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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1882)
FKIDAY OCTOBER 20, U83 ANltH I LTi Kit The province of Buenos Arm is shipping Indian corn to Bordeaux, Havre, Mareaille and to Liverpool. O i o: H.tmtiy id Ijwa ha hipred twe cur leads of butter, or 140,000 paami to New York City the punt season. Otto ar still to a asnaitleraUa ex- teat the bread-strain of Scotland. aw V ttoigli not nearly so much used as formerly. Barley il Mpeetally capable of bene- fitting by tSe use of commercial fertile car by reason of the short period of its Crwto The sugar beet crop In France and other E iropean ceuntrtM is infeiiot trout uk m ioH wet weather and too ( lo temperature, Tue aidcan of Morocco, in conaidera- priow. ol ceii. on gfin fotu (.-, to five u-r . . r 4U" -5X oi most. pr fowl Hre it- fertile from too Bitteh tio little exercise. h I ta not leat to I fatten any animal intended for breed ing purposes. J. B. Olcott of Couueoticur, wishing to rid a twenty tire-acre lot of wild carrot, turned in a lorro e I fl ack of a to. iftj. .r, nioelv - , Jul r """ -1 L lrr-T " '" uir or aummer. Th seed h no scarce and dear front failure of th cron in Siin. From a health point of viw, it in highest importance U, breeders of h irae that dam and aiivs ahould be judiciously selected. Rheumatiam, rickets and the various diaeaaea of the legs ol hot known as splint, aj avin-, ring-bones and curbs, are, in a majority of eases, the outcome of inherited weakneea As early as the time of Alexander II. of Scotland a man who let weed, go to seed on a farm was declared to he the king'a enemy. I D-mark Carase a am compelled to destroy all wed on their premises. In France a mM mJ prosecute his nHghbor fer dm, whi permits weed to go lo seed which my eidaigar neigh Uiring lands. The Smtbern negroes are h-eoniir.i: land-boldra in many aeotion. fitloa i thair chief crop, and they oaanian th ohl and ruinous policy al wave adopt ed in tbe S uth of aecuring aifraaiaa from the local merchants ro go through the 8 immer. In the FJt, when the ontton has to he marketed, htile is left ( tor th grower. What ia n-M ia a system of direrattied husbandry that would be self supporting. It is an interesting question with r a iuuy iarmers now mach ha in needed to pnper!y winter a horse. If fed all Kf will a 1 a l I 1 . wun nine rmn, fhree tom in none too much for Northern Win. ter. But with a little frnia or mill ftd, c if cru-Ulks and bright atraw, Wtil re ietter kept at ihs lip hi wub IUe or no hay. Many good rraea only feed bay an the horoes ar QOt rwaaly for work in th- spring. Pr f. B-l of ikv Michigan Aricui tsAwl Ctie in making a ailissjiiusi of vat i-nei of In liu corn or maizo grown in tMad o'her c ountriex. H u;h a col lecil mi shoold bt Ilia I " yn every ea- prrtaastnl fmrm. and th4 ranexiea teaf- ol u.elcr ai nearly nspta4 co i lmona aa '" Corn t th- great staple ot this eo.mtrv. nd . aliuKt 1 - t ' F TZmwr; i 'yield by reaaysi of improved varieti-a would immenae an advantage to tta tiomt :-u I individual pmai i juii Ei.'i i s'eain ihrehMii bould al way M he, teat sHdusi me, "BUnket- ' it ia technicailv eallml. Thia bu-i Jrung tmtim'u it awsau whi'e oak rio., c vrel with the mt nbeet iron, and eu;lou'ng a speca of heated air aur- Mind' ij m T HVet of thu i-t o ke ojieq-nttr-. .n-tliirJ thf.r:!, ra;,.;J!v ia Wtrily or cool -..;,.,, t;JK ,Urr U rapidly c h,M t.v the r. R'fr.iad engine UReraarn uil UUnkt w.i, aa they could not rnhrrviaa run in Winter. iM'flwr fm tid-raMfia in T. xas anl lv,nia itrjt&ti thu riiHfir,.r IB which aoia- .ifth th i-ar IS- tt.-, jvjJI 1 w tr-ii-M ; ,ru. in rnutiiinei. One lr J i X t ovrutiis iOtJU hr-u J of cUiH .Arris tha; hn ha, njlgrid ft uf :he.ilr.irhWiii8 farmfM f,r winter fwdirtjr, H -tcwu t. mhh i..fc far fr.rn ltU.U' tar!a in that way. lo H"iv,-.ii ii n:,i. KdiiHua s-tn'fc men t. in 1 in p-i tht-ir .i.tHitti.iu to :tdopt thv Moe. ,.o 't! a Eat&ettiMg lh coming wjrrtar4, h piicr- 1 aid ty one par.y in fur' IkTi r & nif, lr4rg forty ct nia prr tnlie-!, m to th hia .uii libit vf-rintr. P f. S. A. Krsaliii cf tbft 1'iWH Aj ri'inlutraj Ciil 2''Hvt thirt niui'h of th e - r. 1 neii- h in fOnv 1MC. H lurgft r.i.tH -f riilk-, an) lire raaaele, ot jy-.A'' .. . ntj'I al ..1 .!).. Ma.0l, is (.Klit, Irtrt t' ni "k anderaate wantan K an 1 ihiiti'rt 1 tin- i- rold wf'H'hi-r. lUg Dfauer. ( ivmt indulgence in oating and drink ing is genera ly followed by headaches dulln-e-, Itrijjuor and other diagreoable e intjtits. Anyone finding himrtelf in that unfoituoato aiate wili obtain relie mnrxt itsdily by taking 8yrup Figa of Foabay fe Mascu, Albany, Hector Son Halaay. ITRIOI' PUT. A German bus invented gunpow der that water won't hurt. To every 400-putui bate tf eottoa there are 1200 pounds f seed. Young salmon flCMftie in weight from three to M n pounds in four week's time. In a mine near Marietta, Jm., wat- er of a peculiar kind Is found in great quantities that resemble.- rich wliw. few drops of uuidl tint ken it a very flue writing In U. If i aaal i ma I ati ! 1 1 11 tl tl T I i S llif ( l.l .itiaawa- v w ,-..- T yeftr jggi there were 244 hokl ot earthquake, eighty-dx onuri ig in Winter, sixty-one in Autumn, llfiy alt in Spring and Torty-ono in Sunu mer. very simple and t-ttiviem remedy for iMtljhf fa, lo b Umviurc of ,,ersUn powder. If the powder I pure ft.w drop .d tbo tii.clurv on the ntnk or bunda will repel the iosecu,. L.u.qUlr ls drud sap of a in o .. . .. runnus I nl in u r MMumi that it will dry and barth u prop rly to a d.imri w " . . i-:.i.....t .1. quUite it would run and always ri- ana in slit fcy. It takej Mhoo iu-o nod 10 ituri.d to build a riiinat. !. New l;rk, West Shore A Buti'.do Kilroad Com- aod compra! ..Ir Arab, U rtcam excavator, 3 dredging SSSktssa bor. sad ear IbeMd derrick,. aal.nU.u.nlM...,1.-t.J uS. Torpedo boat engines uro very nearly as light in pwppftfcm to their power as birds, and ailh ntghflf pressure, in their tadler, of with liyhter boilers, thy c iuld eaagy be made to sustain themselves In the air. Should any of the foreign if v ernraents ucdertake thu tak of ex periiueDting with dying machine, the most startling results will proba bly be attained. HEATJHtf'WWMn - t ! PATH2E VTTHr5 THE HO PC 0. LVDIA E. PIMKr-i VEGZTABLB COMTOo A Hmrm rrw far alt 1BXAU VTKATSJi NEMHES, laafnan a Lcccri?.rr, Ir. reaalar and I'ul .i'iil Ksnariai ioa, laflummtiott and t latiSMtt of Iks Won.;., PUo41ac. V.. ' I.APHUH UTERI, tTlVMUt to the la.-t--. cSract. u mu4 !lm'KU a lu rffccU it ui m't h-it. ia imgaaai j. ad r Sc pain tfarUw labor u4 at r. tnkr (. .:. rHnmiwruiT -.u rtiw tit ti mirLt. rwFoa aix wnun. of Bfctaaaaaal . rrui of aitlw-r tea. it ia aeevw! (o no rcnrCj Iht U- r.r been be! un tb pablir ; ai.J for all ti-.i... ot Uu Eisazra a ia U9 CrtoUat g jurfy to tu n ... M S3T-KIDXET rO.M PI.AIKTM f Kf iTicr Find . real Ueilrfia li l -t. LTD! A E. PISKM U('i FWHf IM tliril'f Wul eradicate -tci m.iv i.l Ht,BM: I,. Bl xid, at the aurw tlfre U! rl- anO ptRM II. I ihecjKteiB. AmarrciLka rauluaaUMCtupM.i i rVBoih tba Compound an4 Blood rart3-r arw pared at SB sad J Wnrn iTmur, Lynn. Ma Price of either, SI. Hi botUe for f& Tbe Cotrpoa ia aeat by mail tu the form of pilli. r of iox. nice, ox rorctpt of prioe, SI per bos for aSaWH V. r . Hnkl.ajn freer aaawera an iettrra of Inqu u jr. ICnrtuec 3 ccbl nam p. Bead for pamptl-t. Jbntloa MO Pufr--r. nrr.TatA a. Pmnr 1 mta inxa r-irr raaaCaa tlon. hu.o-une-j aod TorpUlt of tu l.i r. '-tiU. Aat-Hold fcy mil !ruCBlai ..- 0 FOR SALE OR TRADE. A Valutbte stra k firm ft)i aero, -idia-lexJ in Kitlern gtp 7 of ft itliaM with plenty of gm i ii v an I gtain land in cnltivatietu, lot in wi.h lit e paaturoa aiid apriuga to inake it 0114 of the tat took faruia in Linn Ci 0 iad of gojd young catilo and a'reut 0 .U of hf.g-i Heall with the farm. Mv nri-to mid terioa cm not bj baa', or f nit'li me nrr a amtnur Htrion it .1 Mr 1: n . . a . . . . . . .0 aim ror ptriifUlira r:tll 0:1 C J-k aoii 1 11 1 oi;, . , e ia :. 1 1 :. m-.-. . t'artioe wiatiing to th.; I an I bm Le d r.t -i I to t iruw iAlranoi, Q u3 T. J. STITES. ATTOltN'KY AT y ..v AND - Notary Public Onl in Stateh Bsobtm 1 KatCBAT TUTTS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loosof Appetite. Bowels coative, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pafn under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritabil t.7 of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Wear! .ea. Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dot, before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Best leasnesa, wita Ltl'ul dreams, highly colored Urine, and PaSffSI!f!Zi'i TI TT'S PTEXHare eK -iMiy adapted to such cases, on rjtects sach a change of feeling as to aiUrnifih the sufferer. They Increase it' Aripe-liU. unit ceruse tbe body U TaiUe mm FJt'ali. thus tin- system is OMiahrf. an 1 t.y t ioj,- Touie Action on tbe IMgwaiivi' Or, '.i. Etvptilnr Ml 00 1 m are pro ducea. Prtc Si ce.lta, 5 Murray St., K. V. Quay Hair or Whiskkrs chastred to a Glossy Black by a single appoeatlon of tbts Dye. It im- garts a Datura) color, ai4 I iistantuneously. Sold y Druggists, or sent by exprras on reveipt of tl. OFFICE, 3S SSI RRAV ST.. JfCrV 70BK. Car. TLTrS aAKLaL of TaUnhl. Ir.ft.rmatli and Caafiii KjstiyU will U culled I0U oa pjHltaUa. A WEEK, 12arayat heme aslly niarla. 4 1) Costly Outfit free. Addrmw Taua & Co. AugUaia.Uaitje. a fS,WCMAW CANXi 1' M T - 1 ii. -fi-rl t SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS To McCOY &ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c, Froraans Block, Albany, Or. tionH cnveiiiily prepared lny or nlirlti- virB. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING 'GOODS OF Aid. KIN 118. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Kitber d-nbla bamtt, alio! Run or tbrca barrel two ahl and uno rltto. AlaoMHara. Ktnhiffln, lUl'.ard, riwi. nix, and Martin Msgazin Killea. Alsa a lartr atock of KnglUb, Oannan bd Amort -an broach Umd.11 a ha Ku Full atookof Itvol.n.. Itwslf f"Hry, rUalngTaafclt af all kind, ami auhuu nttluaut all Win U. A foil rtock of Iavla Swln Marhlnaa tJka bawtlntlM mrt Aiao full trk of Mjwtng macbtuo nHll "fall khida ana UiaobluaoU. I niakaa srwc lalty of repairing rtre-arm and sawing tnscblue". l; ui. tuVr that 1 cannot be undereold in the State. WHOLESALE ,iaTOl 1 aball kop V tol brand t liq uor lo befrf-d Intfea W"rkat. and will fit a: whuku le prkag A' tba BEST CIGARS AMD TOB AC COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I wttl a!ao sail roal ota4. u r ' ml" ' bouaebold goodt, ate. a4 4uctt.u for' BMV onelu ilia iiy or county. PtorSOppoatts ltevr 1um', Albany, Or. Cf SAM COHEN. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE ARE 'd!y pw j an J aa uul t tar. Ouh lorage afid aioka 011 th tuoet IaaVS i 1 Urma. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Manaba Milla. ALBANV CITY PL0UBIND MILLS. at Wc are prepared to furuibh sacksand storage on the same terms as last year, and will pay the SAME I'KKftlll ! THOS, MONTEITH & SON. COME UP AND SETTLE. AU poraoiiM knowing hemMlvea indebt J to the late tlrm ei Kox, liaum A Co., will pleaae e tue forwaitl ami cettla at once and aave a4a as my buaiuaaa in lie Willamette Vallry muat bo clostaxl up rnmediatelv. ot Sheriff's Sale. tkt County Court of Lnin CjuvIi, Stuff 0 Oregon : Will J. Wolfe, Plir. ) va, Jobn II. Davldaon, lh$f'. j By virtue of an execution ami order of ale ixsiiod out of the ah -ve named Court in the above entitled ao(im for tbe muiu of $6i.0(i, with interest at ti e rale of H fni emut annum, frovi the 71 h day of (Sep tember, lHl, and tin further - mi. m i w '25, nawla, I have appMed the following de- 1 real property brHlofore atUaebed in aataf a-tion, to-wtt : Bai lining at tbe nortbeaxt r-orner o blrKk 22 (iwemy-two) in HaU'klemau'M aecond adiition to tli city of Albany, as tbe same in deHlitnated tnd deacrib'l on tiie mapa and plata and aurveva of mid addition, now on file in theoiliceof tbe (!onnly Clerk, of I.lnn I'onnty, Oregon : Kiinning thence eoiitb 110 fet paiatiel lui Jenftraon atreet In ,-aiu iiuijiuon , muui-tj worn, iro iroi. iJurauei l M . fil . . . 111 with 6tb atrret ; theiit-e north 110 feot parallel with Jefferson alreet; tbeuceoaai 61 feet parallel with .rth street, lothe place of beginning, and on Saturday tbo 2Ut day of October, 1882, at tbo Court Mouae door in the city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, at the hour qf tme n'dock, p. ta. 1 wm aeit sunt propwrty at public aut'li n for rsli in hand to tbe hiu hett bidder, to satisfy aaid execution with arcruinir. ooata DKtcd thia 22ad day of SeptemtH r 1882. oko. Humph ky, SheriiT of Linn Co. Oregon. O Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any I article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue, con tains over 1,900 illustrations. Ve carry- in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. fcaofBili THE MOST POPULAR WHISKY IN THE MARKET L . JOto JUDGE fjJTA great favorite., FOR MEOICtHAl irAMILY USE AS WEIL AS TOR K Bii,TlllfWW OUAl WTHt K-OLD JUDGEh- f OR Wii BY AU GROCERS i LIQUOR DEALERS. XI MUMilTMl u isir ni rmv.nn T -C- lAnL,ULCAIlAbU WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 11 1 223 QUSN T. UMKUKISCO. CAt. FRED REI8, Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. W. H. GOLTRA DatALBB IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, m i: ix ;tus The Great English Heme dy. I a 1.1 1 rf lalliiiy cur I r rxt ItoLUtty. analnaJ m.kot-m, Ktbaualaal VI UlU. tSvrraaU rrlMia, Saw " AiS J ie)T RBAatai. I ro .w 1 mm! all UrrltU ..( .4 Kelt Abuae, outhfi.l Mltoa.arui icaaae. in ruaiurer jeare rtwh aa he 4 Mrio .01 iaatuJ. Ktiiaa.i, A r ."i I" "-rtoty iHiumraa of VUl.i.. In U.o Hravl the viiai fluid oaine mobared iuUi U.e urine, and y ether Uia.aa toadlna t,- luaanlty arul daaUkk . RNSTRC atti ajrr ttU t I lr RRUaelNa Sea I tar M a tman tef tt.ia kind l be Hal Or.iara tier (SBkflSf oiai a.l Wr aiel Ueaainerit) aid n4 cure or fur en Lhlnf impure or In found la it. Pr. HiiiU. UaaU ail rifle alecataee auneeafull wtthuut merrury. IWtauluUUxi free. Tb iruh 1 wut."" i-J advice IrKludlna analiaia-l urine. &. rrke of nal KaU.rati. (C a bnttle. ur four tl the UaiiUty Otu, aotit U any adtlreaa umi rmtMipl uf ancj art. U. I, uuaciir. from ..Warr. ai..n ai.J lu pri. ate if oeatrwd. by DR. A. I MI.NTM:. It Kearney BfTi, ri r ram ia.. t al Haaiflr b.tto free. Mrtil on application by Wler, U'ltn .To.i.l-.tio ae and eti . U , cuft'lauttol. Ir, atintie'a Eidney Itainady, N.brlitiin. t unas all kind. A ai-lnc-r a.'tl Kla.Urr ruaiialriU.airvrrlKna. (-teal, laUi.4Thna. I .ale l. ail JrurjflaH, $ a ! im nr l ..tllra ..r va. Ir MlaUa Oaixlall u nit a Uw boat and rhang t PnaaJi uul IKll.iua cura la Ilia aaali it for ali tv ail Jrti.-.oj.t, NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARIRTEED. f R. B.C WKST -i S KHVR A XI UIIA.IN TltKAT W riwni. a apac-tflr tur HyaUtrla, Uuudnaaa, Con Uaia of Metxrry, Kpcrnuiiori.Dra. lma.Uiuy, In ruluntary amUaion, .raruaiura oht aga, oaud W ovar rtnR, aclf abu nr over liulul j;.iii Lax k, ahlch : tu intaary, dacay and ilaalh. Ona will cura raMMlt illtaraa. ICach boa cnlalue una uwnith'a trvatntanl ; una dutlar a box, or n ltaa lur Ava dollara ; acnl by ma I I'rnpald on raoai 1 it of pricti Wa guaranira ai , t u cura any oaaa. Wtm caih order rvlcl l.j 11a ..r ai (. .. a. .mi anu.) lib five dollar. r aill arad tha purrhaaar oar written Kuarantra h return lira money II tha treat ment J oca not effect a tura. Unarantaoa la. nod Kily by WOOD A Kl, Ci.AKKK CO, Wlioleaata and Rata i I Proggiata, l'trUand, Orrgon Ordar by mall al ragtilax Mroat. Dr. SPINNEV, NO. 11 KEAHNY ST. Treats all broulr and .mimtIhI Maeaaea. YQUNG MEN Wno nav mm hi i t mix. from rum ellt'ta ol youthftd lolllaa ur buiacrotlou. will do well to avail tlicmaelrea of this, Utagreateel boon ar laid at tha altar id suffering humanity, bit HP1.NNKY wilt guarantee to forfeit I'lOfltW evory HewiruUe weajtneas ar private disease of any kind or smttor wnicn no uuuenaaai ana fang to aura. MIUUI.K-At.Ltt MUX. There ara many at the age of thirty-five to sixty who are troubled with too frequent nvaciiation of tha blad der, often accompanied hy a alight smarting ar burning senaatntii, and a weakening of tha system In a manner the (aaUent cannot acoount for. On xaudnlng the urinary depoHlta a ropy sediment will often be found md sometimes small particles of al human will appear, M the eotor will l.e of a thin ndlklsh hue, again chang. lag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty Ignorant of the cause, whioh is the second stage of seminal weakness, pa. 8. will guarantee a erfect core in all such oases, and healthy restoration of the genlto-urinary organs. Orrica Hot tut - 10 to 4 aad 8 to 8. Sunday from 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Tborougli exudiattlot ami advice, 6. For private diseases of short standing a full ooars of medtcin e aufticicu t for a cure, wiUi all iustruntttMis will ne sent tu any addruw 1 u receipt of f 10 00. Call and address, in: vt 1 v t 0., 71:12 No. 11 Krarny fct. Sau Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S fi)0 KEABNT aT., t J wO comer of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. Kstahliahed in 1834, for tha treatment of Sexurd and Seminal Diseases, suck as SaOMorrliru,'l, at rlrlare,ypkllla in all it forma, lmutttrnrv Henilnal Wr-akness, night losses by dreams, pirn pies on the face and loss of man hood can positively be cured. Tlio xick and afflicted should not fail tu call upon him. The Doctor haa traveled extensively in fcurotie, and inspected tlmioughly the various Hospi tals the re, obtaining a grat deal of valuable informa tion, which hu ia competent to impart to those in need of his seryices. OK. OIBDON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY KK n It Ell ST HOME. All communications strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor. Send tell dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper tbey see this save suitable. Call or write. Box 17, Sau Francisco. uaner they see this advertisement in. Charges sonable. Coll or write. Address DH. J. F. GIBBON, vl9n43 i iaVM--vl'Il?K.-l- PARKER'S BALSAM. Tie aUnant ilrewung U I'feturrca b ll.o vltoliavauardll, In any .miLir artM la, on c ..hi. 1 of it. tiperir ItanliiiaM and purity. I cot. taint material only ilia! ara LtWu-tal IS th acalp aa J hair iiulnlwayt ItMtSfM ihaYoitrtital Color to Crcy er fstal ttsir rKrkar Hair lUham i (fnaljr perfurnal and 1. warranted to prevent falling at BM liair and m re. mov( lliacox A ('o , N.Y. iahki:k's GINGER TONiC A tssoflklivt NosHk sal Strtnf fa ttoitortr. K you ara a nurhatate or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mmher run i'...u l.y family or houao hM dnlWtlry I'AaKaa'k ttuaa Toatc. If you ara a lawyer, minuter or Luairrate man as It totted hy mental Iralnoranalooacarta.dorwrt lake lnloicjiiMgkiitiiutania(buluae l'aikr'(incr 'I urnc If you have Cmiimptiori, tHknepaU, Khrnma I in, Kidney ( 'omiilainta, Or any uiaortlrr of the lung a, Momach, latwela, blood or nre la a ' ( .ixoau Tomic will cure you, Ilialrtat.f . .1 I:. ..! I'unfirr Asd tko Cett and Surest Cotioh Cars Ever I tad. If you ara waiting away from agn, dtaaipation or any or weak iieaa and rwruii e a at imulant lake Oasjaa Tssat at tHi a adMlatsaaMai atuiwu vou up fi 11 ih (W 1 doae Uil will Mvir inluakata. It haa Mvl tiundieda of He; it may cava your. C Atmoa t SafM all xkellU.iat. Tm W..-. i T.w b mtjUli I la tl i...-J,.l aaeat. la Um . VI .u u m.i MaM at 1 WMMSSaW fi atuae, IU4 U ateUr le i. S Ce., a. Y. Km. a Ol a, at eaake m arag. OltCAT OAYIVO fit VINO tMtUa H2K. lit n h and Uatiag fragrance haa aud lint Wtihiful peHume aceed gty popular, tkera I autalBf Ilka It. toarat upon kaviajt 1' TvU Cwtwoaa atai touk (ur aignaaura Of Aar '' 4aalr a. rWi . eafflf , r a4 1 ! . LAfeUK aaVIMti t Tin. 1 it,. atriL FRKD WILLERT, CARRIAGE AND WVCOH MAIVIJFACTVRKIt, Curaar Sacond art'l Ferry 8U. Altatny.Or la .m-4mvJ to maniifavntura earriatftia at wairoim at abort aotkw and of tao vary REIT MATERIAL. Hu make tka pratnlutn carriage am bo Kg to of tue mate. REPAIBIHG AM) JOB WollK d'tie at liorleat nAice and in tka moat SKILLFUL MANNER. It la work and material ia warrant) U bo ll rat clan. -Iif To the Sick and Afflicted AND ESPECIALLY Thau Sntfrrinr from Dekilitv Ncrrau I'reitratios, l.ou of Vitality, Sexual IstrsiUini, ' Etc., Kit. XIII .ltr.AT Egt TllfMIC HAVE ako are uttering lt. . al I I I. AMD KKIlVo' -PLAl.STH la a 1 hraiciaa sraa east eosaiartbstwl USStr ailSMtiU and au. 1 aai lolly trial Ibcm TWa ..naraJ ra. Ul. -oci la fA sufa.wiill akUU.) In Ua . laasax u-.ubto to it so. and II muat be lest t- hm aaarrlallal. arlau hy adaoaUun, Umtg mm tssa, ttHMHaimh kiall and lOtbiSvaSatiai t m.Iim1, u lraari l core this, J. C ! C Onssard his rroar rsrMjbratsjs) InaUUtU in Is.o i Uw iaVwsa uf aguruiug Uas afllsoUal Urn cvrWbl i DunwrabsB and aaillful trtmant and arara and uartnataant rataraUn. and kar ur JD rra It aaa austairaad the ana rank not orilv u(n this l uaat hut lit ih., ,t Uw c4itld snartd. I asaasrara inat bjr dralll uskmi an anlniUin s suhc as la dsst uf ssttiavt lr Ins Ignurani tmmy mtutnm my motive but tbe daatre to inf.arn lhM muu ara atari ns uruh Ig-raorance, and kVo by tarai laasim or ant uf hrnrsrlodc thai a i' osa bs bad, ara nut otdr hurrylrtf UMMuaahaa to an uaUmetjr g-rara, but (ttn arstsaj acoanaaasaa an krdaasiUSKo w tutors aaninreuuna, to Urn great an Innntlta lu sne tu be a.Uul vaatMsa If jfwtt are sufl-io lres niabt kxiee, a sracMtao-, MSI nil I. oufitaa-Mi .4 Miitul. alii. Ll 1 aaca atoa nd ilrnoat, a labia tosonor. troasblirar, paifl tatttsi. flunhao, Ac., or If yam bare famrtkod aolf buaa rras in tbr anhUMt uarUiuiar sua are nlln itttf trusa Has Wrrad r.oranr of MaJM Uf. And sKuabJ not beaitale to soak at onos beajtb and baj4neBa lo a cur. Cl'RUI Ut'AKANTKCft rKIW MOHERtTi: C.S .TATIOX ItV I. Ml r l; OH oTIIKItWUt: Free. BKClfMl I t ir I Jtilr Krmrdlra tarsi. O LADIVll T..u ara saf-sciailr liable to suffsriaf Iruro nao iuus pruatraOoo. All oar peculiar cm Hauitsor uertuus in tneir orvtn and bmos luur uffartnf ore terrtbhr de rssnng or tnercosibl keen. Toe tanctor In bis rusoarcho and laractiea uf nervooa trouble a bos made soar ora;anlaaUua a aprcial study and Is thus enabled from bis erl etice and knowledge to aid and ear jrotj la aay of lbs troubles, weokneos, dUtreaalng snd sufferings U bkh as a ses you ar liable. fsTYuo will god lo tb Doctor a friend ujkmi srburo you can ready tor ooaasort, aid and euro Dr. uma a f rrstalc Mraardir. ton t tame I a roputation lor sfneieocy uneualad br any modiulnc, or modloal irosurlntliu v.r ,jf. r..i Tbey con be emit by iruil or espross. "" aaalrtint psraoiaol ear and attention can have oil itoessoary aoxxiniui.HiuUuiu I umuiied. -O Lellera. Tbraao who oaU not viait tha ctlv ran Sv adataa Uiotr a) in Uioir own aav. .n 1. . and when aoalred, trvaUoont at bwwe a ilh wary aar' aurancc of a cor. LBTTKRa Itm'RNBI) On UEifTEOYED. Add rasa, lr J. C. YVCMii, Mrdlral InalliHlr. Me. l akorkloii HI Son Frondsoii, Feb. tl. l82. NTISELL ' HaJf rtu. PIANOS " MaautorUoara Vraaatattotl.sat Cmo. tol IsaUtlmanU ANTISELL ORGANS aark.lSrwan STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A rtottm of youthful imprudence causing Fretun. lore Decay, Nerroas Debility. Lost Manhood, etc, hasioR tried in vsln every known remedy, has dn ooterrd a simple self cure, which ha will semi FBE1 to his fellow. suffert-rs. address J, H. HEEV 43 4 It at Ham t., . V. 500 IQfnwisrii 1 rVM HEALTH. Le lllclutu'H Galdrn Balaam Nn. I Curea Cltancurs, first and seeutul stairee ; Sore on the Loasj and Body ; syphillUe Ostarrali, tiia uosed Hmlp, and all pr imary fiiruts of the disease. Prioe, 95.00 per Bottle. Le lllrltau's 4aOdcu llalsam So. t. Oures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Khvutuatiani, Iains In the Hones, Ulcerated Tlirust, SypliiliUc Hash, Lumps, etc., and eradicates all diseases from the tystem, whether caused by had treat ment or abuse ot ruercui'y, leaving the blood pure and healthv. lMse.6,00 per Buttle. Le tticttua's taidden Spanish Antldalr for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, etc. Prioe, $2.60 per Buttle. Le Klrliiiu's CSolden Spanish Injection, a wssli for cure uf uteet, stricture, DistsuM of the Urethra and Bladder, etc. l'rioe, 1.50 tier Bottle. Le Klehan'a ColfJea Olnlmeut for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and rup tiuus. Price, fl.OO per BotUe. Also Aflent lor Le Rlrhatt's alten fills, for weakness, loss of phystcat xwers, and all diseases arisiijf from abuse aud excess 01 over-work. Piice, 13,00 per Box. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed pa Express . V. Kit II AH DM t CO. A geats. 4S7 a 423 Sansoine street, Cunier Clay, San Francisco, Cal. HAIR ft "m7M GREAT INDUCEMENT I MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON 1 18 tho TIMK TO 3B. Great ReJu lions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming". EVERYBODY BUYS !' AXP- BVEKYBODT GOES AWAY & josi:pii, - PKOI'RIKTOIW or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND VRAUKHS IN Imported and Domestic Cigar a, Tobaccon, Groceries, Pjovlaions, Candle.". Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany - ... rc-g:ii. ONE IOOK 1JKLOW JOHN FtPIOGS STOKK. tfry' mmmkWmWmkWmmmmmmmmWmWmmmmmsamiiirt wmmmmmmmMmmmi mftmmmmmmrmmm, JOHN JBEJ3ELIC3M3-S AT TIIK OLD STAND, 72 FIRtfT WTWOBT, II AS ON HAND AS F1NR AJ A : M Km 07 COOK, BOX AND PARLOR- STOVES AND RANGES. Ah Uottv. lu tbss -sAll. Il si Mi lit.;ior:a itnu utianufu; ! u a TIN, SHEET IRON AMD C3PPEB WAKE OK KVKRY nrM KITIMN IN STOf'K H T UtDKK. AlSO, UK KKK1S4N HAND, A FULL AHKOKTMKNT OK GENUINE GRANITE IROfV WARE. AI.K OK WHICH HK OFKKIiH Tf TIIK PUBLW AT PBIOBI, THAT MBfl COMHKTITION. I.'ALL AT 7- KIICST HTIIKKT. ALHANV, OKBUoX. Repair work dono i3tt2S lla leaned the Klt2ion U nrchoasc and entirely overhauled placing It la good condition, no thai he la preprred to atore 'grain with perleet aafcty. lie v. ill also pay the For wheat. Those tvlnhlng narks warehouse. t bsrrh Olrrrir. Y. P. C. A. --Meet st their tmmiu in Foe ter a hriclt hutlihn on .Saturday evenings at 7 :'J o'clock, and on Sahlutth afWii ootnoi 4. HuainesM laectinca are held on the eve&V ing o( the aacuud Monday in each mouth. Everybody iuvitod to attend. U. P. CufRCH. IVoachnigevery SaMsath, at II a. m. , and 7 P. M, by lie v. ii. Ir. vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:3(1 r. si. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rvanoeucal Chckch. 'pmarlung nu Sab bath at Ha. m. , and 7 r. a. Saldtath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. .1. A. Il llenhaiit.'li, aator. CoNCUKOATtoNALClli lo it. --S. rvicea every Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. and 8 r. M, Sabbath School at '2:'.Hi. ' Prayer ik cting on Thursday aveniug mi ear h Wsk, T, W. Harris, aauir. M. K Client it. ..tit i 'i, Nirvi.'es 2nd and 4th Sahhaths at Sl l' s M. R Church, South, St II a. M. Sahl.aU. School at 10 A. M. ahaip. Prayer meeting every 1'iiurs dsy svomig. Joa. l'.niery, , er, M. E. CutfRCil. Proacluug every Sabbath st 11 A. at. snd 7J r. M. Song service in the evening before aoriuitit. SabUtth Scltool tt 2:30 r a. Pruynr meeting every Thurs lay eveuing. 1. I ilhn, pastor. PkekIiytkuian Cili'iii'ii. Scrvioo every Sabbath morning and evemiii in Cnlieu CbspeL Sunday SobrKilituiuediutely rtterthe moruing service. Prayer meeting every Thuratiay ovmjiug. lUiv. Isaac 11. Cotvlit pastor. Ei'imjor-AL Church Services every Sua day, moruing at 11 a. m., eteuiug at 7 J p. m. Holy conittiuuioii eery Sunday moru ing at 9:45 a. tu. Vteducsday 7.30 p. in. ltoDt. U Mevens, puator. THE DISSEMINATOR. ! Published every Saturday AT llurriabnrg Oregon, S. S,TJ?t-A.IlX,K.litor ft Proprietor. Tet ma $2.00 per annum. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selection." made by Mrs. la mar, who has never failed to pleaae Iter our4onier. New Fall Ciroulai Juaticaued. Send for it Address MKS. EldKN LAMAR, lf:7tf 877 Uroadway, Ntw ' . k. YI2JG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY 9 Does the best washing aou ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery btable 16:35tf ! STOCK OF GOODS COUNTY. the way for the at reasonable figures. PRICE can haYe'.thrm by railing ct tbe ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAKiER BROS. - Pmpi;etors ALBANY. OltKUOW. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AND HEADS I orvicjfis Rxecuted in Italian or Vermont Marble. Aiao, every variety of eotneUtry and other atone work done with iMnttneMS and dispatch. Special attention givon to ordora from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. MsTAtl wjrk warrAatjl. 17;42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHIIVE 8H0P. EST4BI.IHHEU IS6.1. Ily A. F. CIIKRRY, situalotl at d.rmrrof First and Mtmigomury Mreets, Albany, Orugrin. Kavnigtakeu riartror tboalmve named VWrrks, we are ptvtpured to nianufaeture Steam Kngiues, ."Saw Mlid (iriwt Mills Wod working Machinery, Pumps, Iron ami Brass Castings of evory des riptiou. Machinery of all kinds repaired. pe olal attention given. to repairing farm u a oliiuory. fattera Making; done In all Its terma. ltidlyl A. F. CHERRY t ON. NEW PISE MARKET. On corner opposite Senders & Steinberg. Will keep constantly on hand all kind.-, of fresh aod salt fish andoyater that the market afford a. M.lIv-5 Swa s Id W B " y aarBnaLltlT. ' FARMS FOR S ALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker. ALBANY, OREGON The following la e partial itat : ITOnrroa srrs-anrla. 1 if mti , . """ WW! o Tangf nt,OrK'rrml r milaafroni Albany HO ar rca In cultivation ; 40 a r-.a mora rri jt put in cuiUvation eaaiiy; baianr good tiiiitrfir and paature laml. Moil, neh h:ack I.rair'M. tiood bouae ami barn, g'rotl board ri'-' , all in Kfl rpMir ; youni; orchaid of KfO trrrrv; gis d we 1 and running atream fr HUr:k ; vxl acbofrl, rdiurch and pnai offitw ; i""'J riftigbborbood and grrod aoci. ftly. 'it-mi per acre ; f2,(Hlu down, ti caxy teriusj. a0 ar-roson NartowOaneroavJ,!! milea from Albany ami ft mile from Mrlo, aud Ti miieo from Jt-fnvraoti. 116 err goof, farmind land, 7ft acrea in ealtivatkm; re inaindtT In timer and brush; bouoe 18x21, with in foot walls, ell )0x2ft ; utxtd mri 'ix&4 wi th 14 fort shed cn one aide; rood fr-n-. and water. TeTna ii-'Ol) rh tfiwn if rajitd. Kather than not aelfSrtll tako JW diwn, and lavlance u 2 to o yvu time, aoeurod by moftt$age. 190 a-rca ui a mile went of Aibtnr 100 acrr In cultivation r nd 0t V:res ak and aah tlniler,i,ood wrKJ lari;all under t-!!' , brrard ami rail, oome grand and i bsul ; arxitil 7 acre In orohsr(jt appiew fiioatly freer; g.xal aoii; 20 buohrJa wheat irav rorn arersite; g rjd to atorv framo houssa, plHtfrMj. 'i rnnt built ?a 1873, ami cool 2 0 K Isarn. zx 10 and two aiel; wrll arraiRJ for tmrtrt prijtum '1 erms, feOOO, 2 years Utoe on fftuOo. HO avrree VA milea weat of Tangnnt; lOO arrrram t:ur.iva:;Mi; an new laud. fjIfJMI uil in kooU raider; rood two atory h .us, rooiiiH. nearly new and in rood rendi tion: rood new mrn itoxWt; (Joe younir orcluvrd, 10 nlum and prune tree, fair apple orchard; fone in rood order; plen ty runtiiiiK wafer, 20 acrea of good Umber; rtcii, blark noil and very productive, l'rine li'i'A, Y naah and I aa lance on tme. ion .vTua .,ne and a lialf milea norUiasaot ofAllatny; 15 acrea in wheat, rent in fair average; woodland; good land; nemi!y fonuct. 1'rice 2ft acre; term eaoy. W acrea 1 mile eonfhenat of . Soda SpriuH; fair farming; email beiae; Bit ara-eo fcrw ed. Will beaold In small irart or all tocher: good achool, ckarcb and ijont-ollice at Hodaville, aiao tbe boda spring, l'rioe ft per acre; eaay terma. 80 sens 1 14 mile above Onreffa, oa Ya- quifta ray. known as tne old abii It baa a aplendid frontage oc the ikor, and wi'i beaold at $11 per acre. riO acre, lying wit! in mile of Mon roe. It !lnun cr,unly. Al. under fence and ditidotl lata five n!da. Ail good farm land and half In grain. Good bouoe and barn, Hplvindid water and a fine orch ard. It 1m car; of the beret farms in 'hat w-rtion of tbe valley. Price 926 per acre tlOOQ or tlftoO down and balance on time 202 avrte lying ft mile north-eat of Harriabun; and 1 mite eaet of Muddy Mai ion ali under fenen; 180 acre In culti vation, balance in paature, but most of tt can be put incuilitalioo. 2 S atot v booan, barn, good water, etc, 1 mite u echoed. Krloe 123 acres lying 6 mile eouth of Albany and 2 nules from Tangent. 7ft acre ia cuitivauon and ai under fence, 25 acres more can be put into cultivation by out- lay f f 100. Hou- e. latrn, ap'.endid water. A fine oung orchard, Piiue, :to per acre. 483 acre in Center Precinct 3 miles from station on Narrow Gaoge. 100 acres :u cultivation. Good 1 ntory lsouae, s(d bouae, isarn, and splendid -aster and fine orchard. All under fence. 1'rice $15 per acre. 240 acre I ing about 20 utiles south east of Athay. Ail un1er fence, srnUl j or-Lzf d, no building; 50 acrea has been j cultiva'ed, but it U all now oaed as -' tura. Price $!0 per sere. 212 seres lying 3 mile from Draudoo j Sutton in Center Precinct, all under I fence. 10 acre in cultivation. 1-anre ! 1 t mmf frame house, good barn. ev ral ' outbuiidmga, orchard and good water, j i'rice, J0 ler acre. I rtrt a- r-a of land in Mirtnn rv.ii' tr OUo l-'s mileofrom liUina Viatn and even miles from JelXerson. 80 acres in j cuiU-atJon and balance iu light brush asp imiU f. jiotihe, barn and good orchard. Flooring mi 1 within x miles. Enough wood can he note) at the pottery works st liuena Yiata to pay for the farm. Call on C. Ii. tJnwAfc, sj Albany. DO YOU BELEIVE 1 j V a sront vrnrli if u r olJ not accept it vara as . can d. ao ut tte Uail risk or kss ACtuaT cer had o--h a chance, ec?rt from es, aod are aill o.n all are srant (one ia each eoa-.trj and UV a oar offer sill he srithorasrn. BI4 lk is nssds I y oar Accats. becaasa we have souds that UI sett i every fasaily. andyrt the hajcr jsty less that. one-faaU the rru:r price uf it re. UiuW ae3 oar jrnotis because a Packaf l oar gooU are i. V. ml ench noese, and a Circular rx4!!iinx rwsls so. 1 bosr arjiu. aJao statirta: that the Afent m: I call aaia to olksrt ntoaey rat take ap the fuuat. 1 o rou Snow an) thins easier that aill jaty fruni set n fio a far profit T it nut try thia. Seud far our offer I a go U WjTJt. IT. S. Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, r'a. a STOCK RANCH" IN EASTERN" OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acrea. with rood outside range, located near Bridge Crees, in Wasco county, together with sboul 2fi hoi sea, to c-x"haog lor land here in the Willamette Valley. Now, if yo i want to sell y ur farm end go into the atck Imoi ness in Jatrn Oregon, here ia a chance for you. Call on or address C. II. Ste art, A y. Oregon. 43. C m . ... i C Lftna't ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEKIlY & TAUKES, (Suooe-raors to C. C. Cherry.) Maohiaists, MillwrighttS, and liw Fouiiders. WKUATROUR NEW SUolS ALL completed, and are now nif.Hred to ! haodle a 1 kind- of heavy work. We will ! manura.-tt(ie siestm Knuitifa GrLt and Saw Mnl Mai'hinery.aud all of Iron fcUtl Pnuet OaMingM. raVrrtOtM ox !HaKT IVtlCfn. Sjiecial alteiuiou given to reptiring all kind of machinery. Will ami manufac ture the imtiroved t'herry A White lirain Separator. SUop mm Baker t.-4nV a l.nmber tarsi. Albauy, Ur., Llec I, ltWO. lstf Q t n P home. Saniploa worth U"r ww U'.vV irv- Adreu -Mi.saos d Co. l'nrtlaotl, Ualuc. IANNALS & WOODIN, tUSLTACTVBXX. AMD DRALKE IS FURNITURE i BED D INC Ceraer I erry ana Second sir, eta. ALKAXY, - - C R EGO N. ilfaiiljl "IffiDROWl MULS. BALLARD, IS0M & CO., PR0PR8. NtW PltOCa&l FLOUK 3CrKKlOR FOR FAXIUIB AM BAKRS DSC LEST STORAGF IdLlllES. Highest LPri438 in Cash for AVhcat ALB..?iY. OR. i 1 4