatorul squabble would have like the goed.fuithtoMoyai Republican fore it was null ami void tt is likely of the student of Uical'economy who two be re- that he Is, be any. lie will net g 9 w.ll pas. u,K,n the stop, not abort of tracing subjecu from that it ,eft a bitte rnea. in the re- end that he will H untir ho Is Mr - cause to effect, and from effect back to pttblica patty which will give it much removed. M aweiira uy ueorgf, mt efctimk for the last eight months cause, thus Hakimr the two together ! ui it,. fUr. H aava that "the tfcat It will take at least six months to rtturnod. He reports every thinu aad proving their reiationahlp. Thoe republican papers and speak- ..iii L . . era that led the revolt raiast the re- publican party and iu nominees in Ne Fork and Pennsylvsnia, say, that boss- ism was the ground of their opposition, nil kiU it -a. .,,MM.nti th- mUM. yet when we reflect that the party in New Ycrk and Pennsylvania has been led, governed, managed, and controlled by these same boaaes for years, aad oft- en with much mere riwouaand doubt- ful methods than were resorted to this year. w. are compelled te look eke- where for the real causes ef this unpar. ailed revolution in politics. i Certainly it was not altogether ma- china pohtica that produced such an ex- tesumd rtvnlt in Mnk.t l to result in the election of Ben. Butler as governor, for there Arthur's machine ad- herent, Worthing ton, led the revolt against the regular republican nominee for governor, who was a half-breed, nonr inated by a convention controlled and managed by half breads. Thai rnn kh'ne nf T. M.kr..t. Michigan, Colorado, Indiana and Cal 'jornia nave not been cursed with aucn bosses as Conk ling and Cameron, aad yet the revolt i these states baa as disastrous, or nearly so, as it was New York and Pennsylvania. Besides the control of the party in the last nam ed state is, and has swan, in the hands of auu-machine men, so called. 4 wrstoidit was Uossistn in one place, and the temperance question in aot nor, snd the nomination of belters in another, aad so on ctd iufiniUun. All these local cause in fact, were merely contributing but secondary in their na ture. But mauy of these causes have ecr need in the party ia one state or an- other far years, but the v never led te such disastrous consequences to the y ar ty before. t . -a a a a aa a - bjc me trutn mere nas been a long train of mischievous legislation in congress designed to build np and strengthen moneyed corporations by se curing to them powerful monopolies and often exclusive privileges, whereby the people at larga Lave been sorely op pressed. That had the effect to array all a-ui monopolist ef tho country against the republicans. Then again eoagresH under republican rule has squandered million of acres of the pub lic domain in building railroads which, in the hands of these beneficiaries, have been used as an engine of power to op press ths people in compelling the pay. ment of enormous freights and fares, er in controlling the legislature of the states or even the United States, in der ogation of the interests, rights and privileges of the people at large For years they hsve refused and neg lected to legislate for the people, but on the contrary have turned the entire gov ernment into a machine to promote the interest of capital aa against labor. By ts tyrannical party methods it disfran chised the voting element of its party, and allowed the hoa-ies to dictate the policy of the party, thus destroying its purity as well as its efficiency. It made fair promises to reform . the ad' ministration of public affairs but as soon as the ballot was counted snd it was found that they had been returned te power and place, they forgot their pledges and straightway went baek te the pool of corruption in which they had been reveling and this last state of the party was worse than the first. In this way the party became the willing tools of monopolies and rings. Ths interests of labor and ordinary in dustries were crushed by the gigantic stride of corfjorate greed. The party was no longer a factor in promoting good government, Those who managed the party machinary became oblivious t the fact th tt the rank and file should be consulted as to tho manner and methods of management. They wil fully neglected to reduce taxation and restore the government to its original simplicity, bu kept up a wasteful and extravagant expenditure ef public mon ey .gainst the eaineet pretest and warn iag of the honest element of the party. Tbey had no great question of public policy upon which to go before tho eonntrv. The only contest er by.; tae jsirty was as to which faction j should have i he loaves and tishee. It had beeeme the hot-bed of ail kinda of plundering jobs, and art endless suc cession of thieving rings and factions from tbe Credit MobMer te the Star Route Ring! Thea promoters of evil in the Party me aot cewnrted to any -rf i.Milar faction af the nirtv Tie r .-,...,.. i . and ith.; louowern oi vtianuuio M -1 C-1.1 ...ll oitfUv Bi VIBTHMU www niuniLi . . r.L- Wn neueot eienioni 01 iuo p i . . Mwarlan to throw off this we .i j a. n Lutmin df ouous ana me rwiui ft. n. cm.r, W bom. AM ioov. lUBignmij " ful if tae'rfarty under the leadership ef iiW-fe.tton. Under Grant the party wsae.ii.kiiu r , wm. openly and notoriously eorrupt n- w " 1 derllayee it Wei oonrert.? corrupt un- dsr Arthur it is both. It U thts long tram of abuse . of publw trust, brek pledges, unfaithfulness, sMfishnesa, cor- ruption, snal-adminiatration and other .a l r.ll Lla kk in.lfi unnumbered evus ioo' - oftbeperty that has lsaded it on the rock of destruction. maiority was compelled to surrender te a min.rity or sacrifice the party, as the . i i a,i minority, and its Boss, Scott, (Oregon- tan) had fully decidsd to help to elect a demecrst in preference to Mitchell- Here we think Mr. Higlin is ogrounds ii.rl. nntAnbU. While the Orcfiun- ion and aUma,i, in a general way, kinted at a oonaogency under which it would be necessary to elect Shattuck. y.t these "manipulator, of ths democrat- irt m.;tT.,' aa the gentleman sees fit to ceil the desnosratic members, knew full wsil what was meant by these hints. Theea "Loanipulator," who, scsoiding te nartr usage, went into ths caucus w muw , and nominated Judge Prim for the U- S. Senate and eoted fur him unUI he - . .ithbw. and was leulaced b? Judge Shattuck, for whom they also voted, at consistent democrats should do, until the election of Mr. Dolpb, wore in a far better position to know what those two spokesmen of the "eighteen" meant than Mr. Siglin. We think every ob servant person knew at the time, that I thee hint at the election of Shattuck ' K bir.KMwxi vat wore intended as menace to M.toheil nn, and we have n. doebt of the truth of the ataiemeat tV.i alltetuill MhiiLliiMsa mo lit nor. anna, Mr. Siglin, accepted and treated ek.. iBU.ded to drive thee r n,n ...,wu . " , ' " , 7 Mr. aignn minaatnar . u- nipttlators of the democraiu: jarty'' at this moment had been equal to the oc- caaien and emergency by giving "Mitch ell sue ll or hare been bo question tion. Now we must oonfess that are Dot aatuie euwugw w muwimuu wfa) Mr. Saftitt waoted Shattuck elect- eaeoi an eiect on, aw ureaarnveu w - tmuM of .n mrti... iv .r. ' I x i: rt-ii j n f , squarely to ike kalf-Waada Miieb- ,UI ,uch a remarkable tfispfay of !'" luuk auJ Kt. or do werse. lea bi. S Shattuck to-morrow,' ikere would lie school buildings, as we have in thm luok griso Mere noo. ed. Although he attempts in the in- bas sny hope of resurrection or resuct urviw.bnv refcred te. to leave the Utism, with such pea. to herd their tmpreasion that be was aasmus to nave him elected, vet ia all candor, we sauat decline te believe it. The reason why wedonoc believe Mr. aialin wasted ithwf-t that " " T Mr. Siglin wss voting fer Mr. .niJ ucb M k ail ins time mat ta -manipulators or 11 t . 1 1 I a. aT the democratic majority" were voting for Mr. Sbattuek. It might he wall, here, and once fer all. to iaform Mr. ..... . - . . . . A A a . mm A mm mAm. hhmmAmmm. t i mmmv am, am mm a a I aw aew A. 4 cum w inuusaj uu.pu.nw.. w Use democratic msierity" to leave off suaportiag one of 'Aeir own political faith, desert their party, turn traitor to thane who bad confided a public trust to them, sad rote for Mitchell, thsa it was to induee him to do so, Iheee "ma- aipulator." sre men.of no easy political virtue. public laitn and pueuc, aeccney die- w aa aae.a a S ei bated to them te pursue the honorable omirin tkw did TIim.v ''the miniaii- J J r- I laters") were elected, knowing that it ' Z. 1 7.U Zl . fehnnlft vnta f.r m nnfMnmar. frtr IT. ""J v w- lore children' is a principle i beiiere m r ... 111.. ' ' I 8. Senator with untrammeled cooric- tiocs, snd without entangling influ- 1 . , . :J mew -manipumtoio were . ... times equal to toe emergency oi per- forming a public trust in a faithful and conscientious manner. We think it comes iu bad taate for one whose action n the senatorial contest ha. been the ... . .i 1 ;,:.:, I .object of .ucb universal cntic.sm as air. oignu uaa, w w the "manipulators tor not securing the election of Shattuck while he hims.lf , -u A.mr.L u;. uuii. aiu an ne cou.u v av we have ne disposition te continue the criticisms upon the conduct of Messrs. fiielin. ifora. Gate.. Lonir. and Curtis, yet we feel it a public duty te defend the democratic members of the last leg- islature from the charge of having neg lected to elect Mr. Shattuck. We are confident that they did all that was honorable to elect ,Mr. Shat tuck, and we are proud of the fact that they resorted to nothing questionable or dishonorable to secure his election. If, at any, time, there was an ppjr' unity to secure the election of Jqde 8hat t l I A lloiulilff Mr 1 ! Mhsl I 17 '" " n". --T i enongb votes to coibb wuum, ay uumo1 ef electing him.' thus .Vitfhtuiug tbe 'half Kre.,K mVmr tc, tho unuoK of Shattuet . .1 rather than to see Hitchell eleoted; and if it was ibe dwf.v et democrats under i BfU.b circnotaDces to "gi v e Mr. Mitch- ell enough votes to come within, say one ef an election," then, indeed, was i it the aigheac and suprema duty of Mr. Siglin to be in the democratic camp J pointing out to his fellow democrats the opportunity end duty of electing Mr. uit.....t. I M i a4 M. a Mr Mi ir- uu.utvH..;, . lin athis post, of duttl tfo; he was 1T in'thfteuettj't camsv dtviHiag vvrtSndL .11. 4 I lUl .... ' nSJ WSKU7 uajiaua ... . . . ...II Bhattuot might be eflefltuVl " wou,u n vr- a:..:.. .A r.mntnher the Mgaty nrwwi old adsffe that he who it .. :.. ,1,M uuinn - ta VUllov. . - I ........ W it , a.-iin aave no ill-feeling toeids r nigiui iu this matter. W. ere pereonaUn ends, But we felt it a duty b say thte much, JT, " fcK7 .n7uiruil oouUst kat the senatorul ooutest - d8mocrRt. llut rf f sjLJLii e A bitter flgbt Is now going ou tsnong Republicans for lb various f t bi ta1 he wiU noV4,r We me wpum.usu - wmm as he can bold his office. WuUeu In s ' en neUles at impending mm iron n omco m v . earaens at tne mougni. oi ioiuB ru. 1 r . i n . i i n ii i wtl.A nswm irom me rruu u v, while Kearney is in fear end tromb- over the preapext of hiug (ho efllee of Unites! State Marshal, Verily the ways el Republican tod office helweri ere not ways of of pleasantness nor are ail their paths, H of peace. Two years mere and our RepttUicaos IrionaU will b re. lievedof the eecasity of making their rMTiilap krlnnial flffbt over office to brlnnial flgbt o tr uflkA. o which many of thorn eouJU notpivwu Ul k alanlaJ If Ihuir oliiitnH nam 9J I 11.!. at submitted to the people. OORRE8PONDENOE Albany, Or., Nov. 21, 12. JSJt. Democrat: "There are those who J, n i AU nil. Vemoerut I Wanv is ffoioff down bill 17- AJ quit correct L tf J good bu.ineaa men . .u i week looking for the cause, ninty five) would te ready at the end of thst time Kith their answer, and agro. on the principal cause and the tirat necessary f Did you ever in your J travels see a town where there was life enough to convince s stranger tb.t the inhabitants were not alt simply "wsit- wiaeallr V .u miT Lraval over Ornann itory and too will not uuu another town that is aot utterly dead, or thst UkiUMii is mm t mm unUnd-i.ina mliw f Abjmy proTyes. Now, I do net want vnu tn tf. .biaao it will eat ant. hut do you know the school hense over on tbe Indian reservstion lor the i.tue la- superior to any were got! We nrovide aUndina: room far about I BaaaBBBBBaT . . . i. Then we provide the roughest, rickety, straight backed benches aud worse desks, and herd our children in. Mak ra ? wu,t,0.M by which 1 t Lau wm Oa Itwk rmr uattad a..l k ta mu bttWj alio w um illiV ml man to came ana train ana riracu iDaa. I, a a .a a land then we put ourseivss on too hack a end say we've clone our duty nobly. Never thinking of the health and com- tott of the cbiidr.n or the moral ten rianeAer rT fiiiraK rv 1 r "i m t . Irrlit Irl 1 n tt mvarl aBoleiorae BurroundinM. vnlftt brings this subject mere than nsuslly prominent before as now, u the grow 'Of Mecees of our present principal, rroi. Jvooo. ue uaa cieeny proven but ability, with b.lf a show, t make our public gcbaol a local pridft-some- Ufain t'.at we can isy onr anev for and knnw it ia well inreabad. Somp. 7 " ' 1.1 my - 'ii . a a "eg oi wnicn strangsra win say mere " lout ou good thing in Alb.ny. . .... .. . . . . . . admitted by everyone. Now,-Mr. K I- itor, were you ever forced to infliet na n and auflMir. on one vou ovei ( Some delicate innocent child perfectly . unde? irQn 8tronger wjtJt It not, yoa have no eon- caption of what we require of our pub- lie teachers. Will dingy dark unvcntil- atd ro0,n8 jammed to suffocation with W sta UP ,th.e mnt nnnnmfnrtanla noHitions that is I - . L I 1 . . . I poMible to t cbild !n with yawn. ing cracas auu gapiaig jwi-a ol,,IMS at tnem irem erery siae. ine teaener expected to enforce discipline, with W mina conunueny upen tne unneces- Mrf mitery ftr0und. It must require a conatitutian of iron and nerves of steel to bear the constant strain. The condi- tion of the Albany school Is known all l" aT. Z "flr the reason wW "Albanv 101 rVAtriflr ilAVB Hill " Either tha Unc - 7 i r mrrLr anhnnl kniidintm. or Wfliisa ,uJuZmr,m fn AmmA t arA frtr tbem. Now for the rsmedy. I bsve heard some ef the moat prominent busi nessmeneay that "a good school house! in A bttnv would bnna back to the tax. oavers each vear the full amount off the money invested. Now if tbey do not I r y Wmmm U f mis-judgrmore than one hall, wnat a ,traml i n ir Aat.mant fclifti. vnu m ha In I .m mr a . a ' . .1 ihcv. everyone ttiat x nave nearu speaa I it express about tne same mina, but Nil roem to wait for some one to start ball rolling. Now, Mr. PJditor, ifc'nf if. a nnftA lima fr VOll to Oct in ; J . K ajl tne me natil it rolis up in to a tins new school house. CiTiZfJr. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shilota's Curewm lve iB3medtatJ relhf. Pric. 10 eta, 60 cts. and 11. !.: line i or ue uauerutae., waare mere ti. ri i l nnH n;niAa 7nmATy nri n,.kninii.i x ofShattuck'-elecfenfi 1 say -remaraaoie aispiay aa- I t Si i.. MtfftMMIMMMH I 8AU0 K9TM M,, leet M,lv whil Tu M-,.,,1, . p . ' ' , ' vog dliioharged one barrel of his 1 I . 1 1 ll imuu wiiug vu iuiu IV s;- IllUUJLJ ...1 . i. . .1 l i J v.wii.rgi-u me uincr ear in lh0 t"icttdg such e serious wottnd thtt tll, finger of Ms hand hivlto be amputated ... w , I . ; i i v. I.i.Iiih . hm h ,,afu argafjixfU ( ohuruh 4urfuly fcf object o? which is to eil1US3US tty well a reader pucutiinty ail to church interests. i im' iHuirn ui mo i resiiy k'i mu ciitircn Mrs. J. Italston and 0. If. Rulnton have gone te Portland, the former on a runt to her daughter aud the latter on business. It seems the Uuiieranoo people of Iowa are likely to get nothing lor their work in carrying the amendments to the oonHtituiion prohibiting the manufacture aw Mi0 gf itttf,xlating liquors, includ W eondilien ovsr there, end seams Trl . Tho city council at its last mooting ordered side and ores. walk, the fuf This will U highly appreciaUd by but th, oWners of reel property I I : ....... k ..li i ...i w..j,-k -.C uvw W w J'SU. jviranaea mme. Kid. W. L. llavmond preached hi. fmrW6n eraon for thj, neigbborb, on Sunday the 19th. Prof. J. Fielding Denny, has Ms ciaa. now practicing for an sntertsin- mn l be given Saturday evening, Ut TU hM ,t tbe Da Vaney School house ... " ana ail tne participant are very en- tkuaiaslic, feeling confident of it being a grand aucceea. ifr. lno. Holt had an owl hunt the other night. ! pml bis varmint, fired, snd picked upbisgamr. It piov ed, te hi. dismay, to be three of hi nicest hen. Now there may be aaoth -er wy for this, lln my have ex pee U '- iiiu nuui uuin vi umneraui fiends, and took this preeaiitien to ,Mke arranci menu far them. en s visit Irom some oi but intiaerant arraugr Mr. Dan. Donohue killed 19 very V J.M lh' m about ,'.50 Ibe. esch. Mr- IhM (;rr Ml ,rotn load ol wod' mna tourt bl Pretty MMe time last week. 1 1 tho bad weather holds, wo shall organize a Debatiag Society at the J DoVauy School house, sum. I It is reported that Mr. i'eter I.. Hilyeus children have the Diphthria. attaer ueaa ira. Kt. Drtno-rtt: James Putman arrive I bere from the meutiuins to-Jar. I(e reiiorta that I Ki'tiraini Hainer. a liunUT on Ureen I Moontaio, left camp last Saturday moraine and has not been heard from sees Hincr. i he snppositioa ia that !'" n-riy w,, prwew.v i.ave -eve to morrow i a search oi mm. The clouds that have o luua darken. ,(J U0 . - . f I . . Linn's careworn democrats, seem I scattering. Th.v trust tbey see triumph from afar, and view its gleries with their eyea I a . 4 m a Jlr. J. ejACHMa iftlt tblS lm lUt Ti. r.- ..inm f .rttf.An in maaMk I "ve ivi sdiseewiii vi vkwu sss is uai wee I J .fh.hh TJ-hrt.Ml tw k. will hu wwwaa aa aw aaws' hibw aw mm W fortunte enouirh to find tha rauch cot eted boon he bas gone in search of. The Sweet Home Debating Society is looming up. The last question for debate was, Resolved, That woman hs. not as Croat an intellect as man. Not withstanding ths gallant defense of the negative the question was decided in the affirmative. By the way we would have you note the fact that the Hon. TT " J KBUJfw w"re "Mm weie.. P.rn.11. iViow r. rC flu. a,i t .inHf. tmr . 1 J r suasion. - - Tbw" nwd,r.W. contwrmy 1 mm.' mniilni m- thm I Ami laaitlalnM I 7" , -"r"v"7 3 1ft.. .11 i Li. tL.. .. After all thia agitation there are some who do not appear to gire ear to the vwummuo "5 and the dw cn Mr. Kirkendall, who has been very ftck for sometime past is slowl recover inT Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . C. J ackson is quite sick. The youngest "n 0f Mr e' 1U'WeU 18 ,1bo ,ick' nrn :.i j tr xuere wm a nuciau nance an in r. A. The young lolks, repeit a jolly good time. OusEttVEn. iiuow.v.hi ili.k items There are ninetysix students in the North Brownsville School. There ia a protracted meeting in progress in the Cumberland Presby 1?! Ooly aort Hen- ii f rutin ni h iiirnnn r in attaniinnn Mia. Rufus Sklpton of Corvallls, moved Into North Brownsville last Monday for the purpose of attending " The entertainrant next Saturday oitrtit will Do given Dy tho vountr people of our town and will be a success Mr. Mason of Albany, was in rann loot Siliirrl tv Mr TTanamnn la tm Mo.i v,r,rQ ttiis wcekr. xne auro-r-o-r-o ro-rer rip-pen no rni . . el.... . . . . rer-rip-pen liOirg-re-al-lis was a sue- cess lust Fri lay night. H.,fllna U II velv in our town A MA ti fg aa, --j I Mr. stanara, on jasc u riaay, iore rnr Ohio and thencs to Missouri. w ww - i Dnt forgot th entertainment next P' n uvw nwuu pivTaw mianj 1 .if Have Just reeelved site meet rompleie and legaat atork ef HOLIDAY GOODS to be funnel In the Vlley . THE MOST LOVELY, PRETTIEST VASES, AND MIRRORS TO SEE YOUR FACES; BOOKS THE LATEST AND NEWEST, FOR RIC AND LITTLE FOLKS, ALL KINDS OF TOILET SETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, ALBUMS-WELL ASSORTED AND OF ALL GRADES, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR8 CARDS, SRU8H SR00M8IN SEAUTIFUL CASES, PICTURE8, PERFUMERIES, INKSTANDS, end enough other things te bewilder one, ni LANGDON & CO S HOLI DAY GOODS, The linemt Stork Ever Brought to Albany - FOSHAY k MASON'S. There is nothing of the best class of holiday good but what is to be found here. Books and Albums, Beautiful Inkstands. Rich Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Handsomest Vases Lovely Brush Brooms, Perfumeries of the best makes. and many other goods such as MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HEADQUARTERS - W hero you can tin J the largest asaortmaat NewVerk. jWAdl IKUM IUT3, WUUUtH lUTo, UAL lUTd, FAIN I BDacS. BUILDING BLOCKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS INKSTANDS. VAKfSBllRRFR 'J Vl-. L5' o MUCS, AUTOCRAPH ALBUMS, STORY BOOKS, PIANOS, WORK BOXES, RAT . the TLES, DOMINOES, SURPRISE BOXES, m Am. Am. mm mm. aMa mm. &c. aVad a new sleek ol flue Crockery and Glassware. Grooerieaand Proviaiona. TnUw. and Ulnars, Pipe. Cutlery and Notions, Candy. Bird Cage and Nuta. GOODS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT. DRY C00D8, LADIES' FANCY GOODS. GENTLEMEN' FURNISHING GOODS, RUBBED COATS AND SANDALS, D00TS AND SH0E8, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CROCKERY, LAMPS AND CLASSWARE, a m' W 1 B hi My fall and -winter stock ia now complete. PRICES WILL TELL, COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. If you wish full value for your money give mo a caU 1 WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST Tbe Waitsburg Timet contains a notice that one Dug raterson hsd been bought for si o. III Mill 4.(.t,l AO AIM. I gaw so much aaid about tbe merits of Hop Bittors, and ray wife who waa al ways doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, I ooaolu aeatebo linmbugged again; aad 1 am glad I did, for in leas - than two months use of tbe Bitters, my wife was cured, and bas remained so for eighteen months I alnen T I I Yr ex Ollili ll IS IVI la IS Otfri rf9 IT niUWi A na" oaavs iiuinvujftiii, a- a a a m taa,o poi ut x nun a vov W GEO. 11. THAYER of Bourbon. Ind.. avs: "Both myaelf and " Z T "J, SHIL0H,S C0N' isuMr 1 AT suitable for holiday gifts. OF SANTA CLAUS IT - otoy ever breueht to A l haw w dirat r. " " lln I UTS. KUBBtK TOYS MECHAMI fifll I S nOFSCCfl nfll I C Wl v nm I e l" &c, &c. GREAT CUREl rheumItism- KIOMBYI BOWELS. tn qoiakJjr raUarad, aad is ab PERFIOTL V CURED. ARE YOU MADE miserable from Indi gnation, Constipation, Dizziness, Lees of Appatlts, Yellow Sk Shlloh's Vtaliaer ia a positive cure. pataaotha draodfal oaaartn TaMuyy ixS u?j!tuf th O. B. P. Wm. Pfander9- mnmT0 mams M, XS7ii. leske tmrpVt popokr reaeSjr It is ft tatnttltm, ttjyee tint taaMsMeaste cmti t (ho 'A)e W Soe't peblMi tbrna, be rrfer jw v Um eeUera S nm biii. UbMaeeqesl. St ear seas or alsssarls. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the HUtU of Or'fon for the County of Linn. Sternberg, Plaintiff. vs. Eli Carter and en K carter bis wife, Ed K M ( arte aad Ida J Carter bia wife, C 8 Leonara admlnlatrator of the estate of Joaapb Leesaud, deceased, If Price , D Fro man, LIflkin aad Maria L Fergeraen, ietenaant. By virtue of aa ezeeutlen and order of sale issued out of th above named Court, in the above entitled salt, te me directed delivered. I will on Saturday th ISth day of December, 1882, at tae Court Ueuaedeer In tae cUy ef Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at th hour of on o'clock p. m , aau as public auotlon ter ceah in hand l toe aigheat bidder the mortgaged preeaiaa. oaacnue in aii a acre in order lhieln prevlded, the proceeds nvea irom tae aau or said premises, to be applied to tae payment of the claims hereinafter mentioned la ae oordaaoe with their seveiel priorities. 1st, th fellewing deecribed preiniee, to-wit: IxA So 1, or th northwest oor ner let, oo feet by 100 feet iu block No 100 ia Hacklemao's sddition to tbaty of Al bany. Ala begin aing at a point on the south line of block No loo iu aald addition 00 feet easterly from the eeuthweet corner of aald block, aald corner being on tne line dividing the donation land claim ef Tbomaa Moolesth and A fiacklmn, ami running lhnee eaeteriy along the aald aouth line efeahf block i. Si feat ; these northerly parallel with the east line of aid black, Be 1J to th Wlllemett. River i taenos up said rtvr to the east 1 in of said lot one, ia bioca i; tbeace southerly te the phaos ef beginning. Also the fellew ing: Beginning at the eontheaet corner of J B Cowley's loU on which be sow re side aad west ef the let o which th Saab and boor Factory of E Carter at Ce. new stands aald ceruer being on the aald claim Use dividing the ueo alien land chums of aald KomeHn ai and running thence north alone claim lin loth Willamette Blver ; taenos west four feet ; thenee South utraJiel with said claim line Uteaid Comley's aouth line; tnenee mat to in piao or beginning, the same lying and being in the ealaiu addi tion to tho city of Albany. The above de ecribed tract owing su beta nihil lr in owe body and form what is known aa E Cat ter e Co, mill let, Including the machinery aaeonoeq g follows, to-wu j Tae water wheal fourbay, peaatock and ahafllag in aaM faotory, i will alao eeil the lollowlng described machinery : One panel planer, onebtniib C menlder, one gig aaw and frame, one morticing machine, one ahap er and counter abaft, one rip saw with boring attachment, on rip aaw, one ten oning machine, oae masker, one emery griBUing mentiiao. oae aand papering machine, one wood lathe machine and on cut off aaw machine. Ala the following aseonoea real property, to-wu : negin ning at a point on the eeet lln of bat Jb'e ema, ia Mock Me m in Hacklemiui'a i dttion to the city of Albany, Oregon, St mm nonueny irem tne eoutaeaot oerner of Hid lot No one and running thence northerly te the northeast comer of aald let; taeno westerly alone the north lino of said lot and in ibe seme direction to th east aide of Mill street ; tbeace aeutheri v along the east aide of said street te a point wem ef the piao ol beginning; thence estriy to tne place or beginning, amid paroei a oi real oatate and machinery to be said in lota to aolt purchasers the nro oeeda of sale to be applied first to the coats and diseuraemeaia a suit 5l '25 and the coat and expenses of axle. Seoeod u the payment to the defendant, CHI admmiatrator the sum ef f 1151 88. with accruing interest thereon at the rate of tea par cent per annum from the 2Sth day ef October, iSSX Third to the payment ef the several claims of the Plaintiff. Mo Sternberg in the order oi their pr ority, to wn ; tne anna et eaoavao wun accruing in aawem tneraon at tne rate or ten per cent K annum from the 29th day of October, L and the further sum of 1181.36. with iatereat thereoa at the rate ef one par cent . I aw. m.W, . m, mr Kmeotn irom tnezota day or October, I. and the farther nam of 1546 if wun per annum from October 26th, 1882, and taw further aum of sgag.gs with 1 utmost tnereon at th rate often per cent per an num from the 26th day mi October, 1SKL next that the mortgaged preoaieee daaerib- ee in eaid decree and order a Sal fellow, to wn : lot Sin block 128 la Hackleman's addiUoa to the city of Albany, Unn oennty, Oregon, aa will more fully appear by ref ferenoe to the maps and plate of aald city, now on file in the eOosnf ths County Clerk, of Linn count v, Oregon. And all tools and impeesaenta uaed in or about the said Planing MUl of the aaid E Carter A Co net hereinbefore described ; be sold end the proceeds of the sale thereof be ap Pjied am to the payment to the plaiatiS. Moaee Sternberg the aaid sums ol 8452 36 and the ansa nf 8181 8ft aa kamiabnm mm forth with interest as aforesaid aad second te the payments ol the eabeequent eialmr in toe order of their priority; next that the following deecribed mortgaged preoaieee, rteacilbed in aaid decree and order of sale aa toliowa, to-wit : lot Mo 8 in black No 11 in Uackleman'e aecend addition to tae oi ty ef Albany aa the aame ia kaown and deecribed on the plate and surveys of aaid last named addition on file in Clerk's officii in aaid Linn oennty. be acid and tbe proceeds ariaing from the sale thereof bs applied first to the payment of the said sums herein last mentioned as doe to tbe said plaintiff, to-wit : the sum of 65 16 and the further sum of 9668 86 aa hereinbefore oet lortb with iatereat aa afereaaid aud tbe coats and accruing coats of this sale. Dated tnis 17th day of November, 1882. GzoRon Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. WM. M. MRICK, Successor toG. B. Height in tbe Central Market, invites all of his old, aa well aa new cus tomers to call on him fer their meat, at 6. B. Height's old stand. This is the place to get tender steaks, Ac . Da B. BP Physician and Surgeon. BIAS RETURNED to this dtr aad rasuiand urac il Uoa. Oflloa ia new Ulo -apS aSiaa, tiTooaa'a Bulldlnca, Broadalbla atrrat, bet ond atraat. Albany, Or.. Nor. 8, IStt, Ftrat ud WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepaia and Liver Complaiat ? Shlloh's Vinlteer ia guaranteed to care yoa. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that tertible cough. Shilob'a Cure is the remedy for you. SHI LOH'S COUGH and Consumption Core U sold by us on a guarntee. It euros consumption. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Core. We guar antee It. UH ACKMETACK," a lasting peifnms Price 25 aad 60 cents. A NASAL INJECTOB free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. City Election. Xotk W Serebjr gtrm that Um annnsl etectloe in i tor Mm rtty A AIdmit. Unn emintr. fJretron. eSS lwSMMtk Brat Mondsr the 4th dOf of Irmh-r irrrt, t t tb yurprmm of Meting Oi loCowlof eSBoer t arte far theism at one jmr fr th. 1 Wondsy I iaeeerr, ISSt, Maor, BeoorSer, M.r.h.l and Treasurer, slseeee Oeamaih n Uom eeeh war. t aarveforthe tern of tee fears, tram the Sna M,m da in Janearr, ISS3. The rotiof feaeaa will ha aa hXkmn : let Wat aa) tha want ahte mi taw txmr. roma a Um ha, ef tha stairway; tad War. at Count Treeenraa office. 3rd Ward at CSoa of raratera' Wrahouae. The poOa will opae at 9 a aa. aad ekm at . o'clock V. i. Ilnrro, CHy lUoorder. Albany, Or., Jfor. 17, 1SSZ. BU1EDIAI ASSUEAICE 00., OF LOIBOla ESTABLISH E D, A. D. 1821. Capital subeeribed, 10,000,0u0 Capital paid up 5 .OOO.OtS JfOTaV Thle company bas the largest paid up capita ef any company doing beadneaa ia the United State. Insurance accepted by Host. A. Foerrn, Agtef Albany. HOGS H0CS ! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid for Hogs by Fred Mull er, the Grocer- Opposite Re- wcr3 jxoua - Dissolution of Partner Notice aa karabv a n thi thm awata- etna e aerahlp heretofore existing between Chaa, W. Watte and Jaa. E. Gedfrey under the firm naaoeef Waiia A ( iawifmv in th ik ef Albany, Oragren. baa been tbia dar dlaeeired by mntoal eonaent. Tne bnsf. nam will in the future be conducted by Chaa. W. Watts who is authorized to col lect aJ aeeonntaand pay all UabUitiea of vm m oi whua ueorray. Caas. W. Wattb, Jam aa E. Uodkhky. AJ my, Oet. IWL Pinal Settlement. Notice as hereby girea that the under tanned Summit ratora of tne eaiaie of C. D. Bnrkhart. deceauaad. hara HUH thm final account aa aoch Admi aiatr.tora in the Count r Court ef Unn nnv rtr and by orde ef eaid Court, naturrUy the tab day of Deoembar, 1882, at the hour of lentrcnanta aa., ana been used for tbe hearing ef objecttena thereto and the aettloment thereof. Abt neraen taL rati. ed in eaid eetaie la hereby notified to an. pear and file bia er her objectkma to aald aeoonntand the asttlemant thereof on or bejore aaid aay. J. D. Blt'BKHAKT, v. at. bcrk r abt, Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of two anneiafa arrita nf . ention each leaned out ef the Circuit Court. of the State, of Oregon, fer the County of unn. June ore in laror or jeeuailey and ndrewa, Plaiatifl'a. and against 8. K . Goble, Defendant, for tbe sum of jWJl with iatereat thereon at the rate of un Mr eetlt " ananm from thai 'J.ittt Haw r.f January, 1879. And the aaooad in favor of Jaaisa L Cowan, Plaintiff, and again t S. K. Goble, Defendant for the auan of 187.06, with interest thereon at tbe rate of ten per rent per annua from the 15th y oi reorttary, tow. i nave levitd upon tne undivided half nf the folio a i tig described real property to-wit : Baffnamg at paint 214 da nmrth of the aouth weet oerner ef Jehn Burgee Donation Laand Claim and running; thenee east 151 rode ; thence aouth 128 reds ; tnenee went 151 rede) thence north 12s rede to the place oi beginning : Contain ing one handing ami twenty narea, lying and being in Unn county, State of Ore- Kn, taken aa the real property of the aald Sen dan t, 8. K. Goble, and on Saturday the 2nd day of December, 1882 aUthe Court Hones deor la city ef Albany, iibn coun ty, Oregon, aa tbe boor of one o'clock p. m., I .will aeil aaid real property at poblk auction fer caah in band to the big boat bidder ta aaiiafy aaid wriU with accruing Dated this 3rd day of November 1882. Una. Hvmfhrkt, Sherifl ef Linn cenny : Notice. rWA- mrmbrrt of tho Albany Cemetery Yon ate hereby notified that a meeting Of the members ef the Albany Cemetery Association will be held at the Court House in Albany, Oragoa, on Saturdav tbe 9th dav of December, 1882, at 7 o'clock p. aa. for the purpose ef electing officers of said AaeociarJon, viz., a president, treas urer, and three trustees to serve for the term ef two years and alao fer the trana acUag of such other business aa may be necessary fer the intereata of the Aaeocia. tkn. All persons interested as origina aubecribers for stock, and owners of lot are voters. By order of the Board of Tmitsse. J. C. Paws ix, Albany, Nov. 8. 1882. Sheriff's Sale. 7a the Circuit Court of tie Stale of Ortgcn for the County of Linn : J S William G Stewart. Isvnaena 8tewrt. T M Stewart and G C Coetey and J H Wash borne paraaais under the firm name and stjle of Cooley & Waahburne, Deiendanta. Bv virtae of an executioa aad nrAm as sale issued eat of tho above named Court m tne above entitled sua, to me directed and delivered, I will en Saturday tbe 23rd day of December. 1882. at th fnrt . door in the oity of Albany, Linn County. Or- ' " w . m., sen at public auction, for cash in hand, to the his: neat bidder, tha saria-a,1 a- scribed in said decree and order of sale, as fellows, to wit : Tae seat half of A An... and the west half of the north east quarter i mmatAvu wuma lo wwnaup foartcen (14) south of range oae (1) west and contain ing ISO acres ; also tbe donation bud claim of Levi Fields notification No 273T, ni de scribed as bain the N E of th Rltaf section 13, Tp 14, 8 R 1 W aad the E k of the N E i of aection 13, Township 14, S S 1. W and the N W quarter of aoo. tion 18. Township 14, SRI, East and the N W i of the Sooth Wt st i of aection 18, Tp 14, S R 1, E and eontaining 320 acres all in tbe county of Lion and State of Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be applied first te th payment of the costs of aatt taxed atftM 57 aad the costs aad ex penses of sale, next te the payment to the said plaintiff tbe sum of $1356 66 in U 8 gold coin with interest therein in like coin at the rate ef oae per sent per month from the 25th day of October, I8a& and tho sur plus if any there be te be paid to the said deft'a, W C Stewart and Isypaena Stewart. Dated this 24th dsy of November, 1882. George Humphrey, Sheriff of Liaa county, Oreg on. CROSBY & CO., THE LEADING DRAYMEN. Having bought ou Parry Spinka, are prepared to d work in their tine with dispatch and re. Be sure and ask fer them Success depends on a libtral patronage ef the print in g effies, J J for the Democrat, 41 I . i J A