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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1882)
Wk tmmt FRIDAY.. NOVEMBER 8, 1882 AUMCI LTTatAI. nr. Tbere are no report t bis year of trouble from the Hessian fly. The drought of 1881 destroyed them by preventing the growth of fallen wheat ia wbieh these peats breed. Holstein sows were skown tit larger a ess bare than ever before at the Ne York Scale Fair and at most other fairs. Tbia ia sigaifieent of the in- areaaing popularity of tbia excellent brood. The lack of the wheat sad most mail grata passed over the field two or three weeks after sowing will ia al m jel every oaae be beneficial. Wheat may oftea be sown on mtato gtouad without plowing, if tbe weeds have been well kept down during the Summer. Some of the beat wheat this year was sown as late at the mid die of Oc-oUt after potatoes. The Hungarians look upon the de ficiency of this ear's Spanish wheat crop as a favorable opportunity for them to extend their flour trade. The duty, however, ia practically prohibitory amounting to 2 per aack of 280 pounds. No fixed nutritive value can be ap plied to fodder crepe, or to the hay made from thorn, as both their oempoai tiea and digestibility are largely in fiueaced by their age and condition when cut. The young plant is always the moat nutritive. Aa experienced pear gtower prefers! wmui ior profit. Their only draw bock is a tendency to blight, but they pay for themselves and for new trees to put in their places. The Bartiett i net the highest flavored pear, but good enough to he always profitable. While fodder crops deteriorate to ward maturity, from tts cob version of soluble carbo-hydrates into fibre, sock aa potatoes aad mangels the, caibe-dyd rates pro- dneed in their case being respectively torch aad sugar, hock of them suU stances of groat feeding value. i ae best mulch for strawberries potato rines spread thinly aaaooa as the ground it frozen They afford oflleieut protection during the ITtnter, hut by early Spring are so rotted away that they do not interfere with plant grow ft. Another important considera tion ia that they contain no weed seeds. The rows of bushes and trees which have grown at random, and frequently liae roadsides and inside fenee, are rarely either useful mr ornamental. Let any faitasr who has the adjoin ing any hoed crop calculate whet they coat him in a single year ard then do cide whether he can longer s fiord such a feature. The weevil or midge iu wheat it making much leas trouble thaa furn t r ly. Early sowing, early varieties snd the use of commercial fertilizers, wbkb hasten ripening, are among the reasons foe exemption from its attacks. Another reason is that the wheat midge has its parasite, which greatly rjdoees its numbers. The German potash salts known as ktiuit evntain te-eJe to thirteen per cent, pare potash and forty to fifty per cent, of muriate of potash. They are a valuable fertilizer for sandy or mucky soil, the first htfauee of a deficiency ot mineral matter, and the last for their effect in making vegtt'aMe mutter avail able as plant food. The failure of a'l the potent! milk- iag machines is ascribed to the fact that they all aim at a wrong method, imitating he seeking of a calf rather thaa the manipulations of hand milkng. This last is essential to getting the It accretion of milk, at d unless machine can rival the baud for milking, the old wv mutt be followed a while longer. Wheat from the time it ia threshed will shrink six per cent, in six months. Cora shrinks much more from the time it is h uxked. One hundred bushels gatborwd ia November will by Afarch shrink to eighty. In estimating ex pected increase of price hv holding, this lose by shrinkage of the grain should ue considered, as well aa the care and risks of storage. Ten ?ea re ago Sou' hem strawberries shipped to the North brought an aver age of fifte-sven cents per quae. Two years later the price wms reduced to thtrtyeight cents, sad now twelve to fifteen cents tier quart is found to pay fairlr well, The result of this decrees Ins price is that stiawherries are used by three tiia as many people, and s iermaaent demand ia thus established. Heavy matching is ir.jmious to elover d urirtg the growing season, bot late in the Fail a light dressing of al most anything mauurial may be ap plied with Iwn. fit. Before Spring the rains and snows will carry its fertiliz ing pronettiVs it, to the soil and secure greatly incnased growth. There may not be much virtue iu coal ashe as fertilisers, hut applied in the Fall to elover they are very helpful. A milkman, who has fairly tested the matter, keys that We tern corn U much poorer feed for soiling purposes, and also prOauwahly for ensilage, tbsn the eotamott white or yellow com of the K tetern States. Ah booh as the I change to Western com waa made his Icjws began to yield leas milk and of poorer quality. Vrwipaprr INtUIoh, 1. Any person who takes A psper regu larly from a poetoffloe, whether dime tod la hla name or aaotbei's, or whether he subscribed or oof, is responsible for pay- 8. If a person orders his paper dlsoon Unued he must pay arrears, or the pub Usher may continue to send It until pay ment Is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. t. The courts hsve decided that re fusing to take newspapers or periodical from the post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for ia prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. The moat brilliant shade pm-lble, on all fabrics are marie by Ihn Die ruond Dyes.' Unequalled for brillmn. cy and durability. lOctf. $500 t"r'r -an le easily made working for j u. KMaottt Co.. 10 Baiclav St., New York. Send for their catalogue andful1 part 'eulsre . ; -JU i S a - o r: .i BUY UJHVIUE . aw . JOS art t . i. . -wd : i f Ly&aS r:at 1 . . . -t. 1. . 'saiiu.:.-. .!. ' rt i lj asTnt" i "SS naBBlsn"iaekJ SSSSk 3 ' ! r VTv!ioi. c t lo.rtoiiUl r r. She 1 ,.na" . - i Uxl U - .- rvik, U ISkd :tnM .f ! tuU. , auil ! vUU-rd t. sej at hair aaaKasu. to hmip bar afcew r'.Ua late correal .wIom iock oa-y ;r tot e t. . aa. h bearing Ma special aaatm or roTM-to, or J'T at raieaa from It. liar aaasaamOaaassai ut twioix fur rwt aad a 1 bar prrsuaaUy luvai iu J tl aad of the trotS of thX. Oa aeeeaat of u ! m wean, tt U awd iaaa iltnil by i . U -t ;'.y avtaaa la Uw On says i It work Ule a .harra aad ec aeh paAa. nwdrora rutin ly Um worvt farm of faUia of Oka atara. Lrc-rrhar, trresular aad aalaTal .aUCKarUfiTroutkM. u Baaawaasaai aad tu far aUmaJaata. aad rattavas 1 OsaiHl DaftUUr. aad ladSjaaUaa. Taat f-iin of aata. aatfM aad bark ar ha. a alwaya cndby tuaaa. n artu at all tbaaa, saa act ha Sana nay wiOk ta law laaJytXparbetUaortUfor C: . and to aoW by AaraaetoaraaalradaatoaprtUi taaia,aad aata of samay waa ba assa reOorad to parfacl i ay Ua aaa of Ore Vayatalda Coanwaad. oaaba tad by addraadas Xta. 1 tta ataata foe aaety. iteLyaa. Maaa. af atthar an tato coaspouad U i atuiw. i Lrrar rUla," aaya caw vrttrr. -ara for taa car of CaaaUaaUaa, sat Torpidity of tha Urar. Bar Btowt fsiaiw utiaaafanlaaai l ia Ma popularity. All I aar m aa Aaeai of Marcy waeaa aola a to do pood to otaara ra. CD alra.A.a.0. msmxt CmiH.U.&A.' "''T 1 1 n aBBBBaBimBBBBBBB la FINE POCKET CTTLERT, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Bam odd the mamufacturt of all U?U of Ii PENS. With a killed sspeitataad fa that dcpsrU it, Wppitmeirted br extended exoerirnr in the working of fine at eel, are are enabled to offer good of aarirslled qaaiiiy. To introduce oar PATEN'T AOJCtTAJUJE Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE ACME," la advance of regular tra'.e channel, we ahow eat of it, and win mail a aauple groaa to aar addreaa oa receipt of a. Carries ss war Iak aa aay foaa tai a Pea. THIS PCX FITS ANY HOLUKIC Oar whole Una of Peas will be told by the trade. Price Idst ranuahed to dealers on spplicatioa. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A valuable stock farm of f)21 acres situa ted in Kitten gap 7 milMi est of Lebanon with plenty of aHJ I hay an I irraln land in r-nltivation, together with fii.o pant urea aad springs to make it one of the I est took farms In Linn C- Also AH I: ad of good vaung cattle and about 40 I. aad of bog to sell with the farm. Hv vriae and terms can not be boa, or I wi.l ex-h tnce for a smaller amount of gaod farming land. For particular call on C. C . Jck- wjtr rm the above narael pramisea. Parties a ihing to see toe lan I to be d-re-ted to t from LCLaanoT. 9m3 TUTT'S PILLS VMPTOM3 OF A TORPID LIVER. Lose of Appetite, Bowels coet'vs. Fain in the Hesd, with a dull sensation in the hack part, J?an under the Shoulder biade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritebil tv of temp'T, Low spirits, with a fooling of having neglected some duty, v'eart es, i izzioe-, Tluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin. Headache generally over the right eye, Bosi ieasueas. with litfui dream, highly eoirod Urine, and CONSTITUTION. TUTT'S PILIS r- i--tuily adapted to tih cuhch, oite done eflcis ueh a cbaaga of feeling as to nKftmisli the nurTer--r. Tney latrnif tit A;ft(e. cuiiae the body to Taiate or, i . r. tmi3 tl. fyymn ia W4wHahL. t ni :y ib-ir TanK' Aetlou on the llgeative Orastna, itfgult'.r atuatla ar pro duced. PrUw - it5. XT, Mum.v fit.. X. T. TUT Oaar Hair ob Wittskftw rhantsH to a Olohst Black by a aitiglr uppi.t Htion t Hi J)vx. itim sarta a natural Subar, . ts rnafantancouaiy. Sold by uruaaisu. or aeut t ..r-H' on re-.-eipt of SI. omcB, as trpa rr t. vuru. (br. ri rra utUKx:. -. v LiflaaaOaa Uatal SaaOatoalNU iata4 ISSis an n,., Irailue.y ffirwET A WEEK. SI 2 a day at hum aiily nivle. JP I f ) Costly Outfit (ret) AdJraa. Tatr. a Co., AUfc-ustft.Miune T. J. STITE3. ATTORNEY AT I j AW AND Notary Fublic. Office in States Rights Dkvockat office. I muaaatliia. naodlar. Wta ml t' ' vaJuaaasaaJ U nyoOMiij ajaptad Ut ataCSavacaaf UTa." B swain nrr inn! n nftki arSaw. aadff aswataaad rSjua. It raaamaa tiliiiia Saatwarr, t aaOwaOelri aiinniaiirtaaaaaaMiaadwatlfawil.l! all tyii Bl at. i- - aBk a -taaaSal mBBBBBaaaaBWawaaaOaWaaaBaBaSaSaaBSB E8I I f SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO MoCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Sec, Sec, Froman's Block, Albany, Or. Xli'HieinnN presirii. tioiiK careiully lrt?io.retl cluy or iiiuhi W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING 'GOODS OF ALL KUfU The Celebrated Baker Gon, Either doub;e barrel, ahot gun or three bairel-two shot aatl one rltle. Also Sharif, Remington, lUl'.anl, Tnte nix, and Marl in Magaxtiie Hitlea. Alao a large atot k of English, tiertnan and Amerl an breet-h-loatlinashot guns. Full stock of Keroltfera, Fhvels Cutlery, FlahingTaraleof all kluda, and Ammu nition ol all kin . A fullatork of Sewing WsfW the boat in the markt-t Alia full atot:k of sewing mar h tun needles of alt kluda and machine oil. I make a aperlaliy of rvpa.rlng 1ft trtat and sewing inaohtuoa. Kemmber that I canuol be undaraold In the State -'H0LESALJ IaW) I shall keer Ht ery best bran ia t liq uors to befer -linl insrket, and will sell a, wholeaala prks lao the BEST CIGARS AW TOB AO COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I will also sell real enie. in ir -Ua tdtse household gooda, etc.. at auotl -u for4t,y one In the city or omitty I i rpoait Revere lluv, Albany, Or. Cf SAM COHEN. MAGNOLIA MILLS. VVE ARE '"''y irt'i,-' uu ,ur niah atorae and stcka on tlie iut fauta 14 terms A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL I-rVIIs. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. 111 ALBANV CITY PLOURINU MILLS. We are prepared to furnUh sacks and storage on the same terms as last year, and will pay the SAME llaKilllUla THOS, MONTEITH & SON. COME UP AND SETTLE. All persons knowing hemetdves indebt ed to the late firm of Fox, Bauin A Co., will please come foraaid and elta at one aad aave onts as my business In he Willamette Valley must be closed up mmtdittely. 9tf. Sheriffs Sale. In lif Count y Court of Linn C unly. Stale of QrtgoiH Will J. Wolfe, P1IT. vs. John H, Iavldson, Deft By virtne of sn execution snd order of J laaued out of the above named Court in the above entitled action fur thn sum of SU0.00, with interest at the rate of 8 per oent per annum, from the 7th day of Sep tember, JHMl, and the further huh, ofatto 25. -HtH, I have applied the following de- a-rined real property heretofore attac hed in said action, to-wit : Btir,inulnir at the northeast corner of block 22 (twenty-two) in Hackleman's second addition to the city of Albany, as the same is designated and described on the maps and plate and surveys of said addition, now on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon : Running thence south 110 feet parallel with Jefferson street In said addition; thence west 6(1 feet parallel with bth street; i hence north 110 feet parallel with Jefferson street; thence fast GH feet parallel with 6th street to the place of beginning, and on Patnrday the 21st day of October, 1882, at the Court House door in theoity of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. rn.. I will sell said property at public aiicti .r for cash in hand to the highest bidder, to satiafy said execution with accruing coats Dated tbia 22nd day of September 1882. Ouo. Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn Co. Oregon. O Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any I article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue, free con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL, THE MOST POPULAR WKIiJi; iaLf N THE MARUT: Mr A CRFAT FAVORITE. 5 f FOR MEOICINALlFAMiLY U5C AS W.t A'j FW K -OLD JUDGE) FOR SAU BY ALL GROCERS I LiQ'JCn OMUftS. wttMcmatm 0 WlJJaJ&0J WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 21122) BUSH IT. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FRED REIS, Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. W. H. GOLTRA DK W.Kit IN farm Mai'hincry, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, :kl is The Ureal English Reme dy. I a n cr t lio.- ura l-r Nvat'MMi lUlny, Manlfil ISI MSMOlt Iu Uiij , 1 aiwi all UM I :. ifferU A Nil Abuar. )( ullilu! I .llM,ai i vmtm In ti.i m . r war. arh aa Umm -l M. SM lOTttuila, Htnimm, Aa Win U a.aUt. Iiuii;m Vtatiai. Sutaaa la Ua HA, Um iui fi ji J naato inobaartatl Mo lbs um, ai4 many nthur dUca loaiitnf tn inaanttjr an.i uialii MS UJtll.l:is-r.' l, lartslt Wta Itaaernt BWIIara lr a . -I Ihia ktn.1 i Vllal r.Cr- Nrr (uaUr ha ( Ul a.tra a-.l trattnrit) alii n-H ear w it anthia ii(mn or InjttrV.a ..u-i. h it. Uf. MSSBI HSSBI all BUfafcl SBaaSM SBB 'aully arllhoat iaar-urjr. Vailuu'i frer. T !. -i mlnalW.n aiHl allvlca llulinj( aialiaul urtna.Sa. lYioa ul Vital Naaiiaalita, SS a l"t(l. r twur llara lh )aaulity lo. avnt l mitf taMnai Ui r. r .t a Iwfc-avrfaO l, ohar-jrr Imai laratl.'n atHl in Bai airlf MrairaS. by DR. A. K UISTIK. It .c.) at'r-l. Sail KraiM-tatxi, I al. tasllaa M ! t r. Oiaiaiiialaartaaa i'4hM ii.t.i. fl. aa Uklljr euMtbleitUal. Dr. Mlntir'a KMuav Uatnaty, NV..rotlvni, curaa all kknaWaf Wdn- ai4 hla4tlr .Hi.uil.4..f. nl, i- Skart. laoarb.arlfa aal by aJI liUaU, $1 a bltta "r utiloa f-.f $. Ut MmU a Ian l!lwi ia tf... !.! atuj ah fv SSI Djraaasasa BaBass ura u IBS Mail-tt. lor aalc br all lrn.- !,ti NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. R r. C. WKtrs 5 F.flVK ANI BRAIM TKKAT Mr maul, a pcMe .r Ih.uri., Ihuinoaa, Oaa tuiatutia, N i r ., HoaUadit, Mantal lri.r.i .u Unw o Mamory, Sarmat.rhn. Inirirtiry, In voluntary rnilaaiona, Taatatura kl aaa, caaaad by "rr t. flu. ii. M il aluiM' or r-lnlulratit, ahlili lernU Ut mUery, eleoav aixl (Wlh Ona Lit will cur rr.cnl il.i.m. rjM-h box cmUlua oti monih'a trratnaaat ; ona Uullaj- a U., orals bxea fur flta doliara; aant by mail la-ffMtbJ n r. u.i ..f i tta yuaraiiua U I. t, t,, .,. any Uitn ra h nnler rTi,r, by ua for alt brkaa. aci-tniiiHl iw riiuuiuuv, am aeaa the .unhaa. r oar wrttUfn -iuu-a)tcc H rvtwin tlia Dmney t( Ilia Irtmt tnenl iaa not tffm-t a -nm. ;naranua lml only by WOODARO, ( LAKKKa ("O. holaaala ail Retail lrufkl.t., -urtl.itil, Oreyon. irrucra by mail al regular t.ricoa. ay Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Trails all 4'braale sail Special MsSBBf . YOUIVxi MEN WHO MAT RK nwmViU FROM Till flcu of yniitliful (ollies or huiacratlon, will do wall to avail Uieinaelvoa of this, thaQToatrjat boon aver laid at the altar of autTering humanity. K. BTINNKY will guarantaa to forfeit SftOOtnr every iae HMulnale waaknaaa ar private rliaaaaa of any kind oi tavracior which he undertake and fa to aura. M1DDLK-ACED MEN. There ar many at Uia are of thirty -n ve to alxty arho are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slisHit tnartluir or burmiiK eneation, and a weakening- of the ay (lam In a maimer me patient caiuiot account tor. On examining- the urinary detxmita a ropy ediment will often he foumi uid sometime amall partlole of albuinon will appear, M the oolor will t e of a thin mllkiah hue, airalii chaiiif las to a dark and torpid aj pearaiit-e. Iliore r many in en who die of till diffltmlty ignorant of the rue, which la the aecond ataga of aemlnal weaknaaa. its. H. will iruaraMtee a perfect cure In all uch oaaea, and healthy restoration of the genito-urloary organ. Omos Houaa 10 to 4 aad 0 to 8. Sunday from I n to 1 1 a.m. Consultation free. Thorough cxmliMtiioi and advice, $6. For private diseases of short standing s full ooarsc of medicine sufficient for a cure, with all inxtruutiuns, will be sent to any address u receipt of $lu 00. Oai! and address, mz. si's xi;v .v i ., 7W2 No. 11 Meamy St. Kan Frnnclaco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 023 KEARNY KT., tt corne'- of Commer cial h! reel, han Francisco. KaUblished in IS54, for the treatment of Bexual and Seminal Diseases, suck aa Waawrrltea, taleet, Mrl -lure, S.vpnilUiii all It forum, ImuMlenry Seatlaal Waakaess. night loasc-s by dreams, nlm pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and uftiictod should uot fad to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively In Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining s great deal of valuable informa tion, which he is competent to impart to those in need of his seryices. Dtt. U1BUON will make no charge ui lies he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY RK ClIRBR AT HOME. All coi miunicatlon strictly confidential. You see no one bu i the Doctor. Send ton dollars for s package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the nam of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1007, Sau Francisco. vltulS Mb l'ARKEK'H BALSAM. This elrgAnt draasing Is preferred by thus wli'ihnv uaed it. Wan dmiliir an,, tr, on so- ..nut of Us suprrior laanline and purity. It contain matariat only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair and al ways fteriorai Ihe VouiMul Colur to Orey or fsicd Hair l'arker Hair lUlanin is ftMijr trrfiimad and If warranted to prevrttt falling af th hair and lo ra inove daiidriin nnditchlng. Hisiox ft to, N.Y. Hf. 4 l l eealff In Irnft rw4l. In... PAHKER8 GINGER TONIC A Superlatl vt Health and Streneta Re::orcr. K you are a ie. hanlc mr fsrmrr, wnrn out widi overwork, or a moilier nn dow a by family of Ikiulo Iti4d dnlir Iry 1'Attnaa'a GiMr.aa Towtc, If you re a lawyer, nilni.i-r or bnmM man atr lictuatad by menial aUainor an aiona carta. dorw laks lnloaicalbigttunulanit,bultiaa l'arkrN(;ini-r iSBM If v. n b.iva oe.ompiK.ii, Ipm-mm, ttbeum lm, kklny t'mi4ainli, or anyiliwN'dar ofthahiiiB, ttoniaib. Ixrwrla, blood or natvr Falras' (.imii Tonic wiiliureyna. Itilli(raatet lUvud I'urifW As4 tha tsst sad Ssrut Cossh Curt Cvsr Hud. If you ara wating away (mm ag, diaaipalton or ny Jtwre or w vukoa and rotnina a iimulanl lakn Cltaoas TosnB at race I h wiUinvigwiaie aad build I mi up fto.n tha S doaa Ihii will hav r Inioakau. I baa saved himdiede of liv; It aaay aave your. CAL'TIUM aBatsarsf ium. raSMBaaaa T a U aaaaOf lh UrnpaaUasaUtaawrt4.aa4UaUrly a'airnl faasi .rti..i. ( tl(.r bImw. Sn4 H"J w IliwaaSt., H. V. . A Haw. a BaSSS at aSj. lilUAT AVISO CVYINti UJU.AB BUS. It. tu h ai d laklmv fi .l' ranee has m..U ilna ilebghifiil paHuana (sceadiiigly popular. Thar I ant Mag Ilka It. lnu.i upon bavaig FLuaaa tut CUUM.S8 and I ook for MaasBMCS aa wT W4lt. Aay Starr1' " Saalar la aBSSS t I 4. E SAVISO M'TINrt llr. Sty. VHKD WILLKKT, CARRIAGE AND WVCON MANUFACTURE!, c rBer Serfirvl ami Ferry Sts. Altaany.Or Is rrm to manufacture esrrlsKi-s sti'J waoiiit al iliort BotU.'e ami of lae vtry i:i;vr flTEBIAL. lln makaai tha premium ratrrlagea and biiKKkua of the Malo. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK dJOMt at altorteat nolhre au l in tbe niuavt SKILLFUL MANNER. IIk work ami material ia warrauUsl tu Ik Ural claaa. Ult To tint Hick and Afflicted and EsrrxriAU.Y Those Suffering from hebilitj NcrvooH Prostration, Lokn of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Ktr., Ete. o nniic on I (.flll.!,( OtmfUkUift MiiAr M.eo Tiiirat. iiar. iw. ara g ! . l VI At. AM NKKVo'.' HUa 'li)aiiM ho rmn out..i.rtl. . I U.-ir an.l u -Mrull IraaM tbctn Tt (ciral raUt(uo-f la uo auSUtanU ahlllcl In ihnatf dBaW oubl u iu an, aad u anuat ! Ml Ui the arrtallal. ab lij rUtaratton. Uitg pcar III f..4l4ll bl. nl.f aiul .!.. ft I.C... t U. !..!. ! i)arcl 1. 1 cure thctu Dtt. J. r nist. ( l;ti hia ! ralrbralail lntllila In It A f r Ihm U'm '4 aauMiing Ut aJBirOnl tha raftatalt t4 n-it'-raia I akitllul IraaUncnl ai4 irf-t and liuranaiictit raatnratHMi. and Be BSSf Bl raar It aaa aiuUioal Uar Srat not .) U-at ll.U aiA but ttil'HllhoUt thart.litvad I an aara tiiat by a -r ),.. uwn o aubvUles a il.Jnt aa tna decay ot actual lgor tita lruurald may aaraa ni) uk41b but tlia Saatre to li.l.ina ' ara auSrrtn thruuah lt, .'n..., and ah. by 'rrlaars. .r aant f k ti.ralo.lga that a rmc ran I- hail, av ik.i ... I, Ixtrryiug thattwayaa U an tintttwaly gT. but gltlng aatuai anaaiMraaaa an lnharitan fuiura gmaratbaia. a tuu grr at an inbuilt a i.. laul twa b ba ailant. syaaalaaMa II you ar suSrrinr fruat night bawas, n r..u.. ... BSSBSa Baa Mruaii a ml ml, abjbb " a bra ui. I. r r i in, . i.i yariabla tatnunr, ir. ml. aUpb UUua, fluattM, II ) her orartiwj aall abuas vs. t. In the aUhtaa nU-ular ..- are a iB.r big Iruau tho Brrad r.araar r nasaaa Life. Aa4 I.- uid rwH bcaiUle lo aaa at a haaJah and haMilnraa In a rare. I'M KM tll'AKAVTI.Crv rr.KH M'ltiKRATK C'ONM I.TATluS hY I.KIrSl: oa T1I KltVa 1MK Irrr. i:rJaalvrljr trgriablr B aar 4 tr lard. - O- LIUIRS Y u ara r-Wa:iy liable Vo uarlng ma 'icrtioua pruairati li. Ali ).ir m:ullar com I " nertotu in inc.r urgln aayj BSBSS ruur """" ar.- wmuir ueraaaaf or lnaarraadbl Kraii. I ii. !. t,.r in hla raaoarrhoa and braciloa ul fiartoua truuhii ha mad your organlfa'Jnn a lai i ii) ami 1 lliu anabtatt frutn hla tu- and kixiaicige to aid and rur vutt In aay ot .m mi.iun , wriuiiini, uia-.raa.tng mil sttSerlng U. a hi. h aa a ana you ara llabla. SJTYou all! Snd Iu Ui Doctor a b-lsnd a-h'im )ou can ral ly fr romfurt, and rura UMfl r. issi reasair Braardlra hav at- laiiicti a reputation far cltlclency anaualad by an aaw awaa iiMHiumi 'rrarnninn arr Tbay Im aant by mall or asprsaa. Tli'wa tlaatrinir eronal car and attantloa can aave All noaaary ai-naitnouullona luriditiml -O-Lellera. '"'" ho ran not ylalt the dtjr nta bjr girng in. ii . ii i.i. in 1 1 1 1 uarii aay, raoaita advice, and whan alr-d, trcaliuent at buui wiUi every ae- siiraiiue m a ura. 1'BTTKRS UETl KNFI) OR UESTHOYED. Aesssa lr j. r. YOI xv. M retire I iBalllale. x. 7 atorbtoa at Kan I r .... ... .., fell. 21, ISIfi NTISELL 10 000 Piano 1.000 Organs, PIANOS rmvm nair. twry M rn.aiV.atull.tM Cah, ator ln.(klimm(a fi. ... SWTISELL ORGANS ae Mark.iar.,ati aau rtauclaoe s TART LING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful lrnprudenca causing Prenuv hire Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etr.. Laving trird in vain very known remedy, baa dis-coven-d a slmiilnalf enre. which 110 will mml FREK to hU fellow -rnifforer. addreaa J. H. BEEVES. 43 ( hat ham ni ., . Y. 500 WtALTH Lc UlrltaH'a .ldii Rulnsm Na. I OurvH ( liaiMjor., tlrat ami tuooiwi stages ; Sore OB Uia Loinj and Doily ; Syphilitic Calarrah, dls uaatxl K and all prlinar tonus ot the dtsasas. I'rloa, $6.UU pur Itc.ttla). I.i- Rlrliaa's tiolden Balanin No. S. Uurca TartUry. Mercurial, 8yphilitiu Hheuiriattam, Iaina In tha Ktuie, ITlct-raUid Throat, Syphilitic Hitsli, l.umj.H, etc., and eradloatoa all diseases from tli m Mi m, u lu titT uaiwed by bail Ureat mrnt or abusu of mercury, leaving th-i blood pure and health v. rrie,.00 lor Uot tie. l ttlrttan'M tiwlilen Bnaniah for the cure of Goiiorihu;, Glol, oU-. l'rioo. i.60iier Bottle. HlrBan'a Caldea Span Iak Injection, wwii tur cure ui uiuoi, Birictures, I liinasa uf the Urethra and liladder, etc. Piioe, 1.50 per Uoltln. Lc Rlehaa'a Celtlen Olnimrnt for th. effective healing ot Myjihihtic bote and Erup Boiia. Price, 1.00 per Bottle. Also Agents for In Klrhan'a .elda Fills, for woaauiea, loos oi pnvMcai power, ami all aiseaae ariang from abuse and excess oi over-work. Price, 3,00 jKjr Box. Sent every where, C. O. D., securely pecked pa press. (V F. KM II A BUM A A'JO. A erst a. 497 a X ijauaoma street, Corner Clay, Sau Fianviscu, Cal. 3BLiaJlCjf aaaasaao l Anr aOaBBt a yttr t a-rTwBl mm GREAT INDUCEMENT! MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! 18 the TIME TO Greal ItcduHions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming'. KVERYBODY HUYg OF EVERYBODY . HOI IMA . k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DEALERS IN Imported gild Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Pro viaions, Candiep Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. OKK DOOR BELOW JOHN VA V.W STORE. 89 ' AT THK OLD STAND, 71 FIRST WTREET, HAS ON HAND AS KINk AF ASSORTMENT O' COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa au Itouat- bj Ilna tU ley. lie a so Imports and uisnulactHrcr' TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE K KVKKY nioatrRIf-TIoS IN STTOCK OR TO ORDKR. AI, HK KKKPS OV HAND, A PULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. A IX OP WHICH HE OPPERS TO THE PUBIJC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY t'nM PETITION. CALL AT 72 PIIWT STREET, ALBANY, ORJDGON. Repair work done VI C5. DIG Ilaa Irsaed lltr Hltupaua Warrhonss sb eattrrl over haulr d plaalag It la gol rssditlss, aa iSat he la prepared te store grain w lilt perfect aaret. lie will also par the MGUEST MARKET PRICE For a heat. Thoir wishing sacks warehonae. Y. P. C. A. Meets at taeir rooass ia Fos ter's brick building on Saturday evenings at 7 -.30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternooas at 4. Business meetings are held on the ins of the second Monday ia each Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Cii cam.- Preaching every Sahbath, at 1 1 a. m. , aad 7 r. u. by Rev. K O. Ir viae, I). D. Sabbath School at 9:30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. EvABOBUCAL Cbckch. Preaching oa flab bath at 11 A, BL, and 7i r. M. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. H dlenbaugh, pastor. CohorboattokalChorch. Services every SabUth at 11a.m. and S r. St Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer mwting oa Thorsday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Chpkcm, bouth. Services 2nd sud 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul's M. K. Churoh, South, at 11 a. m . Sabbath School at 10 a. a. aharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs- dsy evsnng. Jos. Emery, in.t..i. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 7i r. a. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School tt 2:30 r. a. Prayer meeting every 1 hu re lay svsniug. I. Ihllou, pastor. Prkhbytkriam Churui. Service every Sabbath morning snd evening in College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rfterths morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kov. Isaac H. Con J it pastor. Episcopal Church. Services every Sub lay, morning at 11 a. m., evening at 7i p. a. Holy communion every bun day morn ing at U:4o a. in. Wednesday 7.JO p. m. Kobt. U Stevena, pastor. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT llarrlaburg Oregon, S. S.THjPxIlSr, Editor 1 Proprietor. Terms $2.00 per annum. NEW YORK SHOPPING 1 Everybody deMffhted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs, La mar, who has never sailed to please her customers. New Pall Circular just issued. Sand for it Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, tft:Ttf 877 Broadway, New YIKG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the best washing aod Ironing m Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Waehmeton street, opposite Marahafl's Livery Stable ; iaaa I STOCK OF GOODS COUNTY. the way for the GOES at reasonable figures. ran havelhei by aalllag at the ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - Proprietors ALBAN Y, OB EGO.1. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AI HEADS I Eaecuted ba Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatnnsa and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. 0kf All work warr tate I. 17:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1803. By A. F. CIIRRRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the a bo ve named Works, we are prepared to manuisoture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mill, Wood working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all akin da repaired. Spe cial attention givenfto repairing farm na ohinery. Pal MaktBg aaae la all las la:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. NEW F IEfi MARKET. On corner opposite Senders A Stern berg. Will keep constantly on hand an Kinaa or ires and salt fish and ey seers that the market affords. M.Htbs i f A L ja . asaaaWlaaaBaaaaBu FARMS FOR SALE -BY CLMB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker. ALBANY, OREGON The following Is a partial list t 170 sores tnne snd a balf mflas wast Tangnnt, Oregon .and 0 ml lea from Albany. so arm in cuiuvauon : so acres mora can be pat In cultivation easily; balanoe Med Umber and pasture land, ttoil, rich black pratrte. tiood house and tarn, good board lanoa, all tn good repair : you a orchard of 100 trees; good we I and running -fam ior sfooK ; pooe scnooi,-cnurob and ofllce ; aood naighnorbood anal anad Terms fan per oa aaa terms. Ma down. 2H0 acres oa Marrow Oatura raad.1 1 mSas from Albany and 6 miles from reio, and 7i miles from Jefferson. 1 aeraa good Carmine land, 75 acres In culti retina; re mainder in timer and brnsh; boose 18z2S, witb 1 foot wall, ell 16 A : exrod barn UxM wl th It foot shed en one aide; good fences and water. Terms fW0eaes down if poasible. Rather taan net sell will take 2fW0 down, and balanoe oa 2 to S y rs seared by mortgsgs. 190 acres of a mile west of Aibanr; 100 acres In cultivation rod 9 awss taak and aab tsmber.kood woo J land; all under feno. Uiern and rail, some gned and bed ; atmut 7 acres In orchard, aoolam. mostly peass; good soil; 3S boahcls wheat per acre on average; good two story frame hoiiae, plsstHr!. 6 r.xirns, bo lit In 1873. and oratt l 00; -xjd barn. 2a40 and two sheds; aell arrauaed for Barm rurniaaas J arms, sowu, t. yeara uua on 150 acres IX utiles west in oultivaibnrv aJI snd ka good order good two story hot 8 rooms, nearly new and tn good oa; good new barn MtxMfc aaa roans orchard, ISO nlom and prone trees. Bait spple orchard; Fences in good order; plen ty running water; acres or good nmoer; rich, waca soil and 1 Price 85050, K cash and 108 acres one and a balf of Albany; ISaersa in wheat, rest In fair average; woodtaod; good aaod; neatly feoced. Price $25 acre; terms eaay. 800 acres 1 mile aoathsssl of Springs ; fair asrmlnc ; amall 800 acres fenced. Will be sold tn traeta or all together: good sett sol, ell arch and post-office at Hoda villa, also tha trpriags. Fries so par acre; 80 seres VA miles above Oneatta, on Ya quina Ray, known as the old shinyardL It baa a splendid frontage oa tha Bar, and will be said at f II per acre. SO0 aeraa, lying wttf e ntUe of Moat, roe. to Denton county. Al. andee Season and divided into five fields. Ail good farm land and half in grain. Good bouse and barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. Itisoaeoftbe beet farms in that section of tbe valley. Price fat per sore 1000 or 1600 down and balance oa time 2024 acres lying 6 miles aorta as si af Harrtabun; and 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under fence; 180 acres in earnT vaeion, balance in pasture, bot meet of H can be put in cultivation. 24 saary lan oaa, barn, good water, etc., 1 mile to arlsecl. Price 1080, 12S acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 1 miles from Tangent 75 aeraa la cultivation and ad under fence, 25 eeree more can be put into cultivation fry east lay of f 180. Uotue, barn, splendid water. A fine yonng orchard. Price, $30 per in 8 mSes from ata4lao aa K arrow Oaaaa. 100 1 ( I A 11 r.... I., hi wihimmi. wwwa . a J uwwaw, woM houas. taaro. and aplaadid water and Una orchard. All under fence. Price $16 par acre. 240 acre lying about 20 east of Albany. oana&rd. no buildlaga 60 cultivated, hut It la all tare. Price 110 per aata. 24S acres lying S miles from Brandon's Suuiou In Center Precinct, all under fence. lwO acres In cultivation, larae story frame house, good barn, several outbuiidiogs, orebjard and good water. Price, K20 per acre. QAQ acrea of Land ia Marion county , OUO Ut miles from Boetse Vista and sevan miles from JsaTeraon. 80 acres in cultivation and tatlanca la light brush aaa timber. Hooae, barn and good orchard. r louring mil wnatn s mi lea. wood can he sold at Um Dotterr Huana V lata to pay for the farm. Call on C. H. Stewart, at Albany. DO YOU BELEIVE -m anaat work if roe aroahl aet aeeaaA tt esea tea am .eewsftwet the least rfcer loss? VO ACBST ever Bed ssmB s chaaea. exrea treea oa, aad w anJl mim hava aM ara waat (eaa as each eoaatr) sad thca txjroCer eiUhe aitharawa. BSC rit is asaee lj our Areata, heaaass are have good that U1 acB ha every laaaUy. aad yet Um barer fay Iaaa than oa tha regular ica of Ware. A. DEAF MAN CM aall are left at each an J hear sold. aad a Circular aaiAsaaSaa: gooda stathag Uwt the Ages will aall r b take as the seeaav laavaas booar anything easier that will par fross $3 to f is a m try thia. Sea! Sw ear eShfe aa 4 darurodt T to I e teaork. XT. 8. Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, Pa A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN" OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 aeraa. with good outside range, located near Bridge Creas. in Wasco county, together with about 25 horaea, to eaeeangw for land here in the Willamette Valley. Now, If yam want to sell ynr farm and go Into the stock busi ness in Eastern Oregon, hers is a chaaea for you. can on or addreaa c. H. art, Albany, Oregon. c. o caaAtar. CJUBA ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Soccoseora to C. C. Cherry .j Machinists, Millwrigiita, tad Iroi Founders. WK HAVE OUR NEWSIirtpjj x&, oompleted, and are now prepared to handle al kinds of heavy work. We wilt manut'actuie Uaatn Katrinca. Dha aial Saw Mltl Machinery, an J all lrtuus of iron A.wl 1 1 . . 1 BMIU lUHH t. HMinga. rarreaMa a tac aa hhobt oti a. S racial attention arivan La rawusirttau- all klntb) Of mauhiuer v. Will elan uiannr.fl. ture the iuinroved (Tharrv Whiia i .run Sepaiatur. Shea eat Baker BC-asiee a LaaiUrr Vara. Albany, (Jr., Due I, iseu. latf S5 tO ifre?. "SSm KiHM1 aoa" Portkn.1, Jlaui.e. IrANNALS & WOODIN, ausvraerosaa an FURNITURE BEDDING. Cerarr ferry aad ALBANY, OR EGA 2V. viaDAIyl RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0M & CO., PROPR'g. nkw raocaas flour strraBioa bob raanuss AKP BAESaa CSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ; Pric in Caah for miles south- ALBANY, Oft.