ffHfMI'WHBaBB aananwa. - 1 rttlftfrjff llri-ait, .1 . FRIDAY.. NOVEMBER 17, U82 ftriLlE M3UCS Tbe abundance of remains of the maoiuaoth in Siberia in remarkable. From ike feet that at least a hundred pair of tuka are annually put upon ike market, NordeuskioJd infers that dur ing the time tkat has elapsed since the eeaejaaat f Siberia useful tusks from moru ih tn 20,000 of tkeej animals nave been eobectaJ. It h qnin uuniuonij believe I tLat in running a man descends at each kirid ape ska bait of the foot, aa that the arck l the foot may serve as a soring to break the shock. In life ir.tantan eoua, photizrh, h sever, Mr. Mny bridsja shears that either in walking running or jumiug, man like a) ether auiuiaia s fr obsei ved alights upon the heel. These are the conclusions of Prof. . Woltaj on the physical erf rties of the soil in a dense and loose state. When ii is desired to increase the pro portion of water in a soil deusitf is to be aim d at, bet a loose condition should be maintained ?hea tke oon trar state is found needful. The more densely tke particles of tke toil ate ajniratt together the saore such soil will rsxy in temperature. remarkable oatemeet ara uue rooontly set'jre a aeiertitio body in London tke statement given aa on the authority of Mr. Veith, the well-known authority en "Coniferae" that the cones of many of the species en the Pacific roast ne-er open and peiiuit tke seed to eeespe unices opened by e forest fire, when they fall out and re plenish the burned waste. 4'Tbey hang on the trees for many generations ver. tor thirty years." Work are projected in Vienna fot obtaining a great quantity of electrical power by mean of the water of Dan ube. Tke electricity is to be stored in 'aoo a mutator," of different dimen sions, which would be delivered to cus tomers for uie, either tor electric light ing or for motve power. Besides be ing ikes accumulated tke eleotrisity is also t We conducted through undr greua J wires. By combining the two methods together electrical centres an If be erected in several parts of the town, from which tke manufacturer, etc., witt receive the required current. After ail, M. Faya maintains tWn- is eoUjej very difiicutt el etaadiuf th- res os eras te- i j dtrj and leu changes of f . iu a :h- approach or reced fru ii tie. To causse are aaiga-i. Kiott, Mttnr a - traction sm U decoutp verv small mas- ait 5; p.-.ii-a cf' tk iu n they coma within its f.iff-i Anu oanets are sneeefwt'V ii-ht in eomparisjn trirb n .p -. . .; .,?. ! they entaiu. SreoO'ltv, these cres Into pUv th, c . larr,, , n. ebies ariae, Imui th- incainl- i ,-.- f oometary matertt He; fr-l tr ni greet pressure and subjected loiatetme keet. What w relativfc!v w !j comes nbulous. But the-.- MrexrieS do not grottn I. U eovr tbi Jfif From the research -8 f Mr. VV. H. Barl it appear, that alnmtnaim pee- eosswi pre,Nrttei uf a hih stex'tatttcal .,1 . - . . A. OUOic incb f it Vfulia on!v OUT j ... . t .097- ,und, arhdn Its atrefB m L.. . . I - - f . kwuiTe -nna jwr squ-r- irnrn. It j has. alo, a lr- rauti of finS'tei y, the j ex etMi-m at tin inddiui; i-int rei?i'' t parte of tee length. Th BHxlulite df .dasticity is 10,000. S tare faebtts Um jrave a deetility of ; eo y L'.5 pevonf. S r lli.rr r&seera or ys tbst thr is hoi in-ntd i procna. u' uiakmy aluu.u.u.u in a eheen t nn. It th cm: of :hf rum m facture at thi-i sjsesei elismll rriiiicsal thre hu jes4 iht sjj -,iil. b greatly s uht atW hy sssJteie of in- atntf-iAntH of precision ai.d t.h. re. SUKWl AT MOMC In Utrariu'a vii rri.ig hicb he; bad th J ightfuliy tut f r my conven.j ience w tUe railway stan , i drove o&e su'iiiy uioruiii in (J ...r thiuiigh th gractrfu! hilly laud-vj of Kent, tbas, iJ.fc the clit-.ct:tvd ft.iae of its! WOla, -r.th itSStrr-t.d,aol , r .ie beStb ' yeliw t.rooiu and v, r,'. ik, was arrays 1 iii ih fairij.l autuinnil dre-S. As Clt .atrriai di5- ii iu n,ut, i iu h j!"Hiint e-stritrt u c!a-i late vr-sturn ,f ivy an 1 r'WetM iu el 'Mi, tbrr- i-jMrd ou o UuaW e f -in Mhe whaJy ji ;ii. vverruen wiui e!eiii diiiH,.thH gr., iMtorslKt BaetOs, a la.l and veuefalde UgH.e, wt t"5 'r,, nh !'! -ii A au Ada e.t(tHrie aerhi ihou-ht, hia J i -itt-i ftnt i .ihead highly aud Woaof ly ,ach-d. .. in tbe cae of Goeth', and lee.iv hltT.rsred ,y tb jdj ot ututal laWr; hw kindly mild eyes boking fjrth under the shadow of prominent brows; bis amiable m uth surrounded j a copious, silver-white beard. Tbe cordial, prepossessing expression of the whole face; the gentle, mild voice; the slow deliberate utterance; tbe natural and native train of ideas which marked is conversation, cipti voted my whole heart in the first hour of our meeting, ! jnat as kts gre ' work had fotmerly. on ! my firr rerdt g it, taken my wh If un- j derttsnding by storm. I fancied a lofty i werldsage oat ef Hellenic antiquity ' a Socrates or A r is to le stood alive be fore me. Naturt. , Sabseribc for tbs Demockat, the leadiug paper in tbe Wilkimette Valley. 1 Any pemrm who takes a paper regu- larlv from a iotoflle. whether uuwu-a in hte name or anolbot', or whether he j subscribed or no, is rospensible !r pay- I inont. 2. If a poison orders lit lMpor dleflajl'i Uoued he mut pay arrest-, m- th - pub liaber may ronlinuo to tend it Vii.nl pay mentis made, and then oolhvt Ibe whole amount, whether the pappr ,a kcu ,rom the office or not. S. Tho o uttt have doH bd :ht re fusing to take newspapers iai-ni from the past other, or rotnovitnr ant leaving I n " fr l'1 '" ''" a t.a ' .....1 . . ... 1 avuleinvtu imoiuitnuu Dr. Dcnkrr, of St. Peteraburj treats diphtheiia by hrt viir tub ) i t a laxative, and when its opemU n hat eeaseri he gives coM dunk, atil.bui with pydrochlorio acid and then a par gle of lime-wa'er and hot milk in eqnej parts every two bout a. Hi ui thud is very aucccaaful. .en. LYDIA ilnKHAMy8 j- 1 rtrill (We IUrul stttsaMd V.-et AMfJJelaarorWoa!. tairnt.'d bj nWowaa. rrt?ariU uj a Wans. tw omiw) 9ctU Stow I R m n a nr:trrtro a sf. 9 v -: karat .-vs.-j ha oeiaiU.-ij.ti ,-,?fi-:--.!:.a ftrmae j titi. rprfwtt , Mttnu Is' nMlshakoa dMnwtl coj- it of . l-o Uvk r59 of u.v 9(iai sMaartrmwBsr t c ClrnfSlSM Ujs l! 1 a r j;;rlis R .'."t,? -tfS It tt cj f jkitj. C '-t .: -jr. XMMoy H- cr tor timat, &--uJ i .. i:u .f ili ' ri TtuU ft- i crb- .v.-! i v. cm ! 'clgM ml Wfcwte. hi alvvr m SBSSj '-7 B 1 a Jr tka Mr r KWIa-r t -jM1u" richer MS LTaia c FTiV' J? BIjowo prtitm Bkiod. . mI iSm top m SMS MSe XT Mi4. MM M MiiU3fr Bom IS OoMaad a 1 tte Swia- r m pvd saarr. t. ea bottk i mu rt SCbSBSj e lli3jM, trrriiaf p-:- .ffl rrnkM. Jlr.P.-iaTjf -e 'jf aWa;U limnot ia fMaav ' ' tw r prvrnjute it i iii ini r t v-t V BwaUiT aWffiRIDEN tQlIlI.U.kiA. IUrlaa; atulsed a national rmUUoo la pjJJ POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have addsit th manufacture ef ud ftylf of STEEL IES. Witk (JcWed fowrinUmdent la that depart. nt. npiil-m4rntef by -xit iidtd pjtt-ri-nte is m-nt, ruppU-nwntrU by ?xi-ndrd rxprTtence is the workJog of (ln t-rl, ne are ewl to oJr txxU ot uurivulk-d 'iuaiU v. To iulroii:c our PATENT i j.vi;i :. Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, j "THE iVCME," , la draneof rrptijar ircl! chonarU, w show ct : of it, and will mail u tauijde roM to any addrt-as i oa receipt of SJS Csrrir. -.dilnk a. sa, Faa.Uin Pea. THIS i'EJt FITS AMY UOLUr.lt. 0r wbo lina of Pen wilt be sold by tbe trade. Pries LUu funushed to dcikr supllsaiiwa. RED CROW KiLLS. IfcOM, LA NMXG TO., VllU L'U'S. -wk rtuK.-Eis rmuit m. rutioc re;: imuuk) ad baki-hs rgB. i STOR.H "' 4CJL11 Highest , Price in Cash for Whoat ALBAIMY,OR. !0R SALE OR TRADE. A valuable aiouk firm el fil4mmWHu ,!" S2 TSSTS. ctiUiVHli-ui, Ujieitier wi.ii lire laximcs aud spriugt to uiak.3 it mm or tttf Lest toca iaritis iu imn ; lttn 0 : ad of J tt u ( ii l i . n l I ..rul , n I -....I -.1 br.iff. usell wiih th ftrm M , - ,i lerniHijiii no. In baa', or f ai I ex -luuze for a imiU'jr atkOlint of (id f,irm:i) land, l-'or pirtjui r ull !i CJ. C .)i k n r.n i'o ad-ive n t u 1 1 premises. Parties WMOisTSJ to tb. I so 1 !a be d r 1" LO 't fr :u Lebanon. 9m'i TUTT PBLL CYWIPTOWS OP A TORPID LEVER. Lo83of Appetite, Bowel i ccst ve Pain in the Heed, writn a dull r.cus-tlon in the bock part, Pam under the Shoulder blado, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion cf body or rr.in.-i, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, win. a feeling of having neglect d some dm y, Wearino33, Dizziuena, Flntteriag at trie Heart, Bote before tho eyes, Yeiiow kin, Headache generally over the right eye, Bestieasneas, with fltiul 0atebx huhly colored Urine, and pOWSTsPATiOiV. TUTT'S PIIAjH mi ';.. ' i niy adapted to such cases, ouedoso ctlvvtn r.iu-u a chiineo ot eliug as to aslonish the si.-flerer. They Iweree lb App.Ut,uiil eauw the hody to Take on Vtii. t'.;s tl;f KVHWiiii in , ana by th-lr Tonic Action on the TUTTS HASH DYE. obay Haib ob Whisk kixh chant;wl to a Gi.ousy Black by amnKleaDijliciitionorrhls iiv. itim. fi?rtfte?-rai,cLor; instantaneously. Sold by uruggisu. or sent by uxprtM c re-jcipt of $1. 1 eyricBE,as hcbbat .jt., kcw yoke. SjMsl BsetlalLWill be tuOied l&kB en UcsUsa, vj r af U. yL 5 i S SjsaassssssssssssMw , ? SMITH & McCartney. SUCCESSORS TO MofJOY ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &o., &c, Fromaus Block, Albany, Or. tiottw oars3U11y prepared day or nilti . W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING 'GOODS The Celebrated Baker Gun, Either .loub'.e tiarrel. aliot wnn or three barrel two aht and ne rllle. AlaoSharpi. Reiulnaton, lUllard, flMS nlx, and Martin Maga nu Kifl?. A - a Urge -k or KukH-Ii, Jerman and Amert-an brevuSi-loadiiuahot uun. Full atftckof Revolt ers. VN'ule Cutlery. Fish iURTackle "fall klnd.and Ammu uUioaul all klu hk A fu!! atnek of Davis Sewing i!a-hlna -the beatlnlhe marSel Ala futl Mock of ae inc machine needles of all kind and U il !.:!. oil. I uukeaapeityf rtpalrlug Aio rm and aowlui; machlims. H. -i rUrber that I eaottet be undsrmdd in I he kHale. Iojl ST0BE. I ahait kcej- e cry t braDds of H nuato bif - 'bit . inarkot. aid will soil : retail pr1 ma SOS BEST CIGARS A." TOBAC C08, POCKET-KNIVE8 AND NOTIONS. I :,t aTao eH rel o- a'e, uv r . . i h- h ems meed kmkR vt-.. ai au'H M any ouoio tke otty or eoetetjr h ' -i'poiir Kevcre lietMe, AlLany, Or. Cf SAM COHEN. MAGNOLIA MILLS. AftE u" pari'Mcd as uu d l lur- U .Oi t:.r,,- and scks un tho Mi'it (j.w. S Lie U-rnA A LIBEB M. PREMIUM WII.I. 1JC lyIl. j. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Md!. 13nl - ' 1 1 ...ii ii i ALBANY CITY FLOURINt MILLS. Wo are prepared to famish sacks and storage on the same terms aa last year, and will pay tho SAMBO I'll BOMB I'M. THOS. M3NTEITH & SON. COMB UP AND SETTLE. All pilSOes knowing bMnselves Indnbt ei to lite late tlnu of i x. lUuui A Co., will jiieaae c tva forwaid and fettle at once and aavo sa my businsas in lie Wlllaruet'e Vallf-y must be clnaed up mmediately. Otf. li;iyat dealers prices. We will sell you any I article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalog wcjrec con tains over IsVOO illustrations. Wc carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. M0NT6GMERY WARD & CO 2?7 Sl 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. DOHACA'S STORE -AT Sweet Home. e BTosne fnll stock of Grorrerle, DrtlflL Medicines, Liquora, uud evbr.vthiox that ttirxmtuin uxcursiouintu require, fit prlco vary rsaeonsbfe Iu connection with tho htorn a feed .stable, whoro horses will ho fed hy and oats over nijzht for f.0 rctiiH. One span horo-N ono feed t'i graio. n centa. Ingoii Kup ti 1 ho niountairiM you will erossthe creek hefore eotning to my store ai.d citable.. JOHN DOiVACA. FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home ! Parties guiiiff up In tho mounlaius ate herohy notified that they Mill not liore after ha eoinpnltba te pay extortionate ra'HS fur liornw ied at Kuokhead In SweH Hoiuo Vnliny I have opened up a fee l i:til aud have reduced the rates to a titfuro so low that all can a lord it. GIvj iiih a lair patronage and thud prevent a nsiurn to tho old extortionate raies. GEO. ROW ELL. (Jtf, aw b n THE MOST POPULAR WHISKY : IN THE MARKET jj--A fS i10 ABiClUTt iiti!mj-jj& t.. FOR MCOICIKAU FAMILY USCASWUL A3 FOR A uiAiiicr.iUASANi nimjiUism) r.sw taui u m (OLD JUDGE FOR SALE BY ALL CaOCLRS I LIQUiJFt DEALERS. i in Hnrasmt '.RGtCfl S i tip a'i rinn mm lArit,ULtAiPli(J WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 1121) OVSN i. SMI rSMIkl3v CAU. FRED REIS, Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. W. H. GO LTRA MULUM IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, The Qrral Knlisli Rm' (Iv. Its ii 'i'liur . lift ..r i I. mi'). )rl..,l.J Ulit). Hruuttl.wa, ll HMMM.ll Itr. l-.Wi -r, I 4.U. and il .(t..u .4 rtstf iitm iimmfuni iii Kh as Un .4 Wciw-y. tb tital SttM trmix -m'.Wrvc 1 hit.. Hi- utiits, S ft viy nli-r lrv.)i In lnWitt)r art t lclh lU 111 I It. i. ..rM.. .d .i lr ll. ailrr.l l)IUr. Bat R raw tlU HhI Ibo Hal SriUra Htr fui.'l' r Ii m! . sixl InMi.tcrtf ) alii nl i-w -r f bi.Umj U.u-r r inlufl iui IuuihI la it tr. Mn.'.i' lc.ull ifi--Jn . . ( .. UH-fi msffury. (VessSMSVwi Im nf'ofc en Salesti n i.:il vJtUi la.ltaliu tiii.... i ulna. IV Pri . f Vtai l:rut:, a Wittic, ur four ll am Uv iOAalttr l. ant U. tiy s4U as iiuti rsrla 4 .riv ore, O. I, Isx urc It-.ui !! r sU.n srul in jirt M4 If UH A. tl. JII.VTIE, II Hitlliri sl. see, Hu Kapl fa udiisr. sUi"J .ui lr. Mint sit kiial SB jrW. l.u !.-.:. i Or. Mint v. " l.t ..i u ; :-'. mi I. V Itllrr. iii s'ld stf. tiiu'inKatstsst fj; Uciim-I), Mr.liriH-uin, run nl i.u.i i.r . ..fi .t!i.u,a..ti'.rrb't, Fr ssJc fay sll Jnis-tfi.i, ct a SbTSSj llti fills rs Uc iWsi smt Ucsp- trii.tisctirc in tfao tasjlct. Par ul l)J;.il sil Ii liv sll !in. :! NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARANTEED. nil K.C.WK Ti I KU K A M Bit A I Bt TMKAT u.-:it. s id fur il) lerls, liluiucas, Con vulviutis, Nervnns Headache, Mental Depression jum tit Memory, Kenitaluri.nea. Iiu"'tci'', In luntary entUeions, rensturu lj s, taused by over -exertion, sell -sanisp nr o cr-lnrtulL-etice, ahich ii "1 l iiiim i , il-' a-, n.l .Jrnili. One F will rure re a nl illiees. Uarlt bun ronlaine one month's trestiartit ; uuc dollar a box. or six h.xos for firs lollars; sent by mail re)ialil on receipt f prire. Wo gunranue six lea to cur any ossm. Wltn each order receivod by lor six boxes, soccuipsntsd with five dollsm, w- will scud the purchaser our written guarantee H ntSOS the liuutuy U the treat ment does not (ffect s cure. Guarantees lasued only by WOOUAlib, CLAKKK A (t) , Wholesale snd Retail DruirirUU, rrtiand, Oregon. nler by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11KEAHNY BT. Treats nil Chroelc and pr!al Dfseasrs. YOTJIa MEN WHO MAY UK f I I I I.KIM. IKOM TIBE SSMS of youthlul lollies or hulservtion, wll) d welt to avaU tbeiiiwlves of this, Uictfreatesi horm sver laid at tho altar o iuffsring huutsiilty. Dlt. rMRBI will ffusrantee to lorfclt fTiUOTor every esse ScinliiaJc weakriuss sr private disease of say kind or earacter which he undertakes and litllif to cure. MIIUU I U.I t MK.fi There are many at the gu of thlrty-flreto sixty who are troubled with Um tronuent evtu-uatton of the hlail der, often accomaiiiel hy a sliyht sinsrUnger huniinf scnKiMiiti, sud s weakening of the avutein In s insntier the paUent cannot account for. Un exarainltiff tin urinary driMKits s niy smllim-nt will often ho found tnd sometime mi. all particles ol alliiiuuMi will apear, t tho color will te ? a thin inllki.h hue, airain chanu ii..' to a dark and teciid sipearanee. 11ieie are SKM men who dio or tnrs nimciiity uti'rant ot tlie amw, which I. thu second steffe ol seminal wuuknut. Is. H. will iniaraitteu a (erfect cure in all such oases, and healthy rvaUtratioii ot the Kcuiio uriuary organs. Omcs Hot as -10 to 4 aud 0 to . Sundays from 10 toll a.m. Consultation free. Thoroutfli exmlnatloi and advice, to. For private diseasos nl .hort stnndinif a full oownie as meuioin e Kum-iuni lor a 1 uie, wun all irifciriiMU'jns, will bo sent to any sdUrcs. en receipt uf S10 00. Call and address, rrst ki'Im:y a ro., 71:12 No. 11 Kearny St. an francisco, Cs) To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. PQO URAUXV ST., UwJ come' of Commer cial Htrcct, San Francisco. SMSSlWMd in IH.-.4. for the treatment ol Uexual and Seminal Diseases, such a 4jiiuorrlia, fHeet, Klrlrtuire.Syptatllain all its forms, iiiinnlr-iiev M'li: litnl t i-aknt-AO. niulit Io.kch bvdreanm. Dim plea on the focuand Ions of manhood can positively be oured. The nick and afflicted ahould not fail to call apon him. Tho doctor ha4 traveled extensively in hurop-j, and inspected thoroughly the various noapi tals there, obtaining s gTeat deal of valuable tniorma tioti, which he incompetent to impart to those in need of huvKcryu-.-s. 1K. OIUBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure, rersons at a distance MAY BE iiKKII 4T BIO ME. All conmunlcations strictly confidential. You see no one bu the Doctor. Bend tea dollars for a pa kage of medicine. Persons writlug to the Doctor will please state the name of the puper they sou this advertisement in. Charges rea no liable. Call or write. Aailroas DR. J. F GIIIBOK, Box ldu7, San Francisco. vlftn43 Bar . r LBawSbSKBHSsasBami i VBkBBBBBBBBBBsKr'' VVaBBBBBBBBnaSUWU.-. rmaaseMssoesoseBKaeoMammmi i PASSER'S HAIR BALSAM. Thi el-n-iril ilre..in b ptefcrnd hy tliose wtxihsve 1 1 it, to sriy itinuur article, un e- kouni of in superior li Irani, nr.. and purity. Il contains iiisteri.ils only that are beneficial to il.- scalp and lisir and always 'ostblsl Colnr to Ore or fated Hair Parker' Hair tlssvam ii finely rHrfume and is w nrrsnted to prevent falling af live hsir snd to r- . ntuvedandriiiTaiidiulilng. Hiscox St Co , N.Y. IP. a4 1 1 ilwi, 4m lm Is ingt sss mwUclan. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A tspsrlsflvt Health asS SlrtsgHi Rettorsr. H you srs a m hank or furtncT, worn out with ovrrwoik. urn niollier run down by family or Itouf . hoM duties try I'askbm's (iisuss Tonic. If you are a lawyer, mirurtcr or Ltuinc man rr liaiwied I y ii- mi.. I .irsiuorsnkiou.csir. do not uke inlomi aiinB MiiimUnU.Uit use I'mkcr'atimarr 'l oaic Ifyouluive t'onAumBtion, lyipeais, Khnirss. urn, Kidney t nmpbinu, or sny dtsorderof the lung, .ii'iiisi h. I jwcU, blmxl or ncrvrs.l'AiiKsa's (iiNt.sa Tonic will cure you. It i.lh. Grc.trti JUuixl J'tinfer And Ihs Bttl snS Surett Cough Cars Cver Uted. If you ate wastins ewy from age, dswlpetion or any diwM or weski--as and trtu,un u kiimul.nl tako OtMOSS TnNtr at OSMel It will Invigorate and hutkl you up fiom llio ftt.t dose Imt will never intonuts. It has saved hundieds of Uyci; It nuy tsve yours. CAlTION1-a.tV..ll...Wtt.rwli'.Oy.fWTl.. tisil 1 1 1 .1 Is. ted rrav.ll.1 M..U In IkrmU, mm) U BBBM f 1iOW.nl I- 1.. 1 .. -.il. .. . .1 tii.r' .W. tm tlnuitt tm 11 . 1 i S Co., If. y. SSt. a 1 1 iSh, .1 O. .Ui a s 4tvft. I. HI AT SAVIMO liCTIO IMJIXAR mK. lis rich and lasting fragrance has Basils ti ts ckdighifid perfume eateedingiy fxswjlsr. There Is nothing llhs It. Ins SsJ Uavuig ISSSBb Tvn PS)SMSJ aadleoh ite siguaUue of s. tw Vntlla. Ar srssBlit m imt la ifSai. . ... ,.;,.!r fu. ft m4 11 ... I lUrt I Mf.t SAVI.NU Mils., v. . SI7K. PRED WILLKRT, CARRIAGE AND WVCON NANVFAC'TIJRICR, Corner Second and Kerry Htm. Albeny.Or Is nraiiarod to matui fact uro cerrlaaes and waKufis at ihort nullce and of ik very a . a . II HIT M4TBBIAL. I Ik makea) thn pramlum cerriagee and hiiMKAi of tho Wale. REPAIRING AMD JOB WOBI lon at nliortoat noti'-e and In tlm mat SKILLFUL MANNER. Ill work and material U narrantl to b first -claaa. Ult To the Sick and Afflicted! AND IWriCtflALLY Tliosc SufffiinR from Debility, Nenous Frosl ration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities. Ha, Ktc Til f! It CAT Kr.KO TIPWC lUVP. ah., are t.nag fruaa SKXVAI. AMU KCHVut n iTrUI'I.AlVfa tea t'hrwuii a-ao na tl.cir aUasmiU a4 em anSsaatf trcal lht. TH. gvnmeml irartiuuas- U an .uS Untl abll.4 In Uimv t tasao. -4 trwttMs to S rx., n4 It rase'. U !C Is th. satrrlallal, ho by rlwtiofi. l.tg JVar use. tabwsii iaeaejsgiaei aaaayasaasaies aaWa. Yreil tuettra Hi. os. J. vatas. iiiii,.hih.. ostabraUat -atiiv in II 0 lur the parnmaa I atuttttws; Ota r Atrt lb crrtaialy -4 bvnurakle ! asUlfal Uvatawtil anJ rtt-1 auj X liaj.ftil tMtniMasi, aawt te over SO tears II her stMinl iU Smt rank ot on It nun this Cost tut UtfiKlgttmtl th ilHlllttsf vorta. I m mwAtv tha'. by d aotllni upn ao.n. it li; subject as Uu tlwajr uf essuat lwr the l&ni.l war a.;cra m) Mtaire txit the Sceira t lrm ih ... !. ars sulf.rttHi lhruuh isaoraace, ar.d bu I.J imfrlte.!. t. itt aOl ul lolllr. th.l a cur ran bm had. ar iot ; harrrlaf thsaawlaa an unUaWf tfra, bH sttltif aetual emhaeas a. an InltariUacr f future i.cr.u -... Is tuo great aa lasaSltM t.. 1- runt 111. Ut ba .ilotit metaans It m ars sttflerinf Inmi nifhl bieaas, n f iji'., aealineeaas, cvtifussoa rf mind. etitbU usssS alv oi'l'f cti-ilrnaal. tartablv taar. traaablliax, 11 UUun, fltoh... a. . at II yon hate .-.. .s aatf akna ena In the sUshtaat rtlrular you are suS.r- ins; Irirtji the tsrraMl Karaa af Uaaua Llfr. And aliouU not hralute to trek at 'u-e health and aaii4rtaa in a rura. I lira t.t AhASTKKO. IKCS MOOKRaTt: CONStXTATIoN' BY I.KTISIt K irTHKItWiaK re. Kvrlttatvclf rBrtshlr Krtatrrjlr. I rtl. O LiSBKS-Yeas are eupeciallr Uahle U u8.rita; trttm nor I jus retrsUuti. All your erttllar euro (dainuara uarvous ia their targln and SassS four uTrUur are terrllrhr drprraaing m lisprMiblT keen. The Doctor In his reaaarchas and praoUos of itervoue truutdes has made yaur orvauisatiou a afSSHl study aud Is thus snabled frtiui his .-.-: enos aud knowledge te aid end sure you Ol any of tli. troulilws, weaaneae, dl.Uoa.ltig and sufferings ta In. !, as a ae you are Ikbte. aVVou will Snd In the IXx-tor a Irini.i uun whom you cau ret'l for comfort, aid and cure ttr. loans Irstalr Brasrrllr. beve at taint. I a rcniUkUon lor efficiency unerjualed by anv luadU-lne, or medical racriitloa ever eaYered. Th asa he wot by mail r .xraea. Thoae dcrinz Mrsonal rare and attention can Save all necessary ax-ommoUutlms furnished. -O Lrllrrs. Those who caa riot visit the city ran by giving llmr .yiii.toin. in their omi , receive advice, and when desired, treatment at home with every as surance of a cure. LCTTERfl 1.1: 1 1 1. 1 1 otl 0KSTROYEI). Address, Dr. J. -. Yet Mi, BferflcaB laatllnfr, Xm, I Stockton St. San Francisco, Feb. 51. ISSt. NTISELL 10 000 Pianot PIANOS 1.000 Oroant. 1 ... Halt. Bur "I Maiiulartiirtr. r. in 1,11 iui Cii, t.nt nr ln.l.llr..iita rauitws rn ANTfSELL ORGANS ' Vrk.l4-.ill ..11 psasasn WEALTH. Ie Hlrhau'i CSulden Balaaui No. 1. Cures CHsnctirs, llr.t and second stages , Hnrcs un the Leg anil Body ; Syphlliae Calarrah, (lis- .1.1-1 ricalp, and all urlniary (onus ol the disease. I'rice, S&.OO ier Uottlc. Le Itli-Binu'a ililrn Btulsam No. S. Uuri-s Tertiarr. Mercurial, Syphilitic Kheuniatlsni, I'.in.n in the liones, ti'lceratod Throat, ayphilltic llash, Lumps, etc., and eradicates all di.eases Irom the m -i. mi, wlietlier eeused by had treat nirtit or abuse ol mercury, leaving- the blood pure and heulihv. I'riee.SS.OO per Bottle. Le Rtrtiiin'M tiolrten Spanlah Antttlolr lur the cure ot Uoiiorrhmo, 0tsakj oU-. I'rioc, S2.WJ-r liottlo. t Rlcbnu'a l.olilen apaalsli Injertlon, a wash lur cure ol Uleet, strictures, Disease ol the Urethra and Uloddur, etc. Price, $1.60 per IMtle. Lr llicltnu's Coltten Ulntmeut for the effeclivo iHUilinjf o( KyphiltUa hvirea and Erup tions. Price, 1 1 .ni par ilottle. Also agent for a Btlrhuii's Ciolilen Pllla, lor weakness, loss of phyatcal powers, ami all di.cascs arinnjr from abude and excew or over-work. Price, S3.00 per Uos. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely nacked pe Ex press. C. 9. Bit BIARDS A to. Arc nl. 437 A 429 Huusouie street, Corner flay, San Francisco, Cal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday i AT Ilarrieburg- regon, S. 3. XK.-A.IlSr, Editor & Proprietor. Terms $2M per annum. .SBBBBBSBaTaaBBBBBBBBBW ' Retlorti the1! ft A "C.Mtojsi OlSCASC. II0ITMA & JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OP ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DISALRRM IN- Imported and Domestic Cjgare, Tobacco h, Groceries, Provisions. Candief: Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ... Oregon. (NK DOOR BpLOtf JOHN URIfJOS; OTOBK. $9yi AT TIIK f)LI) HTAND, 71 FW.sT KTRKCT, HAH ON WAND AS if INK AN AHNORTMKNT 07 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND liANOES, Aa ttm Iioiim' In lie mi-v. If- TIN, 8HEET IRON fK FVKRY lirMt illlTlON IN rflOCK IIAN1, A PULL QENUiNE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL or WIIIOH UK OKKKIts 1 Till. COMKKTTTION CALL AT ri WtWt M'l'RKKT, ALBANY, OREUOM. Repair work done at reasonbie i ires. I iHu'. X. O. DIO Ilea leaned the Nlnaiaoit Warettonne and entirely overhaaled plaelng It In good condition, no that he In prepared to ator-fgraii with perlert aniVfy. Hr will nlao pny lb For whrnt. Those wish in jr. sacks wnrrhonae. f liurrb Directory. Y. I'. C. A. M acta at thr pxmn in Foa Lar'a ln k batlding on Saturday sveatutfra at V 'si o'clock, an. I ou SsblaUh al Urnootta at 4. Boaiuoas tncotinua srs held on ths vn. nig ol tha acoaid Monday in each month. Ktrerylxdy invited to attend. U. V. Vuvui-n. Preaching eve?ry PaWatth. at II a . m. , and 7 r. n. by ilaiv. V. ti. lr vino, I). Dt Mabbaih ScWl at 2 JO r. at. Prayt-f nwting every Thurailay evt niug. KvaaoKUCALCSCaCat. Preavbing on Sab hath at 11 a.m., and 7 i r. St Sabbath School 12 14. Prayer meeting very Tliurs day evening. J. A. Holloa baa h, mmUM. Cokoreo ATunc alCmi'Sh. Herrcaviry .tsJiUtb 11a. m. and S r. X. SabUth School . 2.30. Prayer mottiug i Tharsrlay evening of each week. J. . Harris. astrr. M. k Onrarn, Somt. Services 2orl au l 4th rUblaaths at St. Paul's M. lwCbarvh, Sooth, at II A. M. SabUth School at 10 A. n. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Kmory, pastor. M. E. Cut ani. - -Preaching every SaMth at 1 1 a. at. and 7J r. M. Kong service) tn ihe ermutf bob acrtnoo. Sobiaath akisuul t 2 30 r. a. Prayer meeting every Thurs lay evening. I. Ihlloo, pa-.lv r. I'i.i .mil. i-i iv C'if ratal. ScieieS every ! Habliath morning and evening in Vlee l'a-L Snn.!y . hiajMntnoluately nasstpt Ufriiiiic service. I ray it tin m. ocry Thurarlay 'V- eaa B I.4vc II. Gondii passes Ertx or At Cm :: U b rvio.-a every Sob dsy, moinmg at 1 1 a. in., eieatag st ?i p. m. Duly count. luiimi rirv hao'lay morn ing at U 45 a. m. t r iuaLy 7 JtO B m. Kobt. ta SUvetw, jiaa tor. Sheriifs Sale. iUr dtruil f.,iirt of fit Stne of (trrjon, for th' foumltj of Lin a. Maryouo B. rare? 110 ) vs. Tbaddetis liauford 1 j liy virtue ol a wul ofeaocution and o dr of aaie, issued out of the above-namod court Iu tbe above entitle I suit, to me di rected and do!) vered, I will, on tsaturday. tbe 'Jin day of December, isii, at tbe court bouse door, in tbe ity cf Albany, Lien oonnty, Oregon, at tne hour of one o'clock r. m , aell a: public auction, for cash in band, to Ibo biatteat bidder tha mortgaged pretu'ses, described in Maid order of sale, aa follows, to-wlt : Ail lbro certain par cels of land. Miitiate In tba county of Linn aad .State of Oregou, described aa follows, to wn : A part of that certain donaliou land claim situate in section 15, township II, sonth of range two, weat of tbe Wiihaan ette inaridlau, ani wbicb is designated on tba mans and plais of tbe government sur veys aa the uonai ion land claim of .Bern tnisb Drigga, and b.in more )rtk-uiarly describtKlas lota one, two, t ir -, four, live and six aa ehown aud designated 011 the plat ol a portion of said donation lan. I claim of Jeremiah lrigg, which is duly recorded In tho records of aaid I. inn coun ty, in book K. of deeds on page 191, whh'b said plat is referred to for a more fnll and, eoruplele doacriplien of tho laud conveyed, ooutatnlng 100 acres, more or loa, also that certain other tract of land iu said Linn county, and Htate of Oregon, and bounded aud desciibed as follows, to-wit ; lloginnng at a point which is tweulv three chains aud seventy seven links south of tho north east corner or section (15,) T. 11, 8. K. 9L W. of Willamette me ridian, and which Is at the KOulli-ent corner of the donation land claim of Joel Ketchum and wife, aud ruuiiitvg theuco wast along the south boundary linuofsaid Ketchum claim twenty.tivo t-iialni and fifty .five links; thent-e north six, chains and twenty-live links ; thanco sreat forty eight chains; tboncfl north tnirt three ohsinsand sevens hwo links to the north boaadary line of salt! ketchum claim, and thence north Kovenly four degroea aud twenty-threo miuuteaeaMt along tho north lino of said Ketohum claim, seventy -soven chains and seventy-five lit. Us 10 iho north east corner of said claim, aud theuce south sixty ohains to ktn0 place of beginning: Containing HIM acres bo the aamo more or loss ; also all the undivided right, title and interost of William J Mathews and wife and Philip M Lewis their grantee in and to the Kitiil donation land claim of Joel Ketchum aud wifeaseonveyed by deed of ditto December 28th, 1878, and which is recorded in said records of said Linn coun ty, in book S of deeds on Page 451 togeth er with tha ten. men! s, bereditamouta nd appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and also all tho estate, rlght,titln and interest of said defen dant iu or to said laada. The proceeds of sale to be applied as provided in said de cree as follows, to-wlt : First, to tho pay ment of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at 3i.?0 aud the aocruiug costs anil expenses of sale. Second to tho pay ment to tho said Plaintiff, Maryette B Carey tbosnm sffS&34 17- in gold coin of tbe U. H. wilh interest at tho rata of ten per emit jifir annum Irom Vie 24th day of 'October, 1S82 aud the further turn of 150 attorneys fees In said suit, and thereafter if any of tho proaeeJ s of sato remain, the ssiuo bo paid over tc U10 said Defendant, Thaddeus Hanfor.l. Dated this 10th day of Noveinbar, 1882. (JKO. llUJlPHKKY. Sheriff of LInu county, Oregon. NEW PISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders fc Stern berg. Will keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt tlsn cnl oysters that the market affords. Mi Hv' Cjfftft aweekiayourowntowu. Terms !5)lJU ad $5, outfit free. Addrass II. MALiiaTT tfe Oo. . Portland, Maine, m au imp 01 it. and miauufiaclaroe AND COPPER WARE OH TO OKDKR. AliO, UK KKKPS ON A.SNORTMKNT UK I'l BLR: AT PHRTW, THAT DKKV .llARkKT PRICE ran hnee'.them by enlllng at lh ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, miQEB BROS. Propiietsrs l.!M V. OKBSGOX. IVI3!tUMENT8, TABLETS, asm iii.- a Tiki . a aam.a m a r . m if in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety 0 , ' tber atone work doite with j diepan h. Special attenilon given to orders from all parte of this State and Washington : Territory. SasTAil err'A firm 1 I 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY -ANI SHOP. IM AHI.IMIl I) BH03. Hy A. F. CHKKUY, slua:ed at corner of First and Mtmtgomeiy Streets, Albany, (irogin. Having taken ahargonf the above named Works, we are pretMtml tn rnanuutature Steam Kiuinea, Saw and tiriat Mills, Wood working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Urase Castings of every deav riptlen. Maohinenr of all kinds repaired. Spe cial auenUou givenfto repanana; farm rra ohiuory. rattera Maklag dear ta all lis farms. l:llyl A. F. CHEKRY & kJON. NEW YORK SHOPPISCl Everybody delbrhted with tbe taatefnl aud beautiful selections made by Mm. La mar, who has never sailed te pleaaa her cuetomera. New Fsl I Circular just issued. Send for it Addresa MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, la:Ttl 877 Broadway. New Tor. YUSQ SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Does the beat washing and Ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made fbr Chinese labor. Laundry on Washfaatoa street, oppoaite Marshafl'a Livery Stable lttSStf Sheriff's Sale. In Uit CuYwrt Court, of the Sittte of Orrgon, for the County of Linn :' L. Flinn, Plaintiff, vs Kli Carter and Jane K Carter hut wife, Ed R M Carter and Ida J Carter l a wile and Moses Sternberg, Defendants By virtue ef au execution ad order o. sale issued out of the above named Cour in the above entitled suit to me direct and delivered, I will on Saturday, tbe 2nd day of December, 1882, at the Com House dooi, in the city ef Albany, Li nr. county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock 7a., soil at pub'ic auction for caan n na:M to 1110 mgnest tuauer tiemortirair ed premises dosrribeti In said order 01' sale as follows, to-wlt: Lor. No. six (6) and fractional lot No. live (5) in block 13, in tha eastern addition to the city of Al bany, in Linn oonnty, Oregon, as describ ed on tbe Plata and Surveys of aaid east ern addition on record, in tbe office of the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon, and more particularly described as fol lows : Beginning at the southeast corner of let No. 7, in said block 13, and running thence oastorly along the south line of said block 13, to the east line of Thomas Monteith's donation laud claim ; thence north along aaid claim line to the center line of said block 13 ; thanco westerly and parallel to the south lino of said block IS to the northeast corner of said lot No, 7, in said block 13 ; thence southerly along the eat line of aid lot 7, to the place of beginning. The proceeds arising irom the sale of aid property to be applied aa provided in said order of sale. First, to the payment of the costs and dlsburs moulsofsuit taxed at $-11.70 and the costs and expenses of sale. Second, to the fay ment to the Plaintiff, L. Flinn the sum of $1000 in U.S. gold coin with interact in like coin at the rate of one per cent per month from the lTth day of November. 1879. Third, to the payment to the de fendant Moses Sternberg the sum ef $100 in U. s. gold coin with interest there ou at tho rate of ten per cent per annum rrom the 3rd dty of July 1880. Fourth, that thereat ter if any of the said nr. eeds of siiia remain, the same bo paid ov to the said E i Carter and El K M Carte Dated thw 3rd day of November, 1881 Geo. Humphrey, .Sheriff of Linn county. ffirW f" A"WEEK. 12 a day at houie easily iiade. O t Costly Oatat; tree. Audraaji Taus A Co., AUfc-uista.Maiuo. T Lk ST1 AasssLl SSU ZiaaasBCi FARMS FOR SALE i I CLAIB H. STEWART, Heal Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON Tbe M lowing is s partial iSst 170 seres one aad a half sales west o Tancotst, OreeojaJad 6 mUeaffotn Aihsw. w ax 1 iu cuiutiuud : ma lie put In SSaaWSJSJSl easrlly; halsnee good Umber and pasture land. Soil, rich black prairie. Wood honae and bam, food board fenos, all la good repair ; you as; orchard 01 iw u-eea; gooa we 1 eaa rnnnieg at for stock ; eood school, cburoh aad ofHce ; good neigbborbood end goad sooi Sty. Terma S0 per acre: .OOOdown, 20 acre on Narrow Oanan reavd.l 1 from Albany and 6 miles from tteio, and 1'X miles from Jefferson. ltt acnes aaand farming: land, 75 acres in colU ration; re mainder in timer end brash; boose 1Sx2S with' 10 foot walla, ell 16x28 ; good barn 22x4 with 14 loot abed en one add rood fences and water. Terms SSfiOOaaii down if possible. Rather then net sell will take f9Se down, sod balance on f to S time, ensured by mortgans, 190 acres of a mile west of Albany loo acres In cultivation rod i aeves eavk and ash tknberxood wool land; all onder fence, board and mil. some good aad bad ; about 7 acres In orchard, apples mostly pears; good soil; 2 bushels wheat per at re on average; good two-story frame honae, plastered, ti rooms, built (a 1S7S. and coat $2 good barn. 28x0 end two aoeat a en arranged tor Terms, SSO00, 2 years time let see in cultivation: all new and la good order seed two story a rooms, nearly new and ri good tksn; coed new barn enaJo: fina orchard, Ito pi am end prune sppls orchard; fences In good or tw raonlnr walawt 90 aarsas as ami i rub, biack soil and vary produce! re. rnts anwv, of Albany; 15 acres in wheat, rest xt fair averaces woodland: stood kaad naaastw Price $ acre; terms easy. 1 mile nnthssn ol Springe; fair aarnuac t anaaU 300 acres fenced. Will be sold m tracts or all saber, good aehsaL anarch sOtodavUU, also the Soda and Dcsa-offl Stirinrs Price S6 SO acres IX miles above Onasatta, ob Tav qulna Bay. known as the old shipyarsL It nas a splendid fi liitini on the Bay, aad wUl be said at $11 per acre. 500 acres, lying wit! ta a mile of Men roe. iu Benton oonnty. Al. under Benoe and divided Into flee Aside. All good farm land and half in graia. Crood honae and barn, splendid water sod a nas orch ard. It ia one of the best farms m that section of the valley. $1000 or $1500 down s 202X seres Wins 5 Harriaburn and f mile east of Moddi Muddy In eoJtf- all ean be put in cultl .ation. IS sasry nam, gooa water, st4, 1 mile to Price $JOO0, 123 acres lying 6 miles sonth of Albany snd 2 miles from Tangent. 7$ acres La cultivation and all natter fence, M sssren mors can be pot into cultivation by lay of $100. House, bam. snlendid w A floe young orchard. Price, $80 en Narrow Hsnsai 100 In cultivation. Good IX story woci boose, barn, and splendid and nne orchard. All Price $15 per aera. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south- east of Albany. All onder orehzrd, no buildings, SO at coiuvate., out it la all lure. Price $10 pe 243 acres lying 3 miles from Bran doe's Station in Center Precinct, ail nodor fenee. loo acres in oultivatiom. Larps 15i story frams boose, nood barn, as versa outbuiidtnga, orchard and good water. rnoe, see per sere. (artO sores of Land in Marion oonnty, UUO IX utiles from Bceaa Vista end seven miles from Jeflatsou. 80 acres in eultivsUon and balance la light brush anp timber. House, barn aad good orchard. Flooring mid within 2 miles, Bnonck wood can be sold al ths pottery works at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Gall on C. H . STkWAar. at Albany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB AX T, OB. The Fint Tensi esdisg si Tksn day, NeresBber 16ts, 12. V Mrs I eafAea sea Piper. Schedule ot prices. laatntaaentaL private. SU per lain sn sill, case af two, S per Voaai, prtvau SU per term. Vocal, class of two. St par haraa. Vocal, class of Jov. SS per Work ta das departmeel will say Oct lets. For particulars coocamia the taw pries ot talttea, appry a KEY. L LB EST H. t O.VBMT. DO YOU BELEIYE Yon want work tf yea wesM sot accept It waaa tea eaa aw aa ens as ISi taeaa riak er less ? Be AhST ear had suak a chance, axeept free as, aad we will sewa haws all we want (one is each scanty) aad the our offer will he withdraws. BtC PAT ia made by oar Areola, ba cease we have reeds that wiU aell in every tanniy. aixryrt tae eayer pay teas taaa ea the naraavr price of etorea. -A. DEAF MAX Coast sell ear anode aacaasi a faokare of ear are ten at each house. arain te collect fcnow anytetnr, raelar taat win pay rrom I darpreds ? it not try Una. Swad far eaw f to work. Addreaa, U. S. Manufacturing Go. Pittsburg, Pa. C. C CHEKRY. c a. pa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwriglits, aad Iron Foundflrs. WE HAVE OUR NEW 811 OPS AIX com Dieted, and are now prsnared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, ana all kinds of Iron and llrass Castings. r at n evvs a ih ox aejesBT soncr, Special attention given to repavirUg oil kinds of machinery. Will also matiniae ture the Improved Cherry & White Grain Separator. Sitae aa natter Si. OaSta a Lataaher Yard. Albany, Gr., Dec, 1, 1860. IShf ajpt arw ni'W S5 I tree, Adreea StiaaoH A Co. Portland, Maine. ANNALS & WOODIN, saarrAOTsaaa amb saAuaa a FURNITURE BEDDING. Career Ferry ALBANY, OREGON. vlSaelyl T. J. STITBS. ATTOKNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office ia States Rig h re Dsmocbav office. and a Circular expamiaiar roods also stauag that Use Area win sail aaoeey or take up the roods. Do yea 3 to SIS a i -1