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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1882)
Ihc gcmonat. Official City and County Paper, HOME AKD ABROAD. B ired a, the P wt Ofnoe at Albany, Or. HMfond class mall matter. FRIDAY OCTOBER 20, 1882 OHAMBELLAIN fc S TITES, Rrmr aad rroprlelwrs. r it. It tak m-Mi v In iw a newsnp-r, and KlHcTT that ww in4 than lno reived, 're have i th n WJ0 awa us to sBM forward nd settle. We hs.v aevers.1 wmlesaplatjed improvement to mVt on the DnJt.nT, and prooee to make one of the bst eonntry paper on the '.w. rtd eJB lie if aw subscriber will ,1, th,.r doty end pay what they owe. Manv owe few several year suliecriptioa : Now m the time of the year when money ia nwt p'euty. and if it cannot be gotten now, it is not t- be had any time, eo that there is no excuse f w not becoming square on ear ho-dt exeept in w3 individual W ppw t send out atatementa Sr. those who are iwwt delinquent, who owe, fr leatano $10 and upward, aud then if they .h not aettfe, or eatiafy ua in aome ... nn', wo hU strike their namea from Mir it and p'ace the aceouata in the hands of attrooeys at different point af collect. We o.t i t carry then, any longer for not. in While we would like onf ubribi to keep squsre every year, and it wou!d pay. as in advance w mke redtftMot of about 20 per ceut in anch cas. we de not pro (, vm to e eev-ire with th e who owe fer a year or evea two or three years, bat will only aak them to come and settle before their bill g ?t so big that they do oet like t do so. Money can safely be sent either by money or roistered letter. Addreaa OHAVUl K. M . & STtTKS, IViMishers, Danta-RAT, Albany. Or, Frank MUrhell la U'js. Frank Mitchell. mm Lewi:, who sbot Policeman Barry in Pertlaud recently, was seen in Iatbanon ou Monday even iug last, having come to that place f.-om Salem on the evening train. Deputy Sbei id Smith met him In the ofllja of tbe hotel aoan after tbe arrival of tbe traiu. and inasmuch at ho only knew him as a party whom he bad one before arrested in ihie county, simply spoke to him and paid no fur- t,r attention to Iilm. There were parties in Lebanon who bad that day .vu.l-d Mitchell's ohotoszratdi and description irom Chief Lappens. and who knew ho was in ".own. but ia hopes of securing the reward offered, conclud ed to say nothing of the matter QntU morning when they would arrest hlsa themselves. Mitchell however eu peel d tiiat Deputy Smith had his photo graph aad was after him, taok advau tAg- of the first opportunity to shake the dut of Lebanon from hie feet, aud is supposed to have leit f-r the moan tains Our efficient Deputy Sheriff i fra from any blame, as he wi off serving process for the ensuing term f Court and had at Mstn the descrip tion of M itchell, but we cannot be too nevere iu our condemnation of those who knew alt about the would be as sassi.i, and who i i the hope of secur ing paltry reward tor themselves sl kwed him to escape. A Friend. Jul fl AtMMjl two o'etouk oue night thia week, some cowardly vagabond taking advantage of Mr. Clelan's abaence from thecity, called at his hoase, knocked at the do r and asked Mr. Cielan to give him a place to siet p, claiming that he was a friend of M r. Clelan's. The good ady, suspecting that all was not right, demindeJ the name of her unseasona ble visitor, and on his refusal to give the same, admission was accordingly refused. He then attempted to open the door, but failed and finally left in disgust. Mrs. Cielan is a plueky little woman, and had her husband- pro f. ?sed friend gained forcible admission to her bous she was prepared to give him a warm rec-otion. We advise our lady friends all to b? situiltry pre par ed. Ll, Srawaed, or MarSered- On Friday, OetoberGth, Mr N't achiek living east of Scio being eick sent word to Thomas Ray. a young man living in the neighborhood, that bis d-gs were baying something iu tbe woods. Youug Hay took his gun and west to ee what tbe dogs bad found, -iuce which tine he has not been seen or heard of. As he did not return at night the neighbors were notified on tbe following mornmgand turned out en '-aw. in search of him. OuMond.ty morning following Hay's gun was found standing, burch end Ia do da ! It irgaina at Fox a. Mud in any quantities. F. M. French, jeweller. Circuit Court meets next Monday. Pr a tinacalondar clock, go to French. Stpolil, siooamox Uhtlelum taghkum. R. VL Skipworth, lawyer, Albiny, Or, tlOt) to loan on so id security. Call at this otktie. First-cUaa gowla at C R Moutague'a at Lebanon. i. to Otbi Fox's auotion We.luesday'a aad Saturday's. 62 new school houses have been erected in Oregon during 1S8B, A bonanza for crttitnt c o li cli p at Otto Fox's auction. Watches, clocks, an 1 j tw 1. ry. lota of it, and cheap, at French's, DellKogera, haa sold his residence M tins city to Mr L WiUon Clark. For your dreas-making.cuttiiit; and Htting, go to Mrs Sloan and Misa Umultauh. Lebanon ia bristling with life. And eVSTJ - botly goes to Montague's for bargains. Mcllwaia pays the highest cash pri . f.r dried fruits, either in Ciah or in trade. Dr. O. Willis.Price, deutist, othce in Otld Fellow's Temple, over Ijangdoos irugStore. Winter is coming, when yeu need a good paper to read. Subscribe for the Pkmocii it. Clothing for bi pople, etothing fur little people, clothing for all hinds of people at L K. llbiuV No lumber ia n to be hal in the i itv. aott it has to be brought a.u Ratesl and Cents toe ks. Quite a uuiuber f rough ItM.king eh rio tera are hovering around wr Uwats. L Hk out for them. Cloesiuall t)les, grade, aud qualities at L K BlaiuV Here's o tr " on purchas ing our gloves of him. tiov Mootly's reOMptom t.vk plaM ''h1. nesday evening. Sevetal went to SaIssb from tins city to attend it The wiud last Friday blew hrd oNt-.iigb to send one of the trees iu fee it el Jm Web ber's residence to the ground. Hope are quoted at 55 to S7 oeaii a pouad. Now we are sorry that we did not pat our spare money to a hp yanl. Union has just built a Hue school house tirely by subscription. (o l for Cuioa Fine school houses nteaa prosperity. Coao'V Clerks and SherirTs were nr the anxious seat for soote time over the bills in the legislature to cut down their fees. Potatoes sell at Roseburg at $1 .VI p-r bushel ; here they are only oO cents. Titers U money iu shipping them to that point. The mills are runatug day aad uight The three together have a ospaaity fee grind. ing about six bundrtd barrels of Hour a i y. Tbe steamer A. A. JfVCVe is hi i run ning. It is a privelege to ae tha .. ;wut phiaoft'spt. Sanbom along our wharves again. The longest distance traveled by any mem ber ef the present Legislature is that bv Dunham Wright and I. D. Hamas, taoh 800 saiW. We hnru that M. iUebe haa lot another one of his ehildrvn from diphtheria, the youngestoie hi i been callel awty a fw Uya si ace. X-yes & Hochst.Uer bcKan wrk ou the St Charles Hotel lat Mouity. at, I Imvs been bbwk looking aet while re avio the chjrre I tnu . r . M irt il .-tf. i bo Hi.vjl his-abiMi h ; iute Je Ige Strahwi's new block, a room be ing constructed fur In ii between Kn'andirrs ami Cohen'. The ImperLd Duiciog Cub m- tU t -morrow night at I'.rrnVi Hall. wh?u M Knight llro. mill feruish th : music A good time is assu red. The regular metin of th ? It u? ltiblnin Club will be held next Frid iy evening, after which tiins it is inteu led t hive meetings every two weeks. Do you knm-tux the notiae of "Lost or Stolen" iu another cslumu. Any assistance offered to our re 1 brethren in ttadiu' their horses will be appreciate I by them. We heir cimplaints about dangerous breaks in the side an 1 cross-walks of the city. Wo think our city mirshil will re pair them hi. he tinda them. PresiJent Arthnr went fishing the otLer day. This was deem j I worthy of chr mic-1 ling in all tha Eistaf ptpcrs, aud the S. Y. Sun even devoted a column to it. T he Com am Counoil held a special arret ing Saturday niht an I appointed a com. inittee to manage the suit lately brought against the city by Mrs Purdoiu. Attention is oiled to Allen & Martin's new ad on tha first pag-i. They are keeping a first-class establishment and are selling a good grade of goods at low prices. A turbine water whoal for s de at this of fice ; a 12 inch wheel, iu splendid condition; will be sold cheap. Abo 40 feet of 1 J inch shafting and about 12 feet of If inch shaft. Under Portland's new city charter the Mayer will receive $3000 and the Conned men $1000. There will now be more of an object than ever to wire pull for these posi tions. Benton C .uoty's assessment is over f ur times that of our county, and ye, its popu lation is less. Is it possible that we are all bead over heels" in debt, or are we bigger liars. Ill feelings are mora nnmtronsly pro 1 ne ed by chronic constipation than any ether A subscription tn pat the lights ia tha Baptist church would be a commendable oue, aud if put in tha first hoodlum to break one out should be mtdo to baton to the dullest preacher in the state for tan longs r hours. The lathes of the Presbyterian ehuruh wil givo a social at the residence of Mr. I "in. Miller next Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th A good program will h given aud refresh. taenia had. All are invitedto go and have a ploasant time Several of nur friends through lit the countv. have iiiruished us news items this week, for whiuh we return our siucsre thanks. If they will k.op it up we will have the newsiest nsner in Oregon. Sen if . i i we don't. Our outside : an interest! .g S dem letter, editorial, selected nsrssaass, niaeeilaaeone, PIhiii Talk hy a Plain CIm." a weekly ell'ort bv one of our chaps who likes to sy what he ttniiks, aricultur il items, onrioiu facts, etc. Head them. A S.uthcrn Oregon piper says "p.ople kuowiug themselves indebted will pkH dl.' There ar very few people !.. know the.uelv.s imlsbte.l to a uewspsHO. ittOa. Neatly all ot theie tlnuk a paper is jast publis'ieil for fun. O, S Oreeus Ferry bridge arross the Santisin a a a a a fl Mi was eomolete.l e.iue.ia , sun '.e.rge Voueg went down to inspect it. (hie end if the bridge ia in Marion and the othor iu Linn, so (hat the cost of it i divined m tw.H ii the two counties. Mr. John MksCstJf, ef Oak v Tie leeei. etl TOtfl for his hop crop, a ft w d i a ajjo, get- ting Mounts a pound for if. Tins is way ahead of whett rairiug as far as money ia c-uietrrnrsl, there lsiug uioie money III hops at 20 cents than wheit at a dollar. Frank Mitchell, w hi shot 0:Ucr Barry, in Portlaiitt, wus a printer by trade, having work tl alniut a )eir mi the Seattle W. Abtuit three woeks ngo be applied by letter for a jtoolt-'U a compositor on this psper. i'heu he went by the name of Murdoch, Business at the atore of t' H Montague, la'banon, is ruahiw these tlays. He has a splendid stash" ou hantl aul ia sellieg at living price, tie prop as to gi u satisfac tion, aud hta a reputation td doing so. Be. memlier Utii aud y$ te hin. for bargains. Peters 4 Blain have rciitetl the two stores in the c truer of Firt and Ferry streets late ly ocenpied hy Jac'.u antl Buutnug, and will more into tham in a few wreks. Arcbea will le c instruototi between them, joiuieg them together, au I making one of the moat convenient establishment in the city. "McMinuvill. can botsl of hsvieg tbe baudaom-a, lovebest, sweetest, most grace ful, elcgint. and hungry lot of young lad'es on tin .- at ' .' ;tri i. N t much. Al any lake the lea. I in all thee particulars. Were Veiiu t- t-o lot our city she would at her ho mdieoi u 1 Vitelbus wenld dose hi jiws with niortttl -ation We rrri t lir.i o.' ths ser.ojs illness of W M Smith who lives at Lohanou. Mr Smith has been sick for several days with fever aud grave doubt are entertained as to hia recovery. We hop ? seon to hear of his recovery a bis death would be a gn at Ices to she comm tnity in wbi -h ho lives. Tb wet, but don't MPasI if; it will i hurt von if you oily koendiv. Von can de ao by pnrcba-in ; yoor water proof goods Of LE. Biaia. He hsa a plead i I stock of water prot.fs. ra'ihrr I ats, leggings, ir bber hoot. A , au I m she 0.1 cl and ;ct some Iwf.tre you sr.- ao 1 tb.-o ih We notice n.viy f on- cihnges still at vertistug Halbiway k C..Y piU. a though huovMig ami "uo pay" th-in. Paper sent te thoalteged company lay dead in the N. V. Post !,.-, aaveral runtha ajo tbe Haiioway being an imrtr. and consequent I y to vacate his oht quarter. Dou t run suehads. f r the sike of lilLn j up The tax levy of Dooksl nSunty is 20 milbu The li' pua'e bis gieu way to a worse one. It is to run a circle ar. und a sq iaru and lines across fro corner without taking the pencd oil or retracing a lint. Nevcral men hive a!reaiy gone craxy over it. and uo dttubt if mine of our readers will try it they will atau I a chance ef goinj to Kaat Portland. At least it will pay them to ace what the result Will L". Denver Htcklcmau has not yet &ot track of the thief who stol 1 4J leal of sheep i from him 1 it week. Atthou ;h taken away in broad day tight, ami ubs- rvod by a few, the chee'ty rascal wis uot su.Keiently receg niajd U c night Wii-n mju g.-vol.t. -Ward an . t'rtl a W.l !u ha'i t of ai-r. (r.oi. a thickly p;iUtd com uuuity wi'.h tin suu sliming cu them, il is time for p opto to begin looking out for their pr ii rty. The "Magi : OolPwas played at Paflrjen' Hall lat Friday night, to a slim house Jeservet a larger au lienc-j. tor it was vory a gooi play, full of humor and iutercst, with many ciHxt features to it. Our citizens are Win IJts'tiraii . tied a chain around th timber, hitched a teamto the timber, and it was drawn off' him. He then crawled around aud bitched the toam to the wagon, climbed on the wagon, ml then drove hems." Kvery person subject to taxation is sworn slheiiy Kannw's v : . . . . -.. I Ait'hlhelil to give a true account oi HI r ner property aceording to the best of his er her knnwl edge and belief. By looking over the ar sesame nt mil on file in the County Clerk ' office some conception can be formed of how mauv do this. One residence iu this city, for instance, is assessed at about $1500, The insurance on the house aloue is alwut .UMte.and that can he o.ily two-third of itt value. The roll will shew QMfM of inch m. Men who are known to h ive several hun.lred or thousand dollars in cash or at least good notes will swear that they ate Hiving a true account ef their prnpTty and leave nut money, notes and accounts entire- ly. The ndl is a good exhibition ef what some men will do fir money, of course wo hi not refer to you. Considerable less money is beiii loaned this fsll thai. last. Ihis la a good imlior- iou, or n bad one, we do not know which, for it miiiht imply either, ilia' farms are al ready mortgaged te their fu'l extent, nr that petple are bseomiuf aware of the faut that t is much hettter pdioy to sell their wheat at 7." cents than to keep it. tortgage their place, and then run the risk f only getting a few cents Mfi ami per. haM not as muuh, A farmer who ean get cents now, in order te get the same mount for himself six tnnutas hi aoe. if he horrtiws inouey tn keep it, has got to sell it then for about S2 eouts a bunl In other worth it wilt cost about 7 oouta to keep a mshel of wheat six month. Alfred A. Wheeler will contribute to the November t '.il,i n, in ivn' m t an artie'e entitled, "A Cmtemporary of Wanhington, ' consisting of eelwtions new for th tlret time mnle public from th memoirs of Pvtef A tolph i..t j m, friend of Washing ton, J efl'oranu. B mdolph, Burr, etc. In the same number, W W Crane controvert the ground taken with regard to Industrial hviluation by Mr Spencer in "Political ustitutious," his last ItOok. Tbe success of the 'H'rosaof Monterey, audot her Poema, ' hy i'.iohard K White, ahnws hew letena th interaat in all thing "early California," ou this coart. 1 hey aro lasel ly th Call. fornian PublUhlug Co , 4QS ('slirorma S'.reet, H F. UHH Cwl'tTYY CIRAYV T'PtYB. Following is a list of person In this rouuty whu nav taxes on ilO.000 or ovur, With tb 0 0 sr- - am. in nt they are assessed at Husst ll a Word M A HurkUart, UusoIUm C M antl i I lluikhsit I.Klllaln O II Uabs 111 aril A t ' - I'll. II. a ll.lLlaa.ra 0 0 Itirne " tlrtoivlliM W. n Mill ... . . I . . Ilrewn U. 1111.. I Jehu llrewu Ills., IWi Co It ninm re , J I '..a .. U ( ' t 'liHinlier I .!... I' ........ i.a -ti W,Vf "i ". ,. .a. , - te.l! IftaWW Hi, 41 1 17. Xl I I, I Mi l9(0fni . UI.M7 ' ' , 1 1 I Vi I. '.,'.! I . W,'iM .il". .'1,-7.1 1 1 1, HI M.IHS 11.2.11 I ' -.'in 1.1,70 1 I.e. aal Sw t.!,Sl MUJM 1 1 ,il7 SJSl II M. n, bOaiAL AMD PERSON L l- IL Kdert has g in to Centarville. Paul d'Heirry ia city editor f th f'nio Johnny Webber returussi from Portland J--" I V Yotlli a - - - last .Stturday. K J I.anaing was in Portland the forepart of thi week. Ir H A liaei. of Hrrib-. waa in the ;ty Monday. JaeO il.-iakard. .f Halaey. was on our t 'oete Moaday Frank Lyoeb, of Portland has - u in ti e c ty this week. W W Fechbeimcr, of l ortla id was in t' e eity thi week. A H t hsfltni, ,.f (4 HO, fiv ore I us wi'.h g odl lat Monday. Charlie Siiepaou h r .t irord h one af U r a i aksvince of atnte tim. Mrs A Uen Paker. of Oe.-atti. lias Urn v .siting friends iu this city. Hon W B Btlyeu and J J Wh-tuey, as usual spent Sunday in tin city. Caarlie Wattt waat to Iu lepodoe Tuesday oa the ll anvt. 8 P Moss. BtpresontaUve, fro n Ikc coonty, spent ltt .Sabhstb iu thi eity ir I'aylev, of t ,rvalli-, was in the city I i- I ft . anu left on th i i.'i m W u f t r Sal on. i.r ..;, Pullard islyiai; very bw at V. M tnstiold's iu thu city. II is not expo -td t recover. Mr. Al. t 'burch of Purtlaud, is vuitmg with her parruts, Mr. a-id M Jo Webber ia this eity. W II Beet I, of lathtno. MHnl ou us Men dy, tilling our saactuui with Ins gonial preseuce. Mias Kto Conner h-f Tuedy for Por' land, where she will visit with her it. r Mrs Psihag for a fsw week. I .... smiling outtenauc ol our young fri ;nd Ji nmie Calbvhxn now IndiU up the popular establishment of Nolan'. n I CiMhow M W C.u.iai. aunt t M W rir . VsrMn I'.wirll., R i lieatlle 4 I.Uewan Ur II A Davie lolllt llrl.ny i I H III. l.a.,n Kree K:arl I. Ulnn I Kr..iiin t II K.oUr - Nte Km M Itamn ami Us. g ii Malay line I W II H..llra .. aa... ...a. . . ' ...aaaaa... Itr O Vt Qsay... .. ..... .... Stb'llllaa a a I w una tiaiits ...... Jiet W (twines II. klrtnsn " SUI.MI 1 1. Is W J 0 1, in.i4rs..n Kiiik Ii Iletill i MsHntaii K J I lousum. Jlfhll tw.MII . , ., a a a . . a a a ' 1 l(.Vt J. .tin w li Kirk Bi Kssvm .. ' la. Kaeuy . ,, Jaee Haas II . I 1 . aaaaaaaaa... ' aaaaa ft-1 Wltr Ma.linllll .. W M K i. KaUte of Mry Kaw s H Mcllwaln. ... . . . . a . ... , I n Mil .llturi 'MM l I.a Uestahaii Ut iil Seadst. . '. H alonUf im 'eata-ti Mm'- ! Millar M..r'i. . Julie Nteswt ..... 1. :.. li-faola ........... KUte ut A I'owcll Marti. i Pallia J W I'uali K I'riilUnU l p Pnrtar .. . W i: It A IUniiy MlO'iti A ll.srr. .(,..f ami Hlenil-n a ll H1I i . J. o itotniwerrilla .... Ila'td Swilth J. .I.ii H.I la, J. J t an.1 laura a la Th. MoMiaUb, . K Tnrwer. ........ ......a - .- W I. Vsnt J, Wah urw, l..ilha at MBt .. Ml.l Wilau ... a Y WeaM .- Hoi4-t Warnar j ) Walks' - - v. It.Mf ,, , Pi.MKl M.iasi W.Sai 1 1 ,0011 'W,hnb 18,610 ... r.i.o 11,18 l,0l U.lfll lo.os . I7.HKI lo,.V .... !,! l.o ti.tsx 4e 49,70 11.47 I ,U'i . t.i.soa I t !4.l I mi ,11,14 tl.W . 12.W-' n,i,iav ti.yss is .rci I 'IT ftjm 14 i " ..VI . .4 tl.roi ... M.on ii.aa I X.4&M II.4SI I I 'a. I IO Sfl , ti.seo ...... ll.ISS le,uu I r.s r. is -si Hon. ), i). Haley who departed lliia life Intblaoliy, Ttinrwday. ivrudier IS, JM2, was Imrn In North Csrellna, March Ho, HM)fi nn! wss therefore aovenly yesra, jt tnoiithsand twelve day old at tlio time of bh death. He was married In Noilb Carol ins, and afterwarde, with Ids ir emigrated l Virginia, but I - ing of an on- No pr-tlng spirit lot rcnmhiM.1 not long in that atate but (tinlgraD-d !, linre a doslro to try bi fwriui-e In tbo wetsttaiisiMl him to emigrate to Mi" , i n where ho remained iimll the epriwgnf Mat, whnu he fell In wllb tho uat lido of western emigration if that joar and MMM to Oregon, and otUel near Peoria In I. Inn outit . MfNllnh-y died in M ssmnl be fore her biisbeml's ilpirtnre for irof.n, leaving to his sWPf s large f.inlly f . , n r on sua four danghtor) of linl lrm, whom rin roar xl aad ed.ioatnd In a man ner creslltable to himself an well as th. n HI four woiim pn . ..!. I dim to tkost "home whence ue traveler return," but hi dnuii liters all aurvlve him. Judge Haley was atsrrlod to Mrs Watt In ISi'o in this county, and ehols left in mourn the lose of a laving, faithful km baud with whom she lived for more than a quarter of a century enjoying l ho full fruition of a happy married life. jt . i It. Htl.r.V ruriiT f'el HT. i l.'aa! l.ata- !.. U I lii yl.aa,l,.. t. ... UF . .n.taK BSa y l-'oline. Itig U ibc csUnder for th- r1lr ult (!ourt wbudi ue'n MomUy of nrx. 1 week i , 1 Mtelenf trcg m vs Job t l,ntif, , ault with a ueuaeroim wmj ,,,, ,j tlolutee, (.; K Vsolvnrton ami Pnim ,v i Cfiamnsrrluin for put 'imJ t'owciiih linen' 2 Mtato of Orerf.oi v C it si in ,n I., (JOIij by fa i ileo. vs ll II. .lino, j ., ney.for nlBai il Koi-i u f k,: I Woe. la la... .....I, HtatMof Oregon 1 e.i Wsgtmu aoij "in .sou. g.inii,i,ia. v it llo.uiosfoi j'ui. 4 HUle of dug,,,, Sm i.i, WaJkllM, Snf lt r I III ...a... SI. a. a a . a - ' -.... .an i.i iM v ii noiaief-lor n.i, fe. II. ..... . . 'loinpiiicy lot Uelt, Htat. f ,,,K,, Vf4 j Y Kcclealori. aa 77' " oat gertius woap-.n. S JI llmini '. an I. ii i ontauye I r p;rlaiid H ' r v m n, willi tvt twit 0 A II MorriN v Julio . ,oKt ,t i ion for lMingee. IlnUikinen ,v W . i vmn ii.Klhm .a, a . . . - - .... ""'" 'Hin H i p rf nu i 1 ..well onyen l,,r u, fi 7. .Iry Kit , ct ni. i l p If Kil l K.- ner v- .1 II ipurlt ck ruf paiiiu ,., oloainl. ( nuuowtll, A " n for pm 4.1 1 f .ion .v io.iiii.r- ialn iuc ,a,l b Alariotie (' r r .1 i tCr I I.. f,.r.. iSiSSSfZJi. Is ft I a a . ' oi A llarral v "srf. n n, il Ilarrl. Inley ler pill. fo. ti. it... ... .i , r , , 1 " McAHi-lnr, el 1t:y:Juu,',rtV. Fiinn a Cham- I .,,(,. t i I . a ,. atlawd I a il... a ni ww) ii.trt-iui vtt in om.-e ot ilaiu f,.r , . '' ' iiri'iulai,. iu,iUar i - ... I.... ... . .7 " ".."" "M" lk ruiai.a - wv.a.n..,, ...a... t iii i i . . ami IICW III., fi,r J,.J and was eoutlHiioua'y ro ebcied, clmtlug 11 -Joaophlne WllJ, nine years of faltbfu ar rv. 0 in that ni In Iv'.j. In IS." I JnJ, o Haley w" olrv'oU to tb .state Notialo of Oregon for a short term (two yesra) which olllco be IllleJ faithfully and Mil-leu tl v a waa aliewn by hi re nbeitlon In IS7J to t!m same oW -o for font years, during wkhdi term he fully aali noti me exper atinn of hia frlenjs by i BU .laal I ... . S . . I a m M. wieiioiiea oovoivilig upon 1 1 i , e v. a a man remarkab!e for sobriety, lutegrhy ana earin Mine-or pnrp'MMt. He left the hft 1 1( Of sn Insproecbab'e cbsractei upon many of lhoe with whom be Brvanl POWDER Absolutely Pure. s.s.... r..mUU (., , m w,ii mX. s.niKiwi4. nnr 4.4.11 a. . t . . . ZTTlaf '"J 111 Masvm, tho l.v. drse att J..I.H niiiitt Wm Attew U A lSS T a.l .WMoftUHh f w wWfcsfc O atnl f R H ( tl K.ifl S Cfa Anction at Otto Px t week. Bue- .a -' awWSWaaaaj Satital'a arkewl 4 aavwailea is. tail t i,i l Mm ' I, l'? I 10,44 l,W9l II.'SM as,7K ll.Saee pj.oi IttSM U.IM) le.o. lOieoilll M4M mi 4SS ' a in- t aseso a t OMlt s t I.IWJ ii an n - itajni l rut .lac next .ii fr l'.a: In a w a i!tw,:r,,aiiii of afcle, J t; Powell. mnn a wmmmmmt u.r pur. 13 Olio ami Ignet px vs .o FoX. i al. Ctimliriiiailou of Bolereo' Halo Hhm at hainU-rUiu ptf. 14 J ( .iniatM.k va C I Mioipwon. Ic iort-1 e iii.wli .!!, ta-ii.... a. . altbfully and emely le-tfoiuilng all h"n for p 11 and mrahan A In.... r . - saw - ' J ' www 7 U . 'lV. uf 1 "Hdrfol remede tht , tT. doll I , das h rs-oer BMUWy Sttt IS II Ackeiium n a e. . irj i.irrt-ooM) niiiriyae H TIM r I, et al, to tralun A BlUeii foi y en- mm mU iry m raarvtbm. careTbr' Mugs Nrw In soo very for CeMnViioa 225 "thma. Woaehiti. hay iZn, phtliun.-, croup, wboaog eongh, tack mg .. die throat, bass of eoice. hraewesn or or atrection of the throat and laaga. Thi. ra, pjHntivelir cams, as thoaaaawi ean testi y. If yon lo i ,.t boiieve it call at Anv drvggiet'a Md get a li ia! torttle free ad cost or a raw.. !ar size UatsJ fr woe dollar. A yen vaJae roar hfe .ve ,t m trial aad U eoavtaiead as thonaml. already have been. I I A. . a m I eiao At'Kerman, r.liau A Knen eoclats!. Hiiceudaca In life ess lally aud far piB. otherwlaa, wse sn. h s to ooiMknend j 17 UtmmmHf J R Hetn ii et si . . . a am - as .. . I sal -ws I aa a .... 4 it 4 a i , s iiwou we an exsnipio wortnv or ne uir im - I " " .'' " on asssi row-ll aag llateii by the young moo of tbo cunmunl y. Peace to hia sboa. a ""trn a 0 sj'issi t Two mm Kilvtii, delt. ltumpiiry ana Woivrr.on 'Of Administrator's Sale. Nr. fir is IIKREBY GlYKNTMAT, m piirsuance of an order of tbe Conn y Court of Umatilla county. Mate of Or e- Tw; , . lB? ,nn J awptenxbes, J- Oallaher. executaar of tb iwia will Of J. (u.!,.,,!. rapr.aa.niiiig tb National Hurgu-tl lustituU rtuyeu for deft of Indianaaolis. Phtlailslphia, Atlanta, ia.. ami .Han Franciaoo, will ho iu Portland. Ore gee, at the t. Cbarla hotel, froan Nov. 2d loth llth inclusive, prepared with an ensive owttit of the inost approved a pars tus, for tb treatment of all case of diaeaa of th spia. hip. knee, ankle croteked limbs, clobfewt, Ae.. Ac. They will pr-parso U make the nwit aurgical 'ftt-u: isciad iei( eatsraa t. cffsiB mvmm liaru t ta t f.rtni - tie of tl.a fwee . d.ei.lmU ... I . .-.a " "',rr, v M'rrie. f. , . .. r 1 -" I UOW W) IS Alhriiy and .Haritism ftVr fiit.k Ce. va .)iio A ( raw fm I. to aw. fowell au-i Bllyeta, Pe.nbama i.J HnH,n.-V. w4M M " publk- aonlou, on lor pin. iiinnaul(' iaifiixri.ii "en-inaiter di MrritawH r.n u.i..r74.. ika i aswaaaaaaa i . . a wsso i ai wmm mmm w a bbhbw i iii. . a . . .a. . w v ti,. ov or November. 1WI2. at one o'clock irw va p Mulkcv, motlrn fo l, Ti' .? . btgbeat bidder, sJl . llomphr.y and Wlvr 1 ,,U' mti wftns) aats i y an i Hover A j uilM1kmn d(afljd, and ie U." IwlioW lnf llaatw-rllal laal.aaaaae. lJ W 1. Vance v P cjfrrH OiM-res- ton for pc. 20 P K Kobiason v KU CMnT and YUi R M CmtU-r. Mil in eouliy. p,n ami I'hamlaerlatn lor pill and fksnill ai o Bllyeu ror doft. 21 Nettii- J; Tho Sabnath kWiho-i Aaw tathm of Orf- gon and Waahlngion wb' l.lllta meet ing for Its', in PwHlan : t t a. - veib r M 10, oiw-n'r-u' I " l w, at o'clock p. in and t nu nc ' ' ''l,r" day al mid day. all nUtstaaJh S S e.l . Is ('-.. " ington end f b'i -an I iv'tw-l t - u I deb irafass tin from a. Ii acbowl nnuitalnj: fifty la average afon lanco, or aal n atlilional unit far sw-h iwentv nve in ex as of that numb-. A larao ailndanc . . . . . I exp'"''. nsnlsu Is eo-l n asssinn i aiaureil. Amu. v it wan, (-ttattwiiW-al lien's fbv rt. a. UW Portland. Or.. (. II, lJ Auction at OiAo Kos'e wy at Si c' . fr,ioSe of th genital nrjan. pibs listula. fte. A rare opportnmty ia fTered t tee needing their servioos. Old patieats .Mvially totesti to vuut then. A t " ppiow can actiooKiiiin lar;e 'iautiU-a lor .li rent a bushel, If Von trr Helen! tn bnalth fn.inany cauae, eawrlwlly fnm tb iiajof any of the theund mawrums 2 rr z SElt "'!0",u ;i S3 tewllinnnalw. have no foai. Iti-rt Hep Uurn l'r ilt fi It! (era at ocea, end ia a short time ycu will have the. ir.atat robit4 end blewntlng :rark Moot'. W II Moutgoniery, dlvorno. PvwTj mui 11.! veu for pltT. W$ 3m Is ('ow an v C r IWirge, u.-i u.n at law. j- linn and ( uainoerlaln for pill. mod fv do. roe. c K V oivarinn r. plff. - - 24 A J (dutener Va . A K app ot al, ac tion at law for money, h S Stralisn tut plff. W H Boebe for deft. ii Frank Bro y. Marian He :idrieon, I I action ai law. i, h MonUuye lor plff. '2fi Margaret M M (iarrigan va J H fianlgan, divarce. Catupbtll A Hewetl far plff. 27 White. Onblamitb A Co va A VYairbeiibriiner. nctmoct law. Yballev K. bbe-iiner A Ai-b nnd Plinn A Vkmm. wit lieginning at the esutn-weet cor nor of tbedonstioo land claim of Reuben Ciay (joel, noiiiication No. 2S15 in awesann ntxjin towtiahip thine n, south of nsgg tnm. oi me vs i ii met U mendlaa, and ntiiK ineuee a.uth Tedec , eaat fo) en cbaina aad Mxty -eight Ihafca, ticnwi .-j - eat twenty -Ave ami chains, tbenr north 7?; went tfty two and one-hfth chains, tbeme Mith aVv w.jwt twenty-five and one. fifth chana In be plana af beartnnins.eoataiaing I2H arrra. ni.-r. ..r lewa, is lion County, ine-gon. Terms of Sale- Cnah la-haad : .leeds c matle out at expenee of pnreitaser. T. J. Gam .ah nr., Kx cutor oTtbe las', will and estate of A. ' Richardson. I.vkkthA Walker, At.'ny for Kxeentor, t -u.l luf .ion ni. Mr Wi' sal t I was a tool when I brought boms a bottle of Parkin's Hinge Tonic. But when It broke uo my eongh and cured her nesiri'.gU and baby's dyeuu ery ah Hi u 'it P. agttl invnatiMnt.-t-N. Y. Tallnr." w i im -a Auctnnst Otta FngS every day nttt week. e I ran k Leslie a UU4a UstV'Sf b-alib. '. llfwJnsa I hoe a te aow c .utpietely fall. 4tsak on Bala. 1 CI mi -n out rat, tnloe.raachis, dij, ante, "I bns, kui', ohlp ntiks, gip'iers -V Itrnggist. o . (.rouse hunting u u I in, bot tbe number capture 1 ia small. mi nu v a a sir a The boat av ia th world f.w cuts, bruia ea, eoroa, ulcers, aait meurn. fever a .res, tot. icr, ctiappcst hand, chilblain, corns and all ol Skin eruptions. I2i J d Amewva W( M.-uart et al. (r forct io.e morttrtof. H eal be; ford A- Hl-ckburu for pill, A B yaut fer delL DONACA'S STORE -AT Sweet Home. Keopa a full stock of Grorertae. Iruge. MeslR-inea, Liqoora, and every thi n that mountain ezcuraionista requiro, 1 1 prttan very reaaonabbs In connection tbe store a fend talde, where hoi set will bo fed bay aad deed. , I HacWIetiiau for alii Poord. ltm nver nignt mr an nu. one a I'.dvou lur .lofL itoresa one feed to grain. 2 cents. 29 H( Miller vs . baa IUlry and J. H ?ptiriork, to ftKcvhru in-"A' . a" .t . a.i L. . eaiucnurn aoiacauum lor p II. 30 Jobnann Vlto adm'r mm V It dtockton et al. Mitt In eouity lowot aside Tela f vor lie nu I e&o9i:0nt periodic tl 1 KKSoi and DM Ballard started Tut. entabllshaxl In peb:i fivor.and Its inter dav ai irinu ' for -Seattle and th Sound country and will he goae several day. Trac Porter waa ia tb city ever Sunday, and returned on Moaday noon to Salem, wker h has a position with K M YYaito. Damon umtth, of Smith A McCartney, kaa H moved hia family to this city, which w are glad to aa v ho will tnak kis futsa kotn. Krod Biunthorg haa accepted a position in tbe clothing establishment f I. K Blaia, al K lttii BnslUi m QntMJ I imitb. bilke.1 so mu.n hy soconddass show that hew hi iri9li U U 1 ' Pfunder's Oregon Blorwl Pu irter, and down, in Tbom u Creek in water coming bodily illness. Remove the up to tbe trigger?. Searou is being wade by tbeeiitirecntnaiuuiiy, aud tha feeling ill creek is being dragged to Hud tbe body. Public opiniou ia divided su to whether be is !oet. drowned or murdered. n ins t with cease If'AsrtoseMt Oua Kyle and do- hi-ii, of the Hoks. ate home aftsw an w i assure of several months .Iwv Blaiu'a tli;aiaiiC C nuteuance iM now .eeu lit the hardware establishment of tfiemselve indebted to this firm will pl-ae Few yoeng men know how to save m ney Even thoae who are temperate c.n not get a cent ahead, except in rte ca". aid then at the risk of hein called pu-illanitnuis. Why is thi The notes and acc units .if th- al I ticm Thompsou Sc. McCoy are now in Oie Innds o IrA Thompson for collection. t,hse knowing l'etr Blaift. Jiuj Poster, of Jljo 'J', left M"uday noon I call and settle itumediat ly. A ti rat-class grocery store is a blesing. for au e itended trip though Uyho aud 1 Ooerad Mayer keeps one, and in addition Mnntana, and will number of in-mthe favor bim. probably Ije gone a kaa the best bakery in tbe city. Combine M ty siunits and wimU tne w0 ao u,r a big ohjeot for doing your trading with him. Hoffman A Joseph keep a first-class stock of fltroceries, vegetable, fruits, eto.. oon- ttantly on hand. Their good are fresh and of the best quality. Remember this when thy are uatu rally very suspicion of enter tainments, the character f which thay are not acquai ite 1 with. Th docket for th ('.r.-ii it Court, which meet next M u lay is ansae mall. It is a noticeable fact that it vnei smaller each tear. Hither peep'e are ln-o:ning le com bative iu ti ntf natures or busieesi is run oing d iwu generally, which we do not be iitve. for trai) iu certain branches and among certain merchants is iu a very flour ishing couditiau. , This year has ptsse I without a fair in this county, A'e believe this is a great mistahe, Nothing conduc j more to tnow off th re smrcesof a county than a fair, conducted iu tin: rgt manner, we uo hoc mean oun in which only a few hog, some sheep and everal apples and pears, wilb race are axhibited, but one in which ajl will take au iiHeres?, IM w it a iond tune tn evbt aeltattng mm l i tixttar. j . . -i i. i . . i ,, a ... ii we have 1 1 areas easAhtng and i.,,.t. i, ad anona wie inot in a .a.- a. . .. . itoicalM. tv e are loosing QUI tor tip.' I.t il.n:e to "tisli thiius a id as a saved la a carufcd We want to get then, at .t r-uasoiiaMe price. Mollwaiu meets these reijuiruuteiits stock of clothing, hoots, and sinu s, etc. and will not be undersold. Hi goo Is are so well located Noveltie in silver, jswlry ast received st th l.alie Eniperiom. Bargains ia eieaka, goaairoer, ladit' misssa' and c'tildree' ahoes and rubbers a1 the Lidi' Emporium. Alf. Holasaa. erlitar of the Orfx,nn',an when Harvey is away, was ia the city Friday. lis is a first class ftew considering the in fluence Keott has had over him. Mr Wright man, of Benton eonaty passed through tbe city Tuesday on his way home from Prinevi let The Santiam was an high thst he was obliged to leave his wagon en the other side and flnish Ins journey on horse back. Mr. D. Bilyeu, of ftsno, was iu the city eat and value are constantly Increasing The Noveuiber uuiuber aSeun I with In teresting and edifying article, atoriea aaaaya, poem, etc.. etc. Tho editor. Rev I W itt Talinegw, ' Ought CUristian tm kaveany fun-'' "Weigh." I and Wautlng.'t iecnntiauetl, and there are short aieriee, ketches, essay, peom s c., by lepular writers. There a-e ' R ndav avkeol Note,'1 " iiiation for the ( -.irious," i moat coartprehenslve mistellany. Tbe embeb liahments are very numerous, aad are a Ana apcclmsaa of art. Tho price i 2 '. ceata a nuiaber, or I ' s year postpaid. A specimen ipv will beseatfreeny inclo- ug 2 cent tn ! imk Lealle, Publither, 53, aatl '7 Park rlace, New York. New cleats, deimsns aud circalars npeued thi week and will be sold t-ht-ap at the ..iHir KmperiHtn. aa i .i -- " - A I .or Kala'allahoseol. ..S aa. L. . tl SO Sat aiuna .ii iin erupviona. I nis save ta ouar. -a a.. - m . . a . ... . sniceu to give peneot aUstastion in every saao or iimaey refunded. Price .Vc per box. Wm sal by hoahay aad .Mason, wholesale sgt ; D Moore. Scio ; D Foley, b-U ; Dr Powell, IebantMt : Be. I path and Moo Ugna, Jeifrrson ; D M t'albmath, P.ueaa Viata ; ll C..r..r !..,. Turner : B A lUntpy, Haerisliare: ; Surr and Biakelv, Brown Vtlle. To Rent. TSt Mainsinaa mf Mr. N Bansa. mm divorce. Wettberford A Blackburn for i m.d atable. PltT. .-' L Fdnn ve Ed Carer ei al. Is fore clooe tuurtage. Flinn A CbaniWrlaiu for Fill. .13 MoeaSt-raberg v Kli t' tal uit ta ftireoloee tnort- lMuu A (Tiamaeriaiu forullf. UK ttnUerttiu CSIaOonnrd, adm'r, for deli. li Heurietta Brown va K Carter ( o to recover money. BSStraban for pME 3-1 Jno A Crawford va El Carteret al, to recover money. H H Strabau nnd Hi en A Chamberlain fr p 1st 30 Frank Bros va Wm A Skiamr. to recover money. EH Montanye for plff. 4:17 Senders A Sternberg vs Millhol len, to m over money. U watber.'ojd A Blsckburu forpltf. .H8 J D Drinkard vs Ja M.-Mahan. In going up to the monnlaine eon will row tho creek before eonxing te utyjatore t'Oiooufc Jargon Wo have roeiv jd from J. K. Oiil A Co book-sellers and alat-iouois, Portland, a yen have to purchase anything to eat. a . a w a Ulg llOrSC I U.ln.J.a a. ..I a, . . .11 If.. I onv i uivuiooy - oiotit. as co i i i . MSP lieeii engaged te teach the Providence school and will begin shewing tbe yonngBters ever there bow to shoot at the iutelleotaal mark, in a few days, lieu 0 N Denny ha been spoq ling ssvsral lays in Albany. During his stay in the lulJUc I Celestial Empire, he ha not ho.ii: unwind- lul of Ureou, and has never let sn eppor tuuuy esaape him to ad vane j the interests He Ifrt'iii ii si E-tnlid of his eld home. Would there wore more suoh men to represent u at foreign ourta, That wo not President Arthur who was new, no old sioe'e onhtud, but everything in the city Monday, althoufh he looked fresh and in good imdition, sonic jikn bim, but a better man. His name copy of tbe do' edition of -4a comple'e diction try uf thi Onjoook Jargoa," i which a f ill knowlelga of tho language used by t!i3 eirly aofliers of Oregon and Washington rem .rv. ti oom n nates e . . a a w If I 4, . ! - S r witn tne iriaii'i .'i y uj ou anion, u j worthy of pent ed. U : in -i i- toe in. l . ,a. R-jBja'nhjr Otto fox'a a 1 :ti a to- u rro .v at 2, and 7 o'clock. Tni is the best chance ever qSere I to gt goods cheap. Tuese salea will take place every day next and Saturday, an. I the private silea will he continued as BWi'. Re n tanta iu Laii .'S E up iriuir, ' j oi i.ot c'ictp at the We stat-edga few wtks ngo that a store was wanted at Peoria, A gentlemen in Washington Territory i;i the item, and immediately established himaetf at that place, aad is doing a good bnainens, Louis Cam pean, the barW, manafaciurss VS TV W . a a e a r-n-uvian nair iDvigor.tor, which is a splendid thing to keep the hair from falling eut. Eonit dresses hair in the finest style and is ebtainng a g k4 reputation a a first lass bArer. One of one ta payers is assessed at about $15,00 1, at the tima this was in stock, After this was assessed stock w ji t op at a terrific rate, f nd he sold h's complete band for $35,000. Quite a saving in the amount of hi taxes. "What ore your facilities for transporting U ,,ttrry Conistock, aud Ite represents L 0 wheat Jf Well, we tti.d it dt-nn the ITU nHi, of oyraeuae, N Y., maim fit ctu ror of ismette in lari;e canoes ran by Indian, the celebrated Baker git u. On th .core of Each carry 100 bushel. Tue chnrges are having gone to school once on a time with $20 a load or the enorntoni prnw rd '() oents Mr bmith, tho writer struck up an acq-jain ira a tance with Mr Comstock ami fonnd hi n nt agreeable gentleman - a ... Otto Fox's every day n of Washlngtcn and Thlr.l aiirwot., Albeny. ITeatherford A Blackburn. for p'ir Flint. .)r no f the jad de-lral.le place. In a Chamberlain fordvft. tbeciy. Call at the remidoni for Infor- -ft i u dakl.. hi , .nation In tefoience lo it. 30 J H Ilobb vt Hawley. H .Hern A N. BACM. HOGS! HOGS ! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Hogs by Frd MuU- Upposite Re- " arww W er. tno urocer vere House Hnley, to revever mem v. CK Ifol.ti ton for pll. 40 Albai y Farmer' Co va Thomas Monti Ith .V Sou. to recover aioney . It Is trahan for p.", Flinn A Cham ner lain for deft 41 DM Cooper v X Wh-aSd t ct al, suit ia eiiity. K n Straha.. i.r . it. J A St ratten for vThoaidon. 4 J H H Hattoaburg ai M L Hemil'oi. action at law. 1.11 Montane f r pi IT', U .s straban for deft 4.1 Willis (i ahics vs Alien Chariton et Auction at week. a lauded, wl.i. h ii paid i.i ll. as we have no other kind of mom-y here vt. We are in hopes when we gst a rtilr iilint i th i State to be atih: to vet this Minio for at leant half the price. The farmer now get 7C cunts a bush I at this potot, lint when tl-U '.I f . I ' i ' a iliniiupuiy nunineas i oroaou lip ctjia't top-, ceivc at ltast 20, ccnta more. The following au ac.M. i-it of grit rare'v witnessed. Tie joung mans name was Harnies, nu 1 he is certainly ' entitled to a gold modal : 'W hi.e hauling timbers for a i Diptheria aud scsrie i fever it stl I to ' e britlge that is being built besween GJeucee prcvwleut in and about Lebanon. and Greenville reo-jut'.y, a okid bro':e, 1 - j aklMy"" ting the heavy timber fall on his tea, and Welle' Health Renewor" resto.-es boaes wer: b oketi. Harines reached the lealtband vkjor, mires Dyspepsia, Imp jnes, wbili be wa yot fast uuder the log, 1 tence, Sexual Debility. $1. Being of sn imjuisilive turn of mind - terday we thought we would tiud ana what J. Cradwohl redly hail iu his store, and wr surprised at the tinount and quality of his stock of crockery, shelf hardware, gla ware, Ae. it is cmplte snd unsurpassed in the valley. A fact, au I he sells at er be low Portland prices. A finer laws' of crock ry, glass ware, uiajoliui, toy, sutler-. haby carriages, children's wagon', veloci pedes, and iu fact everything in this line, cannot bo found in the valley, i.o through hia store and waruhouH.t an I you will have ne trouble to realiao M.i- fact, as we did yesUrd iy, and nak him his price and yon will be convinced th it they are liedrock. He keeps the loading swtabHshntont and i sntitlu l to eur pntronogo. I ilblttii .mil Faralslilnx jjeeslw. The K truiera' A McJiaiiics' S:oru is liter ally crowilel with a choice aulection of mens', youths' and hoys' clothing, overcoat ausl ulsters, furnishing good , genuino wa ter-proof clothing, boots ami heoa, ruh hern, umbrellas, tum Iniots, rublier hoes. Also the best stock of cigars, tobacco and pocket cutlery in town an I will not hi un dersold by any hnnr-e. .1. M. Notatv, Pntprietor. Parmer k Nf ' oiict' Stnre. LADIES', GO AND THOSE NEW MILLINERY al.Kin.n A ciiambcrlain for pltr. QOOD8 AT MRS. MA RTIN8, THE FRESHEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY. T-a- MABattl Our Ib'pre-ejutativVi an I Senators in tl e preent I . - I.i in re will be home to-day, 'lot-llUllM,o tiuiek. complete enre, all annovlug Kid noy, Bladder and Urlniiry Dlsea- m. $i. Druggists. I'cu.l llrjersa-tprrlnt lUeal mm. Wanted .'i()!,(lXI pound of machine d ied apples. But they must Im bleochetl. Cash paid on delivery. Samukl R Yni'M . ICeiK'H i IIImch e, Ol.tot-ie., Uldttey, tJver or l'rlnsry lle ie. Have no f .ar of any of thest 1U tas if you use Hop Bitters, as they wi'l preven and cure thi wtrst eases, even when you have Ik ei mat'e wotae by some great puffed up pretended cure. KKTCHl'M -ROBIM80N. -On 11, IsS'J, at The Dalles, Mr. Miavk Kktti.- I'M, of Alhauy, ami Mi Fuuu K. Bob 1NHOK, of The Dalle. MI I S -MKAI.KY. - At WsatUa, W. T, . t. 7th, 1S.VJ, ,y Kev. Hwriinto Mil. A. I. Miii. of Seattle, aw-l l l.l..llt Me.ti.KY, ot Albany, Orettm SHKIaTOX -HILYKIT.- At the reaidenc. of tha bridew patents, in the Korks of the Santiam, on Weilneadav, ( ' II. IHH' b A J Jarntgow, Mk Hamas Snu.ieN aud Mi tt Sarah K Bii.vk;'. BAY W ASS. -On O.t 4, at the resi denee of the InHdoS p treMitt in the Pacific, by Bev Bold I. Steven, slit Al.HKIiT J Bay, of Corvallia to .Mi. is IIatiik Wass ol Capo K. iilvt eutl.t r. Che l; iv of lignt ndllen sh it o it from the light bouse that tlay VVaa u hig one, one not soon to lie forgotten there. Mr and Mrs Bay have many friuuds io Albany who will unite in wishing them a long bright life at long as th ray of the sun, with rainbow like rays to enliven it THAHP -HALF..-On Suu lav. Oct. 15, iss j, at the resideace of the bride's par ent, near Jefferson, hy K K Skipworth, I.-M-. Mr. Frank Jiiaiii' aad Miss Ade mm Halk all of I.i mi county. The happy cuple were male one at oie u'cl ick in the afternoon in ths (iroscnoe of nuin tn us relative ami )';!.. -el-, ami at tw all were nerved to a fine panaat, when after hearty congratulattmis in which we jnia ab left for their dilfcrent h unes. m l of the I a. l .l r . t . t a." in. n, iiesi. wianes mr air ami .vim itioe. VV uudrtand that they intend making Albany their j 41 NC Newman vs Elizabeth New man el al, suit lor partition of lands. Fiinn .v ibamberlaia for plfr. 4") vYm holder vs .loa l arer. to re- tovermmiey. Ciwnewttu ft Jeli:ioa for plft. 4( C O names vs il nrnwn el al tnoibtn tor pit sent Sheriff to aiakodced. Flinn ( hntnber'alu lor plft. 47 Susan Purdein vs tbe City of Al at . aa em oanv. action to recovt-r nauiages row ell A BilyvU aud .1 K Wealberffrd fat plft 48 Wm Mi'Meeken vs J. bn Foater, action et laa-to recover inoiivy. .Stra nan t Rliyeu for phi, Klmu k t lia::ber lain for deft. 49 Wm Lvemaderaet al. vsl FMcCul iv. writ of re v.e-v from JiiatstM Court fttraban k Bilyeu for jillf, out iei ford k Blackhuru fur u it. 50 JF McCoy vsT Clemens etal. con firmation. HI Montanye for plft. 51 G F Simpson vs If R Fitiley ct al, Kontlrtua'b n. Ia H Meutanye for idll. 52 J M Coon vs 1 hos Cliristian et al confirmation. C K Wnlvenon f -r iBL 53 I'oard of iunruisMioner-i vs A Wilevet al, contlrtnaUon. Htrahaii fjt plff. 51 II Bryant vs M I. White at al. con- (1 runt Inn. H H Hewitt lor ptff. JOHN 1)0.ACA. FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home ! Parties ki2 up in the mountain a hereby noti nod that I bey wid after bo coir lot. to nav rales for borne toed at Bncanssad tn Sweet Home Yallev I bate oaasnawl no ansa stable and have reduced the rate ta a figure so low that all can afford tt. (Hen me a fair pstroaage and thns prevent a return to tbe old extortionate rate. f. GEO. ROWELL. Notice to Fmiit Growers. The urvlerwianesl haviac obtained Inn sxclusive tight to make and sell the PI u ea rner Hot Air Family Fruit Drier ia tbe vnintie of Man, tain and Be nte the preseaot opimrtunity to iafrecn wno want to save thwir mm erea, inns be is prepared to receive orders for the best fruit drier ia the market, Plnnuner Hot Air Family Drier, for particular ad drees. JoHx-Baiooa, AH .any, Oregon. Final Settlement. Notice, iw hereby snven that i uu., aigned Adminbtti'ator ol i be estate af Wil li a P ck tn deceat-ed haw riled hi final account e uch rdtuinioirator in the County C urt, of l.inn county, Oregon, and bv or ler of said Court, Monday, She iih day of November 18Sg at tbo hours nine e ode a. m., has been Axed for the hearirg af objeotions there and the seub men thereof. Any person Interest ed in said eststo ia hereby notified to ap pear and file hia or. bar objection let said account and the settlement thereof en or before- said day. Jo in W. Pirxnta, A lass rrevealeJ. Many lose their beauty from tho hair falling or fading. Parker'j Hair Palsani supplies necessary nourishment, and. pieveuts falltiiff and grayneaa of the hair nu i ?v i.h.KK. uu Kri ay, tha i", i2, n 'r this eity, MR M W.m xik sed ou year. IFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. No other dteeass ia so prevalent la this otran- Itry aa OosurUpwucm, and no remooy aa as equalled too oaletarwtea aaaaey-wort mm a waaaersr toe pa waa, uoauvw g i ati 1 1 otaa 1 tho ease, this Twmody wrill overooae it. nil n?a xiiia awsrssssssi oom I SB Swwew' MHUS Oao VS WaV Inranrpll-istrl rrf1! N""r""' atidney-Wortr jotreogtheas sao sroasensn parta ana quicxiyio Tniu n sll W ot yilae esoa whea phyntnianal g WOO woatOaUioa nara nwin laatwiw. . -i t IM it you have etther of tas lienWas rpRioii. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is beieby viven that tbe copart nership heretofore eahuinc between the undersigned in the pubib-wtion of the State Kiohth Dkm-x bat ia th day, by mutual consentdisesHsed. Alldebcodue for subscription to, or advertising in said paper, shall be paid to the firm of cham berlain ex cttitea, whn will leoeint lor snn GEO. E. CH.MHkJtUAlN. Notice of Copartnership. The undersigned have this day rornsad a eotartnership, under the ftrui name oj Cnamberlain A St 1 tew, for tbo pubiioat'en an 1 management of the Stai b Rioare DauocnsT, to whom a I claiiaa due. on account of subscription, advertising esr otbrwiearan be paid Oct. 5th., 192. Can. K Cuaaaaai. is T. J. STrrsa. Dissolution uf Par Net ira is hereby given thai lawn snip hereto tore exlsims betwi ssoxnsaoeen n sutived bv muti sent The business hereUiforo carried on by said linn, wil! from the data beret f be carried on by W. 8. Patera and day W Blain, at tho old stand under tha firm name of PETERS & BLAIN and all accounts due to or from said la'e firm of Peter it Sox, are aaan n-d and payable to and by said new firm or I tiers & Blain. W. a PsTare, E, P. 8ox. Albany, Oct, 11,1882. U f a week iu your own town. Z79f and so, out in free. Add rasa jUaua.aVTT cc to.. Jforiisna, Matuf ,